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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1885)
MHB H THE DAILY BEE-TUESDAY MARCH 17 , 1885 Giticura Ecietna on Benin. BcrofnU on Keck. POSITIVE euro for every form of Skin and Blood Disease , from A Pimples to Scrofula. Disfiguring Humors , Humiliating Erup tions , Itching and Burning Skin Tortures , Loathsome Sores , and every species of Itching , Scaly , Pimply , Inherited , Scrofulous and Contagious Diseases of the Blood , Skin and Scalp , with Loss of Hair , from infancy to old ago , are positively cured by CUTICURA RESOLVENT , the now Blood Purifier , internally , and CUTICURA , the great Skin Cure , and CUTICURA SOAP , an exquisite Skin Beautifier , externally , when all other remedies absolutely fail to cure , or oven relievo. CUTICURA REMEDIES are sold everywhere. Price , CUTICURA , small , 50o. ; largo , $1.00. Resolvent , $1.00 ; Soap , 25c. K5P Send fop " How to Cure Skin Diseases , " a 64-page work , contain ing an accurate dosoription of over 300 affections of the Skin and Blood , with Treatment , and 37 superb illustrations , drawn and colored from lifo. Wow is the Time to Cure Skin Diseases , 63" And Cleanse the Blood. - ' & > POTTER DRUG & CHEMICAL CO , - - BOSTON , MASS. MEN Who have trilled away their youthful vigor nnd power- Who are suffering from terrible drains and losses , vr h o n ro weak , IMPOTENT , nml unfit fornmr > riagc.Hfl B AB of nil ages , who llnd their EUI Bly power " > "i vital ! tv , BflBKalvuorvo and SEX- U AL STRENGTH weakened , whether hy EXCESS orcarly habits CAN rc'-eive a positive fit last ing COSE , O matter of how long standing your case may be , or who has failed to euro you , by a few weeks or months use of the celebra ted ( VJyrtleain Treatment. At hoinu , without exposure , in less time , and for LESS money than any other method in the world. Weak back , Headache , EMISSIONS , lassitude , loss of spirits and ambition , gloomy thoughts , dreadful dreams , defective memory , Impotence , impediments to marriage , epilepsy and many other symptoms lea ding to Consumption ami insanity , are promptly removed by the MYKTLEAIN TKEATMENT. MARRIED MEN , AND MEH ABOUT TO MARRY , REMEMBER , PERFECT SEXUAL STRENGTH MEANS ; healthy and vigorous offspring , long life and the love and respect of n faithful wife. No man should ever marry who have been guilty of early indescretions , until he has been restored to PER FECT MANHOOD. We guarantee a permanent cure in every case undertaken. Send 2 stamps for treatise with proofs nnd testimonials. Address The Climax Medical Co , St. Louis , Mo. * / ! Metallic Bky-llh(3 , fcc. Ito , lroa > nd all I kiaSoalblSlb ElJoeJ Om b GEMMAN D. .WYATT. Cuinings and 20th Omaha , Neb. ERTEL'S HAY PRESSES. Are the Cheapest , Most Durable , Smallest in Size and Lightest it Weight. Wlthtoo Hay I'resscj of any kind can the amount ol work pro-'need ' , such little expense , ( ten tons ut li& ; andjo\fr to load ralioad box car , ) an can be doneulth th * Ertel Iuipro\cd Machine ; . WBrranlol or m air , Kor Illuletta'cd ' new circular addrcea , EHTEL 4 , CO..Qnlncy , Illinois. Mention Omaha Ure a llcm EoublbheiIn UOS. 13th Street , Set. Farnam lUIarney OMAHA. Thefltteitiubjectt ( i > r fever and ague , and remittee ta ; are the debilitated , b'l- loiuaud uervout. To ter'i btomach Bit ters afford * adequate protoctlru by lo- creative itam- Ina and eiltt&ut power cf theoonitl- tutlon.anrt by cheek- Ing liresulailtks cf the liter , itouach and bowel' . More over , It cradiottei malarial complaint * of auobttlnate tjpe and itandi tlooe un- tqutlled among our uatloual reiooJlej , Tor Dealer ! pecertll ) ' . THH Cvr Suoua A SICIIOKAIJ VIEW or Oi'n NKW