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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1886)
PHE OMAHA T3EE FIFTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , MAY 4 , 1880. 'NUMBER 274. FROM TEN TO EIGHT. The Strike for Shorter Houra Oontinuca on an Immcnso Scale. A BLOODY SOCIALISTIC RIOT. The Police TJso Revolvers With Good Effect in Dispersing Miserable Miscreants. THE MEN MAD FOR REVENGE. A Bloodthirsty Oiroular Isined Full of Death and Rapine. PACKERS GIVE IN TO EMPLOYES. Armour & Oo. Will Start Up With Eight Hours' ' Work , Ten Houra' ' Pay , A DAY OF DEMONSTRATION. The Advance Guard of the Unemployed Army Reach Chicago. COMMERCE AT A STANDSTILL. A Few Concessions Made to Men in Fac tories , STRIKES AT OTHER POINTS. Kxcciittvo Committee of the Knlflitn of Ijnlior Deularc tlio Strike on tlio Gould System nt an Kndi Shorter Hours Scoured. CiticAno , May 3. fSpeclal Telegram. ] The developments In the labor movement have loft Iho situation essentially unchanged in Its general aspect. The eventual outcome cannot be guessed with any degrco 01 cer tainty. Thus far everything has been con ducted with admirablu coolness on all side ? , and there has been no actual disturbance of the peace. Employers have taken the de mands of the worklngmen Into consideration in a serious and lespcctful spirit , and where they have found It impossible ; to comply , have given their reasons with an honesty and frankness that has disarmed anything like hostility. Concesslonshavobecnfreelyinado in almost all cases where they weru found practicable , and where tlio situation rendered them not so , compromises ap parently agreeable to both sides have been effected. In several branches of labor the demand for a reduction of the hours of .toil from ten to eight hours a day has been acceded to. In some , not a few , the compro mise has been In thu shape of nine hours pay for eight hours work. But In very few instances have the employers given In to the demand for ten hours wages with tlio two hours reduction of time. The unions of the bricklayers , the stone masons , tlio plasterers and lathers , and the hod carriers , have all adopted the eigliUiotir standard. Twenty- three foundry shops have yielded to the de mands for eight hours , and will get pay for eight hours , but will givu double pay lor ex tra time. Five shops are still resisting the movement , and the rest arc negotiating. All .tho lion moulders and foundry hands have resolved to stand llrm for thu eight-hour day and let the question of wages regulatu Itself in Iho future. Mr. George A. Schilling , chalinian of the eight-hour committee , reports that the de mands of the following have been satisfied : bOO tobacco handlers , 700 street car employes , all thu members of the cigar makers' union , ! ! 03 beer barrel makers , 050 dry goods and no tion store employes , S.fiOO packers and a largo number of workmen employed In simi lar industries. Nearly one-half of thu 000 butchers In thu city liavo secured re ductions from sixteen to ten hours. The brlckmakcrs , numbering 3,300 , are striking for eight hours' woik with ten hours' pay. The 400 wagon workers start In to-day at their benches under the eight-hour reform. The machinists' and blacksmiths' assembly icport general success in their attempt to got ten hours' wages for eight hours' work. The upholsterers nro meeting with strong resist ance. The shoemakers' assembly has modi- lied its demands , and expects to gain a con cession of eight hours , with pay for that i time. The clerk's association will bo satis- lied with ten hours. The maiblu workers have won under the eight-hours pay agree ment. The cooper's union is holding out for nine hour's pay. The workmen of Iho various largo broworles are at work to-day , but all is not satisfactory. There is a de mand on thu part of employes for an increase of SS per month In tliulr wages. They also stipulate that they bo allowed each fifteen glasses of beer a day between 7 a. m. and 4 p. m. A Complete IMnokailo. CHICAGO , May 3. [ Special ' 1 ulegram ] A crowd of freight handlers numbering at least three thousand men , started to maku the rounds of the various freight houses of thu city at an early hour this moi nlng. It moved In mlltt'iry order , and went llrst to the St. Paul houses. These wore found closed. It then turned and marched south along Cen tral street. At Polk street the Chicago , Buillugton t Qulncy yards were passed. Here the clerks to the number or about fifty were disposing of freight tliat had arrived In loaded cars , and taking care of the little freight which was being delivered by thu few drays blinding around. The pro cession stopped , and without breaking line , began jeering , hooting and hissing. The cleiks paid no attention to the demonstra- tlons , but kept at their work. Alter a five miniiln halt , given to yelling and hooting , the march was taken up again , the procession ( leading south and matching , as It was sup posed , toward the Northwestern freight house on the south branch. At Klghtccnth Mi eel the procession halted , but no demon- Ftiatlon was made toward the North western' houses. Ono of thu loaders of the procession ( aid : "We will soon have a band of music. II Is to join us here at Klghtcenth street. Wo will thnti march through the urlnclpal streets of the city. All ot our men are sober and quiet and will remain so. Wo will notdlstmb any of the freight houses or any men whom the roads may get to work for them , If they can get any. There will bo no dibtmbancos of any kind from our men , We nro a gooil-natttroJ , law-abiding set of work men. " The situation at Iho freight houses of the roads was this morning as It was anticipated 2iituay ; < It would bo. The blockade was al most as complete as If there wine no railroads at all , The freight Uouso of the Foit Way no was closed up and' no work was being done cither toward getting Height In or out. At the Chlcaco & Alton the situation was the same. At the Chicago , ' liurlliiirton Jc about twenty-five- cleiks from tlo | freight department and such other muscular fellows M could bo drafted * from desks In the different dcpirttncnts were trundling trucks and rolling barrels and sliding boxes along. The leader of the strikers also said that the company hart a few laborers at work at S3 per day. At the Mil waukee & St. Paul depots the company had about sixty new men at work , guardr.d by about 200 police and special olllccrs. At the Illinois Central tlio men were at work , not having demanded the advance bcfoie noon to-day. iUOT. SoclnllstH Attempt to Destroy Prop , crty ntul Are Repulsed. CHICAGO , May 3. Shortly alter 3 o'clock a crowd of socialists and others had worked themselves Into a frenzy of excitement nml started yelling toward the McCormtck rraipnr works , half a mile distant. The police were Immediately telephoned for and BOOH ar rived , and drawing revolvers Hrnd Indiscrim inately into the crowd. The crowd scattered In all directions , live who were wounded being can led from the scene. No one Is repelled - polled killed. The entire reserve force of the city's police have been ordered to preseivd order In the vicinity of the trouble. The scene at the McCormlck works was riotous In the extreme. By 4-ii ; at least 150 policemen had arrived on the ground or were coming In patrol wagons within sight. By this time tlio windows In the factory had been riddled with bullets. Two of the wagons while on the way to the scene stopped to disperse a noisy and demonstra tive crowd at the corner of Blue Island ave nue and Lincoln street. The mob attacked them with stones , but the oflleers jumped from the wagons and by vigorous use of their clubs soon sent the rioters Hying In all di- reclions. They then turned and bovan driv ing the noisy crowds out of the saloons In the neighborhood , using their clubs Indis criminately. Inside the fence of the McCormlck woiks Oflleer ItiuTcrty had a very nar row escape. A rioter who had got Inside came up behind him and was aiming a pistol at Ids hnad , not two feet away , when Lieutenant Sheppard struck him to earth with his club , shivering it to pieces with the. vigor of the blow. At 5 o'clock the police were forming hol low squall's , Inside ! of which they intend to escort the McCormlck men beyond the mob's reach. Soon afterward the police oscoited McCormlck's men up beyond Twenty-second street without trouble , except from an lonal stone hurled from safe hiding places. Konr men were found wounded with bullets. Two of them ueio taken away in a patiol wagon one shot tliroiuh 'tho hip and one through tlio lea. There were many badly damaged heads. Olliccr Casey nearly suffered an ignominous death at the bauds of the infuriated sodal- I.stA Alter the great mob had been virtually dispersed , Casey , with three other policemen , carried Joe \VoldIeK \ , one of thu wounited strikers , to his home , JUa West Seventeenth street. The patrol wagon was followed by an angry crowd of Bohemians , who yelled loudly for revenge for the wounds of their fellow comrades. But whou the wagon turned down Centre avunuo to Seventeenth street the crowd did not follow. In silence they watched their countryman borne from the wagon Into his home , and the olllccrs , alter laying Wcddlck upon tlio bed , left , with the exception of Casey , who remained be hind to get a report of the man's condition. While Casey was talking to the wounded man's wife of Weddlck's , many sympathis ers had pressed their way into tlio house. The injured man was asked who shot him. Evidently misunderstanding the question , Weddlek raised his hand and pointed at Olliccr Casey. The crowd inside the house wont into a frenzy. Seizing the ollicer , they dragged him out upon tlio sidewalk. "Lj ncli him ! lynch him ! " they cried , and several of their number ran for ropes. Casey , a man of powerful frame , was like an Infant hemmed In as lie was by the mob , In the ensuing struggle ho received fearful bruises and his clothing was nearly torn from his body. A rope was brought and ono end was made fast to a lamp post directly in Iront of Weddick's door. At the sight of tlio improvised scaffold the mob shrieked with delight. Casey fought with thu fury of desperation. As the crowd pressed towards tlio gallows ho gathered all his remaining strength and , dashing head foremost from his assailants , jumped Into the street , followed by hundreds , who at once began tiring at him as ho ran. lie was met by thu patrol wagon full of police who , having hoard the tumult , were hurrying to his assistance. Casey clambered into the wagon and fell upon thu scat exhausted. Tlio wagon was siiiTounded'In a moment by Ids pursuers , but tat the sight of thu police men's revolvers tliey quickly scattered. Casov revived snlllclently to point out. among those who were last to turn , ono of tlio crowd who had been particularly olllciotis In bringing tlio rope. Tlio man was arrested and im mediately driven to the station. Ho gave his name as Joseph Hess. The wltnosMMof the struggle between the pollcu and the socialists placed the number of tlio latter who were wounded as being as high as twelve. It is not thought any wore killed outright , but the rapid.ty with which the wounded were carried away by their friends , and tlio secrecy maintained In regaid to any connection willi the alfalr , make tlio facts dlllicult to obtain. Joe Vostik Is prob ably mortally wounded and may not survive through the night. During thu evening the following circular , printed in German and with nil Kiigllsh translation appointed , was distributed broad cast In many sections of the city : "UIVISOKVoikingiiientoarnisl : : ! Your masters sent out their blood hounds the po lice. They killed six of your brothers at Mc- Uornilck's this afternoon. They killed tlio poor wretches , because they , like you , had the courage to dls- ohoy thu supreme will of your bosses. They killed them because they dared ask for shortening the hours of toil. They killed them to sliowypu , 'free American cit'/ens. ' that yon must bo satisfied and contented witli whatever your bosses condescend to allow you , or you will get killed. You have tor years endured the most abject humlla- tlon. You have for years suffered unutter able Iniquities. You liavo worked yourself to death. You liavo endured pangs of want and hunger. Your children you have sacri ficed to the factory lords In short , you have been mlserablu and obedient slaves all those years. Why ? To satisty the Ihsaliablo irrcod , to till the coft'ers of your lazy thieving masters. When yon ask them now to loosen your burdens , they send tliulr bloodhounds to shoot you and to kill you. If you are men , and if you are sons of your grandnlios who have shed their blood to free you , then you will rise In your nilt'ht mid destroy the hideous monster who seeks to destroy you. To arms ! Wo call you to arms ! Vouu BIIOTIIKCS. 