Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1885, Page 7, Image 9

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Itnrknrhr , Hrnilnrlir , Tnollinehe ,
Kprnln * . Urn ! % , ! - . , ftf.
PrlCA Kill ; Ct&U. AtllraggUlaiinuUcaltrt.
DIE CHARLES A , VOGELEU CO. . Sole Proprietors ,
JanesMtal Institute
I Chartered by thiiStaleorilll-
f nois fopttccipre dpjrioic |
fat Clvine ; Immediate rellelln
r all chronicunoary tnd prl-
Ivate disease * . Qonorrhora ,
IQleetandSyphtllii In nil their
' complicated forma , nl o all
dlteaiea of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
rermanenllycurect by reme-
diei.tcstciltna f'ortuYmr *
. I Aj > rrMI ! J'liirfr { * , ocmloal
Weakness. fJizmTLosfeaby Dre m , Pimples on
- ' - " - ' '
no tftcrlmrntlntr. The amiroprlalr remedy
la at once used In each cjse. Con ultatUni , per-
onal or by letter , sacredly confidential , Med *
Iclnci sent by Mall and Exprtis. Nomnrkaon
' to Indicate contents a' vender. Address
DR. JAMES.NO. Z04Washlnqton SI.Cnlcagolli.
017 Bt. ClwrlcnHt.Mt. loiil ,
rnffic-'llu ( hi f Mal lTr tmnlnf CnvoticMR I M. Sblrf KI.A.P num. * * b ninr albert t rilcliu lu l. L al %
Meltt lNpfr o * 'I ' la -lliil < Know
Nervous PrAttration. Debllllr , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and olher Alice-
- lens | ol Threat. SVInnr ( lones , Blood Poisoning.
' t lrt Sores anrt Ulcers , ra irraitawiia imp t.iiiii j
au ee.i , ( D lalcn leli-oliaQ prlusIpUi , B l l r. I'rUaUl/ .
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , EXCOSJ ,
Exposure or IniltilQence , wbuti jrtxin n-mt - ot ttt <
rollnwlpf effect , t u tinii iici . dilillll , of ilhl
and il rrrtlrp rufuwirr , plmpleion ttie ! - < - , | > hf lefttileCB7.
Kicrdon In Iho , . < l lrot Irmiln , contuilo * al llm , rle. ,
I 1irreuderliiB Marrl * e Impropar or unhuppy. "
Inopal J ftiiftitpr , 'trff to nf bitilre.i. Cflnult lloaiitof-
Ccenr lij mult rrB , Inrlte4 And it Inly cv&nUQtial.
A Posltlva Written Guarantee ct'tn tn ertreo.
GlrK' ( 'T ' A is iTc u'mi' ' .
BOO PAGES. PINE riiATEo , eifc nt ciotu iui riu
tit.'rtti ' i who m f nitrty , who W' > t , wh * uiaohoo-I , wvti An
bool , I \ ijtfAttTt4fT'f \ \ ( ofctllhtty * B'I rttj ii , tttjitij * .
lolv/or rfpre lurifodi aul Unifir inor * . Ihmit -i > ! t > r
Nebraska National Bank
I'Ain U | . CM-IFAI . S m.OfW.OD
.Si iii-t I-M. May 1 , I ST . 'j-OJ0.0
11. Vf. VATK , 'Priwili-nt.
A. E. Tor.M is' , Vir-o Pres'ulont.
\V. II. S. Iliioma , Cusliloi' .
IIV. . LinviS. . Hui > ,
I Co. 12tli nnil Fnrnnni Stt-pots.
I ' _ doner l lliinklnic llugiii ibsirriintiiotoil. _ _ _ _ _ _
fiaoos and Organs
t1 i AT
Tim OrlKittnl " < ' Only
tirlhlr * iD
< wllp inhl w I . A.'i . ir Drui gt.t
"lMrhf' ) lrM PnirlUlr'tn't t * i > nxn ) ! ! * ! nr luctoH * ia.
( itttui'iiuj n rur purtieiiltf * it t'ttar > > r rrlum Mall.
NAME PAPER. C-l.lehn.trr n , ml < . .l ,
Iff ! Mvill .iiiS'iii.rr | , I'klluriit. , I'a.
At nrnrrl.l * . Trade lui > | lliO b ) fiilk-r A. 1'lllkl
Vo. . < 'TiTi ir' < . III.
/T > M timnianilioIrMi'iul tlia riirie kind andcV > n (
/loin iltlenrj. tlAil I l I ' . , IIOTri.tin ; > RIi
atiJ I * O Mddr .
. T I
Orvtcii OKI o IITIIOI.UKII 01.'TIIIfirm :
W MIIINI T IN. I > vcomlx > r Id
"ixrlllillKAS , liy Hiitl-fiii'iofy iivhluncu | ir ( -
T Bi'iitiit ' to the line l < ccn
miulptnnii o r Unit The Oinitlm Nut onni Iliinlc ,
Inlluioll ) in Oiniiliii , In thoi'niinty ol Hoiiu'lns ,
onilKiiHioi Nntiroi'lMi has ( timpIlcU ullluill the
prtivlslnn- tiontt nf winxrcirt to unn'iln ' Nu-
lloiiul II inking /PMtofiitloiH KI uxt.Mirt tliclr
Oii'l inu nxUK'tioo nn-l fur oilier
.ilfiiiAirvi.rii.lniy' ixili. Utti.
" lw ( ilioroinri' , I , ilonry Vf. Cntmnn ,
The Omnlm Nntlonnf lluik. In the cltv of
I ) inilm , lit the iiiuiitv ot UdiiRlnf , mul of
NjlirMl < i . In Hiilliurl/cil lo Imru r-ucci't-hioii lor
Ilio poiinil bK | > ( ! lI.iitl In Its i munilnl iirtU'IoH of
, naini ly , unlJI cioao of lnn.lmt.-n on
lilb .l tn.
Iii'U-Mlnionv wlinrror wltnt-ss my limnl nnil f cnl
j.ip / r , , of oillco lUI Mil < lnv of DtHvinbur ,
C t-KAK \ lN-5. II W. I AN.MIN ,
1 ' Coniptrollcr of tbu t'lnroiuiy.
' '
Or Ilio l.lquur . < . > < ) , t'li iiMuly
' /-C'liruil by AiluiliiNlcriiiK : Ur.
' ' \ ' lliilncx * Uotdeii SiiH-iUo.
n can lit > | { hen lu H ciii | ot roll're ur Irn nltliout
thiiknuwkxleoot Uiapursoii taklirtr II , lunlniiliili'ly
liarptlovi , nnil will eltrvl a prmmiient mul i-iii'inly
iOun > . Kihi'tlivr tlir piitln'it l n nindrrnliMlrlnLi'rur
f uii ttlRuluillc ruclc. Il liui Uvn given In tliiiu.
i.6 iiHtt ( ( on < u > a , nut ) 111 nvory Instance pot hvt euro
bun fulldiMM ) . | | nfviT lulln. Tha y > tem oncu
lniir | K.mlpil with ilieHprclllr , It iH-onmmini utlur
ImixxMlblllty for llm liquor apiclllu | tooxlsl.
KHUN X < ; O. . Cur. Mill anJ DotisliM , aiiJ
ISlli A" ( 'iillilnff Mia. , Oinuliu , Neb. '
A. II , FOSTKK > X : IlltU. ,
Coniirll Illulln , II.WB.
