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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1886)
Tf PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FIFTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , MONDAY MOR.NCNGK AFRIL 12. 1833. NUMBER 331 A CALM FOLLOWS THE STORM The Military Hold Complete Control at East St. Louis Sunday. FUNERAL OF FIVE VICTIMS. People Prohibited From Crossing the lllvcr No KITort Miulo to Move Trains To Prosecute tlio Murderous Deputies. A Quiet Sunday. Sr. Louis , April 11. The day 1m been ono of absolute quiet. General Hecsc , with his foi ce increased by seven additional com panies , which nirlvcd latu last night and this morning , lias been able to systematically cover every point In the city , and any fear \\hlch nmv have been felt from tlw torch of tlio Incendiary has almost ceased. The funeral of three victims of tlio tragedy of 1'ilday Drlscoll , Washington and Noncr occtmoil this morning fioni St. Paliick's Roman Catholic church. Mass was celebrated caily In the foienoon , and about 0:30 : o'clock the funeral column pioeoeded to the cemelri' . In the altcinoun the funeral of Major Jtyclc- ninn and Mis. 1'felll'er , two other victims , occui icd. 11 ivlng received Infoimation that a Itirgo crowd ot peoi lo Iioni St. Louis contemplated dossing to Kast St. Louis dm Ing the day , General 11 otolssuula , puicmptoiy ordr ( to prevent unyoiip cro a'ng to this slile ot the rlvo * . elthei b , , b Idgcor firrhs , unless pio- vldul with passes ot the bildge company or i'loin tlte military. This was not to Include rn/ through passengers on rallioad trains. Tlio oidcr was is ) ucd only to cover .Sunday. None ot tlio umils centering hum made any teiloiis clloit to move tinlns to-day. Ar rangements will bo actively entered ujinn to- inoriowvlicn It Is expected a f.ilr test will bo made ot this Inclination ot the uien to icturn to woikhen alloided protection. Mr. Unlley , and other members of tlio gen eral e.\ectiti\i ) boaid , as well as prominent local Knights ot Labor , state qulto emplmtlcally that the deputy sheriffs wlio thed on the people In St. * Louis Fildnyvlll bo piowcntod to tlio full extent of the law , that plenty of money will bo loilhcomiug for that puipose , and that the best legal talent obtainable will be employed. J. rge amounts of money aie coming heio noio mllovo whatever distiess may exist among tlio striking knights. Gould Agnlu Interviewed. Nr.w VOIIK , Apt II 11. In an Intcivlcw Avlth Jay Gould which the Tribune will pub lish to-moi row , Gould , icfenlng to an Intel- view between himself and Powderly , quotes the latter as saying of District No. 101. Knights of Labor : "They arc outlaws. They aio 0110 of tno woistset of men lever saw. When I was out there among them , 1 was leally afraid for niyllle. They have bioken the laws of the older. They have begun the strikes without authority , and to-moiiow I Intend to issuoa cliciilarrightunr myself and placing those men In their ti tie light. " "What will bo tlio outcome of the South western strikes ? " Inqniied the Tilbuno ic- poi ter. "Thoy will bioik down through their own weight. These organ i/ations , through their boycotts and their Mi Ikes , will make thetn- solvcs so unpopular , that public opinion will no longer suppoit them , and their powei will bo gone. " THK SITUATION SATURDAY. Tlio Fires mid Mob Fury Subsides Somewhat by Day. EAST ST. Louis , A pi 11 10. At 5 n. m. the fires \\ero got under contiol. Fifty freight cais , the scale houses and lumber yaid wcie completely dcstioycd by lue. The round house and shops weio paitially sa\cd. No . rallioad oftlclals weio aiound to direct troops whcie they weie most needed. The tires were all incendiaries , Marled about 9 o'clock last night. .Lame ciowds of strikeis and cit izens collected In gionps all over the city , still dctciinlncd to liavo icvcngo for yeMer- day's massacie. Public sentiment Is running high. The firemen and cnginccis weio sent from tit. Louis to help extinguish the Hie , but the hosowas cut and the men Intimidated and they ictinned without assisting. ASSISTANCE I'llOM ST. LOUIS. ST. Louis , April 10. The following mes sage was bent at 0 o'clock this moinlng : "S-r. Louis , April 10.Tp J. W. Vance , Adjutant ( icncial. Last St. Louis : Your 10- qucstforald ot ouriiio department was ic- ceived at 3-li : a. in. In response to an alarm at 11 o'clock Inst evening and to the lequest ot Mayor Joyce , tineo cnirines and one truck went to ICastSt. Louis and I quickly followed inysclticnialnlng there until 1 o'clockhon , being unable to laid the mayor or any of the authorities able to piotect us and alter 10- pented cutting ot our hose nnd continuous Intimidation of our men , 1 oideied their re turn. Immediately on receipt ot your telo- giam , loideied Assistant Chief Grass to 10- poi t to yon In peison , to place several engines at your disposal with the t-eivlco of himself and boven men , lie will see you befoio the lecelptof this , and if neeessarv , will ha\o nlic.uly f mulshed you the aid yon icqucst If you can niolccthls men and imichlneiy. ISiisneil.J D. It. Fii.v.vcn , Mayor. riXIXO TUB ItKHl'ONBIitlUTV. The Kxecutlvc lioaid of the Knights of La bor , v lion the news of tlio shooting readied them , piocccded at once to Kast St. Louis , and con leu I'd with a number of citizens , and got the geneial opinion as to the tetrlblo affair ; After advising oveiy one against vlo- Icuco the board rotmncd to this side and pro- paicd the tollowlng telegram and sent It out : "Tho following ndvcitlsemont appealed In most ot the leading pnpci sot tlio 7th lust. : Louisville , t Nashville Kalhoad Co. , Olllco ol Agent , Apill'.i. Xotleo : Ton good men iiom hcio wanted as deputy marshals In Kast tH Louis , to piotect Louisville .t Nnsli- vllle emplojos. 