1:45 : a. m. An armed and uniformed sen try Is pacing up and down In front of the 1'Trst regiment armory. Inside the building a special detail of militia is on guard to pre vent any attempts at sacking thu armory's stores of ammunition and I'uearms. Tim Situation in Dotal ) . CHICAGO , Maya. The largo freight depot of the St. Paul railroad company ut the junc tion of Union and Kln/.lo Rlrccts was early the scene of curious crowds. Among thu number were Iho striking freight handlers of the road. Fiom the windows of the main ollices appeared the heads of clerks and other dcpaitment employes anxiously await ing thu outcomo. Fifteen mtnutc-i bct'oio seven a special train of three passenger coaches and cnglno tan Into the yutds and font teen special detectives of the company In cltl/.en clothes and decorated with stars appeared first , and following Ilium marched > OU men brought In by the company dllfuient points on Its line. Thev were at once surrounded by strikers who urged them in all manner ol ways not logo to work and deprive them of their positions. There was no wavering on the part of tlio new men , however , , and they entered the freight hotisej In a body , Only the ordinary number of city police were on duty and had no call for their service. The strikers appeared dazed at llrst at the size of the crowds' which had arrived to support the company , and owing to this fact possibly , offered no resistance. The Itadws of thu strikers seeing that no Impicssion was being miulo on thu now men called otf the foreman and a hiirrlcd consultation was held on thu nillroad truck near the Ireight house. After a few moments parleying the entire crowd marched In n body to the Bur lington yanls for consultation and to obtain possibly an enlargement of tholr forces. Uroupsof Idle men hung around the yards ot the Fort Wayne , Ilnrlliicton and Alton road , and up to 9 o'clock the o'liclal * of those com panies had given no sign of their plan of ac tion for the day. The procession of frclcht handlers , after passing tlio Alton and Burlington yardswent south on Canal street to Klghtccntli street and proceeded east to Michigan avenue and then headed north. It was reported to the notice headquarters that an attack on the Il linois Central yards was contemplated , and a squad of fifty pollcu was al ouco sent from the central police station to the scene. The marchers , however , turned to the left and crossed Itush street brldze and then proceed ed west toward the Northwestern and St. Paul yards. No ovcit acls have been re ported. The procession of Milking frelitht handlers , alter proceeding to the north division of the city , visited the freight yards of Milwaukee & St. Paul , and induced a portion of the now squad of men brought In by the railroad company from out side thi ) city to Join them. The crowd as It entered the St. Paul yards numbered from three to live thousand and was somewhat demonstrative , Two squads of police tir- lived on the scone and effectually scattered tlm crowd , allowing the new men to pioceed with the work. It was the most exciting event of the day. Tlio stilkcrs did not at tempt to serion.sly oppose tlio police. Con siderable Intimidation was exercised in tlio Itimbei districts and several largo crowds marched tlnoiigh the yards to prevent work. All railroads nave freight houses open , hut ore unable to transact only a limited amount of business. The lumber linns located In South Chicago wore working as usual to-day ; In the lumber districts prooer no work was being done A large licet ot lumber-laden crafts are block ing nn the river near the lumber exchange. None of the cargoes will be bought or rail roaded until the present difllcuUlcs are set tled. It Is stated that upward of : WO moro vessels with cargoes of lumber arc on their way here. No change in the situntlon is an ticipated before this' afternoon , At 1 o'clock the committee of lumbermen meet and It is then expected the committee from the strikers will wail on them and make their demands. The lumbermen decided they can make no concessions and this answer will be given to the strikers. Four carloads of Imported men went to work in thu western avenno freight house of thu St. Paul road this morning. The great factory of the Chicago malleable iron com pany on tlio Twenty-sixth street near Blue Island avenue , was entirely closed this mom- ing. Nine hundred employes were on a htrike. They make demands for eight hours won ? at ton hours pay. The Burlington freight houses were thrown onon shortly alter 8 o'clock. ' Tlio company had a full force of ono hundred men at work taking all that could bo delivered. The bauds employed aroevldeutly green. ( Snnrds were kept at thu doors and no suspicious charac ters were admitted. The strikers were scat tered along Canal street , and discussed the situation. AtStfOa piocession numbering 1,000 , composed of men from other roads passed by. Tlier made no attempt to raid the house , but contented themselves with ycllhiR "scabs" and railing the men to comu out. No banner or Hairs of any kind were displayed. The procession passed soutlip.\rt of the Burlington strikers joining , the ma- iorltv remaining to keep watch over the house. The new men came from various points within tlio state and they are paid the old scale of wages. The Wabash railway officials this morning sought thu protection oC the United States authorities to enable them to move freight. Deputy Marshal Ballard , who had charge of a force ot deputies at East St. Louis during the recent trouble , made a re quest to Judge Blodgett for permission to carry arms in this district , and requested to have fifteen deputies selected from thcCrand Army of the Republic sworn In. The Wabash began hiring men this morning. Fifteen or twenty were Imported from outside towns and'fcet to work running trucks , guarded by a squad of police. Nearly all the men were at work at the Bock Island out-freight house early this morning. Nineteen men in the freight depot started to work , but were in duced to leave by thu strikers. A strike occurred this morning among tlio sausage makers at the stock yards for eight hours work nt ten hours pay. Nearly 7,009 men went out at 11 o'clock. Before noon the Fall bank canning compa ny agreed there should be no cut in the wages of men working for less than two dollars a day and all above that figure should get nine hours pay for eight hours work. Morrlll also agreed on the same basis. Only half tlio men employed in MeCor- mleU's reaper works went to their places in tlio factory , the otheis staying out. The firm immediately sent word they would glvo the men ten hours' pay lor eight hours' work until they found how the eight hour move ment would como out. l&TIio executive committee of lumber yard owners were to have held a joint meeting to day with representatives ot tholr UJ.OOO strik ing employes to arrive at an understanding upon the eight-hour question. At the ap pointed hour the chairman of the strikers' council announced to the employers that the workmen hud not yet advised together sulll- clentJy to enter into negotiations , and asked a postponement until io-morrow. This was readily granted. Both employers and work men express the opinion that thu meeting will bo a fruitless one , as each side Is seem ingly moro determined than ever to main tain Its position to thu utmost. Nearly 1,00) ) airls , principally seamstresses , followed by 5'JO men , paraded thu streets to day In support of thu eight-hour movement. The girls were very much oxcltcd , and moved along dancing and singing. They stopped at the. shops of a number of employers and commanded tlio girls to cease working and join the procession , which , with the excep tion of ono or two shops , was