Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE DAILY BF.E-- SATURDAY , MAY 9 , isss. 3
1'AID UP CAPITAL . . . . $250,000
BUKPLUS NOV. 1,188t . . . . 22,000
orriCEna :
8. W , YATM , A , E. TorjzAttN ,
President , Vice President.
1C , K.linyden.Ats't. and Acting Cashier.
The Iron Bank ,
INTEREST allowed on time deposit * upon
Invoruble terms and upon accounts of banks
od banker * .
Bonds and Count/ and City securities bought
and lold.
In its treatment of customers the most lib
eral policy Is pursued consistent with safety
nd sound banking , and wo Intlto correspond *
enco or personal Inquiry In connection tnoro-
Nnw YOBK , May 8. Moner Ewy at 1
® 14 per cent. Prime paper at 4@C per cent.
Foreign Ktchango Dull nt $1.861 ; demand ,
GoTornmenta Dull but steady without
change except a decline of | c in 4' and an nd
Tanco of Jc In 3'g.
Stocks Decidedly more active to-day , and ,
on the -whole , somewhat irregular and at
times feverish , There was exhibited a great
deal of strength , the result of the day's opera
tions showing decided gains over laat evening.
After 11 o'clock the market became more
quiet and prices were comparatively steady
with a tendency toward lower prices , but after
1 o'clock there was a sharp rally , after which
It again became dull and about steady , and so
continued until late In the day. In the last
half hour the whole ilist became strong and
advanced J@J per cent for active stocks , the
market finally closing strong at or very near
the highest quotations reached , The only
active Gould stock was Union Pacific , which
ro&o srom 48J to 49J , a gain of 11 per cent.
4J's Coupons Mi
Tf.B.4'1. 122
P clfto6' of 86
Central pacih . _ . . . . 30 *
Chicago 4 Alton 1364
do do pfd 150
Chicago , Burlington & Quinoy . 121-j
Delaware , Lackawana & Western . 104
Denver & Rio Grande . G {
fcfirio. * li
do pzd , . . . . . . . * . . . . . . * " *
IllinoU Central . 125
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western . 9
Kansas &Texaa . 18J
Iiako Shore & Michigan Southern . . . . _ 63
Louisville & Noshvillo . 30 ;
Michigan Central. . . . . 47
Missouri PadEo . . 84
Northern Pacific . 17
do do pfd . 394
Northwestern . 93 }
pfd . 12 *
New York Central . 86
Oregon Trans-Continental . IS
PacuioMail . 644
P.D. 4E . 04
Pullman Palace Car Company . 117
Book Island . 111 }
B * . Lonls 4 San Francisco . 173
do do pfd . 29
Chicago , Milwaukee ft Bt Paul . CSJ
do do do pfd. . . . . 104
flt Paul & Omaha . 2'4
do do pfd . 72
Texas Pacific . 10
Union Pacific. . 493
Wabuh , St Lenis & Pacific . 2
do do do pfd . 0
Western Union Telegraph . . 68 |
U. B. &N . 76J
CHICAGO , HI. , May 8. Flour Quiet and
steady ; unchanged.
Wheat Fairly active ; strong and higher ,
onbttl crop reports ; opened strong ; g@j
higher. Improved B ) more. ea ed off jjo im
proved i@jj receded fluctuated slightly , and
closed about Jo over yoaterday ; fc8j(2888o (
osh ; 8Sge , May ; Ovjjc , June ; 921@936c ,
Corn Fairly active and stronger. Influenced
by strength in wheat , opened higher and
fluctuated within j@ijc during the session ,
and closed about VJc over yesterday ; 48c ,
cash and May ; 47flc , June ; 481@48J July.
Oats Muro active and firm , about J
better early , later reacted , closed about at
yesterday ; S-Jic , cashjSlgc , May ; J4fc , June ;
Slc , July
Kyo-Kirm t71c.
Barley Nimlaal at GIJc.
Timothy Stud Prime , 81.03&1.50.
Flaxseed-No. 1.8138 ,
Pork Stonily , only limited business ad
vanced , 5@lOc : cloned steady at at811.20@
@ 11 25. cash ; $ U.20@11214 , May and June ;
ll.SO@ll S3i , July.
Lard Fairly active and ruled trotiger at
20 hiRher ; donod steady , f 0 80G.8 i cash
and May ; $ G85gG.87i. Juuo ; $ .924gC ( 95 ,
liulk Moats Shoulder * , short clear un-
ehangod , abort ilbs , 55 70@6.72J.
WhUky-Htrady at 91,15.
Butter UnclunRod ;
Cheese Unchanged ; cheddars , 913c ;
skimmed checidais , 8@6o.
-Unchanged ;
Hides ) Unchanged.
Tallow Unchanged.
Ueceipta. Bhlots.
Flonr.bbli . 26.000 37,000
WnMLboshel * . 82,000 231,000
Com , bushels . 131.000 691,000
Oati , btuhols . 133,000 1S6.000
Eye , bushels. . . . 3.000 2.00C
Ikuler , bnshels . 4,000 5,000
MttWAUKU , WIs. , May 8. Whoat-Qulet
and easy : No. 2 Milwaukee , 88&c & ; June ,
SOo : July 02jc.
Corn-Scaroa. bolder * firm ; No. 3 , 48o.
Oati-Dnll , No. 2 , SJgc ,
Byo-Veiy quiet ; Np. J. 72 o.
Barley Unlf , nomloall lower ; No. S , GOio.
Vrovlilons Firmer mesa park , cub ,
May and June , 111.25.
KANSAfl dm.
KANSAS Lhrr , Mo.May 8. Whaat-Hiaheri
> b , SOja bid ; 81c asked ; June. 83Jc ; July
Corn Higher ; cash , 41341fc ; June , -Ulc
July , 13ip.
