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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEr WEDNESDAY , MAY 32 , 1886. CARPETS -AND- DRY GOODS Our carnct stock is largo nntl well se lected and is kept full by tlio arrival of now , frcsli goods. It comprises Moquettes , Body Brussels , Tapestry , ' . Ingrain , Etc. LUCE CURTIS , Tambour , Turcoman , Curtain Opaque Shading , Curtain Fixtures , Etc. Curtains mailo and hunt ; . Carpets ttiadu and laiil by skillud workinun. Wo nro olloring a line line of White Goods , Beautiful Embroidery , Dress Patterns , Summer Dress Goods , And invite customers to examine our stock buforo purchasing olauwlture. Trices reiisonablo and goods as ropresentcd. Wo have lately introduced special bar gain tables that comprise tlio bust values offered in any market. Good I.uec nt 5o. Good .Stamped Towels nt lOc. Fine bcaiilH'tilly slmiipctl Towels nt 25e , linll * llio price asked elsewhere. Good Hose , lOc. Iteiiiilirul Iliirrett Plaid nrcss Ooods tit i25upcr yard ; tvortli 4Oc. Tlio best C'oivsel , 75c , usually sold for $1.25. These are n few of the many bargains that can best be appreciated by personal examination. Daily watch this column for future changes. HARKNESS BROTHERS 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. SWAN BROS. , Dealers in Milch Cows. At Oiii Stock Yards No 503 and 500 E. Broadway.Couucil . BfTs CARPETS Choice Display of Latest lnt- lerns , All Grmlc § . Council Bluffs A Select Slock of Choice Novelties In. HOTEL. < > K lcu llouso Kales on and alliif iMay 1st Avill bo $ a.OO and $ a.50 l r I > ay , llieeptlng front parlor rooms. Day Jtoiird , . lin I'or Montli. 11. SII.I.IIWAV. 1'rop , MAIIK DUIIVKA , Manager. Council MRS. D. A. BENEDICT HAIR GOODS WIGS MADE TO ORDER. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS CONNUlh ULUFL-S , IA , Established 1S5T , "DRESSMAKING ( IJY THE TAYJ.OK SYSTK.M. ) MRS. L. SIMMONS , \o. ill-i In older lot'htabllbh my rcputullou In Cuui-.rl Ill-Jits for line work , I will roll Til K l'Ii.SiNT ( : : Uoiill ciutlnt : , llltluir and nmkluc i clicap an I fl done clsowlicie. l.udlcs noud liavo no frar o mlsllta as my o pcrlonco L'uuraiiteea pi'rfcc : itlsrnclion. Creston House , Tliecnlr hotel In Council muffs Fir © Esoa/pe And ll j ; , T end ! Main u MA.v : MOHS , SPECIAL NOTICES. AdTOrtUomcnM under thshcivl 10 cones per I ne for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each rubsequenttcaerhon.nnd ? 1.5C a line per month. vTvJK'WlJ1011 ' * taken for lcs than 25 cents \o ortiiofirstittortoil,5 ! , T word w'ltbo ' ooun edtolhs lines they su t rUO flofiJooutlTclf and mustbo pild In ndrancft. An iJTanlSO- moDts must bo bunded In before 1 o'clock p. tn. nnd under no circumstances will they bo uk- n or dlscontlnned br telephone. Parties ad vortlsln ? In those column * an ! bar- Ingtlio answers addressed m care of Tim HEB , will please ask for chock to enable them to got their letters , nsnono will bo dohvorol except on presentation of check. All answers to adver tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. TO LOAH-MOHET. $ to loan on city residence property Oco. AV.Day , UCa Fnrnam. KB MONJ5V to loan on ohatlol ? of any dc crip- tlon In sums of ? 10 and upwards at reason- nblo ratos. City Ixan and MortjraKO Co. , Room 5,1401 Farnam St. , opposllo Patton Hotel. SSS MONRV to loan nt reasonable rates on horses , furniture , watcho anil other per- sonnl property without removal. Smell pay- montA taken at any time and Interest reduced In proportion. Ilinlno irotifliletitUI. C. .l.Cas- well , Room 19 , Iron Hank IHiIMInir , L.'th and Far- nam.Take olovalor. 400 , MONKY To loan on improved farmi or res 1 dcnco lots , on ono year's time. Homo Fire Insurance Co. , l&lfi Douglas St. 152 MONKY TO LOAN-On rcsldcnco . . 8 percent No commission. C. J. Cnswol & Co. , Room 10 Iron Hunk Uulldlnir , 12th and h'amam. SOU. $ 30,000 to loan. Sums MOO nnd upwards. Lowest rates. Ilomls , 15th and I > ouglinsls. _ , to loan on business and rcoldonco $ property In sums of J 1,000 and upwards. Ames , 1IJ07 Farnam st. 93S LOAN Money m any amount TO On all cla sos of security. Short time loans on real estata. I-oni ? time loans on real ostata Monpyto loan on chattels. Money to loan on collaterals. . Money to loan on any ( rood security. Terms easy , time tomilt. Apply at the Omaha Financial Kxohnnire , Ilnrkor's bulldlnqr , 8W corner of Fifteenth and Farnam sts. upstairs . 61'KItCKNT Money to loan'on real cst nto MortKiiRCS and bomH bought. Mnhonoy & Harris , Room 11.1509 riminm. ' : i7Pm ! > * MONKY for uvcryoodylou can borrow money on furniture , horses , wajrons , pli.nos , Block of all kinds , diamonds and fine watchoson your own tlmo. Payments received at nny tlmo , and interest reduced pro rnto. Property left In your ow.n possession. Terms l w as the lowest. Call and POO mo- Business confidential. No advantage taken. W. R. Croft , Room 4. Wlthncll's Now RulMJnff , Northeast cor ner 15th nnd narnoy. ? t3 TVTONKY TO T.OAN-O. F. HavH &Co. Real JMKotato and Loan aucnts , 1503 Farnnm at MONF.T TO LOAN On rood securities. A McQaTOCk , room7Bodlck Block , 1D09Farnam Bt. 0 IONT.Y TO LOAN On real estate and chat M . L. Thomas. 015 MONKY TO LOAN Inaums ofJSOOandup. wards on first-class real estate security. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnam St 040 oNKY LOANED nt c. F. need * Co's. Loa r office , on furniture , pianos , horses' wagon personal property of all kinds and all ether ar tides of value , without removal. .119 S. 13th , over Illmihain's Commission storo. All bus- ness strictly confldontal. DI7 BUBI1TE33 CHANCES. Poll SALK Now store hul'dlne : peed loca tion lor market. Address V o , lice onicc. Co5-17 * TJU3INESS ClIANCi : A man In any live J3 town can do n profitable business In our goods ulono , or In connection with furniture or nny class ol linuso-fnrnlshlng ( roods ° r ( fioo- cries ; small capital and larpo profits. For par ticulars address "Mnnuructuror , " 01 Summer street. lloston , Mass. 508-jfl' FOK 8AJ.K Jlcat market , InchidlnK1 bull < l- lues , team and overythiiijT complete. Will exchmifro for cltv property or land In Nebraska IiKltllruof E. P. Hinder. 