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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1885)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , WEDNESDAY MORNING , APRIL 15 , 1885. . NO. 201. TRAMS-ATLANTIC. Tic MaMi' ' * Forces Evacuate Bcrti and MtleiiuelL Indignation Over the Suppression of the Trench Nowspapflrs. Cork Eoy ally Welcomes the Prince ' and Princess of Walest Progress of the French and Chi nese Negotiations for Peace , Basis of Peace Accepted by San Salvador and Guatemala , BombAy Harbor Iilnecl AVlth Torpc- ilocs to Keep Out the Russian Ships in Case ofNVnr. IHIij AFGHAN A SHADOW ON CONSOLS. I I/ONDON , April 14. Consols opened at 04J for both accounts , declined to 91 ? , recovered to 9IJ , nnd are now 9IJ. Husalin socurlttos opened at 82@81 , and nro now 82i. Noon Stocks have n downward tendency , and homo and foreign funds are wead. ' 1:30 : p , in Consols.018 for both account ) . This is jj below last night's close. 2:30 : p. m. Consols , 91J for both accounts. 3:30 : p. m. Consols 111 ? for both accounts. LONDON p. mConsols 01J fur both. This is J below last night's closo. TUHKEY WILL 11E NEUTRAL. Iu an interview with Karl Gr.invillo Nobmi Ptthn said the porto was unwilling to enter into active alllanco with England orRu < jaa. It is reported Granville protested against the adoption of a neutral policy implying tha closing of thuBunphoroUB to the English men- of-war. The government received a telegram from the English at Hoshed statin ? it H rumored among the Afghan that the Russians nro at Marnchak. Marnchak.TUB TUB STANDARD COMl'LAINB of the doay ! ciused by communicating with Sir Pater Lumsden. Tbo government , it nays , ought to depend upon iti own account of events and ignore the accounts of the Russian officers , which are sure to contradict the En glish accounts. Wh'lu wo collect evidence , Russia is pushing troops forward. Unhappily , there is nothing in the news'from Russia to indicate a collision will bo avoided. RUSSIA HUSHING TROOPS. VIENNA , April 14. The Russian grand duke , Vladimir , bos been ordered to Arch- angle to recruit the troops and licit there con gregated. Thorb is news from Russian Po land to the effect that the Russian police nro searching all chateaus nnd castles in Podolia and Uktane for arms , seizing all thpy find unless the owners hold a special license , to own them. This is attributed to tin fear f of a Polish uprising in the event of war be tween Rmsin and England. LONDON , April 14. Lord Dufferin in formed the government that the ameor con- Bents to the passage of British troaps through Afghanistan. In an editorial this morning tbo Dally News nays : "If Gen. Komarofl'u reports were the only answers Russia would give there would bo little need of the formality of de claring war , guns would go off themselves. We have rather fear bland-ovasivo to a - an swer. Preparations for war continue with in creasing vigor and a force of extra workmen have been engaged at the Chatham dock yards to-day. UERHANT NOT ASKKD. PARIS , April 11. A Berlin dispatch says England and Russia have not sought the good . offices of Germany ns mediator in the Afghan difficulty and Germany has not offered to cct in this capacity. Tllli CABINET SUMMONED. LONDON , 5 p in The cabinet has boon summoned to an immediate council in consequence quence of the receipt by the government of further important dispatches iu regard to the Afghan trouble. TUB ARABS KTACUATB 11ERTI AND HETKHNKH , DONOOLA , April 14. Deserters from the mahdi's army report that the rebels hava evac uated Berti and Motemneh and the garrisons have gene to Berber and Khartoum. Num bora of tbo Rinhitreens are leaving Osman Digna's country and taking their families to Berber. ALL OK WHICH IIAB A PEACEFUL OUTLOOK. LONDON , April 14 , Gladstone In tlio house of commons this afternoon stated that wori U d been received from Sir Peter Lutnsden which showed there was no confirmation o the report that the Russians had advanced to the Murghal tivor after the battle of Fenjdoh Ha also stated that thu result of the govern meat communications with Russia concern lug ita reparted advance amounted to ro- iiowal of thn aisuranes that no advance wil occur if the Issue of a contrary Intention can prevent it. I-KACK NEGOTIATIONS WITH TUB HALV-OREIDS OTTAWA , April 14. Mr. Royal returned yesterday and immediately a rurapr was BO afloat that the conflict with the half-breed under Kiel would bo avoided , It is repartee to-day that negotiations looking to pose were opened yesterday by telegraph betweun Gen , Middleton and Kiel and that such no gotlatlons are still pending , THE NEW LORD IIATOR OK LONDON. LONDON , April 14. Alderman Fauler ha been ulected lord mayor of Loudon to fill th vacancy caused by the death of Lord Mayo Nottaff. IN TUB DESERT. SUAKIH , April 14. Thu British cavalry Tinted Otoa , near Handout. No host ! ) Arabs were encountered , and water Is plenti ful. The country appeared to bo entire ! oppn. The Arab population freely sell sup plies to the Engll.V Italian troop * occupied Arafall on the R c Sea and hoisted the Italian flag alongside tha of Egypt. - _ . < OI'TIIE FRENCH NSWSPAl'ERS. CAIRO , April 14.