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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , MONDAY MOANING , TTEBUAEY 1. 1886. NUMBER 192. HIS HOME DOUBLY AFFLICTED The Wife of Secretary of State Thomas A , Dies Yesterday THE PATIENT INVALID MOTHER Broken llcartctl nml Proa ! rnctcd. liy the UcccntDeath ofThclr l < 1nvor- Ho Daughter , Herself Passes tu the Great IJoyond. Dentil of TiIrH. ThomaH A. Hnynrtl. WAfmtNciTo.v.Jan. : ) ! , Mrs. Hayard , wife of the focretury of slate , died ut hcrrcsldciico In this city at 8X : ! ) this morning. The Imme diate cause of Mrs. IJayard's dentil was con gestlon of ( ho lirnln , brought on by llio shoclc of her daimhtcr'H sudden death , two weeks ago. For the llrst week followhiK that event she stood the strain and excitement quite well , but a week ago last Friday she was com pelled to take to her bed , and gradually crew worse from day to day. On Thursday con gestion of the brain made its appearance. She was unconscious for Iwenty-l'our hours before her death. Although for ycara Mrs. Hayard had been a continued Invalid , she Imd for the last six mouths been In better health than for years. Tlio prosldenl'was Immediately notified . of Mrs. Hayard's death , and ho at once sent Col. l.amonl with a note of condolenceto the secretary , and Inter In the day Miss Cleveland - land railed at the house. There will be no funeral services In Washington. The remains will be taken by special car to 'JV'll- nilngton and deposited In the old Swedish church.whcro they will remain until 'J o'clock Tuesday uftcrnoon , when the Kplseopal .ser vice will be read and the body placed In the tomb. Mr. Hayard' has asked that no ofllclal dcmontratlonsbemadcand thopre.sldent.vlll not go to Wilmington. Several members of the cabinet , however , will attend the funeral. WASHINGTONJan. . 31. [ Special Tele- Kram.l To-night It Is believed that Mr. Uay- nrd , secretary of state , will very soon retire to private life. The death of his wife to-day has completely crushed him. When his daughter died a few days ago he was almost prostrated , and would then have Insisted upon resigning from his olliclal position had not friends persuaded him to reconsider. Mr. Uayard Is of a very affectionate disposition , thoroughly In love with domestic life , lie has loved his own fireside more dearly than all else. He now feels that It is dissolved , ami he wants to pass the remainder of his days In quietude and out of the burly burly of public olllcc , where there is nothing but the jostle of self ishness and the coldness of formality. While Mr. Hayard was in the senate ho re ceived nothing but praise and kind words from the very moment ho cnteicd. In the department of state ho was overwhelmed with unkind criticism. This gnawed pain fully at his sensitiveness and it. Is said ho has within his Inner consciousness been wishing for an opportunity to retire , it is now afforded and there is little doubt that It will be embraced , and at once. His olllce is one that carries with It many social duties and none of these can now bo filled. It is be lieved by a few of ills friends that he may take one of the first class missions , but that Is not at all likely. He wants to travel and to bo clear of responsibility. Ho has a pri vate foitunc large enough to meet all of his desires. WEEK. IN AVAIjJj STREET. BufllncNH Generally JDuil - and De spondency Prevail ittic. NKW YOIIH , Jan. 31. [ Special Telegram. ] The last few weeks have not by any means tended to Induce a cheerful feeling In Wai" Htrect. In fact , there Is a disposition maul fcstlng Itself among the commission houses to despond about the situation. Things have generally become very dull in the street The decrease in amount of real business litho the stock market can by no means bo meas ured by the falling off In the number of re corded transactions. That shows a seven loss , to bo sure , but the real trouble Is that al most the whole of trading is professional. Scalping , matched orders and washed sales makeup nearly the whole of three or four hundred thousand shares which constitute the average business of the stock exchange for the past week. There Is no real market , nml existing conditions tend to approximate toastatoof tilings which existed from the beginning ot'lBS5down to the date of the trunk line settlement. The public keep away from the market and manipulation by pro fessional operators supplies all the activity there is. All this Is very unsatisfactory to "flic general run of Wall street men , It Is beginning to bo extensively recog nized that the change which Is going on in the personnel of the street has a good deal to do with the condition of ulfalrs. The death of I ) . 1 * . Morgan takes another of the leadIng - Ing old timers away from the market , and continues the process which has been going on very actively In the past six months. Look at the changes. Vanilerbllt Is dead. His f'-JCO.OOu.OOO . are tendered as Ineffective for stock market purposes as If they never liad been gathered together , and lib sons , It is btated , nro under cast Iron pledges not to dabble In stocks. Gould has said ho has re tired , and while final decision on the subject had better be reserved , it si-onis for the pres ent to bo so. Then wo have Osborno and Moigan dead , and II. M. Smith sent to Join Jim Kconc , so far as any weight In the market is concerned , Lasf , but not least , our old friend Undo Itussell gage , Is not nearly as nctlvo as ho ibcdtobc. The result of the changes has neeri to make Deacon White and Wood- { ehoelTer and Cammaek very much greater forces In the street than they were before , andattho sumo time \\o have a number of rompamflvely now men , like Newcomb , Armourand Hoxle , whom the street did not know previously. Alt these changes Imply a necessary period of transition. The Inter relations , methods and schemes of the now magnates must bo known and their weight ability gaiiRod boforn the stieet feels at Vimo with them and speculation fulls Into 'tfi lozularrhlinnols once more. The chief weapon In the hands of the bulls lias again been low interest rates for muiiey , which permits largo blocks to bo canled by pools at an almost