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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1885)
res DAiL * "BEE COUNCILBLUFFS , TiruifSmtY , JANUAEY 29,1885. = = 1 THE DAIL * BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning , Jam 28. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By C nli . - - . - . - rentn p f week BylUU - - - . . - w 110.00 per ye r OFFICE ! o/T Ffltxrl atmt , R r MINOfi MENTION , ' Graham avenue is now the iconu of coasting. The " 0. B. Boys" gave a aocfal danc ing party at Bono's hall last evening. F y Tomplolon appears at the opera honso to-morrow night and Satutclay. The circuit court opens hero February 0. To-day is tbo last day of service. The students of St. Joseph academy are to have a phantom party to-mono tr evening. The witnesses in the case of llawlcy lewis will leave for Wlntorsot next Monday. Iho order has gene forth that all the "mploycs of the 0. M. & St. P. must ba vaccinated. The city council could not got a quo rum yesterday afIoraoon , and another tiy will have ta bo made. The forfeited pledgee of prisoners will bo sold nt auction at the city building atnrday morning. The funeral of the late T. Hart was hold yostenUy afternoon at Broadway Methodist churjl ) . , J. 0. Mitchell , the tlckot egeiit of the Wabaah , is handing out about Iho hnnd- ooracat office callondora yet soon hero. Col. John Fox is performing duties as dopaty sheriff and is also entering upon the business of general collection agent. The cigars sold now by Crafts two for fifteen cents or eight for fifty cents TToro heretofore [ sold by him at ten cents traight. ' 'Spotters" are reported as now being at work on the \Vabath trains Booing tbat the canductora do the equaro thing bjr the company. Remember the mooting in the Interest of the boys at the Y. M. 0. A. rooms at 4 o'clock this afternoon. There should bo a general attendance. Permits to marry wera yesterday grant ed John Mayor and Mary Ashton ; also Dwight Tarbox and Maggie Winburn all of Pottowattamlo county. The Knights of Pythiw ledge in this city are arranging to unite in a public enter tiinment on iho 21st of February , the anniversary of tha older. The clgaio Grafts ii soiling twenty for fifty cents or three for tan cents cannot 'bo duplicated ia quality for the prlco. It costs but ten cents to ba insured of this fact. fact.P. P. M. Pryor , of THE BEE job office , lias moved his residence from Sixth avenue onuo to No. 100 Bancroft street. Mr , and Mrs. H. W. Tilton have alto fitted up rooms and their abode there. The counly board of supervisors moo uoxt Tuesday and will then consider ( h qUEBtlonofa new court house. Each township is invited tosend , a representa tive to express the will of the people. Ofiicer Brrokj is now reported as In off duty for tin present. This cuts down the old force still further. It seems tha the police investigating committee ii do ing ai was predicted in THE BEE Severn days ago. Papers were filed yesterday In two more cases against tbo city , ono of 0. E Stone for $2 QUO. and ono of MM. Ellz * both Stein for $3,000 , ilia latter claim being f > r damages on account of injuries located by a f jll en a defective H'doanlk , Two wolves were teen in the driving park yesterday and Dr. Dr. Bellinger and his dogs wcro sent for. with the view o : hav'ng a hunt , but before they arrived ho wolves had found a hole in the fonci and had crowded out and got away. James Brooks , the ox pollcarnan , he had a hard tima indeed , laU July whili trimming shade trees ho cut bis leg , and has be on confined by tbo injury over elnjoHo is reported as Improving now , and It is hoped b/ his many frlond that ho liny soon be about again. Rev. Mr. Hammond , tbo father of the , superintendent of the institution for the deaf and dumb , his