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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1885)
J THE DAILY BEE THURSDAY , APRIL 2 , 188ft NEBRASKA OMAHA. NEBRASKA. JTAID UP CAPITAL . . . HUHPLUa NOV .1,1884 . , M.rjOQ H , W TATKS , JA , I. TOTjrAUH , President. Yloa President. "IT. V. 1IOORE , JNO. B. COLLINS. LF.VVI3 8. REED. K K. llayden , Assistant and Acting Caihlet , omcil The Iron Bank * OOE , 12TH ANDFAENAM STB , -A GENERAL | UANKINQ BUSINESS TBANBAOTKD , INTEREST llowod on lima deporiti upon Tot bl8 tormi and upon Mtonntt of bnnki old bankers. FOREIGN EXOHANQB Gorenimsnt Bonds nJ Count ? od 01 tr io u IUo bought nd cold. In ita treatment of cnstomeri the moat lib ? ml policy ii pursued consistent with safetd nd icmnd banking , and we invite oorxespocc * tnia 01 person * ! inquiry IB lonnoation there with _ FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL Nsw YottK , April 1. Money Easy at 1 per cent ; closing at 1 per cent. Prime morcatitilo paper l@5o. Sterling Exchange Bills Very dull , 4 8)J ) ; demand , 4 86J. Governments Quiet at an advnnco 1 per cent in 3's on which 101 bid for extended. Stocks Continue extremely dull. The total sales to-day showed nn increase over yesterday of about 80,000 shares , but the in crease was confined to n single stock , the Pacific Mail , The general market opened strong at first , prices showing in nearly every cnso a gain of Jt to J nor cent , while Central Pacific was up to 2J per cent , nnd during the first hour there wore further advances made in the active list. This was followed by ex treme dullness aad only slight changes In quotations , which continued until after one o'clock. No other stock on the list than these above mentioned fluctuated na much as 1 par cont. In most cnsos the closing quota tions were a shade higher than last evening. ooorONB. a1 101 44'sConponu 112J U. S. 4's 1214 Pacific 6'a of t)5 ) 125 BTOOKfl AMD BONDS. Oantrnl paciho SI ? Chicago & Alton 134 J do do pfd 150 Chicago , Burlington & Quinoy 1 Delaware , Lackawnna & Western 1 Denver & , BJo G rondo Erlo do pfd Illinois Central ] Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western Kansas & Texas LakeShore & Michigan Southern. . . . . . . Louisville & Nashville. . . . , Michigan Central Missouri Pacific Northern Pacific do do pfd Northwestern pfd ] New York Central Oregon Trans-Continental Pacific Mail p. D. &E. : PuHrnau Polaco Car Oompanjf 1 Book Island I St. Loala & San Franclaco do do pfd Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul do do do pfd 1 Ot. Paul & Omaha f do do pfd Toxns Pacific Union Pacific Wabaah , St. Lotus & Pnoifia da do do pfd. . Western Union Telegrnph 0. R. &N . ? . . . GKNEKAii PRODUCE ! . CHICAGO. CHICAGO , April 1 , Flour Quiet atd un changed. Wheat Quiet bnt firm and lower early. Belling at io oil , improved Sc , declined Jo , and closed ic over yesterday ; 74J@774o for cosh ; 74Jo for April ; 79S@70j for May ; 81g@81o for Juno ; No. 2 rod , 81 io. Corn-Quiet ; opened lower , improved Jo , and closed about aa yesterday , to a shade stronger ; 37i@40io for cash ; 37Jc for April ; llj@418c for May ; 42@42io for June. Oats-Opened weaker , ranged J@ic under yesterday , and closed steady at iio higher : 27a@S01o for cash ; 27 0 for April ; SlJa31go ( for May : 31Vo for Juno. Rye Dull at C2a Barley-Nominal at 62@G3o. Timothy Firm ; prime , 13GO1 37. Flax Seed A little weaker ; No. 1,1 39. Pork Fairly active and steadier ; advanced 10@15c , which was sustained to the close ; 11 75 ® 11 80 for cash ; 11 7G@11 771 for April ; 1185@11 87i for May ; 11 9311 97J for Juno , Lord Quiet and a trifle- higher ; closed steady ; G 75@6 77i for cash nnd April : G 82J © G 85 for May ; 0 OOtgG 92i for June. Bulk Meats Shoulders , 4 50(354 ( CO ; short Clear , G 40@G 45 : short rib * , 5 < JO@5 92i. Whisky Unchanged at 115. Butter Steady and unchanged ; good to fancy creameries , 23@ Gc ; good to choice dairies , 13@20o. Cheese Unchanged , Kegs-Fresh , 13c. Hides Unchanged. Tallow Unchanged. Keooipti , Bhlp'ts. Floor , bbls 5,000 30.000 Wheat , bushels 80.000 44,000 Corn , bushels 520,000 181.000 Oats , bnshnla 109,000 87,000 Rye , bushels. . , 8,000 3.000 Buley. bushels 31,001 16,000 MILWAUKEE FIIODCOB MILWAUKEE , April L Wheat Firm ; No. 2 Milwaukee , caih and April , 774 ; May , 79gc ; June , 81go. Oorn-Quiot ; Ko. 2 , 40Jc. Data Quiet and tame ; No. 2 , SOJc ; No. 2 white , 33 c. Rye-Quiet