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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1885)
HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , FRIDAY MORNING , AUGUfcT 14 , 1885. NO. 48. THE PflELLEB PLOT , The Line of Defense of tbe Alleged An- ilior of the St , Lenis Mystery , Maxwell's ' Story Completely Be fogs the Detectives , A Plot to Obtain tlio Insnrnnco on Prellor'B L-tfo Wlmt Will ho Proven on tlio Trial. A prominent ex-officer of tbo United Stales Bccrot service In San Francisco , Interviewed Maxwell , the alleged murderer of 1'rcller la St. Louis , nnd furnished the Globo-Democrnt the following itory of tbo plot , nnd what tbo prisoner proposes to provo nt Ills trial , Tbo line of defense is practically that which the insurance companies have nJoptcd in refus ing to pay the largo polielos on Freller'a body. The ofllcer , who spent several days m St. Louis immediately after the ctlmo was discovered , and who know facts about the CASO which have cover seen light , told Maxwell frankly what ho know , and asked him to give him the truth of the matter. In return , Max well was evidently surprised at the facts which the Bectot eervic J officer had discovered , The prisoner talked frankly and freely , giving an outline of hts defense , but declining to outer into many details. The story as given by tbo ex- secret eervico officer is as follows ; MEALING MAXWELL'S CONFIDENCE. "I went to the city prison last night , " said the officer , "with a certain idea about Max well , find , although ha disappointed mo nt first sight , after a short tnlk I tound him even more clover than I anticipated. The detec tive * say ho is a crank , nnd come nstuto re porters put him down as n fool , and declare him silly , and conceited and brainless. They are nil oil the track , The man is exactly whnt ho looks cunning , fertile lu resource , solf- rellaut , witb great control over his features , and motions , a man who has been playing his port over since he left St. Louis , and who has never once betrayed his secret , oven whoa aroused suddenly from sleep when approach ing the harbor of Auckland and brought face to fnci with the accusation of murdering his frlond. When I first entered the prison , Maxwell was talking with n man who was cominiisioned by n woman , who lives in this city , to find out whether ho was a relative of a kinsman of hera in Ulaggow. "Ua\o you ever been in Glafgow ? " ho asked. " 'Oh , yes , " ' Maxwell replied. ' "Well , we jou a relative of the Brooks family of Glasgow J' " " 'NO , ' " HAID MAXWELL 1'LAINLY. "You might as well understand that my name Isn't Brooks , despite what the detectives say. I haven't n relative in Glasgow that I know of , and only a few distant cousins in England. " ' "Alter him cama a pawn broker , who has detective instincts , and who remarked , after a creful study of the prisoner , that bo had the fingers of a straugler. The plain fact is that Maxwell has the hand of n woman , small , thin and delicate , with fingers oen shorter th tn the average. After these and several others had gone I secured what I desired an undisturbed half hour with Maxwoll. When I told him who I wan nnd what I know of the case , bis manner changed at once , WILL rnOVK THAT PBELLEB IS ALIVB , "IIo seemed to feel relief , and lighting n Iresh cigarette , he said : 'You know enough about this case to know there is a mystery in it which has not yet came out. I will tell you frankly that I didn't murder Freller ; that Prollor is alive to-day , nnd proof of his exist ence will be forthcoming by the time of my trial. You can't blame mo for lying to these people. Hero is n crowd of reporters , tome of whom try to wheedle and others to bully my secrets from me. Then comes detectives , and say this thing and that has boon dissev ered , we bavo nil this circumstantial evidence against you , what can you say to it ? Know ing every fact in the case as I do , I know that they are lying , or ore on an entirely wrong scent , so I simply puzzle them more or stuff them with new inventions. They bavo all got ono theory , and they are trying to fit facts to that theory , instead of making n theory from the facts. They have boon In here to-night with ceitam articles nnd have said , 'You did this nt euch a place , ' when I know very wiill that no such occurrence ever happened. They bavo traced mo very well mmy first visit to this city , because I made no effort to caver my tracks , I used the aamo name and the same disguise as a French officer all through from the tlrnu I left St. Louia to the time I boarded the Auckland steamer and throughout the voyage. It came into my mind ou the train _ bocaues the people atked ma questions , and it was nmuee- inept to mystify tnoai and tell them stories. ' 1 his was the origin of the French cuptnin and all his exploits. It was simply a blind to preserve my identity unexpected , and to al low me to reach the cole-ale ? , which , I thought conld be done baforn any of the news of the St , Louis affair could roach them , I didn't know that cable cjmmunicatious was BO per fect , or that the news could possibly baeont to Auckland before the steamer reached there. " TUB DEFKNSE IN DETAIL. "But what about the Ht Louis mystery ? Cau't you give any dotallb1 " 'All I can give you is an outline , and that is more than any one olio has got out of mo. They brought in hero to-night Gen. Glunle , a lawyer of this city , who offered to get out habeas corpus pipers for me to-morrow , and who was eager to go on to St. L' uis as my counsel. lie may ba iqu re , but it wouldnc do for me to trust a strnngfr with my secrets , No , I prefer to wait till I get to St , Louis he- lore engaging counsel , Here is tbo gist of the St. Loula mystery which has puzzled the country for four months. 