nominal rate. , As long as this can bo done the price of any stock can bo advanced at will and shorts forced tn cover at the will of the bull clique. This ac . counts In a great nieasuru for Urn hesitancy to soil on the maikct and the frequent mines which distinguish the market nowadays. New York banks mo so overstocked with loanable funds they uro glad to obtain em ployment foi them at any lute. The greater part of rail loans made this week on tlm Hoot of the exchange were at 1J pur cent. It looks , too , as If this tendency would bo kept up for sometime yet , The condition of foreign exchange does not improve , amla great deal ol ciicneou : calculation is resorted to to explain it. Kates hang ob > lnati'l.v ! about the trold shlppljiu point , and it Is only a question cif a little moro Inijuln being manifested from day U day to Bend it over the line and stall.shin ments of gold bars at a liv--ly : rate. The whole tioumo with the cxr.hauso nuirkcl may ho set down tis the gnvit fiilllnt ; off ol oxrioitsconjolnttd with the timid fooling I over the outcome ot the t > llm- question in COllglfSS , WASHINGTON M3W8. Colcnmn to Show IIU Dcpnrtmcnt's Progress In Investigation. WASIIIXOTO.V , Jan. 31. Commissioner Colcman leaves for St. Louis Monday to pre side at the convention of the National Suar association nnd Mississippi Valley Dairy men's association , which are to bo held this nnd next week. At the latter convention the commissioner proposes to show the delegates the progress that lie Is endeavoring to make In the Investigation of adulteration of food , especially dairy products. Prof. Taylor , nilcroscojilst of the department , who claims to have unfailing test for pure butter as compared with counterfeit articles , will bo present , and by means of a umlc lantern and a" series of mlero-photoi'raphs , will explain Ids discoveries and make an ad dress upon the subject by the means of these Illustrations. It Is understood the department is not ready to say these discoveries are absolutely- wlthout question , but the commissioner thinks the conventions are entitled to such Information as ho can furnish , and that the country oujrht to Imvo the benefit of such suggestions'as Prof. Taylor has to make. Kudo Army Officers Hcbukcd. WASIIIXOTOX , Jan. RO. Adjutant General Drum has written n letter to Chief Signal Officer lla/.en In rccard to the recent court- maitlal convened atFortMyer , In which he says tlio secretary of war Instructs him to ex press his grave displeasure at the conduct of Lieut. Green , of the signal corps , who , ho says , has manifestly failed so far to comprehend the duties nnd responsibilities of a commissioned officer , and realize the use of harsh , Insulting anil abusive languaca toward men , who. from their position , could not reply to It , It strikes at the very root of military discipline , and evidences In an olll- ccrso acting a dcplorablewantotsclt control , which. If persisted In , would demonstrate lila utter uiifitncss for command. The sec retary of war also deems It his duty to repro bate the rude and coarse manner In which the officers composing the court treated coun sel for the accused. Such conduct Is utterly unjustifiable In ofllccrs sitting in a military court in the capacity of judges. Considering Cattle Diseases. WASIIIXOTOX , Jan. 29. The house com mittee on agriculture yesterday began con sideration ot bills to prevent the spread of pleiiro-pncumonia among domestic ani mals. Wilson of Iowa , Commissioner Coleman - man ot the department of agriculture , Dr. Salmon of the bureau of animal industry , and others , addressed the com mittee. Salmon explained the nature of pleuro-pneiimoula. Ho said the llesh of In fected animals was not injurious as food , and no bad etrecls have been known from Its use. The disease was communicable to animals within fifteen months after Infec tion , and quarantine should bo extended to eighteen mouths at least. Wilson expressed the opinion that tlio trade of calves between the cast and west facilitated the transmission of the disease. Alii inns in the Xcok WASIIIXOTOX , Jan. 30. The secretary of the navy received information from the Pa cific Mail Steamship company that another revolution Is threatened on the Isthmus of Panama. Hear Admiral Jouutt , command ing the iSorth Atlantic station was yesterday directed by telegraph to icmaln at Asplnwall with the Tennessee for the present. It is possible the Tennessee sailed from Aspln wall for Key West prior to the receipt of these instructions , iu which event she will bo ordered back in case tlio situation demands it , and other vessels will also bo ordered to his assistance. Xot much Importance Is at tached to the present reports of danger. The President and Senate. WAsmxaTox , Jan. 31. The democratic senators met In caucus yesterday at 11 and adjourned at 1:45. : They discussed the pendIng Ing issue between the executive and senate fully , and unanimously adoped the following resolution : llcsolvecl. That we approve the views and actions of the president communicated to the scuato through Attorney General Garland , In the letter of January 29,1830 , nnd wo cor dially support the executive therein. The letter from the attorney general was received by the president of. the senate yes terday , and seen by the senators , but It was not formally laid before the body. Coining ; Up Tor Action WASIIIXOTOX , Jan. 31. The committee on banking and currency has instructed Mr. Adams of Illinois to call up for action durlnc the course of the week his bill to authorize national banks to Increase then-capital stock. MUOai-MAUIUBD RASCAL. A Father or Two Families and Hus band of Two Wives. AitAi'AHOE , Neb. , Jan. 31. [ Special. ] About a month ago It was learned that George P. Carlton , alias Albert Mcllenry , was a muchly married man , having n wife and five small children in Stockton , Kan. and also n wife hero and a baby about foui months old. It was kept quiet for some time and notli lug was said publicly , in hope that the Stock' ton authorities would take stops to have him arrested. They took no steps foi seine time , and about n week age Carlton alias Mcllenry got wind of the affal and unceremoniously