Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BBlfi , ' M A It Oil 23 , 188(3. (
R9.75 tor cash and March ; S0.77jflp.eo for
Lard Dull but steady and unchanged ;
. ( XKMW > jf for cash and March ; S0.050.07K
or Jlhy ,
Hulk Mcati-Sliouldi-rs , S3. MyWG ; short
clear , S5.GOYrt5.lV > ; sliort ribs , S5.K ! < i. > .SiJ4.
Huttcr Steady ; peed extra creamery , 1S@
Si c ; choice to line dalryl5@.J2c.
Heirs Firm at 12e.
Cheese Full cream cheddars , 10J10'Cc ( ? ;
flats 10 < 31H.fc ; full cicain VOUIIK Americas ,
HKl2c ; good skims , 4fflOc.
llltti ! < ( Irccn , r.jfc : heavy rrocn salted ,
7J < c ; light , Kc : damaged , o c : hull hides ,
Cctdry sailed , UJic ; dry Hint , 13@uo ; calf
6k Ins , 10@I.c. !
Tallow .So. l country , 4Je.
ltecclnL . Shipments.
Flour. Mils . ff.OWl 12.000
Wheat , bu . 17,000 JUWO
Corn , tm . K > .ooo M.OOO
Oats.bu . 85.000
Jtye.bu . 3,000 3,000 . W.OOO 21.000
Now Yorlc. Marcli -Wheat Receipt. * ,
rooo ; exports. 00,000 ; spot higher ; options
advanced } < o5fc ? and closed firm ; ungraded
lid. 8Uci ( Sl.tti ; No. 2 red , tweyntfc In store ;
OIM@03o iilloat : April closing at Wc.
Corn-Snot lower ; options steady ; re
ceipts , GI.OOO ; oxpoit.s. 251,000 ; uneradcil , 41 ®
IGc ; No. 2 , 4rwIO < < c In elevator ; Maycloa-
MM nl 4 * { < < t\6c. \
OatK Q-iTet ; receipts , 00,000 : exports , 2-10 :
mixed western , in Oiii'Jo : white \\cstein , ! K )
( < M5c.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at 7fi c'
KBITS Dull ; western , inv Kta.
Pork Dull and nominal ; mess , S9.5@t0.25 !
for old , iMUOfornew.
hard Dull ; ucslcrn steam spot , SC.KO ;
Mav , S6.M. !
Uutter Firm ; western , 12S32o ; Elgin
creamery , ale.
Cheese Firm ; westoin , 7J < K < tlOXe.
St. Ijonls. March W. Wheat Firm and
tilgher ; No. 2ied. cash , SSc : May. feHMc.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , Hc ; May ,
55 ! < c.
Oats Steady ; No. C , mixed , cash , 80c ;
ilny , JJO'febhl. '
H\c KnsyntOOc.
Pork-'Htcady at 810/0.
Laid-Htcadyat S5.i > 7J < f.
llnttrr ( Jnlct but linn ; cicamcry , C5ROfl ;
dairy. 18fjl'J7e.
Ai'-rr.iixoox no.\r.n Wheat Firm and Jtf
higher. Corn JtfGSJfc higher. Oats A sliado
Now OrlentiB , March 20. Corn Strong
and higher at ) ( * .
Oats FirmatW.ElOe.
Cninmciil Steady at 52.10.
I'nivlslons Fiimer , but not qnotably
Laid Uctlned tierce , S5.75.
Hulk Meats Light demand hut holders
firm ; shoulders , S4.00 ; long clear and e.lear
rlb.s , 85.50.
Oincliinntl. Mainh 20. Wheat Uaicly
steady ; No. 2 red. SSfeWXc.
Corn-Heavy : No. 2 mixed , KTMQ c.
Oats Scarce but firm ; No. 2 mixed. 32 C5
Kyo Finn anil unchanged ; No. 3 , OtXtfO'c.
HIII ley Firm : extra No. U hpung , Gl ( .iWe.
Pot k-Otilet at 810.00.
I.ard Clonil demand at S5.05@C.OO.
Whisky-Steady at 51.10.
AIliinuniuniH. March 2(5. ( Wheat Slight
impioveiucnt ; futuie.s neglected ; No. 1 haul ,
cash , 80c ; May , 87J e ; .Tune , bSJfc : No. 1
nortliern , cash and Aiull , faOc ; May , Sic ;
June , ttitfc.
Flour Quiet ; patents , S4.GOQU5 ; bakers' ,
. . .
Kecoiits ] Wheat , ! I9,000 1m.
Shipments-Wheat , 10,000 bu ; flour. 10,000
Milwaukee , 20. Wheat Strong ;
cash , 78 > < e ; May , SOJfc : June , KJe.
Corn-Dull : No. 20 > fc.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 , : ilXc. .
Jive Weak ; No. 1 , 02 > 4'c.
Uarlpy Firmer ; No. 2 , 5'ie.
Piovislons Steady ; muss pork , cash and
March , S9.70 ; May , SO-SO.
tilvcrpool , March 20. Demand
Imniovlng : new No. 3 winter , dull at 7b u' d ;
Dining , dull at 7s 4d. ,
Flour Poor demand : steady at 8s 2 < 1.
Corn Poor demand : spot , linn at 4s 3)fd :
Maicb , lirm at4s2d ; Apiiland May , ilrmat
4s IMd.
ItnHHni City , March 20. Wheat Steady ;
cash , fidjfc bid , 07 > ic asked ; Apill , C7c bid ;
May , 70 < W70 , ' c ,
Corn Sttong ; cash , asi c asked ; Apiil ,
28 < ? 28Xc ; May , 2tJfe. ) bid , ! ! 0 } < c asked.
Oats Nominal ; May , tide bid ,
Toledo , March 20. Wheat Active and
fnm ; cash. ROfibO c.
Corn Steady t cash , 38-tfc.
Oats Nothing
Now York , March 20. MONEY On call ,
easy at 2@3 per cent.
PjHMKMHItCANTII.E PAI'KU i5 pcrcflllt.
S'rniti.iNa EXOIIANOE Dull but steady ;
S4.N3 > .for sixty days and S4.88 # on demand.
HOVJ.HNMKNTB Dull but heavy.
STOCKS Stocks weiu decldcilly less dull
consldciim ; the advance established yester
day and unfavorable iiuwsieKanlini ; the rail
road troubles. It was during the liist hour
that tlio lowest prices of the day were
leached , and fiom then until the close thcio
was a linn tone , and In sonic cases eaily
losses and fractions In addition woio iccov-
eied , but the majority of tint active list shows
net declines of KOX per cent. The market
closed lather heavy on lonewcd Illinois ol
tiouule with railway employes.
jo , March 80. The Drovers' Journal
repot is :
C'.ittlo llocolntfl , 3 , X ) ; slilpmnnts , 1,500 ;
slow hut stronger ; shipping steers , 3t.75@ :
6.(0 ( ; stockeis and feeders. t5i.50@4.40 ! ; rows ,
bulls and mixed. SiOO&fiiUK ) ; bull : , 52.50
( ( ja.i-j ; slop-fed bulls , 5H.25.
HoKB-ltecolpts , 211.000 ; artlvc but fin
lowei ; rough and mixed , SM..K-UO ) ; pack-
lug mid hhlppillK. S4.20@1.45 ; light , 83.tO@
4.x : ) ; Hklps.soOd.'i.W ) .
