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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1886)
OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. APRIL 2 ? . IRR 3 fl . . . . . .r , . , Cltr. April 21. Cattle Keeclpts 2KW ; shipments , W.O ; market opened steady , fell olTBchcfoic noon , closed weak ; choice to fincy , SS.lOil.Vft ) ! common to pood. S4.00 S.VOO ; feeders , S.7.Vrt4.40 ! ! ; cow. , i2.75@3..V ) . Hogi Ueceipla , li.COO ; market weak KM ! fcc lower : good tg choice , S-'UW'Sl.lO ; mixed packers SO.OUi&r.S'J. F1NANOIA.U New York. April 21. Mo.VRY-On call , easy at4di \ \ - \ per cent. PniMi.nniirAXTit.KPApr.n : Khoper cent. STKIU.I.VO KxcitANOK-Dull hut steady ; H.bTjjf for sixty days , and S4.SKi on de mand. GOVUIXMKNTS Qnlct bill firm , except cur rency ( > < s , which \\eie heavy. SiH.-KH There was belter business In stocks , altlmii''li trading Is still very dull. There was a strong onenlnir. and during the foienoon thu general list showed some fever- Nine's , moving up and down within the range of fractions. After midday the gen eral list was Him , and advanced moderately ami closed generally a shade below the best figures of the day. STOCKS on WAI.T , BTIIKBT. Stf cent bonds. . . KiOJf C. < VN. W . . . . lOOt/ U.S. 4 } < ' 8 ipreferred. \ . New 4's N.Y. C Pacific O's of 'UJ. Oregon Trail. . . Paclllc. . 41 Pacilin Mall C. & A. . . . . , , , 140 P. . I ) . &K preferred. . , . 155 P.P.O C. , It. ifei ( Uock Island. . . . 125 I ) . , L. A W SU L. .tS. F. . . . 10 I.ifell.G jneferied. . . 40 Erie C. , 51. iVsSt. P. . . preferred. . . . M i pieferrcd. . 118 Illinois Central. 118' ' , SUP. & 0 4\H \ I. , U. .fcW ' . -I ii piitfeiieu. . . Kansas ifcTexas. -17 Texas Pacilic. . . LnkeSlioro bl > < Union Pacific. . . 1Mich. N JlStjJiW. , St. I , . A : P. . Mich. Central. . . . I preferred. .Mo. Paclllc KM ? * ' Western Union 03 Noithein Pac. . . KMO.K. & N pieluiiud. . . PHOIlUCE Clilonjio. API II 21. Flour Steady and unchanged ; winter wheat , 84.40 4.47 ; wuthcrn , 8I.OO@4.n ( ; Wisconsin , 54.50 ® . ' 5 : Michigan soil spilng , Si.034.00 : ; MinnesiiUi uakeis' , ; patents , Sl.m ( it5.X ( ) ; low i-radcs , 8i.OOffli.OO : ; rye Hour , fci. : : ) ( iti.50. : In barrels , sy.OJ c'i.iW In socks. Wheat IJnhcUIcd and active but hluhcr ; ddvanced le above the opening , Jc abo\e j'lHteiday's close , declined Xc , closing at ? tf Hhovo yesterday ; cash and Apill. May Wf ( < MXc Corn Stiomjer ; advanced ? ( f@Kc , closlne Jfc above yesteidav ; 3i7VeHir ; cash ; ilic lorApill : ibcfor May. Oats Finn and W'i' ' cash ; aikc for April ; liUc for J line. Uye-QuletatOO'fc. ' Hurley Dull at f/Jc. Timolny Firm ; prime , St.81@l.S2. Flax-seed ( inlet , at Sl.OO. Whisky Sl.l I. Poik Inegular ; cradually declined 15@ 17 c , became steadier , Impioved 7 , ' lOc ami closed steady : 8 .00Va05 ( for cash ; 8U.OO lor April ; Sao-JK i.05 ! ' for May. Laid ! I.JjO lower ; towaid the close became stronger and declined iccovered ; 85.00 lor cash and April ; S5.S7VJO ( May. Shoulders 8 1.OOcrt 1.10 ; short clear 85.55 < < § fi.fiO ; hhort rlbsS5.22Kfi.V.5. ( Hutter Lower ; cieamciy , 17Cj.24c ; dairy , Cheese Full cicam chendars , 10@llcllats 5 Toung Americas , ll@12o ; skims , . Hugs HMr12c. ( Hides ( iicen , 0) c ; heavy green .salted , 7'jc ; light , Sj o ; damaged , illCc ; mill hides , fo ; drv salted , I2j < o ; dry Hint , ii' : 14c ; c.ilt skins , Hie ; all skins under 8 Ibs classed as deacons sold at 50c each. Tallow Weak ; No 1 country , 3c ; No 2 country , ; ! ; fc ; cake , Ji' ' 'c ' , Kecelpts. Shipments. Flour , bbln . 10,000 10.000 Wheat , ou . 10.000 300.0 JO torn. ; on . : i7iooo Oats , bu . 12J.OOO 0.-J.OOO Kye.Du . None 10.000 Uarlov.bu . 21.0JO is.000 Now York. April -Wheat Firm and higher ; receipts. 1)0,000 ) : exports , 187.C03 ; ungraded led WJJOic ; No. 2 red 01 f.o.b. , May closing at JH c. Coin Spot , steady ; options fairly active , closing firm : leceipts. ! KCOO ) , ; expoits U2.0CO ; ungraded , 4@lOc : ; ; No. : i , 44' o ; No. 2. 40ic } In elevator , 47 ( ( ? 4bc alloat ; May closing at 47c. Oats Higher and more active ; receipts , 30.000 ; uxpoitsHi7 : mixed wcstein , 3S@4l ; < ic ; white westein , 41G47J/c. Petroleum Steady ; United closed at 70J c. F.girs Dull hut easier ; western , 12 40. Poik Steady but quiet ; family mess , 811.2. ) . I/ud Opened weak , but closed firm ; western stiam , spot , go.v . , , , _ Butter Dull and lower ; western , 10@25c ; Kluin ei eamory , un JTc. Cluew Easier but dull ; western. 7@10e. Cincliiiintl , Apiil 'Jl. Wheat Stionger ; No. a red. l-Oc. - Corn No. 2 mixed , HT'/e. Oats No. 2 mixed , tey. > ii\c Firm ntwxjfoyisc. liaiIny Unchanged ; No. 2 spring , 70c. Potk-Sii.r.OJj'j.'js : Wiskv Weak at S1.10. MtnncnpoiiH. April 21. Wheat Strong ; No. 1 haul , cash , ho } e ; May. tM'.j'c ; June , MKc ; No. 1 noithcrn , cash , bO > c ; Alay , Sic ; June , 84) ) fc. Flour Film ; Patents , S4.55@4.60 ; bakers. Receipts Wheat , 57,000 [ in. Shipments Wheat , 15,000 bu ; flour. 14,000 bhls. bhls.Milwaukee Milwaukee , Apiil 21. Wheat Strong ; cash , NJTc ) ( ; May , Klj c. Corn No. 2 , ffl c. Oats No. 2,2 ! > Jf. lty ( * Nominal : No. 1 , CCc. HailHV No.a , BSc. 1'rovlslons habier : mess pork , cash and April , 83.00. Liverpool. April 21. Wheat-Offered sparingly ; Inow No. 2 winter and bpiiug , no stock heie I'lour Olfeicd moderately ; steady at 8s 4d. Coin Simply poor ; spot , firm at 4s 'hi ; April , hteady at-Is : td ; May aiulJune , steady 4s''d. Toledo , April 21. Wheat Firm ; cash , Corn Steady : cash , Oats Nominal. UanaaH City , April 21. Wheat Strong nd higher ; No. 2 u-d cash , O'J' c bid , 07c sked ; May , iWc ; Juiio7i ; ( Si71Jic , Coin Stioug and higher : No. 2 , cash , 27jc { May , 2S < - , hid , 2 'c asked ; Juno ! MiUe. . Oats No quotations. Kt. liOiilH , April 21. Wheat Firm and higher : No.Uiod , cash. M ® ' .Kc ) ; May. Wk- . Corn Steady and hluher ; No. 2 mixed , cash , MSfc'c ; May , SWc. Oats Ste.uly ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 2S > 4'c ; May. . lVik-StcadyntS7.CO. Lard Finn at 85.bO. Whisky Firm at 81.10. IJutter ( Julie easy ami unchanged ; cream ery . 