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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1886)
i THE OMAHA DAILY BfiE : WEDNESDAY MAY 5 , 1886. V th i bond 10 cents per " I no for th first Insertion. T cents for each miljBcqucntlnsortion.nnd $1.60 n line per month. No advertisement taken for lcs . thnn 25 cents forthoflrstln crtlon Boron words will ho conn ted to the line ; they must run consecutively nnd mustbo pnldln ndvnnc * . All ndrortlsa * ments must bo handed In before 2 o'clock p. m. nnd under no circumstances will they bo tak en or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In these column * nnd JUT- ingtho answers addressed in csro of TUP. HKB , cvlllplonso nsk for chock to enable them to got their letters , nsnono will bo delivered except on prestntntlon of check. AH answers to adver tisements ghouldbo enclosed In envelopes. TO LOAH-MONEY. MONKY to lonn on chattels of nnydo crlp- tlon In sums of ? 10 and upwards nt reason- nblo riitfii. City Lonn and Mortgage Co. , Itoom ' ! . " , 14011'ntnnm St. , opposite Pnxton Hotel. 283 MONKY to loan nt reasonable rates on horses , furnlturo , watches nnd other per- poiinl property without removal. Smalt pay ments taken at nny tlmo and Interest reduced In proportion , llusltie s confidential. C. J.Cas- won , lloom 19. Iron Hank llulldlng , 12th nnd Far- nnm. Take elevator. 400 , MONKY To loan on Improved farmi or re l dcncolots , on ono year's tluio. Homo Flro Insurance Co. . 1515 Douglas St. 163 MONKY TO LOAN On resldonoo property. 8 percent. No commission. C. J. Caswoll ft Co. , Itoom IB Iron Dnnk nulldlng , 12th aud Farnnm. 303. , to lonn. Sums WW nnd upward * . $30,000 Lowest rate * . Ilomls , 15th nnd Douglas sts. 'B5 $500,000 to lonn on business nnd rosldonco property In sums of 11,000 nnd upwards. Ames , 1507 Fnrnam St. KM $ IfinOOOto lennon city residence property Goo. W.Day , 1M Farnnm. 039 T IO LOAN Money many amount On nil cln M > fl of pecurlty. Bhort time loans on real cstato. Longtime loans on real cstata Moneyto lennon chut I els. Money to lonn on collaterals. Money to loan on nny good security. Terms cney. time toRUlt. Apply at the Omaha Financial E Darkor'B building , SW corner of Fifteenth und Farnara sts. upstairs 61'KR CICNT Money to loan on roalostato Mortgiigca nnd bonds bought MahonoyJk Unrrls. lloom 11 . 150H Fnrnnm. _ 37m9 * MONEY for evcn'oodylou can borrow money on furnlturo , horses , wngons , plf.nos , stock of all kinds , diamonds nnd Ono watches on your own tlmo. Payments received Bt any tlmo. nnd Interest reduced pro rnta , Property loft In your own possession. Terms tow ns the lowest Call nnd see mo. nuslness confident Inl. No advantage tnkon. W. B. Croft , lloom 4. Wllhnoirs NowBulliJJiiir.Northeantcor- ner 15th nnd Harney. _ 3 T4JTONEY TO T7OAN O. f. David * Co. Iloal JJ-L Kstato and Loan agents , 1503 FnrnnmSt ONRT TO l < OAN-On good secnrltios. A McQ avock , room 7 Itodlck Dlock , 1509 Farnam M TO r.OAN-On real estate and ohnt tels. D. L. Thomas. 045 MONKY TO I.OAN-In sums of JTOO nnd up- wards on flrstclnES real catato security. FoUor & Cobb. 1515 Farnam St. DiO TOANKO nt C. F. Hccd&Co'g. Loa ofllco , on furnlturo. pianos , horses , wngon porsdnnf property of alf "klndannd nil other nr tides of value , without removal 319 S. . 13th. over Illnirhiim's Comialsslon storo. All bus- ness strictly confldontal. 1U7 BUBIKESS CHANCES. FOB SAr.i : A vcrv choice 1,000 aero ICiinsas ranch , stocked with sheep , Address I ) . C. MrKay , Muskrgon , Jlloh. S57-0 * FOH SAI.K An ntrrtcultuitil Imnlemout bus iness In a thriving town : ID self hinders sold last year : capital requlrod f 1,000. J 11 Kvnus A : Ct. . , 1513 Dodro St. ! 288-4 USINKSS OPKNINO-Owlmrto oxplrntlon of lease and want of room where nm about to movn. will dl pose of our steve stornsie busi ness. Stored last year about 4lH ) ftovos. He- nitlros no attention durinsr Hummer. Call nt once : 111 8 Uth St. 24M ! FOIt HAM5 Or Ilont To the the rlfflit man n llrst-chifs butchers business In n rood town. I'oor health the only rau o for milking the cliiuiuo. Write to H. I * Strong1 , Keiitnoy , Neb. 141-7 BUSINESS CJIANOK For Salo-Renl estate loan mid insiiranco business in Northern Nebraska ; gooJ location. Address K 34 , Iteo ollico. 987-3' FOIlSAT.i : An excellent printing ofllco In county sent , eastern Nebraska , has county pntrontiRi ) nnd Inrtro business. Will soil lease of It for three yours nt a bargain. Address K 87 , llcooniec. ff.17-5 Foil KAI.K A tirst-cliiFS restaurant rTv Archer , Albright iiAylesworth,218 S. 15th stieet. HOI "IjlOK SAI.K A flr t class bakery , lostnurnnt JJ and confectionery stand In a town of seven thousand Inhabitants. Inquire of F I > Fay Ac Co.pinnlin. _ . _ BAt-3 FOK'KALK In ilrst-i'liisft locntlon , grocery Mock nndfltturei : small capital reouirod : runt low. Inquire at drug store , lOtli nud 787 .TTioil SAf.i : $ ' 1,000 will buy n general stock JL1 of goods together with the good will of a well established and HourHhliur business In ono of Madlfon county's best towns. Hiilaiiro of payment nn very liberal terms. Itenson for colling siillsfaetoilly plvcn on application. Ad- ilrois T. D. ic Co. . Iloo Ollico. CM _ _ "fiiou SAl.n-Chonp. a milk ilalry. Soldun J Iiros. K4 8. 13th st. 6S. ' ) Foil HAI.K Couter , Kliow casoi nnd stock nt Mrs Folgor's fancy stoio atJ03 ! N 16th st. Short tlmo only. 417 1710K i.VIIANll--Stocl.s : ! : of goods of every -I ? kindfor fnnnsand land ; also lands to exchange - change for goods. If you want to trade , no matlei'uhnt It Isyouhavo , write , with full do- Bcrlptlon.ln C , K. Mnync , real estate broker , Omaha Neb. IBS \ \rAN l'iii : r < ) CAOJiangn lor stock of linnl- wuio nnd general morclmiidlso , r0 neresot flno Thu > or Co. , Not ) . , lan-l ; A lot In Genoa , Neb. , good ttoru building ( best corner ) ; geol dwolllin ; ( bnst locution ) In I'ssov , In. , also 8) neies J { mlle linrn town of Rssot , In. , ceodod In blue gra s. For furllier nurtloiiliiviJ address John Llndorliolm Central fitv Nobnwka. B.VI PCItSOHAIi. PKUSONAf. Hello Uo ut Iho sumo plaoo lflir > Wednosdnv mornltig and I will glvo ) pu that jmckaijo of Ci-o s Cut Clgiircttes. NAI , Nrnt nnd duty all wool busl- J. ness sulls for only * 7. < . All l/os. Mall orik'M Illlcd , It. O , Jouos Ik Co. , 139U Farnnra. PKIlsONAL To pi-riiin who wUll to. build i\ homo In Orcbnrd Hill , I will soil lots upon pinmont of the nominal sum of ton Collars and balance at the oud offlvo year * , interest nt B per cent , payable pomi-anmmlly. This U the lirst oiler uer umdo to any hnino-scokor In UUs city. Call and see mo. C. K. Mayno , 8. W. cor. I5tlinnd Kariiam. S70 BOA.KDIXTO. jlOlt ItKNT ftootn and board for two. IfifJ 1 Ciipllol HVO 142 LOST. LOST A email blank and tan dop ; with red rilibon uvoiuul nrck ; on wura to immo roiicii''S. A puitalilo reward will bo paid for his return to W. 11. Ilui rJeou , 1113 Ktrnara , un-stalr * LOST-.Two man ponlos : lartrost pony Una illninoud brand on hind quarter , f 10 rn- warJ for tbolr return to J nines Nelson , N. W. cur. 2Ttli ixnd UaYoilioi-t. | H't-C * ZOUMO. rpAUKN IIP Dark hay mnre , whltn right J. hind foot , white etar lurchuad , stripe on noto. Paul Thlcssoii , Ilurr O&U udd. , west of Qualpy's so'ip fHctorr. I18-'M VI' One elico | > . Owner can hafo J. Bnino ) > y proving property and rtfos at3l S. inthr-t. AiirfiAMa MIUOELLAHBOUS , VIIKK onslly mndo at homo ; pleas- mil > \ork forliidlos imd uoiit'cnioji ; nn slnif ! ooi.d So lor circular. Olironotyiio Co. , Denver. iJ" : L _ TT1IMC iXCH.VNri : : A line Iniprovfd faun 1 a. ' mllu from Oinuha for ai < : ivl : of tbo-o otlo- ' -o < > * Cuts. Q'MIi : lien bdiniitu In liibldo { iropoily in . Omaha , Is T li. St-.iU'y's , i\etl end Caldwcll etru'jt. Jinuiiro on prcmlsos. 