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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE-TUESDAY , MARCH 21 , 1885. LEGAL LINKS , Kews Notes From the Various Heal Tribunals , TIio Sentencing ot the 1'rlfloncra Yesterday Mornlug , UNITED STATES COUUT. In the United States contt yesterday James F. Hilton and Joseph B. Hilton commenced equity proceedings against Jamca E. Jones , John Hilton and twenty- one other respondents , named in bill of complaint. The petition of plaintiffs aota forth that on the 2Cth day of October , 1801 , their father , George H. Hilton , conveyed to John Hlltoa as trustee cer tain lands in Clay and Lancaaterconntlos , Nebraska , to bo disposed of at the dis cretion of the said John II. for the benefit of the heirs of the estate , the plaintiff * In this cauao. It Is alleged that John Hilton his abused hia trust and has fraudulently convoyed to certain persona the properly in his charge , and that thcsa peraons have In turn sold and Icatcd the prop erty to the various plaintiff * named In the petitions , who arc thereby made party to the defense. The plaintiffs pray for the removal of John Hilton as administrator , and such other relief as the court may see fit to afford. msTiucr COUUT. Before Judgn Wakoloy yesterday the case of Suain F. Thompson , administratrix of Isaac Thompson , deceased , vs. George llall , was on trial. The suit la ono brought to recover $70 on a duo bill alleged to have boon Issued by defendant. The defence Is that of "no considera tion. " In [ thodistrlo1 c-urt ycs'or ' -r morning JudgO Neville W M i p y 'I , iiii g pull- Inhmont for co > r > .iul pait tH who have been convicted during this term. First cnmo James Mlllc , convicted of Criminal libel. The dofondant'o motion for n now trial was over- rnlod , and ho was sentenced to jail for thirty days and a line of $1 and costs of the prosecution. The attorney for Mills gave notice that ho would present a bond that afternoon to take the 'case to the supreme court. Albert Johnson , convicted of grand larceny , was sent to the state peniten tiary for eighteen months. Frank Clark , alias John Gallagher , convicted of obtaining goods under falsa pretences , wai sentenced to four years in the penitentiary. "Stand up , " said the court to William Gazola , an Italian who pleaded guilty to murder in the tecond degree , being in dicted for the premeditated and malicious killing of n follow Italian , William Cuneo , on July Cth , 1880. Tiio court stated to the culprit the charge of which ho stood convicted , and aeked what ho had to say why ho should not ba sen tenced. Gazola , who has a f&ca that an Alpine bandit would envy , stepped forward - ward and with snake-like glitter of eye , and a mawkish smirk of mouth , said ho pleaded guilty bacauso his lawyer told him to do so , but that ho killed his fellow countryman in a fight when ho was com pelled to do so. Ho turned hia head and placed his hand upon a scar on its back , tolling the court that Cunoo was striking such a blow ns that when ho shot him. He did not mean by his plea of guilty to admit murder , but only killing , and hoped the couit would take this view of his 03,30. , Judge Neville sat ( ilcat during this speech , and also a short plea for consideration from the convict's at torney ; then ho reviewed the case and congratulated Gazola that ho did not have a jury trial , as a gallows instead of the penitentiary might have stared him In the face. The sentoncj fixed was tironty-fivo years in the penitentiary at hard labor. . Then came Frank Grabno , who was convicted of murder In the second degree for the killing of John Klosa. The particulars of this case are irosh in the memory of the readers of the BEE , who will recall tha fact that the wlfo of Klusa was recently tried and acquitted as principal in her hueband's murder , with Grabno. The court dwelt at length upon the testimony adduced at tiio trial ; ttutod distinctly that ho doubted if the accused intended to kill Klusa at the instant of the throw ing down the stops , and hinted that a motion for a now trial , had one been made , might havd been favorably enter tained , and in justice to the counsel of accused tbo court know that no motion of this sort was made because the as- cnsod requested that none should _ bo. After an extended rovlow of the testimo ny the judge , evidently raluctantly , fixed Grabno's term of imprisonment at ten years in the penitentiary , the shortest time allowed by law. Daring all this time Grabno stood the picture of abject despalr'and desolate loneliness , and tears that glittered upon his swarthy face ran rapidly down. Ho seemed bending nu dnr the anticipation of his doom , and when ordered to eoat himself sink limp and almost doubled. 