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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , TUESDAY MAROII 30,1886 , NUMBER 2281 WILL NOT ARBITRATE Tricky Jay Gould Qualifies His Sunday Tel egram to His Man Hoiie. CLAIMS A MISUNDERSTANDING He Merely Gives Asaent to Whatever the General Manager May 800 Pit. ORDER TO RESUME WITHDRAWN Two Conferences Hclil Yesterday H Without ItcHtilt Another Ono Ar ranged For To-liny Situa tion Alone thr * Ijlnc. A. niflnppalntmont to 1'owderly. Niw YOIIK , Mnrch 20. The splilt of ex- nltntlon vvliich filled the henrLs of the execu tive bonrd of Iho Knights of Labor thl.s morning soon changed to grave anxiety. When Wm. O. McDowell called nt ( iould's olllco nto o'clock this morning hu was not ns favorably Impiesspdwlth his leceptlon as ho was the reception nccorded him nt Gould's house Sunday. Gould gave McDowell lo understand thnt there had been n misconcep tion of his telegram to llo\lo which was f.ent Sunday nlKht. McDowell nt onceic- turned to the Astor House mid conferred with the Koneinl executive bomd , mid two of the members ntonco retmned with Mc Dowell to Gould's olllce. Tlm confeienco there wns short nnd nn adjournment wns hnd until 3 o'clock this nlternoon , the hope being cnteitnlncd tlmtnt thnt hour Powdcrly mlcht bo well enough to attend. At3:20 o'clock , however , Messrs. Turner nnd McDowell entered Gould's ofllco without Powdcily. At about 4 o'clock the conference ended. Subsequently Inquiry nt Gould's ofllco wns miswered by thu following state ment , of which Gould wns the nitthor : "Powdeily hns evidently misunderstood the meaning of the telegimnthat was sent Sun day night to Hoxlc. Our position is thnt tills strike hns been in n condition for nrbl- tintlon nil the time. We hnvo hnd nn agree ment with tiio workmen for some tlmo that all thodlffeicnces were to have been sub mitted for arjdtiation before any stiiko should be icsoi ted to. Manager Hoxio hns tlio matter In hand. Ho has full contiol nnd the matter must bu.settled with him. Wo nro just wheie wo were bcfoio Sunday's confer ence. The gentleman who loprcscnted .Jay Gould nt his olllce said : "Thoconteienccsof Sun- dny weio between Gould nnd Povvderlyns citizens only , It being distinctly mid often stated that neither gentleman wns acting olllclally. " Gould this afternoon sent the following loiter to Povvderly. who make.s It public ns a mutter reteiied to in nn inteivlew with Gould. The letter is market ! "Peisonnl" : To T. V. POWI > IIU.Y : : Ksq. Dear Sir The pnpeis this moining published thu tallowing : " , lny Gould hns consented to our pioposition for mblliatlon , nnd .so telegraphed Vice Piesldeut Iloxie. Order the men to lesiima woik nt once. Signed , T. V. Powdorly , Grand Master Workman. " Thuy published nn Interview with you which leads ono to think thnt thu ofllccrs of your order in St. Louis mny misconstrue your methane Into n consent on thu pmt of this company to contorm to the icqiilre- incuts contained In n letter from the secie tnry of your order dntcd Philadelphia , Mnrch B7 , which in my letter to jonof the snmo date 1 declined to consider , You will ic- niombcr that atom confeienco ot Sunday I snkl to you thnt the position of this company wns unchmigcd In this icspeet , nnd the whole matter wns lull in thu hands of the first vlco piesldcnt nnd general manager , with the instructions contained In my telegram to him which was written beroio my interview with you mid lead to you nt the time. The telegram stated : "We see no objection to aibltrntu nny dltl'er- cnces between the employes and thu com pany , past and lutuiu. " While I feel confi dent tlmt your undci.standing ot this matter Is the same as my own , 1 wiito you this in oidcr that there may ho no mound for misun derstanding hcicrenlter. Very lespectfullv. , ! AY Gotn.ri , PiesidentMlssouiI Pacific Knlhoad. When this vvns leceived by Povvderly ho wioto down these notes which were taken tothucoiifoiencc nnd lean to Gould : "Do I umleistaml you fiom your letter of this date that your company refuse mbltratlonV And must I so telegraph Mmtin lions V" When the committee ni lived nt Gould's olllco ho had gonu out , but they weie received by Second Vlco Piesldoiit Hopkins , who made this answer to Powdoily : "You may say distinctly to him , no , wo do not. He h not so to understand that letter , but ho It simply rufcrii'd to Gould's wilttcn coimnimi cation to him , which ho Is piei nied tocairj out In every paitlcular. " The commUtci then loft Gould's olllco nml retmned to tin Abtor house , nnd this evening the following letter wns sent to Gould'a house by bpecia messenger : ToJny Gould , Ksq. Dear Sir I rogiot ex ceedingly that my sickness to-dny hns piu vented mo tiom keeping thu ( mingcmeni Hindi ) by my nssoclntes with yon forf ! o'clock tills atteinoon. Our proposition that thu men should it'turn at once to woik on tlionirieu muiit that nny complaints they might have tiliould bo submitted to nibltintlon , wn < made In pcifect good Inlth. nml when , nftcr icceipt by yon of oin letter of Siituidny night and our conteicncc of Suinlnv. you mndu n telegraphic ouler to General Mnnau'Ci lloxlu eonlaineil In yom letter ol thu same date , In which wns used the following InnzunguVoheuno \ objec tlmi toiubltiatlng any dilfcicnces between emplojes and the company , past or futuio , " woncc"iitvd your niipioval of the general pilnclphiot mbitintlon In equal good fnltli nnd nt once Issued our aider for thu men ti leturn lo woik. Wo mo notpartlculnrln tlir ndjiistment ot the pie. entdlllienllie.shethci tliunrhltratois nnpolnted by your comiiaiiv shull bu mimed by Geneial Manager Ilo\U or jotirself. or whether their number shnl consist ot tlnee , live or seven. In case thoj consist of three , my nssoclntes hive nattier mo. If sickness pi events , one ofthuothei membeis will take my place. In cast ) tlmj I'unslst of live , W. O. McDowell would hi associated with me. In rasohuvnn , wo uouli add n thlid nnae. Wo can liuaglno iu jrientor mlsfoitiino for your company thai that thu lnuuc.sslon should go loith , not onlj to the iiiembeis of our organkatlon. but to tin community at laige , v\lio u Inteiests mu stil fcilnpas , the lestilt of thepiesent condithn ( if nllalis. tlmt n break has occulted betweci the inlvrt'sts w hlch jou ropiesent mid whlcl 1 icpicsuiit by teason of n technicality Tla : Kentlcmnn who waited upon you In foinu mu that In case 1 wns unabh to meet with you this afternoon nt