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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1886)
THE OMAHA WEDNESDAY , MARCH 31. 1835. PUSHING THE STOCK YARDS , The Contract Awarded Yesterday For a Mammoth Packing Honse. THE STATE SUPREME COURT , AVnco Hlopcra ArrcHtctl tloroltl's Sett- tcnoo ncditccd Ucnilnltccnco of Auto Helium Dnys Capital Not OH , [ FnOH TH * BKK' LINCOLN HUIIEAV.1 The innmigors of the Nebraska Slock Vantfl company met yesterday itftornoon nntl awarded tlic contract for building a packing house nl the slock yards to Messrs. Grace & Kelly , of this city , nt $28,090. Seven proposals in nil wore re ceived and considered. The bidders were : draco & Kelly , Lincoln. $23,0)0 ! ) ; P.T. I'olvin , Lincoln , $ .2 ,8)0 : ) ; Ocorgo A. Long , Chicago , $ ! > ! ) , ! )00 ) ; W. 11. Hughes , Lincoln. $ Jll,8.Tj ! ) C. N. Ilrnnch , Chicago , $83t)7S' ) , , J. J. Hut lor , Lincoln. 837,500 ; C. U. Fox , Lincoln , $ ! J9fOO. ! Messrs. Grace * Kelly were notilicd nt once that their lild was satisfactory and requested to sign the papers and bond without delay , in order that the work may bo commenced immediately. T1IK HTATK SUIMtKMi : COUNT. The supreme court met morning and opened proceedings by ad mitting to practice Leo J.stelk0. . H. Scott and George Levick. The following business was done : Hanklnson vs Lucas ; dismissed. Kent vs Klnke ; continued. Davy vs Dakota county , and Uolta Uuilwiuk ; hiibmitted. Stale ox rol Moore vs H. & Al. railway , and l.alluril vs state ; bubmilted on motion. Keitl vs Ilolltster ; roargument ordered. Court adjourned to this morning. KLOl'UUS AUItr.STii : > . F W. Bldwcll and Miss Mary Welling ton , who eloped from Waco a few days ngo , wore brought in yesterday by Deputy Slierill'SlireckffomDenver.whero they were captured Saturday by Dutce- live Watrous. They were met at lied Cloud by the girl's father , who tried to shoot the prisoner , but was hold back by the ollicera. Hidwell lias a wife and oliild in Waco , and professes great borrow at IIH ! criminal conduct. Miss Wellington is broken down with remorse , and re fuses to see or talk with any one outside of her own relatives. liidwell is a school teacher , and won the confidence of the girl while pretending to educate and im prove her mind. lir.UOLl > 'S SHNTKKCC lir.DUCET ) . Mr. L , C. Burr , counsel for Christian ( r. llorold , who was convicted at the pres ent term of trying to defraud his credit ors , apueured ueforo Judge Pound yester day morning , and presented a petition asking that the sentence bo reduced froup live to one ynar. The paper was signed by District Attorney Strodu.Dcputy 1'roso ] enter Steams , Allen Field , and ninn > oilier prominent gentlemen , and Mr Uurr , in handing it lo the court , took oc casion to say that ho thought oven the Dross endorsed the application. Judge Pound ( .aid that under ordinary circum Ntunces ho would not consider that live years win an excessive sentence. It was not considered too much for a man who slolo a horse , and it could hardly be re garded as too in ueh for a man who stolen a largo amount of ' " " " ' jiiryjmd foun , y , . - . , , , ty with § 15,000 in goods , and lie had hllcged that ho hail given Dr. Dogge $10,000. Tlio jury that tried Dr. Dogge , however , by aemititting him virtually said that llorold had not done so. From these facts Judge Pound thought he would bo justified incducingtlioseutenco to two years but hecuuld not go bnlow that , and must have the prisoner before him when it was done , llorold is now at the county jail being treated by Dr. Perry for pulmonary catarrh , a disease which the doctor says will bo made wome by close coldinomont. Dr. Perry's certifi cate to this clVect was presented to Hie court , and doubtless had weight in secur ing a reduction of the sentence. A ItKJUNISCKNCE OF THE WAK. One of the hottest battles fought dur ing the war of the rebellion was at Franklin , Tunn. , on the 80th of Novem ber , 1801 , and one of the ehict parlici pants in it was Major N. G. Franklin of this city , who was then on the stall of General Kimball commanding the First division of the Fourth corps. Just before the baltlo began General Kimball and his stud' took up quarters in the house of a gentleman named MoKwon , by whom tnoy were very hospitably entertained. A low days ago Major franklin came across a paragraph in a paper which re called the event to his mind , and he wrote to a gentleman at Franklin inquir ing whether IWoKwon was still alive , and what ho was doing. The answer came yostoidayin the sliapo of a letter from McEwcu himself expressing pleasure at the unexpected renewal of acquaintance und detailing at great length the inci' dents of that memorable day , ncarlj twenty-two years ago. Mr. MoEwcn says that at ( Ml years ho is halo and hearty , ami his family , with'tho exception of tlic death of one daughter , is the same thai it was on the night of the battle when "wo all took to the collar to escape the bullets which were living about anil through the house. " Ho recalls as a distinctive evidence ol General Kimball's kindness , that ho nol only instated on paying $5 for his day's board , but made every member of hit stall' , sumo fourteen olilcors in all , dc likewise. "While I was taking tldf money , writes Mr. McEwen , "your horses wore tied at thu back of the house undei some cedar trees , and were pawing ovei the very spot where at your coming J had hastily burled $2,700 in gold. Alloi you had gone It did not take mo long tc get out and smooth the spot over &o il would not be noticed. " These , and othoi interesting reminiscences , such as the hunt at a neighbor's for a drink for UK thirsty general , and the hitter's