Cull or write for ru > ip > ilcl upiiutnlnir lunulrrili
or U itlir.iiiii ila ( ruintlitibti < l uvuieu uuU invudvtu
f Ilio iiiuulry ,
/ ! ; JOT. B. msDOBT ,
General Insurance Agent
lf Itisumucu , Co. , LoiuUm ,
ti rt'.J . .
WoiionrMcr.N. V. , A . l,0iiiiiio ) )
( JlnilK 1'nlN , , W ( ts I , 75IU )
Kin , I'liilmlrllililu , l 'iWl , > XJ
tivw llnmiMlilro l.' Ahsots l.UIU.tMJ
"Magnolia Balm
Ci'lij 5 * slezf'ct aid to beaut j' .
Many a lady owes herfresh-
new to it , > vho would rather
fiot tell , , and v can't telh
Interesting Statistical Iri'oriimtlon
Concerning Government
AITuIr ? .
Undo Sam's expenses during the lat
jpttr were a Intuit a million a tiny for
onch biisiiiOM.d/iJ' / . That this republic ii
not nngratelul is shown by the lad that
the pt unions iti'in loads tlm list with
$ . "iflfHN,000 ) ; next \ * tnixf'i'llanpoui , in
cluding public buildings , li < jhtliou ps ,
collet-ting tin1 rcri'iiuc , i-tp , § ' .0,10,000 j
intireston the public debt , sf.M.O'.MUKil ,
the sinking fund , Iii0iii)0j ( ( ( ) ) inilit ir.v.
in'hiding river * . h.irb.oM and " " ' '
$ 'I.OOO.Uir ' , ) ; Civil expenses I
judiciary , via. ) , $ 4 iMHI.OOO : navyk . .
< HllUO ; hi'l'niH ' , > iJAi,0 ( ) ) > 0 ; foreign in-
tercour-c , $ ,000,000 , ami District of Col
umbia , sf.t.ti i.OOd.
t'nolp bam takes in n good de itl of
money In the course of a. year We arc
nil ta'vpavors nnil we otiL'lil to know
where tin-so throe hundred ami twenty-
two millions como from. Ninety per
cent of thu rovutiiie * . or .y.lM.OOO.OJ. ) , nro
from customs ami internal rwonni
taxes , It 8l,0tw,0ixi coming Irani Unions
turns houses. Sales of public1 land * tiiin
In sf.VAWJ.IXXl , tax on national banks
JOOt.OJO ) , prolitou coinage , etc. , f 1,000-
Cotton is still the lending arttolo of ex
lioi't , being 'M per cunt of thu whole
The fotUtn exports wore : Ummuiufae
lured , f ) . ' , ( ) , ) ) ; niiuiiifiictiifoil. $ U-
000,000. Next to cotton is bronil.ilnils ,
$ KoOM,00 ; ( ' , or'JJ per cent of the whole
I'rovMom nro third , with $107 00.1.001.
or U per cent. Most of tiio broads-tun" '
ami nearly all of thu provisions pass
through the city of Chicago. Oil is
fourth in importance , with $ . ' > 4,0rOOOU ( , 01
75 per cent , tobacco is litth , with a.4 per
In 17fl. the government's expenditure1
wore four millions ; in 1805 , six millions
in 1815 , twenty seven millions ; in 18.5 ,
eleven millions ; In ISJCi , seventeen mjl
lions ; in ISIS , twenty-two million' ! ; in
18Vi , lifty-two millions ; in 18UT , twelvt
hundred millions : in tbTil , ono hundred
and seventy millions , and in HHI , t\v < ,
liundrod and liltv millions. These tig
iiivs exclude the interest on the public
Uncle S.un paitl out during 1R % a mil
lion a week for Interest O'l llm public
debt. Even at that lie got oil' easier thai
ho has in any year MUCH 180:1. : In ISti ? In
paid out for'this purpose gU 1,000,0018 , , r
a hum nearly equal to hi.s present tola
expense * , including interest and sinkinf ,
fund. Kvon so latii ald.0 thu micros'
burden wus $ J. ,0 )0OOJ. )
Our watehfnl I'nele employs 150 men
to inspect btoiimboat boihirsand oxamitu
masters , engineers and pilots. 'J'liesi
men in-peoted o.JdMI .ttetiniers diiring tlm
year , and did their work so carefully that
only thirlv-onu accident * occurred , cans
ing the loss of tRI ! lives. This is the
smnllo t lo-.s yet rooordttd , but one life to
every turty-thruu vessels inbpooted.
'J'ho pon. > ion oflico is ono of Uncle
Sam's biggett concortn. U boars npot
it.s rolls the names of ; ! ir > ,0 0 pcrt-ons , ol
whom -Ml.OOJ are army iiualids : iml 7S ,
ODU widows and minor cliiltlron of tie-
ceased soldiers. Thu survivors ot tlto
war of IHU are still w ith us to the mini
bor of CO , * ) , while the widows of those win
served in that war number 17,010.
Of the entire amount ol customs dulio1
collected hist year , 70 j > cr cent was col
lectutl from llm following ttrliolns of im
port : Sugar and molasses , 5Uj wool am
its maiiulai'turos , lo ; silk and its maun
f.ietuios , ti ; iron and steel and tlio'n
manulneturos , 7 ; cotton mnnufaclnros ,
( illa\ , liemp and jute and their tnunn
factnros , o.
We are now in thn midst of a govern
rnont fiscal year The reports nro for
the year ending Juno \K \ > , last. Estimated
arc given for the remainder of the year
and tor the year to come. A surplus of
$ „ ' ! ,01)0,000 ) IM expected this year , am :
curiously enough , a deficit of nearly tlie
same sum for the your ending June 'M
Our Indian population , exclusive o ,
llioso in Alaska , is reported as number
ing itl l.OOJ , nearly all being located on
land set apart for thotr nso and occupa
tion , aggregating over KJl.OOO.OOO o ;
acres. As this is more than 500 aurcs to
each rndinn , buck , wjiinw , pnnpooso.war
warrior or half-breed , the tribes should
not stnrvo.
Uncle Sanfhns $500 ; 000,000 In his strong
box , and in this respect i.s not hard up
Itut hu owes JplSl8lUOOWO ( , and is there
fore ? li-18,0K,000 ( ) behind the world
Fifty-live millions of people are his en-
dorW.i , however , and his credit i.s pretty
good I lie world over , lie can get trusted
for anything ho wants.
Sugar ami molasses lead the list of im
ports , will ) a value of nearly $77,000,0 , 0 ,
or lit per cent of the whole. Co flea is
next , with fclO.OOO.OJO , or 8 per cent.
U eel third , a million dollar * lower , > unl
silk fourth. The export of raw cotton is
$100,000,000 , nnillho import of mnnufac
lured cotton , $ .37 000,000.
One-third of the public debt bears no
interest. The interest bearing debt in
$1,270,000,000. Two hundred and eighteen
millions of this bears ! i per cent , 00,000- ,
OiX'tiior ] cunt , and $ r8OJi.0 : ! ) ( ) ! ) 4 per
cent. Sixty-live millions of I'acilio rail
way bonds boar 0 per cent interest.
About ono man In ten of all those who
enlisted in the late war arc reported as
receiving a pension , exclusive of the de
pendents of dccu.m'd soldiers. On the
Irit of July , 18 ? . " ) , tlie number of pension-
crs was yiU , , ' ! , anil the incronso within
the ton yours nn.xt thereafter wus 11001. , ! !
The revenue marine service ( guarding
coasts , inspecting merchant vessels ,
visiting liglitliotiftuh , etc. , under direction
of treasury department ) U larger than
nio-4 people think , It contains a licet of
thirty-nine vessels maimed by more than
1,000 men.
