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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1885)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , MONDAY MORNING , APRIL 27 , 1885. NO. 2U PANAMA AFFAIRS. csBctM Secretary Bay ard and the Cslraliian Minister Concerning Closing Certain of Ita Ports to Eoreign Commerce , With Some Exceptions the Ee- publio is Entirely Pacified And They Would Like all Foreign Vessels Bemoved , The U , S , Forces Have With drawn from Panainai The Streets nro Barricaded nnd In llio Hand * of the Trouble Is Poured. PANAMA AFPA1H8. WASHINGTON , Apiil26.-Tho following cor respondence lias recently passed between Secretary Bayard nnd Senor Bocerra , Colom- 6. blan minister at Wathlngton , with reference to the decree of the Colombian government closing certain of ita ports to foreign commerce merce- and virtually declaring the vessels of the insurgents , now cnpnpod In hostile ad ministrations against Cartagena , to ba beyond the palo of International law. Under date of April 9th , Senor Decerra wrltea to Secretary Bayard aa follow * : I yesterday had the satisfaction to receive n telegram from the president of Colombia , dated at tha capital city of the union on that day , wherby the magistrate informs me the ontlro republic ia entirely pucifiod with the exception of the perU of Panamain tbo state of that , and those of Sabanilla , Santa Martn and Barranqullla in the states of _ Bolivar und Magdalena. Active military opjrations , however , ware still in preparation against the rcbelr , who hold these points In our territory , and with a view to making them more efficient various meas ures of n highly important uharacterhad been adopted , two of which I have the honor , In obedience to special Instructions , to biine to the knowledge of this government. By the first the Columbian government , In the exorcise' of its authority and expressly forcing the pertinent provision * of its com mercial and revenue laws , declares the ports of Sabanilla and Santa Marta In the Carrib- ean sea , and tbo phivi-1 part of Birrauqvllle. which is yery near to Sabanilla , c'o ' od to for eign commerce. All attempts to import or export goods through the aforesaid ports after this decree is known will therefore be con sidered as Illicit , nny trade thin carried on will bo considered contraband , and vessels , crews , etc , engaged therein will be liable , be sides forfeiting the goods , iu the penalties in such cases provided by the Columbian laws. By the second decree the government of Columbia declares that the vessels which are now stationed at the entrance to the' Bay of Cartagena , In the port of that name in the Carrlbean sea , and which are there ernbar rasslng , and even making war upon the Inter national commerce under the flags of various . , friendly relations , and by means of vessels of T a regular line of communication , which have long been established , do not b long to the U. S. of Columbia , and they have nj right to raise , as they nevertheless raise the llae ol that nation. As a consequence both their existence and their existence which are wholly irregular put them wholly beyond the palo of international law , and their r. roceedlncB which are too hostile to the peaceful operations of commerce , at the entrance to the commercial port , Belonging to the nation which la at peace with the whole world may In all cases ho punished by vessels that are charged in these waters to watch over the intoreiti and over the com merce in general , and over the special Inter ests of the nations to which they especially belong. In informing y m , Mr. Secretary of State , as I hereby have he honor to do , of the restoration of peace throughout almost the entire - tire territory of Columbia , and of the meas ures adopted with a view to ita restoration , in tha parts which are still held by tha rebels , I entertain the hope that this information will be gratfylog to you , and that the decrees in question will have in your estimation the weight necessary to be considered as impor tant to American commerce. Under the data of April 25 , BECBKTABT 11AYAR1) REPLIED to Senor P.ocerrn a recapitulatioh of the point * of the latter's communication and setting forth the petition of the United States with referee thereto , as follows : "This govern ment , following the recoivedSteneta of inter national law , does not admit that a decree ol a sovorigu government closing certain nation al ports in the possession of foreign enemiei or of insurgents baa any international etfecl unless Biistalno I by a blockade force sufficient to practically close such porta. " Secretnr ) llayard then quotes from Lawrence , "Notei on Whoatqn. " Ilia rule in such cases as drawr from position * taken by the administrations o Presidents Jefferson and Madison , during tin stru/glea with France and England con tinuea as follows : "The situation which th < present decree assumed to create is analogoui to that caused by the action of the govern ment ot New Grenada In 1801. The Grenn dlan ChargedAffaire * , Senor Rafael Pambc on the Slit of March , of that year , notlfict Mr. Reward tint certain ports , among then Hlo Haeha , Sant Marta , Cartagena , Taba nillo and Seapole. all on Caribbean aB0 had been declared to bo closed to commerci whether of export or Import , then is this difference , however , that the Grcnadlai government , then announced that the wa vessels of the confederation were to cruls about the porta Closed to commerce forth purpose of seizing vessels which