Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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i MI i i i ! ! ! _ _ _ - _ - nimnLIU1 _ - _ rl PtHIJU r-rf $ JfPf + f * * * * g- * - - - - i fca , , , . . , . ,
Nnw Yont Omen , HOOM OVi'iuiii'MR
1(1 ( It.DINO.
t'nlill lieil ovtrytinrnlii , t-u ' | it Kinulnr , Tim
tmli Momlnr imirnlmr impor imUlslKxl In thu
Mn(6. (
Trims nv MAIL :
Ono Vtiir , jtamTliw Muittis J3.W
Six TUmilhs. . . R. t One Month W
1 in : Wr.r.iu.r llm , I'uhU'htxl i : pry Wednwrtoy.
Tinvs , rosTi-Alii.
One Tcnr , with intmhmi ti'fl '
OnoVciirwithout premium \A \ >
8I Mcmllii , wllhoin pit mliini 75
Ottr Month , on tritl 1'J
toiiniwoNUBii E :
All communications rolntltiif to nrtva nnd fill-
lorin ! iimttcrf ) MirmM lo ; nililre geJ to tliu tilit-
i on or TUB ( ten.
VMI lnitnp * Ullcrfthiiil rmnlllnwcs ulioilM l > o
nrtrtiw.Nl to 'Inr. llf.ii rimM < miii CourtM ,
OMAHA. Di-ntt" . cliivks ntul luiMolIk'o older *
to lie raiulo imynlilf-totlK-ordpror tlici company.
t : .
Hy llio ( lovcrnor of Iho Slat of Nt-branfea :
The Picsldunt nr llm UiiltPd States 1ms
named us n day \ntlotuil Thanksgiving
Thursday , tbo 20th Day of November ,
nnd In tinnnntiy tli tuxvith 1 , . .lamesV. .
Oaxve.s , Goxernorof tlto State ot Nebr-Aska ,
dnhoieby rccoiniiu'iid to tin- people , of this
Slfllt- iltm and proper observance of Iliu day
> appointed , ami thai it be hi-hl In the full
est MMIRO ai a time for Kcnnrnl TliHiiksigtvlin ;
and I'rujrrto Almighty ( Sort -for Ids contin
ued mercies. AM a Jstato xvc lm\c sinned In
nn fspeclal device tin * Hosin s and bounties
with which nn iit'lnlxpiil ' piuudciiccluis la-
vcivd lisas n Nal'on.
Al Mich a time a1'Mils ' thopplritnf bcur-vo-
loncoshould lie tidixcand far-re.ichltr. ? . Kind
ehnrlly should tisM-rl lior claims , terni-mbcr-
iiit ; with our abundance tint
"Tho Charities that soothe , and bless , and
heal ,
Arc .scattered at Iliefertof Man , likellowtMs. "
In Witness Whuu'uf , I have
Iif'iviinlD M > t tny hand and rallied
to InntlKed the ( iiiut Seal of the
State of Nrhrusl.u.
Done at Lincoln , lids Tenth day
[ Hii.M ] of November , In thee > iror our
Loul Oiin Thousand tfiyht Hun-
clird and KhhU n\c ; of this
Slate the iN'inelei'iith , and of tlio
Independence of llm United
State' ) the One llnndieil and
Tenth. .IAMKS W. 1)A\VES.
jlyllmdovcrnor :
ijcen-laiy of Slate.
Gov. DAwnd has at last issued his do-
C'lnniUou of war upon turkey-
INDIAN summer still lingers in Iho lap
of tuiUimn , nml wo hear no protests.
Tin : next tinio our cottncilmon want to
liohl u secret session they hud butler
MufT cotton in the key holes.
As usual thi. Washington correspond
ents nrti outlining the president's nics-
finyo lo congress. They arc relieving
him of n great mental strain.
NITMKKOUS changes in tlm Indian service -
vice : ire promised.Vith these in view
Iho efforts for the strengthening of No-
Ijnisku'fl two mllit.iry posts on thu nor
thern frontier eannot bo begun too soon
by our congressional untl senatorial dele
gation. Two ton-company posts should
guard the honlhern boundary of the
Sioux reserve , for the protection of the
en tire state from possible danger of future -
turo Tudiiin incurslotisi The united do
nmnd of our frontier press in urging
these additional safeguards must make
Iteolf felt t Wasliington.
IlowAiti ) contributes an in-
lorcsting little artielo on "He aoa" to
the last number of the ir/rital Service
Maguzinc. The general is full of remin-
IsccnecH of the war in xvlticli ho bore n
distinguished part whiuh history will
long perpetuate. . Ho ewes it to history
to assist in perpetuating the memory of
the part played by other prominent war-
riora , by writing and publishing his
memoirs of the great couUiel. We sug-
gwt that with the revival of popular in-
turcstin thu war which lalo events have
'aaalstcd in arousing , there 'it no time
like the present for thu publication of
Ke of this diameter.
THIS atntompnt of the Union stockyards
CPmpuny of South Omaha , published in
tlio commercial department of tliu Ituu ,
makes u very favorable Bhowing for anew
now enterprise. The yards have been
opened for business less than two years.
T.ho business at tirst xvas , of course , vury
email , but St has increased from month
to month until no\v it reached ligurc'j '
that , will attract considerable attention
both itt homo and abroad. The number
of oattlo received at the yards for the
oluvcn months ending October Ulbt xvas
101,311 ; hogs , IM.'JSU ; sheep ,'.IIJ ' ;
bortics , l/JI'.J , innking u total of 23J.fiIJ
unlmnls. For the eleven months ended
I Kovi-uibor JJOth , there were received aC
Uioyunla 71.10J ealtlo ; hogs , OJ3 ; sheep ,
SBJ , ; horses , -10j , making n totd : of
TS.O'Jl iiniiickls. Tlil.-i shows tin inoruase of
ir 4 , 13 animals during tliu second eleven
months of thu yanl ' exintence. This is
cwUilnly n very healthy growth , anil
, goes far to misiain the prediction that in
fivu jcarHQmaha will bo the t-ccond live-
Btouk market In the United Status.
If Councilman 1'itr.iyi \ correctly reported
ported at tliu beeret bcssion , ho wants
CiipU Sullivan removed because "hi
hnbii'tgot a friend on the force , and thu
Biiluon men arc all down on him. " Now we
would like lo know xvhat kind of. a captain -
tain of polioo xvoulilsuit.Mr.Kiir.iy'dlduas.
Is It desirable that \vu shall h.ive u cap-
tulu pf police who will deliber.itidy vie
lute his sworn dul > by Minuting his eye. '
tj ) glaring violations of the law ? Why I :
Udismiliiil that thecaptiiin sluill be popu
lar wltli thu salouu keepers ? The police
foruo of Omahu has lately booa iiuprnved
innlcrially by the diseiplinu which C'apt
Sullivan lias introduced , but we pntsumi
that n captain who ingi&U lha
liHiiiibors of the foix'o thall kcuj
out of the Haloons and gambling hull
would not bo particularly popula
With Inn men. The nlmplo question i
Wiit'thcr thouity < > onnell proposes to havi
Mil ) liixvn unforced by the puliui
U the council is going to bacl
tllO iiiw breakers against tin
If Mr. I'uray wns i
In a mining town , xvlier
Judge Lynoh WHS thu chief of poliou.thi
ftort pf talk would create no stirpri-su
in city of 0 t.UJJ p3uilu it do
very strnngely to lutvo a oouueil
who ruiut'fcuiUu law abiding con
) ilt : Una ot thu hixth wnnl , dii
the romovtil of un ollicer liceaus
ts doing Idtf duty.
Hirer Itnprovpitipnt.