been tocurod as supply f r the Oongrega'ional ohurah for a Sunday or two , and perhaps will torvo until tha 1st cf Match , when the now pastor , llsv. Mr. Cioft * , is expected to arrive , The cas3 of Green Myer against th county W H heard before Judge Trainey yesterday. The Dlainliff fs the colcr.d man who nursed the small p"x ra'ie Invoices , and wtoio bill of $7 a day the county board cut down somo. Ho auid for tin balance of bis claim , and Trtinoy giva him judgement against the counly for 11. The following have boon elected offi cers of PoUown'tamio JoJgo No. 146 , A. O. U. W. : P. M. W , Emil limb ; M. W , ' , A. Louiij foreman , M. W , WH. llann ; overseer , A. 0. Cl u h ; jooordor , e A. Gnu ; financier , E , B. Gardinecr ; receiver , W. D. St 1'man ; unido , Alex Clem I.\V. John Barhyte ; O , W. . Geo. 11. Wheeler. The case of Diwson , the proprietor of tin Store City house , cVa-god with as- niulting a young woman with a beer elms , came upor argument betoro Judge Aylesworth yesterday , The judco de cided to InlJ Dawsm for appearance be * fore the d'ltrict ' o urt on a charge of M cil , iult with intent to do gret bodily Jurm , fixing the ball at ? 300. nh BIBLE ALONE OHUROH , . iVn Intcrrfitlng Sketch ot ttio YouriR. cat Church In Council BlnflV , Thcro is a modest little church which has been added to the powers for good in this city , and to which little public attention has thus far boon called. It is known as the Bible Alone church , because the Bible is the only book on which the members are supposed to rely 'or learning the will of the Almighty. It belongs to the Bap'ist ' brethren donoml * nation , or more familiarly known , per- iupo , as the Dunlcards. The pastor is llav , Mr. Snyder , who is in the church parlance called "tho housekeeper. " Ho s n zealous , honest worker , and a man of more than ordinary ability. Ho has by great oxorli m , and by much portonol sacrifice succeeded in getting a neat church building completed. It Is located on the coruor of Bluff street and Sixth avenue , a nsar , itibslaatial' brick build * irg It is 24 by 40 foot , and two stories high. As the surface cf the ground is qulto rolling , the flojr of the church room is on a level with Bind street , on which , it fronts. The audience room Is seated with chairs , la well lighted , and qnlto easy to spent in. The resident minuter cosnplos the lower part of the building. Bo is ale no hero in the work at present , but expects assistance shortly. The church district Is larpo , but the member ship ia small as yet. The church was completed , all paid for , and dolicitcd about the first of July la it. Regular services are he'd every Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. , and 7 o'clock p. m. The attendance Is not la'ga , but much inter est is manifest , and it seems increasing. The "bio herhood" is quito largo , however - over , there being over 75,000 momboro In the denomination , There are 1,000 ministers , and tbo strange feature is that not ono of them receives a sa'a'y. In looking over tbo list another strange fact appears there are fifty three of the name of Miller. Tbo report for last year ah our a tbat 2,500 men and wo men were convoitad and were baptized and received into the church. S'nso ' the first of January there has boon 375 more added to the number , 105 being convert ed at cue revival mooting , and 121 at an other meeting , these meetings being held in Virginia. Among the peculiarities of their bolif f is that the true mode of bap- ticmis dripping three times , ono for each of the trinity , and alto that the washing cf each others feet is a sacrimont which must bo kept up in accordance with the instructions of Ohr'st. ' Leave your orders for job printing a day or two ahead at Pryor's Boo job of. fico. A QUEER' TIRE. A