-Tho feeling of indigoa lion hero aver tbe forcible suppression b Egypt of the French newspapers has retched tuch a dangerous phato a ? to threaten serious disorders. The guards have been doubled and troops are now confined to the jarrackfl. THK miNCK AND miNCISS 01' WALIH WELL TIE CKIVEU IN COHK , DurtLtN , April 14. The Pnnco and the Princess of Wales on the way to Cork to-day , received an enthuiiastlc welcome at Lismoro and Intho counties of Cork and Watcrford. Three hundred laboicra presented nn address of welcome at Dungervat ) , In Waterford county When the train bearing the royal > .uty passed , all vessels in the bay lowered heir flags. At Kilmactliomas , when the royal mrty wont by , a black flag was hoisted over ho temperance hall , but thn loyalists hero madn u good demonstration. The Prince and ho Princess then went to Curraghmcro. In Cork the streets were spanned by triumphal rches , and the majority of the nouses were lecorated with flags In honor of the advent of ho royal visitors. THE UniTISII CAltNET. ! , LONDON , April 14. Ths cabinet was in ctslon an hour and twenty minutes. Iinmo- lately afterwardslEatl Granville had a pro- onged interview with Musurus Pakha , Turk- ah ambassador , and Tehml Pasha , special nvoy from Turkey. Lloyds insuranca premiums on bottom ? for lie Black sen and the sea Asoff and the Baltic e.ihaa been doubled , DOM1IAT HA1IDOR LINED WITH TORPEDOES. Savon thousand animals for the transport ervico of the Indian army * ro proceeding to ropshin. : Tha harbor of Bombay has been nod with torpedoes , so as to prevent tlio tusiian fleet from entering In the event of war. Four million cartridges have been landed t Bombay. THE HOUSE OP LORDS. Earl Granville , foreign minister , iu the ousoof lfrds thii afternoon stated that tlva ovornmsut is still engaged in making inquiry ito the reported advance of the llus'iana to o Murghab river. Referring to the queen's rsjage , calling out the reserves , Earl Gran- lllo said that whatever iceasuros might bo ikon would ent rely inet the requirements f tha Indian government , THE ANGLO RUSSIAN SITUATION IMPROVER. PARIS. Aptll It The French cabinet to- ay discussed the Afghan trouble between Luskin and England. Dipatches from the "Yencti ministers at St. Petersburg , London nd Berlin to day represent the Anglo Rus- inu situation as improved. LONDON .STOCK K.\OIIANCE. LONDON , April 14. Stock * closed flat , al- tioufjli not at the worst prices of tbo day. 'ho fortnight settlement proceeds patisfactor- y. There Is a complete absence of oven ru- nors regarding failures. THE PARIS I10UR3S. , April 14 , The bourse opened very at , but at mid-day had rallied. Tbo im- . roved feeling did not last , and the market was depressed , The political outlook in re- arded hero as very grave , and fears of fmau- lal troubles are entertained , PRECAUTIONS AUAINST CHOLERA , LONDON , April 15. Consul General Mer- itto , at London , and Consul Pacard , at LIv- rpool , will reappoint the sanitary inspectors , boson during the cholera alarm last summer , o nxamine all votsuls sailing from London nd Liverpool to the United States. AUi : ACCKl'IED 1IY SAN SALVADOR AND QUA TE3IALA LA LniERTAl ) via Galveston , April 14. 'hutasisof peace waa to-day accepted by an Salvador nnd Guatemala. Hostilities aye ceasocl. A general amco ty has beau reclaimed and awaits the approval cf the Hies. The plenipotentarles will meet in Vcajutla to arrange for a definite treaty of oace. TUB CASIBL CORPS WILL REMAIN. CAIRO , April 14. It is officially denied ere that the ilrttish camel corps in the Sou- an haa boon ordered to return home. RENCH AND CHINESE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. PARIS. April 14 The following telegram was received to-day from Patonotre , French Minister to China : "The Official Gazette , of ? ekin , to-day publishes the imperial decree irderlng the execution of the preliminary reaty of peace between China and Franco , iho ? decree orders the Viceroy of Canton o send a customs commissioner and a maudarin to Hanoi to make arrangements with General Do IVslo for tbe ivacuation of Tonquln by the Chinese troops , juhvinphuoc , chiut of tbe black flags , has re ceived a title equivalent to that of baron , and vill be niado governor of a Chinese province and will receive a largo sum of money tenable nablo him to pay and disband his followers. LATEST SOUDAN NKWS , LONDON , April 14. Sir Peter Lumsden'B oply to Gon. KomarofI't report is expected iu -iondon on the 23d inst. Gen. Komarotl'a rely - ly to M. Da Gior'd request f r further explanation nation of the affair of March SO. which re quest was made at tlio instance of the British government yesterday , is expected to arrive on the 25th inst. At Cirencestcr , in Gloucester to-day durinp the parade of 250 Gloucester militia , the recruits were invited to join the icgulars and 181 men responded to Lbe invitation. Military preparations in tbo British eovcrnmor.t continue unabated. The government has decided to purchase four more iteamois similar to the America and equip them as armed cruisers. The number of Urltish mon-of-war are now being prepared [ or service is eo great that'it is believed that active officers cannot be found for them all , and that it will be nocosiary to resort to the retired list , The steel armor plated tur ret ship Colossus , of ! ) ICO torn register and 7,490 horse power , ono of the most formidable iron-dads in the British navy