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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1885)
If THE DAILY BEE-THURSDAY APRIL 2 , 1885 * gg'gsg m r / /iSjE ? < & ; i & & & & ' THE ua fe1 SE5T TQNIG , T > combining I'on with pnr * t . i iHlrftljr Rnd tomiiktily ' niiii v Illooil. * urnKii > . . . i. it iinrnllinr r < ra"4T for Dlscswi of thl ni < R MHI ! l , Int. n i vnUmiMO > . ' ilf"ttt penll r Va n > * ik n'l lO ) w no leid KMlcntnrj lives i -.A. . t.niurolhetcitli.caHsehemltiCbc.Cl ' cTi'MiHtlon other Jrtm mtrllcints do - riclietancl purifies the Mood , stlmulhtp i , < tltt iitilj tfo. a ltntlsttcr. of fo < vl r tijBri * irri nnd Belching , und ( trtcf -M itfur and ncrvci i , , i retttm ! Fevers , i/urtltude. lice - . Mm no equal * if i "AC- . ! red lmt > ot. vrtppcr lakt no other uiOiilaniefllfl the BROAD CLAIN . YBSY BEST OPEBATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND Rver ofTcrcd to tlio oubllc. Mendelssohn & Fisher. Booms 23 and 29OmnhaNatl.BankClock SDOCKSaOKS TO Dufrene & Mendelssohn Goo. L. Fisher , fcrmory with VI. L. D. Jean ; Architect. Chicago. lanHolm J. F. SEGER , Harness * Saddles One of th < mosl complete stocks of Harness HAS SadJleJ , Whlpa , Bnmlies , Hoiao Clotbln ? , etc. band. 110 N. 10th St. , Bet. Dodge and Capital \cnuo. mCodltulp Chronic ANerraai . _ _ QnlcU. Mure Cnrr * . _ % * " * ' guarantee glvtn iUbU " " dl8Clir"a' ' < n.ev n/ea a undertaken. -cndtwostampaforCelibratedMedlcalWotfcj , Address , r. It. CLARKE. JH. , I > . , iBGSouU. Clark Street. CHICAGO. ILL. IS CONDUCTED BY , Royal Havana Lottery I ( A OOVKRN1IKKT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days. ICKET9 , | I.OO , HAWKS. 11.00 ' pnlatlon , col txintrolled by tbo pirtlMln Interest. It la tba taltoat Iblng In Ibo aaloio of cbanooln exlstenoo. For tickets apply to 8HIPSEY& CO. , 1212 Broad way.N. Y. City ; SOLINOKIl & . CO. , 103South 4tb St. Bt Louis , Mo , or M. OTTKN3 & CO , 019 Main St. , Ktnsaj Cltv. Ma. Uirlx.'B on HorllcLV Food. " write lumdroita of pratcful mother * Mothorv * milk contaliw nc ftareh IIOKUCKS' FOOI ) TOIl INrASTSfrce ( fronihtarohn ) < itiiritHiiocooklir [ 'Ibo best fooil In liuilth ortiicknw-8 forlVFAMS. IheliontiUitlor SVJ.PT1CS itnil INVAl IRS IIMilj lioncllcla1 tn nuivliiif motliprn nun drink rarc-IOnud'&o. A5 druKVixtx lool.onilietriatnciitoUilldrUfrv3 ! I bclicvr It to te nuivrlor [ to ntijttiloR of thu klitil for ihulrtn " It Slmniam M It beta JWfc ltheilltuBl7 ) trunourcc It * " t st Xuud la : l'f market H V llirrtlt 11 l > , Jloitm "Otcnr etwit ubitltute * far mother milk " 11 U 1 toon. 11 , llrvcUjn , A. V \Vili IKI petit 1 tasll on ncclpt of price In pUmps. iu > < ci.Killi'-s I'cuin cu. , Rtirinc.VIH. . ' James Meal I Ate Chartered by theStatcofllll. : /noi3 forthcexpresspurpose Jof glvinRimmedlatc rclielln /.all chronic , urinary nml pri- ivatc diseases. Gonorrhoea , QlcetnndSyphllisinallthclr complicated forms , nlso nil diseases of the Skin nnd Blood promptly rellevedand permancntlycurcd by rcmc- k dics.testedlnnforri/rctira s : j & } > i > ccl < tll'ructtre. Seminal Weokne-- -"Tr" - - < > \rjicr/mci/ ( / ii ; . The appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per- eonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall nnd Express. No marks on racltAco to Indicate contents or sender. Address DK JAMES.No. 204Washlnglon St.Chcagolll. ! HAfflUEB-AMEEIGAI PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , Franco and Germany. The Iteunhlpa ol this well known line ue ball ol Iron , la inter-tight oomputmentJ , aad an fur olihed with every requisite to nuke the both tale aad agreeable. They carry the United Btatea and European malls , and lea\e New York Thnsdariacd Saturdays lor Plymouth ( LONDON Oberboug , ( PAK13 and HAUOUKQ. lUtea : Steeraire from namburg 110 , to Hamburg 110 ; round trip 20. First Cabin , ? S5 , tffi and Denty Pundt link Ilansen , F. E. Moorei , it Tort , agents In Omaha , Qronewe ; ft Bjhoentgen agentslnCouudlHluBt. C. a 1UCIIAKD & CO Qen. Fata. Agta , 01 Brcadway , N. Y. Chaa. Kos tnlnikl b Oo. , Qenfral Western AgeuU , 170 Wash tna St. . Chloaco.IU. Chloaco.IU.Tyiiefliter II tbe simplest , belt anil most complete type wilter uuule. llu luterchaDgeable type plates , IIM low partaandprlntilrom tbe ( ace of tbo tjp" . ln- cad ol throuxb an Inked ribbon , i'rloo only t 0 Send lor descriptive circulars. GEO. J. PAUL , AGENT , ra F. 0. Box 7U , OmabaKeb. Manhood Restored UIUIU/T tuft. A Tictlm of jrou hftal Iniprudioc * cautiDB I'rematur * Uc r , htnouiOtbilitT.Ixxt Alanhood. Ac..bnlns tried In iu t ry known ( * mdjr : edl > xx > i < ir da-JmplamMnios ( l-cur * , ie wti'Mnd KHKE to bi < Huw-.uff r r . . JJLUK VU.i3CbatliuubuIiiw Vc.k. 