Slight Scorch on Slain Street Yes * terday. About 6:4.0 : o'clock yesterday morning Theodore Beokman entered his place of business at 625 Main street , and after starting a fire , the weather being very cold , iook a seat by the stove and began readlng'bii BEU. Ho noticed the fire to be an unusually good ono , but though * nothing more of it until ho ( mailed smoke. Looking out in the rear cf the store ho saw his next door neighbors throwing bedding , eto , out in the alloy , It seems that a baker In Smith & Loorko'c , 623 Main street , on retiring Tuesday night found the soot from the chimney foiling on his bed , stuffed some rags in the ho'o In the chiuney and ro tired. Yojtorday when the fire in Beck man & Oo.'e , next door , was lighted thi rfgi caught on tire and fell down on tbi bed. The bed room being closed the fire did not blaza up , but smoldered , thi smoke appearing m the rooms on th second fbor was the fmt intimation of i firo. During the tussle to save the building Gat Looika had ono of his arms severe ) burned The hsa is very sm'll , twenty-five dollars probably covering it. An Editor'n Troubles. The legal troubles pending between the editor of the Ida county Pioneer and a citizen of Ida Grove are o'iciting no little interest. It will bo tried in S county next month aud the question to be settled is whether the editor shall receive damages for Injurioi Inflicted on his person by a man who files counioi claims for libel. It appears that unpleasant ant relations existed between the editor and tbo citizen , the former having op posed the tatter's nomination for office. Finally the citizen pn aided at a demo cratio moating and the Pioneer there , upon congratulated the republican party on his ch nge of faith. Taecltizm an gered at the statement , lay in wait for the editor with a club and knocked him down. In retorting in the paper Ilia edl- made charges pgiiust the character of tbo pugilist , nhoruu on the burly fellow again secreted himself and spiaog upon the editor unawaioi , broke several of his ribs nnd probab y endangered bis life , as Mr. Williams wa ? already suffering frorr hip disuse , and wh < 1 y unfitted for a pbrinnal encuuutor. Ic seems that Mr. Willltmi , who regained his feet after many weeks of Buffering sued the pugilist for 10,000 damages while his Assailant in lura attempts to bilaucu accounts by cla'nime libelous statements on the part of the P.o utor. Ilo l Eatato Transfers. The following is a list of real estate tramfdrs filed yesterday in the recorder's offioo of Pottawattomio county ) Iowa , as furnlabol by A. J. Stephenson , abatrao tor , real estate and loan agent , Oounci Bluff * , Iowa , January 28 , 1885. Jacob h. OifMtioJ J , Olney ot al. r4 BW 30. 70 , 41 § 2400 Henry G Fisher t' . WillUin H. Cook , part lota 1 , 2 and 3 , Underwood. $1. Edmund Powers to Hnnry FOIII t-n * ' uej and m j ij17 , 75 , 42. $3,100 'Tctil salef , 5 DO I Big Damages , Yfft'rday n ult ontit odPage , Nor ton & On. va , Saokott & Preston , " was Clod with the cl. rlc nf the United Rt > t - court. The pauitlffi ask for $10,000 damtgoi TJiflr ault is in two ra a praphr , g5 Of0 > eng : mkod fir each. They cl iui that they are tbo manufactur ers cf ihai cuiHhr.t d "Huff 1 " brand 'f ' flour , and in 1880 they appointed Stcl- ett & Preet n apenrs for Coun BlufTi vail vicinity , who , it iaall'ged , hnvo add larcn qnantitina of tuferior mixture in the BU ks rf Page , NorU > D & Co.or which they demand ' 85,000. The tcond p r gr { ih sets forth tlut Sackott & Preston luvo gotten up n similar trada matk , with the wotd "Baf- falo" coospicucunly printed upon the face thereof , under wlich they ate soil ing largo quantities of flour roanuf ictutoi ' by Thomai Procter & Co , of Toronto , Kunsw , for which they ask $5,000. At