Undo Sam looks pretty carefully titter
the welfare of hisMiliiects who go down
to the sea in ships , Ho maintains more
than i00 ! life-saving htations , the crews of
which saved more than -,000 lives during
the year , losing eleven.
JimoJO last there wore fil.S.'W post
ollices in this country , 2'iiW of these being -
ing tilled by presidential appointment ,
Now York has a greater number of
presidential ollicos than any ether state
, ' 1:5 : Illinois being next with 181.
The o.xnnrts of ilomusllu merchandise
from the- United htnto.s to foreign coun
tries last yenr amounted to if7i'0M)0K)0 ( ) ( ) ,
tlm import * were ijWU.O'll ' O 0 , hliowtng a
balance of $110.000,000 hi favor of
Yankeoliind ,
It roit the government n million and a
half last year to maintain thu District of
Columbia.the law lining that the govern-
inmitMuill pay one-half of the exponsu.s
of the District , ami the inhabitants there
of tho' other half.
On the hrst day of last mouth tlmro
were in this country a,7 ( > 0 national banka
the number since the passage
of tlm naliomil bank law of lbKJ. ( Of
thuiVlO ) banks btarlud under thiblaw
only 100 havu failed ,
Unolo Snm'B building operations tire
nearly as largo as thoHi of Chicago , lie
Is novv , practically at work uponolghiy
now striustiiros , bcnttorcd ull over th'u
country , and ilosignotl to coot from ? J5.-
Otxi 10 $1,000,000. f
rThogovornment'.s receipts during the
yosir cmling Juno 00 , W , were JS.'J.OOO.-
0HlrrR ( tilt tie maiii than . million for ettcli
working dhrr Uncle Sam i.i still ahead
of tiny plumber or coal dealer in the
The sinking fund Is ono per cent of
thu oiitirn public debt. This mint bo set
aside each year and usu < l in tlm redump
tion of bonds. To it Istulded nil frac
tional currency redeemed by thu treas
The United States nnay now consists
of 2,150 officers anil 21,70 ! ) mon Most of
the big nations of the effete Bit " "tipport
artnii-s eontiiining more oJicers titan
tbera arc private in our little b.ititt.
Kxclusivo of Alaska , about threo-liflha
of tin- national domain has been sold or
si b i'eted to contract or grunt. Of tlto
remaining two-Iifths a considerable portion
tion ii uitncr mountain or desert
Government receipts during the last
year were exaelh the same as in IStiTi , ox-
ulinilng loans. Hut in 18J" the cxncndi-
tires were were § 1'J17,000,000 , , against
$ .UOOOiiOUil in I8SS.
Durintrthe lastyern"in governmont's
expensiseio lU.i 0,0 i greater than in
ISM , und thn roc. ipt. Sri.lKW.OiHi less.
Thrrewas , neverllibivss , a surplus of
Sliicu 1816 Iho povcrmnnnl ha ? Hpent
the snug sum of i..Vlto.O-tO in taking
care of the noble red man , not counting
the coot nf killing or hunting him with
the military.
The United St.-ites mails lat year car
ried WJ.tliM Ions of newspaper and per.-
odiciil mailer , iinte.sil nating the tree cir
culation allowed witnin the county of
Pension is thn ono item of public ex
penditure which seem * to have no peace
li.isis. The pension estimate for the jear
beginning July 1 next is ? 7oOUUOJJ.
The government now maintain * a ,
lighthouses , lightships and slakcllghts
on coasts and rivers , besides lunumor-
nblo fog signals ami whistling anil other
It cost the people of this country $
fiOil.OOO to feed and blanket tlm Indian ?
last year. In 18SJ thecostof these wards
reached nearly $ ! 0OOIOJO. )
Congress is not .such an oxrTcnMyo in
Mitutnm , directly , as fotnn iieoplo imag'
ino. Three millions and a little more s are Mitlieient to pay its bills.
Dining last year tlm government lot
nearly $11,000 on deficit yardage ( u Mu
twine purchased for nto of the postollicu
The number of passengers carried 01
American steam vessels during the las
year was about UJO.OJJ.OJO against oJU ,
000 in 18" ' . ' .
The postal receipts at llm 2r31
dcntial postoilleos is morn three
quarters of the revenue of the postollict
There nro now 178 carrier deliver'
postollices , employing -1,101) ) carriers.
Conkllng null ( ho tillml ttnw.
Ty ! the way , Air. Conkling lias dofondot
tivery libel .suit brought against tin
present management ot the Now York
World , and in many cases lins displayot
that solitl legal ability which his enomio.
denied that he posse od when lie enteret
upon tlie practice of his profos.sion. Om
ot these .suitHwa.s on trial this week in ;
Hrooklyn court. Wmchestor Britton , for
merl.v diMricl attorney of Iho county o
Kings , and conceitedly one of the bes
lawyers in either eitv , wa.s on theolhei
side. And yet flic csbunatoreemud It
have a walk-over , not bcctuino the east
\yas an easy one lo defend , for there wac
little doubt , tliat the plaintifl * had ben
leall.v wronged , but because his inllnenci
over the jury wavotl greater as tjto.y got
botUir neiiiaintfld | with Iho defendant's
counsel. Abide fro in his knowledge of
law , Mr. Colliding showed that ho
thoroughly conversant with ovor.y topic
that this case could possibly bring up ,
For example , he put a veterinary sitrgeor
on the .stand and actually used him all uj
by showing a greater familiarity with ul
the bookb relating to the expert's profe.s
bion than ( lie latter had himself. lie ruoletl
ojt'technical terms by the yard in pulling
Itib micstioiib , but used thcTin with snoh ttji
precnitivt ! accuracy as to make oilier e.x
jierts tremble about going on the stand to
submit to such a oro-ja-examination as hi ,
was .sure to * ivethem. . Tlie World conh'
not hlvo : mane a more fortunate selection
Colliding could nol have well under
taken a more serious job than defending
libel suits for this particular newspaper
for it is a notorious Itiol among New \orl <
newspaper men thatJMr. Pulitzer's great
morning daily is perpetually inqllned to
treat the libol'law , whether on the civil 01
tiie penal code , with the most sublime
contempt. In the caf-e above alluded to
Air. Conkling's onponciit'put Uiu.reporter
who wrolo the alleged libolotts article on
the stand , and before lie got through with
him oxtorteil the ntmifssjim tljal ho wa.s
directed by hi.s city editor to prepare
"sen-utional" articles in any event. The
Worjdis rather a'n exceptional'publica
tion in this parlionhir point , having al
most no competitor in the liold of scn a-
tional journalism , Its success has boon
achieved through u careful catering to
the wants of tlie masses of newspaper
readers anil through its pioneer cflort in
the direction ol pictorial . illustration.
Most of the Now \ ork dailies are even
unnecessarily careful about treading on
the toes of the liboi law. Many of them
have been bitten repeatedly in thu past
for comparatively small sums. And yet
there is still truth in the proposition ,
enunciated many years ngo by a journalistic
istic- wag , that "llm United States ought
to mint a coin six cents in value for the
accommoilation of such publiiliers as get
mulcted for damages in libel suits. " Such
a coin would biiroly bo a great conven
ience. _
Millions In It.
Chicago Iloniltl : "Thoro are some
mighty gram men in this world , " said the
paHicngcr from the west , "and I struck
ono of 'em a week or two ago. If I hadn't
1 wouldn't bn horn now. Last spring I
wont out into Western Nebraska anil
homc.slcadcd a quarter section. I hadn't
Keen the land , but took-' il was
all ri"ht. Uut when I got there I found it
already inhabited. About. 150 acro.s of the
IliO were covered with a prairie-dog town.