1' oiler nnd I were old frienda , Wo came to Kniton together on the steamer Cephalouia , We were constant companions , and made arrangements to meet in St. Louis , nt the Southern hotel , nnd there to carry out a ichema which 1'rellur bad de vised for getting Insumuca ou his life. Wo met according to ogretynent. Wo were in room 141 lu the hotel fur about nil the time \va spent there , but , mind you Froller was at the hotel only three days. Ho remained in seclusion for the remainder of the mystery at the Southern hotel , and be left St. Louis allvo and well on the tame day that I started west. That wasn't Preller'a body found in the trunk nt the hotel , When the case comes up for trial I shall have proof of whcro the body found in the tiunk was procured , who it was bought of , at what hour it was brought to the hotel , atd til the details of the plot , I can toll you now that the corpse was brought to the hotel in a tiuuk lu broad daylight and carried up to room 141. K.erytMup was ar ranged to give color to the theory of sudden tuurder and hasty flight. Nothing wat omitted which I thouitht would add to this misconception , My design was to get o'ear out of the country before the body was dis covered , and once in Australia I thought II would bo eaiy to buiy my Identity iu the Eatt Indies until things had been forgotten. I will show you bow entirely I trusted Preller , and how completely I wa bis assis tant in this scheme , whenl tell you that 1 don't know to-day bow large an Insurance he carried on hid life. I kuttw it wat for li ? sum , aud gave my help in the enterprise solely because he was an old friend and as sociate. Where ho is , or what arrangements I have for communication with him , of course 'tis out of tha question for me to toll , but vou can rest assured of the accuracy of these facts I have given you , and they will all bo proven on trial , ' TUB raisoNrii's VOTAGK. A peclal to tbe St. Louis Kipubllcan frou San FranciBCo ghei tbe following account o I'reller'e ocean trip : Alter the steamer wa decked the waiter who had attended to Max well's wants during the trip , and who , besides "he clficerr , WM tbo only one who had any con- Iderable opportunity for seeing and convers- ng with the prisoner , was interviewed , First ho rooms occupied Lby the patty were m- pected. These were three staterooms on the larboard lido of the saloon. In one Maxwell was kept under the constant surveillance cf eno or the other of the officers , who kept watch and watch over him during the entire trip day and night. Across n narrow passage was the second stateroom where the detective off duty slept. Ail- oining this was a third room , which , for the jca lon , was converted into n dining saloon with n small table lashed by ropes to the floor. Icro Maxwell took all hit meals , inasmuch as bo saloon parsenger * had objected to his iresonca nt tbe cabin table. While eating he officers sat on cither side of the prisoner , nd the greatest care was exercised In nllow- ng him to handle implements that might be urned to fuicldal account. "How did Maxwell conduct himself ! " was iked the waiter. "Ho acted in a circlets , seemingly light- lOarlod manner all through the trip , showing 10 tfgn o omotiou until just ns bo wai taken vor the tide ot the vessel to ba landed hero , ? hen his lower lip quivered , hia face was very > ale , nnd ho seemed to bo exercising A strong ( Tort at self-control , " 1 DM ho talk much ? " "Ho was ready to convoreo nt any time , Ithough careful to avoid nil mention of the rime for which he was arrested , " Did ho acknowledge that his name was "No he claimed that his ' ; name was D'Aug- or ; that bis father was n Froncbman , nnd his mother an Irish R oinnn , " "Did ho keep up his French accent nt nil imot ? " "Generally yes , though nt tinioi , in the mldtt of conversation , he would seem to for- ot himself and would lapse into as good English ns you or I can speak. Several lersons tried to get him to converse with hem in French , but ho was unable to do o. " "How did he occupy himself through the voyage ? " "In novel-reading nnd cigarette-smoking , ihero was n good tupply of light roidine on toard and he wai a steady reader. There was hardly a moment when a cigarette was not iu his mouth or in process of manufacture , is ho made all ho consumed , disdaining the eady-mado article. " "Uidhallioanyliquoi ? " "All that he could get holdof. " "How WBB his anuetitt ? " "Good ; he ate hearty meals , nnd teemed o enjoy everything that was furnished him. ' ' How was his conversation , profane or otherwise ? " 'He ' eeemed fond of telling smutty tiles , nit beyond n frequent ejaculation of 'God ) le83 mo , ' there was little said by him to ma .hat could ba called profano. " "Did ho take nny exorcise in the open rtir ? " 'Not ' that I know of , although there were many reports that ho wai teen on deck nt night. Ho seemed to wish co remain ns secluded - cludod as poisible " "How did ho sleep ? " "That was n peculiarity about him. Ho slept mach of the time durlne the day and "ay owako nt night. Ho was often seen when IB thought no one was looking caretully ex amining the bracelotB on hia wrists , aa if tudying how they might bo removed. " "Could he look any ono in the eye when conversing with him ? " "He could etnre dozen of a men out counte nance without n wink. " "Hid Maxwell any money so far ns you knew ? " "Not a cent ; it WAS currently reported In ew Xealand that he pjid all he had ( some $125) ) to his lawyer , " "What is your opinion of the man from what you have seen of him ? " "I think ho is a sneak ; ono who would pre- end to be friendly until a good opportunity occurred and then bo would stop nt nothing , even with his best friend. He has n peculiar vay of studying people out of the corner of lis oyq , when he thinks they nro not looking , which is decidedly unpleasant to the ono so observed , " "Did be ever express nny concern as to the result of his trip ? " "No ; he was shown a newspaper with an iccount of the crime and how it was expected o convict him , but he only gave a slight augb and said be thought ho could explain it all when tbe time came , " THE \VABASH. THE BONDII01DEB8 * TLAN OF BEOBGANIZATION. NEW YOBK , Aug. 13. A dispatcn received rom London at the office of the Wabaeh company in thia city to-day announces that at n meeting of Wabash bondholders to-day , he following plan of reorganization was manlmously adopted , with slight modiBca- .ione : 1 Foreclose and reorganize under both mortgages. 2 New company to issue debenture mort gage bonds entitled to six per cent Interest , jut dependent upon the Income , and not ac cumulative , of which $3,600,000 are to bo prc- : mod bonds , to bavo voting privileges , the whole amount of bonds to bo $30,000,000. 