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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1885)
6 THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS TUESDAY MARCH 24 , 1885 THE DAJULX BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , Tuosdav Mornino1 , March. 24 BUB3CRllTIOJf RATES. . . . sonU week BT CarrlM - - - - 0 ftt BflO.ll - - - - " " 110.00 per year OFFICE ! , n. T r rl MINOR MENTION , See J. Roller's now spring goods. Eistor cards , half prise , at Seaman's. The United Statca court meats hero to day. day.Tho The county board of supervisors meet to-day to consider plans for the now court house. The judicial contest of Judge Aylcs- worth vs. Judge Loofbourow has been continued until April 23. R. W. True ami John O'Donald were fined 87.CO each yesterday for trying to put down whisky. The fire department was called out at 10 o'clock last night by a false alarm on lower Main street. Mrs. Hattlo E. Hull will leotnro this evening in Spiritual hall at 7:30 : o'clock. Subject , "Tho invhiblo ldo of llfo. " There is still a good deal of local did- cussicm of the Crocs cise , and all sort of conjectures as to what the outcome will be. The real estate office of Forest Smith , on Main street , la now being torn away , nud is to bo replaced by a brick building , Mr. Cole , the owner , having decided to build. Moses McCoy , who claims to bo from Lexington , Ly. , promptly pleaded guilty yesterday to being a vagarnnt , and was promptly ecnt to jail by Judge Aylos- north to await the term of the district court the latter part of April. The two evening papers ara quarreling like two little children about which has the most loral news. None of the papers Lore have been suffering of late from any crowd of local nowa , and this device seems to fill space In papers which have no telegraphic news either. A woman named Mrs. Kern , living near Stewart's packing house , yesterday sent up for a policeman , complaining that her son , Frank , was kicking In the door of the house and creating a general dis turbance. "When Officer O'Brien got . | there the boy had skipped. ' * ' A chimney sweep , a professional , was creating a sensation hero yesterday by getting on the tops of buildings and ycll- Ing "firo" to attract attention to his call- Ing. Ho narrowly escaped the turning In of an alarm , and getting a stream tnrnod on him. Some time ago the Westlnghongo ma chine company sued the Council Blnffa waterworks company and got judgment for $2,189 , the caeo going by default * The sheriff has levied on some real OK- tate and the subsiding reservoirs , and was going to sell the tame Saturday , but an injunction has been issued restraining the tale , and it is the Intention of the company to fight the case now. The sunset supplement of the old lady's acrapbook devotes much of its valuable apico to giving the Omaha Herald a scoring , claiming that it advocates free whisky In Omaha and prohibition In Council Bluffj. The sunset supplement's apace Isn't worth anything , but oven al that price , it hardly pays to devote a oolumn of it to ohow up the Herald's in consistency , for the lattor's circulation In Council Bluffs hardly numbers a score o paper * . Ono of the BEE subscribers who has been mlaslng his paper , concluded to stand watch all night but what ho woulc catch the thlof. Ho finally caught him The thlof was four-legged a dog belong ing to a neighbor across the way. As Boqn B3 iho carrier boy put the paper in the doorway , that dog trotted across the street , stocd up on his hind legs , roachci the paper , and took It homo , as coolly a though ho was endowed with reasoning powers. Itcnl Eatato Transfers. The following 1s a list of real estate transfers filed In the recorder's oflico of Fottawoitamle county , Ion a , as famished by A. J. Stophonspn , abstrac tor , real estate and loan agent , Council Bluffs , Iowa , March 23 , 1885 : Norman Abbott to Winfiold Miller , s w J 5 and n w ] n o | 8 , 77. 