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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE THURSDAY , MAY H. 1885. THE LINCOLN TRAGEDY , AWoman'sDislionorLcauulflaDonl ' ] ] Mnrdir , llusbfinil ( tnd IMrnnionr Both 1)1 From BnllotVonnil8 The Cause ol the TrnRccly * Former HeaUlcnt The Lincoln tragedy , which ocnrroc on Monday , has resulted In the death ol both of its vlcllmi , Long having died or Taccdny. Tlio patticahra of the BiTiii are of consldcrablo Intnrcat to residents of Omaha , aa the woman In the cauo h well-known in this city , having resided here for aomo time. She waa the wife of a well-known railroad man , and had many acquaintances about town , Tlio Lincoln News furnlnhea the following ac count of the tragedy : Monday night a Httloboforo 12 o'clock , a continuous cracking of rovolvon , the Bcroanu of a woman and the cries of a wounded man , nronncd the residents around the corner of Eighth and II utrooto , and dlecloeod the fact that aomo tortiblo tragedy was being enacted. Thoio who first reached the ncono found Low Johnson , n freight conductor on the B , A M. road , who lives In the house on that corner , lying on the walk in front of his honso crying out with mortal pain whlto his wlfo In her night clothes was rushing about aa if dostraotod. To the inquiries of these who came , the woman eaid that ftho had shot her husband and also E J. Long , a rooinor In the houso. She had a revolver in her hnnd and threatened to ahoot someof thcso who catno about , until they felt It safer to withdraw. Mr. StubbUGold , the owner of the houac , llvea in a part of the largo double house , ran out , and finding his neighbor Smith , the hackman , ju&t coming homo , ho jumped In and was driven dowa for the police. They were found , andtrro taken Into the hack and carried back , while tha third wont after medical help. When they got there quite a number of neighbors , alarmed by the tucket , had gathered. Johnson was still hying on the walk , but Bomo of his friends got a plUow , and put under his head and a comfortable over him , Up stairs In a bedroom on the floor lay Ed. Long pierced with two bullets and from the gaping wounds his life blood was gushing out. Mr. Stubblcfield was the first to find him , and to his inquiries , Long said that Low Johnson had shot him , and that bo had allot Johnson. Ho further eald that ho thought ho was going to die , and ho hoped ho had killed Jolmaon. By the tlmo DM. Lane and Hart came Johnson was so far fono ; that nothing could bo done far him , and ho died In half an hour from the time ho was shot. The doctors at once turned their atten tion to Long who atill lay upon the floor until they came. Ho had on nothing but an undershirt , and a pair of drawers. Ho WAS laid upon the bed in the room , and an examination cnado which showed a bullet hole tn the nmall of the back just besldo the splno , and another In the right sldo close up to the arrapit In front. The body was completely parulyzsd from the first wound down , and the doctors could give but little hope for Ilfo. They probed but did not find cither bullet. The facts In regard to this terrible alfitr seem to bo about us follows : John son and wife had occupied the residence corner of 8th and 11 utroets for eomo months , renting como of the rooms to lodgers. Among these waa Ed Lone , a switchman In the B. & M. yards , who had a room on the second floor and took his meals at Mr. atubblefiold'e. The neighbors have known for some time that there wns trouble between Johnson aud hia wlfo , and far a coupla cf weeks ho has not CDOIO about the nous ? , so that a rumor WAS current tint ho had left hor. Her partiality for Long wa said to bo the cauao , andhij infatuation for her wan so manifest that it was making aosndal , and Mrs. Stubblefttl 1 had noti fied him last Saturday that ho mutt got his meals elsewhere , From the appear ance It Booms that Johnson , whoso irain was in aud w a to go out ut 12 o'clock lait night , lir.d fonnd Lang In the room with Mrs. Johnson. Both were in their night clothes. Ad Johnson forced hie way Into the room , L ng rm out and up ntiira. From the bullet hole in lib bick , Jphnnon'fl iiret ballot inuit have struck him ai ho was on the Btuir ; . Ho wont Int3 tin room , locked the door and got his revo'.vjr. Johnsan followed him up , and with nt leant two vigorous kicks burst the catch of the door and throrr it open. As they stood there nevoral shots wore oxohrtngod , cno striking LJIIR in the aide , while a shot from his revolver struck Johnson In the right sldo not fr from the nipple , and ranged down past the no\rt through the body. This was the only wound ho rcoalved. Ho ran down and oat to the sidewalk where ho fell. Ho waa conscious almost to the last , and tolatcd what ho bed done. Walt Montgomery , hind brakeman on his train , who roomed at Johnson's house , was the first to reach him. To him , Johnson said , "I fonnd Long In bed with my wife , just as I expsctoJ , and shot him. " To thosa who came first , Mrs , John son raid she had shot both men , bat she aoon retracted this. She had evidently boon drinking , and was under the Influence of liquor at the timo. The police took charge of her as well as the promises , and remained all night. The body of Johnson was re moved to Undortikor Heaton's rooms to be prepared for burial , and await the coroner's inquest. Mrs. Johnson Is somewhat known In the city. . She is au export skater and a frequenter of the rinks. At the Metro- pel 11 an rink , Situtdsy night , she took the big cake offered as a prize fcr the best lady skater. Before her marriage to Johnson she had boon divorced from another husband out at Kearney. She had the reputation of being somewhat f ut , but waa not supposed to be aj bad as she proves. Johnson was formerly sheriff of Butlilo county , end was known to bo a man of nervo. On ono Deration ho aubdued a rebellions prisoner by ( hooting him through the ear. Ho waa a largo , fin P looking man , about 82 years of ago , aud had been conductor on the road for two or three you . Long is a small , wiry young follow with plenty of nerve , and was generally popular among his atso- o'atof. ' Uo seldom drank aud was es tonncd as a fine young fellow. During tLo hnt few weeks ho hai bton drinking a good deal , however , acdhUinfattulion for tbo womiQ L'ai utterly demoralized him , Johnson was a completions figure in the C trap Damp campaign In Omaha in 1882 , Ho tru firing on the B , it M. ftt that tlmo. When the worklngmon's pro cession marched down Farnam street the martial mnslo stirred Johnson's fi ht Ing qualities and ho at once determined to protect the property of his employers at all hazards. Mounting the hurricane deck of the steam shovel ho calmly gripped his revolver to receive the on coming host of brawny breadwinners. Ho did not quail when sticks and bricks carved the air above and around him and whllo cautiously fooling for a victim , a well-directed "billy" caught him in the back of the neck , and ho tumbled from his lofty porch , As soon as ho stiuck the ground the bosom of his pantaloons was filled with flying boots and other vicious missile ! . The struggle rrss a brief but lively ono , and Johnson stood np to hii meals for a week after. POLICE POINTS , Weeding Ont Suspicions Character * An Old Man Fleeced. The first person to appear baforo Jndgo itcnbcrg yesterday morning was the man named J. E. Price , rho vrna arrestad by the lolico Tuesday evening na n suspicions character. The charge preferred was vagrancy , and considornblo tlmo was pent by the court In endeavoring to as- ortaln the man's antecedents. His totloa did not seem to Irnog together well , and ho contradicted himself aavornl Imos on being questioned. Ho roglotored t Slnvcn'a hotel under the name of N. Jlyo , but could give no reason for so oing. The nozt caios were thosa of James Imlth , Constance ForJ , George Enioraon nd Frank Hills. All pleaded gnllty to ntoxication , and nero fined 85 and costs , which they will work out. When cap- , urcd , Ford , who in au Italian , was cruzy [ rank , .and had a-long dirk concealed about his person. Dive Hnrst won a finely-droescd man 0 appear on a ch&rgo of vagraney.but ho vas apprehended under the statute which lofinoa attendants and inmates of gambling houses to be vagrants. ) ave lives at the Blnffn , and s a gambler by profession. Ho vleits Omaha quite frequently , but never coma to have any business , and put ] In ils time hanging around the streets. Us actions have boon of a suspicious isturo , and Judge Stonberg concluded hat ho was not needed around Omaha , lo therefore sentenced him to sixty days n the county jail and to pay the costs. Sentence was suspended , however , until 1 o'clock , and it will note o wise for Hurst to ehow his hosd In the IIy for some tlmo to come. Peter Green , colored , was alto up on ho some charge. Ho Is the husband of ho notorious Delia Green , and It has icon hinted that ho hud something to do with hur crooked actions. Peter , how- ver , claimed to bo straight , and the udgo discharged him with a long lecture md numerous warnings to bonaro how 10 carried himself In the future. Thomaa Boyd is a young man , and ho was accused by a white-haired old tinner timed John Leslie of having made away rlth his cash. Leslie , who llvea nt 'lattsmoutb , cams up Tuesday with the xcnrsion , and immediately proceeded to ; ct as full of beer as possible. Ho then ranted to "take in the town , " and late n the evening , at some place , ho fell In with Boyd , who proceeded to show him round. After taking numerous glaeees if beer , the happy couple entered a louse kept by a woman named Mitchell. lore the old man became Infatuated with a charming creature- and ave her a twenty dollar gold ) ieco to bo changed. VTfallo the > irl was cjono after the change the old nan claims that ho was hurried from the laueo by the man Boyd and not allowed 0 return. Boyd denied taking the old inn's money , but owned np to taking him to the place kept by the Mitchell roman. On this ovtdenco Jndgo Sten- ) org sentenced Boyd to bo Imprisoned In .ho . county