Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1885, Image 1

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The Twcity-Niutli Dy of tlio Nebraska
A Bill In the Seuato on Eailroad
Affairs ,
Eailroads Barring the Progress -
gross of Legislation ,
The Lion and the Lainb Lie Down
Together ,
The Fourth Installment of Lincoln
Legislative Literature ,
All Kcccntly UullrUcd Fresh From
Uio I'rcH ? , A l | itcd to Sun
Special Correspondence ) to the HEE.
Ltxoor.V , February 13. Almost immudi-
ntcly after assembling this morning thospeclal
order for the day was taken up in committee
of the whale , Senator lUirr tircsldinp.
According to the resolution cf Senator Mel-
klcjohn yestjrdiy aftcrmon , Scnata File 171
the fiotght bill was to ha the special order.
Thu chair ruled that the committee- should begin -
gin where it left elf yesterday , considering
Mr. Day's amendment to add thu communion
bill to the freight bill and the second amend
ment of Dr. Sewers to substitute the commis
sion bill for the freight 1 ill.
Church Howe offered another amendment
that 187 bo nubUttutpd entirely for 171. Thia
w g accepted by Dr. Sewers but ruled out af
terwards , Some tlmo was spent in arpulng
parliamentary points , many members volun
teering valuable informal ! on to Mr. Burr as
to how ho should rule. Numerous points of
order were taken , some tnstainod , others over
ruled , but finally thu committee got down to
huaintfts , and till 12:30 : vigorously discussed
the lesneclivo merits of the commission bill
and freight bi I.
Senator Brown led off with the remark
that a commission was u mere whitewashing
committott with bi ? ralaries , with secretaries
at big salarioj , Thuy call this regulating
Senator Hiwo of cuum followed Senator
lirowo , nnd being pretty wall primed on thu
workings of railroad commissions , argued
Senator 1'aul mid it was for thu senate to
determine which was thu beat liw. If the
commission wn the best ho favored it , but as
it was not shown to bu the best he opposed it
and favored the freight b ! 1.
Dr. Sewers did not bnliovo in experiment
ing with freight r tea for two years , but believed -
lioved in a oinmisaion who could tegulato
jnattera at all times
Senator Meikoljohn Klid the advocates of
the commission bill ask for a Uw which car
ries no powers with it. If they would ia-
troduco A bill of somovalunas n subitituta
a bill which crirrloi with it some power , he
would support it.
Mr. McAllister quoted some instances of
discrimination which did not seem to argue
in favor of either bill.
Senator Snell said it would taka the rest of
the soe.sion to gut that schedule of freight
amended so as t j make it acceptable as a law ,
lie also amwerui some of the imiiuutioua
tiat had baen made against lim as not being
the author of thu commission bill. Ke did
not Kay who compiled the bill , but it is gen -
orally b.liaved that it emanated from sinne
ditqul ted member of the r&ilroad committee.
Senator McShtnesald it was bosomtn ? ap
parent that tin communion bill was a republi
can measure , and ho wa > not there for repub
lican legislation but in thu Interests of the
Senator Durland said there had been shown
a vast amount of ignorance regarding ; freight
ch rgei , and thu senators were attempting to
regulatosimtthlne of which they knew noth
ing. Ilo also denied for the bocefit ot the
suitors and reporters tint he was a railroad
attorney , hut he admitted that his law firm
had done business for the Sioux City & Fa'
cilia and the Omaha roads.
Thu question was then put to voti on HIP
Sowerti ninnn jiiiendmeut t < > Hubnitutu the
commit ion bill for the freight .bill aud na ;
lout by a vote of 11 to 17.
The _ Ijy amendment to insert 1S71 in the
commission bill was lout by a vote of 0 to 11.
The committed then rose , reported progrcse
and nskod leave to sit again.
Afternoon Session.
Special telegram to the BEK.
LINCOLN , Vebiuary 13. There is n bill It
the sonata on railroad affaire. When tu ]
body went into committee of the whole 01
the freight bill , Senator McAllister moved ti
insert a largo part of the commiiiion bill
Thin rather Htartcd ! the railroad followinj
anil the lobby.
The bill provided that the secretary of state
Attorney-general and auditor th\II canstitut
< li9 commission. Some of the obnoxious per
UODH of the Bchodulu wera stricken out am
McA'Hster ' , Howe , and Dolan were appointee
a special citnmlttoo to reconstruct thu rest b' '
ji vote of H to 13.
the Bubititutlon w. made and after that th
Han and tin Iamb neunird toltod'iwntogotner '
Several bills wo-o put upon their passage
among them wiw the McShane viaduct bi
and tha homo centui bill. Both of whlc
were passed.
A resolution wai introduced by Senate
McShnna reipjesting tha house tu crowd foi
ward the appropriation bill.
An effort was then made to adjourn ti
Tuesday morning but It wai not iiiicessfu
This N the tonatoa twenty-ninth day and it I
a quettiun how they will got through In elovo
inoro duy > .
Special Correspondence of the BKE.
LINCOLN , IVbruary IU. Tha twuntynlnl
out of the forty days of the legislative s (
ion , was commenced this morning at ! > : '
with the uiual formalities.