Sheep Itecelpts , 3,500 ; steady ; natives ,
S2.tKKiJ5.fWK : lambs , S4.0055.50.
ItuiiRiis Olty , March SO. Cattle Heeelptrt.
1W ; hhlpment.s , 250 ; Miipplng htecrs f > lowbiti
bteady ; btiteliers fitronp and lOc higher ;
lecdinctttoei s and cows Htm ; choice to laney ,
S5.0. ' 6(5.20 ( ; common to Bood , 84.W ( ( < j4..i. ' ;
htoukcm and feedcis , tl.UiJ4.'JO : ! ) ( ; cows ,
* llogs-lteceipls , O.COJ ; shipments ,
weak and > c lower ; uood to elioicc ,
4.00 ; common to medium , ' 5 ; skips
nnd pigs , 8J.00@tt.50.
8t. liouU , Maicli 20-Cftttlo-Jtecolpts ,
Hogs-ltecelpts , l.fOO.
There was a Miong loe-il dnmand for cattle
and hoys at linn piler > . Nothing was hoimlit
by shlppeis on account of the switchmen's
hi like. _
Fiiday Kvenlnsr. Mnicli 20.
The cattle market was steady to day , The
quotations to-day aio : Choice to ex
tra steeiH , aveiaslin : 1,400 to 1,500 Ibs , Sl.axS
Iti * 4.75 ; lulr to peed , averaging 1.200 to
1.JBO Ibs , SI.204.CO ; modliiin. aver.ighiK 1.200
to 1,350 Ibs. S4.00CJ1.15 ; medium , averaging
1,100 to 1.200 Ibs , J3.75(75 ? ( .W ; good to Jat
cows and hellers , ! 25 : i. 50 : medium cows
aud imifers , $2. .yre3.oO ; good to extra stags
and bulls , $2.0 < v'j.oo : ,
Tim ho ? mniket was lower. Quotations
for to-day me : Choice assorted butchers
Sheep Tim rooeiptsaro light and markol
' . Good slilpplng , iivrnigiug 100 to 125
H. S4.uc ® . 'i5 ; ua-dlum , averasuiK MMulM
Ibs , 8a.'iVil. V
l.'attlu , , . . . ion
llo s , ,1.100
No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr
30 11M S4.15 10 1LVJO
No. Av. .Pr. No. Av. Pr
\ S20.W .
JJIJ.K cows.
Vo. Av. I'r. o. Ar. Pr.
7..per head , SRG.OO
Showing the liliriicst and lowest prices
) ti this market for mixed pack I nit linu-s d ur
ns tlio wast seven days and for the corresponding
spending period last month.
February. Mnrcn
Friday 53.75
Saturday. 4.00
Monday 4.00
TiK-Mlay 3.0) )
Wednesday. . . . . 3.S5
Thursday. 3.70
All sales TiF stock Tii tFls market are inatlo
per cwt. llvo weluht unless otlierwlso
stated. Drnd hogs sell nt Ic per Ib for all
weights. "Skins , " or hogs weighing less
than 100 llx , nonttte. . Pregnant sows mo
docked 40 IDS nnd sines H ) Ibs.
Hoes nil sold.
Hog maiket lower.
Cattle market dull but steady.
Sheep market at n standstill.
Only a few odds and ends of cattle left
1 loirs sold about the to-day as a
month ago.
Receipts of hogs heavier than on yesterday ,
cattle lighter.
A prominent hoz buyer looked ut a pen of
hoes and then Inquired nil over the yard for
the owner , but nt last discovered that he had
bought the hogs himself early In the morn-
General Slnrlccts ,
Friday Kvcnlnc , M
Knns Tlio market was weaker to-day ,
sales boliiR made at 0 ( ? ? 10c.
Ut'TTint ' Ul.olcu table rolls aiolnalittlo
better deiiianil , tlionsh there is no Intpiove-
inciit In poor or inleiior Rrade.s. The fol
lowing are the piuvnillni ; pilces : Choice
rolls aio rjnolcd at lG@l c ; fair to good ,
loc l''c : inlerlor , 4Viic ( ( ; ertatncry. In 1 Ib
bricks 30e. Only the vcrcy holeest gtatles
will billiK ton prices.
GIIIISI : : Fanev full cream Cheddars. Octo
ber make. llj c : Hats , 1'JKe ; yoiini ;
America , He ; tirst rjunlity Swiss cheese ,
Kic ; second quality , 1314c ;
HWlSe ; skim Hats OftJlOe.
1'otir/riiY Tilt-demand fordrcssrd poultry
Is stronger , bttt only in a small way. Choice
diesbcd chickens aru quoted at ( Ttc ! ) ; tur
keys Oc ; Keet > o and ducks , S > c. Theie Is moro
Inquiry after llvo chickens as the season ad
vances ; quotations lor to-day wens § 3.00
OAMK llccclpts of ducks are nuitc llbeial
and maiket rules dull on all kinds oxccnt
Mallards , wliicli Imld their own. Prices
for the most patt are nominal. Prairie
chickens , perdoz. 2.jO ! ; quail , per doS1.U.X3
1.60 ; jack mbblts , ) ) er doSinoc < f3.00 : mal-
laid dueks. S2.0D ; teal ducks. 51.25 ; mixed
ducks , Sl.oootl.60 ; small rabbits. 75 ( < $ 'JOc ;
ueese ,
PUISKUVIS : : , Jr.i.Tits : , r/rc. Preserves , all
Inds , 20-lb. pails ] ) crlb. lOc ; do In pallets
ots , per Ib. \c : assorted 5-lb. pails per crate ,
0 pails , S3.75. Jellies , till kinds , lirst grade ,
20-lb. palls , per Ib. He ; assorted , 111 st grade ,
Mb. pails , per crate , 0 pails , S2.50 : do ,
1-lb. pails , per case , 2 do/ . S'" > : do , tumb
lers , per ease , 3 do/ . , $1.40. Jelly , all kinds ,
second guide , 30-lb. nulls , per Ib. lie. Mince
meat , best giadoi bbl. pcrlb. 7e ; do , 18 ,
38 aiulGS-Ib. palls , per 2-lb. 7' c ; do. B-Ib
pails , per ciate. 0 palls , S3.75. Apple butter ,
extra line , M'bbl. per Ib , 7cdo ; 40-11) palls
peril ) , 7Hc : do , Mb pails , per crate , 0 pails
S2.75. Peach and plum butter , 40-lb palls , per
Ib. OKc ; ) ieauh plum and quince butter , as
sorted , nib pails , per crate , 0 pails , S3. 75
catsup , per case , 3 doz , pint bottles , 55.00
hoise radlbli. uint bottles. Di > r doz S1.50.
l'ios'Fii'.T. : : Titii'i : , KTC > 1'igs' teet , perK
bbl , S4.00 ; do , X bbl. S'J.OO ; do , per kit , OOe
Lambs' tongues , per % bbl , S3.50 ; do , per
kit , 82.75 ; do. ( [ iiart jars perdoz , S5.00 ; do ,
pint Jais per case , 3 doz. 87.00. Tripe , per K
bbl , $4.00 ; do , per bbl , 52.00 ; do , per kit ,
VOe.SAtinnKir.MiT Ucst quality , 45 pal bbl ,
S7.M ) ; 30 pal bbl. 50.50 ; 15 cal bbl. 54.00.
