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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1885)
8 THE OMAHA DAILtf BlfiJfl , TUKSDAY" , OVKAUUOR 17. 1885. iQCOR AND LAWLESSNESS , A Movcrneut on Foot to Organize a Citizen's League- The HigginB Oasc. FREE TEXT BOOK PLAN IN FAVOR. Xlio , flolicinn to Ito Tried IT I'untls Can 1)0 Kecored An luiortnnt | Caic Decided- Other In- Nona. Iinw and Order. A number of iiilorestcd citrons -ind othori gathered at the opera IIOIPU last evening lo licten to the address of Mr Andrew 1'iixloii , general agent of tins Citi/ena' League for the suppression of ( aloof liqnor to minors , who is well known throughout this west us an earnest worker and a forcible speaker. His especial Held is In Illinois whore ho has been ougiiged to work by thu Citizens' League of Chicago. HJ has been general tig 'nt ' of the league wince its fortnulion nnil isthtirimg'il.y tie i iliinte.d with nil Its working ! ) . His work in the direction of rrHtraiilinjr tlio Hqu > r tr i 11 h is ben at tended by the mo-l astonishing ami grat ifying recoil's Scaled on tin ; platform with the sneaker wore II. T. Clark , Dr. V. S. Wil-on , Rev. J. S. Detweilcr , ( Joneral Ilowaul , Rev. K. H. ( Jraliuin and Dr. P. S. Lci < onring. Ulm latter gentleman acted as chairman , mid announced that the object of thu mooting wii to form a Law and Order league m Umah.i. Ho then introduced Air. I'.M\ton , tiio Kjieakor ot _ thu evening. Mr PHI ton , alter thawing the people for their attendance , Haid that the ques tion to bo dccjdtd ivus whether or not lawless citizens should bu allowed to rule the eity , whether or not fathers had n right to protect their soi s , whether or not inolhors cu.n guard their daughters lie characterised tin ; rum as be ing this great promoter ot lawlessness , and Hiiidtlmt the only way to gain the upper hand of it wan for thu people to as sert their rights. Kighttenths of the nion of .Oinuliu . pretend to bu respectable , .11. d In Hid city there is strength and manhood enough to o\ercomi ) the in- l.uenoo of the lawless clement. "Hut , " said the speaker , "look at the situation of affairs. 'I ho good men of the eity oe- oiipy the Imi'k Heats and mourn and weep over the lawlcs-ness existing .The rabble are jo HC | Irotit scutu ami hold the con trol. ' Now if thu _ respectable element would jw-ijorl their rights , they .voulil soon eonio to thi ! liont. Tin : } should give notice jo.tho ( rabble and order them to vm-Mo' " ' The speaker said he had not come to Omhlm With simply gu > h and words , but with fuels whieh proved eonelu- sively that good eouKl be ac complished by the league. The lirst Gill/ens' league for the enlorcom 'lit ol laws regarding the liquor traltie was or ganized in the city of Chicago on the 'Will day of November 1 * 77. The specific ob ject , of the association was , and is still , to suppress the sile of liquor to minors , and to save the joitth ol Chicago from habits ot dissipation and vice. Its plan of 01 oration was the combination ol all goof ) citi/.oiis , h'ltvprethe ol party -illili- at-jo'ns or'i'cligiiius cict ds , into a .strong and ! ' vigorous organi/.atioii for the cu- foreemenl ot the l.iws regulating the liqijor trujlle. The -uee-'ssof the league lias'ljoen ifot only but absolutely wonderful.Vhun the Citi/.un-i1 league of Chirano was organi'/ed , thingswere in a most deplor.iblo condit'ou ; the liquor trailio wim practioally imru lr.iiued ; the laws were openly di.d pcrsisfi'iitlv violated lated ; .juvonilo erinie was fearttill.y on " , and good ciii/ons felt ilieni- selves helpless ami hopeless. In Chicago , in 1H70,11,0'JS minors were arrested ; the next year Iho numbers were ti.tflti , an in- crciM > of 7iU ; and that was about the an nual increase- the arrests of minors lie- fore the league was formed. Out ol the inobttwh'cli paraded the streets at that time , onij-half were boys boy.s who were under thi ) ' influence ot drink. The sta tistics of'thij police courts showed a sad condition among them. There they were brought in by the score , uriested for being drunk. Wo found there tluiti,0M : ( ) ( boys in Chicago wens being brought up , in saloons. While the Christian men were picking up one man from the gnttor ahd lumping him to regain his lost manhood'two1 ' me'n were being ( rained to the gutters' i-They found that thu only Way-to uiu the evil was to begin at the root ! ilnd Hum cut oil' the .source of sup ply.In / Ihu year 1.S7H , the lirst year of the league's ' work , the numbers arrested w > ro fi00 | , showing an actual decrease of 1118 trom the year before. This gave great encouragement and inspiration to the friemlfi of the league. Since that time thcnriwciucnt hati been a continual fciiecOHS. Ipuring 18 $ ! the arrests of boys nnd girls were 1,00,2 le s than the year before. The sale of distilled liquor's or Ixjor to spfiill boys across the bars in the miloons fias heen wholly