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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1886)
G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SATURDAY. MARCH 27,1886. THE DAILY BEE COUNClTBLUFFS , SATURDAY MORNING , MARCH. 27. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEAilL ST11EET. Iitllvcrcd by cr.iricr In any part of Iho city nt tntnty twits per neck. 11 , W. TII.TO.V , Manager. ar.t.r.i'HONnsi IluCINTSS OFFICE , No. 4.1. NHIIIT r.iMTOit , N'o. z ) . MINOR MIJNTION , New spring goods at Holler's. Now Inrpcts at IlnrknosH Ilrotlicrs. Tlio city schools close for n week's vacation. Tlio Northwestern pay car glmlilcnuil tlio boys yi'stonluy , Wanted -Immediately n eooil woman to ilo house cIunnliiK at thu Paeiliu hoiiho. 1) . II. Tate hai opened his shooting enllory on llroadway next tliu Huvuru lionso. Penult to wctl was yesterday Riven to rcrdlnand liiiifuliuti and Anna ( irnbburt , both of Unialia. Mrs. Lanrn Kelley , an ngcd lady In llardin township , died Wednesday and wtw burled yesterday. Ne\t Wednesday night thu Knights of Labor are toghu a soeial , for whinli an excellent programme is being arranged. Miss Ilattiu ( lardlner has been chosen by the school board us ) irlnciptl : of the Pierce ntruut school Din iilace of Miss 1'oriytlio , resigned. W. W. Chapman has received nn order from thu Carter White Lead company .o Oniahii for 100 samplu cases on which to display their samples of dillcrent pai nts The lir t base ball game of the season will take place to-moirow between the Athletics anil Occidentals on the new grounds on Sixteenth avenue near Main hlreet. C. 11. Jacfiionnin | & Co. have com pleted their spring cleaning and overhauling - hauling of their jewelry bloiv. and htivo now placed on i\hibitlon ! their new and leading novelties. Rev. J3r. Cooley , pastor of the Baptist church , will lo-morrow deliver an ml- ilre&s on labor. Ills theme being "Jesus as a Laboring Man. " This will bo followed on the next Sunday evening by another fccnnon on the labor < | iiostloii. Services in the Conirrcgational church to-morrow morning and evening. Preach ing by the pastor. Morning subject , " " " . " A "Strength , evening , "Happiness. cordial invitation extended to all. The report is current that there are to bo new street cars put upon the Couneil Mlnll's lino. Such a move for the better ! H badly needed. The present cars are ; i disgrace to the city and to the company The Ladies' Aid society of St. Paul's church has elected as its oilicers Mrs. ( icorgo Drown , president ; Mrs. E. E. Aylesworth , vice-prohident ; Mrs. II. C. Cory , treasurer ; Mrs. O. M. Drown , sec retary. Henry Kneppcr has purchased the Me- Clurg cracker company s well known team , and will put tlieni at work on his farm in Harrison county. Tlio company has purchased a now team for its use in this city. Mrs. ISatekiiij whose husband keeps a grocery on Mam .street , in waiting on : i customer at the cigar case , dropped a lighted match. It ignited her dress , and before thu llames coula bu put out t > ho was quite badlburnt. . Pierce , the insurance agent , represent ing iv burial graveyard sort of a com pany , and who recently served a term in jail liens for boating ti hotel bill , is said to bu now working Omaha. Ono would think that ho would get tardier a\\ay \ from here than that. A Creston fellow named Koponhollcr , who has been attending tiic federal court as n witness , was thrown out of the Ilevero housu bodily and summarily tor being drunic and Insulting a lady The proprietor , Mr. St. John , Is not ( lie kind to allow any of that sort of foolishness about his hotel , and ho is right. A. Ledman was arrested for peddling without : i license , and was lined $5 and costs. The poor fellow seemed to bo in such hard luck and just recovering from nn illness , that he was finally allowed to go under a suspension of the penalty , with his promise to go somewhere else to peddle his wares. Tho'mayor evidently means what ho said about the saloons closing on Sun