jail for forty days , the hat ou of them on bread and water. This cntonco waa also under the statute pro viding that employes of houses of prcsti- ution are to bo classed as vagrants , with no visible moans of support. llenl Estate Translern. The following transfers were filed May 2 , with the county clerk and reported or the BrE by Ames' real catato agency : George H. Boggs and wlfo and others , o Margaret Powers ; nc | of too 21-10-11 c , Douglas comity ; w d. § 4.500. Johanna M. Dwycr and husband to Sraetns A. Bonzon ; w 55 feet of It 7 , in blk 1C , in luasc & Selden's add to Omaha ; v d. $1,100. Eunice D. PatloD and husband to William London ; o 44 foot of It 7 , in blk 117 , In Omaha ; w d. SIU.OOO. Sim . Rogers nnd wife to Oornolius rjyrm and wlfo ; It 2 , in blk 1 , In 1m- > rovomant Association's add to Onuhi ; w d. $81)0. ) Erastui A. Benson and wf to Juhanna 1 Dwyer , w d , lots 1 , 2 and 31 in block 2 , In llolmbaugh'a add in Douglas coun- y. § 1GOO. Henry 0. Jones and wf to Frank ilnrphy , w d , let 45 in Oklahoma , 4 } acres In Douglas county. $3,000. Katie Kranda and husb to Frank Ilesi , w d , a A of lot 33 In block 0in , Kountzo's 3d add to Omaha. $187. Augustus Koimtzo and wf to Margaret ) oe , w d , lot 10 , in block 2 , in Kountze'a 4th ad to Omaha. 000. J E Rlloy and wife to Isaac H Cong- Ion , w d , lot 1 , block 3 , subdivision of J I Radlok'a addition to Omaha , § 1,000. John Trimmer and wlfo to Annlo Hardlo , rr d , lot 1Q , In block 6 , YV11- cox's 1st addition to Omaha , $800. George Stan wood and wife to Gee P Bomie , w d , lots 1 and 2 , block "F , " Prospect Place , Omaha , $1,200. Gee P Bomls. and wife to John W Paul , w d , lots 1 , 2 and 3 , block "F , " Prospect Place. Omaha , 61,000. John W. Paul ( alnsle ) to George P. Bemis , w d , tl of lot 0 in blk 1 in Ear- bach'a 2d add to Omaha , $1,000 , Charles 0. SchaeiTer and wife to Fred- erlck H. Davli , w d , part of lot 2 of Cap- tel add to Omaha , $1,000. Eliza Peck to Albert J. Peck , q o , s 24 25-100 acres of lot 3 In sect 5 , 10 , 13 , o , In Douglas county , $1. Albert J. Puck to George E. Bertrand , w d , s 24 25-100 acres of lot 3 , sect 5,1C , 3o ID Douglas county , $1. George E. Bortrand ( tingle ) to Amanda /5. Peck , 40 * , 2i 25-100 acres lot 3 , sect > , 10 , 13 , o , In Douglas county , $1 , Bland tf , tioveu to bo rotted. Philadelphia Frees. Maud 8. la altogether different from any of the rest of the record-breakers. * lora Temple had a temper of her own , ) ixter waa even vicious at times , and Goldsmith Maid frequently chased Budd 3oblo from her box. Maud , on the contmy , must bo petted. Billy Blair , ior trainer and driver , Bald yesterday that the crowds who came to eeo her were her delight. She must luvo com pany , and the only signs of poHlshnce she shows is when she Is not admired Yesterday ladi's patted and carfsiedbcr and children stroked the legs of the an imal that has gotten over the 1,700 yard faster than any other of her kind in tin world. Slio aconiod pleased , and whei the box door was opened would ccck _ n | her o&rs and gaze to BOO who waa cominj In. 25 the Greatest Medical Triumph of tha Ago SYMPTOMS OF A Lotiofnppctltc , Uowelicoitlve , 1'nln tr the bond , with a dull icnnntlon In the fcnck pnrt , 1'nln under the iihanliler < Made , 1'iillncxn nttcr eatloE , with itill < IncllnntloD to exertion of bodr or mind , Irrltalillltrortempor , I.ow plrlU , Trill afccllncofliaTlncnostcctcd ome Jiity , \Vcmrlncm , UlzzlnciK , 1'luttcrlntrnt the Heart , Ilotn boforotho eye , HcndncUt over the rleht eye , Itentlemnein , vrltd fltful drrnms , IIlEhly colored Urine , anil CONSTIPATION. TCTT'S ' 1'lLt.fl are especially adapted to such case * , ono dnBO effects suoli a ImiiRiiof rcelltifrni to ixstonlshtho sufferer They Iitcrento the A imctltrand cauito the body to Tnke aa 1'lcih. thn the rrxtcra I- iiourlfiheil.nnil tiytholrToiilc Action on privluri'il , f'rl"ntfrtc. * Murray St..IV.V. fit Il.Mit or WHISKEIIB chnngcd to n GLOssr LIACK by a sliiRlo application ol this Urn. It impurts n natural color , net * liistnntancouMy. Bold by UniRglnls , 01 cnt by express on iccolptof 01. office. 44. IVliirrov St. . Mow York. Vinaha Medical & Sur e/teal Xnstittite. 13th St , , Cor Camtal Ave , Tronic and Surgical Diseases Discason of Foroalea , o ( the Kctvoua Syttcm , Prl- ate Dlscasfgof the Urinary onil Sexiul organs and ) IscascB of tlio Hcml , Throat and I.unga , spccUUIca. Jti \ JtJ ) Iscaec8 treatoil bv an experienced specialist , also llscascaof the IIcirtLhor , ntomach , Kidnoyi , Dlad- Icr , Ncnral tn , Ifieuoutl'in , PiI'B , Canoe rs , oto , mj all cthor dlsoaeca of the Throat and I.unjB , treated od by Medicated Vapors Ben 1 for Inhaler or circular on Inhalation. All dUcAEei cf the 111 sod , Urinary and Sexual Or- ; ann , 1'rUato Diseases and Plica Curoil or no Fay. 1C Yi ara Hospital and Prh ate I'ractlcc Consultation and Kxamloatlon Irco Iillorwrlto forclrcuhison chronlodlsowes and deform tics , Diseases ol Fct.nlca , > ri\ato Dlde.ues ol i Jrinary and Sexual Organs , Seminal