H o'clock I wns to meet > on to nioiiow moining at li o'clock. I hope to be nblu to keep the engngc nienl nt that time. Alter tlm lecclpt of you pmonul letter to mo mid lending the Intei vievr with > ou publlbhed In the evening pa pent this euininf , thu following tele ian was sent to eacli of the following gentlemen Messis. Daly , lions mid Houx nt Scdalin uni Fott Woilh : "JJKW YOIK : , Mnrch 0. Complication lm\o allMm since mornlnjt as to the methoi of mbitintlon. Another confeieuco will b held to-moiiow , " T. V , POWIIBHI.V , Grand Mnster Woikuun. Tlie conference this morning amounted t nolhinft because Povvderly could not bo there At the morning conference there wore pies cnl M cssrs. McDowell , Ilnyej.Qould , Hopkin nvt 9ape , and at the afternoon eonlVtenc WOM Mcests. T rnort Mi-Dovvcll and lieu kins. 3'ov Jerly tbl ? evening nald ; " 1 lave ai reason to believe that Arthur has Issnotl nn order to the Knights of Labor who belong to the llrollicrhood of Engineers to leave the Knights. I do not think he has done so. If o has , It Is done simply ns a mnltcr of dls- Ipllnc. " GOUIjO AVOHICKD IT FINE. 'ho ' Greatest Stock Jobbing Scheme on Hccord Hot-IIcadod Irons. CHICAGO , Mnrch 29. [ Special Telegram. ] Minding to the strike : "This thing hns con the most gigantic stock jobbing opera- Ion on record , " snld Manager Wicker ot the Chicago freight bureau to-day. "Tlio trouble illdn't begin thnt wny , but thnt Is whnl It has esiilted In. Jay Gould has worked it very line. He held off until lie got Povvderly just ivhero ho wauled him , nnd until Povvderly conceded everything. All of the old hands , loth Knights of Lnbor nml scabs , nro tore- urn to work , nnd everything Is to bo n-s It ivns befoto the strike , except thnt hose men who destroyed iroperty mo not to bo returned to their ) lnccs. Matters in dispute between the Knights nml loads are to bo settled by n com- ulttco of fifteen. In this arrangement Gould ccognl/es thu Knights. Hut Povvderly mndo Ms concessions a little too quickly to suit lould. Sntuulny Gould would do nothing- Monday morning It isnniiouncud thnt ho will arbitrate. Ho wanted nt least onu day , nml ie got It. Ho has mnnnged the matter with consummate skill , nnd you mny test nsstucd 10 hns his stocks in just tlio shnpe ho wants Jicm. " "What effect will the ending of the stiiko inve upon Chicago business ? " "Xo paiticular or appreciable effect. All of thu loads mo now carrying nil sorts of rulght. Ihislncss hns been light , however , iiespecttvu of the stiikc. Shipments and ecelpts of grain linvo been .small for the past ten days. The weather has been very line , iind fanners nil over the west have been too busy to go to market. The endlni ; of the strike will not result in a Hood of business which will bmdcii the roads , but on the con trary , they can handle their business with case. Tlie committee of mbltratlou Is rather unwieldy. " 'Ono ' danger still icmnins. " said a lending railroad man. ' 'That Irons Is lor wnr nil the time. At Plttsbtirg mid at other places there Is a stiong element that will declnio Itsulf for the leader whoso platform is 'strike , ' mid those men will follow Irons. It remains to bu seun whether the Knights of Labor will plit. I don't think the order is stronir enough to stuvlvca division , but In case thnt Is done the sentiment of the 'public nt largo will be with Povvderly nnd against those rnt- lo-bralncd fellows who resemble soclnllsts so tclosoly that you can't tell them apait. The couit of public opinion generally settles all of these these things sooner or later , nnd Irons will find the decision ngnlnst him. The only present danger Is from Irons and his crowd , who may take a hostile nttitudo at any moment. " THE STHIKIS CONTINUES. Gould's Telegram Misunderstood nnd 1'ovvdcrly'u Order Olsobcycd. ST. Louis , Mmch 29. The news telegraphed liom Now York last night that Grand Master Woikman Povvderly hnd 01- deied the strlkeis on the Gouia system of rnlhondsto resume work immediately , nend- ingmbitintlon , was lecclved by the knights hero with incicdiillty , some even going so far ns to sny that they believed the telegrams foigerles. After the lirst surprise occasioned by tlie intelligence hnd passed , general sntis- f act km wns cxpie&scd tlmt the stiiko was not to bu piolongcd , mid that tlio men would bo allowed to go back to work. Tlieabsencool lions , chairman of the executive committee ot district nssembly 101 , will delay to some extent the resumption of traffic upon thu roads , for the other members of the commit tee state that the men of their assembly will not go back to work until they have eithei met in executive session and voted upon what they call the request of Povvderly thnt the strike bo oidered off , or Irons himself shall Issue such an or der. Iteferring to Povvdcrly's ouler to the knights , now on a stiiko In the southwest members of the committee sny thnt the gram : master has exceeded his authoiity , nml tha said order cannot bo enforced until endoised by their vote. This will necessitate the transaction - action of a largo amount of lotttlno business , for the executive committee of each nssemblj must meet mid vote upon the proposition. The lesiilt of these votes must ( hen commit nlcnted to lions , who , if n mnjoilty nro In laver of leturniug to work , will endorse Powdcily's order of Inst night to that effect The stiiking Knights of Labor on the Missouri Pacllic iotvvithstandlngPowdeily's ilhect order to them toictnrn to woik this nioiiilng , have not yet done so , and nro awaiting olllcinl instructions from Chnlunmi Irons of district assembly 101. Powderly's dispatch Instructing the striking Knights of Labor upon thu Gould southwest system to icttirn to woik Immediately wasiecelveda thuhcadqunitersof the executive committee ol that assembly nt 2:30 : this morning , nm the members of the committee at once tele graphed to lions nt Sednlla to letnrn to St Louis at once. lions , it Is expected , will ic- tinn to St. Louis nt once , nnd upon nulving them will piesido over thu meeting of this committee , which will tliyn comply with Powdei ly'h order to declare the stiiko onaed .1. .1. McGniy , judgoudvoeatoof the Knights ot Labor , was seen tlilsmuinlng by n icportcr nnd in ieply to mi innuhyof the icpoiterns to how tliu ouler of Powdeily would lu obeyed , said : "If lions iccoivcs it eailv enough ho might pitta cypher dispatch on thu wiies , nnd by 1 o'clock uveiy man could bo at woik. " "Will