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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1885)
6 THE DAILY BEECOUNOIL BLUFFS THURSDAY MAY 14 , 1885 THE DAILY BEE. CJQWOIL BLUFFS , Thursday Morning , May 14 SUBSCRIPTION HATE3. fl . - - eonH pe k BT C l - - - - By IUU - . . . . . . . . . . 110.00 p r yeu MINOK MENTION , Ed 0. Dako loft last evening for a nook's visit to Illinois , where his nlfo it visiting. There are 127 now cases filed in the District Coart , the May term of which opens next Monday. The Standard base ball club , of Chicago cage , oto making arrangements by which they cxpoct to play here during August. N. L. Hall , who used to bo in the Pa cific honso billiard parlors , la now to bo found by hla friends In Illgglns' , at Omaha. Miss Potter has appeared 1,700 nights , mostly In European and eastern cltlot. Aa an impersonator and dramatic artist nho Is uneei llod. At Dohany's , Thurs day evening , May 14th. Admission , DO conta ; children , 25 conts. A legal notice sent out Into Mills county for service has boon returned by ono of the constables there with the fol lowing return on the back : "John ji Smith not booln in This kounty coed not git survlshi wife not booln here jane is not his wife so 1 coed not norv on hor. " The chair sociable of the Young Men's Christian Association re sulted In the donation of 125 moro chairs for the room , thus helping the as- 1 sedation greatly In Its efforts to accom- odato the crowda which gather to its weekly entertainments. I , The little daughter of Lieut. Gov. t Manning , who , with her parents , was hurt in the runaway last Sunday , la still suffering fiom the Injuries , but Is gaining , and no serious result ] are feared. The governor and hla wife still fool the effects of their fall , but will soon have fully re covered. Peter Jensen has boon complained offer for burglary , the charge being made by Dotty Larson , who thinks that Jensen was the follow that entered his store on , Broadway last Friday night , and stele 1 Borne oranges and candy , to the value of $5 or ao. The case Is before Justice Schurz , whs fixed Jensen's bail at $200 , and being unable to famish the amount , Jensen went to jail. f&Thoropas quite an excitement caused in the city yesterday by the appearing of the letters "B D 0 , " written In chalk on sidewalks , and other prominent places , and later in the day the eamo let ters appeared ilying about the streets printed on little bits of paper. It was generally thought that this was some of the mysterious moves , or threats of the saloon men , or of those on the other aide of the contest , which has got the city into such a fovoriah state , as to render any sort of a rumor readily bolioved. Some thought that It meant "Bad Days Coming , " and others thought it was aomethlng olsa. After the day had boon spent in vain and foolish guesting it ap peared that It was n very harmless ad- vortlaamont of the Barbonr Dramatic company , which Is to open hero at the dime museum next week. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans , J. W. & E. L , Squire , 101 Pearl street. Don't confound Helen Potter with the Potter sisters of Iowa. Real Estate Transfers. The following are the transfers of real estate as recorded in the office of the registrar , and reported to TIIE BKE by A. J. Stephejison , for Tuoeday , May 13 : B. A. Willis to John Zoollor , sr , no i aw. } , 207C--10$800. ; J. L , Douglas to Council Bluffs handle factory , yard lots C , 7 , 8 , 0 and.10 , block 10 , Grimes' add ; 83.015. Solffert & Welso to A. J. Laughlin , part nw } swt 7 75-39 ; § 70. Charles Cleric to A. J. Laughlin. part w A BW J 7-75 39 , and part BO jso J. 12 75. 