NUTS Pecans , large polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium , ttc ; Kngllsh walnuts. He : almonds ,
Tninmoua , 20c ; do , Langtiedoc , 17o ; Unulls.
12e ; lilherts , Me ; peanuts , hand jiiekcd , fancy
Viiginln 8e ; do , loastcd. lOe
CO.MII Jlo.NKY California 2 ID frame OX ) Ibs ,
In oiseperlb. , ISn ; 30 Ib. frames , .Nebiaska.
CIDKII Mlchican reflned , per bbl. , 50.50 ;
do. half bbl. . S4.00.
ViNnoAi : White wine , lOc ; elder , 12) '
C < ) COANUT.S-At S4.5T
Nr.w Kicis , DATES , Kro. Layer figs , 5 and
8-lb boxes , per Ib , 10(7 ( l7c ; Prunelles , 25-lb
boxes , per Ib , lire. Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb
boxes , per Ib , 1 Ic ; do , lancy Persian , 50-lb
boxes , per Ib. 10@llc ; California black ilgs ,
lOc.UAJJANAS Per bunch , according to si/.o
8i.tOf ! < HOO. .
LEMONS fancy Messina and Palermo , per
box. S5.50 : do. choice Messina nnd Palermo ,
per box. $3.00 ; do. per 5 box lot , S4.CO@4.75.
California lemons , SS.75 per box.
CocoANurs-Per 100 , 84.50 ; less than 100 ,
OitAJfflF.s Choice Los Angeles , per box ,
82.75 : do,5-box lots , per box , 82.00 ; do , 10-box
lots , 52.50 ; fancy Hiversldo , 83.75 ; do , 5-box
lots. 83.50 : Navels. 85.00.
CitANniniiiK8 : Choice Jersey. Bell nnd
IJngle , per bbl , 80.00 : bush box , 82.00.
OYSTIIIS : New York counts , 45c ; extra
selects , 40c ; selects , 35c ; standards : Xc ) ;
mediums , 25e.
PIIOVISIONS. Ham , vij c'.broatfast bacon'
clear side bacon , 7 } e ; dry salted
, Ojjc ; short lib sides , tlUc ; blioulder.-i ,
mess pork , S13.00 uer bbl ; dried beef.
ham pieces , 12c ; laid , tierces , O c ; 50 Ib
cans , 7c ; 10 Ib cans ( FnlrnankH ) , ? ; 5 Ib
cans do , 7fc ; S Ib cans do , 7Me ; boneless
hstm loc * : Calibasjc , 200 Ib crates , .T@
SKcpcrllijcaiillllowcr.SiM ) per do/ ; aspara
gus , 15c per Ib ; celery , Giant , 51.50 perdoz ;
sweet potatoes , Jcrsoys , 4c perlb : rutabagas ,
S-'i'i per bbl ; pieplant , 15c i > er Ib : radishes.
Wto per dot ; ( 'ieim onions , KOciJor do/ .
Ai'Pi.i : Fancy N. V. JJ.ildwinsaiid gisen-
Ings , S2.59iW.OO ( : Missouil Ccnltons. per bbl. ,
S2.40 ; do , 5-bbl lot52.25 ; do. 10-lb lots ,
S2.00 ; Missouri Willow Twlcs , Uen D.ivls , etc ,
S.2.75 ; do , frbbl lots , 82.60 : do , lOblil lots ,
S2.40 ; Mlchltran Baldwins , S.50 2.75
J'orA'ior.s Kxlra cliolco .N'ebiaskn and
Iowa , 5.r fiOc ( ; fair lo good , 40g.1iOc ( ; ; Salt
Lalso potatoes , per bu. 75c.
ONIONS Choice Ohio yellow , per bbl ,
5'AftO ,
UKAJJS Tlio murket Is very dull. Hand
ulckea navy. 51.75 , hand-picked medium.
Sl.50 1.75 : coed clfcan coimtrv. 81.35 :
Interior. 7ficill.OJ ( ; Cullfurnla pen beans ,
SUM ; Callfoinlaliav beans. Sl.85WJ.on.
GHAKS iSxuiisClover. . 00 Ibs. to bushel.
eholco led , S7.50ffS.OO ? ; White Dutch , SS.M ) < a
10.50 ; AHalfa.sS'.i.OOlO.Ot ) : ANykcS7.00@7.5U ;
Mammotli , gr.oo@7.f > 0 ; Timothy , choice , 45
Ibs. to bush. , 52.20012.50 ; Ulitc Glass , 14 Iba.
to bush. , K'entucky extra clean , 81.005(1.25 ( ;
Ited To | > , 85c ; Orclurd ( iiass , 8 . 'AXua,60 ;
( iermaii Millet. 50 ibs. pi < r bush. , SKUO l. ' ;
llunirailMi , 4S Ibs. per bush , , 51.10 1.2.5 ; in- :
pllsh ltlueorUurabs ) , U Ibs. per bush. ,
OIIAIK Elevator prices for car lots : Corn ,
SO' ' c : oats , 'J.'o ; wheat , ftsj c ; rye. 45c ; burley -
ley , 4 be. On tlie stioutH ami nt Iho mills ;
Coi n. 22e : oats , 2X Jift ? ; wheat , Xo. 2 , UUo ;
fioun and MH.LSTUFPS Winter wlieat
Hour , best finality putt-lit , 53.00 3.10 ; second
( jtiolity , 5'.50oU ! ; : : best quality apiinx
wheat Hour , patent. 53,50(3 ( v',7A : buckwlicat
Hour. In bnireN , 85.75 ; ready raised 8lb paek-
aBes , 54.00 ; 0 Ib packages , S > 3.1X ) ; biaii. Vx :
per cwt : chopped Iced. 700 per ewt ; white
orn meal , Wo ; yellow corn meal. 70o per cwt.
seievnlntr , iMoi > or cwl ; hominy , 51.60 per cwt ;
slunls , LOU per cwt : ciulnim , $1,75 per cwt ;
hav. in bales. Srt.UOn47.00 per ton.
HIDKS tiicop. biitcheiw , OKi" ; irrccn cured ,
7Modry ; flinMlMi3c : dry salt , 'J'&ldc : dam-
aecd hides two-thirds price. T llow "c ,
Ure.uo , prime vshlkt. y > iyellow ; , Sc ;
biown. 2Kc. Slircn Pelt-25 i7ia
FUIIB AXII SKINS Mink. each. 10O4CK5 ;
muskrat . , winter . . _ , SfiVic . . _ : do. . . . _ kits . . , le : Otter . , , ,
f-ft rnf.riA 1 1- .1. * -1. ! 1 IC/ f * * * .1
. . . , . .