Weakness , Ner- ous Debility or Kxhtusticn , etc. , cto , and our new estoratlvo treatment , All letters and consultation" tonadontlil. Sledlclncs sent to all parts of the country bv ox- > rcs9 , BO'utelv packed from oDscrvation , if full do- crlptlonof caeo is ( i' ' on , One personal interview ircferrcd if convenient. Open at all hours , Patients from a distance- can obtain rooms and ioard , iddrosa all letters to 3inabu Medical & Surgical Institute 13th St. , Cor. Caplto A\e. . Omhn. Kuh. Seventeen years Expericnco. DB.G.W.PAHGI.E . . . . : mclcr ct Iiljeisoi of Jfcn and Womtn. ElocUlc lagnctloand Hcrbuliet Vhyslclan Now JocateJ at 1210 DoucUs Bt Omaha , Neb , up stall1) . L correct diacnosla Kivcii uiihout nnr explanation rom the patient. Consultation Irco at ollicc. ' Treat the Following Diseases. Catarrh rf the Head. Dlsrftpcs of Ihe Kjo air ! ! ar. mart Dluea-o , Lnoi Cumpltlrt , KUn j Coii- taiiitNenouaDobllltv , Mental DeprcsBlui , Lrso lanhood , DlahoUs , Ilriglit'a Lleaco ) , bt Vitu J&nco , llhoumat'sm , l'.ralM , fthito Sttellmp ; rrolulo , Fever Sores. Cancers and Tumors > cmov I without tbo Knife , or the drkuirg of a drop o ilood , Womnnlth her do'lcalo o gaiif , Itcetoredto loaltti , Dropsy Cured \V'thou Tarpli'lf , &rc-81 ' Lttcnlion Given to 1'ihato and Vcniieal L/Ieoascaof II Kinils. TIII.O Woraa Homi.xtd In two or three loura or No ray , Ilommortholds or Piled Cured era { a Chirc3 JIuJc. Those who ate aflllctcd ulll 8a\o llro and Imn- rods of dollars hy tulllDir on or u lci ; UK. a. W. l'ANOLE'3 Herbal Medicines. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ml adv ertitemcnti in the tpecial ailtnnm mil 'it ' charged at the tale ff 10 cents per line for the 'irttiiikcrtian , ami 7 cents per line for each mlec- juent inscition : yoailicrtincincntmll lie intertej for lei than H5 ccntt or the firtt time. Ihete ailcertitenient leiH \ivscrted In loth Honi ng and Evening EAitiana , representing } a circula- ion ajoter Kirjht Thousand. Thii clan of adicr- itementi mutt positively le paid in advance. TO LOAN MONET. \/TO.IKY to loan on f mrnltme , horata , wagons.planos LY1 personal property , collateral * and an > thing of aluo , ever ) thing strictly confide' tial ; Itooda Finau- lal agency John V Schmlnke , Cashier , 2)3 ] 11 ITOXEYTOLOAN On estate eeemlty , In aumi .VI ot 83CU to ( IO.COO , at reasonable rate ) . U. K. layne &Co , a W cor 16th and Kamam. SCO-Jll S7CO , Sl.OCO and 81,400 to Inan on real oj u/-rvv * tate , Monty on band , No delay. Omaha ' 'Inanclal Kxcliange , lfXJ3 Farnam Et. 256 lop | \/fOM'T / TO LOAN-ID amounts to suit , on chatte'a , [ \L collateral ! or ant goodiocutlty , Ouiilia Flnin- jal Exchange , 15C3 Farnam it. , up eUlrt. 185jOp l/rONBY / To loan on chattela , Woolley & lUirlson , > Y1 Itoom 20 , Omxha National bank building 947-tl H/TONEV / TO LOAN-On real estate and chattels Lyl P. U Thomas 048tf. /TONEY Loaned on nhatteli , cut rat , R. R llltlokeU oaught and cold. A. FormAn.m S , 13th Bt 187-tt If ONEV LOANED at 0. F. Reed &Co'a. Loon office LV1 on furniture , pianos , boiaea , wagons , personal iroperty of all kind * and all othe rtitlclea of value , rlthout remrvol. Over lit National Bankcorner 18th , nd Farnam. AU butlceea strictly confidential 950-tt Ifl-ONKT TO LOAN In inmi tf WOO and upward. ill 0. F. Dtvla and Co. , Heal tatt and Loan tgeoU , 1506 Farnaro Bt. 951 tl WANTED FEMALE HELP. [ ITASTKDA Rood servant girl , good wageJ paid , YY 1617 llarnrySt. 11. O. titripe. tt5-14 ITTiMro Sain ladv and apprentice at Genlu * ' YYuiUincrystoce. 3(8-13 iTt Good girl for general homo work In Y > small family. Apply 421 I'leoiantet. 816-tf rTTAXTKD-aiili at Wilkle Taper Ilx Factory , 106 YY Scuth 14th St , 821-14 rifAMKB nlrls at Bi&vens hotel. Good wugea guaranteed. 818-15p ASTID Dining room girl at Uaua' Keatatirant , W Douglas street , betvecu 15th ana 16th. SIS-lSp ) - girl lor general homework in WATTiD-Good ) Pl'ly ' M S E ( Or HUh and Far- jam tt , wt-n WAXtrn- a imMI family a geM German girl t do general hcu e workNo lOiSJth Stretc r SS6 tt \ \ tnoTiro glrli for dining teem and chambc W w oik at I'limera house , coiner Dodge an116tb SOO 18p - cla 9 clrl for housiwork In i WAXirn-Flrst , 1614 California at. ! 01-13p WANTKn-AglrltoiloKjrenl homework ; atplj at alia. Lemlcux , Uastellar it. bet 13th m 14th. 187-14 . .D GooJ German girl for general house , work ; NWcor 17thandDoug'as. SOMIp A girl to do general hotisi work at COS WANTKD 22d st , inutt be a gsod plain cook. 264 16p AMr.o-Gltl 17105 c.rncrOamlnjt and IBth St \\7ANT D LadyagentiglOnday , with my wonT - T > detful brand-new rubber undergarment Tor females ; ladles go wild over It Madam II , Llttlo.Box 413. Chicago , 111. SOMflp TXT"AMXD-Good girls , experienced cooks ; Omaha TT Employment Bureau , 1120 Farnnmst. 701-tt -Agood girl for gcncial bouja work 1017 Chlcnfto St. 832-1 f n Flrst-clMS dining room girl at the Met ropolitan hotel ; none other need apply. 