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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1885)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , WEDNESDAY MORNING , JANUARY 28 , 1885. NO. 100 LINGOLN. and Maslerly Lalisrs of Helirajla's ' LtEHlalnre , Considerahle Zeal Displayed in Eailroad Legislation , JBnt Without Attaining Any Very Important TlesnltBi Appropriation of $15,000 , for Ne braska's ' Son them Exhibit , The Senate Flooded With a Num ber of Temperance Petiuons. Ttie Prohibitory Amendment to the Constitution Voted Down Uoivo's Grlcranco Resolution Adopted. THE MEXATE. LLVOOLX , January 27. Although the rail- roadx hid it pretty much their own way in the organization of this legislature and the committees on railroads were packed in their intiretts in both houpej , there wre a''ogether toj much zeal displayed inf % orof railroad legitlation to nut tbe coiporstioi ujanagert. . The home coimnitles on MilroBd * ha-1 agreed upon and Icrmu ate < d a bill reducing tbe patt- cnger mile gen 11 railroadi tothi c c nts and Knate had f rmulated a timi'ar bill with a view to stopping 'Ii clsmor rd pladng tbe it-publican party right by as lea tote luprtma effort at reateiMiu gniMuws in a manner that ira lrat objectionable to the raih-oai' This action on the part of the two bous.sswas like the birth r f a savin month' * tuby rather unexpected. 1Ien Doctor Powers , who - a < made chairman of tbe mill c. id committee of the fenate hy LieotGpv. . Shedd bpc ure he heWs th po-itioa of division surgeon of the B. & M. rut-d at Ilastitif B , WAS sh xrked tt this preinatura ricl'Very Some hiog desperate bad to be done aud the railioad managers are never > .t ! OB to meet oi emergency. Vh n the { .pasta reached the the f racial < m IT at 11 this morning for the consider * ! oi Snfll's bill to fixtnd regulate patseaper iitfb , fn tir Sewers handed to the Becretmy of th ? senate a petition and re monstrance. This wascl arlv cut of order at this juncture , tut J'r. Shedd who u by no means igjomnt of tha rules of tbe ( .mate nd UKtges of legisla * o \ permitttid the d cument to be read at 1 " cth. The Bum nnd t.ub < t nce of this BO rain d jwt ton was anesrn'tt protent < m tbe part of tne two g.'o t tnonopohcs. the B.&M. aud U. P. a anst hasty lailroad IpgifJitionPrrsuming upothf ignorancs of UUR Ic-gitUtrie they asserted boldy thatin no country wlnr ihs ooantry is BO rparssas in Nebraska have tli9 rail-oad comfianies furn- JBbed such facilities. Tl y stated thtt pis- * encer traffic n jw w * f fco light that it barfly paid the expenses of running trains aad be yond Kearafy penenger trains were run tt a great loss. To rednce the fare to three ceoti would be most unjust. Tha document stated that thii agitation acajrrt railroads _ was kept up by Ignorant or designing pirties forpjr- fonml or political ends. Tne representatives of the railroads t k d the privilege of coming before the joint rEilroa-d cominitteo and di < - cuasinp the fasts The document was bignel br J. W. Deweese. lor the Burlington and Missouri , end J. M. Thurtton , for the Union The Chair What will you do with the pe tition and remonEtrancffc ? The pending reso lution before the senate is that senate hla No. 14 rpgulatinr p Bfenper rates , as recommend ed by the committes of tbe whole , be ordered ncrtisd and pat upon its passage. " Mr. Sewers moved as a substitute that the prijer of ths petitioners representing the railroad companie * , be granted and the bill referred back to the committse on rtilroids for turther conMdernl'on. Mr. Snell , altar reitningtj the fact Jthat tins petition w ts entirely out of order , said that one would suppose from the petition that the railroad companies of Xebiaska wtre chiritable institutions. He thought the re- duc.ion of one cent per mile rn branch rotds having little traffic could make no difference Nearly every member had bwn elected on the prouii'9 oi railroid Initiation and now wag ths time for action. The people have de manded cbangts in the laws for the putt ten yearj and eery year they have been prom if-ed. In many places tbe people have built the roads wi'hl.r/e ' tubi-.idies and cow the roids are paying 1 irge dividends oa their cermngs Senator Sewers was not prepared to contra dict any of Mr. Spell's statements , but he thought that tbe railroads thciuld have a bear ing Senator Brown saw an implied threat in the jielition , which be rettmed for himself aiid the people vhoin he represented. Jt was not the projisr ( pint for a common cwnei to show to threaten a conflict tf ditturlx-d by Itgiblation. lie rt-Rittt&d that this bill was brought in as a s p&rate bill instead of com blniLg ith it fieiftht legislation. Senator McAllister UBS decidedly oppored to the substitute of Mr Soners. lie was net particular wbethir railroad Jecitlktion as in one or two bills. Tee railroads ate pursuing thurubual tactic. Thty keep back all the reports of railroad committees to the middle of the fctwhion , then hate tbe reports rtf erred back again for further discussion , and finally everything is beaten nd the people hate no ' relie'f. Mr. Hastings thought the railroad committee - mittee should shoulder tbe rcsponbibility of hairing fiom the ridlrtadt. i r. Burr had fall confidence In the coai mitt e an4 would trust to their judgment. Mr. Snell was ready to have tiie bill amend ed , bat thought tbe intro incur of freight legislation would crippl * this bill. ' 1 he motion to adopt the substitute of Sow- cn aad refer the bill back to the aoinmittea on railroadi was carried 17 to 16. At first the vote stood 1C to 1C. Mr. McShane having slid out just before ths vote wai ordered. Church Howe , who at usual toted with tbe railroad cjpperi , whUpfred into tbe ear of Gctbuer , wno h d voted asraintt te commit ting , and Gcehuer thereupon asked leave to chauga Lii vet < < , givirg the the railroaders a majority. The tollowing is tbe vote KS it-sordttd : 1'or Sou ers' tubititute to recommit the bill and postpone action on