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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1885)
X * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , TUESDAY MORNING , APRIL 28 , 1885. JSO. 215 RUSSO-AFGHAN. lie House of COIMODS , as Suggested by Gladstone , Voted the Credit of $55,000,000 , , Asked by the Government Sir Peter Lumsdon Sends a Special - cial Mossogor to London. Beport of Another Battle Between the Bnssians and Afghans , In Which the Russians are De feated With Heavy Loss. Settlement of the BoBphoro.Ejryptlcn Affairs Satisfactory to Franco , Egypt. THE AFGHAN TROUBLE. THE HCS8UN PLAN. LONDON , April 27. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Daily Telegraph Bays that the latest English proposal arrived there by rpectal courier on Friday. An imperial council mot on Saturday and docldod to reply that the czar favored the tiiaintalnanca of th o KusaiaiAlemand In respect to the delimitation of the frontier. The council also decided to Inform England that Kustia would consent to the appointment of a special mixed com mission to examine into the facts in relation to the reports of General Komaroff end Sir Peter Lumsdon , nnd to decide - cido which of the reports is correct M , Do Giers bar advised that If Knalund refuses - fuses to accept tlieso proposals liaron De Staat , llustian ambassador , will he with drawn and oil negotiations be broken oil , Gen. Kouropotkine urges nn imrrediato advance - vance upon Herat and his proposal finds many supporters. It is assorted In military circles that provocations by the Afghans may still prevent Gen , Komarou from obeying his orders to avoid a conflict. Orders havobtcn Issued for,1 mobilization of the grenadier corps which numbers 20,000 men. It is believed ia well informed circles the nutation peace or war between England and Russia will be settled to-morrow. IIUUOOS IK BERLIN. BBsnuN , April 27. The National Zeitung mentions H rumor to the effect that the czar bas written to Emperor Wilhelm that the chances of peace have diminished and several Gorman papers have rumors that another con flict had taken place in Afghanistan , There ia much public uneasiness in the abience of further news from General Komorofl , A COUNCIL Or WAB. LONDON , April 27 , A council will bo hold at Cronstadt to consider the defenses at that point. It Is reported the czar is going to Moscow. The governor of Purjaub and his military aecretaiy started for Quetta , A St. Petersburg dispatch says war between Russia and England is regarded as inevitable. The czar leaves for Moscow and from there will issue a manifesto or declaration of war , if 3 tic a an extreme measure becomes neces aary. T11K FINANCIAL FEELING. LONDON , April 27 , 11:30 : a. m. Consols opened at 95J , almost immediately advanced to 1)53 ) , and in a few minutes advanced to 90. Russian sncurities were97i. Noon Russian securities , 88. Ibero is a atrong feeling in h > mo and foreign securities , All stocks are active and strong , The feel ing on 'change is that the difficulty with Russia siais In a fair way of settlement , 2 p. m. Russian securities ( lave fallen to 8G. The market for both home and foreign bocurities has become unsteady. JJEBLIN , April 27 Noon. Stock raarke unsteady. VIBNNA , April 27 Noon. The tone of thi txrarso is weak. LONDON , April 27. 2:30 p. m , Russian se ; curitios have fallen to 85J ; Egyptian securi ties , 611 ; English consols lost all their early atrengtn and are now 95J. 3 p. m. Consols , Oog. 4 p. m. Consols , 955-1G. DISPATCHING TROOPS , 3 SIMLA , April 27. Preparations are being urgently pressed for quick dispatch of troops to the front. BIBMAUCK FAVORS RUSSIA. LONDON , April ' _ ' 7. It is asserted that the British government is In possession of information mation which proves beyond doubt that 1'rmco Bismarck has been urging Turkey to aide with Russia. A Hl'EOIAl CAIIINKT MEKTINO CALLED. LONDON , April 27. A rpeiial cabinet meeting has been summoned for to-morrow. Earl Spencer , the lord lieutenant of Ireland , will come from Dublin to attend. THK HOUSE OF COMMONS , In the houto of commons this afternoon Lord Edward I'it/maurlco , under secretary of state for foreign affairs , said ho was happy to atato the government was on the point of arriving at an arrangement of the misunder standing with Franco growing out of the sup pression of Bosiihore Egyptien , This ar rangement would prove tutisfaotory to 1'rance , England and Egypt. Gladstone , In the house of commons this afternoon , read a telegram dated Saturday last , from Sir Peter Lumsden , which stated that Mr. Stephen , a member of the boun dary commission , had started for London , bringing with him maps of the disputed zone , also a detailed statement of all tits circum stances leading up to and attending the Penjdeh affair , lie also stated that Lums Jeu would himself forward to Earl Granvllle , minister of foreign affairs , a statement show ing the actual position of affairs as they now stand. The government and members re ceived the newb of the departure of Stephen for Loudon with evident Jutisfoctlon. Kltchloconservative , asked if ( the govern ment proposed to .suspend the negotiations now in progrcsi with Russia