done. The girls organized themselves , and detailed squads to watch for deserters and secure con verts. Consldoinblo excitement was caused at 1:80 : this afternoon in thu vicinity of Wabnsh avenim by the arrival of n crowd of two or three hundred strikers. They announced their intention of break ing into the tin man- factory of Norton Bros. , and tried to force their way In. The doors were narreil and the pollen telephoned for , and came Irom tlio Central station , marching down on thodoulilu quick. On the appcar.mco of thu olllcers tlm crowd dispersed and order was iwtored. Lieutenant Shepherd was privately In formed to-night about 7 o'clock that the McCormlck works would bo llrcd nt midnight. Ho at once bcgon making active and ostenta tious I'ireparations for thu emergency. The police olliclals bellevo that the knowledgu that thu plot has been laid bare will tend to prevent any attempt at Its consummation. The trouble bet ween tlio employ Ing bruwors and their several thousand men was settled to-day. The brewers metacommitteoiromtliu employes union and agreed to the demands of thu men. Thu latter were not asking for an eight-hour day. but for free beer and for a number of minor concessions In regard to Sunday work and the employment of non- unionists. All the men In the employ of the Kuiiitnhlo Uas Light it Fuel company between MO and COO in number-have followed the fashion and wore idle to-day , and the work of laying pipes In Dearborn , Clark , Lake and other Mrcels isutn standstill , Contractors say that thu men do not know what they do want , tlio whole thing having come about fiom thu eight-hour movement. The managers of all the railroads center ing In Chicago held n meeting at the Bur lington general offices to consider thu stilku ot the freight handlers. An informal inter change ot Ideas relative to the situation , finally culminated in thu adoption of a resolu tion to thu eifect that the present condition of business did not warrant compliance with the men's demands. The roads pledge themselves to act us a unit In the matter and to resist all demands for shorter hours or ad vance of wages , agreeing not to treat Indi vidually or make concessions nut approved by all. A meeting to discuss the labor situation was hold to-day , at which there were repro- f curatives of every packing house In ttto city. Some who on Saturday had been In favor ot refusing every demand , and who lavorcd thu closing of the houses rather than to concede a single point , had changed their minds and wciu satisfied some airaneement should bo made to relieve the piusent pressuie upon the business Interests , which wore being threatened vUtli do- Btrutflon. They saw that' one linn hud madu concessions , and that others would probably do ' bo' or closd up. Tor thi-be , . uuioug other reasons , the mccllng decided to allow every packer to do as ho pleases with reference to employment and pay of his laborers In every department. After the meeting adjourned Mr. Armour and Mr. Michael Cudahy said they had given Instruction to their foremen to notify all their employes that they should receive ten hours' pay for'elght hours' work. It was also learned that alt oilier packing houses would adopt the snmo rnlo at once. The arrangement is tcmpoiary , but how long It will operate no ono can tell and no one seemed Inclined even to suzgest. All packers have received this notice , and It Is expected that houses which have not been running will bo In operation to-morrow , pro vided no new complications are discussed. LA.TKU The threatened outbreak at Mo- Cormlcks did not take place. A largo reserve force Is held at the police stations , and to morrow the men will go to work under police protection. Tito Switchmen's union , after a protracted session to-night , resolved to go upon a sti ike for eight hours with ten hours pay , ami to idd the freight handlers now struggling for the same eml. The switchmen on both divisions of the St. Paul road , and the men on tho-Michigan Central and North western , have already quit work. They will probably be joined to-morrow by the switch men of every other road eiitoilng the city. THE GOULD STItHUS KMS. Tlio Knights nT Ijabor Declare the AVnr Over. ST. Loui. ' , May 3. Saturday night Messrs. Hayes , Bailey and Barry , of the executive board of tlio Knights of Labor , met the con gressional committee Informally , and the meeting led to the result of the knights de claring the strike off on May 4. The con gressional committee adruiiscd a letter to the general executive board of the Khlghts of Labor , saying that testimony taken proved tliat very serious losses had resulted to the Interests of the entire country through the strike , and without go ing Into the merits of cither silo they ear nestly requested the executive board to ad vise , through the proper official channel , the discontinuance of the strike and to leave the question of which sldo was justified In its action to the decision that public opinion may form when tlio congressional committee shall have completed its work. To this the executive board replied as follows : " ( < ixTin : > iix : Your communication was placed before the ioint. executive board , and the following resolutions wore adopted : "I'esolved , " That the communication from thu congressional committed and their re quest be granted , tlio tlmu for calling the strike off to bo left to tlio general executive board. In view of the fact that the business interests of the country are suffering , and the Knights of Labor having the interests of the whole people at heart , willingly comply with the request of the nation's representa tives and that of the citizen's committee of bt. Louis , declare this strlku at an end , to take effect Tuesday morning , May 4 , IS8I5. "Trusting this action will meet with the ap proval of the nubile and assist in bringing capital and labor In close relationship. Wo remain , verv truly yours Gnxr.KAi. EXIICUTIVI : UOAIID OK KKIOIITS OK LAIIOII. " The following l a copy of the order issued declaring the strike oil : "Olllce of the Kxccntive Board , St. Louis , May : ! . To the members of District Assem blies V7 , ' . , 101 , and of general assembly , anil non-iii"iubersor persons affected by the pres ent strll'o upon the ( lOiild southwestern .sys tem of railways : Gentlemen On April 23 the citizens of St. Louis requested of this board that in the Interests of the business community of St. Louis and that of the United States In general , the strike upon the Gould southwestern system of railways , bo declared at iin end.Vhllotlils request was undei- consideration May 1 by the Joint boards of district assemblies 17 , 03 and 101 , the committee appointed by congress to in vestigate the cause ' of the trouble between tlio railroad company and Its employes , madu a similar request. AVe have fully considered the matter and the following