821-tl WAKTKD Atonco , n l dj cook at Commercial Hotel , Ucnok , Neb. TV ORts $25 ] cr month . " " 351-19 TITANTEt ) by Kensington Art Co , , femilo help TT In Ml parti of the country , to da our light , nlea'ant work at tbclr homes. Mont bv mail to any addicss , no camistsnir , easy to lo rn and any cno can cam from $ ' to $10 per week. For full Intonat ion adilrc's Kcmlngton ArtHcoms,35 CoocrfB H , , Hoeton , H H liox 6078. OOO-SCp WANTED -Iriy BKOII ts for "Queen Protector daisy stocking and skirt supporters , shouldo iraco < , bustle , " , boss 11 forma , diou ( Ill-Ms , cafoty > clt9,8lcovo ) , rotcctor , etc. ; entirely now dovicca un * ircccdontcd prodte ; wo ha\o 500 L'ont ) niaklnt' $100 nocthly. Addtcss with stamp , EH Campb'll & Co. , 9 South May > t , ClilcaRO. flIB-ml9p WANTED MALE HELP. MEN WANfKD-25 rrckmon and laborers for Canndlan Pacific railway in ll.ltiah Colombia. Ship Saturday. 1013 , Ilarncy St. 330-16 n First clasi cigar talesman to tinvel tn T T NoVraska. It. Graham , Dee ollloo. 327-tf WANTPD Five gocil paper hanger nt 418 North IBtli slreet. 312-tf > -Llve energetic mtn with horse at A car- rlagoto handle mst-clas < article thiouih the country ; call nt onco. C. H. Eaton , ill s. 14th. Sie-tf WANTED-A II at clasa baker at ouco , apply 2013 Pierce st. 332-13p TX/'AKTBD A Bajart Scandinavian to travel for a Tr Joblng houas. Address1' ! B"B5o offlco 250-tf SITUATIONS WANTED. \\TANTED-Ilir steady , respectable nan , Bltuv ' < tlontu ilriver and the care ol horses ( In rlvatofamlh ) , to board In or out ot houso. Ad- rcsa , 0. f. , Bee offlco. 23U-13p WANTJU Hy younp ; American , slrg'o young innii , Btrannor In citv nnsiom to Onl employ- nont , lurd worker , understands drl\ lag nnd ciro ol ora-s , sttl'llv temperate , wigca small ; referonoo ? . YddressV. . K. " Bco ollicc 32M6p HlfASTft-Situation ) In a grocery store > oune TT nun led m u with three jcars experience , one oar in Oiruha ; gcod rcfcrenci.8 ; njdrisa "N " D" ieo offlco. 233-13p WANTFD Slttntlon hy a eood baker , country pro- Icnod , Address "J H'M2J 13th it. 318-Up WAS-TKD A situation bv a lady in a laundry , to do llonlll ; nddriB.1003 J cusnn st 910 Up D Fniploynif nt hy tn experienced bookkeeper - keeper ( Oi'iinaii'Aiiicrhan ) 21 jcara old ; able o do any kind of otlico work ; address J. O. Dee of- cc. ! DO-13p WAS-TKD-Situation by an cpRineer of experience ; steam management included. "Steam , " Bee IHoo. u Position In some business house by boy ISjciraoU. AJdiois "L. L. " Bco olllou. 245-lOp WAMKD Poalllon as slenoRrapher or boMtlceper by \tutiK tnan , rotcrcnccs as to ability and character goiti. Address "H. U. D. " umaha Bco , 23) 15p MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TTIfAMPD For spot cwh , good scconl hand Simp- V son buck board. AddroaP. O,414 S23-14 WANTKD Boarding by gentleman > nd wife In pii- valuta-lily. Address with terms "Hirrv"Uee offlco. 322-14 A \T9vrANTKn. . Add-css St. Louis Flcctrio Lamp /AC" , St LcuU for Urtiilir , cuts nnd terms ol the 53 candle piiAcr Marsh Electric Lamp. 311-J12 To rent a liousoof 4 or Grooms. J I , VT Wllklo. Z07-1U Tel ra-o vvlll land for a residence In the tit } ; address \V.A.f 0 bjx445 , Ouaba. So514p WASIKDRhorthanil pupils ; 1'itmen sys'om ; MIfs Nilcs ; 10th and Hickory. SpccUl term * to va cation paplls. 2S3-18p VlTViKB A. gentleman room-mato and tnn day It boarderswith rtforenco , 1611 California et , To rent \ small crttajro In a convcnl- WANTKD desirable nclEhbnrhond , with itnprovt- rcouts prcforroJ. Address with full particular' , 1 * O box 3C4 , city. 223-tf YXfAXTi-u Boardera at 1615 Capitol ave V > lB6-21p LADIBS Asn OEMLRMBS' to take nice , WANTKD plotaint work , at their own homes. VV'orK funt hyirnll any dleUnco nil the vcir round J2 to 35 K day quietly nialo ; no canvasiing , Address Kcllat lo Miu't'K Co. , riilladili.hb , n. , Io1533. ! . 031-lCji Everybody to try our Prepared CornMeal WANTru Meal , ready for Instant iko with the addition of milk or cold water. Tut up In 3 and ( I Ib. packages. Sold by gioo.TDW. . \Yelihaaa & GJ. , Manufact- urere. 070 tf TT7AKTBD A man or woman In every country In U Y > Hg'.MBannilo ' free ? 76 pi r month , eabry or commission. Send starniL Paul Tabcl , Chlugo 111. 810-ra-21p Every ady In nccU of a sowln ? ma chine , to BOO the now Improved American No. . 1 * . 1' Hodman & Co. ogenta ; 20 N I6th. fl52tr eon niNrr-nousE3 : AND LOTS. OR HKNT Good brick house 0 rooms f 22 nor month II 1 110 Patterson , IBIh ana Farnam. 374 tf RK.NT Store and twu rot ma In good location ; FOR 2C13 , fierce st , 03-14p [ 7 < OH KENT HouaowithS looras.clOBCtsandcellar L1 north west corner 4 > h and IValnut , Iiiqulro ol AUJ Itandou ; 1317 Chicago St. 109-ltp RKNT A nice 8 loom house , No 11R South 19th FOR . Inquire of ti. 11 , Jones , general Faeatnger Illce , U. P. y. 253-lSp OR RKNT3 rcom bouse , 2 closets 1317 Chicago F at. 251-13p RKXT To email ftmily well furnished cottage Foa sev en rooms In good location. Inquire ot K. Hue , Opera name , or at 2118 Hurt at. Rent $40. 