Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1885)
* - ' "I11'1 ' " * * " T1S'f > 'V" ' " " " " - -T-f T t , , , w ( f , - , _ , - - ( , , . , -a - . - -t- , , , . , , r r y - - MHI'VC" ' i " 149 < UIPI | tj < ' W'J ' TjUJflUPHJW ' JW /JHflW" ! / ' * ' ' " " " ' " THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY , JUNE 1. 1885. , tj A SHOW ON SUNDAY. The "BIG" Reptcr Taken Ont to Sec .Kim Robinson's ' Circus , Observations nmonR the Animate , Ami How They Spend Thtlr Hominy The Most Noted Clown Now lilvlnjr. YcsUriUy morning , Tfhon gray streaks of approaching dawn were strotchlng nway across the d&rk sky , and birds were twittering among the trees Old John llobinton's circus train could bavo been teen slowly rolling across the great Mis aourl river bridge , Into Omaha. Before aim rise all the trappings had been tnovod up on Farnam street , to a v c nt cqnare , once used for base ball purposes. But It being Sunday , there were no roaring ol llono , growling of tigers , Bcrennuntf of olophanls , or anylhlng else to attract at tontlon , except the throe or four uros of white canvas that enclosed and covered the space over. About 2 o'clock In the afternoon , however , that prince of the ting , Mr. John Lowlow , who has been playing clown and making people ple laogb , for thirty-two years hunted up the BEE reporters , got them Into a carriage , and then his order to the driver war , "Take KB out to the show grounds In about two minutes , If not Boonor. " This command was obeyed , and very soon the entire party was stand ing among a collection of animals that represent every country on the globe , but bolng either chained or caged wora as peaceful , docile and harmless as the domestic pots of any household In the land. The first brute to attract spoolal attention WAS a monstrous big elephant , said to bo 130 years old , and the special favorite of Its owner. Next to this ono stood another equal in six 3 , which killed Its korpcr la&t year and now has ts bo kept In chains. Then there were little African elephants , of the Jumbo apoclea , ihpplng their cats and ssomlngly much tickled to coo the visitors. A baby could play with thorn. Elephants are not good pulling animals , said the clown , but with their heads these two lurgo ones could pnfth down any brick building In Omaha. The monkeys played In their cages , tec laughing hyenas grinned , the old kings cf the forest looked sad , and they allseemodtoknowthatltwas Sunday. None of the caged bea&ts got anything to oat on Sunday and that Is why they know It. The big horse , thu big ox , the big hog and the sacred , cows laid mid slept. The leopard and the tiger the girBiT , the emus , the boars , the birds and the blood suckers wore qulot and orderly. The ICO horses and SCO men wora scattered about hero and there but not a sound could bo heard to disturb the sacrcdness of the day. Some wore eating and others sleeping. All clrcueoi now dajs feed their employes , In tents on the grounds , and they live troll. In fact Mr. Lowlow said that ha could got n much bolter meal there than at two-thirds of the hotels In the country. In the bead ia a line that eayn , "tho mciet noted clown now living. " The gentle man referred to Is none other than Mr. John Ln low. For twonty-ono years has ho been with John Robinson's show , without missing a performance , drinking a drop r.t liquor or loosing a dollar of his salary. If there is another clown on earth who can show up such a record as that his nnrao it not known. Mr. Lowlow hai appeared htforo the people ple of nearly every town in thoao United States and convulsed them with his witty ayings , comical speeches , and funny notion ? . In addition tote to his performance in the ring ho also acts as press agent , manager of the parade and door-keeper. Ho assured our re porter that the street parade io bo given at 10 o'clock will bo the cleanest and gayest cf any yet over seen in Omahi. lloblcsou's ii now the oldest circus in this country. It has been on the road continuously for fifty-eight years , and never had a loosing season. The old man is now 80 years of ago. worth about 55,000,000 and lives at his case in the heart of Cincinnati. Some years ago ho gave the show to his sons and they are making money with It. A BOLD BOBBERY , Mrs , IlordlnK1 * Bedroom Kntcrctl nd 1'ilfdroa by a TUlof. Yostctcliy morning about S o'clock a thief onttrjd the residence cf Mrs. S. V. Harding , No. G17 Pacific street , and got awny with § 03 in tnonoy , besides consld crablo jewelry. It u suppoasd that the sooundrol cams ever from Oonncil BlniT * with the clrcns , and after securing all the bocdlo ho could returned to his own aide of the river Ho gained his entrance to the honao through a buck door , by IIrat breaking out a window light near the door , thuu enabling him to put his band In and turn tbo lock. After getting in ho found a table and eovoialobalra Bitting near the door , whoru Mra. ttarding'a room or j had boon playing casino , but ho sat them nil aside carefully ao oa to have a clear ox It. Then ho invaded Mia. Harding' . ) sleeping apartment , and in her bureau drawer secured the $03 and jewelry. Fiom there ho wont into the room where ono or two men were Bleep ing. Tliny heard him and inquired who It wan , Itoceivlng no answer , ono of the parties got up and began to strike a light. At that the thief ran out , crawled through a hole in the yard fence and made good hit escape. Gradlnc Contracts. The brard of public wotkabold a meet ing at 7 o'clock Saturday evening and opened contracts for street paving work. Awards were made aa follows : For piv- .Ing . Farnam fiom 10 to 1C , with dioux Falls granite , ta E. J. Dronnan , at $3.C ! > per squire yard , laid on broken .tone and cand. To Btennan , for hying flag atone crossings , at $4 D ! > per square yard. To the Bar ber AsuLalt company , for paving Far- nam from Eighteenth to Twentieth atreota at $2 08 , the company to Imuro ita work for five yoara ; also to