the thtee cent ] iastn- trer bill Buekworth , Burr , Clark , Uorland , Kintel , Goeheur , Hastiogs , Hoebel , Howe , Levins , Norrii , Paul , fchtrwin , Skinner , Smith of Lancmttr , Sewers and Spencer. Ag irst postponing broB-n , Cheny , l ) y , Dolan , FiUnn , Ho will , Hyen , Lore. McAl- llstar , Melklejohn , Melt , Mills , Putnam , Emith of Fillmure , uid 8n lL Mr. SOWM i now introduced resolution that tbe railroad managers have a hearing be fore ths cimmitteet. Mr. Dalan said he thought the comnrjttee Ird full power to be.suwhat It pleaseid. Mr. Sowen explained that it was done in order to liuve the hou e concur Mr. HcAllister was oppofcrd to the cauimit- te hsaring fiom the railroad attorneys. A motion had previously been made by Senator - ator Sewers to tufjieod th Hile * and iota on this resolution , but hs withdrew the motion and the resolutions will coxne up again tu aor- row for ditcuiiioo. nous P. LuiCOLX , January 27 When the clerk h d -concluded the reading of th ? journal , this morning , Mr. Gamier introduced tbe follow ing resolution : Wh rei , One-third cf tbe tcsiian his bsen paawd uitoout auy rulraad legitlation , Mid thit the tm t hat instructed it * riilrond com- witu to draft a bill concerning tie quattion of freight and pattoogbr Unff , IK * it Thit ilia houss r ilruad commit- te * aw'int three of its members to examine said mil and if soeh bill eorrfcts the crtls then the commlttt- * report ruch bill to the home. This wai adopted unanimoofly , M.Cocper introdoced a bill to provide a state nonn J tchool , and a bill to r gulate the storage and sale of pxplocive oils. Mr. Stsvenson A bill to provide for the erection of atUte asjlum for the feble minded youth. Mr. Ru sell A bill to define thtlooundaries of Blame county and another prohibiting lawyers occupying the same office. The secretary of the nenste announced that the senate had p sed sentte file No. 11. Mr. Troup introduced a bill making May 30. Decoration day , a legal holiday. And another to regulate tbe ta1 of liqn < rs. Nice petition * on the temperance gaettion were introduced. Mr. Holmes call * d up the joint resolution of the senate ts adjourn from Wednesday rext until February 2 , and moved that the hou-a do not concur , after considerable sparr ing which consumed an hour and * > _ bilf , tht house voted to take a recees from Wednesday until Monday , Febrtary 2nd at 4 p. m. On a motion by Nettletoa the rnlci were suspended and ths bouse proceeded the bill to pay expense ! of the Nebraska exhibit at New urleans. This having pasied , the haute adjourned , Howe'a Resolution. Speclsl TeJegram to THE BEE. LINCOLN , January 27. In the senate this afternoon , the clerk'of tbe house reported that the house had t greed on the senate's resolu tion to adjourn from Wednesday at 11 o'clock uatil next Monday at 5 o'clock p. m , and re ported as having p i. ed the honte , the bill for tn appropriation of 815.000 , to defray the expenses of the Nebraska exhibit tt New Or leans. Church Howe introduced the following res elation : Whereas , The railroad companies 1m a b en permitted by tbe senate , to appeir before th > railroad committee for the purpose of being htard on the subject of railrotd legislation , including passengfr and tariff iato ; ; therefore be it Rewlved , That it is tha ifsus cf the senate that all persons be p3imitted to apptar before sncii committee whu are able to throw light on the question , and particularly that residents of this state be asd they are neitby invitsd to appear bsfore such committfe , with any coin- pltints or fnsvances they may have ta make in regard to the management of railroads or the present rat's of tanff , and for the trans portation f pa'sengiri , or any other com plaints they might have to make upon the railroad question. The resolution was adept- e > d The sen te then went into a committee of the whole , tnd considered a number of bi'ls , tlie most important being the prohibition con- s.itut'ojal amendment , which w as voted down by alarceote. . Howe's bill amending the rex enne lawj was reccooimended for passage. It provides for the payment of taxes on the first of January , Tebnl iry and March and orders the county treasurer * to refund ths five per cent now levied < n delinquents. The houie had a short serion but trans- as'ed ' no bifin s of importance , g In tbe United States district court to-day Judge Dundy overruled tbe motion made and argued some time ago to quash the indict- menUpendingazainstMetsrs. Greggs , Aihley , Bamrs at d others connected with ths Otoe Indi n land sales. Capture * of Aragou the Outlaw. LAS VEGASJanuiry ST. Nicholas Araron , a famous outlaw , .at one time a member of the notorious "Billy ths Kid" gang , was die- covered this moining by officers near Chapo- ritD , thirty miles south of here A posse BUT- routded the adob3 hut in which tbe outlaw had taken shelter. In answer to the demand for his surrender , he sent word by a Mexican woman that he had plenty to rat and drink and an abundance of ammunition , and would never be taken alive. Deputy John Hurley mounted the roof of tbe hut and while dig gine a hole throagh whi _ h fire might be com municated to the inside , vrtb shot dead by the desperado. A general fnsilade followed , during which Aragon and Officer Brfint were uoun'led. A me enger ws hastily sent to l-as Vegas for reinforcements aiid giant pow der with which to blow uri the building. Meantime Aragon sant out hi gun ! and sur rendered. Ha will arrive at Lis Vegas jail to morrow and stands an cxc lleat chines of lynching. Miss Ottilia Atsine's Will. JEBSEI Cnr , N. J. , January 27. Henry B-rgb , of the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals appsared before a surrogate in Hudson county orphan's court to-day , and filed ths will of Miss OttilU Aesing , in which heisnamid the f-ple pxfcator. Miff Asiing formerly resided iu Hoboken , and with hei bis-let Lindmollawho translated the works oi several German authois She wan weV knoan in literary