Oats-Komlnal ; 39JobId ; 41o asked.
NBW YOBK , May 8 Whsat Receipts
114.COO bu ; exports , 103,000 , bu ; spot lot * 4@
IJc higher ; options advanced lB@lio , closlnp
" " " ' "
3 red
Corn Spot lota advanced i@jc and optiom
were J8 - closing with lome reaction ; re
eelpts , 21.000 bu ; exports , 113,000 bu ; un
graded , 67tto8J ; No. 3 , 67@C8o ; No. 2 , 674CS
Main elevator : July closing at SGJc.
Oata A shade stronger ; receipts , 25,000 bu
axporU , 4800 but mixed western , 41g43c (
white mixed , 4G@50o.
Km firmer and In fair demand ; western
1'otk Quiet and uochinged ; me s spot
512 00@12.BO.
Lard A shade strongpr. but v ry quiet
western steam spot , $7.05@7 074 ; Ju''i ' 87. ' . '
@ 7 22.
Butter rirm for choice stocV ; others weak
ClNCINKAn. O , Mar 8 Wheat-Stron
and highfr ; No. U red , $1.0701.08.
Corn-Firm ; No 2 mixed , 63Ja:63ja. ( :
Oats In fair demand and firm ; No.
mixed , SOJo.
Uye Quiet and firm ; No. 3 fall , Tic.
Barley Firm butstarce ; extra No. Biprlng ,
Pork-Quiet at $11.624011 7C.
Lard Light supply at ? C 70.
Whisky In fair demand and firm at $1,13
uvinroot ,
fjivraroot , May -Wheat lnll and In
poor demand : holders offering freely ; No. 2
winter , 7 10J.
Corn Dull ; demand poor ; new mixed
western , 5s Id.
TOKDO , O , May 8 Wheat Doll and
easy ; No. 3lred , nasb , Olio.
Corn Quiet and firm ; No , 2 cash and
May , o2Je :
Cats Dull ; no quotations ,
BI. LOUIS rnonuci.
8li LontB , Mo. , May 8. Wheat Active
and higher : closed about Jc under opening
price ; $1.0D1@1.CC4 for canh ; 81.05 ? bid for
May ; SI 03 for June ; 91,052 for July
Corn Higher bnt slow ; 461@47c for cosh ;
4G\c \ for May : 4CJo for Juno ; 47@47o | for
Oats-Dull ; SCjc , cash ; SCJc bid May ; 3Go
live Firm ; GGl@G7io bid.
Whisky-Steady at 81 14.
Arimnooy BoAnD. Wheat l@8o higher.
Corn Steady.
CniOAOO , 111. . May 8. Cattle RexiipU , 0.-
300 head ; brisk ; and lOc higher : shipping
ulcers , $ i.80@C.OO ; common to good butchers ,
e27C@4f.Oj . feeders , ? 4 G0@5.10 : stockcrs ,
83/JOK4 GO.
Hogs Receipts , 15COO bead ; active and
C@10o higher : rough and mixed , $4 00@4,35 ;
pocking and shipping , 84.35@4.60 ; light 4,20 ®
4,50 ; skips. $3 C0@4 20.
Sheep Receipts , 7,400 head ; dull ; and 25o
lower ; inferior to good , 2 COgS.GO ; choice ,
ST. LOUD , Mo. , May 8. Cattle Receipts ,
800 head : shipment * , 1 30(1 ( ; notivo and strong ;
shipping steers. $4.75(35 ( 50 ; exports , nomi
nally $5 G0@5.90 ; good native butchers' steers ,
8I.CO@4 65 ; cows and heifers. ? 3.25@4 25 ;
stackers and feeders , S3.75@4 90.
Sheep-Receipts , SOO head ; shipment * ,
1600 head ; scarce and firm ; clipped , $3.00 ®
4.CO ; woolod , ? 3.60@4.GO.
KAJTBAB Orer , Mo , May 8. Cattle Re
ceipts , 1,500 head ; utroncr and active and Be
hleher ; exporters , $5.25@5.40 ; common to
choice shipping , SI 50@5.'JO ; feeders , 84.00 ®
4.40 ; COWB , 52.80@3.20.
Hogs Ilscelptf , C.250 head ; flctlvo and EC
higher ; $3.00@4.10 ; bulk , 84.00.
Sheep Steady ; common to good muttons ,
OrrioE or TUB OMAHA BEI , 1
Friday Kvoning , May 8. )
The following prices are charged retailers
by jobbers , wholesale and commission mer
chants with the exception of grain , which is
quoted at the prices furnished by the eleva
tors and other local buyers :
LIITO stock Market.
Hogs The receipts were light at the Union
stock yards , South Omaha , and all sold strong
and So h'gher. Common mixed packing ,
83.75183.80 ; good to choice mixed packing ,
S3.90S4 ( } 00. Common rough hogs and open
so7 and skips unfavorable.
Sheep Good to choice , $1.00@4.00.
Cows Butchers' stock , $3.z5@4 00 for good
to choice cows , heifers and fat bulls.
Steers Fat poney steers , weighing 1,000 to
1,150 poundt , SI 25@34 50.
Steady ; green butchers' 6c ; green cured ,
7Jc ; dry flint , 12@14c , dry salt , 10@llc : damaged -
aged hides two-thirds price.
Tallow 44@5ic.
Grease Prime white , 4@44o ,
Sheep Pelta 25c@75.
Wheat Cash No. 2 , G2o.
Bailey 45@50c.
Bye Cosh No. 3 , 4G@47o.
Corn No. 3 , S5o.
Oate No. 2 , 35o.