placinjj guards about to protect the property , make up a letter of which Major ! rank lin is justly proud , and which will bo t valuable addition to the iinollicial record of the late unpleasantness in the south' ' west. IN TIIK. DISTINCT conirr. In the district court yesterday Judge round granted an order of sale to liar voy < \ . ( iordon against August Arndt 01 a mechanic's lieu for A verdict for the plaintitl'was given ir Gillosplo vs Cooper et id as tiiriunst tin defendant Cooper only , the co-defendant Mrs , II. C. Smith , not being included. Austin Hiley , convicted of selling liquor without a license , suti.sIieJ his lint and costs of $ MO , and gave Austin Kiloj as his surety for live months , us rcquirec by law. BRIEF MENTION. Howard county bonds to the amount o : $20,000 , issued to aid in the construction o : a branch of the * Omaha & llcpnblicai Valley railway fioni St. Paul to the wes line of the county , are being registerei by the secretary ofbttUn. Judge Pound yesterday granted Tunli Layton a divorce from his wife Lizzie01 - tins ground of desertion , A decree of foreclosure and order o sale has been entered in the case of Frit ; Luoke vs John and Mary Abkor. Tin amount duo on the mortgage it > ; ? : . ' , 2.r > 0 , 18 Fifty head of high-bred Shorthorns from the herd of John Fit/.gorald , will bi offered forsalo ou Wednesday , May 11) ) , ii this city. The pipe organ presented by Mr. . A. S Jlaymoud to tlio Congregational feocioty , ) ns arrived and is being initin ! place. Thi Instrument was built tit Moliitu , 111 , , at a cost of $3,000. It is. nineteen foot high seventeen feet wide , aud has twc'uty-fout stops , including the wonderful vex tnimnna. Lancaster county farmers urn discuss ing tlio advisability of starting a market house In which they can Rather on cer tain days in the week and ofl'ur their pro duce for sale directly to the consumers. Assistant Librarian Wheeler roporU that Guy Urown advises his fricndi that tlio treatment at Hot Springs is bcno- ficial , and that ho is decidedly better than when ho first went there. Win. M. Clark tied n valuable team of horses nnd platform spring wagon In front of the Presbyterian church Mon day evening while ho attended the sor- vices. When he came out the whole out fit was gone , having been driven on" by bold thieves. The city of Lincoln and Cornelia Petti- bono have givm notice of appeal from the price sot on their property by Iho right of way appraisers of the Missouri Pacilio railway. Ed llabcock , son of tlio state auditor , has applietl for a patent on a hinged arm rest for bookkeepers It is a simple , but very useful invention , and will bring many ducats into the young man's pocket. The commissioners of ICnox county have employed E. L. S.iyro , an expert ac countant from Omaha , to go over the books of the treasurer for live years back. The York savings bank , with a capital of ? 10,000 ( ) , has been incorporated by 1) . K. Sayrc , F. C. Bell , E. M.Cheney , Is L , Mayhow and Kate Morrison. Lineolniles who have been spending the wintur In warmer clinics are begin ning lo wend their way homeward. Yesterday Mr. ami Mrs. P. S. Sheldon returned - turned from Florida , and Philetus Peek from California. The ease of Schwartz & Mover , who are on trial for violating the excise law , has been set down for hearing on Wednesday of next wcok. The engagements of Attorney General Leeso at Washington , on the 12th of April , whore ho goes to argue the Hohannon case before the supreme court , will ne cessitate the postponement of all cases before the state court in which the stale is interested until the 120th prox. The Uurr disbarment proceedings and the suit on the Dakota county bonds arc both sot for that date. A. Dlsoourajjert Patriot. Detroit Free Press : A young man with his coat ripped down the back ami his hair dreadfully mussed up called to sec the captain al police heailtiuartcrs yester day and lodged a complaint. "I wils coining in on the Gratiot road UI'IH morning , " said lie , "wearing a brass caglo on my vest as a badgo. Of course yon are aware that it was an American ttairlo ? " r YeH. " "And you fully realize that the Ameri can eagle represents liberty t" " 1 do. " "When the American caglo is around all tyrants anil oppressors have to take a back seat. As I was walking along 1 mot two young men , and one of 'era ' stops up and says : " 'Is that 'ero n wild goose or a menag erie snipor' " ' ' the bird of ' 'That's proud liberty , says 1. " ' 1 kin chuck that Icrc proud bird in tlic mud,1 said Iho oilier. ' "Wot whllo I liyo.'says I , and the fight begun. I was Hung down , stopped upon , rolled ever , and tlio emblem of liberty was torn oil' and spit on unij 1 into the mini , " HVV/.1' " ' vlif "Well , something ought to bo dono. I don't care for myself , but when anybody insults our emblem ho must bo taught a Ics&ou. " "I'm afraid there is no law to cover the caso. " "No law to protect tlio American csiglo ? " "Never hoard of one. " "Humph ! Isn't this a land of liberty' Didn't the blood of our forefather's dye a hundred battlefields that wo might bo fieoV And now you toll mo that it is all an illusion ? " " that I . " "Mostly way , guess. "Very well. I'm ' done ! I'm done with brass eagles , live eagles , and all other sorls. Tin done with the life of General Putnam , the adventures of Marion , and the exploits of Washington. American liberty can go to Halifax ! Good day. " Ruta as Scavengers. Toledo Hlado : A citizen who is always interested in sanitary matters took occa sion to give tlio reporter an idea or two concerning the value of rats. Ho said : "I hud rather have half 11 dozen rats about my store than an enliro corps of scavengers. The