28818 RXST A house , barn , good gaidon partly FOR , south of Uanec m'a park In Dnltht & Lang's addition , Ahoa new oottago on Fierce St , et 20th and 2Zd Bt ; ca 1 2023 I'lerco St. 257-130 OR RKNT Cotttgo of 6 rooms , furnlihcj or un- F furolibed , wltb barn ; Inquire ol A. Muiphy , 120 14th Bt , liENT-Flve room houte on south 10th street. FOR Center , * 12 per month ; Inquire at 1620 Douglai itreet. 2(8 13p nvm RKKT Three cottages 4 , 5 and 0 rooms. J , i11'ntppiKee , 1512 Boath 5th at. 992-tf OK BIST-Two barns centrally located J , I'hlpps F Koe , 1512 south 5th Bt. 234-tf TCE RENT Lwo bonsei 7 and 10 rooms 1512 south J.1 6th 8t. J. 1'hlppa Roe. W3-tf FOBBALK 12 good Iota Mirlon place three blocks from etrfet care entity termi. W II OreeD , over 1st bat'l bank. 98111 PKBK.ST 10 loom bouie , modern Improvements. Uedtoid , Bouer & Dav la , 213 & 14th Bt. 76SII TT'ORKfNT Fhrceitory brick store bullJIng ; enC - C quire ol Kdward horrla & Co. , room 19 Croucse Block. 953 tl FOR RENT FornUhed cottage , 7 roome. with oloacts , i antry , eto. , In best locality In City cm pay rout with board. Call In ofternoon at 525 i'leag- nt Bt 57-tl FOR ROT -A store on Chiming et. A pply to John . tick , BIB W. 16th St. 213-14 1100MS FOR RENT. IT'OR ' mc < T-A hiniiomely furnished pulor ; al < n L1 twDamallroomi , k t ! room on oir line. 1720 Cipltvlavc. 2U-HP 1312 U 1312 You who hnvo looked to your interest nnd slill hold the thought that you can not wenr fine clotlrinc nnd have them look na well as the neatest , without paying the exhorbitaut * prices ot 845 , § 50 , $00 aud ? G5 per suit , o ought to pay one visit to the Misfit Parlors , 1312 Douglas Streef , and see the same goods with a guarnuico of n psrfoct fit , in ouy style of cut ana from nil the prevailing styles in fnbrics > -t prices less than half the above , or to say , about the cosb of raw material which the garments ara nmdo o while in every case the Misfit Parlors exercises all pains in satisfying the customer , and feel it no trouble jut purely do ther ; In order you may feel yourself at homeand invite your friends , you ore cordially received ; and oven if you only wish to inspect , you are treated with the same courtesy as it yon came rarchnso the Garments , consisting of Suit ? , Spring Overcoats , Coats and Vests and Pantaloons , which are nade by the Itnumg merchant tailors of the country , consolidated into one btock , will prompt ronage of Omaha and vicinity , at least a visit. The FIT 1312 DOUGLAS 8TBEET-UF-8f AIB8 , 1312. Open Evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturdays until 10 o'clock. IIKNT With board , a neatly furnished room FOR for two gentlemen , would also like one yourg la ly to room nnd board t South West corner lOthttreot and St Mary's avenue. 239-15p rtPvT-TftOclczant rooms In beautiful locvtlon ; FOR 1010 led < c it , 33 lOp TT'OR ' REST Furnished room , wltn boaid. Suitable JD tor two gentlemen. 1117 Howard. 770-lOp I OR RJ.NT A pluuint furnished room at 2309 Cali F fornia et 87 per u-ontli. 310 ICp FF Ion KENT Two unfurnished rooms 1116 north 18th F St. Ucfertnco required. MS ISp RKNT Two front rooms furnished , cheap , 1012 FOR st. 285-18p nr\T Furnhhod front room 1902 Farnam , FOR 280 22p RKNT-IIanJBomely furnl'hodrooms onl'leasint FOR . Addrcaa "J J" ere Ben 182-18p RK\T Furnished room 30 } N. 23d street. FOR 249-14p KOR RENT-Furnished rooms , ISlBDodgo street. 1 } 247-J10 OR RENT Lirge , handsomely furnUhcd front F rocm , 1017 Capttcl A\c. 325-13p HKKT Southeast corner 17th and Chicago , FOR furnUhed room , euuthcm exposure ; efercnccs. 272-14 _ oa RUNT Handsome furnished room with bathing F rooui attachfd at 2203 IJodgost. 97fl-lDp FFOR BKNT Furnished front room 88 per month. FOR lurth 20lh St. , between Cumlngj and Izird ts. 23M5p ' BKHT Ono largo front room , bay window and F'on on llrst llojrjinodjrn convenloncos 20th , icarHt. Mary's avo. locmiro at S. W. corner 16th nd Badge 6t , 17B-U BKVT Newly furnished trout room at 0138 Fn . 177-13p _ IIKNT La'KO , writ finished front room , fur- FOR thcd orunfii'nlfhed , ono block from St > [ arta \c ; Inquire ol Ooo Ilcux'h , 1SOO Douglas Bt. 103-13p A room for gontlciran and wife or for FOREST , lltli Drst-claca beard 1022 Butt st. 793-tl IT OR PKVT Furnlfhod front room with board In I1 pihato family 1017 Chicago St. 103 tf RKNT Furnished rooms w'th or wllhcut FOR , 2112 llaincy St. , ono block from street ar. _ _ 094tf ! OR RKNTFurnlihed front room with board in IfORR 1 family , 10 17 Chicago st. 985-tf Ion HUNT With boardnicely furnlthed front room Foil and bath , 1419 Jones. 