the last term of the district court the tame parties wont before the crand jury on a similar complaint , and suc ceeded in getting Indictments against Sackett & PretUn , but the criminal proceedings aoora to have dropped to rlccoa. The firm la ono which is well known hero , and it will take a goodly amount of evidence to make their miny friends believe they have boon acting dishonorably. rEIlbONAi.8. Mrs. Harvey Pico is still lnn\cry low londition , and her recovery scema > cry donbt- l. l.W. W. n. Lynchard , of the Council Bluffs llor aid , was visible on the streets ycsterdfcy , but looks feeble , J. M. Wolf , of Chlcafco , was yesterday bowing the merchant ! of this city iiimmor gloves sampler , S Q. White , representing James L. Libby & Co , , of Now York and Chicago , was In IIo city yesterday. Kov. Mr. loBfcckin , who for a time tup ilicd the pulpit of the Presbjlerinn chinch here , has resigned bin pnstorato at IJonitoi ) . A Blfj Flold. Crawfoid County Bullotin. So far our nxolauges , in discussing the gnborriatorlil question , have advanced the ftllowing names for the party to ponder over : Congressman Murphy , Senator Merrill , John F. Duncomho.Col. Ktatloy , Congressman Pu > oy , L R. Bol ter , JtHgo Tlisyor , Mayor VuUfilnn , Judge Ca s dy , W. W. Wltmor. Judg- Klnno was prissed to become a candidate wi h great nnanln.i y , but has refused to permit the nso of hi nimo , Horses and Alulis for Sale. Two car losda rf horses , mules and mores juet icseived f > r silo at the stables of Schiutor & Bolev. Kiel's barn , corner Fifth Avenue and Fourth nttoit. WHY THE DINNER WASIiATE. A Clover Tlilol Flays a Trick on the Keeper of a BoardltiK-IIouso. JIail and Express. A butcher's boy carried a bisket con taining a big roast of hoofolghtp unds of btcfiteak and sx chi.kena fjr the Sun day dinner in o a boarding-house , on Eleventh snot , last week. Ho had hardly mounted his cirt and driven away dowo the street when a smooth faced young man rang the basement bell. bell."Thcro "Thcro is spmo dispute at the shop ever the weight of the meat sen rera by the bir.cher , " ho said t ) the land1 lady , "and I have boon sent bore to take It back and reweigh it. " The landlady thought it waa a nhamo that the butcher conldn't weigh her meat : correctly the firat ttmo. "If your atnpid cletks cau't do their woik properly thought to bo discharged , ' " she snapped ont. "Would you be kind enough to loan mo ' a tin pan ia which to cury the raea b'ick to the shop ? " iuquirod the young man with an oleomargarine amllo. The landlady took a now bright tin pan and dumped the roast , the steak and chicken into It. "Thtr < > , " aho exclaimed , as ane gave i to the young man , ' 'You huny righ back with tbo meat , for I want to cook the roast for dinner. " The youth took the pan with a "certainly , madam , " and wont on to the street. Two hours parsed and the young man hod not returned. The dinner h > ur ap preached and the cook was bocomitg fa- ri uj. At last the landlady went post haste ta the butcher shop with fire in her eye. eye."Where's that young man yiu sent to my honao to get the meat I ordered to have it ro weighed 1" eha shouted. "I haven't sent anybody to bring back the moat , " replied the qutrhor. "Well , I never 1" said the we man , her face red with anger. "Do you mean to say I have been swindled ? ' "I should judge tbat yon had , " mused the butcher as bo proceeded to sell the landlady another dinner. * O3sm Suit Against Mrs Gnrflolel. CEEVRL&NU , O , January 28. - Mrs James A. UttrQeld we a Hied in tto common pi as ciurt to day by n womab named Tliatu ful TaijUTfor 8 f > , (00. She wa run ovir by Mix. Gurfit-ld'rf curriage'Dccciiibar 22nd while In tin public equuru. She alleges aho wna seritualy injuroJ , American Sliootora Pittsburg Chronlc'n Tfiu atiudii n > proclivities of the United S a'ea are peculiar. In Tuxaa they abort htrio thibves , in Nt-w York they ahoot I a < 3 , ia Wisconsin they thoot rap'di ' , in Pennsylvania they shoot oil wolle , In Pittabnrg Iho girls shoot soft gl ncaand in Washington men shoot iff their mouths. For sale My bojk and stationery bus- ness 341 Broadway. B. E. Seaman- Dr. 0. 