will be soon ready for sea , end It is believed wt 1 ba better attached to tbe Baltic fleet. Gibraltorand other British strongholds nro to ba put In a complete state of defense. Ad ditional supplies ot totpedoos of tbe latesl approved pattern are being forwarded to al naval htationi both at honn ) and abroad , > CANADA PACIFIC 1SIPLOTK3 STRIKE FOB THEIR PAT. VICTORIA , B , C. , April 14. Reports from the interior state that live thousand employe of the Canada Pacific railway have gone on a strike on account of not receiving till ! wagui , FKA.NCE AND CHINA. NOT YET SETTLED. LONDON , AprilK Dispatches fromShang hai received this afternoon nUte that a bite ! occurred in the final arrangements for the ox ccution of a definite treaty of poaca between Franco and China , owing to some concession which China and the French ambassado refuses to grant. , GEti. GHA.NT. HE 'FUELS DECIDEDLT IIETTBH. NEW YORK , April 14. Gen. Grant arot thii morning at six. His throat wai treatei then. While Dr. Douglas was .writing th first bulletin in tha library at'SiSO tha gsnera walked into the room and sat down near tbo ibysician. Dr. Douglas read it to him and aid ) "Is that all riht ( ? , coioial } " "Yes , hat' * right , " responded the patient , lie hen brightened with the morning hours and it ODO time said ho felt butter than ho had in wo weoka , A gentleman who ia thoroughly conversant with Grant's ailment said to-night that the marvelous improvement In the general's con- lition ia nat at all surprlnng JIo may llvo wo or thrco weeks and bo may llva two or hrco months if ho survives until the early mrt of the summer. Ho will Ira taken out f tha city to the mountains probably as I do lot think the air would ogrco with him F be had strength enough , I hink ho would like to go to California , If to Improves in the same ratio durirg the next our days ho will bo rldinc in the park ihtr week , Ho docs not require so much mor- ihluo now , as only six drops of the solution wore injected to-night instead of the custom- ry ten dropi. lie partook of thtco varieties f nourishment to-day , and the leneral being in a futicious mood , lluded to the food ai his three oursos. Dr. Shrady left the house at 8:30 : , t vthi h time , ho said , the general was ageing well , and would pass a comfortably night. hrady ban returned and will remain until morning. Gen , Grant , during the fternoon and evening , walked several imes from lis bedroom to his ibrary. IE IS SO MUCH IMPROVED HE WRITES HIS OWN DOLLETlM NEW YORK , April 14. Gen. Bideau , who ) ft the house between and 5 o'clock , a ay a liat ho found that Geq. Grant was certainly tronger and hotter , and at that time sat in be library with his logs crossed reading the morning papers , Yesterday morning the enorala throat was easy. but trifle sore , lie desired this onditinn to continue nnd ipoko but little. loon lifter Dr. Douglas had Issued the 0:30 : p , n , bulletin , and while Mrs Giant was iu an djoining room , the General bade a servant ring him a pad of writing paper. On it ho vrnta a bulletin us follows : Thn doctor tell ? me I am better this morn- nr. I nm much butter than I luva been in wo weeks. " ligijed ) U. S. GRANT. laving so wiittou , the general handed his ulletm to a servant and told him ho should it to Mrs. Grant who was sitting in the ibrary , almost in eight of her husband. The ervant delivered the message and Mrs Great oad It. showed it to Dr. Douglas , and both aughing entered the nick room where pleas- ntrlos were passed , the general joining with .pmilo. This evening Col. Grant remarked that his ather had walked mora during the day than or eeveral days. During the day he had ignod a business paper , but last evening ho vas a trifle less bright because of fatigue re- ulticgfrom his activity through the day. AVAHHINOXON GOSSIP. LLINOIS HAS HEEN WELL PROVIDED FOR AND OUGHT TO ( JIVE THE PRESIDENT A RXST. pecial Telegram to THE BEK. WASHIHOTON , April 14. The Chicago Times nd the Chicago Herald have been designated s mediums of official government advertise ments under the new administration. These wo papers having been the chief organs of uvuland and Ilendricka during the last ears of the presidential campaign , they now ave received their reward and ought to be appy. John O. Bcrley , of Illinois , who has eeu in wuttin ? hero for eome time , haa left or home. Whether he has received any sub tantlal encouragement to hope for a fat ap- olntment is not known , but it ii believed ho eft empty-handed and heavy-hearted. An ttacho of the white house was hcaid to re- nark last evening that 'ILLINOIS ' HAS ALREADY BEEN WELL PROVIDED TOR ny THE ADMINISTRATION AND OUCiHTSOWTOniVE THE PRESI DENT A RKST. " aving secured the commlssionership of pen- ions , and thoj commiesionership of the gen ial land office , two firat-clasi appointments , ; is thought that the democrats of that ro- ublican stile could now possess their souls n patience until there shall be vacancies to bo lied in their own eta to. The case of Miss iweet , the Cfllcago pension agent , is still pending.