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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1885)
'ing and'Jiclicf. , Urea mo inn atlocR. causli i you to l > ol acarcvly nli 0 to bo4"n your that ConstautJr4ln _ th , 1 Ii tnkiag worn you'f nyatcfn nil H fofiner laatlcltyl ' " ' bloom frotff ypur.chcc' 'jth'vt ' co upon Ul { creep , tendering and frcttnl/cnft emlly "be remojf * of tha't inarvgloufl rom idy , Ho/lJtttei * . j'lt- rcKularhle * fttulftbitr ictloTia'ot yo ifiyil/sfrl. are rtllovod at once w Uo tlk ) spwa ) caniu ot irvhcDity i .removed. -Jfeeoini. . . . iti'una'rfonD ftrqbo profonndljrferatMul , B id aliow such an Inter- cat intocomirtrtudincr 1 lop Bitters A women. A l > otial Ctard StortJ ) L" . 1 wai nflccted kidney ana urinary Trouble "For tweiYo year i v \ Af trythR nil ttyi doctors an\patont \ | ! rnedlclno 'lor ' > nldh ir of , I used tno ' ' * > ties r'- - "BUtotqrt > And'I ' not perfect y curod. I ko "All .tho. Jhnol' respectfully , Boothe , Baulsbury , Tonn.yMay 4 , w BnADFont ) , I'A. , It'h/U / ? tjure/lTHo of cbveral r norVmisness , siclcnots 1 the BtoinacJCrnOnlhly troubles , eto , . .IJiavohint seen a stolulay IruA IJiHors. All ja nei&h\ ' Mrs Fannie Qroen. . . * frH . . . . , f7 Lost. , "A' towr to Knroixj that cost me $3,000doritt "ma loss Rood than onjo bottle of Hop Blttert ; "they nl o cured my wife of flltconyeftr ! 4iqi- , "vous weoknosB , sloflplpBsnoBs nnd and ayg pepsia. " H.Tkt : Aubnrn-t NrVr Bo. BLOOMINQVII.I.B , 0. , May 1 , TO.1 Si 113 I hiive liecnfoflne ? toflroat Bnd.T tried your Ifnfl Bittcw , nnd it done mo more . . peed than nil uic dootora. , II j J . Wo are so thankful to eay that our nursing baby was permanently cured ol a dangerous &nd protracted constipation and irregularity of the bowpla by the UBO of Hop Bittern by ita mother which at the same time restored her to perfect health and strength. The Parents , Itochester , N. Y. Nona genutna without a bunch ot green Hops on the wblta febeir "Shun : all tbo vtlcrp Tho-flnoet tonlo . for nervom people .lilloatotUr'i ) Htom l"nch Ulttcn , nlilcli In eurcs peitcct dl- gcetlun audaealm U- tlon.nnJ thoactUo poi f ormanco of tliclr hmctlons by the lr- criuid bonds As the 8 } atom acquires tone through tbo ID ilut.ii cod Ihlo bcnlzn : uitJ-dluc , tbancrTC ! t.TOi'J strotiKer. and urtri tranquil , head achonccaso.kndthal nainclesi n\iety rwhlchla n peculiar Ity odliedjepoptlc Klvcs way to chcor- ( ulne'B ' Toeetablleh . health CD o auro n 'tr , - - - Joundallon , nea the pocilosi In > i orant. For aalo br all DmgirUM and Cialorn generally. _ " ' ' J-1- - r - IA | : SaS&M.B - r Men Thinlc * tt ' ' ' thpy knowj all .about MusI * * ! mcntIeY > do. Not''to know is not to have. . ta.CAPJTAI.WuZE , S7i > ,000. TJCKITS oNtY' R ' IBH'AIIBS-IK' ' PnorontioN Louisiana , StaeJIiOtter7 { Company "l\'t \ ita lietiltytcrtlfit-ithat we iupmuc lie or all tha Jtouthlu Dniu'iiyntht.LvuuumaStatfLottirii Company anil m jicrnQn inananc and cvtilrol the. Dramitqi thttnftlite , a1ul that the tame 'are eimlueted mth AoneHi//alrneiJandin , nvod faith toward all par- tin , ana vt autfirtm * tttc company td Use tht * car- ttjicatr , iMk-Sof ntiulei of our tlgiiatiiret attached tu iti aiitcrtucincnM * . Incorporated In 1S63 for 56 yearn by tlio leglaliture lor eJuMtlonal &nd obtrltablo purpojfs with * apital of 11,000,0:0 to which a resorie lundof eve By AC ovtrwholmlni ; popular vote Its tranchli wia miulo a part of tliu prerent state constitution adnptod Dqtximbtr il A U 1 870 , Tbii.oiilf Qotf art ditifvptttUl ! " ffcd fenliisoj b th i opiVjfWitatw ij li | y ft M UtnfttSe \p \ otlpottrBic l [ A u ( If ttArata Ju > xl < dui- I Ar f JPZ9t Ulo pl c < monthly. I A hrHSUlD 01 1-ORTDNITT TO WIN A rORTCM , FOUBT _ _ " 811 MIIHUlUWIVU CAPITALRR1E , $75,000 4iljfe l yRpBO 1 CajnUl I'llie , 95,0 1 ilo d 1 do ilo ilofl , < 00. loorrltoiof swi'r MV MOltiniK 10001'lUt.of ro\l 9 do _ ! Mte 1 97 I'rliM , aniountlug to . . 