THE OMAHA DAILY BBlfi , ' M A It Oil 23 , 188(3. ( R9.75 tor cash and March ; S0.77jflp.eo for May.Lard Lard Dull but steady and unchanged ; . ( XKMW > jf for cash and March ; S0.050.07K or Jlhy , Hulk Mcati-Sliouldi-rs , S3. MyWG ; short clear , S5.GOYrt5.lV > ; sliort ribs , S5.K ! < i. > .SiJ4. Huttcr Steady ; peed extra creamery , 1S@ Si c ; choice to line dalryl5@.J2c. Heirs Firm at 12e. Cheese Full cream cheddars , 10J10'Cc ( ? ; flats 10 < 31H.fc ; full cicain VOUIIK Americas , HKl2c ; good skims , 4fflOc. llltti ! < ( Irccn , r.jfc : heavy rrocn salted , 7J < c ; light , Kc : damaged , o c : hull hides , Cctdry sailed , UJic ; dry Hint , 13@uo ; calf 6k Ins , 10@I.c. ! Tallow .So. l country , 4Je. ltecclnL . Shipments. Flour. Mils . ff.OWl 12.000 Wheat , bu . 17,000 JUWO Corn , tm . K > .ooo M.OOO Oats.bu . 85.000 Jtye.bu . 3,000 3,000 . W.OOO 21.000 Now Yorlc. Marcli -Wheat Receipt. * , rooo ; exports. 00,000 ; spot higher ; options advanced } < o5fc ? and closed firm ; ungraded lid. 8Uci ( Sl.tti ; No. 2 red , tweyntfc In store ; OIM@03o iilloat : April closing at Wc. Corn-Snot lower ; options steady ; re ceipts , GI.OOO ; oxpoit.s. 251,000 ; uneradcil , 41 ® IGc ; No. 2 , 4rwIO < < c In elevator ; Maycloa- MM nl 4 * { < < t\6c. \ OatK Q-iTet ; receipts , 00,000 : exports , 2-10 : mixed western , in Oiii'Jo : white \\cstein , ! K ) ( < M5c. Petroleum Steady ; United closed at 7fi c' KBITS Dull ; western , inv Kta. Pork Dull and nominal ; mess , S9.5@t0.25 ! for old , iMUOfornew. hard Dull ; ucslcrn steam spot , SC.KO ; Mav , S6.M. ! Uutter Firm ; western , 12S32o ; Elgin creamery , ale. Cheese Firm ; westoin , 7J < K < tlOXe. St. Ijonls. March W. Wheat Firm and tilgher ; No. 2ied. cash , SSc : May. feHMc. Corn Firm ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , Hc ; May , 55 ! < c. Oats Steady ; No. C , mixed , cash , 80c ; ilny , JJO'febhl. ' H\c KnsyntOOc. Whhdcv Pork-'Htcady at 810/0. Laid-Htcadyat S5.i > 7J < f. llnttrr ( Jnlct but linn ; cicamcry , C5ROfl ; dairy. 18fjl'J7e. Ai'-rr.iixoox no.\r.n Wheat Firm and Jtf higher. Corn JtfGSJfc higher. Oats A sliado better. Now OrlentiB , March 20. Corn Strong and higher at ) ( * . Oats FirmatW.ElOe. Cninmciil Steady at 52.10. I'nivlslons Fiimer , but not qnotably hlchcr. l'oik-S10.50. Laid Uctlned tierce , S5.75. Hulk Meats Light demand hut holders firm ; shoulders , S4.00 ; long clear and e.lear rlb.s , 85.50. Oincliinntl. Mainh 20. Wheat Uaicly steady ; No. 2 red. SSfeWXc. Corn-Heavy : No. 2 mixed , KTMQ c. Oats Scarce but firm ; No. 2 mixed. 32 C5 . Kyo Finn anil unchanged ; No. 3 , OtXtfO'c. HIII ley Firm : extra No. U hpung , Gl ( .iWe. Pot k-Otilet at 810.00. I.ard Clonil demand at S5.05@C.OO. Whisky-Steady at 51.10. AIliinuniuniH. March 2(5. ( Wheat Slight impioveiucnt ; futuie.s neglected ; No. 1 haul , cash , 80c ; May , 87J e ; .Tune , bSJfc : No. 1 nortliern , cash and Aiull , faOc ; May , Sic ; June , ttitfc. Flour Quiet ; patents , S4.GOQU5 ; bakers' , . . . Kecoiits ] Wheat , ! I9,000 1m. Shipments-Wheat , 10,000 bu ; flour. 10,000 bbls. bbls.Milwaukee Milwaukee , 20. Wheat Strong ; cash , 78 > < e ; May , SOJfc : June , KJe. Corn-Dull : No. 20 > fc. Oats-Steady ; No. 2 , : ilXc. . Jive Weak ; No. 1 , 02 > 4'c. Uarlpy Firmer ; No. 2 , 5'ie. Piovislons Steady ; muss pork , cash and March , S9.70 ; May , SO-SO. tilvcrpool , March 20. Demand Imniovlng : new No. 3 winter , dull at 7b u' d ; Dining , dull at 7s 4d. , Flour Poor demand : steady at 8s 2 < 1. Corn Poor demand : spot , linn at 4s 3)fd : Maicb , lirm at4s2d ; Apiiland May , ilrmat 4s IMd. ItnHHni City , March 20. Wheat Steady ; cash , fidjfc bid , 07 > ic asked ; Apill , C7c bid ; May , 70 < W70 , ' c , Corn Sttong ; cash , asi c asked ; Apiil , 28 < ? 28Xc ; May , 2tJfe. ) bid , ! ! 0 } < c asked. Oats Nominal ; May , tide bid , Toledo , March 20. Wheat Active and fnm ; cash. ROfibO c. Corn Steady t cash , 38-tfc. Oats Nothing Now York , March 20. MONEY On call , easy at 2@3 per cent. PjHMKMHItCANTII.E PAI'KU i5 pcrcflllt. S'rniti.iNa EXOIIANOE Dull but steady ; S4.N3 > .for sixty days and S4.88 # on demand. HOVJ.HNMKNTB Dull but heavy. STOCKS Stocks weiu decldcilly less dull consldciim ; the advance established yester day and unfavorable iiuwsieKanlini ; the rail road troubles. It was during the liist hour that tlio lowest prices of the day were leached , and fiom then until the close thcio was a linn tone , and In sonic cases eaily losses and fractions In addition woio iccov- eied , but the majority of tint active list shows net declines of KOX per cent. The market closed lather heavy on lonewcd Illinois ol tiouule with railway employes. STOCKS ON WAI.I. 8TIIKRT. tilVJS HTOOK. jo , March 80. The Drovers' Journal repot is : C'.ittlo llocolntfl , 3 , X ) ; slilpmnnts , 1,500 ; slow hut stronger ; shipping steers , 3t.75@ : 6.(0 ( ; stockeis and feeders. t5i.50@4.40 ! ; rows , bulls and mixed. SiOO&fiiUK ) ; bull : , 52.50 ( ( ja.i-j ; slop-fed bulls , 5H.25. HoKB-ltecolpts , 211.000 ; artlvc but fin lowei ; rough and mixed , SM..K-UO ) ; pack- lug mid hhlppillK. S4.20@1.45 ; light , 83.tO@ 4.x : ) ; Hklps.soOd.'i.W ) . Sheep Itecelpts , 3,500 ; steady ; natives , S2.tKKiJ5.fWK : lambs , S4.0055.50. ItuiiRiis Olty , March SO. Cattle Heeelptrt. 1W ; hhlpment.s , 250 ; Miipplng htecrs f > lowbiti bteady ; btiteliers fitronp and lOc higher ; lecdinctttoei s and cows Htm ; choice to laney , S5.0. ' 6(5.20 ( ; common to Bood , 84.W ( ( < j4..i. ' ; htoukcm and feedcis , tl.UiJ4.'JO : ! ) ( ; cows , * llogs-lteceipls , O.COJ ; shipments , weak and > c lower ; uood to elioicc , 4.00 ; common to medium , ' 5 ; skips nnd pigs , 8J.00@tt.50. 