until after the arrival ot Stephen , Gladstone arose and made the reply with a firm and definite no. Sir Edward Thornton , minister at St. Petersburg , reported officially rosnectinfr the Russian views of the lost note of England , uklog for an explanation of the conduct of Kamoroff at Penjdeh iu view of the report made by Lumidou contradicting the Russian commander's story ot the late battle , Thorn ton reports unfavorably. Gladstone in bringing up the subject of the Vote of credit of J55,0iw,000 * skod for by the government , on the army nnd navy credit , said , ho hoped that the motion to divide the credit would not bo passed. Tha government he said would not devote any portion of the money voted , for a particular purpoto , for use In the Soudan but would receive discretion to apply the money taken for the Soudan account , for pur pose ! of special preparation , ho urged that tha house vote the government the entire $55,000,000 enbloc. Proposals to separate the Soudan credit from the credit for special preparation were rejected by a vota.of 22 against 130. The house then entered into committee supply and Gladstone proceeded to explain the object of the rate of credit. In answer to the questions concerning Afghan question Gladstone stated that Lumsden had telegraphed the government that he wai to send Capt. Stephens to Lon don with the full Information relative to Gen , Komaroff's action In the battle at Penldob , and that Stephens was personally cogmr.ant of the HUSH an general's movements previous to and during the battle and since its occur rence. In the meantime , said tha premier , the parleying between England and Russia will continue. COMMONS VOTE THK KNTIRK CREDIT WITHOUT DISCUSSION. The house of commons without discussion , as suggested by Gladstone , voted the enttro credit of $ r > j,00,000 asked by the covern- mont. Mr. Edward Temporley Gourloy , radical member forSnndorland.inkodwhother the government would endeavor to have the dispute with Russia referred for arbitrament to the United States. Mr. Gladstone an swered , "tho government are quite sensible of their heavy responsibility to maintain the honor and good faith of the country on the ono hand , and on the other to use every means consistent with that honor tn avoid a war. I can glvo no more particular reply than this. " The utterance was accepted as significant and was received with cries of "Hear , hoar. " THK C/AIl's 3IOVEMKNT CAU31S MUCH KXOITE- MKNT. A telegram Plating that the Czar would to day leave St. Petersburg and issue , if neees- iary , a manifesto from the latter place caused much excitement m political and doplomate "ircles. DISAPPROVED 0V THE AOIION Of FRANCE , ALEXANDRIA , April 27. Notwithstanding ho enthusiastic reception accordud by the "ronch residents here to the French charge 1' affairs at Cairo.tlio majority of French resi- lents really disapprove of the notion of . 'rauco in the Uosphore-Egyptien matter. THE PRINCE IN ARMAGH. DUDLIN , April 27. The reception given , he Princa of wales at Armagh to-day was a ery brilliant i.lfair. Tne nationalists had irepared to make a counter demonstration , nut the police charged upon nnd completely disported them. It is stated that the govern ment proposes to buy for Prince Victor , eldest ion of the Prince of Wales , as a place of per- nanent residence in Ireland , the celebrated Ardbracan palace , In the county of Meath. FLOOD IN NKW BRUNSWICK WOODSTOCK. N. . , April 27. Four inches f snow fell last night. This adds to the damage done by the freshet on the St. Johns river , the railroad and other bridges being washed away. The tlood is the most disas 'roua for fifty years , THE ARABS SAUKIH , April 27. The Arabs kept up o esultory fire on the British troops at Otoa all ast night. Three of the British troops were wounded. IHK AFGHANS Will * TUB RUSSIANS. BRUSSELS , April 27. The Independence BeUe publishes , under reserve , but from nn ixcellunt source , report of .1 froah battle be- iwern tha Russians and Afghans , in which ho former wore defeated and retired , having met with a heavy loss , 1,700 nUSSIANH KILLED. LONDON , April 28 The St. Petersburg ; otrespundeut of the Daily News says : I am nformed on good authority of another en gagement on the Afghan frontier. Of 1 700 Russians who engaged the Afghans , nearly all were killed. WAB INEVITABLE. The opinion in the lobbies to-night is that that Gladstone's speech shows that war ia in evitable. THB ROTAL FAMILIES OF KNOLAND AND RUSSIA , PARIS , April 27. A dispatch to the Tempos from Berlin states that the royal families of England and Russia have opened correspon dence upon the subject of mediation. PIACE OR WAR DY MAT Isr. ST. PETERSBURG , April 27. Savon million roubles in gold have been sent to Central Asia. A decision as to peace or war Is ex pected to-morrow , or , at the latest , by the 1st of May. May.HOPES HOPES OF A SETTLEMENT. LONDON , April 28. Government has no in formation with reference to the report that the czar is going to Moscow. The Daily News ( government organ ) in an editorial this morning ; says : "There in a strong hope that matters have not reached a war point , Ne gotiations between England and Russia still continue