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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL JBLUFPS-MONDAY. JUNE 1 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE. Monday Morning , Junol SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Cr fnlti - - - - - - -JO eenU'pot week jKU - . . . . - - - tlo.oo p i yeti MINOR MENTION , Get your dinner at the Thcunlx , twentj-fivo cents , C05 Broadway. The county board of supervisors meet to-morrow. A change took place in the Wabash time table yesterday. 11 The catholics have a festival In masonlo II hall Wednesday and Thursday , * The Danabo band made their first op * pcaranco in public on Saturday. The criminal calendar In the district court ii to bo called on Thursday. Mrs. H. H. Field entertained a pro- gresalvo euchre party Friday night. Bricks for sale In largo or small lots by J , A. "Weaver , 815 Seventh avonno. William Lewis Is out with another cab bright and shining fresh from the shop. The electric light now takes the placa of the big chaoderllor In the opera house. The funeral services of Mrs. John Safely were hold [ In the baptist church yesterday afternoon. Ladies' muslin underwear at loss than manufacturers' cost for throe days only. L. Harris , 734 Broadway. James Clark , for spending decoration day In getting drunk , la to bo called be fore his honor this morning. J Regular mooting of the city conncll this evening. What will they do about the chief of the fire department ? Ladles , don't fail to call at the great sale of ladles' underwear , for throe days only , at L. Harris1 , 734 Broadway. The Western Union telegraph office is now * ln Its now quarters , corner of Broadway and Pearl streets , up stairs. Go to L. Harris' , 734 Broadway , for ladles' muslin underwear , for three ] days only , at loss than manufacturers' cost. Roller Is offering great bargains at his merchant tailoring establishment , No. 310 Broadway. See his goods and got his prices. The Scandinavians of the baptist faith have purchased a lot on the corner of Scott and Mynstor streets , and purpose to build a church npou It. The rain Saturday ovonlng did not in. torfore with the people going to the circus much , as seven-eighths of the seat ing capacity was occuplod. Mr. Cole , of the firm of Cole & Maxwell - well , while leading ono of his horses Into their stable , had his foot crushed badly , the animal stopping upon It. Grace Hawthorne will , ploy In Ne braska City to-night and Tuesday ; in Flattsmonth Wednesday and Thursday ; Friday and Saturday in Omaha. E. RosBorans appeared In the proces sion Saturday with an elegant now rega Ha of the order of drulds. It was n pros1 ont to him from the manufacturers. Grace Hawthorne closed her engagement mont at the opera house Saturday with " Queena. " She has won much praise hero and her support Is quite good. There should bo a full .attendance at the board .of trade mooting to-morrow evening to make arrangements for wel coming the Iowa editors next week. The decoration ceremonies , the -Grace Hawthorne matinee , and the matinee performance at the circus on Saturday were all largely attended and in each case the audience highly appreciative. Saturday afternoon Justice Shnrz per ! formed the marriage ceremony by which Mr. W. H. White and Miss Jonnlo Oleaon were happily made ono. The ceremony took place at No. 400 Harrison street. There Troro quarterly meeting services at the mothodlst church yesterday , the holy [ communion being observed , and the presiding elder , the Rov. W. T. Smith , being present , and proaohing In the evening. In view of the fact that there are only four policemen to guard the whole city at night , there should bo a merchants' police force organized , each business homo to pay a small sum each week for being thus guarded. The following will bo. graduated from Saint Francis academy this mouth : Misses Pussio Keating , Julia Sullivan , Jennie Wlckham , May Gund , and Mary Mills. t . The graduating exercises will take place on the 30th of June. Carpenters Operatic Minstrel company will appear at the dime museum and theatre this evening , opening a two weeks engagement. There are twenty In the company , and the ocgtgemonti are said to bo very enjoyable. The grind jnry Is again Investigating the ciso of Walter Alton , the boy charged with having boon the ciusa of the death of his school mate , the eon of J. W. Morse. The original Indictment has been lost , BO the work ia being done over again. The Gloux City road has changed Its tlmo table. Excursion tickets for Spirit Like , St. Paul and other summer retorts have been put on sale at No. 07 Broad way. The deeper for Spirit Lake will bo put on .every evening on and after the 15th. The trutteti of the institution for the deaf and dumb have mot and re-elected the old faculty , the