should ba found violating tbo closure which had bee : decreed. It appears from Mr. Seward's not -of acknowledgment to Benor Pambo , date April Oth , 181W , that the announcement the aaade was interpreted , and correctly so , as declaration that the certain named ports woi IE a state of blockade , which should bo ran deced effective by national vessels , and < which dua public notice had been clvei ; While the government of tha United Stati In 1861 thus confirmed tha doctrlno it cor atantly maintained from the earlieit ' tha republic that the non insulted par might iia effectively cloted by mtratm blocltad * . The BriiUh government than col trorertei tha right of Now Grenada to rose la such a remedy , " Tha secretary quot from a ipaacti made Octobar 24 , 18011 , by M Cobden , for the pnrpoie of showing the att tude of the government of Great Britain at that time , and cites the opinion of Prof. Pels , n eminent writer on InUrnntlonnl maritime law , to the effect that there cm bo without a blockade no clcsnre of n port not In poitcxulon of the sovereign issuing the docrco. lie also refers to the legislation of the con- ireu of tha United States In 1S01 , relative to the closing of the ports of the iuth , and saR. "After a cireful examination of the au thorities nnd precedent * bearing upon this important question I am bound to C' ncludo as a general principal ttmt a decree by a sovereign power closing to neutral mm mcrce ports hold by its enemies , whether for eign or domestic , can have no International validity , and no extra territorial effect In tha direction of Imposing any obligation upon the governments of neutral powers to recognize 1C , or to contribute towards its enforcement , by any domestic tction on their part. The decree of tha closing of the cer tain named , ports of Colombia , contains no Intimation of an ulterior purpose to resort to a proclaimed and elf active block ado. It may therefore bo premature to treat your announcement as imputing such ulterior measures , but It gives me pleasure to declare that the government of the United States will reccgnfza any effective blockade , Instituted by the United States of Columbia , with respect to its domestic ports not actually subject to its authority , This government will also submit to n forcib'o ' repulsion of the vessels of the United States by any embargo which Co lumbia may lay upon the ports of which it has potsoision when it has power to effect such repulsion. But the government of the United States must regard as utterly nuga tory the proclamations doting the parts which the use of Columbia do not pp < sess under tbo c > lor of u naval force whifh is not even pre tended to bo compotmit to constitute a block * aio , Secretary Bayard then reviews at length the position taken by tha government during late civil war r reference to the question of tha closing of non-postcssed ports , in or der to show the crnsistenRy of it * present action , and its conclusion says : "That the ports not to possessed cannot be closed even by their legitimate sovereign without the oon- commitant of a duty announced , and the effect of a blockade nny bo accepted ai an es tabllshed rule of International law. WITHDRAWAL 01' THE UNITED STATES TIIOOI'S VfiOM PANAMA TROUBLE KEARED FKOSt INSURGENTS. NEW YORK , April 20. The following dis pitch n.13 rd.rived hero to day : "PANAMA , ( via. Galveston ) , April 20.All troops were withdrawn from this city last night. The consequences cannot hn foreseen , but that there will be serious trouble on the arrival of t'ie Colombian troop" , due here to night , ii certain. Gen. Aizpura has proposed to the commander of the United Statin forces hero ta withdraw his troops to the station of the Panama Railway company , Gen. Aizpura , however veil disposed , will not be able to prevent tin destruction of prop erty and life. Ban leaded a < c balng erected in the streets nnd sand bag defenses ate baing constructed on tha balcony of the barracls. Tnin shows that the intnir gents are determined ro fight in town. The native feeling hero Is strong. It is considered cruel for tha United States forces to occupy the town and then withdraw , leaving the people ple helplesn mnl the city in control ot a Uw less mob. President Lerymsor of the C'outral and South American Telegraph company tele graphed iw follows : " 11 o.v T. B. BAVARD , Secretary of State , Washinaton All American troops were with drawn from Panama I.iit night The town is in the hands of the rebels and the streets nro now barricaded The consequences cannot be foreseen. I _ have telegraphed as follows to the superintendent of the company at Panama. A demand in writing from the Amsricin consular commandant of the United States forces forjprotectinn to our own property and men. At present the United States has by trea'.y all the rights and obligations that Columbia has and must be held responsible for all damage dunu to American property or forfeiture to keep open communication. " Similar dispatches were also sent to the secre tary of thu nivy and to the manager of the company at Galveston. THE MANITOBA WAI ! . THB FIGHT WITH RIKL. WASHINGTON. April 25. United States Consul James W. Taylor , at Winnipeg , Man itoba , sent the following to-day to Secretary Bayard : "The battle with Ricl's force at Fish Creek continued all day Friday , The Canadian loss waa twelve killed and forty- seven wounded. Middleton retired about a mile to an open space on the northeast bank of the Saskatchewan. Ho waa reinforced by a column from the other side