1285.6 * , Fur further lnfrin > thu wjlte cttarly k > < > " iu ; * > MldrM , JOSTALKOTK3 , K > l < r M UoniyOrderi , o New York Cxchango In ordiuirx letter , Carrenc ; by Kxprew ( all auauo(5 ( ud upuudi at our ex MOW ) addmxtd. M. A. DAUPHIN , Or XI. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleant. La. 007 Boyenth Bt. Wanblonton D. U. yakaP'O , Uonov Oid n pa/able aad aJdiet KruUteiucl I tt'r * t ' NATIONAI. BANK j New Orleain. t WoetehMter.K. Y .Allots 1,000,00 TheUerohanUof Newark.N J , AM , . 1.S76.00 Olr rdHt . FhlUd.lphla.Aixti , , 1,400,00 ft w Ilamrthlro Ci8AuvU . . _ _ . 1 013 00 , And BlieitHcd f fcro'oc1 at Jwtington , , Jotb Iiatr thoawonlpf bee , " ' / "jSfy lo'ae irve.1i-rto bay In piue \ , 3poko 16w , nrid with , rfsfgh- ' "Diit all-tho coilntry waits In fear ' That hd to day may flfo , " lowout GfAntl"ho votVan aafd , \ . > And drbDped a to r aid thoi\ \ ' \ s Inyhdnrtfale tones the nniwor came , /Tor the obal aaltl ' 'Arnenl" . > / -IT. II. OUbaugh. Cagftown , lf.\ [ AN INVISIBLE 'ALLY. / , . , It is mjr ouslbm jb ! afMonaay whioh a i vorjJi dyfknowB , isltho pirson Sunj ay toxumoko a cigar.aftor \ loncpi ; and h'fl 'alightaupJQMatilncJs Trhloh'had oc Jurrod are an Knaidoro Is moro Bcothlng to norvoa which have boon , acted upon by a woman's tongno than A modcratoindnlgonco in ttobaqso ; , and , as the dayTwas , bright And quite sUn.ny , rdc4orifanod'jo | jjarry my usual practice Into effoct'out of doors. - : As frequently happens in the month of May , I found , on emerging a sharp wind blowingbut ; as my cigar was an excellent ono and my blood presently began to tingle with an agreeable sense of warmth , I jfoHindu"erenij. ! fa llaattaoks. _ _ My rjifilodjttioughli also returned toi , their , o'rdinarjr tranqtlll groovej for , although Clare's ' conduct had momentarily upict me , L took comfort from the reflection that I had not answered her remarks in the spirit with which they were pervad ed. It is tiuo that with mo , as with moat really thoughtful men , Ideas come slowly , and I have not the eamo facility of retort which my daughter Inherited from her dear motnor. But oven bad I - - . - -irust possessed--such. dexterity Jpirust I | hqtld } * have boon , too /generous" ' * to mak'o use of Itr JCho _ rec fory'lflanu's cm a "slight eminence , from which the ground slopes downward for a short distance , until interrupted by a stream of eomo pretensions. This la spanned by a rustic bridge , connecting the grounds proper with a latgo meadow , aho belonging to the rostory , and it to thla ppJrU Jjiowdjrected my steps An I npproacUed the brldgojl was c aldor.Vbly aqnpye'd jo o'bsogv'ef iKb figure of a man" upon , It y Hawos _ lianlng over the parapet , Idly' gazing into the watbr beneath. " Myjtomper , I hasten tomen- , tion , Is a remarkably'.equable ode , but nothing disturbs It moro quickly than the Intrusion of strangers Into my grounds. Unhappily , this is an Inflic tion .to which _ L am ofton-aubjectotl , > wlng to tbo fact that a public field path ravorscs the meadow of which I have pokon. Aa a clergyman I am of course , lound to rotpect the laws of the land In which I live , but Oho moro monstrous or unjuat than thatwhich , empowers any iBsilng Btranqor to trcapaaamnqnestloaed on a.nian'a private property1 ! cave not yet discovered. Under no aspootj however , could the iriclgo be considered pirt of tbo path ro- eired to , and this I reaolvod the Inter- op er should at once bo made to undor- tand. With that object In view I [ uiokoned my pace to a