131-0 * rj MTK"SA.I ! ? llig"on to i > rospcrjty the Cioss J-1 Cut Cijarcttu cnift cannot bo ( xjunlled. 2W-I 1HIVV nml ccstponls cler.noJ by K. Kwlug , 1 * . O. Uov 427 , aiOinya * * , ' /I yitUUNlNii Ai'iklnd'of gnnlon work'doun V. * by H pr.icticttl b-.vrJoiior. Frank Nliutz - - - " - aiim7 Foil I1KT--A stoio nn n j > od retail street. Apply thn Omaha lloal EiUto and Ixiau TT-foU ItlJST-aiuaro Plnno , n monthly. A JJ n > npo. | 5 .Douglas. fill YnoiiKjvr ; > . & ) , $ : monthly. A. 1 ? Hcipo. 15W Doiigla * . SUD ItKNT Orsuiis , K per moudi. Ilospo , 1513 ItoUfliw. Wi FOB BA2.X MISOTLtANEOUS. Foil SAI.K Cheap My hotel fixtures , or will trade for other property. Cnll or d- dregg Omaha HOUJO , Ilarncy , between 12th nnd 13th Itreots. 3U7-10 Foil BALK Tinware And tovo business ; tlnshop connected. Address II81 , Uco ofllco. 271-8" SALK 13 stand bees cheap ; west end 310 Caldwell street , 211-8 * I ? OK > 3-ymr-oId steers , 1 ( KM 2-year-old steers , 3001-yonr-old steer * , 400 hoofers nnd cows , mostly coming on. The nbovo oattlo nro good straight Iowa nnd Dakota stock. Strange llros. , Sioux City. Foil 8AI.I-Or trade. Ono new 85 II. P. lloilor and 2) H. P. Engine. Will soil cheap forcnsh or trade fonloslrablo real ostato. Ad dress Oco. A. Fry. Donanco , Iowa. CTJ Foil SAI.n A S-horso power holler and on- Ijlno cheap , at Omaha Hafo nnd Iron Works. 293mav7 T OK SAMi-Ono good horse. lOlOFninam. 200 71OU.SAI.K Square piano , MO , monthly pay- Jmonts. . Ilospo 1513 DoiiRlas. 107 Fen SAI.K Team of bay horses , fi nnd 0 years old , from Kentucky ; very stylish and fast , and warranted sound nnd kind ; the oldest haa trottotl last fall In 2:40 : without training , und can do It nirntn. Sold ollhor slnirlo or to gether. Inqulro nt James Slophonson's livery stable. TTOU .SAt.B Match teams and horses of al * ' kinds to suit cmtomors at Star Sale Stables , 0th and Cnmlng. M. Cannon , Prop. 777 OltCIIAHI ) IIIT.t , would bo much moro at * traotlvo If Cross Cut Cigarettes could bo procured there. ITlOJl HAljK-A now stoara roller mill In No. 1 - * . business locality : line wheat country ; but llttlo compotitlon ; $17,500 ; coat raoro. W. H. Urcon.2IK8nth Bt. 82 ! ) Foil SAI.K-UnrUht piano , $1 ! > J. monthly paymcntaj llospe , 1518 Douglas. DOS FOK 8AjrE Doslrablo fl-rooni house and full lot on Kradoj all In splendid oondltlon. Call nt 1407 a Wh st 8Hm2 : HB1.P. WANTED 2 ( rood girls , Central House , 13th _ _ and Caas. 8JO-6 * WANTKO Qlrl for ircncrnl hoiisowork corner Ulondo and Campbell streets , north west corner. a)3 TW7ANTKO ( lirl for ifcnciat housework ; T smnll fnrallv. Seward street , between Klnff nnd Campbell. Mrs. Wright. UOXJ * ANTKU AKcodglrl ; one who Is n Rood cook prctorrca. Apply 11W3 Fainuni street. 301-5 W'ANTKli A'fflrl to do gonural hou owork. gQlO Hurt. 290-7 WANTIiU A ( rood > jlil for home work ; good waffcs. Inqulru 23H Capitol avenue. 209 WANT15H Good irlforffonornl housokeop- tug. 1133. 17th St. g ! 5 * WANTKO A eompotont Rlrl for Kcnerai noiisoworic. Apply at larpo house in Iront of Crcighton College. Sirj i * 1WANTKD A ghl for housework in email Vt family , Mrs. W. Hingham , 810 S. 16th st. 29u NurjO girl. 4.0 Convent st. JW4-0 WANTKU A htilf-crown girl as uuio. . Ap ply nt 2314 at. Mary's inouuu. 280-'i W'ANTKU 30 or CO KirU from siitroiiiidlnff towns to work in jtood private lainlllos lor ( renoral hoiisgwork ; oed wages will bo paid. TlieOmaha Kinployincnt Huioau , 1UJ Farnnin. Can place all that will come nt anyt lino. 25'J-H WANTKD Competent ( rirl for hou'oworlc _ I n a small family , imt'arkavo. WANTKD Mitclilno hands on custom shirts. Apply 13thnud Douglas als. , o\cr Savings bank. 280-1 * -\\7-ANTKO-Good strong girl to do general housework und blight rnough to learn cooking. Apply nt No. 2(119 ( Douglas St. , next door to Gallagher's. 277-1 WANTKU Girl for general housework ; must bo good cook ; iiimlly small. Apply between 0 and 1 o'clock.420 Capitol avo. gU'l-5 ' * WANTKU A person without children to adopt a boy two years old. Address E 13 , Doe ollico. 2434 * \\7ANTKD A girl to take earo of chlldion > > nnd do light housework. 2414 Hnrncy st. ' 254-1' T\7"A > fTii : > Girl lor general housework nt > SlOtl Fiirnam. 230 WANTKU A slrl to work Inn private board Ing house. M7 S. 121h st 210-0 * WANTKU Lady agents , good profits. Ad dress E 40 , Dee ollico. 21-4 ! ) * \ 7ANTiu : A good girl for general housework - work , 443 Convent SU near St. Mary's uvo. 214-1 * VT/ANTKn Girl for general housework ; V > 450 Convent St. 117 VtfANTKU Immodlatoly Kxporlonced cook for family of .tluoo ; (4 per weok. 230S Hurt st. " S > 14- * WANTKU Vlrst nnd Second girl as Cook nt the Emmet house. U78 WANTKU First-class cook and laundress. SiOSfarnnm. Mrs. J. M. Thurston. Uftl WANTKD Oocd girl for general housework In a small family , no children , 2J11 Daven port st. 039-5' WANTKU A cirl to do gcneritl housework. C. D. Van Court , 1011 California st. UJ't ' WANTKD A peed nctlvo woman . for . cham- . V V _ lioi mal ; wiuros $4 per week. Apply nt Ul : . ' Douglas. TTTANTKD At once , n neat eompotont ghl V T to do general housework for a small family. Apply at lUOfl Cn a sr. 111 ! WANTKD Ladles nnd geutloinon in Hty or country to take light work nt their homos. $1.00 to i.Wu day ea < lly niaito ; work sent by mall , no tanvusslnjr. WohavDii good demand lor our work , and tuniUh steady employment. AddrobS , with btuinti , Ciown il'l'g Co.1)1 ) Vine Street. Ciiicliiiiatl , Ohio , K5ml4l \ VANTiiAtrirl : at Dornn Houso. 013 Far- > nnin 4OT vyANCKD-Quod kltuhou girl at 415 N. 15th A" ! r ANTKU A good womtm ooo'c ; good wages. > > Address City Hotol. Fairmont , Nob. 447 WA11TED MAIiE HELP. _ . . _ 'KI ' > A BQOd Iron ; nouldor ; one who can make store fronts , columns , hills , gen eral machinery , etc. , nt onco. Call or address Shcimiidonh Iron Works , Slumnudouu , Iowa. _ " \\"ANTiu : A mu3lolnti whojilays string and > Plugs , also a good ijlngor for Upon Air Ad vertising Mcdlcluo company. Only goutlomcn need npply. Address Texas Tom , Council Illuirs , Iowa. ai'M \\rANTIJU Tineo liroad bnkors at once. Smith JcIx > oikuCoinull IJIuilo. 