affairs of the Initltu- tion having bioa B- > well managed the pait year as to justify the retention of the present corps. Prod Hauion and L. Peterson were put In durance vllj yesterday for getting too much noisy wbiikoy eboard , Jt Is a groit mystery where they could get the whii key In a prohibition state , and on Sun day , too , but probably they imported It The grand jnry has found Indictments against 0. Connor and 0. Wilson for burglarizing Cooper & McGeo's store ; Thomas Wilson , for larceny , fromGolso's brewery ; Perry Lyon , forgery , and Wil Ham Jefforles with assaulting Wheeler with Intent to kill. The cloaing event of the running moot Ing was n race of a mlle and a quarter , Saturday morning , for * private purao of $100 , the contest being between Etta J. , a bay mare , owned by John Kingston , ol Atohison , Kan. , and McCrary , Jr. , the chestnut stallion , owned by D. Ramsey , of Blanchard , la. Ther * was consider able bolting in favor of the mare , bnt the horse won easily in 2:20. : The timber Is being cleared off for a driveway or boulevard through a tract of land southeast of Fairmonnt park , ono corner of which joins the park. A sur vey Is to bo made with the intention of opening up the tract for residences , and the driveway will bo right along the ridge , an extension of Madison street , and coming out near Mr. Rico's. The roar wall of the building occupied by Porogoy & Moore , Is to bo taken down , and is to bo replaced by a moro substan tlal ono. The building cccuplod by the Boston shoo store Is also being Improved and It is being discovered that the fonn daUon of these and adjoining buildings have settled badly ; the work of repairing them in a substantial manner is proving qulto an extensive and exponslvo ono. It may bo a good advertising dodge to scatter old envelopes and other litter about the streets , but It makes the streets of a city look llko Iho romnanls of a rag bag , besides frightening horses and en dangering life and limb. The authorities ought not to allow the streets to bestrewn strewn with bits of paper , dodgers and such literature , ai has boon the practice a practice which Is not allowed in other "cities of the first class. " Philander Jndson , aged 82 years , 8 months and 13 days , died at 929 Sixth avonno yesterday morning about 1 o'clock , The funeral will bo hold at 3 o'clock this ' afternoon from the late residence. Mr. Jndson came to this city from Kenoaha county , Wisconsin , about ton years ago. Ho has led a qulot , unostentatious life , and has not been engaged in any actlvo business , bnt was the owner of consider able real estate on the outskirts of the city. Ho loaves ono son , L. P. Jndson , the well known civil engineer. The old gentleman had no Icng illness , and although feeling the infirmities of ago , ho held up manfully , and It was not until about forty hours before his death that ho took his bod. The giant who was hero with Robin son's show , is the same ono who failed to appreciate a pun tried on him by an undertaker , when ho was here with another show last year. The under taker said ho could ' 'lay him ont , " which was very true , if the giant had only been dead , bnt as It was the pun was taken In earnest , and he pulled off his jacket , and proposed to show the undertaker that ho couldn't. At that time a warrant was taken out for bis arrest on a charge of assault , but he escaped , and it waathreat oned that whenever he should retnrn , the arrest would bo made , but it seems that thcso concerned have concluded that the matter had better be dropped. Next Friday evening there will be an interesting entertainment at the opera house , it being a prize contest in speak Ing , the contestants being members of the high school , who have been prepar ing for some time , and who will doubt less furnish a programme of much Interest aside from the peculiar interest arising from the contest. Both boys and girls are to take part , and besides the elocutionary features of the entertain ment there will bo excellent music , and other attraction ! . There was an Interesting wedding at the Pacific house parlors yesterday , the contracting parties being Mr. A. G. Pearson and Miss Katie Davis , both of whom ore members of the Barbour dram atic company , which just closed an en gagement In this city. Mr. Mackoy wss the officiating clergyman. The newly- wedded ones go from hero to Maryvillo , Mo. , with the other members of the com pany. A fellow giving his name ns Bill Lyons was arrested Saturday night for trying to hold np an Omaha man on Main street , The Omaha man , whoso name could not bo learned , was about to glvo the fellow a thumping , when an officer chanced to corno up and collared the irould-bo highwayman. A follow who gives the name of John Allen and who ha ) been wanted for some tlmo on suspicion of being the ono who burglarized Snow's store tome tlmo ago , turned up hero Saturday and was promptly caught and locked up by Officer Onsick. A number of the pupils of the catholic schools observed their first communion at St. Francis Xavler catholic church yesterday. The Rev. Father Heatoy delivered an address which was timely. 