41 $2,000. Uoorrli Brandt to John Rohibarg , s w 1 n o | 33 , 74 , 42-S1.GOO. Anna Futtmann to Christian Futmann i H n w J1 and n 4 a w j 30 , 77,40 | CO.Will Will J. Trotter to Itasanna Dlckeison , pert block 13 , Avoca $1,000. W. H. Fresinan to P. M. Howery , lot 2 , block 2. Big Grove 8200. Henry Belong to W. L. Dttorbaok. lols 2 and 3 , Tmdalo'a tub § 520. W. Mollenkamp to W. Siedentopf , lot 4 , block 15 , Stntmon's 2d add § 40. John Couvcrsj to Jarnos Oalllmau. lot 0 , block 0 , OjkIand-8700. H. E. MoArthur to Will J. Trotter , block lit , Alk'ii & Cook's add to Avoca $1UCO. Total saloi , 87,310. . Temperance Talk. Mr. Gecrga Wcodfcrd , the temperance apostle , Is dr&wlcg grist crowds and is taklrg well. Ho it a good speaker , an earnest man , and Is highly spoken of by all who know his record eltonheto. Tbo Iroprccslon which has got abroad that he has come hero , in view of the re cent decisions cf the cuprome couit , to woik up cases In court , and start litiga tions , bai prejcdlcfcd s'liio against his cornlnp. IE appears that arrangement * wore made for his comicg weeks ago , end to lorg is bo works along tbo line c f rraling sober mm out of drnukin men. of making wen bettt r and purer , ho will receive general and hearty tnpprrt from nil , irrespective of their Individual no- tic m about the prohibitory law. OBUMBSFROM THEOOUNOIL , X Goodly Ainonnt or City llnslncss Handled l > y the Altlormcn Imst Night , At a mooting of tbo city council list evening iho petition of Jake Rogers for oppolntmoiit as chief of the flro depart * ment was received and placed on file. The bonds of Thomas Oflicer na park commUtioner ware approved. Supervisor Graham and Architect ilann appeared bcforo the council and nrgcd tliat the plan of towcngo bo so carried oat as to provide drainage- for the now court house and jail. The clock woa crdotod to advortleo for ) lds for the construction of a sewer ditch on Fifth nvenuo from Main street west , The clly attorney reported that the city council ehonhl liavo onttrc control of the ibrary fund. Mrs. Smith was allowed $75 for dam- igoa to her property by the now aowor ditch. Considerable discussion was had about ho now patrol wagon. Several of the aldermen favotod selling It to Omaha if josslblo , It being a needless luxury hero. t Idormon Shugatt moved that on nnd after April 1st the mayor bo allowed no office rent. Approved. Adjourned until the first Monday in Vpiil. THE MISSING MULES , Ono of Them Fonnd on the Streets Hero Yesterday. As already nude public In THE BEE , John Filznor , who hag a farm near this city , had a pair of mulen and some other iropotty ttalon about throe weeks ago , n rather a peculiar manner. A man named Ed. Burdlck , who gained some no- oiicty by making charges against some of the pllco , claiming that in arresting ilm they stole some of his money , ias also the reputation of ag a shrewd horao-trador. klr. Fitzuor claims that ho had an old democrat wagon which ho painted up , and was going to trade with a preacher near Creaont City for a three-year-old colt , Burdlck was to complete the trade "or him , and ho lot Burdlck take the cam of mules to cull the wagon out to ho preacher' * . Burdick , not having any overcoat , Fitzner hnt him his. Ha heard nothing more of Burdlck , the wagon , the mules , or the overcoat until about a week .go , when ho hoard that a man named 3rown , who had gene with Burdick on , ho trip , had come back hero , got Bur- lick's family and furniture and gene to Nebraska , expecting to join Burdlck 'hero. It was soon afterward learned hat Bnrdlck had been trading off Fltz- ner's property In Omaha. Yesterday a man giving his name as 6. I. Hunt was driving through the