310 WANTKO-Compoallor. D.iy woik. Ho- portcr ofUcc , ! > 13 JJioud\\ayCouncil Illutrs. Call thla n. in. itos WANTKD A ooil , reliable furniture tnlcs- man who can come well locoimnoudod. M. F , Martin , IC S. 15th. Xf ! WANTKU At KBUfmiiiiu'B now tobacco store on IDili street , two young goiitlomon to muoko Cross Cut Cigarettes. 239-4 WANTUH At Max Meyer's tobacco otoroi seven chorus aintrnra to sln r Crois Cut Cigarettes. 289-4 _ ANTKU-Bolloltors-Five axpcrlonood In. Riiraiifv men to work in Omaha. Tlioo who can assure imokora that Crois Cut ClRHr- rttos nra mild utvt sweet will II ud permanent poltlon. 1.8 > M WANTKU Baker tu run bacory In Yunkton , Dakot * . Oood even and location ; lofc rent. FUtnrix f 75. Only bkkory in town. Apply - ply Ph. Fiiulk , Vanklon , Duk. 3SM \\TANTif l A man to take nn utno1) and rep- IT rfneii * . a manuliHturor ; ( W per week ; Email capital loiiulrrd. Ai'drcstf , with stiuup , llox 70v -i-t Aclun. Mass. ao-7 ! T\T.INT1D ! Smart , uctlvo boy ( vbout 15 ytnm M of BKO who is willing1 to work. No\clty Iron Works , lltliet. 27S cnK'VCitiTlti for l2-Aputs ! wanted Send M tp for . - . nUaiimu und Inrpoit Biro (3 Album ut vhole-'nio pilc < > - ) . It holds 100 , many cabinets ; limind in leatherette morocco ; voM iltsljfn. Will M-ll at in cry houso. Address Jacob I'eur- son , 12 S. Ctb tt. , hi. loilli , Mo. 272-i * \\TANTKn-Vouuir mun of co J character tel l > tnl-o ibargo ol my tiiislnus . I'loaso a if you tmolo Cios ? Cut C.'lK.ncttos. 2HM WA > "n'U- ) .nlioror6.lrMe'Hl ycr , ehinelora aui trrui > 3tor > i. 6. & Albi bt. Ijibor , tWS I'uioainiu 233 "V\AVrKO totiiifrarl.oi urd tyuc-wi-llci- . > 1 AJdrkt # . 'u ' OH : ; ! ; uuJ\Trtlnj ( , J. M.,5ox 441 , City. tor our DOW onnuvlnr ; I'.utd lor inarklnR ulranvaro , itoel , iioti , otu. Very tliuplo to ayrlPainplo bottle uuU prlco llrtrfrj. Mlui.leriCoajj E , Adimi Bt. i'coila. I.I. . 01 WANTKU.-A food bia E. _ . - K. ! ! * ? jjfyf.ijt | ? _ * * " ? . * i gi' . Hn WANTKO Balcimcn nuodliitf prolUablo urn- ployiiii'iit , 6u > l rr t6 And viuor.iuj. UooiU old by ( umiJa. dCruitvtth ethiup. Co.Clilcuo , ' ViUOS * 1 WAITTXO. WANTEO Young lady wanls po'ltlon to takocaroof nnd tejoh children French In good family ; best of references. 422 Convent. 304-6 * WANTKD Situation br first-class drug olork In Kansas or Nebraska. Host rofur- oncos. Lock llox 23 , Audubon , Iowa. gOI-4 * \-\7ANTKU situation by flrst-cla s cutter ; > bad charge of store for three years ; best of references ; no objection to go out of the city. Address K 81 , Hco Ollico. 201-4 * \17ASriii Situation ns typo-writer nnd V copyist. Address E 47 , lleo onico. 230-4 \\JANTKU Situation br ayoungman Mtclc- i > graph operator , toaciior of penmanship or correspondent for son.o firm. Host of rotor- oncc'i. Address K 45 , Heo olTlco. 214-4 * V\TANTiu : Hjn young man , n pn lilon ns W clerk In olthcr dry gools , grocnrle * , boots and shoes ; with big experience. Wages no ol > - Jcct , With rocomondatlons. Address K 42 , iloe otnco. 13iM WANTKU ijltuatlon by an experienced druggist. Dost of references. Address Frank II , Mllnor , Ashland , Neb. 233-5 * WANTKU situation by a young man In a hotel or restaucunt as cook. Address K 83 , Uco omco. KM-a * v\ 7ANTKU Dy a woman , a situation as house keeper , Please call at No. 213 N. Oth St. S50-8 * WAXTKU-rosltlon by lady ns stono- Rraphor nnd typo-writer ; has wood busi ness education nnd lias had several years ex perience ns stenographer. Address K 41) ) , 1)00 ) oflloo. 243-8' TrrANTUn For cash , n second-hand get of Vf tinner's tools. Address K 63 , Uco ofllco. WANTK1) lly younjr man , room with board In Christian family ; reference ! exchanged. Address B 52 , Ilco oulcc. SOI-4 * ANTKD To buy a good , soltnil , younR borso , nlco wagon and harucss. Stewart , Itoom 25 , Mil. Headquarters , .VV4 * WANTED 60 teams for light railroad work , $1.50 per day. Free transportation. K. O. llollo-ralo & Co. , lia ) Farnani St. 8J1 TTrXNTKU A location for n druir store nnd VT the prnotico of modlclno. Address J. & Co. , Dox GJ4. Omaha , Nob. 143-0 * WANTKD-1,000 Cross Cut ClRnrottos and n chair la the popular cry in Omaha. 2S'J-4 -To Ilcnt-Ilouso of flvo to elfrht TT rooms In ( rood locality by pormnnvmt cash tenant with lease for olio or two years. Cull * or nddrcssOmalm Financial Kxchangu , S.V. . cor , of 15th nnd 1'iiniiiin. 9V > WANTUn-DesIrablo bulldltijf lot ut once ; frlvo niimbor of lot nid location. Address E 8 , Iloo Ollico. 701 WANTisD Wo want to ( jotiit once n noit housn nnd lot on or halt lot for less than $2.000 : must bo worth the money. Al o n doslr- ublo vacant lot. Address Kusli & Soby.218S. ! 15th. 122 WANTKO Desirable house and Int for homo at moderate prlco ; Un fancy prices want- cd. Address K'f , rtoo olllco. 7CO \ \ , ANTKI > Ilou'os'ror ijnoJ tenants. J.I II. v > KVBIIS & Co. , 1513 DodifO. 013 WANT150 Toiims ; steady work ; blpr pay ; cheap feel : , nnd fioe pimtp the woik. i : . S. Albrleht , labor usont , VW Karnnm st. OH WANTKn lOObouses nnd cottajrcs to rcnL Can find you peed tenants nt onco. Jin- honey V Harris , Koom 11 15J'J Fnrnain 377ma * TOB BENa'-HOtJBES A1TD LOT3. FOK ItiXT All tobacco bouses that don't keep lu stock the general favorite. Cross Cut Cigarettes. 23'J-4 FOK KKNT Part or nil of 14-room house , S3 th and Kurnam st. A. P. Tukoy , 1304 Kar- nniiiBt. _ 'CO FOK KKXT llrick house , corner llth and .Dodxo. S78- * KKXT Half n storeroom Inbestloca FOK tlon inolty. Apply J. S. Mnsteis , 113 North 16th stioct. S17-4 F OK IlKNT llrlclc yard. Apply Peck Dodge , opposite Postollleo _ -i < l-7 FOK ItnNT A deslniDlo rcsidenco on 1'ar- num St. , nonr court hduso. fl looms , best lo cation In the city. For particulars apply to S. A. Blomoii , 1011 Knrniim St. B83 POK KKNT 70-ncro farra.T. Murray . 700 POK KKNT Nicely furnished room with board. 714 N. 1'Jth bt. 517 Foit KKNT Saloon , und flxturoa for sale. 103 South 10th st. 600 OK KKNT 2 stores. 1413 S. 1.1th St O. 1L F Peterson. 7i4 F Oil KENT Urick yard. T. Murray. j31 SAI.K At a bartraln , fine U-oom nouso FOK modern conveniences ; full lot ; on Harnoy St. , near C5th ; S5.2J ) . Pottoi-4 : Cobb , 1513 Fiirnam st. ' > ' > ' > Foil KKNT Qardon turm. U03 S. llth St.7JO OK KKNT Nlco ti-room cottage. 8. T. F Peterson. S. n. cor. 15th mid DoJffUs. 581 POE , E.EUT-KOOMS.- OK KKNT Good iouui3'nnd good board. F 1009 Purnam street - -W FFoil UKNT Front room with bonid tor gen- Foil only. Itol'oieucu requited. 1721 Dougliisst. ' 1095 * F KKNT Nicely furiiUhod loom chcnp. 428Convcntst. . - ' ! KKNT Nicely furnlshod' frojit room Foil board. \ \ . cor. Uth mid St.-.Mnry's uve lino. FOK UKNT-Furnished rooms. , 1.113 . Call- , fornlil st. 3J1-5 * OK KKNT Newly f ufrirstiod room's oloso to , P , O. The most dotlrublo furnlsluid ipoms in the city , at re isonublo nrlcos. 1501 Ctuj "fct. KINT Nicely tuvnlshed rooms ; nil Foil modern conveniences ; gcntlomim pro- Icrrcd. 