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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1885)
THE DAILY BBE-THUaSDAY JANUARY 20 , 188 THE DAILY BEE ) Omahft. Office , No. Old Farnum Now York Office , lloomOS Xrltmn Hall din R. gSmD'h-hoo ' emy ironing , except Eoodir | ni < n'y Kond y morning dally. SJ.VI BT MilU * n , T l . $10.00 I Three Monlhl . I xXoniM . 8.00 | One Month . Per Week , Si Contf. & rot winat n , rosusnxo T iJ wiDmsrir. ; tnKS roarrAtp. BsiTeif . 1100 I Three Monlhl . I I Bit Months. . 1.W I OneMenthw * , , . . . . . W OOSklSrORDINOI. & I Oomtntmloatlons relating to Newi ndEd ! oili U n iheold be < IJiom d to tht Kami or Tn B urrrmit.B All Bortnwi Letters 1 nd Remltianoe * ihomd b tddrOSwdtoTllllBM POUUSmKO OOHflHT , QMini. PfitU. Checks and rosiofllco orilcri to b * made pay bit to the ordsr ol the eompanr.B THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROPS B. 110SEWATBU , Eilltor.l A. n. Fitch , ManaeorJDaHyiCirculatlon , ' . ! Box , 488 Omaha. Neb. _ MR. Si. JOHN'S Voice wants to kiw ' J. S. Olarkson wouldn't like to rout not hole. * Mn. BOTD has nt last reached Albany. Wo wonder If ho will bring back that abinet commUtion for Dr. Mlllor ? THE Oklahoma booniora ixro ovaoimtin , ho fofbiddcn territory. Now let th wilitnty drive out the niillionairo cattle king trespassers. THE legislature will take a rest untl nest Monday. Meantime the varion committees will have an opportunity go on junketing tonra. HAS Governor Dawcs yet dtscovcra tluxt ho signed a bill two years ago revoking the claim agency of I'om ' Konnard am Pat Harrcs ? If ho will jog his memory little lie might recall that fact. It before the people of Nebraska that the general state tax haa doublcc ainco 1830 , although the aggregate valua tion of property has increased from $80 , 000,000 to § 124,000,000 In tint time. GENERAL SWAI.W will probably die ol old ago before tint con it-martial gets through with him , Whether the conrl .above will take any cognizance of his dirclictions here below remains to bo seen. SOME men do not llko to got Into deep water. Captain Eada , however , la an ex ception. For every foot that ho deepens the Galvoaton harbor ho trill receive $5,000 , In addition to hla § 10,000 annual salary. Oiioncn ; HOWE'S whisper caused the change of one vote in favor of the rail roads , by which they gained a majority on the question to recommit the railroad bill. Mr. Howe's whisphor is very valu- ab'c to the railroads. ANY bill Introduced in | the legislature and known to come from a lawyer nsoda the closest Bcrutiny. Aa a rule the law ycr who framea a legislative bill has eomo personal motive in view , which ho F cunningly conceals in the ingenious and I complicated construction of his bill. A GREAT deal of damage was done to the telegraph and telephone wires in ' Philadelphia by a recent elect storm. The Record of tqat city eaya that the coat of repairs would have been a consid erable contribution toward putting the wirca under ground , where they would not be affected by any storms. After the obstructions are once under ground the wonder will bo that they were endured BO long. ON Saturday evening there will bo a board of trade meeting to diacnss the proposed city amendments. The city > councilf the Deuglaa county legislative delegation , and citlzana generally will bo invited , and It la hoped that there will bo a largo attendance. It ia Important > that Omaha'a needs in the way of legiala- tian shall bo carefully and thoroughly discussed , and then formulated so that vonr delegation can act advisedly. THE icy condition of the sidewalks in the businoBB portion of the city , particu larly in vaiious places on Farnam street , makes walking exceedingly difficult and dangoroua. Wo are surprised that some of the leading merchants , whoso stores are largely patronized by ladies , allow the walks in front of their establishments to remain in th's condition. If they would have ashes sprinkled upon the walks they would only bo doing their duty QUANJTHELL , the guorlll * , once raided the state of Kansas , and now the people of certain counties of that commonwealth propose to raid the atato treasury to the extent of § 882,390. The clalmanta for damages are distributed throughout thir ty counties. If the legislature should al low ' these clainn , the state of course would expect reimbursement * from the general government. It occurs to us that hero U a splendid opportunity for an .experienced lobbyist , auch as Put. O Hawes , for Instance. NEARLY every person who sends In a communication to a newspaper imagine that his ia the only cotrespondonca ro celvod by the paper , and that It ought t appear in the next Issue , and if It doe not ho attributes some motive to the pub' llshor