the men go back lo work on Povv ' ' . " derly'solder'1 "No , sir , not until other matters nrcnibl tinted upon , mid then , no matter how this m hltratlon results , all men must bo taken back without nny disciiminntion being showi iigninst any lor uclng leadcis , or for any other cause. " "Hut will not the lefusal to obey Povv dcrly'b orttcis bo violation of the laws of the knlghtsV1 , "Itwill not. You see , ho might be nils taken. We want arbitration tin t , before wo go to woik. All the men mo ot thu same wa ; of thinking , 1 met them at Marshall , Texas 1 know their sentiments , " "What nro thu questions you want nibltra tlon nponi" ' "Wo have nsked thnt truckmen end un skilled Inboicis on the Gould southwes svstem receive 51.60 lor tun hours work They have leceived 51,15 , but have hoictoforo only made nine hoins time , getting actuallv only Sloy. % Next we hnvo nskcd thntap- picntlro boys , who have continued ns sue ! bliieo ibSJ , but mo really joiuneymen now hhnll have their wngcs raised nnd baiecog ni/i'il ns journeymen. Some me iccolvini only S' ' , and they nro dolii ? ns much woik ns others who ncelvcd SJ.s'i. The luldgi building matter was nnd U the mo : MM ions. The men engaged In ( ha branch of business might i > e ( out on Mundnv and nut teach their destination until Wed nesday. jet thnt tlmo was not allowed them Wo nsk thnt full time be allowed them whether In shop or on the road , out no time wns nskcd for nltht ; travel. " "Then you want those questions sntllcd bj your demands being granted In whole or in pmt before you will retiun to work ? " "Yes ; mbltriUlon first , and then a wiltten nsieenifiit that all men shall bo takcu back w-Uhoul disciimlnatlon. " IlD detailed thu mode of arbitration pro posed , and wild : ' -We alull abide by the de cision of the utbilrators on the questions , no matter What thcau decisions may bt. " "And what about the Hull matter ? " "That w 111 have to go to tlio com ti. " KK.V YOIIK , Mnrch ai-Tho following . lie-stum from Gould lo Uoxlc. Menu tu hay wen misunderstood by Powdcrly. vorthropetitloh : "II. M. Iloxle , Ocncrnl Mnnnccr , St. r- n resuming the movement of trains oii the Missouri rnqlfic , nnu In thq employment ol nbor In the several departments of the con > i\ny ! , you will give prefercnco to our late miplpycs whether they nre members of the { nights of Labor or not , except that you will lot employ nny person who has Injured the company's property during the Into strike , lor will wo discharge nny person who Ims nken service wltli the company durlntr the ntostilkc. Wo see no objection tontbitrnt- Ing nny < llfferences between the cmnloycs and the company , past or future. Hoping that the nbovo will bo satisfactory , I remain yours very truly , JAY CJoui.n , President In an Interview this morning , Gould said : "Tho nbovo tclocram to lloxlo was prepared jeforo my conference with I'owdely yes- Iciday and was not the result of anything 1'owuprly said. In It Is expressed the stand which the Missouri Pacific has taken from the beginning , that Is that the company Is al ways leady to arbitrate any dllierenccs they may have with Its employes. 1'owderly seems to have assumed Irom that telegram that 1 bait agreed to the plans submitted by the oxecutUo board of the Knights of Labor Saturday , providing for the appointment of an ntbltintion committee , tlueo membeis of which mo to bo appointed by myself mid thice by the Knights ot I/ahor nnd those jointly to choose a .seventh member. Now 1 most emphatically deny that theie wns any thing In my telegram to lloxlo or thnt there wns nnythlugsnid ttthi ! conference yesterday fo warrant any one bcllexlng that I fora mo ment assented to such a plan. I will appoint no membeis of any nibitratlon committee ; tlio whole matter rests In tlio hands of Ilo.xlo nnd if ho can airnngo u basis lor nrbltratlon , which will Inclildo both sides of tlio question , 1 Will have no objection , but the whole matter will have to bo ui ranged with him. 1 am now piepnrlnc a letter to I'owdcrly which will clcaily set loith my position ns nbovo oiil- Hned ? ' The joint executive committee of assem blies 101 , IU nnd 17 , In session tills mom- linr , lw\o just issued tlio following nddiuss : To the Knights of Labor of the Gieat Southwest Fellow Woikmen Wo congrat ulate yon one and all on your manhood nnd fortitude dining our late great struggle for recognition nnd rlelit. Now , ns wo accept mbltratlou ns Just , let us not domenn our selves ns men devoid of dignity nnd man hood. Every mnu retain to his Dost and his duty wit.i quiet sobilcty. Let us exhibit the same zcnl for tlio uphiilldlni ; of tlie business ot tlio west that wo hnvo just shown in piov- Ing thnt labor is king. Signed by Executive Hoards of District As semblies 101,03 and 17. It is stated that this addi ess was sent to thodiffcicnt halls where the strlkeis were hole' ing meetings , that It was joxouMy re ceived , nnd thnt the men started for their homes to change their clothes , proiimntorv to going to work , but this is not vended. It Is also stated that an addicss hns been tclc- ginphedtonll points on the .southwest sys tem. tem.Nr.w Vonic. March 29. It wns reported this morning that the strikers would not cote to woik until they received positive and otlicinl notice tiom lions , chafimnn ot the executive committee of assembly 101. Po\v- deily wns called upon this moiniiiR nnd found sick in bed. when asked nboutlt ho bald : " 1 have received no word thnt the men will not obey orders. If they have not heaid tiom lions , it is because there lias been delay In delivering the telegram wiiicn wo sent last nlirht. The men will ceitalnly go to woik and Irons will certainly give them the oiders. " When asked why McDowell came nway from tlio incetlnc with Gould so soon this morning , ho said : "Oh , lie only came back for soinopapcis ; that's all. Ho Is down theie now. " McDowell went to the Astor house for the second time , and back , llnvcs nnd Uailoy went with him to Gould's ofllce , wlicie they me now discussing tliu situation. Gould has delayed sending tlio letter tol'owdeily which ho haspieimrcd , as It is now thomrht that a peisonal interview between him and the gentlemen can be auanged for this nfu-i noon. The confeienco between the general execu tive bo.ud and Gould ncMourned till I ! o'clock this afternoon. No business of impoitanco has yet been done , so Hayes says. SII : > AI.IA , Mo. . Mnichau. Chairman Irons nrnvcd hcio tills