1IUU limtst. ' ' 273-B , IJIOK KKNT-FurnlsliadTooms , 1021 Cnp.ave. L1 ' ii- _ _ K llKNT-ruinlsliod loom , 107 ! North " ' " 17th St. TOOK ICIZNT ! ! unfuinii-hod rooms for light -1 } housekeopliig.lii lleeniei's block , cor Jth and Howaicl. . , , 25' } FOK KKNT Front room nicely i suitable lor man mid wife1 , on tlrsr tlfmr ; also 0110 nil ecooud Moor : opo block north 'Mil ' laid hotel , 111 N. 13th street. 2I&-5 * T71OK KKNT Largo newly liirntshcd front J ? rooms lu pi Ivato family suit iblo lor two , with or without bioakfast and supper. Aho buruforient BI8B 18tli street 251-4' T71 OK KKNT-FurnUbod room , 1707 Cuss St. 211-7 * THOU KKNT I'urnis'icd alttlnjr-i-oom nnd X ; bed-room In family of two. Also wanted , day Doiutlcre , at | 3 u week. 1103 North 17th. SOJ-5 * " 171 OH IlKNT Oood room and good board ; J3 UKCFarunra street. 132-tl Eon KKNT KuraliUett rooms in now house , modern Improvomonls , t" > la f IS per month at3 Dodge , Inquire "J , U Plcrson * Co. . 1309 Famam. . FOU KKNT 2 pleasant furnished rooms , 20th st. , near St Mary's avo. Inquire S. W. Dodge and 16th. - 1QU POR KKNT Nloelr furnished room la nice cottage , 405 Walnut 6t ; elxut minutes walk bouthoust U. P , depot WW ItKNT-Aboutaotb. 2 or 3 nloolr furnished - nishod front room * with all modern con veniences , la tlrst-clftss location , at 2110 St , Mary'a avo. 071-4 I [ > OR KKNT Largo furnished front room for 1 ono cr two gentlemen. Address S 'M , Boo otllcc % 933-4 * * nuill HUNT Ijiryu nicely furnlshod room , J- suitable for two gontlomoii , with table board ; U minute * ' walk Irom P. 0.1B14 Dodge ut. U10 NT-PurnUhod rooms , lulu Dodsro. T1OK KKNT Elegantly furnished rooms with- L nut board. All modem conveniences. 2i25 839 FOK KKNT Two store rooms on 16tb street , Water , K s nud sewer connoctlous. 0. li Muyno , cor. 13th and Farnam. 8J1 Foil HUNT Nice rooms , furnished nnd un furnished , nt it , K. cor. of 23d nud Davcii pen. 785-4 "I/ion KENT TWO Inexpensive rooms , with J-1 board. I M Webster straet 693 | 7IOH RKNT-Btoro room on 13th. C. B. J : M yn , 9 W cor 15th and Farnnm. 481 TOOK UKNT-Offlco and ( tore room. 0 ratio a X' A Drummond. U1S Harnoy. 899 \OU11HST Eloguiit and dojlrttblo rooms , furnished or uufurnUaod. ItOT DoutcUs It. Hqforcucua required ot opplicaaU. tA > 01OU HUNT With bord , ono Inc iioei7 furnUhedfraotcoouiiU'a3 ' ) Ui room nt ilti TOB 81Mjy } : ilK best bafRrtWon South Sixteenth street , L 1.13x155 , only tvooo , If taken In 10 days , a , Cnsncll & Co. , Itoom IV , Nebraska National 803-14 F for leo acres In good loca tion ; WWcifch , l > alanoo lOyoars' tlmo. Cor. 10th find Hlckbrf. | . Hormanson. 287-5 * JD. nYANS'-A CO , , have n bargain for some ono with cash. See ; BO tt front , corner , South ot Crclghton college. , t , , } { See 330 ft. front , 6ornor , 22d nnd Ornco , R V Smlth'sadd. n > , ! X3-4 HARTJtAN' ' & OinSON-ltoal Estate and Ixian Agency,1415 rnrnaiu street Some of oiifonrgnlns : " ' Seven-room house nnd corner lot noir I ar- rnworth street , in Marsh Addition , for $1,000. Very cheap. Hast trout on Colfnx street , nonr I < oaieii- worth , foronly $1,750. Splendid bargain. Now house and ono half lot on Georgia nvo UUP , ono block from street oar , (4,000. Very cheap. Corner lot on Virginia nvonnofor $2,000. Flno. Four bnautlful lots In Uurr Oak addition , only ( an nnoh. Sltty-slx feet on Farnam street , at $130 per front foot. UlR bargain. Lot with three good houses In Kounto & Huth's addition , nonr l/eavoinvortli , for 15,500. Splendid Investment. Flno rosldonco. Capitol avenue and Twentieth street , J10.000. Splendid. Sixty-six fcot on Harnoy , between niahtcenth and Nineteenth. $100 per front foot. Cheap. Thirty three feet on 10th St. , between Far nam nnd Douglas , $9,000. Fern few days only , Hoii o nn small lot on KM street , near Cali fornia street , for $ J.6 0. Sponk quick. East front lot with line ow clllng on Pleasant st. for $7,503. A beautiful homo. Knst front corner with now house on Ooorglu nvo , Hnnscom Place , $ V > oo. Slirhtly view. Corner lot , Hnnscom Plnoc , $1,250. Good bar gain. Insldo lot in same block , $1,060. Ilcttcr bargain. Full lot with 4 room house nonr Hnn com Park , for $1,250. Just the thln-for small fam ily. ily.Fifty flno rosldonco lots In Kllby Plaoo at from $500 to $1.030. Oolnullko hot cakes. Thirty-live lotsot the oi-oam of Hanseom Parit. Will give bargains to p'nnlcs who will build nlco houses. Full lot In Hwlght & Lyinnn'B addition , $450. Only $00 cash , Imlnuco monthly. Way down. DonutlCul residence with all modern Improve ments nnd roomy lot In Imnrnvomont Ansocla- tlon addition , for $1,000. Tilts Is'a splendid homo und cheat ) . Lot with good lieu o In ShuH's Bcoond Addi tion , for $3A'50. need pioporty and tirms oa y. lax ) other good bargain In city proper , mid. in nil ttio dcalrnbln additions. . Also 75,000 acres farm nnd grarlnK1 lands. In Ne braska. Monov to lonn on Nebraska farms in sums of $530 mm upwards at low rnto of Intsroit. 30C-3 NKWI'ORT and Ilehoctoro ncro lots are sell- liiirnipldly nt the remarkably low prlres asked. If > ou want to sco the llnestacro piop orty around Otiinna by nil moans take * ndrho to Newport nud Ij'olvcdoio. The ride will oo t you notlilntr wliother you buy or not. C. K. Mnyno , 15th and Fai num. 200-0 FOK ISAI.K Mv house and lot , 2410'Popple- ton avenue. South Hunt , lot 0)vlli ) , live looms , Hclosots and pantry , cemented cellar , 1UO bbl. oUtcin , splondld lawn and shade , good fence , walks and outhouses ; terms reasonable. W H Wliltstm , llox 5111 , city. SAMp OllCHAHDHlLr r westpricoJ.oaalos Verms , nicest lots. C K. Mayno , agent. 7 8 " 0 FOK HAI.K 20 aero lots not far from elty limits. j0ilollui8 clown , $10 monthly pay ments without Interest. This Is the best offer In Omaha. luquli e at 151' ! Davenport st. FOR SAIjK Clioico residence lots. On Irwlit street , botneen Leiivonnoitli nnd Famam , S,500. | On ( icorgla avenue , between LCIIVPII- worth nnd Ifaruulu , $1,80J. On Alnsworth Ftrcct , ono block nest of Paik nvcnuu , and ono block eolith of Loivcnwortli , the very tlnost lots In that neighborhood , ? 1,700 each. U. U. Mayno , 15th and Jiariuim. 2CO 0 ATTIMLBON ilAUIC ACUKS-Ncoioat , best and chcapOL | j 218 12 T OU SALK Uyd iu cotta'Jrcs on very cosy X ! torms. Prlro'lJ)30. ) Win. J. Paul , 3uth und Charles or 1133 N. 10th st 212-23 * tire soilIng - Ing nipldft-lit iho remarkably low pi iocs asked. It jou want to see tlio llncst ncro prop- 01 tvaround Omaha by all menus take n drho to Nuwportnnd llolvedero , Tlio ride will co t you nothing whether jou buy or not. C. L. Manc , l'th and Fnrimm. T OO1C lit every piece of ground In and -LJ jiround Oinalm , tlic-n po to C. U. MjVJ'no's ollice , corner Hi3i anO'itrnnni ; nnd take n ride to the garden 6fHt ) , "Orebanl Hill. " 207-0 FOKSAT.K Sponlnl birgalns by J. L. Pier- son & Co , , ] 5W F.irnam , 2d Hoer : n lots In Kmmyoulo- fronting ou CullfornU st. Cheap nt81 00. Fine lot lu Denlso'saddition , $1,100. An 8 room modern houso-oii California St. ; flno lot , $ t,8o. ; Full lot lu Horhaeh's 1st add. , on Shonnnn nve , $2 , X ) . Full lot , Douglas no.ir21st. . , $5,003 Full lot on Harnoy ft. , uoar24tli , $4.259. Dullness corner , Uth nnd Jackson , call and get partlculais. 