skipped , doing one good thing , however , by paying all his debts Carlton alias Mcllenry Is a small dudlsli Englishman about ! Wyears old , 5 feetfi Inches high , blonde hair and mustache , and a tailor by occupation. It Is understood that friends of his first wife In Stockton are getting up a purse as a reward for his capture , and any communication of his whereabouts would bo gladly received by Stockton authorities. This IsMclIenry's second cscapadoofthls kind , ho having been convicted in Kansas nnd served two years ami four months in the Leaven worth penitentiary. The cheekiest part of his escapade was brought to light ono day last week when much to the surprise of everyone in town ho coolly stepped off the 11:30 : train and wont up to his house. He loft his house and secreted himself in an adjoining out house , and a former employer hired a rig of a liveryman down around town and then drove up to the outhouse , Carlton jumped In and drove east , and then north , and was lost sight of among the hills. The team has not yet been returned and should It not bo , things will bo very lively for his former employe. People arc very Indignant at him , ns ho was aided financial ! v by some of the best men hero , and was doing n good business. His present wlfo Is n pleasant woman and has the sympathy of the entire community. Had the people known he was coming ho would have been met at the depot with a band of music , a bucket of tar and old feath er bed , and all accompanying requisite for n good time for all except himself , Stockton authoiltlesars much blamed for not causing his arrest when It was nn easy mutter. Terrible Triplu Traccily. Ci.K\T.j.AJi ( > , Jan. Si. Alfred Smith , n sailor , munU'ied his wife and her companion , Louisa June Wilson , bomo time last night , and then attempted sulchlo by cutting Ida throat , but ho will iccovcr. He entered the room by means of a window and killed the women by beating them over the : iead with a carpenter's hammer. Two Men Drowned , C < n.t w. " . Neb. , Jan. 41. [ Special Tele gram.Dr. . W. .J , Kelshis and M. Weinrich , old clllrtnsoi' PJatterwmty , whllo crossing the rlviT at .l-'o't Niobmni on the lee , yostor- day.ti'.kf.l n"o an air hpJ aud were drowned , Tl. < lrl"--i Is lamented by their fili'Wils mi' ! ) ; : it > vra in Pialto county , mm is lulfillment of the Latter Will Defeat Ex tension of the Former , MUST HAVE TARIFF REDUCTION. ConRrcss Clamoring for Private Secre taries KtYoct of the Kclley Episode on Our Trade With Austria Xotcs. Tnr Iff Overtops Pensions. WASIIINOTON , Jan. 31. [ Special. ] The soldiers of thecountry will doubtless be quite as much surprised as grieved to know that the desire of the free traders to reduce the tariff Is working against all measures before congress looking towards moro liberality In pension matters. And , also , that Secretary Manning , and even President Clovelaiul , are working against the ultimate adoption of any bill enlarging the expenditures for pen sions. "If the limitation of the arrearages act Is repealed. " said a western representative to day , "or the bill Increasing the pension of widows is passed , or the Mexican bill , or any measure contemplating a larger expenditure of money , there can bo no reduction of the tariff. There will then bo so much paid out for pensions that It will exhaust llio surplus in the treasury or reduce It to the minimum. " "Hut do you not think the pensions will bo better for the people than the reduction of the tariff ? " I asked. "Uudoubo.lly ! , " was the answer , "but the allowar.oj of Inr o pensions and the aid of soldiers and those who are dependent would not bo politic ? , and woulil In no degree bo fullllling the plcdecs of the party. The dem ocrats wore ( successful In the last campaign , at least partially , because they promised lower tariffs. Those tarlit reductions must come , and the party cannot afford to bo de feated In bringing them r.b7iit by allowing more pensions or making any possible con cessions. Of course. It looks hard to deny the poor widows , orphans or crippled soldiers pension.0 , simply to make a political point ; 'tit ' politics are politics , you know. " Do you think the bill Increasing the vldows' pension from SS to § 12 a 'month vill pass' ' " "It may. In fact I believe it will. You co that will be a kind of sop , and It can bo cferred to iu the coming campaign. Hut tore must be a tariff reduction. " "Can a tariff bill bo passed ? " "The democrats in the house think so , and icy are going to try. The reason they have eld back on reporting a bill is because they , vant Frank Ilurd , Ohio's great free-trader , o take his seat In the house llrst. It Is ar ranged by the party that ho shall have Romcls' wit within a month. Then the tariff dls- uibance will bo begun. Secretary Manning , ipeakcr Carlisle and others have been en- ; agiug in the movement against icnslons and in favor of a aritt reduction. You will re- nember that a few days ago a bill was agreed upon by the Howe committee on invalid pen- Ions which extends to January 1 , 18S8 , the Imitation of the arrearages act. Well , that bill was to bo reported Immediately to the notiso with a recommendation that it pass. . t was to defeat the Ilrowno amendment to ho bill pending , and which amendment also ixtonded the limitation of arrearages. As loon as this amendment was made Speaker Carlisle , Secretary Manning , Col. Morrison , and other tariff reformers went to members f the committee and told them that the bill extending arrearages must bo defeated , as it would bar out tariff reform. The consequence quenco was the bill was not reported and It will not be passed. " CONdKCSSMEN AND 1MUVATE SUCIlF.TAKir.S. "I propose to agitate just as much as I can : ho propriety of allowing congressmen I iieaa members ot the lower house private secretaries , " said a western member this morning. "Heretofore only the eastern iiembers , " continued he , ' 'have had the nerve io como out boldly and assert their views on this subject. Many have looked upon It as a sort of 'salary grab , ' and for that reason have refused to speak. Now , all the members ivho do much work in the house and attend to the wants of their