of the river , but the number of troops still does not exceed six hundred , but there ore rumors of hostils In dians in the rear of Middloton. Tbo situa tion is very grave. Thorewa ? a storm of ra'n and high winds last night. There is hope of tha arrival of the steamer > Northcoto from Swift Current with o Gatlinc gun , but there is danger of her beinn interrupted or getting aground on the sand' baraof the Suuth Saskatchewan. The rebel lots Is unknown on account of their advantag eous position on Fish Creek in a wooded ravine The insurgents were led by Gabriel Dnmont. Ihelr firu was the most deadly. Nearly all who were shot were shot through the head 01 heart. There U n hospital for the wounded at Clark's Crossing , Tha occupation of Bat' tleford by other troops relieving the earriaoi and lettlera may check further hostilities b ] the North Saskatchewan Indians , There ii : telegraphic communication with Battleford but the battlefield is twenty-five miles frorr the nearest stations. Tha news comes onlj by courier to Clark's Crossing , General Mid dlotou announces his purpoies to the Ottawi authorities to advance immediately on Rlel'i headquarters and Batouche Crossing , Hi rear it now east or south of South Saskvstch ownn. - Increase in the Surplus of Idle Fund , In Now York , Special telegram to the BEE , NEW YOUK , April 20. A still further in creuso in the surplus of Idle funds at Nei so York , brings out more clearly , if that wer needed , the bad effect which this indrawln of capital must have upon productive indui ite ed try at the points remote from financial centei and the consequent tendency of being moi and moro to the withdrawal of money froi active enterpriie. The failure score must ( courte keen up , This week is no exceptloi ofn. the slight Increase being reported with a larfl n. excess over last year'a difficulty of procurin tea money on really substantial security , t n IDOt mote parts of the country , must in time ha\ Ot something like a solutiou. While there wi rts continue for an indefinite future to 1 me a difference in the rate of intere inert for money at New York , and at Sioux Cit ert Iowa , or at any other town similarly situate ! tea There must not continue to great a dlffgren Ir. as now exists. The immediate causes of tl tti- great disparity are two : First There IB coi parallvc insecurity 10 long as the money lender at Now Yoik and Boston or at Lon * don for that matter , roads from lima to time of pssseoger trains being sieztd by outlaws , ho will continue to bo content with low inter est nearer home , but beyond thla It can bo shown that the interest rates are higher in many places of the country than the real facts warrant Oning to thn very defective publicity of the day , Now York has dltect rotations with every partof tha country , but ita newspapers do not report tha country , thus loading cattlemen are finding extreme difficulty no matter how responsible they may bo in procuring money nt eastern centers forcxtendingbuslncsithoro ; is a rapidly grow ing need , which must suecdlly become imperi ous of an adequate reporting at the eastern money centers of the facts relating to tha trade and industries of tbo country. This is done that an item for intoie't on the Invest ment at rcmoto points In a legitlmato Indus try will not bo so great as now. Such report ing would Involve a far reaching organization and might lead to a revolution In metropoli tan journalism. Tha drift of the foreign trade of the United States is distinctly tow ard lesipned imports and fairly maintained ex- potts. Tha falling off in the wheat crop Is not calcn'atod to help the foreigh trade situation , On the other hand the imports of merchan dise may grow lo > s and less during the next six monttiF , During recent weeks merchan dise imports at Now York havn boon running down. Fluctuations on the Now York stock exchange during the week have had no signi ficance , business Is scarcely moro than a [ jamo of see raw between room traders. The indications of an early and pronruncptl do- clinoiu the price of real cstata at New York arc stronger. The fear of cholera is un doubtedly having a bad effect. The real es tate situation hero has been sustained by a widespread disposition to soak real estate in vestments. GENKltAIj GRANT. BETTER TO-DAT THAN SINCE THB IMI'HOVKMENT REGAN. NEW YORK , April 2C. Shortly after ono o'clock last night General Grant fell asleep , Five minims of morphine having been admin istered , one minim less than usual , Though ha did not sleep continuously through the night the patient slept In all as much as usual , and aroused for the Jay at eight o'clock this morning. Ho was said by Dr. Douglass to hiu e been better to-day than on any day sinca the Improvement b'gan , just two weeks ago. During the night the general coughed much If si than ueiul and expectorate scarcely any , Dr. Douglass aroused late this morning find left thn rmldence tit nine o'clock , The ( lay broke cloudy and at six o'clock tha rain be gan lulling , and the uir was chill and raw , precluding the possibility of tha general going out during the day. Drs. Barker , Douglass , Sbrndy and Sands met at the general's house for the regular weekly consultation at 2 o'clock this aft ° rnonn , This dialogue took place be tween Dr. Barker and a reporter when the former left the. house after the consultation : "Iltiw is your pttient to da ) ? " WHS asked. "He says he feels bntter than he has felt in a long time , " was the doctor's answer. "As compared with 1m condition when you