circles Last August Miss Assing committed suic'dein ahotelia Parisby takingpouon , tfter tuifering intensely from cancer of the breatt. She was about sixty years of g * . The will wae found on her person and dated Nox ember , 1671. After diEpisincof her hices and jewels among her friend" , fcbe bequeaths her pen > and i-ouve nirs to Frederick Douglas * , ex marshal of the District of Columbia. She aUo leaves him 81B.001in trnit in recognition of bin labors in tbe anti-slavery cause 'Ihe interest is ta be pud Quarterly to Douglass , and upon his death tlie trust H to revert unconditionally to the society foi the prevention of cruelty to animtls. Illinois Crltnliiaih Sentenced. SHWNcriEU ) , HI. , Januiry 27. William H. Galltmore , of this city , was convicted in the United Statsi district court to-day of fraudulently personating s revenue officer for tbe purpa e of extorting money. He wa sentenced to two years in the penitentiary am fined S500. Samuel A. Holmes and John H. Ktlley plead guilty to counterfeitirg and were sen tenced to the penitentiary , the former to fire and the latter to two years. Thev handled ine dollar treaiury notei raised to fifties. Burglars nt Cay. FOKT WATSE , January 27. At o'clock this morning four men broke into the postof fice at Huntinpton , Ind. They weie con fronted by Max Biumcrartner , night marshal who shot one , killing lam instantly One o the burglars then shot Biumgarlner in the bakwitna richer His recover is doubt ful. The burelart. then t-t > lfl a horse and sleigh and escaped , Jeit icg their dead com rade. Fire in u losann Hospital. IKDIAXAPOLIB , January 27 Tbe re at the insane hcspitO thii mornirg wai oottrollec at ( r it destroyed the engine room , laundry bakery ud some smaller apartment * in thi rear of the main building. Loss , $76,000 ; tin Injured. There wai no psnic among the 1,700 patients , most of whom watched the fire cone Plenro-I'ncamonim NASHVILLE , Tenn. , Jannirj27i Br. Sa ! mon , chief of the buretn of animal indnitr. hu exsmtoed the cattle recently brought t Jackson , Tenn. , by Dr. Hamilton , from tb infected herd at Cyntbitna , Ky. , and finds n pleurd-pneumonla in an acute form. Seve have li a sick ; six now present evidence o lang trouble and the symptoms were on ] brought out by careful examination. The c tie are well isolated. The Kansa * eonatorshtp. TOIEKA , January 27 , In the legislature to- dsy tbe tote for United Slit's senator re- sulttid : IngUls 145 ; Glick 4 * nd Blair 4. Morocco Faciojy Burned. Nr YOEC , January 27. Ths morocco factory G. F. Loobhirdt , Brooklyn , itbuined Ui'hmoicing A LA801VIOUS SECT Gtmicb of tie First Born gf tbe n Heaven , and the Glorified on Earth , f Which the Bev. George 3 , Schweinfnrth is Minister. System of Vileness Worthy of the Oneida Community. Details of Their Lewd and Lascivious Practices , i Given by Mrs. Wcnntorth In Beck- lnjj a Divorce from Her Hub&nd. A ] J\S01V10U3 pedal telegram to the BIE. CHICAGO , January 27. "We believe that Christ came the neoond time in the person of [ it. Dora Beckman who died abovt two'years jo. What the other churches are waiting nd hoping for we are enjoying" This is the explanttlon of tbe Rev. George shweinfurth , minister of the gospel of Jesus hrist , of the church of the Xirst Boin , of the edeemed inhea\en and glorified on e&rlh , hich it the full ecclesiastical ] title of this ct which now numbers about eighty-two 'ne ' oca Ion for bringii g this sect into public aae , is the suit of Mrf , Laura M. Wentwcrth jajntt Sidney T. Weniwonb , for a di-orce n the ground * of detertton , cruelty and dultery. the charges her bus-band with hav- g failed t Eupporc her , having dravi n a re- olver upon her and with % lol.ting the marriase ow. She claims that he gave away groceries .0 Lrother and sister Giady , and brother and stfr Wet din , and mailed them to live with iie m in tbeir three rooms. Sna herself was ut of tbe fold and consequently her busband -ent his nights with the iour members of the mrch of the firtt born ivho all efcpt in the ame room on mattresses rpread on the floor , be taid that ths had heard founds which con inced her that her husband was not true to er , and ths said "Oh , " which iinmeoiately caused a cessation. She testified that "when ou enter the Jesus life th re it no law as re aids marriage. " Mrs. Wentworth's tory is n substance as follows : "In 187G Mr . Dop 3sekman , th ) wife of a Congiegationalist minister at Byron. HI. , beceine.impresied with ie idea that she WAS enciente with tbe infant e'us , on his second coming. There being no ilrth she then changed her tactics and an ounced that the was Christ himself , corre to ring full redemption to believers Among itr followers is my husband. He and tbe ett uf the church of the First Born bslieve hat they now li\ein the h.avea which Christ was to b ing. Toey hava everything in com mon. He insisted that I should belong to the Lurcb with htm and I went to thedr camp- meetina at Byron and while there I witnes ed Jie most aw fol sight" . Every member of the hurch , esc pting two , was undressed in my nesencs. Oj one ocDation I haid him gent nt ist J the hill with Mrs. Grandy. and I new well what for and I cried out , "Ohl my lear husband , crme back , and your honor ne went right on , saying that MTF. Bwkman hid LUthonzed such raiatiocs and that Mre. irundy was a dear , pure sister and that there was no law. She then went on ts narrate he history of Annie , a Catholi : irl who under the minittrttion of the Her. vfj. Scbeinfnrth had become the mother of wins , the west on to narrate a eastern of eligious vilenesb worthy of ths Onuda com- nuuity On one ocasion Ehs taid : "I went nto a room and there stood 21 woman with back to my husband , and Mrs. Grandy , without say a word , as if she were entirely .ccaetnmed to such fccene' , my husband and "Mrs. Grandy rushed into ethers arms and exclaimed "All is pure and lovely. 