3 Into these bonds convert several mort- gaga bonds of § 16,000,000 , nnd collateral trust bonds of 50OCO.OOJ. Collateral trust bonds to bo endorsed preferred bonds , $3,000,100. lie- servo fur use of the new company , 5500 , ( JOO. Keserve for stock nnd bond aubicriptlon , St.000.000. Total , S3J.OOO 000. 1 Preferred bonds issued for endorsed debt to bo redeemable at the option of the company after five years , or at any time within twenty j'otre from date of mortgage , G - Issue now prerorred and common stock , share for share , for old stock , and offer the aamo to the stockholders , who will subscribe For the now bonds reserved for that purpose , and at the rata of SS.COper share for preferred nnd SG.OO for common. The holder of 1UU shares of preferred stock would thus receive 100 shares of now preferred stock , by uuh- ictlblnc ; for S800 of the new bondd , and tbe bolder of ICO shares of common would receive 109 shares of common stock by subscribing for $ GOO in new bonds , 0 Holders of new bonds to aubjcriba to tbo reserved bonds to an amount not exceeding two par cent of tha inr value nf the amount of bouda Is-ued to them , M above Indicated , Tbe amount of new bonds to which thu sub scription would apply is $22,000,010 , Two per cent on the amount will produce 8510.000. 7 Tha cith received from itack and bond subscriptions will provide about $1,010 , 000 ns follow * : 2'G,2G9 chares preferred at $8 , 81 , 8)2,16'- ) . ' ; 277,380 shares common at SO , § 1,061- SSO ; 825,500.000 new bonds nt two per cent per ( bare , $510,000. Total , $1.010,432. 8 Now bonds or holders thereof agrea to take pro rata all stock in default nnd pay tbo subscription thereon , receiving therefor stock nnd bonds appointed to such defaulting etocr. A Senator on thu Blnnip , WACO , Tex. , August 13. United States Senator Coke inaugurated tha anti-prohibi tion campaign in McLennon county to-night. Ho announced himself opposed to prohibition because it was nn attack upon personal lib erty ; declared It could only be enforced by in quisitorial measures , incompatible witb par- tonal liberty ; that the move was a politic * one , aimed at and intended t > overthrow the democratic party , an ] , as an enemy , mutt be met aud vaniulsbed by the adherents of the jiirty that has stood in defense of the per sonal liberty of the people. Anotlior lUilrofttl Pool , CiALVtsTON , Texae , August 13 The direc tors of tha Gulf , Colorado & Santa Fa rail way have ratified the pooling agrceinen with the other Texas Hues entered Into yes terday by President Set-ley. It It reliably stated here that tbo term of tbe pool is fiv years , Tbe sixty days vitbdrawing claui was eliminated from the agreement with nr understanding that all dlllaiences are to b Arbitrated by outildo rallroiJs , U- .4/V.iL. .J FRIGHTFUL SCENES , Daily Witnessed in the Sireels ol Span- isli Cities , tying in Daytime and Buried at Night Like Dogs , lore London Iicohory A Hatch ot Interesting Telegrams from Across tlio Ben. ITS ItAVAOES ON TUB INCIIEASE. . PARIS , Augutt 13 , 'iho autumn ir.ameu- era m the South France have been abandoned n account of the prevalence of cholera. MADRID , August 13. There wore 4,133 , new nses of cholera reported throughout Spain yesterday , nnd 1,033 deaths. Them is great excitement in Seville over ho government1 ! ! purpose to abolish the power f the local authorities during the prevalence f cholera , bjcauao of their inellioncy and to itself assume direction of ho city local affairs , The populace are hostile to the doctors , nnd averse to in- erenco in family matters , and strongly tup- > ort the local authorities. Great crowds ns- embled in all the public nlacts last evening o discuss the situation , nnd the civil guard vero called upon to disperse them. PARIS , August 13. Koports from Mar- eilles state the cholera received a fresh itn- > etus from the extreme ) heat. The number if now catcs is steadily increased , and the lisoaso Is uuusually fatal on account of the lent. lent.MADIUD , August 13 The ravages of the iholera in Granada are horrible. Scores of 'icttms ' drop and die in the street ; , whore in tinny cases they remain for hours before they .re . gathered up at night for n hurried nnd inceremonlous burial in a common trench , ? hirty-fivo now casts of cholera , thirty-ono .oaths reported in this city to-day. In the irovince outtldo of the city , seventy-fire new ases , eighteen deaths. The director of pub ic works , and the wife of another government ulclal , succumbed to the disease. The nuniclpal authorities have decided to de molish the slums. MARSEILLES , Aug. 13. Thirty-five deaths n this city to-day. Tnirtcen patients were admitted to the Pharo hospital , five of whom ubsequently died , A QUARANTINE DECLARED AT MALTA , MALTA , August 13. A week's quarantine ias boon decreed against arrivals from Gibral- er , and it has been ordered that no passen- : ers from any Spanish port or from any French Mediterranean port shall bo allowed o land hero at all. TUB CAROLINE ISLANC8. MADRID , August 13 Some excitement was created here by the report that Germany has occupied Caroline Islandswhich were claimed > y Spain. TUB WABASII IN KNQLAND , LONDON , August 13. The Kugiieh Wobash > end holders resolved to-day to institute pro ceedings under the terms of the general and collateral mortgage and appointed a purchas- ng committee in which all property after mrchaao shall ba vested , A scheme was then > reposed the formation of a new corporation ho payment of debenture with new bonds , ANOTHEB BNOLISU faOANDAl. LONDON , August 13. Mr. Francis , the gentleman who yesterday flogged Mr. Pearce , nf the ship building firm ot John Elder & Brothers , for the alleged betrayal of the for mer's daughter , to-day instituted criminal action against Pearca , Yesterday the latter explained the difficulty to a reporter of the . 