Lint saw the. gcnaral what It his condition to-day ! " "The general says ha feels better than he has for weeks , " said Dr. Barker , "But your opinion ia worth more as to the general's actual condition Ha * ho improved or worse than on Wndnetday lost' " urged the inquirer. "Tha throat has cleared up some einco Wednesday , but th re has baen no radical ehnnge in the throat. Wo did nut expect that , " replied Dr. Barker , When Dr. Douglas left the house he said that Grant was found to have imp'oved since the last consultation. The observation of the doctors resulting in that opinion. The gener al waa fueling better and was better since Ins Improvement began. Dr. Shrady rfould join Dr. Douglas Wednesday p m. next and tha next full consultation would take place next Sunday. Jn relation to certain alarming statements by an electric light agent who carried bis machine to General Grant's house on Saturday night and assumed to describe the appearance of the general'a throat when he left the home. It may ba stated on the authority of Dr. Douglas that he did not see General Grant , nor did he approach him any nearer than the reception room down stairs that his machine for examining the throat with the electric light waa not used. Col Grant corroborates Dr. Douglas * statement He says the electric light agent did not see Gen. Grant , mu.h less examine his throat. FOKEION NEWS. ENQUIRY To BE HADE WHERE THE BATTLE WAI FOUGHT. LONDON , April 20 , The Observer in special edition says It believes that l-'ar Granville in the second dispatch to St Petersburg reiterated the demand that thi military inquiry be held regarding the Penj deli battle on the spot where the battle wa fought. SISIEL , April 20. If the Duke of Con r noupht goes Into active se'vice , the Duches of Connought will remain hero durlntr port o tbo month. ' The Russian military authorities sen 10,000 troaps across the Caspian sea froi , Barker , and of these 0,000 lauded at Chikie lar and 4,000 at Krasnovndek. Two thousani additional men were sent from Turkestan t Merv. Prior to this di'patch of these rein forcernent * there weie 8,000 men stationed , I ' the Trans-Caspian territory. Merv is th nearest point to Afghanistan where there Is ' large Russian force stationed. The garnso now numbering about (1.000. ( BUBO Ball. CINCINNATI , ApriI2G. ClncinnatisS , Lout villesl. ST. Louis , April 2G.-St. Louis 2 , Pitt burgs 0. INDIANAPOLIS , April 20. Indianapolis 11 Toledos 4. Oon. Grant Goltif ; to the Mountain NKW YORK , April 25 , Arrangements ha' been completed for the removal of Ge ; Grant and his entire family to Mountain M nJW Gregor some tlm during tha latter part JW June. The of uio the cottage of Joseph \ ire Drexel was tendered to Gen. Grant tl morning and was accepted by Col , Grant is- behalf of his father. Col. Grant said to irs gentleman , who had called to complete t arrangements for the general'a trip , that if t father coutlnued to Improve for one mon longer as rapidly as ho had during the pi of few weeks ha would ba stronger than he woi , year ago. It la expected Dr. Douglas will i ge main with the general during his stay in t "K mountains , re- revo Tiio Telegraph Operators , rill OHICAQO , April 25 , At a meeting of t bo est Westeru Union operators to-day it was d ty. elded that It was no more than reasonable , allow the "company until May ] 1st to dec ! ace whether or not It would accjdu to the opo the tors' request made a week ago that the BX < im- pay for extra work ba restored , A BLOODY AFFRAY. A M Islatd CoDuiic'or ' Assaulted in statiop Mo , , , By Pieroo Yooum Who Strikes Him Over the Head With a Two-Pound Weight and then Grapples Hinii Conductor Smith then Shoots and Kills Him , And Also Wounds the Brother of His Assailant. Two Well Known Cltl/cnn ol Mt. Vcrnon , Mo , , Indulge in n Fatal Shooting Affray. A BLOODY AKPKAY. A KOCK ISLAND CON1HJCTO11 BHOOT3 AND KILLS ONE MAN AND WOUNDS ANOTIIEH. Special telegram to the BEE. ATCHISON , April 20. There was a bloody affair on the train between hero and Win throp , Mo , , just across the river from hero last night , the particulars of which are about as follows : Three young men , known as the Yocum boys who live in Winthrop , had some trouble yesterday morning with Conductor Smith about paying bridge faro. Nothing sorioun , however , resulted from the dispute until evening , when the Yocum boys in taking tha train back homo again , picked a quarrel with the conductor , Jin accordance with throats made by them that they would "lay him out. " In the affray Smith was shot twice , both brills lodging in the right forearm. Ho shot and killed ono of tha Yocum boys , aad shot another one In the back. Conductor Smith and the two surviving Yocums worn arrested and taken to St. Jo. by the sheriff to bo there held until the matter can be investigated. Two Men Use Bevolvers. Special to the Kansas City Times. ATCUINSON , Kan. , April 25. A bloody pistol tel fight occurred at East Atchison , Mo. , at 0:15 : this af tccnoon between Conductor L. T. Smith , of the Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific railway , and Pierce and Henry Yocum , well known characters of this place , juat as Smith had registered his train and and waa about to give orders to pull out on the regular [ trip to Cameron , Ho had put Pierce off his train as it was passing over the bridge Into Atchisou at IU o'clock this morning. Upon the return trip Pierce and Henry were at the depot to administer chastisement. Smith , how ever , had been warned beforehand and was