In keeping It out of his columns The fact U that a dally newspaper alway haa on hand more correspondence than i pan handle on any one day , and the v ri oua communications as a rule have t take their turn. The columns of ih DBE are open to the public for the dla cuision of matters of Interest , and a communlcatldria if properly written , wil appear in duo timo. But wo mutt re qaoit correspondents to write legibly amen on one aide of the fnper , and abcvo a ! things bo brief. AN INSOLENT OFFICIAL The B. A M. has begun where the Union Pacific has recently loft off. Mr P * S. Ensile , who at bast ia only an up start in upper railway circles , hes seen fit to adopt the tactics which fqr year hadboon practiced by pig-headed and 01 or zealous oflicials of the Union Pacific. Ho la so narrow-minded and shallow that h imagines ho is serving the interests o hla company by warring upon the BEE In a amnll soulod and underhanded way Now , wo aak no odds from Mr. Enstls o the B , & M. railway company , but w servo notice upon them that if any o their officers or underlings propose to Indulge in spite work to annoy , harras or punleh THE BEE they may find tha they have tackolod the wrong passenger Wo have a well defined policy with regard gard to the duties of public carriers an < the rights of their patrons , which noltho the B. & M. nor any other railway man agement can change by favoritism , o hostility. .Without swerving from it course on the railway Issno this papc haa accorded to the JJ. & M. read and it managers fair , manly and gonorou troatmont. Whenever that railway hai made demands mands upon this city for public favorer or has contested for ita rights agalns rival railroads wo have stood by it am fought its battles without pay or promts of reward. Wo have even suffered th odium of being stigmatized aa the tub sldizul organ of that road , when aa a matter of fact wo have simply uphoh and advocated what wo believed to bi its rights and the public interest. Whili wo do not oxpost nor atk for any re ward or thanks for what wo have done we have a right to insist upon and oxac from the officers of that coad auch treat inent as ono honorable business man hao a right to oxpcot from another. STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. A bill ia now pending in the legislatureproviding for the creation of a atato board ofjhcalth , and defining its duties. This bill has sovcril meritorious Matures , and some that wo cannot com mend. It embodies not only provisions 'or a somewhat compile i ted oyatom oi supervision and the collection of statist1 ! cal data regarding births , marriages and deaths , but also a sot of regulations and restrictions for the practice of medicine. In the first place the bill creates a board of seven officers , whoso pay shall > o ten dollars a day while they arc aorv ngwhile the secretary shall have a salary to bo fixed by the board. In ad' dltlou to this board there are to bo auxiliary officers of health , where ro to be appointed In every Ity , town and village in the atato. Newt t strikes us that the creation of this > card ia of questionable constitutional uthority. The board In every respect would bo of the same choracter as any other board , anch aa a board of railway commitsioncra , insurance commissioners , etc. Our constitution expressly pro- ilblts the creation of any additional aet of cfliccra beyond these oxprcstly named n that Instrument. If the creation of hla proposed board ia unconstitutional bat feature would necessarily have to be ropped or the whole bill would fall. The objects aimed at in the bill could , lowover , bo reached just as well by an pproptiatlon placed at the disposal of io governor , for the employment of medical experts ia caaoa of epidemics [ ther among | men or cattle , 'ho town and village health offi- ors can bo appointed at any Ime , while in cltiea such aa Omaha they Iroady oxlat. The collection of atatiatlcj , which Booms to bo one of the great bnr- ona of the board , could bo readily done irough any town or city clerk. The ogiatry of deaths , births and marriages oca not require the services of medical xpcrts. Any clark can make the record s well aa _ a profesao of the unlvoraity ' * acuity. The main purpoao of thia bill , how- ver , if we dovino the object of the rattier ? , ia the regulation of the practice f medicine and the suppression of nackory. In thla particular the bill ommends itself to the legislature , and : not entirely practical to adopt the hole bill , it should bo BO modified i to enable the governor without lolating the constitution to employ or oslgnato medical experts who shall act s a board of examiners. The bill wo efer to is house roll No. 77. We are informed , however , that there ro several other bllla