- Is believed by those who ought , o know something of the president's policy nd purposes that he does not indorse Gen. ck'd demand for her resignation , but hat she will bo left uudis- urbed in her office until her erm expires a year hence. All reports pur- lorting to originate here to the effect that the administration will , by pledging official ap pointments , or in any other way. interpose its nfluenco for the election of a United States enator in Illinois , are without truth , The lllnols legislative pilgrims recently hero on his business , returned homo with a big flea n their oar. Whatever General Black or yolouel Morrison would deslro to have done , iliere Is authority for saying that the presi- lent refuses emphatically to make any prom- sns or to ratify any trading schemes for the jonofit of the statesmen at Springfield. KAlLiKOAD JlACKEr. f ST. Louis , April 14. Applications of the ecclver * of the Wabash railway for an order of the court to rescind the leases of certain irauch lines alleged to bo deficient iu earri ngs , came up in the United States court to day. Tlis order prayed for gives the Wabash receivers authority to lease the operating ol deficient leased lines after May 1st. 1S85 , un less the leased lines file stipulations to make all expenses special liens on individual lines , and not on the entire system. Bad Man NEW YORK , April 14. Joseph E. Leakii was arrested to-day on a telegram from Rooh ester charging him with falsifying Iho ac counts of tbo ] lock ester Lock compiny , in whose employ he was. Leskie Is said to have obtained money under falsa pretences from several persons since ho left Rochester , among thorn the chief of police of Centralla , Illinois from whom ha got ? JCliO. He also induces his boardsng house mistress at Centralla to g < with him to Sin Francisco , where ho left th lady with $3113 of hers in his pocket. He WA remanded. _ _ _ Chicago's IJBBt Fire CHICAGO , April 14. Later estimates plac the total loss resulting from the burning o the Lcander Read building this morning a about $130.300. No detailed statement o Insurance has bacn obtained and nothing fur ther in relation to individual losioa , To Klovato the Tone of Skating Kinks NEW YORK , April 14. Sixteen roller skat Ing rink proprietors in this vlclnhy held meeting here to day nd organized as an as aoclatlon for elevating the tone of skatin rinks generally , ST. LOUISTOTERY. A Ghastly Mystery Brought to Light at the Southern Hotel , Che Dead Body of a Mau Found in a Trunk in One of the Eooms of the South ern Hotel , FheBody Has Been-Dead Tou or Twelve Days , The Parties Who Occupied the Boom Have Disappeared , lie Detect I vos licit to Solve tlio Mya- tcry AVhetlier It Is n. Joke or a Murder. THIS ST. LOUIS MYSTERY. Sr. Louis , April 14. A sensation was lused at the Southern hotel this morning by ndicg in a loom a trunk containing the icadlcss body of a man with n note within lie trunk sayinpr. "So porl&h all traitors to ho great cause. The room was assigned torch 30 to Walter II , Lennox Maxwell , M. 1) . , London , Eng , Maxwell is dotcrlbed as a very girlish looTc- ng blonde young man , wearing n dark wooly ut-away suit of English stuff , face clean Imven , and wore his hair banned , not parting ; at all , was frequently soon with a dark look- ng gentleman about five feet ten inches tall , 'ho lattorworo a dark moustache and bed ark hair. This gentleman registered as "O Irthur 1'roller , " London , England , and was ssignod room 184. Four dnys after Maxwell tad registered , a telegram received Irom rollur asking whether Maxwell was a guest f tbe house was answered in the affirmative nd ho soon came on and was assigned to the oem given , Both men occnpiod room 181 in ommon a considerable put of the time , Sach called for the key and the clerk gave It o each indiscriminately as they seamed to be oed friends and intimate acquaintances , 'ho men were much remarked about the otel for their dudish appearance and dandy- ed airs. M < x\vell loft the hotel a week ago unday night but had paid a full week's srd promptly and it was supposed he would return any day. No suspicion was attached o his absence until a horrible smell called ttontion to the room and led to the opening f tb.9 trunk. When the trunk containing the ody was opened , it was found to contain the ody of a middle-aged man , face and breast p and the body BO doubled about the ips and knees that it filled the sceptaclo. One side of the trunk , over ip head of the corpse was rinted in large letters the words , So perish all traitors tothogreat cause. " The runk and ghastly contents were immediately urried to the four courts , The body as it ppaarodin the trunk presented a horrible as- ect. The face and parts of the body bei.ig ncovered , the oply garment being a pair of rawers reaching just to the knee , which were ntiroly black and showed advanced decom- ositlon. 1'roUer'c trunks are of much better quality ion Maxwell's , "being made of fine leather. * he personal effects in them indicate that the wncr was a gentleman of means and culture. " 'he trunks have on them labels of the Canard teainshlp company , and Continental , hotel , Philadelphia , where he occupied room 180. larch -u. lie had also been at the floasiu ouse , Toronto. The following Is a descrip- ion of Maxwell , given by the person who aw and conversed with him daily while he was at the Southern hotel : ' 'lie was about fcet'Ji inches in hslght. weighed about 1-10 ounas , well proportioned , and of rather oed figure. His face was of the English type and cleanly shaven ; eyes light due I think , or at least they wera not dark n color ; hair of light sandy color ; wore it cut ery short behind and rather bushy in front , without any part , and banged like & girls : enerally dressed in a brown twcoj suit of Cagliah cut and Newmarket overcoat and lien derby bat. In his manners he was ifeimnato and be oven carried this go far ate walk with a short , mincing step , llkea woman. 