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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1885)
THJfl DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS TUESDAY , MARCH 17 , 1885 ; THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , Tueadav Morning ) Maroht 17. BATE ? . Dr C rt ! i - - - - - - - cents psr week " 110.00 per y Br aU - - " " orncEt a , T mrl Btraot. HearJBroidwar. MINOR MENTION , Sco J. Rclter'n new aprlng goods. Everybody smoked yesterday smoked glass. The clly's now hose cut and COO foot : ot nowlhos3 have arrived. The now si cart is a dnlty. \V. Uhrusborgor WAS yesterday called into court for threatening to shoot Alex. Oboi t and hfe wife. Ho was phood un der $150 bonds to keep the pcicc. K Four mtn otartod an open air saloon in an alleyway on Sunday , a good-shod bottle belnR their stock In trade. They were arrested nnd yesterday fined .S7.GC I each. each.O. O. M. Towers , for uhootlng on the Direct near the Orcstou Houa ? , waa fined 37 CO yesterday , and for being caught stooping with the dusky Molly Johnson was Used $14 GO more. Molly was nv flOBFjcd a Ilka amount. Although the saloons were closed Sun day , there was a long row of drunks to dfapoeo of in the police court yeetarday. Among ( hem were James "Wolls , Dennis Sullivan , Jamea Norton , Tom Foncy , John Kelley and Tom Griffin. Joseph Schmitt has sold his interest in ' the barber ehop of Schmitt & Harb , 402 Broadway , to Jacob Beck , formerly with the Pacific house barber shop. The now firm la to bo Harb & Beck the "Two Jnkoa" barber shop. Olay Forman died yesterday morning about 1 o'clock of consumption , at his residence on South First.streot. Ho was born in this city , and was at the time of his death 30 years of ago. Ho leaves a wife. The funeral will take place from the residence of his father , 807 East Fierce street , to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. City Engineer Brodheck brough his in- otrnmont to boar on the eclipse yester day , izlving his friends ono of the best possible sights , at It. Moore , the con tractor , Boeing Brodbeck thus engaged , concluded that ho was making a survey , preparatory to filling to grado. and hast ened to the city clork'a office to file a bid. Several well know citizens are joining In the organization of a now manufactur ing enterprise here , to bo known as the Council Bluffs Paint Manufacturing Com pany. The capital stock is fixed at $20- 000 , and it Is the Intention to make a specially of a superior quality of roofing paint , and a perfect lira-proof paint. They will alto make all kinds of paints. The arrangements are completed , o zcopt some little details , and already the manu facture of the paint has been commenced , and the enterprise promises not only to bo profitable to the stockholders , but also an enterprise which will bo of help to the city , which now needs more manufactur ing enterprises , and should therefore re ceive practical encouragement and sup port. The company will commence solic iting business within a few days. Attention Ladies , While clo ing ont my notions , will soil all hair goods at twenty-five per cent dis count. 300 switches , 200 waves , bangs , etc. , to bo eacrificod. Custom workcaroful- ly attended to. Miis. D. A BENEDICT , 337 Broad iray. ftlra , J. J. Maas , of Cincinnati , the mother of William Maaa. la a g 9St of Mr. and Mrs , Simon Eisoman. Slmoo Kisernan , the senior member of the fiim of Elaomau , Ilodda & Co. , baa returned from the eait , where ho Ima baen on a pur chasing tour. I. N. Fllckiogcr arrived hero yesttrday Irom Kanjas , and will remain with hla brother , A. T. Fllckioger , Jr. , about two weelu before returning to his homo In Wayne , Nob. Nob.Mr , W. C. Staey , formerly secretary of tha Shugart implement company , has just re turned from a trip over the Union I'acIQc railway in Kansas , lie baa taken the agency for tha sale of their lands here , and reports business as being very brisk , the company's salei during the past month being over 200- 000 acres. Mr. V. It. Davis , who formerly represented thoU. 1' . laud department here , will take Mr. Stacy's place with the Shugart implement company , Dr. S. Mosbler , of the Sioux City Chronic Disease Imtituto , will bo at the Kaotthouio in this city , Thursday , April 2d , Will attend to patients and all who are nlllicUd v > ill do