Flour and MlllstnlTs ,
Winter Wheat Firmbest ; quality patent at
Second quality 82 40.
Spring Wheat Best quality patent at 82 70.
Second quality -82 1C2 GO.
3JBran8lo per cwt.
'Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , SOo.
Corn Moa 80.85@1 00 per owt.
Screening No , 1 , 60o per owt ; No 2 , COc ,
Hominy 1.50 per owt.
Bborta GOo per cwt.
Graham $1.75 per owt
General Prodnoo
Onions Scarce and good stock will bnng
82 00 per bushel.
Beans In fair supply and demand moder
ate. Navy , per bushel , 81&0@1 60 ; medium ,
per bushel , 81 S0l 40.
Potatoes Receipts have been more liberal ,
bnt as stocks were very light all over , all was
pioVed up quickly on arrival and prices were
held firm. Ohoioe stock is selling raoidly at
70c , and food at COSCSo.
KftgaThere is no change to note , the mar'
ket continues steady at lie , and as receipts
are liberal and just about equal to demand ,
there Is no occasion for on advance.
Butter Unchanged , Receipts light and
choice grades scarce. Rolls should ba packed
carefully now and well wrapped in muOIn , as
the warmer temperature has a bad effect on
them , and they frequently arrive nil pressed
out of shape. Creamery , 22@25o : fair
to good , 13@14c : choice dairy , 15@17c
inferior grades , 8@10c.
Poultry Den.nncl almost exclusively for
chickens , and as the weather turua warmer ,
quotations on ' live" only are given , Old
chickens are in good demand and heavy
weights sometimes go above quotations.
Spring chickens have been very scarce , and
are in strong requoat Spring chickens , fair
siie , per doz , G Od ; old chickeus , according to
weight and quality , per doz , 3 50&4 00.
Game Only very little deing. Ducks are
In good demand , but scarce. Snipe plentiful.
Geese dull. Ducks , mallard , per dor , 2 00 ®
2 50 ; ducks , teal and mixed , per doz , 1 C0@
3 00 ; geese , per doz , 2 503 00 ; snipe , per
doz , 50c@l 00.
Grocer * * IiUt
BUO&BS Powdered , 7o ; cut loaf , 7o ; gran
ulated , Gio ; confectioners' A , 6 0 ; Standard
extra 0 , 5Jc ; extra 0 , 5go ; medium yellow ,
dark yellow , fijo.
Oonrxia Ordinary grades , 10o ; ( air , 12 ;
" 110 12o ; prime , 12@13o ; choice.
5@17o ; fancy green and yellow , 16@16Jo ; old
government Java. 20@26c : Arbncklo's roasted -
ed , 14o | MoLanghlin'a TfTfTfTf roasted , 14Jo ;
ImltaUon Java. 16J18ic.
ROPI Biaal , i inch and larger , 74c ; i Inch ,
Be : 4 Inch , Sic ,
SALT Lhray loads , per bbl , 1 25j Ashton ,
In sacks , 3 60 } i sacks Ashton , 1 00 ; bbls dairy
BPIOIO Pepper , 18o | iploe , 14 ; cloves , 20o
atiia , 16o.
BiBDP Standard Com , , 37o , bbb ; Btaadard
do 4 gallon kegi , 128.
DBT FBOTTB No , 1 , quarter apples , bbls
4o ; N 0 sliced , boxes , GJo : evaporated , boxes ,
8401 blackberries , boxea lljo peaches , | .
boxes , lOc ; peacnes , evaporated , 16c | rasp ,
berries , 85o
Finn-No. 1 mackerel 1 ball bbls. , 7 50 ;
Family i bbls. , S 50 ; No. 1 kiU , 1 05 ; family
kits GOo : No. 1 whitefiih , half bb , ,6 50 ; No.
1 kits , 95ci family halt bbls. , 800 ; family
kits and palls , GOo ; No. 1 trout , half bbl * . , B 25 ,
BTAEOH Pearl , 4Jo ; Silver Gloss , 801 Corn
Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7o : Com , Tic.
OAMNBO Goooa. Oyst&a Standard ) per
case. S 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per ease , 3 50 ;
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 50 ; California
pears per case , 6 60 ; apricots , per case , 6 00 ;
peaches per case , 6.80 ; while chorrie * per
case , 6 75 ; plums per case , 4 CO ; whortleber
ries per case , 8 00 ; oxg plums , 2 Ib , per case > ,
300) ) greengage * , 2lb , per case , 2Wpine ;
aples , 2 Ib , per case , 8 205 50.
OABDLES Boxes , 40 lb , 16 , 12Jo , 8s , ISJo ,
boxera401bs , 16oz,6 . 14o.
MATonea Per eaildie , 85ot ronndrlease
? 5R , tqaaro , cases , 170 ; Ositkcwh , cases gr 1.20
SODA In Ib papers 8 20 per cae ; keg , pui
ID , * 4
PiOKLxa Medium in barrels , 5 40 ; do In
half barrels , 3 30 ; small , in barrels , G 40 ; do IE
half barrels , 4 00 ; gherkins in barrelr , 7 5C
do In hall barrels , 4 50.
TEAS Gunpowder , good 45@55ct choice ,
60@75c ; good , 40@43ci choloo , 60 < g
65c ; Young Ilyaon , peed , 81 ® GOo ; choice. 61
@ 1 00 : Japan , natural leaf , 75o ; Japan choice ,
60 < B75o ; Oolou/ good , 85@40ci Oolong cbolot
Bsucbong , good , 80 ® < 0c ; choice , 81
Louisiana , prime to choice , 6i74o-
WOOD KWAR Two hoop pulls , 1 85 ; three
hoop pailf , 2 10. Tub * , No. I , 8 50 : plonoei
washboards , 1 75 | Double Crown , ! i CO ) well-
buckets , S 75.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial ) 3 15 ; Kirk's
satinet , 8 30) ) Kirk's standard , 8 55) ) Kirk's
White Russian , 4 85 ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cann , 4 cans In cose
3 35 tBabbltt'i ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 00 ; An
tnor ball , 3 doz. in ease , 1 50.