constituents in the de partments , have to have private secretaries which cost them at least 8000 a year , lie will average , all the year round , twenty-five letters a day ; all members will do this. Well , that Is S.SOO letters In a year. The p tago on this is $170 , with the private secre tary this is S770. Then the telegrams , street car faro , ami the incidental expenses o gettina through the business of constituents in the departments , the purchase of extra documents , seeds , etc. , will make the clear outlay from this end for constituents nlono at least Sl,200 a year. Our constituents would never stand It if wo did not give them these attentions , and yet see how it reduces our salary. As a money matter this Is a dead loss , a big loss , for a man to como to con gress , and with this niggardly way of doing things and paying a fellow , only the well-to- do men , who want and can afford to buy honors can come. I am for private secre taries and most anything elso.1' AFl'i'CTINOTIlADi : WITH AUfiTlllA. The Hon. John M. Krancls , of Troy , X. Y. , who was recalled a few weeks ago from Vienna , where lie has IK-OII representing this government at the court of Austro-Hungary , Is in the city and is kept busy receiving calls irom men of all parties anxious to under stand the true status of the Kelley matter. In conversation with a representative from Pennsylvania last evening Mr. Francis placed the situation In its true light before thoKoystonerand then said : "Among other possible results from the Kelley affair Is one that peculiarly and pe- cimlarly interests Pennsylvania. This coun try now sells to the people of Austro-lliin- gary some j' per annum of petroleum product , neaily all of which is paid for In gold. The government and people of that empire feel angry and piqued at the attempt to force an objectionable rep resentative upon them , nnd they are disposed to make their resentment felt in everyway possible ; and they are now looking around to see if they cannot supply themselves with petroleum from some other source than the United States ; and If they succeed away will go at ono swoop § 20,000,000 a year from our foreign trade. " Mr. Francis stated further that it has re quired the most assiduous efforts on his part while In Vienna to keep our affaire In that quarter on an amiable footing with that empire , and tliat but very little more Is required to utterly ruin our trade there. Ho thinks this govern ment ought to pocket Kdloy'H rejection and send out a man who Is acceptable , as wo can not afford to make such a sacrifice of trade for the sake of ono man and the country seems to bo of the same opinion. 03TIMK UEVOTKD TO PHIVATB JIIM.S. "Wo must have longer sessions in con gress and glyo less time to private bills , " said Senator Hamilton this morning. "All pension matters , excepting general Icgjbla- tlou , all claims , and all private bills should go to a court of claims for adjudication. Wo arc compelled to neglect work the country suffers fur to pass private measures of our friends. If wo wenhto.assomblo In October instead of December nnd then more of these personal matters to look after llrst gen oral legislation wo could soon catch up witli the progress ot the country. I think them will bo reform lujthls matter , and that it will como very soon. " THKY LACK COSTCBSTHATIOX. A democratic member of the house com mittee on naval affairs said to-day that he did not believe any real steps would bo taken by this congress to reconstruct the navy. Askpd why lie thought so , ho replied : "I don't think the predominant party can agree upon a plan. Wo lack , Just now , power of concen tration , Wo can't get together. Hut wo may improve. " \VIljIj FIGHT FOR , SHELTER. The Huiifjarlnn Coke Strikers Pre paring Tor n IJattlo. MOUNT Pi.r.ASANT , Pa. , Jan. 81. Every Hungarian abiding place at both the More- wood and Standard coke works will to morrow morning bo a castle. Doors and winnows will bo barred , while within will stand rcsoluto men ready to lay down their lives before seeing their wives and chlldien thrown out Into the nnow , which Is now drifting and blowing about their houses. Socialistic assemblies have held a number of meetings to-day , but their proceedings are most zealously guarded , yesterday the stores were crowded with .foreigners prepar ing for a sclgc. which they expect to open to morrow. Long Hues ot men carrying bun dles of provisions , trudged homeward through the snow carrying the provender , which" is generally purchased by the females. On the operators side there have been num erous conclaves and private consultations to- " * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Opposed to the Itcllcf Fund. XKW YOHK , Jan. 31. Secret meetings were held In Jersey City to-day by the engi neers , firemen and brakcmen employed by the Pennsylvania Hallroad company. They assembled for the purpose.of discussing the relief fund scheme recently adopted by the lompauy. While the details of the procccd- ngs could not bo learned yet , It was asccr- alncd that both meetings adopted rcsolu- ions protesting against the scheme , and to iring the matter to the notice of the supreme ouu'cllsof the brotherhood of locomotive jnpinecrs and firemen. The men understood hat It will bo compulsory for them to Join he relief tuml. and that they will forfeit all nuns paid into the fund if discharged from ho company's service. A Superintendent's Neglect. WAiii.ixn : : , W. Va. , Jan. 31. The coro- er'sjury which has been inquiring into the : auso of the death o'f the thirty-nine miners illed by an explosion ot lire damp in the Oriel Coal company's shaft , finished taking cstimot\y \ last night. The jury finds that ho accident was caused by leaving open a leer in an air passage in the mine , thereby uipalring ventilation and allowing gas to ac cumulate. They report that the accident was liio to the failure of tlio superintendent to "ollow the Instructions of the state mlno In pector , and pronounce the penalty affixed y an act of the legislature of 1883 for such neglect Inadequate. Won't Haul Boycotted Goods. Titov , Jan. 31. An interesting feature of he struggle between the Knights of Labor ml the Fuller & Warren company was de- eloped yesterday i afternoon. There are seven cars on tho'slIet.