037 tf IonnHNT Furnished room ) 1821 Capitol ara. F 007mSO [ 7 < OR HSST Olfloo andthlril Ilanrsultihle for whole. J sale or manufacturing , at 1207 f aruim St. 880 tf IOR RKNT-Furnished room 1818 Jackson st. F 812-tn2flp TOR RKNT Nicely lurnUhcJ front room for lidy " and Kantleoun ; Inqulr * 521 Pleasant Bt. 712 tt T'ORIiENT-Nlcely furnished rooms 1617 Divenport J 722.J6P _ " > 00118 With bowldetlrabl f > i summer. Apply lilt Bt. Ohaileg UeteL 911-11 7011 RENT Several fine cfUcei In Croanie' block , J Inquire Ed , Norrla , loom 19 Crounso block _ _ 842 tt FORSALE-FARMS. jViR BALE 120 acres No , 1 land In Washington J O&unty , (0 acres under cultivation and SOgtus. miles from U'alr , t28 per acroj 8500 or 41,000 cash nd biltncc cu tlmo. Section 20 , lot i. Address osrph Kolowratek , Illalr , Neb. 101-14 ToRSiLE 46)0 cro stock andgraln firm , a'l ' 1m- ? proved ; lour hours' ride fr m the Omaha Stosk Yarai ; Kncnmllfi from the c'ly of Fremont ; two rollrowls Hlthln tdros miles ; 800 acre ! under plow , le re't In putute ; hJird fence , running stream irouchpatture ; house with tea room ) ; will bosild iitaptf sold immediately ; on tcrmi to tult. For urtber particulars Inqulio uf Oeo , 0. Qrodfrev , Fie. mont , Neb. 107.11 < jVR ) BALI Fkiinand unimproved land lota and J house on long CJ edit Land olllco , 620C , 3'n ' Ht. Vtdlcka & Ooantner , ( OS-Blip 7 > oa tin Good farm In Washington Co. ; 171 i ? acres ; W acres cultivated ; good buildings : floe rcbard ; running water ; all fenced. KJward NorrU Co. , room 19 0/ounae Block. 7 < tf FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS , HALE Hmall house with two lots In Walnut bill nowietdy for occupancy $950 ; terms { 60 down nd 910 p r month ; alto 6 roam cottagei In Walnut 1111 ready for occupancy , > 1,7CU terms , 3SO down and 20 per month. _ 297-18 sin Nice cetUgo ct i roems with lot t3632bloc Bfrom&t Mary'n ave. , near Kin- netts , a baigaln at 91,0(0 , c h c460 , balance to lull. Lobctkt Co. , 12:2 r' rntm street. 218 tf FOIIHUK AntlcRantcottngoofllvo rooms , hith and all oonvonlei ccs now , nice l < t Ocorgiaavo , near Lo vcn orlhSSOO. Iloueo 7 rooms i > n ol the flncst locations on Park nveuuot,000. oa't front ; this is a ba-uiln ; term ) ca < y. C. E. .Majnc & , Co. , S W corner Ibtli anil Far- nam. 193-14 SALK Ion acrcirtlaad wlthlu SblocVaof 1'ott FOR oifcoai Weeping Water , Cisa Co , Neb , viillscll on cas ) terms or exchanpo for Omaha property. W. H. Green , over 1st Nat'I lik , Onnha , Neb. 0tf FOR BALK Five Iota4xl30 ; together on Leaven- worth street ; bcautllul location , 000 One- foiiTth rash , baUtcj on long time , easy tetm ; . Cralle & Jones. 210-tf "TT OR BALK Dointtful and dcslrablo lota at 820)cah X1 on ? 10 monthly payments. 11. C. I'attcrson , 13th and Fariiam. 103-tl ' rucB 12 gooil lots In this addition within MARIOS' in 3 H .cks of street cars , can bo had on oasv terms. WII Green , over 1st Nat'I liank. lli-tf TJ"OR SVLK At a bargain , thico good houses 817 anJ JP 817118tb , south of Lcivcnvtoith ; rent $35 pel per month ; pi lee $5,500 oisy piMnonts ; limit be soli bcf jre June 1st. Apply S. .MJrtou3jn , tailor , 1413 Farnam street. 131-jlp FOR SALK Houio full lot , well , clitcrn , Inrn , all in good i-ondltloa. one block from strof.t . rars $1 800 ca y terms. Wll , over Ut Nat'I Bauk. Oll-tf TTloa SALK Qoixl fi room liouso , lot 50x132 fi > ctcoa P front , 81300 ; 8100 rush , lulinco J16 per month. W. U Gioso , over 1st National bank. SSltf FOR SA.LE , MISCELLANEOUS. IOR SALK-A 12 months lca o of the Union F rhoto rooms. Iloomslocated In the best busi ness poition of the city of Hastings , Neb , and arc the bust i hjlo rcon'H In tlio city. For ptrtlculare call en or addrcsf , Uulon I'hoto Rooms , Bastings. Neb. 320-10 [ * SALK fhcap o'c ariteldo tar buggyono cait , ion 1 ono , Onnlia Nat'I Hank llullaiiig. 317-tf FOR PAI f Water apanlcla anil a few Gordon Fetter pups , ti Dutjon , noir JohnHDii'd brick jardNorth Omtha. 28Z-13p ' . A magnificent now upright piano cole- IJ'OIIBU.K make , all the latest Improvement * ) , beauti ful tone , tiuch nnd finish , an instruction book flic ; no chart.0 for delivery ; a great bargain$155 ; lOlfc 1'a- clflo. ISMSp rOR8U.K-nay piclng maro.Sycars all ; 0111 vaco J' ono lll'l In 8 iuiautoi > ; gentle aril fju'et. ' Two nice ponies ; good saddle pm.ea ; will drive single or d-ube ) ; two tina'l ikllvory mules ; light oipross wagonand , harnes ) . John P , Schmlnko , room 8 I'ol- Ic'i b'ock. JOJ tl FOR SALK Good second haul piano at a hiigaln. 213 north 17th. 270 lap FOR BALK Two No 1 pluoton.onc ecconi hand bug gy. Apply J4C9 and 1411 Dodgoet. 14511 Iroil HALE A pair of extra good work noise" , 1 weighing about 1,4CO pounds each ; flvojoars old , Bound and well broken. Reason for Belling , too valuable for my business. InquireatOeo. IIcaton'8 , 628 Broadway , Council Blulfd. 19J-14 [ Jtoit BALK-300,0:0 brick , on can at Collovuo or F nmnv , . H. T. Clarke. orAtf T70R BALK A pair of ponlea with allitht spring wa- I1 gen andliarncsa very cheap for caih 1217 Howard atrect. ISO If FOR KALX-I'Uno , a ? 7CO upright piano at a bar gain , 1719 Douglas. 733U12I PERSONAL. A , widower of 85 , with enough of this PERBOHAL goods tomato aoomfoitiblo home ; It loneiome , arU whhei to corteapond with same lady with a view to matrlmuDy. Addresilujk box 703 , Omahi , Nob. 8U-l5p MALL ts uak'ng illk d rents at 9' , am ) wooltn MRS 5 to CIO. Katltfactiori guaranteul , ODD N Ittli Street. 3lO-14p - wlihlng a actmttrou , guaran- PKEBOVAL-Pattlo nd flttlnj ; aatlifaotory ; address 818 North IQ.lint. Urr. J. Arnoll. 