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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE-CjpUNOlL BLUFFS THURSDAY , APKL 2 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , Thursday Morning ) April 2 , SUBSCRIPTION RATES , . . . otnia week Bf Carrlei - - - -80 p By UaU - - - - . . . - 110.00 pet you urnoni No. 13 Ponrl Street. THE BUSY BEE. H Gets n IjarRor ami Bolter lllvo nml Makes Other Necdotl Improvements. THE BEE'S bualuoss in Council Blnffa has grown rapidly and steadily , necessi tating various changes for the better , The chief change of late Is the removal into larger nnd octter quarters. The old rooms at No. 7 Pearl street have boon forsaken , and the BEE can now bo found in its now building , No. 12 Pearl street , nearly opposite the old quarters , and in a few days the furnishing ) and fitlinga will bo Cniaho4 making as complete a newspaper office add job rooms as there ara in the city. The establishment has a frontage of twenty foot and n depth ol eighty feet , with basement of same slza. With now floors , now front , and freshly paiatcd andjpaporcd throughout , thoBuE'a now quarter. ! are all that could bn do- slrod. Three years ngo THE BEG had a little room on the second floor , In a Broadway block , scantily furnished , while a corre spondent and two or three carrier boys composed the force. Ono Council Bluffs advertisement looked lonesome enough in its columns. TUB BEE has grown greatly alnco then. The public appreci ates evidently a real newspaper , nnd business men have by actual tests proved to their onn satisfaction that THE BEE Is the best advertising medium In the west , so that while the subscription Hat is larger than any other paper in this city , the advertising space is In increasing demand among wldo-awako Council Bluffs merchants. The BEE'S job department , of which Mr. P. M Pryor Is the proprietor , has also boon kept busy and growing. Its facilities have been doubled the past , yo&r , and all the material is now and of the latest and best , so that for fine com morclal printing no oflico can oxcoll It , Now styles of typo nnd now matoiial are being added monthly In accordance with the policy followed over slnco the opening of thla office , so that patrons are Ivon a ohanco to got the very best and the very latest styles , and special atten tion Is given to clean , tasty work , while prices will always bo as low as they can bo made anywhere on first-class work. THE BEE now gives employment to seventeen persons In Ooancll Bluffa. Its papers are purchased and its advertising spaoo leased by H. W. Tilton , and all connected with the Council Bluffa office have resided hero for several > oars , and their Interesta are all identified with the the interests of the city. Among the minor Improvements in the office is the addition of a Remington typo-writer for editorial and reportorial uso. Other additions are contemplated , so that there may bo no lack of conven iences or facilities for transacting the in creasing business and accommodating the public. THE BEE has confidence In Council Bluffa' future , and has planted Itself hero not only to stay but te grow with the city , and Council BlnflV best interests will always bo advocated In its columns. MINOR MENTION , Easter cards at Baahnoll'a. Suporviaor Avery is patting np a neat little Iron truss bridge at Eliot street. Fainted Easier Eggs at BuBlmell'a. Thin afternoon la the tlmo iot for the weekly nioetlnga of the council commit' fer lC09. Walnnt woshstand bureaus from $4.50 upward , at A. J. Mandol'fl , 325 Broad way. Cooking stoves , tinware , crockery , glassware- and cutlery at vary loir prices at Mandol'a. Mandormakora & Van hare boon doing some excellent work in the carpentering line , In and about the BEE'S new office. Aq amateur dramatic club has boon or ganized hero. The first play to bo pre sented Is"0n Deck , " not a euchre dock , either. An Easter tea party by the "Women's Exchange" will bo entertained next Tuesday ovonlng , April 7. Particulars given again. The locks on the doorj of the gambling houses are caid to bo getting locasned a littlo. A few gamoi ara said to bo played on the quiet , but qulto qnlot. Q. T. B.OV. Dr. Fribeo , pastor of the Congre gational church In Dos Moiacs , will lec ture In the Congregational church hero next Tuesday evening on "My Trip to Alaska. " i The toaohora and officers of the Con- grogatlonal Sunday school are to bo en tertained this evening at the h&mo of Dan A. Judd , the superintendent of the school. It Is generally conceded that the now buildings of the institution for tbo deaf and dumb are the beat putllo buildings for the money expended , that were over erected iu Iowa. The comoilsBlonora bavo been sam- monod to examine ) nto the case of John Moss , of Oreicont , who Is said to bo In sane. Ho lately had tome trouble with his family , nd this la thought to have developed the difficulty. The old clothing , rjgs and rubblib , which have cluttered np the .city j ll , were yesterday raked out and pat into a boa fire. Whether this nil ! diminish the number of vermin or not remains to be sein. Persons doslrooa of attending , In on- tumo , tbo m que carnival at the roller rink next Wednesday evening , are re quested to apply at the- rink for an invi tation. All objecticntble persons and characters will be rtfucod-tdmUtnro. Strock , who IB J. Y. Fuller's confidon Ual clerV , was yesterday handed a tele gram stating that wheat wa rapidly ad vancing , and some matvtlloai changes wore taking ; place in the markets. He made a rush for the office in hot haate and soon discovered tbat the ttlegta-n waa signed "Chump , " April 1st , and willed. A lady , a slrangsr in the city , who is a wonderfully fast skater , Is hero now , and Manager Schank is trying to find loraoono who will enter a contest with her , but thni far has not succeeded , thoio who are speedy on rollers seeming a little afraid of the " /air unknown. " Now that Council Bluffs begins on IU building boom , these who are contem plating making improvements would do well to Interview Mandormakors & Van , and get plans , specifications and prices from them. They are experienced men in all kinds of building , and these secur ing their services can real assured of get ting the very best work for the very losst money. 1. E. Seaman yesterday closed up hla business hero and will , the first of May , move with his family to Now York city , whore ho will ougago in the stationery business , handling chiefly office station ery. Mr. Seaman has boon engaged in business hero for yoats , and has boon ono of the foremost citizens , and It Is to bo regretted that ho and his are to leave Council Bluffs. In the United States Court yesterday the case of Davis vi. the 0. , & N. W. Cy. , came to a cloio. The jury was out about an hour and returned D verdict in favor of the defendant. Davis Is a boy who lost both legs at the Northwestern depot hero , the train backing up , while ho was playing about the depot. It was claimed that the company waa negligent , and on the other hand that the boy was a trespasser. Dr. S. Moshor , of the Sioux Oty Chronic Disease Institute , will bo at the Scott house In this city , Thursday , April 2d. Will attend to patients and all who are sfillcted will do well to give him a call. Consultation free. PEUbONAL/ / . Mies Kennedy , of Omaha , Is visiting friends boro. boro.W. W. B. Williams , of Philadelphia , waa at the Ogden yesterday. Edward Fuller , late with J. R. Dayidson , yesterday started in With J. Mueller , Shirley Gilhland , of Glenwood , waa vis ible on the streets of Council Binds yes terday. Mrs , Dr. Montgomery is reported Improv ing somewhat. She has had a long nnd seri ous illness. J. F. Williams , of Glonwood , ono of the biggest of Mills county's big men , was in the city yesterday , S. II. Duggan , of Oroston , superintendent of the O. B. & Q , was In the city yester day , in company with John Allison , also of Creston , Chancellor Ross , of the law school of the Iowa state university , at Iowa City , is in the city , greeting and beinp greeted heartily by many old friends hero , ho having resided here for years , Hon. B , F. Clayton , who has boon serving on Uncle Sam's jury , left last evening for Dea Moines , on business for the institution for the deaf and dumb , of which he is ono of bhe trustees. Spring goods for suitings are Noreno & Landatrom's , No , 505 Main street. In spect on Invited. Prices and quality equal to any in the city. Hayes Hot. Capt. Hayes Is quite wrathy about his arrest as a vagrant , and ho denies tbo charges made against his character. His case has been continued until Friday afternoon , and ho Bays that ho will hove witnesses to prove that ho is anything but a vagrant. In regard to the woman whom ho Is raid to bo so Intimate with , ho refers to persons who stand well here , and who say tint she is a hardworking woman , and as far as they know , f rem their having her work in their families , she Is not a bad woman. Ho also refers to 0. H. Bain , an attorney at Ainsworth , Nob. , whom ho claims has Instructions to collect all rents duo from Capt. ffayea' property there , amounting to § 50 a month , and turn It over to Mrs. Hayes and the children , and claims that ho has given Bain power of attorney to sell the property , valued at § 1,000 , and after paying off the mortgage of § 000 and some small .bills , turn the rest over to the family. Hayes thus claims tbat ho is caring for lis family. Under his own ttstement It ceoms that ho is not acting In all re spects as a man should who Is married md has a family , bat admitting. his faults 10 proposes to show that ho is no com mon "vag. " Painti and art goods at coat at Bush- noil's. ' Ilcml hstato. The following is a list of real estate transfers filed In the recorder's office of Pottawottamlo county , Iowa , as 'nmlshod by A. J. Stephenson , abstrac tor , real estate and loan agent , Coanoll Blufff , Iowa , April 1 , 1885 : Nathanlal Rookhold to John Vanklrk , s o J n o i , 32 , 74 , 41 8880. Mary Wallace to Henry Miller , part lot 20 , origins ! plat $914. Wm. H. Dolahoyde , gaardlan , to Thos. McDonald , lot 3 , block 4 , Jndson's first add to Noola 885. Thomas McDonald to EH Viokery , lot 3 , block 4 , Judton'a first add to Neola 890.J. . J. S. Davii to George E. McMohon , part H w \ n w \ , 31 , 70 , 41 845. Total sales , § 2,014. Ilia Fingers. Brooks Woolaey , who Is In the employ of the C. M. & St. Paul , mot with a se rious accident in tha company's ' yards Tuesday evening. While making n coup ling his left hand was caught , and the first three fingers mangled. The first and aeoond fiugers were so Injured that , If > ayed , they will doubtless always bo stiff- jointed , while the third finger is entirely gone. The unfortnra'o rnan Is a brother of Taylor Woolaey , the Broadway restarj. rant man , A blight Hcoroli , Yesterday at 1:10 : Bruce Howe discov ered a fire on Scott street , and turned In tbo alarm , The blaze proved to bo iu L. Orockwell'a reildence , and it was pat oat by the uie of buckets. The fire was caused by a defective flue , and qalto A hole waa burned in the roof , tbo damage amounting to about 8100 , fully covered by Insuranca. A "VAIL "OF TEARS. A. Iilttlo Town Wlh Moro Thnn Us Slinro of BR | Scnifttlons , The HttJo town of Vail la Crawford county , had last week more than Its elmro of Bonaatlonal oronts , M thus related by the corroapondontof ) ( ho Crawford county Bnllotln. Vail had a surfeit of sensations the early part of tills wook. On Monday ovonlng Mrs. Emma Roack , the wife ol ThoB. Itoack , was found on the floor 11 an upper room of her residence dead , having gene up stairs only n short tlmo before appa ontly in good health. The town was full of nil kinds of rumors as to the cause spmo of them absurd nnd disgusting enough but the result of the inquest hold on Tuesday soomcd to establish beyond a doubt that her death resulted from strychnine poisoning , and although the coroner's jury Wis non-committed aa to whothnr It was snlctdo or not , there seems to bo little doubt that it was. The deceased was a fine looking woman , the perfection of physical health , of a lively jovial temperament , and devoted to her husband and two children apparently the last one to giro way to despair and sulcldo. At the tame time Monday ovonlng when the town was full of excitement over the death of Mrs. Rourk , there came the additional excitement of another at tempted aulcldo. This tlmo it was a young man named McQlnnla a bar.ten der at Moneyli au's saloon. After lying out the ' ' " for tlmo