do. .No. 3. IRtfiScolf , prairlii. Nai ) ;
do. mountain. 52.CKVrf 3.00 ; wl Meat. 15 ( 10 ; Do.v
\er. Sl.-V fa&O per ll > ; fox. eAci. ! 40 1.75 :
tleersklnu rtrv winter , I'JQlSo ' perlb ; Uo. fnll
ftnd sunimor , 16y."Jc : Riitelope. 5 $ IO par Ib
I.KATiikcii No. t I'ltUburr Iminces , J. 0 ,
1 , . OOKR. Me ; No. 1 PilUbmi : . K. A S. 0c :
No. 1 Uoo leather , Mo : pilme slmiehttr folu
leather. & 8' : i3c : prime oak sole leathers. 30 ®
,1V l.ltV , % . . . . vhK , VW.W' ,
ranee , 5S 50 : cliestiint , S8.50 : lown. SIUX ) ;
Vnlinitblvck-,5a,75 ; Illinois , § . " .00Missouri ; : ,
* ilKAW HMinwAiin Iron , rates , SiW {
plow steel , special castle ; crucible steel , Oe ;
racli , 75c ; smiaro nuts , ) > er Hi. 7Wll
chain , tier Ib , G13c : umllrabK ( RA
wedges , Oc : crowbars Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c !
spilng steel , Qt cHurdcn's \ liorseslioes ,
81.40 : Ilurdcn s mule shoes , 85.10. Uarbcd
Wire , in car lots. 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron
Nails , laics , 10 to 00. 53,10. Shot SUM :
buckshot , Sl.M : oriental powder , kegs , SS.GO
( S > 4.00 ; do , half kegs , 82.00 ; do , quarter kegs ,
JM.&O ; blasting , kegs. 83.35 ; fuse , per 100 feet ,
50e. Lead Har , 81.05.
DitY PAINTS White lead , Sc ; French zinc ,
12e ; Paris whiting. 8Wo { whiting gliders ,
IJfc : whltlnir , com'l , i'fc ; Intnpblack , ( ! cr-
mantown , I''c ; lampblack , ordinary , So ;
Pnisslan blue , 55c ; ultramarine , ISc ; vandyke -
dyke , brown , So : umber , burnt , 4c ; umber ,
rnw. 4c ; sienna , Imrnt. 4c ; sienna , raw , 4cj
Pat Is gieeii. genuine , 25c ; Palis giecn , com
mon , 20o ; elnoiiK ! gieen , N. Y. , 20c : chrome
gieen , K , 12c ; vcimillion , Kngllsh. In oil ,
OOc ; raw and ( mint umber , 1 Ib cans ,
12c ; mw and burnt sienna , 1-c ; Vandyke ,
blown , 13c ; rciined lain | > black , 12c ; coacli
black nnd Ivoiy black , lOc ; drop black , lOc ;
Ptiissian blue , 40c : ultramarine blue , 18c ;
cliromc green , L. , M. it D. , lOc : blind ami
shutter ereon , L. , M. it 1) . , lOc ; Paris green ,
ISc ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , OB ; Tus
can , 22c ; American vermllllon. L. fc 1) . , 20c ;
yellow oclne. Oc ; L. M. it O. D. , 18c ; golden
ochre , lOc ; patent dryer , be ; graining colors ,
light oak , daik oak , walnut , chestnut and
nsh , 1-c.
PAINTS IN On.-AVIilto lead , Omaha , P. P. ,
7J o ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. S7.SO ; Alar-
hi'ilie.sgieen , 1 to5 Ibcans-Oe ; French zinc ,
Kreen seal , me ; French zinc , red seal , lie ;
Fiehcli zinc , In varnish asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; vermllllon , America , ISc ; Indian ,
ted. lOc ; rosutilnk , 14c ; Venetian , red , Cook-
son's , aj/c ; Venetian , red , American , 19 c ;
led lead , ( Jfc ; ehromo yellow , t'ennine , i0c ! ;
clnome yellow , K , liic ; ochte , rochelle ; tc , ;
ochre , 1 < ranch , SJ/e ; ocluc , American , Uc ;
Winter's mineral.y > e : Lchlgh brown'JJ e ;
> Uanlsli ] brown , Sj e ; Prince's mineral , : ic.
DnildS ANII CIIKMICAI.S Acid , caibollc ,
"fie ; acid , tartaric , Kie ; balsam copaiba , per
lt > , 50c ; bark , sussatras , per Ib , Uc ! : calomel ,
per Ib , ? Jc ; ehinclionidin , per o , 40c ; cliloio-
loini , per Ib , GOc ; Uover.s powders , per Ib ,
S1.'J5 ; epsom salts , per Ib , : njc ; glycerine ,
pure , per Iti , ISc ; lead , acetate , per Hi , ! iOe ;
tassittm Iodide , per 11) , S.00 : ) ; sallcln , per 07 ,
40c ; snlphato morphliiR , per oz , S2.bO ; sul-
plittr , per lh. 24c ; strychnine , pcro51.40. .
OILS 110" caibou. per uallon , lOo : 150 °
headlight , pcrgallon , lie ; 175" lieadliuht. per
gal , 15e : 150" water white. 14c ; linseed , hard ,
per gallon , 41c ; linseed , boiled , JKT gallon ,
47c : lard , winter str'd , jHircallon , fiOo ; No. 1 ,
49c ; No. a. 4Uc ; castor XXX , per uallon ,
81.55 : No. : i. S1.4J ; sweet , per irallon , Sl.oo ;
sperm , W. 15. , per gallon , § 1.00 ; lisliV. . H. .
per gallon , C5c ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon ,
letie , jier gallon , 14c.
jiariels , per gallon : Knrni-
tuic , extra , S1.10 ; fnrnituro , No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coach , extra , S1.40 ; coacli , No. 1 , S1.20 ;
Damar , extra , S1.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asnlialtum
extra , SSc ; shellac , SU.oO ; hard oil linish ,
Si'iitiTS Cologne spirits , Ib8 proof , S1.12 ;
do 101 proof , SI. 13 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 51.12 ; do , 168 proof , 81.11. Alco
hol , IbS proof , S'J.10 per wine gallon. Kcdis-
tilled whiskies , S1.00@1.50. Cln blended ,
Sl.-iO@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , SiOOSO.OO ( ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 52.00@i.50 ( ;
( olden tSlicaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
S1.50@a.OO. Jirandies. imported , S5.00@8.50 ;
domestic , Sl.Jiomoo. Gins , impoited , 84.50
( ttC..oo : domestic. S1.25@.00. : ! Jtmiis , im-
piledS4.50@S.OO ( ; New Kngland. S1.75@2.00 ;
domestic , Sl.'i"@i5.00. Cliampagnes , impoit
ed , per case. S2300@34.00 ; American , per
case , Slo.oo@ic.oo. _
. Ill's Il'f IJ'ls O'r nblaJPlt Kta
NEW 200 , 100 W , DO 40 | 12 10
( .AKI : FISH.
SMOKED FISH Halibut , new , extra thick ,
W o ; scaled lienlngso 25c ; salmon , He ;
smoked uturu'con , 17o ; linnan haudlc , 8c.
SuNnuiES Imported Holland herrintjs.
Kei8 , h5c ; Russian sardines. 45o ; Ancho
vies in class. Oio Bull brano. nor ao * . .
81.00 ; spiced Hamburg herrings , skins and
heads oif , nor pail.
CODFISH Karzo ( r. B. whole cod , 4c ;
C. 4k T. , Georges chunks , 7c ; clover leaf ,
Georges strips , O o ; 1 Ib rolls , nib boxes ,
CJ < c ; prairie ( lower 2 Ib brlck,0 > jc.
Grocers' Jjlst.
