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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE THURSDAY , APHIL 16 , 1885. -THE BEST TONIC , ? This wodlclno , combining Iron with pure TCRCtftWo tonics , quickly and completely Currn Dynpcrilnt Inillgr tlont U'rixluii-f. " , IiiiMiroIlooiliTIalarlnClilllHniul | J'c crn , mill NouraUln. 1 Us an unfailing remedy Tor Diseases of the Kidney * nnil l.lvcr. It Is invftluftblo for Diseases peculiar to Women , and all who lead pcdcntary ll\es. Itilocsnot Injure the teethcause hcailaclic.or produce cotntlpntlon cthtr Inn mettlcinn do. It enriches and purifies the blood , stimulates the appetite , aids the assimilation of food , re lieves Heartburn and liclchlng , nud strength- CM the musclci and nerves. Tor Intermittent fcvcri. Lassitude , I-ftCV of Energy. A.C. , it has no equal # 8Tlio penulne has alxrv o trade mnrk and cro pcd red lines on wrapper. Tnke no othtr. BROAD CUM V5SY BEST OPERATING QUICKEST SELLING AND WPfflFBET .V > vt i } Mitpupq fiveroffproil to tlifi oiihMo VJulrU , Murti Cnre . * rrt"i o" - < e riven iihiiih ci \-OU vl 105H . , \ - ! ! _ rvsrucamo lintlcrtal.en CUTScnd tw o aUtnpfl I orOlebrated 11 cdlcalWortc , Address. V. O. ChARHLB , JTI. .U.i86 Scull CbtV. Street. CHICAGO. ILL. IS CONDUCTED 1 X Boyal Havana Lottery ! [ A. GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana .Cuba ; Every 10 to 14 Days. Tickets in FifthsWholes § 5. Frac tions pro rata Ea'uJccV to no ninatpalatlon , not controlled riy tb yiitUHln Interest. Ik la the ftlroat thing In th aUtuoof ohnnooln existence. For tickets apply to sniPSEY&CO. , 1212 Broad w yN. Y. City ; SOLINOKR & CO. , 303South 4tb 8t 8) . Louis , Mo , or II. OTTEN3 It CO , 019 Mala St. gumaCltv. MoM , ; lit on IJmkVt 1K3 < 1 , " wiito liuadrtilu . _ rri'f-iul imtlurb MiitluiV mill : couuins ' no 1J i-jr-li. AD avtiacinl fiwd for Infanta 11 ( "in ' " > rtarcii. Tbo bent und uiirf uai M ! In Uoaltli " * > nr hMMiicpQ lor r IN L ANTS , mid i eV 'Hvtnlit for i oUrcU r ml ramlres no rooklnir. lUcomaii-nrtcil by rhyricianx. Highly Ix-ncllclnl to isurelniT Miithcn on a drink. Price -IO tv J a > unricx ut8 ItyullilruifKlbtu. nd for llook oil tlio Tre tmeut of Children , f TOO. "f 5l1 Jlecitnl and nut. Hloui. " B IT. SMtfi J ! . O. . i'lljaleM.W / . Find It all lt lcoulj lo dnlrtd. " Kttd , St'\itn \ , JfanJo . * No bfiilanoj la pronouncing It Buprrlorln ftnr * thlni nunl.K 11 CVburn. U. 1 > rro , V. 1' . R'Ul Iw eent by mall on receipt of price m ( .tamps LICK'S FOOD CO. , Unclne , WIs. ! HOBLIOl'llDRTFlTIlXyr O MALT"9 Jap Medical Institute ji Chartered by thcStatcof 1111- unois for the express purpose /ofEivinglmmediate relielln hKall chronic , urinary and pri- H vate diseases. Gonorrhoea , VOlcet andSyphills In all their ' complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Uloocl promptly relieved and permanentlycured by reme- dicstestedlna/'orf2/l"c < irs _ _ # l > cctull'rtictlc < > . Semrtial weakness. Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on Ihe Face.Lost Manhood , l < o Hrtft/nirc { < J.T/i f no cjrjifHmeiiMm/ appropriate remedy 13 at once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal cr by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address DR.IAM ES.No. 204Waslilnqlon SI.Chlcagolll. LINCOLN FLORAL CONSERVATOR ! Cor , a i 17tb , on line o I itr t cw . Greenhouse , Bedding Plants , Roses , Flowering Shrubbery Evergreens , Small Fruits , Etc Extras with every order. non\nv -ljrnUouqurti , 111 isVcts , Ktc.fir I'll rtlc Wtuldlngiund rinuTiiis n Epi-clnlty , uua Bi'ntloany l'att"f tliiifctuli' . Rrn.-f T\tutouiul other viw table jilunta in thcJj Illuitmtca Cutulottuo free. W , 8. SAWYER & CO. , Lincoln , o A pwlttT r ra d y for tb "dlMul ! \ > j IU Bit lhooi ni ! of C tli woi.l kind nd o ( fou b Dcar d iuodtaKh T * 'aiiVine ! cTti. tiwiii tt r HB VALOAS * DI or tcr , O o P' l Ddl r > O. U. A GAMBliEU FIIO&I INFANCY , How Ho llUnf AR lnst | Mnnrithn BjRtcni The Profession of lo- kerrinylnj ? Abandoned for Hi at of rrc chltir. In the heart of Lonlivlllo's gambling quarter , on Jefferson street , betireon Fourth and Fifth , Bays the Ootirler- Journal , ono man has been seen daily for years. Ho Is plainly , almost shabbily dressed , nis face la pallid nnd careworn always , and on it deep lines are graven , but not by the Gfty winter ! nhoto passIng - Ing has left him In his primp. Ho wears to board eave a stubby brown moustache , .nd his hair , hardly toochod with gray , 'alia partly over a high for oh end , on which anxious lines are ever resting. The deep-sot , keen blue eyes nra the most prominent fontnro of his fao , nnd they burn nith a fire that is never [ iicnchod. The man is Rev. Stephen Holcombo. IIo la the wcll-knonn reformed gambler and city missionary. Ho is doing a work which no other minister has attempted and which no ono oho can do. The story of his life is a strange ono Ho was born In Shipplngsport August 25 , 1835 and