Polar , Dry Air , Self Ventilating HAUD WOOD REMGERATOES M anufactured In the most perfet manner from kiln-dry oak lumber , charcoal Oiled , xluo lined , galranliod Iron sbihea , hind- lomcly pjneled and designed for the uanta of a class ot trade that want tlio bent goods that ( an be nade , Parties wishing special sizes can Save from 15 io 20 Per Cent By placing orders now , W , L. WRIGHT. COLLARS rf CUFFS UMNO. THII UAXX AM THI FINEST GOODS EVER MADE , scwa 111 Linen. SOIH Llo'ngi ' AMD Exterior * . BROS.Agents for Omabo M'KUNE ' MURDER TBIAL , Bovcntli HAJ'H ProcccdliiRs of tlio Trlnl of Pr. Crosa for tlio Murder of Dr. Me- Kuno , MONDAY'S FHOCEEDINOS. Special to TitElJKE. GIKNWOOD , la. , March 10. The aov- cnth day of the CrosB-MsKuno rautder trial found all concerned on the field early. In fact , the rival forces slept on tholr arms last night , ready to renew the slrogglo Interrupted by the adjonrnmont of Satimhy night. This trial Is really n battle of legal gUnts. Every point is bitterly contested and neither eido will yield on inch , except as thenro nboo- lutdly compelled to. It Is with the de fense n lifo and death straggle. The do * fcnso has , perhaps , n slight advantage in the matter of legal talent , but this la more than overcome by other advantages the state has enjoyed thus far. The state , continuing its rebuttal , re called im. IIAIIT , for the purpose of allowing Dr. Crojs' condition the night McKuno was killed , and the day following. If Dr. Grots' natal bono was fractured ixi claimed it would have had a marked effect upon hla voico. The naonl passages would bo clopgod and obstructed. 1 tavo met Me- KHDO at the operating tnblo. llo was right-handed. I went to the j ll at Crono' request and examined the injuries of his hand , back of the head and faco. I made no chanpo In the treatment ho was rocloring. Did not prescbribo for him. Ho was rccalving the ordinary treatment for recent Injnriosl. examined his hand. ( Wi'nesB ' examined the revolver ver with which Cross shot 'McKuno , ) If Cross had hla hand clasped over the muz' zlo of this revolver at the time of its dis charge , as indicated by Col. Daily , the effect would have boon a largo ragged wound and It would have boon badly powder burnt. The baud must have been Bomo distance from the mozzlo when fared. Crocs explained to mo how the wound of tlio hand woa received. Dtt. 0. B. 110SBYSIIELT , . Llvo at Glonwocd. Have boon a sur geon for thlity-two year * . Have had ex perience in the treatment of gun-shot wounds. ( Wilncss examined revolver and ball ) IE the palm of a man's hand was tightly clasped over ( ho muzzle of this revolver it would produca a lacer ated wound , badly burned and would re sult in considerable sloughing. Such a wound would bo slow to heal. It would leave a Jlargo near. Such D wound might not result in a per manent disability of the hoad. If the periosteum was injured it would probably result in necrosis and enlargement of the bone. A cartridge revolver will not throw powder as far as one of the old style powder and ball. This Is a cart ridge revolver. The effect of such n wound as dosciibod by Dcrkscii , back of the ear , would bo a great nervous chock , a comatose stale and probably death. The bio nr on the nose would have added to the force of the shock. The effect would be to close the nasal passages acd it would affect the voice. Such a wound would produce a deformed nose. The tumefaction would produce discoloration about the ores. Dr. Binnoy corroborated Bosbysholl. T1IEO. OUITTAR. Was sheriff of PottavaUamio county at the time McKnno was killed. I arrested Cross at his office that evening ; I was accompanied by Chief Field and several policemen ; I cent out