40 ; $2,100. Shor.ff to Alonzo Wheeler , n A nw | , 8-74 43 ; § 052 22 Total sales , $7,567 22. Como and see goods and prices at the now boot and shoe store of R. I. Skilca , No. 102 Main street. Fly Screen * . For Window Screens and Ornamental Dsor Screens ! ! leave your orders at W. W. Chapman's Art Score , 1C5 and 107 Main street. _ Don't forgot Helen Potter's imperson ations at the opera homo this evening , Llvo Stock. Window & Cranddon , the well-known live stuck doaleis of Waverly , Iowa , will bo t the Pacido honss In Council Blull'a , Friday and Saturday , ready to sell or contract In any doeired numbers either steers or heifers , auy ago from yearliogs to , six-year-olds Helen Potter at the opera house this evening. in 1'aris , Pall Mall Budget. The interest In the eporling world at Paris U at present divided between horse and balloon rases , and DO general does the new epoit threaten to become that the Parisians will teen bo no more astonished nt seeing a nnnibir of balloons above , tholr heads than they would be if the air 'chips were ao many p'goons. ' Inventon are , of course , hard at woik on "im proved" billoons , and among uich the latest noyclty , which is at present being "trained , " but will shortly appear in public , is furnished with a pair of large tvlugg worked by an tlecttio motor. This balloon ii announced to bo ublo to bold Its own against n violent current or air and aeronauts and their Irlouds araloolr Inn for "aid to i s lir t appearance with cstiMdeiable. inir. s % An eerlil iact > rofotiug , it It Hifj to sty , will ba a fix ture ) long before noiial navies take to "grappling In the central b uo. " DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES , ThBGIosipgAclsofllioPli3raacBntical Sociely , Blcctlon of oniccrs. The annual mcotinc ; of the Iowa state pharmaceutical society closed yesterday afternoon , The following officers wore elected and committees chosen : President , 0. R. Wallace , of Inde pendence , First vice president , J. A. Treat , of Stuart. Second vice , R , L , Lamoro&ux , of Sao City. 'JLhird vice , W. W. Forroy , of Water- loo. Secretary , Emll L. Boomer , of Iowa City. City.Local secretary , A. H. Miles , of Des Moines. Treasurer , 0. n. Ward , of DcsMolnos. Executive committee , W. 0. Bryant , of Cedar Falls , chairman ; L. H. Bush ; of Des Molnot ; J. B. Harrison , of Daven port. port.Trade Interests A. D. Lemon , of Guthrie Center ; Francis Lee , of Clinton ; A. V. Penn , of Sidney. Pharmacy Dr. Rosa Upson , of Mar- shalltown. chairman , 0 , P. Luddon , of Angus ; A. G. Hammer , of Doa Moinos. Legislation George B. Hagin , of Des Moines , chairman ; J. H. Harrison , of Davenport ; T. W. Parrlsh , of Clarlnda. Transportation G. B. Engelhard , of Chicago , chairman. Norman Llchty , of Dos Moines ; G. A. Welch , of Boono. Adulterations E , A. Boomer , of Iowa City , chairman ; T. W. Ruoto , of Dubuque - buquo ; H. Tiorki , of Montlcollo. Delegates to American pharmaceutical association George H. Shaffer , of Fort Madison , chairman ; Dr. W. S. McBrldo , of Marehalltown ; W. F. Crawford , of Dos Moines ; J. A. Trent , of Stuart ; T. W. Ruoto , of Dnbuquo. Delegates to National retail druprglstb' association J. P. Moroy , of Storm Like ; S. G. Funk , of Panora ; W. G. Taylor , of Dos Moines ; H. J. Kttlnger , of Boouo ; Dr. Rosa Upson , ol Marshalltown. The next meeting of the association is to bo hold at Dei Moines the second Wednesday in February. The committee en proiidcnt's addrcsa report reaffirming the attitude tiken by the Iowa druggists as opposed to the sale of llquora as a bevoiage by saloon keep * crs. crs.R. . J. Brown , of Leavonworlh , cx- presldont of the Kansas association , ad dressed the convention by request. Thirty-five new momborc wore reported as having been added at this meeting. An address was prepared and sent to the Women's Christian Temperance union , In response to a letter received from that body. In these communica tions the attitude of the pharmacist in regard to the prohibitory law , and the attitude of prohibitionists in regard to the pharmacy law , wore dwelt upon , and some sharp points made la defense of the legitimate drug store. DOWNING DEINK , How tbo , Farcical Stclo ol the Con test is Showing Up. The Injunction cases cams up before Judge Aylosworth yesterday morning , and were continued until Saturday morn ing. It Is generally understood that these cases have been started so that when the cases brought by the temper ance alllaice , to come up before Judge Connor , at Glonwocd tomorrow , are called , the defense , will be sot up that there are thoao casoa pending hero , and an effort will be made on this ground to get the cases at Glonwood dismissed. Then those cases can easily be dropped here , and the bottom will fall out of all the cases. The petitioner , who signs most of the caaos brought In th6 superior court here , la C. Schlimmo. Juit who ho la no ono sooma to know. Ono of the petitions ap- peara to bo from ono McCarthy , another by John Cojle , and another by G. A. Bergman. Just who these petitioners are ia likewise a mystery. Hie attorney for thoeo petitioners and against the ealoon men la W , H. Ware , and from the state ment of the saloon organ , in its last issue , It appears that Ware Is the attorney for the liquor dealers. It Is thus evident that there ia a scheme on foot , the pur- posa of which ia yet to bo fully revealed. The fast that some of the petitions , In the llqunr catos started in the superior court , bear the name of G. A. Bergman , have led to the report that the Bergman thus socking to cloao the saloons , la the well known "Qua" Bergman. The latter denies that he over authorized his name to bo used , and siys that ho does not know anything about this move. Ho ought to know , and IE hla name ia thus naed without hla consent , ho ought to de clare war on the folio rrs that borrowed it. _ _ _ _ _ _ BAZAAE OF NATIONS , A Vnrloty of Elegant Coatiimcs * nd Numerous Attrnc- tloug. The ontortalnmont in prograts in Maaonio hall , under the nanio of "Tho Carnival of Nations , " continues to dolfght end Interest largo crowds of ladles and gentlemen. List ovcnidg the attendance was a on the previous evening , very large , nud thoio was fully as much on- thuaiaam as on the opening night. There has boon no home entertainment over given in which such a variety of elegant ccstnmea has been presented , and the grand march , bunging In all the different character ! , Is a whole chow of ifaelf , The nations of the world are all represented , ami many of the noted personages , and the coitamea have boon prepared with in a oh eire and at great expense. Uoeidea the other attraction ? , there are In eaoh of the booths special features of Interest. The Icelandic booth is a cool- looking roti'oat , with Ha arolio scenery , its blocks of ice , and Its tefreshments are very cooling too , consisting of Ice cream and cake In the Japanese booth there r0 packages of tea , and tea served by the cup The Turkish booth hat dga'e. and a ( racking room ia connection with it , Amoug the other novelties thuro are a largo numbar c f "church shingles , " tticsu shingles being adorned with hand pnlmiags , end otbeis with pictures of the old church and of the new bnlldlrg , now being ercc'ed. In the Geimin booth sro to bo found coffee and cako. The French booth cjntiits of a peasant cottage , with