3 ac abounds , and spirit prevtihGlory' ! lallelujah. " Once when she refused to join the church Mr. Grandy exclaimed. "Vanity , ranity , vanity , all is vanity , " and kicked the eg off the lounge. Speaking of a vitt of five weeks xhtt Mr , Mrr. Grandy , Mr. and MTF. Whitney and threie children , made at her own louse , her property she described the licen- lens nd dlsordarly manner in which every jodylnod. Every bo y took moutbfula ol oed whenever they chose , undressed ut all : imes and become intimate toother. Mr. > chweinfnrth said to a reporter that her stoiy s all false and utterly untrne. We all love one another with a love which all the worli' licribes to cm , but which U all pure &nc ovely. She is po ed cf the devil anc seeks to icjire the church of Christ end Mrs , Seekman. GIUND 18UAND CORRB-4PODEVCE HE RATTLES AKOCrD AND BUCCEEIlS IN THAW ING OUT THI NEWS AND BENDING IT IN GOOD BHATE TO JIIK BE * . To the Editor of the BEE. GRAND ISLAND , January 2o. The modera tion cf weather that promised BO much on Friday was knocked higher than a kite Satur day by a cold north wind which mahoganlzec every note in Hall county. Ctt19 and stock penerally are suffering om the extreme weather , but to far have palled through safely. Railroad trains are not very irregular , hence no comider&ble incomenitnce about mail * . A visit to our official centre ( courthouse ; enabled ut to form an idea of the workings o : laid times. Suit * , mortgages , Jeans and property iocumbrancei f enerally are all abaut > ne there , and the end ii cot y et. God help .be poor and unfortunat * ! Ko matter how willicg to work they m y be , there is no oj > - portuuity for more than one in ten to secu e : moloyment. XotwithBtmding tbe dnUnesi of the timei. some find mean * and time for amusement and lolhty We bad a masquerade ball 1 tt week rheie the dugulsheid attendants made loti oi run , but the projector S T > it fell thort of ax- [ ) Vitions. To-night we have another , and jso a crand reunion of the "Old St-ttlers" at Leide kracz ball There will be gathered the men who till you they kcow it all because Lhay bavc been here to long fccd grown up with the country. To mono w they will fcleep off fatigue and ai Monday renew their grip npon the moitgnget all of tbnir ne'ghborfc. This reminds us that recent events are of Rich a character through ont the country that it ii safe , we beliei e , to predict that the great public quettion of the future in the United States will be tbe need and necteiti n of the poor man tgtintt tb giicdlrgt of the rich. It ii tomicg. People must eat whether they can get wore or not , Without work they cannot bay , and cold tn- ' bniger will drive multitudes to bloodtbed. I IE a g-eit problem which the bour pret > enti t our ktatearnen and pbiloaoj berk An empt ; stamaehanQathne-ring arm do not bt lt te to ftrike for bread aad chelttr , ( .nd tbew thinig-s aie rapidly approaching . . . Th pe pie at large are sickened with th conduct i f the tate legislature , and a day reckoning is fstt cominj forthoet who wearing the brnd mwki of boardsd capital which u cmshlog tbe life , spirit mid hops of poor and * urneit peotile Grand Iblaad ii mixed about the tUts fur Many thank God that it doe * not come here Many lament tbe fact th t it ii located tlKr wheie. Upon the whole It it bettfr for tin place it it it , for the weak are not fitted ti bear the burdens of tbe itrong. Omah t hc > u'dba\e gotUnit for pr&cUc&l reuons , nd Lmsoln will lealite thli when : e pcci lly wncs Oo.aht [ iror-cwp ? to evote hrrself to home expasition. In Uie e mesitiibest t > nyold hurry , recollecting the Arab proverb tl t be "who would climb Igh should climb slowly. " Hall covnty will rcbaWy sell tbe land now ow ei by her aeri- ultcral society and purchase better ; then ject proper bnildings and e > clip the ery new f fnl fair hnld hero l t fait There no exlouily M to Lincoln , but an earnest opin- on that there is Dot doth enough for the coa * . nd ttath would be true of thli place under ke drcumftancfc. Tlie persons who raVncribwl 4 fnnds to recure is ( late fair , are being or will be unfortunate o Invest them in stock of a fine hotel , Sucb bouse i much cpedfd t > d would pay , for r > d Island "i ? Jiplendld hcttl town-naJ o ds tuch a building. Ctpt Baker has pxtnuplhe railroad house a Mi. Goodrich ho is rapi ly making fiiendu i a landlord. Mr.-Bakcr will jirobably eon t "mine hoit" of another hcctelrie and hi * Id guests will hunfblm up , Tbe happiest bind in this town ii comprised I young men belonging to the "Turnovers , " who ineit tightly to report , to learn and to njoy music and tun. Prominent among them re a couple of unsophisticated gentlemen rom the we t 'Rhose attainments are very amorous ai ringing from tbe rendition of trail RB' most oifhcut err at ions to a dexterous irowing of three-card-mont * ( allfarfnn yon : cow } ng one cf our tco ° t prominent and 'sin ; business men can better explain. A pmlty romance will culminate here before lany d y . but we promised silence for tbe resent. Enoogh that one party is well- Enownin church and social citcles in Douglts ounty. Another matter invo'ving the heart comej o ui from a county west of here , but ta the ecr e that will set free the her who lot ei the im cunnot be pronounced until next court , we for bear Several changes of location amrng businesi ouses hae b-en made , bat with . - few ex- ptionn ( pDMiblya little thady ) , our city end > eople remain in Etatu qun. Is othlng startling bremks the usual calm of ur common schools. Visitors at thn union protracted meeting &t IB Methodist church for Nome time ptst bava eheld pleading ceremonies of ausel-makinc nd cash-collpctingfor tbe sake of the Lord. The G A. R perple will s oa have a grand ill , when memories of bygone days will im- iress upon the eterans that 'twa ; good blood lat fistained both tbe blue aua the Cray. propos of this ball , a delegation of G. A. _ men will go to Beatrice to attend the de- artment encampment abnut January 2Sth- 'ost Commander rf Lion Post , J. O. West , ho rode with "Little Mack's" boys