'GATORS. S&me & Mamlons Alligator Stories toy an Oltl Cracier , How the Boasts U cd to Act In Iiako Fayotto Tliclr I'ccnllftrltios Snnrtny Amusements The llosa Anlninl. Cor. Philadelphia Times. LIVE OAK , Fin. , March 1. "Talking ibont "gators , " naid the old cracker , ho placed his half-chewed quid of tobaccD In his vest pocket and lit the cigar I of- forcd him , "I'vo seed the tlmo whan old Fayott ( Like Fayotte } was full on 'cm. They uator hiss , nn rear , and boiler , ontcl you couldn't ' hoar yonrseK take or drink. 1 counted ninety-six on 'om in that at' lake ono nftornoon , an1 slch a cntiiu' nn' confusin * I neror eocd , an' I don't b'llovo anybody else over seed uuther , It Eccma that old Doekln Miller's ' bob-tailed hull which his taij had boon chawed off by a bull 'gator , kaeo ho wan oilers a'sirimniin' in the lake hcdn't larnt no aonso by that mishap an * hcd gene In nciu ' This tlmo the 'gators wna too much fir him an' kilt him right than "Ez I said afcro , thar "was ulnoty-jlx of the 'gators , 'an only tno of the bull , so thar wasn't enough bull tor go 'round , though each cue of thorn 'gatorj wns tollnbly pursovorin * like in trvin * to git thar slrnr. There was ono tremonjns bull 'gator thar 'AH ho was a sharp ono for keeps. IIo o'n'd swim right smart faster nor the tuther onea , an * ho gathered the doekin'e bull by thor hino quart era an' swum to a little narror inlet ho knowcd of. When ho got thar ho backed in with hit , an1 then sorter winked , as if to siy : "This are the crook I llvo in , and thar'a bltln * dogs about. " The athor 'gators had followed him fas' cz they c'u'd , an when they got tcr that pint they o'u'dn'l fit no furder , kaso thor wsst't room onufi ter pass. Howsomovor , they all crowded Ground , but they had tcr help thomsolvea ter the horns an' nock , whllo the ole bull 'gator got his steak oflen' the round. Don't toll mo 'gators can't reason. I tell yon they air a heap sight poartor than some men I know of. AN ESSEY ON ALLIGATORS. "I wuz born an' raised ermong the 'ga- tora , nn' msny'a the time , when I wuz a little tow-head cuss , on'y fit to wos'o sir up an' help corn from kecpln * too long , I has laid orlong the banks of the lake an watched the funny doin'a of the 'gators 'Gators is jess likpfo'kosan' the ole mam my 'gator'll take jois 'a much keor of her children ai fo'kes will o' thorn. Of co'so when 1 say fo'kes I moan nlggor fo'koa ' for they scorn to sorter understand one another like , ae1 you never hoar of nn nigger never beln' kilt by no 'gator. Ef you're aooi the nigger wimmingtako thor children In thor arms airly Sunday morn- in * and comb thor bar out to BOO ef any o' them onpollto nnimiles has been a glttin' Inter it. Now , I'm gwineter speak far. I hovn't seed the 'gatora do "zactly that , but 1'vo Hoed 'om como pcrty clus tor hit , an' I'll toll how hit was. "Ono day my old pap was gwlno ter tok a brosh tor mo , 'kaso ho said I war too keerlesa in holng out taters , an I run away from him , thinking I'd lay around the lake until ho sartor forgot all about it like. I 'lowed I wouldn't go back to thcr house afore night , so I fished a whllo ; then I took a lectio nap , an' the balance of the time I jess looked around , an' dog my akin if I didn't see an old mammy 'gator golnl through the dnm funniest porfo'manco I orel seed. She was a eittin' agin' a tree on her hln' quarter * , and ton loetlo 'gators was a slttin' on their bin * quarters right in front of whar she was a sittin' on oern. Then she actilly beckoned ter the fust one in that thar line , an' when bit came up she jess tuk hit inter her arms and 'zaminod hit all orer ter see if thar war any insecks on hit. She jess lifted up every scale an' looked kcetlully under hit to sco ef any of them lake wums hod got thar. She 'zaminod every one on 'em. one arter the uther. The last ono of 'em In the pcrcersion , 'poarod to bo a loetlo bit sassy , like I'vo seed some children in my time , an" didn't want tor come. She jess reached ont with her tall an * fotohed him a wipe that I know helped him somo. I was so full of laff that I hawhawod right ont , an' then for the fust tlmo she seed mo. I never teed no 'gitjr eo ashamed as she was when she know I had been a watch- in' of her. I'll bo dog'd of she didn't farly blush , an' she jeestnk fer the water , with all them yung 'nns a billn'arlcrhor , an" I went home an' tnk my whuppin' . THE BOSS ALUDATOR. "The biggest 'gator I over heard toll on in all ray horned days neotor llvo In this hero lako. The boys called him Ole Mote , rn' ho mus' of been over twenty foot long. That was about thirty year ago , or mobbo hit mout be fifty , anyhow hit wai ono or tuthor on 'em Hit don't make slch a powerful sight of difference to or ole man like mo. . Well , Ole Moeo , which as I eald afore was the naino of thot 'gator , hardly seldom kom much in sight , but kep hissolf hid in the mud an'bashes like , A great many of the tellers tried to shoot him at odd times , but Ole Hoao was too sharp for 'om. I 'low that 'gator mus' of boon over a 100 year ole , for the Injlns uaeter