2.XJTT.OIdairy ; , iK-i-V. AKinuxnoN lioAim-Wheat StioiiL' and . . . hlKlier , Corn , ' 4@J. Oats lower. OMAHA. MVK 8TOOK. Wednesday Kvenlng , Apill 91. The cattle maikut Is veiy quiet ; the de maud is rood and llii'ii ) would he no trouble in hdlliiK the cattle If they \\eiuon thu mat ket. The leeulpts were heavier to day but one-half of them came In iatlcr | latu fur to day's maikct Values lemaln about stead ) nt maikct quotations. Quotations foi todavweio : Choice to extra steers , averai : lux 1.400 to 1,500 pounds , SJ.sxvi5.00 " ; peed nxeiaglni ! 1,200 to l , : o pounds" 84.00 4.75 medium , averaging 1,100 to 1,200 pounds F4.UIM,40 : good to cholcu cows and hulfeis iivcraglugliooto l'JX ( ) , 8i.50 : < ; ti.80 ; ; medium averaging NX ) to 1000. S2.750W.23 : choice to extra bulls , averaging 1WK ) to .HKJO , 3.MI ; common , aveiaglng 1200 to 1500 , 11,00 , The hog maikct was steady at yesterday's ( juolitiond. Tlio hogs \ \ io M-ry even to day , ov j thing being sold at 8'J.S5 with thu exception of onu lo.ul which brought S3 77K Culls and skips aiu almost unsalable , 'the lecclpts \ \ eio the same to-day as on j esterday Quolatlons t'irto-day wciu : Choice light am medium weights , 8U.KKjta.yn ; cholco heavy sa.7r > < UaSO ; good to choicu mixed. 3.05 8.75 ; common lough giadasat S3.45@3.50. Them was n small bunch of sheep on the maikct to-day , the instill over a week. The ) sold u-adlly ut S4.GO , though uvemgliig onl' ' CM pouiuU. IIKCKII'TS. Cattlo. , . . . . , . . . . . . 500 1 loirs . , . , , W filiwp . , . UU KUl'IIKSKNT.YTIVi : SALUS. STKKIS8. No. Av. Pr. Kot Av. Pr. 10 . 1410 S4.45 l'J7 ' . 1S45 S4.85 2 . 1005 4.45 No. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr. 1 . 1770 § 2.b3 COW * , . N'o. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 21 iioo face facoBIIKKI BIIKKI * . No. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr. W W 54.00 lion * . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 5J 207 Sn.77K W - - * SH.W 78 2JO a 5 CS 243T.8 63 221 3.M 71) ) 2TO 3.S3 70 244 H.V > 02 220 3.M H10I1E3T AND I.OWKSTi Sliowlne the hlirhest and lowest price ? paid on this market for mixed packing hoes aur- \na \ tlio past seven days and for the corre- porluJ last month , March April Wednesday S3.W ) Thursday 1'rlday 8. : > 0 Saturday Monday h70 ! Tne-day Wednesday All sales of stock In this market arc innilo per cwt. live \\cl'ht ( unk'ss othnrwhe stated. load hois ; sell nt4c \ per Ib for nil weights. "Sktn , "orhoK4 wclithhiKlcsa than 100 Ihs , no value. ProRnnnt sows ate docked 43 Ibs nnd slags to Ibs. _ Notes. Hop market steady. Cattle matket to the car. W. . ) . Davis , Alda , sold a lo.ul otcs \ \ \ * . "T. J. Paiilsli , Kcnrnoy , sold n load of hogs. ( inles & Uoyer , Cralf , maikcted a load of llOLtS. Tlio North 1 , oup Cattle company maikcted load of hous. 1) . Anderson , Columbus , Imd a load of hogs on the market. Jiio. WU'Klns , Colnnibiis marketed a bunch of 1)4 ) pound sheep. O. UmuL'ss , Weeping Water , had n load of iocs on the market. A. II. Skellun , North houp , had a load of 1 lunrs on the maikut. Kelne & At. , Albion , Imd another load of ngs on tlic. market to-day. Aricns & Kcnyon , Howard , maikcted another load of hogs to-day. Uenj. Weaver Cattlu Co. . Burnett , had ono oail of c.ttlu ( on the markcU \ \ r.V. . JJanihonsu , Adams , was ( it the ards IniiuirlnsalterloedefH. 1' . A. Uaiiett , WcopliiK Water , was on the naiket with a load of cattle. Cooper A ; T. , Wocplnic Water , had a load of lo.s and n load ol cattle on thu maikct. .John Dadlsman , with Wood Hros. , has re- tirned Irom a lew weeks stny In Chicago. F. Hey , Silver Creek , and llcynolds it Co. , taymond , cnch had n load of liogs on the imrkct , Twelve cars of Hay state cattle were rc- eivod fioiii North Uend , too late for to-day's naiket. C. W. Payn , a heavy feeder ot Crawford onnty , la. , was at tlieyatds looking after eeders. II. S. Manvlllc , manager of the Converse 'attle Co. , Bin licit , was at I he yards with 35 head of cattle. Mr. Tubbs , ho ? buyer forG. 11. Hammond fe Co. , retained to-day alter a two weeks' islt to his homo In 1'eter Fish , of the linn ot Kasthtirn , Fish & Co. , live .stock commission of Chicago , was at the yards to-day. While here he bought 3 head of cattle troin K. W. Corliss , which vero broucht into the yards and weighed and hipped on to Chicago. A prominent cattle man remarks that 'coders aie not making much out of their coin fed cattle this season. He ascribes it to arious causes , In the iirst placu they paid too ntich for their stock last lall. and besides hat It has been a very hard season for feed- UK. _ _ _ OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. General Markets. Wednesday Kvenlnp , April 21. Eons Tim bulk of sales wcie made at UKc. Ut'TiTii The receipts ate vurv light and he market KOOI ! for the choice grades , Jlioice creamery , US@'iOc ; cholco fii'sh table , 17 ( < ilUc ; peed Ircsh table , 14@10c ; lair , K ( ,0c ; poor. : itZOc ( , CIIIISK : fancy full cream ehcddars , Oc tober make. HKe ; ll.its , l2 ! 'c ; yoniig Aniciica , HMC ; iirst quality Swiss cheese , 15e ; second iiuallty , l'.JJ ( < ( ; llc , Limbinper , llffll''c ( ; skim Hats , ( > @ 10c. 1'oui.Tiiv The deiiiand for live poultry is brisk , while there Is considerable inquiry for Iressed. Chickens , live. pcrdoz.Sf.'JjL' : ( > : i.75 ; turkeys , live , per Ib , ducks , live , . / " . , S2.75.00 ( } ; dressed , per Ib. , 10iZllc ( , UAMI : Ducks are quite low yet , although supply is not near as larsje as a week aio. There Is some demand for jock snipes , which thus far have not been very plentiful. Ducks , mallard , per doz. , Sl..riOrei.7.r ( > ; teal , per do/ . TS'ffiSl.a.'i ; iiilxtid,7n@Sl.trj ! ; jack snipes. 