CANDT Mixed , 1 stick , 9allc | twist
stick , 9o.
ViNWJAH Now York apple , ICct Ohio ap
ple , 13c ,
Tine cut Hard to Beat , 70c ; Charm of the
West. 60s ; Fount tin , 74ot Golden Thread ,
G7c ; Favorite , COc ; Buds , Sic ) Rocky Moun
tain , 50a : Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c.
Plug tobacco Climax , 44c per Ib , ; Horse
shoe , 40 ; : Star , 4Gc ; Spearhead. 4Gc ; Our
Rope , 50c ; Piper Ueidslck , O'J ' : ; Punch , 40c.
Smoking tobacco O. U. , 22oi Dleorsctiautn ,
SOo ; Long Tom SOo. Blackwell's Durham , 10
ot. , Dlo ; 8 or. , 55c ) 4 oz , , 57c : 3 or , GOo.
Seal of North Carolina , 1G oz. , 42o ; 8 oz. , 45oj
4 oz. , 48c ; 9 oz. , 50o , Navy Clippingi , 2Gc.
Ktlllkinlck , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 23c.
DBOOS AND UnsMioALa Acid , carbollo , 4io
add , tartaric , 55o ) baUam copaiba , per Ib.
G5c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 13c ; o lomoi , per
Ib , QOo ; cinchonldla , per oz. , 80 50 * chloro
form , per Ib , 51 00 ; Dovera powdou , per Ib ,
81 20 ; epsom salts/ / per Ib , 840) ) glycerine ,
pure , per Ib , 25o ; lead acetate , per Ib , 20u ; ol ,
castor , No. 1 per geL , 81 GO ; oil castor , No.
per gal , , 81 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. . 81 40 ; 01
origanum , 50c ; opium , 84 50 ; quinine , P , &
W , , and R. &S. , per oz. , 8110 ; potassium ;
Iodide , per Ib. . $3 50 ; salicin , per oz. , 40c ;
sul hate morphine , per or , $3 50 ; tnlphur ,
pa' b. 4o ; strychnine , per oz. , 81 SO ,
Palnta Oils and VarnlBhrjg.
OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , lie ; 1CX )
headlight , per gallon , lie ; 175 ° headlight
per gallon , 16c ; 150 ° water white , 15c ; lin
seed raw , per gallon , D2c ; linseed boiled , per
gallon , 55c ; Lord , winter str'd , per gallon. ? 0c ;
No. 1 , GOcNo. ; 2 , 50) ) castor XXX. per gal.
Ion , 1 50o ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 00) )
sperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W. B. ,
per gallon , 65 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90o ;
No. 1 , 7Bot lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOo ;
summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal
lon , 860 ; No. 3 , 28o ; sperm , signal , per gallon
90o ; turpentine , per gallon. 4foj naptba , 74 ° ,
ror gallon , 16o. ,
Spirits ,
COLOQKK Snnrrs 188 proof , 1 19 ; do , 101
proof , 1 20 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof ,
1 9 : do , 188 proof. 1 18.
ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol 3 30 per wine
gallon ,
WHISKIES Redistilled whiskies , 1 001 50 ;
Fine blended , 1 50@3 00 ; Kentucky bourbons
bens 2 00@6 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylva
nia ryes , 2 00(26 ( to.
BRANDIES Imported , G 00@16 00 ; domes
tic , 1 50&3 00.
GINS Imported , 4 50 ® 6 00 ; domestic , 150
@ 300.
KOMS Imported , 4 50@8 00 ; New England ,
2 00 ® 4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported , per case , 28 00 ®
34 00 ; American , per case , 10 (0@1G 00.
nry Paint1) )
Whlto lead 88c ; French EC , Bo ) Farli
whiting , 24o ; whiting gilders , lc ; whiting
coml , lie ) lampblack , Germantown , 14c ;
lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55o
untramarino , 18c ; vondyke , brown , 80 ; umber ,
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw. 4o ; slonno , burn4ct ; ;
sienna , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 25o
Paris greoncommon,20c ; chrome green , N , Y. ,
20o ; chrome green , K. , 12c ; vermilllon , Eng
76o ; vermilllon , American , 18c ; Indi.n , red ,
lOc ; rose pink , 14o ; Venetian , rod , Oookson's ,
2o ; Venetian , ted. American , l c ; redi lead ,
740 ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel
low , K. , 12o : ochre rochelle , So ; ochre , Frenh
2c ; ochre , . American. 2c : Winters mineral ,
SJc ; lehigh brown , 2Jc ; Spanish brown 24c ;
Prince's mineral , So.
VABNISHBS Barrels , per gallon : Furniture ,
extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ex
tra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra ,
81 75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra , 85c ,
shellac , 83 60 : bard oil finish 81 50.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P.