say tholr grandfo'ra knowcd him long before wo was born. But Ole Moso goi laid ont one day , an' hit was a boy done hit , too. Old Deekin Miller l < o sent his boy down to the store ono day after n pint of red liquor , for the ole man had boon out to class meetln' the night before with some of the boys and felt sorter onstoady like. I 'apect you're been along that road some time or other yourself , Colonel , you know , when aellor wakes up In the mornln' an1 reaches way out In the a'r arter his head. Well , Jake got the pint of red liquor hit was on'y one bit in them days and started for homo. His path led right a'ong ' whar Ole Moso , this yer big 'gator , uaeter take a nap sometimes , an1 Jake , happ'iog ty see a russlo in the nn'sb grata , nuthln * would suit that fool boy but he mat * go thar tn' look for what hit was. "While he was o-gapln' over the bank , ole Moso rlz right up an' with his month wide open WAS starln * him In the face. Hit akeered Jake so'd he los' bis balance an * fell plum offen the bank smack In ter the 'gator's mouth. Jnke had hilt enter the pint of whisky , an' hit happened to hitagtln the critter's teeth an * brnk. That it the on'y thing 'at saved the boy , 'for ho was way down in the 'gator's in wards. The whiskey was such powerful bad stun"'at hit made the 'gator death'y lick an' ho puked like a buzzard. Oat kom the boy Jake about ton foot up on the bank , an * you bet he scooted for home without eayin good-by er howdy. Jake wai all right with the 'ceptlon of havin1 a mark over his eye , which was caused by his strikia * agin a llghln'd chunk which was in the creeter'a belly. I nik Jake what he teed while he was down thar , but he said he wu BO skoerod be didn't h vo tinao to look around. Ole MOID kop shy of the ihoro fer or long time , but died from a broken back tryln' ter knock a big stump inter5 , his month nnnor the Impression that it was a hof , You ice he got sorter blind In his ole' ' " ! ngo. "Wu this Deacon Miller a steady drinking man ? " said I. "I should have thought ho would have boon expelled from the church for intemperance. " "No , sir , " said ho severely , "ho wasn't DO drunkard. Ho took his toddy like the rest of us an * meat of taken a drop too much once In n while , but as a gin'al thing ho was stlddy an' a mighty good man , too. Sometimes when ho wont to town the boys would sorter load him up , for they liked to hear him talk. A TRICK ON THE DEACON. "Lcmmo toll yon about the time ho wont down tor Foliom's an * the boys made him kivor more llokor than ho could well got along with. Folsom kep the store in them days , an1 hit wai the most sociable place I'vo ' seed in orlong tlmo. "Ono afternoon wo was all a sitlin * in thar , when Deokin Miller kom ridtn'np _ on his ole bay mar' , nn' ho 'lighted ' , tied hii crootur to the rack an' tuk a coat wuth us on the po'ch. The boys had lots of money an' WAS bent on bavin' a good time , an' the dookin ho tuk a drink every tlmo ho was ast , which was mighty often , too. Yon aeo ho was afoord of hnrtin' their foolin's if ho refused. Long about dark the doakln was full as a tick nn' be gan to wantcr to go homo. Some of the boys tolo him to sit still nn' they'd being around his hess , help htm on an1 start him off in good stylo. In them days they rode hossbock with n crupper-strap , too , an' them boys , joss natoralty full of all sorts of devilment , took the deckin's boss , turned the saddle around , fastened the bridle to the crupper somehow an1 fetched the old dookin ont an' helped him in the saddle. Hit was the funniest sight I ever tood. His face was toward the mar's tall , but ho was so drunk ho didn't know hit. The mat' was a stlddy ole crotur , and she trotted along homo which was six miles out. AU the doekln' bed tor do wuz ter cling ter the caddie. When ho got to his own gate ho had sobered up a loodlo bit , an' the ole mar' stopt and the ole dookin yolt ont fer Ids wifo. " 0 mammy 1 0 hie raammyl" "Mis' Miller kom to the door , an * scon's she seed him she knowcd ho was drunk as er coot. 'Watcher want ) ' says she. 'Send Jake np to help his ole pap offon the boss , ' says ho. "Whon Jake cum outon the house an' ' helped the deokin down the ole man was a-oryln' . Said ho , 'Jako take the ole mar' ' ter the stable , but it's hie no use tcr glvo her any fodder , fer them doggoned - goned ecun'cla down ter Folsom'a gene an' hie cut offon her head. " Christening Eugenie's Baby. Frank Loalie'a Weekly. The secret papers of the Secnd Em pire glvo an account of the expenditure on the occasion of the birth and baptism of the Prlnca Imperial. Medals in diamonds mends noad the list , at a cost of 25.00C francs. Doctors and midwives received 68,000 francs. The wardrobe cost 100- 000 francs. The several eocloties of dra- matio authors and composers , men of letters tors , dramatic artists , musicians , painters and sculptors , industrial ] Inventors and mcdicalmonof the department of the Seine received 10,000 franca each. Ninet three thousand francs were given to the benevolent "bureaus" of the department of the Seine and of the communes in which lay the estate of the crown. The ' 'agents of the interior service" of the empress received gratifications equal to four months' wager , amounting to 11,000 franca : Forty-four thousand franca were allotted to giving gratia performances at the theaters on March 18 , 1850. The parents of the children born on the 16th of that month shared among them 00,000 francs. For medals to bo given to authors and composers of verses and cantata addressed - dressed to their majesties , and to the pupils at the Lycees , 85,000 francs were allowed. The relatives of the godchild ren of their majesties received 20,000 franca. The service of the stablea for the baptismal cortege Is sot down at 172 , 000 francs , and 100,000 francs were dis tributed in gratifications to the hired servants of tholr majesties' household. The total comes to the sum of 808,000 franca. Industrial Pursuits in Paris. Philadelphia Press. Statistics show that moro tban half a mitlioaParlsIans are employ ed in commerce trade and barfklng operations , whllo of the artisan class there are considerably more than a million and a quarter. The liberal professions seem to occupy but a small proportion of the population. All combined dp not amount to 200,000. The great majority are in public tstvico , which employs wore than medicine , law and divinity combined. But after the public service it Is art which gives employment and livelihood to the greatest number of Parisians. Forty-tiro thousand got their income from this branch of Idnstry. The doctors come after , but a long way after. Medicine , in its branches , supports 18- 000 , the branches of course , including chemists and all compounded and vendors of medicine. Then comes law , with its 16,000 votaries , from judges to ctier. Literature figures verf low on the lis , for , grouped with science and jonrnalisir , It gives employment to only 11 000 people ple , whllo all the clergy of all the per- suatlons amount to but half that number On tha whole , Paris wonld seem to be moro industrious , moro artistic , loss liter ary and less religious than the ordinary visitor wonld suppose , whllo the proportion tion in which the working elate exceeds those who llvo on their own income is more remarkable , as Pan * is the rocog- nlzad center of exponditnro and extrava gance for all Franco. Valuable and Convenient , Bnowu's DuoNCHiAL TROCHES are a safe end sure rem edy for Brouchitiu , Coughs , and ether trou bles of the Throat and Lunga. Bold only in boxes , Price 25 cents , The oarninga of Now South Wales railways Increased $1,062,821 last year. Biliousness Is very prevalent at ( his Beacon , the symptoms being bitter taste , oifanslvo breath , coated tongue , sick headache , drowsiness , dizziness , loss of apjiotlto. If this condition is allowed to continue , serious consequences may follow. By promptly taking Hood's Sareaparilla , a fever may be avoided or premature death prevented. It Is a positive cure for bllllousnoss. Sold by.all druggUta. A San Francisco dentist la said 'ohave lost ono of his instruments down the throat of a young lady upon whoso teeth ho was operating. Gonertl Chase o f Rhode Island , stja " 1 always keep Huni'a Remedy in my house , it prevents headache anh kidney troubles. We depart from our usual practice and recommend Hunt's Remedy as a sure cnio or all kidney dlse&eoi. Medical \ Ga- elle. GEN. ANSOX SXAGEK. A Memorable Night Which the Do * censed Passed In thft Old CapItol - Itol I'risou t William P. Wood , who had charge of the old Capitol prison during the war. publishes over bis own signature in the Washington Gazatto to-day the following Incident which Is recalled by the death of Gen , Singer. "The death of Gen. Anson SUgor dur ing the week brings to mind an episode which occurred at the old "Capitol prison in the early part of our fratricidal strife. Mr. Stager had boon appointed chief of the United States mllitaiy telegraph , and was assigned to duty nt the war depart ment , with the rank of colonel and aide * do-caiup. Ho called upon mo semi of ficially and requested to bo shown around among the rebel prisoners then in the old Capitol prison. 