little follows often play the devil with sugar barrels and cracker boxes , but they also pick up every bit of garbage and vermin that lies around They scour the streets and back yards , the sew ers , and the nooks and corners where man can't got , and gather up the refuse. Anything that is eatable , thrown out on the streets or into yards , becomes , under process of decomposition disease-pro- dneing substances. Our friends the rats , stop in , clear it away , dispose of it , nntl what might have produced fevers , small pox or cholera , disappears through the agency of the rats. " ( inly the other day I waf watching onoof these little follows. Ho came out from tlio basement in tlio rear of the store , stoppsd for a nnduto and blinked at mo , and then made straight for a half- eaten npplo that was lying in the alley. When he had roaohrtd thoapploho looked around again to see if I would object , soi/.cd it in his teeth , and hopped back to his homo through the grating , his file- shaped tail making an elliptical curve in the air as ho disappeared. Now that rat can bo scon nearly ovcry day hunt ing around in the alley for u morsel , uml ho keeps the ground clear of vermin of all kinds. Ho has two or thrco brothers or slslors who help him and the family do thorough work. Occa > Hlonally they visit the store andgnawinlc a barrel of sugar , but I can stand that , sc long as they run the scavenger business as successfully as they now aro. No , sir , give mo the rats and ono good cat to ual up the increase , and I will not bo afraid of catching typhoid fever or ether diseases oases from decaying matter or refiiho The rat is a useful member of society and ho Mtoulil bo made to feel at homo not mortified to death by street gamins who Und sport in teasing him. " A Princeton college professor ( of polit ical economy ) is reported as having salt in the course of ono of his locturob this wi-ok : "Jt is disgraceful for a public win cannotwithout a shudder , see a horse ill treated , pass by for years and see cm drivers worked seventeen hours onto the twenty-four without registering i protest. KiijnyliiK tlio Soonory. San Francisco Nows-Letlor : Sh < wanted to Main ! on tlio platform am viuw the scenery , anil Iho conductor preferred forred she wouldn't. She lixctl him will a haughty btnro aud remarked grandly "Do you know who I am ? Perhaps yoi are not aware of the position my fatnoi occupies In this company. " Conductoi withdrew his objections and retired , am the prelty girl smiled on the T. O. ant observed all'ably ; "As long as ho tlidn'l know , it's all right. My father took the tickets for about a week while the mai at the otlioo was sick. " And she pro cceded to enjoy the scenery. Since the accession of Pope Leo X1TI fourty-four cardinals have uicd. Of tin cardinals created by Pope Pius IX twenty-six are btill living ; tlio remainint thirty four have been oroatod by Let XIII. There are now ton vacancies ir the sacro'd college. Cardinal Nowmar is the oldest of the cardinals. Thuro art now 1'.03 dignitaries iu' the Romat Cat hello hierarchy. THE COWBOY REVIVALIST. Lampasas Jake Takes too Saloon for a Field , Where , Being llnntlywith Ills Gun , Ho Oftfiii Ilrlnja Men to Repent * ancc by Main Strength A Imriat In School. Lampasas Jake , the cowboy revivalist who has had such wonderful success among the people of this section writes the Now York Sun correspondent from I'arnUngton , New Mexico is a , tall , loose- jointed fellow , with a full beard covering sunken checks , a big mouth , a high'torc- head , and a votco that might be heard a mile if the wind was right. His mode of operations is as singular as Ids whole appearance pearanco is odd and grotesque. Without education , having an imperfect knowl edge of the Hiblc , mid holding to a great many views which would hardly bo ap proved by theologians , he is nevertheless in dead earnest , and ho exercises a power over the men of the plains which is some thing rpmarkablc. Ho is entirely Ignor ant of the uxislencu of other revivalists , has never seen nor heard ot Moody or Jones , and was never in regular church in his life. How Lampasas Jake came to take up the gospel work is , perhaps , best de scribed in Ins own words : "i never had no education/gentlenieii , butlifteen years ago 1 heard u man preach in Santa re on the plav.a. At lirst 1 thought I 'd just bust up the meeting , but after a little I made up my mind to listen. The gospeller put it down straight , and when he got through he distributed some little Bibles in the crowd. I never had no use for a Itiblc , but I took it aud carried it about with me for years , never opening it. One day last winter when I was oil'on the range and didn't have nothing' to do I just pulled out the book. Although I never was much at reading 1 just began to spell her out , and the first thing I knew 1 was getting the hang of it. It took hold ol mo powerful. 1 road again and again. One night as I was sleeping 1 had u dream. I thought I was lying out on the range in my blankets with a cold rain boating on mo. Everything was still. Pretty soon a feller in white leaned over mo and 1 opened my eyes. " "This is a dog's life you are leading , ' he says , 'and it's a dog's death that you and tlio boys are going to die. Will you come up out of it. or will you keep on ? ' I was scared , but I says : "Come up where ? " " 'Up out of this sin and wickedness , " says ho , 'Every man has a call once. This is yours. ' "I rose up , and was about to say some thing further to the stranger when I no ticed that nobody was there , and then cussing myself for dreaming , I went to sleep again. The next day and for n month after that , I kept thinking about the call. 