8JO SALK Ono of the best rostauiants In FOlt the city : splendid location : ( rood trade ; terms very reasonable. Hlgglns & Pnrko , 337 on SALK In first-class location , prrocory F stock and fixtures : small capital romiirod : rent low. Inqulrn at drug : store , 10th and Douglas. 767 FOU SVH5-$3OTO will buy n general stock of goods together with the good will of a wull-ostabllshed and flourishing Iniflnoss In ono of Madison county's host towns. Imlanco of payment on very llooi-al terms. Ilcnson for selling satisfactorily given on application. Ad- drojs T. D. Ic Co. . Dee Olllco. ( M FOll SALK Coutor. show cnses nnd Htock of Mrs Folgor's fancy store 303 N 15th st. Short tlmo only. 417 FOll KXCIIANOK Stocks of goods of every kindfor farms and land ; also lands to exchange - change for goods. If you want to trade , no matter what It Is you have , wrlto , with full de scription , to C. E. Mayno , real estate broknr , Omaha Nob. 1G3 \17"ANTEn Po cxclmnun for stock of hardware - ' ware and gonrral morehandlso , MO acrosot fine Tliayor Co.Neb. , land ; 5 lots In Genoa , Neb. , good store building ( best corner ) ; goal dwelling ( host location ) In Itesoy , la. , also 8) ncres V mile from town of Essov. la. , seeded In blue grassi For further particulars addr ss John Llnderholm Central Clfv Nebraska. 051 PERSONAL. PKHSONAL- will buy a Sin hard wood rofrluernlor } $17.10 will buy n $22 rofrlger- otor and ether t-l/os nt proportionate prleos. Ilest mndo lor preserving food and economy of leo. Call and iner-oi-t them at Moody's China Store , 302 North Itith Ft. M2-12 PKIIRONAI. Flr < t class barber will call at residence * and do ladles' and chllilrciih' haircutting - cutting In all the latest styles : shiimpoolmr , bleaching and djclng , Call or address , Harbor 1W ! Fnrnnm st. Kll-15 * PKUSOKAlXcnt and tasty all-wool bust- ne .s suits for only $7.00. All sizes. Mall orders tilled. I. . O , Jones & Co. , 1309 Farnam. Old To ni. < r4nna who wish to build a -I homo In Orchard Hill , I will sell lots upon payment of the nominal Rum of ton dollars anil balance at the end of live years. Interest at 8 per cent , payable poml-annually. This Is the Lest oiler over made to nny homo-sookor In this city. Call and BC.O me. C. E. Mayno , B. W. cor. 15th and Farnam. 57a FOK IlKh'T Koom uudboud for two. 1013 Capitol ave 142 LOST. LOST An account book. Iho finder will con fer n fnvor on nitby returning aamo to this olllco. T. F. Mulligan. 550-12 * TllAYKO-rriday , May 7th , a white and red holfor , 3 years old , wltU short urooKod horns. Howard ottered If rc-iuriicd. C. tt'in- t , I'.IO S , ICili et. Eil-lo * LOST A fionlon soltor pup. 3 mouths old ; black with tan foi-f , Plonso return to 1703 N "Oth bt , Ktid receive sultublo reward. Cyrus Klmmoll. fi3l-l2 * rpAKKN til'-Dark bay niarc. whlto right JL bind foot , ithlto itar forehead , itrlpo ou neE * . Paul Thleston , llurr Oak add. , wu t of Quulpy'H boup factorr. 118-29 TiAKKN UP One eUet-p. Owner can hare tnnio by provinir property tmit parlnir charjro * nt U18B. 10th it. Apr SStW-Mav 013--a MISCKILAHZOUS. rpltO'lTINO Stallion , Jack Sheppard , Jr. , will J. . niHlio Iho licuson of 168J nt Omaha Fair Grounds , fifnnds ItHf hauilt high , weighs Uifl biiliiho Inrcoit and haiulioinoit Hambloton- l : i in tlio wi-jt. Iltcod Hie tame as Director , 2-17 ; riiHllAj.SilUV , and Jay-Eyo-Sou. 2:10. : Cull mid too him and lug slock. Term ! , fJi the sea- o n. Adam Thompson. 51.VJ3 U. AIlJilEIl , lain of th QriaoTArcher , Albright & AyicsMorlb. und William Kiluli. the Ice dealer , hitro formed a , partnor- * hp ! to do general real estate buslnos on roramtsiKin , iij would fordtnlly Invltn all their frlwjjj to Ustthulr property ultb us. Archer & i , 2lb S. 6t Tolcphoim 274. 4 UfiO \V > : H1C oiislly mada nt homo ; plcns- aot work for ladles Kiid goiiilemen ; no ; seed Jc for circular , Chronotypo 811-2J _ PHI TV nd cciipools clenucd by 1 Ewlng , p. _ o. Do m. _ ciomr * FOll ItENT A store on a good retail street Apply the Oauhg Itcul EiUlo ami Load Co. 187 _ ( lRr"NT T9UM.Wano' 93 monthly. A FOIl'llKXT-Sijuant flano t * mojitWy. . HtMpe. IBIS ItoMfilM. . 19 "niOIl KENT Organs , tS per month. Hospo , JL1 1513 Douglas. H _ BAJJ MlBCEIiUUfCOPB. _ 1418 Douglas Street , 537-H * T71OII SALi : Froih Jenoy cow nnd calf. IL JO 11. KonnoJy , 1300 620-12 i oir SAI."lT ,1 nno bred Kentucky saddle horsca ; have all the fa Idle ( falls and drive in harness. Inquire nt Jas. Stophouson'a barn r TJTl s - rr ! Tlio fluo't mateliod cnrrlngo F team & sTTO , fe U % ady to Url\o ! can bo soon ul utnan- . - rreunds , A. 'Jhomson. 614 I. OIl SAI.B rurnlturo amlflrturescomplelo In seven-room liouso : house can bo rcnlod 'orf : ) ainoj will also neil meat market or rent thosamo. Call or address 1324 Howard street. Omaha , Neb _ 377-1Z. "TT OH SALK Hod-room sot , good as now.nt n J1 bargain. Apply 9IU Whonlon st , 3H4 . OK SALK Fifty shares NobrasUn nnd Iowa T. 1 Insurance company's stock. nl o nfty shares Western Home Insurance company's stock. I A. Millar. Council Illulls , UI9-12 TA. MlLLEIl I will buy your Nobrntka nnd Iowa Insurance stock and pay you forty rinrcotitpiomliim on your cash Investment for ilio sumo. J. W. Morse. TTlOUSAr.n Clicnp , flno top buggy. A. llo , po , 13 1513 Douglas. 6CQ-J1H _ SAI.E Hou < ohold funilturo , horse , Foil harness , saddle , cto : will sell chmp. Inqulro 1010 Farnain AVl-U FOK SALK 30 yards good carpets , slnglo bcdsloid and some other furniture very cheap by party leaving city. lilO Douglns St. , [ loom 3. 4&-U * Foil SALK Another car load of No. I milch cowsnt Urldgo Yards. Penny & Jester. 418-111 * IJ OIl SAtK steers , ' 0002-year-old steers , DOO 1-year-old slcoia , 403 hoofers nnd cows , mostly coming on. Tlio nbove cnttlo am good straight Iowa and Dukotastock. Strange Bros , Sioux City , ? ! 