1 asked his purpose. Ho stated that It wns merely curiosity , ns ho desired to see how live rebls took their Imprisonment. I rather bluntly informed him tint the prison was not a mouagorio whoso occupants wore on exhibition to Inquisitive curiosity-seekers. Ho did not relish my refusal , and said ho would ob tain Secretary Stanton'a order to visit the prisoners. I assured him that the Bccrc < tary'd ordtr would bo oV > oyodto the letter , I at once took the precaution to forward a note to Mr. Stanton stating that it was injudicious to allow the old Capitol pris on to bo opened as a inonngerlo , and tha' ' if any of the oiiictals of the department should request tbo privilege to visit the establishment for that purpose only one admission in niy judgment should bo granted. "In two or three days after the appli cation of Staler to see live rebals ho again presenter' , himself to the Capitol pn-on with a piss to any room In the prison ho should select. I requited Col , Stager to chooeo a room , and aided him in select ing a largo front apartment on the second floor in the northwest corner of the pris on , occupied by Georgians and Marylanders - landers , who were n lively sot of rollck- ing follows. Into this room Mr. Stager was introduced as an official of the war department who was desirous of observ ing how live rebels conducted thomsolvea as prisoners. I told thorn I hoped that during his stay they would do their best to entertain him. "Ool. Stager was ushered Into No. 4 , but soon got tired of the novelty of see ing live rebels and wanted to leave. The The guard would not allow him to pass out of the room , except ES a prii oner and under the same restrictions. Col. Stager scut for mo , and after much delay I call ea on him , desiring to know what ho wanted. He asked why ho wns detained in the prison. I assured him that that was none of my business. I only knew that he wonly require an order from the same source that brought him in to take him out. Ho became furious. The "robs" took In the situation and made It lively for Col. Stager. They assured him that his only way out was to secure Secretary Stanton's order for hia release. Col. Stager spent that night in the old Capitol pti-on , and fared and slept pre cisely SB other prisoners. "Tho next day an order came from Secretary Stauton for the release of Col , Stager. It is unnecessary to state that no otiicial of the war department ever again desired to visit the prison while 1 had charge of it. Gen. Stager's experi ence enabled him in after years to enter tain his friends with his interesting recol lections of ono night in cnstydy of the superintendent of tbo old Capitol prison. " Best French Brandy , Smart Weed , Jamaica Ginger and Camphor Water , as combined in Dr. Pierce's Extract of Smast Weed , Is the best remedy for colic , diar rtuua , cholerajmorbus , dysentery or bloody flux , also to break up colds , fevers and Inflammatory attacks if used narly. A. I-OXG CHASE. A Voting Englishman Hunted Otor Two Continents on aV Kcr Him Down at Last. READING , Pa , March 29. A singular mooting took place in a magistrate's office in this city yesterday afternoon. A tele gram had been received during the day by the Reading Detective agency calling for the srrost of a young man with a pro nounced English accent -who was slight built , blue eyes , sandy hair and mustache dressed In n dark suit of clothing , and was about 28 yeara old. Detective Ross lor was put on the search and succeeded yesterday in layiog his hands on a man answerlng the description. IIo was in c Penn street hotel. Ho walked with the officer chat'ing ' and laughing and nowise apprehensive , telling him that all would bo explained satisfactorily in a few hours. After the evening train from Philadel phia arrived an elderly gentleman with ad ofiicor walked Into Magistrate Den- hara'd oflico. Ho gave hii name ai James Byrne and that of the arrested man as William Smytho. Jpon seeing Smythe , Byrne said : "Yon young dog , you have given mo a good cbnio , but I've run you down at last. " They shook hands and moa delighted to see each othor. The explanation followed. Byrne was formerly ou the detoctlvo force in Dublin. Ono day Beverel months ago Smytho and he had a talk about the modern dtteo'ivo system , Smythe speaking in veiy emphatic and uncomplimentary terms about it. Byrne retorted that ho could run down the smartest criminal on earth. A largo wagr was made , Smytho stating that if ho was given ton days start ho could go around the glebe and arrive homo before he could bo caught. The first steamer carried Smythe to Now York ; from thence bo rapidly went to a number of southern cities , always registering nt the hotels under different aliases. Byrne found ont that his man bad gene to New York , whither ho went. Thtro he lost trace of him , Employing some of the smartest detective talent in the country , they got on bis trail , running him down In this city yesterday , Young Smytbo said ho was glad It wai over , as he disliked being hunt.d down as a criminal , although he was sorry for his friends , who have to pay the wager , Byrne and Smytho are residents ot Liverpool , England. They left f jr Philadelphia on the evening train. Angostura. Bittern are the bait remedy for removing indigestion and all diseases orlff mating frctn the digestive organs , Uewarc of counterfeits , / Ask your grocer or druggist for the genuine article , manufactured by ir , ! ! . G. 