'his afternoon the body of Trailer was exposed n a slab for further identification , with the allowing description given by Superintendent tyan : .Deceased was about 5 feet 9 inches in leight , weighing about 170 pounds ; black ialr , eyes of brown color ; wore white tnic drawers ; no othdr clothing came with the body ; was about 22 or 23 years old. Tha body was very much decomposed , and has been dead ten or twelve days , the tongue protruding and larga blisters ou both legs. Across ia cut into the flesh on , he breast. The following telegram , found among the papers of Preller is the best clew to the rela- , ions of Preller and Maxwell : Boston , Mass. , March 10 , 1835. Caprollo at Belvidere hotel , corner I'ourth nvunie and Tenth street. Yes , could go direct to Auck- and from here. Will write Philadelphia to-morrow. [ Signed ] W. II. LENNOX. From a letter Irom the steamship company It Is inferred that Preller sailed from England to this country on the Cephalonia January 21st , 1835 , on a commercial tour of this coun try and Australia. The telegram given above would indicate that Maxwell agreed to accom pany him to Australia. Among the letters found in Preller'g trunk was the following : No. 9 CLINTON PLACE , Nsw YORK CITY , March 27 , 1885. . I have great p'eature in introducing to you by this note our dear brother , 0. A. 1'reller of London , England , known to us by aovera visits he has paid to Now York. Ilopini you may bo mutually profited by his friend ship during his stay in your city , I remain yours , RICHARD W. OWENS. To br. James II. Brooks , 313 N. I'ifty-firs street , St. Louts ; Mre , 'Grlerson , 80 ( ! Now Montgomery "treat , San lfrnncieco ; Kd Moyse evaneellst , care W. Leea , New Zealand ) Join Mafdll , care A. Campbell Napier , New Xea land. This friendship was awakened by m ; bringing him to a tea meeting of young men at which .dear II G. Granneri spok from "Wherewithal shall a young man cleabse bis way ! " Dor Alson , 842 Valencia ttroet , San Francisco well known to brother Moyse. Among man ; other thlngcin Maxwell's trunk were foun * ' some proscription blanks trom lemon's dru store , corner Fifth and Market streets , th ! city. On being questioned Fernon said tbi afternoon that ho know Maxwell , and tha the latter had baon in his store of to That be saw him last on Ea tnr Sunday , whe he called about 1 o'clock and got four ounce of chloroform. About 5 o'clock he came i and cot two ounces more. lie Boomed to be n ft hurry and excited , A p rtly filled bottle of rhlorotorm WAS found in Maxwell's trunk o-day , ( i It lifts ntno been learned that on Monday ollowing 1C as tor Sunday Maxwell went to Ilskmnn'a barber thop , corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets , and had n full board which to wore reduced to n moustache and Imperial , and on the ratno day ho purchased a snull colored felt hat , slouch , with a croose crown , narked on the inside "Herald Harland luff. ) " 'uttliiR these things together , It is boliovetl by those who have studied the casoiuost fosely that Maxwell chloroformed and killed 'roller on Sunday , April fi , nnd t is known ho has not been seen In the city inco Monday. Sotno detectives wore at first ncllned to believe the body bad benu placed n the trunk by some medical student with n lew of playing n ghastly juke upon the com munity , but thist theory is now aban- oncd by all. Chief of detectives Burke aid to a reporter : "It is a foul mur- er and nothing less. Tbe man in the trunk vas killed in the room , the marks of his lood arc there yot. Hero is the trunk strap pith blood on it. The idea It could bo a hoax i absolutely absurd. What do you think of ho placard In the trunk : "So perish all raitora to the great cause. " That may or may not bo a clew , it tray bo a dollberatu ttempt t make us bollovo the murder was a mlitical assassination while it is murder for nonny. Of course all that can bo done to an the criminal down will bo done , surely lie man must not escape. Everything that an bo doao will bo done to capture him. The mblio may depend ou that. Maxwell's Lon- on address appears to have been No , 14 'npor bulling temple , London. In lis trunk was found tin envelope addressed n his handwriting to Rev. D. G. A. Lewie , I. A. , curate of St. Paul' * , Morley , Leeds , torkshirey England. Ho came over in the toai or Cophalonia from England. . Preller md a Hussion passport , viz. , by the Hussion tmbassador , London , 78 , and passport 8 i for pain and Mexico , viz. , by the Spanish min ster nnd signed Granvlflo , Seven trunks , our valises and a bnt box were left bo und at the hotel , The contents , cloth- is , etc. , nro valued at hundreds of dollars , 'his is believed to make the theory of a hoax ntenable , nnd the belief is that the corpse Is ithor that of Maxwell or Prellor. No one emombers which of them left tbo hotel last. hi&f Detective Burke , after making an ox- mlnatlon of the rooms at the Southern hotel , tys bo thinks the dead man is Caprello. who rrived at the hotel on the 3d. and that ho vas killed by Maxwell , who registered on the 1st of March. The murder took place n Maxwell's room No. 1-14. and the trunk in Inch tha body was found was one Maxwell nought with him from the oast. On lost Siesday night a second trunk was found In ia room , at a store near Walnut on Broad- ay. Into this he transferred books , cloth- ng , papers , instruments , photographic views , to. , which it contained , probably in a praat inny , as they wer'o found in confusion. 