conclusion has been arrived at : That tfio matter be left In the hands of the general executive board , they to set tliu time and declare the strike at an end. Wo have therefore selected Tuesday inonilnir , May 4 , 1SST > , as the time when this striKu shall end. You will make applica tion to your former employers for re-employment on the above date , May 4. By order general executive board. Signed , JOHN W. HAVKS. Hayes said that to-moirow morning this or der would bo obeyed by all the striking knights , and that they would present them selves for employment to the different rail road companies. THE UNION PACIFIC STRIKE. IJralcomcn of tlio Wcfitcra Division Tlo Up Freights. CHKYKXXK , May 3. [ Special Telegram. ] Upon the arrival of the first section of the west bound passenger train last-evening at Laramlo It was met by a delegation of the Brotherhood of Brakcmcn , who stated to the train men that upon order of the division at that place a strike had been Inaugurated and all the brakciuen were prohibited from going out. This section of the train was composed of emigrant cars. Part of them arc occupied by Mormon immigrant ! ; . Some of the passengers hold transportation to San Francisco , and there was a hundred who were destined for New Xealand and desired to reach San Fran cisco Wednesday , as the steamer upon which they were to take passage will leave Thurs day. The second section of the train arrived two hour's late , but was permitted to proceed without any movement tending toward Inter ference. This train carried tlio malls , bag gage , express and first-class passengers. All Iroight trains coming Into Laramlo were stopped , but in a very quiet Incen diary feeling being exhibited. By II o'clock five freight trains ami two emigrant trains were being held in the yard This morning , upon the arrival of the passenger train Irom thu west , nothing nuw duvclopcd , and the train was permitted to proceed. The lirst Information of the strike was con veyed to Cheyenne' by a telegram to United States Marshal Carr last evening. lie Immediately departed for Laramiu by special train , and has sworn In ten deputies. Freights arriving in this city from thu east are stopped here. The passenger from tlio cast went through with only the conductor. Assistant General Superintendent Dickon- son is here. All froi''htsarilvlng at Itawlins are sidetracked. There nro no lears of trouble yet. There are 150 men out , AVecillnsr Out Kvploslvcn. : , O. , May : ) . P. > ) , McGnlre , general secretary of il\n \ Brotherhood of pontcrs and Joiners , whoso name heads the list madu public in Pittsbiirg yesterday , was interviewed to-day regarding the object of the labor conference. Hu said : "There Is no ground for sensational announcements of a labor war or of a bitter struggle between trade unions and tlio Knights of Labor , No such thought entered our minds. The object of the confcrenro is to devise plans for closer union and submit the pa mo to thu general olllccrs of the Knights' Labor for adoption. It is hoped In this \yay both eiders can enter Into a reciprocal agreement to woik together without collision orantazonism and without encroaching on thd authority of each. For want of this agicemont difficulties have cropped nn and will recur 'unless something is done. There Is a certain raw , impatient and Inexperienced eleme'nt'whieli 1ms recent ly floated Into the labor movement mm is hostile to the patient , conservative methods of trades unions , and under the cover of the Knights of Labor' and without authority Irom that organization U pursues Its evil work. It Is with n view to cjicckini : this strife-breeding , anarchic element , anil to ar rive at a harmonious understanding with the Knights of Labor that thu cull Is issued , " Lockout In "Washington- WABiiiNaTO.VtMaya : A general lockout began here to-day against the eight-hour de mand of the unions of4 brick layers , hod-car riers , btuno cutters , stone rlibbcisf painters , plumbers and caipentcrs , aggregating about 2,000 men. Thine aie not half as many men locked out as was estimated on Sutuulay. Many of thu bosses have conceded eight .hour ; , nvitj } ' more would If Ihuy weiu not f 01 ecu-to hold out by the master bulUtcis , who threaten to boycott these sub-contractors by not taking estimates for work from any of those who refuse to stand by them In their resistance to the eight-hour movement , llobbs estimates the number locked out at from 1.000 to 1.200. The com mittee on amalgamation of trades met this morning and perfected a scheme for uniting all the building trades. The committee was appointed by district assembly , Knights of Labor. Tlio committee mutually pledged tliulr different organizations to stand fiutily together. _ How It Works in lloston. BOSTON , Stay 3. About twenty of the largest carpenter firms of this city Imvo yielded to the demand for eight hours , and fifty have agreed to do as the balance may de clare. About thirteen firms have offered to proceed to the extent that nine hours shall constitute a day's woik , but the offer has been refused. Three hundred plasterers tried to reach nn agreement with the bosses. On meeting the latter they found Instead of getting nlno hours icgularly , as they expected , they were to get nine hours on Satunlnv only , hence they will strike. This is likely to involve thousands of hod carriers and stone masons. Tlic Sout Invest Strike. ST. Louis , May 3. The chairman'of the congressional investigating committee held a conference yesterday afternoon with mem bers of the general executive board of the Knights of Labor , then called upon Hoxlo and returned and conferred n second time with the knights. Thu result of the confer ences Is not positively known. Ills conll- dentially expected tliu outcome will be the end of the strike in the next thirty-six hours. Milwaukee Mem Go Out , MII.WAUKIM : , May U. The 1.700 emnloyna at the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul lialt- way company's shops atVest Milwaukee arc out anil do not propose to go back until they are granted eight hours' work at ten hours' pay. After quitting work the men paraded thu streets and secured converts. An attack was made on the Bellanco Iron works which , tor a while , were defended by thosu inside. The doors were forced open and a hand-to- hand light ensued. At this juncture a squad of police arrived and the crowd was lorced to disperse. _ _ _ Car Oilfillers Strike. Divrr.orr , Mich. , May 3. This afternoon 1,000 men employed In the shops of the Michigan Car company quit work. There seemed to bo no organization. There was some liitlc confusion about the demands , but It all amounted to loss work for the same pay. Some wanted nine and others eight hours' ' . A demand work for ten hours' wages. mand was also made for the reinstatement of 1'i" ) men who were discharged Saturday. A general refusal was returned for the present. The men were quiet at last reports. Factories Start Up. Dr.