'That was a mighty strange tiling , ' says 1 to myself. ' Somebody has gotlLampasas Jack on the string.LThoro's sperrits after me. 1 got a little shaky , but after awhile I remembered that 1 once had a mother I had nbQUt to- gotjorj it-aiid au. myself , If any. uoiiyis bothering themselves about mo I know who it is. That call meant business , if it wan'I ' my mother , it was somebody that she sent. ' "When I had made up my mind to that 1 felt easier , and gradually Igot reckless again and thouglu little about it. One night early last spring I had another dream. I thought 1 was in hell. A big devil opened the lid and wanted lo know if I wanted to see anybody in particular. Isaid : 'Yes ; Texas Billings and Heddy Jones. ' Ho took a lariat a d gave it a vvlii// , and a moment later ho hauled them up. Just as they came out they be gan to abuse mo for not telling them what f had hoard and seen , and Ueddy reached for his cun and groaned when he found that ho didn'thavo it. Thonext morning I was in a terrible frame of mind , and after trying to think of every thing else and failing , I sank on thu ground and cried out to the Lord to for- ivo mo. 1 howled for moro'n an hour § eforc il came to me , but it did come , and I began to preach right there. 1 got the boys together and I gave it to them. First they laughed. Then they got mad. Then I licked two of them. Then Igot them down on their knees and I made every one of them howl just I had. I've been preaching almost a year , and I never had u better meeting than that same. I brought the whole camp in , and the boys have stuck to it over since and so have I. That range is one of the quietest and best in the territory now , and not a man has been shot there since 1 took hold " Jake preaches nothing but repentance and salvation. Ho lives oil'tho uountry. he says. Ho takes up few collections and he asks few favors. Ho goes well nnv.Su and never lays aside Ids wessons , even when preaching , lie has lights frequent ly , and ho sometimes brings men to re- V'untnncahy main strength , Wherever ho finds three or fourcowboys , gamblers , rustlers , or adventurers , ho be-in's his services. "I'm going to speak to you fellers about your everlasting souls , " he will say"and while I am at it I want you to keep quiet. This is a free country and every man has got a right to have his say. I'm going to have mine now. " If anybody manifested a disposition to deny this right Jake becomes a militant at once , and as ho has the reputation of being ouo of the quickest men the territory ho usually carries his point. Going into one of the hardest of the numerous hard saloons in this place the other night Jake mounted a chair and commanded silence. The games and the drinking came to an end and about twen ty men , young and old , looked in , Ono follow undertook to cdgo out , but Jake stopped him , "No don't mister " lie said you , , , point ing his linger nl him. "No you don't. When you get to hell you'll have chances enough to como a sneak on somebody , but you can't do it hero. " Then , straightening himself up , ho yelled in a voice that made things creak : "How many of you's ready to die now with your boots on ? Whoro'd you be to breakfast ? Don't any of yon drunken , swearing , fighting , blaspheming , gamb ling , thieving , tin-horn , coll'm-paint ex terminating galoots look at mo ugly , because - cause I know yo , I've ' boon through the drive. You're all in your sins. You Ihow a fat , well-fed , woll-carcd-for , thor oughly branded steer when you see one. and you can tell whoso it is and where it belongs , There's a man that owns it. There's a place for it to go. There's a law to protect it. Hut the Maverick who's is that ? You're all Mavericks and worse. The Maverick has no brand on him. Ho goes hollering about until some body takes him in and claps the brand ing iron on him. Hut you whelps you've got the do\il's brand on you. You've got his lariat about you. Ho lots yon nave rope now. but ho'll ' haul you in when ho wants lire wood. " "Thorn ain't no sheep herders on these ranges that can como around mo putting on nny airs. I've been on the drive in Texas. I've honied in the Panhandle. I've been city marshal in Lampasas. 1'vo followed the herds from the Canadian to Las Animus and i never yet see a bunoh of cuttlo { hat wan't of more account than you. You brand your sheep with a brush and a kettle of red or black paint. How will you feet when the devil in hell daubs you with red paint from top to too and tlien changes his inind and paints you black f On , you'll gut tupre. . . Borne of you can fuel the lariat now"and all you old whisky.tulis hero now can smell the firo. I'll bbt y6ti live dollars you're scared. I'll bet yon ton dollars you'd glvo something now to know that you wouldn't get cooked. I'll bet you a hun dred dollars 1 can lell you how to escape. "Just you gel.dowu on your knees hero now and yell. That's right : all of you down. Won't do it , eh ? Well , you will get down. That's right. Now you yell. Cry out for help llko n Texas steer in snow belly deep. That ain't a marker ! Moro on 't ! Moro on 'It That's some thing likel There' * tlio devil's drive and the Lord's trad. There's the range of hell , where the trrnss is brimstone and the water is lire , and the range of heaven , where the grass is knee deep and sweet with posies , and the water Is clcar'as the sky. There's the Lord for the boss , with his everlasting arms reaching out for all us poor Mavericks , for the nungry and thirsty , for the beef critter thct's only a slmdder , for the wco lamb and the crip pled old buck. Hut you've got to bleat. There's the dovll wlm Ids yoke and lariat , with his fork and his spit , with