and firm ; No. 1 , GSc. Barley Firm ; No. 3f , * 7Jc. Provisions Mosi ix > rk , 11 S2J for cash ; 11 9iJ for May. BT , LODI8 FBODU01. Bi. Ix > rjiB , Aptll 1. Wheat Opened higher and active , closing So over yesterday ; 6G @ 804o cash ; fcGc. April ; 87@83o , closing 87jo for May ; 88i@8ygo , closing 89Jo for June , Corn Kaslervery ; _ slow ; 891@393o for cash ; 39e for April ; 3SJa39c ! , 'May ; 89f June. Oitn-Lowor ; 3ll@32o bid for cash ; 321 ® 321o for May ; 32jraS'lc ) ! June. Rye-Dnllr ; & 9c bid. Barley Dull at & 0@70c. Butter Unchanged ; daily , 22@25oj cream ery. 20@30o. i'ggs Unchanged ; lOJc. Flax Seed-Quiet at 1351 PC , Br n Steady ; 69@70o at mill. Cora meal-Steady at 2 2C@2 30. Whliky-Stcady ; 114. AVTKBNOON UOABDVheat Strong and higher ; 88c for May ; 90i@00o } for June. Corn Higher ; S9c for May ; 392@33Jo bid for Juna. OaU-Firmer ; 32Jc for May ; 32c bid for Juna , RKW TOBK rBODDOI. New YOBK , April 1. Wh < wt RecelpU , 33,320 ; exporU , 76,334. , Spot lots 4@fc lower , closing stronger ; tiport demand very moder ate ; options opeted weak and Io lower , recov ered decline , advanced l@c | , closing Gnu ; speoulition moderately active ; No. 3 spring , 9Qc ; unrraded red , 81(295c ( ; No. 3 red , lUamer , 82o : No. 3 red , 6o ; No 2 red , &OJ , free on board ; May closing IW e. Com Spot lots i@ Jo lower ; options orenet \\o \ lower , later advanced i@J < : and cloiec farm , RecelpU , 168,000 bushels ; eiports 256,700 bushels ; ungraded , 48t@50U : No , 3 49tc ; No. 2 , 48J@49Jcj el tor. sttoat ; Mar cloucg at 60c , Data | @lo higher ) fair demand Ucceiptg 97,000 bushels : export * 102,000 busheln : mixed western , 87@38c ; white western , 3S@41c. V.nn Dnll nd lower. Pork Dull ; mes * . spot , 13 00. Lard Opened rather weak , advanced , clos ing firms western steam , spot , 7 12J@7 15 June , 7 19 ® 7 22. Butter Dull nnd drooping ; western , 10 © 2c. U7KBPOOU Lrvraroot , April 1. - Whwvt Quiet poor demand , supply good ; winter , Ga lOd to Corn Dull and in poor demand ; now west ern mixed , 4s Gd , CIUOUWATI. CINCINNATI , April 1. Whisky Dull and nominal at 1 13 , . KAK3AB CITT. KAKBAB OirrrAorll 1. Wheat Stronger caah , G31c bid , G.ij o ke < l ; May , G6i@G63c June , 67a bU , GSJo asked. Corn Kisler ; cash , 31c ; May , 3ajc ; June 33c. 33c.Oats Nominal ; SOc bid , TOLEDO. TOLEDO , April 1. Wheat Quiet and firm o. 2 caish and April , 8 lie. Corn -Dull and nrmj No. 2 cash , and April , 43J@ Jc. , ' Oata Dull and nominal ; no quotations. BXOOK , CIIIOAOO. CniOAOO , April 1. Drovers' ' . Journal re ports : Cattle Rowipts , 6,800 ; slow nnd weak ; shipping steers , 4 20@5 80 ; canncrsand butch- eraf. 2 402 45 ; bulk , 3 G0@i 00 ; atockers and fotidera , 2 40@4 CO. Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; opened Be lower , and closed strong ; rough packing , 4 20@4 40 ; packing and shipping , 4 40@iGO ; light , 4 2D © 4 G5 ; skips , 3 CO ® I 20. Sheep RccolpU , 0,000 ; slow ; inferior to good. 2 25 ® 125 ; choice , 4 30@4 75 ; lambs , 4 CO@C 00. BT , LODia , Br , LODIS , April 1. Cattle Receipts , 2 700 head : shipments , SOO ; supply more lib- irnl , easier , some salot , shade lower ; exports , i G5@5 90 ; common to choice shipping , 4 CO 3)5 ) GO ; butchers ateere , 4 254 75 ; corn fed Texans , 4 25g ( i EC ; cows and heifers , 3 25 ® 425. 425.Sheep Receipts 1.4CO ; shipmtutj , 1,400 ; staady ; common to choice , 2GJ@440 ; extra , 450@175 . KANSAS CITY LIVE STOCK. KANSAS Cm , April 1. Cattle RecaiDte , 1,715 head. Steady , exports , 5 155 30 ; common to choice ehippiug , 4 505 10 ; cows , 3 00@3 75. Uosa Receipts , 7,107 head ; demoralized ; 1020o lower ; assorted , 4 05a , 1 10. Sheep Receipts , 1,805 head ; steady ; com man to good , 1 50g3 ( 25. OMA11A MAIIKETS. OrricE or THE OMAHA BOB , t Wednesday evening , April 1 , I The following prices are charged retailers > y jobbers , wholesale and commieaion mer chants with the exception of grain , which is inotod at the prices furnished by the elova- ors and other local buyers : Grain Wheat Cash No. 2 , 05c. Barley 50c. Rye Caah No. 3 , 45@4Sa. Com No. 2 , 28o. Oats-No. 2 , 2So. Flour ana Mlllstuffg , Winter Wheat Firmjbeat quality patent at 270. Second quality 82 40. Spring Wheat Best quality patent at 32 70. Second quality 52 15@2 60. Bran 65@75o per cwt. Chopped Feed Per 100 Iba. , 75o. Corn Meal 80.85 © ! 