1'ivo dollars per day and boaid will be paid , Also a number ot plat- 1 01 m men can hoglen employment. Only men who inuo plenty of gilt and inenn bust- V ness need apply. Apply at once to J. S. Gcn- ung , agent. "llo\v \ well this ndvcitisemcnt has been nnsweied Isneon by Iholrwork ot to-day In Kast St. Louis. Six mon and ouu woman weiu mnideied ty 'those who had plenty of gilt nnd meant business. ' Jy ! yom action in lefuslng peacetnl negotiations hollcitcd by the boaid for aibitratlon. you alone must be responsible to thn woild tor the lives of those innocent people. " ( Signed ) JOHN AV" . HAYES. My Outer of the lioaid. TI1K DAMAOK 11V Tllin. HAST ST. Louis , Anill 10-8 : : n. m The city has been In a .stato of panic during the cntlio night owing to the numeious lucen- dlaiy Hies , but with the picsonco of the ndlltaiyhlvh Is guaidlng all main lines of thu tiaok diverging fiom the railway depot something like oidcrappeais topiomtbc for tlio day. It Is not possible at this hour to inoio than appioxlmato the tlnmajo by the night's Hies. They \\eioallcontincd to rail road piopcrty , The olllccrs bent with tioops icpoit that about twenty to thlity caw In all weio dostioycd. These weioloaded with merchandise and coal , The gicatest damage orcuued at the ShoitLtuo yards , about ono mlle fioiu the icluy depot , wheie piobably liftet'n ciirs woio dcstiojcd , and the flames fora tlmu thioatcned the destnictlon of one or two hundied cais In thoimmediatc vicinity. The ynuls were unpiolected by thopiebencoof an activoilcputy orolllccrol any kind , and until Company 1) , of rhanv palgn , nitlvcd at the : eue , the luo was per milled to bum at its will. Two members ol this company weio found who could Hit nnd inn a locomotive and .1 twitch cntjlno being placed al they buccccilcd in dinsslut ] away from the burnlngctrs fully 100 box and coal cars. Three commutes of troops from Greenvlllo 1'nrls and Champaign , arc now stationed at the Louisville , Nashville & Cairo Short hi no yards. The main body ot troops , beyond a few sentries , stationed at the rail road switches , remain In the vicinity of the -clay depot. No serious opposition of any iliaracter beset the troops. THE MILITIA. The first companies to arrive in the city , ivcro Company K of the Klghth regiment , rrom Nashville , and Company 11 of the Fifth 'loni Dccatnr , and were temporarily 'iiartcrcd In the branch ot the Young Men's Christian Association building near the. relay ilcpot. The crowd offered a llttlo wouly op position but noUilnir further. The troops ifler divesting thcm&clvcs of their : lothlnc. bags and blankets. lett o take their allotted stations , ivlncliuront tirst conllned to the switches near the depot. The troops ariested ono man In the Cairo Short Line jards , who re- "uscd to quit the premise' ! , caily tills morn- ng. Ho was turned over to the local author- ties. Col. Klley Smith Is In command of the 'orccs on the ground , eight companies In all. lo has his headquarters at tlio Mnrtello lintise , Immediately opposite the relay do- not , whcro Adjutant General Vance Is also itaylng. Hrlg. ( Jen. lleece , commander of lie second brigade , arilved this morning , but will not assume command unless other tioops are ordeiedheie , which , at present ; Iocs not appear prohibit1. The troops on the grounds number about 300 muskets. Till ! STlllKKItS 0.1'IKT. 10:10 : a. in , No disturbances of any char acter oceuired since 5 o'clock this motnlng. iVt a few of llio railroad crossings and street orners then1 have been small gatherings of illscontented men , but they mo quietly dls- iiei.MMl by sentinels. The sheriff has dls- ulsscd all his deputies with the exception of Ineo or four men , depending entlioly upon .roops. Under llii'Irjirotection all platioim men and yardmen of the liurllngton road mvcrctuincd and a freight tialn lett this Morning without molestation. Two fieliht ; rains nirlvcd over the same load this morn- ng. A jioi lion ol the men employed In the Chicago & Alton and Ohio & MUsIssIppl eturned and aio handling without dilliculty all Height offered , 'llio incoming passenger trains over all the loads without exception anhed close to Fchedulc time and weic .sent over tiiobildgo into the city. The transfer company also sent over to St. Louis a train : > t twenty coal cars. The biidgc company 'ias ' all Its twenty switch engines lully jiianncd , and but lor the absence of their van ! I switchmen would be able to handle both height and passenger trains without de lay. The snperlnloiidentof the bi idee com pany stated this morning that had 'loveinor Oglesby sent a small body of tioops hero when tiist icqucsted , none of tlio men would have boon intimidated and would have remained at their posts. A few railroad oftlclals haveic- malned hero on duty , but In the contusion and nlaini occasioned by the tires last night. there were very few people In authority who could even culdo the tioops to the scene of tlio burning cais. but for which llttlo of thu railroad pioperty would have been con- umed. iMriiisoxnn ci.r.rtus itEScrnn. Manager Stone , of the Jiurlincton road , who remained on tlio scene , personally dispatched all men in his employ al S o'cloolc yesteid.iy and In the capacity of deputy sheiiffs went to tlio Louisville & Nashville freight depot , where forty unarmed clerks weio Impiisoncdaud weio atraid to leave the building to encounter tlio angry crowds which remained in tlio vicinity. They found no difficulty In leaving tlio scene under the guidance ot these aimed civilians. Doth the shciill and mayor hold the views that the piesencoot : the soldieis was all that was 10 inired to restore peace and older. City authoi ity is confessedly weak and the senti ment of the community is illustrated some what In the fact that some the strikers ar rested a lew days ago by the sheriff , when released on ball , weio sworn in as city po licemen , and came in conflict witli the state olilcois represented by the deputy sheriffs. In thisciisls there appears to have been no alteinntivo than the ono resorted to , that of ordering btato tioops to the scone. Mo anosts have occuncd since the ono mentioned eaily this morning and the stieets of the city and paiticularly the railroad yaids have been hhoin of the cxcitemont which pic- vailed all yesleiday aftoinoon and night. Tin : CITY cjuir/r. 1:30 : p. m. Tlio city remains quiet. A walk thiough the business and lesidonco streets ; gives the impression that it is dc- scitcdand dead , except that now and then sullen men aroto bo been at the stieet cor ners. watching at a distance the movements ot tioops. The saloons are closed and nearly every stoie , with windows nnd doois bailed. The troops have now been distributed In platoons anil companies , nt the principal yaids and shops , and In the vicinity of llio large elevators on the levee along the Missis sippi river. vinwiifo TUP. IIUIN. From peisonal suivoy of tlio yards this moinlng in which tlio Incendiary lircs of last night occimcd , tiui following is a hummaiy of the destruction in tlio Caiio Shmt Line yards : Two empty bo * cars of the Burling ton load were binned and ono caboose car and six box cars ol tlio Caiio Short Line load. The pi onoi ty was completely destroyed , only the tiucKs lemaining. The track scales , and scale house of the Call o load W < TO also burned. In yaids of the Illinois HI. Louis toad near the rolling mill , fourteen box eais , tlneo of which were loaded with oak btldgo ties and ono with coal , were completely bin nod. Some further damage occnucd In the Cniio Shoit Line \.nil ? , fiutlicr out , hut its c\act character has i' 'jet been learned. TOO I'llUTTY TO SHOOT. 