5-mg ) _ Foil HALE Cheap , parlor , bedroom nnd kitchen furniture , cnriots , sieves , etc. , In six room cottago. Liberal terms If taken In bulk. Apply 1009 Cass st _ 449 Foil SAr.K Furniture of n fh-oroom cottage. Address J. Ii. euro S. P. Morse te. Co. 442-11 * T7IOK SALK-Or trado. Ono now 2" . H. P. - J IJoilor and 2J U. P. Knlno. Will soil iclioap forcash or trade for doslrablo real osUla. Address dross Geo. A. Fry , Defiance , Iowa. _ K1J FOU SALK Ono good horso. 1610 Farnnm. _ _ _ 200 FollSAI.K Sriuaro nlano , f30 , monthlj- pay ments. Hospo , t5tu Douglas. 007 FOU SAMS Match loams and horto * of nl kinds to aiWt customers nt Star Sale Stables , 20lh and Cumlnir. M. Ciumoii , Piop. 777 FOU SALK A new steam mllor mill in No. I business locality : line wheat country : but llttlo competition ; $17 , . " > OJ ; cost moro. W. H. Green , 215 3 13th st 82 ! ) _ Oil SALK Uprlslit piano , SIM , monthly payments. Hospc , 1513 Douglas. . ' 1W3 OK SAM : Haled hay. W. J. WelshmiR & Co. 533 _ FOU SALK Doslrablo G-room liouso nnd full lot on grade : all In splendid coiiJItlon. Call atU07S. ittlist 81411123 * . _ WANTED rnHAlE HELP. ANTKO-A good girl 'for lioiel work In country town. Apply at once at Occidental Hotel , 10th st. DC. W. Kirk. 5'.2-12 * \v 7ANT12D Qlrl to do general housework. Apply 2-114 Hurnojr. 251-13 * WA > TKIA nurse girl at N. E. corner 23d and Cass streets. ' . & . > - ) ! " > W 'ANTED ' A good kitchen girl. 117 S. 17th. 550-17 * W IANTKO-A good lady cook , 123 North 15th st ; good wages. 5C1-13 * WANTKU-QIrls to 111132 gooil places as cooks , second girls , gills for general housework , chambermaids , dining room , kit- chun and laundry ghls , Acu ; wages $ ! , $3.50 , § 4 and $5 per weok. Call and IIBIC about them. Omaha Employment Bureau , 1120 Farnam. No charges. 500-12 \ \ 7ANTKU First-class woman cook nt No. V > 120 N. 15th st. 04M3 WANTKU-GIrl at 810 South 18th st.51G13 * WANTJU A flrsl-clnss cook and laundress. Call at Wabash Ticket olllco. Frank E. Moores. GJ9-13 IJANTKD-A nrst-clasa dlnlnj-room girl at > City Hotel. _ 51U-U * W "ANTKn-SoumstrccBos at CunaolJ M'f'g Co. . llth and Douglas , up fitnlr * 222-14 * , VNTKGood girl in privdtb fnfiiliyJ.tor general housework. Apply 723 S 18th at. 433-11 * WANTKn Girl for general house work. In- qulro A. W. Mayno , s. o. cor. 21st and Webster. 474.11 WANTED Immediatelya girl for general hoiisowoik. Must be good cook. Wngos f5 u week. 2303 Hurt street. 472.11 * WANTED Flrst-cluss waiter : ono srcahing Gorman and English preferred , at Kuio- poail Hotel , South luth bt C4D-I2 W 'ANTKD Girl tor gonernl housework : German prolerred. JWJl'Howiti'di.f. ' S1- * WANTED A girl for general houeonork nnd 1 niir- girl. Tnijuiro 2JU3 ! S. iLth St. , between Fainum nnd Douglas sts. 552-13 * WANTKI-Gcod nurso.Jor2 children. 2015 Caps st. ' ' " 531-11 * - - , . , , , . , . . . . : ! ) A competent woman to Vi chcn and gonorid ) ' S. W. cor. 20th iind Wobbtor , ! > , JU WANTED A lady assistant bookkeeper ; must write a plain business band , and coiiio well recommended ; none noud apply that lm\u not hud some ovporicncuoltlior uscnshlor or assistant bookkeeper In Ornalm. M. F , Mar tin , 3IU S. 13th Bt. 372 WANTEIJ-A llrst-clasi irlrl : .fdrMIKpW > wl hoiisowoik ; must bo 'a ghoa cooki'hflno but first-class need apply : w.tgp $ U per month. 2122 iJavonpoit st. XO WANTKIl Girl for general houscwoilc , corner llloudo and Cumpboll streets , notth- west corner. 303 WANTIJU A good girl 1'or general hoiioi-- woik ; good wages. Inqulrb 2514 Capitol avenue. W ANTIJU rirst-Plu1 * cook and laundress. 2.103 I'arnam , Jlrs. J. M. Thuiston. l' ' ) WA > Tii > Ladles and Bontlomon in elty or country to take lljfht work attlioir homos. 51 no to f3.0i ) u day easily imulo ; work sent by mall , iiocRtirnsslnir. Wo liuvo it peed demand lor our work , and turnlali moudy omploymcnt. Address , with slump , Crown M'l'a Co. . 201 Vine Btioel , Cincinnati , Ohio , KJinll * A girl at Doran llouso. 013 Far- 499 I/ANTKU-Oood kitchen girl at 413 N. 15th St. C27 WAHTBD-MA.&E HELP. \v 7ANTI5O Toning and wen to work on Krudo in ( JmaluiVIow , Hull & McKlnnoy , 654-12 * \ \ / 2 carriage painters and 1 hey at Oration le Urummond'a Currlnjro Works. yi/ANTKD .10 men for track work on rnll- II road : steady work : wages tl.75 a day ; hoard * J.M per WCOK. II , 8. AlbrlgUl , Labor Aifcncy , 1S03 Farnam. 507 Vl/'ANTKU A coed man lo establish himself 11 In the KcnU' furnlahlntr troodH nnd liut und cap business in connection with a well o tnb- llaiiod , tlrst-claes merchant tailoring bushier ; best room and locution In the city , Address C , A Anderson , Grand Island , Neb. 514-14 * WANTKD-A solicitor for Omaha. Muslim experienced and competent und well ac quainted with tuo business men of Omaha , nuslnesa strictly legitimate. Cull on Tuesday between 10 and U o'clock ai U2Q Capitol avenue , IiortliEldo , Kxposltlon building , A. J. Stephen- son. K4-11 * Twenty men for railroad wonTiit Mooro's employment agency , few South Tenth btrcet. C35-11 * " \X7ANTii : > A few flrst class experienced can 1 1 vnsjers und agents to hundlo our Uro or- llngiilshersi extra imluevmentK. Addrtni , The Ixiwls Hand Fiio Uxtlngul : > licrCo.,2uo Jth Avc. Clilcnzo , 111. KtM2 _ \\7"ANTKI > A good boy Irom 12 to 10 years 1 1 old at S. K. I.olnuunii's News , Cigar and Fruit Stoic , COS B10ih _ ' st. _ SlO-11 * fjl/ ANTED Flret-cla'sg cook for depot hotel TT at Emerson , Neb ; tlio best of reforeuco required. Taylor & Sherman. 500-15 * WANTKU To cngago oxpeiicncod snipping clerk with looomuicndutions. Address K. p . iloeollice. 417.11 _ _ ANtKD-I.aborprs , teamsters , nnd pick tLadnhavel men r Steady lob. H , S. Al bright U. H. Labor Agency , \1ti \ I'urnain. ikil W,4.NTKt > A go J. rvllatjlo fufultura saics- uiati who can omo wull rccomwondod. , M. P. Martin 316 & 16th. yjj WANTED Snldimcn needing prontablo om. ployment. Salary ? 75 nnd cTpon e . Goods etaplo , fold by inmplo. Address , with stamp , L a Mfg Co..Ghlolno. POlmM * \\7ANTK1) Man to ilo ( rcncral work. Anply N. K. cor. Ktlt dnd Douglaa gt. fi97-ll * SITtTATIOHWANTED. . _ _ 1TTANTE1) Hy n woman , n situation as W housckccpGrV Callnt No. 218M.Dth st. I 60I-16 * _ _ \\7ANTKU Iky oVixsrlonccil liuslnosa man , to i > invest n foir thousnnd dollars In banklnfr or olhor established rohahlo business. Address lor ouo wcokj u70Jleo olllco. 