Ita straw thr.tched roof , fciid hcra are served hot choco- late and wafers , and all sorts of confectioneries , A pretty little gyp y tonl , with still prettier gypsies , Is the favorlto for those who want thcirfortunos told. At the Ilnllnn booth are to bo found bannanns nnd other fruit. In Marie Antoinette's bower arc served strawberries and cream , and other re freshments , The American booth Is as attractive as any , and nil series of tempt ing refreshments are to bo found here , presided over by the goddess of liberty and Undo Sam , Near this Is a wigwam , where are to bo found some of the ab origines. In each of the booths are to bo found characters costumed in the dress of the country represented by the booth , so that the whole appearance of the place Is bright , attractive and vatiod. Lost evening there was a regular Now England supper served In the American booth , and besides the grand march , which Is to take place each night , there wai o ohanco given for dancing. This evening tbcro will bo special attractions Introduced , so tint no two evenings will bo alike , and thoao who go every night will find something now to please them. The affair promises to bo profitable financially , and It la to bo hoped that a largo amount of money will bo realized for the helping complete the beautiful church , a building which promises to be ono of the finest in the state , and one which will bo so much of a credit to the city that all should bo Intcrcs'cd ' In Itc completion. VAUGHAN'S ' VETO. He is DGteriniM lo Have His Pels Kept ia Dice. The Reasons "Wliy the Itccont Eloo lion "Was Illegal. As announced in yesterday's BKE , the mayor has decided that the recent elec tion pf city officers wau not legal , and that the old city clerk and old chief ol the fire department must stick. It will bo remembered that when those same fellows wanted to got Temploton removed from the office of chief of the fire depart' inont , to make room for Walters , they would listen to no reason , and no protast against the policy of changing chiefs , foi political reasons , but now that the shoe pinches on the other foot , this la theli first cry. The mayor's veto has been filed , and ae written In the bold chirography ef ' John Jay" roads as follows : OFFICE OP THE MAYOK , COUNCII BLUFFSJ May 12 , 1885 : To the Honorable City Council of th < City of Council Bluflelowa. Gentlemen 1 herewith return to von unsigned the resolution offered May 11 , 1885 , to pro ceed with the election of a city clerk , and clerk of the supjrlor court ( Council Jour nrl , pagn 800) ) . Also a resolution thai the conncil proceed with the election of a chief of the fire department , which I aloe refuse to sign. The reasons of both oi the taid resolutions , aad forsuch refusals , I beg leave to state. First With relation to the re-election of the said clerk that the statute of thla state provides that ho should have been elected at the meeting on the second Monday after the election cf aldermen. The evident object of this provision of the statute , in my opinion , is that the clerk then in office may know at the ex piration of his term whether his employ ment Is to bo continued for a further time. After having continued him for this length of time after the expiration of his term , and when , but for such con tinuance , ho might have procured other employment , la my opinion , is an Im plied contract on the patt of the city to employ htm for another year , and the election of a successor at said election is a plain violation of the law and great In justice to the said Incumbent. Second With relation to the chief of the fire department , Section 2 , of the city ordinance , providing for