the aama company , the contract for paving Cum- Ing street from Twentieth to Division at the anne price. They are to put In gran ite gutters iwo feet wide at $4.10 per i qnaro yard , Farm And Household Notes. The Cultivator and Uouiekerper foi Juno contains , besides a Jargo amount o ! condemed fauu notes , recipes , suggo- tlons on different farm and hotuebok aubjtc'a ' , etc. , a number cf able artlclei on improved farm methods and Hvi Btcci , an Interesting sketch of great mei by the colobr ted writer and Wnihington correspondent , Bon Porly Poor , and one of the beat stories of Abraham Lincoln's early llfo over written. In addition to this the Cultivator has a literary n6d puzzle department , poetry and general miscellaneous reading. It Is the best and largest p F ° r for ho money ever published only 50 cents a year. It has sixteen pigei , sixty-four columns , and Is cf equal value to the individual or fam ily. It is to your Interest to remit by postal note right nway , and nocuro It fern n year. Sample coplos free , Agents wanted. Address , The Nebmka Culti vator , Omaha , Nob. MYSTERIOUSLY MISSING , A Young Drag Glorte TJCAVCS th o Cen tral HoBpltnl and Onn Not bo Last Thursday Lewis Gothlng , a clerk in the drug store of John W. Bell , 820 South Tenth street , was attacked with hommorhngo of the lungs , and under in strnctaons of Dr. Darn , who treated him , wont to Central hospital , no had an other ( light attack there on Friday , but aside from that scorned to bo all right. However , at times some of the other patients thought they could notlca same thing strange In the young man's notionr. Several times Saturday Lo was telephoned to from the store about certain porscrlp- tlons and whore the sovonl Ingredients for them wore to bo found. This seemed to agitate and worry him a good deal , but ho appeared cheerful and cracked jokes freely with the other pi- tionts. During the day Dr. Dara told him that ho ought to take more exorcise or ho would die. About half-past 9 o'clock Saturday night ho walked out of the hospital , and has nut baen seen or hoard of nlnco. Becoming alarmed at his absenca , a telephone message Was sent to the drug atora ( .bout 1 o'clock , but ho had not been there. A searching pnrty wont out yesterday , but they got no tld- leg. ] of the missing man. It oooms that ha has been subject to funny opolls here tofore , and was wonr to go away for throe or four da ) a at a time , when no ono know where ho would bo. Mr. Gothlng is on export chemist , and a regular gradu ate from the pharmacy at Cincinnati. His homo is in St. Joe , Mo. , and It may bo that there Is where ho has gono. MAY MISEEABLES , What the Police Force HAS Been Do ing ( or the feast Thlrty-ono Dayu- "Thirty-one nrreeb have 1 made dur ing the month , " said Officer Buckley yes- Lerday , "and if anybody can beat that let him hold up his right hand and take the rake. " But no ono could beat It , though Roundsman Whalon , with twenty- nlno marks down to his credit , gave the gentleman a clcso rub. Just to BGO the record of every man on the force , Jailor Stewart went to work last night and Dgurod up the number of arroats made during the month of May by each man. Following Is the result : Brady 13 , Bellamy 0 , Burdleh 21 , Buckley 31 , Bloom 17 , Whalen 29 , Sulli van 12 , Maralyn 10 , O'Boylo 1C , Lowrey 5 , MoBrldo 7 , White 2 , Matzor 20 , Jas- person 10 , McOormick 5 , Howies 5 , Ful ler 15 , Donohoo ID , Kerry 15 , Hinchoy 15 , Kennedy 1G , Crawford 15 , Turnbnll 3 , Donovan 3 , Slgwart 2 , Greene 13 , Wybun 7 , and Marshal Cummings 3 Plorronot has none because being ono of the jailors ho had no chance to get out. BY HIS B'ffLL-DOGr , A Watchman at tlio B. & SI. I-Velght Depot Sliot TrouRb the Thigh. Saturday night , about 8 o'clock , James Champonoy , a watchman at the B. & M. freight depot accldenially nhot himself qnlto badly la the upper part of his right thigh. Tbo accident occurred while Mr. Ohamponoy was In the privy , and whether the revolver fell from his pocket or ntruck against something that made it go olT ho cannot atato. After the ehot ho screamed and yelled until tire or three men could rim from the oflico and ats'st ' him Into the depot. From there ho was removed ti his homo on Lovonworth batwoen Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets , where Dr. Ralph was called in to examine and drees the wound. It nao discovered that the ball , a missel of 38 calibronizo , had entered the roar part of his right thigh , ranged downward and through to tbo front pait of hii leg , producing not only an extremely painful but cjnitu dangerous wound. Dr. Ralph probed several times for the ball , but coald not fled it. The man waj renting easy last night and reaction had commenced , but ho ia not out of danger by any moms. The Uoard of education will meet In its now rooms , at the corner of Sixteenth and Dodge streets , to night. Complete Treatment with Inhaler for every lorm of Catarrh $1. Sanford's Radical Oure , Head Colds , Watery Discharges from the NoBeipij Eyes , Hinging Noises In the Head , Nervous Head ache and Fever Instantly relieved , Clicking mucus dislodged , membrane cleansed and healed , breath sweetened , smell , tatta and bearing eetoroJ , and ravages checked. Coughs , Bronchitis , Dropping ) Into the Throat , 'alnslntheChett , Djspepala , Wasting ot Strength and Flesh , Loss of Sleep , eta. , cured. One bottle Radical Cure , ono box Catarrh * ! Sol vent and one Dr. Sanford'a Inhaler , In one package , of all druggists , for tl. Ask or SAXTORD' RADICAL CUBS , a pure distillation ot Witch Hazel , Am. Pine , Da. Fir , Marigold , Clover Blossoms , eta Form CBUO AND CUIMICAL CO. . BOStoU. Potter DruR and Chemical Colioston. New lift for Shattered 'lAerris ' , 1'atEful Muscle * and WoaVened Oiganr. Collins V'jlUio Electric Flister , In etactly aflects the ncrtoui yitora and banishes pain nmouenowatd debility. / vertuct Klto ro-Galranlo bat Ury combined with a hlghlj H , S , ATWOOD , Flattsmouth , Neb. Breeder of thoroughbred anil high grade Hereford and Jersey Cattle And Puroc and Jereay H < xl Swine , BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE Festival Conceit Tuesday , June 9tli , 1885. THEO. AND THE UNRIVALLED Tlxoinas Orchestra oi Sixty Musicians. Assisted by the following eminent soloists , who have repeatedly appeared with Mr. Thomas In his great festivals nod symphony concerts : MISS EMMA JUOII'Soprano. MISS UA.TT1E J. OLAl'PEK , Contralto. WM. J. WINOII. Tenor. MAX HEINIUOII , Bassrf , and Mme FU11SOH-MADI , Soprano. PRICES : Kesoived Seats , ? 