more lan a score of years ago , and though & bay , won his way to confidence and place , will at- end So will Mr. Lhmghonee , co-proprietor [ the limis. The * J gentlemen are sanguine : a pleasant meeting there , and are active in le interest : of their society. Thil is right ; or the days of the old soldiers are drawing to rinse in thi life , and in their twilight let he boys be happy. EEMABKS. FJKEtGN NBvtS. LIVEEI-OOL , January 27. Solicitor Qaillian s engaged to defend Cunningham DOW under arrest for complicity in Saturday's explosion. \mple morey was placsd at the solicitor's itposal. A Hong Kong spsa'al says the officials there edine to allow the French maa cf war ? riomphant to refit at that poit. Tbe Times continues its onslaught on Par- ell with stinging articles , which says Par- nell's silence regarding dynamits outrages ills to mind his attempt to ignore Per ter's indictment * f the. Paraellites as moral acsrmplicercf the Phoenix park assassi- nitions. It aUo ascdres thelritb agitators that heirpiesent rjolicyjf mnrdtrandsilenee would not pay. Theynev'er tuccesded in coercing be bouse of commons ioto _ accepting naked evolutions by means of spoliation. The News thinks it is almost an insult to -sk Englishmen ke p their heads in He face of tuch outrages bat fears tbe worst las not yet come. It predicts that ths next jfforts of the cowards will tie an attack on some nfant school. The work of removing the debris in the Ybits tower was completed this afternoon. Pbe hols mtde in the floor -where the dyna- mlt exploded is 10 feet long by 5 wide The masonry of the butldicg is uninjured , but much of tbe solid woodwork is torn or split. Tbe Daily Telegraph , commenting upon tbe mtfing of Senator Bayard's resolution , says : t is a poor compliment to praUe them lor doing what wai so obviously their duty re garding the recent explo ions. The writer goes > n to suy the United Staves mu t ri eto _ the all realization of their refpanFibility in thU matter , and must grapple with such men aH J'Donovan Rosia and Patrick Ford , who are .be heads of tha mischief. Up to 2 o'clock this alternoon no further news in regard toStewtrt. Wo'seley telegraphs his afternoon from Kortl that he exjwcts to ttcriveae j from Stewsrt either to-night or * > -inorrow. A large con\oy was pent by Wolseley yesterday from Jvorti to Gahdul I well * and is to proceol in tha direction taken jy Stewart with all possible speed. EXCLAXD AKD brAIX'o SEW TKEATT. MADBID , Jtnnary 27 The ne trenty of commeice between Ebgland and Spain ba eden on tbe mo t favored nation cl u-e arrange * for , he progtefsi-vereacctioa in duties to be levied upon British products and manufactures ad mitted into the Spanish territory to corres pond with the gruded reduction wbjch Eng land agrtei to make in tbe imports Isid upon ipanUa vine. 5,000 IMSHMEX our or EMi'LoriirM. DSLLDC , Jannarj- . The London corres pond ! nt of the Freeman's Journal telegraphs ; hat S.OCO Iruhmen are out of employment at , he east end of London , and that demonstra- .ions apainit the lii.h have begun , An AnilouB Arctic Explorer. PHILADELPHIA , January 27. Chief En gineer Melville , of arctic faine , y an addresi to tbe American public , wherein ie exprestes tin belief that the time is now ripe for the makinr of a final and successful voy age to the North Pole. The route he ad- locates is by way of Franz Josefs lands , und I ie declares it to be entirely safe and feautle one. It would he thinks an actual b v- np of life to male ths attempt now aefore ths knowledre b rn of experience ex- rirei , and horusts that there is some man In America who nil ! lise to tbe occafion * nd rom his abundance supply the paltry requisite to fit i > ut an Arctic expeailion. Tint euinhf placemtf lOOD , pioviding that tbe ranspoit ship ii only chirtared , or $130,000 if t be retained , which he asserts ii not neces sary. He will write , he Bays , the name of bis utron acroii the polar continent. He has , olunU-ers for eeery posti ! > n connected .with the proposed enterprise. The Dynamiter * in Paris. PAUIS , January 27. Gilblas makes ten- aational statement atvnit tSe London explo sion * and oVshtraB pasiurely that the authors ot the explosion are the same men win made the dynamite attack on London bridge and Golweret railway station. The chief organi zers of both plots have been and are now em ployed in the KnelUb printing office in Pari * and recently lodged in tbe St. Lleoisquarter of Paris , where they manuf ictured tbe infernal macbin i uu-d in the dubolical work. W heo e erjthing was ready for the perpetration of the otntemplbted atrocities the picked men who ere to lodge and set the machines de parted eeparatfly and by different routes fur London , each caring one i r more inf rnal marhitcj. Thli wa lx wek azo. Thete men fj * k French and vea attsndtd an. arcoitt mettinga. I Granted m New Trial. COLCMurs , Ohio , January 27. Josepn P3 j ( iner , a partner In crime of Berner , a deMon | invhoiecase nu the original cause tf 3tl ] Cii'dncaii iiot , wtg to-o y prasted auewi j tnal by tie uprfm court. He was under j leatencetf death , ' WASHINGTON NEWS. Le Snail Pace rf tie Swam Court- A Plot to Blow Up the National Oapitol Building , - e Naval Appropriation for the Last Half of the Fiscal Tear- The Oklahoma Boomers Conclude to Leave Indian Territory * The Olajton-Bnlwer Treaty Still in Force , And Must bo Abrogated Before the Nlcaransnan Treat/ Can be K titled. WASHINGTON NRVT6. THE SWAIM OOCKT MABTIAL. Special telegram to THE BEE. WASHIKGIOJ ? , January 27. The court mar tial in the Swaim case ere still deliberating , not having reached any conclusion yet. Mem bers of the court refuse to talk about it to outsiders either to deny or affirm the correct ness of any of the rumors vfioat a to their news. The fact that no conclusion has yet been reached is generally regarded among army officers as indicating that tbe court is divided , and that no unanimous conclusion is to be looked for. Opinions differ as to what