Well , I concluded to Mittlo down and bee
what I could do , ami I'm mighty glad now
that I did. About two weeks ago 1 was
up to the railroad bUition trying to get
trtinttul forborne bacon ami Hour and tor-
backer , an' feolm' right smart discour
aged. I was out of money and grub , and
Iho winter was comin' on fast , an' I
couldn't M'o any way oilt of it but to eat
prairie dogs , an' they're mighty hard to
catch. Hut that day was tlie turning point
in m.y luck. While I was al the station nn
Knglifrlmian got off tlie ears an' said as
how lie was out , west lookin for a place to
make nn investment. Said he'd heard o'
the fur Imsinc , * * , and wanted to know if ho
was out in the fur country yet.
" 'Furs,1 says I , 'there hain't nof an'
just then an idea .struck me , an' I changed
my tune , 'Fur.s , ' bays I , 'llioro hain't no
bolter fur country than this on 'airth.
Jih > l como out to my place till I show you
mv fur farm , '
' 'An' ho wont out with mo , an' I showed
him the prairie-dog town , an' , n.s luok
would have it , it was a bright Minny day ,
an1 the dogs wu out ocootin' around by
the hundreds.
" Talkin' about fuw ' I ' '
, says , 'whatd'yo
think of that ? I've been sl\ year growm'
thoie mink , an' hain't mid u hide. It's
all natural inorease , tiiiess they'd 'bout
seven thousand of 'em now , an' they
double every year. How many will there
bo in ten years ? '
"Yon oughter soon that KnglUlimunV *
oyci upon sui ho look out his pencil an1
Hgured it up. He made it 7,1(18,000 ( mink.
" 'Well. ' nay * I , 'call it fi.Oao.OOO , to bo
on the xi fo sitlo. Ft won't coat if I to keep
'em , either.un' ' if they're worth a cent
they're worth $1 apiece. There's millions
pi 11
11"Then ho got right down lo business ,
an' in Jc& * than an hour I had sold out for
$7,00'J ' cash , au1 Iho next1 dayJL- paid $3.0
for the homestead at thn laud ollieo , got
my patent , transferred it to liiin.nn' took
ho train lor the east. Step into Iho
buffer with me , pur-mor , an1 lake a drink. "
Her complexion is Ilko her iianio. Why I
Sim Uio. < I'oiizonl'M Coiuploxiou j'owJer
uud is u lily.
\ Howling 1" IUH Spoils n llostonlan'i
Htinej tnooii.
Mr. and Mr * . H ibert Y. Todd loft tin
Hoffman lioii , 0 Tuesday night of
week on the Waydb their homo in BoMon
Mr. and Mrs Xoijd were married in I Jos
ton ti few weeks , jgo , and they came to
New York on Ihoir ' wedding tour. Thcj
brought n ll-t'npiillis' baby with them
and tnis is why they brought him , si
the Now York Journal.
Mr Tndd isf.n M-ry bashful num. lit
courted his w.fe , thr-n Al ss Agnes May
bony , for six ycal-s unit no never had cour
ngo enough unftllposu to her. The cl
tier Mr Maybi'iVy gave Mr. Totld ovco
encouragement. He chained up his dog
liatldod tlie front gate , and lain in tons o
coal and gallons of oil for the pallor
lamp. Tiio coal bin was umptv , the o'
can was at lowed ebb before Mr. Todi
managed to stammer out that he wonlt
boor.v happy is .Miss Ma.yborry wouh
marry h.m.
So they wore married , but Mr. Todi
vowed thnt. ho would not go on a brida
trip. He toltl his Wife tltat ho would tlii
if ho knew that every one WHH latlghing al
him anil pointing linn out ns u bridegroom
Mr. Todd olHorvcd that old married pen
plo as a general rulu had children. I I.s .
wife br gntenod up anil promptly bor
rowed her married sister's baby. Mr
Todd was cornered , and ho and his wife
and her sister's baby loft Huston or
Thursday over Iho N. Y. , N. H. te H. U
Things wont ' mnotlily for awhilo. Mrs
Totld carried out the deception by poking
the baby's stub IHKO into her husband's
eye ami tolling the "itsey wiU-oy sin" ; " U
" 'kiss his papa. " Mr. Todd talked out
loud about their son at school and onl.\
kissed his britlo iu the tuunels , Kve.r >
other passenger thought thnt ho hail boon
married for ten years except nn old lady grey corkscrew curls nndoye-gln.s'jo.s
That ohl lady sat iu the coiner seat am
glared tit Mr Todd until ho got sonorvou'
that ho oll'ered the bain n chow of tobacco
Hv-and-by tlm baby began to cry. Mrs
Todd bounced tlto baby up and down , but
the more she bounced him the more In.
oriod. Tim othur passengers began ti
scowl on Mr. Todd , who got red in the
face anil looked as if ho wished ho worn
dead. Thu baby had boon yelling for al
ho was worth lor exactly forty miins whei
the lady with the gray curls walked over
and win ! lo Mrs. Todd :
"That baby is hungry. Why don't you
feed him ! " '
Mrs , Totld turned crimson. Mr. Todi
fidgeted in his seat ami scorned about ti
fa.nt. Kvory pas-i , > ngi-.r was staring at bin
wife ami thru at him.
"Ugh ! What do does liooatV" finall.\
askotr Mr. Todd , while drops of cold
purnpiration chased each other down his
I'aco and rolled over the face of his
The lady with the curls said not a word
She reached over Mr. Todd anil took tin
baby from hi.s pabaivo wife. NYlicn site
marched with thu baby into the baggage
oar , whore sundry tin cans were ranget
in lino. The old lady explained matters
to the baggage master , ami the baby wa-
fed out of ono of The cans until it hoomoi' '
that his legs must bo hollow to hold it all
Then the oldilmly carried the baby back
to Mis. Todd , . ! ! ! ) ! ! handed him over will
tiio observation. ' . '
"Young huly , don't you ever try to foo'
the mother of fourteen. "
The other pob-.eii'jcra . during the reM , of
the trip to Nowj..York wore anxious l (
know all about the son at school of whom
Mr. Todd bjitl bjjon talking. Whenovci
they stopped latlghing they asked all
sorts of questions about him. Arrived it :
Now York Mr * . Tb'dd bundled his wife nni ;
the baby into u cab. drove to the Hoflmnt
house and t < iUigrliliod : to his sister-in-law
to come on in the first train. She came
and took Iwr.lchlld buck with her. Mr ,
mid Mrs. Todd billed and roocd for
couple of days uild wiMit back to IJoiion ,
How tT. T. Ijloyil Scared tiio Million
aire llnilrond Maunder.
Personal reminiscences of the late W.
Vanderbilt are numerous , and extremely
interesting. "W. II. T. " in a loiter to the
Boston Glebe , relates the following : Your
articles on W. II Vanderbilt remind mo
of u good joke played on him. Just after
the commodore died , leaving the New
York Central railroad to hi.s management ,
,1. T.Lloyd , the famous war map man ,
had for many yearn previous lo that event
been issuing Lloyd's Railroad ( iiiido , and
had been in the habit of receiving yearly
pa-ises from all the railroads ; but when
Hill Vanderbilt got control , ono day Lloyd
wished to send me , his general manager
of canvassing iigcnlfl , to Chicago , nnil not
having rcceivcdu puss from the Now York
Cunt nil railroad , wrote a note to William
11. Vanderlnlt for such a pass and return.
After waiting two hours I saw the great
millionaire m the Forty-second btreot de
pot office. Alter rending the note ho Kiiid
"How's old Lloyd ? Toll him for mo
Vnndorbilt owns tins line now , and Van-
dcrhill don't give passes. Good day , bon
ny. " Ami I was backed out of IUH private
vato oilicu.