\a5Oo9UcdwUh ( FuU or & Warren stov)56ons1gn'eci ) $ to various brailch houses o ; tlio conpcrn. The Delaware & Hudson locomotive engineers , who are members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Kngineers ana Knights ot Labor , have re fused to haul the cars because the goods con tained therein are boycotted. Trouble is ex pected to grow out of tlio affair. Elfht Hoar , Advocate ? . CHICAGO , Jan. Sl.-Tiio Eight Hour as sociation of Chicago held a meeting to-day at which a circular was dratted appealing to he press and pulpit to sustain and aid the eight hour movement. The appeal was ac companied with lengthy arguments In favor of the movement. - At a rather mild and harmless meeting of socialists to-day the eight hour movement was condemned as a makeshift and would work no permanent good to the laboring lasses. The Eight Hour Question. Coi.iTMnuSt Jan. SO. The states trades as sembly before adjourning adopted a resolution favoring the enactment of an eight hour law to bo observed by corporate companies. It did not endorse the action of the national federation of trades held In Chicago , propos ing a strike May l for the eight hour system , but recommended legislation on the subject. Arranged the American Schedule. PITTSIIUJIG , Jan. SI. O. P. Caylor of Gin clnnati , J. A. Hadt of Louisville , and Louis Simmons of Philadelphia , who compose the schedule committed of the American IJaso Ball association , met hero to-day and ar ranged a schedule of championship games for next season. The committee refused to make known the result of the meeting further than to say that the Saturdays had been divided equally , HO that each dim will have thirteen Saturdays at home. Where Sunday games are played the clubs In those cities will have equal opportunities. Franco and Mndagancnr. PAIIIS , Jan. 30. Dispatches from Antan anarivo , capital of Madagascar , state. ? thai In the treaty of peace between Franco am Madagascar , Franco waives an claim io protectorate - tectorato over llio Island or to indemnity , Madagascar agrees to nay and Franco agrees to accept S-joOooo ! ! ) 'for release. which Is to cover all foreign claims again * Madagascar , Franco to Occuny Tamatave until the money was paid. The treaty also empowers Franco to station French residents In thocountty. Crime in tlio Northwest. TOIIOXTO , Out. , Jan , 30. The special cor respondent of the Mail In the Dhickfcct conn try , writes from Ft. MaLcod , and makes si-rl ous charges against mo Indian agents am contractors of systematic plundering am fraud , whllo the settlers nro charged with smuggling whisky Into tlio northwest terri tories and with carryinon a ( radio in In dian girls who brought from ten to twenty dollars , and were Be tit to the frontier towns for immoral purposes. A SnwiulHJlqwollshed. DitECKKXitiDOK , Jtoj , Jan. 30. The boiler at n sawmill four-mj es southeast of this place exploded Tlmrsdiy afternoon , killing Spencer IJced , engl aer.and S. Adams , his stepson and ilremaii , ami badly wounding a boy 11 years old. The engineer was blown with great force asalnsttBome rocks twenty feet away. The fireman tires literally torn to pieces. Itecd ! eavesu ( wife and six children. The boiler was out of repair and considered unsafe. The Spanish Budget. MADHID , Jan. CO. The Spanish Budget shows a deficit of moro than 83C03,000 pese tas. Scnor Comachl , minister of finance , proposes to Inaugurate reforms throughout the country. Ho is confident that a financial equilibrium will be established If his pro posals are adopted. The Ohio Senate. Coi.iTMim-s , Ohlo.'Jan. BO. The Ohio sen ate adjourned this morning to Tuesday even Ing and the sub commute from the spe cial conference committee of thu political factions continue In .session and endeavor to arrange a compromise. The llllnoiu Central XKW Yottif , .Jan. ai. The annual report of gross earnings ot the Illinois Central Hail- road cnmiiany for iss.1 showd : For tlio total lines owned SIO , Mitt. * ; lor. the total leased Hues § 1,078,330. ' YOUNG STATESMEN STAND BY While Older Tnrs Tell Stories of Genera tions Post and Gone. A PATRIOTIC IOWA CURIOSITY. Entitled to Titles lint Too Modest to Wear Them The Aldrich Col lection of Autographs liC - Islntlvc Notes. Matters iti Iowa's Capital. Dr.s MotNns , Iowa , Jan. 31. [ Special. ! The presence of the younger law makers In town has Inspired the older solons of the state to fight their battles over again , mid re call their victories of a generation or two ago. So they have called for a reunion of the officers and members ot the earlier general assemblies of the territory and state , to beheld held hero February 21 and 25. The call In vites those who belonged to the first terri torial legislature ) , and each succeeding legis lature down to the eleventh general assembly * which convened twenty years ago this win ter. No young sprigs of politicians who have leaped Into fame and power within the lust twenty years are wanted they are too young and Immature to associate with the veteran statesmen from away back. This gath ering promises to be ono of the most Interesting ever held tn the state , and It will bring together some very Interesting men , who will discuss the degeneracy of modern politics and the frivolity of modern statesmen. The llrst name attached to the call for the meeting is that of the lion. George G. Wright , who was a member of the Second and Third General assemblies. Ho was then a rising young lawyer. Since then he has risen and been an honored member of tlio supreme court of the state , and for several years United States senator from Iowa. DCS Molncs has just discovered a curiosity in ono of its citizens , and it thinks It would bo right to know about It , too. It has found a man who , though living here for twenty years as a good lawyer and an hon ored citizen , has all this time suppressed the fact tliat ho was entitled to two worthy titles , and lias been too modest to wear them. The gentleman , It now appears , served with dls- inctlon through the war , and retired from ho army with the rank of captain , won by gallant service. In these