12r ; i,1i. in. The strikers had approached near the relay depot in squads thioughout the foionoon and watched the movements of thntriops. Some ot these , known to the olliclals as lendcis of the violent sec tion , have been pointed out and placed nndci ancM , Seven or eight of these men are now under armed guaid near tlio relay depot. Shortly after 12 o'clock a stilkcr named Alex ander Sweeney was challenged by a sentry named Kent , a piivato In company 0 , Kittli Inlantry. To the Injunction to "move on , " ho diow a lovolvcr lemarking , "you aio too pretty to shoot , " tinned o walkawav.lmtieturned nnd turning abruptly tiled at Kent. The latter simply clubbed his musket , knocking away the lovolver , and took the iimu in charge. Ho was placed nmong the others aricbted. The alfnlrcieatc < l no especial excitement , although the bhol was hied diiectly in line of the tioops ami clvllllans about tlio depot. It tiansplicd thai a young man named Andiow Jones , a Knighl ot Labor , was shot yesteiday nnd is not ex pected to II vo through tlio day. Ho will nmUo the eighth ono killed so far. MOIIH TllOOl'S XUKUKU. Up. m , Kverythlng lemalns quiet up to this hour. The chliit diead Is the nlgnt. To Piotcct miles of rallioad cais , will icqulro , in tlio opinion of the commanding olllueis wlu Imvobcen overtho giotinil , a laiger force of tioopsthan b now on tlio giound , as ovoi now the squads aiu widely separated and li very small iletachmonts. This hotels of the city and all the propiletois of shops have been wanted not to entertain or haibor any of thaboldlura or non-bUikcrs. A JUNOLUAUKll KlU.m. The body of J. K. Thompson , who was she by an Kast St. Louis deputy shciift ycstcrdaj forenoon on the bildge , and died last evenIng Ing at 7:20 : p. m , at the city hospital , was taken to the morgue to-day. Dr. Dean , In his statement to the coroner , says that ho asktu ' 1 hompson to make n statement ot the occur- lenco , so that It could bo used In ca&o of his death , but the wounded man would notmako any. Thompson was a Scotchman by birth andlmdlUed InSt.Louisbiitslxmontlis. Thli Stone , general manager o llio Chicago , Ituillneion & Uiiincy load called at thu morgue and Identlucd the boil ) as that ot the ilngtcadcr in the stiiko across the ilver. He said ; "IiecognUo him as the man I Mopped In our yaids last Wednesday leading a gang of 200 stiikcrs. " A QUIKT Nianr. Itcpoits tiom every portion of the city show that absolute quiet prevailed Satuida ; night. The sheets were tlesei ted and there were noariestsof ticspassois upon raihoat The night was stormy , Ten Firemen Killed. LAWiir.xci : , Mass. , April 10. During the llio at 1'cmbcrUin Mill this afternoon the walls of tlio building tell burying tci liicmun , killing them all. Death of Ex Ml ids tor Welsh. riiu.Aini.i'iiiA.ApilI : 10. John Yv" . Welsh ; \ mlnUtvr to Kn lunU , died at II o'clock this MAJORITY AND MINORITY , The Two Reports On the Morrison Tariff Bill to bo Made To-Day. THE PROPOSED REDUCTIONS. Thu Kcpubllcans On tlio Committee Assert Xhnt the 1)111 Is Horner or Party Necessity nml is Un-Aincrlcn.ii. Fnvorlnjr the mil. WASIU.VOTO.V , April 11.-Chairman Mor- Ison and Mr. Hewitt , of the committee on vaysand means , have completed the repoit of the majorltv of that committee to nccom- inny the tarllf 1)111. It will bo reported to the umso to-morrow. Tlio following nro the ulnclpal features of tlio repoit : The rate of duty or tax on Impoitcd goods subject to duty is as low as 5 on some nnd ilghcr than 200 per cent on otheis. The average rate for the fiscal yeurlSSS llttlo ex ceeded 47 per cent , or 840 of tax on S100 worth ot goods. This Is the highest into paid In any jear since 1803. nnd above the average ate of the war period , from 1S03 to 1833. After quotations from Piesldents Aithur indCleveland , setting forth the necessity of a arlff revision , the report continues : The reasury receipts for the fiscal vear ISSfl were " = 3X1,090,700. The increased receipts from customs and Inteinal Uixcs , the pilnclnal sources of revenue for thn months- of the fiscal year 1SSO already passed , over the receipts of the same months last car , justify the estimate that the iccelnts or tha piehent fiscal year will exceed 335,000,000. Nor may our annual treasury receipts bo expected again to fall below that sum without reduced taxation , Inasmuch as , heso receipts result chiefly from tlio taxes on irtlcles of necesslly nnd comfort to bo con sumed In continually increasing quantities with our ever growing population. The ex penditures tor the lineal year IBSi , including lenslons nnd the legal requirements of the nibllo debt , weio 5303,830,070.54. Neither ; ho nclunl needs of an economical ndmlnlslration of the government , lor tlio patriotic expectations of ho people , justify any increase of this enormous annual oxpendiluip , nnd we may safely estimate the annual suiplns to exceed 830,000,000. The reductions to lesultfiom the promised bill are within this estimated urplus and llttlo exceed 524,000,000 on the basis of last year's Importntlons. Kefcrenco Is made to Secretary Manning's views , as expiessed In his first annual re poit , touclilngllio ill effects ottho mnintaln- nnco of wa r duties , pointing out inequalities ( n the present law , and favoring the admis sion , free of duly , of raw materials , of which hoicpoit says : "These views of Secretary Manning as to the existing condition of the customs service and tariff taxation , are not paitlsan , but are in accouUmee with the views iressed on congicss by his predecessors Secrolarles Folgci and McCullough. Itistho puiposo of the bill icpoited to correct the same of classifications , rid cuslom laws of Iho complications of which the secietary com plains , and so change these laws for the Setter that they will bo capable of being ndministcicd with impartiality to all our merchants. Some ot the materials upon which great in- dustiics are built , such as wood , salt , hemp nnd wool , arc plncvil on tlio tiee list. In tlio past twenty yeais wo ha\o obtained from the tax on Impoitcd wood an amount estiiualcd nt less than S' 0,00 J , 000 to en courage the fell ing of our trees and destroying our forests. In a much shot ter pei loil wo have given moro than 35OJOOU ( acres of land In the bonntv lo encourage the planting ; of other trees , llio tax on Imported salt is icmitted to those who catcli and Irade In llsh , nnd to those wlio pack meat , for foreign markets. It is be lieved this tax should bo remitted to all. Af ter a century of ialhuc to make hemp either n profilablo crop or a successlul industry through piotectlvo taxations , further efforts should bo abandoned. The pi