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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE IHURSDAY , APRIL 2. 1885. THE WORKING MEN. Laborers and Borny-Hanileil Meet in CflDTCDlioD ani Nominate a Met , Murphy Endorsed Amid a Whirl of Enthusiasm ! "NoUfio for Galling Guns , " Full Account of the Proceed I ngi , At 7 o'clock laat evening the city council roam was packed \vith men \vho crowded ono npon another for standing room to witness the proceedings of the worklngmons' convention , called for the mmlnatlon of candidates for city offices A17MO o'clock Mr. McGinn called older and proceeded to road the call ibllshod. Ed. Asponwall was made tcmparary chairman , and James Lynch temporary secretary. A motion was made to have the con vention move to the ' Academy of Music , but after much wrangling and n pta'n effort to got cantrol of the convon- tun by parsons who figured throughout the subsequent proceedings , the conven tion by a lugo majority refuacd to go ts the Academy of Mtnlc , eajing tbnt it WBI a job. Iho house waa jammed with outsider * , and n long scene of confusion and dla- order ensued , which becimo almoat in tolerable , when oflicora wore called on to make the "lobby , " who were outvoting the delegates , go outside. A committee on credentials consisting of Brown , Allen , Trott , Tracy , Young nnd Slmpaon was appointed , and with a largo bundle of paptra of credentials loft the hall. A. motion was put debarring any man who bad boon n participant In cither the democratic , citizens' or republican con vention from a teat In this convention. Upon this motion n scene of noito oaa confusion followed that need not bo do- Bcribed. Thn matter , after long and lend talking , wai quieted by laying aside the whole queatlon nntil the committee on credentials should report , and It was not mentioned again. Somebody called Mulllmll for a speech. Ho took the stand and said ho hoped that when the body adjourned , their action would show that they did not need bayonets to keep them in aubj action and order , as had been said of them by the president of the citizens' convention that nominated Jan. E. Doyd. Such n state ment wns an Insult to every man who works , and yet men asked worklngmen to vote for the man who did eo. Ho con tinued , and inido a call r > n the body to say if anyone of them "forgets the mur der of Armstrong" four years ago , wlion Bojd had troops and pumpkin-rolleri fron Wahoo brought hero to help the railroad corporation and do wrong ; to laboring men. Continuing ia this strain ho closed his hi h-pltchod harangue , and wjs followed by a Mr. Lawls , who under took to explain the "mo3iu oporandt" by which , if ho told of the characters of citliut Boyd or Murpby. ha would injure both , and after this great announcement sub' sided for the tlmo being. Mr. Quiuu waa cillcd for and willingly took thu stand , but despllo hia moat evi dent wlah to apeak was mot by such a loud and continuous storm of yolh and hoofs that ho had finally to got off , not a word of whatever ho might have had to say Having been hoard. At thia stage it was very evident that Murphy had a largo majority of the dole- gat01 trlondly to Him , and the opposition then began a systematic plan of delay , and olForts to adjourn. And for throa- quarters of on hour pandemonium pre vailed among delegates and lobby. Finally the committee on credentials re ported , and about ono hour was spent In wrangling over tholr r.'port and reading It. Daring this tlmo the police were re quested again to clear the lobby , but the yellers stood firm and linilly the delegates entitled to seats were declared to bo rcnrooontitivis of tha fol lowing societies : horseshoois , sewer gang , ahoomnkers , shoetiron workers , plumbers , bntchsw , warehousemen , box-makers , cornlco-workere , colored c'tlzans ' , tailors , U. P. painters , graders , job work , book binding , etc. , non-union carpenters , U. P. freight house , harnosamakor.i , mo'deri , U. P. lumbermen , tcatmterj , bricktrmkcrs , U. P. storehouse , prlnter'u delegition , Swedish brotherhood , harnesiinakers , Union veteran club , cigaroiakors , U. P. lumber yard , association of amalgiuiatcil workingmen , cigar packers , foundry em ployes , lumber yard men , boilornnkeH , brlcklnypK , tinner ? , pluatorars , black- smiths' helpers , ( hovelnw , coopew , U. P. k blacktiiiits , and the Fatli ward labor club , Upon the announcement thut thoeo were all , a howl of complaint again woni np and epithets tbat were unfit to bo printed In Tim BEK were freely used one pitched about by delegate ! . The roporl of the committee was at last adoptac nndj'.hotomporary ] orgadzUlon made per mnuont. Immediately upon this a motion to adjourn was made and lost amid hoots and confusion , It being noticeable tha1 a small minority were chiefly active A In thB9 boisterous proceedings ever ; > tlmo , Finally thoregularordcrof boslnea was ordered when Morrow nominate ) John Boyd E q. , amid ckeora and hisse and groini. Tracy as boisterously notn inatod B. F. Murphy , and , at the men tion of his name , tlio very walls aeeme < to tremble. When the ahrlekera were out of wind a asono of confusion cnauei and the pollco were ordered to pat the dittutbera of the peace out. Mr. Mnrphj woa then clearly nominated by a tiv voca vole , but the Boyd people easily forced a ballot order on the chair , amit confusion within and the crashing o thunder and flashing of lightning out side. Exactly forty-seven minutes wera cjn anmed in taking the ballot after once i started , and resulted : Boyd , 4G ; Mur pby ! )0 ) vote > , nominating Murphy by ex aotly two to one. Cheer after cheo greeted thli result , and Mr. Murphy wa sent for , Meantime tbo convention pioceodec after it lud yelled itaelf hosrae , to nom nato n AUDITOH ; E. K. Long and Dr. Lowls were nom nated , Lawls was finally nomlnatec Ho at once went on tbo stand and mtd a baiangue , chiefly notable for its long windodncss. Nominations for I'OLICE JUDQK were made , WeUs and Stcnburt ; boln pat before the convention. To expedlt jiuttsra the honorj were divided , whe Jaatico Stenburg was nominated by majority and it was made nn&nl mous. At this point Mayor Murphy p- > oarcd amid nppltuio. Hon. P , F. Murphy said , Gentlemen , ' . thank yon vorv much for thla nomlna- ion , and , if elected by the people , I iromlso to bo true to the interests of abor , as 1 claim I always have been , and o bo true to all interests of the city. I claim there arono people In Omaha or any where clso more deeply Interested in the > rosorvatlon of Hw and order than the aboring men in this city , and I know hem sufficiently well to say that they will always bo true to the best Interests f this city. Gentlemen , I thank you again for this lamination , and I consider it a very great loner Indeed. titEAsvnnii. Trnman Buck was nomliu ted by accla mation for treasurer. COUNCILMEX. First War J Messrs' . Thomas Long and Goodman were placed in nomlnv ion. Goodman was nominated by a argo majority. Second Ward Mlko Lee wai norm- atcd without opposition. Third Ward Adolph Burmlster and nlius Meyer were placed in nomination , nd Mr. Adolph Bmvnlaior nominated. Fourth Ward Messrs. 0. S. Goodrich nd S , T. Hitchcock were placed before 10 convention. Mr. Goodrich ou a oto was nominated. Fifth Ward Thomas Daley , nominated > y acclamation. Sixth Word Peter O'Molloy nnd R urdlck put before convention. Peter ) 'BIalloy nominated omld cheera and aughtor. SCHOOL DOA1U ) . Mosara. W. A. Ooburn , Henry Llvossy nd C. U. Speoht iroro nominated for 10 school board , and each delegation ircctcd to select ono mm to act in the ty central committee , nnd thosi mom- era to appoint a chairman. Adjourned. llKCAriTDLATION. , Inyor B. I * . Murphy .uditor Lewia ? ollco Judge K. M. Stolnburp 'rcasuror Truman Buck COUNCILMKN. ? irat Ward C. F. Goodman ocond " , Mike Lee bird " A. Burmetstor "ourth " C. S. Goodrloh ifth " Thomas Daloy ixth " Peter O'Malley SCHOOL HOAIID. V. A. Courbin , Henry LivcacyjO. C. Specht. A EIVEE SERPENT , ! ho AVonaerful Sl \Vltncsseil in the Missouri Yesterday. A strange sight was witnessed in the vatora oi the Missouri yesterday on alcalatcd , Indeed , to fill the heart of thco bsorvor with feeling ] of wonder and , dis may. Ib Is nothing Icsi than n meran- ; nthanoum gigantoum , a genuine liver crpont. About eight o'clock yesterday morning 10 alert denizena of the river bottoms pied , lloatlng for away up the river a ingo black object , round and apparently , n length , some forty or fifty foot , The peculation among the ignorant and un- ophisticatod apoctaton as to the what- eaa of the apparition was of the keenoat nd wildest description. Miny were tn- lined to believe that it was the carcass f a Dlrto Museum whale ; others tbat It was the cacipod solo of a Council Blafl'a Irl'sshoe ; while others wore belling even iiat it was a section of the ail of Tom Murray's black nag. Othorn f a more philosophical bent hit npon the Ight theory tbat the object was a river orpent. The alarm wan qnlotly tiven , nil largo numbers of people came llock- ng to the shores of the Big Muddy , to Yitncsi the wonderful &icht. ; By the time lie eorpont had reached & point about alf a inllo above the waterworks , the iauks for two miles up and around tbo iver were lined with ( spectators. Slowly ho merangu tbanonm gigantoum hove nto sight. Olojo Inspection ( ivi'.li spy li.ti ) diecloaed the fact that it was about ( ty feet In length , with a skin very jlack and covered nithtcilea , cash about wo foot In superficial area , of an llipsoldal form , and with n color , which may be described as a light cjculoan. Toward the head , the body .ipcrod . down considerably , so that at the ) asa of the animal's skull tha thickness did not exceed five feat. Two uptight ears , of about eighteen Inches length , a caver neil 3 and ivory-bedecked month , lugo glassy eyes of a filming red com- iletoi the main foutuiea o ! the boast'd ' load. The tail of the animal wf s about hroo feet in length , without the blue cilot , and trivursod up and down by hmy birs , and terminating In an ar rangement something like a Malt300 croja. A committee of Intpsotioa , con- Hinting of Coroner Drexel , James "relghton. Mayor Murphy and ' , S. Goodrich , togothar with a reporter of this joutnal procured a boat and made a ctoeo iuapec'.lon of the e < iuatlc pbouoin- onon , noticg n number of facts , among which the foragolng have been given. The data vo In pDesejeion of Coroner Oroxol , in case the exigencies of the oc casion should at any faturo time necjsil- : ate an inquest. . BULLETINS. 1230p.m. The "mot" "gig , " has sow reached the foot of Davenport stroe He la heading toward the ahoro. People ara becoming alarmed and arc rushing For gallery saata. 105p.m. The river serpent Is stll clearing the shore. The excitement Is 300 proof. Spectators frantic. 