by 'pound" aomo appar ently intoxicated , ho got np , and get ting on the railroad irack , laid his head on a rail , awaiting an approaching train ; being forced array lip tried to pul an end to his life by striking his head against a wall. At last accounts ho was getting along all right and It wai proba bly a case ot alcoholism. Died on Monday night after a very short Ulneac , Mrs. A. D. Young , the rlfo of ex-Mayor Young , of Vail. The deceased , although not in very good health was well enough to walk out on the street on Sunday afternoon , and her sudden death was a shock to the com munity even after the exciting events that had just occurred. In the Slouch or Despond. For the past week Donlson has been aa dry as a circus joke. Men have boon promenading our streets with their mouths pulled down and tied In a bean knot under their chins. Prohibitionists who don't drink , but who worry down a gallon or two of whisky pec week for their health , are now sand-papering their stomachs to keep up the illusion , There is an aching void caressed by the floating ribs and bounded on the notth by a liver- pad. The crisis of July Fourth wat an ticipated and men with comfortable col lars could proudly eay : "So far as I am concerned It makes no difference how rigidly the law Is enforced ! " But the avalanche from the supreme court swooped down like a hungry boy on a baked peanut , and the family vinegar jugs now look as sad and lonesome as a dndo In a cattle ranch. Crawford County Ballotln. IOWA ITEMS. Temperance billiard halls are the latest In Oroston , Fred Jones tackled the rollers In Dubuque - buquo and went home with a broken leg. More building permits were Issued dur ing March in Burlington than any month on record. Farmers In the vicinity of Emmet are preparing to sow a largely Increased acre age of flax this spring. On the morning of tljo 2Qth nit. fire de stroyed nine buildings in Guthrlo Center , among them two hotels. A company with a capital of $150,000 baabeen organized to connect Davenport and Rock Island by street railway. The prohibition hank swooped down on the Bawman brewery at Marahalltown and confiscated 250 barrels of beor. Charles Robinson , a Dabuquo carpen ter , was instantly killed on the 20th nit. by the caving walls of a foundation exca vation. Pocahontas county is endeavoring to plan a compreheneive drainage system 'or that county. Many thousand acraa would be redeemed. Mrs. J. Christ came into Burlington with her G-months-old Infant , and while engaged in trading at a shoestoro the 3 by died In Us mother's arms. Employes of the Cedar Rapids and Northern railway will buy a pair of arti. jcial arms for Fireman Davidson , who lott both arms under a locomotive at Traor several months ago. Burglars entered the retidoncecf Peter Knechta , at Orotton , on Tueeday night , whera they ecorod a winning of § 107 out of a possible $000 that lay within their roach. They were evidently amateun at the business , and will Improve on this In formation and luture oxperlenco. Twenty-eight industrious Italian la borers wont out on the Fontanello exten sion of the Chicago , Burlington & Qainoy railway for work , where they were met by an Irish mob of honest laboring men , who ran the heathen out of town. On returning to Creaton , In a penniless con dition , they were fed by the authorities and forwarded to Omaha as freight. TRAINING FOK THE FIGHT. Sullivan Tosses A Newfoundland Dog and Boats Bla Trainer in a Walking Match. Now York Sun , The loungers who sat dczlng around the big hot srovo in the bar-room of Reub Sand's Indian Rock hotel this afternoon were startled when they hoard the yelp of a big Newfoundland dog that lay tprawllng in the road. John L SnlKvan , who had stepped on the porch of the hotel a moment before , was mot by the dog , who acted threateningly. Sul livan , with a movement as quick as a flash , caught tbo animal by the napa of the neck and flung it into tbo road as easily as ho would have flung a kitten. Then the boxer sauntered into the bar room and dropped easily into a chair near a round table on which lay some newspapers , Sullivan picked up one and began to road , while the loungers stared at the new-comer without