5f o ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 6 50 ; Morsoil
les green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French cine ;
green seal , 12o ; French zinc , red seal , lie ,
French zinc. In varnish osst. , 20o ; French zinc ,
In oil aaat , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 b
baa , , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna lOo ; Vandyke
crcwn , 13c ; refined Umpblack , 12a ; coach
block and ivory black , 16c ; drop black , IGc ;
Prussian blue , 40o ; ultramarine bine , 18c :
chrome green , L. M & D. , 16o ; blind and
shutter green , L. M. & D , , IGc ; Paris green ,
18c ; Indian red , 15o ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tus
can red , 22c ; American vermillion. I. k P.-
; yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , O. & J > . O. , 18c ;
yellovr ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent
dryer , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash. lee
Ttrj Gooda
BBOWR SHErnNos Atlantlo A , 7ie ; Allan
tic P , So ; Atlantis LL , BJc ; Brunswick , 7JJo ;
Beaver Dam LLC Jo : Lawrence LL , BJo ; Pa-
clfio H , 7o ; Royal Standard , 6Jo [ ) Indian
Head A , 7o ; Wauchusett A , GJa.
perell K , 640 ; Salisbury K , 60.
BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon. 4-4 , 6Jci Bal
lon , 7-8 , 5Jo ; Cumberland , 4-4 , 74oDavoll DD ,
80 ; Fairmonnt , 4o ; Fruit of the Loom 4 ,
8 Jo ; Glory of the West , 840 ; Gnlden Gato,82o ;
HiU 7-8 , 7c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jo ; Lonsdole , 7Jo ; New
York Mills , lOJo ; Womsutta , lOio.
DUOKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljpl Bos
ton , 10 oz , 1040 ; Boston , 9 oz. , 124o ) FaD River
DUCKS ( Gray ) West Polnt,8oz , , llcj West
Point 10 oz. , 12ic ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , Ho.
TiOKiNas Amoskeaft , 13o Continental
Fancy , 9 ct Cord la 13o ) Pearl River , 21o ;
York , 134c ) Homleton Awnings , 12Jc.
DXNIMS Amoske g , 13o : Beaver Creek AA
I2ci Beaver Creek BB , He ; Beaver Creek
CO , 10o : Haymakers , So ; Jaffrey D& T , 12goi
Jaffrey XXX , 124o Pearl River , 13o ; War.
ron AXA ( brown ) . 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) ,
Ic : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo.
OAMBBIOB Fifth avenue glove finish , 4o ;
Keystone glove finish , 5o.
OOBSET JEANS Amory , Tic ) Hancock , So ;
Keareaige 74o ; Rockport , &io.
PHINTBAllena , 5JcAmerican _ , 64qj Arn
old's Go ; Oocboco , Go ; Harmony , 44o ; Indigo ,
7o ; Indigo 7-8 , H4o ; Indigo 4-4,14&0) ) Stool
River , 6Jc ; Charter Oak , 4jo.
PEINM SUIETIMQB American , 4io ) Oocheoo ,
44o Gloncester. 41o ; Sonthbr'dge , ijo ; Waver-
leys 440) ) Rosedale , 4Ja
GlNailJLMS Amonkeag staples , Sot Bates
staples. 7o ; Lancaster staple * , 80 ; Plunket
plaids 9at Hndson checks , 8Jo ; Amokoag
Persians , Oo.
Dntna Goone Atlantic olpacoa. 9Jcj Per
dan cashmere , 234o : Hamloton cashmere , IBic
Uamleton Fancus , 11JOJ Hamleton brocades
IBcj Arlington brocade , ISc.
Hc r
Iron , rates , 210 } plow steel , special OMt ,
crucible , 6oj cast tools do , Ioa20c ; wagon
spokes , per set , 2 26a3 00 ; hnbe per set ,
125 ; telloet , sawed dry , 140 } tongues
each , 70o ; sale * , eash , IScj square nnts per
Ib , Tallo ) washew , per Ib , 8al8o | rivets , per
Ib , llo ) coil chain , per Ib , 6al2o | malleable
8o | Iron wedgoe , 6ct crowbars , Sol barrow
teeth , 4ci spring steel , 7a8cj Burden's bone
shoes , 4 SO ; Burden's mnleaboos , & 80 ,
BABBSD Wint In car loU , 4 00 pet 100 ,
NAILS-IUtos. 10 to 60 , 2 40 ,
SHOT Shot , 160j buckshot , 185 ; orients
powder , kegs , S G0a4 00 ; do , hall Icetrs. 2 00 ; dc
quarter kegu , 1 50 blaating , kegs. 8 S5i fofie
per 100 feet , 60c.
LEAD Bar , 166.
OOALOumberland blacksmith , 10 00) ) Mor
ris run Blossburg , 10 \7hitebreast ; lump ,
E 00) ) Wbitebreast nut , B 00) ) Iowa lump , 6 00 ;
Iowa nut. 5 OOi Rock Soring , 7 00 ; Anthra-
det , 11 ZSall 60) Oanan City , 7 00 per on ,
Dry Immbor.
Wholesale On Board Can at Omaha.
OO. Bats , S Inch , $ ,80
O. G. Bat21 inch 70
i inch Bats , s. 1 s 38
S inch well tubing , D , & II 21 00
3 inch well tubing , Bov 21 0(1 (
Pickets ; D , & U. Flat , $21 00 ; D & H.