'all Mall Gazette by aayint ? that the charao of seduction was false , nnd hat it was a case of blackmail of a peculiarly bad kind. For this statement frauds brines suit. Ho says ho thought L'earce bad done him a wrong sufficiently cruel in betraying his daughter under the ; uiso of friendship , without adding to the in- 'tilt ' of describing the family as blackmailers , Pearce is n rich conservative nnd bad been se- ected by tbe tories to stand as their candidate : or Glasgow in thh coming election , Francis s n gentleman of reputable standing is society and is a member of the government civil ser vice , being an inspector of customs , MAY INDUOl THE HULTAN TO ACCEDE. ZANZIBAR , August 13 Tbe sultan of Zan zibar was notified yesterday by Admiral L'aschon , commanding the German fleet here , .hat unless be complied within twenty-four lours with Germany's preliminary demands soncernlng the possessions claimed lu Zanzibar jy German subjects , friendly negotiations would be dropped , The sultan making no reply to this demand within the specified imp , Putchon moved his squadron up in front of the sultan's palace , and has taken a post- .ion there It ii thought that this demon stration will indues the sultan to accede to jrermany'a demands , A SEAT IN TUB CABINET , LONDON , August 13 The Duke of Uich- rjond has been appointed eccrotary of state or Scotland , with a seat in the- cabinet , Parliament , it Ii definitely announced , will ba jroroBued to-morrow , BOED MAINTAIN THE BIGHTS OP FRANCE. PARIS , August 13 The chamber of com merce eonta memorial to the government pro- .esting against the pretension of Germany in istumiDR possession of the port of Scguro and Little Pope ou tbo west coaet of Africa , and irgod the government to maintain the rights of Franco a long that portion of Africa. IN EXCELLENT HEALTH , BERLIN , August 13. Emperor William arrived at Potidam in excellent health. OEBMAN SI'UH IN FRANCE , PABIS , August 13 , A great number of Jlermau spies ware dttcavered recently in dif- 'eront parts of Franco. It is reported that .he government will order the expulsion from French territory of all Germans who can be iroven spies , or toasonably suspected to ba such. THE SULTAN ACCEDES , HAURDBO. August 13. A prlvatn telegram rom Zanzibar states that tbo dispute ba- itveen tbe sultan and Germany hai been ad- usted , and that tbo sultan admits Germany's supremacy in the disputed territory , and promises to withdraw ttiouca all Zanzibar ; roops , TO hViirATUUE WITH JIRS , GRANT , "CoNSANTINOI'LB , August 13. United States Minister S , 8 , Cox hits convened a meeting of the Ametloin residents of Constantinople for next Saturday , to express condolence with Mm , Grant over the death of her husband. 81'AIN HAS HER BACK UP. MADRID , Aug. 13. The seizure of tha Car oline islands by Germany Is protested against by Spain , which has ordered two war vessels to proceed at once to the disputed ground. BERLIN , Aug , 13 The report that Ger many had occupied tha Carolina Islands is not believed hera The Spachh government has addressed n note on the subject to the Ger man government. UILL NOT SUIT DHU4IICK. BERLIN , August 13. Count Kilanoky , Austro-liungarian minister , tits submitted to Prince Bismarck a plan of a commmercial treaty between Auitna-Hungaria aud Ger many , directed aganut all foreign countries , but leaving to etch of the two countries in the compact independence in itj horua pojicy , It la believed the plan will not meet the views of Prince Biimarck. iTohn Iloach and tlio Government. NEW YORK , August 13 , Mr. Vandoibilt this morning received from Secretary Whit ney an informal letter In which the eecrf tar ; oUtoi that the government shlpi.would be fin iehed in Reach's yards and with nen undo us superintendence , nnd with suggestions and itipervlslons of Messrs , Lowing nnd Wilson , The latter would meantime complete the inventories vontorios nnd receive the appraisal of lloich'a assets from the board of five , who will make .ho appraisal. The schedule of assets nnd li abilities made by Koach BTP in retdlnois , but may posubly be held until tbo completion of .ho government inventories , The two Invon- .ories . will doubtless ba compared , nnd both will be placed t the disposal of the board of appraisal. _ WASHINQl'ON WAIFS , Off VOR A VACATION , WASHINGTON , August 13. Postmaster-Gen- srnl Vllns loft Washington this morning for ho west to take n vacation for three or four weeks. IIo goes first to Chicago , thence prob ably home. ARMV OFFICERS ORDERED TO JOIN THEIR COMPANIES. WASHINGTON , Auguit 13. The following s the list of army officers who have been erving on detached duty , and who will bo ompellod to join their regiments , in obudlonce o Secretary Kndicott's recent order returning Ificera who have been absent four years to heir companies : Cnpt. ,1. F. Gregory , corps of engineers , Cnpt. Clarence E. Dutton , ordnance de partment. First Lieutenant 0. B. BchoQeld , of Gen. Schofiold'rt staff. Firtt Lieutenant James Allen , of First cavalry. First Lieutenant A. W. Greoly , of First invalry. First Lieutenant llobcrt T. Emmett , of Ninth artillery. First Lieutenant II. H , 0. Dumvoody , of 'ourth artillery. First Lieutenant Hobert Craig , of Fourth urtlllery. First Lieutenant Oscar F , Long , of Filth nfantry. Capt. W. M. Wherry , of Twenty-fourth nfantry. First Lieutenant Guy Howard , of Twelfth nfantry , Capt , Gcorpe W. Davis , of Fourteenth nfantry First Lieutenant Joseph A , Suowden , of fourteenth infantiy. Capt. Cyrus S. Roberts , of Seventeenth nlnutry. Cape. J. S. Wharton , of Ninth infantry. Capt G. S. L. Ward , of Twonty-second nfantry. Chaplain GcorgoG. Mullina , of Iwonty- ifth infantry. RE HIVED AN APPOINTMENT , The postmaster general baa appointed Wm. Dull Haynle , of BlnomiDgtou III , , chief clerk .0 . First Assistant Postmnster General Sloven- on , in place of James U. Marr , transferred to nnothtr position. Mr. Hnynio is a lawyer , and is an intimate friend of Mr. Stavonson. AUTHOBl/.HD TO COMMENCE BUSINESS. The acting comptroller of currency to-day authorized the First National bank of Ab- ngdon , HI. , to commence business with a capital of 500,000. A TENSION DECISION. The attorney general has decided that lension agents are not entitled to a fen for laying pension attorneys their dues. The aw passed last winter fixing the compeusn- .ion of pension ngents repeals the laws previously in force , which allowed them a fee of thirty cents in such caeca. WILL NOT PAY THK BILL , Second Comptroller