said officer , states that the chief should hold his office for a term of two years , unless sooner removed for. misbehavior , and a successor elected at the annual election. The intention of this section is evidently for the purpose of enabling the chief of that department to become efficient by experience In the same , and that the Important position may not bo Interfered with and hampered - pored by reasons of politics and changes that may take place in the city council. No charges have been made against the present incumbent , and It is not oven chimed that his services have not been efficient , and no eilort bai been made to remove him tor this cause , and his term of office as Gzcd by ordinance not having expired , in my opinion the council has no legal right by said resolution to pro ceed to an election , as an ordinance can not bo repealed by a resolution. It Is my intention and desire to here veto all resolutions , aces and records connected with the election on May 11 , 1885 , of the city clerk and clerk of the superior court and chief of the fire department , as said election was had and done in viola tion of the state law and city ordi nances. Respectfully submitted. W. R. VATJOHAN , Mayor. A notlco was eorvod on the newly elected clerk , Mr. Dalrymple. yesterday , notifying him of the notion of the council and of the veto , and like notices sent to the now chief of the fire department. The other officer , 0. J. Beckman , elected as poll tax collector , appeared and qualified without any objection. COMMKUOIAJJ , OODXOIL DLorra MAHEBT , Wheat No. 1 milling , 70) ) No , 2 , C5 : No. S , CO. Corn Now , 28o. Data For local purponoa , SOo. Hay 3 00 per ton ) baled , CO. Kyo OOo. Oorn Meal $1. CO per 100 potradi , Wood Good supply ; prices at yard * , f .00 ® 6 50 , Coal Delivered , hard , 0,50 per ton ] tolt 4,00 per ton Lard Armour's , wholesaling at 74x Flour Olty flour , 1.50@2.00. Brooms 1,75@3.00 per doz , LIVBBTOCX. Cattle Bntchor cows ? .25@3.75 , Botcher iteon , 3.76@4,00. Sheep 3,00 < a > 3. 50 , Hoga-3. 60(13. ( 76. PEODOOB AND BOITB , ljuttfr Ileceipta are increasing ; choice c-eamery2(821ot ( choice country. IBc ; good 121 llc ; poor to fair , G@10o Roll butter tbould be wrapped In bleached butter cloth and cloiely packed , Poultry -Demand ttrong supply light ; live sprint ? chickens , good elze , S8.(0 ( perdoz.ilive old cnlckrni , light and medium weight , $ J.GO@3. 5perdnz. ; live old chickens , heavy weight , 81 00 ; live turkey * , lO&llo per Ib. At present the weather Is too uncert ia to ship dteeaod poultry ; however high prices can be obtained lor choice atooic arriving In gcod condition Game Demand if only for fresh killed ducks ; mallariis.SiOO ; mtxed.Sl.M ) , teal , 1.00. Onions None In muket ; choice stock would likely biing $1.7'1 ; sprouted and poor , Bauns Clean stock in good demand at 81,25 @ 1 35 forinedluun , and $1.60 for nayiot dirty- stock u dull at $1.00. KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses And Mules conitantly on hand which wo will tell In retail cr carload lots All S toe arranted as Represented Wholesale nd retail dtalon In Grain anil Baled tUr. Prices left. Bonable Satisfaction Guaranteed. SOHinLTJT'SDE ' ? . & Cor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Conncll Uluitj. 