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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BE E ) S A.T CJR D A.Y , M A.RO H 27 , 1835. SPECIAL NOTIOE& Advertisements under thsbcad 10 cents par linn for tlio first In-ortlon , 7 ojntsfor oMh rubf co.uent Inscrtttn.nncl JL5C n line per month. No nrivtriippti.rnt tftkon for losl ttmn 2S cents. DcTcnwords will tie counf > > l to the line ; they tnuntrun eonieoutlrolr rmd must bo pntdln 1. vsnco. All ivlvortlsomonti m ist be ImnJoJ In boforoZ o'clock p. ra. , unl under no ciroum- Btnriccs will thobo taken or discontlnuol br telephone. I'nrtlc9i\lvortllnr ( In these columns nn-1 hiv ing tlio answers fiddrcsiod in cnro of Tnn BSE , wlllplonfto ask for chock to enable thorn to got their letters , nsnono will bo delivered except on. prrstntntlon of check. All nnswori to adver tisements tliouldbe enclosed In envelopes. TO I.OAW MOOT3Y. "JiroNUY to Idnn nt reasonable rntrs on J-'J horses , riirnltiuo , wntchos nnd othnrpor- ponnl piopoity nllhnnt romovnl. Small pay ments taken at nny tlmo ami Interest reduced In protraction. lliisliiooncotilMontlal. C .7. Cos- , we'll , Itoom 1 ! ) . Iron llnnk Ilulldliig-.U'tli and 1'nr- lvnnm. Tnko clovntor. O'Jl T\TONiVTOI.OAN : On rosldonro . . . . . , Jt'i , 8 percent. No commission. O. J. Tnswoll A : Co. , Itoom 10 Iron Ilnnk llulltlltifr , 12th and 1'nrnam. $03. \roNKY to lonn on mortaKOsecurity. ( llemi -WJL < ' 9latu nnd commrrclnl pnpor hoiiitht , .1 , II , rrccdinin , cnro Solmnn llros. , 100 N. 13th St. nnooo to lonn. Rums WX ) nnd upwnnK $ Lowest rntos. llcmls , 15th nad Douglas sis , g TV IONKY TO LOAN on titlMncm property. JjlOppoBlloVostonioo. W.O.Shrlvcr. lot , to lonn on business mid rn lilonco $ property In Bums of $1,000 nnd upwards. AmcRiri07rarnnin st. UJ8 lflOoooto loan on city rosldonco property $ Oco. W.llny , 1503 Furnnm. ir TO LOAN Money in nny amount On nil clones of security. Short time lontis on rcnl ostnto. IxitiKllmo lonns on real estnto. Money to loan on chattels. Money to loan on collaterals. Money to loan on any peed security. Terms e-nny. tlmo to suit. Apply ittthoOmnlm Flnnnclnl Hxchan e , Ilnrker'H bnlMliiff , 8W corner of Fifteenth und Farnam Bts. unstalra 010 MONKY for iivcrybodylou cnn borrow money on furniture , horses , wnirons , plf.noi , ptock of nil kinds , dlnmoncls nnd linn wntches on your own tlmo. Pnymcnts rccolvod nt my tlmo , nnd Interest reduced pro rntn. Property left In your own possession. Terms law an the lowst. Cnll nnd BOO mo. Ilnnlnoss ronndontlal. No ndrnntnuo taken. W. II. Croft , llomn 4 , Wlthnoll'R Now IlulUUnif , Northeantcor ner 15th nnd llarnqy. 143 NKY TO T.OAN O. 1' . Davis * Co. llosl M Eatato nnd Lonn agents , 1500 Furnnm St. nin MONKY TO lXAN On peed necurltios. A Mod avock , room 7 Itodtck niock , 1509 Fnrnnm Bt. flU ONKY TO T.OAN-On rcnl cstato and chattels M tels , n. L. Tliomns. 1115 MONIY TO I.OAX In mims of XK > and up- wnrds on tlrst-clnss rrnl cstatu eocurity. Potter it Cobb , 1615 Fnrnnm Bt. fllfl T.OANKD nt C. F. Reed A Co's. Loin MONEY offleo , on furnlturo , pianos , horses , wnjfons personal property of nil Kinds nnd nil other nr- "tlclosof vnluo , without removal. 319 S. 13th , over lllnah'un'fl Commission etoio. All hue- Incss strictly conlldontal. 017 BU8IVS3S CHANCES. Foil HAM' Wnrohouin , IK lots , on Jones street. V ) foot slilu truck , S10.0W. Marshall A ; Ixtlii'rk , 1500 Knrnntn street , up etalrs. 812-23 FOK 8AI.H Hnnklnr business In a peed town on the U. I1. H. It. The only bank In town , a prood elintiro for n pnrty with small cnpltul. Will trndo for wild lands. Hlirvlns Si I'm k , 1512 Douglas. F OKSAI.K A light mnmifnctnrlng business , w orkril nt WO par cent prollt. Owner 1ms olhcr nnil inoro Imporlnnt affairs to attend to. Will iixuliiuiKO for lonl ostnto. Address I ) 15 , lloo olllco. 750 $8,000 to ? 30mn to hivpst in somn good busi ness In Omnhn. Unnklng , rpnl ostnto or money biokurugo preferred. Address I' . O. 77. T71OII SAI.i : OroxelmtiRo : Ptockof dry troods , JJ ( rroccTies , Ilools , Shoes nnd Ilnrdwnie , for pond farm Innd In eastern Nol > Tor particulars Lock llox IfiO , Ixiulsvlllo. Nob. 71i-2 ! * TO i\CllANii : ICnnsnn lands for pmicrnl merohnndlsp. Also Nlshnn Vnlloy Inml to oNchiniKO for gi'itmitl inorchundlso. II. .V H. , llov inil. Shpniindonli. Town. OT14I1 * FOH SAI.IC Ono of the best paving Mist met , lonn nnd nml ostnto ollleos In I own. Address M. M. M. , lloo olllco. fi'MT SAT.K llnkorr nm ! Hindi sliind In town FOK oCnboiitl/'OO Inhabitants ; rhnncn for ngood luikpr. Inqillro of Kopp , Drelbus & Co. , 1100 I''a ' rn mil st. SI'S ' TTIOIt SArK--Mllo dnlry , 0 POWR , 1 Jnrsoy bull , .1. iihoi-so" , wniron , nlo. Not wood I'nrk.Klor * onco. John Wllllnmn. 217 T71OK KXCIIANOK Stocks of goods of nvory JL ; kind , for farms nnd land ; nlso Innd9 to ox- chnngo for goods. If you wnnt to trndo , no .mnttcr wlmt It li yon hnvo , wrlto , with full do- orlptloii. to C. K. Mnyno , real ostnto biokor , Omnha. Nob. 108 TfOIt HAI.K Crenmory will bo sold chean.ou J2 onsy terms , to iinyono who will run It thor r comlnif bcusoii. 0. M. Carter , Aahlnnil , Nub. VtrANTKIi To oxchaiifjn for slock of hard- \ wnio nnd Rcnnial morchnndlso , WO aerosot flno Thayer Co.Nnb. , Innil ; n lots In Oonoii , Neb. . ROflil Kioto buildlnir ( best corner ) ; pool dwelling ( best location ) In INsov , la. , also 8) aeioHlJ inllolrom town of KssnvT In. , seeded In blue in'nss. For further parllcMilnrs nddrnss John Llnderliolm Central Cltv Nebraska , O. > 1 FOKS.VM : A > J.r > n stock of millinery In splendid loontlon. A bite bargain for souin ono as a liberal discount will bo prlvon. For further thor particulars address HOT , lloo OIHcn. < ! ij TKKSOANL 1 have for snlo one or nil of ten JL | OH on Karnnin st. oust of "Olh st , at a har- iraln If taken on or before ten days. H. C. 1'nt- l 4 1'iirnnm. 