6H-W hs fireman orgcnora orgcnoraU. . \T7ANTin : Situation In private family as if conclnniin ; understand horsescows , Ac. Address F 5 , Uoo olllco. 557-11 * WANTICH Hy a young man , n position ns salesman In cither drv goods , groceries , boot ami shoo store with 4 year < experience rood rofcanco , wages no otjjoct. In Jown or Nebraska. 15 42 Uoo olllco. 443-11 * WAKTS. WANrni ) Fpr man and wife , suite of un- furnlRhod rooms with or near board. Ad dress V T , Ucootflco. 60311 * T\rANTri : > A good gontlohuggy ho o , with spring wairon nnd plnnlc liarnossj to bo paid for In monthly payments. Must bo cheap , Address F B , llco oilico. 687-H WANTED Doslniblo bulMIn ? lot at one or If cheap would buy Improved ! Rlyo tn ot and location. Fl , lloooltlco. 619-12 - small store on 10th st. for a WANTICD-A tea store. Lcuvo particulars at Dr. Wood's , cor. 15th Bint Dodgosts. 493-12 * WANTKl > artticrwith f2il. to ttiko clinrgo of olllco. In light manufacturing busluaw. Pays ? 2R'J ' per month. Address E , 71 , oiiro Dally co , Omaha. 470-11 * ANTKU Itisldo property. E. V. Ulngur has customer ! ) lor Insldo property from $ U.CflOtol. > ,000. 110 n. 15th struct. 410. WANTKO Iu prlrnto family , unfurnlshnd parlor , bod-room ami closets for iiilto | ten ant with care of the rooms' , on 1st or u'd lloor. 1'rofor west 10th and N Farnatn. Addi oJ < H OS , llco olllcc. 451-11" WANTHD Improved property. If you have Improved property for sale , list It wltli Graham Sc llcno a , Crelghlon block. 4J.M1 W ANTKlt-ca teams. E. S. Albright. IL H- I.abor Agency , 1303 Knrnum st. 425 WANTniToltcntllou8oofnvo to eight looms In good locality by permanent cash tenant with lease for ono or two years. Call or nddrca Omaha Financial Exchange , S. W. cor , of 15th and Farnam. 095 TjTTANTii , : ) Houses tor good tenants. J . 11. V > Evans & Co. , 1311 Dodye. 013 VI7ANTEII llonm , by slnglo man. on or west T V of Park iivcnuo , south ol1 Louvctiwoith st. Furnished or unltmiishcd. Address I * 4 , Uoo oilico. 547-11 WANTKI ) lOOhousos and cottages to rout. Oon flnd you good tenant * at once. Mahoney - honey > V Harris , 'loom ' 11 15JJ I'arnam 377m ' ron KEKT-nousss AND 1.013. TnToil lliNT The ICell's hotel feed and ? nlo JO viable. Hrlck barn 61 hv 70 , f rnmo burn SO by 100. Possession given Juno 1. Ir.q ilie ot Hoist & Sputimm , Kiel's hotel , Council Blulls. cottaao to bo moved FOK . W. J. WoUhans , Clly Mills , 801 Tur- nnm t > t. | ( ! BH KKNT-fHosIilonco wllh 0 rooms and JO balh ; all mo/Joril'coiivonlonces ' ; nlco yard : location , 15th st.iour squares Irom 1'ar.iam. 1C desired , will least ) for ono or two years. Ham lin & mown , . ' 111 South llth St. 643-17 FOU UKNT totfflffo on Center st , it block from slrcot CJH. > 20. J. B. Kvnns As Co. T f FOIt IlKXT-fOn'o 7 room liouso on North Park Avo. 'j ' 125-11 * I7\OK \ HUNT Jloupoof seven rooms In a. good V location. Aimly.atSJlli South ISth st. ' ' * Foil KUNT Oood house of 0 rooms , largo lot. corner 1'Jtliund , 1'aclllc. Apply 112 S. llth. ' ' ' 60"i-15 * FOU ItHNT AttL'r ' Juno 1st all-room house , 111 Ninth. ? 75 month. .CE Mayno , 13th nnd Farnam. : < 'i 473 Foil KKXT A3-room liouso with hard and soltwater , S10 per month. 13th r.nd Puclllo streets. 4UI-10 * POU ItlSNT Hou o , barn , $1B , Lcnvenworth St. , 8Mocks west Park uvo. llox 712 , city. 4K2-S * [ Oil UKNT Cottairo f c corner 17th anil l " JO. avonportst. . iittflOS. . Lehman. 45) UKNT UVroomTiouso. 1012 Farnam. 11. C. Patterson. FOU HUNT Largo residence. liUS.17fh.St , liuiulro nt fiH , two doors north. 3S7 FOU ItiNT : For ono season. 20 oori's' hay land In Kensington Place , For further in formation address Mitt Hovel , Pierce , Nob. JUt-lil 11KNT Grand Army Hall , No. 1314 J. Douglas street , will bo let lo lodges and societies ai reasonable rales : Is on the second lloor , easy of access nnd only ono blank from the dllferent Ftroct car linos. Apply to U. A. Hurley , 1414 Dodgoatrect. U15-12 Tm I Oil UKNT 70-acro farm.T. Murray , 700 FOU UKNT N'looly lurnlshod room wllh board. 714 N. lUth st , 617 Oil UKNT Saloon , and fixtures for sate 103 South lOlh st. 50J n.oii HUNT Iirlclc yard. T. Murray.r" FOUSAl.H Ata bargain , rtno 0-oont nouso with modern conveniences : lull"lot ; on Harnoy st. , near C5th ; $5 JJ. I'ottor & Cobb , 1515 Farnam st. OuV U IlUNT-Oardon tanu. lltlj t. F OU JtiNT Nice (1-ronm ( cottagn. ' 8. T. Polurson. S E. cor. 13th and Do.iglus. 531 ros EEHI T71OII UKNT A llnely lurnUhed Irontroom. JU 1st lloor. A. HOSJIO. 65D-1 * FOU UKNT Nicely fiirnlshoJ looms nnd board. 20.-.N. lllb l. 67M1 * FO1S UINT : r/irgo nowlv-rurnlslipd fioul rooniMilt.ihlo Ior2 Konlluuicn. 115 8. Jut'- fcrsonht(2.klst ( ) ) . KM-Kl * _ _ TTlO HUNT FuiiiMiod front roomS ) ! ; ! ) } i1 2 Ut st. near I.o.ivcmvorth. 427-12 * TjlOU ICKNT With bonnl , a furnished front J loom. UlOCiifsst. MM5 * Fen UKNT Desk room In Paxton Hotel , 1403Furmunst. Apply at HOI rariium st. FOU IlKN'T tJnlurnlliol rooms for liouso- , keeping , 1018 Sherman etioet. Call alter Op. m. BU-11 * FOU UKNT-2 deslrablo furnhhod rooms , with bouid ; modern conveniences. 8.Vj cor. 20th ami Webster. 610 fTMHt UKNT Qontlcmon will pluaso cull nt J ? . 22 2 Hurt st | .examine and rent I wo nicely furnished rooms ; modern conveniences ; terms _ very reasonable i IjryiakfiuU it dosiiod. 517-15 * OK KKNT tfgriistied rooms , 1&U Cap. nvo. 110-15 * Foil UKNT-t/Ewo newly furdlshod front rooms , 2511 St , Mary's nvo , on Green Cur Line. 401 FOU UKNT-rSIewJy furnished looms single and en milto , for genllomcn only. Over Lester & Morrell'jj pliarmaoy , 10th aim Dodge Fen UKNT Purnif bed rooms < 5 per month at COS ; i 17th sfT " 443-11 * F OU ItKNT-jVurnlshcd or unfurnished rooms. 607 ji. lilfh gt. _ 3uia * FOll HBNT-4ioo m nnd board in strictly private fumllr fo r ono or two gentlemen. Ill N. 18th st , betVlli and Capitol nvu.o FOIt UiNTriirnl3hed : or unfurnlshod rooms. 