his cruel laugh , and his legions of lioUions anxious lo como a sneak on you. Which is it , you miserable sinners ? Is it devils or angels ? "Keep down there , every one of you. till L get through. I know what you will say when you go out ot hero. You'll say Jack Is tcchcd. You dasscnt say It now. You'll say that the good Lord don't care for us. Yo dassent say it now. You ' 11 yelp out something about religion being all right In the states. You dassent yelp now. You're a nice lot of rufllans , ain't you ? You'd look nice gallivanting around in heaven , wouldn't you ? Wouldn't hell itself turn pale If It saw you coming ? You know it would. Hut , bless the Lord , there is a way for you to put on rlghteouncss. You can got your self in condition. You can make your hides sliok. Thcro is the grass of salva tion that Is green all tlio year round. You can eat of it , and you'll make ilesli from the word co. You can refuse it , and you'll grow poor and miserable till old hides will Hap on your bones like a bed quilt on a ridge polo. " When Jake passed out the drinking and gambling were resumed , but with less boistcrousness. Ho has followers , and ho promises to stay by the boys until they all como into the fold. * A BIG DIAMOND DISCOVERY. The Luck of n Tramp A Oooil Story Told by Himself. Detroit Free Press : Ono day , after 1 had been hanging around Chicago for several weeks us a gentleman of leisure , a policeman ran mo in as a vagrant. Next morning the judge hoard my story , and asked : "Aro you a good traveler ? " "Splendid. " "Do you want to travel ? " "Ido. " "Then you shall liuvo an opportunity. " I had heard a good deal about Detroit and its kindness to tramps , and when I left Chicago I headed for the east. Before gelling clear of Ihb city I stele a copy of a morning paper oil'a door-slop , and , aflor a walk of Hires hours , I sat down lo post myself , v Sonio tramps don't care for the news of thivduy , but I have always felt it to be my duty to look over the dailies whenever I had a chance , and to read every llnrf of them , from congres sional proceedings to advertisement * , It so happened tlmt one of the first things 1"vitia paper to'attrnot ' my altontiou wis the following : " > ' Three thousand dollars reward : Lost , the IDth inst. , from tlio window of a coach on the Michigan Central , west of Pull man , a reticule containing diamonds. The Under will receive the above reward. Communicate withiA. B. , Uoom 113 , Pal mer house , Chicago. " This was the 18th. Five days had elapsed since the loss , and it was probable that a do/.cn people had been sent to scarcnjjvor every.rod of the track. I hud no more idea of lindingtliat treasure than you have of flying , but as 1 continued my way up the track 1 kept my eyes pcoied. I put in live miles of walking and then aat down to rest again. It was midsum mer and my old boots distressed my feet. I came lo a sprt where a small creek was crossed by the tracks , and I followed it down to the fence to find a place to wash my foot. Just at the tonco was a deep hole and a shady spot , and 1 tell you it did my old feet good to sit there and paddle the soft and cooling waters. I had been there twenty miuutss when a bird How down on the fence nntl hopped from that to a stick of driftwood to secure a drink. I was sitling as slifl'as a slone , not wanting to alarm him , when all of a sudden my eye fell upon the lost lady's reticule. It was jammed among a lot of light drift wood held against the fonco. 1 wasn't hall a minute getting possession of it. The bag was provided witli a lock , and I out with niykiiifo and cut a hole in it. Out fell the diamonds rings , pins , brace lets , studs and a gold watch sot with the Hashing stones. I could hohj all i \ bno hand , and Jerusha ! but V.n't the s'toncs sparkle , nnd i' . ' , , , aa , Hhimmcr , and Ijrmo ; Siy heart up in my throat , I sat there for ton minutes without daring to move , for fear those sparklers would sud denly disappear , but by and by my nerve came back and I made up my mind what to do. I had never a thought of appro- prialing the jewels to my own use , but was in a hurry to return to Chicago. I wrapped tlio reticule up in Hie paper , put the diamonds in my pocket , and at 0 o'clock that night I was in front of the Palmer house. I was about to enter when a hand was laid on my shoulder and a gruff voice called out : "Now , then , what are you trying to getaway away with ? " It was a policeman , and ho had .spotted me for a thief. "I am carrying a parcel to a gentleman in here , " I replied. "O , yon are ! Who might ho bo ? " "His name is Brown. " "O , it is ! Como along , my line fol low. " "His name is Brown , and Ids room is 113. Come in with nip. If 1 have lied to you you can take mo in , " Ho hesitated for a moment and then entered the hotel with me. As wo reached the desk ho asked of the clerk : "Docs a Mr. Brown occupy Room 112 ? " ' No , sir , " watf thb reply. "Now , you ' raical , como along , " growled the oillecr s ho seized my arm. "It's the . H who A. of room 113 losttlio diamonds ! " I tJhotitdd to the clerK as I was being dragged away. "Hero , wait ! What do yon know of thu diamonds ? " i "Hero's tlio reticule , sir , and I have the jewels in my pockoti I found them along the railroad track , "i Well , you ought t9 sco how mad that policeman was , and bow glad A. B , was , and how tickled I was when $3,000 was counted into my hand , I went out of tlio tramping business and started u shop , but nl the end of two years was cleaned out by the hard times and had to go back to Foot & Walker's line again. I'm ' there yet , and if this bit of adventure , scribbled on"in u tramp's lodging on a rainy after noon , is