The nMfttilt of ihtMlhgruntlcd Mnjor
Suter on the policy of Improving the
\II ourl river , finds nn cntlnni ntio
wrkrr In the cdltw of tlio Omnhn / / /
nl't. Dr. Millnr lhr. itgh lh c.iliunns of
us paper pronounce * nil nUompti to
nako the Missouri navigable as useless ,
md ( lunounees appropriation ? for the
Mitposo as money "thrown nxvay. " The
Ifrraltl nays :
N'o cleaner ent plrupy upon the public
locket hns ex-er been Inx'cnted tlmn
can l > o fchown In the eaeo ot money
xvt < iti > d In fiNleml appropriations < o ini
nine thn navlirnlion of the MI Miurl rlxcr.
riio riMimtk apjillc ; to the x\hole length of It
a x\ell nto the uppiT reitton. N'o boat in
evei seen on Its wateis. lt < i navi ntlon Is n
n > Hi ; IN i CA ! "linjirovenient" Is luipraotlea-
ile ; tlii'rr U no nred of Its Impiovciuont , and
'very dollar expanded by i-nngri'sj tijion
such a work U so niurh Molcn and wasted
iiiiiney. Kvcry white man In this ] > art of the knows this to be Indisputably true , ns
\\f\l \ as Major Suter doas. The tallroads
om ; since externdnatiHl u hat little commciro
here ever was on thn Missoitti i Ivor , nnd
* .V)0,000,003 Bpeut to lniirovo | Its channels
could not rrsloio ex-en what it lost at Iho
Minis of the competitive power of the tail-
xays. .
The ffcrnhl \ as liidly mistaken in its
'nets ns it is in tlio arguments which it
ittompu to bolster up by an ignorant
lUtortion of tlio truth. The Missouri
ivcr , in its upper and loxvor iiortion , is
icing navigated to-day by regular line
if btoitinors which are doing : i good bu i-
ies < with the towns alouj ; its banks.
'oxvcl Uros. , of Hismarck , have been run-
dug a line between that jace ! mid 1'ort
Jenion , a dlatancu of 81i ( miles , and dur-
ngtlie season just closed have trans-
) orled thousands of tons of freight each
xviiy. A steamer has made regular trips
jelwecn Dismarek and points below. He-
hides those , two c-r three other steamers
nado regular trips lo HcnUm prior to
his season. A regular line has been ply-
ug between St. Louis and Kansas Cily
md is understood to have done a paying
msincss , toueliing at points not reached
i.v railroads. These hard facts gix-o the
io direct to the statement that the navi
gation of tlio Missouri "is a myth" and
hat "no boat is over soon on its waters. "
1 ho improvement of the Missouri is prac-
.ieable and is demanded by the produe-
ng interests of the vast agricultural re
gion through which it passes. Were a
channel once assured millions of tons of
\vhuat and corn would down the
river to the Mississippi and ilw Gulf , and
Millions of tons of coal and iron and
Toight would make return cargoes -
goes at rates which xvould rcu-
ler competition by rail impossi
ble. Everywhere open water routes
lave ulaced impassable barriers to rail
road extortions and have enriched the
country by the saving which they have
nado in transportation rates. Tito Erie
canal , which cost New York state ? ? 1fl03.-
)30 ) , has returned its cost five times over
to tlio producers and consumers of that
stato. Tlio Mississippi is a constant
cheek-valve to the greed of corporate
nonopolios along its banks. The great
akes regulate freight tariffs at every
> oint on tlieir shores. The objection of
.ho railroad lobbyists and the corpora
tion-bound editors to river improvements
irises solely from the knowledge that an
> pen river as a railway regulator cannot
le bribed like congressmen , purchased
iko legislatures , or subaidizud with job
work likobrafs-collared editors.
Admitting that "no boat is over scon
on its waters , " xvliieh is false , it is clearly
the duty of the govornmsnt lo put the
Missouri river in sueli a condition as to
render it available in case of extortionate
rales on the part of the railroads. For
every dollar so expended the public xvill
reap ten-fold bcneiit.s.
s for tJio Poor.
The county commissioners have dele
gated the business of caring for the poor
to the superintendent oT the poor farm.
It is to him to decide upou the merits
of each applicant for charity , the quan
tity of fuel and provisions lo which each
is entitled , and Iho frequency with which
liioy shall draxv rations. The business of
making the purchases is also entrusted
to him. This , of course , relieves the
commissioners of a great deal of annoy
ance and responsibility , but it gives a
line opportunity for favoritism and job
bery to the riuperinlendent. Ho becomes
a sort of quartermaster and commissary
without any restrictiona ad lo quantity ,
quality , and cost of supplies. As a con
sequence of this fast and loose way of
doing business , the county is probably
paying u great deal of money for inferior
materials to personal and political
This is only ono of the bad features of
this method of curing for the poor. In
all cities there arc always professional
beggars and vagrants who make it tlieir
business to live 1'ioin public charily.
There rru hundreds of poor people who
are meritorious , but xv'a : > prefer tj sillier
and starve rather than to apply for alms.
If thu charity dopaitnuut of thu county
xvas managed xvitli an eye solely lo the
relief of poverty aside trom politics and
favoritism , thu proluisional boggai-i
would be unable to consume what rightly
belongs to the meritorious poor. Hut ,
under Mr. Pierce , thu vagrant beggars
hold high carnival. Wo am credibly in
formed that a gang of notorious uomcn
who hax'o been iuj.ulfiir drunkenness ,
xagi'aney and 111 fame a number of times ,
have beun drawing rations all thuycai
around , and tire still drawing rations U
feed a brood ol roughs xvho are living
upon tliuir wages of .sin. It is har.lly
possible that Mr. 1'iercu is Ignoranl ol
the character of this class or Hit
criminal poor , and if he douim't know
their unworthinenit it miibt bi
biiiMUHu ho Inw nut trie 1 to inform hiu :
self. Other repoiU reach us that pur
sons who own property and are ol
able to suppoit themselves and thuli
families tire drawing ch.irit.x Irom tin
county. Such Impostors should receivi
no countenance , much lut * * , fuel and pro
visions at thu public expense.
This paper ha aluu\s advocated i
iberal and generous policy In aailstin ; .
he poor , but thu .system carried out b >
thu county doits not commend itself u
us. In thu place thu commissioner :
should purchase at wholeaalu and Iron
tint lowest bidder at u public letting with
out favoritism. In thu next place , llmj
shouldn't dulfgatu thu power , whiuh tin
in them , to nilistiuil f whole
lo not distinguish the difiVreneo l > e-
ween desoninp objects of fhnrilv and
; v ojii | who lix'-on crime in itn most tlo
rrndi d nnd revolting form.
A AVortlij Cause.
The committee of the Omaha Young
Men's Christian ii oclilion : have bepttn
Ihelr ranvass for funds for the erection
of a building , and appeal to our citizens
xvllhout respect to creed to assist them in
the undertaking. I'ht-y propose next
Sunday to hold a mass meeting at IJoyd's
opera house , at xvhieh the cause will be
lirescnled , nnd extend a general Snvita-
lion to our people to attend and to help
them on xvith the work. The Run cheer
fully commends the eauso of the as-ioehr
lion to tiio people of Omaha. Other cities
of our sic , xvilh scarcely nn exception ,
have provided comfortable buildings
for their Y. M. < J. A'.s. Their In
fluence for good is generally recognized
as in every way worthy of popular sup
port. Their xvork is in tlio interests of
peed ; citizenship and morality , and is
prosecuted x\lth an entire disregard of
denominational dilVerenecs. Any insti
tution object is to provide com-
fottablo reading rooms and libraries , op
portunities for mental nnd physical cul-
tnro , watchful supervision oxvr and in
terest in joung men should roccHe
prompt and generous support in I heir
The groxvth of this organization has
been most encouraging. At this
time there are 2)3'J ) associa
tion * in uvislfiice. Of this number
lH ) ! are established in tlio United Stales
and the Dominion , iiival Hrttnln has
r oi ; ; France. TO ; Germany , fill ) ; Holland ,
JinO ; Switzerland , M < ; Denmark , 4 ! ! ;
and Belgium , 21. Associations are also
established in Snain , Italy , Tui'knv , U'H- '
pia , Austria , Japan , Syria , South Africa ,
Australia , New Zealand , Madagascar ,
and India. The. strongest , and , in many
particulars , the host of the organisa
tions are tlioso in the United Slates. At
thn present time there are in tills
country C39 general ' associations ;
10'J ' colleg" , 09 railroad , 81 col
ored , and 12 German associations.