days. Yesterday an information was tiled against John Nicholson charging him with having bold drinks last Sunday. It is understood that no fcarorfuvor is to bo shown but that all will bu treated alike , nnd this poliey will be heartily endorsed l > y tlui citi/.ens generally. Thu Mexican Typical orchestra arrived hero yesterday and worn qniti tared at the Pauilic house. There wore thirty-three in Hio company. They attracted a great deal of attention by their peculiar dress , tlmir fnncp hats , and gaudy scarfs. Last evening they gave nn entortainmen ) nt the opera house , which proved quito meritorious , mid called forth much en thusiasm. On of the faults in the construction of the new county jail , revealed by actual use , is the sewerage loading from the cells into the center shaft of the great Iron cylinder. Those- openings have proved to bo too small nnd too easily clogged. George Oberly , of Indianapo lis , has boon lu > ru in thu interests of the patentees , enlarging these openings and making the sewerage moru ell'ectivo. A few days ago Dave llico , nn old pressman known among nil thu news paper olllccs , disappeared from the eity , leaving his wife in destitute circum stance ! ) . His wifu lias now lett the city , ud his little brother , a boy aged about IS , yesterday applied to the citv jail for a place to stay ni.d something to out. Rico ficuniH to Inn o brought most of his trouble upon himself by drink , and thu family lias been thus broken up. There was ; i liltlo furniluro left in the house , nnd n party holding ; \ chattel moitgago on it lor if II ! will take possession of that , The musical institute being held in the parlors of thu Congregational church is proving a great success. Each ovuning's bussluu isery largely attended , and the methods and manntirs of Prof. Towno excite much enthusiasm and pralsa. There is seine talk of trying to arrange to Eccnro him tor another week , and others favor an attempt to arrange for holding another institute at some later time , nt thu Methodist church , or some rooms in that part of Ihu city , as thoru aru many Jlvlne In that part of the city who would gladly ioin such an institute worn it more conveniently located , Prof , Townu is an instructor of mm gifts and much ox- porimtco , and all feel inclined to avail themselves of his presence heie so far as possible , _ IVrsonal J. F. Consignoy of Audubon is In the city.Mrs. Mrs. Viles , sLstor of Mrs. J. Y. Fuller. loft last livening for her home in Chicago. Mrs. II. S. Gray of California Is in the city , with her son , \ibiting her parents , Mr , and Mrs. Captain Williams. M. Holbrook of Missouri Valley visited the IJlnll's yt-storday. S. I , King of Logan Is hnre attending the United States court. Major I'rtUllionu of Ulrard , Pn. , who has bocn visiting his biotbcr here , left las-t evening for Chicago where ho has n BOII in business , and alter visiting him ho will proceed homeward , W , C. Thompson of Davenport- - tarn : il revenue aifloetor of the second Iowa district , wns in the city yesterday ( hiring about in company with J. C. Laugo , the di-puty collvctor hero. DOINGS IN COUNCIL BLUFFS , An Old Man Visiting His Daughter Drops THE UNITED STATES COURT. Tlic .StoUninirs ; Crookedness The Cost of liiKitltln n liinly ( Set- Ucatly Irn District System. iJroppcd Dcuil. Yesterday iiioriilnp ; the police wcro no- tilled by tu'oiihoiiu ' tlinl n 111:111 : hail been found dead In a barn bi'loii i { ? to Mrs. Spencer in tlio soulliern part of tin ; city. The man proved to Du Daniel Trno , tin elderly uenllrnian , n ed about 07 years , who j'amo hero u few days a o from Fort Calhoun , Neb , to vibit his son-ln-hiwand ilimghtcr , Mi1 , ami Mrs. Cary Wlilte , on SlMcentii avenue. Tlio old gentleman had eaten his breakfast as usual , and had stalled to the barn to harness his horse , intending to drive down to the water works. A little later ho was found lying dead in the stable , right behind the horse. He had sulleied for some linio with heart disea e , and il was