'TEEEDOM FOE MAN , WO MAN AND CHILD , " TIio Iiccturo Yc tcril y at Slctropoli tan Hull. This subject which Col. Ingeraoll has so eloquently discussed , was lectured upon by Mrs. Hull at Metropolitan Hal ! Sunday afternoon , and n reporter at tended , that ; the readers of TUB BEF might know what theories ara adroc&tet by the system of spiritualistic philosophy there represented , The sposker began by declaring that moro sins and evils are done In the name of freedom than anything else In Hfo. "Freedom , " as contended for by this school of philosophy , moans the llbortj to exercise every right which will aid am conduce to one's happiness , welfare am progrets , provided tbat exercito does no interfere with tha rights and happiness o others. The many facilities and grov accomplishments that exist and mark the present , are calculated to make ono ask what more freedom can people ask foi than they have had In the past , and pea aesi to-doy In tbo realm of thought. I must ba remembered that every stop ! > that path of Improvement has been taker in the face of opposition to liberty , am won by battling with the enemies o' liberalism and free progress. The better clement of thought to-day teaches and contends for that llbarty o thought and opinion ( and Its free expres sion ) In religious matters , that exists o our theory of government intends sbal exist , Iu political mattert. This elemen of society claims that it should so exltt and it ( a true that every Improvement every progroeilvo stop In science , art ant philosophy are the work of nten whom sjctarlanlim calls iufidels , Society call them geniur , progresi , liberty ; bat creed ami narrow sect call them now , M for igea past , wlmda , jugglers and con nrers , and mock , decry , dcrldo and per ocuto them. Galileo aaked narrowness ) f mind to peep through a tolcicopo wltl ho assurance that instead of Ita dts closure being kfoga and limited great * less , n vast system of myriads of glow- ng worlds would bo behold. And that > bilosphcr pcreocatcd and imprisoned by larrow IgnorAnce and c nt , to hia dylnp lonr dec'atod "the world doth move. ' As ho was persecuted , to to-day is free expression of opinion , as Illustrated In every state of this nnlon. The remedy for this intolerance la to iso all loftitimato private and public In- inoncos to secure each person In the ox- ircsslon of his real sentiments , and to bo berated from a subsidized pwaj. Freedom to man meana freedom to woman. Human freedom Includes both , nd meana freedom of spirit , brain , pur- > ese , thought , growth and development or both. Women are entitled to thin , a are men. Women's elevation must omo from education. And there Is no caaon why woman should not on joy folly lie freedom defined In the lecture. To nllghten and widen the mental vision of voman la the prayer of the spiritualistic ihllosophcr. ller emancipation from the hraldom of sectarianism will uahcr in ho morning of her liberty. Children have rights that , tire entitled o respect. Their chief right la to [ ovelop their best capacity , gonlns or vowor to enable them to grow up to bo isoful men and women of society. Too often these rights are disregarded , or wowe , n"t appreciated by grown people , oven parents. Cultivate the good cle- iiontn and capacities of a child ; give hem full opportunity to develop , and by dndncaa and reason lead the child along ho path of hia young Hfo. Dlatructivo- nosa is too often applied to a trait or bent f a child when really it ia the faculty of onatractivenoaa. A beautiful illuatra- lou of Vermont Hfo was given by the puakor of thia proposition. Many pa- onta hearts are aad because they do not understand their children , and hero is the pportunity of spiritualism which teaches 11 persona to study themselves and thus work out their dnty to othcra. The question under discussion porvadoo nd permeates society. Men and women - mon , for example husbands and wives , place themselves in false rotations to each thor , and then when seine act cf that thor diaploasoa them , they are swift to ondemn , forgetting that they go wrong liomselvos sometimes , and that there nay bo aa many good traits In the cen- mrcd ono as In themselves. People may jo looking through smoked glass ofcen , nd do not see the brightness and good of thors , whllo they are at the same time blind to their own faults. The lectura was loscil by boauti'iilly ' likening the eirneet oekpr of the llghu and wisdom to a young roe in the deep forest surrounded by hick-growing and rank-standing trees. n the canopy of leaves and branches bovo it there is ono crevice through which a ray of light steals dowu- vard. The young tree , true to its na- urc , leans and roaches toward it , and hus a crook in its shape is formed ; time > asjes on and another crsvico in another ilaco ia formed , and for the light-beam hero the young tree reaches lid forma another crook ; and so ; bends and turns and crows the most reeked tree in the forest , it may be , but t the top , when it nears the light , it hoots straight upward according to its laturo and Its follows. So with the souls nd tpirlts of men hero ; they may seem o some of us crooked and mis-shapen , but , true to their nature , they are strug- ; llug and reaching for the light and sun- Iiino of intelligence , and will rcich the op sometime , rugged and knurled though hey may bo by the battle in their searcher or light. Court. In Judge Weiss' ' tribunal yesterday morning there was nothing of great mportance done. GusUv Bloom waa fined $10 and coats or drunkenness. George Steadman had also been spond- ng the Sabbath in cloao communion with Sir Barleycorn. Ho was mulcted in the urn of § 5 and costs. Joseph James , charged with disorderly conduct , was released. James Blakoly who was too dcmonstra- ivo. a worshipper of the divinity Bacchus ras tried , fonml guilty and paid a fine of ; 5 and casts , Henry Cooper , one of the vagrants who was ordered to leave town Friday , wcs arrested the next ( Uy , still hanging iround quq tionnblo retorts. Ho pleaded , n answer to the judicial query , that ho was allllcted with sere heels and was unable to walk out of town. Judge couldn't qnito manage this joke at one swallow , and sentenced Mr. 0. to pay a fine of $20 , which in addition to the san- loncs already hanging over him , will pro long hia stay in the county bastllo to about GO days. By the time Henrj