2:00 : i * . M. The river boast is now on caged between tbo piers of the bridge The Union Pacific has lent a ipecla wrecking train to the spot to remove the debris of the strua lira as sean M it shal ll. 2:30 : r. u The rnorsngutbnticum plgantoum IB still fattened In between the atone piers. It is beginning to grunt nolso something like a crosi batwoeu the tone of a homoatok foghorn and the "Last Ilso of Summer" aa rendered b ; the U. P. band. The boast is cvilontl ; In great pain. Horrible things are anticIpated Ipatod , and 3:20 : r. M. The river serpent is begin ning to flounder terribly. The demoll tlon of the brldgo It expected momen tirlly. Trio t'mbers ' begin to croak , the atone foundations are tottering , the w ol atruoliire ia about to 4:00 : i > . M This la an "April Fool lie. GrnnU JU11. Tbo Einmett Monument Association will give their annual ball at Falconer' hall next Monday evening , April Oth The balls given under tha auspices of tin organization are always ancoatsful , ant there ia over/ reason to boliavo that thl one will be Jfally up to the usual pleasurable able atindpolut. Two thouaand varieties of apple tree ate now cultivated. THE DIVA'S ' FLIGHT , Mjulnine l'ttl's 8 wife Through Omulm Her IlcccpUon On the Golilcn Slope "Fare well ! " Tilts afternoon nt fifteen minutes to 3 o'clock the spoolnl train , bearing the Ma- plcaon troupe , with Madame Adcllna .Mti , arrived at the depot. The foremost bondolr car was the 'Adollna Pattl , " bearing the world- renowned songttrcai horaolf , with Signer Ntcollnl and the small rotlnuo rjf servants. The remainder of the trim was made up of the Mann ) oudoir cm , having on board the lessor Ighta of the troupe , ballet , chorus , otc. , mdor the douphty Colonel Msplcson , ho famou * "JQimproiBarlo , " A reporter , ono of whoao strongest allinpa is a dotiro to interview , dolermln- d to bravo the risk of on " April fool , " nd Book n , few moments conversation with the dtvo , whcBO ropugannco to the ; onui Interviewer is wollkaown. By the ild i f kindly mid powerful Influence , the tappy desideratum was roa'ized. Failing apidly past ono or two oloiod bjdy Btr- ants , put the Nicolinl , who stood. guard at the Inner door like Oorborun. ho scribe was inhered Into the sacred roaonco , and stood VioJoro the woman rhoEO tono-poemi have enthralled the looplo of two homiephoros. Adelina Pattl is n woman , if not of resent remarkable beauty , j'tt possets- ng that irroiistabla charm and grace which captivate at once the ono who Us- ens and beholds. ' 'My trip to California ? " aho said , in newer to the rapottcr'a query , " "Ah ! shall never forgot It ! Sucn a reception , s 1 had at San Francisco ! I cannot tell rou how ragnlly I was treated. The poo- ile scorned very ciiUuulnstlo and show- red presents upon mo In counties ) pro- uaiou. Flowers I received every night n every variety of oxquislto doshjo , and hat cronn of jewels but surely you mvo rood of it. It was presented to mo m tbo night of my greatest triumph in hat city. It is of gold , encircled by ireclona gomg , diamond ) , inbles , pearls. And then I received a diamond bracelet vhlch was magnificent , besides aomn jeautlful Viennese ecroons. And how I vas potted. My Mends gave mo a "apancso and a Spanish auppor , which were simply elegant in "get up , " as you lay" 1 Buppnoo you have been worklnc mrd ainco you h vo been in California ? " "Yes , yes Mllp. Nevada has boon sick neatly all the time , and almost every week I have had to sing three times. $ o , Mi a Nevada la not on the train. She is not going east , 1 bcllovo. " ' Mr. Do Young of the San Francisco Chronicle Is looking well , and is appar ently in good health , though ho tells ma hat ho still experiences some slight rouble from thosa wounds which to cry nearly proved fatal , " continued Patti. "About my eastern trip ? It will beery ery short. From Omaha wo go to Javonpoi't where the company will ap- iear ono night , though I shall go on _ to Chicago. After singing in the festival here , I go straight to New York. There . chill slug my last farewell to the poinplo if America. And then ? I shall go to Surope , tj my home thn Ora'g ' y-nos Castle , where I cxptct tj lake a much needed rest. " At this point the whiitlo shrieked , the ell ring and the Mapleson train began o move toward the liver. 3 he Inter view , too ehort , but not tea woet , was abruutly terminated. " 1 lope I may see yon again some time , Mr. Isportor ; perhaps wo shall moot again , " aid Pattl , telling a charming lib with most captivating grace , "good bye. " And thus was the lucky sctiba uekorcd iut of the presanco of the "Queen of Song. " MAI-LESON'S EXPENSES. Col. Mspleaon'a proQts on his western rip have boon very small. The traveling ixpenses alone since leaving St. Louis have amounted to § 20,000. Then , too , ; ho fact of Pattl having to sing so often n the placa of Nevada his largely dimln- ahed the profits. Whllo the rccslpts lave always been very largo , the expenses lave been oircspondingly high. LEGAL LINKS , Walcoluy'd OJurt-The StntiiH oC tlio CtlllSO CiltaO. Tbo second trial of the suit of Gohrhy igalnat the U. F railroad was finished Tuesday. The etui n one brought to rjcover daaaagea to a howe , from neglect of railway employes. The first trlnl re- Dultoiin a verdict of $200 r.nd the com- nny oppoiled. On a sacond trial Gohrky was given a verdict of ? 