2 , S1.50 Gallery , 50c. General Admlaiion , $1. Sale of seat ] will commence Saturday , Juno Ctb. NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL . . . . $230,000 SURPLUS NOV. 1,1881 - . 22,000 omcEns : S. W. YATK8 , A. E. TODZALIN , President. Vice President. W.V.MonaE , JNO.S.COLLINS , LEWIS S. RBEE 1C. K.HnydenAss't. and Acting Cashier. BANKING OFFICE : Tli © Iron Bank , OOE , 12th AND FAKNAM STS , A. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. INTEREST allowed on time deposits upon favorable terms and upou accounts of banks and bankers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE , Government Bonds and Count ; and City securities boucht and sold. In its treatment of customers the most lib eral policy is pursued consistent with safety and aound banking , and wo invite correspond ence or personal inquiry in connection there with. SPECIAL NOTICES. All adn ertiseinenti in the special columns iciH be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line for the first insertion , anil 7 cents per line for each subse quent insertion : No advertisement mil be inserted for less than 2J ccnti or the first time. Theteadvertisements willle inserted in both Morn- ng and Evening Editions , representing a circula tion of over Eight Thousand. This class of adver tisements must positively be paid in advance. TO LOAN MONEY , to loan On Real cstvto [ n any amount and MOSFV to suit , ft om $30 to 91000. On collateralon thirty to ninety dajs time , In sums of fifty dollars and upwan's. On chattel' , In sums of fit a to fit o hundred dol- ars at low ratcsand time to suit. Miscellaneous. Mortgage ; , ccurod notep.clty claims and judgement bought , advancns made to contrac tors , and general llnanclil buslnecs of all kinds trans acted promptly , quietly and without delay , at tbo Omaha financial n.xch ngelEOJFarnamSt.up stairs. 657-SO TITosBY to loan In sums ot $200 md upwards on 1YJ.first-class real estate security. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam st. 61-tt LOAN One flist class socutlty , $150 } for 6 joais To Ames , UC7 Fa-nam st , C3S-2J > BTTOLOAN On rial estate security. In sums MO ot $300 to 140,000 , at reasonable rates. O. E. Ifayno & Co , 8 W cor 15th and rarnam. SCO11 ] / In amounts to suit , on chattels , MoJiBYTOi/OAs anv goodbecurlty. Omaha Finan cial Exchange , 1503 Farnam it. , up stilre. ISBJBp VTONEY To loan on chattels. Woelley & Harrison , M Itoom 20 , Omaha National bank building 917-tf tTONEYTO LOAN On real estate and chattels IVI I ) . L. Thomas. 018tf. uONri 1II Money to Loan-On chattel secuilty by W. H. Crcf t , room 4 , With- cell building , N. E. corner 15tn and Huncy A ( er years of exporieneo ard a circful study cf the busl nesi cf loaning money on personal property , I hao atlaet perfected n system wtiere"y the publicity usual in such cage * Is donn aitay withand I nm now In a pos tlon to meet the demands of all ho become tempoiarlily embarrassed till desire to raico money without diliyund In a rju'ct ' manner. Hoiiseiccp- ers , protection il gentlemen , merhaniciand others In this city con obttln a1nccsfrom $10 to $1,000 on euch eecurity as houjehald furniture , pianos , ma chinery , horses , wagons , wirohouso receipts , secur ed notoitf hand , etc. . without renring eame from ownes residence or place of business One of the adxantazejlofter la that any part of any loai can be paid at any time which will reduce the interest pro rata and a'l ' loans received at the original rate * of Intnres' . I hate no brokers In connejtlen with my cilice , but personally superintend all my loins , I have prlMte olllcos connected with my general oflico so thai customers do not come in contact with each other , consequently iraklug all transactors strictly pilvate. W. II , Crolt , room 4 , Wlthncll building , N. E. ror. Uth aril Ilarney. 637-j < 4 to loan oa furniture , horses , wagoni.planos personal property , collateral ! and anything o. value , ever ) thing strictly conude' tial ; Koods Finan ( clal agency John fSchminki , Cashier. 233 JU \/fOKRt Loanel on nhtttels , out ratn , II. II iVI tlokoU nought and sold. A. Fortnan,21S S , 13th St 107-tf LOANED at 0. F. Reed itCo'e. Loan office MONEY , pianos , horses , wagons , personal iroperty of all kind * and all othe riitlcles of value , rithout removal. Over Ut National Bank.oorner Ittb nd Farnam. All business strictly confidential BRO tf TO LOAN In eutni of (200 and upward O. r. Davis and Co. , Bd l KiUtt and Lear Mrnti , 1605 Farnam S . WANTED FEMALE HELP. ANTro SKouilimikii : good wages ; Omaha Era- Wfl incut Iluruiu , 1110 fa nam St. 781-tf _ w Irst-clm cixik , htst Vingen p.ld , HH In mm lUcbardson , 17CUI Dodge bt , 78P-30 'A tKD llircu Bklca bdlia at the I'.lr , 1414 Far W ii.mbtriU. 801-30 TXTANTKD Oood elrls for 40 of the lint rrivato fam VV HUH | n tlilt city : wigoi 83 , 81 and 85 per wetU. Omaha hinriloj-mont llurcau 1UO FarnamUt.78Mf 78Mf II/ANTKO Qotil elrl for Keneral housj wcrW ] 00t V Farnam. 775-tf Twoapprentlvsaad ono geol dreis W ; ru.lol60SIavenprrt 769 ! 0p \\7 AvritD A neat capable plrl for general hou'e I \ work In small faicllv ; gcod watber and Ironer , 801 south 18th bt. 7C3 SOp WiWoman cook and din'tig ' roon > ; < < lrl 411 south 13th itreet 700rlp Wiw w -One first-class dining ruom girl at thi City Hotel , 229 Ip ( TAXTtuAgirl todukitchen work : aptly t the T Cozzcnu. 