fixed with a self-acting Smith & Wesson In hia right coat pocket. As dmith stopped out of the depot Pierca hit him over tha had with a two-pound weight and the two then grap pled with him. Smith finally pushed his assailant off but ho was determined to have a fight and the conductor drew his pistol just as Pierce pulled his Smith fired first , placing the weapon close to his antagonist's breast. Yocum reeled and Smith fired a cecond , third and fourth time , each time lodging a bullet id Yocum's body. Yocum Tell dead. Meanwhile Henry Yocum had been shoot ing at Smith , and he turned on hia pew assailant and gave him the contents of his last cartridge ; and was then pulled into the depot wounded in the left arm in two laces and with a bullet in a email book over ; E is heart. Henry's vest was cut with Smith's last shot , but be was not hurt. , Pierce Yocum , it seems waa a member of r quarantine committee to prevent colored people of the state from stopping at East Atchison , and was on the. train m ucbcapac [ ity when Smith put him off. He and hi brother have heretofore borne good character and the affair is regarded as the result of too quick temper on the part of both Smltl i and Yocum , Sheriff Smith Corey , who was summonec from St. Joseph by special train , formally ar rested Smith and took htm away. Coroner Wells is now engaged on the in quest , and good order prevails. The News at St. Joscpb , Special to the Kansas City Times. of ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , April 25 , At Winthroi nt this county , this evening , Conductor Smitl ntm : of the Rock Island road , and Perry Yocum , isid quarantine officer , became involved in a dill id culty and both beean shooting , Yocum wi ton killed outright and Smith fatally wounJei n- Fearing a mob would wreak vengeance on tl 'n I Rock Island employes Sheriff Carey and ° I posse of men loft here at 8 o'clock to-night c a i a special train for Winthrop , Atchison , oj ou postto Winthrop , has quarantined again colored people because of small-pox. "Vocu was oiu of three men employed to w t < trains and it waa while discharging bis dul ib- that the trouble urosg which resulted in h death , te- Fatal Street Shooting Affray at 91 , Vcrnon , Bio , ST. Ixjuif , April 20. Advice from M us. Yernon , Lawrence county , Mo , are to t us.wo effect that John A , Tennis and George ] en. Moore , both old and well known citizens , b Jc- tween whom a bitter feud of several yet Jcof standing existed , met on the street yesterd ofW. evening and Immediately drew revolvers a : W. commenced firing , Tennla was shot throu hls the head and Moore through the heart ai . both died in few minutes. a the American Neutrality la CBO of his European War , nth Special Telegram to THE BEE. last ua WABUINOTON , April 20. There is an i ro- terrstlng rumor current among European i the voya in Washington touching the degree neutrality the United States will maintain the event of a war between England a the Rnssia. It u reported that an understai de- Ing exist * between our government and R to sia similar to that of 1878-9 , when the R side ei n cruiser cama in the harbor of Eastno era- Me. , when the war between Russia and K ; itra 1 ind seemed inevitable , and remained two three months , until the difficulties were i Justed and the crisis passed. While at K.vt- port the Russian ship refitted completely MU ) was provided with a high power battery of modern br eh-loaders and the crew from Russian sailors tent from the homo stations for that purpose , Vice-Admiral William Gore Jones , then raval attache of the British legation , discovered what was going on and Sir Edward Thornton , tha minister , pro tested , but without any remit at the time. As there was no war nothing moro was eatd by her Brlttanlc majesty's representatives about the incident. Tlio question under dis cussion by foreign representatives hero is will America permit the Russian government to repent the a t , and , if so. what will England do } They point to the fact Palmerston promptly refined to allow the Confederate cruisers Alabama , Shenandonh and Florida to oven tftko coat In any English port during the civil war. If the Russian vessels are to have the same pm Urges In American waters as our own ships of war , then why not Eng land ? The nations of Europe are anxious to see what wo will do if It comes to dlscrlmlnnV ing between them , AVAOHINQTON NI3WS. AITOINTWENTS , WASHINGTON , April 25. The provident to day appointed J , 0. Clienowoth , of Texas , to bo first auditor of the treasury , vice R. M. Reynolds , resigned by request. , General Henry J. Hunt , retired , WAS to day appointed governor of the soldiers' homo at this place , vice Colonel Samuel D , Slur giss , of the Seventh cavalry. Captain Robsrt Cattlin , retired , was appointed deputy govor nor. The changes go Into effect May ID , when the ofDcon relieved will join their re spective regiments. Surgeon C , 'C. Birna barf also been detailed for duty at the homo , relieving Assistant Surgeon Dowott , who will report to the itirgeon general for duty. Army olllcers express themselves pleased with the action of the president in placing retired olficora in charge of the homo. Jcdge Andrew Wylle , associate justice of the supreme court of the District of Columbia , has tendered his resignation to take effect on the appointment and qualification of his sue cessor. INVESTIGATING THB RAW. WASHINGTON , April 25. The secretary ol the cavy has Issued the following order ; "My attention boa bom called to the