morning. Ho is perfectly non-committal , mid ictuses to talk about the situation. Hosentwoid to Superintendent Sibiey not to inn nny trains until the settle ment ot the strike was continued. Of com so his request wns ignoied , mid up to 10 o'clock lour Heights hnd been sent out. Niw Yoniv , Mmch i-U lloxlo has tele graphed Gould stating that the men ha\o not icsumed work this morning , ns they weio or- deied to do by Powdeily. Sr. Loris , March .S' ' . The situation in tlio Missouri Pacilieyaids this moining wns one of quiet ness nnd order. The crowd pi esent was small and undemonstrative , nnd no In- tcrlcience wnsoffeied with running of trains. Ono fielL'ht train Marled out soon after 10 o'clock , and another lollowed about an hour later. Neither of them excited any pniticu- lar interest. Up to noon none of the strik ers had picscnted themselves nt the shops or ymds to icsmuo woik , and pioba- bly none will to-day. It is stated however , on the anthoilty of the committee , tlmt the woikmen willietuin to work to morrow , and that they mo under , or will be placed under instructions to that effect this ntternoon. Sr. Louis , Maich 29. The situation in the Kast St. Louis ymds this morning was one of disorder and nt times it looked ns though trouble. Largo ciowcls conciegatcd nt the railway denot nnd In the Mil Ions yards , nnd when one effort was made to ntait n freight train In the Vnndalla ynul , a crowd swaimed around It , diow the coupling pins nnd other wise ohstiuctcd Its movements to such n de- gieo that the train was abandoned. In the Indianapolis & St. Louis mid Louisville iV : Nashville ymd ell'oi Is were made to mnko up trains , but ns fast us thecms weio bioiiglit into position tlioy weio uncoupled by the stilkcis , nnd finally the attempt to move them wns abandoned. In the Wnbash yards the deputy marshals are now mnklng up n train , ami it will bo bent out soim'tiimi this atternoon , No ellorts were made in other yards to move trains , nnd piobnbly none will no until ndcqunto piotcc- tlon isnftouled by thostatoauthoiitics. His lopoited that Shenff Itoprinuet of St. Olalr county , who was present this nioinlngniiil wns totally unable to control tlio Miikci.s , has appealed to the governor of Illinois for mill- tmy aid , but this has not been vciihed. The slilkeis linvo received no specific In- Muiftlons ns jet In leumd to it'sinniiiK work , but they say it will bo impossible lor them to letnrn betoro Wednesday moining. Wnr- i , nils were hwoin out this morning at tliu In stance ot the special attorney of the Missouri Pacific road against ,1. J. McGary. judge ad vocate of Dlstiict Assembly 101. 0. M. Chose mid it man named Ilunlsctts , inufer the charge of telony , but for the specific oiTcnsn ot ol > - pti noting trains mid trespassing upon the siopcrty of tlm company. i = t c Sr. Louis , Mmch S ) . When Powdorly' telegram unnouncing tlmt complications had nriscn was received the executive committee wns discussing the question of ordcilng the men to return to work to-monow morning , but their plans were nrrostcd nnd the com mittee adjourned for the nluht. KANSAS CITY , March i9. ! Four freight trains nrilved from the cast to-day. Two were started cast and one west , nil under guard. As the last train wns pnsslngtho switch the stilkeis threw the switch , overtuinlim'two cnrs mid blocking the main track. They permitted the track to bo denied , after whleli the train was sidetracked , A-i CHIRON , Kansas , March 29. The Mriko situation hero to-day was very serious , Tlio stilkers , not bntislicd with killing engines , tmnpeied with switches and soaped the duel : . The shciitr ami n posse of depu ties manned a train nt 0 o'clock this morning and ran the gauntlet , bare ! } escaping a misplaced switch , mm sent it safely west Wai rants nro out for about 100 strikers. The sheriff lias disci pllned a force ot deputies mid thinks he can make the nriests. CHICAGO , March 29. The Inter-Oceaifa Springfield , III. , special savs : Advices have been iccelvcd hero dining tlie day from Kasi St. Louis giving accounts of the operations o ! a mob of railroad strlkeis and roughs at thnt place. Sheriff Itopuqnet of St. Clnlrconntj telegraphs the gorauor tor aid. In qulricd were sent by wire tot particulars of the situation. am conflicting statements came back from sev eral dliretont naitles of whom Inquiry hn < been made. A delegation of prominent rail road oftlcluU came up fiom Enst St. LouU to-night to have a consultation with the gov ernor. KAXBAS Cm- , March CO. TheMlssour 'nclfic strikers nro still ont. having received 10 otders to resume work. The company are inning freight trains , however , under police pcctcctlon. TUrco wcroscnt out this morn- liff. . . - Tlio President Has fcot Interposed. WASHINGTON , Mnt'cllJO.Tho \ statement vns published hero this' ' afternoon In effect lint President Cleveland hnd been In tele- rrnphlc correspondence with Jay Gould con cerning the labor tioublcs In the southwest , trying him nol to stand In the way of mbl- ration. It rau bo stated on good authority lint the president has had no communication vlth Gould or anyone else concerned In rcla- lon to the labor troubles. Tlio Grand Trunk Trouble. LONDON , Out , , Mmch 2'J. ' The employes ol the Grand Trunk railroad hero hnvo de cided to reject lllckson's pioposltlon for n > artlal restoration of the reduction of wages. ind demand n return to full pay. It Is stated hat the employes at nil other points in the Grniul Trunk system nro working In unison with those nt London on this question , THE UCCOHD. The Gross Dank Kxolmngca Fortlio Imht Week. BOSTON , Mass. , Mat ch 29. The following tnble , compiled from special dispatches to the Cost , from managers of tlio lending clearing lmn es In the United States , shows the gross ! > ank exchanges nt each point for the week ending March 27 , In comparison with the conesponding week in Ib&'i : UrltiBh Grain Tratlo Review. LONDON , Mmch SO. The Mark Lnno Ex press , in its review of thu British grain trade for tlio pnst week , says : Mild , spring weather has prevailed nttd fall sown wheat has a healthy appearance. Trade In wheat Is somewhat wenker. bales of English wheat dining ctho woelcw'ore 70,000 quarters at SOsOd , against § 2COZ , quarters at 32s7d during the corresponding period Inst year. There Is n Dragging sale for Hour. Only a hanil to mouth imsiness Is done In loieign wheat , and prices are unchanged. American mixed corn is cheaper nt 20s 3d. Onts. benns and peas are in buyers' favor. Twelve canrocsoC wlientnrilvcd ; live cargoes weio sold , one wns withdrawn , nnd six re mained , Including two ot California. Trade lorvvmd has been ol small volume. The mar ket to-dny wns very slow. English wheat hnd a downward tendency. Flour vvns steady. The Visible Supply Statement. CHICAGO , March 20. The number of bushels of grain In stoio In the United States and Canada on Maich 27 , nnd the increase or dccieasecomputed with the previous week , will ho posted on 'Change to-moiiovv as fol lows : Wheat 40,773,070 Decrease 701,335 Corn lO.TJHVisi Incicnse 01,33. ! Onts 2,55'J.i. ! ? . ! Inciense 11)8 ) , ( 1 Uje 51VJJH Decrease 3 , > .OI7 Bailey. 