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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAB. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , APEIL 21 , 1880. NUMBER 263. A STORM CLOUD IN SIGHT , The Switchmen's ' Strike in Chicago Assum ing a Dark and Serious Aspect. TRAINS STOPPED BY THE MOB. Governor OKlcsfoyTnllcH to the Strikers and IH Applauded Ho "Will Call tlm Mllltln if The Strike In CmcAdo , April SO. [ Special Telegram. ] The situation In regatel to the Lake. Sinn o switchmen Is a erlous one , and It looks to night as It the matter could not bo settled \v Ithout the calling out of the troops. Town of Lake oniclals have demonstrated tlielr Inability or unwillingness to afford the rail way piopcr piolcctlon. and the strikers , fe > r the past two davs hav e been complete urns- teisol the situation. Not a cat of freight lias been semi out or icceived. This morning the Mi Ike'ia , the curiosity seekers anel the sympa- thl/ei.s vveic early distributed In groups about the Lake Shore tiacks at Twelfth street , Fonr.h and Pinty-thitel sticets. This morn ing the strikers' safety committee , looking after the piotoctinn e > f the company's pioper- ty , weio alsei scattered along the line. The sun was scatccly tip bufoio the men began to ciovvel foith liom box cats anel shanties llko cat.s In seaich of their moining meal. They had been on watch all night. Some time during the nicht a "scab" was hanged In elllgy at the coiner of Itoot street at the tiacks. It boio this inscription : "The icmalns ot a scab. " The men came up nt daylight and viewed It , uttering cries ol derision. It wasa very lagged , dirty elllgy , and was suspended fiom n convenient lamp- jiot. It diew forth many gibes and jests. Tneio was a futile attempt to pull together a train e > f refiicerator cais at 8,0 : o'clock. En gineer Wcavci pulled engine r & out of the lonnd tionsoat Hoot street , and twenty armed police sat on the tender or walked on either f > ldoacuanK The engine slowly steamed up loFeuly-filth stieet , whcie a number of ictilgeintor cais and a caboose lay Hide- tracked. The stilkets and their sympa- thl/eis gatheied about the sccno about a thousand stiong , anel sevcial of the men icmonstiateet with Engineer Weaver , but without avail. Eluding it Impossible to iu- llucnce the engineer , the stilkcis lan to the cars and quickly pulled the keys out of the eltavv-bais to disable them so that no train could be iiiaile up. The caboose sat on tlio opposlio siele of the track. It was un coupled anel pushed away by Itself. While thostilkeis were working llko Her cules with theirslioiildeis against the caboose pushing it away , a diminutivebiakeman who was iccognl/ed as "a scab" appeared In the door and vehemently denounced the ciovvel. A htalwait striker stepped up anel told him if he did not go about his business bo would bo : oiuhly dealt will * The little brakimiun icfused to move on. The stalvvait icllovv hit him a gentle tap and leLt him un conscious em the hack. Later ho was revived with water anel cairied away. In the midst of thu trouble Conductor Geycr , who was to take charge of the train , appealed at the window of the caboose and blandished a pistol In the lace of the crowd , tlncatcnlng vengeance on any wlio attempted to molest him on tlio company's piopeity. Alter waiting lor a few minutes it was de cided to inn tlio enslno back to the round house anel make no tinthcr attempts to move trains.'iTlie stilkeisgieeted this , which they call a-victory , with lusty shouts and cheer * . Govcinor Oglcsliy has arrived in tlio city. It isinmored that ho came hero at the request of the .sherill and of tlio manageis of the Lake Shoio load , which expect serious tionblu betoro the strike of .switchmen is ended , llo was closeted with Sheriff Handled anil one or two other county oflicials fiom 00 : a. m. until after 11 o'clock. Amuiig those who weio with htm nt the con- feicnco tills morning weio President Newell , of the Lake Shoio , Mui.shal I'lold , N. K , Fuiibanks ami other piomincnt business men wliohavorailioae ! Interests. Theio was a minor In circulation to the effect that the company will emlcr conductors and biakmcn to maka tip their own tiains , and considera ble nnxMy is manifested by the tialn men , who de ) not want any tiouble , but say that they w 111 not elo unj thing of the kind. Ily Associate 1'iuss. Citic.voe ) , 111. , April 20. The hake Shoin lallwny made another unsuccessful attempt tomovoa li eight tialn this moining , anel were again pieveiited by the stilkots. A tialn was started at Kennty-fouith street , anel the ciovvel took possession of It and at tempted to run the caboose , which was at tached to tliu tialn , In which was the con ductor anel two biakoniun , off the tiack. The biakumen and conductor inshed on to the platfoim and waincd the ciewdaway. ) One ol thu men was about to tlnow a coupling- pin at Iho brakenien when the conductor elrcvv a icvoher. Tlionovvd lushed at ono of tno bmuomcn mid bustled him. Someone hit him upon the headknocking him senseless. At this tlmo the cieivvet lotl the calaboose and went up to Kenty-lifth Mieet , where two cars standing on the sldo track weio moved down and detailed In liont ot the engine. At Km- tv-tldiel htteet ( ieiieral Superintendent Wright gave up the attempt to move a tialn. Thociowel gave a che-er , Illtcel tlio cai out of the tiack anel muvcel It back to Its foimci po sition , icpalicelBovcinl switches which hail been hioUen , ami the engine moved back to the louuel house. i in : o'TiriAT.9 In ncontciencu to-day between Governor Oglesby and public and railioad oIlieiaK heio the tact was levc.Ucel that Supcivlboi Slmt- feuel hail e'ommunlcaled that he was unable with his police toicu to cope with the Mi Ik- eis. Ho nail only forty men , and only a few e'otild bospaieel , besides , they vveieeif hiielt a class as not to bo thu must efficient In a set- vicu ot this kind. Ho could call In the special police , but ho did not know thu extent ot his juiweis In this iliieetlon. This muinlng hat- tie was being imiede'd by btilkfit > , and he was pow cries' , to lament It. Suggestions vvcro olle-rcd as to tlio best coin 10 to puisne , the geueial opinion being that the blicilff hliould make nji a po o to jneseivo the peace1. All of tlio gentlemen seem appieliensivoof serious double' . The geiveinoriee-elved a telegiam tiom Hrlgaeller Iti'oco at Kuj > t St. Louis. It reads us lollowb : "Tliu situation is unchanged. Tito Milkcis are ktlll dellant. Tliey bay they will hold out. A number