248 10p .L-JI you want * detective , send your ad- 1 address to tlio Oxaha Dctectho Agency , 1' 0 box 544 , olllces 816 south lull it. _ bSO m2T E. 11 lloorrn , Trance clairvoyant , and hctl MIUJ moiium ready for business over No 023 H K corner 10th and Webster. Terms reasonable. 432 mlO REAL ESTATE BROKERS. niOKKKS-Lobeck & Co1 , 1212 Farnan etroct corner IStb , real estate bought and sol. on commlsaion , ixch iicsof real or personal proper ty effected ; tlio pair naae i/f / partita having real cUt orotocliBotgoodatOBellorcxchinge at retsonab1 pilecs , U aoUclted , ana will have ur bent attoctloi/ TO EXCHANGE , IXCIIA.SUB Two splendid fannilor inerohandl To for farm. R. 0. Patterson , IBth and Ft rpoKiciiANQK-I b vu fllly thousand aerti olCbc J CDDO county land which I can exchange at flfrui whlca will bo rroflUblu lor eaitorn property. Con and gee It. W. i. V nnlco , Bidntiy , Neb. 801-tl rpo KXCIIANOK 410 acres well improved land J mil < i .Llrom Esaex , Iowa , forastosk of ironcralinorchan- diso or hardware , Addroa ) Johu Lmdorholm , Ejucx a 684 tt FOll SAliE-Orexchingc. have for silo the exclusive right In tula state to Sfll the ooal ecnomlzor and soot dostroytr , deitrovs the nojt and wlllBavo twenty percent on coal , will sjll county rlghti or the 8 tat a , or will exchange for roil estate or > j 7 rood property on application will ecnd sainplo lit al and giro paitlcuUra. llea'on for Belling ) vn rc-ancot die Itlili attention : a raru chance for Ivn ion : Bedford , Soucr & Davis. 046 tf T70R8 t'.K x\ciiANUR-In patt for restaurant , fur- J ? nlturo and stock , clgirs 4o. 7 roimcd houjo , barn , and two lots. Apply 319 south 11 Hi st. 106 mo BUSINESS CHANCES. nV > RHVLK Restaurant located on 12th street be- X1 twecn Farnam and Ilarnov , known as French Dining Hall , on moderate conditions , apply at 314 a 12th street , E. Blcck. 270-lOp Fou BAI.K Oocullm lne-w In Onrihi ; nrnfltfl 03 per cent ; capital required , tlirco or four thousand dollaiH I'crtDiw meaiilin ; business , address Lock box. 301 , DCS ilolncluvv.i , 2C2-J11 FORSALK V vvo'lmtibliihcdtalloia ' huslnoa be- twcon now and Juno 16th , low rent ; goad loca tion ; hold Icaso of stnro for twoyrareoaly ; small o > p- Ital required. Address "N. O. " Bee olllco. 132 J-4p FOR HALK A well utabllihed bakery. Address "K. " this ollicc. IfB J-4 FonHALv.oa KxtiiANuK-In ( part ) for restaurant , , ( urniturnT roomed house , baru and two lots. Ar > . ' plySlBsoulh llthit. ICO into ' FOB BALR-In Oakland Neb flrst-cla'iimoat ' market J al'O the furnl urool the Ht 1'aul hotel. For par- ' tlculars , Iiiqulro-or write Wiggcrs & UeblingOakland Nob. fl/4-mlfl FOR SALK Dnu store In a desirable locality , wll iuvoico about S1.600 HCPatterton , NK corner Kith and Farnam. ISO tt IpOll SALE Or exclmnco a full stock of clothing boots and shoos , gont' furniehlngROods , will ox. cMngo for Nebraska Lauda , 0 , II. L'otcraon.SOl Q. 10th tit. , Omaha , Nob. 1)10 ) U GROCERIES. NHRLQUKST Ins pnrchaaol the grocery stock anil huildingboonzln < 13 Chas. Hoagion nt No t 711 Nurlli ID h St. , v hcio lie Mill continue the bin. I Inosiaml will bo ple'vsidioscaallhl * filends 71io { choicest erocerles 11I bj kept oomtantly on haml , vcgetibltg In season. 221-16 ion i BOARDING. TJMIIST-CLASS Bed and board 1212 Capitol ftvo. 12-1136 LOST AND FOUND. FOUNDlied Iilih Better , female. Apply to UuUon FOUND- near Johnson's brick yard , North Omaha , 81-14p A gold o'n 9 fin with monogran , O , H. 8. LOST the finder pleaai return to room 8 , Crelgb- ton block , and reiclvc rnvtard. 300-Hp T o T-On Friday evening last , on Hiundora Bt.a XjpucVct hook containing (1.75 tn hlllj and check pajablo to M , Toll or bearer for 150. Will treUwlth Under about ro ard through mall , Address , f. lieg- gan , oaroK Fearon , corner 12th and Farnim. 2o4-13p T OUT This ( Friday ) morning between 7:10 : audS.38 J-/a gold watch ctuln/K oil' . Finder wllll cava at 1'aclflo Exprcsa olllco tnd recoluo $ i.ooroward , C. A. Abercoompo. 104-34p IOE CREAM. T Rnail Ice cream pics and cakc every day. Order * J ? prcmptly attended to. Carl Kchmld , tel eouih 15th Bt. KO-J5 MISCELLANEOUS. smChcapby John l'etersonlhieeblooli south of llellcvue road on UUiBt. , eaaiitde. 301-18p / 1iiKWBH.VBaTAfi , iloea not give you heirt-buro. V lagaiedeciuedat ona cent , each by the dealcrg. 1'cyc oUroa. , Agcnta. 083-tl ASH'KB On Elkhora and 1'Ulto. T. Murray. 1 800-U ( M\r.w \ BILVKK TAU , IU fruit flavored , tag ) redeemed Oattne oiuteacliby the dealers , 1'ejcke Ilroa , < gents. 03S-U on banjo given by Q K Oollen- 1 Ixck , at 1118 Capitol ave. 430 tf IL Plimw HILVBR TAO , It no s not taint the breath , tags vJredicmed at one cent each by the dealers. Peycko ) ; .uo . Agents. 038 tl > IJK1VY , vaults , bloke and oetwpools cleaned at the L ahortut notice and SitUUctlon guaranteed by F. O. Abrl. P. 0. Boi B7B. O0-m2p vaulti , and cesspocla cleaned at ihoitciit no- PKIU any tiite of the day , In an entirely rderlia * ay 1th cur Improved r uuir and dmig n apptra- 111 , all places cl-ane-l by u * JlienfecUd lice , clor : cisnuble. A. Evani. 12V8 Dodge etreot uji * * * * 240-JIO