suppressed , and thu saloito large boys and g rls has been greatly reduced. The saloon keepers , Irom being insolent , arrogant and deli- ant , have been humbled and subdued , and made to respect the law. Indeed , Hiich has been the iinprcon ! made upon them that Ihey have , in their associa tions , passed resolutions that they will admit , no saloon keeper to membership unless he will sign a pledge not to sell liquor to minors or drunkards , lint thi ) most gralilying result of all himbcoii'lho leoling ol eoulidctiee ami bopefnliiess which has been iiiHiured in thu iuinls of respectable eiti/.ens a feel ing that-ljie liquor power is not invinc ible ; that'll can bo controlled , and that those engaged in It can , -md must bo , made to icspcct and obey the law. Outside of Chicago , in numerous in. Htaneos where cltl/cin' leagues have been orgunimyd , success has been even more rumarkblo. : | In Aurora thu number of | Haloons was reduced from 3i to 17 ; the * beergunh us Were cloxed up ; minor- , and drunkards were driven from the saloons , I und ' ( ) iu saloons were all closed on Sun day.In Joliet the license was raised to $1,00 : ) , and the number of saloons re duced fioni liJ ( to iSiii the Halo to minors and drunkards and Sunday liquor Helling have been almost entirely biipprcsscil , and thu press says that the whole appearance of the town has been changed , The , great quastlon to bo considered , continued the speaker. Is , can the sup pression of thu sale of liquor to minors bo accomplished in Omaha. That was Uio question in Chicago before the eitl/ens" " league was organized. Tlio not go to Ihu saloons on account of the liquor to be had there. They no for the Dailies , the good companionship , the bright lights. The speaker told bow Iliikur * minis , a saloon keeper , And induced Iho boys on their way hoiuu from -Sunday school to enter his saloon and play pool. They became drunk and were arrested. When they were released they went to the Citi- ZOII'N league and made a complaint against the saloonkeeper. Hakcr Hums was tried and bis conviction followed It was the llrt.1 victory for thu league , and nftorthd second conviction thu sulonn- kuopera.wcro ready to tall at their fuel. The Jaw/cuirbo / unforced if onugood man will come to thu front ami demand that bis right * nnd privileged bhall bu re- "Thyy say , " : iid Mr , Paxton , "that miilnt ! H a protly hafrf uluco , but I'vn not found black as shu is { " ' ' But you nro bad enough n3'vo * * olwervnnco of iii'-rtru- , , . \.ua \ V : j ; pv in. , o- , , , , , violation ot tho"Taw'.J Hi'li ' * 6 , u < Uil ua stojipcd , and cau bu st if good men will come to the front nnd demand it. Men of Omiiha , rise in your m ht and stand by your mayor and chief of police and ceo that your law. " are en forced. To-duy jour major told mo wniM If.till M lii' t fTnt'q * In fli-it lu > : ' > i n- for * e laws to keep the bojs from destruc tion Come to the front , men , retire the rubble and see that the hiw is abided by. H'H kle on the armorgo to work in earn est and organi/u your league Appoint your iigent and nave him made a police man , open an ollice and hold bun ro- spon iiblo for the violation of law exit ing Then you will fee how the complaints - plaints will come in from the mothers , the fathers , and it will onlv be a short , time before saloonkeepers Will ilntl that they uiusioljey Hie law. " At the clo t ! of Mr. PJIAton's remarks Chairman Lei-louring said that he could not close the mi cling ithout some steps being taken looking to tin. lori.iation of a league. ( jeu. Ilowaul Wits called for , and ex- preyed hi-i hearty sympathy with the ob ject of the meeting and pledged himself to Mid such an organi/ation. Mr J.S. RichariNon then introduced the lolloping , which was unanimously ratified by the meeting : Whereas , Them has been a disposition on the part of some of thu citizens of Omaha to violulo the laws of our city , and - Whereas , Our nnyor and city nmr hal have been endeavoring to enforce the law regarding thu closing' the saloons at midnight and on Sunday and to rid the eity of highway robbers and burglars , therefore Resolved. That we , as a , body of citi zens assembled this evening to consider the inipoitancu uf the luwiiud the protec tion ol the young , do hereby express our sMiiputhy and co-operation with the mu\or aiul marshal in their ellbrts to en force order , ami wo stand ready to see oud their ellbrts in the government of our city. On motion , the following were ap pointed a committee to meet nnd arrange lor the formation of a Citizens' league H. T. Clarke , James Croighton , J. S. Richardson , Dr. O. S. Woods , L. H. Wil liams , William Fleming. J. 15 Rowley , JolmT. 