Sviiur No. 70 , ! c. bbls : No. 70 , 4-callon
Itegs , S1.0" ; New Orleans : w@4To per gallon ;
l Maple byrttp , } { barrel , strictly pure ,
1 7Uc per gallon ; 1 gallon c.ins , 0.25 per do/ ;
) i gallon cans , S5.i5 perdoz ; auartcaivs SU.dO.
PICKI.KS Aleditim. In bbls. Sfi.00 ; do In
half bbls , S3.50 ; small , in bbls. S7.00 ; do In
hnlf bbls. S4.03 ; Rlierkins , In bbls , SS.OO ; do.
in half bbls. 84.50.
CANKUD liooDS Oysters , standard , per
ease. 3.00 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case , ij2.75 ;
i asplierrles , 2-lb , i > er ease , S'J.i5 ! ; California
years , per case , $5,00 ; apricots , per case ,
54. CO ; peaches , per case , S4.75 ; white cherries ,
per case , 35.1H ) ; plums , per case , S4.00 ; whor-
u iu , , /u , i iii r
ford's bulk , 4c.
PJ.UO To 11 ACCO Climax , 42oper Ib ; I Torso-
how , 89c : Star , 30c ; , 39c ; ( Jold
Roll , SOc ; Piper lleldsick , COj ; Punch , * !
. : , .
OA.NDV Mixed , 0i@l2c ; stick , 0 (3Uc. (
SALT Dray loads , per bbl. 81.55 ; Ashton ,
In .sacks , S3.35 ; y sacks , Asliton , 65c ; bbls ,
dairy , 3ifiOS2.75T
SODA In Ib papers , 53.25a case ; salsoda ,
kes , per Ib ,
FitotTH No. 1 ( niaitcr apples , 4e ;
pi lines , new , .
s Powdered , 7ic ; cut loaf ,
grnnulHlod , 6 > ( c ; confectionerh' A ,
utandardextra C.O-p , , : extra 0. G ; c ; medium
yellow , Oc ; Now Orleans , W&k.
MATCHES Per caddie , : ftc ; lound , per
case. 45c ; .squaio cabcs , ? 1.70 ; inulo siiuaro ,
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 82.03 ;
Kirk's sutlnet , S3.15 ; Kirk's btandaid , 38.30 ;
Klik's white Kusslau , StA' \ Kiik's Whlto
Can " , SO.M > ; Dome. 54.25 ; Washboard , 3.15.
( "OFVKES OIdlnary grades , Oko ; fair. 10 ®
10fo ; prime , llK@U'c ; ' choice , 12 @ 13 > ic ;
fancy green nud yellow , 13K@HKc ; old gov-
cjii men t Java , 20fiCo ; Interior Java , 10X ( l
20c : Mocha , 22 < 324c : Aibucklo'b roasted ,
t l3cMcLauEhlln's ; XXXX reacted , ISJic ;
Dilwt.ith'.s HJVtfc ; Hed Cross , 13Jfc.
I UANDI.KS-hoxcs , 40 Ib. Os , Uc : 83 , lie ;
I boxes , 40lb , 10 ot , Os. lie ; half box , 201b ,
j SI-ICES ( Jround Hlaelt pepper , boxes , 15
j @ 2c ; nllsiiu-c , tSQIOe : cinnamon , lb@25cj
4 eloves , iStS'JOc ; ginger , I5rti25c ; mustarl,15(3 (
TKASGunpowder , fair , 20QJ7c ; good , 45
5.VcholeeCo ; 75sgood ; Imucrlal. 40(343 ( ;
choice , rx > * 70otinic ; Hyton , ijood. SOifM c ;
elwlcp. ao rocit ' Oolontr. tjood , SViUOo" : Oo-
' " ' " " - - -
Jonit. choice
: x > rr40ccio : !
; choice ,
CIIACKKIIS CiAriiJ-au's soda , butter and
picnic , iVtfc : ereatii.s. S'jc ; plngcr snaps ,
( e ; cltv soun , 7' e ,
FINK Ct'T 1 lard to Heat , 70c : Charm of
the West , OOc ; rotmt.Un , 70c : ( lohtcn Tliiead ,
C7e ; Favorite , COc : Utuls , 60c Koeky Moun
tain , 60c : Fancy , 45c ! Daisy , 40c ; Noith Star ,
On ; Geol ( Luck. 65c ; Our IK-st , 02 > ic ; Good
News , & 5c , _
ttt-y Ooddn.
1'itiNTs Aniurlcnn , fi i ; Arnold's. Cc ; Co-
cheeo , Cc ; ManclioMcr. ( ' * ; Lyinan , nc ; Glou
cester , 5Jfc ; Dnnncll .laeqtiard.Oa ; DunncII ,
5 > 4c ; Windsor , Oc ; Pacliic. fie ; llarmonv ,
4Uc ; . Anchor Shlrtlnus , 4fc } ; Merrlmack
Shirtings , 4' < c ! Hcrwlck , 4c.
Ht.iiAriiKi ) COTTONS Farmers' choice ,
r.iicCabot. . ; tlVc ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4 4 , 7' c ;
1UI1 , K , OJ/c ; Lonsdale , So ; Fruit , 8c ; Warn-
siitta , lojfc.
Uousr.T Ji-Axs Kcarsar e , 7c ; Armory ,
7c ; Peppcrell , 7J c ; Indian Orchaul , Cj ;
Naumkeair , "c.
UIIOW.N Co I-TON Lawrence LL , Be : Shaw-
nitit , LL. Cc ; Demer Dam LL , 5c ; Atlantic
LL , 5e ; Indian Head , 7c ; Waiichusset , ( Ufc ;
Crown XXX , 04e } ; Clifton CCC , OJc ; Utlca
C. 4 4c ; Atlantic I'.f.Xc.
TICKISOS Amoskeng ACA 12Kc : Tliotn-
dvku 000 , 7 ( c ; Thorndyko fancy , ! < c ;
York , 10' < c : York fancy. 12 > fc ; Mllbttry ,
12i c ; Peatl l \er , HUe ; Hamilton , 12e ;
Swift Uiver , O ciShetticketS. SKc'.Shetttck-
etSSliXc ; > IontaiikAA , 12e ; Montatik 1J1J ,
He ; Omeira ACA , We.
DP.NIMS Heaver Creek AA , He ; Heaver
and brown , * Ke.
DUCK ( unbleached ) 8 oz. Macnolln ,
10 oz. Miinolia : , 12c : 8 oz. West Point ,
10 oz.Vcst Point , ry < c.
t'rK ( colored ) lioston uoz. blown and
drab , 13 > e ; Hoslon O 11 brown and drab ,
Pe : Huston XX brown and drab , lOc ; Hoston
XXX brown and dial ) . HKc ; Hoston O P
blue , llKc ; Wairen Tricot , Inc.
Oiir.vioTS Ainoskc.ii : , checks , ! > > < fe ; Amos-
keair , stripes , s' < fc ; Slater , stripes , fc ; Kdln-
bun ? . O c ; Whittcndon. stripes , 8c ; Glen-
rose , Do : Otis , chocks , Ojc ; Otis , stripes , Cc ;
Jtoyal , 0 fc ; Amoskeatj , napped , ' 10' fc ; J.u-
r.\y , book fold , 12c : Oheron , book fold , H c ;
JCndnrancc , book fold , 1-c.
ad Heans _
Drv Lumber.
12ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4 . 1.-I.M 15.50 16.50 lfl.50 17.50 18.50 19.50
15.00 15.00 16.00 10.00 17.00 20.00,21.00
2.X8. . 15.1W15.r,3.16.M 10.60,17.50 , 111.50 20.50
2.\IO 15.50 15.rX > 15.50 ) 20.5021.50
2.V 12 115.50 15.50 10.50 17.50 20.50 21.50
4x4-8x3 15.5I1 1.-.50 15.50 ) 18.50 19.50
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , It and 10 ft 817.00
No. 2 " " 12,14 nml HI ft 15.00
No.S " " 12,14 and 10 ft 13.00
No. 4 " " 12,14 and 10 It 11.00
No. l , 4 AO Inch , 12and llfcct. rougli..810.50
No. 1 , 4 & 0 inch , 10 feet , rotish 17.0) )
No. 2 , 4it 0 inch , 12 and II feet , rough. . 11.00
No. 2 , 4 & 0 inch. 10 leet.roush 15.00
1st Com. , 12,14 and 10 feet 822.50
2d " " " " 20.00
3d " ' " " ' 15.0a
Fence , " " ' \ 11.00
1st Com. , Y. in. Whlto Pine Par till on. . 833.0
2nd Com. , % in. , " ' " . . 27.0
Clear. X in. Norway " " 14.5
2nd Com. ? ( in. " " 13.5
A Oinch , whitoiuno S3 > .00
13 6 inch , " " 33.00
CO inch " , " ' . 29.50
D Oinch " " , 20.50
EOInch , " ; " J 17.5i )
STociv'no.viins. '
A12inch , sil sl2liUntl 10 feet 840 00
( (
' ' ' ' ' '
c " " " " " < " " ! ! . . ! . . . . 3000
U " " " " i " " 23 00
No. l Com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft. IS 00
No. 1 " " , " 10 18 and 20 ft. 1800
No. 3 " " " 12.14 nnd 10 ft. 1000
1st and 2d Clear , l 'lnch , s. 2s 8510'J ,
Island 2d Clear , iy and a Inch , s 2s 5100
3d Clear , Hi Inch. s'Js 4UOO
3d Clear , Ik and i inch , s 2s 49 00
A Select , l1 , 1M ami 2 inch , a 2s 4300
B Select , lf , \ % and 2 Inch. s. 2s 3000
1st and 'Jd Clear , l men , s. 2s 5100
3d clear , l inch , 82s 4500
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s 4000
B Select 1 Inch. s. 2s : ; 000
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch 517.50
No. 2 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch 15.50
No. 1O. G 18.00
Railway Time Table.
Tno following : la tlio time of arrival and do-
partuioot' trains by Central Standard tlmo lit
the locnl depots. Trains of tlio C. , SL P. , it. &
O. nrrivo and dapnrt from tholrdooot. corner
ot 14th und Webster streets ; trains on the It. &
M. , 0. , n. & Q. and 1C. C. , St. J. & C. n. from the
B. & M. depot : nil others from the Union I'acluo
Ilrldffo trains will ioav > it. l' . depot at < J5
117:35-8:00-8:10-8:50-11 : : : 10:00-11:00 : n. m. . B
1:00 : 1:20-1:50-3:00-3:00 : : : : B 4:00-5:0 : : 5(0 : ; (
0:10 : 7:00 11:10 p.m.
Leave transfer for Omaha nt 7:12 D 8:15 : 9:30 :
0:13-H : -10:37-lli"a.J : : : : [ m. : ' 1:37-2 : : 13-
2:37 : 3:30-3:37-4:37 : : : 6:5)(1:12 : ( 7:20-7:50 : :
Arrival nnd donnrturo of trains from the
transfer depot at Council Bluffs :
B 7:15 : A. M I D 0:15 : A , M
BOMSA.M B 5:30 : p. M
C 0:40 : P. M i B 7:00 : P. M
B 0:15 : A. M I 1)0:15 : A.M
COsWP. M I 11 7:00 : P. M
AU.05A. M 1 A 0:16 A.M
B ( i : 0r. M B 0:20 : p. M
I A7CO : P. H
B 0:15 : A. M I I ) :15A. : M
C 0:4)1' . M I B 7:00 p. M
A 10:00 : A. M. I I ) 11:35 : A. M
C 8:55 : P. M I A 5:40 : P. M
A 3:00 : p. M I A 3:30 : P. M
A 7:05 : A. M I A 0:35 : A.M
A 0:25 : P. it ! _ A B:5Jf. : M
J.eavnStock Ynrils for Omuhu lit 7:55 : 10:231. :
12:01-1:29-1 : : 10 5:07-0:200. : : m.
NOTB A traln datlV ; ndally oicopt Sunday ;
0 dully except Saturday ; 1) , dally except Mon-
dar. ,
The HiUard ,
B. Ebcars , J.E. Murktl.Qlios. Bwobc , Proprietors
Oinuha , Nvbrnekii.
Flour and Feed ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. J. Welshons 4 Co.'s Quick
Huif lug lluckwhcat Hour and pronrletorg Onmna
City Mills , cor. fcth and Farnain blrcets , Omaba.
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
ELOMAN UI',03. ,
. Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Eaddlcry und Shoo l'Indtnra , Hhlus , Wool , 1'uro ,
IVHs , GicaeoTullow , Etu. . Ouiuha. Kcl ,
Book Binding , Etc ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And lllnnk Hook Mnnufncturers. No . 106 anj
lOSPonth Uth Street. Omnlm , Neb.
Bridges StMm Pile JJrlving ,
KiiKlncers nnd Contrnctors.
Brg CF , F.cof TiDfses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination nnd Howe Trues llrldje ( ,
Plllnir nnd Onk Timber. ISth St. , near Fnintun ,
Telephone Nd 734.
Beer ,
Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n
Spectnl brands Faust , Unduclscr , Ihlnngcr
Car , Oth and Cnpltol Are , , Omnhn.
. . . Cigars and Tobacco , , .
" * " " " " " "
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Guns nnd Ammunition. 21.1 to SJT.l South llth
Street , KL'O to Iffi4 Fnrnnm Street , Umnlm , Nub.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wliolesnlo DenleM In I.enf Tobacco * . Nos.
J08 nml 110 N. Uth Street , Omalm. Neb.
trockery ,
\V."L \ , Wlt'lGHT ) ' * '
Afcnt for the Manufnctitrors nnd Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
J.nmpf , Chhnnoys , Etc. Onieo , 317 South 13th
Street. Omulia , Nob. _ _
_ Carriages. _
Agents for F. A. Whitney Cnirlngo Co.'a
Children's Carriages ,
Jowctt'a Cclobrntcd Ho'rlKOrutors. Send
pnor p rlco llsta. lll.'i Fnrnnm tt. , Omnhn. _
Eagle Cornice Works ,
John Kpenoter , Propilotor. Mnnufar.turcr of
Gnlvnnlml Iron nnd Carnico. td Doduo und 101
nnd 1U5 North Uth Strcot , Omnhn , Nob.
Mnnnfactiircraof Ornnmcntnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Finals , Etc. , 310 S. 12th St. AVorkdono
in nny part of the country.