8t. liouU , Maicli 20-Cftttlo-Jtecolpts , Jk-o. Hogs-ltecelpts , l.fOO. There was a Miong loe-il dnmand for cattle and hoys at linn piler > . Nothing was hoimlit by shlppeis on account of the switchmen's hi like. _ OMAHA IilVK STOCK. Fiiday Kvenlnsr. Mnicli 20. The cattle market was steady to day , The quotations to-day aio : Choice to ex tra steeiH , aveiaslin : 1,400 to 1,500 Ibs , Sl.axS Iti * 4.75 ; lulr to peed , averaging 1.200 to 1.JBO Ibs , SI.204.CO ; modliiin. aver.ighiK 1.200 to 1,350 Ibs. S4.00CJ1.15 ; medium , averaging 1,100 to 1.200 Ibs , J3.75(75 ? ( .W ; good to Jat cows and hellers , ! 25 : i. 50 : medium cows aud imifers , $2. .yre3.oO ; good to extra stags and bulls , $2.0 < v'j.oo : , Tim ho ? mniket was lower. Quotations for to-day me : Choice assorted butchers Sheep Tim rooeiptsaro light and markol ' . Good slilpplng , iivrnigiug 100 to 125 H. S4.uc ® . 'i5 ; ua-dlum , averasuiK MMulM Ibs , 8a.'iVil. V HKCIIII'TS. l.'attlu , , . . . ion llo s , ,1.100 KKI'UKSKNTATI.VK SAI.KW. No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr 30 11M S4.15 10 1LVJO No. Av. .Pr. No. Av. Pr \ S20.W . JJIJ.K cows. Vo. Av. I'r. o. Ar. Pr. 7..per head , SRG.OO HIOHF.ST AND I.OWBST. Showing the liliriicst and lowest prices ) ti this market for mixed pack I nit linu-s d ur ns tlio wast seven days and for the corresponding spending period last month. February. Mnrcn Friday 53.75 Saturday. 4.00 Monday 4.00 TiK-Mlay 3.0) ) Wednesday. . . . . 3.S5 Thursday. 3.70 Friday. All sales TiF stock Tii tFls market are inatlo per cwt. llvo weluht unless otlierwlso stated. Drnd hogs sell nt Ic per Ib for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 llx , nonttte. . Pregnant sows mo docked 40 IDS nnd sines H ) Ibs. Notes. Hoes nil sold. Hog maiket lower. Cattle market dull but steady. Sheep market at n standstill. Only a few odds and ends of cattle left over. 1 loirs sold about the to-day as a month ago. Receipts of hogs heavier than on yesterday , cattle lighter. A prominent hoz buyer looked ut a pen of hoes and then Inquired nil over the yard for the owner , but nt last discovered that he had bought the hogs himself early In the morn- OMAHA AVJI01rSAIjn ; General Slnrlccts , Friday Kvcnlnc , M Knns Tlio market was weaker to-day , sales boliiR made at 0 ( ? ? 10c. Ut'TTint ' Ul.olcu table rolls aiolnalittlo better deiiianil , tlionsh there is no Intpiove- inciit In poor or inleiior Rrade.s. The fol lowing are the piuvnillni ; pilces : Choice rolls aio rjnolcd at lG@l c ; fair to good , loc l''c : inlerlor , 4Viic ( ( ; ertatncry. In 1 Ib bricks 30e. Only the vcrcy holeest gtatles will billiK ton prices. GIIIISI : : Fanev full cream Cheddars. Octo ber make. llj c : Hats , 1'JKe ; yoiini ; America , He ; tirst rjunlity Swiss cheese , Kic ; second quality , 1314c ; HWlSe ; skim Hats OftJlOe. 1'otir/riiY Tilt-demand fordrcssrd poultry Is stronger , bttt only in a small way. Choice diesbcd chickens aru quoted at ( Ttc ! ) ; tur keys Oc ; Keet > o and ducks , S > c. Theie Is moro Inquiry after llvo chickens as the season ad vances ; quotations lor to-day wens § 3.00 OAMK llccclpts of ducks are nuitc llbeial and maiket rules dull on all kinds oxccnt Mallards , wliicli Imld their own. Prices for the most patt are nominal. Prairie chickens , perdoz. 2.jO ! ; quail , per doS1.U.X3 1.60 ; jack mbblts , ) ) er doSinoc < f3.00 : mal- laid dueks. S2.0D ; teal ducks. 51.25 ; mixed ducks , Sl.oootl.60 ; small rabbits. 75 ( < $ 'JOc ; ueese , PUISKUVIS : : , Jr.i.Tits : , r/rc. Preserves , all Inds , 20-lb. pails ] ) crlb. lOc ; do In pallets ots , per Ib. \c : assorted 5-lb. pails per crate , 0 pails , S3.75. Jellies , till kinds , lirst grade , 20-lb. palls , per Ib. He ; assorted , 111 st grade , Mb. pails , per crate , 0 pails , S2.50 : do , 1-lb. pails , per case , 2 do/ . S'" > : do , tumb lers , per ease , 3 do/ . , $1.40. Jelly , all kinds , second guide , 30-lb. nulls , per Ib. lie. Mince meat , best giadoi bbl. pcrlb. 7e ; do , 18 , 38 aiulGS-Ib. palls , per 2-lb. 7' c ; do. B-Ib pails , per ciate. 0 palls , S3.75. Apple butter , extra line , M'bbl. per Ib , 7cdo ; 40-11) palls peril ) , 7Hc : do , Mb pails , per crate , 0 pails S2.75. Peach and plum butter , 40-lb palls , per Ib. OKc ; ) ieauh plum and quince butter , as sorted , nib pails , per crate , 0 pails , S3. 75 catsup , per case , 3 doz , pint bottles , 55.00 hoise radlbli. uint bottles. Di > r doz S1.50. l'ios'Fii'.T. : : Titii'i : , KTC > 1'igs' teet , perK bbl , S4.00 ; do , X bbl. S'J.OO ; do , per kit , OOe Lambs' tongues , per % bbl , S3.50 ; do , per kit , 82.75 ; do. ( [ iiart jars perdoz , S5.00 ; do , pint Jais per case , 3 doz. 87.00. Tripe , per K bbl , $4.00 ; do , per bbl , 52.00 ; do , per kit , VOe. VOe.SAtinnKir.MiT Ucst quality , 45 pal bbl , S7.M ) ; 30 pal bbl. 50.50 ; 15 cal bbl. 54.00. NUTS Pecans , large polished , lie ; pecans , medium , ttc ; Kngllsh walnuts. He : almonds , Tninmoua , 20c ; do , Langtiedoc , 17o ; Unulls. 12e ; lilherts , Me ; peanuts , hand jiiekcd , fancy Viiginln 8e ; do , loastcd. lOe CO.MII Jlo.NKY California 2 ID frame OX ) Ibs , In oiseperlb. , ISn ; 30 Ib. frames , .Nebiaska. CIDKII Mlchican reflned , per bbl. , 50.50 ; do. half bbl. . S4.00. ViNnoAi : White wine , lOc ; elder , 12) ' C < ) COANUT.S-At S4.5T Nr.w Kicis , DATES , Kro. Layer figs , 5 and 8-lb boxes , per Ib , 10(7 ( l7c ; Prunelles , 25-lb boxes , per Ib , lire. Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb boxes , per Ib , 1 Ic ; do , lancy Persian , 50-lb boxes , per Ib. 10@llc ; California black ilgs , lOc. lOc.UAJJANAS Per bunch , according to si/.o 8i.tOf ! < HOO. . LEMONS fancy Messina and Palermo , per box. S5.50 : do. choice Messina nnd Palermo , per box. $3.00 ; do. per 5 box lot , S4.CO@4.75. California lemons , SS.75 per box. CocoANurs-Per 100 , 84.50 ; less than 100 , 85.00. OitAJfflF.s Choice Los Angeles , per box , 82.75 : do,5-box lots , per box , 82.00 ; do , 10-box lots , 52.50 ; fancy Hiversldo , 83.75 ; do , 5-box lots. 83.50 : Navels. 85.00. CitANniniiiK8 : Choice Jersey. Bell nnd IJngle , per bbl , 80.00 : bush box , 82.00. OYSTIIIS : New York counts , 45c ; extra selects , 40c ; selects , 35c ; standards : Xc ) ; mediums , 25e. PIIOVISIONS. Ham , vij c'.broatfast bacon' clear side bacon , 7 } e ; dry salted , Ojjc ; short lib sides , tlUc ; blioulder.-i , mess pork , S13.00 uer bbl ; dried beef. ham pieces , 12c ; laid , tierces , O c ; 50 Ib cans , 7c ; 10 Ib cans ( FnlrnankH ) , ? ; 5 Ib cans do , 7fc ; S Ib cans do , 7Me ; boneless hstm loc * : Calibasjc , 200 Ib crates , .T@ SKcpcrllijcaiillllowcr.SiM ) per do/ ; aspara gus , 15c per Ib ; celery , Giant , 51.50 perdoz ; sweet potatoes , Jcrsoys , 4c perlb : rutabagas , S-'i'i per bbl ; pieplant , 15c i > er Ib : radishes. Wto per dot ; ( 'ieim onions , KOciJor do/ . Ai'Pi.i : Fancy N. V. JJ.ildwinsaiid gisen- Ings , S2.59iW.OO ( : Missouil Ccnltons. per bbl. , S2.40 ; do , 5-bbl lot52.25 ; do. 10-lb lots , S2.00 ; Missouri Willow Twlcs , Uen D.ivls , etc , S.2.75 ; do , frbbl lots , 82.60 : do , lOblil lots , S2.40 ; Mlchltran Baldwins , S.50 2.75 J'orA'ior.s Kxlra cliolco .N'ebiaskn and Iowa , 5.r fiOc ( ; fair lo good , 40g.1iOc ( ; ; Salt Lalso potatoes , per bu. 75c. ONIONS Choice Ohio yellow , per bbl , 5'AftO , UKAJJS Tlio murket Is very dull. Hand ulckea navy. 51.75 , hand-picked medium. Sl.50 1.75 : coed clfcan coimtrv. 81.35 : Interior. 7ficill.OJ ( ; Cullfurnla pen beans , SUM ; Callfoinlaliav beans. Sl.85WJ.on. GHAKS iSxuiisClover. . 00 Ibs. to bushel. eholco led , S7.50ffS.OO ? ; White Dutch , SS.M ) < a 10.50 ; AHalfa.sS'.i.OOlO.Ot ) : ANykcS7.00@7.5U ; Mammotli , gr.oo@7.f > 0 ; Timothy , choice , 45 Ibs. to bush. , 52.20012.50 ; Ulitc Glass , 14 Iba. to bush. , K'entucky extra clean , 81.005(1.25 ( ; Ited To | > , 85c ; Orclurd ( iiass , 8 . 'AXua,60 ; ( iermaii Millet. 50 ibs. pi < r bush. , SKUO l. ' ; llunirailMi , 4S Ibs. per bush , , 51.10 1.2.5 ; in- : pllsh ltlueorUurabs ) , U Ibs. per bush. , 51.2.X OIIAIK Elevator prices for car lots : Corn , SO' ' c : oats , 'J.'o ; wheat , ftsj c ; rye. 45c ; burley - ley , 4 be. On tlie stioutH ami nt Iho mills ; Coi n. 22e : oats , 2X Jift ? ; wheat , Xo. 2 , UUo ; . fioun and MH.LSTUFPS Winter wlieat Hour , best finality putt-lit , 53.00 3.10 ; second ( jtiolity , 5'.50oU ! ; : : best quality apiinx wheat Hour , patent. 53,50(3 ( v',7A : buckwlicat Hour. In bnireN , 85.75 ; ready raised 8lb paek- aBes , 54.00 ; 0 Ib packages , S > 3.1X ) ; biaii. Vx : per cwt : chopped Iced. 700 per ewt ; white orn meal , Wo ; yellow corn meal. 70o per cwt. seievnlntr , iMoi > or cwl ; hominy , 51.60 per cwt ; slunls , LOU per cwt : ciulnim , $1,75 per cwt ; hav. in bales. Srt.UOn47.00 per ton. HIDKS tiicop. biitcheiw , OKi" ; irrccn cured , 7Modry ; flinMlMi3c : dry salt , 'J'&ldc : dam- aecd hides two-thirds price. T llow "c , Ure.uo , prime vshlkt. y > iyellow ; , Sc ; biown. 2Kc. Slircn Pelt-25 i7ia FUIIB AXII SKINS Mink. each. 10O4CK5 ; muskrat . , winter . . _ , SfiVic . . _ : do. . . . _ kits . . , le : Otter . , , , f-ft rnf.riA 1 1- .1. * -1. ! 1 IC/ f * * * .1 . . . , . . do. .No. 3. IRtfiScolf , prairlii. Nai ) ; do. mountain. 52.CKVrf 3.00 ; wl Meat. 15 ( 10 ; Do.v \er. Sl.-V fa&O per ll > ; fox. eAci. ! 40 1.75 : tleersklnu rtrv winter , I'JQlSo ' perlb ; Uo. fnll ftnd sunimor , 16y."Jc : Riitelope. 5 $ IO par Ib I.KATiikcii No. t I'ltUburr Iminces , J. 0 , 1 , . OOKR. Me ; No. 1 PilUbmi : . K. A S. 0c : No. 1 Uoo leather , Mo : pilme slmiehttr folu leather. & 8' : i3c : prime oak sole leathers. 30 ® ,1V l.ltV , % . . . . vhK , VW.W' , ranee , 5S 50 : cliestiint , S8.50 : lown. SIUX ) ; Vnlinitblvck-,5a,75 ; Illinois , § . " .00Missouri ; : , * ilKAW HMinwAiin Iron , rates , SiW { plow steel , special castle ; crucible steel , Oe ; racli , 75c ; smiaro nuts , ) > er Hi. 7Wll chain , tier Ib , G13c : umllrabK ( RA wedges , Oc : crowbars Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c ! spilng steel , Qt cHurdcn's \ liorseslioes , 81.40 : Ilurdcn s mule shoes , 85.10. Uarbcd Wire , in car lots. 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron Nails , laics , 10 to 00. 53,10. Shot SUM : buckshot , Sl.M : oriental powder , kegs , SS.GO ( S > 4.00 ; do , half kegs , 82.00 ; do , quarter kegs , JM.&O ; blasting , kegs. 83.35 ; fuse , per 100 feet , 50e. Lead Har , 81.05. DitY PAINTS White lead , Sc ; French zinc , 12e ; Paris whiting. 8Wo { whiting gliders , IJfc : whltlnir , com'l , i'fc ; Intnpblack , ( ! cr- mantown , I''c ; lampblack , ordinary , So ; Pnisslan blue , 55c ; ultramarine , ISc ; vandyke - dyke , brown , So : umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , rnw. 4c ; sienna , Imrnt. 