00 per cwt. Screening No. 1 , GOc per cwt ; No 2 , SOc. Hominy 1.50 per cwt. Shorts 60o per cwt. Grah&m 81.75 per cwt. stock Market , Hog8-S3.50O3.75. Cows S3.25@3 75. Steera-S4,00@4.7fi. Sheep S3.00@3. 50. Calves 5.00@6.50. Hides. Steady ; green butchers' Cc ; green cured , 7 @ 8c ; dry flint , 12@14c , dry salt , 10@llc : dam- atrod hides two-thirds price. Tallow 44@54c. Grease Prime white , 4@4io. Sheep Pelts 25c@75. General Produce Eggs The egg market is at present In a ery peculiar fix. It is still entirely "unset- led , and yet this word does hardly express , be actual condition , Two of the heaviest dippers hero have been forced to withdraw rom tbo market. Eastern matketa are all too ow to justify shipping and with nothing but tome consumption left , nrices were bound to lecline. Receipts continue very heavy and with dragging sales at any price for the last week. Overstocks are now accumulating fast , nd only small lots moving at 10@10Jc. Poultry In very good demand both alive and dressed. Spring chickens , per doz , G 00 ; thickens alive , per doz , 3 G0@3 50 ; Chickens Ireased , per Ib. , choice , 1213c , Turkeys , ressed , per Ib. , choice , 13S14c ( ; Gooae , Iressed , per Ib. , choice , 10@llc ; Ducks , iroaaed , per Ib. , choice , 12c. Butter Quiet and unchanged. Creamery , 2@2Gc ; fair to good , 13@14c ; choice dairy , 15 @ 17c ; inferior grades , 8@10c , Potatoes Consignmenta moro liberal and nto receipts wor3 not taken up quite so fast. Choice stock only going at 55c , and fair at 5c , with 40@45c for good , regardless of variety. Game Scarce antl in strong request. ) ucks , mallard , per dor , 2 00@2 50 ; ducks , eal and mixed , per doz , 1 50@2 00 ; geese , per doz , 3 00@4 00 ; snipe , per doz , 1 00@1 25. Onions Scarce at 1 00@1 25 potbuih. | Beans In fair supply and demand mqdor- ato. Navy , per bushel , 1 & 0@1 GO ; medium , per bushel , 1 3091 40. Tobacco. Smoking O , S. , 22c ; Meerschaum , SOc ; > urhum , IGo oz , 49a ; Durham , 8 oz. , 55o ; Dnr- mm , 4 oz. 57c ; Durham , a oz. , GOo ; Seal of s'orth Carolina , 16 ot. , wood. 42c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , wood , 45o ; Seal of North Cor. olina , 4 oz. , cloth , 4 80 ; Seal of North Carolina , 3 oz. , cloth , 50o ; O. S. , Durham , 4 oz. , 28o ; O. C Durham , 2 oz , BOc ; Uncle Nod. i'a 35o ; Tom and Jerry 23a Long Tom SOc. Spirits , CoLOONKSriBiT8-188 proof , 1 19 ; do , 101 pro'f , 1 20 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , . 19 : do , 188 proof , 1 18. ALCOHOL iSb pooof alcohol 2 30 per wine allon. WiHSKiEa-RedLitillod wldskies , 1 00 < tl 50 ; ? \na \ blended , 1 5092 00 ; Kentucky bourbons bens 2 00 © 6 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylva nia ryes , 2 00@G CO , BBANDIES Imported , G 00@16 CO ; domea- ic , 1 MCa-3 CO. GINS Imported , 450@600 ; domeatlo , 150 @ 3oe. HUMS Imported , 4 50@8 00 ; New England , 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 E0@3 00. ClIAMrAQNKS Imported , per c&sft , 28 00 ® 31 00 ; American , per case , 10 00@1G GO. DKOUII AND OHEMIOALS Add , carbolic , 40o acid , tArtaric , 60cj balsam copaiba , per Ib. S5c ; bark , sassafroa , per Ib , 13c ; calomel , per : b , 90o ; cinchonidla , per oz. , 90 fjO ; chloroform - form , per Ib , 91 00 ; Dover * powders , per Ib , 25 ; epfiom saltij per Ib , 34c ; glycerine , , per Ib , 25o ; lead acetaU , per Ib , 20o ; oil castor , No. 1 per oaL. 91 60 ; oil castor , No. 3 per gal , , 91 40 ; oil , oliv , per gal. . 91 40 : oil , mgunnin , 60cj opium , 94 50 : quinine , P. & W. , and R. & H. , per ot. , 9110 ; poUasIum : Iodide , per Ib , . $3 CO ; sallcin , per oz. . 40c ; culphkte morphine , per or , , 93 40 ; tulphnr , p * Ib. 4o ; strychnlno , per oz. , 91 GO Falnta Olli and Varntshoi. Oita 110 carbon , per gallon , llci 160 headlight , per gallon , 13c ; 175 ° headllgnt Mdgallon , 16c ; 150 ° water white , 15c ; lin- teed raw , per gallon , 62c ; linseed boiled , per Kullon , 55cLard ; , ninter itr'd , per gallon , 70c ; No. 1 , 60cNo. ; 2 , 0 ; caator SxX. per gal ! Ion , 1 50c ; Ne. 3 , 1 40 ; iweet , per gallon , 1 00 ; sperm W. B. , per gallon. 1 60 ; fiih W. B. , per gallon , 65 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90o ; No. 1 , 760 ; lubricating , tero , per gallon , 30o ; lummer , IDc ; golden machine , No , 1 , per pal- Ion , SOc ; No , 2 , 28 i iperm , signal , per gallon 90c ; turpentine , per gallon. 