streets lore a pair of mules attached to a lum ber wagon , and having another team of mules following behind. Ono of these nules was recognized as one of the team > elonging to Fltznor , and the man was at once stopped and interrogated. Ho claimed that ho bad traded In Omaha , md thus got the innle. Ho claimed that lie had baon farming in Nebraska , and was now Intending to go to Atlantic , to work there with hia teams. Replevin papers were at once taken out and the mule taken legal possession of. Hunt lajs he will now take stops to get back the | pony mare which ho swapped for the mule. Tno officers are alsa anxious to get hold of the man Bnrdick , who , from these reports , seems to be de cidedly crooked in his actions. PEHSONaL , . Mayor Vaughara ia on the sick lilt yet. r Jo. SpauldlDg , the mall carrier , is on the aid : Hat. Henry Motcalf and wife have returned from New Orleans. Miss lloxio Wesley ia spending n few days in Omaha , Henry O'Neilo and wife , of Oakland , were in the city yeatorday. T. 11. Brooka nnd W. C. Carman expect to start to-day to take up lands In Dakota. II. H. Van Brunt and wife returned Sun day evening from a visit to the exposition al New Orleans. 8. D. Street , ex-clerk of the courts , is attending - tending to some business in Omaha , and ex pects soon to start for the west. Mr. Mann , of St. Joe. , the architect of Council BlullY now court house and jail , ia in the city , and will meet the board to-day. Jacob Sima yoatorday went 6ut to Harrison county to look after a farm ho has there. No political fences thla time. i.Mr ? , B , Y , Adams , of Carson , who has been A ftUCat of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. H. Adams for sov- I oraljdays , returned home yesterday morning , B , B. Mann , of Hiawatha , Kauaas , who , as many here can bear witness , is ono of tha liveliest llfo insurance men in the weet , U at Bechtels. J. L. DeBovoiso , the ticket man , ban hat n nice little maiden come to his bouae. Ho now has a pair of queens , sure , and is na hap py a father as thete ia In town. George Ferguson , Jr. , is back from his ag ricultural recreation in Shelby county , and will look after the Pacific house whllu his father takes a glance nt thojitock. Win. J. Brown , of Indianapolis , la in the city , to meet with the board of supervise . Ho Is ono of the linn who build Iron rotary jalla , Buch as thla couuty.propoaes to build. Jamoj Wild and wife , who left Hardiu township for Los Angeles , California , about a year ago , wrltea to Mr. C. Woaley that . .they expect to be back by Thursday of this week. Mr. Wella Cook has returned from his eastern - ern trip , and reports a very pleasant time. He Is onthualnatic over the way the present .ifoilnlatrntloa starts In , and hna intere.tlnp reports to make up the dctatla of tlia visit to Washington , Mrs. 0. F , Klambeck , whose maden natna ws Miaa Kate Paters , and who was married lasl January , has gone to her homo in Bill- inxs , Montana , by way of St. Paul over tha Northwestern. Wm. Petorf , her brother ac companied her , he will niaku hie home there. The Council Bluffs ; Paint Mannfaotnr ing company will bo sol'dting ciders In a few days. Walt for them. Stories of the horrible eufierlcg o : K nsis cattle during tbo winter are now gittlrg into print. The streams have been Irozon to the bottom , and oittle , In "rustling" for water , bavn fllen on the Ice , and , too woik to iUo , have frozen by hundreds. Again , in a wind otttle bunch In big herds for warmth , to weakos being driven to the canter and crushed to doith. Heaps of these dead cattle d the pia'rios. ' Dr. S. Moshtor , of the Sioux City Jhronic DIsonso Institute , will bo at Iho frott homo In this city , Thursday , April 2d. Will attend to patients and a 1 who aroaflllctcd ill do well Ito give him a call. Consultation