1,039,2. ? ! ) Decrease. . . . 05l < ' 7 The amount in Chicago eluvatois on the dnto named wns : Wheat 13,001,410 Coin 3,4w,701 : O.lts riOO,4S2 Hvo 230,405 liiu ley. 112,8bO ElKln Dairy Market. CHICAGO , Mmch 29. The Intcr-Ocenn's Elgin , 111. , special bays : Butter to-day was very Him nt nn advance of lc over last week's prices. Itetrular sales , 2.1,180 Ibs nt ! 'OJ < 3i0 : c. Cheese was Him ; no sales ; full cream ? , lUu ; skims , 4 ( > e. Piivatosalesof 35- , .WOlbsof butter and 1,3-T > Jbs ot cheese weio repoi ted. Total sales aggregated Sl8,3b7. NORTHERN PACIFIC HltmERV. Another Credit Mohllicr Scaiidnl Threatened. Nnw YOIIK , Mmch 20. [ Special Tele gram. ] It is fieely declared by Wall tfcicol men who claim special knowledge ot * the matter thnt mi ollielal Investigation Is to be made by congress of the circumstances con nected with the menus used nfevv yem.s ngo by the Xotthein Pacific Itnllioad company to piovent aforfeltuiu of that company's land grant. It is alleged that sovcial liundiou thousand dollars were spent In Washington in quarteiH wiieio It would do thu most good to prevent ad verso act Ion by and now oiio of the men through whose hands much of the "boodle" passed , has decided , for some tea son or other , to lay thu whole matter bate. Ho is credited with the posses sion of convnicitig testimony. Men of standing are declared to bo Involved In tlio meshes of what mny turn out n scandal scarcely less noteworthy than wns the Credit Mobillor. Something dike 8500,000 is snld to have been spent In congress. I'nrncll Approves ir. COMJMIIUS , Ohio , Marcji 2fl Patrick Egan , president of the Irish National Lcauuuof America , having announced to the country that he did not countenance the IiUh Parlia mentary A id associationof which Major John Byrne of Cincinnati , and Etigeno Kelly of New York , are the founders , and the picsl- dent of thu Columbus brunch of the lengito having stated that Mr. Kuan's condemnation was authorized by PanicI ) , the Catholic Col umbian sent thu following message : COI.UMIIUS , Ohio , March so. Painell , Lon don Do you nppiove tlio Pnillamcntniy Aid association ? CATIIOMP COI.UJIIIIA.V. The following nnswer was received this af ter noon ; LOXUON , March20. Catholic Columbian Another Overland Cut. CHICAOO , March 29. Theio was another drop In transcontinental passenger rates to day. The Atelilson , Topekn & Santa I'o an nounced a tinough rate from the Missouri river to San Francisco of SO net or Sio from Chicago. Thu round trip rnto fiom Chicago , peed lor ninety days. Is M. It is expected that to-moriow the Union Pacific and Den ver & Itlo Grande will meet thu cuts. Another Democrntlo IMuiii. WASHINGTON , March 20. [ Special Tele gram. J The postmaster general to-day ap pointed J. II. Moorhdad postmaster at Bar- uia , Xtb. ' THEY IIEIPED HIM IN fiOPE. The EOUEO Ohampion of tlio Education Haul Oats a Clover Shine. POWER OF HIS CHAIRMANSHIP. Members Voted IVIth Him to Secure Ills Fnvor Three Members of the Cabinet On the Sick lilst Notes. Kdncntlon Hill In the House. WASHINGTON , March 20. [ SpcclnlJ Tclo- nm ] The friends of the bill to distribute S77,000X)0 through the country In nld of no- tlonnl education , to dny gained a victory In the house which they are disposed lo rogmd ns nn indication of the success of their bill. For some time they lia\o boon engaged in confcriing upon the best means to bo adopted to accomplish this icstilt , nnil to-day tlio re sult of these conferences wns mndo known when Mr. Willis , of Kentucky , offered n now bill , similar to that which the committee on education hns resolved to strangle. Mr. Wil lis asked the house to refer this bill to the committee on labor , and the house so re solved to lofer It by aolo of WO to 115. Mr. Willis piofesses to see In this vote nn Indica tion that the bill will pass , lint there were so many considerations which led np to the icsnlt thnt it Is difficult to see whcic- tn he hasps his hopes. There Is no doubt , however , thnt the gentlcmnn liom Kentucky used his power nschalimnn of the committee on ilveis and hnrbois with good effect , and tlmt ho Intimated to several who op posed him some clays URO that it would bebet- etr to side with him than to votongalnsthlm. In fact one man at least who \oted with him to-day told one of his colleagues that his de- slic to scenic a good appiopilatlon for 0110 ofthehaibois in his distilct influenced his course to-day. Aigieat many who acted with Willis undoubtedly did so because they desired to have the bill repoited back to the house in order tlmt It might bo fully dis cussed nnd parsed or killed on Its met its. It Is n fact woitliy of notice thnt all the mem bers of prominence on both sides voted against him except Ulngluy , Long , Turner and Hammond , Four members ot the labor committees were ngalnst Willis , mid all the members of the committee on ways nnd cans except four , nnd of the fifteen mem bers of the committee on appropriations only live supported him. The bill cannot bo reached nt thlssesslon unless the rules mo suspended nnd a dny set npart for considera tion. Two-thiuls ol the house will be neces sary to accomplish this. The Iowa nnd Ne braska members voted ns follows : Messis. Conger , Henderson nnd Murphy with Willis ; Mesers. Fuller , Ficdeilck , Holmes , Hall , Lyman , Weaver of Nebraska nnd Dorscy of Nebraska against him. The others weio absent or pahed. THItnn CA1IINKT MRMIIKHS SICK. The announcement this evening that Sec retary Lnmnr wns caused a lluttcr ot ex citement in official and political clicks. With Secretary Manning and Attoincy Gai- land , this makes three members of the cabinet III. Secretary Lmnar , It Is well known , is in very frail health , being woin out , nnd his deathas alsothntofSecietaryMannlng , would cause no surprise here nt nny time. The ill ness of Attorney General Garland Is stated to be of a nervous character , nnd to bo due to the Pan EleUlc Telephone agitations. Tlicie Is a glowing feeling that the cabinet will soon be partially dissolved , nnd Presi dent Cle\elnnd Is icportcd not a little wor- lied over tlie outlook. Secretary Mnnning continues cheerful , nnd if a strong will mid good cnro will biing him out , ho will get well. His physicians and friends mo simply awaiting the pnssngoof time and the possibility of another stiolcc. The longer he escapes It the more probable nnd rapid his iccoveiy. In fact , his future depends on tlio next two dnvs. If he should bo visited by another stioke of apoplexy for that is tlie diagnosis ol ills case ho has not one chnnco In n hundred tor liis Hfo. If he cscnpcs this dieadcd visitation , coed nurs ing nnd plenty of rest may restore him to good health. That is the way matters stand with iclation to his illness. It Is believed Mnnning will never resume the duties of seeietaiy of tlm ticasury. TIII : i.owi.u COUIIT WAS JIIOHT. In the supreme court of the United States to-day n decision was iciideicd In the case of John W. Hobbs , assignee In bankruptcy of C. K. Peek , appellant , vs John A. McLean nnd William Hnrmon , appellees , liom the circuit couit of the United Stntes tor the soiithoin distilct ol Iowa. This is a contro versy between the nsslgnco In bankinptcy of Peck. leprcsentlng the general creditors ot the estate , niimbeiing fifty-three merchants , mnnulacturcis , banks mid otheis , with proven claims aggregating SM.OOO , mid McLean nnd llaimon lorn lund now In pos session ot the assignee , amounting to : ! 5OOU. The couit below dcciecil the lund to llmmon nnd McLean , complainants , liom which decice thensslKiico appealed. The supicmo court of the United States nlllimcd the de cision of the couit below. JIKNNKl'IN MUIII'IIV CONKIDKNT. Congiessmmi Minphy ol Iowa Is confident thnt tlio llonnrplii canal bill will uass. A canvass hns been made of the house , nnd dlicct pledges for the bill have been made by 1M membeis. Ho counts upon the votes of at least 200. The Jlcnnopln hcheino hns been woiked systematically. The organisation ot Its promoters wns peilected last sninnicrand work hns been going lorwmdexerMni'c , The uiembcrbhln/iniio house wns divided up , nnd each member lmn been pereonnlly seen nnd argued with. TUB cAMrmi.i : < -wn.\viii CONTEST. Iy ! the house committed on elections It wns determined to-day thnt mi clfoitBlmll be mndo on next Monday to ngrce on n repoi t on the Cnmpbell-Weaver contested election trom the Sixth lown distilct. No Indication hns been given ns to what the rcpoit will be. I'KHbONAI. , rOSl'AI , AND OTHKIIWISK. E. P. Peck of Omaha Is In the city. John II. ISolnciknnip 1ms been commis sioned postmaster at Itiuila , lown. The postolrlco ut Milton , Saundcrs county , hns been discontinued. The mall will go to Ithaca. The postoflico at War Honnct , Sioux county , hns been discontinued , nnd the mall will go to Foit Hobinson. The postoflico sites nt Ncsbit , Koyn Palm county , Simeon , Cherry county , and nt Tien- ton , llotehklss county , have been removed short distances. Colonel Hendeison mid Mr. Conger Intro duced In the house to-day thoconcuuunt resolution of the lown leglslatuio asking foi liberal nppioprlntlons for a national board of health. The house committee ou commerce hns reported favorably IlepicsentatUo Lymnn's bill for nbildge ticross the Missouri nt 01 near Council HlulTs. Nebraska's congiessmcn will pool their efforts In the direction of securing public buildings for Nebraska. They will make a hard light liist tor ono at Hastings , then for one In tlio third district , and so on. Senator Mamlerson ocpuplcd the ptr-al- dent'u chair for n shott time In the senuto to-daV dining the temporal j1 abbeiico of Sou ator Sherman. TOO MANY "WHY XOTS. " Open Incentive Sessions Hocclvo a Slight Forward Impulse. WASHINGTON , Mnrch 20. Indirectly the question of open executive sessions received n slight forward Impulse In the secret session of the senate this afternoon. A consider- nblo number of Internal revenue collectors nominated to placesIcrcatcil by suspensions were confirmed , nnd mnong the number wns [ he collector ot Intcrnnl revenue for the dis trict ot Vermont , Senator Morrlll , who repelled - polled this case , moved thnt the Injunction of secrecy bo removed from the leport of the llnnnco committee us nn net of justice to OK- Collector Stearns , late collector , nnd the motion was cnrrlcd. Sherninn then nskod thnt the s.ime net of justice bo done to suspended collectors In Ohio. Then someone ono nsked why not extend the conitesy ro the entire list ot suspended collectors. Another asked , "And why not to nil other suspended officials'.1'1 These "why nots" were not niiswciccl , but some of the more conservative senators , without stating nny objection to tlie proposition , thought the revolution wns moving too mpldljvnnd to check It n motion was entered to reconsider the vote by which Mori ill's motion wns carried. This put the question over for n Tiio reports in the Vounont case , which In Its general leatures Is undeistood to bo sub stantially like those made In n majority of internal levoiuie collectors , Is said to declnio that the committee has teamed from authori tative soniees that there was no other reason for the of Stearns than that ho was n icpubllcnu or for the appointment of his successor thnn that he was n demoeiat. The collectors continued nro chiefly in Illinois , Pennsylvania , Ohio nnd West Virglnln. Under tlie present Intcipietntion of tlmiules , which nemly nil the senatois mini it is a wrong ono. their names cannot be made pub lic until nttcr two moio executive sessions shall hnvo pnssed. The Injunction ot secrecy wns removed from the. conospondenco sent to the sennto In secret session between the secietnry of state on one hand mid tliu Chinese minister nt Washington and tlio American minister nt China , respectively , on the other , with ie- gmd to Chinese immigration , The corre spondence Is voluminous , nml it wns fully intended that It should be given to the in ess to-night , hut bv some failure of the machlneiy of the executive session , 01 some Inadvert ency , the motion to rcconsldei the motion In icspect to the Vermont collector was made to cover tlio Chinese matter as well , and thus ( lie coiiespondenco leinalns locked up. KOHT