The American association oxvns properly
to the extent of $ JuonGQ ( ) , of which sum
SS.533,00 is invcslcd in buildings. Their
aggregate annual expenditures now
amount to about three-quarters of a mil
lion of dollars. It speaks well for tlio
railway management of this country that
it encourages this branch of xvork among
railroad employes. The expense of this
branch of associations , at present ,
amounts to $7.\000 per annum.two-tliirds
of xvhieh sum is contributed by the cor
porations , ( ho officers of which tcslify to
"the great benefit resulting to tlieir em
ployes through this special department
ot tlio Y. M. C. A. Tlio Omaha associ
ation has struggled along for jears with
out a home and in straightened circum
stances. It is high time that it should bo
planted firmly on its feet.
KAXSAS CITV is reaching out to Hast
ings , and other southwestern roads are
tapping our territory behind us. If
Omaha xvill open her eyes , and her cap
ital , bts will open Iheii pocket-books we
can reach down into the territory now
occupied by Kansas City , and transfer to
Omaha by as short a line as that which
now runs into Kansas City a largo pro
portion of the business of central Kan.
son and the southwest. Wo have belorc
this referred to the fact that a line ol
railroad running southwest from Omaha
to the Indian Territory line would tap
every trunk line cast and west into Kan
sas City about a hundred and lift.y
miles from the Missouri river. It
would give to that great see-
lion a market hero as near to
thuir doors as Kansas City itself , while il
xvould draw to our stock yards the bulk
of the great Tc\is : shipment of cattle.
1 he of such a projected rotul would
pass near Beatrice in our own state ,
through Ottawa , Kansas , crossing the
Kansas I'acilie in Ellsworth county , ami
passing through Comanchc county on
the southern border , would cross tin :
public lands in the western part of Indian
territory. Krom that point a junction by
direct route could be made xv.tli a railroad
built trom San Antonio to Frodrloksburg
Texas , and a port on the Gulf of Mexicc
secured at Aransius. This is a far reach'
ing t < chemo of railroad extension , but il
is possible and practicable. Such a
trunk line would do moro for thu inter-
outs of Omaha than a do/.cn stub roads.
THE outrages perpetrate I by the Hus
wan mobs wno drove tin Jews outol
Kussia find their p.iralhd in the
taken by tlio I'russhi-i g > vornm > nt in u\c- \
pelling the I'oles frjiu the oaslurn prov
inces of the kin1 : ; loin. As the lot of th i
I'oles who live under Prussian rule in the
province of I' M m It is bjun lesi li.irJjn-
some than un lur U is > a , Ih ire boon
a siuldon InlliK of tais uiliuiy ; p ) > plu
from the rule of tau o/.ar 13 ti ! it of tin
kaiser , lint they do not bjooiij G ir-
man'ued by thu ciian u , n > r d.i ti ! > I'JIH |
tvho are native to thu provinou aJvanuu
to pjrfuulio.i 01 tli it lino. So tlu
German govorummt reao'iod ' fiu
conclusion that tliu fewer in
thu b.-tter , mi.I all chis-os of K
I'oles In tint and t.M a.ljauont
Silesia , Mast I'rusiia a ixj hejii
notice lo leave. Thuy havebuun
by thousands from the lands they ha I
bought an 1 tlio housus t'luy h.t I nu | uirjd ,
and no coinpuns ition is o i'or.i.l tlic.u foi
the heavy Ionthus inilictu.l. List cun
tury Iliu I'r.mian g > vjrammt wu tiu
praise of in iiikinl by tin kiiul an . goii
erous ttMaluunt it CNlendcd to tlu Sal/ '
hurgcm , whom religious InUilerancc htui
driven trom their mountain valleys ii
southern Germany. Thu da.vot cxpti !
sion for religious faith U past inToutonh
countries , but crimox as cruel are now
porpelrated in the name ot nationality.
Tiu : irrepressible Denis Kearney ii
once morn on deck. Ho has resumed hi
crusade against thu Chinese , and varies
tint monotony of his tirades IM abiirtiiii
O'Donncll , who has encroached upoi
Kearnoy's domain by getting up a xvar
fare on the Chinese on his own account
THK pound ordinance Is beinir en
forced , as It should bo , and as wu hope I
xvill continue to bo. Ouiuhu is no lougui
u cow
ft : or IHiCler tlmit OHM.
The xvcekoitthi futinonl has < le\el-
oped few cx'ents l > t Wrikiug importance ,
or cNo the t : i' lu jliis'tulod to vto us duty.
Tlio conf-rence. 'at. Cmistanllnoplo tins
UK t and is Mill in . o4 ioli. Altnough the
lilial decree ha ? hot l > een publisne.l , at
the time of xvntliig , i is understood that
thu treaty of Hcrlm Is to bo maintained
by thu rcoralioit ! of the condition of
ali'airs existing Wforl the unlortunato
move of I'rinco A ux mk'r. ' The discon
tented I > ulgarian t-and Hoiimelians. while
the name of uml.xMs'llotiied them , are to
reecix'call the real bi-nuiitsof unioneach
prox-inco being Indopundetit of thn oilier ,
but both Intxinglhc same governor. Eacii
is lo maintain a militia , but iiuilhur
mililia is to leavu its own country , a pro-
vi-lon otit-elf valueless , sineo the luilf
ravage Ihilgarians have already shown a
disposition to consult their oivn sweet
xvills rather than comfort the Kuropoan
cabinets. Finally , there is an evident
hope that future complications may bo
pr.-xoiiled by placing the real govern
ment of the two provinces In the handset
ot an international commission , which
shall make llio laxvs and uo that they are
properly ontoreed. This means that
I'rinco Alexander Is no longer to bo
trusted , and that Kounu-lia and Bulgaria
are to pass into the anomalous condition
of several other Turklsii provinces , in
which thu real power is hidden behind a
puppet governor. The agreement is of a
kind xvith many that have preceded it ,
merely temporary , and hablu at any mo
ment lo be overthrown by inllui'iiccs that
nrobojond tlio control of umo.issadors
and cabinets ,
Mr. I'ttrnell's nationalist campaign is
progressing beyond lao expeuUitious of
his most ar adm.ivrs. Cablegrams an
nounce thai he is eerta.n to have ciirhly-
six folloxvcrs , and the chances are even
foi three more. Of tliesj are
from Minister , Leinster an-l Cotiiiaught ,
being a clean sxveop of those provinces
xvith thn exception of two lories from
Dublin university. In Ulster out of
thirty-three .seats ho is certain to c irr.y
seventeen , and in Liverpool he xvill carry
oho. The still doubtful seats are two in
Ulster and ono in Liverpool. For tlio
attack upon Ulster and Liverpool there
were selected siv men , xvho will also run
in oilier districts. These men and tlieir
districts anas 1'ollow.s , the di.lienll ones
being namud lirst : T. M. Healey , South
Derry and North Monaghau ; Thomas
S'\ton , W > st Belfast and South Sligo ;
Justin McCarthy. Derry Cily and North
Longford ; Mr. pillon , North Tyrone
and East ISJavo ; J4\ T. O'Connor ,
Scotland Wu\l , Liverpool and Galway -
way ; John Reiliiiond , Exchange
Ward , Liverpool and WexforJ. Of
these Mr. MeCarthv nml Mr. Dillon have
the. hardest kind of lights , but success is
likely. Mr. Kedmond probably leads a
forlorn hope. Tllesoiiro the only men
having double nrtVntn-.ltions. If they win
tlieir doubtful seats tlioy xvill resign the
other ? , which will then btf lilled by less
famous aspirants' . Mr. Parnell declines
to run any where' but'4n Cork because of
his unuill.ngnosS to sit for any other
place. Jt has been resolved to abandon
the idea of contesting districts in Glas
gow and London. Instead of this tlio
Parnell men will h .p the lories thu-ro , as
the matter now stands. The contests in
Ulster are likely to be aided by fierce
faction rivalries iiiaido thu lory party
there. Tlio orange wing , which is light
ing the aristocrat o leaders of United
Ireland , has doim a real service in col
lecting proof that landlords are
mortgaged up to their eyes with Lon
don bankers and usurers , and the secret
of lliuir refusal Ui abate the villain
ous renUs is the obligation lo pay
enormous interest on past loans.