from his cradle up was a gambler. Ho docs not Oremembor the thuo whan ho did not play cards , nnd at 12 ho loft homo to fight Ufa's battles un attended and unwatched. Ho loft Ship- ptngsportns n cabin boy on ono of the magnificent steamboats that plied the river In thoao days , for the next six yoara followed that wayward , wandering llfo. Then ho came homo and started n small store in the Gsh and oyster buainosa on Third etrcet , in partnership with hti half-brother , William Srwdors. Ho waf oven Ihon an experienced and darlnr gambler , but ho did. not become a pro feeslonnl until later on. Ho married when only 20 ynars old a Mica Evans , o Shlppingspott. She was a sincere Chris tlnn , but the union did not , long hsvo i restraining Influence upon him , thong ] ho was always n.dovoted husband. When the war broke out Holcomb wont to Nashville to collect a debt owoi him by some ono in the same line o bnsinosa. Ho remained thera some titn and Gnally opened a fish market , but h did not keep at it long. Ho began play Ing faro , and in a short time lost all h had. From that time ho was a profee slonal gambler aud followed that fever lah existence for seventeen years. H had no such thing as norvea and ha trained eyes and fingero to Itghtnln quickness and dexterity. He bocam one of the most successful gamblers i the south , ever which ho traveled fo Ho was especially lucky at poker , bu ho mat his match Nashville to which he had drifted with his pocket stuiFed with winnings. Ono night ho sa down to play with a chance acquaintance anticipating hts customary luck. Instea of that ho lost heavily , and finally over cent passed into the pockets of hia no' friend. Ho watched him until ho.dlacot crcd the man had a "system , " and wa e qual'y lucky In every game ha played Bo won thousands of dollars In a eingl week. Holcombo told him of his dlscov errand , stating that they could work t much advantage together , cskcd to b made a partner. Hia propoeltion wa scseptod , and they traveled ever th eouth for a long time. The "system proved Invaluable , and they won hcavll at every place they visited. Both tnlgl : have bcon rich thrco or four times ovc had they taken any care of money. The were Inveterate gamblers , aud what the won at poker they lost at faro or tquai dored in reckless wayc , aamon of thel calling always do. EZaSC SflS CZ At Shreveport the partnership came t an abrapt termination. They playei with their usual good fortune , and in week won about § 20,000 , depleting th pockets of every gambler in the place Ono night Holcombo and his pirtnc quarreled , and after a fight they aopara rated never to meet again. The "system which they used waa invented by an ol gambler , Major Drake , who has Ion been dead. After that the Kentucklan travole for a long time over the racing c'.rcui in the south and cast. Ho went to llv in New York , but after staying there while came back dissatisfied. It wai rcatlcsa period of his life , and ho seldot remained in ono place longer than thre or four weeks at n time. Ho was th heaviest OB well aa the most EUecessf u poker player In the couth , but ho novo accumulated any great amount o money. "About § 5,000 or § 0,000 was aaniucl ns I ever had at ono time , " ho saya I never know Ita value , and throw it awa ; as fast aa it came into my hands. wouldn't stick to poker , but as soon a I got flush I would go to playing fan bank , aud this would terminate In mj losing all I had. Faro Ima a wondeifu fascination for most gamblers , and nc matter how fair the gimo is the bank i sure to win in the long run. The por- centtgo of the doalor'o take-out I coulc never learn , though 1 was ono so long myeolf. It decreases with every deal but In aomo unknown quantity whicl gives the bank an unfailing ad vantage. "Tho stories of gambling and of gam blers' wealth are nearly always exag gerated , " ho continued. "I Imvo beer very lucky at times , mid have inadi heavy winnings , but $3,000 it as tnucl as I over took in at ono Bitting. Yoi often hoar of gamblers bolng worth § 100 , 000 , when the ohancoa are that they hav < not more than § 5,000 or $0,000. Thai was as much as I ever owned. " He finally abandoned the racing cir cuit and came back to Louisville , when ho dealt ono of the heaviest faro gamei In the oily. Subsequently ho opened two houses , Noa. 104 and 180 Fiftl street. Ho owned some real estate a1 that tlmo , and ono day a Methodist mtn later , llov. Gross Alexander , came tc rent a cottage from him. During theii arrangement of the matter the gamble ] Incidentally mentioned his occupation Mr. Alexander laid his band upon Hoi combo's shoulder and said : "If that Is the case , my brother , 1 hope this mooting will bo profitable it more waya than one. " The gambler received an Invitation tc attend the preacher's meeting , and wai converted. He joined the church , anc from that day entered upon his lifework Ho begin laboring among his old asao oiates and the mltorable and