the verdict will be , but in case of an acquittal , no doubt ii entertained bat that the court will be called upon to try Swaim noon new charges , which hare ben formulated at the war de partment. Some of Swaim's opponents are aprrehensire that if he ii found guilty the president and attorney-general will be so slow in reviewing the evidence at to delay the action until the Dew administration tomes into power. In w hi she vent it is claimed that President Cleveland would appoint Gen. Horatio King , of Brooklyn , judge advocate general. Tms story is in circulation among army officers and is based upon the rapposi tion that Swaim is to be dismissed There it an exciting rumor there this after noon and from what seems to be excellent authority , that a plot to BLOW CP THE CAT1TOL BUILDING has been discussed and is being investigated. The details of the story are that a woman of reliability employed as a .translator at the stits department made tbe discovery & day or two before the London explosion and com municated it to a member of congress. He , after consultation with his friends , decided to lay i before tbe stats department , and yester day did so The matter 5s be-in ? investigated by ths department. Only few peorle he-e have any knowledge of it , one or two nenators and a few members of the house having besn informed the intention was to keep tbe matv ter a profound sscrfct until tba investigation " " * ' was ended. - ' , * The iTonte postponed until Kriddy the consideration of tbe resolution calling on the secretary of state for info mation as to whether zny _ citizen oi the "United Stites wa concerned in bringing about tbe London explosions. While no iote was taken that would show the feeling of the member * toward the resolution , there -was kn expression of an opinion that tbe resolution as referred will not bs reported b cfe to the house. One of a different character , howe\ , may be reported. TO EE KETOETEI ) EAVOIUBLT. Senator McMillan to-day favorably re ported from tha committee on judiciary the bill t3 restore the jurisdiction of the supreme court of the United States over writs of ha bens corpus BO as to allow appeals to b ] taken to that CJUrt in all caes which may be sp- p aled to the circuit court. The tSest of this would be to allow app als to ba takn to the supreme court in habeas corpus cases in which the prisoner is alleged to ba rettraitei of his liberty in violation of the constitution vr any law or treaty of the United States. Under the present practice a single federal judge oi the lowest judicial rank may overturn nnai judgments of the highset courts of the s Pcttmasters Thomas J BCBE , Nevada , la. ; Win B. Fhb , Antinosa , la. NAVAL AJ'FBOrEIATlOH , Tbe conferees upon tbe temporary naval appropriation bill makicg provision for tbe naiy department for the lest half of tbe cur rent fiscal year , reached an sgreement to-day. The bUI appr pnales SG,120,003 for the half vear. The provision of the houte bill pro- hibitirg repairs cf wooden fch'p" , or of engines and machinery of w ooden ships tevoud what may be acoomplUhed it an eap ° nditure of 3U per cent of the estreated cos-t of new shipj , and machinery has been amended by limiting the expense of such repairs to 2) per cent of the cost of new ships or machinery. J10I1E VAULT BOOM. eretary McCnllouch to-day addressed a communication to the speaker of tbe bouse recammendicg the appropriation of SWKJ.lOO for the contraction of an additional vault for storage of tllver , and for expenrei attending the transfer of silver from the mb-treasurfe * , uhic.b are now or may become overcrowded with that coic. jKsprcnox or STEAM VESSELS. The board of supfraising inspectors of ( team vessels to-day adopted tha rule requir ing all barges in tow of > te rnws to carry proper signal light. This rule applies to lakes and feabjards. FAILUBE OK THE OKLAHOMA HOOMEKS. Tbe followtp ! dispatch announcing tbe fail ure of the Oklahoma boomers , haa been re ceived : FT. LEAVENWOKTH , January 27. To the Adjutant-General , Wathiogt-n : The follow ing is just received from Gen , H&tth , at Stillwater : "I cave stopped the troops en route to Caldwell until I reoeJvB further or ders Stillwater Creek , Indian Territory. To the Admtant Gemral , Department of the Missouri : The Boomer colony hu come to terms. They will leave the country for the nearest point on the Kan as line. Troops will be ent with them I'e'mforcMDfnts from Cofleyville turned back to the Kansas line when within ugbt of this place , on tbe approach of troop , and are hurrying out of the country. Will fend troops to loot out for men ooroine from Wichita by way of Hunne- welL We have troops sufficient. [ Signed ] Aucuit , Brig. Gen. Com'd'g. HATCH , Colonel. THE jriCAB GCAX TKKATT. In eixecutne Msslon to-day Senator Bsyard concluded his tjieecn upon the Ni aragua treaty He maintained that the Clayton- 13ul er treaty ia * till in force , and that the ratification of the Nicarrsru * treaty t baa violation of it. An hour debate etsucd. Sh'nnan hat two ameiidrnfoti i > t.diBg and one is to o en u"gotiatii in with England lor tbe abrogation of the CUyUiri-Bul1"1' t/eaty l-f jre prorwdii R ith tbe rstificktion of tbe Nicaragua treaty. The other is to provide that there shall t * no discrimination either forcr paini > t kiiy go\ernuicct in canal rates for tbe pubsugf of iiksola HOUsB WAFHIKOTON , Jannar > Si. The Houae ; 3tluent iuto the ooinmit * e of the whole on th arm ? approtirution bill 7he HOU.B oawmitte * bn poktoffices .and po.t lo&di will favorably reoort It or UH- bill peodins bt fore it relative ta tlif reJuJtlonof newspaper t o Uce fr tn two to onec nt jier pouni. Th lull will provide b t imbbcatinn * , spcood cU n , when ut by lulOnherf and from the office of publication o bona 5de ul ctil > er , or when teat from icws agent * , shall lie catiUeni to tran < mii > FK > n bruugh the mail * at one cent per pound , tuch io tae to be pre-jiaid. After a brief geni-r * ! deliate the bill wa read. When the