ot shots were tiled at the sentries during the night. Two men of com pany seven , Eighth icglment vvcro tired on. and returned Iho hie. One shot passed thtough the cap ot ono and another through if 4 the cape. " oni.Ksnv AnwiKSsis : mi : STIIIKKIIK. Covciiioi Oglc : > by visited the. seems of the strike this afternoon In person , 'Iho gov- emorairlved at Foity-llist Mreet In a special train at 3:115 : ] ) . m. ( icneral Superintendent Wright , Division Superintendent Anu > dcn , Ynnlinaster Jetncs and General Freight Agent Ulodsett , and other olllcials. were on thu train. The govcinor got out on thu plat- f01 m and was boon suiiouiided by a crowd of JUU or milic. llu mhlsed the men to pre set vo peace , and endeavor to havn wages advanced In a moio quiet way. llu said strikes weie lutilo to utfeet any permanent change In the condi tion'c ( affairs , llo reminded them that the eovcinment was organUcdcby the woiking- men to piotect property anil lives , and It would mo. lore-o If neeessaiy toellect that purpose , llo f m ihcr said be wns tholn&tiu- nient of the state to u .u tbat. uovver , and while lie dcploicd the necessity that would compel him to call out the militia , vet it might be his duty , and if it was Ids duty UH voulil certainly'do TsO. llo then vmitun to picture the scenes of bloodshed which would lollow such action , and called on the men to avoid the lexs of a single life by using a little forbearance anel returning to WOIK. Tlio speech was not received favorably at llrst , be ing Interrupted by such cries as "You're wrong there , Uncle Dick ; that ain't what wo no driving at. " But when the governor Un shed the cio'.vd broke Into cheers , which ivcro kept tip tilt tlm train pulled away. Dur- ntr the speech engine 111) ) steamed out from thu round house , but after a conversation with the slrlkcis the engineer took it back. HlllilltrF AND .STIIIKKItS CO.NTKtt. A conference tasting over an hour and mlf was held this evening between the exec utive committee ot the Switchmen's union , consisting of three persons , ami Sheriff Han- chett. The committees stated In full detail .heir sldeot the ease , and endeavored to show the sherlir thattheiu was nei le.iMm why ho should side with the railroad authorities ir take active measuics to assist lie tallroad companies In moving Ihelr tiains. The .sheriff on his patt suggest ed measures towaid acomptomise , but noth- ng on that line was definitely settled except ing It waS afterwnids amecd that the sheriff should see the lailioad oniclals to-moiiow with a view of arriving at some basis tor a settlement of the dllllcultles. The sheriff says that ho was vuiy much pleased with the conductor the committee whoconfciied with dm , but ho feltunablo to give any opinion as to whether his conierenco with the rallioad ofilclals will bo likely or not to 10- sult In a final settlement of the strike. Ho was askeel whether bo would relics o the town if Lake authorities to-moitow tiom piotcc- llon ot lailioad propeity , and atisweied liositlvcly tlmt he wemld not elo so under the .present clicumstanccs , but ho did not know what ho nilulit do should the eem to justlty It aftci tei-morrow. UM'I.K DICK'S OPINION. Governor Ogleaby to-night said : "The only understanding ailived at thus far Is lo 'cave Iho wenk ol pteseivlng peace In the muds of the sherltl and police authorities ot [ 'lilcagu and the teivvn ot Lake. Fiom what have seen I am ot the opinion that tlm strlkets and their sympathl/urs can bo con trolled by civil powois. The lailioad ollicials v\lll \ to moirow tiy again to inn the blockaile. In anv event I shall remain in tlio city until to-moriow night at least. " , April SJO. The switchmen of the Lake Shore load hero aie quiet , llieie Is no ocal can o tor trouble , atlel If n sti iko occurs it tills point It will go under orelets Irom 'Jlilc.i'0. About one linndied switchmen aio n tlm Lake Sliniceniploy , The avow a do- , ci initiation to go out in a body the moment oieleisaiu lecolvcel. THE STIIKET CAU STRIKE. Tlio General Tie-Up In Now York Abandoned. Nnw Yonic. April 20. The rallioad com missioners had a late session last night , vvliicb did not end until ! ! o'clock this tuoiii- Inc. Commissioner O'Donnell made an ol- foit to bring about a piopcr undirjlanditig , and his eiuleavots vvcio finally succevisfnl. A iotig consultation was held , in which the counsel for the Kmpiro Protective association took part. The Thiid Avenue company igain leluscd to submit to aibltration the points of dilleicnco which had been made manifest betore. the commlssioneis. The ex ecutive committee of the .Empho association lulinllted 'hat ' the * other loads weic not backIng - Ing the Thud Avenue line In the stanel taken by the latter. As a lesiilt of this the com mission agreed to countermand tlm oteler for i "tlo-up , " and tlmy Issued an oieler diie'ctlng icsumption ol tiallleon nil surface lines ex cept the Thiid Avenue at 4 o'clock this miming. Tlio tie-up on the street car lines has been parity unloosed today Hiiel cars on all loads aio limning- , all but the Thiid avonnu load sending out the tegular number of cats. The latter toad inn a number of cans with now liiveis and conditctois , but the cais weio Idled with policemen. All along the 'onto they were saluted by jeois and yells ot the ciovvds which collected at diileient points. At Paik How , tlio end ot the jomncy , the sidewalks were lined with people , but no one inteiteied to oppose tlio progiess ot cais. The lailroael commlssioneis were at Murray Hill hotel this moining. At noon they went into session to consider the case of the Thlid avenue lino. CommissionedO'Donnell was told the Third avenue company was running twenty-live cais to-day. He also btrteel that the loael was willing to submit the matter to arbltiutlon , and It was thought this would lead to a settle ment of the dllllcnlty , and tlm company's cars will bo miming befeno night. Olllplals of thu road letuso to bother with any conferences betoro tlio laihoad commls sinners. They bay they will light to the bitter end now. The .situation is hourly growing critical. The men ate becoming exasperated , but hope the laiheinel commissioners wilt bo able to aibltiatc. Tlioy hay the stiugglo is for life or eleath now , and they aie icaily lei peace or war. Alter iho conference with thcstato railroad commlssioneis and strikeis committee to night , Mr. Lantei bach sab' ' : "Wo icluso to dischaige the " 00 men wo nave cinplojed since tlio btiike began , anel wo lefuso to take back any moiostiikeis than will