Ice of wool lias been downwaid for nuinyjeais. It declined when the tax was highest and protection llio greatest. It has been shown by statements of wool-growers that the duty linpoaedby ( lOncinlGarfielil'BRS- soclates , successors and school ot economists did not promote tlio giowth of sheen hus bandry , and it is proposed to remove it. For the last vear tills dut > on imported wool was 53,101,20.11)0. ) The spccilic duty imposed on woolen goods , says General GainVld ( ticat- ing of the tarilfcommisslon scheme ) asnearas possible equal to the duty put upon wool which entuied Into the manufacturewas Sll.fiOO.OOO , This , with the 8ilOi,20j.OG : equivalent duty , is to bo lomoved nnd the duty ot 35 per centum advaloiem on woolen poods , as a protection to manuiaclureis ngalnst foreign compctilioii , lemains and will yet bo a needed revenue. Other articles , tlio rate on which are so lo be reduced , ns cotton yarns , threads and coarser cotton cloths and sugar , aio now dutiable nt unnecessaiily and unreasonably liiuh lates. These will find compensation In the burdens of tixatlon sought to bo icmedled for icduc- tlons Inr gieater than any pioposed by the bill. Woget from the duties on cotton goods 510W)0.000. ) Thuiateson goods from which wo collect 52,103K ( ) , ) of this amount aio BliL'htly reduced , while the i ales on which wo collect the other SS , X,000 , aio un changed. Siurar , with the present low piico , Is loft al the high but ie\cmio rate , equiva lent to CO pr centum , At tlio present higher late wo celled on sugar moro ilian ono-louith of all llio lovi'iinu derived fiom customs. With the still existing high , It not unwuriantiblo , scale of cuuentoull- nary expenditure , and one-half of the money obligations ot the late civil war ycl to be paid , the high rate of taxation must bo long maintained. And In submitting tha pinposen bill , directing tlio costof thoslielter. of pait of the lood and of all Iho clothing of. the people , it lias been the elfort of your com mittee to adopt such rati's of taxation nswill ho peimanentnnd as will only need to bodl.s- tuibcd by an unfoieseen national ememency nnd at tlio same time to exempt the ncccs1 saiy nrtlcles fiom taxation , and thereby pro mote domestic industries. All that congiess can do in tlio absence ol aKcncial revision of thu taillf , with n now nnd slmplo classifica tion , Is to ptovldo for o.ieh canso of com plaint as It ailscs. In the bill pioposed the most piessing and piomlnent of gilcvanccs nro dealt with. A limitation orS500 has been Imposed upon thu value of went lug apparel nnd other prop- city which may be brought In fice of duty by passengers , excepting tomlsts anlvlng In the United States from nbioad. This provision , taken In connec tion with the proposed sections making it a crime either to gl\o or icccivo any money tor the passage of baggage thiough thu custom house , will , Ills bolie\ed , bilng tonn end the gteat abuse in icgaid to the oxcesiive amounts ot baggage hiaueht In free in competillon with tlio merchandise of importers wlio have to pay duties , The Minority Ropdrr , The teport of the icpnbllcan minority , which has been prepared by Representative McKinley of Ohio , begins with the statement thai the substitute agreed upon by the ma- joilty , Is a now cii'ntlon and embodies little matter that was included in the original bill as intioduccd by the chairman. After recit ing in detail the vulous articles which it Is pioposed to place upon the free list , and the reduction to bo made on manufactured goods , the mlnoilty report says : Nothing is moro unsound and fallacious ( linn to assume that n ie luctloii of dutits It demanded w 1 en the average ndvalcrem re- 1 orls Miovv a high p r cntnge. In times ol business ilopu'sslon nud lowprlcosjjia adva loreius , corresponding with specifc duties , show Incieised percentage over periods ol high prices , because the Riven specific duty li nlxrgcr percentage ot the low value than it Is of the high 'one. Thorn is no attempt In this bill fo "equalize the duties upon Imported goods uixin nny just principle or to make equitnblo Tcdnctlons throughout the tariff list. Of thlrt.v-brib or inoro aitlclcs dutiable at from 10 to SX ) ) Jer cent , not ono Is dealt with In this bill , while other articles , upon which Is Imposed K duty from 1 to ' . ' 0 perccntnro cutdown ortmnsfcircu to the free list , . ' The fico list Is peculiarly an assault upon the agricultural Intcrestaof the country , seek ing out from 4,000 articles In the tariff their leading products to bo dihcn out by ruinous competition from abioad. The first effort In the direction of frco tnulo is aimed at the organized farmers ot the country who are removed from centres of tmde , busy on their farms and plantations , unused to tncctlne committees of congress , and unadvised that their Interests wcfe to bo dealt nn unfriendly blow. They nro to bo the lirst victims of Drltish policy , through the njcncy of the American congress. Flax growers and spinners of America protast against tha unjust and unreasonable action of the committee In taking flax from the du- tlabln list , nud at the convention held in Chicago cage In Febiuaiy , 1BSO , declnied that the re duction of dntv on foreign fnbilcs would be disastrous lo llio domestic Industry. The committco have accepted and adopted the sect utary's politic creed "that the first duties lo bo safely discarded aio these upon niatoiials u'.ed by nur manufacturers , " and Its free list discards , saltlumberliemp and alt libres. The second stop will bo to discard nil duties , upon Impoitcd articles competing w itli our own , and then , nt least dtitls will be cvled upon ai tides not produced In the United btates , among which are tea and coffee. We must dissent wholly from this dec line nnd its conclusions nnd insist that , the rue method of levying duties upon Impoils to iniso the requisite invenuesfor the govern- nent , is to impose upon these Impoitcd nrtlcles which compote with the produces of our own Industries and labor ; and while such duties will secure the ncccssaiy rovc- iiies , they will , at the same time , cncouiac loiito productions , create n home market , and 'urnlsh omplovment for American woikinc- .11011 , without increasing the bindcns of the looplo. The mlnoiity declare- that the bill Is born of larty * necessity. It1 Is hero because ho democratic party is in control. I'ho people of the countiy are not asking for it. It is In icsponsoto no public sentl- uent or national requirement. In the judg- uent of the minority , it will increase , rather than diminish our customs iccclpts : that it will answer no sentiment for the reduction ot the surplus ; it will help no American in- erest