evident that this was ( he cause of his .sudden death. He drove from his homo In Fort Calhoun to Coun eil Bluffs , and the hor&o lie then had be * ing rather wild , ho was advised to get a gentler one , as his physieian had told him heas liable to drop dead at any time , and ought not to drlvu any but a gentle hoi-M ) . In accordance with this advice he traded horses the day before his death , getting a gentler one from Mr. Joel Eaton. The bodv was taken yesterday afternoon to Fort Calhoun , tlio lelalives hero accompanying it. A core ner's jury , ooiiM.sting of C. Wesley , II. C. Henderson and James Givcns , examined into the facts of his death and found a verdict in accordance with the above , New Silks received to-day at Ilarkncss Brothers. lliu U. S. Courts. Tlio two United States courts wore still in session yesterday , Judge Love hearing the case of the W. A , Wood Reaper com pany against Allen & Co. , which was be gun tlio day before. Judge Shiras was hearing the case of Ed. Lcelian against tlio Chicago cage & Northwestern Hallway com pany. This is a suit for dam ages for the killing of his son at Dunlap. the boy being a little fellow y or 4 years old. Tlio following named persons were found guilty , on their own eonfohsion , of having carried on the business of retail liquor soiling without having paid the special government tax : John Woolen , of Cliirinda ; T. 11. Johnson , of RoJ Oak ; S. Michaels , Red Oak and elsewhere ; Charles Pan , of Persia ; Cliarles Wallers- cheid , of Carroll county ; J. Dicker , of Garner township I'ottawnttaniio county ( Ihe latter for beorsi'lling only ) ; August Hartman , near Clarimla ; Froif liartman , of Shenandoali ; \ . Matthews , of Gallands Grove. Fred Warr , of Manning , was found not guilty , the district attorney , Mr. Fiuuh , staling that the inuictmeut which had been found against him was incorrect , as ascertained by laler lesli- mony. Best coal and wood in Ihc city at Gloa- bon's , 20 Pearl street. Senator Knight's Kcsponse. A protest was sent from this city against the passage of Senator Knight's bill in regard to tlio protection of labor in factories , etc. In response thereto Senator Knight sends the following letter : lis : Moixns , Iowa , March 'J4. Dear Sir : Yi'sU'iiluy 1 leceived your caul and to-ilay the petition. The bill was up butoic the henato jcstenlay , and after pri'tty full con sideration was lelcncd back to the committee on labor. 1 have no desiie in the matter otlici than to provide jnoper icgulntions for the protection of UIOJ.Q uho cam their living by labor and the bill was diafti-d with no other object in view , at the request of the representatives of the labor element of Dubmiue , who culled on mo bafoio 1 left home and asked me to present some Mich measure. There arc some peiilleinen IUMOhohnve been around the icdstatuic pielly much all the session and wiio biiy-tliey aio authorized to speak for the KniKhts of Labor. Those Kontlcnicn ilou't .seem very enthusiastic on the labor question and lather tluow cold water on the mcasino 1 have lull oduccd. This , ol course , makes no diireience lo me , for so loui ; as the people of my county who llvo by labor npmovo of tlio measure It Is nil 1 can ask. I am not huailstronc In repaid to it , and don't propose to Insist that the bill is pci feet and needs no amen il men ts. I run wining to listen to any thing icasouablo In that diiectlon. All 1 nsk for it Is n lair consideration , for it was con ceived as an honest elfoit in tlio direction in which It tends. Youis truly , W. J. KXIIJIIT. More Dross Patterns received at Hark- ness Brothers. For first class Missouri wood call on Gleason , ut his coal ollieu , 201'oarl street. Insulting n Imdjr. Pat Bodkin was at the dummy depot yesterday and just full enough of gin to ho reckless with his tongue. Ho made some insulting remark to a lady about to take the train for Omaha. OUicor Un- Ihank promptly collared him and locked him up. In tlio afternoon ho was sober enough to bo brought before Judge