degraded wherever they could be found. His char ity wai never appealed to in vain , and li a f hort tlmo he aud his family were with out a penny. From that tlmo the itory of hia llf < has been a hand-to-lund combat will sin and poverty , The reformed gamble : oonld got nothing to do here and went t < Denver , whore ho fared almos1 as badly , Ho washed dishes in a restaurant anc cooked for mining camps at § 1 50 , whei ho could have had a thousand by golnj back to his old companions. Then hi returned to Lonlavillo , and for R | onj time ho and his family were in actua want of the neceisarlea of life. Whei Ed Hughes wai elected chief of the fin department Hohomba asked him for i place , and he was the first man appoint ed , an set of klndncrs which will never bo forgotten. The Iftbots of the reformed Rambler among his old Miociates attracted the at tention about font yean ago of HOT. J 0. MotrU , then pastor of the Walnut Street church. Ho suggested to Mr. IIol- combo that ho devote bis whole time to mission work , and ho has done BO. A mltslon room was first opened In the Tyler lor block , and was so snccesaful that _ it wai moved about two years ago to its present position. The good It Is doing is Incalculable , and Is familiar to nil. Mr. Holcombo was llconicd ns a local preacher four yeara ago. The mission Is his llfo work , and ho says ho will quit It under no consideration. Ho has the confidence fidonco and respect of every gambler In the city , and every now nnd then is snc- coastul in lending ono to a bettor llfo. STOP TH4VT COUGH By using Dr. Frnzier's Thront nnd Lunpr B > nm the only sura euro for Coughs , Gelds , lIonrsonoBB nnd Sore Throat , nnd nil diseases > f the throat nnd lungs , Do not neglect a xnigli. It mny prove fntnl , Scores nnd hundreds of Kratoful people ewe their llvoa to Dr , Frnzier't Thront nnd Limp Balsam , nnd 10 fnmily will ever be without It nftor once : uing it , nnd discovering its marvelous power. It is put up in largo fnmily bottles nnd solder or Uio amnll price of 7C cents per bottle. Sold Kulip & Oo , and O , If. Goodman , Tli nt Hal 1 ro nil I n Peru. Now Yoik Sun. The last mail from Peru brought the details of the contract entered Into by the Peruvian government witli Mr. M. Grace , of the firm of W. R. Greco & Oo. 'or the completion of the Oroya railroad is extension to Corro do Pasco. The Oroya road was contracted for with Mr. Henry Molggs In I860. According to the agreement a track was to bo laid from Lima to Oroyn , a village 130 miles norttnvctt of Lima , in the heart of the Andes , and only a few miles from Ccri-o do Pasco , which contains ouo of tbo rich est deposits of silver In the world. Oerro do Pasco Is 13,200 , feet abbvo the sea. Mr. Meiggs began laying the tracks for this road within n few months after the signing of the contract with the govern ment. It was in reality a government entorprlso. Mr. Molggs was to receive - ceivo § 27,000,000 for the work from Callao to Oroya. When the road was completed it was to belong to the government. But the government failed to carry out its part of the con tract , and the work's stopped. The en terprise was resumed when President Pardo tot/k hold of the government , and Mr. Mo'ggs Invested his Immense fortune in It , and lost his investment when Pore became unable to go on with tbo work , The state will continue to possess an Interest In the enterprise. Mr. Gracs has purchased the control of the entire property , after a careful investigation ol its resources and capacity. Ho becomes possessor of the rcud through agreement with the shareholders and with the gov ernment , Bubject to certain conditions , which are Its completion to the Ccrro de Pasco within baven ycais from the date ot the contrict. The Oroya railroad wna ono of the meet difficult and costly engineering works ever undertaken. In 105 miles the ascent Is 11,000 feet. There are sixty-throe tunnels already made , ouo ol which , called La Gnlera , is 1,200 foot ic length. There are also twcnty-elghl bridges , the most important of which , the Rimac , has piers 250 feet high and a total length of 525 feet. This is said t : bo the highest bridge In the world , Through La Galera the rock was eo barf that the cutting had to bo dona wltl diamond drills. Tao work already done on ( he railraac has cost § 30,000,000. The countrj through which it rans , BO far as it hat been completed , is agricultural , and Iti produce is sent down to Lima. It Is extremely tromely fertile , but the methods of laboi have been of an antiquated and wastefu kind. With the introduction of Araeri can agricultural machinery the wealth o : this country wuold bo moro than doubled , It is said that there wa ) taken out of the mines which are the objective point oi the road moro than § 400,000,000 during the 300 years of Spanish dominion. While the majority of thoao mlnoa were still In opetation , and long before any traces of exhaustion wera discovered , they became