50. THE CHASE CASK. "Nothing further haa yet boon done in ; ho Ohaan matter , " oaid Mr. Bloom to a reporter yoatorday "wo 'lud nntlsi- p ted that Mayor Murphy would to willing to meet na on our own ground , but ho haa yet filed no answer to iho rrnt of quo warranto. Wo were desirous of having his answer recorded iinmodiatoly prococdlnR at onca with the conclusive arguments. But though he may defer this until the last pojatblo day , the 27th of this month , and thiu deprive Mr. Chess of any absolute tenure of cilice , the main point of issue , the dotormlna tlon of tha queatlon of the legality of the council's action In deposing Chase , wo will bo able to force to settlement. And , furthermore , If the cjurt dccldo In our favor , Mr. Chaao can legally demand the salary which has been drawn by Mr. Murphy since the formal demand for tbo oflico was madn by Mr. 0 , on the 17th day of March. " This last view of the oaie la aho thai of Mr. Connell , ciiy attorney. " In * the county court yesterday Martin Cannon commenced suit ncalnst J. A. Tdggart , to replevin a horse , buggy and haraou , alleged to be vrjngfully detained tainod by defendant. POLICE OOUKT , YcBteriluy 3ornin'a AVork Tlio Qll Charlea D. Fuller was arrested Ttien day night by Officer Afatza on a charge o being a vagrant. When arraigned yea terday morning before Jndgj Beneke , ho produced a steel into and proved tbat ho waa a "print. " He claimed to have just arrived In town and wai diiobnrgod. Frank Slovene , a giiitlomin with a iriekcd leer In hia north eye and a gen rally "dogglah" makeup , tried to evade the charge of drunkenness on the ground that he wai a Moody convert Do failed. Judge Bcneke untenc.d bim ,3 , pay fmo of $5 and costs , bat BUS- icnded icnlcnco provided ho loft the illy on a double quick trot. To the > rope ition , Stevens readily assented. The young girl , AlGo Qilmoro , who ia accused of watch ( tealing , is slill In the city jsll , whore aho has been remanded n default of $300 ball. There la some- hint ; mysterious about thla CAPO. The > roeccutlng witness , Adams , disappeared ho day after the arrest and has not boon eon alnca. Ho is auppoied to bo under ho the tutelage of the glrl'a friends , rho are keeping him from the law for .ho purpose of suppressing prosecution. The polled furthermore claim that thn ; lrl'a "fellow" la a confidence man and crook who Ima come to Omaha for the ex- > rosa pnrpoeo of "working the town. " ) n the latter point tlicro is no direct evidence , but hols being closely watched , Henry Meyers , who was arrested yea- orday for slonling brnisfrom Schneider's itorc , ia still In pruou awaiting prelim- nary examination. Judge Geo. 15. Lake left for Chicago THSS- ay night. Hon. Gco. W. Donna has returned from tia Mexico trip Mr. llorry Duel nnd wife have returned rom n pleasant trip to Now Orleans , Miss Annie Yost nnd Mips Cirrio Slndon wont east yesterday to Mount Pleasant , owa. J. W. Bower , agent of the May Bratonmo ompnny is in the city , stopping nt tha Metro- ohtnn. Mayor Murphy w.-w bright as a now pin when ho came into the coin oat ion last night , tnong thunders of npplr.uso. Mrs. S. II. U. Clark and Mrs. Loavllt iurnhnui have returned from Ca'ifornhi ' , where they have been for several inonlha. lion. Harry Ualrlchs vent through Omaha estorday onrouto oast. Ho reports tha stock f Wyoming In fine condition , nnd will batten us return to doyenne to ce present at the rent stockmen's convention next week. M. Kirkpatrlck , Pnpilllon ; J. Ingram , Cov- ngton ; O. Wilson , Willow Springs ; John M. Atkinson , St. Paul ; J. A. Wells , Grand Is- and ; A. Cooley , Norrisville ; W. G. Allen , Sralnerd , Minn. ; 0. Goodwin , J. Blnnchard , ackson , Mich , , are at the Canfield. At the Metropolitan : J , Lynch , 0. J. Jrown , Pleasant , Dak. ; William McCormlck , Al Powell , Blair ; W. K. Smith , St. Paul ; W. 1. Morris , Ashland ; W. J. Davis , B. F. lake , Ord ; D. L. Pool , Lincoln , and Mrp. rl. Greenwood , of Emerson , Nub. Mrs. Lindsay , ITullotton ; W. M. Robert- on , Madison ; Lewis Sslff , Stanton ; D. S , iolmes , St. Louis ; 0. Woods Smith , Loup City ; M. M. Parsnor , Norfold ; M. C' . Daly , iva City ; Nat Mi.ler , St. Joe ; Ed M. Collin , Ord ; H. M. Utoby , Oneil ; Gao. K. Gorfrey , i'rernont , Wm. Ward McCook and W. S , ray McCook are at the Millard. At Paxton : P. II. Mathowe , Albion ; J. W. Smith , O'Conner colony ; C. T. Strossner , iyons ; S. Coe , Nebraska City ; D. H. Neis- wangor , Lyons ; Jas. B , Cook , Greeley , Col. ; ' . M. Broas , Nortli Loup ; J. O. Clarltson , Sldnay ; S. F. CrcBber , 13. 15. Wolson , Kear ney ; C. A. Brant , Los Vegas ; ] J. F , Hake , Vorth Loup ; W , J. Davis , Ord ; S , S. Linn , nd Ohas , T. Mathews , Norfolk , Y. M , C. A. "Senate , " The "Senate" was organized Tuesday ni : > lit by electing fho following officers : 'resident , Klnkcl Smoior , from N. Y. . Secretary , McCollock , of Tennessee ; Ser- geant-at-araiB , Meyer , of New York. Senators Moore , of N. \ . , Dolan , of asa. , Ferry , of 1)1 ) , Boltz , of Colorado , Smith , of Kas. , Gideon , of Mo. , Gray , f N. C. , Joplln , of Ky. , Meyer , of Jalifornio , Crewel , of Mo , Grant , of Ohio , and Honntd , of Maiuo. A Bpirlt- d debate nroao over the election of aen- ate officers and the bloody shirt waa waved M of yoro. Hon. Win. Harris was confirmed EH minister to England and will ail at onco. Much ia expected of him it thla critical psricd in Euaopean affaita. Choice Pcachblow Potatoes at Heim- A StrjHiKO Story. To the Editor of the BEE : iiANi ) ISLAND , March 31 , 1885 A well-known iiwyor of Hastings , known as the "Silver tongued orator , ' lot ! that place for Europe ( ? ) taking with him ono if E.11 lings' falrctt daughters , who went a3 her ogcd parents thought ) to Chicago o take music lessons. But it does not end horo. There is a young lady In this city who had formerly been employed In ono uf the Orst famOisn of Hattings that watits to sea him. [ So writes a Grand lehnd cjrrespon Unt. ] , until your head Bcoms ready to flj of ! ; until jour nose and 0) OB discharge cxouseh e quantities el thin , Ir- ritatictr , watery fluid ; until jour head aches , mouth and throal parched , and hlood M fever licit. Thla Is an Acute Catarrh , and Ii Inbtantly relieved hya elngle dose ft'jil , pcrma- noutl > cured by ono hot tl o Sanford'i lltullcalCure for Catarrh. Complete Treatment ivlth Inlialor $1 , Ono bottla Radical Cure , one bos Oatarrhal Sol vent , and ono Improved Inhaler , In one ( package may now be had of all dnJifuleU far 