1MI , P. C. lli.nobaiurh , Warren Swil/.ler , Fred Drexel , P. F. M irphy , A. 1) ) . Jones , Dr. ( J. L. Millur , K. Rosewuter , C ! . K. Yost , John H Fumy , Murshul Cum- tilings , James K. Hoyd , Herman Kount/.e and K/.ra Millard. Seven wll constitute a quorum ot the committee , and it is ex pected that a meeting will bo held .some time this week. The meeting then adjourned , subject to the call of Uio committee , The Hlfjsjlns Caso. The trial of C. S. llig ins for keeping his saloon open after midnight was commenced in police' court yesterday afternoon. The oily was represented by Attorneys W. S. Shoemaker ami J. T. Moriarity , while Parke < 5o Iwin and P. O. Hawes acted as counsel for the do- leiiil.-int. The trial w is before a jury , composed of the following gentlemen- John Haiimer , John Rosicky , Chris Wille , S. A. Orchard , .Stephen Robiiisoa and ( Jeorge L. Dennis , A.s in the Hornborger CUKO , the counsel for Mr. lliggins announced that they would endeavor to show that there was an understanding between the defen dant and the marshal am ) the members ol the police committee of the city coun cil , whereby he wonhl be allowed to run his saloon after midnight. Another point which .they cxpeeted to _ prove was that the pro-edition was incited by personal spile on the p irt of the eity marshal , who hud conspired with others to ruin Mr. lliirgins. Two > oung men wore called as wit- for the pro ° ccution , who testified to liuvin" purohas'ed both \\hisky and beer at lliggins' saloon between i and 2 o'clock of October It ) . Hoth wen * sub mitted to a ngid cross-examination by Attorney ( loodwin , and in .spite of the objections of the counsel for the oily , which were sustained by Judge Stenbnr'g , the information was elicited that they were employed Roundsman Mutxu to purchase theiliquor. . Mut/u. was then culled us a witness and testified that on tile night in question the saloon was run ning alter midnight with open doors and was full of men drinking at the bar. Tin ; prosecution then rested. Coun-el for the defense then moved that an adjournment bo hud until Thurs day morning , owing to the absence of a material witness. The pro-ocntion ob jected , and after a heated argument , P. O. Hawes submitted an allidavit setting forth that their witness wu : > unexpectedly absent from the eity and could not be .summoned before 'Ihuixlay. This affi davit was overruled by the court. Mr. lliggins then submitted an allidavit stat ing that the witness wanted was Marshal Cumming * , who is out of the city on u hunting expedition. The allidavit also asserted that the marshal waa a material witness , and tluit this dotense expected to prove by him thut the complaint made y him against the defendant was for the purpose of malicious persecution and with the intent of driving him out of business. A lively'time ensued between the op posing ooiius.d in arguing tin motion , and hot words and interruptions were tin ; order lor some time. The motion to adioiirii'nntil Thursday was finally over ruled hy Judge Stenburg. As it wits then nfler.'i o'clock , with a prospect of a long trial , court adjourned until this morning at III o'clock , when the case will bo re sumed. _ "JM-JXCIhS AVD IlUniiRKS. " Tim School Itourd'H Steps Toward Kl-oo Tp\t Hooks. The board of education met last night in its chambers in the Masonio block , Messrs Copland , Points , Connoyer , Co- burn , ( libboii , Clark , Livesey and Long present. City School Superintendent James was also in attendance. The board proceeded to the count the votes on the question to expend ! ? 7H , 000 for school houses ami sites , ( which shall bo designated b ilovv by a ) , and if ift.OOO for board rooms In the city hall ( which shall bo designated below byb ) . t is to bo wagered that such a canvass was never "enjoyed" before. In the . "blamed " the unfortunate place .some guy , us tunate was unanimously lormed , bad * oiu up the bo\ containing the vote of thu Third ward on paving bonds After Mr. Livo.-ey bad ox- haiinted himself on the count the board further exasperated him by laughing at the "joke. " Then it wus discovered the box front the Second precinct of the Second ward would not open. It was tossed into thu middle of thu ( lour and kicked -ill over the chamber , until Rev. Cupel.ind alighted on it with one foot and knocked it into kindling wood. At last the returns were made , and in such shape that thu totals alonu could bu obtained : a. Yes , l,8.)0j no , fi7 , b. Yes , I,8IC ) ; no. W. A petition signed by 150 girls of the Central school asked for the privilege of using the High school gvuniasium one hour nor day , and waa curried. Petitions to appoint Michael loR.iuic ) ? and James Absher for the janilor.ship at the school at Fifteenth and Custcllar were referred to the committee on build- legs and property , A" ' " , ' . | 'firniiuii ironi Jumos Doh'&rty tor the sumo job waa similarly re ferred. Lillian A , LUtlelicM declared hurspl.f by letter an applicant for principal of the school TifBUditeunlb ami Cuateljar Ri ferred. l.lwlo H. PorJiinti , applicant for : i Unt principal ofnn > school referred James P. Crutg informed the board that the high