flooded. The proprietors , lacking the facilities for proper drainage , moved and opened now mines. As soon as the minoo Bra properly drained they will again be capable of profitable pro duction. Such la the opinion of the best minors and engineers who have visited the country for the purpose of surveying the croporty. The road will carry the mineral to the coast. In the past the sil ver product was transported many miles , over dangerous precipices and across deep ravlnee , at great expense and subject to continual loss. The railroad and drainage - ago will , it Is expected , open up thoao properties anew , and provide Peru with a great source of national wealth. It will also bring the rubber and other products ol the baoln of the Anmon into the markets of Lima end Oallao for export to the United States and Enropo. Mr. Grace's contract gives him pauses- lon'of the road for ninety.nine 'years , and en exclusive privilcgo to construct a road to the mines for twenty-live years The road , it Is estimated , will not only pay the operating expenses , but a hand some profit on the part that Is already constructed and in operation , and It Is believed that In the hands of conserva tive managers the proceeds of the road will pay a Urge part of the cost of its completion. Mr. Grace Is a brother of Mayor Grace , and during the last term of tne mayor was administrative head of the house of Wm. R , Graca & Oo. Ho has spent the greater part of his llfo In Pent , although ho Is now an American citizen. BKIN DISEASES CURED. By Ut. Frarlor'i Murta Ointment. Cares If by mngls : Fimplen , Black Heads or Grub Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving the akin clear and beautiful , Alao cnrea Itch , S lt Rheum , Bora Nipples , Bora Lips nnd old , Obstinate Ulcera Bold by druggist * , or mailed on receipt price , CO centa. Sold by ICuhn & Oo. nnd 0. V. Goodman. NcntMotby St. John , American Reformer , When Colonel Bain Introduced Gov. St. John in Louisville "as one famous for what ho had done and what ho had not done , " and as having won A national rep utation during the late campaign "with Its collateral cousequonces , " the governor neatly brought down the houeo by say ing , "I believe there was a good deal of collateral consequences in that campaign , but the other follows got the collateral and I got the consequences. " Beheld the conqueror or all kidney , liver and urinary diseases Hunt's Rome- df , Sure cure. Speedy euro to all diseases of the kid neys or urinary organs bylusiog Hunt's Remedy. What an appetite it gives ; how restful . . ruakea my sleep , by ruing Hunt's Remedy , AN INNOVATION. Tbo KlnkBnndun Kollcrg. JJew York Times. The manager of the Galesylllo roller skating rink la a very enterprising man , and ho is constantly opekingto make his rink attractive by adding to it now feat ures. Ever slnco Ita opening , a year ago , ho has employed ft brass baud of thirty pieces to inspirit the skaters and drown the cries of the wounded. The band oc cupied n ttago at the north end of the rick , and was for a time a very popular feature. Ou a recent Sunday the man agei , who had accidentally attended a Sunday morning service at St. Eliza Jane's church , was greatly struck with the beauty of the processional hymn aa sung by fifty eurpllccd men and boy * , and it occurred to him that It would bu an excellent plan to open hia rink every morning irittrn procession on wheel * , headed by the brass band. The musicians were not skaters , but at the solicitation of the manager , combined nlth on Increase of salary , they took lessons In abating , and in a day or tire were nblo to okato Hasonably well. On Thursday last they skated around the ink at the head of a procession of sov mtyfivo skaters , playing ' 'Onward , Christian Soldlera , " mthCno effect the seventy-five skaters singing with onthn- ilaatn. The manager was delighted , and auclod that a now orn of prosperity had dawned upon himHo haseinco had reason to change his opinion. There happens to be a strong Lrnv ihnrch olomout in Galosvlllo , The ele ment attends St. Gooigo's church and regards a surpllced choir as a Popish in vention. Many of the Low church pa trons of the rink were indignant at the manager's Innovation and took stops to abolish the procession , They had little difficulty in making an arrangement with two small boys , whoso great physical endurance was almost dallv tested at the public school , where the teacher taught with a beany cane.Theboy a fortified them selves with air cushions Ingeniously con cealed under their clotnlng , aud on Saturday lost they went to the rink at on early hour. The procession started at 10 o'clock sharp , and had skated half way round the rink when tno two small boys sud denly skated at a rapid rate directly In front of the band. The ensuing collision heaped the band and the entire aoventy- five choriatera , who were skating In close order , on the devoted boys. Eleven In struments , including