-rnoiT. May 3. The evening Journal's Grand llaplds ( Mich. ) special says : "Tho fur- nltttro tactories , with two exceptions , started ii ) ) this morning with full forces of men. A mob of fifty foreigners attempted to force stisiiension of work on the Bridge street grade , and had a lively scrimmage. Thu police quelled the riot. Four agitators were ar rested forjnciting riot and placed In jail. " Eight Hours Work on Garllchl's Mon ument. CI.IVEI.A.JTI > , May a. The stone masons throughout the city have demanded that they bo nut on the eight-hour plan. Tlio men en gaged on the Garflcld monument quit work this , morning and asked thu contractor for olght-'hours and SlWi per day. Hu was' agreeable to the proposition and the men will return to work to-morrow. Klglit Hours Granted. SAX FitANcisro , Gal. , May 3. The eight hour system , with eight hours' pay , went into effect hero to-day in a number of furniture factories and cigar shops. No trouble oc curred. Tlilrty-flvc Ilumlrcil out at Pittsburgh. PiTTsnunn , May 3. Strikes were in augurated this morning fora reduction of a day's work Irom ten to eight hours , by stone masons , carpenters and plasterers. About 1 , 00 men are out. The number of men in this city on a strike is estimated at 3,000. . Hours anil an Advance. PIIII.ADKMUIIA , May 3. Seven hundred cabinet makers in forty-six shops went to work this morning on the now schedule of eight hours' work per day , and In some cases an Increasoof wages ranging Irom 10 to 31 percent. Three ( hundred men fiom sixteen shops remain out. KoHiimcd Operations. ST. Loris , May 3. The Vulcan Iron works at Carondalet resumed operations this mornIng - Ing giving , employment to 000 men. Iroiifi Still Hot. ST. Louis , May 4. A statement made to the effect that Irons has been expelled from the Knights of Labor has been denied by Irons. _ _ The Appropriation Dili. WASIII.VOTO.V , Amy : t. The following Is a statonient of the present position of the < , * nlar annual appropilatlon bills : Five , the gcneial deliclency , legislative , sundry civil , naval and foitllication bills Imvo not been reported from the committees In which they originated. Threu to-wlt , tlio military acad emy , consular and diplomatic and army ap propriation bills aiu upon tliu house calen dar. Thu river and harbor bill is unlinlshcd business in committee of the whole. Three the pension , district of Columbia and agri cultural bills have passed the hoti o and are before the senate commltteu.'on iappioprla- tlons. The postolllco bill is before thu sen- atu and thu Indian bill has passed both houses. Killed by Nltro-Glyccrlnc. PIKOI.U , Cahi. , May 3. The nltro-glycerlno house of the California Powder works , a .short distance from hurt' , was blown to atoms this afternoon by the explosion of 1,300 , pounds of nltro-glycerlnu , which It con tained. Three Chinese and Andrew Ander son , white , were killed. Thu accident Is bo- 1 laved to have been c.iused by a Chinaman. whilocngagcd In an altercation with ono of his countrymen , dropping a bucketful of nl- tro-glycorino , which exploded trom the con cussion. Ilass Hull Games Yesterday. The following Is the result of the various games of base ball playoJ by the leading clubs ot the country : At Washington Washtngtons 13 , Bostons At Pittsbiirg Pittsburgs 7 , St. Louis Browns ( ! . At Now York-Baltlmores 10 , Metropoli tans ! > . At Philadelphia-New Yorks 3 , Philadul- phlas n , At Kansas City Kansas Cltys 4 , Dctrolts At St. Louls-St. Louis 3 , Chlcasos 7. Confirmations. WASHINGTON , Mays. The senate confirm ed the following nominations to-day : J. S. AIcFarland , register of land office , Huron , Dak. ; United States attorney. John D.Bur nett. Alabama , lor the southern district of Alabama , vice George M , Duskln ; post masters : N. P. Kortll , Wairen III. ; W. T. Dowdale , Peorla , III. ; 0. A. Ilartmann , Col- linsvillu , 111. ; A. J. Kcddlck. LaSalle , 111. ; K. K. Wagoner , Shelbyvlllu , 111. To Cut on1 Commissions , WASHINOTON , May 3. Mr. Morrison to day Introduced In the house a bill riicpaicd at the treasury department designed to glvo effect to thu act cutting off the commissions of 'internal leventio collectors on taxes col lected on dibtllled spirit. * which act , the eu- pi emu com t recently held , did uot accom plish the put pose intended. RUMORS OF A RESIGNATION , The Eoport That Secretary Manning 'Hail ' Simply a Stock Jobbing Scbomo. TARIFF MEN IN GRAVE DOUBT , Probability Thai. Morrison's Kill Will llo Held Over Till tlio Next Mcsslon News From tlio Nation's Capital. Manning Will Not Resign. WASHINGTON' , May a [ Special Tele gram. ] Karly this morn I UK a dispatch cnino over thu "ticker" from Wall street , Newt Yolk , announcing that Secretary Manning had resigned , mid tint August Delmont had been appointed to succeed him. Of conrsu tlila plcco of news went like wild-lire and caused excitement , but It WAS at ouco author itatively denied. The whole matter was a stockbroklng scheme , anil played Its part for the day. The true state ot affairs nro that Mr. Manning has not thought of resigning. When tlio president visited him tlio llrst time , not a word Was said about resigning , or Indeed was business talked about. On Sat urday the president went again , and ho re- maikcd that hu hoped he wuuld soon see Mr. Manning at the cabinet table. Mantilnc smiled and said ho wished to bo back again , for ho was very tired of this In action. Nothing was said In relation to re signing , nor dues Mr. Manning Intend to. lie Is very anxious to gel back to Ills desk , and thinks he is better than ho Is. Hu Is not a well man , only convalescent , nml that slow. His doctors are still anxious about him , but with lest and care ho will bo able to resume his duties In a few mouths. llcAvlll go away before ho returns to his desk. Falrchlld Is getting along very well as acting secretary , and so there Is no need of Manning's imme diate presence. Tin : TAIIIKK nii.r. . There Is a growing belief that the tariff bill will go over until the nnxl session. Very grave doubts about the possibility of getting it through tlio housw have caused its iriends to hesitate about pushing it. There are 100 members registered for " .speeches on it. It will bo impossible to get in moro than four set speeches In a day , so the geneial discussion - sion would take twenty-live days. As there are but lour days In a week that can bo devoted to general leg- islatlon , tliis would lake six weeks of bteadv speech making. Then the bill would have to ue considered by suctions , and tills would take about as much longer , which means between two and threu months If the hill is undertaken. Then , too , Ihero nro doubts In tlio minds ol'so mo of the people about tlio propriety of entering upon tarlll discussion just in the face of Hie