days of titles , ivhcn men who never smelted gunpowder can bo dubbed "colonel" without a gasp , a man who really earned the captain's com mission ought now to pass for nothing less ban a major general , but this patriot has : ravelcd through life so far as plain "Mr. , " and nobody knew that ho ought to be any- hlng else. Hut this isn't all. When this soldier returned to the paths of peace ho : lrst settled in Missouri , and was elected county judge , serving in that position with ability and credit Hut when he came to DCS Molnes lie dropped the title , possibly be cause ho feared the ( Missouri article might no bo the genuine stuff , and has over since been known as an nntltled and humble mem ber of the bar. This is believed to be the only- case , in the United States ' in which a man might just asivell as' not have been called "judge , " and at least 'colonel" ' has modestly kept his titles to hiui- sclf. 1'robably the fact would not have been known now had it not been that he in a can didate for a city office , and some ono Is ex amining his record discovered his latent reatncss. Mr. Aldrich , whoso collection of rare auto graphs In the state library has already been described , has just returned from Europe , biingliiE back some valuable additions to his collection. Among them are manuscript poems by Tennyson , Robert Browning , and Elizabeth Harrott .Drowning ; letters by Car- lyloand wife ; a page of the original manu script of Darwin's Origin of Species ; page of Thackeray's manuscript ; a page of the first draft of McCaulay's History of England ; six pages of the manuscript of "Chinese" Gordon ; six pages of the manuscript of George Eliot and her husband , George Henry Lowes , and letters from many other noted people. The Aldrich collection is likely to bo ono of the finest in the United States , as Its donor is constantly adding to Us interest and value. This city lias been having a Pinafore re vival. The bright little opera has been given three times within a few days by the DOS Molncs Musical and Dramatic association , hast night's performance cleared § 200 , which Is to bo donated to sweet charity. The house was In session a short time yes terday afternoon. Speaker head announced as the special committee to Investigate the Hrown matter , Representatives Thompson of Linn , Welsh of Humboldt , and Ranck ot Johnson. The senate con-.nittce Is composed of Senators Glass , liurdick , and Whiting , Speaker Head also announced a standing committee on sull'rage , with Walker of Vur Huron as chairman. Heavy Fire nt CJarlndn. DGS MOIXKH , Iowa , .Ian. .11. A lire broke out Saturday night in the basement of the Heralil Printing house , at Clarinda , nut spread to the adjoining buildings , burning the Lindcrman hotel : the lllatt building , oc cupied by Frank Hesd it Co. ; the Harblsot : building , occupied by Hartford. Heal & Co. , destroying the stock and furnishings of sev eral stores anil ollices. The entire loss is es tlmatcd at SOQ.OOO ; Insured forSJr.OOJ. SOIIAEPEn AV1NS. "Tho Magician" Oross H the Ijlno Ahoud of the Frenchman. Nr.w YOHK , Jan. 81. Tito billiard match between tschaofcr and Vlgnaiix , which has been in progress for the past five nights , was ended last night. Five thousand dollars was the Make for which the men played , and either was obliged to make 3,000 points to win. The score at the commencement of thogamo Mood : Vlgnnux , 2,400 ; Sclmefer , Jit7 : : , Viirnanx counted "u points be fore Schacfer liiul a clianco to play. Schacfcr made 17 and stopped , and Vlgnaux rolled tip 15 , The ninth Inning netted 100 for vlgiiaux. Ho was now ahead 13 points in the evening and TO on the grand total. In his twentieth inning Schacfer made a brilliant run of 1GS points , all made by careful playing. Things lookru black for the Frenchman , and the score stood for the evening : Schaefer , KM ; Vignaux , SOS. At 11 o'clock the * > core stood : Sclmefer , S.b'JT : Vignaux , 2,8'H : but It was close work , and Schacter forced the pace with runs of ill and 'B , while Ytgnaux made only 0 points. In his next inning Schaefer ran M points , which completed his total wore of 8,000 , and making him winner of the tournament by lift points. Mutiny at Bed. LONDON' , Jan. 80. the Daily 'News' dis patch irom Madeira states a German vessel whfch arrived there from St. Helena , reports atelrlble mutiny took place on board the American ship Frank N. Ihaycr , from Manila , October 81 , for Now York , before ic- norteil us burned t sea. The mutineers nro said to have murdered some of the otliccrs and set lire to the ship. The Kcsnlt orHinnllpov. MOXTIIKAI , , Jan. 30. The following flrms made assignments to-day , the liabilities of eacli not averaging over $11.000 : Edward Jctte , dry goods and mantles ; Polrier & Co. , dry goods ; Madame D. Laurin , millinery ; J. H.'Mornlard it Co. , hatters. The assign- , mcnts were caused by the dullness ot trade during the smallpox eyldouilu. ' PISTOLS IX A PAULOH. A Gambler Kills Ills Ilivnl In the 1'rcseiiuc of Ills Afllnnced. ST. Louis , Jan Jit. [ Special Telegram. ] A dispatch from Houston , Tex. , says : A desperate and fatal encounter nt short range with pistols occurred hcio this afternoon. The participants were Jack llaiilon , proprie tor of a Galvcston gambling house , and Jack Crowlcy , a prominent Itoustonlaii. The lat ter was pierced through and through by live bullets. Hunlon was shot twice , and It Is supposed sustained fatal Injuries. The qunr- rcl was actuated by jealousy , both of the men bclnft suitors for the hand of Miss Kmma Delaney , n young lady residing In Houston. Crowley had been paying his addresses to Miss Delaney for some time and bad become engaged to her. They Mere to have been inariied in a few months , but owing to his dissipated habits the engagement was broken off and the young lady engaged herself to be come the wife of llanlou. The redding waste to take place In n few days. During the past week Crowley had been drinking heavily. Thursday ho again vis ited Miss Delanny and told her ho had signed the pledge , and again pressed his suit , and asked permission" to Intercede with Han- Ion to break off her engagement wllh the latter. This , It Is