81.00. Aik fo Banford'e Iladlcal Cure. "The Only nbsoluto iporjflo we know of. " lied. Tlmca. "Tde beat wo have found In a lifetime ol Buffering. " Ilnv. Dr. Wiinrln. Boston. "After a long BtrugKlo with Catairb , the Radical Curt has con- querod. " Bev. S. W. Monroe , Lewlsburgh , Pa. "I Lave not found a cue that It did not relieve al once. " Andrew Lee. Manchester , Mass. Potter Druf and Chemical Co. , Boston. fat the 'oil' ' tn < 1 prevention the Initaut U It appllnd , of Ilheu matUm , Neuralgia. Sciatica , Coughs , Coldt , Weak Back , etom- aoh , and Boweli , Bbootlnj Pains , Numbneee , Ilytterla , Fe malel'alns. Palpitation , Dyspep ela , Liver Complaint , Bllliui TVKKX ferer , Malaria , and K | > ! derul < a CTHIC\\ use Collin 'B Pla t r ( an Electilt * " 5.ri < Battery combined with Poroui Plater ) and laugh at pain U Matter of Application of A. P. Hansen forLInuo License. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby ( then that A. r , runssi dl > npci the 20th day of March A , D , 1885. die bis ap. yllcatioi to the Mayor and City Council of Ouiaht or HceriBO ( ' ) i ll Milt , HplrUoua and Vinous Ll > | urr at No707 ana719 lltb etrett , let Ward.Oaatu , Nek from tht llth day of April , 1683 , to the llth day o API ! ' , 18rO. Iftrcro be no objection , remonitrance or rroto flled within t > o weeks Irom March SCtti , A. D. 16t5 the slid llccLeo villlbo sr nt d. A , F. OAViiKN1 , Applicant J. J , L. C. JEWETf , City Cler * . Matter of Applldtlon of 0. 0 , Higgles for IJquo IJceoit. NOTlUf. Notice Ii hereby given that 0. 8. Hlinrtni dli upon the 2Gth day tit March , A I ) U8S , no bl ap rillcatbn to the Uavor atd City Council of Oaaha for llocnie t > ell Mtlt , fplrltuoua and Vlnoui L'- No. liOland 1233DoUKU8it,3JwarilOinih Web. , from the llth day of April , 16S& . ta the lltb day of Apri' ' , Ub9. If tberj b no objectha , remomtraoo or p Bled within t o weeki from March Zfltn , A. II. the Slid llceuie will to vraatud. C. 8. HIGQIKS , Applicant. J. J. L. C. JtWtTT , CllyClMk. r 8tonico Clmngcs. Postoflico changes in Nebraska and daring the wcakcndtngMarch 28th , 1885 , KB furniahod by Mr. Van Vlook of the postoflico dcjiartmont : Eatnbllahod : CantollaD vfson county [ lodolphua Peatp9ttmaater , Ilnihvlllo , Sioux county , Uonry W. Crow , pojt- nastor. Sheridan , Garfitld county , Wm. 3. McFarland , postmaster. Diacontinned. Lootn , Franklin county. These arc all the changes tinea March 4th In NobrMko. Fixn NECKWKAU An entire now llnoj ho latest styles nt En. B. WILLIAMS , Opposite Paiton Hotel. A physician of Monroe county , Ga , laa amorjg his collection a pstato through which a bl do of gra a has grown. i Greatest Medical Triumph of tha Afjo' SYMPTOMS OF A jS ofnppetltc , Hn\TcU coitlvc , 1'nln In lie head , with n. dull arnBatlon In tbo nick part , 1'iilu unilrr tlio utioolder * ilaito , i'ullncin after i-ntlna , with nillu- ncllnntlonto exertion of bodjr ormlail , rrltnlilllty nftcmpcr.nvr plrlt , with nfeollncoriiaTlncnecIcctcd nomodutr , VcariucM , Dtzzlncaii , 1'luttcrlnn at the Icart , Dots before the cyci , lloadncfaa vor the rluht eye , lloitlcmncsii , with atful drcnme , lllchlr colored Urlno , and CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'S riLtS are capeclally adapted o such cases , ono < Ioso clfocU. Biicli n limigo of feclitipng to nstonUU the sufferer. They Iiicrenie tlio Appetiteand cause the ocly ta Take ou I'lcali , thui tha er tcm Ii nonrliheil.nnd by their Tonic Action on ho ItlRCitlve O rijular H tool ! nra iroilncrrt. l'rl < - < i U5c. 44 niurrny Nt..H.Y. URAT lUm or WmsiutiiB chnngcd to a OLOSST IILACK by a slnglo application of lila DTK. It imparts a imtural color , nets Instantaneously. Sold by Drugging , or > ont by express on receipt of 91. Office. 44 Murray St. . Now York. Shoot Music and Boost. . K ) i" VV dUB I7JIIU Maslcal Instruments. fiallett & Davis Pianos Violins , Ouitara and Ban 03. Fbno Stoo's and Coere. . Artists' Materials. Send 2c tame for Catalcgue. PICTUREiFRAMES 1'Iush Goods and Nocities. . Paintings BCO IS 13 Douylas Street. f KlgftlfHCi R OF PALUTSTERY AND CONDITION ALIST , 203 Tenth street , tctwcon Farnam and H r eywlll , whntioald of guardlin slilts , obtalnlni or an ) one clanoo In tbo pvt ana present , and oc cortilnoondltlousln the future. Bootn and aho i mode to order Portcot HutUlutlon aruarnnto * I SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAH MONEY. ONEV TO LOAN On real estate and chattels M D. I * Thomas. . 740tf , I ONEY Loaned on chattels , cut rats K. R I tickets Dovghtand told. A. Foiman,213 S. 13th St 870 tf to oan on good real estate security. U. M F. Sears. William ] block. 644-tf LOANED at 0 . K. Reed &Oo's. Loan ollico MONEY , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds and all otho rutlcloB of alue , without rcm < nal. Over 1st National Bank.corncr 13th , nd Farnam. All business strictly coiifldonttal437'tf 437'tf ONEY to loan on chattels. Woolley & Harri M son , room 20. Omaha National Bulk building. 4i8a2p In sams'of 5 0 nd upward. J.I 0. y. DavLi and Co. , Boil r.itnte and Loan , 1605 larnamSt. 483 tt DE'P ' WANTED. -rrTANTED-Darbcr at No. 610 southSth ) t..0ma- VV ha. 211 2l > TTTANTED-aood cjok at 1720 Dodge et None VV but a first-rate co ok need ap lily. 183lpNone TITANTKD At the Empire Btcani laundry a first V T c'ass shirt Irontr. 182-2 A TANTED-Olrl. Arply 1710J colour Cumins and VV 18th Stu. 170-Sf. - woman cook at the Institute hotel , WANTED-A IStn and Capitol at e. 18 Mp 1'uplls ti learn liook-kceplnu , there WANTED on or befcro April in , I will In- stiuc' and wait for pay until situations arolurnlsbcd. J. U. Smith , 1613 Douglas .St. 103-lp V\/"ANTED Sprrsous toleain book-kcopirK aad T > pny for lnst iictlon out of.Qrtt month's wairec , when you procure a cltuatton , J. B , Smith , 1610 Douirlas bt. Thuao terms no' t'ooJ after April 1st. 180-lp WANTRD-A Rlrl for geneial house work. Apply at 809 S. 18th south of Leaveuwortli. 