May nard has disallowed nn item of 831G in the accounts of Pay Direc- ; or Wallace for the purchase of one years' supply of stationery for the use of the navy yard at Noifolk , on tbe ground that every safeguard provided by statute and by tbe navy regulations relating to the purchase of upplles in open market and in the event of .rablic exigencies , appeared to have been disregarded In this particular tranaaction. ON THE BETIBEO LIST. Commodore Oscar ( J , Badger , recently released from the command of the BOB- .on navy yard , has been placed on the retired 1st. DHSCRIP1ION OF THE NEW RAPID DELIVERY BTA3IP. The following is n technical description _ of , he now Immediate delivery stamp : A line engraved on steel , oblong in form , dimensions one nnd three-sixteenths by one and evon- sixteenths inches ; color dark blue ; design on left , an arched panel , bearing the figure of n mall messenger boy , on the run , and sur mounted by tha words , "United States ; " on ; ha right an oblong tablet , ornamented with a wreath of oak and laurel , surrounding the words , "Secures immediate delivery at a special delivery office. " Aero a the top of the tablet is n legend , "Special post delivery ; " and at the bottom the words , "Ten cents. " sepa rated by n small shield , bearing the numeral ten. _ A HTBANGK CASE , INVOLVING THE BIGHT TO A VALUABLE KE- 11RASKA ESTATE. MONTREAL , Aug. 13. Mr. Frank , a load' ' ing lawyer of Nebraska , is expected hero In a 'ew days to examine witnesses in a caee in volving tha right to : in estate in Iowa and Nebraska valued at half a million dollars. Stephen Des Noyep , of this city , em igrated to tha western states some years ego with his wife and boy about favo years old. Elis son , now n young man , became dlssatis- led witn farmer's life , end went to New Mexico. Des Noyes died , leaving a will , nnd bis next of kin applifld for and received letters of administration. Another relation , however , who in the event of young Des Noyes1 death or the illegality of his heirship , would l > o entitled to all the property , commenced suit setting forth that the young mac known as Des Noyes was not a son of the deceased ; that while a b by in tha cradle hero another child was subitituted for Des Noyes by a woman who was a near neighbor , and who bad adopted the , rightful son , nnd tbnt after some yeais tbo boy who was the stolen child died , and was buried in the east , while the child who was put in the place of tbe true son grew up Without the Des Noyos family ever noticing the difference between the children , ns their nges and complexions were the tame. It is ( aid that witnesses bore have coma forivni'l and confessed tbe crime , Shoe tlio Wrune MRP. Sr , LODIS , August 1(1. ( Tbls evening Mrs , Michael Karlln , living at 820 south Second street , bad a wordy altercation with Charles Heiber , a laborer , and n bricklayer named Kvermann , regarding the removal of some brick and other material In her yard , Her sou , Jotoph , aged 18 , took her put , and is said to have been slapped and knocked down by Uerber , Mrs. Karlin told her boy toJ Into the housa and get n revolver. He dll * ' and returning fired it , presumably at Hurt. but missel his aim and shot John Braondal , no. innocent spectator , through the heart , killIng - Ing him instantly MM , Karlin and her son were arrested , and the body ol liraendal was taken to the morgue. The woman is married , and has eight children. Guarding ARMIIBC Yellow AUSTIN , Tex. , Augmt 13. Governor Ire land to-day Issued a proclamation reciting that it has come to his knowledge that persons from Vera Cruz , and posiibly othar places In Mexico , inflicted with yellow fever , are enter ing this state by wi y of Kl Paso , Laredo , nnd other points , by railroad and private convey. anca , in violation of his quarantine proclama tion. He declares that quarantine shall be enforced on the Kio Grande against infected places in M xico , Quarantine stations will at onca ba established ut Laredo and El Paso , aud an impection made of all incoming trains , Ilia Weather. WASHINGTON- August 13. For the upper Mississippi valley : Generally fair weather , variable winds , slight fall in temperature , For tbe Mlttourl valley ; Generally fall weather , higher temperature , variable winds. ON 'CHANCE. Prices Rninonsly Low , and a Karons Feeling of Weakness , The East Saginaw Strikers Re turn to Work. . A Troy AVI Co Murderer Launched , to Ills Long Homo-A. $ [ > OOOO Flro nt Jersey Oily. OHlUAGO aXOOK. CATTLI. Special Telegram to the BEE , CHICAGO , August 13. There were at least 0,000 natives among the fresh arrivals , Sales show no particular change , especially on best heavy corn fed natives. Low grade natives were equally as well ns yesterday. Toians were quoted 10@lGo higher , and prices nro nearly back again to where they were on Monday. Tbcro was n train or two of Mon tana rangers ou the market , and so far this slass of stock is bringing satisfactory price ; . Stockers nnd feeders nro more Inquired for the past day or two , yet the general market remains - mains dull , nnd pi Ices are ruinously low , Shipping steers. 1353 to 1,500 Ibs , S3.23 ® 5.9 ; 1.201) ) ' to 1,350 IBS , S4.UO@G.40 , 050 to l,250lbsSI.40@510. Through Texan cattle 1015o higher ; 933 Ibc. $ ) .SO@1.10 ; 70J to JCOJlbj , S3.10@3.80 ; COO to 700 ibs , 52.00 ® 3,40 Western rangers pcarce : only ono sale of 280 Montana Texaua , 1,113 lb > , at SI,35. itcos. From first to lost the trade wan dull , and there was an unsettled nnd weak feclinir , Low grade nnd grassy packers dropped 15 © 20c , and sold at n range of $ 1 00@ 1.25. Fair to good mixed eold at SI 40 ® 1 CO , and beat heavy at S4 55@4 CO , with n few fancy assorted at S4 7U@-1.70. tacking nnd ship ping , 250 to 300Iba , SI 25(21.C.O ( ; lightweights , ISO to 170 Ibi , $1.03@475 ; ISO to 210 Iba , SJ.OOffil U. THK GRAIN PIT. WHEAT. Special Telegram to The BEE. CHICAGO , Aug , 13 , On 'change to-day there was more or less depression , and an unsettled feeling in pretty much all speculative lists , with nervousness coiniup from rumors effecting - ing the condition of No. 2 spring wheat in el evators , and from private French cables con taining the cholera news , The cloao was