Mr. Gladstone b ijan his Midlothian
campaign on Monday and has continued
it throughout the xvc jk in Scotland. The
great aim of the i > n miur is to force from
the front thu ibsm of ell ireh disestablish
ment which the conservatives are oppos
ing xvith fierce vigor as thu lest is-ue of
the liberal campaign. Th t entire aspect
of the canvass has be en changed by the
shrewdness with which Salisbury and
Churchill have injected t'lis ' disturbing
issuu into llio campaign and aroused tlio
fears of every vested interuit in Great
Britain. In addition thorn souins to bo a
decided laok of proper management in
the liberal canvass. In London alone
forty seats in tlio house of coinm ms are
contested by two or more lib mil candi
dates , the whole United Kingdom
the lories m.iygain seventy-live members
of Parliament through the division of
their opponents. Americans can hardly
understand .such loose political organiza
tions as this state of a'Va ' rs shows , and it
is evident that Iho Brllish liberals need a
few loaders xvith a faculty for
organization and discipline.
Alphonso of Spain IH ill onou < ; Ii
to havu liin hualth ituiiirod | after by the
Queen of K i laii 1 , and tint IIKMIIS vury
111 indeed. HJ w.U nuvor strong , having
inherited a poorj criimiiution on both
si los. IV'sidns , bi < fdrn he attaluiul hid
full Rrowth , ho was nllowod to liavu too of bin ovvii , way , and ut.luj.l t.u
purminsion , an yoifth-Mvilh tin nnlim'tu 1
itmount of pooki/t / mogvy jrjnerally do , to
impair hm oi\n h < : ) ( . In casu of bin
duath , troubluj jj"r0 wjtru to break out in
Spam. Tnu Au-itjiiirnnuun la very unpopular -
popular , an 1 hjrLipii > intin ) iit as rugmt
would m ! in rjvolutio'i in th > near fu
ture. Th ) Carliiip w'j il 1 ba sure to r su
and w ill I pro' ; liily ni r < j an > tli ir stu )
born I'ulit , b it lYlo-jfj.'cths of tlu puoplo
are o.ipm ; d to th 4r' ro ramm ) . Worn
Don Carlos to prcfejill conversion to liberal
oral Ideas , lu might have a gou.l clianct
of mounting the throne , for , though the
townspeople are republican , Iho most
popular ollicors in tha nrmy are bltterl.y
opposed lo demoeracy , ami the muaa ol
the peasantry ure iipathutio.
The only chance for Burundi to oscapn
British annexation appears lo ho the du'
lay on tlio part of ( ho British authorilici
until thu parliamentary elections un :
over. Thou , If the liberals provu to have
won a decisive victory KingTIieubaw
may possibly preserve his Independence ,
A tory defeat this fall will surely be
taken us evidence that thu British people
ure oppu&ud to ttu
policy , aud Lm-d Salisiiurj will hnrdly
dare to attack Ititrmah win n his nwn
oxorthroxv : ippt-ars nmuinenU
TltK question lotxheUier the let'icr | i o
gambling hou < es : md xiolatorsof the H
censp ordinance shall dietale the re
moval of police officers xvho urn trying
to do their duty.
A Pointer IVom ( lip Urcoc'oni Ctt.r.
New Orleans Picayune : When a boy
starts out in the world and determines to
make a man of himself ho is bound to
succeed it he lives ; but if he slops by the
xx ay to be a sport , a hoodlum , a dude era
a politician ho becomes a mi crablc fail
The Smlitle Oovevnor.
Chicago Nexv.s : We look for Fit/.luifrh
Lee to make a very weak irovernorfor Vir
ginia. Ho appears to 1m a namby-pamby
sort of a person , and his enliro canvass
for the governorship has been conducted
on his family name , his xvhiskers and Ids
uncle's saddle. We have in the career of
T. T. Crittendou. of Missouri , a notable
Illustration of the follv of bolting on
pedigree and pulchilrudc.
Improvement in Trade.
Ncxv York Mail : The improx'enient In
mauv important branches of industry
which sot in some mouths ago continues
to make salisfautorv progress. There is
a dncidedly hopclul feeling in
aud commercial circles. Business men
hail become so acc.uslniucd to depression
year after year that it was naturally
loaivd there xvoiild be a disposition to
force the activity when a ehauvco eanui
for the hotter. Thus far these yioixs have
not been .sustained , aud there is a slow ,
healthy rociiponitiru going on xvhieh is
gratifying to the conservative ela.sscss.
Kven Ttloti Men lluvo Tronblo.
New York World : Senator Palmer has
( liseox'oroil that even rieli men xvith end
less a nounts of money have trouble , lie
has just completed his very handsome
house upon Iv streel. Justlieynud him
on llio corner is a very large house , built
sotuelldii" ; in tlio style ( it the British le-
g'tlion. It is occupied by an eccentric
Washington by the name of
Lowr.v. Senator Palmer's lot joins his.
The senator built a st.ible on the buck of
his lot and as tar away from his neighbor
as.possi'blo. Tliisslahlo hasoilcndcd Mr.
Loxxry. ' Is order to a\engo himself lie
huilliiwult nine foot h cn between his
lot aud the senator's. This wall rises
above the oul. > window in the .senator's
dining room and shuts oil completely the
handsome view of a neighboring park.
upon which the senator had particularly
prided himself. More than this , it linn so
darkened his dining room that it xvill be
imnos'iblo for it to bo used except by ar
tificial light. As Mr. Lowry is rich and
obstinate , the senator lias no means of
persuading him to remove tliu xvall.
Tlio Anilro Monument.
New York Sun : Wn disapprove of the
destruction ot tlio Andre monument.
The reason wr > disapprove of its de
struction is that bloxvmg it up is unlaxv-
This is tlio only reason
There is a very simple wav to prevent
any further dibits to doMi-ov it.
Efface all existing inscrptious and en
grave upon it thov- words :
Thin Stone
Marks the Spot xyhoiv John Andre ,
A British Spy.
Was Di'servodlv Hnnired
By the Order of Gen. George Washington.
From American patriots his memory
Merits neither respect nor commisera
fj AXI >
Tra Oavcnpoil owns a large block of land
InVane county. Neb.