seliojl library was shot I of the Inet 5ucs of Appleton's Kneyelo- pcdin , nnd would Mipply them for ifloO. V Tnljio , ] - , f < ir jiinitiir Ho- ferrr-d. Mi'iidcksolin & Fisher submitted a ftiiivtncnt that § HlS.5t ! have bern al ready evpended upon the "chool build ing at the corner of Fainain and Twenty- eighth flrc'-ts , thecontrant price of which is * ilI7r ! , , . The last claimed expenditure siisc l ! " % previous ftatcment , $ . ' , 1 , wn allowed. The building la nearly completed , An advertisement for a night soil cremator mater was referred. Ill-.fOltTS. I'lio comnilttcu on le\t books made Uio following repoit. Your hpecial coinmitlre , to whom was referred .Mr. Coburu' * resolution for the introduction of froc- text books after Jan- nary I , 184J , have carefully attended to their duties , and would report that they recommend the adoption of free test books at the beginning of the next school year , provided the eity council order a levy large cnou 'h to cover the i-vpon ; e. W. i : COIT.LAND , K. 1C. LONO , W. A. L. Giuuo.V , " Cn\s. C. A llbcrnl amount of small lalk greeted the rco.irt , but no " 'iitimentn cxeented from the expediency of the project and it wascarriod , with the \oice of Mr. Points diesentiug Mr Points explained hiovote by .stating that ho was so warmly in tavor of the plan that he did not like the attitude the board assumed in shifting the responsibility upon tlio council. Messrs. Coburn and Long , of this com mittee , signed a report tnat it was advis able that after December 1 all pencils , rubber , writing and drawing books re quired in the schools be given the schol ars free of charge. Mr. Copeland , in presenting this matter , estimated the an nual cost at $1,0 10 or iJl.'OO. After much argument it was deemed inadvisable that the. board incur further e.xpens until it is a Ivist 1 of its li.unitl coali tion anti-tile report referred to the committee on supplies. Mr. Copehmd repoited that Mr. Hu- mann , thu superintendent of manual training in the schools , desired to be ecu \ - cu ed lor the last four days of the term. Mr. liumann wants to go to St. Louis to get points at the training school there , on turning lathes wilh a view of inUo- ducing thoMj items of practical m.'c'iaii- ' ics hero. The board allowed the privi lege by the narrow vote of 1 to ; J. Mr. Conoj'or entered a resolution that Friday after Thaiik < iiviug day bo made a school holiday. This will give the children four days'Thanksgiving , from * Wednesday until Mondav. It was uKo suggested that the Thursday before Christmas bo made a holiday. Hotb were earned. Hy Couoycr Resolved that the presi dent is hereby authori/.cd to sign the pe tition to enact u puing district , on West Farnam street , out to Twenty-eighth street Cariicd. H > Clark -Rc ° olvcd thut a special com mittee , coiiHist'mg of the president , vice president and thivo members of the com- mitt"c on building and property , be authoii/.ed to examine and accept the Farnam street "chool linHiod according lo contract. Carried. Hy Clark Resolved thai the janitor of tlio'F.irnum street school building be in structed to put fires in the Furnam street building and that : i sidewalk bo put in front ol the school building. Tamed. Hy Long Resolved , that , the oily coun cil bo requested to order the laying of cross walks north and south ot tlio Fur nam street seho il. Curried. Hy Clark Resolved , that the commit tee on buildings and property bo in structed to obtain plans and bids lor thu construction of a four room addition to the Center street school. Carried. Hy Long Rc.colveil , that the school building at the corner of Klevonth and Dodge be sold. Carried. Hy CopehindResolved , that the frame building at the corner of Thirtieth and Douglas be moved to the school property near Hanscom's park. Car ried.Mr. Mr. Conoyer moved that the. question of the change of terms in the school year from two to three be referred to thu committee on teachers anil text books. Carried. Mr. Coburn moved that a _ committee bo appointed at once , consisting ot three members and the oily superintendent , to take preliminary slops for the introduc tion of free text books. Carried. The chair appointed Messrs. Copeland , Coburn and Long as such committee. Superintendent James1 asked the board for a minute's grace , and proceeded testate state that ho was about to explain a mat ter which bothered him. It had been staled , Haid he , that ho hud been accused of putting a certain teacher on Iho pay roll at a scale of nay more than earned. The row seems to liave occurred over a cer tain Miss Lewis \vlio , Mr Long declared , was not celleduled for eighth grade pay. Mr. James responded that if there was anything wrong about the lady's allow ance there wore others who , as well as he , passed upon the certificate * and hence shared the blame if any such there were. In the midst of a v , rangle which bad a bitter savor , the board adjourned. TIIK QKKAT CASK K.