worthy of publication , give it a place. The 10-year-old son ot U'ilson DoWcsso , of Sidney , Ohio , was attacked last week by a stray hog that ho attempted to drive out of tlio yard. The boy was badly bit ten on the arms and legs , and when his mother and others came to his relief the hog turned upon thorn and also succeeded in getting ut the boy again. Thu boy was not dangerously hurt , but Ids Inju ries were qmto serious , aim ho was terri bly frightened by the attack of the infuri ated animals. WEARY V. ASHERWOMKN" have been made triad by thu introduction of JAMES PYLE'S PEAKLINE , a peerless compound for the laundry , It cjcansos the most delicate fabriawlthoutiiiury. Sold by grocer * . " * 'Efll > , ' , A Ponnlly 1'roinctly Inflicted , New York Electrical Rovlowi An In surance man tolls a storyof telephone ex perience In Detroit widen has both a sorl- ous und a comical aspect. The Burnliain wire works at Detroit took lire , nnd the watchman on duty rang up the telephone lady , who , as in this case made and pro vided , asked : "What number do you waul ? " Watchman i "Glvo mo the lire depart- nicnt , quick. " Telephone Ladys "What number do you want ! " Watchman t "Oh blank the blank num bers tlvo mo the lire department. Wo are all atlro. Blank , blank , blank , blank , quick ! " Then , having notltiod the fire worship pers of the condition of things , lie rang un again and asked for the house of ouo ot the principals the receiver , perhaps aud was informed by tlio telephone lady that "tho service al Hie Burnliain wire works had beou discontinued on ixccouul of profane language having been used. " or Interest to Athletes. James Robinson , trainer of Athlete ? at Harvard and Princeton Colleges , writes from Princeton , Jan. 21 , 1885 : "For cuts , brulsos , strains rheumatism and colds , 1 always use Allcock's Poroui Plasters for myself and pupils. Never have known them to fall in over one hun dred cases. They strengthen the mus cles and 'give instant relief. They are the only external remedy used by our athletes. " _ _ Pnolliif ; OH > loo. Wall Street News : A tin peddler in the Chenaiigo Valley came across a farmer's wife who had a calfskin for sale , and she explained that her husband had instructed her to ask a dollar for It. "Ho must bo crazy. " replied the peddler ; "nobody would give over fifty cents. " "Can't you possibly give mo a dollar in trade ? " "No , ma'am. " "Hut 1 wan't to please Joe. you see ; just sell mo llfly cents worth 01 tinware for a dollar and I'll throw in a dozen eggs lo boot ; you see , Joe is a bull on calfskins but a bear on tinware , and in this way we'll pool on him. " l llHSt 1MM33 A sure euro for Blind. Illocdintc , Itcliln nnd Ulcerated Piles lias been discovered by Or. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Lr ) Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases or S. " > or IX ) years standing. No one need sutler live minutes after applying this wonderful sooth Ing inudiclno. Lotions nail instruments do mnro hnrm than pood. Williams' Indian 1'ilu Ointment absorbs tlio turners , allays the intense itching , ( particularly at nlulit after puttintr warm In bed ) , acts as a poultice , elves instant relief , and Is prepared only for Plies , Itching of private mrts , nnd Cor nothing else. SKIN DISKASK9 CURED. Dr. Prazlcr's Maple Ointment cures as by inasiic , Pimples , Black Heads or Grubs , Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving the suln clearnnd ooautlful. Also cures Itch. Salt Jtl'cum , Here Hippies , Sore Lips , aud Old Obstinate Ulcers. Bold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of 50 cents. detailed by Kuhn & Co. , and SchroeUsr * Conrad. At wholesale by C. F. Goodiuau. 9 G. C. Moody , chosen by Dakota to bo a senator when that tcrrilory shall bo ad mitted as u state , is a mild , peaceful look ing man , but hoi \ cd to a .yc Ji most "be- ligurant jl'sfjositlon , and twenty-live years ago , when ho sat in the legislature of Indiana , lie challenged an insulting democratic mombqr to light a duel. The nti'ray , however , did not take place. T/Tion B by iraa sick , ire gave bar 0ittortft , When she \ma * Child , aha cried far Cutorla , When she became Mils , she clang to Ciutotia , When the h&i Children , she gare them C5tori , Naturalists now count no loss than 1,870 , different kind of lishcs in North American waters , of which 500 live in Uio rivers and lakes and COO kinds belong lo the Pacific. Of the remainder , 105 dwell only in the deep waters of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico , never approaching the shore or the surface. Sore joints and muscles are cured by St. Jacobs Oil , the grcat conqucrer of pain. A tr&nip entered the Baptist church at Mineral Kideo , Ohio , a week ago , and after building a hot fire with singing books collected from the scats disposed himself for a rest. Fortunately n vigi lant church-goer discovered him , and no was suddenly removed from Ins warm quarters. FOR OF AND MULLEIN. The iwert ( rum. ai cnthorfld from n iron of the mme name , uronlna uloug the numll struami In tbo Houtltern Kittles , contains a etliuulatlnu ox- pertornnt principle that looters the tihle m pro * ouclnir tliu early inoriilnic tonnh , ami llmulatci tnocmld to tlirowoiTtho fall * meintirane In croup and wLooiilnK-coucli. When coniLlncit with iho boulintf luucllaglnotia | irlnctp)0 ) tn the mullotn plant of the old tlcl.ln. prpeetiti In TAVI.OH'S CurilIKEKHK IEllYIFHWll.