723-tf l7"iMKD-aiil for generil houjo work at Mil Et " - 70JSOp to do eercral bousonorkj pp"y tt Mrs J Cotter , to2 > chcruitu A > e , tJ7 t tr AMfi ) Uo-id cliT lor general home work ; ap IT ply Fred Drexel , cuccr 10th aniVillliuu. . BJl-tf \V LT'Avrno-At once , a good wet nurie 102 , 25th at corner Dodge. I49t ( VV \V ( rirlJ , experienced cooks ; Omahri hrnploymtnt flurcau , 110 Farnam St. "Ot-tt \ITASTitD tlnt-clars dining room girl at the Uct- ropolltan hotel ; none her need apply. 82t tl WANTED by Kensington Att Co. , femtto help In all parts ol tljo country , to do our light , plcatant woik at their homes , feat by mall to any addices , no cam aw sir , easy to learn and any cno can own from 8 Mo $10 pir week. For lull Informa lion addrc s Kenilogton AttHooms,33 ConRr s lit , , Host on , Mtss Box 078. U9fl-S0p WANTED MALE HELP. \\TANTKD-25recntowoik en Sioux City and V i rjclffo 11. K. Free ttantportatlorj. Omaha Employment Agency , 1221 Farnam SI. (00-1 WANTKD-Oool lite rainasser In Nebraska ; apt ly to C. K. M } ne , 16th and rat mm ktte.f. 802-2 w IAtrrn Qood tailors at220Farnam street , nar 13th St. ISO 30 ) A Rioil Inker can find employment nt WAMRi Mr LcnUlnjor , (31 IlroaJway , Council niufTi , loira. "V\7"ANtU ) A ilm class tniltr by the montn. ApT - T > jl ) at thoFamous Clothing ration , 1310 Doujf IIH 790-1 A coed barber 1120 Tarnam St. W St.783tf 783-tf L'atptntcr tor a few dijs work cither WAXTKD or without tools. Inquire at Financial Exchange , 1503 Farnam sttcct t cmorrow rrornlrg from 11 to 1 , or on Monday. 791-30 9-Oood Rklit trimmer and waist maker. AmlyatN Wcoraerof Da\onpoit and K St. Anderson lllock , room 1 and 2. 763 Sop D Oood can > asscr > , three dollars a day ; somttblngiiow , iclls In every house , 118 north ICtb , Ui-ktalrs. 768-lp WAvritn-An aftont In every county to cell "Daisy 1'illow Sham iMltcr. " Address W. p. Mellor , 8Uta Agent , m tf 16th St , Omaha Neb. 721-lp WASlvn By cm of tbo larscsb aril oldest whole- ( els clothing houses of I'D lalelphla , asilcsnikri torcprcson t them In this state. ADplloitlons Mill bo comldercd from such only as can furnish apprcncil security ; fcr sample &o , and pay their onn imcllnRCXpcrxcs The neuse Is willing to pay a \ cry liberal c * > mmlsilon and to the rl < ilu man a iplcndld opportunity offers. Address P O Il x 1105 PhiUdefphU , Pa. 653-0 ICUlt clgarmtners wanted. Unqnlro of Geo. D. Gcdfroy , Fremont , Mob. 070 2 W PAVTKDActho salesman 105 North 18th.f . f > 03-j2p w AKTFD Fhogocd paper hanger at 418 North ICth street. 312 tf WASTRII Lhe ( nonctlcmtu with liorso and o r- rlngo to haidlo flrst-cla9 < article tlnoueh the countrj ; cill at onco. 0. M. Eaton , 111 S. 14th. 310-H SITUATIONS WANTED. ANTKD Mtuatlon 13 house keeper or nurtc. Address W dress ; J022 Uarnoy St. 7S8-6p WAKTKD By an oxpcrtcncoi nnrsa , situation ID care for n Invalid lady cr childrenor as houao keeper. Addro'S for eight daj , "Nurjo" Bso offlco 378-1 _ WAVTKD-SHmtlon bya joung man in a grocery f tore , hi" had omsldenblo rxpcilence ; best of refercnc8. Address "A. G. E. " Bee olQce. 751 3D WANTBD Situation bj a young man to work around the hocso , can f Lrulsh lust of references. \ dilreiT 0."BeooHlcc. 710-t < p MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTXO A gxod second band > -abyoirrI > gc. Ad- trots ttatln ; price ic "W. " B & M Headquar ter j. 774-H'p W ASTRO-All persons wantlrg help or situatlonsas toik-kc persoshlcri' , tlnjC'lo'pors , bill and intryclerk * , etc , , waUhuion , porters , teaiisters , ; eachmen , Janitors , onglcoerj , firemen , butlerswait. in , bartendersjoanir men for vvholejolo and rctill Irms , etc , , cte Apply at the Omahi Employment iurcau , IliO Farcam ot. 784 tf W MKD Tohny drug stock In same Hvo town in .Nob Address thU ofllco "A. 5 , cr A. 5" Post ifllce. 79l-2p WAUTED-Mlod u Bg > man aod wife ; man to tend sbcup and gencrtl firm work ; woman to keep louse must ho a good cook , clean and smart , steady Lome ami Rood nay Kansas. Inquire 14th and Far- iam. A U. llorio. "A child can buy as chctoan a nan" Bets andeho : ; . "CO 1 WANTPO T\\oplen9int furnlshtd roomslnarrl- v ate family with or n'tbout ' beard by two ycung ( cntlorccn. Address " 3. " Paxton hole' . 740 30p WAMRD For a cintorcer , a furnished hdu o of 7 to 9 rooms with all coDvcnienc ° 8unUlfJcto cr ; : iest ot references. C : E. Mayno & Co. , Itth and farnam. 732-2 WAMKD - Two unfurnished rooms , with board fer irentlemtn and wlfewfst of Sixteenth and 8. ) f ra'ifornla preferred. Address "Prtrnpt 1'av" P. 3. Box 304 , city. 502 tf YJ17AMFD A second cook at tbo Emmet House. VV . WAhutn lOOT'ams for Holaredge , Nob. , on B. & II. U. H , no otllco fees and free transporta tion , 1120 Farnam st. 013 tf A OKSiTwASTFn. Address tit Louis Elcctrlo Lamp /\Co , 8t Lculi for circular , cuts and terms ol the S3 candle povtor Mavsh Electric Lamp 311-J12 WANTED Everybody to try our Prepared Corn Heal , ready for Instant use with the addition of milk or cold water. Put up In 3 and 6 Ib. ptcktges. Sold by grocers * W. J , Welihans & Oo. , Manufact urers 970 tf W ANTED Kvery ady In need of a sewing ma chine , to see the new Improved American No. P. K. Flodman & Co. agents ; 220 N 16th. o52tf FOB RENT HOUSES AND LOTS. I OR HUNT A fi room cottage on Ta\cnport nuar F 26th bt. C. E. Mi } no & Co ,15th and F'rnam. 803-2 ViR RFST A 'hreo rwm hors > corner 6th and fierce Bt. laquro 601 South 13th st. 770-30o TTVH HALK Flnu resiicnee , moilcrn ImrrnvcmeDts , I1 flnu view conterly locatc.1 ; price 810COO. A'lilrcsj ' P. W. " Bee n lei > . _ _ _ 778 tf * TTOR RUNT Furnished hsuse 0 rooms corner King Jf St. , a"d Pat'icka\e. 767-3p on RENT Two fl\o room houses. Call at 2716 F nwcrth street. 7C5-lp FOR UKNT < mwhnnro3rooms , 2 closets , cellar ; on Fouth Walnut St Inquire of Aug. I'anilow IJ17 Ch'cago Pt. 703 IP TTIOR RKNT Six room cotta < 8 N W corner ? 4th and V Davonnnrt 8 ' 5 per month. Apply to E. n Chip- m n , 1217 Howard St. 743 tf Onltroctc'r Ilm Norlh nmaha , lur- FortiWNT nlihod lirii'o 8 rnnnu $35 per month. C. E. Mayno & Co. , 16th and Parma. 