before the Icgisla- uro of a similar character , which in orao particulars are decidedly objection able. Ono of these bllla proposes to moke the faculty of the State Medical college the board of examiners for phy sicians , Burgeons and mid-wives. If the college at Lincoln Is worth keeping up ta faculty ought to have enough to do in conducting the legitimate affairs of the institution without undertaking to ox erclso f nnctiona which would keep them busy during a great portion of their time , and might In some respects raiao n conflict between them and other phyai ciana that would not bo at all desirable. To ahow how utterly Incompetent and ignorant some of our legislators are wo need only cite the railway bill of Mr. Goohnor. This bill proposes to regulate freights between Chicago and points in Nebraska , although everybody knows , or ought to know , that the state has no right to regulate Interstate commerce. The first section of Goohner'a bill aaya : "Tha no railway company in this state ahal charge for distance hauled In this state on through frolghta In carload lots from Ohicigo and other points eatt of th Mlasiurl river a higher or greater rate per mile than the ra'es are at the same time between between Missouri rive points and Chicago. " This man Goehner when the three-cant paisenger bill cimt up , changed his vote at the wh'uper of Church Hotvo , ind voted to pcstpono consideration of that bill until the rail road managers conld bo hoard. THE capital removal tchtmo in Dako'a la likely to fall through after all. The boom in favor of Pierre was only momen tary , and was paralyzed by the substitu tion of Ordtray in the bill , and now a reaction action is setting in In favor of Bismarck the present ca'pital. The latest report are to the effect that the Blsmarckian have succeeded in Laving the capital removal moval bill laid away to rest for the ro maindcr of the session. They have ovl dontly boon doing aomo lively skirmish ing and raiaod a big aklrmlthlng fund which is being put where it will do th moat good. It seems to us that it ia a plcco of foolishness an well as an Injua tico to attempt to remove the capita after the citizens of that place have ox pendul to much money in contribution for the grounds and buildings , but w snppoto that the people of that city wll bo plsgned by capital romovora BO lonp ; aa they permit thomaolvcs to bo blod. THE recant telephone decision of th Nobraeka supreme court ia attracting considerable attention thronghont th country. In commenting upon this doci sloti , the Now York Herald saja : Llko a telegraph or railroad corpora tlon , a telephone company is a public aor vant. It ctxu coico into existence am carry on oporationa only by authority o the state. It receives privileges from th people and aiaumea obligations to thorn It is bound and cau bo made to troa alike all persons on certain conditions which must bo reasonable and applicant to all without discrimination , This general - oral principle governs telephone com pantos in Now "York and other states ai well as in Nebraska. IOWA , like Nebraska , will take a cen BUS this year , and the work will teen be bfun. ( In Iowa the tonnsbip assosaora will do the woik. The Burlington Iiawkcyc tays : It ia hoped to have this census the most accmato and valuable yet taken and the inhabitants should heartily CD operate by cheerfully furnlahlng al necessary information and items of in tereat connected with the work. SENATOR-ELECT EYAHTS , upon baing asked if ho was a candidate for the ropub ican presidential nomination in 1888 , rolled < ) llod that ho would bo n candidate in L802 , and would run upon the discovery of America by Columbus , upon which } latform ho thought all ought to unite. However , a much poorer candidate than' Mr.Evarts could bo selected by the republicans In 1888. THE railroads ought to sweeten Mr. Sewers , who ia doing them such valuable crvico. Stanford's Instantaneous Photogra phy. New Toik Times. Tha Hon. Leland Stanford , United States senator-elect , ia famoua as'She pat ron of Insttntaneoua photography aa np- ilied to race harass in motion. If he rould inatruct his artist to fiiyo us pic- urosof'tho four gentlemen wlioiooaati- utod the construction company of the Central Pacific railroad at selected- mo ments in that tremendous bnrat off speed which they began ate the starter's post with 81,000,000 and wont under the wire with § 105,000,000 , the printa would ) aot mly bo Interesting in themselves , but ; aey would perhaps refresh Mr. 0. P. luntington'a memory , and also throw much light on the anatomy , actionand bo sources of power oft the present pen- ration of United St.