well , to give him a call. Consultation free. PEIENDS OF THE HOMELESS , The Anrnial Mcctlnc.ol the AsBocla- tlon. Y terday there were atcut twenty persons proeont at the annual mooting of the Home til the Fiiendless association. The following board cf directors were elected : Rev. G. W. Robty , ol Malveru ; Rev. Wm. E. Randal ! , of Dow City ; Col. L. Bentlojof Malvern ; Jadgo . E. Dow , of Dow City ; J. P. Filbert , of Council Bluff , ; W. W. Morton , of Mo- dale ; Rev. Arthur Scott , of Dtntrart , lows ; Riv. J. C. Carter , of Logan ; Dea con Saimul Uatlm , of Atlantic. The following cfllcers were elected ; Rev , G. W. Robty , president j Oolonol Bonll'y , vlcftpwaldont ; Ujv , Mr. Ran dall , s.'cretary ; W. 0. Carman , treajur- et ; licv J. G , Leojen , u-aueger , IlttsoluUoni were passed euooraiag the iinuajjomont end ur inz coiUjibutirni tc p y < 11' the debts. Rev. Mr. Robry , Ufl. Bentleynid RJV. Mr. RtncUll were cboion as a fiiucee ccmmlttod to w report ia to ba made each quarter , MAYOR'S MESSAGE. A Goniplclc Siuwini of Conncil Blnffs acdltilnttwsls , Various OlifuiRca llccotninciulcil to No\v Council , I | The now city council mil yentorday afternoon for the first time. The mayor who had boon 111 sines Saturday , got of hli sick bed to attend the mooting. Al the aldermen were present except Aid Bennett who wai confined to his homo by Illness. The first business of the now councl was to listen to the annual metsigo o the mayor which embraced reports of the various departments and together forraoc a very full and complete showing of the cily , and ono which will reflect crodi upon the city , The message vras qulto lengthy , occu pying an hour and thrco-qnartera In reading , oven when some of the reports aomo of which have already boon published were merely referred to , bill which will bo published in full in con nection with the message. The council referred the various portions of the mes sage and the reports to throe respective committees and the printing committee was instructed to have 1OOC copies prlntqd for general distribution. The mossagn opened with a pleasing expression of congratulation over the progress , prosperity and prospects ol Council Bluffs. The waterworks system was given high words of commendation. Daring the past year 3,015 feet of now street main had been laid , making over 120,000 foot in all. The value of property saved by the hav lug waterworks far exceeded the amount of the annual rental paid the company by the city. Additional fountains were recommended to ba located In the ceme tery , nnd In the parks. Attention was called to the importance of Council Blufla as a railway center , and It was pronounced the most impor tant ono west of Chicago , and north of St. Louis , twelve roads terminating hero , and still others being projected. Eighty freight and stock trains come in and ont of the city dally , and one-fourth of the laboring men of the city ara employed by railways. The value of railway property in thq city amounts to 86,000,000. The mayor offered congratulations on the fact that the Union Pacific railway shops would soon bo located hero. By this changa the company would bo saved a half million dollars annually , while the benefit to this city would be great , as it would secure the permanent Investment } f a million dollars , employing from GOO bo 1,000 men , whoso average monthly wages would bo $80. The educational advantages of the city are also dwelt upon largely In the mos- ssgo. Counoil Blnffj has bettor school julldings than any city in the west. Prof. McNaughton is doing excellently as superintendent. Then there are the Catholic academies and the business col- lego.The The public library had 20,000 vhitora ast yoar. The library is valued at 30,000. The recommendation is made that the loachera of the public schools shall bo required to assist pupils in se lecting books from iho library , also that school children shall not bo obliged to study more than six hours a day , so as to allow some time for reading. The Home of the Friendless is com mended by the mayor. The report of the institution shows that there are twcuty- ivo rooms , S1600 worth of furni ture , an § 800 printing office k horse , cow , wagon , otc , and that twenty persona are being cared for there. The mayor recommends that in con nection with the patrol wagon already purchased a patrol