presumed , was consented to. Crowley and Ilanlon met by chance this evening at the residence of the lady , and were In the parlor together \ \ hen the tiring commenced. Hanlon states that Crowley tired the tlrst shot. A n Inquest Is being hold and will bo concluded to-morrow. Miss Oo- lanoy Is prostrated with grief over the sad termination of the affair. Decidedly Untrue. Nnw YOHK , Jan. ni. A rumor , which appears to have oiiglnated In Hoston , was prevalent In some qnartersto-nlght to the effect that Mr. Parnell had been assassinated. Inquiry was made In London concerning the report , and a prompt response was rcccvlcd that It was untrue. Wrecked Ily n Ijnnd Slide. SCOTT HAVKX , Pa. , A freight train on the Plttsburg , Mclteesport & Youg- hlogcny railroad ran Into a land slide early this morning anil was badly wrecked. The conductor and firemen were both burled un der the dcurls and It is believed both have icen killed. Garrisoning Suaklni. CAIIIO , Jan. r 0. The Uritlsh authorities .re endeavoring to raise a number of native latalllons to garrison Suakim and rnnlacc ho British ana Indian troops now stationed here. LUilllon in Bunks. NEW YOIIK , Jan. SO. The weekly bank tatenient shows the reserve Increase to be § 1.042,1KW. The banks now hold go,95' : ; . > , -tl8 'n excess ol the legal requirements. AVeathcr for To-Day. YAI.I.EV Fair weather ; vail- iblo winds , generally shitting to warmer southeasterly : preceded by nearly stationary empcrature in the morning. Musical Union Orchestra. The Sunday evening concerts by the Musical Union orchestra , are to bo con sidered an c.stablish'cd'thins' ' for the rest of the winter. That is provided they tire sufficiently- patronized by the music lov- ng public. Tito concert of last evening wsifl fully tip to the standard sot. by the preceding one of a week ago. The var ious numbers on the programme , which embraced , every variety of music from the light operatic to the severely classic was received with the most enthusiastic tributes of approval. It is hardly necessary to comment upon the programme in detail. In the lirst act the gem perhaps was the "Triumphal March" from Meyerbeer's opera , "La Prophcto" than which nothing of its kind grander or moro stirring is to bo found in nil the realm of classical music. In sonic of the passages the orchestration was a trille weak nnd faulty , but on n whole the ren dition was excellent. Schrapnc's charm ing gavotte , "Heart's Desire , " with its wealth of delicious dreamy passages , was the feature of part second , and received the most delicate of treatment. The cornet solo "Eleanoro" by Prof. Lutz gave that gentleman an opportunity do some brilliant work. His rendition the piece was such as to confirm the impression of his ability as an artist. Part third was mudo of four light selec tions , all of which were well received. "Tho Forgo in the Forest , " though old , called forth a hearty round of applause , and was partially repeated on an encore. * Adelaide Moore. Miss Adelaide Moore , the latest English aspirant for American histrionic honors , will appear at Uoyd's opera house on next Friday and Saturday nights and Saturday matinee , upon which occasions slio will produce "As You I iko It , " 'School for Scandal , " and "Komeo and Juliet. " The opening piece will bo Shakespeare's charming idyllic creation , "As YouLikoIt , " which is acknowledged to bo the most purely ideal of Shakes- peare'splays , nnd llio play is referred to that epoch of his lifo wlum ho had at tained the. perfection of poetic nml ro mantio comedy. The contemplative Jacques , the prince of philosophical jes ters , Touchstone , and tlio rustical Audrey are conceded to bo pure creations of Shakespeare's fancy , worthy of the master-mind tliat gave thorn birth. In the language of Campbell , "Shakespeare has snatched us out of a busy world into : i woodland solitude. Ho makes us hrcatho its fresh air , pnrtako of its pas toral peaeo , feast on iu venison , admire its bounding wild deer , nml Kympufhixo with its banished men nniislmpio rustics. Hut what a tablet of characters 1 The witty and impassioned Rosalind , the love devoted Orlando , the friendship devoted ( 'elia , the duty devoted Adum , the hu morous oloWn and the melancholy Jacques all those , together with the dig nified and banished cltiko , make the forest of Anlen an Klysium to our im-igintv lion. " - - - At the I'coplc'0. The Vincent Combination will perform nt tlioP oplos theater , in this city , Mon day , Tuesday nnd Wednesday nights of this week. They worn in DCS Moincs a short time ago. and scorn to have given good satisfaction , as will appear from Uio following : Last night the Vincent Combination began a week's engagement at the Lewi ? , presenting the gfent Irish drama , enti tled "Insliavoguo. " Felix A. Vincent took the difficult character of IJryan Me- Uuire , the outlaw of 'H8. Mr. Vincent has onmlcdtho character and it la stating it mild to say that in this great part lie doessomo of the grandest , most power ful and intensely thrilling acting that has ever been witnessed on any slugo. Kva Vincent in the cliarmiii/1 / ; eitavactiM * of .Biddy won hosts of ndmhvis tnr h.-r beauty and grace of mnmu'r itn l 'i i sweet singing. The conipan. - ' strongest over seen in tlsis oitvIti' i ter , Jan. C. A Silent Pen , PAHIS. Jan. BO. Armand JlasdiU , the French \iliior i \ , is Ucail. . . . . * . The Overturned Tories Pay the Penally of faltering Irish Policy , SOLID PARNELLITE PHALANX. Met the Ministry nt Its DUldlne nml I'lnycil the Powerful Cnril oftlto PrcHCtit 1'nrllaincnt Political Outlook. The Defeat of the Tories. LOKIIOX , Jan. ni. [ Special Telegram. ] Lord Salisbury's government has paid the penalty of Itsfalterlng Irish policy. Heller Is general that they would ba iu office If they had announced In the queen's speech the meas ures they announced In the house on Tues day. The liberal leaders down to Monday were anxiously contriving some means to prevent the carrying out of Colllng's amend ment. The knowledge that the ministry had resolved to produce new Irish tueusmcs with out waiting for Smith's report changed their plans. There was danger that the house would support the