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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1885)
8 THE DAILY BEE- SATURDAY , APRIL 11 , isss. M H i THE DAILY BEE Saturday Morning , April 11 , LOOAL BREVITIES , f A largo culuny of emigrants wont wcat , chiefly to Oregon , Itmrsday , A marriage license was lirood yesterday to Henry Ltlketu and Mittio Ilobinson. Judge McCulloch yesterday isauod n mar ijuo.Hc ( < ; n o to llenry Filkina and Mittio Robinson. The funeral ot MM. Oocaltft Trosjln will occur Tuesday at 2 o'clock from her late residence , Ul South Tenth street near War ner. The funeral of Michael W. Linahan will take place Bundar nltornoon at 2 p. m. , from and Uarnoy residence , Twenty-Eighth streets , At 11 a. m. yesterday a wild runaway tookplaco on ITarn&m street , horse and grociry woson passing the Pnxton at a breakneck speed Policeman Whlto lost hia star , I < lo.I , while running on Sixteenth street last night The finder will confer a favor by Icavlnr it at police headquarters. Tha remains of MM. M. II , Goblc reached hero yesterday afternoon , from La : Vegan , N. M , , where the lady died. The funeral will bo held Sunday. KaulTman brothers have offered a reward of flftv dollars for the arrest of the thieves who broke into their store Tuesday morning and the recovery of the property. Postal Borvlco will bo pnt on the Union Pacific line between Omaha and Maryavillo , Kas. , on Monday. Chief Clark Griffin has assigned James Patterson and 11 , 0. Williams the two clorki last appointed to this run. A party ol fifty Bostonlani went wosl over the Union Pacific yesterday to look for now Cornea In California and Oregon. Twenty ono residents of Tekamah also started west yesterday to colonize In Washington territory. The funeral of little Arthur Jamison , who died BO suddenly Thursday morningtool place from the family residence on Davenport street at 2 o'clock yesterday. A large concourse of sympathizing friends was on band. The funeral of T. W. Steadman , 'who died lost night' took plaoo yosterdaj from the residence , 712 South Twenty-second , The remains were sent to Boston , Mass. , accompanied by the wife and child of the de ceased. ceased.An An alarm of Gro in Council Bluffa al 10:80 : last night was caused by the burning ol an old frame dwelling house on Broadway , near seventeenth , owned by J. L , Williams 1 and was unoccupied. Cause of fire not known. known.Tha Tha Omaha Turnverln filed articles of In corporation yesterday In the county clerk'e office. This society has been in existence here since 1667 , but in some manner the Inv portant stop of incorporating has been neg lected until this time. The rude presumption of the average hotel clerk is proverbial , but there are many excep tions to the general rule of their snobbish im portance and lock of politeness. There is ono in a prominent hotel in Omaha , however , who would bo greatly improved If ha had the instinct of a beast. The remains of A. Cupley , who died at the insane asylum al Lincoln Thursday morn Ing , arrived here yesterday and were shipped by Drexel & Maul to Florence where the de ceased formerly resided. Mr. Cupley was one of the pioneers of Douglas county , where ho was well known. Rev. George Charnoy , the well known orator , will deliver two lectures , subjects , "Medusa and Persons or the tragedy of tht soul , " and "Tho Ideal man and woman" ot Tuesday and Wednesday , the 14th and IGtb of April , at Masonic hall , Mrs. Anna Kim < ball , the celebrated Paychometrican , wil ! give at the close of each lecture psychometric readings. Doors open at the usual hour , 7:3 : ( p. m. , commence at 8 o'clock sharp. The county commissioners received o letter Friday from Architect Meyers , o ! Detroit , stating that the plans for the retain ing wall of the now court house were being rapidly drawn up , and would probably bo for warded about tha first of next week. Work on the wall will begin as soon as the nocessarj funds are available , as the commissioners arc apprehensive lost the north bank should commence to crumble rapidly away. To pre vent the water from leaking in below , a lonf ditch his been