Kxcept a few appropriation bills , In whii
that for the relief cf contractor Stout it&n
out in bold relief , nothing of great iinportin
b.vt , up to now , been transacted In the way of
Icgid.iticn ,
The railroads have an unwholesome control
over a number of members and theno are ad *
opting every means In thtir power to obstiuct
tlie passage of lulls of any elgnlficanco. The
mode of action has been formulated and is to
talk unceasingly on all tuuject' , no matter
how trlviil. kno irg that ( the time Is limited ,
this tchemn will prevent any mea < mto of im-
poitanco becoming a law.
A great aid ta the railroads was the ruling
of the supreme court in which itdcuided tint
the session cuuld l i for forty days only.
The tint buainins this morning wan the
reading of reports from the claims committed ,
iloute lolls Mi."i anJ 2 5 were reported by a
majority nnd n minority of thu committee.
The foiiuor rccommendicg their rejection and
the latter their passage ,
After a word or two from Dampator and
Ohnstead both bills were placed on the gen
eral file.
The cntniuittfo nn railroads reporled on four
bills 320 , 251 , 29. ! and 288 , all of which they
Leo , of Furnan , moved that the bills relat
ing to the L-etablishmcut of an intano asylum
anil atUtanounaltchool bo made a special
order for next Tutsday.
Tr up and Varnrr objected an-1 Holmes was
of contrary opinion. Illley had spoken on
the question and Dempster was jinceedins ; to
addiess the hnnie when the spu ial order of
the clay was called and the matter colluded.
The special order wai to consider House
HollS'JI , sub-committee bill t ) regulate
pa'xonger rates nnd frtiRht chaiges on rail-
reads. The house went Into committee of
the whole. The bill , coiiplstimr cf thiitynx
P.IRO' , was icad , and it was resolved to take
the bill Btc ion by section. Sections 1 , a , 3 ,
4 and 5 were adopted as read , without com
ment. Si clionli , which dais with the hud-
ing of giain oars and ugalnst disciiniination ,
brouaht about cnnsi-'uraulu dUcatmon , Wright
OIK ! Billy winhing the section ntiickenout.
This was talked on until 12 o'clock , and \vith-
out arriving at nny decision the committee
rot c.
When the sptakcr had taken Uio chair , Mr
Ne'tletoa proposed tlmt the bill ( Homo Uoll
3 1) ) should bo proceeded with without inter-
mijalon from day to day until it was dUpoied
ot. ThU was adopted , and the house took a
re COM until -V.iO.
A i'tcrnnon Session ,
Special telegram to TIIK BKE.
LINCOLN , February 12. Several bills wore
reported by the standing committees this af
ternoon and the hoiiio immediately wont iuto
committao of the whole to consider the rail
road question ,
11. It. 321 , about which so much had been
talked in thu morning , now went through
without a word of comment , about five persons -
sons voting in lesponso to the call from the
chair. Section eight was the next Ithat was
deb.ited. It teeka by the bill to prevent rail
road pooling.
Wright objected and mo odto strike out the
claiiEu. He was supported in this wish by
Holmes. Several members made remarks
moro or less forcible agalntt Wright's motion ,
and after two hotus1 ditcufsion thu section
was adopted as raod. Attention was
next drawn to the bulk of tbo bill , and to tbe
fact that it would take until Christmas next
to piss it through the committee , at the pres
ent rate of pn gress
it was moved to leport the bill as it stood , and
recommended that the house do pass it , Tills
caused comldcarblo confusion and a good deal
of talk of a personal nature. At length the
motion was adopted and the bill so reported to
the home , with the speaker in the chair.
Nettltton attempted to upntt thu action of
the committee but seeing that it WEH against
the wtshiH of the house , wlrhdrew his motion
and the house adjourned.
Special Concspondence to TIIK UKK.
LINCOI.H , Neb. , February 13. The follow
ing bills , in addition to those already pub
lished , have been introduced in the hr.ueu and
printed :
Home , -74 llusscll , Forbidding attorneys ,
justices or judges from occupying otlico to-
gotber ; penalty not less than $25.
llouiu , 2il7 KaUy , Regulating government
of cities of tlia second-class.
House , 212 Holt , Regulating appointment
of police at ptattand county fairs.
House , 239 White , providing for publica
tion of annual statements of treasurers of cit
ies and villager.
House , 228-Newmeyor , Giving authoriten !
of cities and villages power to suppress house )
of prostitution within five milea of corporation
Hoes ,
House , 208 Callalwn , Slaking personal
taxes due January 1st , real ChUte May 1st ;
penalty IU per cfut annual interest.
House , 161 Crook , Authorizing county
treasurers in felling property for delinquent
taxes , In casi the full mil tint of tax is not of'
fored at public Halo , to sell lit private tale ai
fifty per cent of taxes.
House , 130 Howard , Providing for the Hale
of a heel lands at public auction t ) the M < li
t'bt bidder , aud at not less than § 10 per ucn
In addition to improvement thtieon.
House , 11Wright ! ) , Qualification for tin
practice of medicine , eurgory or obstetrics ii
thu Btate.
Hou o , lit ) -Lee , Providing for pronecutioi
of criminals by informational wull as itdict
Heine , 258-William , Providing that taxe
levied for a epecific debt it blull be kept
separate fund.
House , 2l-Staver ! ) , Same ai t.2S.
Home , 210 Johnston , Declaring it a mis
demeanor for any officer to ratmn fee.s eve
tbe amount allowed by law for ollico services
penalty 55 to § 5" .