easy at declines noted. Wheat was a shade higher at the opening , due to stronger foreign cables nnd an advance of Cd in wheat at Liverpool. The opening on September waa 881s against SSicns the closing figures yesterday , and from there it advanced to SSgc. About this tuna another of those groundless rumors of hot wheat was started , nnd the market fell rapid ly off to 673 ° - A little nervousnesa was con tributed from New York , where it WAS re ported that margins wore'very generally bsmg called on August contracts. No one hero bad the slightest fear of any wheat being posted. No. 2 spring sold early nt 86c but closed nominally lower. cons felt the itlluenco depressing other markets , nnd ranged irregularly downward within Ic. A fair local business was transacted , though the market failed to show any particular fea ture. No 2 cash sold'at 4CJc , and Mo. 3 at 46Jo. The close was easy , OATS showed very little features , only fluctuating i < 5Jic. The near deliveries were qulto liber ally traded in , but deferred futures were lightly called for , PBOVISIONS were fairly steady early , nearly the whole list holding up to yesterday's la'eat ' prices , but an easier feeling soon set iu , The drop on the morning session aggregated 202 in pork , the close being weak m sympathy with whott. Local traders did a moderate business , but outside orders were scarce. The SAW Mill Strike at East Sag inaw Ended , EABT SAOINAW , Mich , , Aug. 13. The great strike Inaugurated at this end of tha Haglnaw1 river five weeks ago to-morrow , practically ended in the action of the em ployes yesterday in agreeing to accept the conditions of the mill owners , who were wil ling to concede at first , viz : Ten hours and a proportionate reduction of wages. This thaws they wore tired of idleness and willing to go to work. The mill of lilies ] 5ros. & Co. started this morning with a full crew at eleven hours , nnd Sanborn & Hill started thta morning on the same conditions , making in all sixteen mills running at eleven hours , The matter will resolve Itself into the follow ing shape : Many men will prefer tha eleven hours and the extra pay , and thu mills will bo so run ; others will bs content to work ten hour * , nnd accept reduced pay. Only four of the ten hour mllli are running. A warrant was Issued this morning fortho _ arrest of Iteprosontative Bury for inciting the riot. He is out of the city , but will be placed in custody immediately upon bis return , Wife Murderer Hung. TJIOV. N. Y. , August 13. James Horace Jones was hanged in the county jail at 10:39 : this morning for wife murder July 3d , 1881. Jonea passed most of the night in prayer , This morning he refused to take breakfast until after he bad recived holy communion , Last night in bis cell Jones made the follow ing will : "I give and bequeath to Ibv. Peter Havermaus , my spiritual ndviser , my body , I hope and trust that he will sea it is buried decently , and protected from mutila tion , I alfti give and bequeath my heart to Homo and my soul to tieaven , I appoint Father Havermani executor of my will , " Jones walked to the rcaffold with steady step , and was wonderfully cool while the final preparations for his execution were being made. He refused to cay anything , aud ap peared anxious that there should be no delay , After hanging twelve minutes ho was pro nounced dead , Burning JJarrelH , Oirv , Aug. 13. A fira broke out "Sarly this morning in a barrel factory on Warren street , spread to an adjoining tene ment home , thence to a two-story storehouse. These buildings were totally destroyed. The flames then spread to a row of * ix three-story double tenement housei , occupied In nil by seventy families , The tenants were driver Into the streets in their night clothes end many narrowly escaped with their lives Total loss estimated nt $50,030. Tbe origin of the fire is unknown , BIG BUNG STAVES. lULIEl'THAT THEY ABE IN EXTENSIVE USE , NEW YOBK , August 13. The Post , Wash ington special saye : The internal revenue authorities have reason to luipect that there has been an extensive system of whisky fraud by means of bogus barrels made of stave thickened about the bunghole , some of whiob as stated In these dispatches , have recently been discovered in use In one of tbe Urges distilleries In Cincinnati. Experienced reve nua Bgenti are investigating tbe subject in New York , Philadelphia , St. Louis nud Chi CBjo ; , Partial reports received from eome ol hone places tend to increase the apprehension if the department. . { Special agent Sommorville , who ii invcstl- ; atlng the distilleries at Pekin , 111. , has not ound any of these barrels on the promises , ml It Is believed ho has discovered that some of them have been chlppul from ono of the distilleries to Now York. It doee not seem o bo tbo intention of the distiller * , however , o permit these fraudulent barrels to pi into ho trade , since they would , of course , bs RKADILT DKISCTKI ) IK OPENED. ' o general inspection , Tbeio barrels are evi dently designed to In used for the purpose nly of what Is called "dumping" the whisky , r carrying It from the distillery to the reo- ifjing o'tnbllsbment. On being "dumped , " r lolt at tht. rectifying establishment , the whisky Is giiBgod , and by u > o of these barrels , oturnod empty to bo utod ngain. One hnu- Ircd of thoto barrels would b ) Bufficiont for ho ute of a large distillery , nnd it would bo losslblp , by moans of them , to defraud the government of perhaps $175 dally. A HATCH HSI7.RI ) AT rillLADELrillA , I'lltr.ADKi.riliA , Aug. 13 Another seizure f 1'eoria whisky was made yesterday at the ailroad depot in this city. The cargo num- > ored about ICO packages end was composed f "funny" barrels of tbo same pattern ns hoio recently found In certain wholesale quor establishments. It is stated this fraud ipou the revenue is confined , so far ns known , o several largo concerns in Pcoria , Three non have already been detected , it is alleged , n uiing birrols , and shipping them ar nnd wide. To jutt what xtont the .fraud is practiced cannot yet ba old , because thu matter Is still under invosti- ratlon , but the scheme is regarded as ono of he moit gigantic swindles over perpetrated ipon the government. It