When I reported the matter lo Lloyd ho
was wild with rage and swore ho would
get even with UiU Vandorbill.
Lloyd had at that time nearly ready for
prcvt a cheap new railroad , tef-'graph and
ox-press map of the Unired S.ntes and
Canada , to bo sold ut 10 cents a copy , to
fold and carry in the pocket , Just niiovu
the title of this big sheet-map was a blank
snjico in the Atlantic ocean , DyJ feet wide.
' 1 h map was not qmlo finished when
Vanderbilt son ) his refusal to Lloyd.
Lhntl went lo his draughtsmen's room
ami ordered his host artists lo make a ter
rible picture of it tram of cars on fire ami
in collision , pded up like an eruption of
Vesuvius , with heads and limbs Hying
every way.
The artist made a picture and cut it up
into soulloiLs , ami gave il to eight engrav
ers , who llninhed engiavingit lor priming
by dusk. When il was joined together
us onn big view , this wus placed at the
top of tiio fipiuo in the ocoau , and
over the cut was placed lotterti three inch
es largo ,
"Stand from under. Killed and wound
ed on HID New Y- irk Central railroad. "
Umlorncatlahi" " cul of the terrible collision -
lision wore a'foW'bf little colllns an inch
loug , placed cjojrtogethor und n ohrono-
logical lisl ot { itmicoidciiM thai had oc *
ctiiTod on tliij roitlo for thinly years , with
the names of the killed and wounded.
JuM below tliif li.-t of killed was a perluut
likcncas ofWliiui ; II , Vandorbilt. and
under this ) m-turn his name ami the
words , "The nnauif of this route. " He
printed 10J copies and mailed ono to Will
iam 11. VantM'lMjt , one to Chaunoy Al ,
Dupow , and > l > ik " to tin ; general ticket
ugiint.and ono ciu-hlo the sous of William
IL YtinilerhilhiieM day.
William Il.WiiJidorhilt'ft coupe stopped
nt Ull Hroadway. and lie came up Mail's
nnil greeted 'DloVd ' in
a friendly man
ner , ami pitllmg''hut thib disaaler map ,
Bllill :
" 1 got this ut my house this morning.
More , till them up , " throwing down on
Lloyd's desk bomo twelve yearly
Yandorhlll told Augustus Scla < ll , his in
timate friend , anil some of the
diivcloivj of tlm road , who said lie ought
, olm\o fought Llowtl rather than g yo
n."Oh , I would have fought him nil my
ifo , only he had such u perfect likeness of
n nclf , 1 would pronably havu been
Killed by bomo eociuli \vlnlo truveliug
someday , "
. . ,
.1. a > i ii i
Curious Iron Jewelry. .
Public Oiiinion. Kut few who hiu'd iul-
m'rcil the bountifully liuisliod ntoel orna <
uunU biiltoiw , bracelets.b'OiHluwjIiijiii3 ; ! ; ,
ito. soniutinnw worn by huluia , havu Im
con the trouble to asourtam Unit they nvl\ \
loin coiuist of other thun cast iron , or lo
con "drr what very sii | > crlor class of mu t bo omplo.trtl in their maun
fnctiirci ct after a moment's thought one
ktiows not which most to admire , tlie elo
pmtcn of Iho flni-hed work , the lntrcae >
of the pattPin and the consequent skill of
tin1 molder , or the fine ( jnalily of the
moUl that may be induced to as nmo
snob elaborate and intricate forms Seine
of the articles , as brooches , liave n be'iul\ ,
of network tilmoit r\\ailing \ Italian lil'gre'c '
in gohl , vet il i.s nothing but ca t iron
The polish is perfect , mid , unlike eilln r
gold or > ilvor , il is not easily tarn shed ,
evi'ii when e.xpo-cd to the nct'on of Hi--
carbonic acid of a crowded , ill ve iiil-it 'd
room. .The lustre Im * nol tlie Ir.ungel
low or oranjto of gold , nor the glaring
white of silver , but n clear , bluish , alum.- !
transparent sheen from which the light is
reflected as from the diamond. And
wliou cut into facets , M are ome of the
ornamental buttons for ladies' droi'Ct ,
they almost rival the sparkle of the brill
iant. The polishing ol the facets is per
formed upon on ordinary bull * wheel
dreed with crocus. Berlin iion is al o
largely employed in casting statuette- * ,
elcctio-plalcd or lacquered to resemble
bron/es , for winch they are frequently
sold , and lo which they are IIOWIM )
inferior , ex-cept in the intrinsic value of
tlie materiul , us the peculiarity of llu iron
used is its capacity for easy ( lowing : when
in a fll-ril state , and thus perfectly lillmg
the mosl iiiinuU' | iortions of the mohl.
Siroct Cnr liioltlent.s.
Chleami Ala.l ; A very liinny incident
occurred on an Oirden avenue ear a few
evenings ago. I was hang ng lo ti strap
in the trout end of the crowded car when
u woman squeezed her way tliiotigh tlm
crowd witli a babv in her aims , nil wrap
ped up and coinpl itelv hidden fiom s.ghl
in a shawl , and stood lier-vlf up in an ag
onizing altitude , as if mutually reproach
ing for their si'llKhness the people who
hail scats. Thou a gcnllcimm arose ami
cavalierly waved Iho lady to a sent ,
When > lm hail squared hcr.-clf around she
began to loosen up her shawl-wrappotl
bundle The gentleman who had given
up his seat was horrified when I he frowsy
head oi a pnodlo dog was diM-los-d to
view , and the p.isbcngors who had ob-on-
etl her in Celling comfoitably
sottlc < l , sot up a liUigh was full , nblo-
bodicd , and satirical. The noodlc-eiirc-.s-
er looked lir t indignant , then annoyed ,
and linally I'lmfused , anil left the car nt
the next crossing to iscapu the jeers of
her heitrllcos fofiow-paHengors.
"Talking about this scat roliiumixlimcnl
busincf-s , " said a shrill voice tltatw-is
found to cnicnale from a very sin ill m.m
on the lower step of the lower platform ,
"I played n gootl ono on ono of those nice ,
ammhlc woman who think they own the
eaith as soon us they como inside of a
oar. lie ! hoi I was hitting ono evening
hust week wodg id right in bi'twoon a big
man and a fair chunk of a woman , when
u lady camu in who , I reckoned , weighed
about SCO. She seemed lo feel real bail
boeaitsoj-ome one didn't , got right un and
: tsk her to lie boated. Then 1 thought I'd
have Mimw tun. So1 I wriggled out of my
iiiuh and a half space and says'
"lla\o n seal , madam ?
"She sin.led a llunkiiil sort of : i smile ,
mid turucil.around In sit down. You wo ,
1 ain't a heavy weight , and only about two
inchci of sp.usu wiw visible on the seat.
She hjokud at it sort of astonished , and
then kind of b'ued herself up.
" 'Duloii bit there * ' j > ayibe. .
" 'YeVm , ' says I.