coming con gressional campaign Tin ; DIS : MOIXI'.S TAXI > HIM * The friends of the Dos Moincs riyer land bill , who have been threatening to try to pass the same over the president's veto , are a good deal discouraged over tlio outlook and they liavo pretty carefully canvassed the .senate and think tlio chances ot Us passage rather slim. ; xr.miA.sicANS roil POSTAL Tii.RniiAi ; > nv. Itepresoiitativo .Laird introduced in the house to-day a petition signed by a large number of citizens of Fairbury , Jelferson county. Neb. , in favor of postal telegraphy. iThtj'pctltlouers say that "all-tho towns-awl citles'of oiir land "slfould bo connected b'y tel egraph , and that thu prompt and speedy sending , receiving and delivery of messages , at the least possible cost to tlio sender , has become a public necessity ; ! that the tele graphic service of this country is now performed bv private cor porations , who use the rights and powers granted for enriching themselves and : not lor the l-.ennlll.of the mimic ; that tlioy do not perform the business Intrusted to them will ) promptness and dispatch ; that they at tempt to the amount of damages occur- ' ing from their negligence by a lorced con tract ; that they charge exorbitant lees for services performed , and that they exercise the right of eminent domain , which power or right should only be exorcised by tint puonlc in their cornorato capacity and not bo dele gated to privatepersons. . " HII.I.S l.VlltomtCEI ) 1IV IOWANS. Iowa members introduced bills in the house to-diiy as follows : By Mr.Conger To correct the military rec ord of George Harmon ; pensioning .Mis. Mary M. Gillham. Bv Mr. Henderson To pension Alexander J. Colllnss : to con tor jurisdiction on the court of claims for the claim of William An derson. Svduey , Fremont county. lly Mr. Holmes To rcmovo tlio charge of desertion against the military rccoid of James H. Ca.ssidy. I'oii iMi-iioviNo TIIK MiBsoritr. Senator Allison introduced in tlio senate to-day resolution ? ) adopted by the bioux City Jobbers and Manufacturers' association heartily favoring the improvement of the upper Missouri river and strongly piotostlng against the reduction of tUo appiopriatlou by tlio liousa committee on rivers and haibors from SN'0,000 ' , ns recommended by tlio gov ernment engineers , to SU,000 : also a resolu tion adopted by same association praying for the passage of a law io tax the manufacture and sale of Imitations of butler and cheese. AN OI'l'UN.SIVi ; I'AIU'I.sA.N DISMISSED. V. HarriiiL'ton , of Iowa , a SL' 00 clerk in the olhcu of tliosocond amlltorof thetieasiiry department , lias been dismissed for otl'ciiblvo partibiinsliip. 10 WANS IN WASHINGTON. State Senator O. M. Harretr , ot Sheldon , Iowa , and State Senator J. J , Itydcr , of Vin- ton , Iowa , aiuhero. Major. ) . Fred Myors , editor of tlio son Kevlow , who was Mieceeded as postmas ter by Keith , whose nomination the presi dent recently rejected , is in town. Myers says ho was called heie to consult with thu pieslde.ut relative to the appointment of a successor to Keith , but tlio president to-day appointed John taeaiuan without consulting Myers.Tin Tin : T.AW coMi'MKn WITH o.vni : . Tlio pnujtlco of the administration has been to leave in olllco nil of the appointees that have been rejected by Iho senate , some twelve in number so far. Tlio law requires llui president , "as soon as practicable. " to nomlnato another person in place of the one who has been rejected. Hut to-day was the first tlmo that ho has done so. Ho had sent to the senate the name of John Seaman to bo post master at Dmilson. Iowa , in place of the man who was lejected last week. POH'i'l'-NlNT-JI CO.N'GlliiSa. Konnttt. WASHINGTON , May 8. After Important business , the postofllco appropriation WAS taken up and Mr. Vest proceeded to speak upon Iho amendment appropriating SbOO.OOO' for the transportation of foreign malls. He maintained that the provisions would prove destructive to the merchant marine. It was now pioposed to change the existing statute , which permits competition , and substitute In Its piaeo a dni'laratlon that none but Amcilcan steamship. ; shall entry thu malls. To-day , ho bald , \vo \ have but two routes upon which tficro arc more than one line of. .steamships-one liom Kan Francisco to the east and ono fiom New Voile to Havana. No competition could coniu except upon those two lines , lie cited .statistics to show that In lei-cat years wo have paid four times as much to American steamships as to those of oilier countries for the tranportatlon of foielgn malls , yet our merchant marine and our navy had steadily dwindled away. Mr , Voat went Into the subject of the domestic manutacUiic ot ships at considerable length , giving stalls * tics tending to suppoit his position. Ho com * pared the merchant marine and the navy of the United States to thoio of oilier countries In u way most unllattcrlng to Iho former , and declared the piesuut conr&o being pursued was leading to Its destruction. Mr. vest Mild he would icpral our Infamous navigation laws. No other civilized nation had such laws , lie would aUo leform the tariff and placy it on a lovunuo b.xsls so as not to handi cap" ono man for the ndvar.tugo of another. I'.ustla , ingalU and Ool'iultt ' also joined actively In Iho debate , Iho latter op posing tlio amendment energetically. After nn executive session the senalo ad journed. _ Homo. WASHINGTON , Mayit. Mr. Wellborn sub mitted a conference report on the Indian appropriation bill and It was adopted , Mr. Morrison called np the icsolntlon re ported by him from the committee on rnloi on Saturday , providing that on and after May 10 , the sessions of tlio house shall bo from 11 a. in. till 0 p. in. , and after ilcbato It was adopted. The following bills wore Introduced and referred : By linker of Now Yoik-Kstabllshliie the territory of Noith Dakota. Uy Weaver of Nebraska Preamble and resolution Ironically smtgestlnir that It re quires a high degree of ' intelligence to dls- nliarKO tlio functions of a member of a committee appointed to atteml the re mains of a deceased member to Iho place of burial , and providing for tlio appointment uf a standing graveyard committee , which shall bo composed of such statesmen as the record discloses have shown tlio highest degieo of ability In lodging the do.ul weight ot an objection to tlio considera tion of unobjectionable legislation ; said com mit let ) to have leave to sit during tlio session of the house , hut without power to object at the grave to the Interment of the corpse. On motion of Mr. Ilmuler.son of Iowa the rules were suspended unit the bill was passcit ixppropilatmgSliVVXH ) for the repair and en largement of the public building at DCS Molnes , Iowa. , Ad join tied. NUBUAMICA CONTRACTS. Tlio Various Routes ns Iiut by the PoiitofUoo Depart moil t. , WAHHIXOTON , May ' . ' . ( Special. ] The