Cooper leaves Joe Miller's table ho will bo ready to "star" the conntty In "Camillo. " Larry Casey , who was arrested for boating his mother , was discharged , as there was no one to appear against htm. The New Market Jlonso. At the meeting of the city tbreo weeks ago , a resolution waa Intro duced relative to the establishment of market house in this city. A committee of three was appointed to canvass the subject , decide upon a location , and re port the result of the investigation. An ordinance was framed establishing the market house , and waa passed by the council at the next mooting with but few dissenting votes. The plant will shortly bo drawn up by the city engineer and sub mltted for approval. The bnlldlnc ; ia to bo situated on C pl tel avenue , between Twelfth and Thlr toenth streets. This thoroughfare waa selected , Inasmuch as it Is the broadest In the city , and consequently beat fitted for the location of the market house , which will bo situated .in the middle of the street. The maximum of coat has been fixad by the city council at $5,000. , City En gmper llojowator eays that the building , while it will probably bo constrnctot substantially of brick , will not bo on an uitensivo or elaborate scale , as the llml of $5,000 precludes any such possibility. It will ba only ono story in height am rectangular in form , running lengthwise of the street , The market house will bo conducted 01 the uiual principles. It will ba a centra market-point for the sale of meats anc vegetables , and all venders trill bo place ; in direct competition with each other The hoiuekeop r who ii often obliged to run over the entire town to pro euro materials for dinner , sup per and breakfast , will not be slow in perceiving the advantages to be derived frcm the HOT enterprise. PERSONA. ! * . I. Libertran returned from Hock Island Sunday. G. B. McDonald , of Sells Bro.'s circus , i qtmtercd at ths Metropolitan. General Gibbon and hia family left for Lnr- amie , Wyoming Sunday. The general will at once assume charge of the post at that joint , General Howard loft Washington , where hems ms been on tha llnzen board of court martini , oaterdny. Ho ia expected to arrive home bout the end ol.thts week. II. H. Suthorland.Valparaiso ! F. Frederick- on , North 1'lattc ; C pt. 11. B. 1'risson , Be- trice ; C. II. Pcrrigo , Fremont ; K. C. Brooks , Jlnlr ; A. S. Baldwin , Plum Crook ; J. Lamnn nd wife , llawliii" , Wyo. ; J. 1) . Lacoucce , ) onvor , are at the Cnnfiold , At P < wtonGeo. 'D. Merklelljohn ; Full- rton ; Win. Wolfe , Nellfih ; J. 0. Crawford , iugena Moore , West Point ; B. M. WilUoy , JMr ; M. S. Lindsoy' Fullerton ; II. P. Fos- cr , Lincoln ; F , H. Balleman , Crete ; J. Vonls Smith Loup City ; W. H. Boggs , Jr. , , eadvillcj John Moran , Alexandria ; B. 3. 'ftddock , Port llibinson ; F. Shirwin , Don- er ; J. V. Marshall , Plntsmouth ; W. II. Me- Oorthney , Indlanola ; J. P. Israel and A. ' . Johnson , NcCook ; S. [ 11. Ceslolln and wifo.Misa May Costolla , Mrs , D. M. ( Jos- ella , Blair ; and John Pollord nnd wife , Irand Island. At the Millard : C. S. Fee , St. PaulII. . C. Cheyney , Coucll Bluffs ; K. M. Love , Vinsworth ; C. F. Bowman , llayinonJ ; Goo. < \ Morgan , Chyenot ; C. K , Udall ; Mr. and Tre. G. A. Penniman , New York ; W. S. Vilton , Philadelphia ; G. B , Ponuimau , San intonla ; O , A. Hall , Minn ; J , B. MacDon- Id , San Francisco ; J. B. Long , Chicago , and i. A , Davis , Laramio. Kobort I. S. Kilos , Oakdnlo ; C. K. 'Wil- ams , Norfolk ; W. C. Bollea , Grand Island ; . H. Barnes , Wilbor ; James O'Brino ' , Hast- ngs ; Fred D. Williams and wlfo , Hieing ; S. ) . Evand , Button ; G. C. Cole , Beatrice ; and M. M , Jonesjof Lincoln ; are at the Motropo- tan. Messrs. K. West , Auburn ; M. Thompson , Vest Point ; J. Young and wlfo , Norfolk ? . H. West. Clarks ; J. W. Dickoon , Lin- oln ; J. W. Harris , Hastings ; Henry Fry , York ; C. H. Perrego , Fremont ; J. W. Peele rs and T. W. D. Harvey , Weeping Water ; 3 , O. Cardman and Chas. Vogt , Lincoln ; ro guests at the Cozzins. THE WHITE HOUSE SOCIALLY- Brilliant Reckons auflCtaiing dials in llis EXi-cntiys Mansion , Tiio Prcaldcnt arnl His Misters in Society "Con" Cnpturcil Milk- Ins Haste Slowly Beecher ut the Capital. ipeclnl Correspondence of THE lliiB. WASUINGTON , D. C. , March 17. An will bo seen , President Cleveland IB making no haste in a great hurry to tarn the rascals out. " In fact , to vlow inya from a eclfisb , political standpoint , ho powers tint be are too wlso in their mature ago to cat off niorj heads than here era charges to carry thorn out on , aud bssidoa it wonldn't do to strew our joaatlful streets with dead carcaiacs In ho advent of the cholera Bonsou. The Hon. Tom Reed , of Maine , pro- lictod that Cleveland , ia less than a week af tor reaching the white house , would jo In thomidst of a great muddle , and the 'un of it would bo that ho would not know it. Tom Reed Is the jestar of the loneo of congress , and often talks at random , and sajB funny tilings in n cracked voice to cheer his follow-Ruffcrerj a sort of political benefactor is ho. ? rosldent Cleveland hai boon in the white houao nearly two weeks , and if ho in the midst of a muddle 10 certainly takes great care to ot no ono elae know it. I lave been here through several now vlmtnistratlons , and I have never seen hings running so smoothly and quietly a , 'round , and about the Whits flouso aa now thinga run as tho' they were well oiled with wisdom nnd last , POLITICS IhN'l TUB ONLY THINCi .o . run a government by , especially a jovcrnment