0. D. Crabile , who has been a frequent visitor to the calaboose , Is now In jail on the charge of trying to become a pick pocket. Some of the young men of the shooting clubs bad a little shoot at the driving parK Saturday afternoon , The interior of the baptist church is being improved by papering , painting and other wnjs Substantial abstracts of titles and roa estate loans , J. W. & E. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street. Get your dinner at the Phonlr Tronty.fivo cents. 505 Broadway , ROBINSON'S ' SHOW , Big Crowds , Much to Sec , nml nil Delighted , Ths name of "Old John Robinson" Is inch a familiar ono In connection with the show bnulnoss , thnt the simple an nonncomont thai ho was to bo here last Satnrdjy , was sufficient to draw a crowd to the tonta , notwithstanding the many other attractions which made np the day's doings. The show does not consist , as Is often the case , with n good deal of "hur rah"and extravagant promises ontsido the canvas , and nothing Inside the canvas. The street parade was excellent , but the real merit of the entertainments was under the tents. John Lowlotr and L. S. Steele , the two ns gentlemanly guides as ono conld desire , took special pains to show the newspaper reporters all the Ins and onta of the great show , and appeared on the alert for the pleasure and comfort of all who attended the enter tainments. Mr. Lowlow has rather a ro- matkablo record as a showman. Ho has boon In the circus business for thirty-two years , and during that time has only boon connected with font shows , ho having boon with Robinson for tmsntyono years. Dining these many years ho has never lost a day or a dollar of salary. The menagerie la an unusually Cno ono , the attempt evidently not being to see how great a number of each kind of curiosity could bo gathered , as to have as many kinds as possible , and to have the finest specimen of each kind. The great est order prevailed , and neatness charac terized every portion of each tent , BO that visitors conld really enjoy the sights at their leisure. The ring performances wore varied and excellent. A great many now features were introduced , so that while it Is " Old John Robinson's " show , It Is not John Robinson's" old "nhow. Many of the acts had never been seen in any show hero before , while those common to nearly all circuses were per formed In such a manner as to call forth enthusiastic applause on account of its surpassing oxcallonco. Without particu larizing , Robinson has much for the people ple to see , and much well worth seeing , and it is not to bo wondered at that ho gets crowded houios so easily. To-day the show Is to appear in Omaha. PBOHIBITION POINTS. The Hllln of the Courts Grind Ex tremely Slow. Judge Connor was here Saturday , but these who expected to learn his decision on the motion to transfer the Injunction cases to the United States court , were disappointed , for he was not ready to decide the motion. Ho asked that the attorneys glvo him their authorities on the several questions involved , and said ho would take further time to look them over , intimating that ho would give a decision this week , but setting no specific time. Some other papers were filed in the cases by the attorney lor the de fendants , they being demurrers , demands for moro specific petitions , etc. It looks as If every technical point was to bo fought inch by Inch. This afternoon another Interesting chapter la promised In the prohibition fight. Tha cane brought In the district court Is to coma np before Judge Loof- bousow , and the same sort of a motion , to transfer the case to the federal courts , will be made by the defendant , and wall be argued at length. Considerable inter est is felt , and curiosity as to how Judge Loofbonrow will decide the matter. A NEW ENTERPKISE , Medical nd Surgical Institute to Bo Started In Council Bluffr. Dr. R. Sweet , president of the Da- buquo Modlcal and Surgical Institute , arrived in the city latt evening and pur poses to join with Dr. J. Palmer , "the Lone Wolf , " and others In start ing a medical and surgical institute horo. Dr , Palmer has boou hero several days , and the people are acquainted with his skill and reputation , while Dr. Sweet has the reputation of being ono of the most skilled surgeon ) In the state. It is pro posed to organize a company with $150- 000 capital stock , and to erect a building at an early date. Thojr say most of the stock Is already taken. Cesspools