'o also placed the tray of the old trunk in lis to give him more room to pack the body n. His intention then was probably to re- novo his trunk which could pats out of the otel without the leant suspicion. There was anger of discovery , of course , at any minute nd on this acount ho probably changed ils plans nnd decamped. To avoid discovery , 10 went away without taking any of his effects ith him , I have no idea what prompted the mrder. I found a black stiff hat with a arge break in it as if it had bean struck a talent blow , but at the same the body gives videnco of death from poisoning , HE IIOCSK INDULGES IN A RKO HOT GIHCD8. pecial telegram to the BKE. SIUNOKIBLD , Ills. , April 14. There was a od hoi circus in the house this morning over IB report of West's special commltttto to in- ostigate Speaker H.ilnea' enormous pay rolls I house employees. The report was extreme y long and the house analyzed the pay rolls xhaustivoly , comparing them in detail with 10 pay rolls of the thirty-third general as- embly. It showed that in eighty days taines' employees have been paid within 3COO of the amount paid tor the whole flea- on two years aio of 167 days. It states mt Haines has la'goly exceeded his authority n the appointment of employes especially in egard to the janitors. Ho was authorized to mploy 44 and had appointed 85 for tbe "tern- orary" organization. Uaineshad " 5 boys as ages at a cost of § 2,335 , ten policemen cost- ng $1,197 and twenty-four janitors at anci ent of ? ! )3S ) , total 54-Kij which , the commit- eo said , was $3,203 in excess of the amount oally necessary , $3,948 in excess of the mount actually expended by the thirty-third eneral assembly. The committee consider mt ten pages , four policemen and ten janl- ors are sufficient for tbe bureaus of the house nd all that can be legally appointed , and rec- mmends the discharge of fifteen pages , six olicemen , eixty janitors , two clerks , one uperintendontof ventilation , two proof read- is and eleven committee clerks , otal ninety-one. They r < commend hat Haines order arbitrarily discharging II employes be revoked , and all employes ox ept those recommended for permanent dis hargo be re-employed , Ilalnos took th'e ho floor and scathingly reviewed the.circum tanccs of tbo appointment , charging the ox ess of emnloyes to the solicitude of members or p aces forjtheir friends. _ He held up Dell , democrat , chairman of the invcstifikting com- nitteo in particular , and said Delllmd asked or eight appointments. Dell replied _ at ongtn , abuiing Haines roundly , and calling nm 'A I'OUIICAL HERMAPHRODITE AND A POLITI CAt HABLOT.1' 0 _ _ Ele ( aid if Halncs said he asked for llegal ho ( Ualnes ) U "a liar and a scoun drol. " In his further review of the inattei Dell referred to the action of the speaker as jeiog "downright robbery of tha taxpayers , : or which the democratic party would _ bo re uukod at the polls at tbo next election b ; 250,100 majority , if allowed to continue. Crofts and Klmbrough made motions in tended to smother the report by Its reference to tbo committee and otherwisi which were not adopted , and the joint enisloi intervened. After the joint eeeMon , Crafts withdrew his motion for reference of the re port to the committee on contingent expenses , and McDonald offered a substitute , providing for the name numbsr as provided by the com mittee's report and allowing the employei , discharged by Haines pay Irom the last pay roll to tbe next one. The Illinois Legislature , SrniNuriKLi ) , Illinpis , April 1-1,1885. Up on tbe homo being called to order there Vas a pretty full attendance. No business of Im portance , There was a report of the special committee on employei of tha house and It proved an interesting document to them , at least the report showed that the cost of the bouse and secretary of ttato'a office so far this session had been $32,434.50 , \rhicUtber considered was far in ex cess of what was necessary. That the rnumbera employed more help than wn < needed to carry on the businw of the ItnifUture. The report contended that Speaker Halnec hud only boon delegated the power to employ twenty-fivo janitor * , but In- Btod , ho bait employed oightj-five , and BO in proportion with other olliccrs. The report recommended swtci Dg reduction * all round. Speaker Hainrs made a defense of his ac tion , and criticized tbo report and also ridi culed Dill , chairman , who , he claimed , had got five penoni on the pat roll. Dill replied , defending his action and indulged In a good do l of personal abuse. Before the report wi s disposed of tha senate wan announced. In the senate this morning the uossion was taken up in dUcuutag the primary election bill , In joint