Western Cornlco Works ,
C. SPKCHT , Proprietor.
Gnlvnnl7cd Iron Cornices , Etc. Spcoht'a Im
proved I'nletit Metnll'.c SkyllKht. 60S nnd 0103.
12th St. . Omnhn. Neb.
Doors , Sasli. Etc.
The Gate Cily Pkn'ng Mill.
Doors , Bash nnd Ullnds. Also nil kinds of
tinning. Scroll uudStuU- work ol o\ery do-
A. HOSENIinilY ,
Manufacturer nnd Donlcr InDoors
Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stair Hnlla n specialty Telephone No. PS
luthmid MurcvSt8.OmnhnNob.
Electrical Supplies.
It VT. WOLFE & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
MnEonio IllocV , Omnlm. llurslnr Ahirins. Holla ,
FIto Alarms , Elcctrlo Minting , Spcuklnjf Tubes ,
Iron Works. _
PAXI'OV . < ! - " - - : " > V\VOUKS ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
IronStnlrs , Knlllnfr , Ilollcd llonms and Girders ,
Stcnm Enjrincs , llrnss Work , Genornl Foun
dry , Machine nnd lllacksmlth Woik. Olllco k
Worka , Union Punlllc It'y & So. 17th St.
Iron nrd Nails.
- - ' "c57
Cut Ms aud Spikes ,
Tire Nulls I\SK ! j'.nllv. Omalm , Neb.
Omatfa Safe Works ,
Mnnufncturor of Flro nnd JliirKlnr Proof Snfcs ,
Vnult Doors. Jnll Work. Shutters nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. llth nnd Jackson Sts. , Oinnlm , Nob.
Wagons and Carriages ,
Established 1858.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
UK ) and Ull Potlffo Street , Omaha , Neb.
Commission , Etc ,
Live Stock Commission
Gco. Ilurkc , Mnnugcr ,
Union Stock Yards , S. Omntia. Tolo.ihono B83
w. F. UHOWN & co. .
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Oflico Kxchniifro linlldinfr. Union Stock Yards ,
South Omuhu , Nob. TclcphonoNo.tXXL
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock VnrdD , Chlcnffo , 111. , nnd Omnlm ,
Neb. FrnnkChit .ndcnMunnRorniulmUrunch.
Tclcphono No. SJ. Kstubllshod 1U02.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
.IddrcEH all communications to us lit Union Stock
X'utds , South Omulin. Advances mudo on stock.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
I Limited. John F. lloyd , Superintendent.
j Lie Stock Commission Merchants.
Shipments of nny nnd nil kinds of Moult solicit
f ed. Union fcux-k Yards , ( Jmubu , Nob.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Etah , Dooru , Ktc. Yards Cor. 7th und "
Cor. Oth und Uout'Uii.
noim MANUi'AcrmiiNa co , .
1 Kanufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Btulr Work and Interior Hurd Wood
Finish. Jiifct opened. N. u , cor , kth uud Lcuvcn-
worth Sticcts , Omuha , Neb.
Wliolssale Lumber ,
tU B. Hth Etitot , Oinahu , Nulj. F. Colpotzor ,
C. N. DIKTZ , ,
Lumber ,
Kth and California StiucU , Omaha , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor , Cth und Doui/lus Streets , OmuUu , NcU.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omalm , Nebraska.
t'HAS. It. I.EK ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnrcn Stock , Fancy Woods , lltidgo Timbers ,
ic. , S. W. Cor. Uth und Douglas , ( Juialui , Nub.
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uulldhur Pupcr , Etc. South 13t. ' > btro , OiJa'il.
_ Agricultural Implemenis , _
Dealers In Agricultural Imploraents.
Odico , Corner Cth and rntinoSt * , Umnlm , NcU.
Wholesale DealcM In
& 0rlcultural Implements , Wagons
nml llUKRlo ? , Omnlm Nob.
AVholrsnlo Dcirfcr In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cnrrinitea ami liturgies. ,1r ncs Ft. , lirt. Otli uiul
Uth , Umnlm , Ncl ) .
Boots and Shoes ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Ull rarutim Street , Omaha , Nrti. > l mm factory ,
Summer Street , Itoston.
Carpels , _ . ,
' " " " " "
'B. A. oucitAiVn ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Clollis ,
Mr.ttlnm , Curtain nooOs. r.le. . lia Knrnam
Struct , ( Jmnlia , Neb.
Coal , Lime , Etc.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Onicc , 213S. Hth rt. , Omnlm , KeK Ynnls , Oth
unJ JJrveniioit Streets.
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Bret vnrlctlcn. Onicc,213P. Kith St. Telephone
No. HW , Umnlm , Nub. _
Shippers of Coal and Coio ,
KU S. 13th St. , Omnun. Neb.
OEO. CJ , TOW.E , I'rcslilouf.
Oro. 1'ATTr.iiPON , SeuviinJ Trens. _
J. II. , tA. . ,
1'iopiirtor. Mannifor.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Olllco , L'17 S. lath ! ? ticet. Tclcphono 43. _
GEO. 1' . IiAiiAillt , l're . C. V , ( looiiM < N , V , I'rcn
J. A. SUNM.Hl.AM > Sec. nml Treas.
Omaba Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of hard niul toft ecu ! , M > S. 1MHt. . ,
Oinabii , Noli.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Esclutlvo dealers In llouliler Colorado Coal. 217
houth 14th btrcot.
Coffee and Spices.
rr.AiiKi5 iino
Omalia Coffee and Spice Hills.
Tea. " . Coffees , Pplces. linking 1'owilor Hnvorlnif
Extrncts , I.mindry llluo. Ink , utc. 141MU Hur-
nuyStroot , Omnlm , Nob.
Commission , Etc.
. .
" "
"llHANCII & CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits' , Produce , Oysters ,
Iii Fnrniim St. , Omulin. Apples On r own i-ack-
Inir I'lntt & CO/H TlBcr llnincl Oj'stcrs , lluttor ,
, Uaino , Voultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Trodiico , 1'rovlslons , Fruits , Flour ami Feed , 105
B. Hth St. , Oiniiliu , Ncl ) . CoLiBlL'iimctits solicited.
licturns inudu ui-oiuuHr.
\v. n.
General Commission Merchant.
SpECiALTiES-Cheeee. llutter. i : cs , Poultry
nml Gnniu. 112 S. 14lh. , Omulin , Nob. Telephone -
phone No. J195. _ _
Commission and Jobbing ,
flutter. ERKS nml I'roduco. A full line of Stono-
wurc. Coiislgmnuiita solicited. 1114 IJodso St. ,
815 J2th Street , Oiiuilia , Nob. Spcclultlca : But-
_ tor. 15ri:9. ( jind ClilcKcus. _
WIEDhMAK & "colj =
Produce Commission Merchants.
I'oullry , Uuttor , Onmo , Fnilts , Ktc. ii.'OS. Hth
_ _ _ St.Omahii , Nebraska.
General Commission Merchants ,
140fi Dodge Struct. Omalm , Nob. CoiisiKiununls
_ _
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Forolgn and nomostlo Fruits a Hpoclnlty. 111-
cKnnt EioruKo I'udlltioi. WnrnlmiiHO and otDco ,
110 North lath bt. TolophonD 7T6.
E. MOliONV ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Uuttcr , EPK * , Cbcc80 nml Country Produce Ron-
criiiiy , WJ S. 12th St. , Oiuulm , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
ncfrlpcrntor mid I'ncltliielloxiso.Htli .VLoaren-
worth St. , OH U. 1' . II. H. Track , Omnlm , Nob.