and may issue in n settlement. " FIIANOE ANw EGYPT THE NEWSPAPER HOW. PARIS , April 27. The Turkish embassador to-day approached De Froyclnet upon the question of suppression ef the Bosphoro Egyptian. Do Freyclnot told him that the question at issue concerned only the govern ment of the khedive of Egypt which by an imperial ] firman is made responsible for tbo internal government of Egypt. It is reported that the French fleet of tbo line were to rendezvous at Peraonc , Greece , and wait farther orders. This action IB taken In reference to a naval demonstration before Alexandria in the event of Erypt refusing to accede to the demand of Franco regarding tb ? rehabilitation of the Bosphore Egyptian. GENEllati FOUEIQN NEWS , AFFAIBH IN BOUDAN. SUAKUI April 27. Small pox is decimating Abdurman apposite Khartoum , Tha garrison of Senaar defeated the forces of the mahdi which made an attack upon that place. BAYONET HRIBTLKD ROYALTY , DUBLIN , April 27. The government pro hibited the nationalist demonstration at Tyrone against the Prince of Wales. Uroat excitement and serious rioting is feared. TORPIDOINO PORTS , BICAKOH.M , April 27. The port of Vlader- ostock , Siberia , near tha contines of China , has been closed to commerce , Tha Russian naval authorities so disposed of torpedoes that only a narrow channel remain * for entry and exit of their own war ships , OFF THE MARINES. KXCITKUKNT IN PANAMA. NEW YORK , April 27. A Panama special to the Tribune , dated April 2) , s js the American troops under Commander McCalla began to withdraw from the city last night , under the agreement with Aizpum and tLo French consul , The evacuation of the city destroys American prestige hero. There has been wild rejoicing among the insurgents and sympathizers with them. Property owners anticlpito serious trouble. Tbo Americana are called cowards , nnd threats are heard on every side to-day American trcuoa with drew from tha Panama railway station. Gen. Alzpurn has guaranteed to preserve order in the city , biitthe insurgents have again begun the work of barricading the streets. ILIjlNO 18 JjEQI8IiATimi5. THEY ARE AFTER THECHICAC.O BOARD Of TRADE. SPRINOFIELD , 111 , , April 27 , Representa- TO Cleveland Introduced a bill in the house o repeal the net incorporating the Chicago oard of trade. Tha preamble declares that lie purposes for which the board of trade was iriginally incorporated have been entirely hanged , and thac it has beuomo an Institu- 'on for the promotion of gambling. The BrltUh Grain Trailo. LONDON , April 27. The Mark Lane Er rors , In Ita review of the British grain trade uring the past week , says : "Tho weather , vors vegetation , which is making rapid pro gross. Sales of English wheat during the mst week were 55,021 quarters at 35s 8d , gainst 52,875 quarters at 37s 2d during the orresponding week last year. The business lone In foreign wheat has been of n retail iharactor. Buyers and sellers are unwilling o act until war or peace is assured. With n tecline after tha sharp advance Russian trad- rs are active sellers. In elf coast cargoes are inrdenlng. Ton cargoes arrived , six cnrgooa rcro sold , seven were withdrawn nnd two re' inained , both of California. To-day the mar. cet wnj very unsettled , and there was but lit , lo tendency to purchase. English wheat as held for n full recovery of the declinr , lour was steady at full cargoes. Corn icarco : 6d@ls dearer ; barley Gd dearer ; oats 3d@Gd dearer , and beans Is de.trer ; pees are "rm. ? rtor HarrliouBues the Inter-Ocean lor kibe ! . CHICAGO , April 27. A , S. Trade , acting 'or Mayor Carter H , Harrison , to-day en- ered three hravy damage suits in the circuit curt , ono for { 200,000 , against Edwin Lee Brown , nnd one for 9100,000 against tbo Inter-Ocean nnd JCdwln Lee Brown jointly. According to thu attorney the suit ogamsttho Inter-Ocean Publishing Company is based upon fourteen libelous articles In which Mayor Harrison's private character was at tacked , nnd others upon speech by Mr. Brown , published in the Inter-Ocean , In which the speaker stated that Mayor Har rlson was the consort of thieves and ballot box stuffera , or words to that effect. Baao Ball NGIVB. PHILADELPHIA , April 27. Athletic , 4 Brooklyn , 6 , NKW YORK , April 7. Metropolitan , 3 Baltimore , 2. PlTTSBUHd.Pn .April 27. The specjal moot ng of the American Base Ball Association to consider tbo league's action in re-in tttlng blacklisted players , was hot and protracted. An ultimatum to tha league was finally adopted without n dissenting voice , calling for a meeting within thirty days to re-con atruct tha national agreement. Collision on tbo Missouri Pacific Kail road Two nlcn Killed. ST. Louis , Apnl 27. A train bearing a number of Pennsylvania and Missouri Pa cific officials leaving here thia afternoon , when about twenty miles from the city , col lided with an up-bound train , and quite a serious wrack wis the result. Philip Toland , of the Ponnsyluania Railway Company , en gineer , Wm. Stevenson , and firtman Louis Christ , on the train , are reported killed , and several others of the party are said to bo more or less wounded , but none seriously. All Quiet at Panama ? NEW YORE , April 27. Tbo