7i7-27 ! . If you bavo diwlrablo projioity 'J. ' of any nuturoforsulo. lift it with Codirnn Bros , roul estate nffont' ' , YfK Fnrnnin st. 7U-27 ! ' I > Klt iONA1. To persons who wish to build n , liotiio In Orclinr.l Hill , I will sell loin upon iniMiionl of the nomliinlsuni of ton dollars nnd liiiliuico nt the onil of llrojuura. lntero t at H ] ) or rent , payable puinl-nnnunlly. Tills Is the IK'Bt olTer over iniulo to inn' liomo-scokor In this 1clty. Cnll iiiNfsoo mo. 0. IS. Mnyne , S. W. cor. iirith nnd 1'immm. fu'J STOVE REPAIBB. THUW. C. JlotznerStovoIlopnlrCo. Ill South llth St. ' 'Dtwotm Dodiro and Douglas. JTioiINU A euiillaimin'g irloyo. Inaulro Ilco 1 olllcp. 1(01 ( OOABDIiroI WANTKU Ilooin and bonnl In prlvuto fain lly byyouiiirlndy. Address , statins terms I ) 17 , lleo olllco. a ' 'O * f7 > OICI < KNT , with board , a furnished room JO 1710 Cuss Bt. 80K . ) ' rn.VUI.lf : board. 1010 DodfO street. JL EXCKU.UNT day board at 710 South Hth tu oos-sa' _ IJOoaia und board. ' , IW North SM st. Jl D10mli27 8iAY : , Itcnl I' tnto Aponts , Bear 15th nnd DouBlns BU. TJtKll _ "fjin VY'iimf cbssiiools cli-uned by 13. Kwlnnr.of- JL ilooSOJ. N. 16th bti cut. _ OtOapit * > 01l KKNTv-StororoomSxCO ft. , llcomor's Ii 1 block , oortith and Howard ; also on * unfur- nltlunl room. OUJ _ .f Olt IHAKi-irilots In I'urkr.'g addition on X ClaiU iiiul BaunJur.s Sts. Ames , 1007 Far- naiil. S.V ) rOB BAI.E TTIOIt SAI.i : 1 spun In own iimro < Inquire nt JJ Ktfiiu IlitH .Ulluinl l.o.i vuinvor til. IrniU S.VI.U Must bo sold thU week , n ward- ' lobe. loll n u , cuipcls , hlntdti 'jtxlslciul und other luiiiltuit' , chuap. 1S1U Douglas btrcot , Itooin U. _ TJJKiT' 17 > OK KA 1. 1 : Match tennis nndTorloTof nl ' Kinds to Milt ciK-tomurs ut Blur K.ilu gtiiblcs , 0th mill I'linnni , ' . M , Cniuion , l'ioji. 777 FOK h.Vl.i : Gen. Howai-d wlehot to sell u -4 pair of Imrsoj , good for fiiinlly carrliiKO. , nqulro U , S > fetublu * , oorncrlitU und Chicago. TTUm SAI.U-rrosh milch oow , 1TUI Cuss st. a ? KT O' 771 OK K.VI.i : One conk etovo , f' ; oil stnyo S3 : JU and furnlturo , liW X 1'Jth street. iSU'i * 171 OK SALK A match team and bug-y cheap , X1 at I'uclllo House , Keith 10th st. Uit-SiJ * Tmoil SAI.E-lVottlnif bred stallion. Ham- - 1blototilan , durk bny , 1GH bnniu ; over 1200 Ibai Uusotowlro fcnco ; c\jU : or tlmo ; ud- ircJuSil tJUtUou Kvli. ? X- . ' " > ' SAI.i : A hardwood counter for offleo use. Inquire nt this office. tff ! ( lit SAI.KT -o tTioroHRhbred Jerjer cows with cnlvcs by their sides , floorgro Keollno , 11331'lcrco St. , Council lllulia , Iowa. > B72. . > T7IOK wenthor strip * , storm sash nnd doors , BO JL1 to F. U. Me-nd EUJ 3. ICth it. WAJTTZTJ r MAI.E "ITTANTiVomnn : to tnko cnro of furnished rooms. Mrs. Kendall , Itoom No. 2. OJd Fellows' lllock. T97-2 WANTii : > Immediately , a first-cln ? ehlrt trimmer nt Mrs. Kinillo Hoys , Anderson BlocMtooma 8Q.V27' " \\7'ANTiu : A joitngglrl ( o run errands In drc s making establishmentnt room 14 Croun o blok. ( 78.V7 WANTlTB-Dlnlnir room- girl , 513 9. Kth Henry Osthoir. 70S-30 \\7ANTii-lmmodlato1y : , 0 pied clrls at the V > Dccldcntnl hotel , 10th nnd Howard. 804 \\7ANTii > A peed plr for gcnoral IIOIKO- T > work.Ml south ISth street , 801-23 WANTKD An nctlvo young girl at 10t.-r . > Tar- . * num. 7f3-2f ( WANTUD-A ffhl , 1121 North J7th St.8iO27 8iO-27 VyANTiA girl , 2433 Capitol nvo. WANTH1) r.xporlencod milliners wanted to nccopt positions In country towns. Apply at I.Obcrfolder ftCo's. 70l-2 WANTElJ-OooJ girl at U7 N 14lh. 7M-27' ANTii-Oood elrl to do cookliiff at S.V. . coiner Btli and 1'loicoSts. 7fl7-S7 * WANTit : > { lood chambnrmnM at St. James hotel , opposite U. 1 * . dopot. 75-2u * ANTliD-nirl for housework. MO College or 8. 21th St. 770-27 * "WANTED Housekeeper nt J. 1 * . Amos' , > > lllnlr , Nob. 750-2J * WANTRt ) rirst cla s woman cook , 218 Fnrnnm etioot , Slr.i. J. M. Thurston. ni3 WANTK1) A ulrl for general housework : wnftos f4 per week , If tliorouKhly com- potent. Cnll this ovcnlntc at third liouso north of ljcavonworthon Colfaxst. , ono block trom Park avenue stt cot curs. 7M ANTKH-OlrlntOlSS. 17th street. Henry Ilotnborgcr. 340-2."i WANTED-A laundi-y girl at the Atlantic Hotel , S loth street 21-2fl * WANTin : llolnn : competent mlddlo nscd woman to takocaio of children ; endorsements - monts roiiulrcd , Mis. Warren Swltzlor , 2.VJI st Mary's Avenue. 714-20 > Oood girls for coneral housework and Kood cooks. Call 11U llith St. , Nebras ka nniploymcnt Agency. 702 ANTKD filrU for prlvnto rnmllles. hotels nnd lostnurants. Cnll at Omaha Kmploy- men ! lluioau , I1M I'liiiiani &t. 7U1 : ! ) \ dining-room clrl , 1 chainbor- ' > maid , 1 dishwasher and 1 lnumhtss. Ap ply 100 S. llth St. 077 V\7'ANTKIl A pooil girl for ponernl honso- ii work. A good home lor u ulrl In Iiunllv ot two , no children , no boarders , work llaht , O.ill nt N. W. cor. noth nud Mn on Sis. , < , , block west of Turk uvonuo. A. II. ritch. C01 \\7AXTKI ) A girl to do general houfoork. . i' A Gorman or Swede preferred. 102) Doug las stroot. ( < 71 WANTKD TndIcB and young men to take nlco pleasant work nt tholr own homo ; ? 