the baaa drnmwere utterly ruined. A cornet and a trom bone were driven so far down the throats of tholr rcspoctivo players that the ; were extracted with difficulty , and no leas than twenty-three member ! of the band , thirty-one chrrlsten and ono email boy were Bovorcly Injured , The remaining email boy was killed outright - right , six largo Germans having fallen or him , and a subscription for a memorial window to ba placed in honor of hit heroic conduct in the cbanccl of St , George's has already been begun. The triumph of the Low church element wai complete , and the dismayed rink mana gcr has registered a vow that ho wil never again risk coming in contact will now and dangerous ideas by attending church. The moral of this story seemi to be that rinks and religion are incom patible. YOUNQMEN1 KEflD THIS. Ins VOLTAIO BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich , offer to send their celebrated EtEOino-YoL TAIO BELT and other ELECTRIC AITLIANCEB 01 trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old nfflicted with nenoua debility , loss of vitality nnd manhood , nnd all kindred troubles. Alsi for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , nni many other diseases' . Complete restoration t < health , vigor and manhood guaranteed. Ni risk is incurred ns thirty days trial is allowed Write them at once for Illustrated pamphle free. Aa carrier pigeons m China are fre quently molested by birds of prey , an in genious plan for protection is employed Ton email bamboo tubes are attached t < the bird's tiil by means of threads pastIng - Ing under the wings. The hasty flight o the bird producca a whistling cound , anc this keeps birds of prey at a safe din tanco. 'Xlinso Complaining of Sere Throat 01 Hoarseness should ueo BBOWN'S Bnoxciiui TKOCHKH. The effect is extraordinary , par ticularly when used by singers and speaker : for clearing the voice. A lifo prisoner in the penitentiary al Charleston , Maes. , claims to have a bullcl In his head which ho can feel move when ever ho shakos his cranium. Ho has sold his bead to a dostor fort $15 , with the proviso that ho is to keep it until his life eontonco has expired. JIosfcml'H Acid Plioiphrttc , HUNDllEDS OF UOTILES I'ltESOUIllEl ) . Dr. 0. R. Dako , Belleville , 111. , says : "I have prescribed hundreds of bottles of It. It is of great value in all forms of nervous disease which are accjmpaulod by loss ot power. " About § 10,000.000 worth of corsets were Bold in the United States last yoar. Horn than 40,000 persons in New York city dopcnd upon gambling for a "ivlDg. When all so-called remedies fall , Dr. Sago's Catarrh Romc-dy curoa. Wine ever two hundred years old la among the contents of Emperor William's collars. The peculiarity of tbo classic foot Is the width between the largo too and its neighbor. Angostura Bitters were prepared by Dr. J , G. B. Siegert for his private use. Their reputation la euch to-day that they have be come generally known aa the best appetizing tonio. Beware of counterfeits , Ask your grocer or druggist for the genuine article man ufactured by Dr. J. G , B , Siegert & Soni , The Income of the GIrard estate for 1884 waa $050,000. Ita real estate alone la valued at 57.340,000 , apart from that occupied by the college buildings. The collieries of the Girard eatato produced 1,400,000 tons laat year. * A Swell Heportcr. Uicbange. The Baltimore American has the swell reporter of tbii country. He la a young man , about thirty yeara of age. There Is not tbo slightest necessity for his doing any work , aa not only la bis father a millionaire , but ho lias a fortune In hia own name which yields a larga ravonne , Nevertheless , this young man is BO pas- aionately devoted to journalism that ho entorad the service of the Amorlcan as a minor reporter In order to matter all the details of the business. Ho has now been a reporter A good many yesra , aud loves his work as much as ever. lie gets a good salary from tbo paper , but sponda twice as much every week. When he goes out on an assignment ho uses hia own private couno or hires a oab , and if he does not wish to return to the newspaper ofBco he will telegraph all hii matter at his own expense. This journalistic phenomenon travels llko a lord , Ho always stops nt the very boat hotels , and will take two sections of alocplbg-car when ho can got thorn. Aa for clothes , ho has an Infinit variety , and If over a special correspondent had n ault for every day In the month this enthusiast h&s ono for every day In the year. Ho cares nothing for the salary , but works hard to make hU mark , and Is ono of the beat newspaper men In this country. Ho says that ono of these days ho will have ft newspaper of _ his own which ho will devote himaolf to. Writing is hla chief amusement. When ho is not writing for his paper ho is composing n book , and Indulges In the luxury of a stenographer. Ho occupies a largo sulto of rooms in the fUt , and they ar < > fur