abarp trot. uiifortunato-chaiioo-JDBt as I eactied my destination a gust of wind laughtjny hat and blowjlt intotho _ water. ) n porcofylng th'sCth'Bi&nBer } , with audablo readme ran clowntonho'bank ! > u whlchXBtood-nnd "before l > 6ould pro- est had walked Into the middle of the stream.eocurcdiho errant article and ro- s'tor'ad'ifcta'rny-haridir. ' L It certainly was provoking that , w ith every reason tob e otherwise , I was forced to appear grateful to the man * pot his promptitude. Nevertheless , thla did not affect the fact thatho had been intruding , uf , after aid , I proceeded to oaf or coupon , ils attention. ° ' "Very truly , " he nttswored , with a , lght laugh. "Shall wo resume our fot- ner .positiouE I on the bridge yea oarohcaded on the bank , harangulcg me as to f he wrongfulnoaB of my conduct with a forvld oloqaejco wholly Jtnf , 2 rb- jret to lay , upon myunworthyBolf , whllff the unconscious hat drifts placidly do n the stream , " His tone of levity jarred on my feel ings , albeit his -manner , " ! locking In re spect , bad a car tain ' charm about U. "It Is not a Bub'jeot for laughter , " , i rejoined , In ai grave voise "tha lights pt property must be observed , clso there is an end to social prdor. " ' i 'Be laughed "ag tin in his oaey fashiop. "I aurreii'Jti' vyuhont rctorvo , " ho Bald. ' 'Ronlly , I owe you an apology' for ven turing into the water without Drat ask- i-T.- .t .ij'A. : a But the dcsaaion1 - - ono of thojo in which if a man healtates llteO 'i5' i' " happened , thahat _ is lost ? ' , I fear I shall not bo acquitted pi ttansj-roialon , " ' ' M lo [ ' , V4tntofl80-b . Behold mo struggllng toward a SODBO of ' better thingj wlieri Bflddonly yon swoop ' * ndomtf mo On the " % " "Young man'I , Bald , "you should n joat on aoiioua topics. " my rising to higher ? pnd more othereaj spheres. " 14 ' No one could havobeen more snrpriaed . .jjji'JntteiJ cc-find tbatln as actually laVigliiVg .this' aorryl piuco'of "humor. Yet auoh was the case. Ho recognized Wj'Sdvantage ' aud walaiSt slow to profit bylt. - jO - > fJ- > i.- , iK ' "Come , sir , " ho suggested , ' 'wouldn't it lJ3 as well to tie handkerchief round your head ? I don't know hey you stand for furnlthloga within , but good quality cr bad , tbo east wind is apt to play the veryi devil with them. " , "Really , sir , " lexpoatoUted notboW- ofglvTcg It ia'o'ffenme highly olTenilve. " , "Is itl" he aaid , with a bhnk look ac.conp ; , Mupbu mV aoul.rKpi < wt\ \ sorry. It' * the faulLo ! my traialng , . J r Yba'tl plooe 013x1 or B con siderable obligation if you'd toll me whdn- evfr I nm cileaHTa.1" , ' , fjit aman. bo ccoicloua that ho tiai hull * , and there ! s help for him. It ii only when ho consider * hlmio'f abovt correction that the cate Is irremediable , Und Clare and tor dear mother but pea- loescd a little ct thla young man's humil ity , how much B Soother their lives might botnt . ' * jgQ ' was at this moment Igrememborcd hat the strange } must be very > ret as tA- s his nothc f gafmEfllB ; ' ' Iy doalr lr.'vl said , "p irdon iny "foraetfuluoai ; Jon rn&st bo ' " - * XJlo glkncod dc Wn at hsrtrouaets | , wliicp wo i cllpglng i lammily * ' llrabu. horoplltil , " yout-atroam aooms abont as/damp / Ate mi ' .fofcris go uj/to tho. rcBWtyft1 ! I con- .tlnueM/"and We'll Booukpu them to right * . V To tha proposal he acctdcd with" cheerful aUcrity , ancrsfa'o by sldb wo advdtlcod to\ ard tbojiotMl33 \0n the hole , I waa hot tfditposed tb brgot thb contac mtttloitflud.ilalion. Tbb iroapict or tote-atelo > irUh Glare was nc t an altogether pleasing Jthadtovery toaaonito expect , i lobd remained fiplfkSgid. The prcionco of an o lUldor. ptjWljjfl' reflect- edb a certain oatrAlnt npoh aor , and day her. humor iilght bo Into my . . . . now 'ocquainUnco placed h'lmsoif before t and , WAS quick y enveloped in a cloud of vapor. ; | i i'liico yon smoke , " ho remarked , nod- dln his'hond'tOTrard the cigar I had In my hand. 