deal ings of this department with the American Wood-preserving company. Two largo sum ol money were paid for tbo use of the patents and recently for the purchase- n largo plant erected at the Boston navy yards by tlio com pany. Such personal investigation as I have been able to make has convinced me that a thorough examination and investigation of all matters connected with the dealings of the government with the company should bo made , including an investigation into the utility of the invention and its prac tical value. Tha government is In possession of an expensive _ plant recently purchased for use in connection with this invention.'I I am unable to find that the invention has gone into general use or that private Individuals nre availing themselves of its supposed superior _ - rior merits. I hereby designate and detail Captain Franois M. Bance and Captain Henry L. Howmson to act with Professor CbarlesF. Chandler of New York , to look into the whole matter and report to mo. " COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS. As the impression seems to prevail that any person is privileged to color tbo competitive examination that is to govern the appoint ment of postollko inspector , Postmaster-Gen eral Vilas has Issued a circular stating that application blanks for tha purpose will not be furnished indiscriminately , but only to those who have been recommended to the depart ment. MINISTER KEILET IN WASHINGTON. A. M. Kelley , recently appointed minister to Italy , arrived in Washington to-day and had a conference with the secretary < > f state. It In generally understood ho declined the Italian mission and that his visit to tha secre tary of state is with regard to his appoint ment to the Russian mission. INVESTIGATING Jl'GILLICUDDV. Commissioner Atk.ns to-day resumed th i hearing of the charges against Indian Agent McGillicuddy. Red Cloud and his inter preter , Todd Randall , testified in support ol tha accusations which were taken up seriatim and a reply waa made by tha agent and hit Indian witnesses. rnisiDBNT CLEVELAND'S HOUSES. Two distinguished arrivals last night were : the president's carriage-horses , n pair cf seal , brown galdings , bought at Pouehkeepsie , New i York , for a fancy price. They are hall brothers , five and sir years old , by Lysander a son of old Hamboltonian. They are model of form , with Jong , silky tails , which the pres ident has decided shall not be cropped to com ply with the prevailing cruel English craze Those horses were selected after n wide searcl and are considered a great bargain , even at fancy price. Mr. Arthur's hortes , which tb president has been using since March -itt will be forwarded to their obliging owner earl next week. , Odd Follows Sixty.Sixth Anniversary CHICAGO , April 20 , In the cltyt ho lodge Hi. of Odd Fellows to day celebrated tha sixt ; ras sixth anniversary. There was a procofsto 3d..ho nnd an address by Dr. Samuel Fallows at SI Paul's Reformed Episcopal church. The Thrco Sick Millionaires ofVal | Street , Special Telegram to THK BEE. NEW YonK , April 20. The bad health of tliroo millionaire * is the topic for Wall street talk at the end of tin wcok , The men are Gould , Yandcrbllt nnd Field , and the stories told of their Incapttation are possibly in tended primarily to effect the prices of stocks in which the tliroo capitalists are heavily In terested. The truth In thcso cases Is at tha bcttoin of a well so deep that the job to brine it up to the surface is almost hopeless. The most caretul belief is that Gould Is anxious , for the sake of case In mind and body , to re tire from strenuous business , and that ho will do so as soon RS his losses , through the drop of stocks after Garfield'a assassination , aggre gating to him not less than § 23.000XO , if the calculation bo based on the highest and Inwcut quotations ot tha securities , in which his wealth is chietly invested , have boon mode good , Gould's tompcr.imeut is in tensely nervous and in order to save him from prostration the recent trip In his yacht was doomed necorsiry. Since hia return ho hat worked very hard , not lees than tight hours a day nt the most Imrraselng operation's. Strikes on some of his railroads , the new law compelling thn burial of his telegraph wires In cities of this state , the certainty that his elevated railroad companies will have to pay enormous damages to injured property along tha llnof , nnd the failure of stock prices to advance as expected these things have com bined to make the present period about the most straining and depressing in his whole career. Ho looks badly , and that Is about all that can bo positively known of his physical condition , save that ho is under the doctors' care , and admits that ho means to rook recre ation in yachting as soon as ho can get away from busHOB ? . Vnndcrbilt Is unquestionable , But there Is no good reason why that fact should have any effect in Wall street , for ho Is not active there , and pays only tha most cursory atten tion to the management of his railroad Interests. But Vamlerbilt has for a month been confined almost entirely to his huuso. He has baon missed from the road on which ho is wont to speed his horses. Ills face shows an occiaional twitching and lack of mobility , which is said to como to incipient paralysis. The assertion is even made posi lively that ho has had a mild stroke of that diecaio and is in conitint dread of _ fatality from that source. No bills or receptions have boon given in his mansion lately , the picture gallery has