15. Siegert & SODS. From the dairy of Vlco-President _ Thomas A. Htndricka wo * are permitted to make the following quotation ! : "March 4. Delightful weather. Stood np in carriage and rcc'lved homage of fellow-countrymen. Was sworn in. Salvos of artillery. " "March 5. Cloudy and cool. Signed 400 application1) . Me' the president to day. He bowed. " "March 13. Trying climate. Cold. Signed 7CO applications and more to come. Was at depot all morning meet ing western people. Shook hands with all. Funny that the president has not como to my room to talk business. " "March 14. Colder. ' "March 19. Pat on extra suit of flannels. Saw president again to-day. Ho bowed. " "March 21. Can never stand this. Too cold for any use , Must go back to ladi ana to get th&wccl ont. " Chicago NOTTS , PADDY KYAN'S OH AND G. Inducements OITcrod to Him it IIo Flicht Hullivnn , Newark News , Paddy Ryan's reply to Sullivan's chal lenge was that ho couldn't laiso $5COO or $2.COO , and consequently couldn't accept the challenge. Richard K. Fox , nccom panled by William E. Hnrdlng , visited Sullivan at his training quarters In Phila dclphia yesterday aftornoon. The object of Fox's visit wns to arrange n fight bo twi'cn Sullivan and Ryan. After talking the matter over for three hours it wns arranged thtt Fox Is to deposit to-day in Uarry Hill's hands § 2,000 , which , with the § 500 forfeit money placed with Hill on the 7th inst. , will make § 2,500. This amount , with the champion bolt , valued nt $2,500 , Fox offers to Paddy Ryan if ho will fight and whip Sullivan by the first of May , or any tlmo prior to Sullivan's departure for England , the fight to take place at Bntto City , Mont , where there will bo no police Intervention. Fox of fers to pay all of Ryan's expenses , whether or ho whips Sullivan or not. Sullivan said last night that ho Mould deposit In the bauds of any rosponslblpman in Phil- ndolph'a ' or Now York , or in any bank § 2,000 , making § 5.000 in cash , and the bolt , worth § 2,500 , a total of § 7,5CO , to go to Ryan if ho whips Sullivan. Honesty the llctst Policy , Philadelphia Call. "Yos , " eald the honest farmer. " know there are people what always pu the bfg apples at the top of the bar'l , but I con'c. " "That's right , " oiclaimed the deacon admiringly. "I have always tried to convince folks that that sort o' thing don't pay in the long run. " "If they'd go to the city once In a while they'd leatn something. I always puts my big apple's at the boitom of the bat'l. "That's the way. " "Yos , you see paoplo has got sp BUS plclous that they 'most always open the bar'l at the bottom nowadays. " A Now Yorker who was in Missouri last fall found a numbar of men digging a ditch between two small lakes. " 1 don't see the object , " ho observed , after surveying the work for awhile. "No , " dryly answered the boss. "Tho lakes are too shallow to bo navi gated " "Well ? " "And the ditch can't bo of any uao except copt to the fish. " "Mobbo not. " "Say ! " called the nettled New-Yorker , "what Is the object of your infernal old ditch , anyhow ? " ' To hsao § 100,000 worth of bonds on , " was the calm reply. Wall Streol Daily News. The California papera have given glowIng - Ing descriptions of thoThirty-tirat Annua Siato Fair , bold at Sasramento , Septem ber , 1884. Largo money prizes were offer - for the best floral displays. The best two designs , awarded the highest ptlzgc consisted of the name St. Jacobs Oi elaborately worked In flowers. No Connecticut regiment ever lost : flag during the civil war , according to the statement recently made by n public speaker. Face Your Worries Rravcly ! You can't do it , though , if your blood Is thin and poor. Give the blood vigor by the use of Brown's Iron Bittera , and your whole system has power to reslsl adverse influence. The Rev. W. H. Chapman of Baltimore , cays , "I deem Brown's Iron Bitters n mott valuable tonic for general 111 health. " It cures impurities of the blood , neuralgia , dys pepsia , etc. Santa Clara county , Colorado , has been cleared of skating rinki by its "enor- mously high" license tax of § 100 per quaitor. SKIN DISEASES CUUED. By Dr. Frnzior'fl Magic Ointment , Guroa If by magic : Pimples , Black Hoada or Grub Blotches and Eruptiona ou , the face , leaving the akin clear and beautiful. Also euros Itch , iSaltllheum , Sure Nipples , Soru Lipi and old , Obatlnato Ulcers Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt price. 