telegraph system be established to be used for fire alarms as well as police business. The report of the police department shows 1,316 persons arrested. The po lice force consists of ono chief , ono cap- lain , three day men and four night men , and. the recommendation is made that the Force bo increased to twelve mon , and that they bo paid in cash instead of gan- oral warrants. The city marshal reports 854 lodgers during the year ; 140 notices of nui sances served , and twenty-eight nui sances abated by the marshal ; number of stock impounded , 129. It is recom mended that the windows of thujiilba so protected that outsiders can not pass anything in , and , , that the corridor be lined with iron , to as to prevent jail breaks. Figures are presented showing that over $260,000 of atone and wood paving baj been dona the past year , most of which is to bo paid for by special assess. mcntj on the abutting property. Em ployment wacgiven | to 300 men and teams and lots than $800 has been piid con tractors for extra labor ; 12,000 yards of cedar block pavement has been laid at a cost of $10.000. It is recommended that Pearl and Bancroft streota bo paved this year , and that North Second and Bjyant street * bo paved to Washington avenue. The council Is urged to pass an ordinance providing that In caacs whore it is nccca- ary to open the pavement to do other work , that the work must bo done skill- ully nnd tbo paving so put back that it will not bc'injurod. Plans for sewerage have , been pre- > rcd and in accordnnco.with these plans $32,000 $ of sewerage was done last year , 20,000 foot of pipe being used and 1,200 , )00 ) of brick , which was made hero. The Indian creek problem is pronounc ed by the mayor is the most difficult one. It will cc'st $100,000 to fix It as it as it should bo. A contract for $18,000 ias been let , nnd about $10,000 of the work dune. The council is urged to take moatnrts for carrying on the work so hat protection from floods may bo given tbo residents of the Third and Fourth wards. The mayor als ? urges tha establish ment of a syel em of newer drainage at once. once.Tho city clerks report shows the re ceipts of thit ctlije is $21,000 , of which ? 17,000 was from licenses , llio clerk ropcrti that the old cily records are now stored in a roem In the city jail , nnprotictcd from Gra and ricornmends tnat a vault ba made for them. Toe mayor , calling attention to the large ravenuo from licenses , urges that many ccup tlons now unlicensed should be licensed , such as hotel-men and ne. tauraot keeper * , exchange brokers , in surance men , real estate agents , etc. A report is incorporated of the boird rf health , aad the recommendation nude that spec'al ' attention bo paid to cleaning alloys and streets in view of the fearoi cholera. A complete report of the Cro department mont U presented. The. buildings m Krounda ro valood at $12,000 to $15 , 000. Recommendation ia made that a lot bo purchased on lower Main atroei and a hose house built there. The fire men shall bo given polios powers to mak- arrests nt time of fins. Tho'.chief's re port shows the Icsics by fire the patt year as $21,000 and the insurance at $33- 000 , It is urged that the dcpirlmont bo enlarged because there is in the heart of the city $1,000- 000 of wholetalo properly to bo pro tected , and in case of _ two fires at the same time , ono being in the residence port ion of the oily , there is not enough of n force to divide with safety , It la recommended tlut another hose cart bo stationed on lower Broadway , nnd an other hook and ladder truck bo provided ; also that n now fire alarm bo established , the city having about six sqnaro miles of territory to look after. It is recommended that the office of fire marshal bo created , the duties of the marshal bolng to report causes of fire , protect property at times of fuo , and SOP to the enforcement of fire ordinances. The srimo officer to bo foreman of ton fire police to bo appointed by the mayor , to bo paid the same as minutcmon , ami to bo liable to bo called on to do regular pollco duty In case of an emergency. It is recommended that an ordinance bo passed for the protection of fire by- drant. , and preventing the placing of any obstruction within six foot of n hydrant. The sidewalk supervisor reported fifty- four culverts and nlnoly-fivo crosswalks built , and 