of thinking people like the 'reo born Fourth of Ju'y American ; It akes tact , and tact there saoma t ? bp at the White House. Indeed , the officers say that the president assists them very much In managing the hundreds of lain- ; ry wolves that howl around the en trance continually. So far the president Is disposed to take things quhtly. Of cour.'o this Is rasping ta the thousands of officessclcoro who cnmo here before the inauguration to help "mnke up the slate ; " their hotel bills are iimn'ng ' up fearfully whllo tholr fates are hanging lira. Thera U general satisfaction over the president's refusal to ap point Phil. Thompson , nn ox mem ber of congreai from Kentucky , who carries the utaln of cold blooded mnrdor in his soul with all the triumph of a dime novel hero , to tbo position of internal revenue commissioner. This was moro than the stoutoat dcmocratio ttomach could stand. Whoever Hon. J. 8 , Mil ler Is , I don't know , but take it for granted ho is ono of West Virginia's noble sons. The friends of Fhll Thomp son give out that Mr. Millar's confirma tion will bo tought. This won't pay. Cleveland is not a man to ba scared easily or I am no jadgo of human nature. THE REV , UENRY WARD IJKKCHEU lectured here last evening to a large au dience , having for his must distinguished hearers President Cleveland and hi ) tis- tornMils ( Cleveland nnd Mra.IIojt. It was pretty generally snpposad that the Presi dent would attend the lecture , though 1 was advert itcd ho would take a box at the French opera boutTe , now holding the boards at Albnugh'a opera house , with Mme. Thee as star resplendent , and of course a bij crowd wont to the lecture , moro to BOB the presIdent Ident and hit elateri than to hear Beoch- er. He wag hero but a short time a with a less crowded house. I presume there is no man living who enjojs being sensational moro than does the Brooklyn divine. The last time ho was hero Hen ry Irving and Ellen Terry were al o here filling a succctsful engagement. Beecher was delighted with the seductive chirms of filifs Terry and paid bii roipocts be hind tha scents after delivering his lec ture. Pouibly the French aotreai roay bare some attractions for the reverend gentleniMi , Mme. Theo ia said to bo very charming , and Iho reverend gentle man Is but human , as well aa divino. Bu tbca Mrs. Beochor Is with him now , anc whllo he may ilide behind the scenes & the white house , he probably will attcn : the sessions of the sensto nnd ttto Young Men's Christian as- soclatlon > gatherings. Both nro equally harmless though diverting. Step ping Into n barber shop Beecher naked "Do you ehavo mugwumps horoJ" and with a stride that would do credit to Lawrence Barrett , seated himself for n close stmvo , much to the tlellcht of the ; ontloman cf the razor , who for once iu lis lite was silent with joyful admiration , 'or ' Boechcr talks as briskly as clrcnm- itanccs and the lather will allow while laving hia face scraped. Aud what a rod RCO ho has those days. Ho likes to llvo well , who dcosn't ? Just what Influence 10 will have with the now Administration remains ta bo scon ; that ho Is hero in the ntoroat of some ono jthero Is no question. TUE SOCIAL SIDK of the now administration Is all that ould bo desired st > far. To-night the irasldent gives his first formal evening iiceptlon to diplomatic corps , su- iromo bsnch , atmy and navy and longrots. Curiosity is at , its height over ' , ho oflalr. As governor of Now York 'resident Cleveland is no upvlca in the irt of entertaining nnd receiving , yet of course the critics will pounca upon him with all fours. Arthur gave very elegant linnors this was his strong hold but its evening entertainment consisted of haking hands aud listening to the Vfaiiuo band rather thin. Mrs. Unyes always gave refreshments to these state ivunlng receptions , and very elegant oothsouio refreshments they were , too , oven tho' the punch bowl was lacked awny upsldo down in the garrot. The diplomats were received very elegantly ast Friday afternoon , the ladles of the White Homo appearing in full evening costnmo. Mies Cleveland wore n trained dress of palo blno satin frith petticoat of rhito satin brocaded in small flowers ; Mrs. Iloyt an elegant toilet of black relvot , and both ladles have the ease and jliarm of entertainment ( hit culture nd refinement brings. Miss Cleveland THE MISTRESS Of THE WHITE HOUSE , s a lady of rare intellectual abilliioi , jombiuoi with grace and gracipusnoes of manner that makes a half hour convoraa- ion with her something to remember rhon the folbioa of fnihlon have long icon forgotten , I thought of George 31tot whllo listening to her convoreation , ho' if the descriptions of that lady's lursonal appearance have been correct , Mies Cleveland is far moro attractive. 