" 'Well'says'slio'I guess L ain't very
tired , ' Then everybody snickered good
ami hard , and two or iliruo follows \vnl
oul on thoifront platform toMiioke. That
give her room enough for sit down. "
"I got ovea in another way , " Mud _ a
man with alioreo miutacho , w 10 was bit
ing on a cigar for keeps. " 1 gave my
boat to n lady one day , und she didn't
tjvc'ti look pleasant about it. Sort of
smiled'Mltough it was regular and re
quired by law. That made mo w nil hy
' 'Souse mo , madam , ' 1 says , ' 1 think 1
dropped my purse on that pent. ' She getup
up then , and I turned round and Mil down
us cool as ice-cream. Oh , she was mud ;
said she had boon insulted , and went and
made a. kick to Iho conductor. lie said
ho couldn't do anything about it , ami she
got oH'al tlm next corner , 'cuitao every
body was guying her. "
Wlmtnn Kntcrprislu Drummer 1)1 il.
Chicago Herald : " 1 liiul a liltlo o.xpori-
OIIRO thu .other night , " Kiid a drummer ,
"that took all my noryo ami gall to bear
up under. Kvcr nineo Tvo been on tiio
r/ml 1'vo ' made il n principle to meet nil
engagements. Moro than once I've
skipped throe or tour towns in which 1
was sum of soiling big bills of goods in
order to keep my engagement with some
girl or olhor. When 1 agree to bo at a
certain phtco sittigiven minute you can
but your last dollar I'll bu thoro. Well ,
the other day I landed in St. Louis , and
suddenly discovered that in it tioment. | of
forgetfulness I had promised to take two
girls lo the theater that night. Tlie girls
w'crc not acquainted , either. 1 halo a
liar antl a sneak , and Iho girls' brothers customers of mine , nijd so , alter
thinking the matter over , 1 made up my
mind that I'd live up to my contract , bo
J bought my seats at two theater.on -
gagotl my citrrisigo , and pre
pared for iho campaign. I sent
word to the first one that I'd
call for her rather early , and to the other
that I might bo a few mmntcH lain. I
whirled No. 1 of ) ' , seated her , excused my
self fora minute bet'oro the rising of the
curtain , slipped out , and in two seconds
llm horses wore on a run for No. 2. I got
her in the boat live minutes after the cur
tain rose. Stayed the net oul , excused
myself , wont back to the oilier , apolo
gised , and everything was all right. I
spent the evening Hitting from ono lo the
olhor , and got my money's worth out of
the bookman , us I made him hump. I
made inquiries as to llm hour the plays
would bu over , and found 1 h-nl twenty-
live mimito-f' leeway. Then J made such
LJOOI ! use of thotu twenty li\o m.iinu that
1 got No. I homo ami was back alter No.
'J just as the curtain went down. To do
linn cost mo $1 , and the nux'l day 1 had
lo skip out of town b 'cause Llu haekm in
wan at'fcr mo with a bill lor ono of hin hors
es , vv bk'li had died from ovordriving.but not
III ! after 1 had sold big h.lla ot goods to
Iho girls' brothers. Hoildes , I had the sat
isfaction of keeping my engagements and
icrforming an unparalleled feat in the
Jicnlrc-goiii" ; hiisinoa ? , 'i'liut'ti ' tlto Kind
if u hiibtlorl am. "
The Ames Monument.
A Laraime dispatch to the .St. Louis
Gloho-Uuinooral of the Ultii says : The
Ames iiiomimuiit , eroded by Hut Union
I'jioilio at Sherman , summit of the Kooky
mountains , at u eot of ? ( J9,0K ( > , proves lo
jo o > cry troublesome uhurge. Kecently
i man named Murphy , of Lantmio C ly.
undo Iho discovery that it was sittuted
in the public- domain iiistoad of nHroad (
ami. as was btippo-ed I1 1 at once loca-
cd tiio ground under the dcM-rl land act ,
mil wrolo the company oH'oring bin title
'or sale The Union'lio ' soul out
Un-ssrs. Lnmborton "ami Kyiicr , two of
heir kcnncit lawyers , who jci > naded
\lurjiby \ to relinquish his claim for two
own loH worth ilOO. It is learned since
hut thu lawyers liulldo/.oil Alurphy into a
settlement , claiming , and making liini bo-
iuye , that jtu had laid himself lialileto im-
iri ontnenl. It is lournod aKo that Lam-
icr.son , who hailed from Umaha , left
lirtx ) with l-V1.10 with instruction.- IHO
my or ull of it in buying Murphy oil' .
lYiidnoAlny morning ( ho last discovery
was umtlo that tiio entire north ! > tdo of the
nonumcnl , fronting tlni riiilroad , bail
ciut decorated with pidiiUid signs e\toll-
itg llic virtutt of a mcdiuino ,
ut Half
The prf.sotU custom of raising Hags at
mlf nuut in > uu emblem of publln muurn-
ug is u c.Ulfoiiri oiiu , Unqiie-itiouably lliu
custom WM to lovycr ihtgs ut
0:3 = 3:23 : rro
T <
One of the Best antl TMryest RtoD.'t $ in th& 17 , S.
to Select front.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passsnpr Elsvator
UK ) ) . Mnnnaor ,
rrS ! Mi rrlmnt. nml 1'nrniprV llnnk. Onvlil City , Ni U : Kcnnier VatMinl tHftV.Toir
iioy.Xi'ii.ttolmiilmsjUulo lluiiljtoiuiuiiiis , NOLI. ! JlciJomiU J Uuiik , Niwln 1'luio , Null. OumlU
NittlutiiO llntik , lliMiilut , Noli. , , , ,
Will i uy uusiuuiois' dnift with bill of ludlnir ittnchoil , for two-tlilnls vitluo or nloolc.
forts mul m.litnry st.itions as : i sign of
public grid. Tiio Hag id supposed in ho
ordinarily Hi ing troin Ihe nii > l head ut
such places. 'Liii.s is the sign " ' security ,
possc.saton , iiiul in the tinu1 of war , ot ° do-
nance. It is always un emblem ol'snt.s -
iactmn , mul bontijimios of joy anil tri
umph. It then lilting thai in reeog-
nitioii of public sorrow tiio Hag should IM
partly lowered. bitch is not the ex
isting cUilom. Now on tac death ol pnto-
ho in'il all haj.10 is m.ido to run ill ) ii Hay
to hull m.ut on every available lltij'iluii.
though , Ixit t'or such il.-atli , llu > stun"
would pisrlup-i huvo remained iluglesa tor
months. 1'no i iliic't is to g \ o a oa.y a lar
more Io5tivo air timu it would have worn
hail no such tk'.Uli oueunvil. Tins u oun-
ousovtdiiiioo ol UILI gradual perversion of
: L custom , Hut one pii.tMi of tlm now do-
vi'lopm 'lit di'.M-rvoa poiilivo reprobation.
Tnui is the lining ot uuiiiiu.banners at
half mait.
The Great Invention ,
Without Harm to VA HHICnr It XltS ,
nud partlcularljiiilaplcd to n'nrm Cllmatt * .
Ko famlli' , rich rr poor , shotiM be wltltont It.
Sold 1) ) ) ' all Urocors , but Ixivaraot vllo 1ml
tatJons. JL'E.lltl4lHJl Is manulacturil
only by
Asthma Cure.
Tills Iiivnlinitilo cpnc-IHo ronrtlly nnrt pcrnm-
nemly cams nil hlniN of Astlnnii. The most
iibMliinto iniit lonir tniuUnircusns jlf > M prom'tt-
ly to Its wonilttrfiil ctirliiK piniiovtl'- ' . It U
Known thninirltcml tlm orld for lt ! unrivalwl
J. ] . .t.'AI.myiiJ : < , city nfMnt-nln..Neli. . vnti-1 ,
.Inn. ill , 1 1 : hlnce uMnj ; Dr. Kulr's A-thini
Cure , for iiuiro tlinn ono year , my ivlfo has hr-on ) nfll , niid nit. even a xymptom ( if Uio
diM'lllllMS plll-tlll > ll.