180-2p /'ANTED-A boy to werk betwcen 5 and7 In the V mornlnir. Apply at U FE mall room at 10 a m Wednesday. m-3M IANTED-Olill at tbo Slaven House lOlh St. W 103-lp - flnt clasi cook and laundress 2303 WANTED-A . Mrs. J. M. Toureton. 165-tf 'ANTED A girl f > r general house work. Ur . w- Ulcbel 901 fl. Iflth street. 70Mp TI7ANTED Blacksmith lor general country trade Good single man prefirrod. Addreei Wm. Gilder , Clew-water , Neb. lBl-2p ANIED-Oood stleimoa 10S N. 16th. W 144-lOp - ( > 105 N. 18th. WANTED-AKot 143-lOp W ANTED- < t-cluw baiber ( white ) to run barter chop on shares , Box 142 , Sidney , Neb. HO Up WANTED A traveling agent to sell on article that flndi ready stle , will run In wrll with a line of wtuleiale groceries. Good conun'aslon paid. Ad diebSl8141 > Urcem , 120-4p A1TANTED A. gill to do reneril home work.must > Y be good plila cook. Apply at Wi North 22d Bt , Immediately , aa eiperkoced girl N. WANCRD 18th Hid Ltavonworto. GS-tf \X7 A NTKl > Lidy agents for "Queen 1'aolector' . Y > daliy itocklojr and aklrta lupporters , shoulder braces , buatls , bosom forms , CIOMI ibltldi , uafety Ulti , ileeve protector ! , etc , , entirely n-w derlcen , unprecedented proflU we hava IM agents mtklni ; 1100 monthly. AocJroM with ttamp , K. U.'Otoipbell b Co. , 0 South May tit , Ch'cjgt. 703-al5p \T7"ANTKD A flnt-dass dry goodi clothing , boo' ' indthoe ealestuan , muet 0p ik Oerajan and A til acquainted with dry tonar , only tingle and ex poricnctd moo with relercuce need apply , O. Adler , fiew < rd , Neb Mt-tf SITUATIONS WANTED. TI/ANTED Situation ai driver or to taka care of a Ti garden t to do a y kind of wcrk 1 ipeak dlrTertiitUuLUaKot. Addros "P. I' , " th'JOfflci. ' . 21S 2 { > \\7ANTKU SlfuUlon a bar Under by a young f > m n who iprakt KrcliMi , D < xnl h Rwrdlih and lttl German. AddrtM ' Jacob * " this ofTJco 21S.5p WANTBD A situation by ft gill to do ( renrral house work. Address or cill No. WW north 19th St. 214 Zp " \\TANTKO Situation as walchrtan by T > "iir r man. llotcrtnctv. pU en. Call or nddrrM II. O. Edwards 102 loulh loth S . IfASTKD Kmi'lojment fora'poi. . _ . . . _ . "D 8 "caronf Ho < offlco 210-lp T17 ANTiiD By Hr t-elaM la\ind tn ta do ' IPR nd IroDiog by the d y , 1150 shcrmk Mr * . RanilblrK. 19Mp WANTSB-S'tuntlon , Competcr.t dnuRlst llx SCATS cxicrltiiM1 , dtarci po'ltlou In gooA lciulo or tctMl ttorc Kintclnsi rclortiioin. iHH Ch-n F. Sp nconbjrs , 210 S. IVnn s'teot , Yoik , Pa. 930-1 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ANTED-Sltu llon by mi r.\porletccl ttcno eraphcrtnd fpcrt3r riulistjpo rlt r , can 'urnlih ' good tcfucnccs ; addiCM"S. f. " Leo oltljo. ' . ' IM-'p IS7ANTKO A rltinl Ion Inn private ftmlyor ho- ' tcl by n ! nMrlo'ajc < l nun Intake caroof hnrcri nil make himself L-cncra ly mclul. Atnllcte 1' ' . V Bco OIHco 211 Ip WANTKD A ultuMlon ot any kind by n jounir m n who Is willing to work. Addicts K. W BccOlllcc. 219-lp \\rANl KbA f lnilo man ( o I'D rough work arawiil titoro , nnne but a ijulck actUo man need plT 1 irtlav Inxta Uncut ( store IStli Hlrfet. 224 tf TIT'ANTEDllypirlcncd bmk keepern fct of W books to keep In c\cnlug , AddrttBd. II. Dec Olllso. S2i 3 rirAIiTKt-llih ) ishir at L'tnuct house. 27-lp WAMUD ajtlve flrst-ohsa hmiohold fiirol. turo enloanmi. No use for an ) utter loan , ly Marlins lurtallment stile. 225-11 T\TANTED HOUEO of D or ( I room , by May lt , 11 cnn < l loculltv. Address K S. , IlKitonioo. C02tf WAHTEO K\cry tidy In need of a sowing mv china , to BCD the now Imprcned American No. P. K. Hodman & Co. agents ; 220 N 10th. 343tf WANTKD Two rooiusi wltli board foTyounp man and wife , mint bo centrally looitod. rcforonoes hen and required. Address "S , " this ofHco. OlO-tf TI7 ANTKI > lly a yomiR couple , 1 or 2 furnished I T or unfurnished rooms In n llrst-cln s family cet of Court houso. Address A. Jacobson , S614 SCO-tf BOn RENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. FOIl RENT By April 7th , homo with 4 rno t , cloeot , juDtry , w ell and cistern. Apply at 1813 larneySt. 216-tf FOH PKNT Brick yard north end of Haundrrs it I woul I work for parties rentia ? , as foreman , If wanted. J. F. Potter. 217-14p 71011 KENT Parm and garden. T. Marray J 208 tf iOK KENT A llvo room cottapp , about April 1st. L1 Knqulre at 2418 Capitol a\cnuo. F IOIl RENT -Homo of six rooms unfurnUhcd or nearly furnished 821 South 10th it. 205-tt iTtOIt MINT-House 5rooms with Ultohcn , P ccllftf , watsr etc. Barn If required. Apply 1207 aclfloSt. 877-Ip Oll RUNTHIIUBO of four rooms.wcll and cUttrn corner 24th and Cass. Inquire2410Cafs St. 193-Sp FOR RENT 2-8 room houses Inquire Jno. F , Burton.Siiielting works , or 314 North25th St. 101-tf | 7\OR \ RENT \ furnished house 0 roonn durlne Jc the Summer month to parties withcu ; children , nqulro 211 South " 3d ht. 101 tf FOR RENT Unexpired lease of house with all mciltr lmpro ements at a bargain. F. 1' Orld'ey W.0.olllca Omaha 171 tf [ TOR RKNT-Residenoo and saloon vlth Pxturo L1 with about two acres of ground , ( ultablo for > ark and soc'ctles during summer or winter. Terms asy. Apply to Victor Drcher , SUh it south of jonenworth 125-lCp FOR RENT New Etoro on 10th at. Edward Norris & Co. , Croumo block. 