is said the entile ountry has been flooded witb crooked barrels. ? hey are 10 constructed that the gangers' rods ml callipers do not gl\o a true register of the tackige. When the liquor baa been poured iut into bucket * , it has Loon found it meas ured n greater quantity than tha paugprs' oils thowcd , Ibii led to an. Investigation > ud seizure , Tlio Mexican Government anil the Cm MEXICO , ( via Ga'veslon ) , August 13. ? hu cabinet , niter n protracted discussion , las decided on tbo natu o of n reply to bo nado to tha representatives of the railway Companies on the question of whether the nllwnys were to bo exempted from the porotion of the decree of Juno 22d. The government has decided that no ox- sption shall be made in favor if the railroads , and that tlio law of Juno 27 hull bo enforced to the letter. Subsidies vill not bo paid , and not ono csnt of customs evonue will be appropriated to the railroads. ? ho government maintains that it owes the allrpads nothing , except a small amount of ubiidios , which would have accrued to them ince the publication of the decree , and hat this amount , and that falling duo In uturo months , will be included in the fov- irnmenl's floating debt , The government will not oven deliver up the ubnidy certificates to the railroads , claiming hat tbo roads have no right to them , ind that oven if the certificates were still receivable for customs lutics , the government would not b ] obliged o deliver up more than oaough to keep the ail road a supplied with the amount required o cover their monthly subsidies. It is a natter of common report that the government s looking to Eogland for financial aid , and that m the return of Minister St , John , n now treaty vith Great Britain will ba arranged. Tne rovernment is very favorably inclined to the investment of British capital in the northern ier of states as a counterpoise to American nlluence , A Hlght lloyal "Welcome. Special Telegram to the BEJ. SIDNEY , Neb. , August 13. Geo. Thajer , returning from Wyoming , met with a learty reception here to-night in the parlors if HOD. J. J. Clarkson , at the .Railroad house. \mong those present were Gen. Morrow and he full staff of officers of the Twenty-first nfantry , The brass band of Fort Sidney dis coursed excellent music for the occasion. Speeches were made by J. J. Clarkson Gen , Henry A1 Morrow and Gen Thaver , eliding Croat applause. A largo number of business nen were assembled. The happiest fee'.ing irev.i led. Gen. Thayer expressed much sur- ) riie at the agricultural development of the country. Ho Intends to write up the country , nnd speak of the glorious results achieved in so ihorta time , "Sniuco lillco Alclican Man. " SAN FiiANcisco , Aup. 13. Hop Keo & Co. , , ha largest wholesale Chinese manufacturers of boots and thoes on the coast , have failed , Liabilities $110,000 ; assets unknown. The irm has a prosperous branch house in Vic- ; oria , B. C , When the San Francisco house ; ot into financial trouble the Victoria housa epudiated all connection with it , mid dls- lonored its draft. 'Has was tbo im mediate cau o of the failure. Members of the firm are said to ba worth over half a million. The question is whether ; ho creditors can succeed In reaching them , L'he principal creditors nra believed to 1)3 among the white laathor dealers aad tanners of this city , but who they nro Hop ICeo re uses tossy. This Is the firot Chinese failure of any importation that has occurred hero , An Independent Newspaper. PANAMA , August 13. The Star and Her ald was notified n few days ago by the govern ment that under tha existing martial law It Is not permitted to publish any news relating to , ho government affairs except that furnished by the government. Tbo editor published the notification and announced concurrently thai unless allowed to handle the governmeul news in Its own way , It would not handle it nt'nll , official or unofficial , and that all men- .ion of tbo government would bo excluded 'rum its columns. It is understood the sup position of the paper was contemplated , but il was abandoned wnen Infoimadtbo publication was tbo property of an American company , Flro lu Cleveland. CLEVELAND , August 13. A fire in tbe S tui to van t planlnz mill anil adjoining bulld- ingi was under control of the firemen about thnu o'clock this morning after destroying property. Including the mill , all valued u about $00,000. The insurance covers abou two-thirds of the loss. NOTE9. Tbo democratic county convention met yes terday afternoon at Uurllngtou , Iowa , ant chose twelve delegates to the atato convention at Cedar Riplds , and passed a resolution op posing prohibition and favoring n license o $500 ; also against placing any prohibitions on the state ticket. A general reunion of ex-soldiera began a GaldwellOnio , to-day witha largeattecdanca Kx Governor Noyei , Hon. Joseph IS , Foraker and many others will arrive Saturday. A dispatch from Saratoga tnyi : To-day' storm , including rain , wiud , thunder one lightning , exceeded anything felt bore i fifteen years , and over four inches of rain fe In three and one-half hours , A teamtte named Ohatterlon was struck by lightning un instantly killed , At Hoboken , N , J , , George and Henry Martells , egad twenty-one nnd welve , driv ing a wagon , were run-down by the express train nnd both killed. At Ithaca , N , Y. , four laborers on the Le high Valley railroad , during a heavy ral storm yesterday , sought ( belter under a blull A landslide buried Michael McManus , Pat rick Mahon and Michael Fuhey , all of whoi were killed , The fourth mun etciped. Mo Manus was unmarried , but tbo ctuera lenv large families , . WILKES WON. PiiilauGlDtiia , A Day of Sport on the Diamond , Water and Traok , BmlROt of News F/oiu the National Capital Tlio Wnbusli lloorjc- nltlon A. Now York Flooil. Sl'OllT AND PLH.