'Yos ' , " I ossoutod ; "at my time of Ufa a little IndhlKoncolil IKd habit Is per- inlesablo ; If tftot bssltivoly beneficial. 7 * < Abryomiro-qnitp3if5htJ1 horBJoincd , ' klng aoaio from his pookot and extract- ng a largo clg r. 'Do'you know , " ho went on easily , "I fancy you and 1 have many ideas in common. You llko a good cigar. I can toll by the smell that's ' a ; oed brand yon'ro smoking. So do I. 3ur opinions as to the sanctity of prop- trty are similar .thatta , BO far as our own j conporno'd , , AiidUjphnn't ' bo a bit eur- irlsod If-wo agreed upon.the inorits-of a glass of sherry for stimulating one's circulation 'after ' Immersion In cold water. Really tlds young man was carrying hlncs with lather a high hand , and bal t not been that I looked forward to his support la'or ori I should have boon in clined thcro and then to have ohown him jhpjloor. _ _ _ _ _ _ " "Aa * I prodncodVtho , dscantor , 1 said alhor- dryly i ' i-'I dou't/.know wh'at my.danghtor.would say if aho . know , of this. " " Jovol" ho him- "By replied , helping - oolf , "so yo'vb got a daughter. Is she Drotty ? " "Fairly so , " I replied. .Then romem- ) arlng that it waa only right to give him i hint as to her peculiar temperament , I continued : -i-'Sho takes aftor.her.moth- < foj " $1\ ! ' " ! guessed asfmuch , ' ' he iAtorfapt'od , ifting the glass-to hlsciipsp"Bpreanmo he Inherits her Intellectual qualities from lor father./ / I * ; j. ' I was on the point of 'replying angrily o the remark , bat before 1 could do so 10 resumed : " Ton my soul , sir , I'm almost eorry I camp now } for , to toll tha - - " - rou tratlrprm--a" deaporatc-ladyktl- er , and If she took a fancy to mo thero'd > o the de'ncp to"p yT'Q ' / TIn In tho'a'ctnal'Btato of affairs the Idea cf Clara falling in love with this yount ; swaggerer was EO delicious that , forget- tine What was duo to a guest , I lay back n my chair and laughed till the 'tears conreed down my oheeks. Ho looked at mo gravely for some time and then said. "It's awful funny , no doubt , but for the ifo of mo.I can't quite eeo the point of the joke. " His words recalled mo to a sense of my duties. "Really , Mr , I resumed , "I owe yon an apology Jor my rudeness , but vhou yon have known my daughter a Ittlo 1 think you t will understand my nerrlment. Oomo what do yon say io an mraedlato presentation ? " He assented to the suggestion with a nod and ringing the'belLI Instructedftho ervant to ask. Miss Clara to atop into .ho etndy. At thb.'tiamo moment I re membered that I had not yet ascertained the new-comer's name. "By the byr" I remarked , "T have jTiin' e MJ- - 1 , ff. P i . " hd , < rmy.pwn i BHntnH'Jogepli , so-called J erin in theivdlgftjr longn JboTantonU' ' f ' ' " "Pantop jl.ropeat , "not surely ono ofthe WiltSnroPautorjB'i | , ? ' , ( w V I he answered ] j' I can claim klntWp with/ them , , as iLinherit " , he71arga"bnlk oLmy property- from A/3ia- nt' ' lauvd who lived in that country. . A man - of property * then. That throw a now .light upon lis behavior. , JYhat I hnd taken for ' comm'ontinpuqonconwas ] , after all , mere ec9pk > ttfcityfhjs'forward'manpi ] { ; [ ) natural assumption of .auporlorlty which ; ho pbasossor of papy acres might rightly claim over hfs less" fortunate 'fdllowe. Well might I congratnlato myself on the far seeing s < : acltywhlch lud pot allowed myself ) to take joflonaq ai 'wh'at I now recognized as tha utterances of a superior. It eomowh'at pjayfnl mind. * < ' My dear young friend " I said , as I rose and'took' his