13511 OK RENT A three room home next Jeer to r.ce'a 1 } grocery , 22d and L avenwi.rth sta. 129-3 F OR RENT StoTO building 44x80 thrco story and baecmcnt No. llOand 112 14th. Inquire 1400 Doclgo St. OD9-tf FOQHENT Furnished cottage , 7 rooms , with closets , rantry , etc. , In licut locality In City can > ay rent with board. Call In afternoon atB20Ple B- nt Btv 170 tf F OR RENT Hou'f s icry cheap. Apply at 0. T Taylors 14th and Douglas St . _ D3'-lf OH } lb.Kr Two ncwetorojon 18ih st. C. . K F Ma\nc , 15th and Farnam OlBti OR RENT Pleasant furnished roims tu'tible X for gentleman , terms rcasona'jii' , 005 north 17th tree1 ; . 190.2p FOR IlKNT A farm. lnulre.S. | W. corner 16th and IzirJ St. Ncwmai.'a Rrocry , 180 On Foil RENT One story dwelling liouso i\vo \ rooms , 23 < 1. n ar Clark street. Charles Ogden , corner SlhandDcuRl < sStre < .t. OC8 tf OR PENT Thrco brick stores corner 18th and CumlngSt. J L. .McCA ue. Agent. 40l-a2 jR KB NT New cottage , 6 rooms. . Phlpps Roe 1512 H 6th Bt. SWS-U HOOMS FOU RENT. RENT Uofurn'Bhcd rooms 8. W. corner 13th FOR Howard Bt. Inquire up-stalrs. tlO'Jp T70R RKNT Nlcsly fornlBhtd room ono or two JT1 ncntlemen private fa illy IS 12 Werce near couth 3h ! , 210-2p rtOH niNT : Ono furnished room with use rl par- 1 lorond hoard , 1614 CalUorulirt 133-Cp TT OR HKHT Largo handiomcly furnished fiont 1 liiL-lo unsuttj inoJcru conveniences rconn ( or , , 1718 DodKO , 152 If FOR RENT Handsomely f nni'hol roomsfor tin Klo Bcntlemcn. For pattlculiis , addrjss "Y W Bco olllcc. 92C-f | > TOIl RENT Two nicely furnlsbed rooxs , a c'cjict , Jl1 Bay window , al o two small rooms and bath room On car line , 17 0 Capitol a\e. 127-lp FOR RCNV A good furnlslei roim ; centrally lo cated Iiuiulru at Atklntona millinery Hulab- Ishmsnt , Crtijhton flock , nth St , South of 1'ost Ollicc. 172-1. F OR RFNT-Two nlcfly furnished looms , with bcaid , 1017Chlcio St , 171 tf FOR RKNT Furnlihcd or unfurnished rooms , for light homo keeping at 621 10th St. South. 17tf FOR RENT Nicely lurnUhed room at 1617 DJV. inportSt. S28-4p RK'T Furnished rooms , \cry desirably FOR on Dodge St. only first cUia tenants waited. Apply at Dtag Stcre , 10th and Doi'ge. MS-Jp TT'OR RRNr Two newly furnithea looms at 013 JP touth Uth tt. H0-3p KENT A larfc-n furnlthed front room with dressing room cflcr onoilngle room , 710 ISUi St < 3Z3p OR RENT Two nlce'y furnished rooms at 613 louth KthSt. 14C-3p 1011 IlKNT-Nlctly furniihod rooms 105 N. 18th. 145 IQp TT'OR RENT Furnished front room , b'lck bay win JP dow with board mi ll fimlly 603ooith 17th t. U2tf 7011 RENT-Kurul.bcd room with board 1812 C DoJjje Bt. 100-2 RKNT Several One cilices In Crounio' block , FOR Kd , Norrls , room 10 Craiuiio blooi IIRNT Two furnished rooau 100 ! Farnam. FOIl 807.7i | O > v HKNT April lit , large unlurnlthed rouroi 20Jh. KdBt. C l' HKNT-4 convenient chamber * or housekeeping FOR keeping to a man and wife without children , I blocks from 1'ott ortice , 318 north 17ih Bt. 917-tf RENT A pleasant fiont room turnlnheiL 8 FUR cor Uth and Howard 8t . t65-tf Tf ° iJirtre front oflico on tecond floor. In J1 ii | ulio No. 1211 Farnam St. bOl tf [ \01t \ HKNT-Furnltbcd loom at 1118 Jockron 61 , CoSallp Oil IlENT-Fumllbed room and board 85.00 per week. Very beat location , J8U Davenport. 76ttt-l p UEKT Thite unlunilehel rooirs north-wot FOIt comer I5ti and Ltavtuwoith to nxall fmlly. pply oa prcmlsM 17i-2 ! HENT-Furniihcd rojru 1810 Dodfjc. Dodfjc.181alO FOil 181-alO ino IlENT-Junilibtd room at 1013 Karaaia. Jj 6M-a p r7VR HKKT OneniMly fnrnlnlej room U fortrc-ntldncnamin nUer room on I t. InquireU\)7 ) furmmSt. cil-t ( F OH nBNT-Nlcely turtlihed rooms at 1718 Oitw St. 47J.ll OOMS With hoard , dMliabln Of winter. Ajn I ; * 81. Chulct U tel. 474.11 FOU SALE FOIl SAUB-Oood farm In Cas Oo , Noli. 170 all J under ealiltatlon.w111 idl or trade f tlret-cliss rugtUck. W. II ( Irccn , ov r let Nat Hank. Hank.S4Mt S4Mt FOU SVtK Goolhcwe , &room , Int f.0\l.1i It , c t front , ROixl location , SIS03 , $100 codi , bul- Eco 15 fti month. W. 11. arocn.ovtr l t Nntlonil Hnk. [ T"0tl SAl.K-Ooo 1 houso. fix riwnn , lot WU82 It. L1 esst front , eootl 1 oilloii , bain , noli , etc ; 16fO ; 100 oith , l ) lance f 15 j > cr mobth. W. II. Orrnn. r litJ-ntlcn l B nk. [ 7 011 SAt.K Itritamiuit rcntially l3 < a\t d , muit I1 no tli td out in t o wcfk , a bargain oflcrcd , V. II Crtctimer 1st'l Ilink. n-tf \ SALK-KorHOdown * and $20 iicr month 1 JJ III build nndcRtnt fl\o raom cltt eo , with orchcs closetc , bar window brickcillir , , nine , > U , A. i , Ith t-o 1 its iilctly fenced the whole II coin ) leto < 1.W . Iho oott > Ko < < to l > a bullat once intracta for trn IIMO already liccn let. Cull at my IHco and scot lin of ccttnco , locution \c Hilnir our frlcndi alone. C. K. lliuic , Buuth-ncft corner 'ith and Karuain 2J7-HIO moil SAI.K JIOO , her o (0 ( jcari ) kiiBgy and bar- J ness. Hclmrod'8ioco. | ) ISthand .I.ekBoti. 7OH SALK Vivg store. Address box 414 Onnha , J ! 30tf U OH SM.K Ono luimtrc.Hous of hny on ( arm 2 F miles nest of llcllcun M. Smack. SC8.7p ipOIl S 11,8 Stock of Kenotal in-rclmulhc , also 1 store building for rot tbc t location In a country " " " Aildrem "A. II K. ' lleootllco. 177-2p Foil 8AIK-A now dom-BtlopcwInc machine for S23cjli. AddrcfH "A / " lleo olllcc , 1S7-0 FOU 'ALK-Blx year rid rcllixblo family horrci will wotK flnulo or double ; rrlco SIM AlwAl ro.'h inlloh caw , 553 ; Inquire of nee Shtllcr. nr t ouso S of Center on cn t nldo of 17th tt , 196-Sp FOU SALE CDKAl'-Ono cloirant chiinbor eot , former coat 8376.00. Ono rcpilttor oloch , no nearly now Knaba Piano , two cold framed IcturfB , Inquire 1016 Djileo St. 233-11 I poll BALK That farm six mllua south oil the IJolleuio and U. I1 , road la notnold or traded lot ' M. 1'teknnn , Omaha. 1 * . O. box 767. 128 8p FOU SALK-Storo "building on Cumlne and Slot , bctt en street. J. I ) . Thoinag. 119-lCp Fi 1011 SALi : Aejmn of mates. Apply to ILHoNabb , S.\V of Barracks. 