following dis patch has been reooived by Central South American Telegraph Company : "Panama , via Galvestan. The city Is quiet. The moral effect of occupation by the American forces bas been very greas Not a shot has been fired since. The Colombian troops from the touth are expected to arrive here this evening. An excited meeting was held Sunday. tSedltiens speakers were stopped under pain of arrest by Aizpura " Death from Chloroform In a Dentist's Chair. CHICAGO , April 27. Mrs. Ella Shay , a young married lady , died while under the In fluence of chlorofrm while seated in a dentist's cnair in Dr. N. W , Day's office thiiafternoon , The dentist states that sbo requested that chloroform be administered to her. The po lice are investigating the case , Iowa Day at the * \posltlon. IOWA CITY , Iowa , April 27. Owing to the Inability of Gov. Sherman and staff and the military companies of Iowa to reach New Orleans on the 29th inst. , Iowa day , the ex ercises will not bo held , as arranged for , on that day , but if a suitable day can bo secured after the Mobile Kocampment , the exercises will take place. Champion Foot Flaco For $500. CINCINNATI , April 27. A foot race 125 yards distance for ? 500 a side and the cham pionship of America , was run this afternoon at Chester Park by H. M. Johnson of New York and Geo. Smith of Pittsburg , Johnson won by six feet In 11 3-5 seconds , beating his record. The Elgin Dairy Market. CHICAGO , April 27. The Inter-Ocean'a Elgin , 111 , , special says : The market rnlod dull to-day. Sales of cheese : 100 boxes of hard skim ato. \ . Butter active and in good demand at 252Gc. Sales , 13,330 pounds , Will Servo the Canadian Government. JAMESTOWN , D , T. , April 27. Mayor Flint left for the nurth to-day with thirty teams and fifty men to take service with tha Dana- dlan government in transporting troops and supplies against Riel , The Billiard Tournament. NEW YORK , April 27. In the billiard tour , nament to-night Scb&efer scored COO , Dion 183 , HIS NATAL DAY. General Grant Passis His Siily-ThM Birthday In Beading Telegrams Prom All Over the Country Laden With Oonglanlations of the People , Large and Magnificent Presents of Flowers wore Sent Him , Ho Telegraphs His Grateful Ac knowledgements for Publication , andSnya ho Could Not Answer Tliom all Separate Even It Ho urns Well. GUANT'fQliailD BIRTHDAY. OTTOUWA , Ia. , April S7. Sixty-three guns era fired hero this morning and many homos ecoratod with bunting In commemoration of 'on. Grant's birthday. CINCINNATI , April 27. A large mooting as held at Turner Hall to-night to celebrate , ho sixty-third anniversary of Gen. Grant's irthday , Speeches were made by ex-Con- ressman Samuel V. Carey , lion. John Simp- inson , Hon. Michael Kyan and others. Ivery reference to Grant's name brought orth deafening cheers. Among those who itsended were scores of the most prominent ' .tizeus . of Cincinnati. General Grant's Grateful Acknowl edgements. NKW YOBK , April 27. General Grant ends the following for publication : "To IB various army posts , societies , cities , pub o schoolsstates , corporations ami individuals orth and south who have been 10 kind as to end me congratulations on my G3d birthday , wish to offer my grateiul acknowledge ments. Dispatches have been so numerous nd so touching in their tone that it would nvo been impossible to answer them , if I hod eon in perfect health , [ Signed ] U. S. GKANT. Between 4 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon Jon. Grant , accompanied by Col. Grant , talked as usual to Madison avenue and back , Jon. Sickles called between 5 and 6 o'clock , Sidney B. Dillon sat and conversed with the ; eneral in the drawing room for nearly an lour. The bouse was brilliantly lighted up in ho evening , and thousands of spectators losscd through the street and stopped to gaze or a lew moments at the house. Large and magnificent presents of flowers continued to lour In , while a continuous stream of tele- [ raph boys were incessantly delivering mes- lages from all over the country , _ The general remained in the drawing room ill after 10 o'clock in company with the mem- > ers of his family , Senator Chaff do , Dr. and Mrs. Newman and Dr. Douglass. He earned tired-looking , but held up amazingly. : Io seemed to be supremely happy and joined n conversation with much spirit. WASHINOTOV , April 27. A public rneet- ng in the Metropolitan church in this city to-night to celebrate the sixty-third anniver sary of the birth of , Gon. Grant WAS largely attended. Senator Manderson presided anc speeches were made by Gen , Halbert , E Payne. Greene B. Baum , W. W. uurdette and others. A letter from James G. Blaine was read expressing sympathy with the objecl if the meeting and regret at his inability t < jo present , "WASHINGTON NEWS. ArrOINTMBNTS , WASHINGTON 27. The , April secretary o the treasury appointed the Hon. Geo. H Parker , of Iowa , special agent of the treasury department. The president appointed the following post masters : Silas J. Montgomery , Bristol , Conn. M. J. Rust , Dougherty , Ga. ; S. H. Bd wards , Waterloo , Ia. ; 8. W. Synn , Grundy Center , Ia. : Chas E. Brason , Manchester , la The president to-day appointed