\KI ! . Decision oT .Iiistieo Miller In tlio Itrluhton Hanoi ) Ca.-ie , About a year ago District Attorney Lamberlson entered action in the United States court against the Hrighlon Ranch company , a largo cattle corporation , to compel it to move lifly-seven miles of barb wire fence , with which It enclosed ,7. , 0J ) ( acres of government land in Cus- ter county. The pro.-ccution has been fought with all the stubbornness which gjant wealth makes po-sible. The isjiio involved was thu control of nearly a half million dollars , and the great corpora tion held the boon wilh a determined grip. Mr. Limbcrtson : represented ( ho govern ment with a skill and persistency which has at last crowned his ellbrts with suc cess. The case has boon taken to the supreme court , and vesterdaj noon the decision ot Justiuo Miller in the great case was roeeived , Tlio decree id in eon. formalin , , uh the act of congress of Feb ruary , 1831 , anil the recent e.xccnlivo or der. U orders the removal of tcnces already built and prohibits their further erection in the future. Following is the full text- 1 aia of the opinion tlmt tlio United Slates Is entitled In its injunction niendiitoiy us to .so iiiudi ol the lem-e coiailiinei | | ol or as ex- IbU'il , aiul piohlbits as to ImildliiK ; my Inline femes as tar as cither of these t-amu conies within thi ! lullowliiprlnciplci : r'lrst Theio exists no il-p ht in the defend ants to build any Icuro on the Kinds of the I , ' nit ml States. Second All lauds am for this purpose , Innds ul the United States HO loin ; as iho lesrul title miuins in < ho United Stales. Third-It Is the iljjhl of thu United Stales and Its duty to pievunt all such hind fiom this inisii.H ! in c\si-s : \ where men have made any Kind of entiles , whether of pio-eiiiiithm , hoiiieotead or pi halo entry , tlioii'h ' ; the ] mr- cli.ise money may bu juld. MI tout ; us ; thu le al tltlo leniiiius In the United Statco. In llie.-u eisc.s It holds tlio title In trust , and can iiialn- t.iln this bill to teinuvo the teucu or jiievunl Its election. A dec-ivo bhould bo cnteu'd upbn thete print-iplcs , ir : , V. Miijii ; : . 11 , A. M. There will b'o n sjieeial oonvocrdlon of Hcllovuo Chaitor ) No. ? , R , A , M. , this Tniifadnv Gvening , November 17 , for work in.M. M. degree. Sojourning coinpan- iirt ) ) ! nvitc < l to attend. C. P. NUKUIIAM , H. P. Free social at Y. M. 0 , A , rooms to ui ht- , Como , JllIIOUAN A.J1'JIIS ' WOKK. The Hi > nirino(1 lhftIM t Tnllts to n < "t-owdc < l Honio nf tBc niu-kltiKhain MIH-II Interest Mnhll'csted. l'"n ' HngTi. the tiot"it ex'puglict rrvl evangelist , eoiunieiiveil bis week's work nt the Huekingham bomo last night , pleaching to a crowded house. Hepoke only half an hour , the rest of the time being taken by prayur itml song. Mr. Hogjin's talk is earnest anil forci ble , though rough : uid mipolirhed. His great merit is his sincerity. Ho at once gains the sympathy of his audience , and is enabled to strike some telling blows for I he gospel truth His mat iphars are homely ami uncouth , oftentimes , but ul" ways ait | and striking' , his methods , be ing plain , are adantcd to the very class of men which ho * eeks lo reach. "Some men may declare thu go pel is a snare and de.lnsion , " said the speaker af ter he hud introduced hini'-elt and MS ! his a'.ms and pnrpo-io before his people , "but I don't believe il. I bad ratlier be lieve that the e men haven't , got com mon oenso that they : mad , If eight years ago u. man had told me that I would fctand here and pro.ieh the gospel lo you , I would have laughed at him. Hut here I am raised by the gr.ieo of ted ! from the gambler , the the drunkard and lighter that 1 \\IB : to the position that I now occupy a place in rcMpeel.iblo society. 1 don't euro bow much inonev a man 'inuy have , if he lays around these dtus of \ ice and wicked ness , ami lives a lile of sin. ho is sure lo become : i burdened wretch. He is in continual 1'cnr of the bn\s of this world and the next. And .so by-and-b\e he be comes a very hell in himself , Hut JCMIS Christ can t-.ivo him on then. 1 was that kind of a man until I became , us yon might cays , ; i maniac. Somoof.vm here bine known God , but have strayed. If thcfo are any Miuh , tinn back lo him. " 1 knew nothing of God. Left home when 1was 1 15 years old , and was raised among the kings of crooks. The gospel has made mo what [ am. "Some of you here may be mad with wickedness -you may disregard thu pray ers of father and mother , and Ray ' 1 don ' ( _ cure.1 Oh , if there are any of jon here in that sad condition. I pray of you that you umy repent and turn to Cod. " At the elo-o ol his remarks , Mr. Ilognn iinited tliosi' who wished to bis prayed lor to risSome twenty or thirty re sponded to' the invitation , indicating by .standing that they desired the praters of the Christian people pre&ent. Some of tlu-iii were hardened characters who had