5 ? 1.00 T'-iV plover , S1.00@1.50. 'lticsKiivKS , JCI.US.K r.TC. I'loserves , all kinds , 20-Ib. palls peril ) . 10c ; do in pail lots , per Ib. ! > l c ; assented. Mb. pails per late , ils , S",75 , JcJC ! ! t all kinds iirst grade , -lb. palls , per Ib. 8c ; assouri' , loSt si.mC- . 6-lb , palls , per crate , 0 palls , 2.50 ; dd Mb. palls , per case , 'J doz. S2.2r > ! do , tumb lers. per case , 2 do . , Sl.40. , le ly. all kinds , second in ado , 80-lb. palls , per Ib. TJC. Mince meat , best giado ) / bbl. per Ib. 7c ; do. Mb pails , per ciate. 0 nails , S75 ; do 40-lb palls per lu , 7We : do , 5-lb pails , per crate , 0 pails &J. 75. I'each and plum butter , 40-lb palls , 75- Ib. l > Ke ; jieach plum and quince butter , as sorted , /ill / ) pails , per crate , n pails § :1.75 : ; house radish. Dint bottles , per doz 81.50. Tins' FJIT. : Titii'i : , KTO I'lgs' lect , per 4 bbl , S4.00 ; do , X bbl. 82.00 ; do. per kit , IWc. Lambs' tongues , per , ' bbl , si.25 : ; do , per kit , 82.50 ; do , quaitjars per do55.05 ; do , pint jars jier case , 2 do50.75. . Tripe , per U bbl , $4.00 ; do , per tfbbl , SiOO ; do , per kit 1KC. 1KC.SAuniiKiiAi'T Best quality , 30 gal bbl , 50.50 ; 15 iral bbl. 83.75. Cosin HONKY California- ID framu 00 Ibs , In case per Jb. , 15n ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska , Wti . CmEit Mlchlcan rcflncd , per bbl. , 50.50 ; do. half bbl. . 84.00. VINKOAU White wlno. lOc ; cider , 12) 0. UA.VANAH The maikot Is well supplied. Quotations nro SU.OO ( ( 4.X ( ) . accotdlni0fci. \ . Ai'iM.KS-Tho maikct Is well stocked and sales am dialing. Western stock , S2.00(22.2."i ( ; Michigan apples , S2.50 ; choice Missouri stock. S'i.W per bbl. CitAxnr.umr.s Belt ana Btielo , per bbl , S0.r > 05bbliots ; , 50.00 ; Jersey , per bu-.h box , "GUANOES Hlvorsldo Seedlings , per box 5 tn 10 box lots , ] > cr box , Si.75 ; ; San-Cahrlel Navels , per box , 81.50 ; hos Angeles , per box , pt.OO : ; do 5-box lots , per box , 5'J.75 ; Valencia 420 , per caseStf.OO. . JjKMO.xs Fancy Mussina , per bo\S3.03 ; choice jlessina. per box. S5.50. COCOANUTS 1'er 100 , § 1.50 ; less than 100 , S5.00. New FIQS , DATHS , ETC. Layer ngs , 8 and 10-Ib boxes , per Ib , lOc , Dates , lancy Fard , 12-lb boxes , per Ib , lie ; Persian , 50-1 li boxes , porlb , I0i % 1'runellcs , SO-lb boxes , perlb , ISc. ISc.MAPM : SiKiAit Bricks , strictly nurc , 5Q-lb boxes , per Ib , ICc ; penny cakes , 'J5-lb cases , 1'JKe. HOXF.Y Fresh California comb honey put up in 2-lb frame.N < X-lbs ) in case. California comb honey , per Ib. , 15' . ' , OYSTIIIS--NOW : York counts , 45c ; extra selects. 40c. bdccts , Vic ; standauis iiOc ; mediums. 2Ac. NKW VixjKTAm.jjs California cabbage , per Ib. , 31 0 ; caullllower. per do/ . , 52.50 ; eel- eiy , per doA. , 31.50 ; asnaiagus , per Ib , , 15o ; spinach , per bbl. , gaoo ; gieen onions , per do350 ; ladishcs , per Aut , , COo ; lettnco , pcrdoi. , OOo ; iilcplant , per Ib. . 12 > c ; was , perK-bnsh. box , 81.25 ; J4'-bush. box , 83.00 ; cucumbcis , § 2.50 per doz. Oi.ii VKUin'Aiii.r.s Onions , Michigan , cholco yrllow. per bbl. , SH.50 : rutabairas , per bbl. , S2Ol > < i2.'J5 ; cauots , per bbl. , fc 1.75 : radish toots , per bbl. , 55.0J ; do per lr , 7n ; sweet uotatocs , perlb. . 4c ; paisnlps , per bbl. , 82.00 ; beets , per bbl. , S2.03 ; Salt Lake pota toes. . per bu. * , bOc. I'jtovisioxs Ham , OX@10j ; bicakfast ba con SSKo ; clear side bacon , 70l7Xe ; diy salto sides , OjtlJic ; shoit lib sides , 0fc } ; shouldeis. 5c ; moss pork , S12.50 per bbl ; dried beef , ham pieces , Vic i laid , tierces , OJ < ; c ; 50 Ib cans , 7c ; "U Ib cans ( Fairbanks ) , 7uc : 5 Ib cans , do , Ij.'e : 8 Ib cans , do. , t o ; boneless ham , lOc. BEAKS Calltoinhi and Michigan are sellIng - Ing in a small way. California Kayo , per bu. , S1.B5 ; do 1'ca. pcrbu. , Sl.bS ; Michigan 2IedUuu , ) > er bu. , S1.75 ; Country , perbu. , 75 . * GHAI.V On tlio streets and at the mills : Corn. 23cj oats , 'JSK ; wheat , No. 2 , eec ; rye , 45(2 ( 50c. Fi.oim AND MII.I.STDFFS Winter \vlicat Hour , best quality patent , U.OO@3.10 : second quality , S2.50dW.00 ; boat xuality spilng , . , . . , per cwt ; chopped feed , 75c per cwt ; white corn meal , RV ; yellow com miral , 70oi > ur ew < j IKJI cwt ; lioiuluy , SI.DO per cwt : shorts. HO.'per cwt ; graham , 81.75 ; liav , In bales , ? 0,007.CO | ier Ion. HinK ? Green bnteher . 6 > : crcon cnred , 7 > 4cdry ; nintll l36 : dr.v salt. JKrtlOc : dam- attcd lilde ? two-thirds price. Tallow 'c. ( Ueaso , prime white. Re ! jellow , 2'jc ; brown. 2c. Sheen Pelts 3j' < 47.TC runs AND SKJ.VS Mink. each. 10 ( < MOc ; mtiskrat , winter , ® c : do. klti. Ic ; Utter. do. mountain , ! > 'iUO ( < l3.X ( ) ; wildcat , 15 40jbe.v \er , 81.50@2.50 per ib ; fox. each. 40e@l.75 : deerskin : , drv winter , I0@l3c per Ib ; do. fall and summer , loftei cs antcioe. | , flwio.1 pel Ib. Lr.Aimit Prime slaughter sole leather , 28 attic : prime oak sole leathers. Jifif sic. V pper leather , per loot , 20'J'-33 ; hem. kip. 7.X s5c : oak kip , S.ySD.'x : : "French kip , ? l.KM.i ( ) ( ; hem. calf , S1.XK1.10 ( ; oak calf , Sl.UOO$1.2i ; French e\lf , 5t.2.V < J1.8.j ; Morocco boot legoOf < l32c : Moroccoollpcbble,2S@ 2c ; toppings and linings , srt.oojiio.oo per doz. COAI , Antliracito grate , SVi5 : egg , S8.2.1 ; ranire , SSM : chettnnt. S8.