not been opened to the public and the millionaire keeps sedulously out of sight. Dr. Fordyce Barker makes calls two or threotimes a week , and they are understood to be on Vanderbilt hltmolf , though the physician declines to say yes or no to question' . The third millionaire to whom Wall street has assigned physical collapse is Cyrus W. Field. That wlley oper ator with Gould announces that on the com pletion of half a century of financiering ho now retires from activity , He has resigned from the directories of several companies and there seems to bo nn doubtfulness that what ever may bo the fact ns to bis health he really moans to take a rest. His fortune is estimated at $23,000.000. RAILROAD RACKET. THE RATE WAR RE3UUBD. CHICAGO , April 25. It was the Burlington road to-day that waa the first to resume the freight rates to the northwest. It set tha ex ample by booking freight of all classes at 10 cents to St. Paul , Minneapolis and Minnesota transfer points , a roauction on the first class of 2) cents since yesterday. As soon as the fact was made known the customers of other roads were also given the benefit of the re duction , though the 10 cent rate cannot yet be said to bo quoted openly. ItCOEIVEIt APPOINTED. CLEVELAND , April 20 A receiver was ap > pointed for the Lake Erie & Western raihoac company lata yesterday afternoon by Judge Walker , of the United States circuit coort on application of George J. McGurkey , ol New York. August , 1883 , C. R. Cummings president of the road , gave McGurkey . ' promissory note for $320,000 , to bear intereal at 7 per cent. Yesterday the road confessed judgement for the principle and interest un paid since ilUV. 1 , 1SS-I , amounting to VOW , , 082GGG. Vice-President Cheney was madi receiver nnd will take potBession at once. A Fire Bag at Work. CINCINNATI , April 20. About three o'clocl this morning Mrs. Hawley , who occupies i room in the Palace hotel block , Sixth am Vine streets , was awakened by a nolso re tembline the pushing of vmpor under the door. She called out asking If it was a tel ( gram but received no reply. Then sh heard some one walk away. 'Proa i- ently her room was so ' die with nmoko and going to the door found th paper saturatud with coal oil and burnin against her door. The other doors on th same floor were treated likewise , only the pn per had not been Ignited. The fire was BOO extinguished without disturbing the guests i the hotal. E. H. Johnson of fit. Louis wi arrested on suspicion. 08 Bullion WALL ST. , N. Y. , April 24.-Tho week ] bank statement shows a reserve increase-1 82,740,850. Thi banks now hold S53,142,0 < in excess of legal requirements , m Pst ch m Spring Medicine 118 ' \Vhen the weather grows warmer , that extreme tired feeling , want of appetite , ir dullness , languor , and lassitude , aOllct 1 almost the entire human family , and scrof ula and other diseases caused by humors , * manifest themselves with many. It is 1m- he possible to throw off this debility and expel lit humors from the blood without the aid of a iereliable . medicine llko Hood's Barsaparllla. > rs " I could not sleep , and would get up In y the morning with hardly llfo enough to get Q5 | out ol led. I had no appetite , and my r lace would break out u Ith pimples. I bought At no other season Is the system so si ccptlblo to the beneficial cflccts ol a llablo tonlo and Invlgorant. The linpi state ot the blood , the deranged dlgcstli and the weak condition ot the body , cauE by Its lone battle with the cold , win blasts , all call for the reviving , rcpulat ! and restoring Influences so happily a effectively combined In Hood's Sarsaparll "Hood's Sarsaparllla did mo a great d ot good. I had no particular disease , I was tired out from overwork , and it toi : mo up. " Hits , ti , K. BIMMONS , Cohocs , In Hood's Sarsaparilla 'a bottle of Hood's Barsaparllla , and soon began to sleep soundly ; could get up without - out that tired and languid feeling , and my snappetite Improved. " R. A. BANFOIID , Kent- - of "I had been much troubled by general jn debility. Last spring Hood's tfersaparllla j proved Juat the thing needed. I derived an Immense amount ot benefit. I never felt ld' better.- , F. MILLET , Boston , Mass , us- > usHood's Sarsaparilla gold by all druggists. $1 ; six for f5. Made nK-1 only by C. 1.1IOOI > & CO. , Lowell , Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar . " For seven years , spring and fall , I 1 : scrofulous sores como out on my legs , n for two years was not free from them all. 1 suffered very much. Last May I boj taking Hood's Barsaparllla , and before 11 : taken two bottles , the sores healed and I humor left me. " C. A. ARNOLD. Arnold , 1 "There. Is no blood purifier equal to Hoc Sarsaparilla , " E.S. [ 1' , Rochester , N Hood's Sarsaparillc Bold by all druggists. 