Home , 183- Taylor , Creating thi oflice u
veterinary turzepn , who shall hold down
chair In the Agricultural college and definin
his dutiw ; salary § 1,500.
Houie 1102 Suovill , Procoodure In civi
case i in district courts ,
H use , -Stevenson , Kstabliahing a
institution for feeble minded youths an
appropriating 850,000 , for necessary butUingi
location not stated.
House , IIXI li.illoy , Governing cancelUUo
of mortgages.
House , : ! 05 Heiinrich , Kstablishing n
insane asylum at Fiemont and appro naUn
33,000 for necessary buildings.
Special Correspondence of thu BEE.
LINCOLN , February 13. There has bos
es considerable feeling aroused among the senft
'iiO members of the finance , w&ys acd meai
9 committee over th ? actions of Thomas ,
icli Oass , chairman of the house finance coinm i
uli tee. It boa always been customary for tl
ice home committee to invite the senate coinmi
tee into consultation on tha appropriation
bill , In order thnt it might bo satisfactory to
both branch" * . It ia also the cuitom to have
the bill Introduced not later than the ttvcn
tisth day of tha tossion. Yesterday , the
twenty-seventh d y , the bill was intio
dticcd Into the homo without any cf
the ecnato commutes having EIHII it
There remains but twelve moridayi in which
thij , the most important bill of the section
c. u bo dlscmied by both hoiu < fli ) . It is not
only a discourteous act , but it joapordlz s the
trramry The amount of the appropriation
will b-i either to imnll or too , probably
the. Uter. Tlnmas tjives as his roa nn for
siuli action that the senate pnubbsd them by
cutting down the legislative npproiirintion
ono half , from S)0 ! ) OCO to $4\000. Thumas'
reaions for Introducing tha bill su late are that
lip was personally interested in a couoty seat
bill aad ho has olfered lii'lucements ' to vote
for the county seat bill , liv ti Hug tin fellows
who want asylum ; , normal schools and such ,
that ho woiil.l appropriate nothing liuleis they
supported hi. * bill.
A bill passrd the senate yesterday which
the house should , by all moans , kill. It
looked very harmless in itself No 1-10. and
was very abort. It win introduced by g'na-
tor Burr and so amends the election laws that
county treasurers can be elected to as many
rucctBtive terms as the people may wish.
It was introduced merely for the sake of Lan
caster county , which hai a trowurer of whom
they lire very proud mid want to ro-flect as
nftpn as poisitle. The law now limits
the term to two years and is a g < od ono. A
fivv Ponatorj waked tip to the fact that it was
a bad hill yistorJay and voted against it. A
dozen voted "aye , " who know nothing of its
Senator Buckworth , chairman of the land
fraud investigation committee was sick
several days , and railroad nuttera have so ab
sorbed the members thnt in mnetlng of thit
committee has been held sine * Tuu-day. Sen
ator Motr. went homo sicl : Thursday after
It U probable that a committee fiom the
senate will visit the a ylum for the feeble
minded atG'enwooJ , Iowa , next Sunday. A
day spent there is well calculated to show the
needs of Nebraska for nuch an institution ,
Tha McShanc bill of two years aso , men
tioned editorially by the BEK Thursday as
having been introduced into the hotuo by Air.
Troup \ to bs introduced into till sjuato ty
Mr. McShane.
Senator Smith , of Fillmore , introduced a
bill Thursday making thu choice of United
States renator elective by the people.
'J ho boaato committee on school lands and
funds claim to have nn excellent bill almost
ready for introduction.
President Arthur nnd Civil Service
Special Telegram to THE Bus.
WASIIINUTON , February 13. President Ar
thur has emphasized his former action in the
case of postmasters by refusing to accept tbo
resignation of a collector in Florida who do-
Bired to vacate his ollice and secure the ap
pointment of a friend before the close of the
present administration. Although some pres
sure was brought to bear upon the president
by Florida republicans , and he was assured
that the collector desired to resign in order to
accept a business offer , ho said he would not
ncc In the matter , but leave the office to bu
filled Ly Cleveland.
The president does not think it would inure
to the benefit of the republican party , or aid
the causa of civil service reiorm to take
advantage in this way of the incoming pro i-
Ollices which bpcomn vacant between now
and the -1th of Mirch by commissions expir
ing 1'reMcluit Arthur has the unquestioned
liRht to fill , but in all otbf-r cases ho considers
the light belongs to his successor.
Tbc town Commission of tlio New
Ole nn Imposition.
CKDAII RAPIDS , February 13. Commis
sioner Forrall , of Iowa , arrived from New
Orleans to confer with the executive commit
tee of the Iowa commission hers'to-day , in
the matter of the additional loan asked of
congress for the exposition. He favored con
gressional aid , provided congress appointed a
special cammittoo to distribute It , Ho in
tended no reflection upon the
New Orleans board of management-
thus favoring an advisory commit toe
but taid the magnitude and national character
of t o exposition , and the great financial in-
tore its thut thu government and states had
no w acquired In it , demanded moro than local
supervision of the finance.