5ho is not handsome , but decidedly in- orestiiig and attractive. She impresses /ou with being a very uncommon voman , wi'h great intellectual .powers Vfoi ono who goes a "sky scraping , " but DUO who brings her Intellectual gifts to icar upon things and people about her ntolllgently. She has a rino largo head hat pjimen might envy , with a 'wealth of golden h ir , " while ho wears rather short , in natural wavy curls Hko ono of the old- imod pictures of a. cherub , a style that ia ery becoming toiler and tots her boauti- ul bond oft' to advantage. Her eyea are loop blue , with a kindly expression in , and don't have the far o I cold look hat intsllectual people nro proud to havo. ' . vtas moro Interested in the woman l > a- end tbo face than studying the exact cut f the nose , mouth and chin , and cinnot or the Hfo of me toll yon about them. I mly know that I noverspsnt a pleasanter lour visiting la my life than the ono pent with the ladles at the wbito house ast Thursday. Mrs. Hoyt , like Miss Cleveland , ia rather below the average leight of American women. Sha , like lor eiiter , ia very attractive and interest- ng in conversation , Is very intelligent upon all the current topics of tha lay , nnd s'oms deeply interested 'n politics In the highest onao. Her face is a most pleasant notherly one. She tells me she has two boys grown certainly cinnot bo very old , for she herself is in the very prime of womanhood. Her wavy brown hair is gathered in a cell at the back , and aho , .00 . , has a handsome head. I presume ihp would bo called better looking than rlisa Cleveland. Her features are mcro regular and loss strong , but with n > o it was a case of "how happy I could bo with cither were 'tothor dear charmer iway , " or words to that etl'ect. Both adlos dross in oxquieita taste. The first "ormnl SATURDAY AFTERNOON RECEPTION vas hold by Miss Cleveland and Mrs. loyr , on the 14tf ) , and is said to have > eentho largest over hold at the white lonso , but oo smoothly arranged that at 10 time a crush equiids going In nt a timo. The Indies received in the blue larlor unattended by other hdiea in a long line aa has been the custom of other Indies of thowhito house Marshal McMlcbal and Colonel IVckwell on ( ithor ildo of the ladies made the presentations. Clio ladles of the cabinet wera in the rear of the blue reoxi helping to entertain these who will linger to that. I know r'our lady readers are just "dying" to lour all about the new cabinet Indies. Of course gentlemen never care about such : hingB , but not this time because I shall : ako inuch space to do these high bred adles justice , and next week will do my self the honor of "rentingthem up. " SENATOR VAN WYC'K HOLDS TUE BOARDS at the senate. You have had your tele graphic account ] of the speeches made Monday by Senators Eustice , Teller and Van Wyck on that "backbone" railroad business and "pntont land grab. " The galleries were full at an early hour ex pecting there would bo fun for the boys while the poor frog took the occasion solemnly. Mr. Van Wyck certainly out did himself and brought down the house frequently with applause , which Bon. Harrieon , who irai nlling.tho chair , tried to put a stop to by threatening in a mild tone of voice to "clear the galleries. " Senator Van Wyck did pounce upon poor Teller unmercifully , and In a manner to bo seen and not described , marching up to him , for Teller sat near by , and obnk Ing his fitt , or bony finger nt him in a way to bo thought of in the lone hour of night as something not altogether pleas ant. The south ( ido of the senate was with Mr. Van Wyck , and I think their smiles of approval rather cheered trio Irate fellow rn. It was amusing , though , to BOB Mr. Van Wyck's nttor indifference while Mr. Teller waa tr/lng to defend himself against tbo charges made by Mr. Eustice sat reading and yawning , occi- sionilly taking a note now end then stretching his legs by walking up to the reporter's table , or straying into the cloak room. Wo in the galleries enjoyed - joyed tbo tcano immensely. CON. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAH MONEY. MONEY TO LOAN-Oa teal e.Ute and chatUU D. L. Thomu. 74Utt MONEY Loaned on riattfls , cut rati , II It tlokcU nought and tolil. A. Forman,21S B , 13th Bt M ONEY to oan en good real estate lecurlty. M. F Bears , Williams block. Ml tf MONEY LOANED it C. K. Heed & Go's. Loon olfta on furniture , planoi , homo , icons , persona property of all kind * and all other nuclei pf value , without removal Over lit National lltnk.oorner ISth and Faroim. AU lunleus strictly co&Ddcutlal ONKY to len en ohatt l * . Woolley ft Harri M son , room ! 0 , Omaha National Bank building , Cfr nn TO $25,6Yb TO LOAN-On r * 1 tittte o- 3) I UU cntltr at rtMotftble rate * . C. E. M jne , If W cot 15lh and Farnaru. 3iinS7 O LOAN From $5 to fS OO. In turn * to raitFT JL nancUl exchange 15CS fmntm. ? S-mt4p VTONKT TO IXAM ID tuoil Ol JOO nd u. iVi O. ? . P vl nd Co. , B l E > and Txwn , 150S F Mn St. HELP WAITED. Firnt-clMS oeond gill $308 F TI7ANTKIFirntclMS rn m Y > 8U Mrs. J. M. Thimton. n.9 If riTANrBD A Roixt cook Install f inl'y. W 700 South 10th Bt. OW- 17ANTKD A good house-keeper on farm 5 miles > from city H. Uanuvcllcr , 413 South 13th St. 027-2Sp Olrl lor Renstftl house wotV. WANTED Ml * . Corbet * 1013 Howard &t. OSO-2SP TITANTBD A girl lirgcnorM h use work. AJI- W ply S5H DouplM St. 014-55 TANTKtImmediately / , two persons to learn V i book-keeping. Situation ) or no pay. J. U. Smith , 1610 Dcu lM. 011-23p _ _ ANTED Laundry girl at Emmet homo.82317P 823-17P TTfANTEU respectable Ocrnnn girl &tlo toile seulnfr In tailor's obop , fair ajc9inil steadj work , K. ItlCBcr , 170SSl..Marj' ft\c. SSO-2lp AIT-ANTED A good girl for f oicril house work V > to whom good wages will bo giun , Apply at 2403 Dodge St. l > l)2-t ) ( ANTKD Immidlatcly. two persons to learn W liookkccf Ing. Situations or no pay. ANTED-Two pirlalor chamlicr work. Aprly W l'hnt < r'9 HOUBC , corner Dodgt and 10th. S01-23p \ _ T4J A good Scandinavian gill for plain i i cooking at the Commercial hotil , corner 9th and Lenenworth St , wa es3. per week , Apply at ho Atlantic hotel , 10th St 873'24p WANTKD Olrl for general housework ; Ocrmrm preferrcJ ; 1908 FUIN\M n. 781-tf YITANTED Lidy agents for "Queen I'aotcctor' , I > datiy stocking and skirts supporter ? , shoulder uncos , luistl'S , bosom forms , ( lew shields , safety > clt , slcovo'protcctore , rtc , , entirely new devices , inprecedcntcd profits , wo have 600 agcnta mtklng :1UO : monthly. Address with stamp , K. II. Carrpbell i Co , 0 South Muy St. , Ch'ogi. 709-al5p WANTED First-class woman cook In hotel , 100 milea from Omaha , where she w 111 haon good lomc. Apply toll Mann eller. 