knowing who ho was , The bar tender stood like a statue be * bind the bar aid kept his eyes on the stranger , who did not lift bis eyes from the p por. Two minutes later Prof. Klxey , one of Sullivan's tialnors , who had started oat at 1 o'clock ftom Rnnz' paik with ( he boxer , came limping in , and raid : "I say , Sullivan , I'm done up. " In five mlnnteis all the stablemen nd everybody about the plies had crowded Into the room nnd stood looking at Snl- Iran. Sullivan had led the trainer a lively chf > SB of five miles through the park. On thohomo stretch Sullivan ran about throe miles , and joqgod into Koiu's park with his face purple from the sbarp southeast wind. Pataoy Sheppard mot Sullivan on the porch of Rone's bar room , and , look ing worried , asked him : "What did you do with Nlxoy ? " Sullivan langhod and sild : "Ho'a coming along , tlo's about at th falls of Schuylkill now. " Sheppard took Sullivan up stair * to his room , Nlxoy , walking a little lame , nr > rived a quarter of an hour later. When ho got to Sullivan's sleeping room ho complained of being very sore iu the joints of his logs. McCaffrey walks principally up and down Broad , street , flo minus at day light and goes to bed promptly at 8 o'clock. Alf Lunt , his trainer , eays that ho is easy to handle , nnd that ho Is In magnificent condition , only a trlllo too fat. Ho walked twenty miles to-day. Tomorrow row ho intends punching football sus pended by n rope from tliu rafters of Punch Bowl barn. This afternoon ho wont out into the barnyard , and catching a plump chicken , wrung Its nook In a jiffy. Carrying the hoadlcaa fowl into the bar room , ho told Billy May that ho wanted the chicken broiled for his dinner. An hnr later ho had eaten it nil and polished the bone ; . BothMcCaflrey and Sullivan will march Into town to-morrow to take a Turkish bath. Sullivan will begin hammering a suspended foot-ball In the pavilion ol Ronz" hotel. Tommy Boguo , Sullivan's moat Intimate friend , arrived from Boston , and will remain with him tmtll after the fight. Traveling men complain that inaugura tion week and its excitements ruined their business throughout the south for the first two weeks in March. COMMEIlClAIj , COUNCIL BLUFFS MA.CKET. Wheat No. 1 milling , 65 } No. 2 , CO , No. 3 , 0. Cora Now , 28c. Data For local purposes , 23c. Hey 85 00@G 50 per ton ; baled , CO@GO. Kyo 35o. Com Meal 1 30 per 100 ponnda. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00 ® 6 50. 50.Coal Coal Delivered , tuu-d , 9 CO pot ton ; Bott 4 0 per ton Lard Falrbank'o , wholesaling at 9Jc , Flour City flour , 160@2 90. Brooms 2 95@g 00 per doz , UVJi STOCK. Cattle Butcher cows 3 263 75 , Batcher itoers , 3 76(34 ( 00. Sheep 2 503 CO , Hogs-4 00@4 25. FBODCOB AND rBUITB. Poultry Live chickens , per doz. 3 00 ; live turkeys , 9a per Ib. Bntter Creamery , 25@28o ; choice country 16@18o. Eggs lOc pot dozen. Vegetables Potatoes , 15@50o per bushel ; onions , 75o per bu ; apples , choice cooking or eating , 3 50 ; beans , 1 00@1 50 per bushel. Oranges Florida , 4 00 per box ; California , 2.50 per box. Lemons 4 60@6 00 oar box A. J. MILLER , ( COLORED ) Hair Cutting and Shaving. This is an Equal Rights Shop GIG Broadway , Council Bluffs THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD TYPEWRITER NO. 2 , Is the Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With cnly 3D keys to learn a operate. It prints 70 characters Including caps and email letters , punctuations , figures , signs and fractions. It s the simplest and most rapid writing machine madeas / well as the most durable or free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict , Chicago , 111. , Solo Agents. 0. H. SHOLES , Council Bluffa Agent for Western Iowa F. H. OncnxT. S. T. FBENCU I. M. TltETNOB. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. SUCCESSORS 10 Casady0rcutt& ; French 405 Broadway Council Biufis } Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Mattings , Linoleums , Oil Cloths and Upholstery , Mail Orders Carefully Filled ! COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET GO. B , Bice M. D. n i vnpnn or Ui luun in > r4 wllhort Ib CHRONIC DISEASES * " " " * * w Or tbtrtf jrtan practical iyulUt MM * * t , Parl itrMt , Ooond4 Mtttt , ( IK. SPECIAL NOTICES' NOTICE. Sptdal a rorllMmenti , ma M Loll , Found , To Loan , For 8a1 , To Rent , Wanti , Board * tog , to. , will tx Inserted In thli oolnmn ak th low fate ol TEN CENTS 1'KU LINK ( or the flril Insertion md rm CENTO PER LINK ( or etch ratftoqaeut trtlon. toura adrertlMmenti at oar offlot , No. Pearl Street , near Broadtrav f WANTB , FOH SALK. Tlilj week , my Insurance agency , aoodtoima. I am leading city. J W IXROKR. FOR SAtF. . .other hotel In n Ivu Nobriukn town , now doing a builncss r ( about 83to per month. No other hotel In the placo. Terms liberal. SWAV & WJUKKR T OK SALE OH TUAI1E8iO acres ol land In JL1 Wayne county , Mo. Will trajo lor Council BluHs city property er soil cheap for cash , or tart time. SWAN& WALRKR \VAMlti 1O TrtAUN. uood Iowa or Nebraska M land lor a small stock olhardniro or general merchandise n ell located. 8wA\.t WAIKKB. Ij Ull SuLfc A rare chance to pet Hue , well Imf - f pro\cd farm of 400 notes , within a few tulles of Counoll Bluffs , at a bargain. Low prlco and easy terms. bWAN & WALRKR FOU SALB A ROCK ! paj Ing hotel property with llyory eUblo , In ouo ol the beet small towns In western Iowa will eell with or without furniture , or will tiade for a email farm with nock etc. ' SWAS&JVAI.KSII. l/OIt SALE Klgh'ty acres unlmi > ro\cd lard In L1 Union countv , Iowa , 3J miles south cast of Af ton , the oouuty scat , or will trade for NobraeU or Kansas land. SWAN i WALKKB. Ij Oll SALE A 2u aero tract of good Uiul atwu JL1 ono and n half ullcs from Council ll'uflt ' toe ninco. at a bargain. SWAI & WAIKKR i .MM MALK In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acres JL' grass land , all under fence a 100 n-ro farm with line Improvements , all under cultnutlon oxccp 20 acres gra983 acres good gross or pasture land and 80\ oral other tracts of from 40 to 160 acres o unluiproi cd land. SWAN & WALKRR. FOlt SALE Lands Improved aad unimproved If you want o farm In western Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , lotus hotr from you. SWAN & WALKER. IpOll SALE A largo number ol business and real 1 deuce lots In all parts of Council lllufU See us before JQU buy , SWAN A WALKXR. I0ll 8ALB Parties wishing to buy .cheap lota to L' build on can buy on monthly pav merits ot from ? 2 to glQ SWAN & WALKER 1 7 < OIl UKNl Wow ill rent you n lot to build on 1 with the prlvllago to buy If jou wish oncry liberal term" . SWAN & WAI.KKB. WAN'IKD lo correspond with any onn wlshmgn good locttlon f jt { lannlng mill , eash , door and blind manufactory , wo liavo bulldlnir nm machinery , well located , for sale , lca < to or trade ; SWAV&WALKKU. FOlt KENT Largo two btory frame building suit nblo lor warehouse or etorago purposes , near railroad depot. SWAN WALKKH. F6 U HEM' till SAlr , iiu.ijig : and grounds eultaHe for snail foundiy and * machine shop Good boiler , engine , cupola , blower with flicd ehalt- Ing etc. , ready toput In motion , SWAV WALKER , ll SALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. J. Stophonyon , 603 tlrst avenue. IjMJtt BALE A top-buggy , Bm-tUBj make and JL1 In excellent condition. Or n 111 trade ( or cheap iot. Addrcea e. H. Bee oQlco , Counoll BluTs. COAL AN1 > WOOD Uourgo Ileaton , aa Bro d < way. sells coal and wood at reasonable prices gives 2ooo Ibs. for a ton , and 123 cubic lor a cord , Try him. W'ANTKO Kvery ooayin Uouncll Bluns o lake TniBii. Delivered by carrier at only twenty cants a woek. r\lL ) PAPEHS For gals at B offioo , at S6 oontt a hundred VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR RENT , I hav o a doubU store bull Jlng.10 rooms.partltlonod off , elegantly papered , supplied with water from the water works , good brick cellar , sultol for restaurant , laundry , boardkg house , mcrchintllo business or resident property. Also a largo two-story frame dwelling with 10 rooms two cellars , etc. , etc. , Butted for boarding house , private residence , hospital , cto , opposite the city bulldlncs and city market for rent cheap. W. It. VAOGIIAN. J. L. DzBEVOISE. No. 507 Broadway Council Bluffs. Railway Time Table , Corrected to January 7,1SS5. OODNOIL BLUFFS. The following are tbo times of the arrival and de parture of trains by central standard time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln- atea earlier and arrive ton minutes later , cmoiao , BuaiJHaroN un > QUIXGT. tliVK. JIBUTI. 