Aylesworth. He denied that ho was drunk , but admitted to having had enough so that ho used Ids tongue n little too freely to some lady. Ho wns given the choice of pleading to insulting tlio lady or to being drunk , and ehoso the hitler. Ho got back about $ I out of the $13 ho had when arrested , and wont oul remark ing that ho could now ire and get n woman of his own , and then heoould talk to her when and how ho wanted , and lliis ho thought would bo ohcapei than trying to get acquainted witli strangers. Ladies' and Children's Hosinir at Uiirkncbs Brothers. * MOHOY to loan by Forrest Smith. Tlio DUtrlot Tolcgrnpli. The American District Telegraph corn- pan ) ' has lot to L. M. Hhecm a contract for the construction ot UK lines In this city , and Iho work will commence within ten days , The service will bo In active operation hero within a short time. Harry Ward has been employed as the manager. Ho is n voung man who has been employed inV. . S. Homer's store for two years past , and will doubtless provo the right one for the place. A full corps of messengers have been secured , ami as soon as thu lines are constructed everything will bu ia readiness for start ing the service. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans , J. W , A ; IS. L. Squire , 101 I'earl btiect , Couneil Bluffs. Cords of rcmiianls of carpets in all grades at K. Dowlings. Tlio Vnllcy's Sensation , Further particulars concerning the sudden itopailuro of 1) ) . B. llubboli from Missouri Valley , indicate that there is not so much involved as vnis at lirst reported. It Is now claimed that instead .of there bcug ! $1,000 of forged notes sold by him , that the amount will not reach $800. U was reported that he had skipped out for California , but some think ho has gone east tosco his father.who is quite wealthy , and who , it Is thought , will fix the matter up. Hubbell has been dealing in stock for several years , nnd has been operating at Sloan as well ns Missouri Valley. He has lived nt the Valley for about folly J"3r ! , 2ml il 's ' sa'(1 ' ( thatganbliug caused nini toTosc most of his property. Then becoming desperate ho is said to h vo forged u signature on one of lite notes on which ho borrowed some money. Another note hypothecated by him is said to have been forged , and ho endorsed it. It is believed by many thai lie will secure tlio money nntl make good these notes , and llius iry lo seltle mailers. Curtains , Oil Clolh , etc. , at Harkness Brothers. Spring Wraps at llarkncss Brothers. Contentment. Aihatiraw Tinnier. Oh. 1'se ' not afecrcd o' do jcdjrnicnt tiny , Oh , rocky my soul In do ciadle ; Kiir nil dess ye.ihs 1'so been er plckln' out de wiy , Oh , inrky my soul , peed I/uvd. Jllsler I'clcr wan't alccred , an' neliler v uz Paul , Oh , rocky my soul In do cradle ; 'Cas tloy bol vtoiled teigeder like dc wedge an' do maul. Oh , tocky soul , good Laud. Oh , do Lnwd Ho do lab do po' , An' de M Idle 111,111 do lull de i Ich. An' I'd uillier be lubbed by do Law , ! , don't \or know , oh liouoy , don't yer know , know , know , Den teraller in merlasses an' sicli. Ole Anron had dc bells an' do Rolded ca'f , Oh , locky my soul In do cindlc ; An' when Moses come lie jes had tor latT , Oh , lucky my soul , good Lawd. Tcr think dnt Ids binder an' dc camp-fire chief , Oil , rocky my soul in dociadlo , Would melt his money Interslcher po' beef , Oh , tocky my soul , good La\\d. Oh , de Lawd , He tlo bib lie po' , An' de white man do Inhde ilch , An' I'd lather bo lubbed by do Lawd , don't yer know , oh honey , don't yer know , know , know , Den ter waller in met lasses an' sicli. B [ Some time ago tiio sample of a new re pealing nile , which is lo bo introduced in the German army , was stolen by a man dressed in a major's uniform from u guard house at Spundau and ottered to llio French government , which , however , not only declined to purchase it , butcom- municatcd Hie fad to Iho German ambas sador at Paris. Tlio ritle is a nine- shooter. Circumstances beyond our control have delayed the