James F McClolIan , of Florida , to be surveyor genera of the state of Florida , vice Wm , M. Hicks whoso nomination to that office was not con firmed at the regular session of the senate. The president signified his intention o. selecting a successor to John Russell Yonno minister to China from California. Botli factions of the democratic party in that state have endorsed Frank MoCoffin , ex-state sena tor and eX'inayor of San Francisco , for that position , Judge Upton , second comptroller of the treasury , bos made a ruling that officers of the army who held brevet rank at the time of service in the Mexican war ara entitled to three montln extra cay , allowed by congress for such service , according to the brevet rank held by them at the close of tbo rcrvlce. Fourth-class or non-pi eildential postoffices are now receiving consideration at the hands of Postmaster-General Vilaa and new ap pointments are being made as rapidly as he can consider the cues. Seventy-two ap pointments wore made Saturday and about sixty to-day , CHANGE OF JIATE3 IN POSTAGE. The postmaster general lias issued a circular order to postmasters , explanatory of the changes made by congress at the last session in the rates of postage. Postmasters are in formed that on and after July 1st the rate on all domestic first class matter , including drop letters , at letter carrier post offices will be two cents per ounce or fraction thereof , In stead of two cents per half ounce. This change will apply on mail to Canada but not to other foreign _ malls. To provide for the wants that may risefromthe change in the rate on second-class matter , or newspapers mailed by publishing , from 1 cent to 2 cents par pound. The department has decided to Issue a newspaper and periodical stamp of the de nomination of 1 cent , the doiign and color of which will bo the same aa those of the present series. They will be ready for issue on June 1. The postmastergeneral has not yet found time to form a plan for civlng the effect of the congressional enactment providing for.the use of "special delivery" at Specified poat- oilices. ? ' KX-ATTOUNRV-OENEnAL OBXWSTXB BUEI ) FOB LI 11 XL. Dickson this afternoon entered suit against Attorney-General Brewater for libel , lay ing damages at $50,000 , In having In Phila delphia , on the 23d of April , used the fcl- lowing language of and concerning htm : "Dickson Bld that trial. Dower was a bad man , too , nearly as bad as Dickson , and that li taylner ft good deal , " Through this utter ance Dickson najrs ho has suffered In his repn tfttion. The writ was placed in tbo ira that's handi , but the deputy tailed to tcrvo It before Browstor loft the city. FOREMAN U1CKSON NOT ODILTT. To-day , in the trial of Foreman Dickson , charged with an attempt to corrupt the ( tar- route jnry , ox-Attorney-G noral Urenster was placed upon the witness stand and flatly contradictedthoprovloiutoUimony ot Mar shal Henry. The latter had sworn that Brewstor told him ; "Tho country will hold you responsible II the defendants are not con victed. " Little clso of a sensational character was elicited , Judge Me Arthur instructed the jnry that the question of Dixon's guilt hinged upon whetber the defendant had a corrupt motive In placing a certain document before the star-route jury. After half an hour Dickson was declared "Not guilty , " CHOLERA TREVAILIHQ IN CALCUTTA. The Marino Hospital bureau is Informed that cholera is prevailing m Calcutta to an alarming extent , AVINNU'ISG. PARTICULARS Of THB REOEKT BATILK , WINNIPEG , April 27. A dispatch from Fish Creek , the scene of the recent battle , sayi : The troops still occupy the camp pitched on Friday night which lies about a mile from the battle pround of to-day. Gen. Mlddleton gave orders to have the remainder of the left division brought across the fiver , This work is now being attended to. Thelrebels , during the night , retired from the position they occu pied at the close of the fight , and nothing can be seen of them in the ravine this morning. At two there was an alarm and the troous turned out in loss than five minutes. The dead wore buried near the camp yesterday morning , Gon. Mlddleton reading the burial service. Two dead Indians were found in the ravine where the early fighting took p'nco , three others ore known to be killed. Fifty-four dead ponies have been counted en the field and In the ravine the rebels had eight small rifle pits and ono largo ono. Several " irgo pools of blood wore found in these , 'ourteen ponies and twenty head of cattle were captured in the ravine yesterday. The ebols have not been seen near here sioco the ay of the battle. To all appearances they inlferod severely. Word basbeen brought In > y a scout from tha west side of the river that 50 half-breeds had crossed to that side , 'hirty ' teams were sent fromHumboldt direct o Batoucho under the impression that he vould take that train , as twenty of Bjulton's mounted men were sent to-day to bring them * n , and up to a late hour , had not eturned. It is thought the teams wore laptured by tha enemy. The timber bas been iterally mowed down. Garrison's division of A battery , under Capt. Peters and Lieut. Rivers , and some of the