535 pm Chicago Express 0:00 : am 0iO : m Fast UaU. T:00 : p a > ISlSO p m Accommodation. SiOO p m "At local depot only. Z1K&U CUT , ST. JOI AHD OOUHOIL ILUm. 10:05 : a m Mall and Eiproas , 6.25 p m 8115pm PadfloExpress , 0:55 : pro cmoAao , MiLwicKo AHD si. rtm. I'M p m Express , 0:05 : a m S:2i : a m Express , 0:60 : p m CmOAOO , I CE ISLAND AHD rACTTIO. 5:25 : p m Atlantic Express , 0:05 : a m 9:25 : a m Day Express O.M p m 1120 a m 'Dea Uolnes Accommodation , Oils p m At local depot only. VABUn , HI. LOOTS AHD PACIFIC. 5:10 p m 0:00 : a m 1:50 : p m Louis Express 2:15 : p m At Transfer only tmOAOOand ( lOETOWUTU * . 5:50 : p m Express , 0:60 : p m Bl Sam Faclflo Express 0:06 : am CODI cnr AND FAcmo , Fiio p m St. Paul Express , 0:00 : a m H10 a in Day Express 7:00 : p m mnoH PACIFIC. 8:00 : p m Western Exprcsi , 8:30 : a m 11:00 : a m Tadflc Kijirusj , CiO p m 1SI10 a m Lincoln Express , 1:18 : p m "At Transfer only DUMMY TRAl.SS TO OUAIIA , Loa\o Council UlulTs 7:15 : 8:20 : 0.30-10:30 : 11:40 : a. m. 1:30-2:30-3:80-4:28-6:25-6:26 : : : : : : 11U5 p. in. Leave Omaha 8 40 7:51 : 1:50 : 10fO : 11:15 : 0. m. 12:50-2:03 : : 3:00-4:00-4:55 : : : 5:55 : llloo : m. JACOB SIMS , Attorney - ai-Law , COUNCIL BLUF1S , IOWA. Offlco , Male Street , Rooma 7 and 8 , Bhngart and lleuo block. Will practice In Slate and tate oourta. H. SOHURZ. Jistice of the Peace OTEK AMKKIOAH BXPRBS8 BLFFFS reFer For Rent The building known aathel'Blcallnf ; Rink" corner 6th Avenue and Pcatl street , will bo rented , alto gether or separately. Occupancy , April let. For luttlicr particular ) call on onJOHN DF.UESHEIM , Proililent Council Bluffa Savloga Dank MANDEMAKEES & VAF , ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No. 201 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs. COUNCIL BLUFFS Wholesale and Retail Dealer * la Hard Soft ana Blossburg O O . & . Ij. W. H. SIBLBY , Manager. Offloe , SS Main St. Yard , on 0. IV I. i' . and 0. U. ts. Bt f. Hallway , IK H J Hilton U. 0 , , , , . , , PHYSICIAN & SITRGEON , in UkAKi BMA Mr , OMota Blufl * . "MURDER MOST FOTO , " To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria DURING tbft laet flvo.T r there hai not betnadcath f torn diphtheria In any c e whcroDr. Thotui Jctterlt' pro\ entire and euro wai uied. 11 hw been the mcacg oJ laving thousand ! ol Htm. Iml putild or threat , In malignant scarlet lot or , changlne It In 48 hi urn to the simple lorm. la euro lor all InOamnutorUlccratht , Putild or CaUtrhal conditions , either ttitornal or extcrnil CUOLEKAl CttOLEKAl CHOLERA ! Dr. JclTotli'Cbolem Specific nlll airfli the dlfweln SO to (0 rrlMilfd. The Rector itcd fhla tnctl- cine during the lonrliilMUUonoltlN cholera In Cincinnati , St. Io l . nnd til Mong Itio MtolMlrol nivcr Mul its trlbuuilc ? , without losln ? ft case , In the } can'4 ! > , 'to , 'SI and ' & 2 It In rtVo infallible ij Clirlcriv Morbui , Cholern intAntmri , etc. Keep It on hand. You con rely upon It. Stnd lor It Price S2.0C Cholera "Comes aa a thltl In the night. ' D YS PEPSI A ! D YS PEPS I A ! D ) ( peptic , why live In misery and illo In despair with r/inccr of thostomichT Dr. Thomas JefTcrlt cum cry own of Indigestion and coistliwtlon In a very short tlmo. Dot of refeiencyR given by cltfrens < f Council BluQt and Omaha. Utspensla li tbo cause of ninety per cent of all diseased conditions. 1'rlco IJ for two weeks treatment , fti ! ' f5'ntej ' liHtruollons how to usothemcdlolnts sent with them. Nodtxstor required ; afcor.l nutm is ail that I nrceistry. lr. Jcflerl * ' remedies can only bo obtained at his olllco , No. S3 Bouth 8lh Strcit Cotini II Bluffs , Iowa. Or sent by express on receipt of pilco. NEW WHITE GRAPF Copyof apnrtofaphotoBrraph 111.11 18 III IB. UI1HI K of NIAGARA vine a , planted / ffA BU A 9 ' 378 , na It appeared Fall of S/G BlS S Sw Sk 1S3O with 63 clusters wolshlrs unl C i ir'y S i tfnl Q 26 Ibs. on 8 In. boarlng wood 1st. The Niagara ripens in fnvornblo seasons nt Lockport , Atir . JJOth , 2d. It navor drops from the stem If loft to hana : till frost cotnos , nnd improves in fl.iror the time. , 3d. It ia purely native , and therefore hardy. Has stood 35 degrees below ? ere wHliltit .njury. 