91 ; six for $5. Ma only by U. I. II001) & CO. , Lowell , Mass IOO Doses Ono Dollai AFGHAN TROUBLES. Increase of Ibc Prolialil'illcs ' tf War Btra : England and Russia , The Ksoall of the Duke of Con- naught is Considered The Most Significant and Warlike Official Act Yet Taken , Ho is to Command the Second Corps in Afghanistan , Seventy-Five Millions Spoilt in India in Warlike Preparations , The Turcnmann and Sarlklm Anx ious lor Plunder are Impatient at the Delay In Ucctftrlnc War. T1113 AFGHAN TnOUKIjE. Special telegram to tbo BKK , INCRKASB OF TI1K 1'EOHAlIILirlEH OP WAIl BE TWEEN ENGLAND AND Ill'SSIA. LONDON , April 2 ( ! Dutinc the last wcok tbu probabilities of war bolwccn England nud Russia have greatly increased. The discovery that Frauco uioant mischief , the e'opmont of the Uosphoro Egyptian incident into n grave international quarrel. The ostentloua mingling of Russian mid French oflicors in every capital on the continent.t All this has come as a total surprise to the inhabitants of London , although politicians In Berlin wcro talking of the possibility three months Ago. Whether Franco has gone in for the temporary ary purposes of deviltry or with moro far reaching arms her demonttration of hostility served the present .needs of England by opening the Dardanelles to British vessels rt Labal Cast and probably securing Turkuh aid as well. Some sensational tiowa has reached London from India. One telcpram goes so far as testate state that n report IB prevalent throughout meet of India that war ha ? been declared by England against Kussia. The excitement among the Indians aware of the report beg gars description. In India the recall of the Btiko of Connaught from Simia in Pnnjaub , while on his way to Bombay to take a steamer to liritmu is considered the most significant nnd warlike act yet taken by the Indian gov ernment. It ia atatcd to-night that the Duke of Connaught has been ordered to assume control of the second corps , destined for mili tary service in Afghanistan. A remarkable increase m the vigor of the preparations In India for war hns been reported. Moro than seventy-five million dollars has bon already spant in the o preparation1 ! , in order to ineit the immediate nud further military require ments , the New Indian Loan has been already proposed. IiulTerln linn held a prolonged military council acd it is believed at this council it was resolved to concentrate an Indian force nt Quettah immediately. Old Indian ollicera are sending their wives out of the country , and writing nervous letters homo , lieports from central Asia are to the effect that the Turcomans and Sarikha are very Impatient at the delay in the issue of the declaration of war , as they are 'yearning for n chance to plunder both Afghanistan and India. Sir Donald Stewart and Gen , ISoberti say that , they are both confident of Afghan friendship in the event of Russian occupation of Herat , , and also that Sir Peter Lumsden , who is in their confidence , had plenty of money to spend with the Afghans and do all that ho could to bring the Afghans and Russians to . blows. Hopes of peace with Hustia have grown dally slighter slnco the receipt of Sir Peter Lumsdens dispatch of Tuesday. The ministry probably hoped that Lnmsdon'e account would enable them to waive their complaint against Komaroff , but his terse , explicit and detailed contradiction of the a Russian commander's story , point by point d coupled with his distinct assertion that the Russians were aggressors , forced the cabinet to again address St. Petersburg a request for a- explanations. Last week's scheme for con abe tinuing negotiations respecting the frontier - nd ignoring the Penjdoh incident as collaps- ied d , The Czar's advisers in the meantime had lie occlved from their agents m Central Asia uch accounts of the effect of Komarolf's ac- uB ion on public opinion na led them to resolve a- o rettise all satisfaction. The Russian press , aon ncluding the St. Petersburg oflicialj ournal , in announced this resolve in plain terms The Moscow Gazette , whose editor , M. Katkolf , s one of the Gear's trusted advifets , spoke ; he plainest of all , saying that if England withes peace she must accept the Penjdeh Incident with all the consequence clyof and ( presume negotiations respecting tbo of frontier. Other papers were allowed to de 100 mand "the immediate seizure of Herat , " and to protest against English occupation of Port Hamilton , simply because it controls tbo straits between Corea and Japan , which the Russian fleet expected itself to control. These and many other signs show how ( lender is tlio chance that Russia will answer the last English dispatch with anything but a refusal to continue the discussion of KornorolfJ 3US- aggression. The English ministers thorn- ro solve almost abandon all hope of peace. Iho nirc identical statement read en Tuesday In the Ion house of commons by Gladstone respecting the vote of credit of eleven millions sterling , iscd though avoiding mention of Russia convinced itry thathoueo that the cabinet expected war. ting This belief was strnngthened on Thursday and when Gladstone described the govcrnment.88 Ilia. engaged in correspondence of extreme gravity leal and told the house of commons that the six but million fivehundrcdpoundstbeyhadask | | d for nert were wanted solely because of the deplorable incident on the Afghan frontier. i.Y. The largest financial houspB of London heretofore clinging to the belief ot peace be i.Y.I gan selling seme days tince. Dispatches from I every European capital have a desponding tone , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ had and Quarantine ) AgalnitGholcra. at Our or MEXICO , ( via Galveston ) , April gan 20. The federal government has taken vigor had out measures to guard against the Introduc the tion of cholera at Vera Cruez and other sea Me. ports. Vessels from countries where the od's cholera Is reported will be subjected to vigor S.Y. ous quarantine. DcHtrnctivo Flro , lade LYNCHDuna , Va , April 25. Giyndy , the . county teat of Buchanan county , WAS almost entirely destroyed by fire this morning , The court house and county records are burned. 'Because e em- - emi. . fj cofiere recognizeE aA incjld fo ) eaFer anb Smoking Tobacco '