complete our neccssaiy woiking foicc. As lo hours and wages we will meet the elcumnd. The Knl lita Ignored. AUOUSTA , ( hi. , April 20. Two weeks ago the executive committee of the Knights ot Labor piescnteda petition to tlio president of the cotton mills , setting foith ccitaln conces sions which they woulel llko to have niaele , Including the submission of chaises to the boaiel betoio the ellscliaigo ot any Knights of Labor ; also an advance of iiltccn per cent in wages. There ate eight mills , employing about " ,090 hands , most of whom are knights. Tlio picslelonts to-day Issued a circular to their employes , ontiieiy ignoring the knights. In which they say , among other tilings : "Wo decline most positively te > iicogui/e any outside interior- enco between our employes and ouibolve * . Wo shall , however , bo glad to iccedvoniid fniilv consider any communication fiom our employes as such , but wo will not allow any outside pintles to manauo ourallulis , Tliu knights met to-night and elecided to notlty the picsldents that they wemlel tieat only thiough their executive boar d Tlio Ht. LoulH Strike. ST. Louis , Mo. , April 20. It Is gencially conceded hero tlmt the Knlshts of Labor strike , solar as the business of the various roads centering In this city , and Last bt. Louis Is concei tied , Is gradually losing Us effect. Tlio Missouri Pacific and lion Moun tain roads have lulls' icsnmed freight trutllc. Two .sentinels patiolllng thu lalhoael ynuti In I'ast St. Louis were lltcd upon bolero lore da > light this morning by unknown per sons. Neither ot them weio lilt. They 10- tuinedtho lire and provcel as bad marksmen as their assailants , who ese-aped. The Post-Dispatch's Little Uock special states that Deputy Sherlll Williams , wlm was assaulted anel badly beaten by strikers whllo gitaieling the lion Mountain railroad urojiei- ty , received a check forgtoj tiom Juy Gould. Tnllora Rtrluo Tor iliglior AVagcs. LYNriinunn , Yu. , April 20. The jouinny- men tailors of this city stiuck for higher wagesto-day. Everything is epilct. Two Hoports Presontoel. WASHINOTON , April 20. The leportof the majority of the house ways and means com- mlttco on the rubolutlon to termlnato the Haavvalan tieaty begins with the statement that the objector the tieaty was. to secure closer commercial ami political legations with the government ot the Haawalau Islands , and ends by lecommeudlng the adoption of the icsolutlon , ns U deies not pievent the aelmlnlbtiatlon from negotiating tor * such a modification of the existing tieaty as will moio equalize the benefits tote derived by t\\ogo\enuiients irom their commercial relation lation- . The report of the minority says , resetting they are tumble , to unite either In the lecommeiuhitions or the report of the majority , content themselves by expressing thuii dissent tiom each tide1. Itntos io , April SO. A tumor was current toduj that thu Buillngtoii hadjealkd a meetIng - Ing e > f thu lines iiHejesteil in iioitliwet > terii Height Jiallle , but the leport was not verilied. llatcs ivutalu FOR PEACE AND GOOD ORDER , The Objects of the Knights of Labor aa Stated by Powderly , THE STORY OF THE STRIKE TOLD. Tlio General Master \Vorkninn Frank ly Ansvvcrs Mirny Questions Pro- ponnilcd by tlio CoiiRrcs- slonnl Committee. I'omlcrly ns a AVIlncss. WASHINGTON , April 20. Giand Master Woihman Powderly and Ilajcsand Tinner , of tlm Knights of Labor , airlved in Washing ton tills morning and were at the capital at an early hour. Povvdeily rcpahed at once to Ihc room of the nppiopriatlon committee , where ho had a short chat with Randall. The special committee of the house to In- qulie Into the labor tioublcs of the southwest , leld Us first public session to-day. Among those piesent In attendance were Mr. Pow- dcily and Haves , Turner and McDowell , of Iho executive committee ot the Knights of Labor. Major Svvaync appealed as counsel for the lallwajs. Powdorly was the Hist wit ness. Ho repented at lengtli the stoiy and ilstoiy ot the recent tioubles In the south west , but piesented no new featuies In the matter. "While I was In the west , " said Powderly , " 1 beaid from the men of little abuses which I do not think the manager of the Missouri I'aclllc load knows anything about. Along ; bo lion Mountain rallioad they have a sys- : em of taking twenty-live cents a month irom the wages of a man who receives a dollar a day , and fitly cents fiom the wages ot a man who iccclvcs S3 a day , and so on In proportion tion , for what they call a hospital fund. Then the men claim that as soon as tltov arc taken sick they aie dlscliaigcd and are do- nled the right of entering the hospital. Then there aio Instances which can bo proved where the men have made contracts to buy land of the company on regular yeaily In stallments , nnu vvheic , having paid all but the last installment , they weio dischaiged horn employment. In that section ol coun tiy it is ( litleient trom the cast. Men cannot go Into tlio next town anil get situations , and the consequence has been , In at least one pat tlcular , that a man have been obliged to remain idle so long that he lost his piopcity. Tlio men claim that theio were buveral In stances ot that kind. " Cliaiinian Can yon have witnesses called betoie the committee to show these lacts. Powdeily Undoubtedly , it I amcoiiectly informed. Buchanan In your inquiries you have found that these causes ot discontent existed ? Powdcrly Yes. Cliaiimau Will you state the puiposo of the oigani/ation of thu Knights ot Libor. Whether Its pmposes aio the protection of the inteiests ot labor , and whether it Is peaceful in all its actions ? Powdeily The aim ot tlio organi/ation of the Knights ot Labor Is to beneiit the laborer and to secmo a better feeling between him ami Ills ouiplojer. All our methods are peaceful. We never counsel aii.vtliing ot a violent natnie. Mcmbeis ot thu oigani/ation may , once in awhile , commit an act ot vie lence. Wo can't help this. It is a matter beyond our control , because when the leel that they have endiued wiong theio Is no law which can piopeily lostialn them. Chairman Do 1 understand that the Knights ot Labor , as an oigani/ation , do piO- tcct labor , not only on the laihoads but also in mines and factories' * Powderly We attempt to do that. Our association is Intended to bo a national one. We aim at having oiu membeib study the conditions by which they aie Miironnded not only their own conditions , but also those for whom they woik. Chaitman In order to pave the way lor In telligent action ? Powdeily Yes , sir. I have claimed that it is no more than right foi both to meet on equal terms and have a thoioiigh undei.stand- ing of the wants ot each oilier. And itbcenib to mo that until they do that they cannot piopeily lixtii ) their dllleiences. Chilli mm 1 do not ask yon to divulge any ot thesccietsof the Knights of Labor , but yon have stated that the obccts of the socie ty are to motecl the labor of the countiy so lur as possible against exactions or incorpoi- a leel capital. Poweleily To protect not only the labor of the countiy , but lo piotcct tlio uianufactuieis as well. Woelesiie that the inaiiulactuieib shall be in hiich a condition that they will bo able to pay good wages. We hav ono euiai rel with legitimate enterprise. If you discover tliat membeisof the Knights of Labor alonir the ralheiads have violated tlm. law ol the land , or its own laws and tlio committee will discover that fact we will bo as icaely lo assist In punishing them as we aio In up holding then rights. When 1 said 1 was will ing to expose eveiything in connection w itli tlio oigunlzation of those who manage the railioaels , or if onomaii in paiticular , would do the same thing. 1 spoke lulily and truth fully. 1 believe that the law of the land Is higher than any oiganUation. and when men violate the law of tno land cither ns Knfulits ot Labor , or as private cltl/ons , or as mem bers of coipoiatioiib they sliouhl bo punished for It , unet that his connection with an oigan- l/atlon should bo no shield for him. And I have thought , on tlio other hand , that a man who violates the law , and is woith millions ot dollars , should sutler the same as a poor man. 1 have made that .statement , and the people have seen tit to see In it an Invitation toanaichy. It that is anaichy , in thu name ot ( Sod , what Is law ? Bums Tlio country generally , and I doubt not properly , seems to place a good deal of conliucnco In your Integrity , jour intelligence and your patriotism. Being disposed to consider the question practically , 1 ask if you have given thought to Iho < im- _ tlmi lor legislative lemedy lor the evils to which you have allueled ? Povveleily I have never worked it up piopeily , I have thought it over , but hav o not lollovvod it to Its conclusion , limns Will yon bo able , during the sit tings of this committee , to gho us your views on the eiuestlon of the lemoily for the vvieuig ? Powderly How long is the committee likely to sit ? Chairman About two months. Powelerly I think 1 will bo able , because In that time yon will have an official dcclaia- tion fiom the chlet men of om oiganUation on that point. Bums 1 would suggest further , that It may bo well to cjiislder what , In jour judg ment. can be constitutionally done , and what might be done1 , and what ought lo bedone by amendments to tlio constitution. Poiv elerly I shall elo s.o , and I thank you for the suggestion. At this point the committee adjourned. A Itnnk Wir.MAMSPOiiT , Pa. , April 0. The City National bank of Williamsport closed Us dooib this muinlng. A statement was placed on the door saying an examination ot the ut- lalis of the bank will bo made and n state ment of the condition published in a lew days. Tlio causu Is bald to be a defalcation amounting to about ? > -JOOdO , together with a iiumbei of heavy losses. Thu stockholders atuiesmmsiblo persons and my Its deposit- orb will bo paid in full. New York Dry Oooels Market , Nuw You ic , April 20. The exports of do- mebtlc cottons for the past week liaye been U.WS packages , and lor thu expired portion ot tliu j ear OT.TIH packages , against 57.491 pack ages for the same tlmo last vcar. The mar ket was quiet and Iho chief business vvitb agents was reached tlaoiiKli deliveries In ex ecution orders. Death of a Prominent Chicagoan. CHICAGO , April 20 , Julian Itumsey , ono of Chicago's oldest and most prominent citizens , died 'ibis moining , aged 03 , Itum sey lias been mayor of.tho city , treasuicr of the county and piusldent of the board of trade. _ _ Nclirnskn AVenUier Iiullcatlons. . . For the State of Nebraska Fair weather , etatlouaiy teuiperatuie. . THE SANTA ri3 SYSTEM. Consolidation the Atchlnon , Topokn & Santn Vo nnil tlio Gulf , Santo PC & Colocmto llnllroaels. Nnw YOIIK , April 20.1 [ Special Tclceram. ] Tlio Tribune's Boston special says : George. Sealoy , president of tlio ( Jtilf , Colorado & Santa Ko railroad company , who was ie > cently clectcel director In the Atclttson , To- ieka& Santa Fo company , makes the fol lowing statement in rcgaid to the consollda- Ion of nil Interests of the two companies : I'ho stockholelcro of the Gulf , Colorado it Santa Fe , have now constructed and have under construction In all 1,000 miles of main track load. When completed It will reach to \connectlon with the AlehUon , Tokeka A : Santa Fe company in Indian teirltoiy. ' These 1,003 miles of road , w Ith all the landed inteiests In Texas , extensive whaif fiontago and tciinitial facilities In Gal- vcston , are to bo put into the Ateh- soli system as common proncity upon the basis of 53,000 stock pur mile , or 58,000,000 ste > ck , for which the stockholdeisof the Gulf , Ceilorado it Santa Fo take In ex change 88,000,000 stock In the Atchlson company anel become jediit ovvncis of the cjiiimon piopcity. An exchange of about SUOn.ooO stock has been maelo and the ienialnlngStCOJ,000 : will bo dellvcied within the next twelve months , In which tlmo the connection of two loads w ill be made. The total bonded debt of the Gulf , Ceiloiado & Santa Fo Is limited , not lo exceed 512,000 llrst mortgage and 85,000 second mortgage bonels Lo each mile ol main hack. The consolida tion will give tlio Atchlson water connection fiom New York and the cast via Galvcston to tlio Pacific , asshort as the Southern Pacific via Now Orleans. The eainlngs of the Gulf , Colotaito it Santa Fo for the liscal j ear be ginning Januaiy 1st to elate have been 500.000 a month Incieaso over the coiicsponding months ol last year. , ' FORTY-NINTH CONGUESS. Somite. WASHINGTON , April SO. Tlfe senate went nto e\ecut 1 v e session at 13 M p. m. , and when the doors icopencd the senate aeljouined. House. Mr. Itccd , of Maine , addressed his remarus to Mi. Tucker , Inquiring when the Utali bill was to be repoited by the judtelaiy com mittee. Mr. Tucker replied that the bill was being consleleicd by the committee , and when a de termination was irachcel the bill vvoulil bo ic- potted adversely or favoiably. Mr. Itied .suggested that the bill had been in the committee along time anel it was