418 B. 13th Street , Omaha. 078.U V\7ANTED A Bret-class dry goods clothing , boot T I and shoo inlesman , must epoak German and well acquainted with dry eooclf , only ilnglo nnd tx- > erlcnce < l man with reference need apply. G. Adler , Sewtrd.Nob 001-tl SITUATIONS WANTED. T I AIfTED By a young ecntlemnn with krow- edge of dcotistrv , Ucslrca a situation In lab m- tory. Address "J , P. " Atlantic hotel , Omaha. 06S-f4p ITANTED Ily a vouoi ; Ivlr , situation In n itorc. > Address "if. J. " 171i Dotfge St. 857 23p TT/HNTED Situatlou by a Kontleman thoroughly < T quilllled in business as saicsmin and book.lofp- or In a dry goods or gcncrtl store , speaks German nd Engl sh , can give tha beat of reference. Address ' 3'Bee olllco. 88423 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TV'ANTED By two young gentlemen , gocd fur- IT niched room ill pt hate family , llefereucec. Ad dress' ' O " lice oHiee. Ol2-26p VT' " ANTED By n perfectly sober Ihcly and well V recominondcd gentleman , U leoking nhomo In aprlvnte fimlly , roomboard , and privilege of spend- ig etcnings with thololKa ia wanted Please nd- Iress "G K. " Dec olllcc. 013-251) WANTED Two rooms with board for young man and wife , mint bo centrally located , references given aud required. Address "S. " this office. OlC-tf \T7ANTED A good reliable fimlly horse. In- > T quire 1318 Faiuam. 831-23 An unfurniehed lodging room , cent- Ml. A. B. P. O box 005. OC4 27 \\1 ANTED Uy young couple , 1 or 2 furnished VY or unfurnished rooms In a HrBt-cbas family west of Court house. Address A. Jacobsen , V614 uouglaa St. 800-tf T\7 ANTEP Cottage or suit of rooms furnished or IT unfurnished Ia desirable locality. Call or ad Iresa "B. " Gees hotel. 874-23p To rent , good furnlsheJ bouse , mod WANTED " , n ell located. Itaic Adams , Frenzer Block , opp. P. 0. 843-tf WANTED 2d hand piano. Etatc name of maker and price wanted. Address "R. P. " Bee office. SI3-25p WANTED To rent ty Jlay 1st. 8-10 room houpo rrodcrn improvements , good location for term ofeara. Ed. Peycke. 737-tf WANTED To e\chango In Oma. ha. Inquire at 1512 Howard St. 733-241) WANTED Every lady In need of a sewing ma chine , to see the new Improved American No. 7. P. K Flodman & Co. agents ; 203 N 10th. 343f : ffOli BENT HOUSES AND LOTS. EXCHANGE-Two lots In W. A. Rodlck'sndd. TO for n Ijtor hnlf nlot located somewhere r.ea cr the center of the city and suitable for building , wi'l pay additional it value Is more. . Address "G T. " Bee office. 916-tf RENT-Stcre No. 218 north 10th St. U. B. FOR Itaicombe & Co. , agent up glairs In Pa'combo block. 928 l7p ! RENT The Donovan Place 01 South 13lh FOR St. a gen < i chance for n lardcncr. For terms , ap- ilyattho Kmi'tie Steam laundry , 1110 ami 1112 931-24 FOR RENT-A splendid corner stoic , rountcrj and ( helving en a iiaved street on street oar line , n One opening for a nrbt-chsa grocery , lent rcnsinablo. Apply to Moree & Brunner. 827.23 TiOR HUNT Six room house on or about May 1st. ' Inquire J. F. Carton. Snultlag woika or 314 N. 26th St. 876-tf FOR lir.NT Store with four rooms on Cumlng Bt Suitable for any buslnc8i$26 ; per mouth ; inquire J.Kline , 1318 DougUatt. eSO-apr9 FOR RENT A five room brick cottage , city water and all modern improvements. Inquire John Steel , CCO Hickory. 840 28p FOR RENT No. 1313 Huory , room 22x132 ui > - Htiirs very cheap for S or & year ; . Good elevator - tor and plenty light. 92)-2&p ) TOR RENT Now eizrit loom house Inquire of f Mrs. E. Roddis , 25tb , biilwccn Davenport and Chicago Ste. 700-tf F OK KENT Two new stores on 10h et. 0.K Ma > no , 16th and Farnam 016tl Foil RENT Ono story duelling houeo flvo rooms , 23d. n arClark street. Charles Ogden , corner 13th and DciiKlta Street. TfOU KKNT-Cottigoit 1718 Dodijo street. FOU BFNT New brick bouse , 11 roome , modern ImprotcaientJ , No. tlZ N. 22d ut. Inuulre 2118 California et. H7tf F IOIl PENT Three brick storei corner ISth and Cumin ; , ' St. J L. McCague , A Kent. 401.a2 FOH KENT New cottage , 6 roome. , 1'llpns Hoc 1512 H , 6thet. ItOO&IS FOR RENT. "irOK HKNT One room furnlahed or unf.rniuhci I1 ground lloor , also two upstairs roomi on St. car , 022Bouth west corner 18th and Itardtit. 02J-2Bl > FNH HKNT Three nlcaiant furnlthcd room' , iln glo or toother at 2408 Harney Bt. 87S-H TJIORHKNT Suite of three nice unlurnl.hed looms J ? 1110 Ioige street. Inquire down stilra 830-241) FOH HENT Handsomely fnrnlihed roomsforiln gle gentlemen. For partlculais , address "V , W Urc offlof. 92C-28p FOR KENT-Ooe nicely furnUhed pallor with 2 bed rooms , with reference 1(14 California St. Sie-29p f70B HKNT Two nicely furnlilied roorai , bitb. JU room bay windowalso two small rooms on Btret car line , 1723 Capitol are. 910 24p FOR RENT Vicely furnished rojmi with bean Btrrctly private f mly | ; spring clcablng just done lOlSClilcanroSt. 010 25p FOU HKNT 4 onienleot chambers or houic kfeplng to a man nd wl'u ' wliboiit cbllJreu , S blocks from 1'ott ofhce , 311 north ITih ( . 017 tf [ 71OU KENT Kurnishsd iogw with board lor ! 01 JL1 3 young men c r ittntlewan and wile , firit-clu accommodatlonr , UU Chicago Bt , fc87-25p C OHHENT A largo furnished front room wi'l ' A. ' dittoing room cfTcr oat ilugle room. 710 10th Bt. . 