The Io a commi'slon endorsed thesa views ,
and requested the Iowa congresiman to favoi
such action "as will save the credit of .he
United States and make the financial part a !
great a success as li tha exhibit pait of the
exhibition. "
l ) koln Kullroad
BISMARCK , Dak. , February 13 Tholegia
latino perfected the railroad and warehotiEi
bill to-day and recommended It to pass. The
bill contains the essential features of the I wi
law and provides that roads shall receive am
transport freight without di-crinination ns t <
persona , companies , elevators or warehouses
must receive fr m wagons cr sleighs in a ci
conveniently placed , miikt allow switch nn <
tide track coni.ectlons for elevutoin cr mill
without rcgwd to tizo or ownership. Dam
egea for viola ion or neglect of tLO act to b
decided by the civil court
Ohio State Convenlicin of Y. M. V. n
COLDSIIIUS , Ohio , February 13 , At t second
end days' session of the state convention c
the Young Men's Christian Aesola'.ion ther
were a largo number in attendanee ,
A number of Interesting papers were reat
after which tlia following officers were electee
Pronidout , Col. II. P. L'oyd , Cincinnati : fin
vice preside nt , Prof F. L. Scliutv. W'.ste
vill- ) ) second vlca president , G. McMIIIei
Columbus ; third vici president , > f. D. Chair
> ors , Toledo : secretary , F. S. Coodmai
Toled" '
The " \VcntlnT , ,
if ! WASHINaTON , February U. Upper Miss
Fair weather , except extreme nort
ern portion ; local snow ; partly clouc
weather ; slightly warmer ; southerly wind
becoming variable.
Missouri valley : Slightly warmer ; part !
cloudy weather ; light local tnows in northei
an portioca ; light variable winds.
lta .Vnllonul Trotootlou TarlfT I ,
M NEW YonK , February 13 - The comjnlttc :
rupreienting the National Protection Tar !
league and the American Tariff associatio
decided to-day to merge thu organUatlo
Into one.
The Wiseacns Weilciiiiig on His ExIt -
It is Cloaiiy in the Power of the
To Forestall Extra Session , and
EThey'l ' Do It ,
President' Arthur Finn on Oivil
Service Reform ,
And Opsns Up the Niobrara lands
For Settlement ,
Sir. VnnVyck Tried to Inl'imo Sonic
SCIIBO Inta the American
Lorn * .
WAHHINQTOK , Fotrunry 13. Cock said
that ho ( bad much _ experieiic in
upprnptia'ion committees in huth houses ,
and thought that thu work on tiia tippmpria-
llon bills in , the houto wctu better up th.iu
usual ( or n short session.
Dawec , from the cDmmitteo on nppropria
lions , reported the Indian appropriation bill
with amendment * . Ca'cndar. '
Incal's ski'l ' hu obierved in certain quarters
statements tlmt the repub'icm * in the Senate
veto eudcavoiing to 10 direct legislation as to
compel an extra aostion. He a > ked Allison ,
chairman of the appropriation committee , as
to the condition of the appropriation bills.
Al ison B&id the work of the Seuato committee
mitteo is well in hand , if the lloiuo would
take euro of the bills there will bu no difh'cul-
ty in the senate.
Thu DCS Homes rlvor l nd bill was then
taken up , end Lapham addressed the senate.
At 1 o'clock the matter went o\cr ono day ,
L > pham retaining the floor.
llo&r , Irom the conference committee on
the electoral count bill , reported that the
llouco and Senate conferences were unable to
ngreo. The disagreement , Utar caid , had
taken ] ilace the fircit week of the esnlon.
Texas Pacifin land forfeiture bill , and pend
ing special order , was placed before the
Blair apked unanimous consent to take up
the nnti forilgn contract labor bill.
Vnn Wyck declined to yield. V n Wyck
said the senate and the country under-toed
the nature of the bill. He. , did not wish to
put it in further peril. .It had been in peril
already. It had been dispUced bytakirgut
another bill whoso principal feature made it
impossible to get the concurrence of the other
homo. The principal features of this for
feiture bill were o plain that , if Van Wyck
might bo allowed , he would say that thay had
been pit Bed by the bouse of representatives
almost unanimously.
The chair said that it was not In order to
make reference to the prucfedicgs of the
Ilouso of representative ? .
Von Wyck s > id ho merely wanted to get
the idr.i in some way baforo tbe senate
Some thinsc , h * said , wore very remarkable ,
The very momejit the land grant forfeiture
bill loomed up'ia.this body , terror seize ! in
some directions. Tbe bill was demanded by
the unnnimous consent of the American poo-
pie. Thoie was at least unanimity there.
Whether there had or had not been unanimity
in other places , ho ( Van Wyck ) had not been
permitted to refer to. The people _ hid
demanded , and the platforms of both political
partici had demanded that there should
be action in the direction of this bill -prompt
and speedy action. Evary days delay im
periled the bill. Soon the Lill would bo met
by the appropriation bills , and then ingenious
gentlemen would by long speeehos , bo able to
prevent its consideration. Only cno of the
forfeiture bilU hod been able to get tbrouph
congress , and ttiat was the bill that the rail
road company ittelf had been very aoxiom to
get passed Had the senators forgotten the
celebrated letters written by the celebrated
historian , Huntington , of the Central -
tral Pacific , as to what was done
about tha Texas Pacitic , when he
was lobbying hero. Wo should be admonished
ished by that hUtory to furnish no other op
portunlty for any other historian like Hunt
ington , or possibly Huntington himself , to dt
pliato or reproducssimilar hUtorlcil chapters
Van Wyck wishid to fay this much now , because
cause ho did not know that whether , owirg t <
the "rulo-i" and the proeo8se4 of obstruction
ho would have a chance to say anything more
on the subject ,
Ulair then moved that the senate proceed ti
the consideration of the labjr bill. Carrlei
by a vote of 30 to 111.