a policeman to make a way through the crowd ; Cross walked with mo naturally ; ho started al' right but showed signs of weakening as wo passed the spot whore McKuno fell ; I told him to brace up ; ho leaned heavily on mo and placed his arm over my shoulder ; ho. walked to the jail at an ordinary gait ; ho dressed the wound himself ; I noticed nothing unusual about hU voice. II. II. FIELD. I was chief of pollco at the time Mc Kuno was killed. Was with Gnittar when ho arrested Crass that evening. Catslo wao there. Cross was silting on the floor , dressing the wound on his hand when I got there. Keller was there. Ho was on his feet , moving around the office some time before he left with Guittar. His manner was nat ural , I noticed nothing unusual in his appearance. Ho was remarkably cool and methodical. Casaio helped him tie up his h&nd. I asked if he wanted n doctor ; ho said not. Ho walked off nat urally enongb. I noticed nothing un usual about his voice no nasal twang. C. M. 1IAHLK. Dr. McKuno was my brother-in-law. I have lived in Council Bluffs twenty ( oven years ; am a practicing attorney. I was with McKuno frequently during the summer before ho was killed in Ssp- tomber , when ho passed Croes on the street ! . I never s w McKuno scowl at Cross as ho pained him on such occasions. I was riding on Broadway with McKuno during the latter part of the week before ho was killed. Wo passed Cross ; MoKuno did not scowl at him. Once ns wo passed Cross' house , bo stared at McKuno In an impudent manner. Ho did the tame thing at another time in my presence. MARSHALL TKEYNEIt. I am engaged in the carpet trade at Council Bluffs. McKnno and I married sisters I was on various occasions in 1883 with MoKuno when ho passed Cross. McKnno and I frequently passed Oroea' residence in Juno and July , ' 83. I never saw McKuno ecowl at the de fendant. Wo mot him or saw him nearly every day. When MoKuno passed him I noticed nothing unuiual in his appear ance. Once I taw defendant standing on his steps and scowling at McKune. I have been riding with McKuno frequent ly when ho passed Cross. Generally ho did not look at Cross at all and I noticed nothing unusual in Cross manner on such occasions , MoKnno was right handed. MEH , MUKUNE. Our carriage team was taken to Col. Orrs farm in Juno and remained there till August 20 , 1883 ; our other team was taken to the firm and not brought back till in September ; Dr , MoKuno was at Donor in August ; he was not out of the city again till hla death ; Dr..McKuno WAS right Itinded ; I was frequently with my husband in 1883 when wo passed Crosa ; we passed him on the aldoTralk ; when we were riding we frequently passed Grose ; his manner was of rather Indifference ; 1 never saw him scowl nt Cross ; Crota stared at ray husband ; I do not remember the fact of iny husband standing near our team in front of onr homo whea Cross drove past. 0. II. SUOLES. Am the short-band reporter who took tbo evidence oi Fiank ScsnUu at the preliminary examination before Judge Ayleawortc , In ( he latter part of Septem ber , 1883 , In the caaa of the State oi Iowa vs. Dr. Grots ( evidence Identified ) , Mr. Purely read at length from Scunlan s evidence where ho said Croaa and Mc Kuno wore standing right under the lamp at the corner of First avenue nud Pearl street ; that the atroot lamp , was lighted ; that ho knocked Croat down on his faca ; that Crocs fell first against the building , then that ho rolled down onto the sidewalk clear down. GTJS LOTTS was recalled for farther cross-oi.amlnn- tlon ; I had n conTotsiUon wilh Lawyer Sears Saturday last. I did not toll him I would like to put a rope around Cross' nock. I did ssy if 1 was on tbo jury I would bo in favor of convicting him. WM. TAYLOR. 