nlshed llko thoao of a prlnco. MnplcsonlanVnr Nous , N , Y. Hernld. The military fame of Colonel Maple son Is 8 } firmly , established In America that his company Is popukrly supposed to bo as ready for war as General Kom- arolFs Russians on the Murghab rlvor. But the battle annouucod from Chicago between the charming Mile. Nevada , do- crlbedaa"tho Rocky Mountain Girl , " ind some Italian singers , described as 'tho oflfato humbugs of Humbert , " proves o have bcon na slight an affair aa the iattlo of Panj dob. Its exaggeration is .tie to the belllcojo reputation of the of- icer commanding the company. QU AIjIPICATIONS FOB A MISSION. A Model Dsttor of Application From A Kentucky Thoroughbred. N. Y. Tribune. WASHINGTON , Apr.l 13. Thorols quite a largo clasi of Americans who for years past have lived abroad but who upon the advent of the now administration have hurried ever In order to offer their ser vices to the government. They all want missions. I met ono of this class , vrho had bcon permitted to cool hla heels in the anteroom of the nhlto house tno other day. Ho could scarcely conceal his Indignation aa ho blurted out : "Hero I have como ever from Europe especially for the purpose of helping the govern ment , and would you believe it ? no more attention Is paid mo than if I had always lived in Washington and just stopped acrossitho street to ask for an office. " This poor follow ought to have token a lesson from the Koutucklan , who to-day forwarded the following applica tion to the president. Ita strange mix ture of humor and bnalncs-liko determi nation make it , I think , unlquo : OFFICE or TUB OLDIIAM COUNTT Eiu , THE ONLY SECOND-CLASS PAPEH IN ( THE UNITED STATES , f LA GnANdE , Ky , , April4 , ISSj. J The Hon. Giover S. Cleveland , President. DEAR SIR : I herewith apply for the ap pointment of consul to Tahiti. Society Islands. In making my application I prefer to forego the usual method of seeking nn indorse ment to my petition from Tom , Dick nnd Harry : they come cheap and are , in my judg ment , worthless , I do not even ask ono au- rust senators nor our less sedate members of the house to say n word in my behalf. I could , I suppose , receive the signature of ev ery official in the state , from governor down to our county jailer , to my petition , but , as before stated , such things are cheap , I base my claims to your fnyorablo consideration of my application to this consulntcship oa the following grounds : I am forty years of age ; entered the federal army at the ago of sixteen , and was intrusted by my superior officers with office from the date of my enlistment , August 13 , 1801 , until the great leaders arranged the terms of capitulation at Appomattox , at which time , before I had attained my majority , I was company commander. Atter the war I fitted myself for life by learning thoroughly two trade ? , that of a carpenter nud that of n printer. I labored at the former until 1870 , when the bad health ot my wife compelled me to take up the latter , which I did by es tablishing hero and maintaining the only second-class newspaper in the United States , n strictly Democratic sheet and fine advertis ing medium. 1 beg to state for your Informa tion that 1 am the hnppy father of eix healthv , bright children , without blotch or blemish , and am pleasantly situated and am making moro money , perhaps , than the con sulate would pay mo ; but I lia\p an ambi tion , all thoroughbred Kcntuokinns do , to sen o my country in office. My ambition in that direction has not been satisfied with eix years' service a3 city clerk. I confess I was not an ardent supporter oi yours at Chicago , but I now eee my mistnko and recrgciza in you all the elements of a who , discreet chief mscnstrnto. The fact of my being a carpenter nnd prin ter , nnd likewise the lather of a Inrgo family of children , may not in your opinion fit mo for n contulalo to these South Pacific Is'nudp ' , but I beg to mfoim yeti , my dear sir , that nt times when I needed recreation from the duties cf editor , compositcr , pressman , re- potter and mailing cloik in my office , I have taken ciro to inform myself of the relations existing between this great republic nnd the islands o ! the tropical Pacific , and I have como to the conclusion that I can , by an lion cst ondeavcr , turn the mine ] of the reformed cannibals still further from baked liranliao , fried Frenchman , souped Scotchman , ecol- loped German , broiled American nnd ttowod Uritiahian to our own delicious and mpro nu trition hog and the cereals from which our country suflers by orer-production , I nm of opinion the dignity of my country and respect for the stnr spangled banner would not suffer If intiusted to my care In theeo beautiful , far nway islands EJI respectfully ask your favorable considera tion of tins , my first , and it may be my Iret , appllcaticn for executive favor , Ilespectfully yours , W. W. ROWLSTT. Labor NOICH. English employes