83 ] 2 RTWT House 7 rooms S4th and Harccy hy O. FOB Da\li , Co. , W7-tl FOR Rf\T ° imll Rtililo 1012 Farnam street ; In- nulroofPr Unctnam , Cor 15th and Tariuin COQtf FnuKKXT Abousjof Oroomi R olnssts , well , rls tern , ono block nouthof the U Pdeeot. Inquire of U tee , erocer , 22d and Leavenworth. 613-tf TT OR IIKNT - room pottle on California itreet , JO between ? ith and 26th ctrcetg. P J Creed nn. 410 tf nif T Cottasre 6 roomi aud house 7 rooms. J Fm I Roe , 1612 S. 6th St. S8Ut TTIOB. RR.ST rhreo story hrick store bulMlng ; en- r quire of Edward Norrls il Co. , room 19 Crounse ninnV _ _ 053 tf JlOOMSJTOn RENT. _ TTViR RBXTEleirantly furnlbhed fnmk roam 710 N. L1 17th. Look at It. 767p Tpou RPM Two tlegant f urn'shed ' ro TS 1005 Dodge P Hirict , ono block Heitof P. 0. All modern Im. rovcmtnts. 770-SOp iR RKM NlM furnlihed reomi and day beard , L1 can ba bad nt No. 1418 Dodge it. 785-Cp FOR RRMI-A Urgt hind'omely furolihxl room , bath room , I723 Cajliol ave. 764-SOp n BKKT Nlcelvfnrnljhod rocm 1613 DcJeo. r ' Parlor bed room , priviterntrince.vround . Oeotlcmtn preferred , N. W. corner 17th ted Davenport. 76130 OR BBKT Pleatint furnished rcom at SzlSOass st 7aj-lp OR RUNT Kurnlihfd rooinand board Qte dolliri F per wok ; but locality , 1614 Davenport. 7(3 4p FOR BILVT Furnlihed rooms with modern coinen- liucm , ( ; r fcntlenicn onlj ; references. required , 1718 Caw st. 737-SOp f7 > ot KKNT Keens la new I ullJlrj ; oornor cf IBIh 1 ? and II ckrry ttre t > , room In liable for one ho oin ua obtained ; city water , Inqulieonlheprcmlseii , 7W-SO ( , OR HI-NT TwjlunJscme luuilatod roooil , Eail side ol 21ft street , lecond doot north ot tit Mary'i tvenue , 616 SOp IroaKKVT A | ] iaut rrom for one or two gentle 1 men la private family with bat-s and board 141 Jones St. 733-1 p F OR HKsr- Boom u ith Uur J tumble for one or tw i ten lemin , 1812 Duilfe bt. 7W tt FOB MM large larrlthoJ front room , closet , hit tetu , * ih sttnd and omrtbiatr. convenient with luard for f I 2i t r week , gl\o > tiltl and r > ee lei ycurstlf , 13ISlap1tola\c. ! 747-Sp FOR RUNT T\\o clcifiritlv furnl r\til rooms tcrmi reasonable , (119 K. IDtli St. 714-SOp "IOR RR.ST Ploarant furnished front room 411 8 I6th I1 Street , opposite Herald cilice. Oil-SO i Inon BRIT Larje hindsomctr furnlihod cool room 1 modern oinvenloie * , with excellent board ffr two gottlcmcn , 1718 Doden 637 tt FOR Rim Hoom ; Inquire Drug store 10th iml Douglas cn-tl "IT'OR ' ifT A room for pentteman and wtlo or ( or JD two gentlemen , first-class beard 1822 Uurtst. 703tl i'OR RRVT t , rfrc front room on first floor with or with board ; inquire at 1501 farnam St. S8Mf [ 7 on HUNT-Furnished rooms , 1818 Dodge street. C 247-J10 FOB BUST Furnished rooms with or without board , 2112 Ilarney St , ono block from street oar. Mitt F Ion HINT With boixrJ.nlcely ( urnlthotl front room gal and bath , 14C Jones. 507 tl FOB Rixr rurnlshol rooms 1821 Ctpltol avo. 007 mtO FOll nF.NT-Niccly turnlihoa rooms 1617 Dave nnort 722.jBp p OOU8 With boinl. Joilrtblo lor mimmtr. 8t. Chatlos HetoL 911-tt FOll KENT Sovera flno cdlcos In Crounso' block , Inquire EJ , Norrls , room 19 Crounso blook 5(2 tl FOR S ALE PA11MS. Improicil farm 2(0 ftctca at JD Weeping Water , 3 Mocks ot Post office ; 170 acres 4 miles frcni Wccplrg Water , will Bell or tiado lor Omaha prnporty , W. II. Qroon , orir lit Nat'l Dank , OmahiNeu. 7s7-tf E > oa SALB Oood ( arm in nashlngton Co. ; 171 acres ; 80 acres oulthatodj Rood buildings ; Ono orchard ; running ; water ; all loucod. Edward Norrls Co. , room IB Oiounso Block. 47 < tt FOR BALK A 8)0 aero stook and grain larin , a'l ' tm- rro\cdfour ; Inurs'rlJo Iromtno Omaha Stok Ynrde ; Bo\cnmllca from thoo'ty ol Fremont ; two railroads within tBros miles ; 300 acres under plow , the roit In pasture ; bJird Icnco , runnlnc stream throuph imsturohou9o ; with ton rooms ; will be sold cheap II Baldiminedlatclv ; on terms to suit. For further particulars Inquire ol Qoo. 0. Orodlrov , Fio- wont , Nob. 167 tf FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. . -At alurgn'iiHSfcct ' fro FORBAI.At HltQBnullhouto , $2,800 , c 31110 lojo It. C. E. Mane & Co. , 16th an ] i'arnam ( K 012 FORSUK In tbo wto'cailo district on Ilarnoy St , nlot 41iI32 feet for $12,000 , ono loirth caili , ba < - anco on easy tcims. LobcckX Co , 1212 Karnim , corner 13th. 772-3 FOR BALU A fine rcMdcico jiroperty on California street , lot 81x13" , I hlaii tctu.lly $100CO ; much ICES will buy It II B > ld at once. K you want a eplondkl hoirolth every convcnlonccjdont neglect tl too us about this. C. K. Haj no & . Co. , 15th and Karnam. 735 TO Fen BILK Two loU 111 Hanscom place , ono block cfttt o ( Park gate , met front , corner lot , fenced , pitt cash. Addrccs * :0. : " 1 > 0 box 4S3. 780 Ip TjOR BALK Forty lota for fti'o on Hurt and Cumlnirs bitncon SOth and 31st cheap , inside property. I)3dlorc ! & Houcr. 7i 1 tl II'OR LEASH Host unoc upirUgrouid m the city for F warebouso houso.87 feet front on Ii\oinvJrth , north bet 10th and llth.Mlll loaiofor 99 years. Bed- fori & Soucr. COS tf TTtoB BALK 12 ( rood lots Mirlon place tbreo blocks J/ from street oirs on easy terms. W II Orcon , mot 1st bnl'l bank. 93211 FonBALit-sa feet oiCumlng ; bc'necn IBth andlQth wltb house , $2,709. Bedford & Bauer. MO-lt Fonsu.K-Cboin , $100 cish , ba'anca on monthly payments , some choice lots fronting on street car lino. Morpo & Brunner. B91-J2 FORSALF. Ssvcn room hTtiso , barn , and tuo lots. S2.2CO ; wnull take 8503 In re taurant fixtures , : icrar8 , etc. , $503 cash bahnco ou time ; apply 319 8. llthetrcet. 4H.m30 on SALR-Fho lota 4'3 130 ; together on Lcatron- north street ; beautiful locttion , 00 One- Ifiii-th ciish , balanoi on loag lime , easy tuiim. Cralle & Jones. _ TJ OBBALB Tnenty-twafoat on F rn\-n street , a C bargain K taken Immediately. W II Qroon9tf 9-tf FOB SALT : AC a bargain , three good houses 817 and 817118tb , Bouth of Tjcavcnworth ; rent $05 per per month ; prlco $5,600 easy pnjrnonts ; muit be ioU before Juno 1st Apply S. Morteusen , tailor , I41S F nmni srfo > . 