0. Hazen.Ddritiat 100 Main St. COUNCIL ULurra MABKKT. Wheat No. 1 milling , 05 ; No , 2 , GO ; No. 8 , 10. Corn Now , 2So. Oats For local purposes , 23c. Hny ? . > 00@(5 ( 5 ) per ton ) baled , BO © GO. Eye SFo. Corn Meal 1 80 per 100 pounds , Wood Good supply ; prices at yorda , G 00 ® 6 50. 50.Goal Goal Delivered , hard , 0 60 per ton ) soft 4(0 per ton Lard Falrbank's , wholesaling at OJc , Klour City Hour , 1 60@2 90 , Brooms 2 05@3 00 per doz , UVit STOCK. Cattle Bntche'r oowa S 25(23 ( 75 , Butcher ateera , 3 7D i4 00. 8heep 2 60@3 00. UOKB 1 00&J4 S5. PBODDOK AND FBDIT& Poultry Live chickens , \wr doz. 2 2fij drees- od ch'ckeDs. 80 ; dressed turkeys , lOc ; dreaa ed ituokx , 9c ; dressed proioe , ICe , Iliituir Creamery , 'J2 25o ; choice country E ( { B 22 po dozen. VegeUblea Potatoes , 40@lSOo per bnthel ; onlpim , ( i ) o ( Kir bu ; appIfM , ohoioe cooking or aitinc , 3 < 0 | twaiu , 1 ontftl 60 per bushel. Cicfer-32 R lnn ! bbl , gfl.GO. Ornnfrnn 1 U1 iwr b < ix. Ltuiort 4 f66(0uerbcx ORDER YOUR Cob , Coal l Wood OF 33. or. are rxraao , O. ddrtM , Lock Hot 1169 , Council Blufla. UBBE A full stock of Mens' , Womens' , Boys1 , Misses' and Childrens' New Jersey ARCTICS , now ready in any quantity to suit purchasers. CHICAGO TEEMS and DISCOUNTS every day in the year. We also carry FULL lines of BOOTS and SANDALS of above named goods , includ ing the nicest line of SPECIALTIES for fine retail trade made by ANY company. We have some Felt Boots to close out cheap. Try a case of our SENSE ARCTIC for MEN , we FULLY recommend them. Write for list on "Lumbermen , " Z. To LINDBET & W | Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St. Office , 412 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. cm Sthmltt & ITarp , the birbora remote Tuosiajr , Jan oary 27th to40i Broaduar , to the bnlldlng lately by the OJcoit store. Joseph Sohmltt win sell AT COST the ( took of CIGARS < that wcro left by Frank K. Kern In hlj charge. TheEtoroformerly eccup'od by Sohmltt & Ilurb 65'2Droidway , u der the Opera hiUM , FOIt RENT apply to Joe. Schmllt , 492 Browlvray. Jas. Schtmltt ottota the finest FltUIT FABU ID this county FOR S AL ' cheap , provided It 14 Bold In tide offlJ daio. Enquire ot Mr. ilctleo , In offlea o Uoroco Everett , 16 Peail s'reet Council Bluffs. ASK YOUR GROCEIl FOR A. B. HOWE'S Corn Meal , Graham Hour , Hominy. Ground Fresh Every Day ! Ground Feed Always on Hand. Mill , comer of North Eixth and Mill Streets , COUNCIL , BLUFFS , BROADWAY STEAM JJUNDRY EVERYTHING NEW , All the Latest Improved Machinery. All Work First Class , Orders by Mail Solicited Express Paid on all Or ders over $2,60. Collars and Cuffs a Specially , Established 1882. H ; E , REMEB , Manager 111 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUITJCS , IA. Dr , W. S. Sherradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Ootmcll Dlufli * : ' Ion. SIMS , Attorney - COUNCIL BLUF1S.IOWA. Office , Main Strrct , Room 8 , Shugart and HenO block. Will practice In S ate and Fodcial courts. J , E. TATE , Pnotloe In State and Federal Conrtj. Collection ! promptly attended lo. Room 16 , ShuKart'i Buildin ; ? , COUNCIL BLOTF3 IOWA ADU13S10N- ntS c-Udlei lOo. BKJLTES-OenbUo. UdlM lOo. Admlitlon Free la Ladles each aornlng and Tnt da ; and Thursday tfternooni. Vtt el SlcatM It oenU. A. V. EOHANOK , H. n , UAUTEI7B , Fioprletoi St , Charles Hotel. 