-V ) ; Iowa. SS.'i" > ; Walnut block , S3.Wjlllliuls ) , S5.00Missouii ; , 4.00. HEAVY llAitmvAtiK Iron , rates , $2.35 ; plow steel , special cast , 4c : crucible steel , Oc ; cast tools do , ri lSc ; wagon spokes , per set , SLT-YftloO : hubs. t > cr set. 51.23 : felloes , sawed dry , S1.4U ; tongues , each , We ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib. 7 ( Tllc ; cell chain , per Ib , r < f512c : malleamX ( lOjLSc : iron wedges , < > c : ciowiurs ftj ; harrow teeth , 4c ! spilng steel , 7 ( < * ! < c ; Htmlen's borhcshoei. 81.40 : Dm den's mule shoes , 85.40. Barbed AVhe , in car lots , 54.00 per 103 Ibs. iron Nailn , rates , 10 to 00. § : ! ,00. Shot S1..M1 : buckshot , ? 1.S5 : oriental powder , kegs , S3.50 ( Svl.OO ; do , half kegs , SiOO ; do , ( piarter kegs , Sl.oO ? blasting , kegs , 5-a.J5 ! ; fuse , per 100 feet , wie. Lead Har. ! . ? > . I'.VINI-K IN On , White lead , Omaha , P. P. , zinc , 75c ; vcrmlllton. America. ISc : Indian- led. lOc : lose pink , lie : Venetian , red. Cook- ton's , 2-Jfe ; Venetian , led , Ameiicau , 1 jJi'c red lead , rjfc ; clnomo jellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow , K. 12c : oclue. rochelle Jkr , ; ochre , Kieneh , 2jfc ; ochre , American , 'c ; Winter's mineral , 2 , ' e. : Lehlgh brown , 2J c ; Sianlsh ) brown. 2lfe < ; Prince's mineial.ta DUY PAINTS White lead , 8c : French zinc , I'-'c : Paris \vhltlng , 2 > c ; whiting gliders , IJje ; whiting , com'l. Ufe : lampblack , ( ! er- mantown , 1'Jc ; lamiihlack , oidlnary , t > c ; Pntsslan blue , flV ; tdtramailnep ibu : vandyke - dyke , brown , Sc * ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umber , ra\v , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , iaw4c ; PatisL'leen , cenulne. 25c : Paris cieen. com mon'Oc : chrome gieen , N. V. , 20a ; chrome gicen , K , 12a ; vermlllion , Knglish , in oil , 70c ; raw aud burnt umber , 1 Ib. cans , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna , I'-V ; Vandyke , brown , I3c : iclined lampblaek. lie ; coach black and ivory black , Hie ; drop llack , lOc ; Prussian blue , 40c ; ultinmarlne blue , ISc : chiomc green. L. , M. it 1) . , Ific : blind and shutter itrcen , L. . M. & I ) . , Ute ; Paris gieen , ISc ; Indian led , 15c ; Venetian red , ! ) e ; Tuscan , 22c ; American veimilliou , L. it 1) . , 20c , yellow ochre , ! 'c ' ; L , M. V : O. D.lSc ; godrs ochre , lOc ; patent dryer , He ; ciatn Ing colors Ik'ht oik : , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash. 12c. Dni'dS ANP CiniMirAi.s Acid , carbolic , 3lc ; acid , tartmie , KJc ; oalsam copaiba , per Hi , 45c ; bark , stssatIMS. per lt > lOc : calomel , per Ib , 72c ; ehlnchonldhi , per olUc ; chloro form , per lt > , OOc ; Dovcrs powdois. per Hi , & 1.25epsom ; salts , perlb , 'l u : glycerine , pure , per Ib , ISc ; lead , acetate , put ll > , 20c ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per iral. , 81.00 : oil , castor , No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per cal. , 81.40 ; oil. origanum , noc : opium. S.IM : ) ; qui nine , P. As W. , and I ! , vt S. . tier oz , h5c ; ] ) o- tassium iodide , per H > , S .OO ; salluln , per o/ , 40c ; sulphate morphine , per o/ , .yj.OO ; sul phur , ncr It ) . 4 : strvchnine , per o/M 81.40. OILS 110 ° catbon. po it.iil on. Kk ; : 150 headlight , per gallon , lie ; 175U headlight , per gal , 15c : 150 ° water white. 14c ; linseed , hard , ? cr gallon , 44c ; linseed , boiled , pi-r gallon , "c : lard , winter str'd , perirallon. SOu : No. 1 , 4'Jc : No. * 3. 4o ( ! ; castor XXX. per gallon , 81.55 : No. 3. 81.14 : sweet , per gallon , Sl.OO , speim , W. B. . per gallon. 8UU ) ; lisii , W. H. , per gallon , C5c ; ncatstoot , extra , per gallon , 70c ; No. 1. ( V < c : lubricating , /.eio , pur gallon , No. 1 summer , 15c ; goldun machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 80o ; No. 2. Me ; speim , signal , per gallon , 75c : tin pentine , per gallon , 55c ; fjaso- leue , ) KT gallon. He. V'Aitxisiiis : jJanels , rter gallon : Fuinl- tnre , extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , Sl.OO ; coach , .extia , 81.40 ; coacli , No. 1 , fil.20 ; Damar , extra , 51.75 ; Japan , "Oc ; asphaltum extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 83.30 ; hard oil finish , bi'iniTS Cologne sjilriLs , 1S8 pioof , 81.12 ; do lOliiroof , ? ? 1.13 ; siiii its , second quality , 101 prool , 81.12 ; do , 188 m-oof , ,81.11. , Alco- lined S1.50C Kentucky . Golden Sheaf bom-Don and ive whiskli-s , S1.50 ( 3.00. Brandies , imported. § 5.00(3 ( .50 : domestic , Sl.Of' : ! .J.OO. ( illis , Impmtcd , S4.50 ( iiVi.OO : domestic. S1.25fS > : i.OO. Itinns , im- liorted , 84.SX2S.OO ; New England. S1.75@3.00 ; domestic , Sl.'i")5tS.OO. Clianiagnes ) , Import ed , per ca'o. 5-2S03 ( < : w.OO ; American , per case , SiO.OJ 10.00 l-'lsh. IIEIIHINGH. ini'8'H'f M'ls O'r nbls'I'ls Kts FISH. I 200 100 0 60 40 13 10 Munn'a S't No.l L'b ft 00 3 M 3 DO I M 1 nO ftl' ' 50 L'poGlb'cd Fancy 5 5'J3 MX (17 ( 1 07 1 41)1 ) 5' ) , 47 L'tro It'J Sli'ro F'oy,5 , 50 ; i Si 117 1 117 1 < 0 | Kl 47 MACKKiuu : Ulils. Halt' Ilhls'Q'r ' lllils' ' a NUW FISH. 200 , 1UU W ) JO 40 lot nioaterMcsa . ,16 00 18 00 10 25 0 ffi 7 30 1 93 Er. No. IBh'r . 24 00 13 CO 11 30 0 3a f > 10 1 41) No. 1 Shorn . Mod. No. 1 Shore. . . " lluv . Family . Fat 7 ( X ) ! 4 ( X ) a B.i',3 ' , Oj',1 ' 70 | 55 . Q'rllbls "ls Kt.s KEW FISH. 100 UO AU 40 U < 1U No.l WlilloFish 7 IHJ fl : H ) 3 N ) ; l 10 I (14 ( 110 Family " 3 0 2 TO 1 7U I 60 , M 60 No. 1 Trout. . . . 4 00l ! 