It will cripple , If not destroy , all it .ouches. FOIl EIGHT HOURS. A Big Demonstration by Chicago Imborcrs In its Favor. CHICAGO , April 11. Fully 8,000 woiklng- nen crowded Into the great aimory of the Sixth cavalry on the lake front last night , nnd possibly 4,000 more gatheied lu front of .ho building. The occasion had been advcr- Jsed ns an eight-hour demonstration under .ho auspices of the trades assemblies of lilcago. A laigc procession ot the nssein- jlagocamo in organized bottles , preceded by Ifoand dinm , and carrying huge tianspar- cncles. Few of tlio men ; wore any regalia , mil apparently no attempt nt display was made except in nutnbere. Neither was theio anything lesembllng a procession. The vaiious unions came trooping in from all directions and"lirst come liist serVed w as the utlonsto the seats within. Neveithelcss excellentorderwas maintained. Hats weie promptly removed at the first tap of Iho chairman's ' cavehapd two or thico hundred of the men's $ lveaand , sweethearts who occupied tiers of scats In tlio place of lionor weio shown marked'consideration by tlio abandonment ot pipes and cigars In their vicinity. Thcie werciijbt to exceed it do on police to be seen In or about the hall. The Interest centcied in the.hdnsnarenclcs'niid ns union nftcr union nt inegnlar Intervals marched Into the hall and the crowd caught sight o tthe tnoltoes , the speakers'voices were lost In louuds ot cheers that weio lonewcd again and again. "Eight Hours ana No Drones.oik Eight Horns Only and Uoom the Labor Maiket , " and "Oppose Child Labor , " were fair samples. Among thn tiades loprescnted were carpenteis , plaslcicis , clolhlni ; cutters nnd cigar makeis ; but n lontr list of others were not tar behind in point of mnnbcis. Gcorgo A. Schilling acted ns chaliman. Itnngcd about him on the plat form were Iho leaders of local unions and men prominent In the labor movement. Among the latter was Judge Illchard I'ren- deicast , of the state bench. Alexander Sul livan also occupied a scat on the plaitonn. The addresses of the evening weio delivered by Thomas K. Hall , who spoke of the prog ress of the eight-hour movement ; w. X. Sailer , on the economic beniing of tlio movement on society , and L. H. Sawyer , on its material advantages to the wage woikors. The crowds on the outside wore field together by speeches Iiom Illchard Powers and several other Knights of Labor. Just ns the over flow meeting was fully under head- wav , them emerged from the hall In which the eight-hour demonstration was being held a file of men bearing a icd flag witli n German inscilptlon which had been can Icd Into tno hall during tlio pi ogress of the meetiiiK , concealed. Sam Fielding , tlio anarchist , dellveied a Imiansuo to the ciowd , which nnmuered aboutl.OOO. Tlio speaker's nccrowlfo sat at his feet. The ciowd was composed laigcly of the foreen ! element and the two men who bore the red flag could not sneak Knglish. Fielding was succeeded by Parsons , tno noted anarchist , who violently assalle/1 the Knights of Labor , after which his hearers matched to the hall of the International society. The eight-hour meet ing was prolonged to n late hour and but low icleicnces weio made by the sneakers to tno existing railway stiikes , nnd then pilncipally lo point a moial In their ar gument lor thu masses to organl/o till slilkes should bo made piactlcally Impossible and sleady work at leasonablo pay could bo ob tained by measaiessuch ns the geneial adop tion of tlio elsjht-hour syslom. Though Iho slilkos were practically lett untouched by thu speakers , an oxpicssion of locling of the multitude was Riven In tlio fol lowing , which was adopted by acclamation amid tno wildest enthusiasm : Itcsolvcil , That Hits mass mcctiiiK of clli- zeus ot Chicago denounces the poilldy of Jay Gould In bioaklng- his ngiccmont with tlio Knights of Labor losoltlo of the present stiiko In the southwest by aibltra- tlon. In his letter of Sunday , March 'JH last , toT. V. Powdeily , grand master woikman of the Knights of Labor , Gould stated in sub stance that the grievances of tlio men now on a stiiko on the southwestern rallioad system would bo submitted ( o arbitiatlon. Tills letlor was written tol'owdcrlv nt tor two In terviews on that Sunday nt Gould's hoiisa , nnd as pait of the ngreement between Gould nnd the Knights ot Labor , In accordance with lids atireemontMirand Master Work man Powdorly ti'lcgrnjiheil the mon on fie strike to icturn to woik nt puce. Gould next day , by falsehood and-double-dealing , violated lated this plainly for tlio purpose ot do noral- i/Ing tlio Knights of Lupor. Wo therefoio declare that the conduct 'of Gould In till1 matter Is base In the extreme and wo call upon the public everywhere to tamillarlio themselves with the faotfl in tlio cabo am judge- who Is to blame for tbo continuance o ! the strike , Gould or the Knights of Labor Some of the city najiers estimate that the gathering nninbercil between 15.000 nnd 20,000 men. It wsn nrobaly the largest labor demon stiation over held In this city. JIo Ijoves the World Mor < ) . NKW Yonif , April 11. Joseph Pulitzer , oil itor of the New York World , yesteiday for warded to the secretary of state his resigna tlon as representative In congress from the Ninth district of Now York , statlnc that I was impossible for him to perfoim the duties peitalnlng to the position without neglecting his newspaper. Wants Cheaper News. ST. PAUL , Minn. , April 11. A Mandai ( Dak. ) special to the Pioneer Press Bays The Pioneer Publlahlnc company 1ms sued the Western Union Telegraph company fo 56,000 damages for raising rates mi newri dis patches contiaiy to the terms of a coutiac made in 18S1. Weather for To-day. Missouni VAI.I.KV Increasing cloudlnesi and In southern poitlau local lalns ; wliuls geueially warmer , souihcily. A POLITICAL PREDICTION , 'ho National Capital's ' Press Prophesies the Fall of the Democratic House. MORRISON WANTS HURD SEATED lo Needs n Tnrlfr-Itcrorin Orator For Ills Bill A Queer Humor About lltncHs Xn tionnl Ncxvs. A Divided House. April 11. [ Special Tele gram. ] Nearly all of to-day's local papers ) rophcsy the loss of the next house of rcpre- ontatlvcs to the democrats on account of the list in bed condition of politics throughout the Country and the dissatisfaction of the party vltli the present administration. The pres ent house has 1S1 democratic members , of Uiom 103 are fiom the south , : w from the east mA 14 from the west , constricting nil the ate slave states south , New Kngland , Now lork. Now Jeisoy and I'ennsylvanla east , nd the rest of tiio states west. The dividing Ine between the panics runs now as it has or years , cast and west , the democrats car rying