a mcasuie in which the countiy was much m- teiestcd. Could the gentleman give no other ansvvci' ' Mr. Tucker " other . " , ( diyly ) "No answer. Mr. Heed , ( with equal elriiiess ) " 1 am soiry for it. " 'Iho house went into committee of the whole , Mr. Wellborn in the chair , on the liver anel haibor bill. Smooth progiess was made on the bill until tin obstacle was icached In authorizing the sccietaiyof war lo accept for the United Status from the Ma rine hospital at Erie , Pa. , thu lltle to the pen insular , Piesejnu Isle , at Erie. Against this proviso Mr. Hammond iKud the Dolnt e > t order lhat It had no place in the ilvei and liaibor bilL Aiginnents In support of the point weio piesented by Messis. Hewitt and Springer , while Mes-iis. liaynoauil Scott took a dilloi- ent view ot lliec.ise. The point was llnriiUvf overiuleel by the chair , who was bntistieei'that the possession ot the peninsular by the United States was an element in the work of Impioving the haibor ol Erie , anel the * motion lo strike out the proviso was rejected by the committee. A number of amendments were offered and objcclcel to , anel thu committee lose anil thu hou e aeljouined. THE EX-r RES I DENT'S ILLNESS. The Statement JMiielo That His Case is Positively HopclcsB. Nivv Yonic , April20. [ Special TelegiamJ The Wotld says cv-I'iesldont Chester A. Aithurls a vciy sick man. It may not bo beyond the simple tinth to say tlmt his case is hopeless. It ceitalnly is not to say that many ol his most intimate irlends never ex pect to sco him out of Ids house alive again. Tills is Maitllng news , but it cannot bo gain said. For several week's the Inner cliclo of friends , at the eaincst solicita tion of tlio family , have been ictl- cent legaiding the cx-piesidetit's condition. The faintly physician and at taches of tlio house haye been under strict command to deciovo the public icguiding General Artlnn's health , and they have done so and continue to elo so , against tlio better judgment ol many filends , who secretly be lieve that the American public have the rlelit to know the condition of the man who has been their inesldent and who is ono of the most populai clti/ens of Now York. Theio seems to bo little teason to doubt that the seat of Geneial Arthur's tioublo is in the kidneys instead of the liver. His friends say ho Issuffeting cither fiom Blight's dis ease or diabetes , the weight of Intoimatlon being on the side ot the foimcr malady. A Damaging Flood , PiiT.srnu : > , Mass. , April 0. At six o'clejck tills moining the village of East Leo was Inundated anel devastated by the bieaking away ot a dam nt Mud Pond resci voir , Moun tain lake , two and one-half miles fiom the village. Thu pond covered many acics of swamps and was Incionsed fiom Iho original s\to \ by extensive elams built by a club ef manutactuior.s asuMoiago place lor water , 'iho bodies thus tar iceovcied and Identified aio Mr.Mille anel vvite and three young dunghteis ; Mr. King ami vvlluand their son andwlte. ICIuvon bodies have thus far been lound and several persons aie missing. Hist Leo village ree'Clvcel Us lint news ot the nccliianl when the ) Hood came pouring down the bticets , the water being Ms leet deep and blinking with it tices , poittons ol houses , fences , wagons , and every loim ol movable piopeity. The people Heel to the blope.s eif the valley , along which thotoncnt insiicel , and saw houses moved and toppled about likochlps on a rivei. Tlio tlood passed F.ast Leo and went on down the river , ele- Mioylnggaidcns lawn ? , tcncets and doing thoiiianels ot dollars' \voith of damage. Much stock , besides pionerty. Is lost. The scene is ono of terrible desolation , anil tlio town of Leo Is wild with excitement. The disaster Knows a great many hands out ot employment and literally paralyses all thu I'ast Lee liidustilert. Tlio loss.on prop erty is fully S'JOO.OOO , w'hlto the expense of lonalrini ; loads and otlmr costs that must fall on tlm town will leach S'20,000 more , Charles King , before rciiortcel dead , is alive but badly injured , and It it , thought ho will iccovcr. _ _ _ _ _ _ Tlio Mont real' Flood , MoNTituAi. , April 30. The water kept go ing down all last night anel to-day Craig street Is almost fieo ot water. On St. Fran cis Xivler stieet the flood lias receded almost to St. Paul street and tlioto Is a fall of at least two feet In the level ot water ; 7,4 families were Hooded out. making ( lie total In the dis trict atfecleel IIO.OOO peisons. The following is a fair estlniatn of the dam ages ; Wholesale dry goods , S3.V,000 ; ictall dry goods , 575,000 ; wholesale motoiles. S230- OOOjietall giecerles. ) 8200.000 ; wholesale hat ters , S100.000 ; wholesale ftirri > 'is , Sl&O.OOO , and other losses apgiegato a total of Slotu 000. The streets ore now fieo fiom water and the Hood Is falling steadily. " A Sight to Drive Oio .Mail. WnusrKit , Dak. , April 20 A prairie tire on Satuulay consumed tlio dwelling and farm buildings of Mis. Dolllimer. When the buildIngs - Ings caught Mrs. Dollinger and her mother rushed to tlm barn to save thu stock. The loof fell in and the mother was buuied to death , and In attempting to srivo her the daughter was bo badly burned that she will die. Her sou came homo nt night , and the " ' which greeted him eudaugeia his MORE LABOR LEGISLATION , A Proposition That an Intor-Stato Com merce Commission Investigate Strikes. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT. Weaver Loses Lots or Sloop Over Postmasters - masters to llo Appolntcel , for Ho Has Pronuscel Too Much Capitol Notes. The IntcrStnteCommerce Hills. WASHINGTON , April eo.