50 couta. Sold by Knlm & Co. and 0 , F. Goodman. a Tbo area of Lake Erie is 0,000 square inilue. Its gioatent length is 250 inilca , greatest ; breadth 80 miles , mean depth 81 feet , elevation 555 feet. DDKKKE'S SALAD DUELING AND COLD MEAT SAUCE for all kinds of silads , fich , vegetables and co'd meats. Cheaper and bettor than hono-made. No sauce equal to it was over offered. AladatMuakogou , Michigan , all hough only fifteen years of age , weighs 235 pounds. _ _ _ _ _ _ C RD. To & 1I who are BUfferlnc from errors uid Indigestions of youth , norrous weakness cailjr decay , loss of mAnhooJ , etc. I nil ) tend a receipt that will euro YOU FKKK Of CIIAHOK. ThU great remedy WM dlscoiered bjr a missionary to South America. Send edf-addreitsed envelope to lUr. Jo- BBI'H T. IXIIAN bUtlon "O " New York. Of the cat , bear and squirrel the latter only can run doirn n tree head first. YOUUGJMENt-KEAJ ) THIS. TUB VOWAIO BELT Oo , , of Marshall , Mich. , oflor to send their celebrated KLKOTBO-VOL TAIC BELT and other ELKOTBIO AWLUSCRS on trial.for thirty days , to men ( roving or old ) afflicted with nervous debility , loeg of viUlity and manhood , and rll kindred trouble * . Alto Cor rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and many other diseases. Complete restoration to health , vigor nnrl manhood guaranteed. No risk is Incurred aa thirty dava trial ii allowed , Write them at ones for Illustrated pamphlet hoe. The cost of patents baa now been re duced one-half in England , STOP THAT COUGH By using Dr. Frazier'aThroat and ImpgBal- sam Uie only euro euro for Coughs , Colds , Hoaraenoaa and Bore Throat , and all dlaeatics of the throat and lunge. Do not neglect a cough. It may prove fatal , Scores and ( hundreds of grateful people owe their lives to Dr , Frazier t Throat nud lain ? Balsam , and ! no family will ever be without It after once using it , and discovering | ta marvelous power. It u put up in large family boltloa and * olcl for the small prlca of 75 cents per bottle. Sold KnUp & Cs. and 0. F.(3oodmnn , ? Birmingham , England , has the most extensive button traao cf any city in the world. JlorBOforaV , Aold I'liouphate , Valuable Mcillclii" . Dr. W. II , PAHMELEE , Toledo , 0. , says : "I have prescribed the 'acid * in a large variety of diseases , and have been amply satisfied that it Is a valuable addi tion to our list of medical agents. " u Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache. Tliroiil.SM rill MIT * . SiirnliiN.Ilrlllxc * , Hum * , SculiU. t'rwot mien. A\n ,111 , onirn IKHUIY rms AND AUIP . .n llHviVtixtrTntifrf. Kmj OcLU lott ! , lurrrllotialrtll IAUKUM * ? * . TIIK C1IAUI.KS A.AOIir.I.m CO. MI u A , VCXJIUS t CO ) llalllmorr , 31 J. , C. 1 J. From oxvetlenrol think Swltt'fl SpcclOe Ian very A aluablo remedy for cutaneous diseases , and it the enmo tlmo an InUROtivtlnR tonlo. JAMTS JACKSON , Chief Justice of On. Atlanta , Sept 1SS4. INOCULATKD J'OISON.-AfUr trjlng Ml th. otborremcdlca.bntlt'n Specific tma cured mo souiu nml ucllof a tcrrllilo blood ( elton oantracted from nutea. Mus. T. W. Litit , arcomlllo , Ala. rOlSON OAK. A lady hero Imi been entire ! ) cured of { .olion oaK poison by tbo use of tno bottle of S. S.S. 11. S. BRADIOIOI , Tlptomlllc , Tcun. ULCERS 25 YEAUS.- number of my chnrcl his bcon cured ot nn u'ccratod let ; of 2i j oara stand log tttth tno bottle * ot SnIll's SpceclHc. 1 * . II. CuusirtKn , 1'astor Moth , Ch.JIaoon , Oa. Swllt'n Specific la entirely \ejjcUblo. Treatise on lood nmlSUn Diseases mailed Iroo. The SWIFT Srr.civic Co , Drfu\er S , Atlanta On , , o 103 W. 23J St. . N. V. NEBRASKA LUND AGENCY ( [ ( SUCCESSOR1 ] TO DAVIS & SNYDEB. ) GENERAL DEALERS IN 1E05 FAKNAM STREET. - . OMAHA. Have for sale 200,000 acres carefully ( elected Undi In Kaatcrn Nebraska , at low nrtco nd on easy term Impro\od finna for Bale iu Douglas , Dodge , Colin Tlattc , Hurt , Cumlng , Skrpy , Washington , Mcrrlck Saundcr ? , and Duller counties , Taxes pild In all parts of the plate. Money ln > "od on tinpro d farms. Notary 1'ubllo alnaya In oliloo. Correspondence solicited (517 ( St. Clinrlos St. , St. Lenis , IKo. 1 regular gfadaito of tno MedlcKlCollc ei.biu ) tut Q lonj l tncrnKfJ In ttieireclnllrcatmeutof CKotir , Nimvoti. BUM and It LOOD Pi * iik.ilhaD tnv other m jilclan la Bt , LoaJj , u city pfttri | chow nod till ohi reildenitkaow. Nervous Probiration , Debility , Kenttl unrf Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otner Dic tions ot Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood PoUwJifl , Old SorCS and Ulcers , are treated with onrtr&llelo4 lucceis , on litt t FfitnUtic vrlnclr-lci. - Pft'elr Prhatclj , Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess * Exposure or Indulgence , * Meh rroJuce some of tu TollouiDg cfftctit liervouiucii , dUIIitr , cllmDcai of l .ud defective memory , r-lmpln en ttio fnee , pn ilca ! de nvertlonto tbc < oclfty of females , cotitutu * of li u , , rendering Marrlnco Improper or unhappy , * ' - ptnanneEtly eared , limphlft(3& ( rBeif ) > u iho hlnnc , cid ( lealed * in elope , free to anj a < Jdrts. Consultation * t f fieeor ty mail free , and Invited. Writ * for questions. A Positive Written Guarantee Rtvcft In all cor&nle caies , lUOlclnes BCD ! ererjuhcro. famnhleti , JLnfflish or German , 04 pAgev , Ac * icrlbiuc above disctUvCB , In male or female , rilKU MARRIAGE GUIDE ! UOpngei. One rlated. la cloth ftDtl ( lit t We , money or poitiget iftmc. ) uper oov nt 2S . Tbtk ta eontalua Alt tbe cuiloua. doubtnl or luqul.lUTe waat tt turn. A took of * r nt ( ul riAt to ill tluitii Sk at5 IT . . . . . . BLOOD.Tcri' . > tlie LIVER .in.l IT jnd ItEsHJiiL Tin : l unit VIOOK of YOUTII. Uf" P"ii \Vnntm Appetite , Ir > illKMtl l.u .ji .Strungtlc eml'J ir"1" ' 'i'lxalisnlHtcIJ ciiru'l. H OILS. niufclcsaiKI in rv ts re3Ll\ ntwiorco. "l llfii3 the inlnil und iippllta Itraln I'mMr. ! hlilltrl iKlroin luiiiplulnl' Illd DIt. 