131-p FOB BALK House full lot , well , clatorn , him , all In good condition , one block from street cars f 1,800 sa y terms. W II Green , over lit NatDank. rUt-tf FOR BALK Good B room house , lot 50x132 f > > eteas front , $1300 ; $100 cash , balance glS per month , tV. H Oreeo , over let National bank. SSltf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE A dressmaking establishment , lncluj- Ing furniture etc. , of flie room ? . Business cf 2fO , steaoy customers. Address Mrs "E. M W."Beo office. 760 5p | V > n SALK A flno douhlo harnees neailynow. Club 1 Stablu , 16th St. 652 4t > FORHALK ORTRADK A goad track sulky , Omaha Merchants hxprcss , 14th and Letuenworth. 683-Jlp ij < ci ] ALK-S3oUoilara Mill buy pool table at 1'acldc X1 hci , 10th and Dnenport , Umaha. 178-3Cp I Wegon umbrcllaj , flno new etojk at 1 140) and J4U Dodao st. 672 tf TT'OR SALK -A four hundred dollar piano at a bargain - gain , IfllO California St. 618-tf HU ' restaurant table < B-Eln'itmarbli ( ) top A. J. Mandtl , 325 Broiduuy , Ojuncll UIulTs. S5j-t Fen 8ALK-300.0CO brick , for sale at Ballevuo or Omaha M. T. Clarke. 2C6 tf FOR HALS Two No 1 pluotun one second hand bug try. Api4yl4C3 nd lUlDodzost. 145 tf REAL ESTATE. K A 40,00) utook of new hard- JL ware for good Nebraska land , A ULU farm for erocerios or oth r morrhacdUi. For sale A full lot and honsa on S 13tb tt , facing cant along car line , price 3,600. Fir stlo Two lets on Farnam at between 10th and 2Cth , 83f.03 o cli. For tale line reil-'eneo loti very cheap , In Hans- com Place. prlcjS560 , to SKO cacn. For sale Four ottagos , one 61,010 , ono for $2OJO ono for { 2 , ! 00 and one fur $2,701 ; To loan $2,010 on first-cla'scuv iccurlty. For s l Two flno rctldencs and full lots , onn nn DtYenportatiO.S 0 , and ono on Chlogo tt , at JO.OCO ia > y tcrinp. For ealj A fine rcsMence and 12 full lots In eplcn did Irctllty , for JID.OOO , f aiy terms. For sa'e Until and siloon In 1st c'ais locality ; re itluts $100 per day ; pi ice $1,600 , racy terms. For sale Pciutllul lots In l'tteitton'a Hub hlalon at $70 ] each , on rronthly payments of $10. Any per- on bujlng a lot In thlt addition will he asslatoa to build n nice homo and I will tale email moutnly pay. merits for same. Parties wi 1 he ihtwn iropertjln any par ) of the cltv free of charge. To rent ofllce , S10 per month , Address or rail upen 1. O. Patterson , 18th and Farnam St. 770 If .fBCUL bargains by Paulren A , Co. 6 chtlce loti on Michigan ave. , 1 t'luaro frcm Park avenue. Choice let ) with natural timber Inl'urrOak ? JOO Corner I4thandt'coter 8ltOO. 2Iot < l block from red llnu , well located , 4000 each ISOilfiO feet , frk Plaro. i , 03 2 lot ell rker'4 tub-ol\IslonJ50 etch , FOi'O fe.t oa 20th near kirn , 900. 83 feet front on Jones street mar 13th , J3.003 , gcoi ocatlon for wholrsile. Choice lot ouCeuttr , near 18th ; good hous ) ani 4 rhoice l'ts In Pi rr OaV tdd $ ! ,2CO. CrttOiiaOon 10th mar JUsin < 1,8CO. < 0ic > 27 feet , 1 square frrta red line , Bhlnn's first add ftlth 6 room cottage , well clitoru etc. , $2,360 ; 11,000 c u , 810 iur month can bo exchanged for Hlldland , 110x174 , Hurt street , Park place , gocd bouetUblo : to , $ ? , toO , cm bi ixclanged fir firm rhol.o loti on Cummlng itreet , O'NcU'i Sub-dMi- Ion. urifcct fronton 17th and Uthn lib 1 Orooir , tlo- gant hou urn 17th , and good oottiRo on 18th trect , itc. 89,000 ; thlalt one of trie beat bargalnaever offered 03x132 feet , oa't f ( lilt 18th near ( 'tutor , ( rood 4 rcom liouie.good laree stable S2.20D , i asy teniil. 767-4 PAUIi KN A. CO. , 1(13 Parnam St. ' Two full lots , home 8 rooini 12th aud F'rRHilK $5C03teimie ; sy. Twou'u/ouij In which to get a 7 room housi * , finest locatlcn In the city , Park avr , lotwoith t(0 , houM worth l , 0' , cm buy ill for $1,005 on eaii terun ; will | xwlti\ely bo withdrawn from tuirlxt next moodai , this Is a rate dunes t ) got B ulc > pleasant home chop Wo ha > e twi neatly new cottages ol 4 Cr6 rnooii , on lulf lots uiiH ulh a er ua tbroo blocks south tl St Mary'r , wlilob we caa eoll at birgilcg and on cat ) terms. 11 jcu want the prettlut coziest lltt'o cotttago In Omant , brand nev , nice lot with natural tree * , cltt water , half block fiom itrett van , net far cut 13,030 on very eny tsrao , 0 HUi > o iCe , Utli am 7MSQ FOR t * On south 221 t , oni4ro m an J one B , . roomejttiKo , barn , will , cl ern. & < ? , on tame lot , rent forttSperrmnth , rn'y $3.2W ; would Ml " " " r-Hirt 1.1M ) . l5l K rn m St. WOtf p Jtii-LolnMIII } lde aid chiartit and bc > Inside o's In tre city , 7fO ( o $550 * xclu lvo PutlrrACob1 ! . 051-lf F'OR sMt-7 room ooltxfre. wo I. bain art ! cistern , oa ISlhst'colO block * from shtpiJ.6tO , on easy terrrs. Potter &CobV)5l5 FarnamSt d tf IpoR HAM-Oni of flee.t residences la clty'nltbln , ljS,1'n.0'tcifflM'"l : > t90-rn > eno'J1 $15.000. Potter & OJbS , 1511 Fjrnam St. 043 If OR SAW -Three choked lots In Hanwm place M Potter ft Cobb. _ _ MAMOX rtAci-8 RM.1 lot ! In this addition with In S bucks of street cars , can bo had on cas < terms. Itt Jfat'l Bank. lll-tf Wr. crrr.n. TOR sAli-Eait hall ol block S Smith' . add , too fe t front , two aero lots , tlccst In Omaha , full MOW ot city i nd DIiiUs , ' making 10 lots I6J feet etch , will sell ball or all. Ixitj 44 and 00 , Ndjon's add , 8700 * ach or wll oil half of ilthcr ; Lots ( rx45 Kounlt's Id add. nea Bth anrl Center , ? IOO each. Lot C , block i , Keuntt's th add , being store en I0th st , full lot $2f(0 , also lot 0 sure blook $1,850 Two ! ot < In H uth Omaha , bj Gixidnnn's , with house , oicliard , cittern , and well , all $100. 