110 Sp | ,10R SALE Oil TIlADR-Largo team , liarno H I1 nnd dray l > it pay taken In dnttago. AiHrcto V. U. Bee olficc. 981-tf ftOil 1 MALK-Chean lot , 1117 llarnoy ; terms easy. Enquire on prcmlecs. 990-lp Fill SALK-l'ho room house corner lot within 1 blocka of the High school $ ? , C03 easy tenusuiusti o sold Immediately. W. II. Green , over let Natl Bink. FOIl 8ALB Aorynlco 0 room house and lot , mutt bo Bold 1223 North 19th St. C2'2-a22p FOU SALK-Now D room cottaRo with all Im provcnicnta. jrt.fOO , c sy pajinentB. W. 11. Green , over let Nat'I bank. SS4-U n OK I'AM : On ctay raymenta. I will faraloh L1 lots and build liousep on tliort nnt'ro ' to suit the iirchaser. Irquiro nil' . J. Croedon , contractor nd builder Z'thauU Wobttcr St. DCO-tt FOR SALK A full lot on corner cf 13th and Jonoa paved Btrcct and within ono equaroof U. I * . K. ' for sale. Warren Swltder. SOD tf FOR SALK Thirty choice lots near park avo. 0. 1' . Sttibblns , room31Cnighton block. 815-al8 | > FOU SALE-200 YeirlloK stoerp , 20J 2.3 car old ulcers , 750 } calling heifers , SOD 2 and 3.\eir-od ! hclfcrs , CO pradcd bulls. ITRANOX BP.OJ , Slnux City , l vr\ . 783.110 7011 SALE 1'our voir old horao lias boon worked ' doulli > . For particulars Itqulro at n " corner 4th and Rtrnam et In barbjr shop. J. lilrncr. [ 7(011 ( BALE Now houeo 7 rooms , full lot , larpo I ? bam \cry cheap. D. I1. Joacs , Otli&ud Ilancroft outli Omaha. CCO-a'Jp F OH SAL1" SeconJ 1 and ten BOI O power , up- rlL'bt bcllcr nud cnslnc ; In cecil conoitinu ; lower or caen. Chaa. 8. Poor , 103 8 Hth bt , Omaha , Ntb. 887-tf PERSONAL. -A chloiRO K ntlenmn whom In Oma- L lu weekly , "oul'l ' lUo the ncqualntanciiot en In- ( indent and refined 1 idy , no qucttloinbla charactrrn tumt oniwcr. Address S. 15. Stronir , Coutcil Dlulle. 20S-lp n Ilamlln ho remn\od to Omabn L aLdrts'deaat 1510 Lcavenworth St. 073-alOp I'o found at 1CIO Ia\enport ft , an expcr ' nurse. Beet city reference elicit 872-aMp TO EXCHANGE , neil SALE OR EXCIfANOE-For smaller farm or L ? Ouialm prop3rtyA No. 1 Improved fiim cl 320 a"r03,180 cultivate 1 nnd 101 panttirc.thrco houses and all other Improvements loaned In Washington Uouri- y. Aildrtaa or cell Jo9. < Kolo ratek,1324 South 13tli 3t 74S.ll TO LXCHANOE-TvroIotiln W. A. Rcdlck'a aild. for a 1 > tor half a lot located eomev/horo neater ho center o'tho city a ul suitable for IjulUilnir , wl'l wy additional \aluo Ij more. Address "U. Y. " ) co otlico. OlO-tf lOR SArK OR EXCHANGE At SIO poi aaro , n Ju1 or part of two thousand aoico of t'mber ' land orty nllci oint of Kansas City , wll einlianio foi { braakk Uud or mcrohandleo. Bedford , fiouor ft Dana OHtf BUSINESS CHANCES. 170R SALK Ciar [ ; factory with stock and fixture * . 1 rttail department ard luise of huildtng for two n. Address P. If. It , R. , Wjinoro , Noli. 082-lp FOR 8AT.K Hotel and ealconnlth all lixttircn , re * cclpts $76. per day , Mao locatiun , a rare hir a'n. ' I'rico & .700 , terms very oaey. Addrues R. 0.1'attcr- on , corner 13th and I'nrnam. 854-tf "T7\OR HALI3 Stock ananxluri of the JUrchanlH 1 ? Kichango onp of the bent pacing saloons In Onia- la , reason fur idling , 111 hoiltn. Addrcts or call and sco dco. Hlgglng , N. K. corner 10th and Omaha Neb. 2iU-lf SALE Chtap , ealoon fliturca and itock N , W. corner ICIh and Capita a\c , G17 < & 3 IU"H SALE Or cxclmngo a full stock of clothing 1 boots an J shoes , gent * furnlshln itoods , will ox. chinKo for Nebraska Lands. U. H.FcUr ) anb01 B. 10th bt , Omaha , hcb. IM-lf F I OR SALE A good skating rink , silo 84x100. Hi. qulro of II Lanbert ) , Wakolleld Neb , 423-alSp BOARDING. BOARDINU-Flrtt class board and bJ iuK for $ I.S5 per week , all new beds and springs at No. UCBCauSt. II. Peter Nick. 704-al2p FOR RKNT-Ixulglng room for 1 or 2 men , N. S. cor. Uth and Ctiutol ave. Inquire at loomO.up stain. D4l-tt TpIRST-CLABS Bed and board 1212 Ctpltol ave. 12-aSS MISCELLANEOUS. O PLENDED pistura with running water and good UihtltcrforiOO horsMcan be hid of Hau&Piosh. now , on the former Itatlinuna fartn near Oalhoun. Inquire at l'aulien& Co. 151J Farnam St. 2267. REWARD-tlO rewird will be p M for the name of the man who waa riding a bay hone Utt even- liiC ( about eight o'clxk and who fiendishly ran Into the buvey contilolmr Urs Jno. B Kaoed and Ulea Kate Qulnn , colllilon occureda corner of Faniam and 13th and the brut o ! rider kept ou his way eoutbwardon 13th Kt , The partv wh picket up tlio whip fiom tbls runanav will cleiuiu return simo. Jno , Bneed , I'aciflo Eiprtsi Uo. 211-lp LOST Altriceiarkred Irish setter def ( , 1 ) tar ill , was lost or tttliii from south ll'h ' strut a few dais ago , A reward for his return to mo will been en , O. 1) Nlhin8)4ioutli ) 10th it. 2042 LOST On the Street car between the oernir of Iflth and Iurdaad 142 < north IBth street , small po kit took containing a dialt foi * 3l. The finder will please leekt Bee ettlcj. 216 2p - mounted In the \ \ - Jclnlty of iho Lutvenworth Btic school. loder will be llbiial y roarJod by returuluK IBU.O to vtoro of M , A. McNamara , lith near FaraamBt. 200 tf , T head of jounicattle. Owner can recover Mine by ulllni ; upon John F. HocJj , Milk dairy , north tl Deaf & Dumb asylum. ' 898-ra 2Mow6w TpHIVY , vaults , ilnki ind oeMpoola clftnod at tLo X ( bortett untlce and uatlsUctlon guarantcedbyJK , O. Abl , 1 * . O. IlOX 878 18j j ) FUIINITOUK , Btovc. etc. . vtured lu brick ware nou.e 91 | and 013 Joon Bt. 707 II PIUVY vaulte , and cwwjwoli cleaned tA liorltat notice any tlmo of I bo day , In un entirely ordcrlcM vay with our Improved puaipanJ deno < au apjiaratuj , all plaocu clfanwl by ui dlsouleo ttd trio , charitti rtatvoablu A Kvaui , 121 * ) Uodgu lit. , up ( tain