government. The feeling about the lawless condition of Ireland was strong enough to secure a la rue vote for a bill ) to secure the reign of law. The government ) If beaten In the house , eoujd appeal to the country as the champions of Imperial unity. They would fall In an endeavor to maintain public order In Ireland , hence the liberals de termined to turn them out on n minor issue and a truce was patched up between ( Jladstono and Chamber lain. Ceiling's amendment expressed regret that the queen's speech promised no relief to agricultural labor and ottered no facilities for Requiring allotments and small holdings oC ' and. Gladstone had denounced during the ximpalgu similar proposals , but accepted his. It now became , as Uoschen reproach- ully and Chamberlain exultingly said , part if the authorized liberal programme. Uel'oro debate began , Sir Michael Hicks licach announced that the government would on Thursday Introduce a bill to suppress the National league , stop boycotting , and pro- cct llfo and property In Ireland. Ho en- ileavored vainly to postpone a decisive veto ill those measure should bo before the house. The liberals refused to loosen the grip on heir enemies' throat , ( lladstoue's speech secured adhesion of the rank and llio of the l > arty , and the amendment was carried by a majority of seventy-nine Parnollltos , who voted solid against the government. The via1- tory Is theirs. Gladstone , It Is thought , went to Osborn. In reply to a summons from the queen Satur day. In the meantime hourly consultations lave been held for three days with and among his former colleagues. No account o ivhat Is proceeding can bo anything but con jectured , but certain things are taken for granted. It Is not believed Lord llartington ivilljoln the Gladstone ministry , and the open break long postponed between the whigs aiuliadlcals appears to have arrived. Chamberlain a month since resolved never to * acquiesce lit home rule anil never again servo under Gladstone. Hut having converted the liberal leader to his agrarian policy , and got rid of the whlgs , the radical leader Is contciit . to rcslime lils'iUa'cettuder the old umbrella. ( ioschen's abstention Is curtain ; Sir Henry , James' abstention is possible ; Lord Spencer" , Trevclyan and Lord Derby are doubtful. The only strong members of the old cabinet who ' are certain to join the next cabinet , are Lord' Granvlllc , Chamberlain , Sir William > ; Hat court , Lord Rosebory , and Sir Charles Dllkc , if Ills trial next week results favorably. Efforts will be made to cnilst the support of the moderates by avoiding a definite pro * posal for homo rule. Gladstone , like Disraeli , will educate his party and will explain to Parnell that the process of conversion re quires time. Only a few weeks have elapsed | since the whole country pronounced against' homo rule , and It Is hoped that Parnell , If ho ' be allowed to govern Ireland as ho likes meanwhile , through the National league , will wait. The truth is the Irish party has won a great triumph and made a great advance toward separation , which is their avowed aim , but a long road remains to 1 > 6 traveled. Gladstone's cabinet Is yet to bo formed ; Its Irish policy Is yet to be adopted : a majority In the house of commons has yet to bo secured ; the house ofloidti and the- country -have yet lobe reckoned wllh and still no man has yet proposed a workable scheme , cither American or otherwise. Political negotiations between Gladstone and Parnell are conducted Indirectly. The Irish bcllovo an agreement Is within siglif. Ono thing ceitatn is that no liberal ministry can command a majority of the present house , docs Parnell's bidding. the Ministry. LONDON , Jan. 31. The News believes Lord llartington will remain neutral and will not seek to trammel Gladstone In his efforts to settle the Irish question. With the exception of Lord llartington the News sayp Gladstone will not liud Hurlons ik'lli'ction among his former colleagues. The suggestion that Par nell will bo given a place Hi the cabinet can not bo acted nimn , as ho could enter the cabi net only on the basis ot bringing in a bill granting complete legislative independence to Ireland. LONDON , .Ian. ill. The Times this morn ing says it believes Lords Solborno ami Derby , and Sir Henry James , will decline to accept positions In the new cabinet. LONDON , Jan. HI. The Press association states on authority that Lord Hnrtmgton will not join the now cabinet. Tired or I'ollllcH. LONDON , Jan. SO. The , hues Athens cor respondent telegraphs th tltU-klngof Giceco lias become tired of the politics of Athenians and especially their present bslllcose attl * tude respecting the Hiilgarlan I question , and his majesty will 1 likely soon abdicate and ro- tiio to Copenhagen , Hood's Sarsapar/lfa Combines , In a manner peculiar tollsclf , tlio best blood-purlfyliiR and strengthening reme dies of tlio vegetable kingdom. You will find this wonderful remedy effective wlicin other medicines liiwo failed. Try It now , H will purify your blond , irgulnto tlio digestion , and give new llfo and vigor to the entire body. "Hood's Harsriparllla did mo great good. I was tired nut from overwork , and It toned me up. " Mns. W , C. Riuuoxt ) , Colioea , N. V. "I sufTcred tluoo year a from Mood poison. I took Hood's Hirxnp.irllla : and think I am cured. " Jilts. II. J. DAVIS , Ifrockport , N. Yr Jurljlca the Jilood ] IcoJ Hamriarllla Is chsracterlzed l > y three peculiarities : Ut , tlio combination ut remedial agents ; 2dtha proportloni 3d , tlio procen of recurlng llio ncttve medicinal qualities. Tlio result Is a medicine of unusual sticngtli , effecting cures liltlieito unknown. Bend for book containing additional evidence , " Hood's Harsaiiarlll.i tones up my Bj-stcm. purifies my lilood , tliar-cns [ inv ; njietlte | , nnd Hfcms to makd mo ovci. " ,1,1 * . Tiioni'SOK , ' .tPclhter cl Dcrt , Lowell , Mas * ) . "llood'-i Sarsapiiillh IHT.U oil otliers , and \vnrlil lll\M'i ! | it III I'lilil " ] , lUlUUKOTCX , > llanU Street , Xuw Yvik Clly. Hood's - Sarsaparllla , -'oM l > y all druggltts , $1 ; six for $5. Mtdf , only by 0. T. HOOD H CO. , I-owcll , Mass. ] . JQO Dpsos Ono Dollar *