hand , "you .delight , you overwhelm o , : , Alihopg1jJ have loat'alght , of thorn for many A years , thej Pantons woV onco'among' moat , , lull ? mate acquaintances" statsmarit ; by ] the w y , slightly Jh' xcoBs f the fsctsf still a little Axagge ration' might , nndor the circumstances , ' ba' pardoned "but what are yon doing In thl , out of.the * way part of the world ? ' ? < ( . . . , - ' I "Studying nj uio , J snppqao ymi' it , " ho replied ; ' ' 'knocking .about the country and taking sketches , here end thero-i-ln short , playing at being an art- 1st. It's not bad fun as a game that ono can throw UB when ono'a ' tired of It , but it imiivba * Hucediya drear work ai a means of earning a livelihood , " ppinjon9fl { the , youn rising , i ' * * * w "And-vrborptwa you layinol" I asked. "In'-ttfoSllIage ; af'tKd sign of the green Jf < iffi .v'f Crit > , fi1t r'tiyw " ' - . put a * tQp > . 'to ' thatlaitonCe Thla house must be your headquarters while yon r - main In : tlio neighborhood. 'No , no , " I continued , anticipating the refatal which , however , ho seemed In no way eager to offer ; "I'll take no denial. And here oomos Glare , " I added , an my daughtci entered the loojn , "to cocond my re quest. " * ( To be continued t ] 'London Ijas one' doctor ' fo $ ,000 tants. _ Behold' the qonqtierQr'oi liver and urinary disensfB Hunt's Ilame 4y , JSi p ? ; . , ; ' , , , ; - " Bpoedy'cufp to'all dlieawa of " 'ibo k d orgaim bj Ju Jprf , Hut fi Remedy. J * M jt ; ' ' ' Wh'at an appelito pivear'hoV'reatf u it makes my sleep , by using Hunt'i Remedy , ' ADDITIONAL LOCAL. ( " TALE OFVA tOMBSTONE- , . , . ASto"ry pfc jli'o Dcnct fast , < v > * t i An old eolller iaoklod n .BEE man , lha , wjthjh'i query ' 'Say. id you oo tha plecp in 0110 of the ovofiing- - paporattio { itEtfii diy-'abau'tFUombstdno , -V1 v S tfvw * ! , H , 'ii't : < v < jKy , myatory ? .pomojollow hsd bcott etuQing that roportor"wilh rt'lot of nonsense , but atlirthdW * iS-viOraothffigo"fnaif'&fti | the boJtora o ! th | n&ttor.1TTh'lcli ' foT&Tgonor- olly don't km > Wf _ Whporer stuffed the cyanlng roportot did , It , I auppoio , for nn Aptll'fool joko/Ldt. the real facUal the bottom of tho' story will bo voryHntorost- ing to many of Tins BKB rWdorBj-cspeci- ally the younger , cited , nnd the newer comers In ho city.iSohid of tho' old settlers tlors , oven , never hoard all tbo atory , but the lowrwho 'do'.know' It will "boar mo out in what I eay. "Tho factaabSutl that tombstone are about " heso:1 : ' Yoart agof Baylijbout.forty , , h"bro-Trero ' ' ' i'good'mnnyplonoorB' pushing \elt jajrtllroDgtt [ liera forthofarw.o8t. Some wonld find j elrlf woy- back again , and would perhaps oomo' out again with iiib'lhor party. Often tthoso goinj } east Wiuldljo , bearora'of messages for ihpso who stayed , In the far weak , and bnth'olr / return west wonld often bring back things abni for by friends la the west. SVqll , ono of thoeo trains' ' came along' hero and ns WBB fr < Auently' the case the cifcnp'any aort of broto 'up ' hera , and 'scattered. Dno of the party , n follow who had fy&on Jut in ( ho mountain's .before , had' tomb- itono the very ono overmuch tiils , 'alk is 4ow made. " ' " * ' "I wanl you to understand thai f hia tombatonp mystery is 'revived ' } ii the > apora 'Hero' about every six jOr , aovon 'oars whenever a novy act of follows got to reporting who.havo not hoard It. Iho oiplanatl&n"j > -tho myatery7"howovef7 1 do not romeruber to have a en Jo print in many.years. Well , ' thla folToKvrQb. the tombstone hod gotftho1' atone1 for a man > nt 5ofa the lalnsjjWhoh wanted lam to > rlug him one for ono of his family ' who had died ontthero. , - The follow dropped oUfcvof the party here , fnnd got dead broke. Htf