the house because their members from ho north outnumber tlio republican members rom the south. Foimcrly this same line was Irawn in all Important votes In congress , attcrly , however , and especially now , the luo is purely Imaginary , and , if drawn at ill , is rather north and south than cast nnd west , thus tending to dtvldo both paitles In- itead of welding together the discordant elc- incut in each. rilANK IIIJUD AND TIIK TAHirT. It Is the programme In the house on Tnes- lay to antagonize the special uidcr of a month ago to take up the Kt-acan Ii4ter-stato comtnerco bill with tliollurd-Uomcis contest- id election horn the tenth district of Ohio. The opinion booms to mcvall that the cffoit will fall. The antagonism w 111 bo largely ono ) etwccn the tariff rolormers and the antl- ailff lofonncis , but there arc those of the for- ner class , It Is rcpoited , who will oppose tlio seating of Kurd because the majority of the committee on elections eleven out of flf- een , which Includes four democrats have eportcd against the seating of Hind. If It becomes apparent that It will hurt Hind's chances befoio the house tlio scheme will bo abandoned. The light , If it ensues , Is ex acted to bo n terrific one , and will show the strength of tno Monlson tailff bill tolerably well. The assistance of Hurd Is very much deslicd by Morrison and his followers before the tariff bill Is laken up. There aio no tariff reform orators In the house now. If they should succeed in seating him , It is the intention tocall up tlio tariff bill next week. This morning's Post , which is Morrlbon's organ , says : "Mr. Frank Huid is to bo seen dally aiound the house. Ho Is deeply inteiested In his contest with Mr. Komels , which will probably begin on the floor next Tuesday and continue for several days. " HEADY TO CUT TIIItOATS. The results of last Monday's clecllons in tlio western states are received dlffcicntly by classes of people hero. The republicans are , of course , jubilant over tlio sweeping victo- lies they , won almost everywheie , moro especially In Cincinnati and Indianapolis. The anti-administration democrats leceived the news witli a placid calmness that was in- teuulxed with a soit of "I-told-you-so" ex pression of countenance that shows that the antls are not wasting any great amount of ; riof over their party's defeats. The admin istration democrats , on the other hand , 10- ceived the news with rod-hot wrath. They say the party has been betrayed and defeated the old fogy antls because Pics id en I Cleveland is honestly cudeavoiing to carry out the platform which these vcrybouibons and fogies passed at the national conven tions of 18SO and 1834. The administration democrats , however , console themselves by saying : ' 'Well ' , beual , wo can stand it it the bourbons can. Wonic not all ofllcc-seekeis , while they are , and If the party coes out of | ) owcr In 18S3 wo will not bo any woiso off than wo have been , while they will lose oven what llttlo hope they have now of getting Into office under tlio government. " This sortot talk can bo hoard wliei over tlio friends of tlio president congregate , and it shows that throat-cutting time in the parly Is close nt hand , If it has not ahcady nulved. A cunious SUTICIO.V. A cm Ions suspicion has taken possession of many men heic , who aio accounted to bo \eiy"lly"in icgardto everything concern ing tlio administration , in rogaul to Secieta- Manning's Illness. These astute gentle men asseit that Secretary Manning is not now , and never has been seriously 111. They say that I'lesldont Cleveland and Manning quairelied in regard to the hitter's manage ment of the tieasury and ho has shut himself up at his residence , and will never again assume - sumo charge of the ticasuiy department. These suspicious men aio all democrats , and may know moro than Is given out to the pub lic. A few days will show whether they do or not. ANXIOUS ADOUT Tin : I'ltusimsxr. Since Secietary Manning's mishap , many of the Intimate lilemls of Piosldent Cleve land arc becoming very anxious In icgaid to his health. The piesidcnt Is very much of his secretary's build and temperament , and the habits of the two men aio precisely alike. They toll and work all day at tnolr desks , cat abundantly of the heaitlost food , but take no oxcrciso whatever , or next to none. The consequence Is that both have gained heavily In arvolidnpols since they came hero , and that , theieforn , what has happened to the secretary may also befall his chief at any moment. Close obseivcrs who have resided hero and this includes many ot our most eminent medical mon = ay that In a malaria-ridden city men cannot sately pciform the f > amo amount of bialn w'oiktlmt they can elsewhere , unless they aio extremely careful as to diet , oxoiciso , and other matters esteemted to bo necessary to the enjoyment of good health. Hence this class of people hero are Indulging In doleful prognostications in rcgaul to thu health of the picbldent.ttml are constantly advising him to take better caio of his health , In older that ho may be spared to fill out the full measure othlstcim , It Is to bo hoped that ho will heed tlio advice , for wo want no moro accl- clcnclcs. aomiAJf ON TOP vr.T. Notwithstanding all that has been Bald against Senator Gorman nnd his methods ho Is still evidently on top. Of tlio appointments already made in Maryland Uonnan has te emed throe of every four , nnd the plums he gets for his friends are all ot the very choic est , while he graciously permits the other fae tlon to gather only the unsound , sour nnd gnarly specimens. This man ( Jorman'fi In- lliienco with Cleveland will bo better under stood when the fact Is recalled that It was through his unscrupulous manipulation ol the "count , " which took place In Now i'oil city after the election In IS sl , that socurei' vote of the Kmpirocity to th ( democratic candidate and thus made Gro\oi Cleveland picsldent of the United States The facts In ioaid to this stupendous piece of rascality have only becomu known withli | hu l.iit tluco uKmlus , , and tuuy bhpw Urn the Introduction by Uonnan of his Maryland tactics Into the Now York count cheated James U. Ulalno out of enough votes to se cure his apparent defeat. Therefore Gor man is paramount to nil others in Inlluonco wlUi tlio present administration , and will continue so to the end. His unsavory henchman , Eugene Hlggins , will also stick , ripsplto the curses ot Cleveland's wannest friends and of the protest of the more decent portion of Mary land democrats , nnd there will bo moro lllg- glnoses appointed if Senator Gormau de mands It. A HIT AT WKSTKIiX WOOL 3IKX. Within the last foity-clght hours It has leaked out thai llio