1 have a brother named Andrew Taylor who is a barber and worked for Derk- san at the tfino McKuao was killed. My brother is the only person who eh ved mo while I worked for Jones. Ho shaved ma every Saturday evening. There wore two other men working for Jones whllo I was there. J. B. Gage was tltoro after McKuno waa shot. I never told him I did not see McKnno shot , _ but that I in tended to testify for ths tide that would pay the most. Never eaw Gage in Omaha. JSNDIIEW TAYLOR. I am a brother of William Taylor. I have worked at my trada about nlno yean. I now live in Omaha. I worked for Dcrkson in the fall of ' 83. I slaved my brother every Saturday evening whllo ho worked for Jones. My brother came over to Omaha after mo yesterday. I was not tubpumod. 1 came voluntari ly. My expenses are paid by the defence in this case. Mr. Baldwin announced the serious ill ness of Judge Hubbard , commented on the fact that it was nearly impossible for the defense to proceed In his absence , said that the ovidonca was about closed and asked an adjournment until to-mor row. The postponement was granto 1 by agreement nf counsel. Iiivnllds' Hotel and Surgical Instltu- tuto. This widely celebrated institution , located at Buffalo , N. Y. , la organized with a full staff 1 eighteen experienced and skillful phytidans , nd surgeons , constituting the most complete irganization of medical and surgical skill Jin Vmoricn , for the treatment ot nil chronic liaoaios , whether requiring medical or surgi- al means for their euro. Marvelous SUCCMS ias bon achieved in the cure of all nasal , and lung diseases , liver and kidney lisoosos , diseases of the digestive organs , 'ladder ' diseases , diseases peculiar to fomen , blood taint and skin dis- loses , rheumatism , neuralgia , nervous dobili- y , paralysis , epilepsy ( fits ) , epormatorrhea , mpotency and kindred affections. Thousands > ro cured at their homes through corrospon- lenco. The cure of the worst ruptures , pllo , umors , varicocelo , hydrocelo and _ strictures Is guaranteed , with only a short residence at the natitution. Send 10 cents in stamps for the "nyalids1 Guide-Book (108 ( pases ) , which gives ,11 particulars. Address , World's Dispen- ary Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y. ORDER YOUK C ob , Goal § Wood . OF 33. S ! . ' , 0. aJdrcsj , Lock Bok 1189 Council Elude. JOHN FOX , Deputy Sheriff and G Office with N. Scburz , Justice ot tbo Peace , Council Bluffs , Iowa. FOR SALE. A 81,000 Soda Fountain , been used ex ! mouth ? . If sold at once will tike 1(88 than lialf price ; also big lot of shelving and counters , i-cry cheap , A. J. Mandel , 32S Broadway , Council Bluffs. the Greatest Kedical Triumph of the Age ! SYMPTOMS OF A Ioe of appetite , ItowcU coitlve , lf ln la tlio head , with o dull ensatlon In the back part , 1'aln under tbo boulder- blade , Fnllncia after eating , with adl - Incllnatlon to exertion of body or mlnil , Irritability of temper , .Low spirit * , with afcullnzof havlncnrslccted noraodutr , Weariness , Dlzzlnoas , I'lutterlnrj at the Heart. Data before tbo eyoB , Headacbo over tbo rlebc eye , Reatlcainecii , with Otful dreams , Illablr colored Urine , and CONSTIPATION. TCTT'S MliXiSaro especially adapted , to such cases , ono dose effecta such n hanRooffeelinsnstoastonlshtiioaufferer. ' They IncrensotliB Appetlte.tmd causei the &M & $8r ' WA'SS iVrfSSKSKaS , , _ " - * "GUAY"nAin or WinsKEi8 changed to n GLOSST BLACK liy a Bintjlo application ot this Urn. It imparts a naturnl color , ncta Instantaneously. Sold by Bruggi'ts , or ent by express on receipt or 81. . < OfT1co.44 MurravSt. . Now York. Many a Lady is beautiful , all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. FOR Man and Beast.N Mustang Liniment is older thar most men , and used more and more every year. Fashionable Hatter HENS' FURNISHER , Far priced catabgneot the I'OilONA NUIlSEItlKf addren , II. O. KayujODj. Hex 290 , Omaha , Neb , Nursery eroundi iltuated Immediately nonh ol th < itttuio for tbe Utaf and Dumt > . Contracts UVet or tree plantuic. UMPHREYS For the Cure of all diseases of Horses , Cattle , Sheep DOGS , IIOG9 , rOULTllY. TJsed successfully for 20 years by I'nr- mere , Stockbreeders , Horse It.ll , , &o. Endorsed < t the U.S.GoTernm'f. .jEO-PniiiplileU t Charts sent rreo.tst HUMPHREYS' ' MEDICINE GO , , 100 Fulton St. Now Yorlr. HtimphreysJ Homoopathx ? mr rar rwnun'wir nrn'MrirdUrfU vuj In Jl n o 30 7wir . The onlv noc ( > fnt remedy for Nervous Debility , Vital'Weakness , And Pmtratlon , fmm ' orer-worlc or oilier c/luwn. / t rwrtlal. orHTlaldimd lareo vial jiowder , for t . SOLD tnr'Dia'omare.or writ pmtraM on rewlpt of prtco AilclW" < , lltimi > lii < > yii' llmum " lUcilicIuo Co. . 1IIU FII Ituii til. . tuv Omaha iational U. S. DEPOSITORY' J. H. MILUARD , WM9WALUAQB , ricslilont. OAFITAI0SUBFLUS $500,000. Flro and Burglar Proof Snfoa , For rent at from I lo 860 pot nnum PHOTOGRAPHER 313 North IGtli Street. OMBcoUlvo Stand. Tbo present nroprlotor wishes It understand th all photographs ere made satisfactory before being Ueluerod from thla gallery. Tbo old management retires and Mr. H. K. Cray succeeds. A. Merchant Tailor 310 South 13th Street , 3 DOORS SOUTH OF FAUNAM. First-class tailoring in nil its brunches. ISOIt UNACQUAMTtO WITH1HI aiOOhAPHVOFJTHIS VOUiu ItOCK BUM ) & PACIFIC OT Sr the central petition cf Jto line , cnnncotn th F. at und ttaVeul by the sborteBt route , nnil car ticii poaoonKcm. without chnniro ef care , he't/eo LhRMjo and Kanjnc Citr , Council Uluttn , Lenvcn tvorth. AtchHnn , IAlijic.aiiolii ! and bt. Paul , X souiccts in Union UcpQtit slth all the prlnplra inoi of ro irt hcuWtcn the Atlantis mil the Paailli U Funs , Itn onuiiitncnt is unrivaled and muzuin * tut , LvlrtT con.pDacrt 'N' Motit Coiururtablo ftiifi Bcox ilul lay CoichCK. llcunlftctmt Jlorton Uo- Clmtr Core. Tullni m's Vrottioit 1'aliioe "ALBERT F-E A Krwand IMioct Line. A in Seneca and coo hu recently been opour-d tctwcco llichiuono Wor ollrIJ'cwport KWB ( , ( Jnattauocrn , Atlanta , A u KtufA Kusliville. J.onnvjUn , Ji"ziutionClncInnnU Indmnapolit r.rm Lafiiyetti ? , nnd Onjaha , M inn cap * ciman IHc 1'aul oud interwcni ttepomto. All Tbrout B6enccr Vrwcl cn > ' t.t Exprcu iickota frr talc At nM principal TicVct Otfloew ir Jic United Utitcd nnd CcjiaUa , Bii-B ff" checXcrt Ihrouph ftnd rateof fare f' rayu an law HE cuapctiUii t.\i oner Iv * * adv a * tlXVCSt For detailed tnforui&tlncct tbc Maprt&nd If'ol * * tro cf tbo GREAT ROCK tSt./.MD ROUTE M "Citr ucArost TJclct Odce , or uddrovu . k.CABIC , E. ST.JOHft. ( < v > , . * ttti.ini'i . , Get l Uv"J ! Save Money by Baying ACOUN STOVES AJTO RANGES. Every Steve Wnrrantod. JOHN HUSSIE , 2407 Oumlng St. Sole Agent for Omfiha NOTICE OF TAX SALE. To whom It may concern , that the undersigned purchased at private s&'e , In tbo county treasurers office In Douglas County Nebraska , on Juno llth , 1883 , the following d srlbed property toIt. . Eaii 160 feet ot north 67 fett of lot 0 In Horbach's flrit ad , dltlon to Omahi city ; that said lot was taxed to lied , manetal , on tbo tax lUt cf sild county ; that tbe purchase WM made for the tax of A. D. ISSlj that the time of redemption will expire on the llth day ol June , 1885 , and that upon said lUy , or Immediately thereafter tbo underlined will auplr for a treasure's deed to same. THOMAS UKNTLE1IAN. m-lM8-6 TIM KEN 8PRINO VEHICLE8I fcnlth on * n r Tk Hprf.g , tarry. Kqoally iornaoeM-nilacncitlioi well ( .daptcd to tuufh count ! ' . ' < Tnn clrY ! sorcUlea. Mattnracln < ] oldky Ull. l , a4lDfC ; rrl ( Ielliillder.iLud D < . la. n i > r7Ttuk n. I'HivuUc. BL. Le > dA CHAS. FUR ITUKE UPHOLSTERY AND DIUPERIE8 , Elevator to nil floors. 