\SUIII3 PHALLAS BEATEN. PHILADELPHIA , Pa , , Auguit 13 , In the rotting rnco to-day between Phallas nnd tarry \Vilkcs , the first boat was won by Vllkcs in tU' ! : ; the second boat was won by , Vllkos in 2.23 : Phallns won the third boat n 1'J1J : : Wtlkcs won the fourth heat and nco In 2:18 : . About 0,000 people visited Bclmont park o-day to witness the match trotting rnco bo- wcon J , I. Ua o't ) brown stallion PhnUnt , nil W. C. Francis' bay gelding Harry Vilkoa , for n special purse of $1,000 , , of which 1,000 wont to the tocond horse , best throe in vo heats. Phallas wn * driven ns uiual by .dwlu D. Bitter , while Frnuk Vnnnnss old the reins over Willies , The rack was in perfect _ order , letting was brisk , Phallas ruling n big favor- to before the start nt 8100 to $23 , and some dds on the stallion were forthcoming In nny mount ovun after the first boat bnd fallen to Vilkoa , Tbo rnco was eventually won by Vilkcs , who took the firit , second nnd fourth oats , DETAILS OF WHICH FOLLOW : First boat After three fnlso scores. In vhlch Wilkes broke juit before reaching the vlrr , n fair start was effected , Wilkes securing half loncth load and holding it all the ivay ound to the stretch , where Phallai left hia eet , nnd the gelding won by two open lengths n2:10 Second hcnt The word "go" was given at he second trial , aud Wilkes broke badly bo- ere ho was n dozen yards pist the wire , 'hallas having six lengths the best cf It nttho uirtor , nnd almost as much nt the half. As ho pair approached the three-quarter post , Vllkcs went up with surprising ease , Phnllaa oming back as if anchored , nnd , on the turn nto the stretch , the gel ding wont by him liken trenlr , holding his ; iead to the wire , when ho was two lengths to the good in 2:20. : Third boat Wilkes having won the pre- edlng heat witli such apparent case , the BETTING WAS COMPLETELY CHANGED , nil after a few pools had been sold at 8100 o SSO In his favor , odds Increased as high as 'UIS to SiO. They were sent nway at the sec- nd trial , Wilkes breaking so badly In the first jundroil yards , that ho lost all chances , nnd , v\3 a distance behind at the half mile. At hreo quarters Phnllni madon momentary iroak , i.uil Wilkea fchut up n frnctlon of tbo ap , but although he trotted n very strong ace in the stretch , Pnllas got the verdict by < \ ii07,011 lengths , aud loud choeriuc. Time , :21J. : Fourth heat Pools now nverngod S35 to 510 iu fnvor of WilUes , and layers of odds vero rewarded by oosintj their choice win mncllly by ten lengths. After being appar- ntly beaten at the hulf mile , Phallus broke > adly just ln-foro teaching the three quarter .ole , and NVilkea going up , passed him on .ho turn into the stretch. Bither , seeing that . 'hnllaa was beaten , pulled him up in the hat 100 yards. Time , . 2:18 : . NATIONAL AMATIUIl BEOATTA. In the national amateur regatta on the Jborles river , this afternoon , the final heat in .he . senior single shells was won by D. J. Slurpby , of Boston , time 9:42 ; Mulcahoy , of Albany , second ; and Scboles , of Toronto , third The race for senior four-oared shells was won by the Nautilus crew of Hamilton , On tario ; Fairmonts , of Philadelphia , second ; Al bany Rowing Club , third , Time 8:22 : The eight-oared race was won by the Co- umbia boat club , of Washington , Time 7:1CJ. : In the double scull race , the Crosont boat club , of Boston , came in first , and the Albany rowing club , of Albany , N. Y. , second. The Albany club claimed a foul and the decision wn reserveNo ) time was given. The final beat of the junior singles was won > y Snvder , of Albany , in 0:31 : ; Mn-.thow juipley , of Newark , N. J. , second ; Kyi , of Patterson , N. Y. , third. The referee ordered the double scull race ) etween the Crescents and Albany B rowed over. The former refused to row and the race was given to the Albanys. BACINU AT JIOHMODTH PABK. MONMODTH PABK , August 13. Rather mall attendance but good racing. The event of the day was the omnibus stakes for tbroo- rear-olda. Great intoiost centered on the chestnut fillv , Wanda , but she was out of con dition , ana Kic moml won the heavy puree Seven furlongs : Elmendorf wou , Caramel ecnnd , Mies Goodrich third , Time , 1:35 : , Three quarters of n mile : Two-year-olds ; Edgefiold won , Dry Monopole second , Ham mock third. Time , 1:1S1. : Mile and n half Three-year-olds ; llich- nond won , Wickbam second , TecauiBsh third , lime , 12 tO } . Mile and n quarter Barnum won , Tolu second , Albia third. Time , 2 18& & Mile Throe-yoar-olda nnd upwards ; I'o- tersbur ? won , Windsatl second , Error third. Time , 1 51. Steeplechase Short course : Puritan woo , Pnwneo second , Wellington third. Time , d.21. HASH HALL VIHIEHDAV , At Detroit : Detroit , 3 ; Chicago. G. At Louisville : Louisville , 1 Pittsburg , 2 , At New York : No game , rain. AtBonton ; Philadelphia , 1 , Boston 3 , Al Buffalo : Buffalo. 14 ; St. Louis 3 , At Philadelphia : Athletic , 12 ; Brooklyn - lyn 7. At St. Louis : St. Louis , 2 Cincinnati , 3. A Cloud IliirBt In Now York. ScjiENEOrADV , N. Y. , August 13 , A water cloud burst occurred In Glenyille township , near the Now York Central and Hudson Itlver railroad tracks , six mlleu west of bore last night. Th railroad culvert and road btd were waihol away , making n break of 120 feet. Crops in tbo vicinity were destroyed. Trains ware delayed last night , but passen gers were transferred this morning around the brook. 1'OUGHKEEPHIK , N. Y. , Auglllt 13. JU- parts of the railroad break near HclFuian'd ferry , on the Nuw York OentrM are meagre. Coiittiuctlnn trains are being hurtled to tha scene. lUllroad men hero say no through trains are expected from the west to-day Nouwoon , N. Y , , Augatt 13. Tbo dam age by cyclone last mjjht was somewhat over estimated , The ) os of life sp far as known. Includes only Michael Martin , a farm-hand , aud Airs , David Fitzgerald. Buven persons are reported injured , including one probably fatally so. Tha storm ranged over a territory fifteen miles long and half to three quarters of auilln wide. Over ono hundred residences and Innumerable barns and fchedi were de stroyed , Several sucar bushes were totally destroyed. The damge Inflicted la Norwood and vicinity is eitlmuted at 8160.000. NEW YORK , Augutt 13. Notice Is posttd on tha bulletin board of tbo New York Cen tral depot that owing to the damage to the company's tracks by lait bight's stonn , no. trains will arrive trom points west of Albiny until U o'clock to-night. Carpet weaving , 2202 Chicles and 22d etreot. Try Ed. Kupplg's urw moat market , 804 N , IQth street. Lowest prices ,