in Birmingham and Sheffield are complaining of tbo loss of trido. An old an experienced Philadelphia In ventor has Invented n traction ongina which has secured a place in the Inven tors' exhibition at London , and those who have examined it say 1 ; la deserving cfpirtioular attention as an engine for service In landy countries. Iron-makers are deeply Interested In the experiments made with the new iteel- making process. There is a willingness expressed to adopt It when it has passed through all experiments ! stages. Americana seem to bo taking the lo d In tbo manufacture of electric light ap pliances. Ono Chloigo company bos jnst completed five miles of underground cable at Washington , D. 0. It is rraking switch-board * for Liverpool and Glaa ov , and an electrlo ligbt machine , irlthlamp&'j for London , The manulactureH of roller skatoj are having o grind rush of trade. One con cern in NVcolcottvllIe , Conn. , Is three months behind with their orders , and everal others ere from ono to two months behind. Tbia city hat twenty-three rinks and Plttsburg eighteen. It Is estimated that there are over ono hundred In the etato. The lumbermen are running short of raap'o. There la one very good system of Im provement In the larger machine ihopa of the Middle and Eastern states. A con- slderablo increase in the labor force has taken plice tinco. April 1st , and hero and there over-time is made , Bra s works and novelty worka are oicsptlonally busy. Masbino-belta , carriage-screw ? , braes valves and twlet-drllls are In good demtnd. Thera fa a quiet Improvement and extension 'of produotivo capacity in progreis , A great deal of old machinery Is being taken out ° u Rheumatism , Neura1gIa , Sciatica. Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , 3or'Tlirflnf.Suf > llliiB.Ni > rnliiM.m-liUc , lliirn.ScaliU , I'l-ool Illicit , AM > AM , orimi noiuiY rms AM > uurs. Sold 17 lUtiuiiti mil Iimlrm itrrnlirri , Hnr Outi t Ivltlc , lurtciloniiln 11 Lfttijcuncti. TIII : ciiAui.r.H A. 10111:1.1:11 : : co. ( , . , to A. VOOIUB * CO ) Il.lllinerr , Jtd. , t.R , I. METAL 111 i B i & I am A oopporrrolih by trade , iul the tinMl pnr tlclcsot brass nnJ copper fromfllltiK cot Into lores oi my arrad anil poisoned my wtiolo mttenx. Mcrcvuj administered brought on tlicmnMInn , nnl I became n helpless InvOU. 1 took tno dozen bi ttlua ( it Snltt'i Specific Wj ICRP , Dims nnri hfttiil * nro n'l ' rlglitnKaln , luso them without pivln. My restoration Is duo to 8. S. S. I'KTKU V. I/OVT , Jan. 0.18S5 , August * , Urv Rftalarial Poison. Wo have UBcJSnllt'a Specific In our ftmllv as an nntlilcto for malarial palson for tno or three jears , nd lia\o nc\cr Known It to [ Ml In n Blnjlo Instance. w. c. Ftmwm ; Sumpter county , Qa , Sept. 11 , ISSJ. Ulcers. For six or elcht joatsl eufloreJ with ulcers rn rav ghileR. I was treated with loilUlo ol PoUsslum mul Mercury , and I became helpless. Six bottles of Swill's HpcelQo made a permanent euro , Feb. 2i , 1835. U. D. WILSON , anhu8\lllc , Ga. Swltt'a Specific Is entirely \cctabto. | Treatise on lood and Skin Diseases mailed tree. Iho SWIFT SrKCiria Co , Drawer 3 , Atlanta On , , or 169 W. S3d St. . N. Y C17 St. Chnrlos St. , St. Louis , Mo. A rrgalur graduate of two MedlcM Cotlegri , has liren IoQf 4 termed In the BpccliHrL-BtinoJt of OMuowtr , NIBVOII , Bxnc ADU BLOOD DutAi in thin any other fnyileUa in Bl. Loal * M city ptpen ehew aJ nil old tf ildmtk know. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Monlrl rmtf Physical Weakness i Mercurial and otnomtc - lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Pelt * g , Old Sores and UlCCrs. ro treated vlth unpirallcloi taeeeo , on lateit nfientitia principle'Sa'elr , Trlratclv. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ExpOSlirO Or Indulgence , hlch prodnce ome of Iht folio * fog effects : DcrvouiucM , dcbliitr , lmnesi of iljhl nil dcfcctlro memory , flmplei on the race , pnjileal decnj , version to Iht * oclctj of female * , contort * * ofllcascti , rendering Marriapo improper or unhappy * & , Fnmphlet(3b ( \ ages ) tn the above , net * aealcd envelope , free to any aJJrt si. Consultation t f flee or lir mall free , and InrlteJ. Write for qucilioni , A Positive Written Guarantee Klre * In ill coratlo CMCS. llidiclnea sent Tcl7bere. 2amphot ! , Knplish or Ocrican , 84 pujoi , do- Krlbinc above dtieascs , in male or female , PiiEU MARRIAGE GUIDE ! "NV III Jnu . ( Hrlfy U WMW- * * ? - Jte Hie LIVEq iml KIDNCY3. .mil l.'iiHroiib THK HI.AWU nna VIGOR o/vourir. ! ) > " n inn Want ni Ajirn't" " , " - illv sMnn. Liu i. or blrtnglh , " " ' - " ! ' . hoi- i UTsrcrtnontwiorct. . r.lllicii3 thy inlml and R'lliBliia Uriln 1'ovcr , ! nlcrIi ! tVoni cumplalnti - _ . - r.i nC' iM'L'Jliui to ficlrerx fHI iuil In DR. t rTirrs'SinOJf VOUIS u unfa ar-tf " noily cure. jllitHiilcailipaitiy ; complexion , 'rcijnunl &tcnitR ) 8.1 O" " " ' ' { " 'Mutf enl ) itdi , ' 'lie-popularity of tli orlKlnnl. Do 'jot expert . und