2 to $5pordnyon llymndo ; wor < c eont by iimlhno cnnviisslng1. Adilross G. WAONBU A : Co. , Hnbu- quo , Ion 0. llox 177. 037-13 ' WANTKU Oood girl for gonornl housswork Mrs. S. A. Sloman , l'J14 Karnilm St. ASS f ANTKD A good woman cook ; good wngea. Address City llotol , Fairmont , Nob. 447 WANTiiVomantorvantto wait on table nnd do gcnoral work around house ; apply botnaenll und 12.1112 Douglas etrott. ; U ! AOUNTS lx > cal nnd traveling cnn mnke from $35to fJOO wooMv. Aildioss Imperial Klro K.xtlnBUlsborCo.Stottart IJulldlng , Now York. tXM-uprl * WANTUli Oood girls for coneral hoiiae- work. Itoom 411ushman Block , IGth mil Dougliis. ! ) V ) WANTED-MALE JIELP. WANTKU A barber for Saturday nnd Sun day ut 1107 Farnam Sttbnsainont MJO--0 * WANTKI ) Canvassers. Apply241(1 ( Johnson street , between 10 and 0 o'clock. 7l-27 ! ! ) * T\7ANTiD Onoflrst class mnchin'st ! blnck- T smith ; none other need apply nl 1'axton & Vlurling Iron \\orlis , 17th an.l U. l > . truck.7S720 I 7S7-20 \ \ 7ANTiiHy Ilariies llros. , Hastings , Neb. . i four cent nnd ono pants inakorj. Apply at G. A. Llndquist Ac Lo.'s ut onco. 757-"ii * WANTKD A few men to canvass the o ty fora good paylni ; nrtlrlo. Kor particulars call nt Omaha House , Hainoy St. , between 12th und Kth 7S510 * ITTANTII ? > A good blacksmith , by Trunk \ > White , Waco , Nob. 715 20- WANTKIl 20 joung mon and ladles to on- gngo In the telegraph sorvlcu. Addioss W. J. lroom 1 , Ciounso block , Ifith st. ti.7J.i21 * WANTICO 3 good cnnvca'ori to sell furn- ! turo on Installments. Call on M. F. Mur- tln,31Hgoiuhl5tliBt. 67l ! Sixteen harness m ikorV at Sli- WANTI2D mull llros . 13th and Do Igo sts. 213 \X7"ANTii : > Itellablo agents nnd donlors In V > West Iowa nnd Nebraska for the \Vhlto Boning Mnchlno and supplies for all make of machines. Catalogue fruo..olirimir. . Tliorii- ton & Oo. ' 207uprj TtT-ANTED-Agcnts. 200 N. 10th St. P51 SITUATION WAMTED. WANTIM ) Work , by a steady , sobir man ; fnimlng , or anything honest to earn n living , llclerancos. Address , Work , lloo olllco. v 7ANTKD Woikon a gentleman's plneo by it an oxporluni'iidgiirdncr , coiichman , inlllior , In luct could do iinMhlng about the promises , llcstiofciunces. 1101 South lUth St. G5.V27 * MIBCEI.LAHEOU3 WANTS. YITANTKD l.iro Insurance policltor. city work , 218315th utiect , up stnlri > , 7b'J-27 * WANTHI ) To employ nn oxporlencoj drug and druggist's suniUlessali mun , Addrcsj D Id , lloo olllco. _ SKI yj TT10U SAI.M-rrosh milk cows lit IT. P. Itrldgo J-1 Stock Yards ; all good und joung ; for dairy or family. Cull early. 7WJ27 * WANTKD-Fnr c.istl , S.M-f t. frnutjoti will ) . In u mllool'tho postollieo , fiom fl.'MHI to f 2,000 np.'eco. Apply at&Ul I'lo.i9iuit St. 7Ul-liH' WANTKD A good team In o.xo'.uuuo for property In Chicago. Addict llov &j , Ovciton.Ncb. 701-20 * \\7ANTKD-To buy for customer , house nnd > > lot for about fiouo ; , all cash down. In nlco locality north of Furiiam and east of 23rd pro * forroil. AddrosH lioforo next Mondny btutlnu price und locution , Itiibh Si Selby,218 VT7ANTiD Two good band men , n solo II lint 1 T cornet and II Hut clarionet players , can mul einplayiiionl , olllmr butcher or taker , Address , A. Fisher , Hoo'y. , Itod Oak , lowu. 755-A1 _ WANTKD-Ily OinRlin Dairy Assoeintlon , 214 N. loth street , forty farmers u ho can furnish 25 or & 0 Ibs of choice talilu butter per week ; will pay hlfliost miirket prlco. Contracts can bo in add by writintr or euciugU. 1) , Hutculn- ton , Malinger. UiU-27 vy.VNTIUJ To buy a second-hand type- I writer. J. II. Ilityncs & Co. , Oniulni. mrmpiB \\7ANTii : Cor spot cssh , doslrublo rosl- I > deuce wet Ih fiom f5OJU to Jit.OJU. Add ross 1' . a buxlU. 1DJ \\7ANTiu Teams. 3098. llth st. _ VV B r- WANTin-To : trndo. lot In I'lnlnvlow ndd for a pair of joung liorsos , that urot'ood single drivers , or ono gooit horde ; harness and buggy. Itico & Moore l ± i ! I'uriiiuii. till rOB KENT-1IOTJBE3 AND LOTS. POK Itr.NT 2 cottages on ISth St. , u-rooms pantry , dobtU , collar , clstoin , out build ings , tia per mouth , lll lns at 1'urk , Ul Uouf- lag. 77327 > OK KKNT Ton roiioii | ililo paily without children , n largo , lonvonlont und lin ' ly furnished house with all modern imurove- wents , UO U 25h | St. , 4th door fioin Doilso.OM-iT FOR KICS'T House 3 rooms , cor. 4th and Inquire Aujr. HauUow. 1J17 Chicago cage . OtJ7-2 : iuixT-nrloV ya'ri. T. Murray. TTIOIt RENT-Tly J. a Hvans & Co. . 1513 Dodge J strccti For Itent Now brick flat. Farnnm t , all mod ern linprovotncnts , JV ( ) . For Kent Now tint , 13th st , nil raocorn tin- provtments , fiO. For Hunt Flno house , beautiful location , all now , 0 room , JVX For Itent Flat of .1 rooms lo family wllhont childrenCnss and 10th , $ ! ? > . For llcnt-Cottago of 5 rooms , 3 15th st , 3 blocks from cnrs , f 15. For Kent Cottapo of fl rooms , 1 block from street ears , very deslrnblo , ? JO. For Hint Cottage ot 5 rooms , 50th nnd Dodge streets , $15. For Hcut Lnrgo brlckstoroon Cumlng street , J3.1. J3.1.For llont 2 flr t-clnss houses on 2Uh st , 8 rooms nnd nil modern Improvements , J.V > . For Hont-fotlnffo of 8 rooms 2 blocks Irom Streetcars , $2' > . For Kent l/it with trackage. If you hnvo hou os to rent or wnnt houses , call on .1. 11. Evans * Co. , 1513 Dodgo. 