4S2.2 n 7V3R HENT-Furnlthed rooms , ISIS Cap. Au. 887 i7p FOH RENT-A iilewant front room lurnlahed. B E. cor. Uth nu Howard SW. tOl-tl [ ? OU HKNT S nlc * xinturnlshisl r om forwent L' house keeping. 1709 Hurt St. 890 IS IpOH HENT-Furnlshc.1 room 1309 Capitol av * . Si3-2tt ? OR RENT Nicely liirnHhcxl room At 1M7 D T- KS-S4 i'ORUENT t rpe front efflwoq woond floor. In < | iilie No. 1211 Karnatu St. KM tt HENT-Kurnljhrd ro-im t 1S18 Jack on St pOU HENT Fuinl hfd room and boirJ S5.00 per 1 neck. Very Vest location ISM Davenport. _ _ _ _ _ 764 a-I4p 0R RENT Furnlihcd room t 191 $ Farnam. I OIt RENT One nirrly furnlsScd room omtnblo for Sfontlcincn , Midatirillcr room un r'dv. ' .Mit St. lnqultcl'JU7 KnrnainSt. Oil tl HKNT-Nlccly lurnlshei rooms 105 N. If th. ipOll HKNT Eleeant front room for t o ccntlc- men , Inquire at A , lloepo , 1613 Douglna M. 614 * RKNT-Nlccly furnished toomi at 1718 Caw St. 472-tf n OOMS With lioard , detlrable or winter. Apply Ll t St. Chailcg HetnL 474-tl FOR SALE. IJHUl 8AI E Aery nice 0 room house and lot , 1 limit bo sold 1223 North 19th St. tC2.a22p IDARTIKSdcelrlnRScotchplneaiid oft nmplotrcta 111 call or address Fro JCronemcjcr , box 6C8 , Omah , Neb. 021-2fi > IJ OKSALK At n bargain , ot c or two cniilco etc- tloruof hnd in central Ncbrajka.wlll takcjoun ; attlo hi part p jmei.t. Aildress "U N. H' * ' . O. Uox 500 , Omnh . 03l-2f > p neil " SArK-North- corner 16th fit , and ca\cm\orlh , two hundred fcui cmt front on 'aik a\o Kinc lot on Georgia avcnuo , nil at reason- bio prices0. . r. Da\l9 ft Co , 1505 Farnam St. 8i2-27 | ) 0K SAI.K-Now 6 room cottngo with all Im- proTcmenw. * 1(00 , easy pnjnieuts. W. II. Orccn , our letNat'l bank. SSI-tf IflOR ' SAlK"t'l\o lots , Wllcox'iJ aild. two at $100 'eachtwo at5OOcch undone atS50. ! 10 jwr cnt cadi , balance in monthly payment * . W II. Ureen , OUT let Nat'l bink. f83 If [ ? OH 'ALK-On easy rnymcnts. I will furnish J1 lots and build houocs on ( liort notice to suit the mrchasor. irqulro of I' J. Crccdon , contractor nd builder 27thnnd Webster St. 000-11 FOR HALE A clean strek ot dry eoodi , notions , lurnlshlrK goods &a , S5.6CO. Will sell cheap , art real oitatc , b Ucco cish. AJdrusa "JI V. II. " Boo olHcr. care SSi-2 i BALE-Crcap , flrst-cl s3 sewing machine. Inquire 1309 Fifth St. 003-23p FOP. SALE A full lot on corner cf 13th nnd Jones paxcd street nnd within ono tquaro of U. 1' . 11. t. for sale. Wnrrcn Swltzler. b09 It FOH SALE-lIottl and saloon with all Hxturcs , re ceipts 876. per day , II10 loc.-Uic.ii , a rare bargain , 'rlco $4,700 , terms \erycasy. Address It. C. Tatter- on , corner 13th end Farnam. SM-tf FOH SALH-Stook nminxturcsof the Merchants Exchan o one of the best pacing naloons In Oma- a , rcaaon furiillmi ; , 111 hculth. AclJrcfa or call and co Geo. IHgglns , N. E. corner 10th and Dodge St. , ) maha Nob. 22t-tf ) FOU SALE \ span of good wcrk torsos. Paul- sen & Co. , 15ia Farnam. 31-25 [ j > OR SALK-Thlrty choice lots near park nve. O. I1 T. Stubbing , room 31 , Cnlghton block. 815-alSp FOIISAI.E-Three lots In WestOraaha Inquire U. I1. Local Freljlitolllco. CIIAS. DouuiiEan.Sia-2lp FOB SALi-First : clasa restaurant , with all neces sity equipments ; good location , fllty hoarders Jail cr oddrcis W. II. GIIKKN , o\8r Flrdi National Binlr. 783-tf FOU SALK-200 Ycullnc et erp , 20 J 2-yenr old steers , tSOjeaillng heifers , 00 2 and G-ycar-old heifers , 6U graded bulls. \soKEiios , SlnuxClty , I wa. 7S9alO FOR SALE CI1EAP Ono elegant cb < mt r ecs , former coat 8375.00. Ono regulator clock , na nearly new Knabo Piano , two gold framed ilcturrn , ono horse , bnrncaa and phioton. In- [ Ulre 1816 Dodge St. 233-tf FOU SALE OR TRADE Two of the most desira ble etcok ranches in Central Neb , will exchange or a delr blo8tock < f grnortlrnrrchandiiocr hard ware. Apply to Noitn Loup BinHrg Co. , North Loup , Neb. 7U9 2p FOH BALE Four year old hotso has been worked double. For particulars li quire at n a corner Jth nnd Firnjrn et In barbar shop. 3. Kirncr 0710 FOR HALE Now house 7 rooms full Irt , largo baru very cheap. D. p. jOLca , Oth and Bancroft South Omaha. DC2-n''p FOR SALE Second hand ten horfc power , up right holler and oneinc ; In good condition ; lower or cash. Chas. S , Poor , 108 Slith St. , Omaha , Neb. 387-tf IpOR SALE A larm ot SSOacres , 5 miles nortnwcs 1 of North Bond , 150 acres under cultivation , M iiilcaof Iho willow potts , ono mile ofwhich ia solid lodge 13 years old , 3 nilka of wire fence , Inclosing lesture or meadow nearly all eecdcd to tame gross. llarn J8.\60 feet , ciibblnf ; for 2.00J bushels of corn , 3 good comla , 1 wind mill , nnd 3 wells of water , ! ; r nary 16x20 feet , n house 10x24 feet , with base- ncnt under entire house. Prlco 20 ptr acre ; hall down , balance on time to suit purchnetr. Kiiqulro at Ft , ML otlioe , or of W. II. Yaw , Worth Bcud.Nib. T7IOR SALK-08xl65 feet on Cumlng elrcet 3 hlocki X1 west of Military bridge , fl.COO. John L. McCnguo oppoelto Post oliluo. 481-tf T70R SALE 132xl2 ( foot on corner , Booth-cast i1 front , house 3 rooms , barn , 3 blocks west o , 'ark avo. nnd Leavcnworth , cosy payments , cheap fl,7CO. JobnL. McCague , opposite Post Office. 483-t FOR SALK-3Gxl3'.fcet lolwcen llth nnd 12tli nJjcksonSt. Inquire No. 1117. 712 S3p PERSONAL. [ JERSONAL John Hamlin haarcmo\od to Omaha and resides at 1610 Lea\enw rth St. 073-alup MRS E. M. HOOPER , clairvoyant nnd trance medium can ho fouud at N , W , corner -1th nnd JaMBtrtcts , houra 11 n.m to 0 p. m. 371-ml TO EXCHANGE , TO K.