-tSpcchil Tclc- gram.J It Is piobablo tlmt thu house will lake up tlm question of the regulation of liter-state commerce at an eaily day. There are four bills now befoie the house h.ulne this object in view. The IhM is the time- lionoied Itutgan nieasuio which the member riom Texas has attempted toiorco thiemh thu house for years without success. It has jecn repented favoiably fiom the commerce committee , but It Is not llkelj to pass , for many leasons , the principal one of which is that membeis em both steles know It is Impos sible to secure the acquiescence of the senate In such ladlcol legislation. The 1m- [ ircsslon .seems to bo that one e > f the other three will bo substlttied for the llc.igan measniv. They aie known iepectlvely ns lho Cullom bill ( which has nlieady passed Hie senate ) , the Uaker bill and the Jtcibiun ] bill. They mo Identical In many fp.itincs and ditler only in detail. Hacli ptopo-es a commission with advlseny povveis , lo which shall bo refeued all mlsuiulur.standlng.s be- Lvvecn the i.iilioaels and snippets. The Cul loin bill Is most likely to bo taken up because Its endorsement by the Inmso would be the most certain way In which to secmo caily legislation on this subject. I'cpiesen- latlvo Maker , of New Yoik , has picparcel an amendment to the Cullom bill which ho has submitted lor nppioval to his associates , and which piomlscs to meet with very genctal suppoit. It is designed to be Inseited In the bill alter the clause defining the duties ot the commission , anel leads : Said Commissioner May , in like manner , investigate any dilL'icnces , disagreements , contioveisies or disputes that imiv at any tlmo exist or aiho between any lailioad com pany or corpointion and the employes thoicof , met in case any diffeiences or ellbagieement , Involving the hours e > t or the compensation for labor by the employes ol a lullioad com pany or corpoiatlon , .said commission shall , immediately upon tlio icceipt by them from a duly lecognlzeel lepiesentatlve ol such employes ot any such lailioad cot- poiation or company if a statement In writ ing ot the elilleienccs existing and of the de mands or leuucsts maile , piocceel to investi gate anil detciminu tlio same , exercising theteforall the povvei.s conteiieel by section seven of tills act ; and the de cision or awaiel ol such commission shall relate back to tlm dale when such dlffctcnces arose , piovtded such employes shall not , pending such investiga tion , by striking 01 otlteiwise , prevent tlio usual opciation ot such lailioad and tlio piosoctttton ot the business tlieicof as fully and lieely ns it no dilleiouces existed. It is pioposed to ask the opinion of the Knights oC Labor on tlio amendment bcloic nbmitting it to n vote of the house. THINKING OF I'liOMISKS UNKr.PT. General Weaver has been making his boast lho past lew days that he has a cle-ar field in the Sixth Iowa district that .since Juelgo Cook moved out ho lias no opposition. Ho thinks the opuosllion have no other man competent for the position , and that ho will liavo a "walk away. " The Dostolllco ques tion , however , troubles him , and lie dreads to meet some of his betiayed suppoitcis , whom ho paid off with biokcn piomises , and their name is legion. There are soveial appoint ments yet to make , anel be will allnw the 10- pnbllcan incumbents to hold on till utjor the election , If they will keep quiet and not get him into tiouble. The Giiiincll ol- lice has beitliereel him no lit/lc / , and he has permitted tlio republican theio to hold over since last December , when his commission o\piied , latlier than face the stoim lie will bring about his cais by the selection of ono ot the number ho lias piom- ised the ofllce. The Newton appointment is another ono in which ho tears lo make a choice , though a man named FJovveis Is booked as the lucky one. Other oflices not jet tilled are thorns in the flesh to him and loses him much sleep , and all because ho lias made a half eloicn times as many piomlscs as lie has oflices to fill them with. NOIISOX : 01111:11 : IOVVA jiivtniip. ; ; JciiyMuiphy's attempt to inn the ncnne- pln canal by wind instead ol water piovod the death of It. You know Jerry never did take water when he could get anything else. else.Ben Ben Ficdcrick looks ele'Jected and wocbe- gene since the now congiessionnl appoition- nicnt in Iowa. If the republicans of the Flist Iowa dis trict will look up Hen Hall's vote wltn the icbcl brigadiers , and lor the big giabs that have nhcaely gone tlnongh the house and with othois to follow , they can easily con vince the people of his district that ho Is not the piopcr peiaon to icpicsont them , He is no gooel here. vviinxnv's ANoi.o-riioniA. It begins to look of. though Secietary Whit ney was not only bent on bieaking down the American naval const. ! uctois , llko John Itoach , but that ho was anxious to ignore American dcslgnois and American Iron man- iifactmcis. Some time ago It was Mated that ho had contracted with a Uiltlsh Hun for piling the lion plates with which the new American men-of-war now undeigolng con struction are to bo sheathed. It Is now stat ed that English naval deslgncis hnvo been employed to draft designs tor the otheiwar crulsois. In a woid Mr. Whitney seems to constantly on the qut vivo lor opportunities todegiadoaiid destroy all American con- Mi uctois , and to deprcchito them and their piodticts In thu eyes not only ol our own people ple , but also In the eves of other nations. Why Mr. Whitney takes this cottite , or what ho expects to icallfco for hlmselt per sonally , or for the country at laige , no ono hoie < seems able to guess. One thing ho Is ceitainly doing , and tlmt Is ho Is bringing odium and width upon the admlnlstiatlon. During the past few yeats theio has been developing all over the countiy an Intense feeling of Americanism not political nor of a know-nothing natitie , but an oainest de termination that American Inteiests of all kinds shall bo pictened and tosteied by the people and the government wheiever and wueiiover It can bo consistently done , A NIIIUIASKA PJ'.IITIO.V. Senator Mandeison ptosentcd In the sen ate to-day a petition signed laigely by citl- reusof Estelle , Hayes county. Neb. , asking congress to pass the lilalr educational bill. CAMPAIGN J.lTKHATUltn AT A DISCOUNT. "There Is the smallest variety of campaign speeches in congress this session that 1'vo seen for many j ears , " said a member ot the house to-elay. "Usually a gieat many differ ent kinds of speeches are dcllvcicd during the Hist session of a congtess for the purpose of Hooding the districts with lltera- tuio during the approaching campaigns , but silver has so far pioduced the text lor neaily every speech. A few got out some political matteib during the debate on FlUJulm Porter ter , but they wei.o all who ejepaitcd fiom bllver. I am tohP'thcro will not bo much luteicbt in or aebatc on the tariffbill. . That nay be , thouah , because the understanding s that Mr. Kand.ill Intends to kill the bill when It first comes up by having the enact- UK clause stricken out , " THE I , AI10II INVESTIGATION. The people hero takolno Interest In tlio In vestigation that Is to be made by a special committee of the house Into ( lie labor strikes n the west and southwest , ns iio ono can sco what Is to bo gained by a concessional In quiry. It Is not proposed nor anticipated hat any action will bo taken by congress on the Information piocured by tlio committee , and many piononnco