'S . . . mtaaut IQ l ft A A JAW u JtAWV.V Ak'A V * r' " * ill-ay cure. < iU\C6.vilcar.liL.UUiy cuniplixlon rrcijutnt bneniptsat c " "ft nun < > nl\ ail < > It Mm popularity cil tliu orlclnil. O tiut tll > c/l Ueilt KLttllU OlIKIIN M AMDHfT. , * S nilrouriulilri" to'iM ir llnrtnrMM'Jo. fl > , lAjutu , Wo , for r-u "BKKASI D001I 'aKnllnf "trHnoc im-l nantnl lnlcirmp.lion.fn-u REI'RESCNT9 | Pbxnlx Inauranoo Co : , London , Cieh ABSeta . 15,881.000 WeBtcheuter.N , V . Capital . 1,000,000 The llerchante ot Newark , N. J. , CapltU. . . . 1,276,000 OlruU Klre , I'blladcIphlii.CaiilUl . 1,200,009 Wwn n' Ifnnrl ltni - 1 W9 one , . .i rr ' % JSla ? l- ' ' ' ' 1 r of ib l > lr ii n't/ri'ic'i A li * drt ( liuil , U T * | ' fvottbU till Jik four fie * r rdruuUtfvi l > Llf * f.lV v rt./U 11 51l > w. vrafp:2iiAiui. coia 1J itmtjinvjv v to competent buslnre manit'cr for ( tbls ) HTATH OKN- KIML AOKNCV coetrolllDB Burubcr i f lixal aginckii ) or eicluthe talc of our luproved Uachlncs. lUnk HlththeTeliphone Oter7rj < Xlln service. Indoised > y highest raercintile.corporoto and export authorie * tlco Over CO agencies tetiblltlitdpajlDKfioiii DOtoJOO ier cent , on lavuitmentetcry Uidajs , Ualea tn New York < IIj approximating gfiOer | oy , AggrfKate ua' ' < 8ner 8/0000 lor January , U85. Applicants must lurnlth lltBt-rlws oiedcuti'lii , snd deposit from 10tO to S2000 cub uocurlty- not bonds for goods ID their posiitHalon , THE NATIONAL G. S. CO. , 21 Kaat Fourteenth Street , NEW YORK. St , Charles Hotel , OSTKEET , BET riband 8th , . .LINCOLN , NEB. ilri Kato Co kljr , Proprictoresa. MTNevIy and elegantly rtunUhix ] , Good umple roomi on nrst floor , rTermi-l.tXtopper day Specialratoaglyeo member ! ol tbe kirtilature , uovld-J m ma Tha fomktkabla grorrth ol dating the lut few years la matt-oi oJ great astonishment to these who pnjBD occasional visit to thU growing city. The development ot the StoolYardn thr necessity of the Bolt Linn Road the dnolv paved utroota the Lnndrods of nn roslaoncos and costly bnslnoss blookt , with the population of onr oltjr moro thnn doubled In the last five yonra. All thli la & great surprise to vleltora and la the admiration ol our oltlxotu. Thin rapid growth , the business activity , and the many nubatnntliU ImprovomonU uindn t lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every Investor hai made a hnndionu profit. Slnao the Wall Street panlo May , with the subsequent ory of hard timoi , there has boon lesa demand from specula- tore , but n fair demand from Invoatoio Booking homoa. This lattoi oloaa are taking advantage of low prices In build ing material and are aocnring tholr homos at much loss ooat than will bo possible o yoajt honoo. Speculators , too , can buy real o t& < a cheaper now and ought to toke adv&nti o of present prlooa foi futuio pro is. The next few yean promise * greatei divolopmunts In Omaha than the paaft liva years , which have boon as good an wo could reasonably dcslro. Now man ufacturing establishments and largo Job * blng houses are added almost weekly , and ell add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many In Omaha and through * bnt the State , who have tholr money ID the banks drawing a nominal rate of In terest , which , If judiciously Invented ID Omahn real obtato , wonld bring them mnch greater returns. Wo have many bargains which wo are confident will bring the porohaaor Jarge profits In th near future. We have for Bale the finest resi dence property in llie north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reason able prices on Sherman avenue , 17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam. Davenport , Cuming , and all the tfadmg streets in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Faruam , the pro perty m the western part of the city will increase in valno We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company and the railroads will certainly double the unco in a short timo. We else have some nno business lots and some elegant inside rem * dencep for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find good REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 213 South 14th St. Botroon Farnham and Douglcu. P. S. We ask these who hate property for flnlo ot a bargain to give IB a call < We want only bargains We will positively not handle prop 9rty at more than its real value.