Square , . , 23 00
lift. lift tstt. 18 It 20 It. Jlt
txl Ha 1510 15.0018 OC IT.OO lifog 19.00
U0 lt co It.0 > IB 00 1C.CO 1900 19.00
2x9 15.00 16.W ISO 1010 170 WOO 1900
SxlO. UW H.U II M IK.&K 18.60 JT f 0 IO.W
I6.CO U.M IE CO 10.00 17.00180 19.UO
isl 8x8. . IS 60 15.4 16 60 17.60 IS W > IBM
No. 1 , 6 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . .816 Oo
No , 1 , Gincu , lOleet , rough , . , . , , 16 00
No. 2 , 6 Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . . 14 00
No 2. 6 inch , 16 foot , rough IB 00
No , 1 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . . 16 Oo
No. 1 , 4 Inch , 16 fee' , rough 16 5U
No. 2 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 fact , rough. . . . 14 00
No 2 , 4 inch , 16 feet , rongh. , 14 $0
No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch $16 60
No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch 1460
No.l , O. G U760
No. 1 boards , 12 , 14 and 16 ft $1600
No. 2 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft 14 00
No. 8 boards , 12 , 14 nnd 16 ft 1160
No. 4 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft. ( shipping
cull ) 1000
1st and 2d Clear , IJInch-fs , 2a $5000
1st nnd 2d. Clear , li and 2 inch , s , 2s. . 60 00
8-1. Clear , 11 Incb.s. 2s 4900
3d , Clear , Ij nnd 'i inch , s. 2s 4900
1st and 2d , Clear , 1 inch , B , Us 60 00
3d , Clear , 1 inch , R. 2s 44 00
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s 39 TO
B Select , llnch. s. 2s 29 00
Clear Poplar , 2 inch , s. 2s 35 00
1st Com. Cinch , white pine , $36 60
2d Com. 0 inch , whlto plno 3360
3d Com. 6'lach , white pint ) 27 00
Sol. Fence Inch , white pine 18 60
1st and 2d Clear yellow pme , 4-6 inch. 24 60
1st Com. , 12,14 and 16 feet $2160
2d Com. . 14 and 16 feet 19 60
ad Coin. , 14 rind 1C feet 14 60
Fence , 14 and 16 feet 1060
1st Com. B Inch , whlto pine $22 60
2d Com. 9 Inch , white pine 20 60
3d Com. f | inch , whits plno 16 60
let Com. J inch , Norway 16 00
2dCom , 8 inch , Norway 1400
Clear Poplar , panel , 4 Inch , s. 2 s 27 00
A12 Inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 foot 46 CO
B12 Inch , B. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 feet 41 00
0 12 Inch , s. Is. 12,14 and 16 feet 36 00
D 12 inch , B. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 feet 23 00
No. 1 Com. 12 in. , . 1 B. 14 and 16 ft 17 00
No. 1 Com. U in. , B. 1 s. 12 ft. 18.60
No , 1 Com. 12in. , s. 1 B. 10,18 and 20 ft21 00
No. 2 Com. 12 in.B. 1 s. 12 , 14and 16 fU4 76
16 Inch , Clear $3 60
AStandard 260
5 inch , Clear 1 70
No. 1 1 25
Lath 2 35
White Cedar , 6 inch , halves 11 Jo
White Cedar , 5i Inch , halves 9to
White Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 943
White Cedar. 4 inch , round 1140
Southern Hod Cedar , 64 foot 16c
FIOUB Colorado , 100 Ibs , 1 60@1 76) ) pat.
out , 100 Ibs. , 2 7C@3 00) ) Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 76
@ 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs. 1 60) ) ryp , 100 Ibs.
2 25) ) buck-wheat , per bbl. 7 60 ,
OBAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheat 100 Ibs , $100
com in sacks on track , 100 Ibs , 6670 ;
oats , in sacks on track , 100 Ibs , eastern white ,
1 15@1 20 ; Colorado white , 1 20@180 ; mixed ,
10@116 ; barley 100 Ibs , 1 S0@l 35 ; bran ,
m , on track , 14 00(316 ( OOl chop , corn , 100
e , on track , 70c@76 ; chop mixed , 100 Ibs ,
n track , 100@120 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 180
© 140.
HAT Baled , upland , ton , 18 00@15 00 ;
plond , loose , ton , 10 00@12 00 ; second hot-
om , baled , 10 001100 : alfalfa , loose , ton ,
12 00@15 00 ; straw , baled , on track , ton , 6 00
@ 8'00. '
BOTTEB Creamery , fancy , Ib , 41c
creamery , fine , Ib , 86to38o ; dairy , choice , Ib
0@22o ; dairy , good , Ib , 1820o ; dairy , fair
' i , 15@16c ; cooking , Ib , 6@8c.
Boos State , candled and warranted , doz ,
6X2 > S6o ; ranch , doz , 86@37o
CHEESE Fall cream , 16@17o ; half cream
, lOfaUlo ) skim , Ib , 9o ; BwJsfl , domestic
, 22@23c ; Swiss , Imported , 80@32o ; trim-
nrger , 18c.
POULTBTLive old chickens , doz , 5005 60 ;
ressed ducks , Ib , 15@16c ; dressed turkeys ,
b. , I6@16c.
POTATOES Colorado , 100 Itw , 06@10S |
weet , rerlb. , 4o.
VEGETABLES Onions , yellow , 100 Ibs ,
25i cabbage , 100 Ibs , 2 60 | beeta ,
00 Ibs , 1101 26) ) turnips. 100 Ibs. 1 25.
FBDITS Lemons , per box , Messina , 4 00(6
60 ; oranges , Florida , per box , 66097 00 ;
pploB , fancy bbl , 5 006 60 ; apples , medium ,
U. 860.
OBBXD MEATS Hams , sugar cured , Ib , 114
© lljjc ; bacon , breakfast. Ib , 12@12Jc : dry
salt sides , .b , 7i@8o ; lard In palls , l9go ;
ard In tierces , 8 c.
FRjfflH MEATS Dressed beef , Colorado , per
i , 7iS8o ( ; hogs , Ib , 6i@64c ; mutton , Ib , 7
@ 74o.
LIVB STOCK Colorado steen , per 100.Ibs
Hides. Dry FUnt No. 1 , per Ib , lli < 913ci
To. 2. Ib , 9@10c ; green steers and branded
alf. Ib. 4@5o ; green , 8@10c ; green kip ,
> , 6@7e ; sheep skins , dry , 810c ; deer skins ,
i , 1520c ; antelope skins , lo , 1216 ; tallow ,
WOOL Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , 14lfio )
buck , Ib , 8c | Mexican , 7@10o.