WII.WAM Iir.X.N I'/IT , Itlohlaml. low-it , wrllni ,
Nov. . 'Id , IfSI : f liuvn lioon iillllctvil n'ltli Hiiy
1'evor iiiul . \ iliniii IPPO IH'il. I lolluwcil your
cllit-'cilon nn l mn ? iri > j > y tc ny licit I ucvoi-
hlupt Iioilf.T 111 Tiiy llm. I IUH cliilt'tiil : ' Iain
10117 the many nan can epiuik en favorably of
jouriiMtinPC. , ,
A rnlimlilQfUpnqrfltrealbe cotitnlnliiKt-ltnllii
roof finin o-orv hliitii In tUo tl. S. , C.uiailn mul
rent Urifaln , wilt bu milleil upon iiii.iUomlmi.
Any di-usfflst not Imvlii ; U In elook will pro-
. wltliiinl mcjl
A POSITIVES . I'lUenHil uuto
U.r 1C. IM ,
Onn b > x will euro
Iho most obllnnti'ctiso In finirdays ui'lo a.
Aiian'sSoluble ' Medicated Bougies
Notinnsonoti'nlo'i.iH ol'dilnl ) " ; , coptilbiiop oil o
Piuidahumil lhit : lira u'l-liii.i lo iiiiiUiuu iljxpi'ii
hiii bv dd'.t iini * K Ilio ( 'Oiiilnfi of tnoHto iinoli
riicd l.ri < l. BjU ' i- nil diii-ulflH or innlli'il on
m'Hiptorprlco. l * ir fnrt'K-r ' piirtloillurfi MDUI !
lot o/roiiliif / , I' . O. Uov I.VU. " "
Ki Joliiifcl. , Notv V'ork.
rupvth ftilMin\n
vrnrs I fill feied trilli ct rnn'Tr on
my imv. I { , nr im n lis nut n ir.enl 10-
iiiiiiini n nil itto i 3 i ( n H > lli s Hp uil.c iii d I < !
Ifriiiiniii o mul o tin I'iK/i'l in M . inu n , inline
I ai fiici' . e > lnl , nn . b KIIIIn ; II.'D. Tlid Itilln.
fiu'ool ' Ilio mi til tic ut Hilt HUH to bniiK'Whitt
m'KiiU in n thu Mile ; lull boon llm liillutiiiilii'ii
wiiniillnjod mill I U.ui ; ti > in p eve tifUT Ilio
llfM low iMillt'a. My i n nil bo. I 'i ' Inii vii-mly
Impiotfil. 1 ir'i tlioim'i. mul ubb to ilo any
Mini of mk. T lOcaiK-oron my In o IHV/.III lo
dccui.iM ) mul tlic 11or ttk lien1 , until tltoioU not
u vcsiUuof Itlufl enl > n 11In sc'itf nun Us the
II'IIL-O. Mils .liiii'iij
Atlmitii , On. , Anuiinl 11 , I. ) i ,
1 ii < "inctir on my fuco for Mirnn
yciuti , o.Viciiilin limn ono u ircK bmc nc'ii-hi
lluuiiiM'lo Iliu oiliiT. ] i tuts fi\'ii mi ) n
in-ill ot piiln , tit lime's Uunitur mill lid IHX to
Siidi mi t'Jtlont Mini II uiw hlmoal nn iiuii'iuli ) I
xininii-nucU iiiiiit ht > ii't' ' iiiu'illu | In May , IKS'i ,
a ul Inn o ii od IKI ) ( ) mr'lo- > . II hits Klvun tint
lliotili'Ki ri-li'l In' I'L'Minvliiu' llm Iniliuniillon mul
itsi'iili. my fonninl liuulili. W , HUINI > ,
KnoxvllUi , Inwn , S < ' ] > | H , liWI
1'icutUa on MuuU mul dl > ln dUonws mttncd
f I H- .
'JlioSwlft B.uvino I'o. , Drinvcr ; iAll.inlu , On.
N , Y4 , Ij7V , sl blrtot.
Man and Beast.
Mustang Liniment is older than
most men , and used more and
more every year ,
llv PMwnof ll'Cfliti'nl | n > 'lll..ii nnli'ln - irlntlnn la
nil tillifllml tlnr li > i t nn ' XV'i < r , nl Inltliil nlul IPIV
inlnnt nnin , not ) ti"ttp | llm mti Ini ) mtirtt nilit
ritnllnf ill il Hull in I int nf. . in ol lltntnirli ti rtM"1
tltlllll Vrhkll IIIVIIH4 Kill ) rni-lhli'tcn 1 1 a Vfl l > ll < l I Me IIIO
iir nio-,1 i-itn or tux Aiiinitic ml i icidc r n > r it
I > nN i thp laiorltH nut ln < t rnnlr to unit rinDt ixtltitu
I tt \.irltu1 1 t t'lul M > utn' < ! nnl , rolltrpuniltllK
luitiili Wti l. Nmilinr't inl Hi'iithufnt. '
The Croat Rock Island Roulo
ntf\rnntt. > f > ii Hi fiatianrt li ) t Hit .or prrflonnl j > ern *
Illy air.mli-.l . I t it n.M.I tlioiiiiiulilv lmlln > li > ,1 iruiil.
li i , ttt loth trti'l. i i > r iHiiittniioitx li rl mil < iil lun *
tlallv hullt i lliM t < i Mini litUlKf , tnlllUKKti'rU HH lu ur
p'-rnsMI ' in a * Itmrvt i kit | trtn tunkn Ir fix * Milrtv
nppllniniiiirpil' "I Ixlllrnmlnl Tin ii Kami nil l > rnkr ,
n l III it rrru il'i f ilNiMlilllii * ulili Ii iroivlltw li | prilr-
lli'itl i i rHliitn of nil II < 4 tin 111" oilier * * ! iMI1 * of
till" luiili * HIM 1inii lctt MI hit rnmivi llni ? imlrtlN In
Dlllun ll'poU. nilil thu till llipnrKrd comrulU auj
luxnrluM Hi it-t IVuinoMirci Lnnlinncnti
Thn Vnft I'fpn-m Tinlm ) . . ! ri-n Chlmim aitj
IVnrlit , ( Vnint II III irrlCaniit < 4 Clly ? 4nmw. . iiti ni i |
At 'lilsvil it * rn iit i i * , ! ur rll i tilllntt-il tlnrlv lip *
liol.irivil Hiv r..iu-ht Slni-tilllii lit rn'lintti 1'nt/M-n
Hk , | i 'iior ' Iho ! it * t llr | f * | | , fttul tnniiniiniiM Dlnlnic
CIIIM ) H whli It Pi ilinrtlMj tiHikrtl fil ( * < ilM dl < * Ii | i > mt Ijr
i iri n llotHKMt Clilririi unit KnM iHf'ltv iul .An liUon
ie nl o inn Ihrt OUIiinlnl KiH-liinnn liull' Cnlt.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
J < tiio iliiwt nml r vi > rllHIM - t > i , rii CMc'dRo aul
Miuu [ > uinll | < 4 nnulsi rinil. uhfio conni tlonvaitt inniln
In I'lilun ' li'nt"ri | > i Kll piilnlx In inuMorKu ) unit
nriti u I'rimuitM. O\ci OtU iiiiiit * ttnt Txplffca
'Jit'm ' nto run ti > ttm u d rlntr pint r * iqmirm'i reBorn -
Born , pa'tuii > triie ) toi ittllcn. aii.l Ininlliit ; mul llihliitr
ei un < lif low i rll'l II I. nl > thf Irin-t
il > i.liaLI riiiitt < li > ln ifi-l'ivlifitt ln-l.ljui.J . luituiat
Iuni4i > r int-ili > rtiiiiiti
.still unnlli r lllllla I' 1.1VH. rli t-Vnpri < iliilUnn-
KTl-"l , 111" b'IMI 0 | 'H il lltHi',11 I 111 ! Illtl ill. llllll in *
n | > nlHmi I Cuiliii'lt lllilir Kiin-nnClty.