ruurnitdrr-3 to'l tj Dr. lliirter Wed On. ! Lc ult. Mo. lor our"DKEAM HOOK. " BEWABD - IF YOU riWTJIB EQUAL OF Tlila brand la a hnppy combination of line , young crisp red , burly IODJ * filler , with a DELICIOUS FLAVOR and It just meets tbo taato of a largo number of chewcrs Orders for "Plowshare" are comlns In ripldly from all parts of the country , demonstrating how quickly the great army of chow era etrlbo a pcxxl combination u ( Tobacco , both OB to quality aud quantlt } . Mcsjra Loilllard & Co , have exercised no little tlmo and labor In endeavoring to reach tbo Acme of t'crlcctlon In J'loweturc , ni.d room to line done ft. Besides the Tra CKM ccis -Plowshare are Which IB ft point not to he overlooked by dealers who will find It to their interest to order eomu and ghotbcir customers an opportunity to try it. Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare Dealers supplied by Gronewrpi'c Hctneutgon , Council Bluffs. Percfroy & Moore , " " L. Kir/cht & Co. " " Stewart lirou. " " 1'axton & Gallagher , Omaha. McCord , Brady & Co , Omaha. 1'cr sale in Omaha by H. YinKllncr , CIS S inth Street. Henry fiitzon , 001 S 13th St , Ileimrcd & Co. . 002 S 13th St. Goo Carlaian.1015 Varnam St. Kaufman Bros. , 207 S 15th St. Kaufman Bros. 1000 Fornom St. Frank Arnold & Co. , 1418 Farnam St , August Plotz & Co . 1509 Douglan St. Goo , Heimrod , CIS N 16th St , Bergen & Smiley , N , W. Cor , IGth and Cum- ing Ste , Van Green Bros , , N , W. Cor , Division and Ctimlng Sis. Steveni 013 N. 2Ut St , WeakNervoHsMeii Boeklng perfect restoration to health , full manhood and lozaul vlcor vrlthout fitomnch DriiKRlnK , ihould rendforTroA- tlso on the Martian Holm. Youna men and others who auffcr from iifrvomand i > lij' I- cul ( lulillliy. eiliaiiiteilrltullly , jire- Imttirn < lorllii , Varlrorolr. ivc. , are specially benefited by consulting Its contents. DiseucB of the I'roiliilo Gluiiil , ICIiliieyn niiil lilnitilor cfTectuilIy cured udor od by thousands who have been cured , Adopted lu Ilonpltala and by Phyelclana In Ktiropo and Amrrlra. Bealed Treatise free Addri-pu HARSTOH BEMEDT 00 or B . H. TRESRW , 4S West 14th St. . Now York. Many a Lady is beautiful , all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skip. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. The remarkable QiOTiih ol ? 0m hfc daring the Iwt few yosra li n muttcB of great astonishment to those who pay &n ocoftslou&l visit to this growing oit\r. Xhr development of the StooVYorda the necessity of the Bolt Llna Road the finely paved etrcola the hnndroda of UOTT rosldouooa and costly bnslnosn blooko , with the population of onr olty moro than doubled in the last five years. All thic < is a great surprise to visitors and lo tbc admiration of our cltliona. This rapid ! growth , the bnolnoEs nativity , nnd the roany enbstrntlal ImprovomoutJi mada c lively dorrmnd for Omahs real estate , nnd every Inventor hai tntdo a handiotno profit. Slnao the Wall Street panto Mty , with the unbaonnont cry of hard time * , there haa boon loss domnad from spconla tors , bat B fab demand from invostoro saoklng homos. This latter class nro taking advantage of loir prloea In build ing material and are nocurlng tholr homos at much lees coat than will bo possible D year hence. Speculators , too , can bnj > real ostaf B cheaper now and ought to take advantt o of present prlcoi ( oi future pro ta. The next few yeara promtnoi greatoi developments in Omaha than the put ftv ) yoara , which have been aa good ac wo oonld reasonably doslro. Now man ufacturing establishment and largo job * bing houses are added almost weekly , anrl ell add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many In Omaha and through out the State , who have tholr mono ? la the banks drawing & nominal rate ot ID- torost , which , if judiciously Invested ID Omaha real cttato , would bring them maoh greater returns. Wo have mnnjr bargains which wo are confident will bring the purchase ! largo profits In tbs near future. Wo have for sale the finest resi dence property in the north aniS western parts of the city. North we have line lotb at reason able prices on Sherman avenue7th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam , Davenport , Cuming , and all the ending streets in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street cur line out Farnam , the wo perty in the -western part ot tliu city will increase in vnlnn We also have the agonry for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company nniS the railroads ! will certainly donble the once in u short time. We also have some fine busineaB lots and some elegant insiflo donee ? for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some G ° ° d bartuns b > cnlhngi RIAL ESTJLT1 BROKERS. South Hth Bf , Bet .reon Fornham and Douglas. P. S. We ask those who horn property for sale at a bargain to gJTO as a callWe want only bargain * We will positively not handle prop trty at more than ltd real value.