Ninetieth under 7apts. Ruttan and Wilkes , made a charge up , ho ravine. About .fifteen men , with Capt. Rivers , got np to within twenty yards of the iflo pits , when Cook was shot here , as the Indian who shot him being behind a horse which had been shot. The Indian was shot by one of tha battery men. The Ninetieth eeins to have taken the north of the stream , iVheelor being shot on that side , and about fifty yards from the creek , seeing they were not supported , though Col. Houghton did ills best to Bet tbo Ninetieth up , they could not itand the storm of leaden hail , and both par lies returned , the battery going to the face of , he bluff and tbo Ninetieth down the stream as cool as if on parade. The general opinion is tbat another stand irill bo made at Gabriel's Crossing and another at Batouche , No advance will bo made to-day. Telegraph communication is interrupted and messages must bo sent or brought down , and unless something inppr- tant hapoens the risk IB too great to come down every day. NEWS VnOSI GEN , HIDDLBTON , OTTAWA , April 27. The following private telegram from Gen. Midrlleton , dated Fish Creek , April 27 , bas been received : "Wo must remain here a day or two mire , Thi wounded are all doing well. Both aides di camp are improving rapidly. We are drlvini in the enemy's cattle and ponies , and an feeding on the former. All are anxious t march forward. " MEDICINE HAT , N. W. T. , April 27. There is no fresh war news here to-night except a report that Gen Middleton is alter the insur gents with 120 mounted men , leaving his main force behind. Old timers h'ro are hourly ex | ectlng word that Gen. Middleton bas met the fate of Custer. RAIMUJAD BACKET. THE HATE WAB RESUMED. CHICAGO , April 25. It was the Burlington road to-day that was the first to resume the freigiit rates to the northwest. It set tha ex ample by booking freigiit of ail classes at 10 cents to St. Paul , Minneapolis and Minnesota transfer points , a reduction on the first clots of 2J cents since yesterday. Aa soon as the fact was made known the customers of other roads were also given the benefit of the re duction though the 10 cent rate cannot yet bo said to bo quoted openly. HECEIVER APPOINTED. CLEVELAND , April 20. A receiver was ap pointed for the Lake Erie & Western railroad company late yesterday afternoon by Judge Walker , of the United States circuit conrt , on application of George J. McGurkey , of Now York. August , 1883 , C. R. Cumralngs , president of the road , gave McGurkey n promissory note for ? 320,000 , to boar interest at 7 per cent. Yesterday the road confessed judgement for the principle and interest un- since Nov. 1 , 1884 , amounting to 833.- 082,608. "Vice-President Cheney was made receiver and will take possession at once. A CHANGS OK DABE , CLEVELAND , Apnl 27. George H.Vaillant , genera ] freight agent of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southtrn railroad , resigned his po sition to-day to accept the management of the Erie's freight traffic west of Buffalo nnd Salamanca. Ills headquarters will bo at Chicago , TUB KEKIQHT WAR. CHICAGO , April 27. The Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul road to-day made on open rate on freight to Council Binds and Omaha , ten cents irrespective of classification , Other roads are not yet quoting the rate openly , but since Saturday ara known to have taken busi ness on that basis , A Visible Supply of Grain in the United States and Ctinndn , CHICAGO , April 27. The following figures taken from the weekly statement compiled bj the secretary of the board of tralo , show the amount of grain insight In the United Statei and Canada , on Saturday , April 2Qth , and the amount of increase or decrease nyer the pre ceding week : Wheat 44.KH.G72 bushels , a decrease of 1,053,722 bushels ; corn 8,899,071 bushels , n decrease of 1,028 .SC0 Imnhels ; oati 2,293,351 bushels , a deceeaoo ot 12 270 bushel * ) rye iSJ,211 busholn , a decrease of 19.6SM bushels ; barley 50Cr 33 bushels , a doorcase of 70,830 bushels , Amount of grain In store in Chicago on the date nimndi Wheat 15,305- Ui5 ; bushels ; corn I,8'i2-)50 ) bushels ; oat 332 - 2o7 bushels ; rye 15,771 bushels ; barley 88,594 buihels , Dos Molncs liato County Cleric. DBS MOINIH , Iowa , April 27. Several dispatches have been sent from this city re garding the case of P. D. Aukeny , late county clerk , as being a defaulter. To-day the Associated press representative spent some time looking up the case , snd finds that . . . . . jo county , a settlement was had in full. Ankony still hold money due parties , heirs , attorneys , etc. , comlbRlnto his hands bylrtno of his office , of $0,418 38. Of this amount n former dep uty paid over to the present clerk $1,731,40 , nnd to attorneys and others $906 , making $3,640.40 , leaving the amount due only $3,777.98 , which Ankcny is ready to pay over whenever ho is latisbod that it is correct. The suit for $10OJO Is brought to cover the original amount dua and all possible disputed claims , as well as the cost of the suit. An kony hat money in the btnk and only wants to know what the correct amount duo from him is , but wants to make it thorough exam ination himself. Mr , Ankony Is one of Des Moines' most highly respected citizens , and is considered perfectly honest in ovcry re spect , The most eovoro charge against him from the democratic members of the board of Supfi visors is that he bos been negligent , but they are H openly In the belief ot bos honesty. I * The Odd Follows of central Iowa associa tion celebrated tha sixty-sixth anniversary ot Odd Fellowship here to-day with a parade and many brass bands , and closed with a ban quet and ball this evening , The lIllnoiB SrniNQFlRLD , Ills. , April 27 No quorum In either house or senate this morning. No business was transacted in the senate. In the house a resolution was adopted instruct ing the secretary of state to have flags raised on the capital in honor of slxty-th'ird anni versary of Gen. Grant's birthday and another instructing the speaker to telegraph Gen. Grant congratulations on his improved health , A select committee on the soldiers' home reported a substitute bill providing for nn appropriation of $200,000 for such insti tution and the appointment of the board of commissioners to supervise. A bill for the protection of cattle and prevention of pleura pneumonia was introduced. In the joint con vention se\on senators and thirty-one repre sentatives were present. The vote was scattered. Decision Bearing on the Boomer Problem. FOBT SMITH , AHK. , April 27. In the United States district court to-day Judge Parker decided an interesting point bearing upon the boomer problem. The question at issue is the case of ex parto Rogers , was one of jurisdiction over tno Cherokee outlet , and dependnd upon the ownership of that tract. Judge Parker ruled that the Cherokee na tion's title to the outlet is just as certain fixed , extensive and perpetual ai its other lands , and that the outlet has never been parted with by the Cherokues. He further declared'.that ' the Cherokees hold their lands bi a base and qualified fee , not with the right of reversion in the United States , but only the possibility of reversion of it. Two Young Ktiiiucklana Fight a Duel. LOUISVILLE , April 27. Information reaches hereof a probably fatal duel , which was fought in the country by two young farmers , John Augusta and Abe Taylor , living on the Barpetown pike. They were rivals for the band of Miss Jane Greathouse. They quar relled , and friends arranged the meeting which took place on Wednesday morning at daybreak. Piitols at fifteen paces were the weapons used. Both men fired. Augusta , it is thought , will die from a wound m the groin. Taylor is slightly wounded in the left aide. Taylor was arrested and brought here for trial to-day. The Weather. WASHINGTON , April 28. For the Upper Mississippi Valley Partly cloudy weather and light rains ; variable winds , slightly colder in southern and central portions , warmer in extreme northern portion , generally higher barometer. Missouri Valley Local rains , followed by fair weather ; higher , followed in tha northern portion by falling barometer ; northerly winds becoming cooler in sonthern portion ; station ary , followed by slowly rising temperature in northern portion. TELEGRAPH NOTE8. Judge Dell Stuart , of the circuit court , Ottumwa , gianted injunctions to-day closing sixteen saloons aud two breweries , A Pleasins Prospect. Cincinnati Enquirer. The oldest inhabitant Bays that this year shows strange similitude to .tho sea son of 1810. The year 1810 was princi pally conspicuous for tbo total destruc tion of vegetable life by the action of tbo fioat , and for the descent of snow In the month of Juno , and the formation of ice every month of the twelve. The medium temperature for Juno wag 01 , Every green herb was killed. All kinds of fruit had been previously de stroyed , From six to Ion inches of snoir fell In various parts of Vermont , three inches In central New York , and seueral Inches In New Hampshire and Maine , On the morning of the 5th of July there was Ice as thick as a window glass In Pennsylvania , Novr York , and thjougl New England. August , according to Mr , Pierce , was r daity. The medium temperature was 00 "and , " s ys the writer , "such a cheerless loss , desponding , molanoholy summoi month the oldest inhabitant never , per baps , experienced. This poor montl frozs the Indian corn , which was In thi milk , so hard that it rotted upon thi tUlks , and the fanners mowed it dovri and dried It for cattle fodder. Ever ry ; green thing was destroyed , not only In this country , but in Europe. " The medium temperature of 1815 wa Ol | ; that of 1881 , 60. SEE-SAW MARKETS. A Lane Attendance on 'Chamie ' , anil Markets Fairly Actiye , Holders of the Cereal were Very Anxious to liealizo. Corn Moderately Aotive and Frioos Unohangodi Trade was Slow and Unsettled on Ordinary Shipping Oattle , The Hog Market was Aotivo from Start to Finish , The IlmnKO In Prices of Provisions WAS Narrow and the Business TransnotlonH Moderate , CHICAGO MAUKETS. Special telegram to the BEE. CHICAGO , April 27. There was a largo at tendance on 'Caango , and the markets were fairly active , but of a toe-taw fashion. WHEAT Opened In the wrong direction for parties who wont homo Saturday on the long side. Consols were higher , and holders of the cereal seemed anxious to realize and bad to submit to concessions in order to ellcct sales. Latur war rumors began to spread and thcro was a jump from the lowest to tbo highest figure of tbo day , but the very latest price as compared with the winding up quotations of Saturday , shows a fall of Jo per buthcl. Within the past forty-eight hours freight room bag boon secured for 125,000 bushels. May opened at 8SJJC , and Bales were at S3Ji@E ! > ic , closing at SUJc ; Juno opnned at yol@lOoJc ) , and ranged from 90Joto ! ) ljc , closing at ! > l.i(3ljjc ( ! ) ; July opened at l)2fe'J'.Vc ) , with a range of t)2S93jc ) , closing at U3ic. The stock of wheat in New York Is a WH.77U bnshols. Our re ceipts to-day were 1 > 7 car loads , 75 being de livered on contract * , and the withdrawals from store included S5,2110 bushels of winter and 172,833 bushels of spring gradoa , CORN was moderately active , unsettled and lower early , but later reacted and closed about the same at Saturday. Liverpool was steady and New York averaged better at the opening , The weakness on wheat brought considerable on the market and the first sales were Ja below last week's close. Shorts and scalpers bought freely on the break , and when wheat turned corn followed , offerings wore comparatively light after the break and prices were easily advanced. Receipts were 171 cars , including 138 c ra of ccntrait grades. Withdrawals from store , 47,503 bushels. May opened at 47 0 , sold at 47Jc , advanced t ) 48&o & , and after several light fluctuations , closed at 47g@4Sc. Juno opened at 47g@47c , sold toISJc , back to 47Jc , and closed at 47&c. July closed at 18jl@48jc. OATS were active and stronger , and during the ses sion prices rote i(2o ( ; } above Highest obtained on Saturday but closed with an advance. Tbo last movement was mainly speculative , but there was a fair-local and shipping In quiry. PBOVISIOXS. wore weak early and stronger later , in sym pathy with wheat , but the range was narrow , and closing figures wire a trifle under those current forty-eight hours ago. The volume of business transacted was only moderate. Some of the businias men about the stock yards seem to think that the effect of the ex ecutive action in shutting out Missouri cattle from the Chicago market will bo to seriously interfere with our cattle industry , to turn away from Chicago the extensive traffic in live stock between Kansas City , St. Louis and Chicago , the former being the principal western feeder for the Chicago market , Thnre have been no sick cattle of any description at the stock yards , no bodies of suspects and no cars burned , aa has been stated. The stock arriving is in the best and healthiest condi tion imaginable. There is no cattle plague In any part of the country , and there bas been no outbreak of malignant contagious disease in the United StaUn for years. State Senator Streeter ot Mercer county one of the leading short horn breeders of the state and one of the largest land own , ers in the etote , wai at the stock yards on Saturday and had a talk with the business men he mot there , he was not backward in aylng there was an air of humbugging about sthewayDr.Poaron exhibited the alleged dis eased lungs to the members of tbo legislature last weeknnd that ho himself had often opened animals from hia own herd , whoso lungs hod the name appearance as those exhibited by the state veterinarian. That he never had a case of contagious disease in bis herd and that be was certain there never , was a clear case of maliKcant contagious diseasu in his notghboihood. The senator also referred to the foot and mouth scare , engineered last year by senatorial veterinarians , CATTLE. Although receipts are nearly 3380 loss than ] ° st Monday there were between 7,100 and 8,000 on gale. Trade was slow , and prices ruther unsettled on the ordinary run of ship ping cattle , In some Instancex fronh receipts sold equally as well as on Fiiday , and in some instances lower. There was hut a slight shipping demand and the dressed beef operators were in no hurry to fill their orders , unless they found bargains. Taken altogether it was an unsatisfactory market for sellers of fal cattle , Best big , heavy steers were mak ing S3 25 to B'iCO and pilmo to choice $ I90@610 , Butchers' stock in fair demand and eteady. Stockers and feed. ett slow and generally quoted lower. Speculator later * were not operating to any great extent and there were but few country orders and but few country buyers present. 1,0.10 , to 1,200 pound * , 81 60@4 90 , 1,200 to 1.H50 pounds , 35 00@5 40 : 1,350 to l,5i.O pounds , $52553 ; butchering stock , common , $2 40 00 ; good , $4 00@ CO ; veal calves , $1 00 ® fi25 ; BtucWsand feeders , S3 5C@4 80 ; Tex- ' BnYICO@000. tl IIOGH. The market was active from the start to thefiniib , closing steady at about a nickel ° higher than on Saturday ; rough aud common packers sold around about 4 3p@4 40. and best mixed $4 5U&-1 M , with choice and as. lorted heavy at 8 C0@4 C5 , and Philadol phias $1 70 ; packing and shipping. 260 to 350 pounds , 84 00 ® 1 70j light , 140 to 210 poundi , . § 135 ® J70. I ' osftere recognizes ! , t ; I Smoking Tobacco. ib i :