convention senators and 133 representatives were prosnnt Only ouo vote was cast , which was for J. C. Black. In joint session , the discussion on the re port of the select committee was continued. A Mibstituto to the report was offered by McDonald , providing that fifteen janitois , ten pages and four policemen bs rtigared and the balnnc" bo discharged after the loth ind. This eauied more diicusslon , where as Iatncs was about to reply , tbo previous question was polled before the veto was taken. A motinn to adjourn waa put ayes , 4Gj nays , 81 , the republicans voting almost solidly for it. The demociat" tried to break the quorum but failed. Then on verification they voted no- many of them. Yeas , 84 ; naya , 40. The question is now being discussed a to whether it requires a two-thirds vote of the houso. .Still in session at 2:45 : p. m. SrniNcH'lKLD , 111 , , April ll. The house continued in session until about U _ 9 clock , tha time balng taken up by acrimonious debate - bate and dllltary motions. On the decision Crofts ( democrat ) who was In he chair in re gard to a two-thirds vote being required to adopt thn reports of the special c"inmittco relative to the employes of the house , an np- pool was sustained by the house by voto. It stood 45 for to 80 against. This brought the original question back to tbo house. The choir then acting of course under Hainfs in structions ruled that the clause with reference to the committee on clerks and janitors , would require a two-thirds vote unless ono days notice had been given. The report was then adopted , with thu exception of that part iiaving a bearing upon those employes. Hpoaker Haiues all through the debate on this question has made this a perform ! matter , and its adoption was a simple defeat for him. It was reported currrut'y ' through the house that ho naU If the report was adopted he would lay It to the democratic party , and nothing would bo left for him bnt to resign. But the latest Intelli gence on this subject fails t show that ho has taken this step. These who pretend tu know Speaker llainoa best claim that bo bas no intention whatever of resigning. Davis , the newly elected senator from the Thirty-seventh district , arrived in tbo city this morning , but as his credentials had not been received ho was not sworn in. To morrow being the ANNIVERSARY OF LINCOLN'S DKATII nreat preparations are being made hero for observing the day. It is not expected that much business will be done in the legisla ture. DEMOCRATIC CONQIIKSSMKN'S MKhTINO , At the invitation of Col. Morrison the democratic congressmen from this state , with the pxceptlon of Springer and Lnwler , who are in Washington , will meet here to-morrow to consider the question of Illinois federal ap pointments. Fire in Chicago. CHICCAOO , April 14. The four-story stone and brick building , NOB. 82 and 85 , Wabash avenue , took fire at 9 o'clock this morning , and is now a total loss. It was occupied by McLean & Co. , hardware supplies. Dean & Foster , druggists sundries , and Smith & Patterson - terson , photographers' supplies. No estimates as yet made as to the losses , but the loss on the Hulldlng and contents are believed to be total. The total loss is placed t nearly 200,000 , as follows : Building , § 00,000 ; insurance. SCOOan ; Smith & Patterson , 830,000 ; insur ance , § 24,000 , McLean & Retterer , S40.00 ! ) . fully InsuredtScott & Co. , dealers in toys , § 25,000 ; fully ineured. Dean & Foster , S10- 000 , fully insured. Lowenthal , Kauffman & Co. , tobacco dealers , $20,01)0 ; Insurance , $15 , 000 , lloview Printing company , $20,000 ; in surance , $15,000. John It. Barrett & Co. , bookbinders , S2.0CO , innuied. Chicago tOIectlon Frauds. CHICAGO , April 14. The case of Aitbur Gleason , oue of the persons convicted of com plicity in the eighteenth ward election fraud , was before the United States court to-day. On motion for a now trial the hearing , how ever , was postponed until May 4. A I.ATE SNOW BTOUVf. Special reports indicate that a heavy snow storm prevailed in certain portions of northern Illinois and Wisconsin to-day. In ccttaiu points in Wisconsin four inchoi had fallen , with no Immediate signs of molting , the tem perature ranging low. FALSE unions. EJTho statement that four American steamer * of tbo National Ocean steamship line bad ex changed the American flag for the British colors is declared to ba untrue , A telegram received here said no such change la contemplated plated , Stovi-sStoroil by Witamn & Scovell 310 and 312 N , ICth St. TRADE AND TRAFFIC. ibicago Fails to send Ont too Spe cial Market Hejirl , And it loaves Us Entirely in the Dark In Regard 1o Yesterday's Prices for Wheat and Oorn , Little or No Ohaugo in the Price of Oattle , The Hoe : Trade Was Fairly Aotivo atd Prices Higher , The Tclc rni > h U Bllont IH to tlio c ot PiOvUlons na Hojj Product * , OA1TI.S. Itoceipts to far for tlio week show an in- : reaso of about 5,000 head over the corresponding pending time last week. There was a fair , teady deman-l for about all the fair to good hipping and dressed beef stoora were imong the bosh arrivals to-day. As to irlces , there was littlu or no change as com- > arod with yesterday , but when compared with ] .vt Friday , which was the high day of ust week , they are 15@20c lower. There con- .Inues an' unlimited demand for cows and icifois , and they are celling close up to steer prices , lair togcod cows are also in good demand and steady. The bad weather of the pnst two days , with ( now and Ice in the mid- ole of April , has seriously interfered with the tocker nnd feeder trade. There aio but few : cuntry buyers present aid the outlook is for ewer prices , although values are considerably ewer than n week ago. There is a largo nuui- ier of yearlings and stock calves on i-ale. Oue ot of fifty-four head was offered at S1GOO. but hero were no buyers at that r ice. 1100 to 1200 pound steers , S 40(34 ( 90 ; 1200 to 1350 Jrtt , , 55 00 ® 5 GO ) lltsa to 1060 pounds , So 00@l > CO ; butchers' and canners' common. 