4c ; sienna , raw , 4cj Pat Is gieeii. genuine , 25c ; Palis giecn , com mon , 20o ; elnoiiK ! gieen , N. Y. , 20c : chrome gieen , K , 12c ; vcimillion , Kngllsh. In oil , OOc ; raw and ( mint umber , 1 Ib cans , 12c ; mw and burnt sienna , 1-c ; Vandyke , blown , 13c ; rciined lain | > black , 12c ; coacli black nnd Ivoiy black , lOc ; drop black , lOc ; Ptiissian blue , 40c : ultramarine blue , 18c ; cliromc green , L. , M. it D. , lOc : blind ami shutter ereon , L. , M. it 1) . , lOc ; Paris green , ISc ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , OB ; Tus can , 22c ; American vermllllon. L. fc 1) . , 20c ; yellow oclne. Oc ; L. M. it O. D. , 18c ; golden ochre , lOc ; patent dryer , be ; graining colors , light oak , daik oak , walnut , chestnut and nsh , 1-c. PAINTS IN On.-AVIilto lead , Omaha , P. P. , 7J o ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. S7.SO ; Alar- hi'ilie.sgieen , 1 to5 Ibcans-Oe ; French zinc , Kreen seal , me ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; Fiehcli zinc , In varnish asst , 20c ; French zinc , 75c ; vermllllon , America , ISc ; Indian , ted. lOc ; rosutilnk , 14c ; Venetian , red , Cook- son's , aj/c ; Venetian , red , American , 19 c ; led lead , ( Jfc ; ehromo yellow , t'ennine , i0c ! ; clnome yellow , K , liic ; ochte , rochelle ; tc , ; ochre , 1 < ranch , SJ/e ; ocluc , American , Uc ; Winter's mineral.y > e : Lchlgh brown'JJ e ; > Uanlsli ] brown , Sj e ; Prince's mineral , : ic. DnildS ANII CIIKMICAI.S Acid , caibollc , "fie ; acid , tartaric , Kie ; balsam copaiba , per lt > , 50c ; bark , sussatras , per Ib , Uc ! : calomel , per Ib , ? Jc ; ehinclionidin , per o , 40c ; cliloio- loini , per Ib , GOc ; Uover.s powders , per Ib , S1.'J5 ; epsom salts , per Ib , : njc ; glycerine , pure , per Iti , ISc ; lead , acetate , per Hi , ! iOe ; tassittm Iodide , per 11) , S.00 : ) ; sallcln , per 07 , 40c ; snlphato morphliiR , per oz , S2.bO ; sul- plittr , per lh. 24c ; strychnine , pcro51.40. . OILS 110" caibou. per uallon , lOo : 150 ° headlight , pcrgallon , lie ; 175" lieadliuht. per gal , 15e : 150" water white. 14c ; linseed , hard , per gallon , 41c ; linseed , boiled , JKT gallon , 47c : lard , winter str'd , jHircallon , fiOo ; No. 1 , 49c ; No. a. 4Uc ; castor XXX , per uallon , 81.55 : No. : i. S1.4J ; sweet , per irallon , Sl.oo ; sperm , W. 15. , per gallon , § 1.00 ; lisliV. . H. . per gallon , C5c ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , letie , jier gallon , 14c. jiariels , per gallon : Knrni- tuic , extra , S1.10 ; fnrnituro , No. 1 , Sl.OO ; coach , extra , S1.40 ; coacli , No. 1 , S1.20 ; Damar , extra , S1.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asnlialtum extra , SSc ; shellac , SU.oO ; hard oil linish , S1.50. Si'iitiTS Cologne spirits , Ib8 proof , S1.12 ; do 101 proof , SI. 13 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 51.12 ; do , 168 proof , 81.11. Alco hol , IbS proof , S'J.10 per wine gallon. Kcdis- tilled whiskies , S1.00@1.50. Cln blended , Sl.-iO@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , SiOOSO.OO ( ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 52.00@i.50 ( ; ( olden tSlicaf bourbon and rye whiskies , S1.50@a.OO. Jirandies. imported , S5.00@8.50 ; domestic , Sl.Jiomoo. Gins , impoited , 84.50 ( ttC..oo : domestic. S1.25@.00. : ! Jtmiis , im- piledS4.50@S.OO ( ; New Kngland. S1.75@2.00 ; domestic , Sl.'i"@i5.00. Cliampagnes , impoit ed , per case. S2300@34.00 ; American , per case , Slo.oo@ic.oo. _ Flfill. nEHUINOS. . Ill's Il'f IJ'ls O'r nblaJPlt Kta nsn. NEW 200 , 100 W , DO 40 | 12 10 tIACKKIIKU ( .AKI : FISH. PICKLED SALMON. : IIPOIITED nun. SMOKED FISH Halibut , new , extra thick , W o ; scaled lienlngso 25c ; salmon , He ; smoked uturu'con , 17o ; linnan haudlc , 8c. SuNnuiES Imported Holland herrintjs. Kei8 , h5c ; Russian sardines. 45o ; Ancho vies in class. Oio Bull brano. nor ao * . . 81.00 ; spiced Hamburg herrings , skins and heads oif , nor pail. CODFISH Karzo ( r. B. whole cod , 4c ; C. 4k T. , Georges chunks , 7c ; clover leaf , Georges strips , O o ; 1 Ib rolls , nib boxes , CJ < c ; prairie ( lower 2 Ib brlck,0 > jc. Grocers' Jjlst. Sviiur No. 70 , ! c. bbls : No. 70 , 4-callon Itegs , S1.0" ; New Orleans : w@4To per gallon ; l Maple byrttp , } { barrel , strictly pure , 1 7Uc per gallon ; 1 gallon c.ins , 0.25 per do/ ; ) i gallon cans , S5.i5 perdoz ; auartcaivs SU.dO. PICKI.KS Aleditim. In bbls. Sfi.00 ; do In half bbls , S3.50 ; small , in bbls. S7.00 ; do In hnlf bbls. S4.03 ; Rlierkins , In bbls , SS.OO ; do. in half bbls. 84.50. CANKUD liooDS Oysters , standard , per ease. 3.00 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case , ij2.75 ; i asplierrles , 2-lb , i > er ease , S'J.i5 ! ; California years , per case , $5,00 ; apricots , per case , 54. CO ; peaches , per case , S4.75 ; white cherries , per case , 35.1H ) ; plums , per case , S4.00 ; whor- u iu , , /u , i iii r ford's bulk , 4c. PJ.UO To 11 ACCO Climax , 42oper Ib ; I Torso- how , 89c : Star , 30c ; , 39c ; ( Jold Roll , SOc ; Piper lleldsick , COj ; Punch , * ! . : , . OA.NDV Mixed , 0i@l2c ; stick , 0 (3Uc. ( SALT Dray loads , per bbl. 81.55 ; Ashton , In .sacks , S3.35 ; y sacks , Asliton , 65c ; bbls , dairy , 3ifiOS2.75T SODA In Ib papers , 53.25a case ; salsoda , kes , per Ib , FitotTH No. 1 ( niaitcr apples , 4e ; pi lines , new , . s Powdered , 7ic ; cut loaf , grnnulHlod , 6 > ( c ; confectionerh' A , utandardextra C.O-p , , : extra 0. G ; c ; medium yellow , Oc ; Now Orleans , W&k. MATCHES Per caddie , : ftc ; lound , per case. 45c ; .squaio cabcs , ? 