democratic delegation in congress from Lonlsanaha\o been negotiat ing with Morrison , who is anxious to secure their support for his ( Instructive tariff reform bill. Herctofoio the Loutsann democrats have icscntcd all frco trademcasurcsln order to retain the protection to their smar grow ing Interests which the lopubllcaus secured lor them years nco. Moirlson ottered to leave them about one-half the piesont pro tection If they would vote with him as to the lest , but they demanded that It remain as It is , promising that If no change Is made they will vote to cut down protection on all north- cm Interests generally , and to help cut off all protection to tlio wool growers of the west nnd north. Now will the democratic wool growers swallow this attempt of their southoin brthrcn to sell them out In ex change tor n llttlo swectenlngi1 Nor la this nil. The rlco growers of the south are also cndcavoiing to make the same kind of a trade with Moirison offering to nld him In making a raid upon all northoin Industries If ho will only permit the protection the icpub- llcans throw around the ilco interest to re main untouched. Those facts are commonri- cd to the caretul and prayerful consideration of democratic wool roweisof Ohio , Indiana and other shcep-keoplng states. Their southern brotheis are trying to rob them. The remedy Is In tliolr own hands. They have only to vote with their real filcnds In the future , and tlio pestiferous Moirison and bis free trade gang will bo rendered unable to further piosnciito their raids upon the pro ducers of wool In the fiituie. AJfTI-MOllMONS Al'ltAID OP AVKST. Among the anti-Mormons hero there Is no satisfaction over tlio appointment of West to the governorship Utah. Speaker Carlisle Is the influence which secured West's success , and the fact that the Mormon's like It is re garded as a bad sign. One of the Salt Lake gentiles said to-day : "Of course , wo aio dis appointed. AVe aie afraid of the new man. Ho may bo all right , but things are in such n condition in Ulal ( that thciowillbo a great deal of anxiety until wo know ho is. The fact that ho Is Speaker Caillslo's choice does not reassuio us. Cailiblo has presidential aspirations , and the political influence of the Mormons is very gieat nnd reaches In a great many directions. What a man with that soil of an ambition will do , one can never tell. I suppose ho controls \Vest \ , and ho certainly has the chance of making an excel lent deal with bitch a factor. Will wo oppose the continuation ? Oh , no ; wo will take what we can get , and tiy to get along with It as best wo can. FOUTV-N1NTII CONGRESS. Senate. WASIIIXOTOX , April 1L At 1:30 : p. m. yesterday , tno Washington territory admis sion bill was passed without substantial amendment yeas 3D , nays 3. The senate then adjoinned till Monday. The democrats voting with the icpubllcans in the affirmative on the Washington leirl- tory admission bill were Me.ssis. Butler , George , Jones of Aikansas , and Morgan. The negative votes weie all democratic , among them being that of Ilcaist , whoso fust vote was cast on this bill. The bill as passed authoiI/.es the inhabitants ot the tcrittory of Washington and tlio adjacent pait of the tei- ritoiy of Idaho to form abtiuetroveinment with thu name ot the state of Washington. It piovldcs for a convention to formulate and adopt a constitution which shall bo republi can in form and not lepngnanr to tlio consti tution ol the United States or tlio pilnciples ot the declaration ot independence. The poi sons who shall bo entitled to vote for mem- beisol Hie convention aio desciibed by the hill to bo the qualified electois icbident with in tlio said boundaues. House. Bills weio passed authoiizlng tlio construc tion of bridges as lollows : Acioss the Missis sippi ilver near Allen , Illinois ; across the Mississippi river near Kcithsbing , Illinois ; across the Illinois anil Dos Molnes ilveis by tlio New York and Council Ultilfsrailioad company ; acioss tlio St. Ciolx liver at some accessible point between I'lOscott. Wlbcou- sin , and Taylor Falls , MInncsola : ncioss the Mississippi liver at Wlnona , Minnesota : across the Mississippi ilvor at St. Joseph , Missouri ; acioss the MlssomI livernt Council BlnlR Iowa ; across the Missouil liver near Chambcilain , Dakota ; acioss tlio Missouri river nt Piei ic , Dakota. Adjourned. Tlio IJoliamion Case. WASui.N'n-ir/N , Apiil 11. [ Special Tele- gram.J Attorney Geneial Leese , of No- biaska , Is heio to aigtio the Bolmnnon case betoio tlio supiemo cotnt ot the United Slates. Providing for Possibilities. Dmuixau.VM , Apill 11. Itepoits aio In circulation heio that if Gladstone's lilsh bill Isiojccted Loid Salisbury will bo called upon tofoim a mlnlstiv to continue- until next year and tliat Chambeilain and Lord 11 int- ingion will consent to this , provided Loid Sallsbmy agrees U Intiodnue no contentious schemes This aiiaugoiiiiint is bald to ha based upon the anxiety ot Imth parlies lo avoid nn elcllon at the pio.sent time. Protest luc Orangemen. Duni.iN' , Apiiljll. Tho.oiangemcn of Ar- maiigh made a pnbllo demonstration \ester- day against Gladstone' * ! moposal , They adopted resolutions denouncing lliepiemler , and declailng their allegiance to tint muplic. Its victims to ho miserable , hopeless , contused , and depressed la mln J , very Irrlta- tie , languid , anil drowsy. It li a dlscaso which docs not u t well of Itself. It requires careful , persistent attention , ami a remedy to throw oil tlio causes and tone up the dlgcs- tivo organs till they perform their duties willingly. Hood's BarsaparJlia lias proven Just tlio required remedy la hundreds of catcs. ' I have taken Hood's Barsaparilla for dys pepsia , from w tilth 1 ha > o sintered two years. I tried many other medicines but none proved to satlsfaclory as Hood's Barsaparilla. " THOMAS COOK , Urush Electric Liyht Co. , New York City. , \ Sick Headache "For the past two years I have been nraicted with set cro headaches and dyspep sia. I was Induced to try Hood's Saisapa- villa , and luuo found great relict. J cheerfully - fully recommend it to all. " Mus. li 1' . AN.VAIII.LNew Haven , Connt Mrs. Mary C. Bmith , Camtiridgcport , Ifasi. , and kick head was a sufferer from dyrpepsla ache. Bho took Hood's Karsaparllia am' , touud it the best remedy the ovur used. Hood's Sarsaparilla .Fold by all dniprfsig. l i .Mx foi5 , Ma-Vi .only by 0.1. HOO1J ft CO. , Lowell , Mass. IOODosos Ono DoUar. N UTTER CONDEMNATION , Gladstone's Scheme Keccivcil With Unbiased Disfavor Except-By Farnollitos , BUT HE IS STILL CONFIDENT , Chntnbcrlnln Causes n Tremendous Sensation by n Personal Thrust nt the 1'rlmo minister The rttbtlo Opinion. The World Ills Audience. LOKDON , April 11. [ Special Cablegram. ] KnglMuncn of all paitles agree with prldo liat no paillauientary incl dint anywhere In lie world was over moro dramatic than I'hursday'p. Gladstone pioduccd his homo rule scheme as upon n stage visible to the mlvcrsc. London was seething with cxclte- nont. The house of , commons presented a poctnclo without pieccdent. The country vas ono with Intcicst , sin passing In lutonslty nothing remembered by this generation , thulstono's speech , by general consent , hough wanting In some of his highest oratorical qualities , was n masterpiece ol ucld exposition. All concur that thu scheme vhtch was developed by him Is. whalovor else may bo thought of It , n gtoat off oil of : onstructlvo legislation , a work of unequalled lower. Hut the most devoted Gladstonolans ire alleged to admit that the speech ami clii'iuo have fulled nlllco to conciliate ho opponents for homo inlc , to mlto the liberal party , or to con vince English opinion. Its solo success s with thu Parncllltos. During the gieater lortion of the speech they alone cheeied. Vuncll's approval of the scheme , though liiallficd , Is sulllclant to Induce himself and ilslollowciB to strain every cffoit to secuio ts acceptance. In no other quarter what- cvirc n the iccoptlon of the proposals ho Iccin > d cordial. Uvery linportnnt jouinal In Condon Is dead against it , the Dally News i.xc'pted. And even that journal discusses t despondlngly. Tlio two most powerful .ouinals In Gieat Britain , outside of London , 110 thoMriHiester Guardian and II.o Scotch nan. Both con luinn Iho measure , liotii ic- jrard It ns equivalent to n separation. Hath nedlctits lejcctlon by Iho counlry. Such novlncial papers ns adlicro to Gladstone cmper their suppoit with conditions and vllh diMimnds for the modiilcatlon of vaiious 'catines of tlio scheme. All three ot Glalstouo's recent colleagues lock in attitude of uncoinpiom s'.ng hostility. I'loveljan spoke on Thuisday ovonlin : amid continuous lilsh interruptions , but when ho sat down the house felt that the question had ) ecn taken once for all beyond thu region of ncro peisonal and party attachment lo Gladstone. Chamberlain , I'll day night , In a pcech of oxtiaordlnary acutcncss and power , closed evciy door to compromise. Ho do- iCilbed Gladstone's bill as embodying the nnxiinum of ilslc nnd llio minimum of ad- vantage. He objected to tlio toimiiiaUon of lilsh rcpicsentalion at Westminster because solo icpicsentallon at Dublin could mean only a parliament with ordlnato nnd equal authority with Iho Imperial paillament. lie objected to the surrender of the right of im pel ial taxation to Ireland. Ho objected to he surrender of the appointment of judges ind magistrates. Ho objected to many other lungs , and insisted that the scheme , as a vhole , was one far ultimate separation , not ionic rule. Dining his tilt with Gladstone Chambeilain caused n tiomcndoits sensation by iclciiing to the premier's sentiments owaid the United States during Iho war of ho rebellion. Sir , " said he , " 1 remember that tlmjo vhen , In its greatest crisis , whnn it was In ho most loirlblo moment ot Us fate , my right honorable friend counselled dlslutcgr.v ion of the United Slates. " Mr. Gladstone "I did not counsel It. " Mr. Chambcilaln "My right honorable 'riend says he did not counsel It , hut he guvo he weight of ills gieat name to the statement .hat they had become separate nations. I laio say my light honorable liiend him self would admit that , in that view of the itnntlon ho mad o a mistake. " " Hear , hear , " said Gladstone. " Ah. " said Chambeilain , syllabic by sylla- > lc , his linger levelled nttlio prime minister's ) o\ved head , "aio you certain lie Is not mak- ngu mistake nsaln ? " It was n toiiiblo blow. The torlcs , of ; coinso , yelled like madmen. Fiom the lib- eial benches niose sevcial ciles of "shame , " lliccted nt Mr. Chambcilahi. The latter , lowever , had ono moio shot lo deliver. Lev eling his linger again towauls the front bench , almost Inarticulate with passion , ho demanded what should hava neon said of dm , if , like some scivile pattlsans who dis place political life , ho had lenmlned on Hint jcncli nielonding to sui vo Ills country with n Ho In his mouth. This was aimed diiectly at Sir Wllllnm Voiiion Hnicouit , nnd pioduccd another sensation. Loid Harilngton'ssuccch dealt still heavier Lilows to lliopioposal. Never has ho spoke with such decision ol purpose , such anthoilty such weight. Ills final sentences canled dismay into tlio ministcilal lauka. lie sepal- alcd himself on this question absolutely from the party , accepted thu probable necessity of ihoenfoicomunt ollnw in lioland , cxptessod llio belief that the people of the countiy ie- qnlied their icpicsentntlvcs to dink all minor dllfcienccs and to tuitions one man in do- lenso ol tlio einplie inheilted tiom their loio- lathers , ills speech has miulo It impossible , hunculoith , to put a homo uile plank Into n Hbeial jilaltoim. Thus far not ouonon-oUlclal membri of the house , whoso Buppoit means anything , has defended Gladstone's pioiiosal , Pai- nellltes oxceptcd. The gmicial opinion Is that Gladstones bill olfeis Painell moio than was asked , and cioalos not nu'iely an Irish paillumenl , but an lilsh stalo. ills pai- llament would have powcis nominally limit ed , bntpiautlually unlimited. "Sombcrncqulsccnco , " sayn tlio Times , "Is the base of ny > pmbatlon to which Gladstone's most tiled nnd Inlthlnl followeis can attain , while nctlrii nud cncigctlc com- mendatlon Is licely meted out by the stanch- osl lepiesuntntlvesof eveiy shade of liber alism , That , I nm bound to say , however dUa- gieeablo the tiuth may bo lo believers In homo rule , is an neciiinlo summniy of the opinions iixpiessed by nuiuly oveiv llhcinl , with ono i | gteat o.\ecition. Mr. Gladstone alone , ornl- most nlono , letnlns lieait and hope , nnd still looks confidently fonuud to winning over tlio country nnd con feu lug legislative Inde pendence on Iielnnd. Forstei's death , coming ns U ( Ires , In the i cilnisot tlio lils'i ' question , is tell ns n na tional calamity. Fulliiro , IJinrioi. , 1'a. , April 11. llogers Uios. , flouring mill piopiletois , have failed. Thu estimated liabilities aio S' W.OW , gyi.OOO at which are in moitgugcs and over Sl'XJ.tus ' in , ' notes. Ot th j luttei amount 8GOooniuo sa\ > ings of poor people wlio placcil all their nioituy In'tho Hands of the film , and lu many casca the1 iboilng people , who had Implicit umildcucu In UiiUiuii , iiluccd their untlio savings In their hands. .No rstlmato o | Hie assets U obtainable , but the piopeity is my valn.ibli ! , o I it U not bullcu'd that tlio It as of tlicmulitoii willboeiy heavy.