closing1 out of our en tire stock as we had purposed. The approaching season of spring trade finds us with a goodly stock of Dry Goods and Carpets , some lines de pleted but cleared of undesirable goods. Being iu the dry goods business wo know of no better plaec to continue tlio same than in Council Blufi's. We shall therefore re-stock every department with new and seasonable goods. Our Sir. E. E. Harkness , is now making pur chases in eastern markets , and we shall soon have a Choice , Stock To olTcr our customers. Ouroariiot de- piirtmcn twill bo complete with the new patterns of Moquette , Body Brussels , Etc. , Etc. , Curtains ami curtain poods from domestic and foreign markets. Wo have already on our tables tlio choicest selections sf Swiss and Ham burg embroideries over oilored in the city , ano an excellent assortment of white goods to which we shall make frequent additions. Wo thank our many patrons for their favors and good will in the jinst , and wo shall endeavor to merit the same iu tlio future , by attention to their inter ests , and by good goods and wo invite all to call and examine our now pur chases before buying : iu other markets. Harkness Bros 401 BROADWAY Council Bluffs , Iowa. Farm at a Bargain. Well Improved faun of 107 ticics for sale ; 2 > i miles fiom Council UlutfH. Athlicss I1JA SCOFIKL1) , Council Dhillg. KIEL SALE STABLES ! S rsi & Hors.cs aud Mules kept constantly ou tiaiul , for * tte at letall or In car loiuls , Onlcrs promdllv lllkhl l > y contract on short Slock sold on commission. 8HMJTKH * UOLUY , I'roprlctore. Uiriuir l lftU Avc-nuo uud Fourth at Council Uluffu lowu. HOS , 18 MAIN STREET and 17 PEARL ST i i Council UliifTt < , Iowa. For the 1 oncfit of our patrons , both in nnd otitsido of Com.cll lilnlTs , we make Iho below FOR NEXT WEEK , On Monday wo will plnce on o'lr conn- t3is the below cnuniernlctl Roods , which we will elosj out at prices that cannot but euii o n rush for thn Tucse ilgmcs will only hold peed on Monday , Tuesday and Wednesdnv , after which wo will sell them at their real value. Having purchu-cd nt remarkable low figures , n b .nimipl stock of Clothing , Uoots and Sho2- > , etc , , and being dpsii ous of disposing of llio Fame as soon as pos sible , \\o quole prices on thorn away down hot No. 1. Cassiinoro sn'U for men , conl , iiiinls and vest , we luvc marked down to J.oO per su't. The former price ? 10 and Ihen eoiibidercd die ip. Lot No. 3. Hoys' Milts- coat , pants and vests , for $ J.:0 ! : per suit. " They are fine fchool nnd ' every day" clothes and can not fa' I to attr.ict a'ljiit'on. Iol No. 3 Boys' suils cent , j-ants and vcjts , only $3 CO per suit. Lot No.1 Boys' suits coat , pants and vest , will be sold for § 1.50. Have invcr boon offered before for less that $3 per suit. ' i i Lot No. 5. Pan's. This lot comprises panls made of all kind of , clcth for men , youths : md boys , Wp will plnce Ihcse on our counleis at the icinarknbly low fig ure ot Clc each to close { hem out. In lliis bunkrii ] t sbek bought by us , we 1 ave some very fine , lines of ladies' bo ) ts wlr'ch wo will niar'k away down. We also have a real nice and dressy kid bullon shoe for ladies , which we will sell for 1 i er pair. We have lliem in all sixes and prices , and all dirt cheap Ladies' Slipper ? , 3jc0j , ! and tOa per pn'r , Childrcns' Shoes , itfc. 30c , 35c10c and GOs i or jiair , ( Jcnts1 Slipprs , from 35c per pair up One case of mons' nnd boys nnlaim- dried s'lirts , best muslin and linen bo soms for 3Sc each , worth 7fic. One cass of shirting , colors , at Cc will orth 12jc. Ono cusnof mcnh' gauze underbills at 15c. One case of ladies' g.ui/c undershirts at 2Cc. 25 dozen mons' Innndried white thirls , of extra quality for 7.7c each , worth $1.80. The cause of this slaughter is thai Ihey are nil oild bi.'cs , 1 1 , 15 nnd 1G inches , be ing liio only s-izcs icnia'.ning. 75 dozen gen's' linen collars , 1-ply , arc r-a'ly n bargain nt 15c , but we sell tncm for 8c. They come in all si/.cs. A lot of mcns1 cheviot working shirts for 2Gc. A lot tf overalls , blue a'ul brown , 23o cncli. cncli.'t ' The above pi ices will prevail on nexl Monday , Tuesdjay At ( lie " i Baokrupt 'Store ' ! Nos. 18 Main Street and 17 Pearl Street , Council Hind's , All orders by mail will receive prompt attention , N. H. Parties out wf town 111 do well to vlfit the Uankrupt Sto.o a-ul bee Ihuir barga'nn New ba'g ilns and ne\y gojds are placed on s .lu daily. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING EIOTJSJES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEBUG , WELLS & CO. , \Vltolcsalo Agricultural Implements , Bugles , Can laces , Kto , ito. : Council IlliilTsi , Town. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Shollers , Stalk Cutters , Dlsellurrows , Seoilors , Corn Planter * . Food Cut ters , Ktc. Fnctory , Hock mils , Ilia. Ko . l.'OI,15Ji : , IMH , 13J7 Mnln St. . Council DAVID UIl.VDIjKY A C ( Mnnuf'rs nn 1 .lobbors ot Agricultural Impleinents.Wagons . , Boggles , Cari-inKC" . ami nil kin Is of I'ur.ii'ilnnrr. 1100 to 1118 South Mnln Strcot , Council lllulfs , lOTHl. AXI : r.T ) . Ot.r.vsov , T. ll.Dount.vo , Oro.P. Wuinur. l'rC8.ATren9 , . ' . . V.-I'ros .VM'ili. So3 Counsel. Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturers or Axlo.l'iek , Sloilso nod Small Hniulloq.of every description. CAHI'KTS. COUNCIL 1JLUKFS CARPI5T CO. . Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Cuttnln Fixtures , UplioNtcry OooJs , Wo. No. Wi llroiulwuy Council lllults , lo a. ClOAtlS , TOllACCO , KTC. PEHKGOY & MOORK , Wliolcsnlo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes , Nos. 28Mnln and i'7 VonilSts. , Council lilillTii , I own. SNYDEll & LEAMAN , Wliolcsnlo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. Xo. 141'oinl St , Couneil Illulls. Clt.lCKEltS. McCLURG CRACKER CO. , Mniiufacturors ot Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Cakes , Council Bluff * , cnornEitr. MAUHEK & CRAIG , Importers S Jobbers of Crockery.Glasswara . Lamps , Fruit .Inis , Cutlery , Stoneware , Uar Goods , Fancy Goods , Ktc. Council Illulls , loun. DitunaisTs. I1ARLE , HAAS & CO. . Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , DnifBlsts' Sundries. Etc. No. J Jfaln St. , and No. SI 1'ciiil St. , Council llluira. nilY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Idipsrters and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions , Ktc. Nos. 112 and 114 Main St. , Nos. 113 nnd 115 Pcail St. , Council llluira , loua. rituirs. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Friiits a Specialty General Commlcslon. No. 513 Ilioadwny , Council Ulnfls. WIRT & DUQUETTE , Wliolcsalo Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 nnd 18 Pcail St. . Council Bluffs. aiiocmtiES. GRONEWEG & SCHOENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 nnd 121 , Main Bt. , Council UlulTs , Io\vn. L. KIKSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Albo Wliolcsulo Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Droacl- way , Council IllulTs. UAlWn'AltB. P. C. DE VOL , Wholesale Hardware , Tiny/are / , Gasoline Stoves , Hofilgcriitors , etc. Nos. 501 Ilioadwny , and 10 Mulu street , Council Bluffs. lSH , KTG. BECKMAN & CO. , Marm'ncturcrs of and Wliolcsalo Dealers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. KM Mnln St. . Council IlIufTB , 1o\m. HATS , CAPS. KTC. METCALF nUOTIIEKS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. No ? . ! 