The Chleau'o Herald remit ks tint Oov. Hill
bchif ; bald-headed it is not snrpilsln that ho
fchould ha\e tuken a liont seat.
.Mr. M. K. Smith is the Grand Ti-roon of
the tieaMiry now. Tlio oilyinal Coon has
conic down.
The president is said to he favorable to the
admission of Dakota , hut he thinks that It
admitted thu state ou lit to bo dhided.
Mamlce Kmgslpy , a son ol Chail sKlnps-
ley , the novelist , has made a loiUuu : In the
silver mmca of Color.ula. He has toundthu
mine mightier than thu pen.
Secretary Lainir Is loud of tnklns Ions
and lonely \\ulks at niu'ht , but he is not a
Rnstuvns Pancake has been appointed po-.t-
ninster at Onii'ga , Ohio. Jlo Is very iiopmar
with 'lasses.
Canon Karrar pi onounees Boston the Ath
ens of Aniciiea. lie must have caught a
glimpic ol .lolin L. Sullivan's ( iiculi e uitour.
Mr. It. I ) . Ilajes Is deeply Intel ested In the
statement thai a tarmei In his btale cl.iims to
have developed u breed ot chickens which lay
to CKKS a day.
' Take homo your saddles , " Bald General
Grant to the southern soldiers ; "You will
need them theie. " Thu sentiment WIIH
adopted as the platform lu Virginia. LUO'H
sadiho will be historic heicatter.
Vrof. Timothy Dwi-nt is considered to tie
the coming man lor the piesldenuy of Yale.
Kiic i me.ulxr ( d the iox\doln ; liicitllv ! >
"at luimi : ' to the stiidtmU an hour and a halt
Monda , > s.
Princeton and ( 'oinellstuduntinio litlilliii !
over the simarcs oC u clicks buard , aud b >
poital caul.
Jl eoMs51,000 a year to keep up the Yale
bo.u chili , sl'i.lMO a > ear for the oali nine and
V1M ) aeiir loru lootbull team.
It Is said that In KiiJand [ ono limn In every
r > ,000 takes a unh'er.sity eour e. In Sootlaud
lu every ftli , In ( iurinany In cvciy 'JIU , ami
In Ameilea in every L'.OJJ.
The lemilo nnlierslty of St PetersbnrB ,
the nrst in-tltiitlon ol the kind In Hussiii ,
wasInlii-nle.l ( uistook. . The lo al luiuilj
took p.irt in the beieinuiiies.
A inlsshmaiy writes liom Japan that Hit
Kovi'riimeiii is snhitiiiitini ; Itoiuan leiter < foi
tl'O ' e now III use. T le iiil'i | > tnli ! nf Hut ICil-
K Mi lanifiiaL'o by Japan adds II,03UOJ ( ) to thu
KiMlHii si.-aling | \\oiul ,
. sail l''iaari.- slinu.d he iishnmed of the
coinii units thai me m.iile im.dn t In i t-choolx.
, Tnt'io me in the lieiKhhoihood ol lii.lOi IJOVH
I and twirls of K-hool aiii wno aie not In the [ San Francisco Post.
The now pit'sldunt ol il i dalun cn'lo e ,
O\lir.l , is ! the yoiui t'-t man evei ai- ,
ii ilnli'd head ol the lum-e-nbniit thiily-nve.
The place is xMiith7 * > J > l aeiir. . \\itli a s pu-
CIOIH re-lduneo and ivrlaln allowaneei.
Pi of. Tiid. ill's muniiK-L-nt beijiiect of S10.-
KOJ tu Cohiinlna collide hiibM'ii iiinoiilat | | | > 'd
In the tru trus to the eiidimmi/m oi a pel-
nianeni Icl.oushlp in | ih > nlis. ( hit tii't iiieo.iiu
( j | \ \ liieliill iimoiint lo ul least iillsa > e i.
Miss Kin \ al Mo. , M. ! > . . a Chinesu hidv of
" 1 , lias tins ji-r 4riidnated ar llm heail 01 her
class m the Nw ! YoniVoinan \ s Jlcdi. al
college. Her father was a Piosdjterlan con-
M'ltaiul niission WIIUMCI. and i-ho hus > Ux-n
can-fully cdueali-d t < u IIII-.SIOII uoi ! < .
bio , ' held b J'lo-
Thop:4ilei-or : ! > hipot o'y )
foisor ilunlle > in the Mihool of fcienco in
South Ken-liiKl"ii. London. lmIH'L'II ' ulioi-
Mifil since h iitsUiu-d. Tutah.ij asi , -
JMKIu joat , and thu chair wascon-idi'iL'd "ono
ol Hit ) few piui-num'ii In lnolu i4MI lliut
Ilsuliiilition m.di > Itttlii favor amoa , ' muu of
A univertlt ) for women , endcwed by private
funiU hashccn oin-mtl at hl.lVler Uui . vilh a
InliroMiy torclwmitij and a MuillainMied ,
with all the aiipliaiicus no iar > lur the mil-
suit of tliu physical wifin'c-s. I he nilnUler
ot public Insiiiii'thiii did not assl-t at the
pabUucrremoay ot Inanimation , iiml liis iili-
scnct ) has tinni-lieil llm theme of il ll > cly
nitclo In the Northern Miv-iM-'iuur. a ne\v
Itii-slan icview edited b.x a woman , iiml
staled to bu thu or 'aii of femlumu uinnluu in
the cajilUJ ut tiiu czar.
"Whnt is the\xx > ist thltijt about
ukcd the Sundn\ wheel wipetluti'mU'iit.
Atultbe newlioy snltl.Vot 1m\ln nny. " -
( TlXH ) PlC-SS.
Sund.t > It tlioeolden eh p which MinN to-
pvlhpr Hie xolui'ic-oi the week. II is als < > a
flood lim ! < for one to pinl ntT hi * Inxitsaiid tiy
alt the liunliMt iviiumes nerumuiatrtl durriK
the pnf odliiR six days.
The dlilfreiice bctxrecn the txvo men 1 1 that
Mr. Cleveland Injs al bill In the eontnbi-
tlon tiicc at clturrh.ldlo Mr. Uetidiicks
throws a sllxor itini1er ] In so hitixllyn * tu
make It heard all over the loom.
A little Kb ) attcndinsc rhuicli last Suiulav
xvith her moliier xtastclxcn Ihechamte to put
In the nuittlbiitloti l ov. After It had Iven
t i-.scd aivund the little irlil looluM up nnd
said. "Ma , 1 paid foi lour.Vas that ttcht ? "
A xvestein rli-nrymiin sny.s that If men and
xvomen are Indnnee at nil they < nirht ! todnnec
In M-panito moms. HuOianils will pleji4i >
take tiotlce , and hen after when they put
t licit bnre fool on n tuck tlsoyvvllleeto it
dial it happens when thoirxUve.s anin an-
otliel loom.
' Hiomlcy , you never heard Mich nn rlo-
rUient .sermon beloiv , I tint NIIIC. There was
no hmiiu ? of Such brilllunl ius-
Mines' - "Yiv , D.n linger. 1 admit that.
Still I slept dliiiiiu'"lie of the passnces. "
"You did. cli' . ' \ \ hy , l.Kilidey , x\ lint i > as.sni
was It' ' " "The passjifre of the collection bas
ket. " fPhllaik'.phui fall.
The polls were alumt rlu lncnt sundown.
Tuesday , in the oily of the I'evi-rned .iinptn1
of Tho-sun-do-imne" lame , when a coiored
brother soi mxvfullj said : "Oh I dat xve had
.loshua line Inr to make de sun stan * still nir
an lioiu I1' ,1oslui.i , we aie ini'ormed , did not
show up.