4f o ; n ptb , 74 ° rer gallon , IGc. "Dry Whlto lead 89c ; Fronca BO , Co ) F ti Mhittng , 24c ; whitinR gilders , IJcj whiting com'l , llc | lampblack , Gcrmantown , 14c lampblack , ordinary , lOcj Prussian blue , 65a nntramarlno , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8oj umber burnt , 4c [ nmbcr , row. 4os alenna , burn4ct ; sienna , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine. 25o Paris Rreoncommon,20c ; chromo green , N. Y. 20c ! chrome green , K. , 12o ; vermllllon , Eng 7Cct vermillion , American , 18c ; IndUn , rod lOcj rose pink , 14c ; Venetian , rod , Oookson's 2fcj Venetian , rod , American , IJc ; red lead 7Jcj chromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yellow low , K. , 12c : ochre rochelle , 3c ; ochre , Frenh 21 cj ochre , American , 2c ; Winter i mineral , 2Jc ; lehigh brown , 24c ; Spanish brown , 24c Prince's mineral , So. VABNISIIM Barrels , per gallon : Furniture , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No , 1 , 31 ; coach ex tra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20j Damar , extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70cj nsjilwltura , extra , 85c , shellac , $3 50 : hard oil llnTsh SI 50. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P. 5Jowhlto ; ; load , St. Louis , pure , fiCc : Marsei ] lea green , 1 to C 1 b cans , 20c ; French zinc ; . IU UI1 WDtA.4 | IWW t UVI UU4J WtilUV ( * f hatu , 10o ! raw nnd burnt Sienna 10c { Vandyke brown , 13cj refined lampblack , 12o ; coach black and Ivory black , ICoj drop black , IBc ; Prussian blue , 40cj ultramarlno blue , 18c ; chromo green , Ii. M & D. . ICc ; blind nnd shutter ( rreen , L. M. & D. , IGc ; I'aru RTPCII , 18c ; Indian rod , 16o ; Vonstian red , Bo ; Tus can red , 22c ; American vennillion. I. & I1.- ; yellow ochre , 9c ! L. M , , O. & D. 0. , ISc ; yellow ochre. 9o ; golden ochre , ICc ; patent dryer , 80 ; training colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and oah. lee Dry Ooorta BBOWN SHKKTiNaa Atlantlo A , TJoj Allan tlo P , 5o : Atlantic LL. 6 0 ; Brunawlck , TJo ; BoaverDamLIj.Dic : Lawrence LL , 6Jc ; Pa- clfio U , 7fc ; Koyal Standard , Cioj Indian Head A , 7jo ; Wauclmiett A , TINE BROWN SHKBTIXCJB Argyle , Goj Pop' perell R , GJc ! Sallsoury K , Go. BLEACHED CorroNa Ballon. 1-4 , BJci Bal. Ion , 7-8 , 5ic ; Cumberland , 4-4 , 7Jc : Davoll DD , 8io ; Fainnount , 4o ; Fruit ot the Loom 4 , 8c : Glory of the West , 8c ; Golden Gnte.SJc ; ill 7-8. 7cj JI111 4-4 , 7Jc ; Lonsdale , 7Jc ; Now York Mills , Idic : SVninautttt , lOio. DCOKEI ( Color' d ) Beaten , 8 oz. , HAoi Beaten ton , 10 oz , lOic ; Boston , 9 oz. , J2si Fall River ic. ic.DCOBB ( Gray ) West Pont,8oz. ! , lie ; West Point 10 oz. , 12jc ; Point Boar , 8 or. , lie. TICKINOB AmoaUeafc. 13c Oontlnental Fancy , 9Soi Oordis 13c ( Pearl River , 21c ; York , ISlJci Hamloton Awnings , 120. DUNIMS Amoakepg , 13c ; Beaver Greek AA 12c ( Beaver Creek Bl3 , lie ; Beaver Creek CO , 10c : Haymakort , 8cj Jaffrey D & T , 12Jc ; Jaffroy XXX , 12Jc ; Pearl River. 13c ; Warren - ron AXA ( brown ) , I2cj Warren BB ( brown ) , Ic : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. OAMBBIOSFifth avenna glove finish , 4io ; rCeystono olovo finish , Co. lOoBSKT JEAKB Amory , 74c ; Hancock , 8c ; ECearsaige 7ic ; Rockport , CJo. PBINTSAliens , 5Jc ; American , f Jcj Arn old's 60 : Oocheco , Cc ; Harmony , 4o ; Indigo. 7c : Indigo 7-8 , lljc : Indigo 4-4 , UJcj Stool River , 5ic ; Charter Oak , 4c. PBINTB SHIBTINQS American,4Jo ! Cocheco , [ Jo Glonceater. 4io ; Sonthhidge , 4jo ; Waver- eya 4Jo ; Roeedale , 4 Jo. GISQHAMS Amoskeag ataples , So ; Bates itaplos. 7c ; Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plnnket ilalda 9c ; Hudson checks , 8oj Amoakeoff ? er8lans , 9c. DBESS GOODS Atlantto alpacca. 9jo } Per sian cashmere , 23 0 j Hamloton caahmoro , 15 c ; iamleton Fancua , 11 Ic ; Hamleton brocades , .60 } Arlington brocade , 18c. Hear tilor Iron , rates , 2 SO ; plow steel , special east , 5c ; crucible , 5oj oaat tools do , 15a20c ; wagon pokes , per set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs per set , . 25 ; telloes , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , lach , 70o ; ailec , oaih , 75c ; square nuta p r b , 7allc ; washers , per Ib , 8al8c ; rivets , per b , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 6al2o ; malleable , la ; iron wedges , 6c : crowbars , Go : harrow eeth , 4c ; spring steel , 7a8c ; Burden s horse shoes , 4 SO ; Burden's muleshoea , 5 30. BABBED WIBK In car lots , 4 00 per 100. NAIIS Rates , 10 to 60 , 2 45. SHOT Shot , 1 60 ; buckshot , 1 85 ; oriental powder , kegs , 3 50a4 00 ; do , half kegs , 200 ; do quarter kegs , 1 50 blasting , kegs , S 85 ; ( use , per 100 feet , 50c. LEAD Bar , 1 68. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Blosaburg , 10 00 ; Whltebreast lump , i 00) ) Whitobreast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 ; owa nnt , 5 00 1 Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra- dot , 11 35all 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 per ton. Grocers1 List OAHDLE3 Boxes , 40 Iba , 16s , 12io , 8s , 12Jc , boxers 401bn , 16 oz , 6s. 14o. MATCHES Per caddie , SCo ; ronndrlcase D5sqaare ; , cases , 170 ; Oshkosh , cceea grl.20 STBCP Standard Com. , 38o , bbla ; Standard o 4 gallon kegs , 1 25. ' SODA In Ib papers , S 20 per case ; keg , per GOODS. Oyateis ' ( Standard ) per case. 3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per case. 2 50 ; ospborrioa , 2 Ib , per case , 2 50) ) California tears per case , 5 80 ; apricots , per case , 6 00 ; caches per case , 5 90 ; white cherries per case , 6 75 ; plums per cose , 4 50 ; whortleber ries per case , 3 00 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 90 ; green gages , I Ib , per case , 2 90 ; pine pies , 2 Ib , per caao , 3 20@5 50. ROPB Siaal , i inch and larger , 8c , i Inch , o. o.SDOARS Powdered , 7ic ; cut loaf , 7io ; gran ulated , 7o : confectioners' A , 6jo ; Standard xtra 0,0 Jo ; extra 0 , Cgc ; medium yellow , 51c ; dark yellow , 5i@GJo. CorFEES Ordinary grades , 12@12)a : fair. 12 313&C & ) good , ISJo ; prime , 14@15c ; choice , 6@17o ; fancy green and yellow , 16@lGic ; old government Java , 20@26c ; Arbuckle's roast ed , 14Jc ; UoLaughlin'a XXXX roasted , 14c ; mltation Java , 16J@18ic. DBT FBCIITS No 1 , quarter apples , bbls ioj N O sliced , boxes , 7Sc : evaporated , boxes , > Jc ; blackberries , boxes tlo peachea , } > exes , lOo ; peacnea , evaporated , IGc ; rasp- jcrriea , SGo PIOELES Itledlum in barrels , 5 40 ; do In lalf barrels , 3 30 ; small , in barrels , G 40 ; do In lalf barrels , 4 00 ; gherkins in barrels' , 7 00 [ o in half barrels , 4 50. TEAS Gunpowder , good 45@55ci choice , 0@76c ; good Imperial , 40@4So ; choice , GO ® 5c ; Young Hyson , good , 31 @ 50o ; choice , 65 gl 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 75c ; Japan choice , 0 ( 75c ; Oolon ? good , 85@40c ; Oolong choice 0@55o | Sauchong , good , 30@40c ; choice , 35 @ 45c. RICK Louisiana , prime to choice , 6&7c. & FISH No. 1 mackerel half bbls. , 7 60 ; Family i bbls. , 4 25 ; No. 1 kita. 105 ; family kits' 60c ; No , 1 whitefisb , half bb . .6 50 ; No. kita , 95oi family halt bbla. , 300 ; family kits and palls , 60o ; No. 1 trout , half bbli. , 6 25. WOODINWABE Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; three hoop pails , 2 10. Tuba , No. 1 , 8 50 | pioneer w&ahboards , 1 75 ; Double Crown , 21 90 ; well * buckets , 3 75. SOAFS Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 15 ; Kirk's atinet , S 30 ; Kirk's standard , B 55 ; Kirk's Vhite Russian , 485. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans in case , -Babbitt's ball , 2 dor. In case , 1 SO ; An- Uior ball , 2 dot. in caao , 1 50. CANDY Mixed. 1 stick , Oallct twist tlok , 9c. VINEQAB New York apple , ICoj Ohio ap ple , 18o. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 60i Ashton , n sacks , S 50 ; bbls dairy , 60 , 5a , 3 00. BTABOQ Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , 8ci Corn Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Qlosa , 7o ; Corn , 7Jc , SPICES Peppar , IQo ; Ice , 14c ; cloTea , 20o cassia , 15c , Dry Lumber. Wholwale On Board Cars at Omaha , IUTTBNM , WKLLTDIIIKO , riCKETS. O.G. Bats,31nch S ,60 0. G. Bati , 2J inch 70 , inch Bats , e. 1 35 1 Inch well tubing , D. & M 21 00 3 inch well tubing , Bev 21 03 PicketD. : . & II. Flat , $21 00 ; D & H. Square 23 00 'DIMENSIONS AND TIUBXBS , 8I1II' LAP , ' No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 inch . 616 CO No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch. 14 50 Ko. 1 , 0 , G 17 BOARDS. No , 1 boards , 12 , 14 nnd 16 ft . (16 00 No. 2 boards , 12 , 14 Mid 1C H . , . . 14 00 No. 3 boird * , 12 , 14 and 16 ft . 11 50 No. 4 boards , 12 , 14 and 16 ft. ( shipping cull ) . 1000 FtOOKINO , 1st Com , 01 cbwhito wne. . . . . $3660 2dCom. 0 white plno . 