-rJIIU : AMI MUL LEIN Iho tliii-pt known remedy tor Couitlm. Croup , V/huoplnK-toiicn und consumption ) uml BO iwltt- tiblu : liny child In ptoaard to tuko It. Aet your druf iFtiiirlt. I'rlfH UT.c. iintiai.OU. \VAI.Tlll/i.'l' : . > A FLORIDA HOME ? ° K Wai-runty Dcpil for attz 102ft. Dulldlne Ix > t A at hi. AuilrinvH liny. I'ln. , will be cent by prepaid nmll locacliol the IIm 100 i > ijllcanta \vlioremltioulr4Or. lonayforacknunlodglnf- nefid by Notary 1'ubllu. Write name plainly ami In lull so that leed ill Lucurrt-tl. A quick order Insures cue.tco Lot. This preot oflerlsfor the pur * pose of Blurting a Loral C'olouy In your community. A t'ooil Balary paid lor your eenlces In addlllbu to this I'reo Lot. We pay all tales fur tno > r.irn. ) * ls anibtlllug "t thulay lor Irotn 8'J3 loS'.IUU. WltU Deed will l > eent painplileta to dlbtrlliutc. Addre.s & ! . lulirui Hey /ulrt > a < ! ilaml Va. , 7.1 Main ht. , Cluclnuatl , O. , or HI. Androwa lUy , Kla. BarDeed can bH eiecuttd luoto liruioully U you iddrew Uiv Cincinnati olIKe. You ore allowed a fret ( rial o/thirty davi of the mt ot Ur. Dye'I Celebrated Volt-Jo liuit V.UH hlextrlobua- p n-ory Appllancos. for the scerdy relief and per. Ejunentcare of ti'cnout ItebtUtv , long of rila' ' < fi/an < l Hanhood , and all kindred troubled. Also for many other disease * . Complete restoration to Health , Vigor , and Uauhood cu raute < il. No risk il Incurred. Illus trated pamtihtet In ttalfd rnitlnpt mailed ad - V01TAlOOi-lTtO..tUur.hullfliicl.- ; IS DEWEY d STONES' OneoftfiG Bast ami Lnry&sb Stools in the U.S. to Select from. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator. M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , GIa ! nUllKK , Mnnnsor , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. Hr.KEUI.NCKS : Merchants' nmt Farmers' Hank , l\vlil ) City , Nob. ; Koarnny Nnllonnl Hank , Konruoy , Nob. : Columbus Stun H.IIIK. Cohuiibus , Neb. : .McDonald's liniik , KoitU IMnttc , Neb. ; Oiimlm Nalloiml Hank. Omaha. Nob. , , , , , . . . Will pay customers' draft wltli bill of latllnc nttacheil for two-thirds vnluo ot stock. C2T CAPITAL 1'IUZB , ? ? G,000 Tickets only t5. Shares in Proportion. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY , t'Wotlo horoliy certify that < vo supervise tliu niTmiRcnionts for nil tliu Mom lily ninl ( Jmutorly Dniwlntw of Tlio UmUlium Stnto Lolturv Comtmnjr ntul In iiornan innnnga nml control tlio Ormvlnij'UlKMiisolvps , mui thut thntuiinonro comlitctcil with lioncMv. fnlrnoss nnd In ooit futtli townnl nil purlieu , and \\v nuthorlzo tlio Company to use this rortlllcixto , with fno-almlios of our Blenuturos iittaohoJ In IU tulrorllsmcu COMMISSIONBKS. _ Wo , tlio undoMlfrncrt Ilnnks and nnnltors. will puy nil I'rlzos drawn In The l/njlslmm Stuto Lot teries whlcu may bo presented at our oouiitora J. U. Odl.KSHY , Pres. Louisiana National Bank. SAMUEL , II. HKNNKUY , Pres. tate Natio nal Bank. A. HAM ) WIN , Pros. New Orleansjational Bank , Incorporated In 1603 for cTrs by the loifU. mjurvlorlw'tx.iiioiml mid Chiirltublo purnojos wan nrnpitiil ol' ? looo.003-to which u TOSUL-VO fund of ever $ .WXJU ) ( Ima since liuon aclJocl. Dyiuiovonvholmliin ; popular vote ItHtrunolilso WRH iinulu n part of the prusom Suite Constitution adopted DocoiuDorZd , A. D. 137'J. The onlvlottorv ever voted on nnd endorsed uy the people of nny ntnto. It novorHculoa or postpones. Itacrund sln.ulo nuniLiur druwinqrs talto plnco monthly , und the oxtinor.lliiary drawings lojju- Inrly every three months Instead ot Boml-iinuu nlly nsnurotofoio , ut'Klnnlnif March , Ih'tl. A Sl'LENUlII Ol'VOHTUNITV TO WIN A FOUTUNE. 4th Giund m-turln ? , Class I ) , In the Acuduiny or Mime , Now Orleans , Tuesday , Apr. Utli , 1S33 lOltt Monthly Dmwiinr. G&PSTAL PRIZE $75 , 100,000 Tickets nt Vivo JJollnrn Knch. Fractions In Fifths , In Proportion. LIST 1CAP1TAL I'llUU . fTS.OOO 1 do do . 23,01)0 ) 1 do do 10,000 3P1U2K9 OF . . . . . . . . . . . . .fOOOd 12,0(10 ( 18 do 10,000 do 1,000 10,000 iJO do MX ) 10,000 100 do JOO 20,000 uoo do JOT : toojo con do GO 2.,000 1000 do 25,000 AVrnOXIMATION PI1I7K9. Approximation Prizes of JTO ) 0,750 do do BOO 4 , )0 ) 8 do do 250 S.UM lOOTP'Izon. nmnuntlnir to $265GOJ jtppllcutfon for rates to clubs should ho mudt ) only to the olllco of the company In Now Or leans. For further fnrormntlon write cloarly. prlrtni fulladdrosi. POSTAL NOTKS , Express Mono/ Oidors , or Now York Kxt'hungo in ordinary lot- tcr. currency by express ( all sums of f > ! > awl up wards at our expense ) U < lrog oj , M. . A. DAUPHIN , Muw Orlouus , Lx Or . A.DAUPHIN , Washingtonft. 0. Mnlio P. 0. Money Orders payable nnd address roElBtorod letters to NE\V OULKAN8 NATIONAL HANK , Now Oilo'uns.Lo. IS DECIDED BY Hoyal Havana Lottery ( A OOVEIINMKNT INSTITUTION ) Drawn at Havana , Cuba , April 17 , 1006 ( A OOVKIINMENT INSTITUTION ) TICKETS IN FIFl'JIS. Wholes ? 5.00. Fractions Pro rnta. Tldhots iuHfthai Wholes $51 Fractions pr rnta. Bubjcot to no manipulation , not controlled by the pintles In Interest , it Is the lalrust thin ? In the nature of chuuoo in oxlstoncu. For tlckotB apply to SHlPriKV i CO.,1211 Hroad- way.N. Y. City : il. OTXUNS & CO. . 019 .Main street , Kansas Pit v , Mn . ni'lmioiw lloriK > 'aiicrtru.3I : cni tie licit. jrvVi < rrrnf. Hclentmc , Powerful , Pitiable. /Corarortall and lirirllre. An > ld Iraurtii ? * < ) rerfUO ( ) cured. homlMuiipfnriuuiirhltU ALSO lil.r.ofUM ) JIKI.TH I'll It rtlRKABlfrl. Da. HQRNE. INVENTOR. 