78S-20 Itr.NT-Ono lint , between IGth nnd 17th Foil , on Howard. Inquire Omaha Heal Rstnto and Ixian Co. 739 IIKNT Hottpo 8 rooms , $33 per month ; Poll SSIfl Capital nro. 4 ! > 3-8l TTIOH KENT To n responsible pnrty without JU children , n Inrgo nicely furnlsliol bouso near the center nnd on pnvod street. Hood rof- croucos required. Imiulro at 1U24 I'nnmm St. 7C > 8 T710 K KKNT-S stores. HISS. 13th Bt. O. II. . Peterson. 7J4 IlK.vr Houses for rent In good locali Foil . Ludwlck & Sony , S K cor 15th nnd Douglas. TJSW1 HUNT Two cottairos. D rooms , now ChnrlusOgdcn , 13th and Douglas , nenr Sa vings bunk. 7203) ) Tnoil IlKNT PO-icro Improved farm , nil under JL' cultivation , with liouso nnd barn , six ( R ) inllos trom postolhco. II. Mnnnnolcr , roe S. llth st. , Omnha. CU-2U , ) UINT : Slirlck stores on South 13th St. Foil , Hownid and Jnckson. Paulson & Co. , 181.1 Farnam St. 685 OK HUNT Nlco 0-room cottngo. 8. T. F Peterson , S. K. cor. K > th nnd Douglas. 591 7 < 01l HUNT-A flat. Inqulro N. E. cor. 10th F nnd Capitol avonuo. fifit Foil ItliNT Doslrnhlo rosldonco , 0 rooms , Blilnn's2d add ; house of n rooms , South 5th , also 2 burns with lofts. J. Philips lloo , HOT 557. 454 Itr.NT-Storo room on 10th. C. 1 Foil JIayno , S. W. cor. 15th and Farnam. 300 SAM ! At a bivrpnln , duo -oom nouso Foil with modern conveniences : full lot : on Hnrnoy st , near 25th ; $5,20J. l'ottor& Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm st. 05 ! ) UENT-Qnrdon tarm. 303 S. llth St POll 72 ! ) T710H Iir.NT-rnrm of ICO acres , twelve miles JL' from Omnhn. Apply nt the Onmhn Finan cial ISxchange , 8\V coiner of 15th nnd Fnrnam. 471 ran HEMT-KOOMS. IHNT Sultof rooms , imfurnlslinVono Fen furnished : with board or without , S. W. corner 20th and Webster. 780 uprl HUNT OIBco 1st lloor , 14x40 , No. 1315 FOH . Grntton & Uruinmond. 7(19-23 ( KENT 3 furnished rooms for house- Looping , price moderate. 715 N. IBth Bt. FOIl IlKNT Nicely f uriil'lied room. Inmilro at Omahn Cnrpct Co. , 1511 Douglas St 7C5 FOH lir.NT To man and wife , without children , 4 convenient cliiunbois sultnnln for housekeeping , 3 blocks Irom P. O. , illll N 17th stioot 718 FOIlllENT-Unfurnlsffed rooms nt 1417How ard. 772-2J KENT Three nlco unfurnished rooms FOH light housekeeping. Inquire - 01Hat - noy. 718-27 * FOK HUNT Ilooms. Hoarding by day or weolc , TOO N. 18th St. 751-27 * Poll ItKJfT Two nicely furnished rooms , with lOiu-J , wltli all modoin conveniences. 22i-i Dodge. 73fl KUNT-A furnlshod room with board FOK suitable for two fontlomon at 701 S. IBIli at. T710II HENT Furnished rooms. 1707Cn = sst. JUf rwupy OK KENT Suit of furnished rooms and F piano. 1121 N.171 h St C-T3 27 * FFoil Foil KENT Elegant and doslrnblo rooms , furnished or unfurnMicd. 1007 Douglas st. Holorcnccs required of applicant * . IW5 Foil KENT 4 rooms on suite , In u de- Klradio located bilck , with all conveniences veryelioap. Furnlshod mngnltlcontly lor light housekeeping , which must soil lo give poshes.- slon. Addioss D 4. Dee olllco. 2V27 * Foil KENT Nicely furnl < lioil looms In nlco cottiwo for $0 , $7 and f S per month at 400 WnlnutSt.B uiiuu'.os walk southeast of U. 1 * . depot KB 171 OK KENT Furnished room ; Inquire nt I- drug fitoro cor lUth and Kt Foil KENT bood room and good board. 10J1 Furnain. U > JnprJ TTioil KENT With boatd , ono lur o nlooly JL' furnished fiont room , gis and bath room at Hiyj.loiiM St. 27A 1-iOH KENT Lnrge room with or without ! board. 1701 Cnpltol nvo. 252 FOH IIEXT Furnished rooms , slnglo und on suite , with or without board. Ai'dross ' 0 51 , oo Olllco. 2J(1 ( F OK KENT Furnished rooms. 1810 Dodgo. 211 POK IIEXT Store room n Wlthnoll block , hot. Hnrnoy and Farnam on loth. Inquire Itoom 17 , Wltlinoli lllock. 777 FOB SA i-HOU8iS-ZOm Foil SALE 4 beautiful lots fronting on Sounders street , f .xl50. Plain flow luld. . f 7iX ) ouch , the bunch at $172 each. Itico & Moore , 12J2 Fiirnnni. J38-27 I.iOK SALE ? 721 each , 3 good laving lots In 1 Hhlnu's&l add ; bargain. Ulco ti Moore , 122. ! Farnam. BOS 27 TTIOIl SALE House 111x10 feet , lot 50x11/1 / , In -U Kount7o's3d add. , south lrontS2fiOO ; terms to bo anangcd. Muralm ! ! & Lobock , 150J Far nam street , up * > tulra. T7 > oil AiE Ily W. G. Shrivor JD Full lotcornersouth mil east front , Chicago cage St ncar20th , $1 (100. ( Full lot , SaiinduisSt. , east front , $1,2)0. Pj iiLies , sluhtlv locntlon. South 15th , $3,000. 2 line lots , L'iko's odd. , 51,175 und $1,200. 2 beautiful lots , oust liont , Hanscom Place , loth ? 3,4' ' . DNIco (01 no * lot , Hansonin I'luco , f 1,551. P * ' * ' Nice io 'doiico. lull lot , front , 20th , near Bt. Mury'rtuvo.VO. ' . THOIIOW cot'iiTi" * , 1-rooms , full lot each on Chuilo * , oa-y terms , uiielilr > 5' ' ) . l.urgo reililonco , cornov , tightly location , Chi- cngo street. $ sOX ) , 411 acres3'/4 ' mlles fiom I' . O. , per ncro S300 1(1) ( ) acres joining ( llsj'sudd , good for sub di viding , per aero $ .150 Full lot on Dodge near 12th , . > ; lot on 10th nonr llarnoy$7r > 'l ' ) . Full lot 12th and Leuvonuorlh , cornorl5OQO. Houses unit lots In nil pailsoi thuelty on easy terms Wolmvonlur o I st ofcholco rosldcnco piopoity.V. . Q , Bhrivur , opp. P.O. Teluihoiio784. | 811-29 FOK 8AI.K-Chonp3n)0 ; Snyder Illackboiry plants. 5,00) Queens. 601 three yunr old Concord Grnpe vinos. 1,1)00 ) three your old Cutulpas. 'iOO run unt bushes. Call on the undersigned at the form owned by J , W , Shank , on Dodge Bt.nour Cutholla com- oteryorloavooriora ! with K. F. HInger , llll N. 15lh struct. P. Llg. P01-27 PLACE your property for sale with the Oma ha Heal Kbtuto nnd Trust Co. A. Saunders , Soo'y. , opposlto thu Paxtou. , 7V5-2J TjTlOU SALE Must bo sold at once Two good -1 } frame stores and four frame houses 'ociitul onNWoor l/th and Loa von worth sts. llldsfor puiohaso nnd speedy romoviil of the al.ovo In whole or boiiaruto lots rooolvod until Tuobduy uuit by A. McUuvook , HoJick lllock , Omuhii. 