Considerable jdebjtte ensued , and tha nenati
without action adjourned.
W.WHHHQTOX February 13. The hous
mot at 10 this' ' morning in continuance c
TuurBday1 * mssion. On motion of 1'ayao
thu senate amendments wore concurred in t
the hous bill to ptcvent the unlawful occupi
tion of thu public land.
The houtu wont into committee of tli
whole ou the river airl harbor bill , all debat
on the pending section to bo closed in a
hour and n half.
Heed railed tbo point that this motion wr
not in order , as it was not competent for tl
house to close debate on paragraph * of tt
bill not y t read in the committee.
The chair did not sustain the paint of ordi
and it was appealed.
Willis moved to lay the appeal on the tab !
Agreed to , mto 101.
The bouio then adjourned and wis mimed ]
ately callid to order again on Friday's sessloi
On motion of Willia , It was ordered that >
10 to-night the bouse shall take a lecees unl
10 to-morrow.
The house then went into committee of tl
whole , Springer in tbo chair , on tha poHtolli
appropriation till ,
iS- This action WAS taken only after a long at
spirited debate , 'Tbo featutn of the discuixli
thdy was the epeicb by Holmandrnouncing t !
dy proportion as " 'a ' naked lulnidy. " His r
ja , called thu scenes attending the pas.sigo of tl
grant to the Pacific Mail company ai to t !
ay principle of giving subsidies. Hli pi cite
ra wo\ild bo entered now and forever against I
Money and others on both tides of t ; !
houeo defended tbe measure vigorously , cl
clariug the subsidy cry was misleading 01 .
unwarranted ,
-es During the progress of the debate vario
riff speakers referred frequently to the cmeiti
whether it wng advisable for the democrats i
the outset of their coming adininUtr.t on ,
inaugurate what Warner , of Ohio , called
'departure from the democratic 'doctrine that
aaubsidy should iiovcr be voted. " The an
nouncement if n paragraph having been
stricken out wa greeted with loud npplau'O
on the democratic side.
Herr gave notice thnt ho would demand the
; va and nay vote in the house ,
The committee rose nnd the previous Cnrs-
.ion on the bill WAS oidered. At tin oveuitig
pfMlou a nuiuber of private hills wore pitted
and the house took a recess until to-morrow ,
Special tslccram to tlia UEK ,
WASHINGTON , February in. Kven the most
confident tc insert a month uga that Ihero
would lie no extra session nre beginning to
weaken iu their oplnun.
Sixteen moro legislative diys re-main aud M
yet not an appropriation bill of any import-
unco has bcome"a law. It is clearly in the
[ ) owerof Ibe mlnmity to force on extra nos-
tion now ; and will they ilo it ?
It goee without eajiug thatl'rtstdent Cleveland -
land docs not want an extra session. It would
bo very embarrassing to him , It would bring
the threngs of ollico pcokerj hero and multi
ply Immensely hti duties and cares on enter
ing upon his new ollico , in which ho will S3
much need experience. Of course , it I * the
province and duty of the opposition to do all
that Is po'siblo to cinlurati- their opponents
in their return to power. The ob
struction or stumblei in the mad race of the
next sixteen ilaya will c.unom failure to paas
the neocsfary bills and a positive need ot the
extra session
The republican leiders do not waut to assume
sumo rho attitude of
with Us increase f expense , but if they tea
any way in which they may tilunmh , the
leaders on the democratia tide , In their race
ro bu In on thaith at M-ircli , with their work
finished , they will d ) HO. and it wi 1 bo really
a wonder now if they do not get that oppor
tunity ,
Tha a ° nate is al o showing its teeth , and do-
dating thsro shall be no more general legl la-
tion on tbe appropriation bill ; , which means
possibly still further delays.
In tliii connection U it not moro interesting
to say eomethlig about whut congress h s
dnno nnd has not done. It 1ms passed the
French spoliation claims bill , amally good
work that ought to have been done moro than
half a century ago. It has not passed the
bankruptcy bill , nor the prfucatioml bill , nor
any of the laud grant forfeiture bill ] that it
started in on so bravely. It has made mo
tions in the way of paining two intor-etato
commerce bills , but has not passed either , and
will not.
The senate bill will die in the senate , nnd
the house bill in the house ,
something of what has not been done. It
issues on Monday and Friday. That of to-day
i < "a sight , " eighty pages of a bill considered
by the coimnitteo and reported to tbo house ,
and not one of them likely to get action , for
it is now generally conceded that the only
work left for congress to do , is only the work
it can pneEibly do , is the pupnge of the ap
propriation bills.
A bill pa Rod tha house this afternoon of a
'go ' d deal of interest It amends the Union
Pacific net BO as to allow the construction of
the road from Sioux City westerly vii the
Niobrara valley to a point on the main Pacific
west of the 100th meridian ,
The obj ct of this ig to cut off a bend made
In tho4 eastern portion of tbo Union Pacific
and will , It is said , shorten the distance from
Ch'cigo ' to San Francisco 2M ) miles. The bill
has not ye' ' ; pa-sed the senate but probably
will. It doof not rrant any lands to the
company to build the road but dors make the
rood when built a section of the Union Pa
cific , BO fan ai It relates to pro rating , ex
change of freight , cars , etc. It is understood
tha- the company stands leady to begin the
building of the road at once.