10 ncios near city limits , $1'XK ) . Lits in Kllby 1'laco , $ VJO. Lots In Klrkwood , $ ( ij ( ) . Lots in Ambler Place , $ " > 00. Ixits In Dwlght tc Lyman's ndd , $503 A line lot on DoiulasBt , 25th , fl/iX ) . Lot : i7.vll2 ! , Heed's 1st add ; Just the place for H homo , $3 , 00. Lots in Hawthorn , easy terms , S5' . r A choice lot in Hlllsido No. 1 , boutli front , $1.400 .1 Ixt40 < 140 , house 8 rooms , near business , nil modern improvements , $1,200 , A * , Lots In Cuimlngliiim A ; llrcnnnnV , fTOw.1 * If you nut to Invest your money where It will brlnir jou quick returns , consult our lists. Will bo glad to bhow you mound the city nt any tlmo 101-4 Jll. KVANS & t'O. , luivo liiirgnlns , unions thorn a full corner near * Castollar School , $1,400 , r' < Corner , Slilnn's add , $ l',2r,0. y Cornnr , IW toot front ( or less ) on LofiVon- worth St. , $1,50) . 2aj-4 P I'AUKACHK8N < rrcstv bbst nnd cheapest. ' " " - 2li13 BAUfi.VIN lliislucssImiiBJ. routs/fjC)0 line month. Sautli 13th St . 'fJ-tOD tioltl Wun. Uialium & : Uuiiiiwu , Ciolghton block. 1HMI TTi K HAM- - t JL ! Moving day . . Will inivo no terror ' ' , ' , To j ou If yoii'buy ono of those'ilbllHitful IT-i Cottages in I'litiiiiount Pluco , 27th and Lnko .sts , ono block fcomstreet cars ; honestly built , handsomely"finished ; 1,400 to ? 2,20i ) ; teiius unusually easy. No * trouble to show you the property. Jft 8. Claik- 6on , 15Jo Faruain , UT 5 N J\VPOKT and llolvldoro aero lotgnroBoJl- Ing rapidly at the rcmuikably. low prices asked. If jou want to see the llnost nero prop erty around Omaha by all menus tnko u drive to Newport and Itelvtuieio The ride will oonyou _ nothing whether Vou buy or not. C. K. ilavno , ISth und Farnam. 209-fl IATI'HHSON 1'AItlC ACURS-NoarPSt. best and cheapest I1U I ! DON'T fall to list jour property with mo to have It shown and sold. T. B. ClurkHon , 1500 Furmim. UJt LOOK at every pieuo of ground In and around Omaha , then go to O. K. Mnyno's ofllco , corner 15th aud Fiirimm , and take u ride to the ' 'Orchard Hill. " garden spot , S07-8 E OIl HAr.KrJjiuitlal bargains on Farnam street. T.Brciarkson , law Farnam. 13 NKWIMMmmWlelvodoro aero lots are sell- Ing rapidly at the rctniirkiilily low prices wkod. If you want to see the dne taoro prop erty around Omaha by all moans tuko a drive to Newport and IJolvuJoro , The ride will cost you not U Ing whether yob buy or not. C , li. M yne , ISlhunUFarnoja. I FOK 8ALK4-Ifoii8oa and lots In every part of tbo city. jV'o jwattcr what you want to buy In our llr.o do not inaku a purcbuso without flrat < : xumluliiglair ) list. Buggies always ut the door , and BalonHdn ready ut all times to show you around theloUji. wo have the largest list to chose from and glvo the best terms. Call and sec C. K. Mayno , gouthwttat oornor ISth and Farnam. 4 / 211-fl PATTBH80N I'AKK ACUUS-Noarost. best and chohptst. LOOK nt JTIT' plcco of ground In nnd around OibabilfUioii go to C. K. Mayne's ollico , corner 15th ami Faruum , and take u ride to the garden spot , "Orchard Hill , " FOKKAI.i ; At u bargain , H ten aero lot with living spring1 , suitable for gardening. In quire at 15U Davenport st , Wi-6 OltClfAItU IIII.I. lots bollon their merits. Low jirices und easy terms irlvon. Cull nt C. H , Mayne's ottloo and yet a plat. iljU- . PAIIK ACUES-Ncurost , beet J. and choapost. 816-12 MU SAI.K Leaded school lauds in traets of WJ acres and upwards , no taxes to pay on tliesolunds for 1M yours. O. F. Uaviife Co. , 1505 Farnam st , 720-iu20 OKCllAUU llll.l. lots ee.ll ou their mcrlta. Low prices and easy teroiH given. Callut C. K. Muyuu's ollicu and got a plat 207-4 "VriSWJ'OKT and Dolvodcro aero lots urn null- Jlogravidly at the rvmuikably low prluia naked. If Auwuut to sru Uio finest not prop- . A SIKS PLACE No such lots In any other lo- cV. callty at the prices alked. 411 T71OH SAI.K Improved residence and bnM- J- ' ness property In All pnrtsot the oltjT. . 3. Clarkson , ISOil Farn am. 033 LOOK nt every pleoo of ground In and around Omaha , then go to 0. K. Muync's Ofllco , corner l&th nnd Farnam , nnd tnko a ride tpthognrJonspot , "Orolmnl 11 111. " 807-0 FOU 8At.ii Cnonp lots In Ilurr O.ik , Just east of 11 nn see m Park , near street cars. JT53 , easy terras , roller & Cobb. 1515 Farnam st Ml F OK SAM ! Three One loU In Shlnn'sW add. ntf JW oixoh. Totter & Cobb , 1513 rarnara. SI7 LOOK nt every ploco of ground In nnd around Omaha , then go to C. n. Mayno' * odlco , corner 16th nnd Fnrnnm , nnd tnko n ride to the garden spot , "Orchard Hill. " 207-0 : . ! ! riargnlns In lots. T. S. Cliirkspn , 1500 Fnrnntn. 031 BiiA'KDKIti : : an 1 Newport ncro lots nt ? 2M to $330. Each will return Imndiouio profits - fits to tlio fortunate buyer * . Call nnd Investi gate. O. M. JInjno , I'llli and Fnrnani. S10-0 1011 SAT.B- No. 9 IBOxtCO Hanscom Place. No. 13 IS-JxUK , Capitol ave , and Oth. 149x120 , corner 1Mb niutCoiitorsts. 132x13.2 , on 11. it M , tniok , $ KtoOJ. 200 ft f rontngo on Park nvo. 100 ft frontage on Bnundorsst , f..OM. Cornor-lOOxlll ) California St. , fJ.OOO. 2 lots In W. A. llodlok'fl ndd. fifixlK , on Jncksjn st.f9,8W. Homo and lot on B. ItHh st. , chonp. Lotsln Itoyd'sndd. cheap. 150 rt enst front , on Uootglnnro. 200x100 , corner Virginia and PoTploton avenue. For trndo for Omnlia property or merchan dise , H nlco rosldcnco property In Kansas City ; now nnd wnlt rented : value fJ.500. Omaha Uuivl Kstato and Loan Co. , Wlthnoll Block , L'Cl-4 BKLVKUKKK and Newport aero lotsntfiW , to f359. Rnch will return liniidnome pro- ( Its to the fortunate buyers. Call nnd Investi gate , a K. Maynn , 15th and Fnrnnm. 210-0 F6li HAT.i : Two corner lou In Prospect Place $75'J each ; ens'torms. Corner lot on Sownrd et. , 3 blocks from street cnrlltiolOOU , ] < ot in Nelson's ndd. , cast Iront , $1,70) . Lot on Sownrd St. , J8JO. 1/ot In Sunny Bide , f 1.150. Lot on llith St. , in I.ako'fl add. , $1,175. 3 lots on 24th St. , nonr I'nrnam , fSO.OOO. Lot lu Pclhnm Plnco , tfiOO ; onsy terms. Lot on Dodge st. , lu West End , $1,100. 2 lionaas and lots , 18th St. , near Paul , 4,030. Ilotisoof 6-rooms , lot 30x132 , Iznrd st , near 20th , $ J,5nO. Corner lot on Faruiim st , ( COxM ? ) , 2 lots on F.iinam st , ( comer ) $ , I7OOJ. 2 lots on WcU Farimm t , Slu.WO. " houses and lull lot , luth near Webster sU , JO.OJJ. 125 fcot cast fronton S. 13th St. , $11,000. 41 fci'l cast fiont ou S. 13th St. , $4,5Jtf. II lots In Ilurr Oak , ? 'I-H ( Warehouse lot ou Dili ft. , (0,000. LotXtl2n : on Dodge St. , near 12th , f1,100. Lot on Virginia live. , near Loavonworth St. , $ i.oilO , lor.ns easy. 0 lots iu Lowe's aid. , fioiu 5175 to SM3 each ; easy term = . Money to loan atlowost rnto of Interest. Goo. P. Itcjmls , 8. W. cor. 15th and Dougln * . tOl ) BKI.VKDKKi : nnd Newport ncro lots at $ 'WO to W > 0. Each will return hand" 0110 proto - . . . to the fortunate bujers. Call and Invostl- galo. C. K. Ma } no , l.'itli and raruiim. 