\CHANGE-8took ranch , 600 acre' , Rill exchange for stock of rmd are ml puj cAshdil- ( eri-ncu W , II. Green , o\cr 1st Nat'l bank. 838-tf RK BILE OH EXCHANaE-Farm In Southern Minnesota for Oitaha prcpertl. A. P. TuVcj , at Cauineld'd Book fitoru. 87fl 26p FOR SALE OR KXCHANOE-For smaller farm or Omaha property.A No. 1 lmpro\cd farm of 320 acresleocultlvnted and 103 pasturft-thrco houses and all other improieincnts ladMcd in Washington Conn ty. Aildrcaj or call Joj..lColowratck,1324'3outh 13th St 745.11 j On SALE Olt EXCIIANQE-At ? IO p i tore , a -I ? or part of two thousand acres ol timber land forty miles east of Kansas City , wll exchange (01 Nbraak * land 01 merchandise. Bedford , Bouer * Davis , BUSINESS OHANOES. FOR SALE A groccrv business In Omaha , h Uns a good tradeficoh clean stock , reason for selling other buiinesa interest. Addicts "J. II. " Beeolllco. F 1 OR BAtE-Chear , saloon fixtures and itock N. W , corner lOlb and Capitol aye. 617 3 TTtOH BEN1-A brick y id. Imjulre at McCauue f Bros , opposite I'Mtolllw. 77S-2Sn TTTIOIl BALE A good paying ealoon with flret-elaet O.1 lunch counter and lestaurant attached. A l ) r K | P. B. Trobtlcr , 20S South 18th St. 478-tf HBALE Or exchange full stock ot clothing 4.1 boots and shots ' , gent' furnlahlnggoods , will ex change for Nebraska Lands. Q. U.i > eterBon,804 S 10th Bt. Omaha , Neb. 165-tf FOH BALE A good skating rink , size 84x100. In quire ot II Lambert , Wakeflcld Neb. 423 a 16p BOARDING. BOAHDINU Flretclass board and lodging to $4. ! & per we k , allnrw beds and Bluings at No HC8 Casa Bt. H. 1'eter Nick. TW-alZp TjiIItHT.CI.ASS lied and board 1212 Capitol Mo 12&3S MISOELLA-NEOUS. STRAYED-A white nure bout 10 years old wltl colt with left eyeiiilBilng' Howard will be pah for her return to ch i. Kleck , Ea le house. 032 88 8TIUYED Two white inllchoiWB , one hu urnal yellow sjioU un neck aud short tall finder uj ] receive m.i. c. lo rewaid by reluming to No. 1214 ad an Christ Kantkui. OlO-2 p \\7ILIy Pe founJ at 1CCO I > avea.ort | Bt , . . . T leited nurse. Ikit city rclerctcu glvin . 872-ajj MiAKrlN Ul' 'Jwitve head of youog cattle. Ownc % . , c00' , * ' wine by clllng upon John . Hod Milk dtlry , north 11 Dt f & Uumutiylum [ 7 qR RKNT OR SAT.K10 acres cholw garden X1 Unil. Inquire 1107 Douglns St. S71-S3 [ > IUVY , vault. * , tlntt uml r < OMi > oo1s c1 anM at the L shortcut iiotlce and Mtlsfactlon guarantee ) by F. O. Abel , T. O. Vex 378 ! 49p7 IUMl'9 All klnd/i / of pumps lor rate or repaired. AddifM J. J , MoLaln , 1011 Saundcr St. St.S71.ni23 S71.ni23 17UllN'ITUHKStovMetc. . utorolln brick ware hou-c 911 nd 013 Jones St. 797 tt DllIVYaulK and ccwpools cloanpj at L ihortrft notloo any time of the d r , In an ntlrtlvordfiltM way with our Improved pump and entgan Apparatus , all places cleaiu'.l by u < dlenfeo < ; 'd free , charges reasonable A. K\aiig,12CB , Pmlgo t. , up ttalri 658 H P UN1TBD STATES ational Bank ! U. S. DEPOSITORY , S. W. Cor. Farnam and 12th Sis Capital , - IttOO.OOO.OO C. W. HAMILTON , I'rca't. M. T. 13AULOW , Cwhleil ninKCTonai 1. M. OAUIWELL , If. V. SMITH , . W. HAMILTON , M. T. BARLOW , 0. WILL HAMILTON. Accounts solicited and kept subject to sight licck. CcrtiCratesof Dopoeil Issued payable in 3 , aud 12 month ? , bearing Interest , or on do- nand without interest. Advances made to customers or approved ocurltlcB at market rates of intercut , The Interests of customora are closely guard- il nnd every facility compatible with princl- ilca of found banking freely oxter.ded. Draw sight drafts on Kuglaud , Ireland , icotland , and all parts of l uropo. Soil European passage tickets , Collections Promptly Made- MACHSTKR OF PALUYSTERY AND CONDITION LIST , 893 I'oath etroot , tiotwoon Furnum nd H i- cywlil , whh the&ld of Ruardlin splilts , obtaining or anyone ulinoo In the past and piosont , unil on oorUIn condition ! In the future. Dooti and ehooi undo to order Perfect sallsUctlon guaranteed Cor. Ittth nnd Douglas Sla. Capital Stock , - - - 8150,000 lability of Stockholders , 300,000 \w Per C8iitlBtcrestFaifi on Deposits _ LOANS MADE ONJREAL ESTAIR OCElooxrra AMESE. UOYD . _ . Pro at V. A. PAXTON . Vice ProRidebl . H. BENNETT . Sfanatfnz Dlreolot OHNB.WILUUR . Ou-Htr UAP. r.MANDKBSON , THOS. L. KIMDAU , . W GANNKTT , XIAX UBYKlt. IKNIIY VITNIVT K r , . STONK. U. S. DEPOSITORY- J. H. MILLARD , WKIftWALLAQC , Freeldent Caahlel APITALZ STJEPLUS $500,000. Flro and Burglar Proof Safes. for rent at from 8 to 360 per nnnro JAB. H. PEABODY , M.lx Physician & Burgeon Rc'lldonco Nu. H07 Jones Si. Office , No. 1109 Fir- amstreeL Office hours,12 m tolp.m. tnd ftotr.3 a 811. m. To oiihonc. .cr olllco 97.roaldenno 115 , urseijf Stock ! For priced catalogue of the POMONA NURSERIES dilrona , H. 0. Haymoml , liox 290 , Omaha , Neb. lurecry ( 'rounds situated immediately norih of the natltuto for tbo loaf ) tucl Dumb. Contracts taken or tree ( ilantinir. Jan23d3rawl2t D , 0 , BEYA NT , M. D. 1224 : Faraam Street. Corner 18th 3ti OfDoo hcnrs 9 to U a.m. , S to m Ten years oxpeiienoe Cm epeak aerman. cvt Bl-dlv A. KALIS ! ! . Merchant Tailor 313 South 13th Street , 3 UOOItS SOUTH OF FAIMVAJHT. I'irat-clnsu tailoring in all Its branchna. ALMA E.KOTH. OCers thli Coming on Special Inducements HAIR GOODS ! 1412 Douglas St. Omaha , Neb H. K. BUBKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMUALMEIl , 111 N. loth Btrott. . . ' OMAII PHOTOGRAPHER 21U North 10th Street. Old lice Jllro Htand. The present proprietor wUhev It th all photograph ) are made ratUfactory Ufuio belui. delivered from this p.llerr. The old luana/emtut retina and Ur , U. K. Or&y euoootidj.