20,000 foot of pine used in sidewalk. Ho recommends the repeal of the sidewalk ordinaoco , and that those building walks bo paid in general funds , and the cost taxed to adjacent property. It is recommended that the council specify hours during which citizens can use hoao in sprinkling streets. The conncll is urged to pass an ordi nance requiring that all boilers bo inspect ed once a year. The mayor rocoommonds the doisg away with the office of street supervisor , and letting each alderman look after his own ward. The poll tax collector reported $042 paid in , The street supervisor reports in favor of having the city keep the paved streets : lo rad for thirty days so as to got an In- Iclligont idea of what it would bo worth before letting a contract , also that the paving at the corner of Willow avenue jo raised , The city engineer reports the im provements done under his stiporvltion amount to $370,000. Alderman Slodentopf of the park com- nittee , made a most excellent report. Bo recommends that Bayliss park bo filled , the walks made winding , the jand- stand reversed to the north side , and a fountain placed In the center of : ho park. Also , that Fairmont park bo improved by fountains and additional drives and the entrance made easier : alpo , that Galesburg park bo improved and Oakland avenue extended. The akcs of the city should else bo looked after by the city and the driveways opened up to them. The financial reports are given in do- all , as already published , allowing the iotal bonded Indebtedness of the city to > o $202.400 , to which $56,000 vf ill needs > o added at once for the additional paving and sewerage and 'or the Indian crook Improvement The mayor put the cost valuation of the property in the city at $10,000,000 , and urges that the council as a board of equalization being the assoased valuation up to cost value , and make the tax levy correspondingly low. In closing his message the mayor ex pressed satisfaction at iho prospect of Council BlnfTs growth , there bolng already $500,000 of building improve ments in sight , and other good things in tore. Iiltcmry anu Social. Entertainment at the rooms 6f the 5f. M. 0. A. , No. 12 North Main street , this evening at 8 p. m. All are cordially invited. The programme is as follows : . Music ' . Reading Miss May OborhuHzor > ' . Essay Miss Ida Wollaue . Instrumental..Messrs. Belknap and Smith 1 Essay Mies Anna Bowman j , Recitation Mias Wood Intermission. J. 'Quartette" Messrs. Shaw Brothers . Retrospective Talk..Mr. J. N. G. Wylio . Recitation Miss Newton The Council Bluffs Paint Monnfactnr- ng company will bo soliciting orders in a ow days. Wait for them. ' Real Estate Transfers. The following is a list of real estate ransfors filed yesterday In the recorder's Dffico of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , as nrnlshed by A. J. Stephenson , abstrsc- or , real estate and loan agent , Conncll Bluffs , Iowa , March 1C , 1885 : Jasper E , Hunt to Heury Wild et al. , a * nw i , 19 , 75,42. $1,000. John A. Mace to H. J. Moss , no 1 no 110 1- , 77 , 44 , $300. Sarah Lewis to J. M. Phillips , part no 110 , 77 , 44 , $4,600. 0. , It. I. & P. railroad company to Su san West , a " i so i and sa \ sw 1 21 , 77 , 14 , $1,040. W. McDonald to Lottie A. Whitney , ot 0 , block 16 , Nevla , $100. Charles E. Moore to B. F. Davis , lots 15 and 16 , block 0 , Oakland , $3,000. John B. Howell to T. S. Campbell , sw 20 , 77 , 38 , $2,250. B. F. Patterson to Hannah ota 8 and 9 , block II ) , Avoci , $25 , Total sales , $12,315. COUNOIL COMMITTEES , rite Doing * of the Now Hoard Yo * < tcrtlny. The now council mot yesterday for the irst time , and the mayor , after giving his annual message , appointed the fol * owing ttandlng committees : Finances , Claims and Printing Siod- ontopf , Bennett and Shngart. Judiciary Bennett , Shugait and Uynater. Inttrnil Improrcmonta and Stroota' and Alleyt Mynstor , Sledontopf and jolto , Fire Department , Gas Lights and Oily Properly. Geise , Mynater and Straab. Police , Health end Public Grounds. atraub , Mynster and Gslse. Publh Parka and Library. Bennett , Straub and Shngart. Paving. Mynster , Golse and Stranb. Sofftngo. Shugart , Siedontopf nnd Bennett. Special AisoBtinouts , Biadentopf , Bennett aud Shugart. Railroads Beimttt , Gelso and Straab. Water Works. Gulae , Straub and Shngart. License Bhngart , Bennett and Slo- dentppf. Sidewalks. Gciie , Mynster and Ben nett. nett.Ordlnancoi. Ordlnancoi. Straub , Myntterand Slo- dontopf. Aid. Gelse moved that Aid. Mynatur be chosen M president of the council. Tnoio balng no second , Aid. Shugwl moyod that Aid. Sledentcpf bo president. A ballot was Ukcn , resulting In Mynstei receiving throe votes , while Siedontopl received two. Tha committee reported In f vr > r ol allowing hacks to stand in front of ho tels , and the city attorney was instructor to prepare an. amendment to thoordlimnce to that eflcct. The park commleslonora were Instruct ed to drn-v lots , or In eorno ether way arrange - range among themselves so as to decide , vrho thould have the long ncd who the short terms. The Onlclal Count. The county board made an ofliclnl can vass of the court houto and { all vote yesterday , resulting : For the court houco , 5,232 ; against it , 3,124 ; mijorlly , 2,108. For the jail , G,41Gj against it , 2,033 ; majority , 2,483. MOODY SPEAKING , The Opera. House racked to Its Utmost Cnptxclty , The capacity of the opera house wan tested last cvoniiur. Every inch of nvnll- able room was taken , The stage was cleared , and after the scenery tvas re moved , it was filled with chairs , and 200 or 300 people thus accommodated. Evan then many bad to go away , ss there was not oven standing room hit , The ar rangements were S3 complete , however , that there was no crushing. While wait ing for the arrival of Mr. Moody , there was a Bcrvico of Hang , led by Rev. Mr. Bates. The mooting proper opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. McOrcary. Prof. Townor and wife anj "I Shall Bo Satisfied" and . "My Soul Is Redeemed. " They are sweat singers indeed and their voices blend very nicely. After a few moments of silent prayer , Rov. Mr. Crofts offered verbal prayer , and then Mr. Moody begin his discourse , his text being "God is Love. " His sermon was characteristic , full of anccdoto and Illustration nnd homely but tolling sentences. His audl- onca was greatly moved. After the BST- mon there was another brief service of song , and then a second mootinp was held , of about half an hour , in which n more familiar talk was made by Mr. Moody , urging the unconverted to be come Christians. Mr. Moody leaves hero this morning for Omaha. Immense crops of mustard are pro duced in southern California , and several mustard mills have lately been establish ed In San Francisco to work up the pro duct. The first complete translation of the Babylonian Talmud into German ( or any other language ) Is announced to appear shortly at Innsbruck , in about thirty- six parts quarto. There are taid to bo no hod-carriers In Sormany , the brioka being passed from band to hand , and the higher up the bricklayers arethomoro men are required to tosi the bricks. There are over fifty penitentiaries and 2,400 jails In the United States. They contain 50,000 criminals , and their esti mated cost is $500,000,000. EXPENSES AX GOIiLEGE. What Young Mon Fay for Hoard , KouniB , and Tuition Although the difference in the amount of money which etudents at different col leges spend Is very great , there Is not such a disparity In the necessary expenses as many people suppose , says the Harvard Ocimson. At the city colleges , such as Harvard , Yale and Cci'umbla , the noccca- sary expenses may be about $100 more khan at Amherst , Dsr.mouth or Williams but this alight increaio is more than coun- lorbalancod by the aid which larger col leges offer Indigent students. Harvard bas at her disposal 122 scholarships , vary ing in amount from $85 to $350 , averag- ng about $235. In the freshman year ; hero are two assignments made , and it Is possible for a hard student to receive § 000 Ji schola hlps during the first year a sum mere than sufliclont to pay all his ex penses. Hero aid is given to ( students trho are needy and wno stand high in ; holr claesss ; but in almost all other col. leges those who Intend to ntudy for the ministry are the favored ones , and at aomo colleges it is Impossible for any others to receive the slightest assistance. Room rent , board end tuition are the principal Items in the nccasiory expanses , md of thesg room rent varies the most. At Amhotflt a student pays from ( MO to 5125 for a single room ; at Williams , $25 : o $100 ; at Yale , $50 to $150 , while at Harvard the rent