1I2 nnd 314 Hroadwuy , Council lllulTa. JJKAVY HAltDWAlli ; . KEELINK & FELT , Wholoiftlo Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , Ami Wood Stock , Council Illuirs. Iowa. HIDES AKD WOOI D. II. MoDANELI ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tiillo\rWool , I'olts , Orenseand Fu Council liliiir , Iowa. - COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gisollnj E1TO. , E3TO. 8. Theodore , Agent , Council lllulfa. Iowa. LU31UEH , VWIXQ , KTC. A. OVEUTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , Anil Drldtro Mntoilnl Spodnltlns.Whulusalo Lum ber otiUI Kinds , tllllco No. 130 Main St. , Council Itluirs. Iowa. _ II7.YE.S AKD J.1QVOHS. JOHN LINUEIt , Whok'ialo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors , Aont for Si. Cottharn's Herb Illtt < < rd. Ko , 13 Miiin tit. , Council 111 mid. SCHNEIDER & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , IVo COd Main St. . tVmcfl IHufft. N. SCH0BZ , Justice ol the Peace. Office Over American express Company. MRS. D. A. BEHEDICT , UANUVACTDIICU AMD OEALUll IN HAIR GOODS No. 337 Broadway , Council BlutTa. HOUSE HOVER AMD RAISER Urlck b.ilMInq nnv kind rnl r < l or mnvnlnml satisfaction gunrAnteed , frftmo homes moved onlilttleOUat true ! < 3 tlio beat In ttio woiJ. ! 803 Eighth Aveuuo and Eighth Street , Council Blufla. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTIOB , Special adrorllsomont , suoh ni LoetFoiuiil , To Lcun , I'o * Silo , To llant , W.nti Hoardingotc. , will bo lusorloj In this column t tholoir rnto of TBN CKNT3 1'Kll MNB for tlia flrstlnaortlon aJ FtVIS OliNTd 1'Ult LINK for cnch siibsoiuoiit Insorllnti. Loivo mcntoat our olUoo , Mo. 11 I'cwrl stioot , llrondnnjr , Council Illinrs. WANTS. WANTI'D A girl for ccnninl No. IWlliincrofl itioot , Counoll lllnlls. -.V jrlrl lor itcnt'iiil hoii3\voik In iifinnll Iiuinlj' Apply nt ITU1 Diondnay , FOR SAMI-Old nnporMn < | iinnlltlcs to suit , nt llco offlco , No. 12 1'ciivl street. TIWK HUNT I'lvo loom coltnjio. Imiulront A1 K-0 rouith snoct , or of , MIO 1'liitncrstiCL't. WAN & WAI.KUK. No. M Mnln struut , ( under Cltbun'H 11 ink ) , real eihito uiul niur- clninUloi > oxoliunsubioki'is. Our books nro full of 8) ) > iclnl liaijriilnx , but It Is impossible tu pub. HMi aroliiiblu list liom tliotnut ole inimy OiUly cluuiKi'i. Wluu wo nsk Is : If yoiMvnnt to boll ortnulo un > IhliiK In our line , write 119 nnd wu \\lllpoml yon u pllo of liaitrulna to select from. Lands linpiovvu or tinlinprovuil , city or town piopoily , stocks ot coojs of liny kind In any phu-e. 11 such jon Inivo or suoli you \vunt let us iienr from K > II. Snan&Walkur Council lllnlti RUSSELL&Co Mnnufncturcraof all sizes of Automatic Engines Especially Designed for lUmiilnsr MILLS , OKAlNiELEVATOHS , AND ELKCTIUC LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. New Massillon Threshers. Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. SEND FOB 1880 ANNUAL. T HE CARTER WHITE LEAD CO.'S D.'AMOM ) HRAND OP Strictly Pure Lead , line and Oil PREPAIRED PAINTS Are just iw roproscntpd , fioo from udulleru- tion , nnd tlio very bctt inaiiuruutiueil , n fnct tlrjt cmi bo Rubstnnllntcd by nutunl cuinimil- boas , i'or BRlo by S. H. KELLY , Dealer in Drugs , Paints , Oils , Etc. 5O7 Main Stroofc , Council Bluffs. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL ULUFFS. The following1 Is the tlmo of arrival and departure of trains by central standard tlmo , nt the local depots. Trains louvo transfer depot ton minutes earlier and arrlvo ton minutes latur : SMA. : M . Mull and Express . 6fiOj : > . M. J2'40r M . Accommodation . 4:501' : . M. CWr. M . Kxprens . B:05A.M. : CHICAGO & HOCK ISf-ANU. 0-20 A. M . Mail and Kxpross . 0COp. : M. 7-15 A. u . Accommodation . fi:45p. : n. , : , < ) r. M . Brpross . 0:05 : A. M. CII1UAQO. MIl.WAUKKi : ft ST. PAUL. 0:20 A.M. . . Mall and Express. . . . . . . .Oi.lOi' . M. OlDOl1. U . Kvpresi . UU : > A.H. CHICAGO. HUllMNnrON * Q.UINCV. 0:40 : A. M . Mall and Express . ( , : Tfie. 0:50r.M : . Kxpreas . 9:05 : WA1IASH , ST. 1.0U1S A I'ACIKIO. 2:15 : P. M.Ix > cnl St. Louis Kinross Local . a:00 : p.M.TransforSt. Louis Kt. Transfor.3M : P. M KANSAS CITV , ST. JOB S COUNCIL , 11I.UFM JO:10A. : M . Mall and Rxpi 039 . r > : : ) f. ! . UU5p.M : . Kxpross . C : JA. M. B1OUX CITV ft I'ACIMC. 7:15 A. M . . .Ploux City .Mall . H:30p. : . CJU : r.u . fit. 1'uul Uxjiross . 