602 Kl ) 0 04 , 6J No. 1 I'lcUuicl. ! l 00 3 70 1 HO 1 SO ! fifl ' W JMI'OIITEI ) V18II. NEW flSII.iiiiis.uir . mils O'r mi I'ulls or kits 'MO 100 UO 40 10 NorwcKlan KKK Her'lngs 12 030 505 CO 330.3 70 83 Norwegian I J. KK 11 M CO 5 45 3 ofiS 50 P'lOS 6 U,4 ) O ) 4 OJ i ; w i OS 60 Grooora' Ijlst. SVJIUP No. 70 , isic , bbls ; No. 70 , 4-callon kegs. 81.0 > ; , New Orleans 3.S34" * per gallon ; Maple byrup , Jf barrel , stilctly pure , 70e per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , ? y.25 per doz ; % galleu cans , 85'J5pordo ; quart cans S3.00. ford' shulk.4c. Pirm.Ks Medium. In bbls. Srt.00 ; do In halt bbls , S3.50 ; small , in bbls. 87.00 ; do In half bbls. Sl.OO ; ghuikins , In bbls , 88.00 ; do. lu half bbls. S4.50. CAXXII : ) Goons Oysters , standard , per case. c3.5 ; str.\wheulesi ! Ib. per c.isc , 82b5 ; rasplwirles , 2-lb , jior case , $ 'f. ' < California \ pears , pur case , $5X ( ) ; apricots , pur case , oo s , < ' . ' nor case , 8VJO ; plums , per cain , cj't.w ' ) ; whor shoe , : J7c : , : ) 'Ja ; Spu.irhead , : < 9j ; Oold Uoll , SOn ; Piper lluidslck , ( Xo ) ; Punch , ic ; Vniins Fritz. 88cJTJ.8te. : CANDV Mixed , y } @l2o : stick , O' ' Jllc. SALT Diay loads , per bbl. S1.55 ; Ashton , In sacks , 8i.n : : ; Jsaclis , Ashton , d c ; bbls , dairy , 82.noa3.75. HOIIA In Ib papers. 83.25 a case ; salsoda , heir , l > or Ib , 22 > ic. IJIIIKD FniTira No. l quarter apples. In evaporated boxes,8 ( < ! UcbIackberrlciiboxe.s ; ! ) ) 9J4 ; iKsaches. eahtein , 4 W5 c ; peaches evaporated , I5jtf@l7c : Salt Lake , new , )4@ ) 8u : raspburrlus. new. iiOfiWlc ; curnints , 7H < ifi 7sc ; prunes , now , 45iC 44Ke , SUOAUS Powduiou , 7 ° e ; cut 'laf , } { c\ \ eronnlatcnl , 7Kc : confi-ctloners A , 7c ; stanuaru extra C,0o : extra C. 0 8'c ; medium yellow.Oc ; Now Orleans. ! > % @ 6c , MATOIUS : Per caddie , ! ttc ; round , per case. 45o ; square cases , S1.70 ; undo bijuaie , 81. 2o. SOAPS Kirk s oavon Imperial. S2.03 ; Kiik'usatlnut , 83.1.V Klik's standaid , S3.SO ; Khk's white Uussiati. 84. : Kirk's White Cap , 8(5.50 ( ; Donio , 84.25 ; Washboard , S3. 1ft COKKIKS : Ordlnarv grade * , U ) c ; fair , 10@ 10 > 4'c ; piiiue , llk@12c ; choice , 12tf . fancy green and yellow , 13K@14Kc ; old gov- ernmunt Java,20t20c ; Interior Java , 16l < ® 20c : Mncha , 2Ji ( 2lc ; Atbucklu's roasted , lS3fo ; .MeLauchlln's XXXX roasted , ISJ/c ; Uilworth's , 13Ko ; Ked Cross , ISJ.'c. UAMH.KS Ifoxes , Ib , Os , lie : 8s , lie ; boxes , 40lb , Ittoz , 6s , lie ; lmf ! box , 201t > , SJUCKS G'ouud Ulack pepper , bpxes , 15 cinnamon , lSWr.c -i'Kj ; mustard , ( Jarneatt's soda , butter and picnic , flJici ci earns , ajjc ; gliiBcr snap .l..c ; cltv soda , 7ls'c. KINI : CUT Hard to Heat , 70c : Charm o. the West , OOc ; Fountain , 70c : OoWen Thread- C7c ; Favoilto. fiOc : UmK { We Uoeky Moun tain. . ' .Oc : Kaney , 45c : Daisy. 40c ; North Starf Oc ; 5ood Ltick. eec ; Our liest , 02)ic ) ; Ciood News , 55c , Dry Goods. PIHNTS American , fl } ; Arnold's. Oc ; Co- checo , Oc ; Mnnchciter. ( te ; Lymaii , " < . ; (5lou- ( cestur , 5Kc : Diinnell .lacquaid. Go : Duunell , ic : Windsor. I'KJ : Pacific. Oc : Harmon , 4'ic ; Anchor Slilitlnes , 4) ) c ; Menliimc , Shirtings , 4 > c : Uerwlelc , 4c. Bl.i-.AriiKD COT i oxs Fanners' choice , C'le ; Cabot. 6Wc $ Hope , 7c ; llllt 4 4 , 7) ) 1 ! ; lull , K , OVc ; Lonsdale , Su ; Fruit , Sc ; Wain- sutta , lO'/c. ' Consr.r JIAXS : Kcarsarsre. 7c ; Armory , 7c ; Peppcrell , 7 } c ; Indian Orchard , Oj ; Naumkeag , * c. llircjK ( Unbleached ) S oMagnolia. . lOe ; 10 07. Magnolia , 12c : Soz. West Point , lOkc ; 10 o/ . West Point , 12H'c. Hnow.N Corrox I.awietico LL , fie ; Shaw- CnnvioTS Amoskeag , eliccks.O 'c ; Amos- keax , stiipes. H'J'C ; Slater , stripes , e ; Kdln- buig. 0' ' < " fe : Whlttendou , stripes , W ; ( Jleu- rose. He : Otis , clierks , ! ) ' c ; Otis , slilpes , IV ; liojal , 05fc ; Amo-keag , napped , 10)-fe ) ; Lu- ray , book- fold , VJo : Oheion , book fold , Knduraiice , book fold , 12c. TICKINGS AmoskeagArA 13' ' fe : Thorn dvke ( . ) OO , 7fc ; 'Ihorndyko fanev. O'-Jc ; YOIK , : Yoik fancy. 12 'e : Mllbuiy , 13 } < fc ; Peail Ulver , ll' c ; Hamilton , 12c ; Swift River , /fShetiiekel ; S. svcShftnck- ; etSS , HX ( < : Montauk AA , 12c ; Montauk UU , lie ; Omega ACA , lto. ! DK.VIMS Heaver Cieek AA , lie ; Heaver and brown , 1J < fe. DITK ( coioied ) Hoston 1) ) o/ . blown and drab. : % ; Hoston O H blown and diab , He : Hoston XX brown and diab , lOc : Hoston XXX brown and drab. UKo : Hoston O P blue , HKe : Waircn Tiicot. I5c. Dry LiUinbor. DIMHN'SIOXS AND TIMI1KR9. ' ' ' rt'21 ' 12 n u ft'io rt'ia ftL'O ft'ss rt 2i4 ir-.M i.i.r > o ir.r > o ) is.fio lo.ra Uxo i.oo 15.00 n.oo in.oi > | i7.ou 20.00 21.00 2.\H ' . ilS.50 15.50 15..TO 10.50 IT.i'X ) 1'J.iiH ' 20..10 2x10. ! 15.50 ir.r > o i : > .r > o 10.1017.50 20.50 21.50 2MS 15.f > 0 15.-0 1.1.50 10.50 17.50 211..10 21.50 < \ < -8.\3 . . . . 15.50 15..VI 15.50 lfl.5017.5U ; 1S.50 l O ItO.UinS. No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , Hand 10ft ? 17.00 No. 2 " " 12,14 and 10 ft 15.00 No. 3 " " 12,11 and 10 ft 13.0-1 No. 4 " " 12 , U andUi ft 11.00 FKNOIXfl. No. 1 , 4 A(5 ( inch , 12 and 14feet , rough. . $10.50 No. 1 , 4 & 0 inch , 10 feet , roivih 17.0) ) No. 2 , 4&G inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . 11.00 No.2 , 4&0inc.h. 10 feetrough 15.03 SIIIIMO. 1st Com. , 12,14 and 10 feet S'-K.M ) 2d " " " " 20.00 3 < l " ' " " 1.1.0,1 Fence , " " " 11.00 Cr.lI.JNft AN'I > PAnTITION. 1st Com. , * < in. White Pine Partition. . . 0 2nd Com. , & In. , " " . . 27-0 Clear.-Kin. Norway " " 14.5 . ' " " lo.5 2nd Com. ; tfin. FI.OOIHNO. A 0 Inch , white pmu 531.00 BO inch , " " ' . . . ' . 31. 0 CO inch " " 29.50 D Cinch " " 2050 E Giuch. " " 17.5J STOCK IIOAllOS. A13 Inch , .sil s 12 , 14 and 10 feet 540 00 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' C " " " " " " . . . . . . . . . SOO'J I ) u 'i * ' u i " ' ' . . 21) ) 00 No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 aml'io'lt ! IS 00 No.l " " " 10 , 18 und 20 ft. IS 00 No.3 " " " 12.14 and 10 ft. . 