1.70 ; inulo siiuaro , * SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 82.03 ; Kirk's sutlnet , S3.15 ; Kirk's btandaid , 38.30 ; Klik's white Kusslau , StA' \ Kiik's Whlto Can " , SO.M > ; Dome. 54.25 ; Washboard , 3.15. ( "OFVKES OIdlnary grades , Oko ; fair. 10 ® 10fo ; prime , llK@U'c ; ' choice , 12 @ 13 > ic ; fancy green nud yellow , 13K@HKc ; old gov- cjii men t Java , 20fiCo ; Interior Java , 10X ( l 20c : Mocha , 22 < 324c : Aibucklo'b roasted , t l3cMcLauEhlln's ; XXXX reacted , ISJic ; Dilwt.ith'.s HJVtfc ; Hed Cross , 13Jfc. I UANDI.KS-hoxcs , 40 Ib. Os , Uc : 83 , lie ; I boxes , 40lb , 10 ot , Os. lie ; half box , 201b , j SI-ICES ( Jround Hlaelt pepper , boxes , 15 j @ 2c ; nllsiiu-c , tSQIOe : cinnamon , lb@25cj 4 eloves , iStS'JOc ; ginger , I5rti25c ; mustarl,15(3 ( . TKASGunpowder , fair , 20QJ7c ; good , 45 " 5.VcholeeCo ; 75sgood ; Imucrlal. 40(343 ( ; choice , rx > * 70otinic ; Hyton , ijood. SOifM c ; " elwlcp. ao rocit ' Oolontr. tjood , SViUOo" : Oo- ' " ' " " - - - Jonit. choice : x > rr40ccio : ! ; choice , CIIACKKIIS CiAriiJ-au's soda , butter and picnic , iVtfc : ereatii.s. S'jc ; plngcr snaps , ( e ; cltv soun , 7' e , FINK Ct'T 1 lard to Heat , 70c : Charm of the West , OOc ; rotmt.Un , 70c : ( lohtcn Tliiead , C7e ; Favorite , COc : Utuls , 60c Koeky Moun tain , 60c : Fancy , 45c ! Daisy , 40c ; Noith Star , On ; Geol ( Luck. 65c ; Our IK-st , 02 > ic ; Good News , & 5c , _ ttt-y Ooddn. 1'itiNTs Aniurlcnn , fi i ; Arnold's. Cc ; Co- cheeo , Cc ; ManclioMcr. ( ' * ; Lyinan , nc ; Glou cester , 5Jfc ; Dnnncll .laeqtiard.Oa ; DunncII , 5 > 4c ; Windsor , Oc ; Pacliic. fie ; llarmonv , 4Uc ; . Anchor Shlrtlnus , 4fc } ; Merrlmack Shirtings , 4' < c ! Hcrwlck , 4c. Ht.iiAriiKi ) COTTONS Farmers' choice , r.iicCabot. . ; tlVc ; Hope , 7c ; Hill 4 4 , 7' c ; 1UI1 , K , OJ/c ; Lonsdale , So ; Fruit , 8c ; Warn- siitta , lojfc. Uousr.T Ji-Axs Kcarsar e , 7c ; Armory , 7c ; Peppcrell , 7J c ; Indian Orchaul , Cj ; Naumkeair , "c. UIIOW.N Co I-TON Lawrence LL , Be : Shaw- nitit , LL. Cc ; Demer Dam LL , 5c ; Atlantic LL , 5e ; Indian Head , 7c ; Waiichusset , ( Ufc ; Crown XXX , 04e } ; Clifton CCC , OJc ; Utlca C. 4 4c ; Atlantic I'.f.Xc. TICKISOS Amoskeng ACA 12Kc : Tliotn- dvku 000 , 7 ( c ; Thorndyko fancy , ! < c ; York , 10' < c : York fancy. 12 > fc ; Mllbttry , 12i c ; Peatl l \er , HUe ; Hamilton , 12e ; Swift Uiver , O ciShetticketS. SKc'.Shetttck- etSSliXc ; > IontaiikAA , 12e ; Montatik 1J1J , He ; Omeira ACA , We. DP.NIMS Heaver Creek AA , He ; Heaver and brown , * Ke. DUCK ( unbleached ) 8 oz. Macnolln , 10 oz. Miinolia : , 12c : 8 oz. West Point , 10 oz.Vcst Point , ry < c. t'rK ( colored ) lioston uoz. blown and drab , 13 > e ; Hoslon O 11 brown and drab , Pe : Huston XX brown and drab , lOc ; Hoston XXX brown and dial ) . HKc ; Hoston O P blue , llKc ; Wairen Tricot , Inc. Oiir.vioTS Ainoskc.ii : , checks , ! > > < fe ; Amos- keair , stripes , s' < fc ; Slater , stripes , fc ; Kdln- bun ? . O c ; Whittcndon. stripes , 8c ; Glen- rose , Do : Otis , chocks , Ojc ; Otis , stripes , Cc ; Jtoyal , 0 fc ; Amoskeatj , napped , ' 10' fc ; J.u- r.\y , book fold , 12c : Oheron , book fold , H c ; JCndnrancc , book fold , 1-c. ad Heans _ Drv Lumber. DIMENSIONS AND Tl.MlinU3. 12ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft 2x4 . 1.-I.M 15.50 16.50 lfl.50 17.50 18.50 19.50 15.00 15.00 16.00 10.00 17.00 20.00,21.00 2.X8. . 15.1W15.r,3.16.M 10.60,17.50 , 111.50 20.50 2.\IO 15.50 15.rX > 15.50 ) 20.5021.50 2.V 12 115.50 15.50 10.50 17.50 20.50 21.50 4x4-8x3 15.5I1 1.-.50 15.50 ) 18.50 19.50 DOAllIIS. No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , It and 10 ft 817.00 No. 2 " " 12,14 nml HI ft 15.00 No.S " " 12,14 and 10 ft 13.00 No. 4 " " 12,14 and 10 It 11.00 No. l , 4 AO Inch , 12and llfcct. rougli..810.50 No. 1 , 4 & 0 inch , 10 feet , rotish 17.0) ) No. 2 , 4it 0 inch , 12 and II feet , rough. . 11.00 No. 2 , 4 & 0 inch. 10 leet.roush 15.00 SIDING. 1st Com. , 12,14 and 10 feet 822.50 2d " " " " 20.00 3d " ' " " ' 15.0a Fence , " " ' \ 11.00 cnir.INf * AND PARTITION. 1st Com. , Y. in. Whlto Pine Par till on. . 833.0 2nd Com. , % in. , " ' " . . 27.0 Clear. X in. Norway " " 14.5 2nd Com. ? ( in. " " 13.5 FLOOIUXO. A Oinch , whitoiuno S3 > .00 13 6 inch , " " 33.00 CO inch " , " ' . 29.50 D Oinch " " , 20.50 EOInch , " ; " J 17.5i ) STociv'no.viins. ' A12inch , sil sl2liUntl 10 feet 840 00 ( ( ' ' ' ' ' ' c " " " " " < " " ! ! . . ! . . . . 3000 U " " " " i " " 23 00 No. l Com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft. IS 00 No. 1 " " , " 10 18 and 20 ft. 1800 No. 3 " " " 12.14 nnd 10 ft. 1000 FINISHING. 1st and 2d Clear , l 'lnch , s. 2s 8510'J , Island 2d Clear , iy and a Inch , s 2s 5100 3d Clear , Hi Inch. s'Js 4UOO 3d Clear , Ik and i inch , s 2s 49 00 A Select , l1 , 1M ami 2 inch , a 2s 4300 B Select , lf , \ % and 2 Inch. s. 2s 3000 1st and 'Jd Clear , l men , s. 2s 5100 3d clear , l inch , 82s 4500 A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s 4000 B Select 1 Inch. s. 2s : ; 000 SHIP T.AP. No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch 517.50 No. 2 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch 15.50 No. 1O. G 18.00 Railway Time Table. OMAHA. Tno following : la tlio time of arrival and do- partuioot' trains by Central Standard tlmo lit the locnl depots. Trains of tlio C. , SL P. , it. & O. nrrivo and dapnrt from tholrdooot. corner ot 14th und Webster streets ; trains on the It. & M. , 0. , n. & Q. and 