771-2J FOK SALE lly Illtrglns & Pnrk- House and lot on Fuinam St , 2 blocks from Opera hon&o. A line barguln ut $1,10) ) . liouso 5-roonn , clutole , etn. . cellar , city water. 3 blocks trom Illgli school , j.m 774 27 FOK S A Li : 8725 each , 3 good laying lots In Shlnn'sUdudd ; bargain , like A.MOOILI2ii Farmun. KJ3-27 OK SALE-Huit front lot 75x142 and flno 8- room house with nil iinpro ; inents , limit trees and i apss , ono blrtok f ran , St. Mary's in o. on Convent blrcot. $1,0)1 ) down , balunco cosy nuvments. A rjro butgtilu , $ (1,500. ( Lovgren ic WIUlo. 75'.i-27 -iron KAI.II-A few of the best lots In J Dupont Place.and two of the best lots In Ihvltflit i Lyman aJil ; terms to suit II. U. ClurK , 1312 Douglas street 723 2u Foil jALE-Alu'l ' lot with an' oight-rrom house and good burn onJth St , 150 foot fmm Fuinam. Prlco J-.IOO. . Potter & Cobb. IMS Farnam. 752-31 T71OK.SALE If you wuuttobuyu house nnd -L lot on monthly payments , cull on Ludwlck A ; Scuy. bH cor , 15th and Dougla * ets. 7 K11 FOK KENT In Howe's add , near Suundors btioct , C-io'Jm house , In perfect order , with burn lor six horses , suods. etc. , und a ncro of b'rouud. U. G. Clark , J3I2 Douglas street. FOK SAt.lVt2.Anoli , 3 peed laying lots In Shlnn'sBJndd ; bargain. Hlco A Moore , 1223 Fnrnami fp _ 803-27 "T71OK SALE Fburncres finest suburban prop- JL ; erty InOmnlmAiear Iiotvonworth st , well Itnpro\o3 , OJrilr > going to California lor hi * health nnd will sell nt n bargain. Coehr.m llros. , rcnl estate , 150J Faninm. 707-27 _ 17IOH SALE A bargain I iVi feet frontngo JL1 by 132 f celTJet ! > fi , foneeil with fifty trees sot. near Smiiulor } Atu > et. nt only tifm. If sold nt onco. Address U. It. It. , lleo onico. 713-27 * 1 7OII SALK House A-rooin * , cl torn , stnrll JL ? fruit , shnJo 'Irccs , on Poppleton nvonue , f."iO cn h monthly payments will buy you n homo on LnkojSt. on Stteot car lino. Wo hnvo so itnlly doslrnhlo hou es nnd lots with easy payments that Is Is Impossible for us to IIM them , but any ono wishing to buy lots era a homo will do well to call on us. illgglns & Park , 1312 Douglas St. 775-27 _ FOK SALKlly A. P. Tilkcy. lOncrosnorthwost of city. . . . $3.2."iO n lots , Polhnm Plnce , onch . . . . . . . . . . ( W ) Cottngo nnd corner lot , 25th nnd Chicago. . n&m CottaKO and lot , 15th noarCcutor st . . . 2,801 7 room house and lot , corner loth nnd Mnr- tha . . ' . . fl/iOO 7 room liouso and lot , 15th st , , nonr Mar tini . . I , . 3,000 3 lots , Clark Place , onch . n5fl 1 lot , Clark Plncn . 500 C room house U lot 21st st . 2,000 I/oton Cumlng street , nenr 27th . " , OOJ 7 room housa nuil full lot , Chicago nonr r > th . O.MO A , P. Tukor. 1301 Fnrnnm street. SSUnpJ Poll SALE 4 beautiful lots fronting on Snunders street. &OXIM , Plnlnvlow add. ; $700 each , thu bunch ut 075 each , Ulco & Moore , 1222 Farnam. bp.27 _ "I71OK SALE Houses nnd lots on easy pay- JL tnonts. Ludwlck k Sony , BE cor. 1Mb nnd Douglns streets. 73U-31 " _ F OK SALE -At n bargain , 2 full lot . good 4 room liouso , pantry and closet , stable , shed nnd chicken coop. In Isnno & Selden'a mid. Goo. Wobcr , cor. Central and Church. CM 27 * FOK HALE A first class now 10 room liouso with nil modern Iniprovomcnts , and a peed barn , chicken house , i to. , all In line order , with thrco lots , smith front , commanding a flno view , Walnut Hill addition. Terms on y. In- qulro of C. L. Erlokson , of IMholm & Krickson , opp. I > O. 015-npr21 _ " 17011 SALE A splendid Invostmont. corner JL1 COxiVJ. Improved , pays over 10 per cent. Knsy terms , $ U.'XK ' ) . W. H. Oroon.aina , 13th 8t 1118 T71OK SALE Flist-class rosldonco properly -t on St. Mary's nvo. : Inrgo lot , good house nnd other ! mprovomonts ; prlco reasonable ; terms easy. Coohrnn llros. , 150U Farnam. 705 Foil SALE Improved farms , by Hamlln & llt-own , 3118. llth street , Omahn , Nob. Cnss County , Nebraska : F ! ' , 8K54. 27 , 10 , 12. TO ncres , about three miles fiom Avocnifi'l acres under cultivation. Olon < Jottnty , Nebraska : N5TU , 31 , 0,1.1 , 100 ncros , Improvements ; 120 neres under cultivation and now corn cilb. , D , 13 , 100 acres , linpio\enionts ; 15. " acres under cultivation , with n double coincrlb , now. SW'f , 31,0 , 13 , ICO norcs00 ; acres under culti vation. S\Vii,28.8.13. 15SacroslmprovomentslB ; acrs under cultivation , nnd n now hedge lenconll nround the farm. SWy,5 , 9 , 12 , 100 acres ; 100 acres under culti vation. SWU,4B , 12 , IGOaorcs : 120 under oultivntlon , with n good dwelling , stable , outhouses und corn cribs. Allot the above lands within 4 miles of Dun- bar.N . N Vt no i-i.lO-R-11,80 acres ; o 4 s w M , 19-8-11 , 80aciosso ; > i l'J-8-11 , 100 a"ros 3-0 acres ono and n half miles soutlnvo't Syrncuso , known us the Chorn I'aoni i"QO acres under cultivation , has two good ilwcninuB , barns , cribs , etc. All the above lands will bo sold on favorable terms. ft 1C To Lease EO acres for twenty yours ; ono- qunilerof a mlle weft of Hanscom Park , also Rdlolns the poor fmm on the south. For prices and further Information cnll on or nddic's Hamhli & lirou'ii. real ostntc do tiers , 311 South llth St. , Omnha , N"b. C)5-29 ! ) _ TT > 011 SALl4 hoautlful lots fronting on JT 8.tuiu1crSStrcolt.5Uxl50l'laluvlaw add , $700 onch , the bunch in. U65 each. Itico & Moore , 1222 Fill num. E03-27 TmoilSALE-Lots In Hnrfthorno. JL ! Lots in Puinicnter Pluco. " ITalnv'lcw. " Cherry Garden. . " Shlnn's2ndndd. " Huuscpm 1'laco. ' ' - " Ko < ! toVs add , ( Walnut Hills. ) , , " IlurrOnk. " Ji'io.'K ' Ito.lick's ndd. " West Slilo. " IsHnh Seldon'd add. And KonOi Omaha. Also houses und lol for sulo , nnd splendid In- sldo lots lor losidencos mil business purposes. Farm lands In Nebraska , Iowa and Illinois. Clark A ; Hatcher , ugunts , 107 3 Hth st 060 T710K SALE Uy K. F. Jtlngor. 