pi.Miably never before felt the gospel in- llueuee. . Mr. Hogan will coiitine the meetings through the v.eck. "ISOVIVS ClilMK. " I.a I cut ntul .Most Sensational Htoi'.v i.f tin ; luitluroiiH Hotel Kumicr. The arrest of Tom Hoyd at , the Union Pacilio depot last Friday morning , proves to be a peculiar , if' not a mysterious , ulf.iir. The first account given in the Hut : on the evening of that day was wired to the Denver jire-s and printed vtiih the remaik such u crime Inwl never been heard of in Arapahou county. Other papers in tliis city sulHcqueiitly printed varying versions but these IM em no nearer tin ; truth a the story is last re luted. This , too , luis ith sliorleominus , as those who niirratu it do not know tiie location of theoccurrences , iurthor it is somewhere in .iVs trn ! Kansas , on the K , I. ' , railway , ntJiin the Colorado line. In the spring ol > I8.1./J'oin Hoytl was cooking at a rtiuch in this region. The ranch house was n temporary all'air , being merely two canvas tents , sullicient "belter to last through the spring lound up. There were a do/en berdoia in the crowd and one of theac , James Rogers , was accompanied by his sister. As Hoyd and the young woman were left alone to gether during the day at camp , ho was emboldened to make improper advances to her. These she resented and at once in formed her brother uuoii his return , and he witli true fraternal indignation pro ceeded , in the presence of the assembled crowd , to administer : i sound thrashing to the inbiilting cook. IJo.yd , smarting with pain and crazed with rage , bided his time and that night emptied three chambers of his six-shooter into Rogers' body as bo slept. The fehots awakened the cowboys , but Hoyd Inul prepared one ot the horses for ready mounting and the Unto required in unpickcting and sad dling the animals delayed pursuit. The herders , however , gave clm-o. Hy day light a hot ride of fitly miles brought Hoyd to a large ranch when his jaded horao fell under him. The pursuers wore in sight behind and knowing that capture in their hand ? meant death ho ran into the barn , barred the doors and climbed into the loft. As the cowboys dashed up he saluted them with wiveral &lioU to let them know he was there. AH no way pre sented it.-oll of dislodging him , they sent to tlio county seat lor I he sheriff and camped on the trail to _ prevent Ho.vd's escape. The official arrived shortly with a largo pp Ru and by a stealthy move ment gained a sheltered corner of the barn where ho ordered Hoyd to sur render. Hoyd shouted back that ho would comb down if thu promise was given that ho would not bo lynched. Aller a parley the promi-e was given and lloyd _ stepped down to the door , tos-od out bis weapons and belt and surren dered. A snowstorm hud set in and as night approached , increased in violence. When the sherilV'H puny started out lor the town , about tun miles distant , a Mi/- /tin ! was howlinir over the plains. In the darkness and contusion of the tempest and blinding snow Hoyd jumped Irom his lior-u led between two ol his captors , and easily escaped. Alter n night ol ter rible siili'eriug , wandering in thu snow he reached the railroad and by carelul work reached Kansas City and siibse- quenll Omaha. A.NOIIIFIl Al f'OlIM' . A special telegram from Denver to the St. Louis of the 1 ith hist , is slightly at vuriaiiceiwitli the foregoing , but gives udditionuldnlcsn.- ' ! the euo : A dispatch from Omaha lust evening announced that the tihi < ciil'ot Ibis county had iirreated Tom lioyd ; a hotel i miner of that city , for a muntt-r committed at Deer Trail , lifly niil B east of here , re cently. An Investigation last evening failed to reveal anythm an < l Ihu shuritl slates that ho knewtnotbing whatever "f the cauo. To-ilayi' the my-tery was solved. Hoyd was a cowboy and his right name i-t Frank Kid- ridge Ho was > employed on the run-go in KIburt conul.v , where , in Feb ruary , M l , he quacreledvJth another cowboy named IVrhiiijon and shot him , the ball entering at'be ( wrist , traversing tlio whole length ollhu rni , and lodging In the back , where i'crkinsou still car ries it. Kldridgo escaped at that time , but the ollicers had iit > c for him , and ho was llmtlly run doun atOmahu bySherill Londholm , ot Klbert county , and brought here to-night ami jailed. A peculiar phuso of the ca&o nun arisen trom tlio fact that the pro-eeuting witness in this cacu of .shooting with intent to kill , him self rio on trial .it thu fcamo time. After IVrkinson recovered from his wound , ho renewed disown practice and last winter ho shot and killed a runohmun named Payne , near IKor Trull. Hu waa arrest ed and brought hero for trial , but ho se cured a cluingu of venue to Klbert. county , where ho will bo tried for bis life at the coming December term heforo this court. He. VM 11 be the prosecuting wit ness against Kldrid. . o , alias JJoyd , and Iho defendant in t in case of thu state