8 ; oA. . UNION PAinflO. ] 0:35A.M : . Donror Kxprosa . b-Me.u. Siap. ! > t. . . Lincoln Pass.Om. A : II. V..2:05 : f. M. 70r.x : . Ovoiland Kxurus . b:15A.u. : DUMMY TIIAINSTO OMAHA. Lcavo Council Illulls 7 :05 : blto : 9W-10m : : 11:30 : a. m. ; 8:45-11:15 : : p. in. BumIays-7:05-0JJ-Uao- : : . in ; 2:30 : a:3i-5:25 : ) : fltu : : ll:45i : ) . in. LcnvoOraa- ha fl : 7S5-8K : : ) 10:00 : Uixa. : ) m ; 1CX1 : aUO- : 3:00 : < :00 : 5:00 : 0:05 : :15 : 11:10 : p. in. Sundays il:35-BO-s:4t-HOOa. : , : : : m. : 2:00aOa : : SOJ : 0:00-3:15-11:10 : : : D in , Council Bluffs Bus AND Carriage Transfer Co. * Arrul , Prujis. Pa sangeM and hnfftrsyo tnlcon to and fiom all tiulns. Busies , ciuiIi'i'H : ( ami lintri'HK'i ' wag ons make connection ! with all Iruins 1'iompt Rttcnllonsivento all calls Hpoelul ralus lo thoatrleal tioupes and cominnrolal incn. Car- rlftKes run day and nlffliu Olllso at Qfdvn JloubO. Tcleiiliouo liJi. Also at llcchlelo's Hold l < t'U\ onlcrs oil thn laics. STEAM DYE WORKS. All Woik first Clues Odlte In Mrs. C , L. Gi.lette's ' Hair Goods Store , No , 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opp , Postoffice , OFFICER , & PUSSY , iANKER COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. REMOVED. T wish to loippotfully cull tlio nttcntlon of HIT pntrons nnd tliu imbllo In Konural , to my rcmo- vnl liom tlio old Btnnil Nos. 7 mul 9. Mnln St. , to my now and vommoJIoui quarters , No. 226 Broadway , Where 1 lll bu plonse > l to see my mitny filcndj. with n lnro , now nnd compluto iifpoinnciit of all tlio veiy LATEST Fabrics in Spring STILES And beliiB located In IIIIRO quarters I am better tlinn over lii'foro prcpiuod lotoivotlio public. Kcspoct fully , J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 220 BroadwayCouncil Blulft. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW Tractlces In State mul Courts. Kooins 7 onil 3 , Saui.irt lllok. LAMPS and CRO KERY -AT REDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. 23 Main Street. Council IJluffs. la R. RICE , M. D. CANCERS SoffiSotruK5SinIlont0SiSruhout ! ; ! CHRONIC DISEASES or mi Ovnrthlity years' prict.oul oxno No. 11 I'otul Slieot , Count II lllulla. A.C.HUIINIIAM , 1'ros. L.Vf. Tcrr.mwi , Vlco-1'rcs. JAMts N. DROWN , Cashier. 102 MAIN STKEET , Capital _ $100,000 Authorised Capital. . 200,000 Stockholders Represent 1,000,000 Io ) nRcncinl bnnkln buslnnsa. Accounts or bnnlcs , liunliors , nicrclmnt , mnn- iilncttuersnnd Individuals locclved on fiivora- Uo tin ins. Domestic nnd forolffn exehanjo. The vary boHt of nltcntlon fflvun to all bust nusscommlttud lo our euro. TIMOTHY SEED. I liiuo n quantity of sound , well cli'iuicd seed which roller at rcnsonublu figures. Socd of the crop of IPS. ] . Corrcspondunco solicited. F. 0. , Schnllcr , lown. C. & N. W. lly. MASON WISE , Horses and Mules For nil purposofl. bought nnd Bold , at ictnll and in lolg. Soventy-sK head of the \oiy boKt quality of mules now on band. Couneil llluUH lowiu COUNCIL BLUFFS Baggagefi Transfer Line. 'Una and bnraffO ; wagons connect with al trains , lo all hotels , losldenccs , eic. Special at tention to COMM15HC1AL MEN and THKATKI- CAL THOUPES. I'rompt nitontlou Riven all calls. Olllco at 1'aclflo House , Tulujihonu No KO ; also Telei > hone No. ll'S at Ogdun Houeo. H. BEE CROFT , Proprietor. CARPETS , CURTAINS , OIL CLOT'SI ' X&ugs , Mattings , Window Shacles.Etc WhoIcHulo and Ueluil. -Our stock Is now com plete and contains the newest designs nnd colorings in all grades of'arjicts ( , CurtiihiH , IliigB , Upholstery CiooiiH , etc. 1'OPULAIl J'UICKS Mail onlcrs at tended to proiupt'y. ' Flue Upholstery Work to order. COUNCIL HLUFFH CAIU'KTS CO. , 1.03 Uroudway. Locking Bracket for Fences ANU O'lIIUK HAILS. KODJ , KIT' . FENCKS HU1I/J1 WITHOUT NAILS. Any pint icuUlly tnUon out or icplucol. I\/r plckt lor nil ) on or wood , rumiot bo ox- ccllrdloi rnllliiK 'f ' uny BOH. I'oi puticiiltiru wiito C. J. lllICK-JIAN , liwunlor. Couuull Ululfl. Blato and county rlghis for sale. ONION TICKET OFFICE A. T , ELWfiLL , Agon ! . No. 607 Uroaawar , Oiuncll Illulti. ONLY HOTEL In Council IllnffB Imvlnj Fire Audall rouaera linprovuiuifati , cull liTJa.r ! Rlurin K'lls , etc. . Julbo V&JSSTON H.OUSMl Jioi-i'15 , ilT ml ' . ' 19 , Mnlu 8lrv t ,