thu Investigation ono ol Miovv and domasoguery only. PAIIINISIO WKS-IKllNlNVKNTOns. Patents weio Issued today to tlio follow- ng : Homy A. Adams , Cedar Rapids , la. , lammock MippoitChailcs ; 15. Hint , , assignor toE. S. Ulid , Slonx City , la. , two , sus pender buckles ; Benjamin C. Ihowncll , Center Junction , la. , sulf-cle.ulng bieaking , > ln\r coulter ; Stoddait N. J. Dobson , assign or to Dobson Patent Tanning Pioccsscompv ly , Lincoln , Neb. ; John S. Kbeihait , La- I'oi to City , la. , combined chimney ami ven- llatorAudiuvv ; J. ( irush and J. 13. S. Case , Dcllance , soot accumulator ; Kdw In G. Hast- .ngf , assignor ol ono half to J. A. King , Ne vada , la. , ditching and tile laying machine ; Austin MeNally , Cascade , In. , wtench ; Phil- : lp Meyer , Fulls City , Neb. , liaiiow ; Paul rt.unscy , Montc/uuia , la. , holder for envel opes , etc. ; Daniel Itlauson , Moutlcello , gate. A I.U.MllKIt SYNinfA'li : . Information iccelved heiofrom Louisiana and Mississippi shows that n combination of lumbeniien fiom the noithwest have pur chased about l.noo.OOO acies of the best tim ber land of those states in the belief that a gieat piolit can bo made now In handling ioiithcm yellow pine as in while ptnotiom the noith , w hlch they say Is growing scarce. AN IOWA NOMINATION ItlMKCTKD. In the cxecntho. session of the seuato this ifternoon the nomination ol thu postmaster atMaishalltown , Iowa , was lojected. This makes two Iowa postuniHteis whos-o coiilirm- atlons have lately been rot used by the senate , the other ono being at Webster City. HIS CI.AIVI msA t.r.o wii : ) . The dciedation ) clainfol James Carollns , of Klehaidson county , amounting to V 10 , nis been disallo\ved by the sccietaiy ol tno ntcilor. _ _ NonilnntionH and Conflmrmntlons WASIMNOION , April CO. Nominations : I'ostmasteis Fiank Ohiulda , Wilmington , 111. ; Baiclay P. Smith. Dead wood , Dak. Conlinnatious : Postmasters J. A. Smith , Ficepoit , 111. ; C. G. Il.ienaucr , Highland , lll.jS. D. li.udebaugh , Uibana , II1.J. ; D. Wutoiman , Itockioid , III. ; C. F. Collin , Ho mer , 111. ; J. M. Ke es , liichl.uul Center , Wis. ; S. Clmmbeilaln , Wiuipttn. AVis. ; D. E. Cialg , Foil Atkinson , WIs. Sinvevor ot Customs F. J. Phelps , La- ciosse , Wis. Consuls S. 15. Miller , of Davcnpoir , Iowa , at lAilpsic ; C. P. Kimball , ot Chicago , at Stuttgart. William Havard to belregister of the land oflico at Pueblo , Col. ; J. ll. Davis1 , Imliaii agent at Omny. Utah ; J. C. Uieckeniidge , sm voj or general ol Washington teiiitoiy ; J. Muellci , ot Cleveland , consul at KianKtoit on the Main ; F. S. Manstiekl , of Texas , sccietoiyot legation at Japan. Colleotois ol Intel nul icvonne O. A. Wells , Thlid dlstnctof Wisconsin , J.M. Mor row , Sixth Wisconsin ; A. 0. Parkinson , Second Wisconsin ; li C. Wall , Flist Wis consin. The nominations of John Wainer , no st- niasteratPcoiia , III. , and William T. Hull , postmaster at Uelolt , Wis. , have been with- diavvn at their own icimest. Pioceedingtothecaleiulaiol eon ruination' ' , the honato dlMioscd ot a consideiablo iium- Imrot cases. Among the continued Is Xach Moiitgomeiy , to be assistant attoinoy geneial lor the interior Uepaitniont. Of Interest to AVlusky Men. WASHINO-ION , A pi 11 'JJ. Congiessman Ualluiwoith and Di. Hush , of Chicago , viee- piesidcntof the Whislcy Distilleis' assocla' tion , appealed bolero the .senate committee on linance this moining to advocate the MM- ate amendment to the bill lelating to the taxation ot fractional paits ol a gallon ot distilled spirits. Ciiblitnir , chief ot the dis tilled spirits division ol the inlei nal icvenuo buican , wasalt-o ] ) iebent and tavoied the passage ol the house bill without amend ment. The house bill places a tax upon any fractional put of u gallon ot .spirits , while ( lie senate amendment exempts tiom taxa tion any lnictiunal p.ut ot a grllon which does not excucil ono per centum ol the con tents of the cask or package. The * Military WASHING-ION , Apnl 20. The older will shoiily bo Issued bv the war depaitment us- slgnlnsr Brigadier Potter to the com mand 01 the dcpaitnionl of the Missouri , with Iieadiiuaiteis at Foil Lea veil vvoith , Kan. , v leu Brigadier ( ioueial Mile. " , tians- feiied to thodeiuitmcnt ol Arbona. and as signing Hiiuadierlieneial Hnger to the com mand ol thu duiiaitment ot Dakota , with hcailqnaiteih at Foil Snelling , vice Malor ( Jeneial Teuy , placed in command of tlio division of tin : Missouri. Tlio Army Dill Moilincil. WASHINGTON , April " 0. Mr. Logan lopio- duccd In tbehcnato Ills bill to incicaso tlio clllciency of the unny with the sections .stilclcen out w hicli inoviilo for the incieaso of tno number of men , lolatlng to the jiay of chaplains , and authoil/lnir commlbsioncd of- JIcoiH to make deposits ot money with pay masters. _ _ A Call for Rondw. WASIIINOTON , April 'JO. The house com- mltleo on foreign alfnlru to day agiecd to te- poit favoiably tlm Belmont Chinese Indem nity lUiolntion and the Mouovv Chinese bill. Favorable lluporl Miulo. AVASiiiNoroN , . ' .prllKO. Tno seeielniy of the treasuiy this uttoinoon Issued a call tor t-10,000 : i pur cent bonds , tlm call to niatnio Junol. _ _ Alel Sent lownToriuuIii SufTprers. Cr.nAnllAi'iDS la. , April ! iO. This city (0 it 5UX ) in money ami supplies to the Coon liapids NEWS FROM ALL NEBRASKA , The Bids Oponocl for Building York County's ' Court House and Jixll. CONTRACT TO BE LET TO-DAY. An Onkilnlo Hilitor Arrested for M\ir- tier Itolmnnu Secures n Now I < lfb Tlio Snprcino Court's Work. York's Now County YOHK , Neb. , Aprlieo. [ Special TelesiamJ The bhlsjfor the eiictlon of the now court bouse of York county were opened by the board of supervisors this afternoon and were constricted In .secret session. There weio Iho complete bids tiled : K. K. Alien , ot St. .Jo , SGO.OOJ ; 1) . K. llownid , ot Lincoln , S.VJ.OOO ; J. F. Cuusund , of Mncolii , SM,000 ; W. U. Tatvln , of Lincoln , § 57,700 ; llutehln ; son tt Collier , ot this city , SM.OOO , and S.M.OJO without jail. All the above bids are for complete jail and coutt house , futnlshed throughout and steam heated. The boaul postponed action until to-moiiowanrt allowed thu blddeisto mnko aseai.ito ) bid on thucomt house , without jailor jail iKtuics. Tho'bulldlng has four fronts and Itsslzo Is 70.\100 feeL Fiom the giound to the base of the to\\crls 120 feet , and the towci Includ ing the statue is lllty-nlno feet. Messrs. 