A West Side clerpxmnn. while proceeding
float one heading or' his dNcoaise to another
theme , hiindav CM-nlns , aiiuoiineed , "Hut I
pass" - lietoto he could pnn-wd with his
icmaiksamau in the millei.v , lust avvalaiust
Jioni soitmolcnt ! cthaii\ . , shouted al the top
ol his voice : "Then I neike II smdesl"
Adirondack . H. II. Munnx. it'iiinikid In
Ids Iccluioat Kutlanil. Vl. . thai the cl'edil ot
the management ol his Montreal restaurant
was due to his sister and two nolile clrN , and
that II anvonc dated to ronnlo the names ol
the. ! ' women with dls iain he would kill him
on the spot. And yet tlm sanjiuliiaiy W. 11.
II. Mm 111 } Used lo boa c.lciir.Miian.
Pat son Downs' rlimch was crowded hi > t
Sunday and hundiiHscn - tuiiied away.
The l > ei nhaidt nnd Latiirtry style ot advcilis-
Imtcorl-itnlv pays. I'lonni stiailliiK shop-
henllio toiiiid it hard to make hnth cnils
meet , he Is now n pa ) ing card io anleetuie
Inuc.ui at S'JOO a niKl'it. I'ho moral scem.s to
be that U dot-Mi t pay to be moial. lllm-- ; ;
hampton ltciubliean. |
"It beats all eiwitlon.1' muttered old Mullel-
hcad , "what pnlnshwiiidlei % will take to boat
honest men. HornMHiiebody has saddled a
hsidlOceut piece on"on me. ' ' "Can't > on
pass It asralnv ' timely MtuKcsteiJ his levM-r
tiidf. "Pass It. * ' he snouted. "wh.\ . the thiiiic
Is as black as my hat. No. I'll Imve to put It
lu the I'onliibution ' box. "
IJcv. Mi. Mantayailan orPlilladclihhi.ajs |
't ii | iis.sitile lot a man lo be a Christian with
. Ml believiiii : than .limah was swallowed h ,
a whale. It is easy einuh : tobcllcxe that
.lonah VMXS swallow ed Jn a whule , but the
sloiv about his huliulliiown oat on di.v laud
alter a tew da\s ° sojoinn in the Inlciioi de-
paitmunt is what vuecUs Iho ciedulitj el'
A tramp printer set up the doings of a Sun
day school cuaoiit ton lor a Ilailund paper ,
the proof ol which was not lead. Alter the
'itper had been worked on" the lo'lowlitisen- '
t tieo was found In thutcpuii : "Krom ID to
lUoOsonjjand dance hy Hex. Mi. Cany. "
This caused a sensation , dutiii } ; which the
tjpo made his escape.
"It nils mj heail w itii joy. ' ' said an earnest
eountiy p.islor , at the rail id hisscinion , "to
see MI many straimcisaimiiu ; oar coini < Ca
tion on this iRyuiiilul . 'i.ilili.tlli moiniiiK. ho-
joiuueis in 0111 town arc alvtajs welcome :
\\u waul them to come. Young men and old
men whom iileasiiit ! or hii ine- hascallel
away limn Inc sotieninc ; inlliieiipc- home ,
vve ; ieet with open hearts. The collection
will now he taken up. "
TJIC ie\iscd revision of the bible isn't sell-
Imrncjtrlv as last as its piihli-hi'i.s imtiei- d The smallt'i editions KO vvt-ll , hut I lie
( ina.iussiuv ) > i-r.-istently on the pahllslu'is1
slicivcs. Thoe\iiliinifion : is simjile enough.
The old fashioned tnmilvhlhle is ju-tas ( rood
as ever it was lor ptosiiijj ] ilmto/riphs and
autumn leaves , and it Isn t every lamily thai
can allot d to Keep ii ] > with thu uiy latest
style In b.bles hard times.
A man who used to pteauh the gospel In
thoseulemcuLs has wijitjn to a iiicnd In
KiueKa , Nci. , that ho is lunnin a har in
-llleda , Montana , and that his paitner Is
Yatiifh , an od-timer fiom Callloru a who
used Ui deal fain in Coloi.idu , and \\asseut
tu iienitontiarv lor Imr lai v. "lie is a iood
KamblliiK man. " die aies his evdci leal part
ner in a hurst of admiration , and adds hy
way ol personal vindication : "helling
whisky pajsJicit'-rthan piwiehluf ; , and be
sides it is no hauler work"
ColTeeiilaiilsliavcb ea ibundgroxvingwild
in Butie county , Cal.
Portland , Uie. , claims a cow whose milk Is
neatly il ) per euntcicam.
The crop ot one pumpkin vine In Michigan
was MM puiimU ol pie mak'ilal.
The stii'els ot Sul [ stun. v , N. C. , are being
innumlamlzcd with go. d quaiiz , woithttj a
A Jiix'e lumber of white swans have bpi-u
killetl in t.iu vicinity ol MiU-hcll , Oak. , this
A man with biljjht jmrjilo Irdr was the ob-
seivvd of ull utisurxtiia in u Cleveland ( U.
unut loum.
A eotnjar , measuiin'4 seven feet silinhiis
In length. was.iin hysoai humeisuii Lin
coln clock , Ojegun , last week.
Dandelion tools weie raised extensively in
New Hampshiif this .veat and so.d
lo maniltaetiuei.s ot alleged collce.
A gray citule , me.isiiiln' sjven feat Irom
lip to tip , with a i.ililut in cacii talon , wiis
! < liot near Sautamento , Cal. , hit.t wec-k.
The body ot Mrs. . .1.V. . Taylor , of Louls-
vilie , vvhk'li was. Inlened six years a'o , has
nut'ti ion ml completely iieti luuil. with evei >
leatiue liie-like.
A daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Klin ; of
SprltiKiid d , Ohio , tvi mouths unl , aoul >
twelve inelie.s lonjj , aad shows no signs of
glowing IiiiKcr.
A night watchman at Athens. ( ! a. , KIVN he
often hc.irs the whistle ot the engine on the
( ieoigla lailioad as it JI.I.SM : ; , Madison , nuuuy
1IH ) miles distitiiU
dipt. Ilannii hiomilit up from San Pcdio ,
Cat. , on hbJast Hip , a potato weighing aiiuiit
seventeen pounds , ami measuting tliiil-
tliiuuiiud tliicit-eighths itiuiind Hie
luigest piu I.
A numherof ho son a St. Helena. f'nl. ( )
much b ramu lliloxiciilcd nilely nom a too
lieu l-iiiiiUeiiee in tempi ) iiomace , : iud a
pitched tuU.e lollowed , m w/iiili / one ul Hit
It in stated that a jilulit has been dlscovejcd
In houui Amuriia wlnca posM-t n siion
e ecu leal propel Hies. Un liieal.illL' alviirii
shoek Is tell , and aconiuss Is alTecled at a
d.slaiit'e .suaiu left luiiii tliuilalll. ]
The gold dug Irom ihu mini's In Thibet ,
wiilesa mitiiioiiiuy , ISM > | ileiitjiil ! that it i
used to covui the ) iinnac.cH ol llio
paKodiii * , nnd Is mad mm iilolx , chah.i ,
cunulies mill ornaments lei the people.
A ncnio in TcxiirKniia , Ail. . , ehl.s glm-s lor
ali\iiitr. A wnifi' in oiiii ol tne u.eillejil
imiflssil | > w lie will j-'lithn lo ] | , ay
( > ill un > ( in ; ntit > . liom a small pteio to a
lump eli i nine ) , and l > eij ! < il ujui.l d.i.N.1'
A hhowcrot Htialls tell in lliulfoHl. Conn. ,
one in , hi iaht % Mfk ; , .ipl'iuun ' Ullri lit'.U )
hhowcis. 'IheMiaiis llio Coiiiulii hiijsuuii
ncitliei of aiMiiiKiiowii not IMIvniifij - and
\\rio niniilur lo a liui ( ibM-ned in Jlaitloul
ahout a yuir ago.