dug between the sidewalk ant the bank , which will servo temporary pur poses in carrying off the water. The bank [ just in front of the now cou'r ' house IB In a very critical conditicn. Yesterday day and night before lost a great quantity c : it fell to the sidewalk where it lay last night Unless something IB done at once it will not be turpritia ? if tha immense weight of tha' ' great structure literally crushes out the entiri block of e rth with consequences of a mos costly if not dangerous nature. It wai learned late yesterday evening that plans fo ; the retaining walls were prepared yesterday bnt plans will avail little in a short time un less the strengthening wall is constructed. Officer Turnbull , for the past two weeks baa been working on a robbery case , the guilt ; parties in wmch ore very probably Rich Lam bert allai James and hi ? mistress , Alfie Gil- mom. Two weeks aqo last Monday the honn of Mr. 0. li. Moore , employed In the Union Pacific headquarters , was entered about nine o'clock in the morning by a young woman wb ( stole a gold watch and chain , which were hanging in a watch-pocket in one of tbi rooms. She was accompanied by a youDj man who stood ontiide tha door , doubtleui as aentry. Yesterday Officer Tnrnbul ) , ( inspecting from a description given of th ( couple by one of the neighbors that the Gil. more woman and her paramour were the guilty one * , confronted them with Mn , Moore , and tha neighbor who saw the bousi entered. Tha identification as to the woman was perfectly complete , u'tbougb the man Lambert was uot so satisfactorily identified , Tha watch has not yet been recovered , but Officer Turnbull will make further investiga' tion of tbe case , with a view of securing the tolen property. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To bacco. To EXCHANGE 110 acres wel ) improved and J mile from Ewer , la. , for a stock of general merchandise. Address , John Lauderholm , Esiex , la. JtlKD. NORTON-In this city at h'ar residence , .Soutli tieventeeoth street , Ann , beloved wife ot M , Norton , a/red 42-year * . Her remains weio shipped last evening to Davenport , Iowa , for Interment , accompan ied by the sorrow I triikenhuibandiyiul daugh ter. Seal of North Carolina Tobaoo Is tbo beat. AN EARLY MORNING FIRE , Tbc B , & H , FwteM Dfepot Burned A Flcrco FlRht with the Flames Do ( nils of the Blizo. "Omaha hasn't had a big Droforaor- oral months , now , bat it won't ' bo Tory long before the Gro department Trill bo Called out to handle ono of the old time tremendous conflagrations. " AtsUtant Flro Ohlof Gnlligan'a remark to a reporter Thursday found a fulfilment withintwcnty-f our hours. About half-past 4 o'clock yesterday morning the B. & M. frelght depot , aitnatod on Eighth street , between Howard and Jackson streets , took fire and before G o'clock the strncturo was a charred and smoking masa of rninr. At about a quarter past four , the watchman , Maurice Shea , returned from the yards , whore ho had boon making a tour of Inspection , and attar having lookIng - Ing around the freight houio to BOO that all wan right , wont inside and com menced reading. Shortly afterwards , smelling smoke , ho wont put , and saw that the roof of the building was nfiro. Ho says that the blaze must have origin- atotl at a point about fifty feet from the south end of the building , as in that place he first discovered the flames. It was about fiftaon mlnntos before the alarm was given. Shea vainly sought tome mo the telephone , ( which was In the north end of the building , and re mo to from the origin of the blize ) , and failing to "ring up" the fire department , ho became thoroughly disconcerted and ran bawling up to a homo In the vicinity , and after some trouble , succeeded In alarming the neighborhood. Meanwhile , some cool' headed youhg man , who liad observed the fire , turned on an alarm from Box 21 , which "was speedily responded to by companies 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , with the Hook and Ladders. By this tlmo several switch engines in the yards commenced to whlstlo vociferously and the denizens of the locality turned out on masse -witness the conflagration , which had by this time assumed such proportions as to preaont a spectacle oi tier ? grandeur. When the fire depart ment reached the scone , the building , which Is fifty foot wldo and about two hundred feet long , sit uated on an elevated platform , was ono mass of flames from the sDnthorn end tea a point within twenty-five feet of the north extremity. Flro Chief Butler and Assistant Ohlef Galllgan at once saw that there was no nso of trying to save the structure , but devoted their forces to the speedy extinguishing of the flames. Seven streams were brought to boar on tno blazing building three on the south end , two on the sides , and ono on the north , the position being frequently changed to counter-act the ever-shifting force of the fire. Tbo fire men worked manfully and skillfully un der the cool-headed and efficient direc tion of Bntlor and Galligan. A few moments after the streams were fairly brought into play It was discovered that the freight cars on the track Immedi ately east ) of the freight house had canght firo. A number of men jumped down upon the track , and pushing the cars down the easy northern Incline left them In such a position that a few well directed streams of water oxtingnahed the flames , not , however , before the contents of one oi two had been badly damaged. The lose In this direction is trifling. For nearly an hour and a half the fire men battled with the flames. By about quarter post six o'clock the last blaze was dislodged and the play of the water ceased. Tbo building was a black and charred skeleton , being almost literally burned to the platform. TflE ORIGIN AND CAUSE of the fire are not known. According to the story of Watchman Shoa , the blaze must havo-boon an Incendiary ono. li cortalnly < conld not have boon caused by a defective flue , or started from the atove , because the latter was situated In office In north end of the bulldlng.and because - cause the blaze Is known to have first broken out in the roof of the southern wing. The B. & M. officials are Inclined toward the theory of anon. XHE LOSS on building and property will bo about $15,000. The building Itself , which wae totally destroyed , was a story and a hall frame structure , about two hundred feet long and fifty feet wide. It Is not as yet exactly known how much stock there wa in the building at the tlmo , though con servative estimates place it at $7,000. On this too there will bo little 01 no salvage. The exact lots Is now being figured upon and wllldoubtloss be known to-morrowas soon as tbo Individual los ers present jjthelr claims. Most of the valuable books of the freight business , bolng In the Iron safe , wore uninjured. The Insurance on the building Is $4',000 , that on the stock In transit $1,500. For temporary uses tbo B. & M.people have secured the Boomer build ing on the opposite cornei of Eighth and Howard , which will be used as an office , while the loading of freight will be done directly into the can. can.It Is the intention of the company , as ona of tha officials stated to a reportoi this morning , to rebuild at once on the same ground. The new structure will ba of substantially the aatno proportion ! and cost as the one destroyed. B. H. Douglass and Sons' Capsicum Cough Drops are manufactured by theuv solves and are the result of over fort ] years experience in compounding cough mixtures. C BARB WIRE WORKS , A. New Factory to bo btartcd in Omaha , The motion of the defendants In the cisoof Fish vs. the Nebraska City barb trlro works to dissolve the Injunction and dismiss the receiver appointed on the prayer of the plaintiff , h&a been denied by Judge Dandy. Mr. Fiih is the own er of 40 per per cent of the cipltil of the corporation and aoouses the majority shareholders of trying to froz ) him ont. Ooo good rpsultof the litigation is that It brought Mr. Fish to Omaha , and while hero ho becima so Impressed with the natural advantages of tbo city as a manu- luring centro tha he hai determined to locate hero and build up an extensive barb wire factory. Ho lias leaied a large piece of ground on the bottoms between Leavenworth and Jones streets , and will at once commence the erection of a suitable - able building , Mr. Fish , who is a resi dent ot Chicago , U the owner of new machine for making barb wire by K pro' ccsi which ho think i will rorolulionlr. ; the business. Ho Is confident that he cnn turn ont the manufactured product eight times as fast as by the old method , and of cotmo reduce the cost proportion ately. The factory will giro employment to from fifty to seventy-five men. The capital stock , should A share organfzation bo formed , will bopliced at $000,000. There nro many cheap cosmetics ofTorod for sale , which claim to contain nothing injurious to tha skin. Thin is alt bosh. All , or very nearly all are compounded from the most dolotorlons and polsionocs drugs in the mntorta medics. They de stroy the vitality of the skin , miklug the consumer prematurely withered and old , J. A. Pozzonl guarantees his medicated complexion powder entirely free from nil Injurious mattor. USD none other and you will never regret. Prlco 50 cents and $1 per box. Sold by all druggists and porfumoro. FRAUD , The Methods Used to Defeat Murphy Importing Voters ami Alter- hip Iloturno. There Is now no reason to doubt but that there have baen extensive frauds in connection with the election of Tuos- dav frauds which have taken almost every conceivable form , and which have so affected the result of the contest as that Mr. Murphy has baon cheated out mayoralty. This assertion is no idio talk of defeated partisans , but plain , sub stantial truth , for which the proof can , and In duo time will bo produced. It is generally believed that two years ago ono or two candidates for the coun cil , who-woro , on a fair and equate elec tion , chosen by the people , were sot asldo for opposition candidates Tfho had brought into play the usual methods ol campaign trickery ballot box stuffing and bonus returns. This circumstance has ropoaiod Itself and there Is no Indi vidual who has thoroughly examined the circumstances of the recent election , In a fair and unbiased mood , bnt will be forced to concsdo that Boyd's election was compassed by the most flagrant trick ery. For instance several hundred II- log l votora were sworn In , voting in the different wards of the city , and amount ing in all to probably over 250. In the Third ward there were ono hundred and fifty men imported from the stock yards district who were sworn in and allowed to vote , although they were no more entitled to the privi lege than so many south African os triches. There is every reason to believe that a good-sized colony of colored people ple from Conncll Bluffs was imported to vote and add to the tldo of fraud which floated so gallantly the lioyd craftand ita crow. crow.And again , a large numborof ] foriegnors were naturalized within three days of the election , in express contrarie ty to the provisions of the statute on the subject , and voted for Mr. Boyd , A Hat of some of this gentry was published in Monday nights BEE. The names of this class of Illegal voters have been noted , and the evidence against them will be duly forthcoming. Many of these fraudulent naturalization papers were sworn to by citizens In reputable standing , who deliberately committed perjury in the act. It is pretty well set tled that at least ono of the ballot boxes was opened , the sworn certificates of naturalization taken out , and the names of tbo citizens who vouched for the respective persons , erased , BO that in case an Investigation was ordered , the guilty parties might have some loop-hole of de fense. There will be several arrests before the time for the official canvass of the vote , and a lively time may be confidently an ticipated. . o'MALtEY's PRETENSIONS. Since the election some of O'Malley'c friends have pretended that the official returns would give him such a vote as tc entitle him to the sixth place In the Hat of elected counellmen. In the local col umns of two of the journals of this cHy , there have also appeared statements that it was yet uncertain whether O'Malloy oi F. E. Bailey , sr. , was the lucky man. The truth of the matter fs that O'Mal ley falls oven behind Burrnester , having only 2,750 votes , and Is nearly 300 be hind Bailey , who received a total of 3.03C votes. KOUGH ON BA.TS , Its Value us an Article of Food Dem- 'onstrotcd. A carious case has jast come to light , In which the family of A. Haghei , whc lives at No. 1520 South Fifth street , nar rowly escaped poisoning on last Monday night. The family consist * of Mr. Hnghos , hit wife and three children. On Mondaj evening biscuits were served for suppei and all paitDok of thorn. Within a few minutes after the meal , one by ono , the whole family began to complain of a dis order of the stomach , which rapidly augmented in violence nntll the neigh bors were alarmed and a messenger dis patched for a doctor. Dr. Darrow responded < sponded , and by the prompt application of emetics restored the suQ'drota to tholi normal conditions. The physician noted symptoms of phos < phoroDS poisoning , and examining the biscuit , became satisfied that the dough was Impregnated with the poison. Fur. ther Invottlgatlon warrants the conclu sion that some "Rough on Rats , " which was kept in the pantry , got into the baking powder. As an article of nourishment "Rough on Rita" it not a success County UomtnlnBloncrs. WEDNESDAY , April 8th , 1885. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Present , Commissioners O'Keeffo , Cor liss and Tlmme , Minutes of the preceding meeting read and approved , The official bond of John Bryant , just ice at Elkhorn precinct , was approved , The following resolution was adopted : Resolved , That the county clerk be and ha It hereby Instructed to .notify Detlef Kai , overseer of highways , Mlllard precinct , to re move all obstructions from county road , in section 4 and 6 , township U , range 12. The following accounts wera allowed : GENERAL VVKl > , J. 0 , Bruner , salary supt. school i , . . ,8120 00 KOAD fCND. A , G. H nley , Tiling for Elkborn river 15 00 BBIDOK rC.ND , Chlcatro Lumber Co. , lumbar 3S 31 Adjourned to llth inst. H. T. LBAVITT , County Clerk. NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF J&IE&B X7SE2D. VnnUtn.I > mon , Orange , tc , < flnvor Cabea , trcnm > , l > iiiinr | | > , < tc. > i delicately nndnnt. urally in the ( Vnl t from which the y arc mnde , POtt STRENGTH AND TRUE FRUIT FLAYOR THEY STAND ALONE. Ht'ifltO BY TMI Price Baking PowdcnCo. , Chlcdso , III. St. Uoulo , Mo. utxiiti or Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder - ND Dr. Price's Lupulin Yenst Gems , Hell Dry Hop Tciut. WE MAKE HUT ONE QtUUTT. Young ontomlcro , MAbout 8 o'clock last night Officers Whalen and S'gwart ' ar ostod five boys , aged from eight to sixteen years , named Owen Connolly ( son of "Whisky Jack" ) Wlllla Miller , colored , Danny Miller , col ored , Peter Ward and John Dnwson , on complaint of Grocery man Stabrcl , Thir teenth and Chicago streets. Those youngsters are a sot of bad boys , and have been the terror of the neighborhood for some tlmo. They fight little boys , atone houses , drivp other peoples' howos at night , and are into all sorts of mis chief at all times. They are now In jail , and will , It is to bo hoped , bo taught a good lesson this morning by Jndpo Bonoko. Absolutely Psire. This powder never varies. A marvel ot pnrety , BtroDfthandwhole8omcD038. Moro economical than the irdlnary kindsunJ cannot be Bold In competi tion with tbo multitude ol low test , ehort weigh ! alum ol phyaphrto powdera. Sold only in oana HOYAt TUKINO POWnKR CO . ' 0(1 ( Wall 81 ; N.T. THE BEST THING OUT FOE Washing & Bleaching In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water. SAVK9 LABOR , TIMR and SOAP AMAZINOI.T , and given universal satisfaction. Mo family rich or poor should be without It. Bold by all grocer * . BxwtRK ol Imitations well do- elgno I to mislead. TKARLINX Is the O\LT BAFH Ubor Bavlog compound and alwaya bears the above eym- bol and name ol JAMES PYLE NEW YORK. COWING & GO , JOUDr.113 IK WROUGHT IRON PIPE , If abl Md Cut Iron Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead , HOKTlllXfiTOX BTKA9 I-llirS , Plumbers' Gas and gleam Fitters' IRON & BRASS GOODS , ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. 