1000 SHIP LAP. "No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch S17.50 No. 2 , Plain , S aud 10 inch 15.r > 0 No.l , O. (1 ( 1S.CO : , LATH. * A * Standard S'J.Or. ' f > inch , clear , 61.51 ; 0 inch , cleai 1.05 No.l 1.21 Lath 2'il 1,1 MI * . , KTC. Qulncv white lime ( best ) , 85c ; ccmont , AkionS1.7f , ; plaster , S2. 0 : hair , per bushel HOc ; tariedt'elt , per cwt. , Sl.'JS : straw board , Sl.b. ( Coiiiiuercfal Chit-Clint. Sugars advanced about , ' e to-day. Messrs. Hiodbeck it Jonal will start a new ilriiB stoic at Foil Fettennan. Mr. .1. Lee S'eolc , dingglbt of lleimaii , Neb. , was in : > yesturdnv. J. K. Mooie , post tiader at Felt VtiViinni. : , was in the city yesterday , calling on the jobbers. Win. II. Ilayden , propiietor ofageneial store at MeCook , \\asintliecltyjes- - tciday. Mr. W. H. Hii\bv will start a now drug store at Kvaus , Colo. , having puichased his outfit In this city. "Wo do not anticipate anything veiy great for tlio next thlity days , " rcmnilccd a piouilncnt wholesale lumber dealer. "The retail lumber yauls tluoughout the htateare well stocked , and as tlio bad countiy roads prevented the farmeis fiom hauling any lumber until it was time for them to begin their spring work , the build- im : Is mostly confined to the towns and cities. MERGELL & ROSENZEWE1G Painters and Decorators WALL PAPER and WINDOW SHADES. 1515 Douglas Street. HOTEL DIRECTORY. The Hlllard , B , Shears , J. E. Mnrkol.Thoa. Ewobo , Proprietors Oinabii , Nebraska. Job Printing. JIKKS IVJINTINfi CO. , Job Printer , Book Binder ? , And Blank Hook Manufacturers. KM-103 South Fonitccnlri Htieo Flour and Feed. w.j. wuLsulvNS & co. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers of W. J. Wolshans & Co.'s Quirt KaibliiK Huekwlieat Hour ami proprietors Oinalm City Hlllv , cor. bth aud 1'urnaui btroots , Omaha. Leather , Hides , Etc , ELO.MAN iiuoa , Wholeealo Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Saddlery anil Bhoo FindlntrR , Hides , Wool , Vurs , Pelts. UIVMOTallow , Ktc. , Onmhn Nut. Confectionery. F. P. FAY ii CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Fruits , Kuts aud Cigars , 1211 Farnaia St , Omaha , Keb. Beer. M. KEATING , Agent for Anneuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n Special brands Faust , Uudu'ulscr , Cor.Sth andCajiitol Ave.OmaUa. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS. Book Binding , Etc. lir.KS MllNTlNO CO. , Printers , Book Binders , And Illunk Hook Manufacturers. No . 100 and 1CS South 14th Strict , Omaha , Neb. Bridges Steam Pjle Driving. ilAYMONl ) it CAMPHKLU KiiRlneers and Contractors. Brges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving Iron Combination and Houo Truss llridces , 1'lllnir nnd Oak Timber. 15th ti. , near I'arnam , Telephone NO M. Cigars and Tobacco , _ " " " MAX Mr.vr.u x co. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Cimn nnd Ammunition. 215 to ftSlSouth llth Street , ItKO to ltt'4 Farnani Street , Omaha , Nob. iMTit-OCKAN CKJAH FACIOUY , WEST &K111TSC11BR. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And \Vholo nle Dealer" In Leaf Tobacco * . Nos 10S mid 111) ) y. 14th Street , Omalia , Neb. " " i-rocKery. \"f.u \ wumiiT , Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers , Crockery , Glassware , Chimneys , itc. : Onieo , U17 South 13th Sticol. Umuhft , Nub. _ ' Carriages. _ _ C.'S. OOODK1CH ACO Apcnts for V. A. Whitney Carriage Co.'s Children's Carriages , Jewott'8 Celebrated Roll-Iterators. Send dnor prlcol Ists. 1411 Vanum t. . Oinnlin. o s. PKT'ns & co.r Wiiolsale & Retail , Fine Cirriages , I'linctonj , lliiKirle * nnil lliuil Wiimuin. SO per eont fiivciniilHijIngiirns. i : H I.1IM Hi , I/aid Street , Omuliti , Ni' Hranch nt Coimell llluIT' . , lo u. t'ornlccs , Eagle Cornice Works. John Kpoiotei ' , Proprietor. Manular.turcr of Onlvaiibed I Iron anil Cornice. 1C ) Dodi mid 101 nnd 105 North 10th Street , Oniuh.t , Neb. KUIIMPINQ & HOI.TIJ , Manufacturorsof Omnmcntal Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Final * , rtc.,3IO P. ISlh St. Work dona in any part o f the country. Western Cornice Works , C. SPECHT , Proprietor. Unlvnnlzbd Iron Coinlces , lite. Ppccht's tin- rroved I'alent'Mcliill'.u Sbyllsht. 'filtS and BIOS. Mi St. . Oumha. Neb. Docis , Sash. Etc , Tiielato City' Doors , Sash and Hllnds. Also all kinds of tuinliiff. Seioll and Stair work ol cery di > - 6ciition. | ' A. HOSENUnitV , Manufacturer and Dealer In Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc. Stair llnlla n ppecliilty Telephone No. 02 15th nnd Muruv St B . Oinuliu , Neb. Electrical Supplies. L , \V. WOLFK & CO. , Elcctrioliins , Electrical Supplies , Mnsonlc Block , OnmUa. llurin' : ] : Al.irnis , Ilelli , Tire Alarm- ) , o'octriuMattiiiT , Ppcakln Tuboj , Iron Works. PAXTON &VI K1MJ.NC 11JON AVOUKS Wrought and Cist Iron Building Work i lion Ptalrs , Italllujr , Rolled Rcnms mid Glrilorii , Steam Kntflncs. lira's Work , ( Joneral Foundry Machlno and Itlacksmlth Work. Olllco and WorkU. . 1' . Ry. imd S 17th Et. tron ar d Neils. OMAHA NAIIjJU < UFACl'URINu"c6" Cut Nails and Spikes , The Kails ft Spr jlallv. Ouinha , Noh . . _ . . . . . . . . . - - : - : - z : : - - - T J jrr'jyi- . Safes. _ Omaha Safe Works , G. ANDHEEN . Maniifftctiircr of Flro ami Hiirirlur Proof Fafoi , VnuR Doors , .lall Win It. Hhnttcrs ami Wlro Work. Cor. 14th nnd Jackson SIS. , Omnha , Neb. Waerons and Carriages. B t UWca 1853. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , HtUand UU Pcdero Street , Omaha , Nob. Commission , Etc , Jt. HURKE i SONS , Live Stock Commission Gco. Hiirko , Maunder , Union Block i'ardd , S. Omaha. Tolo j W. F. HROWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. OfHco Hxchanco Iliillditip , Union Slock Yards , t South Omaha , Nob. TcluphunuNo.OJl. Union Stock Yards Company , ' OF OMAHA. Limited. John 1lod - ! , Superintendent. " rUYAOH it ( ; UIINT ; : , live Stock Commission Merchants. nontH of any and all Minis of sloelc solicit cd. Union bl cl : Vardi ; Jniulii\'eli. Lumber , Etc. LOUIS miAnrouD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lima , Bash , UOOIB , Kto , VanlH Cor. 