A ii.i > id''iit ' of Denmark , Iowa , nffuis for
sale a U'UiiideiHiilu ' asuitmuiu ol ntiaKdv
llnihui and plan io l.UtU'jliiiuit MiaUus ,
lihif Jaet'is siieailiif4 ) viii-iri , sjiollt'ij iiilJfi *
nnd the iiUenti > cuiitt a lent , 01 .ij i cms if
tlie jiiurhasci lukex tvvchu leet nr iiiou * .
A Seviul.i ( ijo iH-clor diM-uvcied lollcn
< | imrtin tnudiii Ini-jwn out ol.cviiaJ ho u- .
liv gioiind MIHIU-II. Mimiiiim ; U. he loiind
thai il coiiiamud gnld , and li > ioiiov\hu up
theworlioi Ihe-o liitliininoiia Illllo ninn-it
hcdiscoveicd the net ) mining rampui the
Ksiui'ia du diftiJcL
There Is H cliiulo tree In Texas called the
mulm-Jlit chin , i the oil.'in ol wliieitai >
liiliiitexl to Mnalieaii II. Lanmr MV < UII | pu-ii-
denl ol the Loim ftur nlnle , and an anctnior
ot Hie piusunl Mru-lan L. < { . ( '
tuoihicid tlio tn-D 0 > teuTMiit , ' lliei'omiiMii
chiiiH. iiultin , ' llm iimnulius under Kiouinl
and letting tliu lootxbpioiit.
llcno .Slater , of Noiiistown , Pa. . Ima
liilei MI MVIIIonn | iU , OIIK ot winch U
a imin-tro-iit ) of an iniiisiial type , ( umililnliu
MltUu jKiU'ine cutmrtivuon u ji niui ; ol luu
hitman atmtoniy. The left fore 11mb , tnst rt ,
of Nng n h'f , is UKU the aria of an Infi ut
Al lie ix.vmity Is a hand , rnnialnliu a
thU'nbnnd fotirtH'Prfineprs , wluch nro n-g.
tibr in num. tvcn to II u imlid.
V I'mnrlsoo man lias n favorite ral
vlileli s > ll al the dinner tnlile and mis lish
fioai ap.Htn , uslnt ; lt.4 paw ( n lieu of a folk
01 kill e. Sometimes the man plxes the
a piece of hsh fmm Id.s own plnta One dav
to. , nth the cat was absent when the d'ni'ct '
K'll r.inr , but ho soon cam it bniindlnG ; In nil
SIMINC tiM | n his chair with two muc in
moulli , ono of which ho dropped Into Ids
ow n p. at and Iho other lute that nf his iat.s
lei . thus dividing his dinner as had been done
Will ) lll'H.
Several days no the xvlfo of WIHiolm
I'lviiml a tn'iiiinii intnier , living nlNint half
a mile iHi-.ii lloigute. Ohio , cave blHh lo nvo
chlldun , all Ixus , and nil the Jnlntit.s a o
xved lutnicd ami mho.hoa rene < i > on *
dent Invent iUMtt. , ] thlsNtupcndoits Inert ( is i in
llioecnMis in iot < ud that thn i-v ent is but one
ul a seifes Hint h-ivo happened In thU Inter-
< > -tlni ( fainth. Mrs. rrt-uml Is i'A jeaia of
.ixe. and diiiini ; her nlueleen years ol mar-
ittd HicliHs given birth to tweiitv-onu chll-
divn. rlchtia of w liom are now altvo. The
olhei tluvc lived to xm ions 111 s ovuratnr.
A traveler In AuMmlta describes n cnrioiu
blul round in the Innglusot thnt country. U
is called the ball idor or ilancor , tnun Itj
jntiipluia"llon. Two of them weiosoen to-
lO'ther and oniyfully fituilled. As soiiu IIH olio
olid a'lehted ' t'le oilier jumped up , thulium
hems like clone vviirk in Us regularity , and
eaehlvtmn ultcrini ; a note soumliiu like
loh .10" ulteilm : the syllnblo "to" us Im
erotjclitil to spilo- ' , "lo" while In the air , nnd
"do as he aliuiited recnlar wnitr anil
danpeperfiiininiiio. The Sydney Ornitholog
ical society has oft'eted u. lai o sum for a pair
of them.
A < iuoor siK-eimeu of tlio .sivuliiol fatally
vxiMiveentlj caught at Soiilh Praiile , Pleuo
ciuiiit.v , \\i : > hlimton Tcrntoiy , sa > 8 ll.e Ta-
( oniii Ledirer. It was a litilo laiirer than a
chipmunk , hat ll.s ( nr wasMiow-whito except
ing the belly , which was icdillsh btovvn.
"And the color ol Its tnr , snvs the I.edgtr ,
"Is a j > e < ull , u lliiin ; about it , tor in AppJcton'H
cnevcioiH-iliii titi i.1 Is no mention ov w.ito
MtmtelK. | whd ' chipmunks , or white chli-K-
aivt' . Thu-,11 who exaiiiined tlietinlmid ny
they never bcloie have seen a wliitoM.uir-ol.
The uniiii.d is molmhly one of those ticuks of
nat n ' Known as an iiihluo. Sii < h trcnUs lire
not line iiMinon , There au > v\hite ulejihnnta
and VMI , le.mkevhlle lii ! ckhiid.s aiuiwhlld
ciovvs. Oi > euiotnilly u white negro or China *
mail are met w ilh.
A \Vasliliitrton bridenmom recently pave
( he minisicra .M,0 ( > ( > note.
Mrs , Coj no hanued a man In Younestown
Ohio , lor dan a cs lor hu lu-h ol piomiso. Ho
didn I VN.'IIII Coyne , but MIC ! does.
In the wedding trossean ot the Piln-o 3
Mailed'Ottcaiis wa-sa pi-ail luwkl.iuo u. , ut
in t io Chinese war by Gen. Pallkalu , vulutd
at S'i' > ,0 m. *
Dnnkiik , N" . Y. , Is gosslplit' * n-nr the mir- i . ;
liii e oi Clini cs Ho c , i Oh , in * e 1 iin.lrynmii ,
loajoiiiig while g.n who iftmu Hum Now
YorK city. f -1
Chariot' Wiley Koo. acolmod jirlnlcr , win -
m.nriedn-cciitly m Hiillalo to AII-8 Mnry 10.
Nmion , a ( haindng will to ) oiugludy of
A couple of Urnrchi mill hnnds quit work
at II nYloeU , v\i nt and got tmurled , ate llh-ir
dinner and vvcie ua-ic In tholr respeotivo po-
ilt.oui at 1 o clK'i ( ( .
A couple ciniilojL'd In a Georgia mill quit
vMitk in 1'i o'clock on a ic e it day , went 01 ,
and i ot maided , then pan mlc ol diniiernna
v\eie IMC.U in Ihir tcspcullvo pusitiona un Iho
whistle l > lu\v 1 o'clock.