3250@3IO ; good to choice , St30@440 ; ; stociora and feeders , S3 4Ug4 ( l0. ! liocv. Trade was fair.y active and prices a shade ugher ai compared wjth yesterday , but as compared with a week ago are about 20c higher. The feature of the market to-day was the fact that about all sorts Bold only about Co apart , namely , at SO 70@G 75. A oadortwoof fancy light Philadelphias sold it 5480. Speculators went in early and jootned ud prices , and tbere bold the market nntil the regular buyers began to operate. At the extreme clote values wore rather cantor , < a5 to 300 pounds , S4C4 ) SO ; light , 1GO to to UOO pounds. 84 45(84.80. ( Chicago Opera FoBtlval. CHICAGO , April 11. In spite of the cold , drizzling rain to-night the largest audience which haa yet assembled at the opera festival witnessed a very satitfaot'ory prrsoctation of Verdis-Aida , with Pattl. SnhVchi , Nicolini ind Cherubim in the cast. Every seat was taken and not a foot of standing roam was unoccupied. The avenue upon which thu exposition building fronts was lined on either lide with double rows of carriages uxtending two or three blocks in both directions. Accident to School Children. TOLEDO , Ohio , Aprilll. While a party of school children wore gathered togethet to-day upon a platform of the now roller coaster cam which wore being tried for the first time , the floor gave way , precipitating the entire paity , about twenty-five in number , to the ground. distance of twenty feet. A portion of the structure fell upon them. Three boys were seriously injured , one it is feared fatally. Six or eight others were more or loss hurt. John Itonch't ) Oflcr. PHILADKLI-HIA , April 14.--The Times says John Koach bos been ofTored $103,000 more for the despatch bout Dolphin than this qov eminent bos agreed to pay , The offer comjs from the Kussian government , and 1 too eh de mands an Immediate answer to lii : letter ru- questing final payment by the United S to tea. Two People IJiint ; by VlfllnnteH. UNION CITY , Ttnn , , April 14. Bud Fan is , ( wtite ) , and Freeman Ward , ( colored ) , weia hanged at the fair ground this morning at 2 o'clock by a mob of masked men numbering about .wo hundred. They belonged to a gang of thieves who have recently o.minuted many depredation ) en the citi/.ens cf this place. That Tired Feeling I SVhcn the weather grows winner , that extreme tired feeling , vnnt ol appetite , dullness , languor , iiucl lassitude , aflllct almost tbo cntlro human family , nnd hcrof- ula nnd other dl.seascs caused by humors , manifest themselves with many , U Is Im possible to throw off this debility nnd expel humors from tbo blood without the aid of a reliable mcdldnu like Hood's Bnrsaparllla. " I could not sleep , nnd would get up In the morning with hardly llfo enough to get out of bed. I hail no appetite , and my face would break out with pimples , I bought At no other season Is the system so sus- ccptlblo lo the beneficial ellects ot a ro- llablo tonic and Invlgornnt. The linpuro ititu ; of tlio Mood , the deranged digestion , nnd the weak condition of the body , caused by Its long battle with Iho cold , wintry blasts , all call for the reviving , regulating and restoring Influences HO happily anil effectively combined In Hood's Sarsaparllla. "Hood's riarsaparllla did mo a deal of good. I had no particular disease , but uan tired out from overwork , and it toneii mo up , " Mitt ; , U. K. HIMMONS , Cohocs , li. Y. Hood's Sarsaoarilla I a bottle of Hood's Barsaparllla , and 8oon began to sleep soundly ; could get up with out that tired and languid feeling , and my appetite Improved. " It , A. SANroiiu.Kcnt.O- " I had been much troubled by general debility. Last spring Hood's Barsaparllla proved just the thing needed. I derived an Immense amount of benefit. I never felt better. " H , F. MILLIST , Huston , Mass , Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists , $1 ; six for { 5. Made only by 0.1. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar " Tor povf n years , spring and fall , I had scrofulous sores como out on my legs , and * ' for two years was not frco from them at all. I stilfcrcd very much. Last May I began taking Hood's Barsaparllla , and before I had taken two bottles , tlio sores healed and tlio humor left mo. " 0. A. AIINOLD , Arnold , Me. "Thero Is no blood purifier equal to HooclY Barsaparllla. " K.1S. I'nKi.rfl , liochcster , N.Y. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Made only by 0. I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar ' H ealol North Carolina recognizeeL e eru- * - Smoking Tobacco. fo