1'otAlocs The freight war has Riven na choio Wisconsin ! nnd Mlnneaotas at Go@70c. Good nnllvoa are going nt bOo in bulk ; email lots of Backed , C5c. Ureon 1'oan None but poor stock ns yet , At S2,00fai.00pcruuilicl. : String Beans "Oo to $ l,00"r > or box of one- third biuhol. Now Potatoes § 2.50(30.00 ( per bushel. Sweet PoUtooB Tsblo , 3@-lo per Ib , Strawberries 30@25o per box. Asparagus-Small natho , 70s to 1.00 ; Cal ifornia , $1.50@2.10. Spinach 52 0 per bbl. Rc ul ttiiK UntlroAtl Kntos. Christian Union. Laws attempting to regulate freights now exist In seven of the states. Wo think It safe to say that the notion that the railroad corporation is a private in dividual , and that the individual shipper must make his own bargain with It as ho would with his butcher or shoemaker , has Rubstantially passed niray. The only question for the future is how to regulate the railroad rates so as to secure justice for the public without inflicting injustice on the railroad builders and operators. A. Light sentence , From the Chicago Times. George Prey has just been sentenced by a judge at Erie , Pa , , to two years' ' imprisonment. George had married five young ladies in that vicinity and be trayed four others. Such a scamp should have been sentenced to live with all his wives at the same titno. AMUSEMENTS. Mammoth Dime Museum AND TIIEATEU. Etb Avo. and 1'carl Street , ( formerly II it tin's lllnk. ) PALMER & SANDKK , 1'rop'ra & Managers. Ono weolc only , cominonclnfc MONDAYMAY11TH Our great specialty with the following principals IJ. P. COOFEIl , Tlia latest Musical f hcncmcncr. J. a SANDERS , GvmnaBt and Contortionist BIGNORDElil-UIXSO.ThoKinffof Fire- Kntcrs OUR OURIO HALL. Will contain Freaks of Nature , Curiosities , and Mechanical Wonders , principal among which will bo found the world reputed won der , Prof. R. A. Stcndoll , who la nwholo chow of him self with his wonderful electro musical I haumaecopc. PIIOF. E. M. DUNTON , Illusionist. MISS A PATTERSON , The Lightning Lady. LOWANDO BALDWIN , The Armless Wonder , MADAtf E HOWELL , the Bohemian Glass Blotter A Resort for Ladles. A * i sort for Cli Idren. Patronized by the elite , nothing succeeds like suc cess. Museum open 1 to 6 and 7 to 10 p in. Theitro performance every Evening and Saturday Matmco Ladles can sifely visit thU pcpularplaco of amuse ment without an oicort as the m nagement : person a ! guarantee that nothing will bo done lo offend the most fastidious. OIBco of the 1 Council Eluffs City Water Works Company - , Mo. 28 Pearl Street J To Whom H May Concern : Persons holdlcg time orders against this company must present the enme at the above office lor pay ment on or before the tenth day of Juno next , as alter that c'atotho construction hooka will bocent to ttte New York office. Time orders will not to re ceived In pajmcnt of water rents alter this date. HARRY BIHKISBINB , Ccn'l Ilgr. & Chf Engr. MANDEMAKERS & VAN , ARCHITECTS. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No. 201 TTnpor Broadway , Council Bluffs. . SGETJKZ. ornoE OVER AWIOUOAB EXPRKOS COUNCIL BLUFFS. TOW/1 / J. L. DiBEVOISE. No. 607 Broadway Council Bluffs. Railway Time Table. OODNOIL BLUFFS Ttie following are the times ol the arrival tnd de. partnro ol trains by central standard tltuo , at the local depots. TialDgloaretraneler depot ten mil- at" " B tller and arrive ten mlnutoa later. BKl'ART. ARRIVB , ccnoiao and KonrnwiaTOiM , D-26 A M Mall and Express 80'r : H 12:10 : r H AOvOinmodatlon 10 : ' i1 M 6:30 : r H Kxprcaa D.05 A M omoAoo uia tocE IBLANT. 0.26 A M Hall and Expresa 0.63 p M 7:25 A M Accommodation 6:15 : r M 6:30 r M EzpreiB B.OO A u omoioo , MiLWinKn ASB . rAUL. D.20A M Ma'l and Exrresa d.50 r 6:26 : r M Kxprcsi 0.05 A omoioo , BOiuxsroH uro QCIIOT. D 10 A M Mall and Express 7:10 : r u 12:30 : r M Accommodation 2.00 r M 5.45 r u Expreui 6.60 A M WAIAin , BT , LOUIB AKD rAOinO. From Transfer only. 1:30 r M St. t.oulj Express 2 : IB r M 7:10 : r M Cblotgo Exp via i'eorla 0.10 A u cuufl cm , BT. ; oi AND OOUBCIL iivin. JO.OS A H Mall and Express e:10 : r M 8:16 : r u Exprces 0.25 A u HOUX CITT ADD PiCIFIO 7tO : A H Slallfor BlouxClty 6:50 : r H 7:10 : r H Exprera for 8t 1'aul 8.50 A u CMOV rAsinc. 