BstiiLllslicd 1870.
General Commission ,
tllS. Hth St. , Omiihn , Nob. SpeclJltics Duller
_ KKKS , Poultry und ( luinu.
mioa ,
Commission Merchants , '
, PinOiicc and Provisions , Omulin , Neb
Commission Msrchant ,
nnd wholojalo dealer I" country product ) , fruits ,
biittur , cg-irs , ct ( ! . fioods on cniislunincnt B
specialty. MJ . 10th , , Omnlm , Nob.
KiitscnnriAUN * EONS ,
( Successors In A. 1' , SolinuU. )
Produce Commissioa Merchants ,
No. 213 South 12th Strcot , Oiimlin , Ncl ) .
Ury Goods ,
j , j. nnowifi co7 !
YJliolesalo Dry Goods and Notions.
U J Douelas Street , Omnlm , Nob.
J > . ( JINSniJUO ACO. . ,
Dry Goods Notions
, Hosiery , ,
, J. e s , ntJil'roidery ' mid Wlillu Cexida.
_ HflOHouelu8titicut , Ointilw , Neb.
Jobbeia In
otions , Hosiery & GontsTurnishing Goods
1000 und 10)tf I'lirnnru Sl.OinnhnNcb.
Harness Elc.
, . _ _ ,
wm/rv * i-ANnnocic ,
Manuruutuicrs nnd Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf Guuils , llluiiketa nnd Holies.
Mattresses ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnnnfncturliur Miittruksua , Itcddlnir. Fcathpr
rllli > v,8 , Cots , tUc. VM uiul I''tti llouiflHM Street ,
Uninlin.Neb. _ _
Manufacturers of Overalls
Jeujul'uuts.SlilrU. Ktc. . IIIU mid 1 'H
Sit tot , Ooiuuii , KuU
Dealers In All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale.
1Mb Stteet anil l i on I'ne II3Truck , Omnhi
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
SOIh mul Uiinl Streets , Omaha , Xcbrnsk.1.
J. A. VrAKKrtr.I.D ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shlnglas ,
rtiilldlnc rapors. Sash , DOOM , llllnda , Mm. .
Infra , l'lcK < it , , ro t , l.line. 1'lnoter , Haf ,
Cement , Nlntn aim Jonci > , Omaha Ncl ) .
Millinery ,
" '
iToiiuiirKi.uiVit ,
Importers and Jobbers ot
Millinery and Notions ,
12innrid 1-H llarnoy StreetOmaha , N'cK
Musical Instruments ,
" "
nunoi.M & r.iu
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Stolnway I'lanoi , Wehor , Decker , llalnos anil
llrlpRs I'innoi , raekanl Organ * , Chase Orff.ius.
101 and ItXl IMh street.
Notions , Etc.
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Clnod * , Notions , ( louts' Knrnljhlmr Oooild ,
tlomls from Nitw Voik. U'tnilo pales 60J
nml HW South itlh ; HI. , Omnlm.
Furniture. Etc ,
DKWKY A. s-mxi : ,
Wholesale Coalers in Furniture ,
Kuumm Street , Omaha , Nob.
Groceries ,
niios. .
Wholesale Grocers ,
Douirlna StreetOmnhfi , Neh.
M. 11. CHAPMAN & CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tolincco nnd SmoLurs * Aitleles , Ii.'l7 llownnlSt
" " "
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spices , ClgnrH nnd Tobnix-os , 1317 nnd 1310 litlj- (
Ins Struct , Otiinhn , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnd Fnrnnm Streets , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 705 , 707,709 nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Nob.
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
Springs , Wiinon Stock , Hardwood I.nnilicr , etc.
law and 1211 Harnuy etreex , Oiuahu , Nub.
131)Nr.Y& GII1I10N ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Cnrrlaffo Wood Stock , Heavy Hanlwaro ,
Ktc. UlTaud U1U Ieii\ouwoithStieut , Umahu ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools and Iluffalo SeuloB. H03 Doiiff-
Ins Street , Oaniha , Neb.
lii3FHIED& : CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware ,
Bhcut Iron , Etc. Agents for Howe Scales and
illumi Powder Co. , Omaha Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantlet , Giutus , Hruns goods. l\Kl \ and 132.1 FM >
niun Street.
Wholesale llardv/are / and Nails ,
I'liicrEon Steel Nails. Cor. 10th and llarnoy
Strcula , Omaha , Nub.
Manufacturer of the
Deertaj ! Harvester Goods ,
Writ * to Wm. M. Lorlmcr. Ojnoral Agoat ,
Omaha. Telephone ) 010.
Iron Pipe , Etc ,
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Etcum , Water , Itulhi uy and Milliner Supplies , Rt i
WO , V t nnd 1134 Fnrnnm St. Omnhn , Nob.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btcnm und Water Supplies , lleudquiirtors tor
Must Fooet Co.'s Goods. 1111 1'uriniiu Street ,
Oinahn , Nob.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dtnlorn In Sllvorivurc , Dlnmonds , Watclui
Clocks , Jowolors' Tools nnd MntorluU , Elr. , 10J
nnd 1H1 , ISth Street , Cor.Iodgo _ , Oiuulm , Neb , (
_ _
Notions , Etc Z
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
403 nnd 405 B. 10th St. , Omnhn , Nob. ' '
Wbolcsulu UcalciH In Notions und Gcnta'Fur *
nlshlng Goods.
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Gasoline , Mien Axle Gicnto , Elu. A , H , Illsuop ,
Manager , Omnhn , Neb ,
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omalm , Nobruskn ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
OfBcc , Union Mnrkot. 1517 Dodire Stront. Packing
honho , U. P. It. 1U Track , Omaha , Nob. Tele
phone No. 107.
Safes and Locks.
P. & CO ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
Flro nnd Iturplar Proof Sufofi/rimo IxuknVnnlt (
nnd Jull woik. JUO ( Furniun htreet , Oriinlin , Nub
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seads ,
Airrlcnltinnl , Yoffetnblu , I'lo. Odd FellowV Hull ,
N. W. Cor. 14th nnd DodKO St . , Oiimtiu , Nub ,
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And Dealer m 1'ulnts. ( ) lln und Window (
While Lead. _
Strictly Pure Mite Lead ,
20tll btl'Hl ' I 1.1) . "Ml .I1H , .V'O
V/ines / and Liquors ,
II.I'.U & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Y/Iaes /
And J.Iijuors. Hole mxnnructuioruof Kunnoily'l
Ua ' t Jmllu Hitters. 1112 Iliuney l-jlrcut , UniahK ,
IIEO. . ,
Bucccesor to MCN MAIIA & DIINHAN , Iioporta ; *
and \Vholoealo lluiilora in
V/iass / , Liquors and Cigars ,
Cll nnd KI6 S. Illh St. , Oiiiutm , Nub.
Tish , Ltc ,
Ickon Klvinsoon St Co.
Wholesala Fish Dealers ,
of I'luclFUli ! , * > 'o. < . til-'JU )
t i. &UftiauJ I' ' . 1' . Tjac