parncriph * or tbe luy of the army wa ren-hed McComaB offered an amendment nnthrrinng the retirement of en. Grant with the j y of general. Kuled t oa a tiomt of onh'i. The bill pa ! spd. Hewitt New York , moved that Uic honw gt ) into committee of tbe whole toroneidor tbo evenue till , his object behigto call uptho bill o carry into effect tbe c ir\entlon l etwpen the United States and Mexico. Lost 00 to IX > . Adjourn t-d. SHXiTE , The conference rejwrt on the naval appro- iriation bill was prenent d by H le. Alter a ew brief remarks by Hnle and Hock the re- Kirt wa < ndooted. Adjourned. RAIL.HOA1) 11ACKKT. CHICAGO. January 27. The Lake Shore A. MjchiRan Sontliern to-d y novacced lie raus on eighth class freight , and grain ' .wo and half ctuts per hundred pounds , kixne he tuiff rate. In railrowi centres the opin- on is riprersed that this action it not taken with any view to a permanent increa e in rates , but because the volume of business offered is greater than the road can handle iutt now. on account of having a large part of Is cars bbckaded by enow. .All other roads are in the stme condition. CINCINNATI , January 27 The Trunk lines. sfenger pool today decided that a limita tion shou'd be made on the amount to be paid as 6ommitsinns to i > gtnt . The members will convene ot Louisville on February 11 to take action on tbe matter in connection with the western and southern passenger agents. Parnell Breaks uround lor a K il- vay. COBE , January 27. Parnell turned first ted of tbe West Clara railway at Milltown yesterdsy. There was an immense assembl age of people , net less thin 20.000. Pajnell was presented with a minature golden rpade in honor of the ocrasion. In accepting the emblem Parnell made a brief address. He made no allusion to the explosions in London t confined himself to ques tions aUccting farmers and tnaf > - ante in the south and wert of Ireland. He taid that the present juncture wrs another turning point in Irish history. People thould unite in \ owin ? feilty to the ciuse of Ireland. He rerretted the land act was not so framed a ) to insure penna ent settlement of the land qnetition. It rented with the people them- telves to tet examples by which they might reom er every rood of land that bad bsen rob bed from th-m The railway extends from Milltotrn to Emus. Prisoners iDbarrcction. HCXTI.SCTO.V , Pa. , January 27. During the absence of Sheriff McAlevy this scorning the pri oners in the jail , who are allowed the free dom of the corridor * , engiged in a desperate conflict between themrelves. Sandy Gray is probablr injured fatally by bsing beatsn o\e : the head with a poker by a fellow prisoner , Tom Potter. A wholesale attempt at escape was then made , but the insurrection -was quelled through tbe heroism of Misi Xaura McAlevy , niece of the sheriff. She was alone Trot-armed herself , entered the corridor aod rinwly forced the men Lack to their cells at tha poinfcjaf itfte.voive&2SSiu& ' Railroad Influence at Albany. ALEAST , January 27. Areeo'uUon wa In t reduced in house and tabled , requesting our representatives In congress to use their bee efforts to proiide for early construction of a cacal from Hennepin tbe Illinois river , to I Jack Island on the Mississippi. A resolution was al'O tablet reqnebticprt ngress to favor the paet > ge of a bill to prohibit the importation and migration of foreisners and aliens under contract o agreement to psrf jrm labor in the Unitsi States. In the seatte a bill was introduced to regu late the manufacture i nd la'e cf dynamite The "Whisky Pool. CINCINNATI , January 2 ? . The Western Export A'sociation here to-day occupied f.e\- eral hours in the consideration of importan business. A quorum was in'ornsally decadet to raise t * > o price af wbieky two cants , to ? L13 owir > ; toiln enhanced value of corn. Jh avunce will probably take effect Thursday Arrangements were made in repard to th < " nances of the organization , and little doub s now expressed as to ths stability of th' ' i ol. Moie proxies arrived to night and to ay's action will bs form ally ratifi'.d to-mor ow. lie Thiee-Uent Pa-BeenBer Fare Bill petiiU telegiam to tbe BEE. LII.COIN , Neb , January 27. Tbe remon trance and petition from the Union Pucifi od Burlington roads was p-esented to tb enste t > day agamt the three-cent passenger and freight regulation , \uth a requef hit the pasf-engf r bill reported favorably Jab week bs recommitted to the railroad commit- aeuntil the rail 'oad managers can be he arc n oppohiticn , The motion to recommit ait grant tbe request of tbe railroadi was carriet iy a vote of seventeen w nfu-en. Good News For Worklnjrrnen. PlTTSBUEu , Pa. , Jannarj' 27 The Edgar "hompBon ttoel works will reBume operation within two weeks , giving employment to everal thougand men Ths exportation i tt vhea the repairs are completed tha > arnegie Brothers Ii Company will submit a educed scale of wages to thr workmen am that the latter will tccept. AVho is Jlroderick ? Special Teleeram to the BEE EW YOKE , January 27. James Broderick jf Omaha , formerly of Fall Jin f r , Mast. , ht ommenced a libeJ suitaiainst the Heiald o 'all Rher f r libel. Tte Herald alleged tha Brodeiick as once in the graveyard intur 7be Freocb In Toncjoln , PAEIS , Janujry 27. General Brierre ie Leslie his notifiid the government that ill preoarations for concerted action among he lifferent bodie < of French troop in Tonqui : i complete. An order for the general . .in.e ment toward tbe occupation of tbe tntir countty is b&'ieied to be imminent. The "NVenlier. WASHINGTON , January JO. For the upper ististifipi valley , f ir warmer weather , westerlv winds shifting tontherly ; falling : baromtt r pieseded ; southern t > ortjon rising barriu&ter. Mi'souri valley : Paitly cloudy warmer weather , local enoui , BouJierly wind , fulling barometer. MaetachufcetiH Dynamite BI1L Bosio.v , Januarj- In tbe senate to-day Thajer Introdncbd a dynamite bill i. ilart o the measure recently proKi ] ed by E mnndfc j.t W hhUiston. Tli