2424 , corner of Lcavonworth and 25tliBts. _ 12-12 * FOU UH.VT-NIeely funilahcd looms inline cotlago , 400 Walnut st , eight minutes walk southeast U , P. depot , JO , 17 und f ti per month. FOU UKNT Furnished rooms. S&ti Dodge street. SM-11 * _ Foil UINT : Nicely furnlshM room with or without board. 117 S. 17th Bt. llolorcnco rccjulrod. a 15-11 * _ FOU UKNT One largo ulcovo room , east front , with board. Oitf Pleasant et , U14-11 * Foil HUNT -Nicely furnished room cheap. 420 Convent st. _ ® a " 17 OU IlliNT Nicely furnished front roam JU wllh board. B. W , cor. Vth and SUMury'a avenue , 2b5 FOIt UKNT Newly ( 'unilibcd rooms close to 1' . O. Tlio most desirably furnlsuod looinj In the city , at reasonable prices. , IMA CttSi fit , " . _ t _ ' IilOU UliNT 2 pleasant fuinlshcd rooms , 20 Hi tt. , near St. Mary's avo. Inquire S. W. Dodge and Itith : 1U1 "filOH IlRNT Lnrgo nlcolr furnished room , X1 suitable for two gentlemen , trlth t blo Ivonrd ; 3 minutes' walk from P. 0.1914 Dodge St. , _ . _ . _ 910 IT > Oll UHNT-FuniUhod rooms , 131(1 ( Dodiro. ' _ SlJni'JI TG1OII IlEMT Elegantly furnished rooms wllh' X' outboard. All modern conveniences. SS3 Dodgo. _ SJO "I71OII HUNT Two sloro rooms on 10th street , -1- . ' Water , gas and sewer connections. C. B. Mayno.cor. 15th and I'arnaiu. si : _ "filOll UKNT Two Inexpensive rooms , with JU board. 1314 Webster street , CSi TjOn KRXT Sforo room on 13th. C. K7 JJ Mnyno. S W cor 15th and Farnain. 4nl T71OU U15NT Olllco and store room. Oration JV Drummond. 1311 lltirnoy. fU ! nnd doslrnbio rooms , orinf . - 2ihft'iI6l Dil" it. Ueforpncps roqulroil of applicanf * . y - . TT1OU KKNT-Wlth hoard , one largo nioolr * , ' furnished front loom , jas and bath room lU 1409 Jones Sf , 27rt TOB 3Ar.B-lXOU3U3-E.OTa. . $1,50(1 ( will buy a nlco liouso and lot In a good locality Cunningham Sc llronnnn , 1511 Dodgo. $ SSOO will buy n liouso and lot on 23d , near loa\cn\voith ; easy terms. Cunningham & llronnan , 1511 Dodge. $ ttooo will buy n houo and 7 lots In Wott Side , near now running factory. Cunnlng- nam & Ilrennan ; mil Dodgo. WASHINGTON IMLii-Wo have a few choloo iloros jot forsalo. See thorn. Cum nlnqlmin A Ilionrmii , 1SI1 Dodne. 5(11-11 ( oil flAM'-Two In If awes' addition , each lot 127x131 feet , fenced anil tlttv tree } planted $ . ' ,000 for both. Apply UI7 S. felcvpiith Ml CO . 518-15 * FOll SALK-Ily W. 0. Shrlvor , residence propel ty. Two line largo houses near 18th und Clark St. . rent lor Kn $ ? . < * * > Fullcnrnor lot , fine cottage , Chicago St. . . . f 0,000 Full lot , cnst front , laruoB roomhouo,2'th8t ( near St Mary ave J5.5UO Now cottages , lull lots each , tn sightly location on very easy terms (1,550 Full corner lot with 0 room cottage near high school , . , Jil.tWO Two full lots , 24lh and Mason with collate ' ' ' ' ' SfiiiiiotsVcorneV.'SoVlV'bo'nutlftir'cbttiigo'on Park ave , f 5.0W ) , or ono lot $1,500 Corner lot 'nnd 6 loom collage , Parkers add $2,100 Cottage on 30ft lot near Suundcrs ttcasy toims 2 lot * ) n'rtd'ho use fl'roo m's i n S li fit ii's add , ' . ' . . ' $ 2'IPO Full lot , 11 room house , modern Improvements , near hlirh school on Dodiro $12.001) ) Urlck house , 13 rooms on Cass at (4,500 VACANT LOTS 4 lots 00x140 on 17th and Paul st , $2,100 to $2,000 Nlco lot on Park-live , 75x140 $ .1,200 I/it50xl07 on Harney and 20th st $4,500 Lots In Sunny Side $300 to 81,30) ) Nlco lot tn Pclliam plaon SIMM Lot on Hurt near street $1,10) ) Full lot on Dodifo near high school M,5'X ' ) Full lot,1 Parker's Hdd , near street cur , . . $1,100 ; i beautiful lots on California st , one nillo from PO $1.2-10lo$1.3i)0ciieh ) 23lotsHnnscom place $ MA > to $1,500 Lots In Ambler place , Oxford. Dnpolnt , Thorn- buig , WeslSIdo , Plainvlow Slulver Placo\o , Leavcmvoith , Torruco add lots 23 per cent cheaper than surioundlnor lots , licit Line passes tliroinfli this add , and It Is near Iho M. P. It , It. shop.eusy terms o.J.VJO to$5Yourh ) Let us show j on tlio beautiful add "Shrlvor Place. " It Is located within : ti.lk3 ; of the U. P. WO SHHIVKIt. Opp. P.O. I Oll SAI.K 'lco ! l room house , shade trees' J I otO'vlJ3 ' ) ( , near llnn com iinrk , $4,500. C. K. Mnync , s.w. _ cor. 13lh and ruriuim. tftKl.ll ' I Dili : LOTS-Nowport. A : 410 AMES , 1507 Farnnm. Goo > rot Virginia avo. , near Wool worth SKI liraluim & Ocnawu , Cioluhton block. p.VTTKHSOX I'AHK-Acrcs very cheap ; J-onlyv.00 to S'150 each. ONEACHE-OrColoDrlllianto at Sir,0 loSSOO will make slv of the city lotthill are solllncr ono mile nearer the postnllloo at $110 to $ JflO ouch. Doom or no boom which Is the snf ( . " > t in- vosttnonts. Take your choice but cull oiuly W. A. L. Gibbon , 1217 & 1219 Loavcnwoi til St. 4M-S F SALK-ny P. . F. lllngcr , 110 N. 13th St fl-room residence , Georgia ave , a bargain , 7-room cottapo , fleorgla mo , cheap3,5tfl 0-roem cottage , Georgia uvo ; see It , $2,5 K ) Flno residence , Georgia ave , near Leaven- north , $4U 5 Houbo 5-rooms , Improvement ass'n , chcii ] ) , 6-room collage , B.irllett& Hlmcbaugh's add , S'1,500 2 houses , 4 nndrooms each , Popplolon ave , nburiraln , $ ICOO IW.vlSJ , liouso 1-rooms , Plerco St. , Shull's add , 't'f ' . _ ixlxl32 , largo house , California St. , near track , vUixiiS , good cotlngo , 20lh and Hurt , cheap , $3,000 Gflxl.'W , business corner , Howard st. $20,000 . 44x1 : * ! , Hiirnoy si , ( business lot ) $1SOJO M2xl2 ! , Fnrnam bt , line location , $70.000 ( UixiiS , il-ioom cotlago , Cup ave , SJ.GOO 22x13. , store , rents $75 , Douglas st , 913,030 2 houses , 9-1 oems c.ich , Douglas st , rent $120 month. $8,200 OOvK12 , house 7-rooms. Fnrnam st , $ ' ) ,000 ii cnltnvop , Shlnn's add , easy terms , $2,300 0-room cnttugo , Hoggs & lllll's add , Douglas ft , n bargain n few da ) s , $2,109 Vacant Lots 50 cheapest lots in Hanscom Place , $333 fo S-.IOO Chnlco lots in Shull's add , $1,000 to $ lrjK ( > 25 lots In llurr Oak , $750 to Sl.OOfi 132\13. , cor lotCalifornia fct , t , ri03 A ) lots , Marsh add , $1,500 to $2,51 * ) 2 lots , llodlck's Urnvu , corner , $3,100 10 lots , Hoggs & Hill's add , $1,00) to $2,100 . 