free. SPECIAL NOTICES HOTICK. Special a rtrtlaetnenta , taa ti Lett , ' ( rand , To Loan , For Sale , To Kant , Wants , Board ag , eta. , will b Intcrtcd In this column at the tow al of TEN CENTS PER LINK ( or the flnt Inmtlon id nVK CENTS PER LINK lot oaoh eubwquent rtlon. bav advertisement ! al oar offle * , Mo. Pe rl Street , near BroadiraT WANTS. If OH HAIK Another liotel In a Iho Kebrajka ' town , now doing a business tf about Slid p r month. No other betel la the place. Terms liberal. BWAN & WAtmiR 17OII 8AI.K UK T1UDKSCO notes ol land In 1 Wayne county , Mo. Will trude for Council Jlufls city prjporty er sell cheap for CASH , or r 't Iron. B > MV .t WALKKR TO TilAUK - uciod Iowa or Nebraska Unil for a small etrc'i uf hanlKtro or general tncrchandlBO , well located. SWAN& WAIKBB. I7O11 S\LK A rare chin otoRct k Dnc , well lm- L' pro < od farm of 400 nj i s , v , tthln a few miles of louncll Blun , at a bargtlii. Low price and easy SWAM & WALKRR ; 7 01l SALB Agoodpajt-i ; hotel property with . ' llrory ( Ublo , In one ol the best small towns In cstcrn towa will sell with or without furniture , or will trade for a small farm with stock etc. SWAN & WALKXR. ITiOU S UK Eighty acres unimproved land In jj Union countv , Iowa , 3J miles south east of Af- on , the ocnnt ; scat , or will trade for Nebraska or { ansaslaod. S AN & WALKKR , | > > 0lt SAliE A 2u aoio tract of Rood land about C1 one nnd n half relics from Council Illufli post lllco. at a bargain. SWAN & WALKKR. li > OU MALK In Harrison county , Iowa. S20 acres L srasa land , all under fence a too ncro farm with One Improvement ; , all under cultivation except 0 acres Krasa 83 acrra peed Krasa or pasture land , and sol era ! other tracts of from 40 to 100 acres of unlmproMxl land. SWAN & WALKRR. Foil SALE Lands Improved aad unimproved. If you want a l jm In western Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , let us boar from \ ou. SWAN WAIKBR. SALE A lareo number of business and resi dence lots In all parts of Count ! ! Blufls. See us bcforo j ou buy , SWAN & WALKKR. TT10U BALK Parties wlshlnff to buy .cheap lots to ; build oncanbuy on nonthly pajmcnta otfrom 2 to $10. SWAN & WALKRR fJlOH HEN f Wo will rent you a lot to build enC C wfth the prltlUge to buy If you with on very Iberal termr. SWAN & WALKBR. fAN TKU 1o correspond with tny one wishing a peed locttlon f n planning mill , sash , door nd blind manufactory , wo luno building and machinery , well located , forsalo , lease or trade ; SWAN & w ALKRB. UENT- Largo two story frame building suit able for warehouse or storage purposes , near ollroad depot. SWAN WALKER. \ HUNT UK SALu , iij.niljg and grounds Ir\OH 1 eultaHe for snail foundiy and machine shop load boiler , engine , cupala , blower with Hied ebalt- ag oto. , ready to put In motion. SWAN WAT.KBB. ( J'UH HAL.CUOUSCB , Lots and Land. A. J. L1 Ftepben on , 503 First a\onuo. it SALE A top-buggy , tlrst-iUsj make and In excellent condition. Or will trade for cheap ot. Address f. M. Bee office , Council BluTs. " 10AL AND HOOD Oeorge Uoaton , 6-a Bronl- way. sells ooal and wood at roasonabla prices ; lvoa 2,000 Ibg. for a ton , and 129 cublo for a cord , 'ry him. Kvery bouy in Council UluOa u uie WANTKU . Delivered by carrier at only twenty , * nta s. woek. \LBi PAPKUS For eale at Uia olSoe , at SB oenti a hundred WANTED A good bread maker a Union Bakery , 523 Main street , Council Bluffs , VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR RENT , I have a doubla store bulldlng,10io Lnspartitioned iff , elegantly papered , supplied with water from the water works , geol brick cellarsuite ! for restaurant , sundry , hoarding bouse , merchantilo business or esldcnt property. Also a largo two-story frame [ welling with 18 rooms two cellars , etc. , etc. , suited or boarding house , private residence , hospital , oto. opposite the city bulldlcRS and city market for rent cheap. W. U. VAUOHAN. F. H. Oiicrjir. S. T. FBKNCII I. M. TBETNOB. CARPET COL SUCCESSORS 10 Casady Orcutt & French 405 Broadway Council Biufls Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Mattings , Linoleums , Oil Cloths and Upholstery. Mail Orders Carefully Filled ! COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. For Rent The building Lnown sUe''Kka'lng Itlnk" corner 6th Avenue and Pearl street , will bo rented , alto gether or separately. Occupant ) , April la t. Kor fuither partloultn call on onJOHN UKUESIIE11I , PreilJent Council I luIj ( Savings Uanlt MANDEMAKERS & VAN , ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No. 201 Upper Broad way. Council Binds. Dr , "W. E. Shorradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple * Oonnoll Blofl * _ low * . E , Eice M , D , CANCERS , Sft&'StiSP * ' * * ' CHRONIC DISEASES " " " p t sr Ina , COCKE & MORGAN 347 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , DRESS GOODS. First Grand Sale of Spring Dress Goods Still Continues , 50 pieces Caahmero 12jo worth 18c. 20 ' DoIlcRO 15o " 22o. 20 ' Ottoman cord 20o " 25c. 15 ' No > olty suitings 2Cc vrotih 40 : , 10 ' Wool broche 40 c worth COo. 15 ' Coventry suitings nil wool desirable colors -10 inches wide 50o worth T6c. AtmuroB , tricotines , Muck and colored ( nsh- noroa nt prices lower thnu over bcforo olTcred. 20 pieces French cotton sntinea beautiful de signs at 21c. French nnd Scotch zophyri , seersuckers , cheviots , In desirable stylus , Lawns mill per cales 5o to 12jc. Cable cloths with embroideries to match , Skirts. Skirts with nine tucks , soft muslin , COc worth C5c. Skirts with nine tucks nnd two rulllos , Gc vorth OOc. Nicely trimmed Skirts with tucks and rut- flos , $1 worth $1 25 , Skirts with tucks otid ttinunod with cm- broidery , SI 15 worth SI 10 , Bkirta trimmed with 8-inch embroidery , 15 licks , heavy muslin , $1 50 worth $2. Our $2 , ? 2 25 and $2 75 Skirts tire equally ai good value as the cheaper ones quoted above. Thaso garments are nil made with tnrnod Beams nnri lock utitch sowing. They are ftl- mo t ni CIIKAl' A1 THK MATKIttAI , ALONE CAN UK HOCOI1T KOH , "White G-oods. Our White Roods nnd I.lnon department has grown so largo that wo have been obliged to add more chclvlngi especially for this do p.irtmunt , Wo are allowing now things in HAMIIUIIf ) I < KTTINtlH , Al.LOVKll-KMimOinKnY , Fiounso SWIHSKM , KKDOIIA CIIKCKH , KKVKUK STIUI-IW , LACK MULLS , HAUICOIID LAWNS , INOIU 1/A1VNS , iNOHA STUirKS.OAHIlEAU DKH iNDKM , UllOCAIlKD SATlNES.ntld n boiUltiftll as sortment of VicioiiiA LAWNS , I'LAIN and CHUCKED NAIVSOOKS. Jerseys 20 doz .Icraoyn , Llslo finished , $1 CO worth § 2.A A complete line of children's nud mlssoa Jcrseyo , nil colors , ctwhtnero , wool , Lisle tinleh , $125. Muslin Underwear. IIa\Ing purchased our Ladles' ' Underwear direct from the manufacturers wo nro ena bled to save our customers the "jobbers profit ? . " Ladles' PANTS , with four tucks.soft finish ed muslin , 25c per pair worth -I0c. Lidlos' Pants' ' , nicely trimmed with cm- broidery nnd tucks , good heavy muslin , 50c per paii , worth ( 5o. Ladies' Pants , extra fine mnshn , fine em broidery , ton tucks , 05c per pair worth 85c. Indies' CUKMISK , soft rnuslin , 25c worth lOc. lOc.Ladies' Chemise , nicely tucked and trim med , with embroidery , 50c worth 75c. Ladles' Chemleo , nicely trimmed with in sertion nnd embroidery to match , and nine tucked 75 worth SI , Ladies' Chrmieo , very fine muslin , olabor- ntply trimmrcl , Sfic worth SI 10. Lndics , NIU11T DKKSSK3 , ( rood muslin , trimmed nith cambric rullhng , U5o worth OOc , Ltullos' Night Dresaos , trimmed with cm- broldciy , nnd tucked , 85o worth ? 