varies all tbo way frcm roru14 to $300 , with very few desirable rooms for less than $150. Of coursa if ; wo students room together the expense s reduced one-half. , The difference in ho second item , board , is not nearly so ; reat , the large numbers at the city col- eges rendering co-operation much easier and enabling the students to procure bot- , or boird at a less cott. It is possible to rot as coed board for $4 a week hero at Memorial hall ai could bo got at Amherst or any other colloga for $5 or ? C. Tuition ranges all the way from $12 per year at Oborlin , 0 , to $200 at Ojlumbia ; at Brown , Bowdoin , Princeton and Willlama it Is $75 : at Amherst $100 , at Yale $140 , and at Haavard $150. By adding to ; heio main Items of expense Dther neces sary items such as clothing , fuel , washing jooks , etc. we can arrive at what may ba called the minimum expense at the vari ous colleges. Statistics have boon care fully prepared os this point , and the fol- owing m y bo Raid to bo the very least annual oxpendltuio which will csjry a B'udent ' through the several colleges : Harvard , $175 ; Yale , $ -125 ; Amherst , Williams , and other collogue of the same stamp , about $375. The White Jlouso History. Washington Letter in Cleveland Leader. The while honso covers about one third of an acre , and It cost up to the proient time about $2,000,000. It is modeled after a caitlo In Dublin , and the archi tect , who was a South Carolina man named Hoban , got $500 for drawing the plans. When it was lirst built , away tuck in the nineties , It cost300,00 < ; , bat the British burned out its Inuldcs. and its coat has linco added to that aunt $1,700- OCO , In it all of the presidents nluco Washington have llrcd , aud each has added to Us beautioi and expenten. I think it was John Qoincy Adams who bought the fmt billiard table which was usoa in It. But in John Adam's time it was only half farnlthed , and Abigail Adams used to dry her clothes In the big cast room. Year by year , however , thu furnishing has gonn on nntll now It U a soft cf a muieum of nit and beauty , SPECIAL NOTICES NOT10K. Epfldil rerttaementl , luo at Lot round , To Loin , For 8 1 , To Rent , Want * , Dontc Ing , tie. , will be IcgsrtoJ In this column at th low raU o ( TEN CENTS VKH LINK ( ot tha tint Insortlo ind F1VT5 OKNTS ? KR LINK lor each tabteqntnt tttlon. Lonre idrertltementi at ont o8l8 , Ma. Pearl Etroel , near Broadway WAHTB. Another hotel In a Iho Nebrwk IpOKSALK 1 doing a business cf nbont 8J60 pi month. No ether hotel In the plans. Term * liberal EVAN & WALKXR SAT.K OK TI1AOE. StO acres ot land It 1 Wayne county , Mo. Will tfixJo for Oouncl UluHs cltj property er sell ohc | i lor cAsh , ot t ivr time. SWAN & WAI.KXR. TO TiUI > B. Uood lowix or Nebraska Undtor n Birmll stock of hardware or genera merchandise , well located. HUAN& WALRKR. FOH SMiK A rrttochinfo to pet a flnp , well 1m proiod farm of 400 acres , within a tow miles o Council Blulli , at a bargain. Low price nnd CMJ terms. b\U > < & WAtKKR " | 7\OIl \ SALK A ( food pajlojf hotel property wllh J ? llyofy etablo , Inonool thobcst amall town ) In western Iowa will veil with or without furniture , o will tiado ( or a email ( arm with ( took tto. SWAN S aljK Eighty acres tinlopro\ed land In FOR , lown , 3J miles south cast ot Al ton , the oriunty scat , or will trade lor Nebraska o Kanios lac J. SWAN& WAI.KF.R. "I. OU SALE A20aoro tract ot Rood Und abou Ju ona and n hill nllca Irom Council lllufli pos office , at a bargain. f j > 01l SALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acre Jj grass land , all under tonco a 103 aero ( arm with line tinpro > crnent" , nil under cultivation oxccp SO acres grass 83 acres good grass or paaturo land and sovcri ! other tracts ot from 40 to 100 acres o unimproved land. SWAN & WALKER. FOR iULK Lands Improved aad unimproved II you want a ( arm In western Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , Ictus hour Irom jou. SWAM & \YAtKXR. WANTED-A stenographer and typo wrltcr-a nun preferred. Inquire o ( David Cradloy & Co , 1100 Main St. , Council Elude. FOR SAIE A larao number o ! business and rcsl deuce lots In all parts ot Council lllutK Sco 113 before j ou buy , SWAN & WAUUIU Oll SALK Parties wishing to buy cheap lots to build on can buy on iLonlhly varment * ot Irom $2 to 810. bwjLN ft WALKXR J7IOII RENT Wo rill jou a