hung aronnd' town quito a while and BOltt'OTory thing Uhat ho could got a Bollar. - for. Among the other things , ho .Bold" , this tomb- tone for ITI taer.a. song , t a man named Roberts buying1 It , , Roberta had no special use for It , but it cost htm hardly anything , and ho took It. The stone was all maikod'lor ' iho person In the far west it whoso graVe It'was intended to have t put. \ , , "A whllo latotJthla Roberta had a laughter die , ud to mark "her gave ho ook , his , , eocand-hand , " tombstone and had 'tho * name of the other ) orson ' chlaoled off , < leaving the cat of the inscription on the atono. ? hia ho put at his daughter's grave to nark 'tho ' spot , thinking , that wonld do unlil ho oould.romovo the remains to bis now hose nea'r Salt Like , to which ilace , in company with other Mormons. io-was abont to move. Roberts went away from here but never sent back for he remains of his daughter ; and there till stands the mutilated tombstone , a mystery to many who visit our cemetery. , n.theiqlty , huntiug up ttJQ'Jnjateryjof the " nntllai8diomb"itone/fpr ; } t1iafpiVp'oso | of indln who la holr tea big ] ostafco , . in- Wdlhg a biu tract of groand In flifsilty , B of conr. o alt' nonsense , but the fact hat thc"nUBUchramuUlatcti-- n the cem6te y/'here irn oasd ber proved ; o anJCjdoaptr fcy's-visiftQ lho gravo. The exphJnfttlan.'bOigw # itc me to be fact obout stone being there , ; /ew have heard its his" tory. j Did ypu.ovof aeo the atone ? * No ? Tbontthe firaftpletiftnt afiy 'I ' fwlllf tai o you up in my.ljuggy aiid ehow it to you " Ana the old settler strolled away. PEIlSONALr. ] ! . D. Tuller la on a hunting expedition. A./tWi Street has returned fromn Colorado il. A , 'Oochran 'la ' b'a"clc' to * itl J. TJ. Bair , of Missouri Valley , visited the 31ufffyetjrday. - i r i 1-1 E. B. jSoyt , o staunch democrat fronfKk < > x hi 'waa ' In the , - wn ; city yesterday i ' , of "Janeaville , 'Wli'WM ' d H Ogden h fls gnestB. ayia $ smlly e jcpect ° } j * < { , inovo to Mcl'lioreon , Kanias , wliere ho wjll " ' ' , Ear. B.lFf M nojnjj'aiJi } T\o i'ath.or' \ Ilaloy bnvp'rotqrnoa oin D a Mouoa where " * -i-J1-WfflingXo 'i&kp&fo&l land _ Mn. K , D. Qrcfla haa vacated her Into lioine , corner Fourtl and Vorth.Btreots . ai [ atoa'up ' Mr j > Bldenc t Rtr ) ' { Iortoh' | 9id , t st formerly a resident of this ' olty , la h ra on a ylsi't the ueat.of Mrs. L. 8. Amy. Laei winter Jo | epryed. . . an epgrpsslon r oj U e ( Colorado jienate. , ' ' . / A-prirat letter from1 T. J. Evanj o y thaftlio'dry weather at Lot Aogeloa Cal.i wbero he Is sojourning , IB causing Mm to be freetl'from all "igna 6f rhoiimatUm. jJohirD , Flgloy , ni ijtfclerk at tha Crostpa Itouie , leflj yeaterd y foriia ) home .In JVnn- liAving been yunprnoned by a teje gram pnnonnoinK the illness of h'li mother. COMMEHOlAii. > Vheat-No. 1 mlllloff , 65j No , 2 , GO No. 3 , 15. Corn New , 25o. Oats For local purposes , 23o. Hay J7 00 per tonj baled , 60 , Kya SOo. Corn bloal 1 SO per 100 pounds , Wood Good mpjily ; prl < jw at yardt , 6 00 < 2 JOoAl DellTflred , hard , 9 60 par tout of 40 per ton I Lard Fidrbaakfi. wholoeftlfng at 9 a ' Flour Olty Hour ; 1 60@2 90. * . . , , , -0 ttIft-nntoher cqv\Z \ 353J5 , itoen , 3 7B4 00. ' ' Bheop a 00@3 60. " t-Boiloci roultry Live ehlckenvlwr dot 3003i > 0 live turkuyj. Do per Ib. Bntter Oreamory , 25@28oj choice oountrj Spj-s Yirm ; lOc for dozen VeTbtnWM PoUtoeo , fvyscks peh bnthM ; ions , 1 00(2)1 ( ) 2.1o pci tin ; ftpplon , choice oook- fC or casing , 3 60 | boMm , 1 QQ@1 W per hol. , , Orftucoa riorid . 