119 N. 15th St. -L1 133x131 finest location on Farnnm , lit $70,000. 0-rooni hoti-u on Cntliurliiohtreot , for 10 days : * 500 cash , bill. Jt : I mo. ? 20) ! . Hou'-o.a looms , Virginia nvo , ft days , $1,25. Ixl . ' 11x100. house 4 rooms , ShuH's udd. , 1,475. Lot 011x100 , largo house , 1'opploton nvo , $3,200. Cor. lot , 00x122 , 0-room house , Capitol nvo$3- COxltO house. r > rooms , 28th und Douglas , $2,050. Must bo HUM in 10 days. 0-room house , line location , Georgia nvo , $1.50J. 0 room cottage , 2 bountiful eust-fiont lots , Mx2JO , facing 'park , ti.tiQT. Finoiosiilencoa , ( Jcorgla ave , 53.500. 40x150 house , 7 looms , Armstrong add. , $3,200. OOxlSl houeo und burn , Pierce street , a Durgain ; SOW. - Iloautlful losldonco , 2Ist , uenr Grnco , gO.CO ) . Flno cottage , 2Ist , nonr firnco , $4,000. 2 full lots , 2 good lioiiH3 ! , cor. vucent Cap , ave , near 23th , S8.WX ) . 09x122 , good house , Cant , ave , $3,000. Huiubomo retiilonco , Chicago street , $5,003. Aero Propoity Far salo. 40 acres , beautiful , 1 mlles west of costotliuo , for U dnys only , $105 ncio. 3) ncrns nw Wulniit hill , cheap , $135 ucio. 2i ) acres unjoining city limit * for $40,1101. i ) acius near C. F. Goodimm's lor 21,000. rmoies eut of stnck yards. 51,000 acre. 25 acres nourTultle's sub division , ? 275 aero. 25 acres ad 'olnlng Newport , 34 milo nwof Fort Omiihu , 2 liousin , 2 and 0 rooms ouch , good slnblo , cow bhuils. corn cribs , 750 bearing irult trees , alco small frult , f'J.OOi ' ) . Improved farms in Douglas county , $18 to $ 'tt aero. 2UOO ncios Nebraska lands from $ i to $25 aero. Vacant Lots 2 * > lots , Hanscom Plaeo , $350 to $2000. Lots in Improvement ASH'II , $75' ' ) to $1,000. Ml ) UcsIruhloJntK in South Omnhn , ? ivi to ? 700. Fins cor. lots 5 minutes wulk from postolllcc , flQi tol.U09. ) KL'\ti : ; on Kith HI. for business $4,500. Lnrgo lot , Sid near Cas * , $ ) ,500. 40 bo.iull ul lots , Park Place , $500 to $ m 0 lots , Munh a id. , 1,00) ) to ( I.UJO. 5) lots. Hiiwthorno , $150 to $750. 25 choice lots. HIIWclu , $750 to * 1,500. 10 lots. W. A. Itedlck's add , $550 to S1.2V ) . 2 line HOvHOo ist trout lots , E. V. Smith's add. , Irult tioo4 , etc. . u buigiilii , fl / > " > ' ) oaeh. Choice lots In West Omaha , llurr Onk , Walnut Hill , Oiclinnl Hill , Park 1'liicu , Kilby 1 1 ice , Tlioinlmrtr , lllgliliimi Plaeo , Plain View , ICIik- wood , etc. I oui i-ell lots nnd Impnneil pro ) > - orty us cheap us nny agent In Oinuliu. 1 do a strfL'tlyeoinniUsloiibii-lness. Coniojanco always ready. No tronblo to show piopcrty. WJ-37 T71OK SALE Corner lot on llth Btroot nonr JU proposed vluduut Very clioiip. ForSalo Flno rosi.lcnco propoity ou uppor- Hainey htrcet nt low figure. ForSalo South Oinuliu lots , the most bonutl- fill nnd ohoapost , on onsy terms. First class plnoo for homo or Investment. Conio and In- vestlgato. Cochriin llros. , Heal lislato , 1509 Farnam. T03-28 TrnoilBALK-fJOoffect.S. fronton HamlltonBt , JU P-ospPotPlaeol , 00. Corner lot on Bowurd St. , In Prospect Plaoo (760. v LatonCharlris Str near 20th , $050 , Lot on HamiEolvtfrar 29th , $750. Lot on Vlrgmlu nvo. , near ixjavonwoith Bt , . . /xit 125xlM , B. 13th St , $11,000. Lot on Farnam St corner 0 xl33 , , , Ijt on Fttnmta Jvt , corner 88xl3i , f 5,0) ) . House niulBotim Hamilton Bt , near Poor Clalro Convontl7nO ) ; easy forms. Lot In Nolson'Kiidd. $1,7U ) . Lot In Lowe's add , ? 5'J ' ) ; ca ° y terms. 132 feet on Furnam St , nour27th-lS5 per foot. Coiner lot In LoWo's mid , $830. 2 largo houses and full lot on 19th near Wub- Eter st. Jii.rxn , House und Y lot on Tzanl nonr 20th St , $2SOO. Quo P. DemU.pBth unii Douglas St 60t A MIT. UAItO\IN-tlAOa will buy 10 flr t- i-cliifs lot ? , oac i Tjxitri : , south fiont , oust efFort Fort , ono block west of SaunJori St. Addro-a H , Feckonscher , City , 2tt''apra ' * Foil SALE Store building nnd lot on Fnr- nam.blgburguln , pays 10 per oent , $ J" > ,000. W. II. firooii 2158. 13th St liJO T71OK SA Li-Uts to the west of town , lioTr" -L Furnnm st. and Lowu avo. , in Pallor's add. , saf omul pro titublo Investment ut $50) und $ Uj each. Potter & Cobb 1515 Furnam Bt. feM E-TA-o lots In Plalnviow , * J5) oach. Potter i Cobb , 1515 Kai iiatu at. VZ3 TT10K SALE-Thrcotlo lots Inlilnn'ssl add J-1 ut f 30) oaoh. Potter it Cobb , 1515 Furnam. 817 _ _ I/IOK SALE LotJ in LIOIVO'S 1st adlltlon , JU bouth fronts , oisy terms , only $403. Potter A : Cobb. 1515 Furnam t. a l Foil S A LE-steam Kollur Mills. Wo bavo a now htftim roller mill In ono of the beat locali ties In the Hate , complete and rouily to run. for solo very low ; W. II. ( Jooiv215 | B. Uth Bt , ill T71OK SALEAtow oftliO ben otsln Wllcox's' JD add. at $3 eaolu Potter i ; Cobb , 1515 Fur- noiu t . . , ' ftii FOR S.\t.n-2splpn < lM llnwthoronlots , $1,751 4 splcn lid PIMtivlcw lots $1TO3. Six rooom houss nnd lot , west Omnhn , yplen- did bargain , $3,200. 