yer' bill WM tferred I to the oommittes on jndicitry. READING , P * . , January 57 A Ue religioni revival ii in tbe villazeis in thw sec iec.ed tion. Many of thebaVbls toluDtuily utopped eellinj liquor. The coaiFquence ii tbero art ) tusny ue rerrniuio THE MARKETS. Cattle CoDtiDee to sell at Priees , Hoes Active and Brought Very Fair Prices. The Inhabitants of the Wheat Pit Surprised , Prices Got so Low that the Bears Were Very Qniet. Corn was Moderately Active , with Slight Fluctuations , Oats Very Quiet anil Nominal ily Steady Provisions Fairly ActUe and Stronger. CHICAGO MAIIK.ET. WHEAT Spooal telegram to the BEX. CHICAGO , January 27- There was a Fur prise in store for the in&abitanti of tbe wheat pit this morning. A good shaic of them had tempered tbeir trades dump the last few days so as to discount the effect of an antici pated decrease in the visible supply of wheat of about 500,000 bushels. Tbe statement when posted thii morning showed that in stead of an increase of 21,100 bushels. The market opened steady with the May option quoted at S5 c. Under the depressing influ ence cf an increase in the amount in sight tbe price declined to S-JJc , afterward recoveiing to Wfc , where it closad a 1 o'clock. The de cline offered an opportunity to commission men to fill numerous orders and to buy at from S5jc down. When tbe price had declined to 85 = and lower the crowd wa less bsarith and did little in the way of mflnencinr still lower prices. OOKN showed } c decline a * er night and opened rath er quiet. Subsequent trading was moderately active , but made very slight fluctuation" , i he leading option onlv moving Jc. The vieible Bnpply statement favored A fuii er market , it showing a decrease -531,654 buthels , but in a general way the influences affecting wheat overcame any foreign elements of strength and lett tbe mar let , very quiet. Ko. 2 cash was quoted nominally at 37J- . OATS continue \ ery quiet and little better than nominal for all options except May , Mhich on the morning cession only fluctuated J ; cash , und neir options weie not mentioned. KTE continue ! steady with sboutal offeringe. taken. No. 2 cash wild to-day at C2o ; white , ( i2c was bid for Marcli , G3Jc for April uidGSc for May. run VISIONS were fairly utha and generally a stronger. Jhoush influenoei of bitter condi tions existing at the stockyards which brought ont rithtrmore speculation " , a firmer feeling osing steady appreciation fairly well BUJtamed , Cuh lai-d BodntG90 ) , ribs ct SG0 , while called nominally at S15 2512 S5. ' MTith the stale stock left last night and fresh arrh als , tbrrs w ere from B.OOO ; toJ9 000 on sale , the market opened earlier and rather stroncer aud eic'usively ' on steers suittble for shipping nd dres ed beef trade. Pair to fncy butchers' stock continues to Bel ! at sat- itfactory jiric p , Vut common and canners' stock is cim i Sernbly lowrr than last week. Owing to the \ ery light tffennga , stoikers and fee eri. prices have takfn a iharp up turn. On neat , wall brpd young cattle , coodto cboica S350@.5 70 , ISVllV-s. , 5520 5 CO ; 1200 to JSOO Ibs . $4 IK@Z 10. 1003 to 1203 Ibs. , 54 OOCcf ) CO mainly 8303(2360 ( ; ktockerf , S 00(5,4 ( 23i feeder * , S 2 4 C9. Corn-fed Texaw , $4 OO'SB ( 0 Market was -icthe and strong and lOc higher. Tne bulk of the fir to good packing HOGSi. sold at S4 t.0@4 75 , and be t at S4 804 87 } . w th choice at § 4 tJ(64 ) ( OD , comnioa and rough packing sorts hold down ta S4 40@4 50 ; There was a brink demand for light , and closely assorted fancy sold at S4 C1@4 70 , and cunnjon at S4 M ; peeking und shippinp , 240 to 40D Ibs. : $4 < > 5sS ( OJ ; light , ICO to 215 lb . , W 35 4 70. Oregon St-natorshlp POETLANII , Ore , Januiry 27. In the sen atorship struggle tht eraocratic members of the Irgi lature h&te adopti-d a resolution to vote solidly for foiiie democrat. There waa only one balUt to-diy acd tha rctuit wa , Slater , ( dem ) 35 ; Wirsch , ( rep ) 13 Tbe re- rauiudflr of tbe republican vet vcre Riatttr- ing. It inquires 40 votes to elest. Dynarnuc HAIITEOKD. Conn. , January 27. The house adopted the iciolntion offered by Vine nt Colijer exprecsiog their abhorrence of the dynamite explosions in Great Britain , California ScnauirUl Vet < * . SACRAMENTO , January 27. The following it the vote of th wtembly for United S ates renator : Stanford , republican , 7 s Ileurst , democrat , 30. Farley , 3 : Srarles , 1. 1'efitlon. JlITXKbOX ClTT , Missouri , January 27. A rf solution wts adopted in ths bou e of repre- enUtnenlhu morning petitioning congress 'toopsn Oklalioma to itttlerfc Hood's Sarsapar/fia Combines , In a manner peculiar to Itself , tbe best blood-purlfyliiR and strengthening reme dies of the 1 1 cttaWe kingdom. You will find tills wonderful mm-dy tffetthe vhere other mt-dlclnes hae failed. Try It now. It will purify jour Wood , regulate the digestion , and give new life and - \ Ipor to the entire body. "Hood's Sarsaparilla did me Rreat good. I was tired out from overwork , and it toned me up. " M its. 0. E , SIMMONS , Cohoes , J * . Y. "I fullered three jears from blood poison. 1 took Hood's Sarsaparilla and thin ) ; I am. cured. " Mns.Tt. J. DAVIS , Brocl jrt , N. V. * Piiriflc $ the Blood Hood's SarsapariUa U cbarartertwd H Uirce peculiarities : 1st , the cvmiilnation. ot runt-dial agents ; Sd.tbe jirviarUon. ; S Uif prwtxt ol wcurtnE the till e niis s.X. qualities. TheresultJsanifiJclnobtuaasM' j-trungth , cfleuing cures IjiUierto. uits-i Scud for book containing i > 4ditloii-a viJwce , ' Hood's Barsaij-illa tunes vp wj systenw nurinfB lay Mood , t.uan usrny anhftiK1. anil w fine ti > inal.e Me oter " J. 1T M rex , . Ufsristir til iM.ras , Jxr til , Miss. . "H J' Rir ai.arUla Ixctt all f.thers. anil < i n ortli y , ' ijUt in r ' 1H , " 1. iUiUiU.axoj ( . IM liauk , tw Vcjii. Ci'.y. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold 1-y all drusBlslt. t > | si * for J3 , Ma-'fc joly / C. 1. HOOD 6 CO. , Ixrtrflll , Wats. JCO'DoSQS One DoHai- * *