Renewed talk of Daniel Manning aud Mc
Donald in connection with thu cabinet is ro
ceiviug much attention hero to day , from
prominent senators and representatives ,
learned that
but that Manning himself holds back on tin
ground that his Uirlf views are not in accord
ODCJ with Cleveland's , and he li not familial
with executive duties , To this his friend re
epondccl that if he becomes secretary of th <
treasury he will have nothing to say in tarll
maiteif , and tlie duties of bin place will sooi
become familiar. Win. C Whitney is con
aidf red as dead as Julius C.usar , killed by tin
blighted f oat of Tilden'd displeasure , Thi
n ore McDonald's qualifications are examinee
the stronger his chances seem to grow. He i
> one cf the few western men of cither part ;
who have a good recoid on financialqucHtioni
and Hecdrick" Is working virorounly for bin
to Have himself from the wrath of McDonald1 !
friends in Indiana.
Half of the republican members of th
New York state legislature luft Albany till
afternoon to attend the reception to Unitei
States Scrjator Wm M. Kvarlf , givi n by th
Union League club to-niuht. It ia expoctei
that the republi an concrcsMonsl delegatioi
from the date will attend In a body , Ma' >
men , distinguished for their services to th
party , Invo accepted invitatioug .Judg
Noah D.ivls will prmldo , and present th
guests to Kvarts ,
se in congress , probably one bundled in all , wi
of soon send to President-elect Clovelatid a juic
m letter , asking him to suspend his judgment i
connection with the Nilver qunitiou until h
has given the matter moro consideration I
U likely that a committee of ono senator an "
two members will bp appointed to deliver th
lie letter to Cleveland in pemon. The Utter w :
to propaied in consofuoi.ce of varlom newspopi >
Rtatementa that have appeared <
late In which it waa stated that Cleveland
as in favor of thu huspornion of xllvir coinai
he and that nn will Uko tint p opotition in h
he inaugural luldieu. Later , that three fourtt
of the democratic party as well ai tlire
fourths of the pefplo of this country are i
favor of thn coinage of tilver. It in undo
lo , stood that tbo letter hoa been written by Re
resentativo Bland , of Missouri. The dem
icroU win are opposed to tha further coinai
in. of ihstilver dollar bty that Cleveland Is _
at sfongly of thalr way of thinking that no i
tll lltiencu of the silver men can bring to be
will avail them in the uhghtuit , There is
he strong desire on thu part tlie democrat ) n
ice knowingly to put themselves In opposition
their presideut. Ono of thuie gentlemen sa
nd to-day to your coi respondent : "Clevolan
if he only knew it , has mure power overt
.ho party than he will have on the 1st of Ap
ro- next , aud he will have more power over t
rohe party on April 1 thun on December 1 , ne :
.he Kverjbody wants to start out wn'1 ' with t
cat now administration. If the present BOBS !
it. were to last two months instead of only abe
it.he three weeks longer , it would do whatever
Jo- wanted if ho would take the trouble to ma
Jo.nd his whhes known.
Tbe friends of Representative PI
pui Thompson , of Kentucky , give it out that
iun is certain to be appointed commissioner
at internal rtvemm by Cleveland eirly in t
to COD ing iprirg , Mr , Thompson's connect !
with tlie procuring of Secretary McCulloc
whisky In bond extension order IIM Mitngun"
Unl many noitheru < 1omorrat > , who nouM
otherwlio havr been friendly to him. There
Isa wide dilFdronco of opnini naong denitx
cr. tie leaders regarding this order , nnd Sec
retary McCulIocn'a ictton mrcndered a very
bitt-r fcelinf. It Is uwleratiircl that Uandtll
will oppnso Tnoiiips'ni's nppulntnunt tn tin *
commiMloncuhip , and that herxpecti to
l-u'vent its being done.
WASIIINHIOX , Febnury 13.Tho Indian
appropriation bill , ai ic-portod to the senate ,
iii-reas s the houto bill $ U2OM. The ciu-
mitten lu i truck out all provl.s-ons for tlio
piijmentof private cluluts grow IIIR out ot In
dian depredations , but has nubitltuted a Ron-
oral provieion requiting the secretary ol the
intetinr to report at lha text sewion nil clainiB
of tht.s nature , tog ther with uch Information
regarding them us may have been qatheird by
agents of the department ,
The tenut-d of the house bill is lln > prohibit
ing , under heavy penalties , the sain of Str
atum to Indians ; that of anioudini' tbo ttat-
utes In reUtion to eolliug spitilu .us liiiuifs to
Indian ! ; tlutcf nuthonziug the prcsUout to
oien iie otiatijns with tbo Cretkf , Seminoles
and Chetokeori for the purptisa of opening to
eettlemuut the O lahnma o untry , umi that
which subjecta Indians charged with the com-
mlsaien oi ciimes Bgalnst pc-rson or property
to the laws' f the territory where tlio net is
alleged to have been committed , ra stricken
out ,
l > tIAnilKi ! | VHOll fit \CTICE.
The flocietity f f the interior disbarred fiotn
practice ai attorney John McLean , of
CrooVston , III.