V-NINT11 CONG HESS. House. EJWASHINOTON , Maich V29. After routine moining business , Mr. Logan's army bill wns placed bcfoietlic senate. Mr. Logan sent to the desk and had read a letter fiom General Sheridan favoring the proposed incicnsc. Mr. Logan lavored it. Mr. Plumb opposed It. lie thought It sing ular that while wo were so thoroughly at peace a moasuio of this character should bo intioUiiecd , Mr. Dnvvcs fnvoicd the bill. Mr. Teller saw no necessity fornn inoicasc. Violence In the states should be put down by the people of the states. Mr. Logan defended his position on tlie bill. As to one ot the arguments advanced by the senator liom Kansas ( Plumb ) thnt be- cau o InboieiH weio pooily paid soldieis should not be better paid than atpiescnr , Mr. Lonran thought that a veiy poor argu ment. It wns very singular that men of wealth , and bankers rich enough to bo baldly able to count their money , weio nhvnvH found to bo the filcnd of tliovoiklngmon. . [ Laughter In the galleries. ] This was nil rignt lor the rich men to do. but when anything was .said for the woikinginen by those who had the actual oxpei lenco ot woikingmeii , thnt wns altogether Improper. It was only the bankets nnd lich men who weio to hnvo tlio right to spe.ik lor the worklngmen. I was bi ought up to labor on a tm m nt C > a month , said Mr. Logan , nnd when any man insinuates that 1 am not n tiiend of the poor man , it is utterly unjustilinble. Iteferiing to the suggestion thnt nn In- cicase In the nimy was wanted for show "lorclicus" Mr Logan icpelled it. People did not want nny "show" about It. They hnd "show cfictis" in tlie mid enough .sennto [ laughter ) , and while the senatorial ciicus was on hu did not know nny moio active per- foniieisthmi tl Ohcnntors who w < > ie opposed to this bill. [ Ilencwed laughter. ] In con clusion Mr.Lognn said icpuhlicanism wns be coming n power the woihl over , nnd tlio United States should bo picpnted to say to the liist Kuropean power that attempts a loothold in Ameilca , Lay on , MacDufl , and damned bo lie who ( list ciies hold , enough. " [ Aiiplansu In the galleiies.1 Alter an executive session the senate ad- joiuncd. _ House. WASHINGTON , Mmch 2 ! ) . In the house to- dny the following joint it-solution wns of fered by Mr. Helmont : liesolved. Thnt the sum of 5117,713 bo np- piopilatcd to pay thu Chinese govcinment in consideration ot looses unhappily sustained by ccrfaln Clilnc * > o subjects by mob violence , nt Hock Springs , Wyoming , bnhl sum being intended tor dlstilbution mnong the snll'er- uih nnd their legal ieprcs < Mitatlve- the dlt > - ctetlon ot tliu government. Itesolvcd , That further lestiletlon of Chi- nei'so mid Coolie immigration , if it shall he found expedient nnd necessary , can bo most piopcily nccomplishcd by iiiodflicntion ol tliu existing tientie.s A bill was intiodticcd by Mr. 11111 to en able tlu > people of Dakota to form a constitu tion. Also , to establish thu tcirltory of noitli Dakota. A bill was iutioduccd by Mr. Willis of Ken tucky to aid in the establishment and torn- pormy suppoit of common schools' . Mr. Willis moved as nn amendment to lefcr thu bill to tlm committee on labor. Mr. Miller moved as nn amendment to i li fer tint liill to the committee on education. Lost liritolill. Mr. Willis' motion wns then nsticed to lift to llii-whlch lelcrsthc hill to the com- milieu on labor. Mr , O'llmn nsked unanimous consent to otter tor Immediate consideration a picamblu with inference to tlio lecunt Cnimlton out rage and n resolution that n committed of live members bo nppolnU'd by the speaker to In- vestlgntu thu facts mid rupmt , by hill or other wise. such measuu's as will check 01 piuvent in the liituiu wanton mid barbarous deatiuu tion ot human life. Mr. ( lagan ot Texas objected m the giotmd thnt thu subject was ono over which con ie-s had no power. The hoitbo then adjourrd. Judgment For Itotli WASHINGTON , Mmch lifl. The biipiomc court of the UjiUed Stntes to-day alliimed the judgment of The couit of claims In suits between tlm Union Pnclllc liallioad compiny nnd the United Stntes growing out of the chaigca made by the rallioadfoi tt.inspoiting malls nnd government employes accom panying them , and on the pmt of thu gov ernment In refeiencn to Its claim tor live per cent of the amount of earnings ot the load under the net of IbM. The couit of claims decided that the rnllioail company wns entitled - titled to &iU10lM ! l"r M-ivlces lendcied the government , nnd thnt the United Stntes on thuli counter claim wns entitled to recover S4lSTt > 07 and gave ludirmunt In laver ot tlio United Stntes lor the dlltciniict . Kiom this judgment thu United .States appealed. Senate Confirmations WASHINGTON , March 2i > . The sennto con- fumed thu lollowlng nominations to-day ; Wm. L. Alien of New York , consul guneial at Homo ; T. Kmncll ol Connecticut , consul ut Llveipoul , vlcti Stephen J'ackmd , suspended. _ Hccretnry .tlannlnc'ti Condition. WABIHVION , March W. "Spcit-tni v Man ning hnd a good night'h lesl , " said Dr. Lin coln at noon to-dny , "and ho is very much Improved , though not out ol dancer.1 . 1 1 i - Stcinltz tlio Vidlor. NEW Onj.KANs , Mnrch CD. StOin'tz won the chess amu ttnLiyu \ \ winning the match. Tlm came wns played inpldly , nnd ZuUejioit Mslmied utter vlghU-en moves each Imil been uiadi\ each playui having tlihty uiiuutos 111 THE BELGIAN BREAD RIOTS , Tbo Military Force of the Tiuy nt Work Suppressing Strikes. MANY KILLED ON BOTH SIDES * The City of ClintIcrol n Vast Military Camp Citizens Up In Arms to Resist tlio Hloodthlrsty 1'lllrmcrs , llloody Work or Socialistic ) Mot ) . CiiAm.Kitoi , Mmch SO. Tlio city Is to-day n vast mllltniy camp , from which flying col- * limns are operating In all directions' . It l 'f , believed now that the worst Is over. Tho' government hns nutliorlred the peaccnblo In-1" habitants of the city to arm themselves , muK to use eveiy means In their power t6 defend their domiciles. Theio is a , moio confident feeling. The clvlfl patrol nnd tioops mo ovei mastering. ) ' Iho rioters. Thomlnoialn the Flcueisnndi , , Borinago dlslilel.s hnvo gone oat on a strike nnd hnvo destroyed the residence of Iho J mine manager by dynamite. In these dls- ' tricls thcio hnvo nheady been several con-5 < filets between the strlkeis and troops nniUl many have been killed on both shle . Ito-1 Intoieements have been sent to thosccnox fiom Mons. i Butissm.r.s , Mnrch 20. The ilotors last. night attacked