1 01 WAOASH AVE. . CHICAQS. Or HID Liquor Jlitblt , Pot.llitcly Cured l > y Admlnltitci-liifr Dr. Unities' Uoldcu It con buelven Inn cup ol roHriioi Un without the knowledge of Hie purson taking It , la absolutely Uarraleis , und will rffi. ct a pnniiniicntand speedy cure , wneilif r the patlonl U n tnorterata drinker or \u alcoholic wrt'i-k. It list hefn given In Iliou- n /.id o ( cases , and In evwry Inntunc ? f > perfect cure hat followed. It ney r fall * . The cyctoin once lupteenatrd with tlio Hpeclilo , It becomes nn utUt Impossibility for the liquor ai'pdllo ' to exist. FOHBAIE nv rou.owi.vo rmuuaisTH : KUIIN & CO. , Cor. 1.1th unil Daaclax , nnd IKlh & C'umlna Sin , , Omnua , Neb. ' A. II , KOhTUIt Of lint ) , . Council niuflH , Inira. Call or write for pamphlet containing hundred * < v i.eHlinonl.iU Irani Ilio t > ct women uml men Iroia r ct of tlii > country , "CHICHESTER'S ' ENGLISH. " The Original nntl Only Ucmilne. rlafo an * alwaji UtlUMa. H-airs ef wurlhleM IfelutUui , Iodlii.tout.l- . LADIES. . Ask j uc llrucglat ft - Cklebtf teraEaBTUb acd lska * atUr.vf IUCIOM 4 . . j ua r > r | > i.rUcuUri tn IttUf by rityra laali. IE PAPER. C'blclic.lrr Cli-mlcal ( ! . , tlold by Ilrnrtrtt ererywhere. Ilk for "fblehta. Ur'a F. iU I.u I'cunyroml I'llla. TaUDoetm. 'iff. AtRilntof youtli. ful Imprudeooo ctu.lnif J'Kmature Dc * y. NeJ > ijOus HolJIlty , 1,01 ilan. . La. Uavluif tried In velcm tty liaonu rcmody M alsoo < era < l a simple Mf-cut e.wlitcb Uo will kcnd HK.r to bis fellow sun rera. Ad-lies- i , U. UUKVta. U ptULtbou ttcot. Kiw ) VorK Cilf. MHO i utAcaiAiitcn WITH IHE ctoonAPHv or THU r WILt 8CB BY tXAMIMNA THIS MAP THAT THE GHIOaQO.ntTGK ISLAND SPAGIFIOnatLWAV llv nw onot Hi crntrnt poiltlon nntl rloin roUtlonto nil principal Und i : it mil Woit , t InltUI n < ] t r tiilnul point * , roiulltutfi ( ha ln t Iniitnrtmit mid ! , rominciiul link In tint ftrtun or Ihnnigh trunipnn IMtoti vrhlrli Inrti04 turn fArllltHtrR IriiTvl and trutUd t > elwocn nltlen of th Atlnntlc mid PArino 0 nstt 1C HMIi | the rnioNIo null lirr trout * to lut flom points Ka't. Ntirtheft < t nnd Sotitifftnt ! , nnd corrtiuoaillnGt liolntiVo t. Notthiront and 8outbnt l. The Croat Rook Island Route * Ounrontm It * untron * tlmt efnio ot r r on l ma- rltT nrtonlc.l by n rolld , thorough ) ? bitlUnted loud- ijt-u , imontli truck * or rnntlmtoiK iforl nil , ubiUn- llallyhulltcul nut ] lithium , lolling itock no r | wrf > .ctlon ns human klll can mnk II the ia ( ty api > ll-.ncesoriiUcnl | niul that nsncilnv dUHpllim irhli h iruTerns the prac tical operation nr all Us tralni other rueclaltleii ot ihlroutu are Tran-r r * at nil runnoctlnir points In Union Depots , -mil thu iiniiirr > ai < io4 comforts auti luzllrlesot Its PASsonffor Equltmiont. The. Knsl Kxrroos Trains h two n Chlcsro anil roorln , Council UlntTi. Kansas city , Uarenwitrlli au j Atohlion . are cnn > pc etl or wnll rentllateil , flnelr D- Day CJoaches , MnKlllflcent Tullman Palueo fUeepciaof Iho lato-t design , anu fiiniBlimna Dlolnit Cura , In which olatioratoly conked me r < are Irl-iirelr eaten , liotwtonciileniroand KsniasClty and Alclilaon nre also run the Celebrated HycllBlfig I'htS' WrsV -Th2 rsmous Albert Loh RoiTtb Is Iho dlraot and farorlta line , bntwcen Chlcnsonnd Wlnnoapolls and St. Taul , where , ooimectlons areTmail-i In Union Depoti for nil points In tli trUorlts uid Ilrlllili rioUncci. Over tills r ut Past Kiprcn Trains nr run lo the watering plarnn , rumiiirr r - BorU. plcturuiqiie locnlltlri. and Imnttnir and nailing Kroundiol lonrn and Mlunrsota. It It al o the moit ilMliablurnuloto tin UuliwlKat lie ill ami pailoral i of Interior I ttofx . t'ol. For detailed Inclination tee Hup * and Folder * . obtainable , as wo ) | ai tickets , nt alt principal Tlukel Onic In the UnluU States aud Canada ) ur by aO * UlQStlllg 'fl. ' R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , Prcs't ' ' ' ' ' ' & Ocn'l M'lr'r , Utn'IT'kUt 1'a P. BOYER & CO. IUALEK3 IN Eal'sSaf@3VaulisTimeLocts ! ! , [ and JaiS Work. 1020 Itanium Street , Omaha , Nob. ROSEWATE.l & CHRISTIE , Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Block , on Puhllo Improvvmunts. ' ANDacw ItObEWiTEit , Momlior Amurloan Soolo- Uty Civil Ei.tfJi.ooiH. City Kiifflnoor of Omnba xo. I ) . CmtiSTin , Civil Hiwlncci- . OMAHA OPEN BOARD OF TRADE. & CO. , R SIN GRAIN Provisiono and H. It. Btoulcs. 1305 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska , l.xcouteorder ) for puruliuse or saluof wheat , corn , pork uml lallioml Blocks. Itolor by ponnliblon to tlio Omnhu NnUoniJ llnnlc. Klistcli.iH nttintlon to onteiH fiotn In terior wlilou iiioeollcllo'l. 1'AHLKV & CO. Chicago , Milwaute & SI. . Paul The Shortliine and Best From Omaha to the East. TWOT11AIN8 DAILY JIKTW'KKN U.MAIIA ANU Chloiujo. MlnnniipolH. Mllwntikoo. Hl.l'aul , Coihulluplda. . Davniipnrt , Clinton. Tnhiiquo , HookforU , Itock IslnnJ. Ficoporl , .liMioivillo. I'.lKln , MailKon , LoOrotse , IK'lolt , Winoim Anil all other linpoiiuui ont | jjast Norths M nnd tiouihoasf. Ticket nflleo nt 1101 rarnum street , ( in Pitxton Hotel ) , mnl at Union Paolllo Dopot. Pullman riluvpcisnnil the Klnust DlnlnirOm In IhoWoililuroiun on iho main linns of iha CiiiOAnoMuWAUKHK&8r. PAIJI , JtAiMVAV.nml ovury utiunilon I * pnlil to pifwonsuru by coitilo- CUB uinployos of the company. JI. MII.I.KU , Uunural .MiintiKor. J , 1.TIIUKKII , Aisiflunt ( luiiuriU Mnnagor , A. V. II. OAiti'E.NtEii , Ciouo-iil Passon/or mil Ticket Aiftint. OEO. H. lliiAtK'Hi ) , Asslstunl per mJ Tickut AtfunL VAUSNTIKTIES'S ' Short-hand Institute LINCOLN , NEBRASKA , The largest , bnst nnd chuapcU bhort-hnntl anil typu wi llliiK school In the \\utt , J.uuin this valuuhio url mrJ euonro a Inorntlvo | io ° itlori , Hhort-hanil tiuisht liy mull to tho.o who cannotuttend the Instltuio. Wo krop on hand a full supply of PJtmnn'a thorHiiuiil tent hoohe , nlso typU'Willer supplies For punlculata ir-ntl tor clrrulnrs to Valentine's Short-Hand Institute 1118 ami 1120 0 street Lincoln , Nub ] JSTAHIJSIU-I : ; ) Lincoln Steal Dye Works W. D. UOI5KRTSON , Prop'r. Onigo Jx'o.'llM O HU W'oiks 8.75. Cor , I' . & Dili. Lincoln , Nub. Gents' Clothing CUttucd uutl 1U' " '