4th.- > Bears a peed crop the Bd year nnd often the 2d. nnd is n , regular bonror , and no waste , us bunches are compact Never fails to ripen its crop aa the thick leathery folium holds oven to the base of the canes until frost kills it. fjth. Vinoyorda nro in bearing in various socti , ni from Georgia to the Northern Lakes and Canada , nnd from Kansas to tha Atlantic coast , there bcliip tnoro than 1,000 acres planted * ltlnn the lost fho years , nnd over 200 acres jvoro planted t Urocton , Chautaunua Co. , N. Y. last spring , (1884) ( ) : Jonas Martin nlono having 47 across the largest vineyard of Nlagans. beinff planted tt IHRhland , Ulster Co , N. Y. , by Sam'l Kogers , Ksn. , which contains of this ono variety , and ho has realized from 20 to 30 conta per pound for hla fruit , while Con cords grown In the sarao locality brought from to G cents only. . 0. All parties planting vineyards ha\o signed n contract to return nil the wood and cut ting every year back to the Company up to , and including 1888 ; BO it lus b jon the solo ownoroE * * v * > v u wuw VW * VMHU EViift v vaiu XJ WlllJUjr MliVUUilUVJi it LIU UVUftV VlIIU UlMV seal attached , bearing thoimnrcsaion of the Company's registered trade mark. 7th. Wo now offer for the first time , strong 2 year old vines nt retail nt $2 00 each with out restrictions , to ba delivered en and niter March 1st , 1885. WELLS COOK , Council Bluffs , Bowa. II vlng accepted ppotntment rt ipecla ! age nt forthe NIAOA1U WHITE OIUPECO.'fnr Ioav.i-dNo- ( kfasa.alam naw prepared to promptly delUer "iNlAOAUA"lues under tbo UoRlstcrcJ Trade Mark Seal the Ccmpanj. Keep Dorsee and Mules constantly on hand wala wo will eoll In retail or carload lota. All Stock Warranted as Reuresentel iHill fiokrp 1i Orolr rnl Inlcc1 liny. Price sonable Batlefactlon Guaranteed. Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. OouncllBlntla. AGE3STS WANTEB. Drs. Judd & Smith's Ne\7 Improved Electric Belt , NO. 30 FOURTH ST. , COUNCIL BLUFF3 , IOWA ; 726 ELU ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; and IT. WAYNE , IND IT POSITIVtLY CURES Kidney and Liver Complaint , Drlsht'd Dhoa . Kbciiiiatlam , Noura'sla Dyspepsia , Ncnonsnesa WtetlnR Wcaknosa , Paralysis , Spinal Alleotlons , Indlgeatlou , Heart Disoani , Fits Ueodach , Lame liack , Co'd Feet , and all diseases requiring Inoroaaod motive powers. Now fuipruved a fa and 15 ; old Btjle 82 each. AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , . - - Council Bluffs. THE ONLY ALL NIGHT IlOEBK IN THE cur. Everything served in first clasa style nnd oil short notice , llot and cold luurhes always ready. Boo Paiuting aud lepairirg. All \vodi guaranteed to'give snt sfaclii 11. 302 N. 7th Street , GEO. SMITH SON . , COUNCIL BLUFFS. e While closing out my notionswill sell all hair goods nt 25 per coat discount , SCO Switches 00 Waves , Bangs , etc. , to sacrifice , Custom work carefully attended t . MllS. D. A. BENEDICT 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. IrM. . FIELD , W. C. ESTEP Field & Estep , UNDERTAKERS No. 317 Broadway , Council Blufld , Iowa. Calls Attended Promptly , Day nnd Night , Particular attention given to Embalming Telephone No. 07. S'1 GUEST W FOR EVERYBODY AT TRADE PRICES. House Painter's Tools For Sale Very Cheap , O. A. BENEDICT , 837 Broadwny. Council Blnffa SMITH it TOLLKK , ACTS. LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 0 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. I W. P. YLSWORTH , HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick bnildinga of any size rnited or moved qnd Bnthfaction guaranteed. Frwno houi moved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , tha best In the world. W. P. AYLSWOHTJI. 1010 Ninth Street , Council liluffs. nice , vmcnu w , a. o. rcui OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Ooindl IHnJf * . Established - - 1858 Pal n In Tottlfo ui DtauUl Euhup Ul 0 M B CttiU < * 4 Dr , W. H. Shorradoa DENTIST , Masonic Tempte , CoonoU Blofli low * .