2 line lold,21sl near Grace , very cheap , $1,500 iicoli 2 lots W. A. Hedlck's add , $775 each Lots , on UP tracks JluslnoMj and residence lots In all pails of the city ultttAp 50 lotij In Paik Foicst , $230 to $300each 200 loth In Qmiilm View , SUOO to $70) . Fine hoiiEos will bo built on those lots , wlili u Finall ctish vilymciit'iind monthly payments at S per cent , Bee mo about it IN ) ticrcK laud near the Fort , $83 00 per acre 45 ncro iioitli ot Floionce , $21.00 pur acio 10 nero tiacls five miles west of posloillco. $110 per ncre. < < U Foil HALK House 5 ro'pms , 'i ' lot , Slilnn's 1st , $ liWO ; house 5 rooms , ! 5 lot , corner , Flitnn'slbt , $2ir,0. The.-.o uro biiivaliis. Must bo sold this week. K. F. Hlnger. 570 FOU SALK Thee Olton , 2IB S. 15lh til. , luia Ipison grndn one block from Cumlug slroct car ; oampftymenld , $1,200. Fine 7 room boupu , stable , oto , , Shlnn's 3d , near Direct car , ? 2. 00. 2 loH uml line house , lliinscom Place , $5,000. Lot , Hiuncom Placo. $1,20) . Lots In Plulnvlow4VJ. Lots In Hawthorn ; easy payments$750. llouso , barn , etii , , Itcod'Hild , $1HH ) . Small hoiiselull lot. fcowo's Hi , $ S)3. Lola , Polhum Pliicn ; easy payments , $750. Lot , Park Place , S front , o Hy payments , f VA. Hovtral line mimll IIOIB\S : wllh cislcrn , well , und Jubl flulHiio.l , near K. It. track on 2othousy piiynienlM , $1,209. 568-15 tTPATTlusov ) : , Heal l tiilo , 13th and Douglas. ltr < slduncos and Collage ) Ileuutitul collage and lot , desirable local ity $3,500 Flno ri-s'dencn. ' N. IBth st , Inefngoast 4,000 2-8tory liouso , full lot , West Luavunworth Htiuot 1,800 House and full lot , Hickory Place , cheap , 1,000 Cottage and full lot.Shlnn's 3d udd 1.WO Store building and lei , & 13lh st 3,0)0 ) 7-room housu and 2 full lots , Hanscom Place 0,500 Largo cottage and ' ,4 lot 8. 10th Et 1.3.X . ) SiiiiUI cottUKo anil / { lot , S.lOth Bt 930 A beautiful residence and 2 full lots on Davenport st , thu ptettlost house In thu city , very cheap 8,000 Itiibinets and residence lots. Improved and unlmpruvcd , throughout the city. Call on or addicss U. C. % Patterson , 13th and Douglup 'rak < plinueTKi. _ U13 I'AUK > ATTIHSON : pAUK-situutud uji miles 8. W. of court houBo. Jit , EVANS & CO. , have for sale good chrnp lots wherever you want them Call and vori _ f t liUhtalemont _ 400-10 p.\TTiitSON : 1'A It 1C Acres Bold on thu In- -L Etallmunt plan. Each acio largo enough for 6 big rusldoncu lots. Hltuatod near Ilelu Line In the mumifuctiirliitr locality they aio the bc t acreii to buy. 1) . 0. Puttor&on , u\vnur \ , 1st lloor Iron llank llulldlng. _ 21U FOlt thu bonullt of the working people 1 will keep my ofllco open until 0 p. m , ex cept Sundays. 0. E. Muyno , southwott corner 15th and Farnam. SKM'J " " " "T ri."E"VAN8 4 : ( X ) . , 1513 Dodge tl Voudo not want to farm BO oall on us and get a good lot within u day's travel of your busi ness < 403-10 _ _ _ " " I"MIHSALK UeltOocre tracts In tlio markuT , 1 only (2DO pur ucru. Inijulro about them. Potter & Cobb. 151'j Farnaia. _ BM FOUHALK-Acro lotJ. GUo's add. , only 31.500 Potter & Cobb , KI5 Fanmm. 657 ARlKS'l'LAtrK No grading needed ; lovoT lota. Amc . 1OT Farimm At. 411 SAI.i-X/ la Lowe's Ut addition. south fronts , easy terms. gay ! i3i rorcSf ob lJlS Farnnia 5h 851 _ _ TflOi : S.VLK A tew of the host ots In Wllcox's J > ad'J. ' at ti > 30 each. Potter . & Cobb , U15 I'm. naia tt ' . ' _ _ 855 FOlt 'SALU Or Tradulmiirovcl and unlm- . proved lands In I'uraas and oner wetcrn counties. Addrut > 3Vm. . Slmur&l , Arajmlioc , ' ' fuinu3Co.'Notr. , -S73 OE. JIATNK'Snoirmnpof Dousla county Is comnlpto In oTorf detail ; It fills nlon felt want The price Is low , considering the Amount of work noceisary to produce It For cnlo at 0. B. Mayno'a real oatalo olllcc. 6U-mU A.MKS 1'LACK-No such lots In any ether lo- callly nt the prices a kci1 , _ 411 Foil SALE Two lots on Georgia nvo. . ouch $900. Urbftam & llonftwa , Crolghlon block. ' iio ii H ALK-Onp.ip lots tn llurr Of k , Just east of Hnnseom Park , street cars , I75J , easy terms. Potter Atiobb. 1515 Farnam st _ _ 8M _ Fen S.VI , ! ' , Flno caM front lot Han eom Place $1500 , Graham A Iloaawa. Crelghlnn block. 4.VM1 _ ACltKIXITS-Coto lllllhuito _ _ _ 410 _ AMis. 1507 Farnam. Trnoit SALK-Thrco Ono lots In Slilnn'sSd rnijT J-1 nUJJOc.ich. Potter & Cobb , 1513 Farnam. E17 Jn rvA.2 5 . ISM Dodge . Cflll for choice" fmpfOVcu ? i . ' rrty Wo Imvo moro tlian wo can Ravel lls ? , mii h that wo nro not permitted to 40MO Tnoit.s.VLiTiolotsln Plamviow , l5J caoh. J.1 t'ottor A Cobb. IM'i Fmnmn gt. _ PM Foil SALK-Thrco nno lots Shlnn's nildlllon all for $3,000. Qrnham & llcnnwa , Cmlghton llo k. Foil SALK 35,000 acres In ono bed ) ' In Oho- ycnno county. 10 ml los ot running water. T. S. Clnrkoon , 15.H" rqrimin. 301 _ GTfK lO'ra Pratt's Suti-divlslon 410 Attts , IM9 Farnan , FOK SALH-100 lots In Park Forest , ( Itdown and (5 per month , $2.X ) to $300. Hoggs It 11111 , teal estate , 1404 Farnam st 453-8 Foil SALK 40 acres for subdivision , Chenp. T. J. ClnrUson. 1506 tMrnam. 400 BAIIOAINS m Improved and unimproved property. W. U. Green , 15 8 intli Bt KO PATTEIISON PAHK ACHES-Noarost. host tttid1 cheapest. Hia-13 POU y.VLK-BOacros to subdlvldo,2 > i miles from Court House. A fortune to the buyer. T.S.Clarkson.inOflFarnnm. ! EH DUPONT PLACE Is bnly two blocks south ot Hanscoiu's Paik. Every lot covered with beautiful fotost trues. Clark & French \vlll toke pleasure In showing you the lots , forms to gull. No. IMG Douglas street. 420.12 NE-FOUUTH ACUE3-01 eon wood. 410 AMI : . IM7 Farnam. SPECIAL HAHUAINS-7I feet on Farnam. ( t,509 ) ; 200 feet on Farnam $10OCO. T. 8. Chu-Kson , IMil Furiiham. % 3tf7 PATTERSON PAUK ACnES-Nearest. host and cheapest 218-12 Foil BALR 3-robm cottages on very easy terms. Prloo SI.050. Win. J. Paul , : tli and Charles or lira N. 19th st. 212-28 * A CKB LOTS-Ilrlahlon 410 AMCS , 1507 Farnam. PATTEHSON PAUlC VCnES-NutTCSt. best 21812best and cheapest. r 218-12 JATFEIISON PAHK J > CUES-Noarcst. best and ohonpojt. U1S-12 PATTCKSON PAUK ACHES-Noarost , host and cheapest. Ultt-12 T7 > AIItMOUNTPLACi-27th : and Take streets. U Elesant lots , low prices. Wo bullu houses. T. S. Clarlcon , 150J I'ainmn , 'JM TJATTEHSON PARK ACKES-Noarost , best i. and cheupcst. 