lot to build on JL1 wth the prlvllige to buy 1 ( jou wlh on very liberal term * . SWAS& WALKXE. WANTED To correspond with any one wishing a good locttlon ( it flannlng mill. Bash , door and blind manufactory , wo have building and maehincry , well located , forealo , lease or trrtdo ; SWAX& _ RENT-Largo two story frame building suit able ( or warehouse or torago purposes , near railroad depot , _ SWAS WALKKIU Ktarc Ult bAbt , UJ.iuIug and grounds FOR sultarle lor Email ( oundiy and machine Bhop Good boiler , cuglnc , cupola , blower with Hied Bhalt tug etc , , icady to put In motion. SWAN WALK * * , .iiOH SALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. J. JD Stcphen'on , COS First avenue. FOR SALE A top-buggy , drst-tliss make and In excellent condition. Or will trade ( or cheap tot. Address V. M. Boo ofilce , Council Blu7a. AND MOOD Ucorge Hoaton , tia liroid- COAL way. Bells coal and wood at reasonable prloes Tires 2,000 Iba. ( or a ton , and 128 cublo ( ot a cord , Try him. Kvory body in Council Bluffs o take WANTED Dollrored by carrier at only twenty cents a week. OLD PAPERS Kor aala at BII office , at ! 6 oonti a hundred y. H. OHCUTT. S. T. I'BKNOU I , M. TltKINOR , COUNCIL BLUFFS ScccKSsor.s ro Casady Orcutt & French 405 Broadway Council Bsufis. Carpets , Curtains , * Window Shades , Mattings , Linoleums , Oil Cloths and Upholstery , Mail Orders Carefully Filled ! COtlGIL BLUFFS IT 00. For Rent The building known ae tho'Sk&'lnff Rink" corner th A > cuuo anJl'ear ! street , will be rented , alto- ; < ther or separately , Occupanc ) , April lit. For uitbor partlouUrs call on JOHN DERESIIEIH , President Council blulfa Eavloga liank MANDEMAKER ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No. 120 Upper Broadway , Council BlnOs Dr , W. H. Shorradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council Blnfli low * . St , Charles Hotel. 0 8TUEET , BET 7th and 8tb , . . LINCOLN , VKO MM. Kate Coakly , Proprletorosa. ftrtitwly and elegantly furnUhed. Good lampU roomi on met floor , jUrTerma-gUOtoKpirday , Specialrate Klreo member * ol ttie luKlilature. novlo.l m-ioe E. Rico M. D. ° ' olh > ' lamer r mo 4 vitbavt Uu kolf * 01 4ra lcCf U * 4. CDEONIC DISEASES Orer thirty jean practical syillaui MU4 JS f , Pearl tre f , Oooodl Eltflt , Itta , "MURDEB MOST FOUX , , " To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria , DUtUNO the iMt flvojr ther li t not b n death from diphtheria In uny raw where Dr. Thomti JctTcrtt' preventive and euro WM uned , It tins txen tha tnwiMi ot HAVlng thcmiAml * of llvcx , loillt- ponribloln | < utiU tore threat. In mtllgnMitficftrlot few , ctiMiRlntr It In 4ft IUUM tatho simple form. Io > fallible euro for all Inflinitiutory , UlccrMlu , 1'ntllJ or Cnturhsl conditions , cither Int Pi let , $2. Cll OLEllA ! CHOLERA ! CHOLERA ! Dr. JctTctlj' Cbotcru Pnecino will kirMt the ditrkia In 30 to fo minutes. The Doctor t l Ihli i cine ilunnc the fckrlul x lslt tlcn of the cholera In Clnclmiktl , St. Lnulg , knd t.11 klone the .MlffliMri ; ! Illtcrnmllt ) tilbutMlof , without losing ft cutt , In tlioc r > ' 10 , ' 60 , 'Jl > ml ' (2 It Is .V/o infulllWo In Ch > lots Morbus CholcMi InUnturn , etc. Keep It on haul.ou can r lr uponlt. Sitid for It 1'tlco } i. tholotft "Comes M & thlif In the night. " * DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA ! Dyspeptic , Mlivlho In mlocryttndilloln ( Impair wlthrvinccr of the toro cl > t Br. Thotnm Jfffrrli eurci ( noryoito of Indigestion Mid cor tl | tloii In vrry her tlrro. Ho > of rrfeienorn Klvon. Dui > or U It the cu of ntnttr Vr cent of all Uiicuca comllUnng 1'flro $5 for two fck treatment. 1'ull printed Instructions hflw to u > othemcilloIn iB ( < ntx > lth them. Nodootoi rciiilrrd | ; k peed mine Is Ml trmt Is i crcMnrjDr. . Jeflcrlt' rerncillct ( nn only bo obulncil ot his ollloc , No. S3 Mouth 8th Street Counell Ulufls , lo . Or font liy ctrrcps on receipt of pile * . SMITH tV : TOLLKlt , AGl'S , LKAUINO Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUKOIL BLUFFS , . . . IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses nnd Mules constantly on hand whla wo will ooll In retail or carload lota , All Stock Warranted as fleoresented. ULoltule Edrrltll tlttlnt It Oialn irul lialcd IUy. I'tlroi eorjublo EntUfoction GuirantreJ. Comer Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. CouncllBlufls. AGENTS WANTED. Drs. Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt , 819 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ; 725 ELM ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; and FT. WAYNE , IND IT I'OSITIVKLY OUHEB Kidney and LIrcr Complaint , Drlght'a DlsotK. Hhoinmltsm , Naur * ) ? ! * DyejiopBla , NcnonsncfH. W tlng Weakness , I'iralysls , Spinal Affjotloni , In digestion , Heart Bluoaaa , F1U HeaJach , Lsmo Back , Cold Fcot , and 11 illeo&ac ! requiring Inoreasol motlvo powers. New tmprovoJ a $3 and (6 ; old Btjlo ? 2 each. W. P. AYLSWORTH , HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick bnildinca of any size raised or moved and sntiafaction guaranteed , frame hoiu moved on LITTLE UIANT trucks , the best in tha world. W. P. AYLSWOUTH. 1010 l\inth Street , Council Bluffs. AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Counoil Bluffs. TUB ONLY ALL NIGHT HOUSE IN TllK CITY , Everything served m first clnea style and on short notice , Hot and cold lunches always ready. Hoof Paiutiiig and repairing. All work guaranteed to give sat'sfaction S02 N. 7th Street , GEO. SMITHSON , COUNOIL BLUFFS. Attention , Ladies. While closing out mv notions.will sell all hair goods at 25 per cent discount , 300 Switches , 00 Waves , Bangs , etc. , to sacrifice. Custom work carefully attended t" . MIIS D. A. BENEDICT. 337 Broadway , Council BlnUs. - H- W. C. ESTEP Fied | & Estep , , UNDERTAKERS No. 817 Broadway , Council Blufl'd , Iowa. Office Calls Attended Promptly , Day and Night. Particular attention given to J.'inbnlming j. L. DBBEVOISE. 4 No. 507 Broadway Conncll Bluff * . Railway Time Table , Corrected to January 7,1836. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the times of the arrival and de parture of trains by central standard tlmo , &t the local depotc. Trains leave transfer depot lea mis. atoa earlier and arrive ton minutes later. cnioAoo , nuiujsoros ARC qornor. LBAVB. AMJV1. 4:36 : Dm Chlca&o Express 6.00am 0Wam : Fast Mall. 7:00pm : . llOO mAt LSlZO D m Accommodation. p At local depot only. KAIBAJ OITT , BT. JOI AND COUNCIL BLCTrrfl. I0:05am : Mall and Kipreea , 62Spm 8116 pm Pacific Express , . 0.65pm OIIIOAQO , 1CLWADKM AND II. rAUL , 8.08 a m 6lB ! p m Express , 0js ; a m Kipreea , O.C6 p m CniOAOO , MCK IGLAHD AlrD rACOlO. IZS ; p m Atlantic Express , 9:46 : a m 0'26 a m Day Eiprcns B.64 p m IlIO a ct * Pea Uolnoa Aooommodatlon , 8ll6 p m At loc&l depot only. WiBABII , BT , r/HJII AMDrAOinO. Acoommodat.on 0 00 a m 6:10 : n m 1:80 : p m Louis Eipren 2,16 p m At Transfer only cmoAOoand KOBTDWUTIU , 6'60 D m KiprwH , B 60 p m 8:06 : m 925 ; a m Fadflo KipreM uoox CITT AKD rAcnrio , ntO D m 0\ . Paul Kipreai , 0.00 a m rilSSS DayEipreea 7:00 : pm ITNIOEI PAOinO * 8-00 p m Wwtern Expren , , 6:10 : a m ll'OO a m TadOo Eipreei , : iO p a iiuuau Lincoln Eipreue , 1:11 : p m AlTranaferonlj DDUUY TRUSS TO 01IAIU. Leave Council liluffi 7:16-6.80 8.80-10:80 : 11-40 a. rnT lSO-SSO-SJO-4S8-66-8.S5- : : : : ll46 ! D. m. Leave Omaha 8.49 7K : bM : > 10(0 : _ nl6 : a. m. 12:60-8:00-8.00-4:50-4:56-6:65 : : : : -11:10 : D. m. JTACOS 8IM8 , Attorney - at-Law , OOUNCIO DLUF1B , IOWA. Office. Main Street , Room T and 8. Bnugarl and IJeoo block. Will practice In S.ate and late court * J. WDaXUER A. . , ( COLUUED ) Hair Cutting and Shaving. This is an Equal ItighlsShop 610 Broadway , Council BlulFa. THE RECENTLY IMPROVED ' REMINGTON STANDARD UPEWRSTERi NO. 2 , Is the Highest Achievement in Writing , Machines in the World. With fnlj'39 keys to learn and ] operate. It prlulaTO cliaracten.i capa arid email letters , ! punctuations. flKiircH , tlgus and' ' fractions It 19 the simplest and. ' most rnpIJ wrltlcjr maohlnel inadu an well M tlic most durablq cnd for free illustrated 2 > ampnieli Wyckoff Scamans & Benedict , , OhlcoRO , 111. , Solo Agentaj 0. II. SHOLKS , Council Uluffs * Agent tor Woatern Iowa , COUNCIL BLUFFS Wholeule and IloUll Dcalori In Hard Soft ana Blossburg O O - AXi a W. H. SIBLEY , Manager. onioo , 88 Main St. Yard , on 0. It. I. I' , and Oj U. & BUI' . Itallway. lRflJ. , HlltOJI , M.fl. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,1 N. 30HT7RZ. Wee or I Peace ; ornot OVEB AUKBIOAX KXPHKU COUNCIL BLUFFS. K ) W Al omoui v , B , K. OFFICER & PUSKV BANKERS. . Oo ntll Dloffi , I I Established - - 185\ \ Dealer ) In fortlfa aad DaaiHtU Kxtkaig * 4