11:00 : A M Dinver Vxpres * 4.35PM 1:05 : r u Lincoln Prns O'o & K V 2.35 r u 7:56 : r H Oterlitid ixprtes 8.30 A M CUMUT TRAINS TO OU1IU , Leave Council Bluffa - 7:15-8:20-9.30-10:80 : : : 11:40 : a. in. 1:80 2:30-8.80 : 4:23 : 66 : fl.25 11:46 : p. m. Leave Omaha 6 40 7:6 : ( r.fO 10 11115 a. m. 12,502:00S.CO04.656:56 : : 11:10 : p. m. ONLY HOTEL In Couno Illuffa bit log a And all modem Improvements , call bella , fire alarm belli , etc. , is the CRESTON HOUSE NOB. 215 , 217 and 219 , Main Street. MAX MOHN , - MIOPRIKTOU TIIOH. omcKit. w. H , M I-CSBV Officer < , Pusev. Council Eluffa , Iowa. Established , - 1865 Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange and Home Securities , SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special a Tertlncmtnts , tao at Txxl round , To Loin , For Sale , To Kent , Wantl , Hoard. Ing , eto. , will ba Iniertod In this oolamn at the Ion rate ol TEN CENTS FKU LINK for the Brit Insertion and MVK CENTS PER LINE for each Btjbseqnenl trtlon. leave idvortlternenti at GDI offlM , No , tear ! Street , near Eroadnkv WANTD , "TT OK IlKNT 7 room house , earner llcnton anil JL1 Harmony Stg , Enquire 210 Harrison St. FOIl SILK AT \ UAUOAltf-Tho desirable resi dence or buslnon properly on Upper Broad- nay , known 18 the I'OWCIB [ ilaco , Apph to Gro. H. lliunn , 8i Main street WANTS TO TitAUKUood Iowa tr Nebraska land for a small stooU o ( banln are or coocral merchandise , well located. SWAN A. WALKRR. Tj'Ott ' BALK Ararochanco to pet a line , veil 1m- JL * pro\ed fannot 400 acres , within a few miles of Council UluHs , at a bargain. Low jitlco and easy terms. nWAN ft WAITER " pOH 8ALB A gooUrwjInK hotel property with 1 llyery ( Ublo , In ono of the best mmll towns In western Iowa will sell with or without liitDlturc , or will trade for a small farm with ttock ita. . RWAN k WALKRR , FOIl HALE Lands Improved aad uulmrroxed. It v u want a farm In nostcra Iowa , Kansas Nebraska ot Dakota , lotus hear from jou. SWAN a WALKKR. "C OH SALE A lane number ol business and reel- J ? dcnco lota In all juris ot Council BluOa. Sea us bcloro > ou buy , SWAN & WALKRR. FOIl SALK Parties wishing to buy cheap lots to build on can buy on monthly payments ol from 82 to $10 BWAN&WALKHR Tj > OUUKNl Wo will rent you a lot to build on JL ? with the prlfllago to buy If jou with onety liberal tcrm > . SWAN & WALKRR. TfOll nENT pcslrablo residence 007 Fourth at Apply J. W. Damon , tJ > Olt HALK Ilouseg. Lots anil Land. A. J , JD Fteptcn on , 603 First n\onuo. / ANTKU Uvery Doayiu Uouncll liluOs o takt VV TuiDii. Delivered by carrier at only twtntj canta week. Foil KXCilANou No. 163 , 10OQO acres l&nd ten mlleasouth of Sidney , Nib , , for Council CluHt property. No. 155. A good steam ( louring ; mill In Cedar Co , Iowa , for a stock of genural merohandleo or hard' "aro , value 10i CO No. 159 Hotel property In Taj lor Co. , Ion a , for geed farm property , value $4,000. No. 1(0. Land In Hall and Lincoln Cos. , Neb , , lor Council Blulls property. No 161. line Improved farm for cheap western land. land.No , 10 ? . Ono ol the belt farms In fottawattamls ounty , Iowa , 100 acres for wild Kantaa or Nebraska land. land.No. . 103. Hotel In Pueblo , Col. , woith $9 COP , for lown , Kamaor Nebraska land In part and long time on baUnco , No. 171. Good farm , for stock of goods or hard- ware. No. 172. Wild lands In RooU Co. , Nob. , for stock of dry goods. No. 175 House and lot in Clarlnda Page Co , Iowa for Nebraska or loua lnH ; alue $1COU. No. 177. Hotel In ono ot Dakota's belt towns , value 80,000 , fur stock of drugs for pare and lind Improved or unimproved No. 178. bargains In Klcth Co. , Nob. , wild lacd for lands In western Iowa or gocd stock of drug * or hardware. No. 13 > . A hall intercut In a first-class plow works , well located , for lands \alucd S3.SOO. No. 182. 