0 STHEET , DET. 7tb and 8tb , . LINCOLN , NEB Ura. Kato Cc&kly , rrcprletorces. /arNewly and clcRantly ( urnlehcd. Good sample nom on Dm floor. OrTarma91.60 to $2 pet day. Special rotes ilvtp members cf the IcKlslnturo' covlo-lra-roo J. L. DEBEVOISE. Ion Ticket No , C07 Broadway Bluffe. Railway Time Table. Corrected to January 7,1885. COUNCIL BLOFF3. The following are the times ol tba arrival and de. partnre of train , by central itandard time , at the local depot. . Trains leave transfer depot tea DUO. utoa earlier and arrive ten minutes later. 01110.100 , nukLisaros AMD qnuor. HAVE , 1MIVI. IXt p m Chicago Kipress' B:00 : a m 9:10 : ft m Faat Uall. T:00 : p tf IJ30 ; p ia Aocommodatton. S.O ) p m At local depot only. , < T. JOi AND COUHCIL ILVTrt 1009km Uall and Kxprees , 82Spm B:16pm : Fa-Hflo Eiprens , OoSpm t COTCAOO , HILVAOKI. AMP IT. 1:88 : p m Eiprem , 0:05 : a ID P:25 a m Eiprceo , 8:56 : p KI CHIOAOO , noon ISLAND AMD . 6:26 : p m Atlantic Gxpresi , B:06 : a m 96 : m Day Express Ifit : p m IUO a m * De , Molnes Aooommodatlon , 0:16 : p m At local depot only , AiA > a , ST. torn. AKD F t:10 : p m Aooommodat.on 9 00 a in l80 ; in Louis are p Ksprcw 8:15 : p ra 1:50 : p m CblcJjO Exprcs * 10:65 : m Al Transfer only at ' 1:60 : m p KxproM , 6W : p n 9ii A D 1'adflo Kipres. 9:05 : a tn lioni cm AMD pAornr. 7i(0 p m Bl. Paul Eiprew , 6:00 : a ra rilO a m Day Kxpre&a 7:00 p ra DHIOM rAOino. 8:00 : p m V/oatoru KxpreM , 6 0 a m 11:00 : > m Pauiao KipreM , l-M p ra Lincoln Expreen , llltpta At Traatfer only Leave 7W-8.80-S0-10.SO-liO : : : , m. 1M-1:5 : : 0-4:8O-6JO-0 : : 0-nCfi : p. m Hunday 7.-20' - 0-11:40 . ro. iBo-s:8o..6SO-6 : : : o-ll:05 : p , m , | v 10 mlnulil before leaving llm . from trtDifor only B < BMIXH * TOLlaKU LKADING MEUOOANT TAILORS T snd 9 Mftln ttroot , Biurn , IOWA. A Complete Line of Now Goods to Select From. KIEL SALE STABLES Keen llorsca and Mnlos constnntly on baud which wo will cell In retail or o irloati lots. All Stock Warranted as Benresented. \Mci ! ( H M dieltll dpi fti Ii Ct lo and r ld liar. Price * re lonablo Satisfaction Ouaranteod. Oornor Fifth Avo. & Fonrlh St. UounellBluffg. NORENE & LANDSTEOM , Winter Goods Uoady. . Suits Mndo to Order in Lnteat Style en Sliott Notice nnd nt Reiisoniiblo Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 205 Mam Street , - - - . . . Council BloJUu. AGENTS WANTED. Drs. Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt. 810 BROADWAY , COUNCIL DLUFFS , IOWA ; 726 EM ! ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; and KT. WAYNE , IND IT lOSIIIVHiY OVIIESKMney and Urer Complaint , IlrlRht' DNcns. . Itheu-natlsm , No r l ln , ujnimiBiii , Ncr\onMOsi Wotliig Wonkn'M , I'.ralysls , bplnil | nil olloni , million ion , Itcait UU0.1B1 , Kite Hcjdacli , Limo Dark. Cod Feet , and nil dlteaaai requiring laorensoj motho tuwcrs. Now liiuiroicd e $3 end 16 ; old stjIoSI tach. GENUINE SLAUGHTER m ran ruicKS or Cooling and Heating Stoves ! The teasen btlnK'o lar Advanced I I T * Deluded toil ) po ot my BtnvrsntoiRiiLrssof covrw n < . tienc. td itorlne thim until next > ea.on. Call early Ml will not lo undersold ' A. J. Maindel , bro dway. Uoiuiuil SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special a vortloornonte , tuo at Lett , Fonnd , To I/oan , For S Io , To Kent , Wanta , BoardIng - Ing , eta , will be Inserted In this oolumn at the Ion rate of TEN CENTS 1'KIl LINE for the flnt Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each eubeoqnoni n < ertton. Leave advertisements ) at onroffloe , No. Pearl Street , near Broadwar WANTED A itlrl f r gcnoiAl h usowork In fam ily of three. CJll nt BRK olllcc , "TTt7ANTED A ( rood g rl for general hou o o k. > V Apply In person , tala tnornui ; to 010 Third street corner'Jenth a\o uo. OK SALE lic'tiumnt , tonfcctlontry end Ice c'oamlm Ions. Ccntrallv