1C. C. , St. J. & C. n. from the B. & M. depot : nil others from the Union I'acluo depot. UIUDQE TRAIN3. Ilrldffo trains will ioav > it. l' . depot at < J5 117:35-8:00-8:10-8:50-11 : : : 10:00-11:00 : n. m. . B 1:00 : 1:20-1:50-3:00-3:00 : : : : B 4:00-5:0 : : 5(0 : ; ( 0:10 : 7:00 11:10 p.m. Leave transfer for Omaha nt 7:12 D 8:15 : 9:30 : 0:13-H : -10:37-lli"a.J : : : : [ m. : ' 1:37-2 : : 13- 2:37 : 3:30-3:37-4:37 : : : 6:5)(1:12 : ( 7:20-7:50 : : Arrival nnd donnrturo of trains from the transfer depot at Council Bluffs : DEI'Al'T. JIIIIUVB. CHICAGO , BOCK ISLANU & PACIFIC. B 7:15 : A. M I D 0:15 : A , M BOMSA.M B 5:30 : p. M C 0:40 : P. M i B 7:00 : P. M CHICAGO & NOaiHWESTKHN. B 0:15 : A. M I 1)0:15 : A.M COsWP. M I 11 7:00 : P. M CHICAGO , 11UIILINOTON ft QUINC1T. AU.05A. M 1 A 0:16 A.M B ( i : 0r. M B 0:20 : p. M I A7CO : P. H CHICAGO , MII.WAUKCK A ST. PAUL. B 0:15 : A. M I I ) :15A. : M C 0:4)1' . M I B 7:00 p. M KANSAS CITY. BT. JOE ft COUNCIL m.UBTf * A 10:00 : A. M. I I ) 11:35 : A. M C 8:55 : P. M I A 5:40 : P. M WAHASII , BT. LOUIS fc PACIFIC. A 3:00 : p. M I A 3:30 : P. M BIOU.1 CITY & PACIFIC. A 7:05 : A. M I A 0:35 : A.M A 0:25 : P. it ! _ A B:5Jf. : M J.eavnStock Ynrils for Omuhu lit 7:55 : 10:231. : 12:01-1:29-1 : : 10 5:07-0:200. : : m. NOTB A traln datlV ; ndally oicopt Sunday ; 0 dully except Saturday ; 1) , dally except Mon- dar. , HbTEL DSREGTORY. The HiUard , B. Ebcars , J.E. Murktl.Qlios. Bwobc , Proprietors Oinuha , Nvbrnekii. Flour and Feed , W , J. WELSH AXS & CO Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturers of W. J. Welshons 4 Co.'s Quick Huif lug lluckwhcat Hour and pronrletorg Onmna City Mills , cor. fcth and Farnain blrcets , Omaba. Leather , Hides , Etc , ELOMAN UI',03. , Wholcsalo . Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Eaddlcry und Shoo l'Indtnra , Hhlus , Wool , 1'uro , IVHs , GicaeoTullow , Etu. . Ouiuha. Kcl , OMAHA KANUFAGTUHERS. Book Binding , Etc , sPrinters IlKKS PHINTINO CO. , Printers , Book Binders , And lllnnk Hook Mnnufncturers. No . 106 anj lOSPonth Uth Street. Omnlm , Neb. Bridges StMm Pile JJrlving , RAYMOND & CAMrilHI.L , KiiKlncers nnd Contrnctors. Brg CF , F.cof TiDfses , Steam Pile Driving Iron Combination nnd Howe Trues llrldje ( , Plllnir nnd Onk Timber. ISth St. , near Fnintun , Telephone Nd 734. Beer , M. KKATIN'O , Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n Spectnl brands Faust , Unduclscr , Ihlnngcr Car , Oth and Cnpltol Are , , Omnhn. . . . Cigars and Tobacco , , . " * " " " " " " MAX MKYKU i CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , Guns nnd Ammunition. 21.1 to SJT.l South llth Street , KL'O to Iffi4 Fnrnnm Street , Umnlm , Nub. ISTKIt-OCBAN CtllAU r.tCTOOT. WEST k FHlTSCHKIt. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wliolesnlo DenleM In I.enf Tobacco * . Nos. J08 nml 110 N. Uth Street , Omalm. Neb. trockery , \V."L \ , Wlt'lGHT ) ' * ' Afcnt for the Manufnctitrors nnd Importers , Crockery , Glassware , J.nmpf , Chhnnoys , Etc. Onieo , 317 South 13th Street. Omulia , Nob. _ _ _ Carriages. _ C. S. GOODRICH * CO Agents for F. A. Whitney Cnirlngo Co.'a Children's Carriages , Jowctt'a Cclobrntcd Ho'rlKOrutors. Send pnor p rlco llsta. lll.'i Fnrnnm tt. , Omnhn. _ Cornices. _ Eagle Cornice Works , John Kpenoter , Propilotor. Mnnufar.turcr of Gnlvnnlml Iron nnd Carnico. td Doduo und 101 nnd 1U5 North Uth Strcot , Omnhn , Nob. Mnnnfactiircraof Ornnmcntnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals , Etc. , 310 S. 12th St. AVorkdono in nny part of the country. Western Cornlco Works , C. SPKCHT , Proprietor. Gnlvnnl7cd Iron Cornices , Etc. Spcoht'a Im proved I'nletit Metnll'.c SkyllKht. 60S nnd 0103. 12th St. . Omnhn. Neb. Doors , Sasli. Etc. The Gate Cily Pkn'ng Mill. Doors , Bash nnd Ullnds. Also nil kinds of tinning. Scroll uudStuU- work ol o\ery do- ecrlptlon. A. HOSENIinilY , Manufacturer nnd Donlcr InDoors Sash Blinds Etc. Doors , , , Mouldings , . Stair Hnlla n specialty Telephone No. PS luthmid MurcvSt8.OmnhnNob. Electrical Supplies. It VT. WOLFE & CO. , Electricians , Electrical Supplies , MnEonio IllocV , Omnlm. llurslnr Ahirins. Holla , FIto Alarms , Elcctrlo Minting , Spcuklnjf Tubes , Iron Works. _ PAXI'OV . < ! - " - - : " > V\VOUKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , IronStnlrs , Knlllnfr , Ilollcd llonms and Girders , Stcnm Enjrincs , llrnss Work , Genornl Foun dry , Machine nnd lllacksmlth Woik. Olllco k Worka , Union Punlllc It'y & So. 17th St. Iron nrd Nails. - - ' "c57 OMAHA NAIL JU s-L-'ACTUltlNG Cut Ms aud Spikes , Tire Nulls I\SK ! j'.nllv. Omalm , Neb. Safes. Omatfa Safe Works , G. AND11EBN. Mnnufncturor of Flro nnd JliirKlnr Proof Snfcs , Vnult Doors. Jnll Work. Shutters nnd Wlro Work. Cor. llth nnd Jackson Sts. , Oinnlm , Nob. Wagons and Carriages , Established 1858. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , UK ) and Ull Potlffo Street , Omaha , Neb. Commission , Etc , M. IIUUKK & SONS , Live Stock Commission Gco. Ilurkc , Mnnugcr , Union Stock Yards , S. Omntia. Tolo.ihono B83 w. F. UHOWN & co. . Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Oflico Kxchniifro linlldinfr. Union Stock Yards , South Omuhu , Nob. TclcphonoNo.tXXL ! MALIXKY. BON & CO. Live Stock Commission , Union Stock VnrdD , Chlcnffo , 111. , nnd Omnlm , Neb. FrnnkChit .ndcnMunnRorniulmUrunch. Tclcphono No. SJ. Kstubllshod 1U02. W. L. PATHICK & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , .IddrcEH all communications to us lit Union Stock X'utds , South Omulin. Advances mudo on stock. Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. I Limited. John F. lloyd , Superintendent. SAVAGE & ( iUJJKN' , j Lie Stock Commission Merchants. Shipments of nny nnd nil kinds of Moult solicit f ed. Union fcux-k Yards , ( Jmubu , Nob. Lumber , Etc , LOUIS UUAUFOUD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Etah , Dooru , Ktc. Yards Cor. 7th und " Cor. Oth und Uout'Uii. noim MANUi'AcrmiiNa co , . 1 Kanufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Btulr Work and Interior Hurd Wood Finish. Jiifct opened. N. u , cor , kth uud Lcuvcn- worth Sticcts , Omuha , Neb. CHICAGO LUMI1BR COMPANY , Wliolssale Lumber , tU B. Hth Etitot , Oinahu , Nulj. F. Colpotzor , C. N. DIKTZ , , Lumber , Kth and California StiucU , Omaha , Nob. FUKD W , GItAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor , Cth und Doui/lus Streets , OmuUu , NcU. GEO. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omalm , Nebraska. " t'HAS. It. I.EK , Hardwood Lumber , Wnrcn Stock , Fancy Woods , lltidgo Timbers , ic. , S. W. Cor. Uth und Douglas , ( Juialui , Nub. G. P. LYMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Uulldhur Pupcr , Etc. South 13t. ' > btro , OiJa'il. ' OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY ' _ Agricultural Implemenis , _ \Vholcsnlo Dealers In Agricultural Imploraents. Odico , Corner Cth and rntinoSt * , Umnlm , NcU. ' 1'AHl.lN , OHIJNDOHKK & MAUT1N , Wholesale DealcM In & 0rlcultural Implements , Wagons nml llUKRlo ? , Omnlm Nob. UHUKCltllih PAKKKIt , AVholrsnlo Dcirfcr In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cnrrinitea ami liturgies. ,1r ncs Ft. , lirt. Otli uiul Uth , Umnlm , Ncl ) . Boots and Shoes , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , Ull rarutim Street , Omaha , Nrti. > l mm factory , Summer Street , Itoston. Carpels , _ . , ' " " " " " 'B. A. oucitAiVn , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Clollis , Mr.ttlnm , Curtain nooOs. r.le. . lia Knrnam Struct , ( Jmnlia , Neb. Coal , Lime , Etc. .IhFl'W.UKDFOUD , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Onicc , 213S. Hth rt. , Omnlm , KeK Ynnls , Oth unJ JJrveniioit Streets. " COUTANT & SQtIIltr.3 Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. Bret vnrlctlcn. Onicc,213P. Kith St. Telephone No. HW , Umnlm , Nub. _ ' NK1111ASKA nJKIiCO. , Shippers of Coal and Coio , KU S. 13th St. , Omnun. Neb. OEO. CJ , TOW.E , I'rcslilouf. Oro. 1'ATTr.iiPON , SeuviinJ Trens. _ J. II. , tA. . , 1'iopiirtor. Mannifor. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NlJIUtASKA. Olllco , L'17 S. lath ! ? ticet. Tclcphono 43. _ GEO. 1' . IiAiiAillt , l're . C. V , ( looiiM < N , V , I'rcn J. A. SUNM.Hl.AM > Sec. nml Treas. Omaba Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of hard niul toft ecu ! , M > S. 1MHt. . , Oinabii , Noli. OMAHA COAI. AND PIIODUCU Ca Hard and Soft Coal. Esclutlvo dealers In llouliler Colorado Coal. 217 houth 14th btrcot. Coffee and Spices. " rr.AiiKi5 iino Omalia Coffee and Spice Hills. Tea. " . Coffees , Pplces. linking 1'owilor Hnvorlnif Extrncts , I.mindry llluo. Ink , utc. 141MU Hur- nuyStroot , Omnlm , Nob. Commission , Etc. . . " " "llHANCII & CO. , Wholesale Fruits' , Produce , Oysters , Iii Fnrniim St. , Omulin. Apples On r own i-ack- Inir I'lntt & CO/H TlBcr llnincl Oj'stcrs , lluttor , , Uaino , Voultry , Potatoes. JOHN F. FLACK , General Commission Merchant , Trodiico , 1'rovlslons , Fruits , Flour ami Feed , 105 B. Hth St. , Oiniiliu , Ncl ) . CoLiBlL'iimctits solicited. licturns inudu ui-oiuuHr. \v. n. General Commission Merchant. SpECiALTiES-Cheeee. llutter. i : cs , Poultry nml Gnniu. 112 S. 14lh. , Omulin , Nob. Telephone - phone No. J195. _ _ D. A. HUIH.KV , Commission and Jobbing , flutter. ERKS nml I'roduco. A full line of Stono- wurc. Coiislgmnuiita solicited. 1114 IJodso St. , Oinaliu. K. MCDONALD. COMHISSiQH MERCHANT. 815 J2th Street , Oiiuilia , Nob. Spcclultlca : But- _ tor. 15ri:9. ( jind ClilcKcus. _ WIEDhMAK & "colj = Produce Commission Merchants. I'oullry , Uuttor , Onmo , Fnilts , Ktc. ii.'OS. Hth _ _ _ St.Omahii , Nebraska. WESTKUFIKLO IIHO3. , General Commission Merchants , 140fi Dodge Struct. Omalm , Nob. CoiisiKiununls Boliuitcd. _ _ WKKKS A JIlLLAIil ) , Storage and Commission Merchants. Forolgn and nomostlo Fruits a Hpoclnlty. 111- cKnnt EioruKo I'udlltioi. WnrnlmiiHO and otDco , 110 North lath bt. TolophonD 7T6. E. MOliONV , General Commission Merchant , Uuttcr , EPK * , Cbcc80 nml Country Produce Ron- criiiiy , WJ S. 12th St. , Oiuulm , Nob. MCSHANB & SCHIIOEDKK. Buyers of Butter and Eggs. ncfrlpcrntor mid I'ncltliielloxiso.Htli .VLoaren- worth St. , OH U. 1' . II. H. Track , Omnlm , Nob. BstiiLllslicd 1870. KOUKHT PUUV1S , General Commission , tllS. Hth St. , Omiihn , Nob. SpeclJltics Duller _ KKKS , Poultry und ( luinu. mioa , Commission Merchants , ' , PinOiicc and Provisions , Omulin , Neb JHAAO OIIIFFITII. Commission Msrchant , nnd wholojalo dealer I" country product ) , fruits , biittur , cg-irs , ct ( ! . fioods on cniislunincnt B specialty. MJ . 