1'lacoy it Ciay ! , of Lincoln , ate the uiohl- tccts. Tlio lirst and basement lloois ate to bo divided by two main conldois cloven feet wide , extending at light angles fiom the cen ter out. In the basement the lloor will bo level with the grade tine , thu height of story ten tect and aiiauged a3 fol lows : Commencing at south en trance , the county judgo's ollleo wilt bo at the left baud , with main ofllce , private ollleo and vault , eacli of the two apartments cntcicd fiom the main ofllce. Acioss the main corridor mentioned , Is the county suivojor's , ho being provided with n main ollleo and vault. Adjoining the snr- vojoi's ollleo and accessible fiom and at the cast end of the main , east and west corridor , the sheriff is piovhled with a neat ollico , which Is dlicctly opposite the Jail. Tlio latter Is aiiaitucd with six double steel cells , basket enhanceetc. . , In the most appioved manner. Opposite the jail , and on the northwest corner ol the build ing , Is located tlm boiler and tncl looms , ficsh water , cistern and closets , each of the latter occupying onc-louith of the lloor space of the basement. At the boiith end of the main noitlt and south couldoi , llieicnio two stonostuiiwuy.s leading to the main lloor. Theio Is also one hioad stone staltway on each side ol thu building , leading to the main lloor. The latter lloor beingoccunlcd in full , by the following olllcesi iCounty : clerk , clicuit and district cleiks , ticasuror and iccoidor , each oftlcer occupying one- fomth of the lloor space of this lloor , being piovuled for alike. Any ot the last mentioned offices may bo en tered troin cither of the miiln corridors. At the south cud of the main noith and south coiridor thoio Is a lame , double stairway leading to the scco id or couit loom floor , at the head of which aio located the following rooms : Giand jury loom , county superinten dent's loom , two petit jmy rooms , clicuit judge's private olliec , lawyei'b consultation room , also witness loom. Access to the latter four looms Is had only tlnougb a pihato hallway , leading fiom the bar to the last mentioned loom. Thu main coiridor on this iloor is 11 feet wide , and leads to the laigc and commodious couitioomJOtO ) feet in the clear. An nrtltor Under Arroflt. Nom-oi.K , Xeb. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram. ] The town of Oaicdale is excited over the airest ol a prominent citizen on a charge of murdci , the prisoner being F. L. Putney , editor and proprietor of the Jouinal. The win ant was \\oin out by a woman named Ilairlet Andeison , living near .Ncligh. Some time ago this woman gave blilli to an Illegit imate child , the body of which was after- waids tound In the rhcr. She chaiges that Putney was piesent at the birth ol the child ; tliathuagiecd to iilaco It on the doointop oC sonic one , and that Instead it was tlnown into the river. Putney denies nil knowledge ot the woman and cannot account lor her motive In chuiglng him with disposing of the _ iniunt. The Him of Holmes & White , ot this city , 1ms been selected to piosccnto the case , which comes up lor hearing to-mono\v. IJoIiunnii's Attorney Vicloriotin. Xr.miABicA CIIY , Neb , , April iiO. fSjieclal Telegiam.l Uohanan has just icecived a me.sstro iiom his counsel that the United States supiomo eouit had overruled Attorney lie.ncnil Loose's motion to tluow JJolmimn'B case out ol couit , and have oideied the case to bo aigucd on Us merits. In an Inteivluw with Hon..T. C.Watson , one of tlieeouiiEols oH the .state , the Ur.u icporter l&Infoimed that in all piobablllty the nextsteji taken by the piosecntlon will bo Iho Illlng of a motion asking that the ease bo advanced on the docket. This no doubt will bo done and the case aigned fiomo time this tall , liohanan takes this ntnv luasu of life as but the fore runner of the good icsult ho expects to obtain In this t. com _ _ _ _ _ Van Wyolc Clul ) In < 5ujo County. W MoIll : , Neb. , April 'JO. [ Special. ] Tlio faimeibol Sicily aio wldoawakc , and they iiioposo to boiecognl/ed in our next logisla- tuie , The lutmciH met at the Kdiool house April 17 , for the pmpoMJof orgitHl/liig : a Van Wjc (1llb' | The hon&o was called tooidor , and ,1 , W. Hiidcnthul was elected ptOhhlent , Tint extreme tired feeling which Is BO ells- r.vcrjboely nccels anil sliould take a good tressing and often MI unaccountable in tlio sn lug medicine , for tu o reasons ; spring months , la cntlicly overcome by Hood's 1st , The boily Is now moio susccptlblo to Karsap.iiIlia , which tones the vvliolo body , licneiit ( i oin nipilk liiu tlian at any other beason , purifies the Mood , ctnca sciofulx ; and all \ , Thu linjiuiltlus which IKIVO accumulated liumors , cures dytpcpsla , creates an appetite , In the blood bliould bo cxpcllcel , and tlio sys rouses the torpid liver , braces up the ncrvcg , tem given lone and Mrengtli , before Iho pros ami clears the inlml. AVe solicit a comparison trating effects of warm weather mo felt. ot Hooel's Sarsapaillla with any other lilood Hood's SarsnpaillU Is ( lie best spring medi purifier In tlio market for purity , economy , cine. A thiKlo trial will convince jou of Its strength , ami nicilt. tui , < eiiorlty. Tuko it btfoio It U too late. Tired all tlio Tlmo The Jicbl Spring MrillGlno "J had no appetites or strength , anel Iclt "I UiKo Hood's Barsaii.nrlll.i for a spring tired all tlio tlmo. I attributed my condition incdldiio , anel I mid It just the thing. It tones to sciofulous humor. I bad tried several up my s j stem ami makes mo feel like a differ Kinds ol medicine without benefit. Hut as ent man. My vvlfei takes It for elyspepsla , r.uel soon as I had taken bait a bottle of Hood's blio derives ( ' benefit from it. Bliosayslt Birsapurllla , my appetite was restored , anel la the ) best midlclno the ever took , " ! > ' , 0. my stomach felt better , f have now taken U'UKNi'ii , JIoolc ; Ladeler Ko. 1 , Jost6n ! , Muss. neai ly three bottles , and I ncv cr was so w oil. " "Last sjiring I was tioublcel vvilli bolls , Jilts. JES.SII : ! ' . DoLiniAiii ; , I'a&coag , It. I. caused by my blood bolni ? out of oieler. Tv\o Mrs. C. W. Marriott , Lowell , Mass. , was bottles of Hood's S.ereaparilla cured mo. I completely cured of elck hemlaclic , vvblcli she can recommend It to all troubled with : itfcc- 41 bad 10 years , by Hood's Barsaiiarllla. tlons of the blood. " J. Seiiocn , i'corl.i , 111. Bold by all druggttU. SI ; Ur fpr'iJ. ? Ticparcfl all ilrufi l tt. SI-six ; for ? 5. Prepared ty 0.1. IIOOI ) & C ( ) , ApotliLcarici , I.ovtetl , Mati. l < y U. I. HOVl ) & CO. , A-wUiccarlM , Ixiwell , Mill. I IOO DOGOO Ono Dollar IOO IDosos Ono Dollar '