The president Ins , by executive orcli'r ,
appncd to public settlement alter May 15 ,
IbSTi , all lands within the Nlnbrara , on the
Santce Sioux rejervatioti in Nebraska re-nniu-
in < unallotted and uuselectod by the Indians ,
rtcpptsuch as nro ccupieil for the agency
.school and for missionary purposed.
Til 15
CiltCAQO , February 13. An dder of the
Mormon church , in Inuineta ia Suit Lake
City , and nt preBont in this city , In nn inter
view to ( Uy , in speaking of the KJmundfl law
said : "Tho prosecution of the Mormons for
unlawful Cjhabltatlon under thoKdmundnlaw
continues. The Mormons , however , complain
bitterly of the partiality of ( ho district attor
ney fer not prosecuting the Gentiles for the
same offense , although it is notorious that
many are Rullty. Even the antl-Mormcn
press declare that the raid is prostrating busi
ness."Many Mormons against whom Dht'lct
Attorney DIckson is moving are Isavinp be
cause they claim they cannot recuro justice
in court , that tha jut-ins are packed by open
venires , nnd that bail is refused the Mormons ,
pending n appeal.
"The Gentiles are beginning to think tint
they , too , vvill have to leave or starve , owiiiff
to the injurious effect upon business , which
would leave Utah in complete possession of
the Mormons. "
Pensions in Uio L/atrCampalKn.
WASHINGTON , February 13. At a meeting
of the committee on payment of pension
bounty and back pay , Comstock , chief 'of thu
western division , utatsd ho wan Instructed
during the reccnt'campaigri b7Commiesionei
Dudley to extend to Grubbs , of Indiana , the
Bamo privileges accorded congressmen in prc
sentlng pensions. Grubbs was a lepnblicnr
candidate for cotigrefHman from the Fifth
< diet i let ot tlmt state and was the opponent
of KoDresentatlvo Matron , democratic
candidate. Such : m order , Cometock wild
was considered strange , l)0th bj- him elf nnd
by the clerks in the ollico. It has been the
practice to extend those prwlepes. to ex-mem
bcra of congress , but never before had thej
been exUndod to any ) > rnon who bad not
been In cougresi and who , like Orubbj , was i
concession .1 candidate. A number of clerki
were t'xaminud who coroborated thu test !
mony eiven yesterday that orders were River
to lniM rejected cahts until after tha flection
Illinois Seiintortal Concept.
Cl l it'AfiO , February la. The Daily New
.SpringficlfU'special says : In the eenato thi
morning Senator Whitney placwl ( ! en. Logai
in nomination for xenator. The motion t
's proccad to ballot Man defeated owing to th
refusal of Senator Kugor to vot9. The rcpul
hcacs were surprised at this action and claimed
od that on Kuger's promise to vote with then nil
they decided to bring up the motion for ba !
lot At noon the senate decided ti > join th :
house in joint session and nhortly afterward
fifty senators joined the Ml representative !
K prf ontntivu Porker nominated Logan an
Mr , Linegar t-poko for Col. Morrison U
nulo izod them both as soldiers , but oudorue
Morrison's tariff view * .
When it carne to vote with otv * altsentca o
Ill each side , bo h parties refused to vote , and
adjournment was taken till noon to-morrrov
It ST. Louis , February IU , Tlioopoloi
l"lu Hasac , general rgent of the Missouri Pacil
railway for the republic of Mexico piuu
cr through hero to-day from theeist enrouto
0 the City of Mexico , wheio hifl hoadiiuatte
are situated , While here ha stated that 1
had been offered the position of secrwtar
Propidvnt Diaz will accept and will , ent
jo on his duties iu u shoit time. This Is said
join be the e > nly office in the Mexican governrno
or- to which foreigners can bu api olmed. Mi *
jp- is the gentleman who was sent out from Ji
Gould's New York ollico as director of t
LtfO Diar. excursion two years ago , and h.vl char
of the party during hia stay In
FAIII ! Accident.
a WII.KE.SIIARHK , Pa. , February US. 'I hero
not attached tj a timber truck upon which we
lid five men , broke as it was being lowered It
nd , tha tlopn thin ninrning. The men nt
the thrown t If when half way down , ono of whc
wai mitantly killed and two Uhers no B ?
tbe oualy injured that tholv reo very is doubtf
out PlTrancno , February 13. Oliver UJOH.
he Phillips' mill at Wood's Kun , ahutdcwu
ike departments lost eight on account of lack
heof Failures ,
the NKW YOHK , Fohruary 12. F iliue the 1
Ion seve dayn were 270 ui oompaitd , with 31(1 ( >
-h'a week.
Depression and inactivity Again
actrizctlieProteMaiket ,
The Oattlo Receipts Were Greater
Than Anticipated ,
The Hog Receipts Were Sonrooly
Moro Thau Needed ,
Wheat Eulod About Firm and
Fluctuated SlUhily ,
Corn Showed Ita Usual Dearth oC
Features ,
OatM Continue ) Hto tly mini
ttyo Inactive l'ru\Itjlonii Were
bllchtly Improved.
Special telegram to the I'KR.
ClUCAao , Kobrmry 13. Deprcxtlon and
inactivity ngain characterized the day's pro
duce markets. The receipts woio a llttlo
larger , but orders wers as starco as over , nnd
thus the trading was lot ! wholly to Iho local
crowd. The cloio of the moining Hjesion wa-
about steady In grams , but ( Ky in provisions.
mled about firm ami fluctuated but nliflhtly.