located on nronlw.y a rare bvgtfii It. L. Wllllauiei , 18 N. Main stioet , Council iJkffi. F01 HENT A farnlthnd house cho p to paitlcaJ without email children who will board four odulta. Address "A" Boo ofllce , Couucll liluffa , la. WANTED Two dining room ( ? trl attlio OgJen II usoluimdlately. WJRCS $10 p r month. WANThD A good cook and laundrcFS. Ncno but com-ctent girl need apjly. No. 003 Fifth A\cnuo. WANTED A boy with a pory to carry TUB BKK. Call at BEE ctllcu immediate y. NTED AyourijBlrl about 15 jotrs old can flni a iiIcaiaLth me lor thoBMiIuic. Ono nt- tending eoboolprcferiod. Call at once , H3Third WANTED To Itl' n. by a o ni | etint Book-keeper Cun iiinlsb jood ictcreuo.H and rcatoul for diM'tcg cbaiigc. Addresi A eu oulcc , Coiucil FOIl 01 Utands ln > pro\cd and unimproved. If yen want a faiin In wo Urn Iowa , Kanaaa Nebraska or DiloU , lotus loir In ra you. SWAN& F'OIl 8 LE Special bargain. A Ift'fco tivu etory frao dwell nx , tea r omsujth ail medern I u po\emrnt3 Mcll located aid times t new. 1" . Ice tfi.ou ; $ . , 00 cub b&Ianco long tin o , bWAN & WALKKR. YTfTANTI'D To corrtspend with anv non-resident W owner ot i ruperty In Countll BluITi or 1'o'ta- ' nattimo county , or any cnx wlrhlug to buy or Bell piopoity In wietcra Jona.ICans'Sor Kili-asku. FOIl SAI E Alarsfo cumber of business and resi dence IOR | In all pans of Ouuicll Illi Its. Sco ui before you buy , twAN & WALKRR. H RENT Wo h voeevcralhouscfl 01 our list for rent , vacant now , SW.N & WALKER. FOIl fl-LK Parllot v > lshlngto buy ohrap Iota to build on can buy on iiouthly ) > i > yincnt o' from $2 to $10. ovfUi & WALK' K FOR REN Wo will rent you a lot to bu Id on with the pri.ilago to buy ifou with 011 very llbciallorin . twAN & WALKKR WrANTED To OTrespondwillnny oie wlehmea gnrd looitcn f r ilnnntng m'll. na > h , door and b ind manufactory , wo have building and machmcrolllocatod , for sale , l > as or tia'o ; SWAN & AI.KPR. F iOR RENT LargD two itory fr rro bulldlrg BU't ' able for warchouco or etoiiwo purposes nuar railroad depot. " ' / > . \VALHBR. FOR HUN i UK HALr. UU..JJK : and gr unit FU t < l ia Im bitVl found , } ' ai > d machliiu xliop Good b > ilcrcuflne , cupila , H owir with Il.i'd bhlll- lag eta , itady to put in motion BWAN WALKKR , IpUlt BALIS ihe vlni ; , o outers , tulJlcn Uo Is , gas 1 DxluriM etc. E quire ol II , i > . Hiainan , paptr , books and uUt.oueiv , 311 Broadway. FOR 8AIK Twcliois-s flnglo liug y , and light ulng'o ' hariuiis. U. II l < oiO'tbau 104 Ilioaii ay. WAN'ItU agouti m every county In wemtrn Io a toB-il tco "Champldu HCBJHI Blutcher and Ironlig Itonrd' , F\o y lady piouuunicu it < n el ht tobo just whktehj waiitflthcr for ho 6(11 01 hlrec' leiii liig Inruccmeuts toticiita ) IUt.ll for $1 , Aildrcsa O B. 8. aim 1 Hoard , lite on.c l ounc'l ' I ) uffi > , Iowa. .jiuU HALK HI.US.H. I ot and Land. JP ' tepi oi'on , M3 ' l t avriiue. * , A Cup'iiu/Ky , Hrrt- I 8 < nu.o an _ in ox client cmxllti u Or will trido for cho. ] : iot , Adrirc-B i , H tloj'lllic , ' oiincll t'lo7n , CUAl/AMli riooti Uo < iu Iltaiuu , aa Ur U way. bolla coal ncl woud at rtiauonablo prlcea gma Z OuO Ibs. for a too , and 138 cublo for R cord , Try him. W 1 Kvory uouy in Uouuui illunii to c t i c0 Toillii. Dellvored bjr carrier at only twenty cfl a week. fl OLD hundred i'APERS For al at B i offloo , at St cent * fltl tlai ai aiP N. SGHURZ. P \ B t OFFIOK OVER AUKKIOAK aCw COUNCIL ULHFFS. fOWA w E , Eice M. D. tc 3 or oth r tumor , itmored without thi 5 knU. oi drawlnf cf blood. CHRONIC DISEASES ° ' u'"p' 1 Orer tilrty yeari practical .ip.rUau OolM * , Pearl ttr of , Oounrll BlLflt MTConiulU/'on ' fro. NOTIOK OF DI880LUT ON. Notice Ii ) heiehy given that the pirlucrnlilii liere < toforo cilallni , ' b treti If K. Hmlth imf A J. Cilttendiiii un er