210-0 niSON PAKK PATTKIIPOX I'AllIC-Sltuatcd 3'i miles S. W. of court houso. 1 AUU Aoios very cheap ; only $ JOO to $350 each. pATTKHSON I'AKK Acres Bold on the in- J stnllincnt plan. Kncli Hero IIIIRO oiioiiKh for 6bl7 | rL" > ldcneo lots. Bltimted nonr Rcla Line In the mnniifiicturliiff locality they tire the best ncrcs to buy. 1) . C. Patterson , OH nor , 1st tloor Iron Hitilc : BuIHiiiff. 21 F [ the benefit of the working- people I L ! will keep my ofllco oi > cn until I ) p. m ev- lint Sundays. (5. B. Mnyrie , southwest corner 15th and Farir.ini. 05-12 FOKSAI.i : Bests nero tracts In the market , only $200 per aero. Inquire about thorn. Potter .te'oll ( ) . 15LKarnain. . _ 8'i3 F OHSATIS-Acio lots. GUo'S add. , only 31,5)3 Pottur & Cobb , 1515 Rimaiii. _ 857 _ _ _ _ IT.ACK No pradlnpr needed ; level lots. Amos. 1507 Fftinani st. 411 BKLVIIIlUIti : and Newport aero lots nt $200 tn5V n.ieh will return lllslo the fortunate buyers. Gill nnd Investi gate. C. B. Ma > lie , 15th and Fill naiii. 210-G SALU Lots In howo'a 1st addition , - south fronts , easy terms , only $3) ) . Potter &Cobbljl ) Knrimni st. 831 FOltSAr.K A tew oftlio best add.ut $3JO each. Potter & Cobb , K11 Far- nnin st. K55 FOK SAI.K Or Tr.ido Improve ! nnd unim proved lauds in Kurnni nud ot lor western counties. Address Win. , Arupaboc , FurnnsCo. Nob. 273 FOR SAf.K-Ily W : a. Shrivor-Hesulcnee property. Two line largo houses near Ibth nud Clink sts. , tents lor $ r > 5 ; $ tiOJO Hull lot and cottage , Cliicuii > sU , $2,000. Full corner lot , lluo cotliuo , ChlcnifOBt , 1,00' ) . 1'ull lot , c\at : tioiil , largo boiisu of 0 rooms , SOtht.uo.irHt. ! . Miiry'suvu.r > OJ. Full lot. house IU rooms , modern improve ments , UJ7 B. 20th St. . $ 1,10) . Now cottages , full lots each , lu sightly loca tion , ou very O'isy terms. Full corner lot , with G loom cottugo , nonr hlfh School , $1KJ. ( ) 2 lull lots , iv itli eotlapo , "lib and Mason , S'J,70J. Now cottugo , Vi lot , on South avo. , 1.5)0. 2 full lots , corner , with beautiful cotta o , on Paikavo. . $ r > , OJJ. 2 I nil lots , aoiner , K and S. fi out , with 2 now Amuses , Virginia nvo. , $ IK)0. ! ) Knll kn.Kooi ! cotuiyo , burn etc. , Shlnn'siuld. , Auveral flno residences und full lots , roar of high bubool , cheap.VACANT VACANT LOTS. Full lot , Pnikcr's ndd , , near street cars , ? 1,055. Corner lot , Parker's add. , SI ; ! * ) . 3 bauutlliil lots on California St. , Just 1 mlle fiom P O. , each \isn \ , Kilots , Hiiiiscom Place , $800 to 51,500 , liouutlful lot , near Pappeltou's residence , S1.17D. Lot ou Hurt , near car line , $1,100. Iot r.OtH'jon DoiUc , neni'L'.tli , $ Jr 00. 4 lots' lionr 17th nnd Paul , easy terms , only Slowdownto thosunho will b'Jlld. Iouvcnwoi Hi Tuiriicu ndd. lots lire25 per cout clujapei'tliiui siiiiouudlug lots , llcltlluo P.UBOH ' ( IllpVigli this add , mid It is near tin M , P. It. Jt. uhops ; &UJ to 5. ) ) each , oa y terms Lut us show von the bcuiitilul ndd. , "Sinn PC.ACK. ' ' It Is located within 3 blocks of the M. P. ] ( . U. shups canning factory , cto. To com- .iiioiioo.uIth wo are ottering the choice of lots nMliooxtraoidluniy low pdce , ( fJOJ to S'iiS , S10 dotvn nud t > to f 10 per mouth. W. G. Shriver , opp. 1' . O. .telephone 784. 2Jo 4 Bii.Viiiiii : : : and Newport aero lots at (250 < to WW. liich will return Imndsomo pro- .Ills to tlio tortmmto buyoia. Call and Invest- ! C. H. Mnyno , 18th anil Fnrnam. 210-0 I OTS In Ilanxcom , Mnrshos , Newport , Deli - i vklcio , Hillside , Hawthorne , Siinnysldu , TliornburK , Orchard Hill , 1'nttomon'n Park , Klrkwood , Washington Hill , Jerome Park , lllKli- .land Place and all too otlier additions to Omnlia , forsale by Itiisli &Bolby,21S B. IDtlist 861 GK. JIAYNK'S now map of Dounlas county la coniplolo In ( ivory detail ; it fills a lonjf felt want The price Is low , considering the amount of work neceasnry to produce It. For sale at C. K. Jluyuo'i real cHute ollioe. 613-mH * : isoo takes a now T room BAltdAlNH full lot , on Hamilton street , near car lino. I1.7UO takes a nice cottage , barn and full lot In lawo'B add. $1,5.10. nlco lot on Georgia avenue , one lot from Woolworti aronue ; * 70J cosh , uiul tbroo year's time. % ajM ) uUtt's a nlco plage on ifMon street near postollleo , and U a bnrKnln. $ T OU takoa a nlco plaoo on Burl street and on If you want lots in IClrkwood , licdford Place , Hawthorne , South Omnlia , Thomui * nnd Bears' additions , go und see Bears , N B cor. lith anl Dodge , if. Y. Buars , im Dodgo. lkl-B POKSALK-Two lots la Pliunviow , IL51 caoa. Potter Is Cobb , 1515 Kurnntn st. Uil AKOAINU in Improvml and imlinprovoj property. W. H. Croon , 215 B tJth at. K P ( ATTKHSON J'AHK ACUra-Nenvi t , boU und clieupctt. 218-12 T71OU 9ALK tour lots , cor , California anil JJ auth sts. , 2 blocks from proposed pavlnxou Cumlugst. , fSJO and $ ? * ) oaoh. I'ottur it Cobb , ItlSFarnamtt. B19 _ AAIKS I'l ACK Lots sold to tuosj wha want . homos they can pay for. 411 TOOK SALK Ono of ilio nlctmt S-rooia 'ouses X' lu Slilun'g iiddltloa , with cl'y water , Ao. , complete. Wco low , O , V , Davft i Co. , 1VM Fariiumjtrcot. _ _ 7fl3-mVJ forsala lot TrTHnnT" J : com Plaoo. 8JO to 81/jOO. Qibsuu bw for solo Uousoa uad lull la Hanj- com Place , . Olbson ha for sale houses und lottln oil portl 1 the city. Gibson boa Improved farms and larUjiaall parts of Nebraska forsale or exchange. Olbson haa thousands of acroa ot land In Western Nebraska for ial from f 3 to | i per . 0 Ibson would llko to too yuulf you want to burorsblL . ( ilbson'ali the plant to list your property. Cull Dud co him at Uoom-J , WlltoeU ClocjL not. UU aJ ; : ia riit . . M * pATTKHSON PAUK ACUES-NcarPAt , best JL and cheapest. 218-13 T71OU SAI.K l oo nore ranch , llvin water X1 running through land. Can cut i.WO ton hay off land ; also 1 W head onttlo , 30 head horses with necessary Implements , etc. , &o , , Ac. , to nni Kftld ranch. Prleo $13 000. Address Ilart & MoAndrow , Alniworth , Nohr. Also , 010 cro school land nppralsed at f3.00 per nero , running 20 years nt sit per cent , with- iiMmllesof Alnsworth : llvlnif water and will take $010 for loaso. Addro s Hurt & MoAndrow. Alnsworth , Brown Co. , Nobr. Kl7m23 lot soil on their merit VIew prices nnd easy lorm given. Cull nt 0. H. Mayno's olllcn nnd got a plau _ 20 B Foil KXOHANOVny 0. n. Mayno. ICO acres , Madison Co. , fordnigs. 3 sections In Frontier Co. tor stock mJ. 1IW acres near Falls City for stock mdso. 100 acres , well Improved , near Hlvcrlon , for stock of goods. 100 ncrcs nenr lllvcrton for Quconsware. 320 acres , Harlan Co. for hardware. 31X ) acres , Franklin Co. for hardware. 320 acres Cnoyonno Co. for boots nnd shoos or groceries. 820 aoros. Valley Co. foi indse. Ml ncrcs , Douglng Co. for Oinalm property. 120 acres , Improved , 8 miles from Omaha , for Omaha property. 1,120 acres , Cheyenne Co. for books nnd sta tionary. 