4 OJ per box ; California 2.60 per bav. * i Lcraohd 3 R0"oer If your comnlMnt"l9'Wftnt of sppoltto , tr ; i lf A Trtnq ulu 3 of AiiKOHtura Jtlttcii linlf iw hour before dinner. Bownro of .couu tcrfolta. . Ask. your grocer or driiggitl to : Lho Koriuifib article , manufncturoJ by Dr. J Q. B. Blf'gert ' The small-pox , death rate In iha Gor mau omplro last year averaged four per sona a week. . _ * . _ r "I have uo nppctlto , " coniplftiiu a suffcrar. Hooi'aSarinphrilla glvoa ntj nppotijo nnd enables thb aloinach to pot- * 'Oi-mHi duty. ' ' ' i Ono of the presents given M . Tor Thumb on" h'61f"t fcDtlt"TnBrrlago wni ri 'arm in Italy. ' For , Brochlnl. AstluuMlo nnil Viil- nounry Coiupltiintt ) , Tlrdicn' s' llronthM Troches manifest remarkable curatlvo proper ties. Sold only in lovt ) . Porsltcmona-rrfro-Crut spoken of in ) tint by Oaptnln Jphn Smith , who clasjod among Vlifglnla.plums. A C * RDi Td All who iri 8uff tlnft from errors Mil liidUcstlona o ( jputli , ncrrpun w aknou c ily ilccaj- , lost ol tnnnhoo.1 , ota1 I111 tend ft rcdfljit h will euro you FIU.i : OF CUAKOE. Thl KTCRt omcdy naa dlscorcrod by a mlttlonar to South Amortm. Send toll tddrtcaod onrolope UHY , Jo- BPU T. INMAN Station 'O" Now York. , The tlndlatrlotaof the Malay Peninsula are said to bo , without , exception , the richest in the world , ? f A'Gtiotl ' ftliuiy Failures. > < , During the year 1883 thoroiweroilO- > Q3 f uiturca in business In , the jjUnltod Hates and Canada. Some of these troro ) lg con'cbrna"'nrid'Bomo 'wcW' ' very anl&ll. failure ia'a'o'rrowfuTfcnslnoa'a to any nia'ti , ospoctally if ll , ' liii health that fatlii'A : croat many tirnoa. 10,563'people" ' 'fail In 111 , . . , . ) I ' - < JE ( tf. Ill f f iQalth , in the courao of tv year. , Many of might bo avod if , they would take Jrown'atlron , pHors } ( ( ho Vr'oftt1 1 lanilly mcdicluo and restorer of wasted _ alth. IChrlot'a hospital , iho' "second of Iho jlup'coat bpjs , Is to bo'Tomovod from jorjdpn Jt was1 founded by Edward Vi. ) .taondowiuon'ts ) , yielding 'an Hhnnal in- : omq of < K or § 25,000 , no'w'glW a 'frbo edbea'Uon'Vo 1,200 b'oys. tJhdor th'o'ro. ' ' organization , aboul ' doubTo tUo present lumber of 'p upih , arid girls 'oa well &a > oys , will ro'ibivp ' < 1 * r ) , f i- ' * f * --t ' . 'That Bllta Jones is a nice looking girl anHaho " ' ? , , , , ' 'jTos , and sho'db0 , the .bollo of , the ownif It wnin't , for one , thing. " . ' VNVhat'a that ? " , , . , , , . , / ' hohos cstarjh BO , baa it IB unploas- an to ba near , her. Sl\o has , tried a doz en things and nothing holpa her. J ani oriy , for I like her , but that doesn't nako It any leaa disagrocablo for ono to o bo around her. " , Now If aho had used Dr. Ssgo'a Oat- atrh Rsmedy there wonld , have been nothing of the kind said , for It will cure atarrli every time. , " SCMMX&T , PHOTOGRAPHER ! No. 220Main St , Council Bluffs , Open Sunday. Flrtt-clas ; uork guaianlceU. No. 607'Broadway ' Council Blnffii. Railway Time Table. ' COUNCIL ' 'BLUFFS. " r * . j 'r 3 it * tfht followjng ( re the tlmei ol the arrival , and. da- lattaro ot tralna by'oeatr&l standard time , at the ocaldcpoti. Tialnaloavo transfer depot ten min utes earlier and arrive ten mlnnteaUtcr. , : , T sioioo 0.25AM Hall Jnd Express 0 0'r M 2d : r u Accommodation 1 ' 0 r M 6.80 v M Exprcea ' - ' \ 0,05 A M' amcAaO 'AUD iocs Isuiiir. J I J5 A v " trail anUBjtprosa ' > > . .0 6S r M 25 A M - Accotnmodattgn , & .15 r M , t si Kxprci ? B:00 : A M r ontoAoo , uii-WiOKii iin ) ur. ritt. 0 20x M lla 1 and Express B 60 ! M 5 25 M Evrtfbsf"9 , 05 A n CDIOAaO , BDHUKOrOHAHD QDIUCT. 0 50 * M Mall and Evprces 7,10 r M LJ.30 r M AcconinioiJatlOn S 00 r M 9 50 A M . 8T. fcOBIS AND FACIflO. Froin'Traiisfer oiilj. 1 SO i M St.Toutf Express 2,15 r M 7HO i > > i CbloirfoExpvlaPcorla . 