Theemly market WAS tvillo heavy on ac
count of rumora of bank trouble ? , nproail by
New York bears , bui not sulllciont crt ilcncn
WSH placed in it to materially alftot valuer
l < oul ( coverings brought about n subsequent
advance of Jo , Whou this demand became
satisfied the loading futiiuo lost Jo of the ad
vance , closi ff aleut steady at 81 Jo nnd tea-
tureleu at I o clock. No. 2 spring was quoted
at 78i < & 78gc.
Showed Us usual dearth of features , tlio mar
ket drncglng along slow and steady , with only
a moderkta attendance _ of operators The
close of tbo morning session was about steady , ,
but very quiet.
Continued steady and tyiiet. but fairly firm
for May at quotations. Nothing -was done in.
any othes future. . "
< JlT.B
Was inaDllvo aud lightly traded in by reason
of no freah'reculpta Ca sh No 2 was quoted ,
G2'aC3o bid for regular and freshs li'io for
March ; ( iS 'fpr April and ( > 7o for May. Tw
cars sold on the track at ( > Uo.
were slightly improved over yesterday under
litth ) better concllt'nns at the yorda , but after
a frajtional advance faly in thu sosslop , the
interest sagged , nnd there wasa reaction to
the lowoit jjoint touched. Quito free selling
by both local scalpers and pAckera helped ti >
heavy the conditions named. Tlie close tA li
o'clock was about steady at the decline. < On
the afternoon calf everything was' quiet wlthj ;
out important changoo.
receipts were creUer than anticipated.
Buyers acted under th belief that there would
bo at least 7. OJ" . and under this belief they-
held o.f nntil a late in the forenoon , ull thr
time Jianmifring avray for lower prices. Sales
men Beue.-aHv , however , took a diff lent view
, of mittem , and thof" who had good calabl
stock , such as would lull shlppem
and dretpcd beef dealers held
their property as high as on
ymt'sJo-y. Trains were Into and i
in arriving. Alongtowaid noon buvers hogaa
to SRO that them would not be iv "Hood , " and
in turn began to buy more freely , BO that
from about noon on to the tinlsh tluuo w.ii a
falrlii active market. I'llues ruled irregular.
Some fair to good fhipp'ng and dreati'd beoC
Bttors sold fully as hJRh as at any time ? > r
thfln again others of equally good quality
sdltl 10@15o lowi-r than yesterday.
PS Tha market was very fitful nnd
in uneven. The least Increase in receipts would
in s nd clown prices SfifiPSOi per ICi ) pounds ,
So Salts : Shipping , 1:100 : to l-DCfi P ° " " . * i o * .
6-J5')0 ) ; l.'iO. . to 1,326 pound ; ' . S5 10@S CO ;
10b 1,000 to l.vOO pound * , 81.400-00) ) cnw , com
b- mon. S260@30. ; mediuir ; a450 , : t25 ; oed >
n- ,78 7C@1 5Uj stock - , ? : t.2u@110j feeUere ,
nm 15(34 ( 60 ; ; Tnxans
ilIB Receipts continnKilight tliflre belnjj only a
IB few more than whit is- needed for Htiipment.
is There were only three picking iinnt on tho-
id market and they bought Hparingly.Cho gen
eral markeb as compaied with yoeterday may
to l a ( quoted as uoclmngod on packers nnd liRht
id/ and6@10c highur ; on fhipners and choice.
heavy packing and shipping 2(10 ( toMO Ibj. . * 1
85 00@S5 25 | light , 180 to 210 Iba. , SI fiO ®
Scrolul * Is jwa ! iV-H'moM RcnoraMhan any
ed other dlsenw. H KJ InstJlous in character ,
to and mnnlfostnltBolIlniHtiiilns sores , pustuUs
era eruptions , balls , hVYfllliiKfl , enlarged jolntH ,
h nbseessos , sere oyeK , * te. lIood'sBarsaiiarlll'A
ry < expels all ttaco of scrofula from tlio blood ,
ter leaving It jwiro , onrlolicil , and hcalMiy.
mt "I was severely afUlcted with scrofula ,
ao aud for over a ycnr had two rmmliiB sores
uy MI my neck. Twik flvo bottles oi lloocl'.i
the SarsaparUla , and consider mystU , ( Cured. "
G , E. I.oviwoi ! , Lowell , Mass.
C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me. , hiiaBcrofuloui
sores f or seven years , upriugaudlall. Hood's
Baraai'arllla uured him.
pe >
era Salt Rheum
SBOH ! , Klyrin , O , , Bafferpd. . greatly'
eo frora crjI8lrl" " s aii'l ' salt rlwum , caused by
n\- om \ haudllug tcfcaoco. At tjmciv Jils hands w/iuld ,
rui. crick opc-ii and hlwl. Ho tried various prc-i- |
awllonsfltliout alii ; finally took Hood's Har-
baparllla , ami now says : " lam.entlri'ly.well. . "
" My son. had. salt tliouoi oil , his liancls and
. UeU > tk Hood'a
w > the , ealvca t his lejtf. -
all lla anil is entirely cured. " J. tt.
, MuYcjrnou , OJilo ,
' Hood's cSarsaparilla i
hsb list ewly by O. I. HOOD & CO. , U.wi'11 , Ma > ss.
ilOO Doses One