against P < rkmuon for tb killing of Payne. HE THOUGHT I i Unlil lie matlo cfliupnmons ; lie then found tlint the pnmo Qnrniciib , nimlo tipin Uio smie style , would coat lit in just double the amount ho paid for tliennihTlie Only \'ialU ' , Clothing Pitrlors ; he now hwnitly end owes cvo.ry nltito inont tluifc is uitulc by them , tind invites his Irionds to pay one visit and sea for HuMiiselvcs. Thci-u will ho foint.l .1 . , i A "TVTm A "S" * % , / wTVT fl TTTI VT PANTALOONS FOR f n.oo $ 3.0) $ 4.03 $ t . ( o , $ : > .oo f r .ro , $ o.oa $ < i.iio $ 7.00 $ ( d oo f-3 co | 9 cj That wits made to order by a Leading -.reliant Tailor for $ U.UJ $7.5) ) § a.JJ ? tl.J ) -J1J.JJ ilLOJ flJ.JJ JI.J.OJ ll.OJ $ I.VOJ $1U.OJ (17.0J f8.03 ! And others which space will not , permit , n mimtion.Vo \ arc ab all Unity only lee lumpy to dhow you through our dp. portmcnis ; our great attractions uio found N IN SUITS FOB jt-j.oa $ n.i $11.01 $ ti.n * $10.11 517.7 SU.DJ $ M,73 ? 15.00 Cl.1,53' Was made to order by u loading Merchant Tailor for $ . ' 0.00 $ J1.0J ! f.'i.'iO ! fiJ.J ) $ il.J ) ir > .JJ | JJ,03 $ ,5I.J3 Sj.11,00 flll.OO ! F17. . " 1 ' $ IS.T ) $ J,0) ) ) $33' } ' ) 'fri. ' ' ) ) 27.31 ID.OJ $ r,03 $37.03 $10.0. ) \Va.s made to order by a leading Merchant Tailor for tllJ.OO $ tfl.OO sfoiJ.UJ flil.OJ H".OJ fJ.OJ ) $ V.I)3 ) $ ( ! ) ,03 170.00 $7."i.OO &J0.03 IN OVERCOATS. Von will ( ind ono inilnhle for hnsincss , dress , slivet dress or Eulhlf'ss , cut in pliin saclcs , frocks , Queen Anna touts , newmarlcots and King .Williams. As your selections run the price will prove according. $8.00 $ S.SO $ O.V'O 110.00 $10.0) Jll.23 $12.00 That wns made to order by a Leading Merchant Tailor for $ . ' 7.03 $30,00 18.01 $20.00 $22,51 $2-1.03 $ 'L'ii ( . fa..o'j 537.53 \Vas made lo order by a leading Merchant Tailor for $15.00 $ u.oj cri-Oi $70.00 ? 70. ) $ so.oo And by paying ono Vi-ii you will find many more which are lee mum-roiis to mention , but biiiu'ce to suy any idoii you may have can ho fully PtitNfied in u pair pantaloons , a suit or an overcoat AT THE O1STLY MISFIT ' 111 © ST. , \ It I-'nilcd lo Work. Sunday afternoon an c\ wagon stojpcd in front of the residence of Mrs. Shirlook , at Sixth and Pacific Streets , and the driver alighted , taking from the wagon a largo package , IIo informed the lady that the package was for her and was whipped from New York by o.\pres , on which the charge * were ifil. Ajra. Shirlock was not expecting anything from Now York , but slm e\ani'mcd tiio package , found it was directed to Ix-r , and had an c.\pivst. company ' .s Ne.w York stamp on it. She , however , suspecting that something might bo wioug , rutn-ud to pay the charges and the driver took the p'.iokago nwav , the lady informing him that she would call for it at the ollico next day. She accordingly visited the express oflico yesterday and was in formed that no pack : . go had boon received - coivod for bur , and that the driver of the express wagon must have been a fraud. It would bo well for people to bo on the lookout for the rascal. Hulk apples by the bushel at It. Mc Donald's commifsion house , ! ! 15 So I Uh Como before the cold weather and get MiK'it ' Have UeenVoine. . Cab No. IS , driven by a youn'g man named Drown , ran into a hydrant on Park avenue last night. The occu- pa it , a young man whoso name could not bo learned , was pretty badly jolted and Mihtained several .severe outs about the head ami rihouldcr- . The driver was thrown to the ground but e. cajied with out injury. _ _ The Union Star Club will give their ball and .sociable at thu Metropolitan Hall Thursday evening , November 111. Only those holding invitations will bo admitted. ( Jrand March at 3'M ; .sharp. Y , M. C. A. social this evening. Ho Hiiro ami aticiid. , Kvi'i'i body is Invited , Kntraneo loU3 Kamam Mrcot. In Trouble. The Craig Comedy company has dis banded hero and all the member * have been given j'r ; o pnrmU-iion lo go they will. Yoslciduy one ol the fair actresses who plays as "Martha" in "FoggM Kerry , " and is familiarly known ns the "Dude's Delight" i.woro . out an attachment in.liiFiieo IJ'iiilctt's couit on a K.tlary claim of fril which she claims ) Manager Cr.iig owes her. Thu p.ipor . wore turned over toConstablu Kdgerton- who levied upon the wi-neri of thu com , jiany. It i.s underhtood that I'etor IJOOH will'rtwcar out an attaehnunt forfcomo good Mzcd board billn. ffiQST PERFECT MADE l'fuiarvd with iprc ! l rcsard No Ammonl , l.lmotir Aluta. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , CHICAGO. " ST.COUI8. Oinniiiin H and tlio SalooiiK. To the Kditor ot tint MIU : : The ell'ortH being ma'do by Marslnil CiimmifigM to enforce the law in respect to closing saloons at midnight should meet with the endorsement ol all citizens of Omaha who have an interest in the good name of our city. This i.s a matter ot vital im portance , especially at this time when s.o much i.s being done to advc/lisc Omaha and attract the attention of eastern busi ness nion who are seeking new localities Our undent liquor law eanni't very well be improvcil upon and it would seem to be to the interest of the liquor men them- Helved to comply with s-o reasonable a re quirement as the clo-iug of their estab lishments at midnight Judging from ' this neWKpaper publications the 'rotiisial of half a do/ou of them to comply with this provision of the law is bii'c ' solely upon a license u.iven them by certain members of the city council to close at a later hour a which they have no more right to give ihan would have tin ; same number of private individuals ; tliere can be , no argument whatever on that proposition. The indications are Hi it a. law and or der league will bo orgtni/.cd in Omaha this evening at the oper.i IIOIIHC , and in that i'ase the lirst duty of that or ani/a- tioli should be to furnish Marshal Cum- iniugs with such a backing as will con vince deliberate law breakers of the tolly of their course. J. T. IJ , Nu : il Catarrh , Tin oat and Kar , hue- cc.sstully treated. Chis. : Impoy , M. D. , cor 15th and llarneyVillmcll Hlock. I'laiHccl the 1'ole. Notwilhstamling the temporary iujuno tinn order ihsiied by Judge U'akcloy , of the district court , at the iiHtanco of the First National bank , the I'aeilio Teleg graph company ( ilauted its pole in front of tlio bulling of that iiintUution yester day , As Hut injunction had not been argued and no decision or dih-olv- big order had been made by Judge Wakclcy , this in till , I'll to be a pi , tin viola tion. Ills thought that the pole wn planted on buuday in order to prevent interference , 1'rcsident Kouut/.e ol the 1'irst National bank , when asked about the mailer to-d.iy , said that he regarded the action as a plain violation of the l.iw , but could not s y u hether the uiibo wonhl be jiished ) in the courts or not. A Kurly Kuuday inoruiug the rosldennc of J. L. Woods , No.blH I'.irk avenue , WHS burglarixed. Thu thief pried open a aide window and abstracted Mr. Woods' clothing from which ho abstracted a watch chain and - 10 In cash. Mr. Wuod.s had fortunately placed his watch under Ills pillow on retiring. The burglar bfomcd MtiMicd with hib booty for ho lelt. thu clothing in the ard. A peculiar cir Manco of the all'air Is that . < ! r. Woods' dwelling is the same which Mr. Will K. Wood lormerly occupied , \\nen Iiiht hepteinber burglars attempted to rob Mrs , Wood ot her diamonds. About the hiimo tlinu .Sunday morning the family of A. W. Alice , No ! ! t Jit Ma- ry'.s avenue , wore awakened by a noNe at one of the windows. The burglars , for such the intruders evidently wi-ru , de camped at the linn alarm. An Ounce ol * l < ati < laiintn. A woman purchahod an ounce ot land- nnum at Kulin & C'o..s dm ; ; ttoro , Eighteenth and Cuming htrcuts .Sun day nfttirnoon , She said she Kmnv how to IIHO it , and ncc < lc < l it to allay the pain BU lie red by aicl < ; innnito of li-i Abuut uu hour Utter , u man \\itli liu huh llyinir in the wind and his eyert out on his chcek.s , rushed inl < )1l > o apotb ecary shop and howled lor POIIIO nntnlot-u 'for one oiinco hunhtnum/ / The rem edial drug was given him , and ho loio out and up the htivet , moving < ) iilckly out of i ight. As neither the man nor the woman have reappeared , nor the cor oner been "iimniuiieu in that locality , it , is supposed that the antidote worked , A Sunday ISow. Angus ) Schiel and Charles Vainer were arrested Monday and taken Ixjfoie Jndgo Selden to answer to a chargij of asMau.l. and buttery preterre * ! against them by Charles Castor. 'J lie plaiMiil uliiimn that he wa eet upon 1 tin ; two men iilorcs.iid , wlio beat nun * itli Apadeo and uliovcls , to i > ay nothing of tlmir ( intn and Miindry large -si/cd Uoth defuiuit ants deio tue charge IKI. u'iiii or nioului | M > wivrH. u ( HUH. UuUililJ l'ovilcr Oo.lW oi. N. V & MAUL , f.-'uccf s-nrB to J. O , JnenlH , ) U NO E R TA ffJS It 8 > AND HMIJAhMUilH. At tlio on ) iiiuiKl Hu ; I'mmuM BU OnlwH Ijy ll'll Kl'll'll ' ' Mllll'lluil Ullll ) llUIII | > lly UltOltUUll lU , 'I'OllJJllKIIIU NO , Uj. ! LOS ANGELES UOUND Tltll' , $100. N oiiiycr 'lh.nlaricoparty of excursion. | H ! : > will Iruvu Oauli.x in I'nlhiuvn lUliice Sleciiiu. ; caii lor I .on AligeleH , Ualrornln. | 'J'lcketrt fur the letniit tlip , oed Q month ! ) . Siou , Klttil cliux lu'ople , nrht dlasn Uckr.U ) , lirst class ac'Mituaioiliitlimsou this trip. t'l.'iiiiiitjjuiit fur < s wM ( ( unt , but rote nsl bound Is now S.7J.50 , and It hi proposed to raise H to Sivhlch will iiialio tlm wwt oK ( ilrkctimore tliun tlu''io uxfllul | that i lass lonnd trlii nitcN. A'll eiulurant imnvn. fLsarvivnliMlnU ( "cprcs,1 ! Irsilna and any ( inn i'm 1:11 any il.iy lit rates. The/o. Inie il'yini wl .h to ri'tuin CO with till ! ) li civ > . vurilou. 1'ull paitluulitrH re ar till- . on amilluutinn to J.V. . MOHSB ( Jui. I'dis-Aut , U. i' . Jty.i Orn