218-12 FOK 8AC.K Losisod school hinds' In tracts ot 60 acres and upwards , no Uxostopny on thesclniidsforSO years. O. IT. Davis & Co. , 17)3 ) Knrnain 8t. TX'J-mSJ B AUGAIN In store house and Hats , iouts Tor $ ! JO pur month ! fJ.ODO. Uiiiham i : Doiuuvn , Ciolgliton block. 43S-11 FOll SALK 1,200 ncie ranch , HVIIIH > vitor running through land. Can cut I , WO ton hay olT land ; also Ifx ) hi.'iul oattlu , 33 licad hordes with necessary Impleniunts , &c. , &c.o - , , to run said ranch. Prlco $13,5000. Address Hail & JloAndrcw , Alnsn orth , Nebr. Also , 010 ticics school hind appraised at 3.00 per acre , running 20 years at six per cent , with in 4 miles of Alnswoitli ; llvlnir water and will taho $ i > 4U1oi' loaso. Address Hurt & MoAndrow , Alnsworth , llrown Co. , Nebr. ' $57oot.ou ) lost by purtlusThat lailcd fo buv acres in Pattorbon Park , CO days ago at $175 an acio. The saiiio property now Eelllng at an ndv'iuico of 10 per cent. _ 217-12 ) HILL lots sell on their merits OIICIIAIH Low prices and easy terms given. Cull at C. E. Mnyno'B oilico and get a plat. 203 WEISS Sifbilfv 33 acre lots U imlQ fmni elty limits , ? -150 to $5Wpcr ) aero , tlmt Is halt price. Ludwick & gcay , 60 cor loth & DoiiKlus. 471 COTEIlllILLlANTE-Aciolots. closiilg Ealo Will sollots ! In Ibis uoautllul adilltlou tor the next thirty clays lit $150 to JiW. Uall cuily and seouro u bargain. Terms ciisy. W. A L. Gibbon , 1217 & 12IH Loavcnwnrth t-t. 452-8 WEISS Sub dlv. 33 acres just platted In acre lots for sitli' , commencing Monday May 10 , from 150 to $ .WI. Adjolnliu'uoro sell for SCO ) to $800. L'juwick & Sony , bo cor 15th and Douglas. 471 WMSS Sun dlv aero lots at half price , ' { cash. Iinl 1,2 nndyearn. : Sale commoii'jus Monday , ilay 10th , to bo closed out in one week. LudwIcU & So-iy , 6i ! cor 15th and Douglas. 471 BELL & M'CANDLLSir olfcr : 73 leet on Hiuiscom Park , i > cr foot , $23. 8-room house and lot , car line ; $700 caeh , bal- unco monthlj. 2-story moro building , St. AFnry's ave car line , $1,400. 13th street lot and stora building , 2 Etorlos , bargain , $ I,5UJ. Good houses , Wa'n it Hill , easy toima. Bar gains. West Side lots , $300. llcautlful acres , Falrvlow , SJ03. Acres , Hlmubaugh and BiooUllno. Lincoln Place , on licit Line , i t'5. Splendid rusldcnco lots In Capitol add , S. E. ftont , cheap. Several lots and acres on Lcavonwortu st , $ G30tolUft ) . Auilikr Place lots , fGfX ) . Good iiropeittoson Park avo. Biih > nald east front lot on Catherine st , 32,003. MnisliiuUl lots. House and Iqt , Isaac & Balden's add SIOX ) ; cash tiKi ) . HciveiMl properties In ICountzo's adds. 2 lots , houMi and barn , 115 loot lioni Lcnvon- woith st , oisy : payments , 3,500. Loiivunworth st. property , per foot , $ . ' 0.33. West Sldo lots , WOO. Lot In Isinio , V Seldon'sndd , $430. Fairvlinv , tlio highest land at lowest prices , acres , 5300. Shinn'a add , liouso and lot , $3,030. Maniilucturlng and railroad Interests will mitUo Vcst SIde lots valuable , now $30,1. Hell & IcL'aiulllsh , 1511 Dodge. 3-J'MS \T7IOIS3 Sub. div. This now Hub. dlv. Is ' . ' luiod out InacroloH lorsalo Monday May loth at linlf pricu , Ludwick i ; Sony , u. o. eor. 15th and Douglas , Tills lioautllul iiorn prop , orty will bo closed out in ono week nt half pricecommeiiflng Momlay , May loth. Lud- wick & Hoay , H , o. cor , 15th und Dnuglus. 471 Foil S.VLK i-our Inti , oor. uuirordla mu 30th sts. , 2 blocks from proposed paving on Cumlngst. , t > 110mid f'JW ' ouch. Potter A : Cobb , 1516Furnam3t. B19 AMKS I'LAOK Lots sold to tlioso who want homos they can pay for , 411 OUS.\LK-120I57 uii'IliimiUon st $1000 7f sold soon. Graham & llcnawa , Crelghton block. 8Jj.ll _ AIHMOUNT PLACE , 27lh and Lako-Tako rod orgreon cars ; see the property and you will snroly buy a lot or house und lot. T. S , Clurkson , 150U i'ainam. 'WO riJT\VO Ixts Geola nro. , 2 ( KJiJ for both , -L Gruhum & lleiuiwu , Ci-elghton Illock , 431-11 _ _ _ HANSCOM PLAOR-W cliolcobt lots. Chuup. Uuy quick. T. 8. CUikson , 1508 Furnhain. lisa _ FOU SALU-Fino lot" can fiont TlrghiuT avo. tltt'X ) . Oruham X Uonawa , Crolirhton block. 4SK-H _ IIIlKK-pood lots Clifton Place , tlHW anil flaw each. Umlmiu & Oonawu , ( tiolghton block. 4Tili _ _ FOU SALI ! Ono of iho nicest 8 room in Blilnn's addition , with ci'y w.lior , comploto. Price low. O. F. UavA A ; Co. , Farnamutroct. _ _ FOH8\Li-(5ibsonlms ( forsiio otslnTlIini" com Place , JSJ ) to $1BOO. Gibson bus for silu : houses anil lots In Hans. com Pliicu , Gibson has for snlo houses and lota In all parts f the city. Gibson has Improved farms and lands In all parts of Nebraska iors.ilo or uvchunvn. Gibson has ihousnndi ot acres oC Intrl In Wrttorn Nebraska for fi > Uo Irom Sto ! tl pur ucro. . Gibson wouMlllco to stio yculf you want to buy orsfcll. Glbsun'sls llio pl.ico to lt ! > t your prop'irty , Call and 100 him at Itoom'J , Wllhnnll Illock , cor. Till ) and 1 1 ajjiuv sts. U. EVAX3 i CO. , Sot ! ucotiM , lotnlnCici- J. ton < 0-lu | J.CWU UltlLUANTK-Acrc lots ut HW to i2v < 5 ntothooheuposl In the muiLut , Adjoining HddlltoiiB tame dUlauce arc solllnv for < i'f > lo $4VJ. 'Hill Id jourlnsioliunco in no4iot > or.u ( ol tUssu loti on oa y Icruit. W , A , L. U b'.xin l.)7 ) nJl 1219 Lvavo.nwurth si. 4j.-i SAt.n-22feet on SMitvlerssthouse8 FOR * cistern. olo-fCio. > 60 feet east front , on Sounders st , house 7 , rooms , T > ellcistern , etc , fA.200. ' _ House cf 3 rooms , full lot , In Lowe's nda , Three corner Ijls on Sownrd tno.irroor Claire convent , $75) each ; easy terms. Ixit 22itMon Dodge st , near ISth . f I.SOO. Six choice lots In IXHVO'S ndd.t45 to $000 oacli ; easy terms. Ixit In sunny Side , $1,1.10. 