ana vaults cleaned. Address , R. &K. , BEE office. Cobs at Gcortje HoatonV , 028 Broad- vay. AMUSEMENTS. Mammoth. Dime Museum AND THEATER. Eth Am and Pearl Street , ( Formoily Mutln's Rink. ) J. W. TALJiEn , Proprietor. CARPENTER'S MAMMOTH Operatic Minstrel Co , TWENTY PEOPLE. Every Evenlne'for Two Weeks , Commencing , Monday , June 2d , In Our Gurlo Htll : Replete with now curiosities every week. Make No Mistake ! Upstairs , Up-stairs MisfitOlothingParlor 1312 Douglas Street Up-stairs , Up-stairs Make No Mistake ! HARKNESS BROTHE 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , X CARPET , CARPET . CARPETS A large stock and choice patterns. Prices. clear down. " B All the novelties in Dress Goods , Silks and White Goods , Always Lowest Prices We make a stieoialtv of Store Shadings ? Office Mattings , the furuishine * of churches offices and public buildings. Harkness Bros , 401 Broadway Council Bluffs SMITH & TOLLER , AGTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUPPS , . . . IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand. Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which no will ecll in retail or carload lota II Stock Warranted as Reuresented Wholesale and retail dealers In Grain and Baled Hay. . Prlcoa roa < eonablo Satisfaction Guaranteed. SOZHCLTJTZEIIR. & BOOLE'S : Cor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs. Good Aents Wanted TO Brs. Judcl & Smith's W IMPROVED ELECTRIC Offlco and Factory , No SO , Fourth St , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A.XZR "Will Discount all Prices. MRS , D , A. BENEDICT , 3 Broadway , Council Bluffs , lena NOW AT FULL FLOW AS NEVER BEFORE AT The Leading Store in the City , the Grand est and Greatest Dry Goods Stock in the West , Prices neyer before so much in favor o th e pur chaser , Late grand arrivals AT DEPRESSED prices from the manufacturing districts. Big purchases just opened up in Silks , Dress Goods , Cloaks , Linens , Domestics , Esiery , Gloves , Fans , Parasols , Laces and Embroideries , P JET In all the above departments during this week. Goods to be sold for less than half the regular retail prices. FOLLOW THE CROW To the leading and largest Retail House in the citv. You -will always get more than value for your monev. EISEMAN , EODDA & CO , Peoples' Store , 318 and 320 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WAR N CHINA. And other wares. Attend the At 23 Main St. . Council Blufls. Ono rot handled cups and saucers 380 Ono sot knives and forks ! ! . ' ! ! ! C8o Ono bowl and pitcher ! . ! ! ! . ! ! . ' ! )8c ) Ono 6-bottlo triple pluted castor " ' . . . . . . . i')8 ( ) Ono sot Rogeratriplo plated knives ' * . . . . . . . . . 1 08 Ono decorated tea sot (50 ( pieces ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 98 Ono decorated dinner set (08 ( pieces ) ' ' ' ' ' . 13 93 Ono decorated dinner eot , [ 131 pieces ] . . . . . . . 17 98 Call and see : Yours very respectfully , HOMER THE m , CHINA ioa. I Plain onri , lldlli cllu I V \ Graining , Gilding , Paper Hanging and Frescoing , no Main St. , Council Bluffs. m Sold by the leading dealer in every city and town , E ; Burhorn , 17 Main St. , Council Blufls. Norene & Landstrom , Bailers Suits to order in latest styles at cheapest passible prices. prices.No. No. 205 Main St. , Council Bluffs. AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. The only all night house in the city. Evrrything sen cd in first cltsi style and on shot notice. Hot and cold lunches always ready. W.'P. ' AY&ES WORTH , Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame hem moved on Little Giant trucks , the best in the world. W. P. AYLSWOHT11. 1010 tuinth Street , Council Bluffs LIVE STOCK. STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. Hclfcri and cows of all ages furnishoJ In any desired nuiabois ; ranchmen should correspond with WINDOW & CRAMPTON , Waverly , Iowa. OR3LY HOTEL In Couno Bluer * hat log a And all modern Improvements , call bells , fire alarm bolls , etc. , is the GRESTON HOUSE Nos. 21 P , 217 and 210 , Main Street. MAX ROHW , - PIIOPRIETOH H. SOHURZ. ceoftiie OTKE AUKBIOAH COtTNCIt BLUFFS. IOWA E. Eice H. D , CAKCERS , CHRONIC JIM. THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD TVPE WRITER NO. 2 , lathe Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With cnly 89 keys to learn an operate , H prints 70 characters Including cap ! and email letters , punctuation ! ) , llifurcj , ilgat and iractlotia. It a the bfujpleet and moet rapid writing machlno mada aa ell as ) no motit durallo ' for free illustrated jximphlet , Wyckoff Sfirirrtns & Benedict , Chicago , 111. , Sole Agenla , O. II , 8IIULKS , Council Uluffa Agent for Western Iowa MANDEMAKERS ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS , 1)1Jut' ) Bread way , Council Blnfii.