33 EO 3d Com. G white jnnn . . . . . 2d & Sol. Fence Inch , whlto pine . 18 1st nnd 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-0 inch. 24 50 FIMSHINO , 1st and 2d Clear , 1 | Inch.fs , 2a . $50 00 1st and 2d , Clear , 1J and 2 inch , a. 2a. . BO 00 3d , Clear , 11 Inch , s. 2s . 48 00 3d , Clear , 1 } and a Inch , 8. 2s . 430 lit and2d , Clear , 1 inch , 8 , Sa . 50 ( X 3d , Clear , 1 inch , . 2s . 44 00 A Select , 1 inch , . 2s . 3900 B Select , 1 Inch. e. 2a . 28 CO Clear Poplar , i inch , s. 2s . . ' 35 OQ KENC1XO. No. 1 , C inch , 12 nnd 14 foot , rough. . . .814 DO No. 1,6 inch , Hi feat , rough . 16 00 No. 2 , C inch , IS ! nod 14 feet , rough. . . . 15 01) ) No 2 , C inch , 1C feet , rough . 14 00 No. 1 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 foot , rough. . . . 1C OQ No. 1 , 4 Inch , 16 feo. , rough . 16 5U No. 2 , 4 inch , 12 nnd 14 foot , rough. . . . 14 00 No , 2 , 4 inch , 10 feet , rough . 14 50 SIDING. lt Com , 12 , 14 nnd 10 feet . 521 2dCom. II and 10 feet . 10 fO tdCom. , 14 and 16 feet . 14 50 Fence , It and 16 foot . 10 60 BEADED CEILING. 1st Com. 8 Incb , white pine . S22 EC Id Com , . 3 Inch , white pine , . . . . . 20 5C kl Corn , p inch , white pino. ' . 15 50 st Com , 3 inch , Norway . . 15 OC 2d Com , fj inch , Norway * . . . 1400 Clear Poplar , panel , i inch , B. 2 a . 27 00 STOCK BOARDS. A 12 Inch , 12 , 14 nnd IGfoet . 43 CO B 12 Inch , s. IB , 12 , 14 nnd 16 feet . 41 00 C 12 inch , a. 1 B. 12 , 14 and 16 foot . 30 00 D 12 inch , B. 1 s. 12 , 14 nnd 16 feet . 23 00 No. 1 Com. 12 in. , . 1 B. 14 and 10 ft 17 00 Vo. 1 Coin. 1 ? in , a. 1 s. 12 ft. 18.50 No. 1 Com. 12 in. , s.-l s. 10,18 nnd 20ft21 00 No. 2 Com. 12 in.s. 1 B. 12 , Hand 16 ft.14 75 BUNGLES AND LATH. 6 inch , Olmr . S3 50 AStandaid . 2 CO 5 inch , Clear . 1 70 No.l . 1 25 Lath . 2 35 White Cedar , 0 inch , halves . lljc Vhlto Cedar , 5i inch , halves . 9 Jo Vlnto Cedar , 8 inches , quarters . 9 Vhito Cedar , 4 Inch , round . ll Southern lied Cedar , 6 } feet . 15o DENVEll MARKET. FLOUB-GoIorndo , 100 Iba , 1 50@1 7C | pnt- nt , 100 Iba. , 2 75@3 00 ; Knnima , 100 Iba , 2 75 © 3 00 ; graham , 100 Iba , 1 60 ; ryp , 1 00 Ibs. 25 ; buck-wheat , per bbl. 7 50 , CHAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheat 100 Iba , 8100 corn In sacka on track , 100 Ibs , 65(2)70) ( ) ) ata , in Backs on track , 100 Ibs , eastern white , 15@1 20 ; Colorado white , 1 201 30 ; mixed , 10@115 ; barley 100 Iba , 1 S0@l 35 ; bran. , on , on track , 14 Opr&15 00 ; chop , com , 100 DS , on track , 70c@75 ; chop mixed , 100 Iba , n track , 1 001 20 ; corn meal , 100 IDA. 1 20 @ 140. HAT Baled , upland , ton , 13 00@15 00 ; plnnd , loose , ton , 10 00@12 00 ; second bot- om , baled , 10 001100 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 00@16 00 ; straw , baled , on track , ton , 6 00 @ 8 00. BDTTKL Creamery , fancy , lb , _ 41o creamery , fine , Ib , SGfBSSo ; dairy , choice , Ib 0@22c ; dairy , ( food , Ib , 18@20o ; dairy , fair b , 1516c ; cooking , Ib , 6@8o. EGQS State , candled nnd warranted , doz , 536c ; ranch , doz , 36@37o CHEESE Full cream , 15@17oj half cream , > , 10@llo ; skim , Ib , So ; Swiss , domestla , > , 22@23o ; Swiss , Imported , S0@32o ) flm- burger , 18c. POULTBY Live old chickena , doz , 5 00@5 50 ; rosacd dncka , Ib , 15@16c ; dressed turkeya , b. , 15 ® IGc. POTATOES Colorado , 100 Ibs , 95105 ; weet , per Ib , , 4o. VEGETABLES Onlona. yellow , 100 Iba , 25 ; cabbage , 100 Ibs , 2 50 | beeU , 00 Ibs , 110@1 25 ] turnips. 100 Ibs. 1 25. FBCITS Lemona , per box , Messina , 4 00 ® 50 ; orangea , Florida , per box , 6 60(87 ( 00 ; poles , fancy bbl , 5 00@5 50 ; apples , medium , W. 350. COBED MEATS Hams , sugar cured , Ib , 11) @lljc ; baoon , breakfast , Ib , 12@12io ; dry salt sides , .b , 74@8c ; laid in pnils , 9g9ic ( ) nrd in tierces , 8Jc. FBiSH MBATB Dresaed beef , Colorado , per b , 7i@8o ; hogs , Ib , Ci@Gic ; mutton , Ib , 7 @ 7io. Livu STOCK Colorado steers , per 100 Iba 10@450. Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , lli@13oi Jo. 2 , Ib , 9@10o ; green steers nnd branded jjf , Ib , 4@6c ; green , 8@10c ; green kip , } , 6@7o ; Bhoop sklna , dry , 810c ; doer skina , i , 15@20c ; antelope skina , Io , 1215 ; tnllow , b,5@6o WOOL Colorado No. 1. per Ib , 14@lCc ) uck , Ib , 80) ) Moxlcnn , 7@10c. FIBH Mackerel , No. 1 , 140. kit. mess , 60@2 00 : California salmon , halt bbl , 10 50 ; Holland herring , keg , 1 60(3160 ( | trout , | per b. 16(2160 ( JOHN NAGLE , SCCCB8SOR TO HASTINGS < f NAGEL , Wholesale Produce And Commission * o , M Holladay St. . , DENVER , COL. . Solicit Consignments and guar antee quick sales and prompt re- iurna. Give us a trial. References Bradstreet's or Duns Agencies ; and German National Jank , Denver. A. KA.LISH. Merchant Tailor 316 South ISth Street , 3 DOORS SOUTH OF FARXAM. First-class tnllorinp in all Its bronchea. Nursery Stock F pricedcataloguoot the POMONA NURSERIE ddren , H. O. liaymond. Box 290. Omaha , Neb unery grounds situated immediately north ol the natltute ( or the De f and Dumb. Contracts taken tree planting. ' Jan28d8mwl t H. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. 11H 1111 Ur t , . OMAD NSTITUTE HOTEL ! CORNER 13th and Capitol Ave. , Formerly Ureigliton House. Kclarnlihed , $1.W a day. Special rtUs by the wtclc. HOTOGRAPHEE 213 North 16th Street. OldBeaOlT * Stand. The present proprietor wlihn It nnderrtood tha taUalactonr Ulore being nrtrtd ( rom this lalUry. Th * oU MtUei aad tit. E. B. Oiay raGoetdt. Rail-way Time Table * In Effect MMch 9th , 1685 , Thi alfentlon of | h travelling pnblla ti cU d t the tad that thlt U lh only complete and abtoluW correct tlmUbl pnblUhed la th dtjr , All tnJni ktrllc at and depart from Omaha b Central Standard Time. Trains of th a Si. P. II. k 0. urtrt at and < le part tram Ihtlr depot , corner of Itth and Webtle rtrMto : trains 01 the B. \ M. , 0. a A Q. , nd K , 0 St. J , A 0. B. from the D. ft U , depot ; all olhon lion lh Union Pacino depot a , DaUrb | , eio Bitarday ; c , exoepl Sunday ) d eicepl Monday. OMAHA BRIDGE TKAINO Dummv Trnlns Love omahi it e < o,7 50 9 59,10 00,11 16 * mlV50 , 2 00 , 8 00. 4 00 , 155 , 6 CO [ 110 pin. On Sandiystho 760 and 1000 a ui and 100 and 100 p ra t ruins Jo not run. Arrlvo 5 Irani for depot IB mlautca later : Bioadwujr depot SO mln ntca later. Leave Conndl DloOs ( Broadway depot ) at 7 15 , 810 B BO , 10 SO , 11 W ft m ; 1 30,180 , S SO. a 3 , 625 , 6 26 and 1115 p m. On Sundays the D SO and 11 40 am and 8 BO and G 5 p m trains will not run. Arrive at transfer 7 mlnutoa later , Omaha 20 minutes later. TransforTralns LO TO Omaha at a is , set am , 1 85 , ! 20 , fl 15 an J 7 CO p m , dally. Arrive al B 4B and 1116 a ra , 1 20 , 8 EO , T 85 and B 16 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Io and from Chicago via tha Tripartite Alliance Line * . I BOTOUT MOttatsa I SATganAT 1 I Mil. | U-l. | N-W I N W | U-I | Ml Sunday evening and Monday morning trains arrive In corresponding order. C. B , & Q. trains run orcry lay , STOCKYARDS TRAINS. Leave Union Paclflo depot at a SO a m and S CO p. n. Arrive ( rom Stock Yards at 7 03 a la and 6 30 p m. Mail Tlmo Card , UOUTK. I CLOSE. a. M. P. M. I A. M. P. M. Office open Sundays from 12 to 1 , noon. a K COUTANT P. M. THE CHICAGO AND TERN RAILWAY. THE BEST ROUTE AND SBORT : : Council Bluffs' ' and Chicago , The only line to take ( or DCS Molnofl , arshall. town , CcJar llaplda , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil. n-aukoe and all polnta east. To the people ot No- iroaka , Colorado , Wyomlnpr , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and California It offers superior ndrantages not possible by any other lino. Among a few of the numerous points of superior' ty en Joed by the patrons of this road between Omaha and Chicago , are Us two trains a day ot DAY COACHES which are thoflnost that human ait and npenulty can create ; Its PALACE SLEEPING ) OARS R'hlcli are models of comfort and elegance ; Its PAR LOB DRAWING UOOJI OARS , unsurpassed by any ind its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAKB ho equal ot which cannot bo found elsewhere. At Council Bluffs the trains of the Union Paclflo ly. connect In Union Depot with those of tha Chlca ? o & Northwestern Ry In Chicago the trains of thlf Ine make close connection with those of all eastern Ines. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati , ( Ugara Falls , Buffalo , Plltaburg , Toronto , Montreal Beaten , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wash- ngton and all points In the Eaet , oak the ticket igent ( or tlckota via the -NOttTII-WESTEnH , ' fvouwlintho licst accommodations , ! All/tlcket igenU sell tickets via this lino. nuanirr. n. .nAin , 3 eneral Uanoger , 0 . PASS. Agent CHICAGO , VHICAGO , & SI. Paul THE SHOUT LI HT And BEST ROUTE. rllOU OUAHA TO THE EAST. TWO TBAIN3 DAILY JIETtVEKN OMAHA AND Chicago , MlnniSpolli. Milwaukee , St. Paul , Cedar Kaplds , Davenport , Clinton , Dubuque , Hockford , Hock Island , Freeport .Innrsville , Klein , Madnon , La Crowe , Belolt. Winona , And all other Important points Ea\t , North east and Southeast. Ticket office at KOI Farnam itrett ( In Taxtoa Uo tel ) . and at Union Padrlo Depot. t illman Sleepers and tte Flnwl Dining Cars In the W rld are run on tnetoiln lints of the Cmciso UavAi'Kxi ' & BT. Pii'LK'rand Ttrjratt ntloD Ii paid to pauenpen brcouiteoui employet ol tbeoompaor , B. 0. MEHUILL. A. V. II , OAilPgNTKK , Oencial alaniirc'i Oen'l ruatncer Agent. IU MILLER , GEO. K. IIEArPORD , Ats't Qeu'l MantKer. * la't Geu'l 1'isi Agent. i , T. OLAKK , Oen'l Superintendent. _ Is aiihrodtslac , arous- r vs activity , iweltlvely I ourua ImitoUincv , Ion _ enorcy > u rvou8lolill' ity. all weakness otceueratlvo aysUtineither : EUX. " , J. II.\Vuruur/107 htatot5t.Chlearr. C lAt-uitr Fi lUrortu pr crl. ef a att4 Ca wi * > tni. ) DnuiUUuatlllU .BH.WAUD - OJrfc GrA.TCTS \ AT Factoi ] Prices , AND- EASY TERMS. Send for our catalogue and price list before pur chasing elsewhere , MAX MEYEE & BBO. And Solo Importers of Fine Diamonds , Watches , 'Silver ware , Rich Jewelry , Wholesale and Retail. Cor. llth uiid ForunmSts. SOLE IMPORTERS | or HAVANA CIGARS -AND Meerschaum Goods. IN OMAHA. Wholesale nnd llotail Dcalora In f Ammunition , Sjtoi'titty Goods Notions nud Smokers' Articles , Stationery , Cutlery , Druggists' Sundries And Fancy Goods. Full and complete line and BOTTOM PRIOES Mover & Co. . 1020 to 1024-Farnam St. , Omaha. ENGINES , BOILERS , Cut'M engines , MI Lt AN D M ( NlflG Meat 'Catting Machines. MACHINERY. Tahkinj QU.WS/VKSSS , PATENT LOP ooos Wtif/tti Scrapers , THEHYATTPKISMAT1C1.IQHTS' ' AND SAWMILL sptcwtTiES , FrUit Evaporator ? , Pratrit Com Shelter C. F.GGOODMAN. Druggists v * ta K AND DEALER IN jljo ] Pnintn Qlillb , Ullb , OMAHA.tNEB. SPECIAL ; NOTIOETO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL TOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake It Ifl'lho Beat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. One pound la oqnal to hroo potuda of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Qako In the Fall and Wlntoi natoad of running down , will Increase In vr eight and be In good marketable condl Ion In the spring. Dairymen , an well BB others , who uao It , can testify to Its mei ta. Try It and judge for yourselves. Price $24.00 per ton. No charge for saaki Address WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS , Omaha , Neb , ( DEALERS IN Hail's Safe and FIEE AND BTJEQLAK PEOOF ETC. 3.OVO S * : l. CO. . I.'B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper , Chicago , Manager of the Tea , Olgar and Tobacco Departments. A fall line of all grades of the above ; ulao Pipes and Smokers' carried in stock. Prices end samples furnished on application. Open orders Intrusted to us shall receive our careful I attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGEMSFGR BEUWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & R4VD POWDER CO W45F , . BROWN. GEO. BKOWN W. F. BRQW74 & CO , . COMMISSION DEALERS IN LIVE : Office , Encliange Building Union Stock Yards , REFERENCF OMAHA NEB. FIRST NATIONAL UAKK , Omaha ; , . T A. rMiiox , rrest and Treas. Union Stock Yds. , Omaha WAN BEOS. , Cheyenne. Also connected with Gregery , Coolty oira A. UCSIIAMI , Manager Day State OatUo Co. Co , Union Stock Yards , Chicago , . A. CIXIUUTCN I'rest. First Nat'l Bank , Omahi , Address all communications Onion Btcck Taids , Omaha , Nebraska. r T. CLARKE , Prat , and Treat. . U. CLARKE , Vice President JOHN T , CLARKK , Stcrttary. H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY , SUCCEEDING LEIGHTON & CLARKE. Jobbing Drug house between ChloiRi and San FrancUco CAPITAL STOCK , 8200,000. We LARGEST bottom rltnemtiket to ) | times. Will duplicate Chicago and St. Louis pnccs vtltb reiifbt added. Our ipeo alty will Vw Pure Drugs , 'JPaints , Oils and IVinflow Glasy Ks ( mates elvcn on ill tie Klota. Ti those about to cmtiark In the drug buslne * ) will do well toi MI our Interest by oiling on us or send for our prlo list which will apritr about January 6th , Mall orde elicited. 1111 ilARNKY tti'HKBT. M. BELLMAN & CO. , 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH , ( SUCOEB8UR1TO FOSTER" & GRAY ) . LIME AND CEMENT.