8 room hou'o and largo lot , corner Hamilton ft Irene streets , near cars $3,000. New rosldoneo vlth two Inrgo lots , 1'nrk Avo' nnd Woolworth.on cnr lino. $5OtX ) , Splendid property 23 < 1 nnd Douglns , paying good lntpre t.n choice bargain , $12rXJ. Splendid Holler Flourln ? Mill InNobrnskn.nt a bargain , on onsy term * . Spledtd bargains In syndicate ncro3 ! $253 lo $100 per ncro , 4 lots with A room house , ell cistern , out- bou'es , etc , fSOOa Iftl acres In Gospcr county , n rnro bnrgaln , $2,000. 120 ncro In Gospor county , very choice land , $18 per ncro. 3W ncres In Niinco eotlnty , f6 nnd $ S per ncro. 41 nores adjoining Fullerton , Nnnco county , $81) per ncre. Clnrk & Hntohor , ngonts , 1078. Hth street. 701-2 ; T710K SALE V ( ncro lot. n goo I n-rootn house. -L1 ngroccry store , with stnblcs , out-tioii o < nn 1 olty water , SM nonr Loivenworth , rent V .OJ er mo. , price $1,5 . This Is n llrst rnto Invest mont. 0'iiahn Heal l' tnto * I/oan Co , Itootns 22nnd23 , Wlthnoll block. 740 17OKSALK Host 5 ncro tracts In the market , 17 only $ 'XM per ncro. Inquire about them. Potter .V Cobh , 1513 Fiinmm. 653 FOKSALK-Acro lots. Olso's ndd. , only 1,500 Potter & Cobb , 1315 Fnrnnm. 837 poll SALE Farms , Imprroea and unlm- proved In every county In thoRtnlo ntnry w figures. W. II. Green , 215 3.13th St CIO "I7U > K SALE Several doslniblo buslno'S lots -L1 on 10th St , and business and rosldonco lots In ttllpnrtfloftho city. Also wnrohomo , hotel nnd fnrm property. Houses to rent Property shown free of charge and a largo list to select trom nt prices ranging from fi > ) U ) $10,0/13. Pnr- ties desiring to Invest should look ever our list nnd prices bnforo buying. Correspondence so licited nnd information about the city freely given. Omnhn Henl listato & Lonn Co. , Hoom - < i , Wlthnoll Hlock , Omnhn. 727 AHAHE IIAllllAIX-SIt ncrcs , ! ! ! i mlles northwest from postotllce , with good house , barn , well , etc. This pluco Is woith $5'X ' ) per ncroltliout Improvements. Wo oITcr the whole for n few days nt the very low pileo of $2,500 , $ DOO cash , balance in two year * . Slock- daio & llunchor. 1511 Dodge St. 473 TTlOKHALi : Sncroa with house nnd barn ; 1't J ? nures of gnino vines , H CM of raspberries , nlco buy ninro. harness and wagon , nil now ; ono mile west of Fort Omaha ; all lor $ l , OJ. Inquire on the promises , Samuel D. Jones. 071-31 * FOK SALIC Some of the finest rosldonco nnd prospective business property on Farnam Bliect at rousonnblo llguro , Improved and un- impro\od. W. H.Gieon,215 S. 13tll St 021 "IT1OK SALE Cheap , ono of the bo t Improved JL1 nnd llnost located farms In Douglsoounty , Nob. , G mlles west of Omahn court liouso , con taining 100 acres , with hciiso , stable , wells , or- chnnl nnd pasture , etc. ; ono-hilf cash , balance to suit purchaser. For further particulars nil- dross Goo. Lindo. euro Omaha lloo , Omuhn , No- briiska. 0U ( _ Foil SALE nigllargaln Corner In Isaac & Soldon'snddltfon , only 2 blocks from Lonv enworth St. , 13Jxl21 , only $1,5JJ. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm st 858 FOlls.VLE-Gll on has fors.ilo lots In Huns- coin Pluco , $800 to $ lKft ) . Gibson hns for sale bouses nnd lots In Hans- corn Plaeo. Gibson hns for snlo houses und lots In all parts f the city. Gibson hns Improved farms nnd Innds in all pnrls of Nebraska for sulo or uxclmngo. Gibson hns thousands of ucros of land in Western Nebraska for sale from $3 to Jl per ocro. Gibson would llko to see you If you want to bity or st.ll. Gibson's Is the plnco to list your property. Onll and son him at Itoom ; ) , Wlthncll lllock , cor. 15th and Hnrnov su. & 0 T71OK SALE Four lots , cor. California and JL } ,10th sts. , 2 blocks from proposed paving on Cumingst , 5330 and $951 ouoh. Potter & Cobb , 1510 Fui iiam st. S4U FOK SALE Two lots m Pelhnm Plnoo , ono block from street car track. ItiquIru.tS P. 13th stroot. 533 T7l6ilSALE-AlotG < U40 , und dwelling 20x2J , JL ? near future llrownoll Hull , cheap ; half cash , balance small monthly payments. V. L. Vo- dlcku,520S. 13th st Oil P Oil SALE Che.ip lots In llurr Oak , Just oust of Hnnscom Park , nonr street cars. ? 730 , easy terms. 1'ottor & Cobb. 1610 Furnam st. H54 (7u1oit SALE Cheapest lot in Hupscom , Plato , FoV Siilo- Full lot on Furnam utroot , $ J2'X . For Sale Full lot with house , Hickory Pluco , $1.000. For Snlo Elognnt corner In Marsh's add. , $ , ' .300. For S.llo Lot 75xlC2 feet on S. 18th , with good house an 1 bin n in good repair , plot. ty ot Iruit , nntl only $1,0 X ) . For S ilo Pull lot , only ono block fiom Lonv- onuoith.sout'i trout , $ HUO. Those are all decided bargains , and wo have one hundred more. Cochruii llios. , 1501 Fanium street. 703-27 Poll SALE 7-roorn cottage , 1 hloelc from St , Mary's avo. oar line , lot 75x110 , only $ i,150. Potter & Cobh , 151 > Furnain. MO OKSALE Throolots In Shinn'.s2d addition , on eastern slope , onlvS blocks trom street cars , cnoap only 5750. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fur- niini st. 85 I.TOK SALE Flno corner , Georgia nvcniio , ' south end oust Iront , $1.VJO. Urnh.ini & Ilenawn , GruUbloii Hlock. _ Ml FOliSALK I/its just soutn of the purls in Chirk Plaeo S'l ) ouch , on easy terms. Potter - tor & Cobb , 1515 Farnam. S50 Foil HALE Flvo-imro plneo : eight and a half aero ploco with buildings , etc. ; and slx-acro ploco with buildings , etc. ; also lull dairy outtlt,23 cows , oto. John F. Hooli , Omahn T710II SALE-J. U. Kvons & Co. , 1113 Dodge J Btroot. Corner , onst nnd north front , 00x133 , 10th St. , business property , $3,000. Corner , east nnd south front , 50x125 , Kllby Plaeo , $0)0. ) Corner , cast and foil til front , California sticot I'inost corner In the city. Cornor. north ami woit front , 140x120 , Sunn- dors X Hlniobiuigh's ndd , $900. Corner , south unJ wostliont , 100x125 , Daven port btrcot. $1151. Corner , south und west front , I.oavcnworth street , $1WO. Corner , oust front for business , 22 foot , 10th Miet , $1,500. Corner , 60120 , Saundois & Hlmobnugh's ndd , $ T-.r > . Corner , COxlSJ foot front , Isaao&Soldon's ndd $ i.noj. Corner , Piuk Plaeo , 8V ) ft , cast front , $1,000. Corner Capitol Avenue , 2 lots with 2 modern ho'isns ' , no > v , f.s(0'J. ( ' Corner , olegnnt property In Clnioiulou with neut eoltuso,24vlil , $ te ) . 2 lots ami cottugo , $1,100. Corneron Hllithhtieet , 82x102 , good now cot- luge. J20) . Orilonir Ilino nnJ easy piiymunts. Cot nor on Louvonwoi Hi east of2'ithany sl/o , say ( lux 1.1) , $5,000. Will make larger or smaller to suit. Coiner , Dcntco's addition , ono of the finest , $ l,0fiu. Corner , Hurr Onk , $1,000. Cornorbest rosldonco property on Dodge , nil modern inipiovcmonts , good burn , cheap ut $14,000. Corner , one of tl'O liost In to-itli inirt of ton n , 100x147 , $ IJO. ( ) Corner , In Orchard Illll.ono ot'tho first sales , 2 lots very choup for rosldunco , J1.I3J. CornerThnriiburg Plaeo , $15) . (3oiner,0iiss8t. , In Ilawlhorn , $700 , Corner Dnvonport ft , In lIn tliornoGiO. ! Coiner InVust Sldo , sightly building spits only. STO. Corner Shlnn'fl add , Charles st , 54 lot , good ootlngo. only $1,810. Conur Ingon Creston , 1 nero lot , a good bar gain , tt.OOU. Corntrs for biislnois , Fiuimm stioot , Klxtocnth street , Howard Hticct , Tenth striu' , Or any gtioot In the city. Itosliloneo propouy , Improved fc unlmprovol In all parts of ilio city , CottK'f is ! und Huts to rent. iJincJs for uilu in Wushlngton , Plutto , Colfax , Ilulfiilo , Pliolps , Howard , Custnr , KeithLincoln , , Aduins nnd other counties. HO corner lots In Denver Jnnotlon. A line block In 0-iillallu.only $ HO ) , 20 lots In Gothenburg , u bargain , $703. EDWARD KUEHL , MAGISTKH OF PALMVSTUUY AND CONDI- TIONALlHT,30JTonth Street , botwooti Farnam und llnrney , will , with the aid of guardian eplrlts , obtain for uny ono a glance In tlio paetund present , und of oortum conditions In thufuturo. Hoots uniL hous maclo to Porfoctsatlafaotlou ifuuruiitoo L You are allowed a free trial of thirty days of the U60 of lr. 1 > ) e't Celebrated Voltulu Uelt wltn tloctrlo faiu- IMOry AppUaui-fS , tor Uiu tpceny relief nnd ir. laancot euro ut Kenout IMitllluut > i ft VltaMv nnd MaiiliooJ. mil oil klndrtxl troubles. Also for many oilier disease * . Complete rcutorutluu to Ilralth , vtgur , end Hanlio < xl iraariiui < | . t > o rlitli Incurred. limit- trated immithipt In rn/nIfnu < I't aTnaIlo < l free , by ad dressing VOLTAIJUEJJTCODlur UulLWlcU- lll eT } cuiwfiufio U i E/r. ruu'.Llwtro.lluguHlij licit. / ono In the world ifenoratlntf ocontlnuoui I'ttctrta it Uajntllo . fcurrtnt. Bclimtllle,1'owerfut , Duiible , FComfortablo and Elfccilre. Avoid Inudi. Ovt-r O.OOfJ cured. Rt-f.d btamp fof i > amiihlit > Al > 0 KLKOfltlt ! IIEI.TU foil lilbtAblls. Dl. HQRNE , IHVENTOB. 181 WA6ASH AYI. . CHICACO , SOUTH OMAHA ! Lots IrTOIR ss Lots On tlio Inrgo mnp of Oninlui nnd observe tlmt the two and ono-lmlf milo bolt from the Omaha posloflico runs south o Section 33 tmd through the north end of South Omnha. TAKE A STRING And pencil , then got ono o J. M. Wolf & Co.'s mnps of Omaha nnd South Omaha combined , PUT YOUR FINGER On the string at 13th nnd Fnrnnm , Omaha's business center , and your pencil on the string nt where Bellevue street enters South Omaha from the north , THEN DR W A circle nnd note whore SOUTH OMAHA Is , and also that many "Additions , " "Places" and "Hills" are far OUTSIDE This mystic circle. THEN STOP And think a moment what will malco outside property increase in value. THE GROWTH OF OMAHA in j Is ALL that will enhance the value of real estate other than at SOUTH OMAHA. At the latter point we have three important factors to build up and make valuable the property : First The growth of Omaha , which has and always will follow the transportation lines. Second All the great railways center there , thus making it the best manufacturing point of any in or near the city. Third ' THE' IMMENSE STOCK W\RDS \ INTEREST , Dressed "Beef Business and Pork Packing Industry Will make a town of themselves. TWO NEW PACKING HOUSES Going up this year. A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment To bo put into operation by that prince of moat producers , Neld Morris of Chicago. Away 3'our day of grace when you do not get nn interest in South Omnha be fore a higher appraisement is made. The bust locations are being taken. Make your selections now. Lots that sold for $800 in 1831 cannot now be bought for § 1,000. , Over the railway track will make safe nnd splendid thoroughfare between thij city and South Omaha. A STREET CAR LINE Will run to the Stock Yards this year. The minute it does lots will double in value , as this will afford cheap and quick transportation either by Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars. Agents lo handle this property on good commission wanted ANY REAL ESTATE AGENT Ilns authority to soil lots. For further information , maps , price lisb , and descriptive circuliir.s , address 216 SOUTH 13TH-ST , , OMAHA , NEB ,