and burned the potteiy main. ' nlnctoir nt Handler , near Mono , They sue- : ceeded In resisting the getisd nrmes.who sholr , mid killed three of the btilkcrs. The eltl/onsg of I'lcuers. seven miles noitheast of Chavlo- iol. have armed themselves with pitchforks , ' clubs mid puns mid have thus far succeeded In defending their town fiom pll . lniri . . . . > . . They diovn out an mmv ot ilotursby-i main force , dispersing It utterly , Vlgllanco committees nre being ( ormed by the el 11 wns in other places threatened by the .strlkeis. The burials of the iloter.s who weio shot by thu troops are proceedlnir quietly. At Ver- viers thu socialists mo pivatly enraged bo enuso of thu eneigctlo action of the military In siippiessins thodlslmbmices. As nn net ol lovuiigo they tin eaten to raid the exten sive cloth \\oiks which mo n conspicuous llpiito In that town. MONS , Mmch 21" " . Three hnndied strikers mndemi ntttek In Mnuemont collieiv to-dny nnd weio filed upon by troops. The num ber ot killed nnd wounded Is loin teen. Cn.vniinot : , Mmch 20. The strikers stopped woik nt ltc.snl < c colllciies to-dny. ' , They were thiiee ordeied to dlfipeise , but i el used to do so , nnd begnn to throw stones nt the troops. The latter Hi ed upon the riot ers , klllinc nnd wounding seventeen. . * PAIMS Mmch 2 ! ) . Several French newspapers - ' papers accuse Piince Blsmaiek ol having Incited - j cited tlie liots In Belgium , mid vvmus llcl-M glum to beware ot him. BiU'ssni.M , Mmch 20. The mlneis ntAn- tolug , tlneo miles southeast of Tournnlf' struck to dny nnd went i lotimr. J'hey Ioiiucd > .i Into n body nml nmiehed towmds Touinaf ) * for the puipose of looting the place. Tioopa sallied out liom thnt place to meet themand a conflict lollowed , In which many pel sous ' wore wounded. Tlio Milkers nru spieiidlng in thu coal mining dlstiictsof Boilnage , ami thoaiithoilties theiu fi'ar tiouble. The mln- eis in that dlstilet icceive but three dolltus a week. Several anarchist leaders were ar- icsted nt Oimlciol to-day. linrssm.M , March 20. Laicoycr , the leader of the socialists , has been aitested. It has been moved that the ilots weio not duo to po- . lltlcal causes. Ol ninety persons ancstcil ' licreln connection with the disturbances one- hall mo old convicts of the worst kind. The entile icscivo lorco hns been enllcd out. With those additional tioops the mmy will number 02,003 mun. FROM BEYOND THE SKA. Dlts of Information On the E Political Situation. LONDON , Mmch 29. Thoio wns n session of the cabinet this afternoon. Gladstone ami Lord Hiintington , who was secietniy for wnr in the last liberal cabinet , interchanged communications to-day 10- gaidlng tlie Inttei's nttitudo towards tlio pio- mici's pioposcd Irisli policy. It will bo icmembercd that tlio conservatives at one time made ovciturcs to Loid llaitliiKtou looking to a fusion of tlm whigs nnd toiles 111 n now paity that It wns claimed would cnsily contiol ( lie political situation on any Irish question , lie , however , though a whig , Is a .sincere admiier of fJIadslono , nnd has al ways refused to either lollow or lead nuy opposition to him , and has never In piactico can led his ( Hirelings turther than absten tion Irom support. It Lord Haitingtoa should either tnko n place in tills cabinet or openly pioclalm himself as n suppoi'cr ' of tlie picmlei'H Iilsb ptoposals , his aid would moio than coiiiitcihalance tlio effects of Mr. ' OhnmbeiIain's .secession. Mr. Cliambeilaln'n pei.sonnl followers aio nrcliig him to maKe use ot the National Liberal federation to discover the views ot thomajoilty of the libeial paity throiigliaut ( iicat Uiitain towaulsiMr. Gladstone. ' * liisli ] ) ollcy. At Hirmlncham iiimors are circulated that II the piescut political crisis icsulls In n new election Loid liandolph Chuichill and Mr. Clmmbeilnin will take tlio stump on thohnino platform. It Is also stated tliatln the snmo event tlio lliii'iiugliaiu liberals in .lohn liiight's distilct will leqticst tlmt veneiiiblo statesman to lethe In tavor of the younger man. HmMi.vnuAM , Maich 20. It Is Blnted that nil tlio membciH icpreseiiling the woiking- men in the hoiisu of commons oppose Clwin- bcilain's attitude ! towmd ( jhdstono. TAHII-T HEFOHM DOOMED. Tliu 1'rotomlonlhtn Tighten Their Grin on the TImmL of COII I'CH . Xiw : YOIIK , Mmch 23. [ SpecInlTulemam.J The Tilbuno's Washinglon special says : Thtiio Is good lenson to bellovo that the dem ocratic members ol the ways and me , ins com mittee me by no means united upon any pto- crnmmoot tmllf iclorui , The ovcntsof the last ton days have convinced Mon Ison that n taillt bill iiamcd by Hewitt and hlniBelt will never pass tlm house. In casting about for means to bavn nfiagment tiom the wreck , something that will bcivo In the south nnd west until after tlio congiesslonnl elections next Inll , .Morrison has fixed his eye on a bill fiamed by Hewitt nnd Assistant Secretary Kniichlld to simplify the ndmlnlstinllon of the customs laws. This measure , known us "tho ndmlmlstintlon hill , " has boon under cor.hUlfiatlon'.by aKub-commltlcu for neatly a week mid about one-half : ot It has been puhbcd. Ills expected that shortly tlm sub- committed will ho discharged nnd the bill taken In hand by the full com.mlttco with a vlowtou speedy topoit to tlm house. Upon this bill Moulsou has determined tol'iuten ns a rider his scheme of taiilV uiforin. llnwltt iHOppobedto this plan because ho believes that the it-Mult will bu the saeilllcu of tlio "ail- mlnlstiiition bill , " the p.xs agu ol which hu la Piixlou tosccme. AsHcnildy I'l'occcdln ts , li. < MOIMS : , louaMaioli S'.i. Tha ten- ate spent the gieater pnitof the session on the geneial nppiopihitlnn bill * , gianting the lollowlng sums , ns ri-cnmrnendcd by tlio cninmlttci ; ; l''or the Independence Insane hospital , 5i51,000 ; tor thfi dent and dumb ln > hi i tutu , l-l./0 ; inr I lin u ilcultmnl rolh-go. g5Koa ; for the blind collect ! , SlO.-iW ; j0 tluj nnimnl schools , S' ' .i'iO , In the h'm ' e the bill picihlhiting mairia c1) that coii,1114vai : dulcatcd i > u Hiu thlid leiidlng. A k'gali/.lngatt roi thtoidl ) > nances of ijowihVcbitir ; : county , was passed , The hinsi ( ( [ 'uiit ' llie nCteinouu oil Iho bi'iiHtu hill piovldiug ffirth" flection xnd comjiciunllni ) of tcmnty iittontc ) s Tim bill allows the board iif snpe.-vltoi * to Ur. < uui9 , langlng liom iaw to bl/,00. Ttin bill was parsed. ! A Huln KS PEOISIA , MKrciis1. ! * Suhnolly < insets ,