FISH Mackerel , No. 1 , 140 kit , mees ,
60@2 00 : California salmon , half bbl , 10 60) )
Holland herring , keg , 1 60160) ) trout , f per
16(561 ( Go
iear C-eek - Lime , Louisville Cement
Portland Cement , Iowa and Michigan Plas
ter , Hair , Etc Etc.
Cor. ffih & Douglas 8t
Dr. . Amelia Burroughs
317 Dodge St. - Omaha
We know Geo. A Hoaglttnd eollo lam-
fa or attho lowest prlcoa In Omaha.
Carpenter and Builder ,
No 0)1 South 17th 81 .between Jaefc * > n and Leaven-
worth Omaha , Neb. I am preptred tj build housei
la any style and to do all klndi ol oarpenter work a
reasunablt prloei ; a'so ' repaliln ; done oo short no i
A. . JiALIStl.
Merchant Tailor
Slfl South Uth Street ,
Fint-clau tallonnR in all its broncbns.
1222 FAUN AM , COR. 13th.
( U years botpluland private practice. ) C/oi
BUITATIOK FBK * . Office boors-10 to 12 ate
2 to D * ad 7 to 8 pm , Sundays 3 to 4 p. to.
Council Bluffs
and Chicago.
Thton jlnelo take ( or Dts Motnw. U.hal | .
town , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Dlile , Chicago , HII
waukee anil all point * cm * . To the people ol Ne
braska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Nevada ,
Oregon , Washington and California It ode re superior
advantage ) not possible by any other line.
Among a few o ( the numerous i > olott of superior
ity enjoi od by the patrons of this road between
Omaha and Chicago , are Its two trains a day of DAY
COACHES which are theflncst that human art and
Ingenuity ian create ; Ita PALACE SLKEFINO CAUS
which ro models of comfort and elg noc ! Ita TAR
LOR DRAWING IlOOit OAK3 , unsuri > aMcd by any
and Ita widely celebrated PALATIAL DIWINO CARS
the equal of which cannot bo found elagwben.
At Council Bluff * the trains of the Union Paolflo
Ity. connect In Union Depot with those of the Ohlca
po & Northwestern Ry In Chicago the train * of thti
line make close connection with these of all eastern
For Detroit , Oolumbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati.
Niagara Falls , CuOilo , i'llteburg , Toronto , Uontreal
Boston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Washi
ngton and all points In the East , aek the ticket
agent for tickets via the
If too wlsn the b jt acoommodatloni. All ticket
agents veil tickets via this line.
if. nuoniTr. n s HAIR ,
General Manager. Qei. P/ss. Agent
O n Agt , 1412 FornamSt , Omaha , Neb.
& Si. Paul
Chicago. Minneapolis , Milwankee ,
St. Paul , Cedar liapids , Davenport ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Rockfnrd ,
Rock Island , Freeport Janrsville ,
Elgin , Madison , La Crosse ,
Bolitlt. Winona ,
And all other Important points East , Northeast -
east and Southeast.
Ticket ofBco at 1401 Farnam street (1 ° Paxton IIo
tel ) and at Union Padflo D pot.
Pullman S'aepers ' and \ > o Finest Dlnlnff Cars In
the Werld are run on tnemala llnisof tba Cmcino
UILWAI us A ST. I'Atn , R'r and ererr attention la paid
to passengers hy couiteoua emrloyct o ( Ihoo mpanr.
General Uantgor , Ocn'l Parsetieer Agent.
Aea't Oen'l Uaniger. ' ss't G < sn'l Pasi Agent
J T. CLARK , Oen'l Superintendent
The nnrse at will as
the Imalld nil fln < i
benefit In the ocoi" Ion-
el uaa ot hldg's Food ,
ana enpecUlly at night.
< elnB > eaey of dig s-
'Ion , U Sot * nut pro-
\ont sleep coning at
onoe , . and a * th kamo
time 1I1 Impart
* trengt > > an ( aw otbe :
thuB9 ! wllUb. Ills a
ireiar\tlon | n ( nheat ,
and alt Ita strengthen-
* cu 10 Try It nnrret. Sold by
sml Grncerr Four slies SfrrenU to 8 ' .76.
f CUM ( or pamphlo's containing iutormallon on the
subject , Woolctob & Co. , Palmer. Uaes
Railway Time Table.
In Effect April 5th , 1886.
Tee attention ol the travelling pnblte Is called lethe
the fact that this Is the only complete and absolutely
correct time-table published In the city ,
A.11 brains arrlte at and depart bom Omaha by
Central Standard Time.
Trains ol the 0. St. P. H. ft 0. arrtr * al and d
part Irem their depot , corner ol lith and Webstei
streets ; trains 01 the B. 4 II. , 0 , B. & Q. , and K , 0
St. J. i 0. B. Iromtho B. ft If , depot ; all others lion
the Union Pacific depot
a , Dally ; b , except Saturday ; o , ezoepl Snnday ) d ,
except Monday , _
r. M. | Union pacific. A. M.
BIOA , Paciflo Express . . TCOa
11 20a , Dearer Express. . .
1SO >
6 Ida ireas , . ,
fl 00 . . . . Nljht Express. _ . 10 Ha
Missouri Pacific
10 8(0 Day Express. fl 101
BUa . . . .NlehlExpress 0 SO.
K.C8t.J..C. B.
9 lOa r lib . . . .Via Plattsmouth 7 COd 7 Its
8 59 7 OOb . . .Via Council BluOs' . . . 7 ( Od 7 Sts
Wabaoh Routo.