tlin firm namerf Smith & Crlitim- den haubcen dlssolffd ) > y mutual oiiment. The Iju-lncm ul | | hern fur ba londuchd In the name of M , K. Smith & Co.l | > l < bU duo mM nun to be pa d to itid nt w firm of M , K Binlt'i it o , auda'l outu'anillnjr ' llablll'leii ' will be paid by tin liew firm. The huilnex M licrcaftrr bo conducted UIB cil | Ktaml nf bmltli Ii Crittonncn. Covxcib BLUITH. low a , January 11 , SI. K.PUIIII , A J. CrurrKNDiw. . t ] ruot. omo i n. o. M. ruin OFFICER & PUSEY on : BANKERS. a' Council Ulaffi , . lai tl Established - - 1856 Dealer. In Foreign and Domcttlo Eicbanyt and , HJ , EiltOPH D , , PHYSICIAN & SUEGEON , I2J Kgjlt BroUway , Council Bluff * . JOHN FOX , Deputy Sheriff nnd General Collection flgent , Offlro with N. Shurz , Justice of the Peace , Ccuncll Illurts. lows. AND ADDBItSJJ OX A roSTAL CARD TO TUB Hearthstone Publishing Comn'y. . PIIILADRLPIIIA , PA , , And jou will rotoivo by return mall a SPECIMEN COPY I Of THE IIKARTIISTO.VK , wnlch Is vltnnut oxooptlon tbo BK3T S try Paper published. Tun KKARTMHTO.XX Is n sixtitn-paijc paper , full the choicest original teriali , stctteJiei , i > oetnaa& mincellancouiarticia , and Is primed on Una tlnloJ POJKT. Illoso wlio fubscrllio during the next sixty dayn wl'l ' roeolvo any one nf iho following articles : WoOD'3 rCNOQUAl'II , the belt fountain pen o\er ti cd. 0 KN rLEUAN'3 GOSSAMER COAT or LADIKS NBWPOhT , HAUNE- " , POPULAR IIISTOHY , PAY'S COLLACON of tu.oOJ quotations from ZOO mthofB , o ploutly Illustrated. TIir.NKW &MK1UOAN DIuTIONAUY. APOCKErMAONIFlEH. HOW TO HEAD OIIAllAGIER ; a very Intereetlnc book. ATfllPLE-PL\TKD CHILD'S SET ; OrSIXTKII'LEPLA VDTEA SPOON'S. Or oIX TIUP1.B Pf.ATRD UK SiEHT SPOONS ; Or SIX TKIPLB PLATED TAHLE SPOONS ; PLATK1) FOltKS ; A Tll'PLKI'r ATED BlITTK t KNIPE ; Or MX riUPLE PLftTE W NDSOH KNIVEa All tliu8uulHor plated goods are puaiautctd tab * ol the lost , qua It Don't la 1 tu fend for a epefi- mtncopy al Tn llnAiiTiinTov's , and w o am puru j-otj will bo induced to subacrlbo after reading the paper * K RAnTMSTOSR ITJHLIBIIISO a " ( Hi.-t7ns. Ninth Mr. . Phll . .Pa. CHICAGO , The SHOET LINE. ' And BEST ROUTE , FttOW OMAHA TO THE EAST. l VO T11AINH DAILT DKTWBEN OMAHA AND Chican , Minnpnpolle , Milwnnuoc , St. Paul , Riipidn , Duvunport Clint m , Diiliuqiio , J cltfonl , K'ick Island JO-erport . , , .Tuiu-Hvlllo , Klgin , Modiu > n , J < CrosBO , Hel It , Win. . na , And all other Important points Kant , North- cast iiiitl Si.titboi.Ht. Ticket ofllna at HOI Fan am fleet ( in I'axton Ho * tel ) . and at I ) inn I'acitla Pcp > t. . I' LLJUV t-r.niTKiw ami the HNKST DIMVO OAB'IH TUB U'OIILDMU rii onthomal'ilmraof tliu Chicago iillwaukoo & 8t Paul R'y and o cry atcntJun UId ) topustcngcrd by couruo H omplojaiof the p mnany. S. S HtliniLL , A. V. 17. CAIU'KNTKR , GcncrillUnagcr. Oon'l rosso 'ET Agent. It. MIL Kll , QEO. F. tiEF OflD , Aes't Ocn'i Ikfanagor. As't Oen'l I'a < Agent J. T. C'LAUK , Onn'ISu crlniondent. 1 BIG CAT FREE Also 13 valuable and relinblo re- ciiCHti'vor ) ( before ijublislied , ) any one ot which is w rfch $ J .00 and from that to 8i5 00 , ar.d a cnpv of the ' 'Cultivator" sent FltBB to any ono that pendB H stamps to pay postngt etc. , Ii comic picture curds will \ a so bo enclosed in the pick- ape. ] Thr'so recipes ro valualjlo to he ) liouBehold ntid any energet c per- 1 aon luiowinglhq secrets they dincloso need never want for money. Please write namound ad dress pi .inly. 1'ijfc stamps in a letter and address it tot.e . wESrEriNPUB. 50 ! > , Omaha. Neb. 100 CENTS FOR $1. WmX : YOU WANT GOOD VALUE , ARK I'Oll PIPER-HESDSIECK CHAMPAGNE. "Unsorupnlous dealers at tempt to substitute other brands for the sake of ex tra profit. " PIPER-HEIDSrECK sale with every "wide" awako" wino moroliautin fclio trade.