'th and Cor. ' , 'tli ' nnd I10HN MANUrACTUllINQ COf 1 Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MouldhiKH , fitiilr Worlc and fuloilor Haul Wood Finlnli.- Just opened. N. K. cor. bth and LCMVUU- woith StieelH , UmaUa , Keb. CHICAGO LUJIIIBH COM1'ANV , Wholesale Lumber , EH S. lUh eticol , Omaha , Nulj. F. ColpoUer , Manager. 0. N. DIETZ , Lumber , IBth and California Snouts , Omaha , Noh. r riiED w. OUAV , ' Lime Cement Etc. Etc. Lumber , , , . , . Cor. Cth aud Duut'las Htioulb , Oiuului , Xeb , GEO. A. HO GI-AND : Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Nebraska. * " * * CHA8. 1C I.KK , Hardwood Lumber , Warcn Flock , Fancy \VooiU , lirldgo Timbers , io. , S.V. . Cor , Ulh und Uoufhui.lJiumiu . G. Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Buildlrur 1'uuer. Kto. Bouth latti Street , OCaifc HcbrtiKka. Flih , Etc. _ _ _ _ _ _ "BT > JHO"X"FISI1 CO. " Buccessors to Ickcn Fleintscn 3c Co , Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of Foreign 1'ibh.Nos. 911-313 Jono - tilrvct uud U. I' , Truck. Oiuoliu , 'uU. . - OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. ' ' * MNINORH &M1TTCALFCO , Wholesale Dealers In Agricultural Implements. Office , Corner Cth and I'nclfio Sts , Oinnlin , NeX ' i'AHUN , OHKNUOliri' & MAKT1K , Wholcsa.'o Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons ' ? . Omaha Neb. " VAHKEU , Wholesale Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carriages ami lliiR-nlep. . ! ( no * St. , bet. ! > th anil 10th , Omaha , Nob. Boots and Shoes , * " NV. V. MOl'SK & CO. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1411 Fnrnntn Ftrcet. Omnlm , Neb. Manufactory , Stnnmor Street , Huston. Carpets. , , P. A. OUCIIAUD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Curtain Hoods , lite. . 1421 Farnani Street , Oiiiiilin , Neb. Coal , Limo , Etc , " " .niFT V , ' . UKDKOIW , Coal , Coke , Liinc and Stone. 213 S. llth n. , Omaha , Neb. Yards , Pth nnd DivenportStiects. ' COUTANT It EQl'lHr.S Dealers in Hard ana Soft Coal. Dcst viiilctles. OIllce.SKlP. lillhPU Telephone No. 14VJ , Omaha , Neb. _ , NKiiiiASKA rrr.ii co. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , W4B. 13th St. , Oinnha , Nob. Ono. 0Tow I.K. 1'resldont. Oro. PATTr.nsoN. Sco. and Treas. 3.11. 1' . A. 1'iopiletor. MnmiKor. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , N1MMAKKA. Olllce , " 17S. ItlthSticut. Telephone 4J. CEO. IMiAitMW. 1'rcs. C r. GoonMAj..AM'rca. .1. A. SUNiiintlAxn Sec. and Ticas. Omaha Coi ; , Coke and Limo Company , Jobbers of liard and < oft eoai , U'JS. loth St. . Omaha , Keb. OMAHA COAL AND 1'UODUCK CO. Hard and Soft Coal. Eicluplve dealers in llonlder Colorado Coal,21J bouth lllhhticot. Coffee and Spices. V-ATRS. COLH iS : MILKSi Homo CoJe3 and Spice K H ! MTg Co. Coiri-u HoiitleiB und Kpli'C ( iihidcrn. iiianu- fiiutnioiBol link n rl' ( w ler , Hvtine's , Hlulntr. i-'e Trv ono en--e ( it our l-lt > | ackiiuo Homo I I ml lton lcd Collce. 100U llowaul tt , Cmalia , Ncli. CI.AftKBllHOS.iCo ] , Omaha Coffee and Spice Hills. Tea" . Cotrces , Spiers , Ilul.iiur I'owder I'luvorlns r.xtincts , l.amnlry llltio. Ink , etc. 1114-11) ) Har- ney Street , Omaha , Neb. Commission , Etc. " " BItANCH i CO. , . Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , 11S1 l''immni St. , Otnahii. Apple. " . Our own | . .ict- Inir I'lattfcro.'sTlBcr ' Hnuirt Oytters , Huttor , KlW * , Uttiuu , roultry , 1'otatocs. JOHN F.'FLACK , General Commission Merchant , ' Vrodnco , 1'iovlilon * . Krultg , Flour and Feud , 105 P. llth St. , Otnnhii , Nell. Conslt'iimentst > olliiti-d. Itctiirns inado iironintly. w. r. . Storage and Commission Merchant. 8i'iciAt.Tir : > riieoso , llutter. Bwa , Poultry nil ( liiiiK1. 112 S. 14th. , Oimihii , Nob. Tclo- hoiiu No. : > H. 11. MrDOXAM ) . COMMISSION MERCHANT. Ein 12th Street , Omn'.iu. Nob. ppoelultlei : Hut- ter. Eyu1 * . and ( 'l WIKDHMAN i CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. I'oultry , Huttrr , Onmo , Fruit * , Etc. ! OS. 14th St. , Omaha , Nobrtiflta. D HUOS. , General Commission Merchants , Oinnha , Neb. ConslBiiments Soliellcd. \ViiCKK : .V MIM.AKlT , Storage and Commission Merchants. I'ore.Vn and Domostli ! 1'iults tibpoelaltv. Kl- c.anl ( nouii-'o laellllit" ' Wini'lioiiso nnd offlee , 1U North I'llli fct. _ U'elepiono ! 77fi. * " ' D. A. nJIil" ! ; Commission and Jobbing , ' Huttcr , Kt'gs and Produeo. A full line of Stone- r/aie. LoiiblBiiments Bolicltod. 1411 Uodeo St. , Omaha. r. MORON v , General Commission Merchant , Butter , r.RH , C'hccbO and Country Produce con- erally.IWJ B. l th St. , Omaha , Neb. MCSHANK & FCIIHOlinr.R , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Refrigerator and Pachlnjr Houiio , I4lh 4 I/caron- not th t. , on U. 1' . It. H. Track , Omaha , Nob. ROHIHtT 1'Ul'VJS , General Commission , 11 B. 14th St. , Oinalm , Nob. Pijoclaltlcs-Iluttor KiOS'J , I'oultry nnd Game. IT.VCKK Commission Merchants , Fittlf , I'nMliieo nnd ProvlsioiiR , Oumha , Neb ISAAC CHirKITH. Commission Merchant , an < l whole , ale dealer In country produce , 1'rults , butter , cfc'frK , I'd1. Good * on coiis'Kniacnt ' u s ; > eeiftlty. ! fcON ! , 10'h f.t , . Omaha , Nob. KIIIfiCHHRAUN & PONS' , ( Sueeno ( ir < to A. I' . Fchaok. ) Produce Commission Merchants. No. ' . ' 13 South 1'Jth Streol. Omalia. Nob. Dry Gooiis. ' . * J. J. nitowN tt co. , GSulB Dry Goods and Notions , TJ Uouslas Slroct , Omaha , Nob. 4 1 , . OINSIH'.IIO & CO. , WholiEulo Uealerain Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , s , llinbroldery anil Wliilo Coads. JkUO louirlu ) Street , Oinuliu , Neb. White Lead. c.ut'm : \ \ linn LI'.AD co. . Strictly Piw WlilU Lsil. SOt'li Stand U , P. lly. , Omalia , Harness , Etc , WUI.TY & I.ANDHOCK , MunnfacturerB und Jobbers of Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Turf Goodu , llliiiikelu und Kobcx. lix'l Funmm lieet Oinnlin , Nub. Mattresses. "E. M. Mattress Company , Manufacturing Muttteesea , lloddinu , Feather 1'Illown , Cots , Ktc. KXKi und l US Doub'lus Struct , Dluuhu , Nob. _ * Overalls. _ _ _ t ' CAN'rnTu > M TTu-'AcFiiniNO co. , Manufacturers of Overalls , 3 tans Punts , Hliir.U , I'.le. , Jltti midl 91 l > ou < lai fitJXJt't. Ouiahii , KcU. ' , OMAHA JOBBERS1 DIRECTORY OMAHA I , MH1HI CO , Dealers In All Kinds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale , If lh Snout mid LU on 1'iictlJ Track , UF.HMAX 1 > . WYATT. Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , rpth nnd Irani Sheet * , Oaiaha , Nebraska. _ _ j. A. vrAKitt-'iiu.u , Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shingles , ilnlldhiK 1'apcr * . Pnih , Poor * , lllliuls , Monlf IMPS 1'lckptft , 1019 , l.lino , l's ! trr , Haf ( Cement , Nlmn mui.lotu * ! > , Oinnlin Nob. _ Millinery , t. Importers nnit .lobbcraof. Millinery and Notions , 12H llnrncr Street , Oinnlin , XcK r _ _ _ _ - * Musical Instruments. itH01M : is UHH'KSOX , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Rtolmvay I'lamxVolnr , Decker , Unities and Itrlfftft * 1'mnof" , i'aeknrd Organs , Cha > o Unr.xtia. lilt nnil HO 1Mb street. Notions , Etc. J. U lUlANDIEd .V Wholesale Job Lots , Dry nnod * , Notions , ( louts' Furnl lilnr ; floods. Good ? from Ntnv York. Tnulo cnlos dally. CJ3 nniltOH South Utli ! HU. Onmhii. Furniture. Etc. i'HAltLks HIlU1CK ? , 1 _ _ " Fnrnilure , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirro. , \ \ K c , l-Ji ) , l-i'a.itl l-lo l-'uni inj tioot , llnilia ' HHWl'Y > V STON13. Wholesale Dealers in Piirnitura , Fainain Slieel , Otnithii , Neb. Groceries. . _ " " * "AM.KN uuos. . Wholesale Grocers , JllOnndlllS Douglas StreetOmaha , Nob. U. II. CIIAV.MAN t CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco mid Smokers' Artleles , 1217 Howard St. " MKYUIl & UAAl'KK Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Spices , CiRiirB nnil Tobacco * . 11)17 ) mul 131U Ooiw Ins Street , Omuls , Neb. ' iiccoiin , intAnv & COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers. Corner 10th anil Farmim Bliecls , Oinahn , NeU \ \ 1'AXTON , QALLAGIIKll A : CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , I Kos. 05 , 707,7W ( mill 711 S. lUtli St. , Otntdit' , Neb. Hardware. " W. J. llKOATCtl , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Bpilnirp , tViifrnii Stock , Ilnrilwoocl I.nmlirr , 0(0. ( \ 'iKiirney \ Miuei. Ouiiilui , Nob. EDKEV& OI11HON , j Wholesale Iron , Steel , Y/agon / And CnrrlaoVooil Stock , Heavy llunlwarn , lite. 1217 uud 1219 Leavoimorth Street , Omiilui , Nob. HlMRnAUGH & TAVI.OU , Builders' ' Hardware , Mechanics' Tools mid Iluffnlo Scnlen. 1403 DOUR- lanStic''t. Oiniilia , Nub. * J L11K , I'lllKD & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Blicot Iron , Rlc. Ajcnts for llowo Scales nnU Mlimii 1'ouilcr Co.Oiiiilliil Neb. JIII.TON ItOOKllS & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantles , Giutcs , Brass ( roods. 1321 uuil 132J Ffcr- iiiiin Mrect. ItECTOIt & W1MIEU1V CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Emcrton Steel. Niillsi. Cor. Wtli iiuU Humor SlrotROmiilia , Nub. Harvesters , & CO. , CHICAGO , Manufacturer of the Harvester Goods I Dcering , Writs to Vt'm. "M. Lorlmcr. General Ajjcnt , _ Omaha. Telephone 010. _ i Iron Pipe , Etc. A. U STUANG COMl'ANV , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Etcam , Wntcr , Itiilln-ay and MIllhiK SnppllC9 , Et | Via , l S mid tKl Fartinin tit. Omalia , Nob. ' CIIUHCHIIJ.rUMI'CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , ttciim und Water Supplies. IleiulijiiiirtorH fo * I Bliift Foost CO.'H Goods. 1111 1'iiiiiuiii Struct , Omalia , Neb. . , | jewelry. i KDIIOLM & EH1CKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In Hllvorwiiro , DlaiiKiiKlB , VTntchjn Clocks , Jewelers' Tools and Mateilals , Kto. , 101 unil WJ , llith Streeti Cor. Dodffo , Oinuliu , Nob. , Notions Etc. YINYAUD iV : SCUXKIOKR. Jobnurs in Notions , Hosiery & Gents'Furnishlng ' Goal 1010 mid 10JB rtu-nuiii St. , Oiiiiihu.Neb. J. T , Robinson Notion Company , : < m mid 40.1 6. lOtb St.Oiiialiii , Noli. Dcalcrn In Notions unit Clouts' Fur. nlahlnf ; Goods. Oils , Etc , CONSOLIDATED TANK MNI3 Cf Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gnnollno , Mica A.\lo Girnso , Klo , A. II. lllsnop , r , Oinnha , Nob. Pork Packing. " " " " " * " " * JAMKS 11. I10VD , Pork Packer and Shipper , Oinaliu , Nebraska , ' lIAItlUS & KIEHKII , Packers and Provision Dealers , OIHcc , ( Jidon Market. 1,117 , Dodjjo S'lrcdt , Pao'tlnu ' ; honso , jr. j' . 1C. U.Trac-U , Oumha , N b. Tolg- i | ilionoKo. _ 157. _ _ _ I Safes and Locks , " " ' " " " " ' 1' . HOVllfl & CO. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' ' I'iro and Iliwlur I'toot' ' tiarna.Tliiio locU'niilti mid Ji l " ork. Kr.'U J'nriiuiii t > lnol , Omaha , Null Seeds. _ J , KVA.NB , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds , Atrilciilturivl , Vt'irotalilo ' , Kto. Odd I'olldwV Hull , N.V. . Cor. lltli mid Dodao Ht Omaha , Xi.b. Drugs , Etc. T1IK GOODMAN DIlUn ( " 5 Wholesale Druggists Anil DeiUer lu I'alntf. Olln and Window Ghu % Cunauit , Neb. , Wines and Liquors. u.iu : & ro. , Distillers aud Importers of Wiues And Liquors. Holu iniuiulac'lmurs of Kimuoily'l liiist Inillu Illllfis , 1U2 HumeStici't , Omittia , urJ. ( , to MNAMAHA A fiN'UAX ! , Itaportort mul Whol Y/ines / , Liquors and Cigars , SHundUIGB. llth St. , Oinuliu , Nob.