18 are acre lets In VlneliDd , 6 mlies notth city limits ovcilooMrg city and lllufTs , $16 per tro. Lots 10 and 11 , bloct 19 , Hanscon place icry sightly , S'.HM ' for b"th. Half acre HO f ot front blocks , Park pUfo , with house , barn , well. nd clsterr. Corner , Slots In Haw t&ci no on Cast ' ( t , OiO for both cto cto. , Call and see us , Dex'cr U Thotaas & Bro , Pc F.stitc ; lloorufl CrcUbton I lock. 678 tf . , 1603 Flrnam t Omaha House and lit on nouth Eighteenth St , ? l,05a " " " ' ! Twentieth " ,81 , < 00. 3hou > es " Dodganfar " th St , ei.EOO. S old In Hanscom Plica , each , g 828. Hnuioand lit on 1'nrk aMinuo , $4,100. " " Da\ciiort | St , S12X ( > 0 , " " " ' " . $ 2,100. " " ' eouth 13lh " 3 4 000 IP.OOJ acres of hnd In Boone county , $7 to $10. 20,000 " " " Station " $7 to $12. Land In XIadlsoa , Wnj ne , Tl > tto and Hall counties on easy term' . Itonot loaned on long time , 60 < tf ITiOU PALE By ilorto k Brittincr A full lot on I1 10th St near rarnam _ t. A gicat bargtln at $15COO. 1'OH BALK 08 ( oet on Jones St. , n crrncr. a splendid p'acc for a ware house or floe looitlon for Jobbing house IlemirKaMy cheap at S'.fOO. FOll bALK-FinobuMrnBalotfCxUO n 13th St imr PItro St. , tcrnir Is only jaitly impro\cil aud renting for $10 ptrmoilh , $5.000 FOll HALE Kino prop-rty on Dodge and Uth streets , SjFOU SALK A choleo torctr frt fctt front oa Uarney Et , a good ImevUuont at$14,000. FOll SALF I splendid curlier1 * n riirmin St near thonowcouit house , KOU SALh Some line bmlno'a lots ono a ( oilier on 10th St. , frara $ ) ( WO to S3 1 ( W c < xa FOll RLK One ot tin llncet rcsdtnces In the clM , foil lot , an elegant Loic , contully tnJ beauti fully located. roilALK-132 feet tquaro in a swItcH ally , a corner. Viry cheap $3fOJ FOll SALK A splendid tor-f ron 'Oth St. south of Cumlrgs 13 ! ia > t front , $ } , & 00. EFOH SALE 132 feet sqoaiu s.mth front , a corner on C'lfomiaEt ,3 bucks froiiltrdctr line n fine locution , fcr. i block o' ' Dfwll "ront hick hrusrs , will rent itaillh- 850 to too j-cr month Hcmaik- ay ) cheap t 5,000 FOR SAtiK A rorntrlotn il homo on PoJgeSt , noir ( Oth M , lt 4C-75-biih lorrurs nm hat J to get 55,600 FOll SALE House mid lo's of cIlMeirrlntloim In ' ! torts of the city at ] r.cts ml I > CUOIM : | to suit all purchasers. FOIl HALE A sIcndU ( ottase , lot 30x157 , a blook and ahalt from hod car line , $1,000 , will ecll an monthU pajrumU FOll 8ALK > e two ttory loa'o D rooms , lot IO\I27 , ono block an la half finui Saucihrs st , easy terns , 81,000 FOKSALrt Anurnhcrofon cho'co lots In Han1 icom Place , Helmh ugh place , Ucdick'a subdlvliion indalldailrib'o'addltioiii in the city at prices I many instanc ! s below any ens else , Aim potno flnu list tnd south front lot ] on KeJ Car Hi o In I ' .it rick's idditlon on the most fi\orable terms , the cheapest : f any lots In the city considering ttrcet car couvin- : nccs , &e. FOR KENT Hon'cs and etorcH In all rtarts ot the J ty. MORSE & mtUNNEK. i-1 00 Paxton's Mrck cor 16th A Fnrnam. yrrciAi. Bargains In r-siJouco property offi rod by O MrCazue , cppcs'.le Past otllco. 143 fooifrint on South 13th , blooKfrom car line , noirly throe loti. ; cod cottage , fruit , trees , fine \ lew only 52,600 , ? r cut oargaln. Corner property In Shiin's a Ic' , good c'ttigo and itableSl.EOO , cosy montlt'y pajmenls Flno oppor- untty to get a geol homo at Iciest and easy tcrmi. Uortcrlot noir High frVual , with two cottages , jlo-k from car line , $1000 Oood Income frcm ental. Oood eight room house , full lot on Gocrgla me. , icar Hanscon 1'irkdeslrable for a bouic , $3,000. Cottigoand full corm r lot on south 19lhtwo blocks Iromctr line ; roieonablo rrlcij and tcrrap. Two let * , cottaro , barn , 14th and Hlckorr.barga'n. T opood rcbldencaprnpertlcalnilillirdplico two iloiks from St. Marts ate car lino. I cut will. Firm residence iriMillird jihce $ ' ,000 Nine rcom borne and full lot on car line In Slilim'.s idditlon , $2,600. Otlurgoodreiidense same addl- juo. juo.Bargains Bargains Inacint lot ] In ell the leading addition ! . 70M Jt. RILKT tico. Ms Linds Loans , 21G south ISthst , between Farnam and Douglas. Lands L.OHII' , taw. $2(00-Two of b-st resldcDco lots In thu : lty. 81,60) Beautiful corner residence lot , n bargdn. $1 000 Corner lot on draco sticct , desirable loca tion for residence. $800 Desirable resilience on 22d st , nearSt car. $3OCO-S3 ( eet , business location on Cubing Bt , paved. 81 , 00 Nowhcuse 4rojms. cellar and cistern , full lot , 2 blocks from > treet car ; easy payments ; a great bargain. Farnam street business property thai will double n value In txvo 3 ea-s. $30COtoloan. J. E. Ulley &Co.,215 South 13th itrcet. 60 : tf BUSINESS CHANGES. FOR BALK Uruz store In a desirable locality , wll Invoice about $1.600 KO Patterson , NE corner 13th and Farnam 4BB tf , SALE Or exohango a full stock of clothing ' boots an J shoes , gent' furnishing goods , will ex. change for Nebraska Lands. Q. U.PotersonE04S , 10th Kt , Omaha , Neb 016 tf F'OR BILK O oixl business In Unnhi ; uro'Jts oa per lent ; capital required , thrco or four thousand JolhiB Fcruons incanhig buulntsj , address Lock Dux 301. lies Mollies. Iowa. 202 Jll ti OUSALK \ wo I osubliihed tailors buaineis tie- IT twcojuow and Juno 16th , low rent ; good loca tion ; hold lease of store for two jenreouly ; email o > p < Ital rpniilrcd. Address' N. O. " foe nfMco. 1324p R HJLR < \ will istablierivd bakery. Address "K. " this ofllco. 126 J-4 I.'OR BALK on KxcilANOK ( la part ) for restauran J1 furniture ? roomed house , birn and two lots. Apply - ply 318 unulh llth r-t. ICfl mKO I01' BALM lu iMklanu AUO titai-cluumeat market P ai o the furnl uroot the St Paul hotel. For par. Llculars , Inquire or write Wiggcro it Uehllug.Oakland Mob. 074-m9 GROOEIUES. PKICE LlsT-Of W. Il. MoUor'd Grocery House. 13 Ibs Oranulit'd Sugar 9 1 00 12 " CutloafSugar , 100 K "Flno pandeicdSugar 100 COFFEE. 8 Ibl good Rio coffee 1 00 7 " Ooldcn Bio ocffoe ICO 7 " Ked rotated coffco - 1 0 ( 6 " best routed coffee 1 ( X 4 " extra Jara office l (0 ( 3 " best Java coffee l C ( 21 " best Ja a and Mocha coffjo mixed 100 TEASi 1 Ib need Japtn , . SC 1" best uuculo el Japan 8 1 " best Kng'tih breakfast . . 