14Ui&DodaeSls..OMAHA.HEB. CAMELLINE FOR THE COMPLEXION ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. The undersigned phrsicians of San Francisco are familiar with the composi tion of ( ho principal articles used for the complexion , and freely certify that ( JAM ELINE Is harmless and free from all poisonous or Injurious substances. L 0 Lane , M D G F Cooper , M D H H Toland , M D S W Dennis , M D R A McLo n , M D J M McNulty , M D. 0 B Br'ghstn ' , M D J O Shaffer , M D Bonj J Dean , M D W Carman , M D H Gibbons Jr , MD W Ayer , M D J J Clarke , M D T Bennett , M D W H Bruney , M D W Haromond.MD A M Lory c a. M D W F McNutt.M D 0 L Bard , M A J Bowie , MD H L Slmmi , M D J C Sborb , M D J n Stallard , M D F A Holtnin , M D 0 McCaeitooM D J Rcsnstirn , M D C 0 Koonoy , M D JD Whitney MD A M Wilder , M D T BoTsan , M D G H Powers , M D 0 G Kenyon , M D B R Swan , M D IS Titus , M D L L Door , M D J L Meares , M D J W Koeney.M D T Price , M D GHolland , M D H Gibbons , M D Madame Adolina Patti , Writes ; " 1 shall have to repeat the praliei of your OAMELLINK heard from all sides. For sale by H. T. CLARK DRUG CO. , Omaha , And all first class druggist * . TO CONSIDER THfclK I Visit the Misfit Clothino * Parlors , 1312 Bouglas St. IF YOU NEED A PAIR OF PANTALOONS , SEE THOSE tffr , S 8 75 Motehunt Tailor Made PanU- , sold at ttio Perlo-s for $ 3 40 ' 88 9 CO ' 4 25 m 1000 " 500 km 12-00 " 580 1500 " (570 ( ] jg 1800 " 835 ! WYOU NEED A SUIT ? IF SO , SEE THJPT - -ffft X < § 25 00 Merchant Tailor Made Salt , solil at the Parlors for § 12 00 00 " " " 30 14 30 35 00 " " " 1C 20 40 00 " " " 18 CO 45 00 " " " 21 70 55 00 " " ' 24 00 05 00 " " " 28 00 Can You Use a Spring- Overcoat ? Don't Let this Pass You By $27 00 Merchant Tailor Made , to bo sold at the Parlors for § 10 00 30 00 " " " ' " 12 70 37 50 " " ' ' " 14 CO 44 00 " " " " 17 25 5000 " ' " 2000 CO 00 " " " ' " 25 00 Original Misfit Olothin ; 1312 DOUGLAS STREET-UP-STAIES. 1312. Opsn Evenings until 5) ) o'clock. Patunlayts until 10 o'clock. N. B. Merchnnb'Tailor * having Uncalled for or Miifit Garments will favor by addressing MISFIT CLOTHING PARLOUS. 1312 , , 1,10 , Sf ct nnio w u " \1 \ DE. PUHEK , Graduate ot tno University Vienna , Aus tria. Laie SurROon to the Military Hospital , of Vienna. Will do a general Medical and Surgical practice. All calls in city or country promptly attended. Office at the Omaha Sledical and Surgical Institute , Corner KHh Street and Capitol Avenue. [ ICOOTCS30K310 JOHSJ Q , JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS i At the old stand 1117 Faroam 81. Crdure by tele graph solicited and promptl attended to , Tolcpborw Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute 13th St. , Cor OaDitalAve , Chronic and Surgical Diseases Diseases of Females , ol the N en-oat vitem , Pi rata Dlaeasee ol the Urinary and exual Organ ! , and Diseases ol the Head , Throat and Lungs , tpedaltles EYE AND FAR , Diseases treated by an experienced specialist ! also dUeasca ol the Heart. Liver , Stomach , Kldneyi , ladder , Keuralirla. Rheumatism , Piles , Canoer , etc. CATAHUII , BRONOniTIS , And all other dlseaoes ol the Ihroatand Lungst real cd by Uodlcated Vapors. ( Send lor Inhaler or circular on Inhalation. ) All dlieaseBol the Blood , Urinary and exual Off - f i i.Pr.TKtt DUoiMS and Files Cured or no Pay. ( I lie * i in ocpltal and Prlvato Practice. ) GoarstttMtoB tad examination tree. Ci llor write 1'jr circulars on chronlo dl ea t and ct&rmltlet , Dtoeasee ol Females , Private Dlseaeof ol tbo Urlnarr and Sexual owns. Seminal Weak ness , Nervous Debility or Exhauttloneta , ets. , and our new tcstoratlvetreatment. II letters and consultation * Confidential. Medicines sent to all parts ol tbo country ' ' 7 ex jreM , securely packed from observation , If lull do icrlptton ot cue Is given. One personal toteivle * irelerred II convenient. Open at all bonii. direis all letters to Omaha Medical & Surgical Insttute , Cor. Capitol Ave. ntStPnl THE ! SHOUT LI IT And BEST EQUTE. rllOU OMAHA TO THE EAST , TWO TRAINS 'DAILY BETIVEKN OMAHA ANIX Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Cedar Hai > lds , Davenport , Clinton , Dubuque , llockford , lock Island , Kreeport Jnnmville , ilgln , Madison , La Crusee , 3elolt , Winona , And ail other Important pointf ) Eait , Northeast - east ami Bouiheait. Ticket office t 1101 Farnam itrctt ( In I'aiton Heel el ) and at Union Pacific Depot. IMllmanS'eefxrsatd ' tr Finest Dining Cats ID be Woild aieiunon tnemiln llnmcil tbe CMICAMO iliiwAuKKa & Er. PifLH'iacd ertry attention lipild o iuxM > nztr brccuiteouiicmcUvM ol lhoo"mi > ao- . a. k MKHKIU , A. V. II. UAKP&NTEK. Oeneral Maruger , Gto'J P > Mi er Agent. K.UILLEH , OEO. F. HEArFOHD , Ai-i't Oen'l Hunger. ta't Oeu'l Vm Agent. } . T. CLARK , Oen'l 8ur < rlntuideat. CHAS. SHIVERICK , UPHOLSTERY AND DRAI/ERIES , FiiBeenger Elevator to oil floors. 1200 , 1208 and 1210 Farnain Street , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. OUTH OMAHA. _ / Tfce Advantage of Sett ing in theNewTowa Tbo title "South Omaha" douvnot mean thoRouthern part of the city of Omaho.l > ut IB the name of tbn thrivintr town coinmencinp at the Union Stock yards an the aoutb , and extend ing for n mile and a half north , nearly connecting with thecity limits of Omaha. The company have again concluded to put on sale 1,000 lots , and lot the purcha < ert ol tha ramo realize the profit which tha enhanced value of these loti IB sura to mako. It nun being an assured fact that .South Omaha is destined in the near future to bo tha largest Inn stock market west of Chicago , tbero can be no doubt that this property in a few year * will bs worth five or even ton times the amount thatit can bo bought for to-day , Some may ask : If this is so , why dt not the company keep it and realize this profit The answer IP , that in order to make lots valuable , there must bo improvements on or sur rounding them , and as is the case in all noy towns , special inducement must be offared at first to Ret the pjople to take hold and build , Thera are probably mnro such inducements ofla ed by South Om ha than were over put forth by any now town. The largo business done by the stock yards company and the im mense slaughter and packing houses together with their auxllanes are no amill feature in the aggregate of ovonU that are doatinod to make i outh Omihia large pUcs , Agiln , the town isnutnn addition to Omaha , and ia rutliablu for city tiiii , alfioujfh. It onjoya all tbo beneQU from the growth of Omaha that it would if It were just l.NBing the city limits , but being just OOTSIDE , only county taxes ara collected , which nra muraly nominal , Tna town owm and operates its own water works , which furnish an abundant supply of pure spring water. Dam- my trains will rnn on the U. & BI. aud.U. P. railways nvery hour , stopping at the north end of the town site as well as at the stock yards. The Thlrtoontli street horse oars will rim to Uascall'a pork this spring , and to the stock yards at no distant day. The high altitude makes the location a healthy one. Of course there are those who do not believe thst South Omahiwill amount ; i , much , Ttila kind of people didn't belibve Chicago would evnr ba anything batter than a cranberry bog , that Omikha would over outgrow her viltaita clothes , that them nsver could ba any fruit raised in Nebraska , etc. , etc. Who made it win ? Tha soepticn , or those that had an abiding faith m the energy , intelligence and reionrsesof till * fjri t country ? Par Information , mapa , prices and terms apply at the'company's office , 21GS. Thirteenth street , Merchant's National Bank UuUdlng , first floor. . A. UPTON , Asst. Scc'y and Manager. O3FSAT -AT facloff Prices , AND- EASY TERMS. Sendtor our catalogue and price list before pur chasing elsewhere. MSX MEYER & BEO , LEADING JEWELERS And Solo Importer * oi Fine Diamonds , Watches , Silver ware , Rich Jewelry , Wholesale and Retail. Cor , llth and Farnam3fcv Pi GO SOLE IMPORTERS | OF HAVANA CIGARS -AND Meerschaum Goods , IN OMAHA. Wholesale and IUUI1 Dealers In CHins , Ammunition. Sjportiny Goods Notions and Smokers' Articles. Stationery , Cutlery , Druggists' Sundries And Fancy Qoode. Full and complete line and BOTTOM PRICES Mas Mover & Co , , 1020 to 1024 'Farnam St. , Omaha.