240 ncros In Frontier Co. for drugs or hotol. f > M ncroj , Jefforron Co. for hardware. 8.000 ncrcs school land In Oolaiado for stock mdso. 38,000 In Colorado , slock mdso. IfO acres , Dakota , for groceries. Stock lumber , llrao ( lid ceal , for Nebraska land. Slock hardware lor good farm. Stock hardware forgood farm. Block hardware for Omiilm property. Stock furnlturo nnd hardware for Und near Omaha. Clrnlu elevator In Iowa for Nebraska land. Stock dry goods , groceries , boots , shoos aud hardware for land In caMorn Nebraska. Gon'l stock mdso. for laud m eastern Nob. Htockof drugs for laud. Hotel for land In Nob. Hotel for Omaha property. Hotel In lownforNeu land. Stock furnlturo for farm. Slock liislos and spring wngons for land. Stock furnltuio for land. For particulars write to C. K. Mayne , 8. W cor. ISth and Farnam , Omaha. 015-7 lost by parties tlutt failed to 'buy ncros In Patterson Park , 00 days ago at $175 an aero. The snmo property now selling at un advance of 10 per cent. , 217-12 HCIIAltniHM , lots cell on their merits Low prlcoi and easy terms given , Call nt ( ! . B. Mayno's ollico and got n plat. 208-6" A STANDARD MEDICAL WORK. FORYOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN oNrnr si nv BIAIT * , POSTPAID. ILr.USTIlATIVB SAMPLK FKUE TO KHPHf TQYSEi.F , R h mte < lVltillty , Ncrrons nnd PhyMcnl Dohilltr Prcraniuro Decline [ n Man , Hrrrtr of voiitti , and tin nntola mlgerlna roiultlneirom Initlncretlon and ox- ce ? es. A book for ever mini , younir , inlilillo-ocoJ ona ola. Itcontilns Uipltf'rrliulon far nil acute unit chronlcili | > ci : Qi. o.iohoi.r orwilch li Invnliiiblo. .So louna by tbonuthor whoso oxn rlnnco for 21 yeirati euch us prob.ibly never oornrofoll to the lot of any rnyMclnni.TiOtvicoi. bniind In bonntlfiil Kroiich mm. /i , embossedrovcru , fi'ltcnnnintooil ! ' la honilnsr ork In every eon u mcolunlciil , lltoriry imJ profni- tlonM tlmnuny other work In this country for I MX orthonioncrvrlll bo refund In cvorr Ininnce. I'rlJij nnlr n br mnll , poxtpiltf. Illustritoil Mmnlo , 015. Bondnntr. Unld Htrardeil tlieHutliorbrfia .Vv tlonalMeitlciil AMocliitlon. to the linn. A. I * . lllMoll , uml iioointo omrors of the bo ml the re irturl ra' Bpoctfully roforrttl. IhoSclOT-oot Ilf3ls worth mornlotaj I lildlo-nam ] mpn of tlili Konarauon thm nil Hum 11 mine * ul Calllnrnlu an < l tlio sltrcr nilnoj of NoraUj comblno I. S. K. Olironlclo. TtioS-teiicoof l.lfopjliitnoat Iha roclcnndaulclc. lOiiUs on whichi iho conntlintlon unu IIODOJ "f 11111 r nyouiifTinan have boon fatally wrecked. Jtanclujto : I'hoSclcncoof ' Llfalsnr sr-iator v.iluo thin-ill I'll mcdlcnl works piiblliiieJ In tlilj country fortliuiui ; yeani. Atlanti C.iiiatUiitlon. The Science of Ufa H .1 suparJ nu mi'torly trut- l o on norvoiu nnU phyalcil debility.Deirult FrJl Addrentho I'oahoilr MoJICHl Institutes , or Dr W. II. I'arker.No. 4 Uulllliicti rtrcel , Itoiton , M ii. , who in y beoonnulletl on all dlio.i jo i roaulruu mil laud orporl- cnco. ClironlrinU otMluiU ilUon-'i IhitluroUjf. licit the skill of nil othcrp'iyjlcl i u u aposUltr. HIIOI trciittul Huccc431ully wlLjjjt uu U9UUCOOC fallurj llcntlon Omaha UJo. Milwaukee & SL Paul The Short LiiiQ and Best Itoute From Omalia to the East. TWOTRA1N3DA1I.T HETWEKN1 OMAIM AND Chicago , Mliiiienpolls. Mlhvnukeo , St. 1'aul , Cedar Knpids , Dat jnporc , Clinton. Puliuniiu. llocktord , Hock Island , I'reoport , Jnnosvlllo , Klgln , MiiJIbOii , La Crossv , llc-lolt , Wiiionu Andallothor Important points Bust , Northo j Ticket ollico at 1401 Farnam fitioot , ( in Parlon Uotoll. and at Union Paeltlo IJopot. rullnuin Slfcpci-nnnd the Finest Dining Cars in \Voildnronm on the main lines ot the Cnicuao.Mtr.WAUKEE&Sr. I'AUf , mu.wAV.and every attention Is paid to p.issongera by courte ous employes of the company. U. Mniiit , Uenornl JlnnHgor. J.F. TUCKKII , Assistant Qunerul Mfinftsor. A. V. H. 0 ni > KNTRit , aotiLrnl I'assonstor nl Ticket-Agent. GKO. li. HKAKFOIID. AssUtttut aoncr.ilPUjJu ; eor and Ticket Currying thoBelglum Hoyal and United Gtntoa every i-uluiduy Between Anfftorp & Now York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE , AND SUM.MIH : KATIS : : Baton from $ no to (100. U ourslon trip from $110 to $180. Second Cabin , oulward , IJ ; prepaid , t4" > j oxciirslon. f'.O. Stcerngo passage nt low rules. 1'olar Wright ft BOMB , Uonorul Agents , 63 Ilroadway. Now York. Umnhn , Nebraska , t'ruiik K. Moorea , W. , St , I. & V , ticket aircm. VHECHICAGOAMO NORTri- WESTERN flW r.n.WY. Council Bluffs And Chicago Th o only mad to tuka not Momoi , Mar- bal Itnwii , Cedar Uaplils. Clinton. Dlxlo. < ; hcjgn. ! Mllwiiukoo and all points uait. To iho iioopluot Ncbmiko , Colorado , Wyomliilf. Utah. Id iho 'uvudA.Orco Wmhlnytou nnd California. It oltorrtauporior udviuita ei not possible by any oihorllup Amunvft few of the numoious points nt supe riority nujoyod by ilia patrons of tlili road bo- twveiiOmatiu and Ciilcago , ur ) IU two Iriilmu day of DAY CXJAUIIK-j which me tlio llne. > l that hiitnun art ui''l iiigonulty can creat * . Jlsl'AI ACB SLKKI'INCl CAMS , whlcn uro imvli < ) & of comfort ana clugusico. Its PA IU.OII Dlt.V.VJNO ItOUM C'AHS uiuiirnassod branr.iind Its wldo- ly coiobrated PALATIAL DININO CAII3 , Uiu equal of which CHiinot bo louivl elso'rhoru. At Council lllutrd the truiiii of the Iliihii Poci. Be Ky. couuort lu Union Depot with tbn-ui of Iba Chicago , V Northwestern ( ly. InC'ilcugo ' the trnliu of tlili line stake olosn counuctlou with Uiotoof alleHttqrn llaog. For Dutroiti > luiiibu9. . liHUnapolU. Cmcln natl , Niagara Fulid. IluHulo , Piiuburir , Toronto Montreal , llniton , Now York. I'hlla.joln'il * , Ial- tlmore.Witkhlagloo and all points lu thMUttt , nit for tlokoU rln thu the tlrkot ajrecl . 'NoirTH-WK9TK N. " If you wleh the belt accommodation * . All ticket Propoialt. SEALED pwpojnls will bo rtcolved by tb * city of Hasting * . Nebraska , unMI 10 o'oloon n , m.May 13,1388 for the furnl hlngcrectlor nnd completion or n system ot water vrorksToo the City of IlnMlnfra , Nebra ka. . . Snld system of waterworks to bo furnished nnd built In accordance with the plans nnd specifications on fllft In ( boollico of the City Clerk of Iho city of HaMlngt , Nrhrn kn. , ProposnU will bo received on any or ftII of the following ItenH. 1st Furnishing nnd completing open well , or fiirnl liliiKiind cninpletlnjT tubular well system. 2d FiirnMilntr nnd computing cnglno 1 ouso , boiler hoti'O nnd stfto" * . 3d-Fuinlihtng nnd completing foundation nnd biuonf stnnd plpo. 4th-.Furnl hlng nnd pompletlnfr Maud plpo. 6th Furnishing and sotting' up machinery and boilers. -Furnishing cast Iron plpo and special calling * . 7th Furnishing kiihimoln plpo. 8th Furnishing li ) drains , gates nnd gnto boxes. 