8 1" choice Kunpowdcr t SYUUl'3 , 1 keg best Homy drip , , 2 0. Iketrbest Homy drip 16 1 gal New Orleir.s o 1 OalHtrlctly puio marie , lee 1 Oal Vermont maple In cans t 1 Gal Hock candy. . l nicE. . ? Ibs best Carolina rlco l oo .3" " kouls'anarlos ' 11 SOAVS. 4 b n German Mottled 26 6 I'cnrl . _ 2 8 ' Pilm. 23 CANNED 0001)3. 1 can S Ib Tablj Peacbel , 1 1 1 1 Standard Tomatoes . n 1 " " Pumpkin . . . 1 1 " " Apples . M . 1 1 " corn , . . . . . . li 2 " Ua'ptorrloj . 2 1 French Peas . & 1 Miibh'ooui lot Ooonbeirioi , b t TUtckUriles ! 6 2 ii cu'riumbs , 20 BUNDIUE3. 1 bottle choice I'.cllss { 6 1 0,11 Huoct I'ota'oes , 15 8 Ib Jtlly. ( chclco ) 6 8 baies IMUourg Lye 26 S Iba Baking Powder 25 g II il Ii J ( rowValcnch lUUjnt 25 i c Prunes , 26 1 drlel Ilickbcircs 26 dried api'lo * ( evAforated ) 6 dried putchia , ! 6 Nmj bums 25 Oraoiciiby the bcx. 07 UEATS. Sugar cured treikfast bicoa M.I.I 11 Bu.-urcurcJ Him ) 11 Dry t lt 0 OTHER OOOD3. 1 broom . . . , , , - 1 cccKlriet6 broom IS Ibcitcarpit broom. . . . ' ' | j ( 4p po aNattonel ysajt . . , , . i ' l emb brush :2 0 In SlUtrcIcrs starch . ' " " i ? 8 hoxoj corrnUrch ' JB 1 Olbboxtlo Bttauh . . _ . . " ftS 1 Mtfamlr n 1 gaMlnr-gar. Sc 1 wah board . ; ? INaltub - . . . . . ! 1 ro 1 No. Stub S INoS. tub , , ii ' ' ImopMlok , , SJ 1 l rjo , clothes liasVot | . ' . | ' M ' ' 1 ran condcnvd milk . , _ . cX 2 Ib Jelly in Jus . . . , " " ; Jj This Is only a vorysm ll list of the tcty l rw stook loury , hulnstthelargS't Ktockto cloo > from In the cUy.l can and will i lie bitter Induoimenli than ant other hcmo In the city Call and co mo and I will sa o you frcm 10 toSAper cnt. Ilcmcmber the Plara lligFarnani St W. H. Mottcr , Suooewor to J.Il. French .t Co. nn'Jv..1 ? ! , " _ " * * * " ' ' oorap'o' ' ' " P'lco lilt rualltd free TO EXCHANGED Nobiaska Undi and lmprc\cdtow " " ? * < llM ot uu lno ' Addrow , 1203 Douglas tt. OJOJ5 rpp i ciiAvan-4ia acres well Improxxl land ! rnllo L from or. Iowa , for a stock ol general tncrchan. dlie or hardware. Address John Underholra , Ei e % " * * _ . _ _ tVU tt T > RRRONAb-M'r8 Ti M.Hoj.or. i and healing medium , o > or 710 Nonh Iflhst _ _ 5J2.J81 r\R. A cini9lKRMKiD-M gnclio phj.kla'rii test and JLdo clo , Ing medium , o > crO IB north ICth St , TNBTltUTK Hotel , fI'micrFjCro Khtbfl"hoiiso , newly JL furnished ; term ) moJorato , isth aud Capitol a\e. 4i8-)17p ) BOARDING. rnRRii11'drlor Itcstaurar t , I lliardby tbo cnV , $3.2J. Mo lllcxct , S'.CO SlnelomeiU , 15 contp. lor N 10th street , nctr Dodgo. 713.Juno-2ff 1013 OUKAM I.1RR.1U Icocroam plea and cake * every davr 1 prcmptly attended to. Carl Schrald , 80 < south 'BthBt ' _ up.- , , . LosT-Ah'ack horse , ono hind fo ot white on forolie dand note. Fred Kummtll , Jtaxcnworth and 7lh It. 777-SOp Fousn Gents' undi > rw cor The owner omlme t'osirco hvpnufnsr property and pa > lrgtora > l- crtUcmcnt and trouble , mint plctts mirkcd nlth Kvnrr'd InltlaU. Imiultu if E. I ) . II attheCDnflcld louse. 709 30p LosT-Saturdiy morning Jf y SOth , between the Gnxcrnmciit Corral an i Wakr9 < ldi Lumber Vtrl , loithcr poc ct book containing two notoi and i nil amount of money. Arowaidwlll be rn'd ' for bo return of same to Fred No'son , B13 N 10th St. 706 2p - hind catchel containing a small Jsuin of money , and some trunk ko\n > aluablo lone t the owner. A llbcril reuaulvlllbopnldon pturn of tamr , or kojs only to Mrs , J. W. Paddock , 017 Capitol avo. 710 28p IlAKits up Friday morning , a bay horeo atout n no Ljetraold Owner ran Imo came by ropcitv and pacing costs. Joseph Warren , Blue Urn , ICth street bttw ccn Ca ; Itol ax onuo and Dodge. 771-2 n Tuo3lay May 2tth , from r rimlics f un- Eod , 8fd street near JL'iu euporl , a dark bay iocy about 10 3 can old , largo whltispot on fore- itad , thrco legs white , mtrio dark. Itenard for In- crmallon byFiank l'chic. 717-20p FAhK.s ui' A roan horse , B whlto IORS , hto ! spot in light knee of fore leg , blazed ftco Oucor anhi\er < am > by pairgo9sts. CcarU Cell , Sara- oga I'rcclcct , mile aud a half west ot Bar at on a School louse 70l Dpp I ) ROOD MARIS Parties wishing to ptirch 'o brood D rnares for ranch purpvos please call at Hainan' * .U cry ( table. 413 no ilh 11th atrc jt , O.nilu. 802-tf "IliKWgiUKRTAci , doca nut giro you heart-hum. lagsiedeemedat one cent , eaoh by the dealers. 'tyoho Bros. , Aeonti. 683-tf ASIUEK On Elkhorn nun 1'laite. T. Murray. SOO-ti IIP.W BILNKR TAO. Its fruit flavored , tags redeemed Ratine cent each by the dealers , 1'ojclto Bros. gents. 633-tf on banjo gltcn by O E Ocllon- beck , at 1110 Capitol ac. . 430-tf VER IAO , It rieesnot taint the breath , tags /rodccmedat ono : ta tch by the dealers. 1'cjck Iros . Accnts. 883 tt vaults , > nd ccsapiols cleaned at shortest no tice any time of the day , In an entirely rdorles8 ay Ith our Improved pump and dcntRn appara- JS , all places cl * anod by us dttonfectod tree , charges asonablo. A. Evan * , 12C8 Dodge street up stairs. 248-11 ' REST Nice 7 roc m cottige on Content streo1 ; city nater and cistern. Inqulra at Ticket odlce , . B24 Farnatn St. 8'0-tf r > RIVT , vaults , sinks and cesspools cleaned at the L shortest notice and satisfaction guaranteed by F. Abel. P. O. Box 878 4DO-m2p Summers& Jennings Juil , Western Agts. Iron , Eteel a s , OaUanUed lrn , 1'at Stove. Pipe us , Etc. Growl's Patent Iron lloollng. ) nly double capped corrugated roofirjgand ; the inly ono prepared by the manufactureB ready or'laying. I'laln tmd corrugated Iron Iloof- Ing , Point , 15tc. Send for circulars. lu 11 Douglas tft. Omaha , Nob. THE ONLY KXOIiUblVB IN OMAHA NKI1 ItEMKUY FJIKK. Avlctlm of youthful Imprudence , jauiinu 1'remature Decay , r rvou UeblWr , Ixjat Manhood , Ac. , having tried In vain evorjr known remedr.ha * discovered aslmplomeaniiof no INcuro , which ho wllUcnd KIIEB < l > hl followutrfr r . Make No Mistake ! Tip-stairs , Upstairs Misfit GlothingPat lor 1312 Douglas Street Up-stahs : , TJT-stairs. ) Make No Mistake