8 lot * on 24th St. , near 1'nrnam , $20,000. GOtl.Uon Fainnm ( corner ) , f-W.000. 132xtC ; on Fainitm tcorner ( ) $37,000. Houo of 0 rooms , halt lot , 1/nrd st , $2,57) . Ixit In West Knil , on Dodge St. , $1,100. laIn Pclhntn Place , $ 00. . . . . . llouso of room and lot SoJtUO , on ISth , nc r liouVo of 8 'rooms , lot 23x110 , on IBth , near iiousoi and full lot , 19th near Webster st , $ POJO. 41 feet cast fronton 8.13th St. , H-T W. 125 feet cast front on S. 13th St. , f 11.000. Lot on Virginia nve. , near ovcnworln 8t. $2,000 , terms onsy. i of iho choicest lots.In . BeiUord Plnco . corners. Kaiytorm * . . . , Lot In Nelson1 * add. , eAst front , $ 1,700. txit on Scwnrd st. , 0 blocks from street our Inn , ( I.OUU. Full lot. a houses , 18th st , iienr Lcnvonirorlu ' slots , south front , on Hamilton st , near 30th , A Itargaln-MiiM ho sold. Largo lot. largo boarding house , barn , together with saloon , 100 ! teem and 'Jarbcr shop on loa od lot adjoin- ng. Kstnbllshpd business. $ ,500 for all. llpmls. IBth nml Douglas Mropt * . House of rooms , full lot , Uloiulo.nonrSaun- "vioiiny to loan atlowost rate of Interest , Ooo. f. llonilg. 3. W. cor. 16th and Douglas. 410 CHCAGO AMO NORTH ra WESTERN WW RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago Th o only road to take for Dos Alotnoi , Jf r- jul I town , Cedar Kaplds. Clinton , Dixie. Chicago , Milwaukee ami nil points oust. To the pconloot Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoinlnir , Utah , Idaho Novadii.Orcson. Washington nnd California It otrors superior advantages not possible by nny other line Among n few of the nutnorous points ot supe riority unjovcd by tliu patrons or this road bo- IwoonOmnha nnd Chicago , nro Its two trains rt day of DAY COACH MS which are tlio tlnost that liuinnn urt nnd Ingenuity can create. 1U PAL ACE SLKHPING CARS , which aru mod61A of comfort and olojrnnco. Its PA11LOH DUAWINQ ItOOM CARS unsurpassed bv nnv. and It * wldo- IT coioDratcd PALATIAL D1NINO CAHS , trie equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere. At Council HlnuM the trains of the Union Paci fic Hy. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chicago & Northwestern Hy. In Chicago the trains of this line make close commotion with those of nil eastern linos. For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cmoln nntl. Niagara Falls. Dutfalo , Pittsburg. Toronto Montreal , lloston. Now York. 1'hlladoloitla. Ual- llnioro.Wiishingtoji and all points In the east , Uik the ticket agent for tlckots via the "NOUTH-WESTKHN. " If you wish tlio best accommodations. AUtlokot ° - . U. 8. HAIR , Genera Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent o Milwaukee & SL Paul The Short Line and Best Route From Omaha to the ast. TWOTUAINS DAILY HETWEEN OMAHA AND Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Cedar KapldSi Dajnport , Clinton. DubiKpio , Kockford , Itocklsiuna , . Freeport , Jnnosvillo , Elgin , Madison , LaCrosse , Itclolt , Wlnona Audall other lmp itaiu points East , Nortuoai nudSoutlioast Ticket onico at 1401 Fnrnam street , ( in Paxton Hotel ) , and at Union Pacific Depot. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining C.irs In the World are run on the main lines of tha ClIICAaO.MU.WAUKKB&Sr. I'.UII , K.VU.WAY , lUlJ every attention is paid to passengers by coutte- ousemployus of flio company. ItMiM-nii , General Manager. J.F. TIIUKEII , Assistant General Manager. A. V , H. CAiii'ENiEU , GtmcnU Passoagor an ! Ticket Agent. GEO. K. IlKAfFOiii ) , Assistant Gonorall'assaa gerund Ticket Agent WHO II UKACOJAINTEO WITH THE OEOflHAPHr OF THIS COUNTRY WILl 6CE BY EXAMIKtNO.TMro MAP THAT THE CIIIOAGO.nOCX ISUND a PACIFIC RAILWAY Ily rcftion of llfl central position ninl rlnsn rnlatlonto nil principal llnra Kmt and Wi t , at Initial and ter minal poiiitH , ronntltulev ih nuikt Jnipurtont mitt cuntinentAl link In thnt arslfiti nf thluuirh tianipon tallon uhlrh Invllrs unit faellltatri , tia elnnu trafila liotwren rlllo of ilia Allnnllo and Paciflo Conils. it I * alau IlinfaToilte nnti brntioutn tn and from points Itaet. K"rlli a t nnd Routlipaut , und corrui" liulnti Writ , Noitbwekt nnd Eoutliwcit. The Great Rock Island Route The Famous Albert Lea Route I th dlrnct anj favnrHo line bct ren Chlc oanil. lllnnuapollsaiidHt. I'aul , whitrH ronn ( tloniare mad * In union Dupoti for all polnU In llm Territorial mill KritUli rrovlncei. Over tlili rnutu Fust ixpre : Trulm am run to the wah-rlnir plum. umnier ro- U.plctiire | un lionllll , . . nj liiinllnK anil HiLlD Bra > undlof Iowa anil > llnnr > ola. U l allu Iho moil rouu lo the rlcU wural llcldi and vaiu. laudi ot Interior DakoU Rtlll Mollwr UIIlKirr UNR. TURi-n ani Ka , ? * , W * .i.lX n o t1n | ? ! > b.lw..n ; inplniiatr. Indian. apoili and I.nfa ctle. and nuurli lllurti , Kaniaiutlir , liuinrapolli and Ht I'aul and Utcnnwll JM pulnta. Per doull.d Inforinailon llap < and Fi > ld ri , rll ai llck.U , at alt principal Tlul.o ( Omc . In iu * UalUd filalv * and Cunadag or IT ait- R. R. CABLE , C. ST. JOHN , I'rw't * Ucn'l M'B'r , Oen'l T'kt ft rut. Aft , HAMBURG-AMERICAN A WHKOT LINK VQU England , France & Germany. The tlouttibhlp * of this well linotvn line nro tullt ol lion , In water-tight eciinp.iiunuiUti , und uio fnrnishc'd wllh uvury reiulaiio to m.iko iho pUhSHiru botli rufu and agrucnblu. They curry thu 1'iiilcd Klines uml Kurnpcati iniilb.iiiiil li'.n'u Now VorUThurtdayj and Suturdayj for Plv. mnulh. ( I NJONCI. ) ) , rbougPAIUS ( and HAH- llL'turiili'l. , llio eti'iniicia IfHVu llHinliurg un \VolnutUi's ' and Sundajs , via. Ihuiu , ttlUIn paisungcisut Southampioii IIIK ] London. I'-irsl ciililn $ JO , f'j'J ' nnd $73 ; Htuoiuiru tU. Ilallinud ( i'jLtta fiom Plymouth lo llrUlol , Car- liitr. T.oudnn , or te any place In the Koiuh of England , niL'li. Bteoruco fiom ICuropc only 123. Bund for "Tourist Oa/ctte. " c. ii. niciiAim & oo. . Gcnviul I'assciiyer A nnlj.v Cl llicmdwii- , New York : Wathlnuton nn < l Lt Biilloits. Clilcavo. III. , M nd BUiuf f * ' tttiti | iIltkl4/t. KiftM. Or. WARD & CO. . L'JUl&liMi , KV.