8th Furnishing load and oakum nnd oxrnvnt- Ing , nnd laying pipes , hjdrants , gaios and gala boxes. The contract price of snld system of wnlor works completed not to exceed the sum ot eighty thousand dollars. Each proposal must bo accompanied with Rood and sufllclont bond In tlio nun of ono thou sand dollars on each of the iloins bid on. ns so- oJrlty for the lining ot n good acceptable Do ml the sum of which shall not bo loss than full amount of contract price. Tlio City Council reserves the right to rojoot . nny or all bids or nny parts of bids. R Proposals should bo addressed to J , D. Mine * , - City Clerk of Hastings , Nebraska , and marked : "Proposals for Water Works. " J ny order of Iho City Council of Ilnstlngrg , N - r bnwka , this SDth dar of Api II , A. D. 1884. ' Bidders may submit Ibolr own plans nnd i tpcoIOcnttonswlth methods for obtaining pump1 , Ing nnd storing the necessary water supply , but J In every onso the plan of plpo , hydrants , valves , V1 * a , to remain the ftnrao a * per plans mid spedr flontlons now on tlio In the ofllco of the City Clerk with the understanding t hat the City Coun cil will not pny for nny plans nnd speclllcntlons f urnUhod oy bidder * . II 8. 8AMUKL AI.BXANDKH , Mayor. J. D. MINKS , City Clout. Whcro VITALITY U fftllUr , Brain IIHAINKD und fcxilAt'KTKl ) or Tower 1'liKH A.DIIRLY W A8T- EI > mitr nnd H porfrrt and nll > bl mira In tea _ _ I JfJnSglWl9fffJIWiiS.5 ? ! SffiSL ! AdoptKl br alt French l/hri-lclim nod belno rnpl.llr aad ucwHfulljr Introauool kerr. jUlwmkftilnK louuiand drainsproinrtlr ohK-ltod. TUKATIRKjilTlnn mm - papcranitiniJIcalenioriwinrnU.AQ.rMEfcCgnnjItJ ; tlon ( ooioe or lir mall ) with lU mlinnt doctors F ItKK. UVlktJS. AUENCY. No. 17 * Fulton Street New Ytrk , * H . . _ _ SENTC. O. D. OM2 OU MOHK AT WHOLESALE PltlCE. I PAY all ciprr > charges to all potnU within a00 miles. l.oiH'carrlAftM to cttlevt from. Bond two c nt tainp for Illmtralvtl cntnloirue. Mention this paper. j. L , Q , SPENCER'S TOY FACTORY , f 221 W. MADISON ST. , CHICAGO. ! 1STUH1 CtKEl Initniitlr rrlterMthcl noitvlaltnt nttncL , BlUfrg B1HBBBU _ K1. rftepVfa < . bj j InhilaUon.tliua roaohlnff Uiedlsoaftaairvct. relax | iipoctniiiflonl tncJ Kri'KOTK CURE wberr all Unrrtmr4lr nill. A trUt roailnfrttfef nMiav Irpllttl ot IU Imuc1l tfil1rf cl and nurr-fHlllcr efTrrt-H f | VlnfiOo. iHI.OIll t Jrutrlitf or br null. TtUlH a , , _ n , , B.siiii > i n " * 1 "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " The OriKlnnl nnd Only Gcnalnc. Oar and tlwaji ItellftM * . Bvwut or worthtma Imltfttlou. lDiIlino < bli u LADIES. Aak ; ur llrnarllt ( M MChIeh ater'aCnjxU h"aD l lake DO oUieror Ucloiate. ( utup * ) u > at ( Jr partlaului in Mttr bj return mall * NAME PAPER. Chlohaoirr Chemical Co. , rnitffyUailton MullBro , l hll av , Pa. old bj IlrorrUU aTcrrvherA. Aik for "Chlrk a < iw'i Lnsll t" ' 'ennjro/al rilla , T > ko noollio. 0E \ ' ( , NERVOUS PEOPLE , iT 'fes , , And others MitTerlnff from / iicnrou * debility , ciJmustljiff chronic ilUeruos , prcinatum clectlno of jountf or old are poxltivcly cuifd bj Ir. i _ jlorno'it famous Illpctro * , , _ Mojrnctto licit. ThoucAUJu > In cTo'T fM Rtiito In the union hau been cured. . Klcctrlil 5pKly liiatantly felt. Patenredand sold 1O > cr Wlmlo family can wear game bi-lt. KUctrl. NuiueiifcorloA frrttlimalo belta Arold worthltsalm- HvthinM ai.d b op as conipantOM. KIcclrle Tru nr for Itnnlui70U cured In dS. 8ond ptampforpninphlou DR. W. J. HORNE. INVFNTOR. IQI WAEASH AV. , CHlCAdH. HAILBHRGTlERICAN Oortxpoziy. A DIKRCT LINE FOIl England , France & Germany. Thn steamships of this well known line nro built of lion , In water-tight coin part incuts , and are turnlslied with every rcrjuMto to muko the pncbiigo both mifo and agreeable. They carry the United Stales ami Eurnpi'iiii mulls , and lonvo New York Thursdays and Saturdays for Plv- mnutli , ( I.ONDONdCliOrboug.d'AUIS and HAM- ItoturnliiK , the stcnmois lenvo Hamburg on Wihicsdnja and Sumlios , via. Havre , taking pus.cmrciriat Southampton and fxiiidoii. Fust cabin $ VJ , fl ( ) Hiid f73 : Steerage * J1. Kiillroiul tickets from Plymouth to Bristol , Car * dltr. London , or to any place In the South of Kngland , FHUK. Stconigo from liuropo only 125. Hend tor "Tourist Oa/etti' . " 0,11. IllOHAHD&CO. , Onneral I'lissengcr Agents , 61 Ilrondwny , Now \VnililiistontiudLa : HallnSts. Chicago , 111. " P. BOYEB < 5c CO. UEAL.III1S IK and tfiaiJ W@rk. 1020 1'arnam Street , Omaha , Nob. WhCJ O UKACOJ ISirO WITH THE Cf.aCRt.fH1 OF THIS co.Nrnr > in. sec or CXUMNO ! THU MAP THAT THE CHIOiQORDr iBLftHD 8 PACIFIC RAiLWAV Or rtmoii of Iti eootr l ixiiltlrm anil clou rvlatloa to all | irlurl | l llatt F.u' and W t , at lulllol unit lur- , inliml point * , nmitltutei th" ; m > t Impurtitnt ml' * rontlnciiwl link In tut ojitciu of tliruuffli Iranilxir- tnlli.n which Inviiim MI < | lui'lltlttri linvel und tr ( lie tiotweon clllciof the Allanllo nnd Pacific ConK. II i olio IhnflTorlU and hunt rout * tn ami from tuiInU K it. HortliaiKt nnd B < iuth iit , nnil corrc | H > Diitaa palaU W > t , Noriuwut iiuil The Croat Rook Island Route a r nt u IU | < itroi tll t MUM of personal Men- rUi .iTui.tnil ttjr t. ipoiu. tbnruitslilT hallnuut ro l 4 , intoolh traf kt of coutlnuoua il l flolnt.n. \ . , tlall > Uilllciilir > n < and lirMcm , rollinf tiock a in r -rtfUun liunian iklll cm make It , tli * a r t * . . iBr , p.ormia .arr auiltliate > tiUaKdlilpllii whlrh k-o tiu ) li pr I < i J op r ll jn of all ( If lr lni Olh r plolll of Jill rout * ar * fnnilLit at all ronnvtiHtf milnli Union u iM > ti. an > l tlio tiu < uruu < i4 cuwfjrU & luiurtw of luV ii ui _ "M ' K > pr > PorlaCi in nuixiDratl I' j uuacu * * . Ilairall1c lit f lUMnali 01atpnor It * jal < ( drilgn , and dunptuoni cal u. | l tw * nCliliMia ailit K n > ii'llr alul Alclitau ! an aUa rua tl C.lJbr l J lUrllnlnf C'kair Cant ' The Famous Albert Loa Route It th. dlrw-t anil lavorito Un. Chicago act ' llluKfapolliajiayt. I'aul.nli.ii , conntrlluuiaif inaaa , lnl/nlanl ) pai > | . > r all polnti In Ilio T rrlloil and' , urlllili I'rutlni'c * . > r r tun rent * Cavt Kxvfttt Tralot art * run P > tuo wafierln r rlarfi. luitimcr ra- orl , plcturff luu to < mllllrak , | hiintluir anil Illkliw urouodi at luwa. anil Mlu t > 9ula. It li aUa lUo rupJ ffttrtvi * rouia to Hi. rtrb tvljeat fleldj and najituraj r aJ ol Intnrlor l > kia dull nf.ll.-r . DlllMif LINK. Tli StnKa 1 Kin. kaVer. IIM bioa uvcwj Ulwrrn nnrlnnail. Imlian. Bl > .illl anil lala > illliiina CminrU lllilITi , K n CllT. Jiljiiif | Mll , ihl l. I'.iul anil lnlfrmcillit | ioliu > . rur itoti-lltJ InfunuailoJi Ma Hani ami Kolderf,1 obtilnablr. ( u cll a < tli k u , at all 711.11 Vn < .u * lu tlio United Malr * aiiU Caouli ) or l > } ad- i ' ' . R. OAPl E , E. ST. JOHN , I'nit1 ; A Jra'l M't'r , Urn'mt&l'tit.t4tf ' _ ROSEWATER & CHRISTIE , CIVIL & SJIHfiARY EKGINEER Rooms 12 and (3 ( Gnoile Bock , ' - Orado Pjntoiniftn-l tfci'oincrft I'lnnt for CtUoi nnd Town * a spociiilt ) * . l-lnr.i , Itillm tut i i4 Bpuclllcatloiu furl'uldlu dli.l other I'.njfliilPliu \Mirkdfurulthod. urvuyi Ati-l lltport on Publi . .iorl-Au tfM4- Oty Civil tn liiuori. ' ' 'It r Enslngti - > f Ou > . ' - 1