31lllwii | > lla . IKt I'nnl nuil Ilil.TM.i illuto pulnt * .
I > r ill-tail , il lltrMiinlli'li ti-o MIII ml rnl.lfnt ,
nlitiln Mv in iTtl < iiilti-K , nt nil i..lncl | . l 1lclr {
Oint ! > - , lu tliu UlilloU tilate * mul Cnluvdji or L > y uU >
R. R.CADLr , E. ST. JOHN ,
Tiv , I A. ucii'l M'c'r. ) . n'l T' ) < t i : l'a
AStnlt'l M < liexlVorlc for Vonrj : tn
Aol il'n ' , oily &l by mall ,
Kilinnsto'l Vltiilltr.Nervous mid rhielcnl IK-til'llr
PrrtiiHtnri-l'cHlriolii Mmi , Krrn , f Youth.nmt t'rn
umnlil ril ' 'H < Mt rf < ulln | frmii In lu'rtntmi nml or
ct'KM'ii. A lunik lor i > * ( .rv nitiii. yituntf. inililill * .iirt tt
and old. IiconMiliKlZiprnorlptliinii rornllniMitoin I
rmonli-il | raM ( .C'i'no in ir will tl I * InvHl'l'th'n. ' S <
Inilltll liv tlm Hiltlliir lli,4i nr.wtl , * > i't * I.Tl mn-r * I *
, . <
hi'iiil now. CiiM iiipl ihi < rirtoil tlni intlinr rtlnw
tliuiiilMLMlliMl At < viitlnn. ! tiitlioiiinci'Mof wnii'i ' 11
( ; iiniiu ) ; iind ( iin.iii.i.i ! iMM
thnxWIIIiir nllotliur pltyrtl-
UI.IM" , II HIHMllltlly. Pllrll IICUIllll
iH'u fully wlilniiit im ln-iltiiioo
c-Jluilurti. Mmitliiii lliis uuuur.
Railway Time Table
TT o follon-liitr N t m niti * of nrrivn1 unrt dn-
purl iiuiu I ml no by. Oulrol Ktiitnlunl tlmo it
t . ) ( > lilo < > . 'JiHlnsuf Ilio U. . Ht. I' . ,
O. nrrlvo mul ilnpuit fnuii tltolruopot. corner
ol Illli mul VVoliMor circei" ; tnilnioii tiio II. Ic
SI. , C. , II A. Q , mid 1C , C. . St. .f , * t,1. H. fniitl t'io '
II. A ; M. tlupoi ; till otlion from Ilio [ rnon ! 1'Kolllo
I'riil d In 1 1 * i . I UMVti . - li'iio * nt 0:1)3 :
l(7.l" ( : > - dtwttIII : - hi j. lUixi : > 11 : un. in. ; i to
-i.j-tM ; : : ca ; iw : ( I-M r j - r..oii : ! r -
d H ) - . ; II ! lin.i : | in.
l.onvnirii , n li/i Oinuhii ut 7l'i I > KA ; | V'I3 :
'M2 ' ( ! 0TiID : nII : n. in. ; 1:11XU : : -
II T ,1 ; % , a ; 4i7u.45 : ; : -t.i'0-5J- ; -
An vnl mil iit > uiiii ' ! ' Intlns fioni llm
at ( iiiuiell llhII < ;
aiio.tno K NiMTinvKSTrnrJ ,
: I5\ . l . . . .Mull and DXITCM. . 7 00 i > . u
1 4)1- ) . > l Awe inn1 ilaliua . 4Ul' : ; . Jl
GlJ'JI' . M. . . . liI S UUi ; A. M
C'lllCtllO ft i ISI.\.VJ1.
9:15 A. M . . . . .Mail anil Kximms , . . . 7 ; 0 e. > c
7:1.1 : A , M AvuiminiiKt.itiun . . 5p ; : | i > , u
Vlllb.UlO , HIUVMIKl. " * Kr. I'.Jlll. . ' '
DildA , u .Mall mid Kxin | > di. . 7iOe : ! , M
OjlO I1 , M K.Jll | 11:6 . . . . ! I1SA. ; M
imu\G ; ( ( . aiiai.i.M ] nv \ iji LVOV
HA'i A. u Mul ! nnil Kr | ( < 84 . ( i-M I' , u
B.Kr. ! M . KiqiirM . . . . 0.15 V M
: : : ini > .M l/xal Hi IxmluKxiniHi Ixit'iil , . . .
LIUr. : M 'i miiHlui Hu l > iulH t..v.'rran-ifcri : : ( r.H
Kv.Nhin cin , if. Jdi ; & coi'M u. luii'i ' is.
C ) : ( JA. M . ' .lull nnil rvpru. > s . . ' , ; Tn'U
H.wlJJ : IUii01 | . . CM A. II
HHinx ctrr * > ' inc.
7ffJA.M : HIoiullvM II . , . . 7W : ) e , M
' ! . I1 , U . . Ht. I'niil Hx rt'i-t . 0ti : ! A M
Dmmrt. WKS'nVAItl ) . _ Arrlvn
A. M. | I1. M , I llNlll.t i'Al lf'10. | , \ . l I' , 4l7
i.Wu ,
. Diiiivur ! \ | < ) -s 4ltU :
. .Mall nnil K > piiiis. '
6:10n : . . .ilall mul liVifcii..l. | .
J fiUU : . Niijliv Kxpniki lOUU.i ,
l > t > | iarf. _ W1I1TIMV'\IIU. _ |
" '
"A.M.'I e. arMlbSOIlll I'AUIl'lUj A7 i. e. u.
BIMi ; . .Nl m Kkpitisi' . K , . , < ii'ia ; ;
K.C..KT. . ! . & U II , I I
_ Uai.i' : ' BUftti Va | Vlnllsaioulli ' 1M : ( _ .
loiirt. ) | : NOItTIIWAItl ) . ArrlvoT
" '
A. M r , M. I ( ' . ' ! ' . I' . , M. .V 0. A. M. r , M.
KiiOri . I Shun Uliy Kirn | ? < . . . . . . 15 )1
. . . . . . 5lUulakUail ( Aouoiiiiaixt'n IJlV\i' ; . . . . . . .
UASl-WAItO. Au-lvo
_ _ _
" ' '
"A.'M , i i1. M. | 11 , 'II to t ) . TATTi. i r. w7
. . . . . . ' fi-iai I viii tit v'M.utii. . l. - " - . .
v A n j ) TII A ) NH
Will Iciuo i. . I' , dupul , Uiiiibn , ul 0JO : HM
1U.1B UfMii. rn. : : vi : i Wft AJI. m.
liuv Htn v i uuU for Umuli i ut 7iVj' 10Xi ; a
in. ; 1J.01- I 21 t : 'i W-UUv ii. iii.
No i-- T 'ii ilnllyt UiMi y . * j >
C , dKlljicciit ( r-nlur < iiiy ! 1) , rt.iliy t'i
iM ivi > nviiiiii
J'UK to hl t "u"utu < r ,
) , H. ItUCV r.HIJ Um-.troot , .Sow