An India'1 ! mr : > a > sotiteil 1 1 his daughter's
mariiaje in the folluivingnotu atiaoiuu io I e
maiiir.gc 1,1 , n-e : " .Ml. H. mis pcimlssion , u
Co i he d. The iirl is not ol aye , hut she is
so deail-et that we have caved. "
Tlu pHtllcs to the RiMis-itlnnul Dublin eloi > - -
m nc or tnewei-ic am the Ho i. Kit den
Mamie IJrookc , da miner of Visumini Ma.Vu.-
dun ai d wile oi Mr. Gerald Itldiaid H oot '
anil Mr. Seymour it > islui , a hndinnt i.ivvr ,
ten hut jtinii r bite .a ol * nuuioiUj
igu c , nnd htv. toni ihildrcii.
riioildi.acooinpl shed and l > nantifn' d uglr
ter < ' a ( jci.naii M'U'iitisi to en ly ( haiid ,
hi > - d surtetl hei uioihur in 1/1. / er to many a
cn.i c. Inn al and i 'lioianl list ) rniiiu. J' ( >
m.d her i.he him a I her tort me hefiri
mi r ing litiand : sie ! n iw d'i-s me i n wo .
like oil i pas.ini wo non. Tiie liii-bind Ii
u iirm nu.i -xt'i1 iii-t'i- iljlit of ; i m-n tn at
his wile Most poo.ilo will .hlnk the yuln ;
woman w is cii/\r , Ji.u a mill -.u cjiii .i..aju
has dji-air - 1 iiei p - , , e-il > sa-i ) .
A lustlej ol th p ice In OOMO" co-uity trot
a Ii t e mixed m .until. ; two couples o. ' u 1-
oirilciti/.en- .Sunday. Tne two wutn n
and the to iiii-n wltu wanted to be joined
in niatiimoiiy were all stand ng up t gctlu-r ,
and the jn-tifc mariitd one ot the wome.i o
iiuli thu men an. I noth tlio vve.nuu t th i
ot , er man. It Is now t-o hadlv mixed that
the men don't know which m the worn , n to
I vow in. The justice wan u lime suucdat
ii time , an 1 h is IK-UII vvoiKlti : : HIIICO log -I t
.illst .lightened out , rAtlanta ConslUutio .
M. IVnall , a p irltait pumter in Lvonsvas
inun eU to b.-iiiaiii.d to Mile. Minu'e U i-
na d , a id a lew dan lo.oie the time , , jed
tin tins wedding he sithl lo his liamc ; . "I
hope y m have paid delcienee to my itnll-
iiatli > and ouleied all jour c.lutlns wilhmttii
iiiisth ! . " Thu glil sin I d .iii.l ti-plli'il , "Soon , r
than wear a wedding ides- , without a ton in-
me 1 sha J never wear any at a I. Tne nr.lst
caincMiy nni-.e-ted , mil niiaily told h rJio
mnsl choose between his an , I her d.-vo ion
lot liisliion. ThtUNII t was not lit his i'.ivur
and he lelt the same exeiiiug for Kgyjil.
\Yanted Him to I0nco\iru-o Cbonp
"Vat is it you vnnLs , Sclmcob ? " asked
I\loso \ Scliauinour < r ot his oldest HUH.
" me a halul'ol' a dollar , loJdcr. "
"Vat doe.ou yant lo do mit dose
larj'u sums of moii'Hhr" '
1 I vants ter make myself sonio bloas-
nre.s. 1 vaiits ter o dot theater in. "
"Choost be a Mitinilde boy , Sehacob. "
"Vat ver vants IUB to do. foddurr" .
" 1 dolls you how to pit all dot bleas-
HITS vat you vinw mitout sciiondiu ) |
inoney.s Von .you uoas dot put in , anil
( lot yetier vosh cohCchoost stick , ve.r/eet /
outside , and von dev van most frozen.
choost pull dose feet dot vnrni bed in. L
dells you dot vosh a bt5iiMirc. ! Vat for ,
Sehiicob , you vunta lor nniko ver old Jo.N ,
dcr weep mit do < o frivilous bloasur s vet
vo-h so t-xpiishivo. ! "
l-VHti'fln j , Wntory and llnw from
llio l''JnverTIH | In AVrlm Oiirutl
liy Co 1 1 cu ra.
MNO < if lsa n oruptloii niimmrftil
OU HID Cl.lCli * Ol lll > Illllld- . I BHO | Cll I IH
luiiHtuiHjl IP > i } . My liiimlM ton Ii iioiJ ( i pn ir
> U IXU , 1,11 II lilt ) IHll , Illloll I IKUInlilltd II Ul | Ulll
I'llVI.O , tl'lll IlKMl Illll > \ IDIIItKllfS 1(1 II" | IM1 O.
Iiisuail1 ( fcO liny IH-I or tlie > in I y ( .r % w
woi-u , liemr u mil' rfvuiir/ IcihiK. riur
t'iIi. . \r.i-y"-ii" vo uii'l ' 1'iui'iy HIS Wiitiiuivtr
u pint von ( I licul oti n vvi.u.l l > u i > nli t > : i u tlm
IIIIUI ltd III/ . Ull I l.i.H O ll IU J i JU'Oll
, , lb J t , U I MHOIt ) llllltMlUeiy hOlM | , Illl'll III ) .
po i j.l on my an xr jolinw , mid lu tuiinu ( > jil
hjireiKlovci it liujfti K.III'IIUU III III oil life nil
1 , nn n UnUM ) ol Iliti ( ; .llclli-.i lo ( iibil i > > In
MHO iu > i kali , unit hiiudau' ro iil/i.tbt / . woll.ttiiit
In u slant liine cm Inly cmcrl
.ISO I ) . Y'AUTUtL ,
1'Jur y7 , B XVhun oI'lil
lluivepiii < " o I nil uiy lu vnli "kin il cn a
ul n | ii loin Ul Hinml im\t > nocr f meil p MIIU-
iii in tollu , uiiill , ii. ii u mill i I ii Judy .1 en l ,
I 1111,1 . .MIIIItilu il 'c C. ill ' iti Ittni'i ille . ) j.iti
1 1 ( m u ( lior 11111 ir 1 1. i n. ( HV hello * of I o
I ulli inn i o olCfMt , i u toAviKif ( Ji tl urn , i ml
K. I iii'nol ' Cinlei'iii MIII-I iiml Dm ictnll
\\iit iiint wh. I I luu Ufa toll II Houl'i ' Ii - u
) inili' | ( i i-mi Il.a.ia. XX , i > .
Ilo I-IIIIMI ! fJ. ' XV. Inlliucr , Drnif UI ,
Jluitliull St . lllcliiiiuii' < X'u
Mt n-liinitul ibi < < ii ' ( 'inn ronifflinilo
Ic , LII . * ul li > viirisi'tttiln . \tili nn , IHI i ml
1 1 . I HI MiJiilin II UKU4
n i o t-iiic-l i f a Mire lug of 'oujf btiniUJU < > ) ' Itil )
m mo lu-utii o it.
Joilh M. ( 'OOIT.ll , DiUKKt't.
Arii > old t-vuryvvlii'i-o ' ( Julio un. tno great Vln
turn , { ii i-cma ; C.nciiiu Kinji. an > iiilrl |
N-itnlllltir. i i HUM CiiiK-itrn H < ) oK < uil , il.o
licit blooil innllifi , IIo I'lOiniii-U ! < > ' ill" I'Oi-
'JKII DllUO AMlCll.MlC.\lil , . ll l-lllll. Mil 4
Send for "How to Cure Skin Disjajes. '
TTrT8" " < ' ' " - 'ii > . i MipU. nun oily t , 1 1
J. Jt OXiuniullliti.l l > > Uutlum.S < mi
ll.ukiiclc , UiuLiiuw , I'liirlnu I'uhu ,
H ifiiot * nn I I. u i ( jiiif * "I < "xllly ciifxd
I ) Unit no v oi I mil nlovii I unit In nl
I Itiinl | < lo > ci | . mtiiiil ini < iiniiioii | , lo
Cut o on A. i. i'uu J'JuolDCiiU uiUKtfl U