10th , , Omnlm , Nob. KiitscnnriAUN * EONS , ( Successors In A. 1' , SolinuU. ) Produce Commissioa Merchants , No. 213 South 12th Strcot , Oiimlin , Ncl ) . Ury Goods , j , j. nnowifi co7 ! YJliolesalo Dry Goods and Notions. U J Douelas Street , Omnlm , Nob. J > . ( JINSniJUO ACO. . , Wholesale Dry Goods Notions , Hosiery , , , J. e s , ntJil'roidery ' mid Wlillu Cexida. _ HflOHouelu8titicut , Ointilw , Neb. VINYAHJ ) & .SCIINKI Jobbeia In otions , Hosiery & GontsTurnishing Goods 1000 und 10)tf I'lirnnru Sl.OinnhnNcb. Harness Elc. , . _ _ , wm/rv * i-ANnnocic , Manuruutuicrs nnd Jobbers of Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Turf Guuils , llluiiketa nnd Holies. Mattresses , B. M. IIOT.SK , Mattress Company , Mnnnfncturliur Miittruksua , Itcddlnir. Fcathpr rllli > v,8 , Cots , tUc. VM uiul I''tti llouiflHM Street , Uninlin.Neb. _ _ Overalls. Manufacturers of Overalls Jeujul'uuts.SlilrU. Ktc. . IIIU mid 1 'H Sit tot , Ooiuuii , KuU mm JOBBERS' DIRECTORY OMAHA I. MUKU 00 , Dealers In All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale. 1Mb Stteet anil l i on I'ne II3Truck , Omnhi OKHMAN D. WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , SOIh mul Uiinl Streets , Omaha , Xcbrnsk.1. * J. A. VrAKKrtr.I.D , Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shlnglas , rtiilldlnc rapors. Sash , DOOM , llllnda , Mm. . Infra , l'lcK < it , , ro t , l.line. 1'lnoter , Haf , Cement , Nlntn aim Jonci > , Omaha Ncl ) . Millinery , " ' iToiiuiirKi.uiVit , Importers and Jobbers ot Millinery and Notions , 12innrid 1-H llarnoy StreetOmaha , N'cK Musical Instruments , " " nunoi.M & r.iu Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Stolnway I'lanoi , Wehor , Decker , llalnos anil llrlpRs I'innoi , raekanl Organ * , Chase Orff.ius. 101 and ItXl IMh street. Notions , Etc. J U ItllANUlKS A SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Clnod * , Notions , ( louts' Knrnljhlmr Oooild , tlomls from Nitw Voik. U'tnilo pales 60J nml HW South itlh ; HI. , Omnlm. Furniture. Etc , t DKWKY A. s-mxi : , Wholesale Coalers in Furniture , Kuumm Street , Omaha , Nob. Groceries , " niios. . Wholesale Grocers , Douirlna StreetOmnhfi , Neh. M. 11. CHAPMAN & CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tolincco nnd SmoLurs * Aitleles , Ii.'l7 llownnlSt " " " MKYEIl & KAAl'KR Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Spices , ClgnrH nnd Tobnix-os , 1317 nnd 1310 litlj- ( Ins Struct , Otiinhn , Neb. WcCOllD , IULVDV& COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th nnd Fnrnnm Streets , Omaha , Nob. PAXTON , OAU.AOIUIH & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 705 , 707,709 nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Nob. Hardware. Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , Springs , Wiinon Stock , Hardwood I.nnilicr , etc. law and 1211 Harnuy etreex , Oiuahu , Nub. 131)Nr.Y& GII1I10N , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And Cnrrlaffo Wood Stock , Heavy Hanlwaro , Ktc. UlTaud U1U Ieii\ouwoithStieut , Umahu , Neb. HIMHHAUGH & TAYI.OII , Builders' Hardware , Mechanics' Tools and Iluffalo SeuloB. H03 Doiiff- Ins Street , Oaniha , Neb. * lii3FHIED& : CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware , Bhcut Iron , Etc. Agents for Howe Scales and illumi Powder Co. , Omaha Neb. MII.TON HOQKHS & PONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantlet , Giutus , Hruns goods. l\Kl \ and 132.1 FM > niun Street. UKCTOIl i WI1I1KI.MV CoT | Wholesale llardv/are / and Nails , I'liicrEon Steel Nails. Cor. 10th and llarnoy Strcula , Omaha , Nub. Harvesters. & CO. . CHICAGO. Manufacturer of the Deertaj ! Harvester Goods , Writ * to Wm. M. Lorlmcr. Ojnoral Agoat , Omaha. Telephone ) 010. Iron Pipe , Etc , A. I * STIJANG COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Etcum , Water , Itulhi uy and Milliner Supplies , Rt i WO , V t nnd 1134 Fnrnnm St. Omnhn , Nob. CIIUUCIIILL POMP CO , , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Btcnm und Water Supplies , lleudquiirtors tor Must Fooet Co.'s Goods. 1111 1'uriniiu Street , Oinahn , Nob. Jewelry. BDIIOLM & KHTCKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dtnlorn In Sllvorivurc , Dlnmonds , Watclui Clocks , Jowolors' Tools nnd MntorluU , Elr. , 10J nnd 1H1 , ISth Street , Cor.Iodgo _ , Oiuulm , Neb , ( _ _ - Notions , Etc Z J. T. Robinson Notion Company , 403 nnd 405 B. 10th St. , Omnhn , Nob. ' ' Wbolcsulu UcalciH In Notions und Gcnta'Fur * nlshlng Goods. Oils , Etc. CONSOLIDATED TANK 1,1 KB CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gasoline , Mien Axle Gicnto , Elu. A , H , Illsuop , Manager , Omnhn , Neb , Pork Packing. "JAMES D. HOYD , Pork Packer and Shipper , Omalm , Nobruskn , HAItlUB Ic FlSIIIHt , Packers and Provision Dealers , OfBcc , Union Mnrkot. 1517 Dodire Stront. Packing honho , U. P. It. 1U Track , Omaha , Nob. Tele phone No. 107. Safes and Locks. P. & CO , Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 Flro nnd Iturplar Proof Sufofi/rimo IxuknVnnlt ( nnd Jull woik. JUO ( Furniun htreet , Oriinlin , Nub Seeds. J. KVANH. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seads , Airrlcnltinnl , Yoffetnblu , I'lo. Odd FellowV Hull , N. W. Cor. 14th nnd DodKO St . , Oiimtiu , Nub , Drugs , Etc , TIIK GOODMAN DIUXJ CO Wholesale Druggist' , And Dealer m 1'ulnts. ( ) lln und Window ( While Lead. _ wnnr Strictly Pure Mite Lead , 20tll btl'Hl ' I 1.1) . "Ml .I1H , .V'O V/ines / and Liquors , II.I'.U & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Y/Iaes / And J.Iijuors. Hole mxnnructuioruof Kunnoily'l Ua ' t Jmllu Hitters. 1112 Iliuney l-jlrcut , UniahK , IIEO. . , Bucccesor to MCN MAIIA & DIINHAN , Iioporta ; * and \Vholoealo lluiilora in V/iass / , Liquors and Cigars , Cll nnd KI6 S. Illh St. , Oiiiutm , Nub. Tish , Ltc , ISU CO ? Ickon Klvinsoon St Co. Wholesala Fish Dealers , of I'luclFUli ! , * > 'o. < . til-'JU ) t i. &UftiauJ I' ' . 1' . Tjac