postotllee department has entered Into con tracts for carrying the malls on the star , mall routes in Nebraska from July 1,1880. to I Juno 30,1SW , as follows : , Fiom Nelnaska City , by Paul ami Julian , I' to Brock , 'M miles and back , twice a week-n leavu Nebraska City Tuesday and Saturday.I I at 0 a. m. , arrive at Brock by 12 m , ; leave Brock Tuesday and Saturday at In. in. ; ar rive at Nebraska City by 7 p. in. Contractor , B. W. llcedy , of Windsor , Mo. , at SU59 a year. From Wahoo , by Ithaca and Veda , 10 miles and back , twice a WCCK. Leave Wahoo Tuesday and Saturday at 80.f m. , arrive at Veda by 12 in. ; leave Veda' Tuesday and Saturday at 1 p. m. , arrlvo at Wahoo bv 5 p. m. Contractor , John L. Jones , of London. Ky. , at $ ur a year. From Bertram ! to Tracyvllle , 3 miles and , back , twice a week. Leave Bcrliand Tues day and Saturday at 11:15 : a. m. , arrive at Tracyvllle by IS in. ; leavuTraeyvllleTues day and Saturday at 12:15 : p. in. , arrlvu at Bertram ! by 1 n. m. , or In close connection with railway malls. Contractor , J. D. Smith , of London , Ky. , at 800 a year. From Hayes to Blair , 10 miles and back , twice a week Leave Hayes Tuesday anil Satunltt. , at 10 a. m. ; arrive at Blair al 13 m , ; ' leave Blair Tuesday and Saturday at 1 p. in. ; arrlvu at Hayes at 3 p. m. Contractor , John L. Jones , at SI IS a year. From Hooper , by Swabtirg , Argo. Aider Grove , Admah , Vacuum and Fletcher , to Herman , ' * > ' miles and badethreo times a week Leavu Hooper Monday , Wednesday and Friday at 7 a. m. : arrlvu al Herman at-I i ) . m. ; leave Herman Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday at 7 a. m. ; arrive nt Hooper by 4 p. m. Contractor , B.V. \ . Beedy. at S5ii8. From O'Connor to Summit , 12 miles and back once a week Leave O'Connor Saturday at' ' ) a. m. ; arrive at Summit at 12 m. ; leave Summit Satuulay at 1 p. in. ; arrive at O'Con nor at 4 p. m. Contractor , J. D. Smith , at S70. From Fremont , by Fowler , ( n. o. ) , to Elfc City , 13 miles and back , once a week Leave Fremont Saturday at i ) a. m. ; ni rlvn at Elk City at 12m. ; leave Klk City Saturday at 1 iLini. ; nrrivcmt Prcmont'nt 4 p. ni. Contrac tor , John L. Jonusat , Sb5. I'rom Fairbtiry to Kcstcrson , ! miles and baclt , six times a week Leave Falibury daily , except Sunday , at 11 a. m , ; arrlvo at Kesterson at 12 m. ; leave Kestcrson dally , ex cept Sunday , at 1 p. m. ; arrive at Fairburv at a.p. ii ) . , or in close connection with railway malls. Contractor , Daniel T. Mortimer , 'Fall-bury , Neb. , at 150. From Bcrtraml to Axelson , 5 miles and back , three times a" week Leave Bertram ! Tuesday , Thiirdayand Saturday , at 10:45 : a. m. ; arrlvo at Axelson at 12 m. ; leave Axclson { Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday at 12:45 : p. m. ; arrive at Beitrand nt 2 p. m. , or In close connection with railway malls. Contractor , J. D. Smith , nt SIM. From Bcnklermiu , by Nnil ( n. o. ) , Imperial and Tyu'he , to Ogalhila , 85 miles and back , once a week Leave Benkleman Wednesday at 0 a. in. : arrive at Ogiillala Thursday at 1 ! ) m. : leave Oitnllala Friday at 0 a. m. : arrive at Bunklcman Saturday at 12 m. Contractor , Joel Hale , Plaiikingiou , Dak. , at 8171. From Long Pine , by Ingallstown ( n. o. ) , " Carlisle ( n. o. ) , and Butka ( n. o. ; , to Willow Springs , 70 miles and back , once a week- Leave Long Pine Thursday at 0 a. in. ; arrive nt Willow Springs Fridav at 12 m. ; leave Willow Springs Friday at 1 p. in. ; arrlvo at Long Pine Saturday at 0 p. m. Contractor. J. D. Smith , at 8248. From Valentine to Plcre.y's Itancho ( n. o , ) , 10 miles and back , once a week Leave Val entino Friday at 7 a. m. ; arrive at Plorcy's Banchu at 5 p. m. ; leave Plercy's Uancno Saturday at 7 a. m. ; arrive at Valentino by 5 p. m. Contractor , W. II. Owens , Sedalla , Mo. , at 6107. From Hay Spring ? , by Ingomar. toSandoz , 17 miles and back , once a week Leave Hay Springs Satuiday at 7:4fi : n. m. ; arrlvo at Simdoy. by 12 in. ; Leavu Siindo/ Saturday at lp. m. ; arrive at Hay Spilngs by 0:15 p. nu Contractor , Joel Hale , atSlW. From Hay Springs , by Alcove and MIrage , to Box Biitte , 2S miles and back , once a week Leavu Hav Springs Friday al Ma. m. ; ar rive at Box Buttu by 3 p. m. : leavu Box Butte Saturday at 7 a. m. ; arrive at Hay Springs by 2 p. m. Contractor , John L. Jones- 8103. The Indian Ontrr. OH. WASHINGTON , May 3. Tno adjutant gen-1 eral has received the following dispatch from General Miles , dated Benson , Arm/ April 0 : Confirmed reports from Calabassas and Nogalcs state that three persons were killed about ten miles noith of thu lino. Very seri ous depredations have been commuted south of thu boundary In So nora. many person.- ) be ing killed ami others driven out. coming up on the Sonora railroad to Arizona territory. Both Mexican and United Status troops have been actively pursuing. Ono Mexican and a white man Mtikuit by the Indians have bemi killed. As fast as possible troops are being placed wheio they will lie likely to Intercept thp hostiles should they attempt to move nuUli , The balance will keep as close to ( icroinlno's camp as possible , wherever they , , may go , Tlmdllllciilty with thu Navajos lui J. think , been satisfactorily settled and tioops placed In fhu vicinity of thu tlueatuned district. Thu Mesealcros are repotted well disposed and at woik. _ The National Mortality Rccortl , WASIIIXOTON , Mny3. Thu rcpJrt of Dr. Billings , surgeon of the Uultcd States army , on mortality and vital statistlps of the I United Slates as returned fiom [ the tenth con fins , has been lecolved by IIiu secretary of thu Interior. It says : The total population. In ISM ) wasCO.IM.Tb.S , an Incieasoln ten years of 1EW,412. ! Of this Incicaso iiSI,210 , per annum may betaken as duo to Immigration , tlio total number of Immigrants lor ten years being 2tjl2lt l. This makes the mcntTannual Ineieasc , due to excess ot births overfdcaths. 878,5- J. Thu mean annual birth nie ! lortho United Slatu'j is given as M per 1,000.It ap- pcaiB fiom data picsonted In Urn icport'tlmt the United States as a whole , during the cen sus year , had u comparatively low death rate and high hit th rule , Thu death rate Is shown lo have bui-n higher in Iliu criforud than In thu white population ; in the foreign clement than In tlunvhlles of Ameilcaii In cities than In ruial district. ' . Murder and Sulcido. DinnoiT , Mich. , May H. Tlio Kvenlng . , Journnl's Tilenslia ; ( Midi. ) spoclal suys ; , Itanody Slield. T.J years old. : n wealthy lilonee.r of | tills section , living a lullo . and a half east of heu > , killed his ) \fo | wltli / an axe and cut his own throat \vljh a Uizor. The.rauseof the tragedy Is sild to lie domes tic tioubleo , fur. Noliahl.i ) : ( , ' Ft-r .SVbraikn l.opal rains , lolJinvtal \Jf \ fair weather ; cooler 'auilhcrly windtJV" | "