1200 , 1203 nud 1210 Fmnnm Street , OMAHA , NKUUASKA , Packing Houses in Operation , ? ostoffice Established and a Town Gov- ernnientlSoou Will Be. Lots Oxl5O feet with 20 foot Allevs for Jj Sale. [ > ue-fourtli Cash , Balance in 1 , S and 3 Years. : * * x < tt x < ° 'SS : ? : Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated. Entirely Preo from FUSIL OIL. fflflT Doyou knowwlmtltlsf Ask your Physician HCAIM V DRICDM ! X Positive tf U S8A 8nre Afl Cure U Ail forMnliirln or DntRKlstnml , Piilmc ho will tell ' Ml you . . . Umt . . . i , * I t * . . . * IS . . A --,11 UtAULY , . , * - . fUloUN. Hjn . . . . . * . ! * * . , , I'roNtrntlon , Itronrliliil'1'ronblcs % mid nil Wantlnir DlNrnson. " , Invaluable as n S'l'iniUbANT Dlarrlncn , ana all loiv " * > ANTIDOTE FOR CHOLERA.n i mi * % Wo nro the only concern In the United Stntos who nro bottllnp anil selllnRto tlio Jlocllcnl * * * , Profoisilon and Dnis Trmlo nn absolutely IMiroBIiilt AVlilHltoy , ono Unit Is frco from % * FUSIti Oil , nnd Umt la not only found on the sideboards of the best families in Uio > J % country , but also In the physician's dispensing room. * J I'ror. VOX VONDUIt , wrltest-"l > uilty Itsclf- mous Mult WhUlcr. I know It to bo Duirir's Halt Whltkcr , In thn purest UQUOP that I clean and unadulterated. " have over annlyEcil. 1 must therefore . VKii > . II. 8AWF.ISSM.I > . .orno < : lie5tcrN.Y. rocammcnd It lo the medical profession. a Krnuuato of Iho load Inir liuropwxn colleffes. saya : ' ! The Into HAUVr.Y I KYltl , M. n. . President Iireocrluoyour .Mnlt Wlil.kcy In my practice Itcrc , of the fVicultjr. anil I'rofessor or the llaltlrnoi o Mtnl * consider ft n very superior reliable artjclo and can leal CollcBe. nays ! " I llnd It remarkably t reo from hoaitlly recommend Hlnlownatoiof foTcrs , aeutc fu tl nil and other objretlormhle mnUrlala BO often Inllammatlons , nnd deprefstnt ? maladlen Kcnorally ( found In the \t hlskies of the present day. and also as a tonic Iti fccblo direction and conrnl- , JAMES'J. O'llUA , JI.1 > . , of Rtnten Isltnd.tho e ; ctico from aruto clljcaws , . whrrn an alroliollc ' ttlmiilint In Indicated , and 1'lilhlslV author of several works onlns-inlty , wrltos : "whon ralnioinlls. " ( .specially In I prescribe an alcoholic etlinulant , I order your fa ) IN FACT , IT IS A BEVERAGE AND MEDICINE COMBINED. nml those nHHcted with IIEMOUKHAOKS , % * S THE DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO , , BALTIMORE , MD. , U. S. A. ( SUOOESSURITO FOSTERr& GRAY ) . LIME CJSMENT. 'onsUnt CocEumcra of RIDGE'S FOOD will find the SI TO the most economical size to fcti.v , Drvggitti tJiould keep tt , but if you cannot procutc f/iis size of your Drug- yjiit tend the amount with /till aiMresn to \Yoolrtfh \ , fc Co. . J'al- mcr , Mass. , and they ill/oricarti a can ex- prcstfatd. - , . . . _ , - . . ,1U wvild. nro * I rtt > fi * , ItiTll , * o r kua ftvt * od \ Ufirlrr i-f tt Dt/ttinr tr/iti a ( < Ircpi luiitil d.lkl > ui tt I ftnt vlnrj n. * kuj Ui U iium r drink i Irj II. * ft. * f codnrMi * A lt jour rra'tr vTAroftinf-.t U4ff4A rVt.a uiiaui.lUy biL/ 0TbU < JEKT6fcW13. / . VT. OTPPrS'JAMlT , COLB AQXltff 2 J O JJU' v. Y * tf- -AIERICAN PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , France and Germany. Th jeanahlpa of this well known Una are tmllt ol Iron , In wnter-tlght compartments , and ire fur- nltbed with eyery requisite to make the paastge both B&fo and agreeable , They cany the United Btatei and European mails , and leave New York ThnBdayi and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cberboug , ( PAHIB and HAMBURG. Rates : Bteetaco' from Hamburir 910 , to Hamburg 110 ; round trip KO. Fint Cabin , tirj , tfl5 and 76. fjonry Pundt Mark Hanien , F , K. Moores , M. rolt , agents In Omaha , Qronewci ; & Bthoenteen , igentaln Council BluBi. 