200 ncre Improved farm in CasaCo. , Iowa also ono In PflU , Alto Co , , of 316 , for stock of goods No. 183. fctore buldlnR and stock ol gomral merchandise , In a lite wcfclern town ti't wcttern land , Improve- unimproved , value 814EDO. And hundrcdsof ether special rxchano bargains for particulars , call and see or write to EWAN & WALKER , Council bluds , la Curtains , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings , rii Rugs , Etc. , Etc. Careful Attention Given to Ou of Town Orders , Upholstery anil Drapery Work a Specialty. Our stock Is the Largest in tie and ia being continually replenished by all the latest and choicest novelties. 405 Broadway Council Biufls orethti lanon icaend wllboal thi kxlli Bf drtwlnj oi bind. CHRONIC DISEASES" ' " " " * " Ovti luirtj jwt ( irkctlo * ! oxyutMt * OfiM I , Petti i itr ct , Council Blufll , lit JTACOJS SIMS , -at- OODNCII. BLUF1B , IOWA. OOlce , Ualn Httcct , Ilooma 7 nod 8 , Shu art and Ueuo block. Will prortlco In 8iatf nd Ute oouiU THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD TKPE WRITER NO. 2 , Ia the Uiffhest Achievement { n Writing Maohinca in the World. WUh enlyBD kejs to Icarn aa kOporate. It prlntuTO cluracUrb 'Ino'uJIrKcaps ' anj email letter' , punctuatloi u , IL'ints , > l'nt ( and It Ktho eluploul and roost racH wrltlci ; michine naJuai wullwilio most Jumble 3 ? " Send for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Spr nns & Benedict , UblcoKO , 111. , Bole Agent ) . 0. H , 8I10MS : , Oouncil Ululli Agect for Weetern Iowa FLY GREENS ! For Window Screens and Ornaiuenta Screens , leave your orders at STOIBIB 1OS anil JLO7 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. , - - . . B. PICTURE FKAMESof anv description made to order while vou wait. BUCKEYE WROUGHT FENCING AND CRESTING. * Ucautlfy your homes by using the nto\ . Over DOO designs to select from. CHEAPER THAN WOOD FENCES Steautijul , Strong and Lasting. Estimates given on any style either put up or delivered Lore , by applying to KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood Stock. 117 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. K. SfcJPSJEMSON , GROWER AND DEALER IN 1 i < I Vegetable Plants and Fruits. Orders from abrond promptly filled. Sweet Point Plants a specialty. I'Janta will boroady for ehipmen by May 10th. Orders should be placed oarly. J. R. McPHERSON , 2181 Pierce St. , Council Bluffs. W. P. AYXESWORTH , HOUSE MOVER Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved ncd unUsfaction guaranteed , i'raino house moved ou Little Giant trucks , the beat in the world. W. P. AYLSWOUTII. 1010 Ninth Street , Council Bluffs Waves , Langtry and Pompadour FrizzesSwitch es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices cheaperthan ever. Call and see for yourself , MRS. C. L. GILLETTE. 29 Main fctreetCouncil Bluffs , AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. The only all night houeo in the city. Evarytliing served in firct dm ntylo nnd on ehor notlco. Hot end cold lunches alvvava ready. SMITH & TOLLFJt , AGTS , LHADINQ Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 0 Main St. , COUXCIL BLUFPS , - - IOWA. ACompleto Line of New Goods to Select From. . AJCIR C3I-OOIDS. IVill Discount all Xriccn. MES , D , A , BENEDICT , 37 Broadway , Council BlniTa , Iowa Coed Wanted Drs. Judd & Smith's NEW IMPROVED ELECTRIC BELT , Office toil Factory , No 9 , 1'ourtu Et , Council Ilutts , low * .