0.10 A M KAKSia CITT , 01. JQS iKD OUBOlL BLOm. lO.Wi A M % Mall arid Exproas ( HO i' M c8.15 ! si liiprees ' , fl,25 A M CIODI era AMD r-inrjc , , 7 20 A M ll tl for Sioux City 6 50 r t ( 7.80 r M ExproeB for St Paul 8 50 A u > t'MON ' JAQIPIC. 11.00A u lJD cr Kxnrcss 4 V" I' M 1:06 f v - Lincoln Pan O'n & n V 4 35 r M 7:58 : v M Overland ) irrtflif. 8.30 A M HUMMT TIUIVH TO OMAIIA. ' Bluffi 7fl5 8lbu-5 sd-lO'SO t \o' Council ! - - Jl ; 0-x , m. 1SO : ? ,30-80-4'8-e6-B.25- : : 11U5 p. fi. Leave Omaha-e.40 7.8C e(0 : ( 100 : -11:15 : fcUtq 11502.03S.CIJtO4.tB6:65 : b ARQHITEOTS > 0 * < J " , * ; ; " CONTRAOTlDRa . . > ' 'ANU'-BUILDBRS No. ' 20f VPpoV Broad fyj OonncllBlufft. j . .vidJJ uC . * r 3 I ' * " A orihf"tiutorf'rtadTA4 Wlifcoat iki Over Ibirtrjnri vir xUo l ii rit U ML * ( a I , Pearl Itrtel , Coandl BlaUt. ( ' - " - 1 v - J Hi Shorradon - tiENTiST , Masonic Temple , Oonnoll Blnftf low * ruoo , urritam HI nrent BANKERS. Ooanell Elaffi , . . . Ui ' - 1856 In ONLY HOTEL IN COUNCIL ULVVFS. . HAVING A 1'IKU IJSOAl'B , And al'l ntc > 3erri rMprov menU , will1 belu , fin alarm bellr , btd. , it tbe GREENHOUSE Nos. 21B , ' . ' 17 anJ 2W , Main Stroet. MAX MOim , - - PRKOOPRIi : , ijTTi. } ; ! ) r \ " -t g = = a YOUNG MEN i ' . Who Iwvo trilled nwny their youthful vigor mid power- Who nml losses. W h o urovvonk , IMPOTENT , mid unlit for mar ! ringe.M fl J"ai ofillngcs\\liotlnd : their [ UI I" fU power mill vital ity , > "l tt-lluorvo ainKSHX- U AL STKKNOT.U } , wouVcneil , whether ty-KXCKSSorcarlylmblts CAN n"U'i\e positive & lastIng - Ing CO5RE. NO mutter of how long Rtnimlng your case inny bn , br \v ho Iii3 : f ulloil to euro you , ffy u f e\v wcuksor | nonUi , use o , { the celpbni- teii Myrtloain Troatmoht. At helm * , nlUuiiit c.xpostno , In less . . , , , , , . , timemul for LKSS money thnnlihy other inolhoil In Mio'world. . "AVcak baric , Ilqaitnchc.ijMTSSIONS , ln sltiule , loss ot * l r\ii \ nml nmbitlon , cloofny Uioughts , drcnilhil ilrcnuis , tlcfeothv memory , lmpotonco,1'HniuilnnuulsitQJiiiirrliipo ) , bpllc 'iy nnd innny other pyinptonn , iii' , Jo , Consiimptipp ami insanity , are promptly removed by MARRlfrlENMbMENABOUfTOMflRRY REMEMBER . ) ; , , EUFHCT SKJCUAT/Stltl feTlt > H2ANS ; lioalthv and vigorous otfsprlnp , otis life and the Idvtf nmCrcfepccVof n faithful \ \ ife. No mau should wver marry vho , bavo been cullty ofidarly hulcscrctlons. until lie has been restored to PKU- i.tC'r/MANIIOOD. ! i WJQ i guaranWo.n'pcrmahent ' cure In'cvory cas6 tmdcrtnltcii. i Seiul2'Btunp&lortretvtUo ' ! with proofs mul testimonials. AUdicss The Climax Medical Co , St. Louis , Mo. Tuis Cur SnonH.A SnoiONA Vinw or OCR Polar , Dry Air 'Scif-Ventilating HARD WOOD' * Sr nuaclnroJ ( In the m'ofl iicrfcvk m hner from kUn-ilry oak lumbertcharcoiU filled , MHO llnpd , ( fnhanlcd Iron phihcs , h nd- toreMyrtinflcdnndVUslRncd lor'tltosanta cl o clnjuil traimimt trtiuv tbo bent goodi that ran bo n ade , t < P rtloa Mishlu ? dpcclol elzoa ran Save from 15 to 20 Per Ccnj rj' piacine ordord now. ' IY 1409and 1411 Dodge St. { Ca KOmatia Ne- m . . > JjlC.1' Wish to atoriioqiice1 th fe tb0yh ; ye , irom this time .maiie jio-TO , ' ALUfHO-OJDS andmll for the next60 da s , make"a'reduction' o f 10 per cent. * / t , , a < T , , , * Overcoats , Suits - and " Pants' ' wejUl , Jiia < Ie and sure , tit. 'No v is the/time to &uy. GOOD ; CLOTHES A3'A. A t l p. * " \V. A it GIDHOS ; $ n ; HEAVY HARDWARE Solicit , the ttfentjoq , of cash apd' JDrpm t lime buyers. Will duplicate eastern wholesale prices , adding freight to Omaha , * * - * * * - * tf" * < j / ' * " WHOLKSALS BY 101 Jones BtiOBt' } < .48K FOB BKDcnoas " ' I tin \ . Ol 'I < II I /f T in * J . " J I M O DOLTE , ORNAMEIITnL GALVJ Ull , TfUlow O > ptUoDOMiair | [ , UcUUJo Iky-llgblr , he , Tlr , Iio > Bd. .i U UI aUillU > itii l Offi > b MtbiMU ,