110. Ladles' Nifht Droasoi , trimmed with inser tion , embroidery , and Inckod , $1 worth SI 35 , Lndios' Night Ire8 naclnborntuly trimmed , extra line nuiBlIn $1 50 worth $2 , The "Princess" Nluht Dress , 32 worth 32 5o. The "Duchess" Night Dress , ? 225 worth $275. Tha "Queen" Night Dress , St worth S3. Hosiery. Our stock of hosiery is now roplcto in every rospoct. 100 dozen ladies' colored hose at 10c , worth 25c. 100 dozen fancy nnd solid colored hoec , iu- grntn , nt 15c , worth 20c. 20 dozen balbrlggaua , full regular made , nt 20c , worth 30c. 25 dozen Bilk clocked bnlbrlggnn hosa , full regular mndo , at 25c. worth I toe. 25 dorcn nolid colored hoio , full regular , nt 25c , worth 30s. 25 dopn solid colored split-feet hose , tS5c. worth Wo. 25 doz "Schopptr's" oil colored hcwe , at 60c , nlwnyg soldntGOc. 60 dozon. colored ruid block lisle , l Coc. worth Me , Wo hnvo nn olcKAiit iwsortment of mlMo * nnd children'a in listen nnd cottons , blacks and colors. colors.fonts' ( fonts' Half Hoso. rX ) do7cn cotton lrii < en , nt tic , worth Pc. , ) 20 dozen stout Scotch uiixod , seamless , nt lOc , worth IGc. 15 dozen blue nnd brown mixed , ntl21c , worth ttljo 20 dozen old gold , blue nnd brown mixed , extrn stout noamloix , nt 15c , worth ! ! T . 20 ilozon llritlsb BtouU , nt 20c , worth 25o BosmloBs ; 25 doz n atrlpod British so mlcM , hnlf hose , nt 25c , worth 35c. 10 dozen oil Ingrnlnhoao , nt3."o , worth 80s. G-lovos. 20 doz lislos At 25o worth lOc. 25 " " " ' 35c 50c. 20 " fancy colored Hsles nt 50e worth 75c. 20 " black nrd colored silk glovoa at 5Cc worth 7Cc , _ 15 doz mitta colored nnd black nt COo nnd 75c worth -10 par cent more , We are Offering Domestics at New York Prices. Special bargain in black silks : No. 1 , black silk at G5c worth UOc ; No. 2 , black silk at 85c worth 81 ; No. 3 , black silk nt $1 worth 81.3. > No. 4 , black silks at § 1.25 worth 81.66. We are offering ; the best value at 81.50 ever given in this city. No. G , very heavy soft finish ilk at ? 1.85 worth $2.25. We guarantee these silks NOT TO CUT , . IL F 347 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. "MURDER MOST FOUL , " To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria. DURING the loet fh o years there haa not been a death from diphtheria In any C.-HO uhcre Dr. Thomas Jedcrls' rireventho and euro was used. It has been the DICILS ot saving thousands ol lives. Inillj- ponslblo In puttidsoro threat , In malignant scarlet feicr , changlDz It la 48 flairs to the simple ( arm. ID- fklllblo cure for all inlUmmMory , incentive , luttlil or Catairhal conditions , cither internal or external. Plico , § 2. CHOLERA I CHOLERA ! CHOLERA ! Dr. Jeffeils' Cholera Speclllc will oircit ( lie. disfSFC in 30 to fO minutes. The Doctor used this tnedl- cine during the fearful vUlUtlon of the cholera In Cincinnati , St. Louie , snd all along the ilispUelppI HUcrandlts trlbulaiioj , without losintf a caeo , In t ho j cars ' 49 , ' 0 , ' 51 and ' 2. H la n1o Infallible in Cholera Morbua , Cholera Infantum , cto. Keep It on bard. You can rely upon It. Bind for it. I'ilocJ2.eO. Cholera "Cornea as ft thief In the night. ' D YSPEPSIA ! D YSPEPSIA ! Dyspeptic , why Hvo In misery and die In despair with cnnoor ol the etomaoh ? Dr. Thomaa Jcfforla cures every cue of Indigestion and constipation In \cry short time. Beit ol references given. Dfapepsla Is the cause ol ninety per cent ot all diseased conditions Price S6 for two weeks treatment. Full printed Instructions how to use tbomcdlclnes ecnt with them. Nodoctoi required ; a good nmso la all that Is i ecessary. Dr. JeQorls' remedies can only be obUined at hbolllco , No. 23 South 8th Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. Or cent by express on receipt ol palcc. SMITH & TOLLEIt , ACTS. LEADING . Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. , - - - . A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. Keep Horeca nnd Mnlea conutnntljr on hand whlo wo will soil In retail or carload lota. All Stock Warranted as Renresented. fllolciale r.ilrtltll i ! < lm In Grain rd Poled Hay. Prlcet conable Satisfaction Guaranteed. CHZLTJTEH < Sc BOLE'S" Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. CouncllBlaffs. AGENTS WANTED. Drs. Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt. 819 BHOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWAJ 725 ELM ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; and FT. WAYNB , IND IT POSITIVELY COTES- Kidney and Liver Complaint , Brlght's . - . , Dyipopsla , Nervousness , W.Btlng Weakneea , r4raly6l > , Spinal Affoctlonj. Indlgeatlon . , and ail dlaeanea requlrlnit Inoreaaod motive powers. New improved Headach , Lame Back. Cold Fc t , 13 and 15 ; old Btjle 82 each. W. -ftYtSWORTH , HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Crick building of any size raised or moved and tUfaction guaranleod. Frame hous moved on Linus UIANT trucks , the best in the world. AYLSWORTH. ' 1010 Mn'th Street , Council 151ull , AND -THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broadway - - Council Bluffs. , dI in. fiwt clMi ityle and on , hort . l thldg Mn ALL CITY. OKU KWHI HOOB > IN in notice , Hot and cold lunrhea always e dy. Roof Painting ard repairing. All work guarauteed to give satisfaction. GEO. SMITH BON 302 N. 7th Street , . , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Attention , Ladies. While closing out my notionswill sell all hair goods at 25 per cent discount , 300Switches 00 Waves , Bangs , etc. , to sacrifice. Custom work carefully attended t , WHS. D. A. BENKDICT. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. II. H. FIELD. W. C. E3TEP Field & Estep , UFDEETAKERS No. 317 Broadway , Council Blufid , Iowa. Calls Attended Promptly , Day and Night. Particular attention given to Knibalmlng J. L. DjsBEVOISE. ion Ticlet J No. G07 Broadway Council Blnfli. A. J. ( COLUKEO ) Hair Culling awl Shaviny , This is an Equal Sights Shop 01 0 Broadway. Council Bluff * Railway Time Table. Corrected to January 7 , 1336. COUNCIL BLUFFS , the following are the times o ! Ine arrival nd de. putuie ol tralm by central eUndard time , al the ocaldciwta. Trains leave traneler depot t Q roln- Diet earlier and arrive ton mlnutoa Uter. o 05 8116 ' pro I' ° lflc Kipress , :65 : p POfflOAOO , XlLWiOEM W BI. MUU RJSS ssss tiso a m D Uolnw Aeoonunoditloo , Sill p m " At local depot only. Al Tranettronl ; liuoioo and o imr Tii , Eiprew. : tO P PadfloW" ' BSOX cm AKD ficino. D . Wertern Eipreet , fl' 0 a m llooro I'iclflo Eiptew , JiOpm : JilO a > , Unooln r Kiprew , 1:18 : P m TRitMl TO OMilU. 11. 10 P. " > ' . .TACOJK SIMS , Rttorney - at-Law , OOUNCII. BLUFl B , IOWA. Offlc * . U ln StiMt , Koomi T and 8 , Shugartland k , Will ptKtlW la 8UU o < l t V > wurt * THE RECENTLY IMPROVED BEMINGTON STANDARD NO. 2 , lathe Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. Wlthcnly39he8 to learn . > operate. It prints 70 characters IncliulIrK cam anil email letters , punctuatlocs , flciireH , elgns and fraction * It a the simplest and most rapl'l ' wrltlotf machine made as well as tliu nioit dnralila , for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Scamans & Benedict , Chicago , III. , Solo Agents , 0. II. SIIOLK8 , Council Uluffa Agent for Wustern Iowa . COUNCIL BLUFFS Wholesale and lletall Dealer ) In Hard Soft ana Bhssburg O OA. . W. H. SIBLEY , Marnier. OfHce. SB Main St. Yard , ou U. IU I. 1 > . and 0 , U. & St. I * . lUllway. fl.J , Hilton , H.Q , , PHYSICIAN & SUBGEON , tjr. ( UanaU lu a. K. SOHUBZ. Wee of the Peace. ornox OVER AMKRIOAX : COUNCIL BLUFFfl. IO A. moi. omnm < Wi D , u. iron OFFIGEE B PUSKY BANKERS. Oonnell Eloffi , . , tai Established - - 1856 P al > ii In rottlco and MnilltU Cilitt ( * Ut Hc BicurltlMi