0. B. RIC1IAUI > & CO. , Qeo. Fact. Agts , 01 Broadway , N. V. Chas. Koz. mlntkl & Co. , Oenrr l Western AReoti , 170 WashIng - Ing St. . Chicago. Ill , _ 1 bare a poilUte remtdr tor Ihs aboie dlio | tr lit eio thouiincUofci > cf lee worn klndaudof Ion' lUodlDglilvotetucured. lndetl , oilrorili mrfalt in in fflcmcT.timc i iu MIHJ Tifp _ jiorrLia Kiiitn aiTeexnrMiftudr O . , MewTcrk. AL A E.KEBTH. Oilers this ( Joining on Special Inducements HAIR GOODS ! U-12 Douglas Sh Omalm. Neb EDWARD KUEHL , UAQISTER Of PAUIY8TER7 AHD CONDlTIOh ALlaT. W3 Teutli ttreet , between Farnam and Hu ney will , wUa theald of icuardlan eclilta , obUlnlni for anyone Klanoo In the tiast and present , nd or curttliiconditions ID the futme. Booli aid thotf nude tocidti PeifectaaUalactloneuaianltr ) Woman's Suffering and Relief. Those languid tiresome sensations , causing you to foci scarcely able to bo on your foot ; that constant drnin that is taking from your system all its former elasticity ; diivlnfc the bloom from your cheeks ; that continual strain upon your vital forces , rendering you irritable and fretful , can easily bo removed by the UBO of that marvelous remedy , Hop Bitters. Ir regularities and obstructions of your ryttcm , are relieved at once while the special cauati of peiiodical pain .aro permanently removed. _ Nona receive so much benefit , and none are BO ffl profoundly grateful , and show such an inter- J cat in recommending Hop IMttors as women. -I A Postal Can ! Story. T waa aflected with kidney and iiriuary Trouble "For twelve ycaral" After trying all the doctors nnd patent rnodicioca I could hear of , I used two bat. tics of Hop " " "Bitters ; And I am perfectly cured. I keep it "All the time ! " respectfully , B.F. Bootho , Saulabary , Toun. May 4,1883. UnAnroiii ) , PA. , May 8,1870. It bos cured mo of several diseases , such no nervousness , sickness at tbo stomach , monthly troubles , etc , I have not Been a tick day in a year , siiico I took Hop liittciH. All my neigh bors USD them. Mra. 1'annio Groan. $3,000 Lost. "A tcur to Europe that cost mo 3,000dono "me lens good than ono bottle of Hop Bitters ; "they also cured my wife of fifteen years' nor- "vous weakness , sleeplessness and and dys pepsia. " H. M. , Auburn , N. Y. So. BLOOUINQVILLB , O , , May 1 , VO. Sins I have been Buffering ten yearsnnd I tried your Hop Bitten ) , and it done mo mora good than nil the doctors. MitB 8 , 8. Boone , 1 Baby Saved. Wo are so thankful to say that our nursing baby was permanently cured of a dangerous and protracted constipation and irregularity of the bowels by the use of Hop Bitters by ita mother which af the tome time restored her to perfect health and strength. The Parents , Rochester , N. Y. None genuine without a bunch ot green lions on the white laheL Bhun all the vtlo , poisonous BtuH with "Uof" or "Hoi * " In their name. THE BEST THING OUT i'QR Washing & Bleaching In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water. SiVFH lyAiwn , TIMK ami HoI' AlliZMJLY , and iflvm unlvmalBatleUctlou. Ko Uiully rkh or poor ihould bo without It. Boll by all grocer' . UKWAHKO ! Imitations well do- e'guel to uililuad. I'KIKUXB Is the ONLY HACK Ulivr s&vlog cainpounil and always bean thu alow } in- bol and name ot JAMES PYLE , Ni\V : YOHK , I1M IIIIHII IIIII ll 1 ! Mrf Llllllli