TCOb . . . .ChicagoKiprooa. . . . 945J
1 oat St.Louis Express . . . . . ( 8 Wa
C. M. & 0t. Paul.
8 160 Day Kxprees , 7 tic
lOb . . . .Night Expreea OiW
C. R.-l. A Pacific.
8 ISO . .Day ExpreM
I SOb .Nlgbl Expreea Blid
a'ioo Accommodation _ .
C , & N-W.
Day Express. , .
1 SOb .Night Express , . . . .
C B. A Q.
i 86 For Chicago via Flitsm'th 0 tOa 7 H.
For Chloago via 0. LUufls B Ma r as.
C. St. P. M. & O.
B80C . .Bloax City Express. . tftc
! tOO Oakland Accommodation 10 BOo
lowaDlv. 8.C.&P
OiOa , . Bl. Paul Day Exprew. , 7H.
flIK * 81. Faol Hlght Expieei , 0 Ua
Oumtnv Traln8-Iave Omaha at 810,7 bo
0 CO , 10 00,1116 a m.ISM ) , S 00,8 00.100 , i t5 , 5 10
1110 p m. On Sundays the 7 M and 10 00 a m and
100 and 4 00 p m trains do not ran. Arrlre M trans
let depot IS minutes later ! Broadway depot U mla
Leave Council Blufli ( Broadway depot ) at 7 IS ,
080,10 SO , Jl to am ; 1 80 , J SO , 8 M. * 43 , 62J.
and 1145 p m. On Bondayt the 0 SO and 11 V ) a m
and S M and 9 25 p m trains will no * run. ArrlTO al
Transfer 7 mlnntea later , Omaha 20 minutes later.
TranaforTralns-Uave Omaha at 8 It , 8II
am , HIS , 4SO , die and 7 OOP m , dally.
Arrive at 0 U and 11 U a m. I 20 , i SO , 7 U and
8 16 p. S3.
0. F. DAVTS & CO. ,
KScooiasoBs TO DATU &BNTDZB. ) , _
Have lor sale SOO.COO acres carefully selected land
In Kutern Nebraska , at low prtoe and on easy term
Improved ( arms lor sale U Douglot , Dodg * . Celtai
Pbtte , Bart , Oamlng , Barpy , Waahlngtoo , Mcrrloi
8 under * , and liatlec OOULUM ,
Taxes paid In all part * ot the stata ,
llonty loaned OB improved ( ano
Notary Pnbllo Uwivi ta office.
Pawongor Klovator to Ml floor * . 1905 , 1203 ftnd 1210 Far a am ( Street ,
T. CLAnKS.rrtit atul TTKH. A. tl. CLARKHVit
JOUX T. CLARKK , Steretary.
T AROKST Jobbing Drag house between ChlMKO and San Pranclsoo OAVITAL BTOOK , ( 00,000. We
i > stullbeatthe bottom oltbemtrket atall times. Will duplloato Chicago and St. Louis priooa with
IroiRht added. Our ipoo ally will be
Xure JDrttys , Paints , Oils anil Window Ghtstf
Ka ( mates eh en on plito RlaM. To those about to embark la the drug buslnens will da well to 1111
your Interest by oiling on us or soud for our prloe lut which will appear bout January 6th , IUI1 orde
olloUod. 114 I1AIINKV
Hall's Safe
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground Oil Oake
It la'lho boat and cheapest food for Block of any kind. Quo pound Is oqnal ta
three poni do of corn. Stock fed with Grouud Oil Gako In the Pall and Wintoi
Instead of running down , will Increase In weight and bo In good marketable oandl
Ion In the spring. Dairymen , as well s othora , who nuo It , con testify to iti mo
ta. Try it aud judge for yonrsolvoa. Prlco $24.00 per ton. No ohargo for a&oks
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Eoglno Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Braat and Iron Fittlngi
at wholesale or retail. HALT , A DAY WIND-MILLS , OHURCB
Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
Edney & Cibbon ,
Solicit the attention ot cash and prompt time
buyers. Will duplicate eastern wholesale prices ,
adding freight to Omaha ,
t&iy and 1219 JLeavenwortH St.
9BBummmuMUmV tnBVmmtmmft
* mmmm * m m * * H * * m * * mm m m
A Full Assortment of Air and Kiln Dried Walnut , Cherry , Aoli , Butternut , Yellow Poplar ,
Redwood , etc , Hardwood and Poplar ' Panel , Hardwood Flooring , Wagon Stock , Stair
Builders' Material , Red Cedar Fet , Common Oak Dimension and Bridge Timbers ,
Odar Boards for moth proof cloaetsKtc , Vonoore , Fancy Woods forScrollSuwingKtcEto ,
S."W.Cor.9thand Douglas , - - Omaha. Neb.
13th Street , Set. Farnam d-Harney
Tm Cirr Snows A Hicms.ii. Visw OF Oo
Polar , Dry Air , Self Ventilating
Manufactured U tb moil perfect manner
from liUn lry oak lunxVr harcool Oiled ,
dnn lined , galranlted Ida shtlroa , htnd-
lomely panfltJ and designed for the wanU
of a clua of trade that want the beat goodi
that can be n ade ,
Fartlos wishing special dies can
Save from 15 io20 Percent
By plaan ? onion now ,
Goibim'i Trale Itark.
The Jeweler , is sole agent tor the sale ot Gorham
Mnfg. Go's Ware , and all solid silver goods can
be obtained of him at exactly New York Prices *
The aViovearrangement with the Gorham Company enable * rae to
f how a much larger stock oi'their beautiful wares lhaii formerly ! and
my customers will now have the advantage o being able to select from ,
a large assirtment at home , and at prices established by the Company ,
My stock will always contain their latest and best productions , com
prising every article made in Solid Silver.
E. Corner Douglas and 15th Street.