-tns aonatora. Aiiotlier.Kxplauation. Chicago Newa. It is nnderatgod that the Hon. Chcrch lowe is the author ofi the anti-gambling > ill which haa been introduced IntO'tho Nebraska legislature. Since hla unfor- uaato investment inpools on the national lection laat Novomben Mr. Howe has ieon unflagging in his efforts to eradicate 11 forma of tlio gambling vice la .hla rimo'troddon state , and we fully expect hai by the time another year rolls round church rafiles will bo the only eltc of tills Bin to be met with ! K > Ne- jruaka. STATE The epidemic. IcllltxL 127 hogn in Tbayer ounty. Two new democratic papers threaten tha i < j'ico and cmnforbofrCraightoniteu , Valentino calls loudly for a brickyard. Gjlis ra multiplying' ! ! ! the neighborhood. The treasurer of T&ayer countjvtook in 62,000 in taxes IrXiyear , nil bvt SIO.GOO tetng paid last December. The Pioneer figures tha business off Creifih- on for 1884 ntSl,3E,000. As a man of leg- res Banner take tite pie plant. The commissionorB of Dawson county oiti- irate that 837,300 will'bo needed to keep tlio oanty machine going the presenbyear , Cedar Creek la booming , ai ovldenc of vhlch fact it IB oaly neceRsara add that a jritba band has juet been organir d there con fining savteotean. pieces. Down in o Blue Valley aonool last week was BO Bcaica that the tohool tsichor iifrgid com thrco-qimrterB of a inlle to- keep ho young idea , shooting. The Lincoln Journal assuroa tlio pce lo that hey will not be "aklnned all o" should they visit the next etato fair. The generosity of ho town bents tha record. But woo into him vho tackles a Lincoln beehhaak. Another victim of the bliztarda fa north western Nebraska was ] folly ItMise , son of Daniel Reese of Chadron Ho was o young nan of 1C , a great lover c ( thu hunt , and pur shed ia a snow drift two rrlloa fiom homo. The meanest thing tlio Wynwre Kagle has lienrd of lately is the sodden departure from town of Frank Davis , leaving n wife , In delU cate health , and three cbildwn penniless , betides tides scores of creditcra who would jump at a chance to give him a doao of tar and fuatbca * . TliB FrcmoBt Herald Bays : licpreecntativa McArd'o ' , of Douglas , orders the Nebraska City Press 10 ba tiu longer sent to lisa addKsg , but tha editor t.iys a * it was ordered by tht secretary of atato , and tha arrearage ! ate no palri , he canmt tbop It under the law ; , mucn a he would like to. The honorable "gentle man took exceptions to something in the pa per , An liiHuultjr rio > , The Graphic. It waa during a murder tml. A wit now for the definto was on the stand. ' What do you intend to prove by thi ( vifuestl" asked the judge. "That the prisoner la inrane , " ropllo < the attorney. "Dors the witness know anything about imanityl Ia he an expert ] " "Expert11 ? repeated the lawyer. Well I should say ho wag. He kaowa al bout insanity. Why , your honor , hi his been aa crazy aa a loon for the. psa ten yeara. " THE SCHOOL UNO CROOK , Kccfiall ftrmiiiea to HMD ( he Rife to Suit Himself , Criminal NPRIIRCJICO ofDnwcs And ! > , i Stui tovnnt "God AlmlRlitj'd Truth" Uttered by Morion. The I/and Investigations Special Correspondence to tha BEK. LINCOLN , January 27. Another cllbr waa made by the committco on lane frauds this afternoon to admit the public at large. Mr. Ohnstoad moved to rccon elder the former motion , and by the fol lowing motion it waa lost : Yoaa Ohorry Lewis , Norria , Olmatoad and Smith Naya Buokworth , Mills , Motz , Spencer Munn , Crook , Holaworth and Sterling. Tlio lirat witness called waa the Hon J. Sterling | Morton. Ho carried with him a number of documents npon which ho had compiled statements of his opin ions and proof of hla conviction. Ho statue that his attention waa tint called to the fact of crookedness in handling of schoo lands by Senator Van Wyck's opoech at Oakland last Scptom her. Another evidence of crookodnca was the advertisement of Prank Sholdou & Co. , of Lincoln , in which some 29,000 acres of echool lands in Cedar county were offered for sale. In Dlxon count ; their firm have throe tracts upon whlcl they have paid taxosonly ] eighteen days In Lincoln county the scnool lands have never boon appraised. The records do not ahow the natnoa of any appraisers or pretended appraiser ? . Wilson Hughttt of Cnator county , had received a Hat o landa from the commieeioncr to bo ftp- praisud. While the appraisement waa in progress ono Allyn , foreman of the Snran Land and Cattle company , wont to the clerk and told him that ho had "fixed1 things with Kendall to Ina&o all the lands adjacent to his ranch. Shortly afterwarc the clerk received a lUt from Kendal tallying with tint of Allyn. The clerk wrote to Kendall , cay ing the thing did not look right and WUQU the appraise * mont wai nent in it was relumed ta too hieh. Mr. Morton said that thousands of acres of school land in Lincoln ounty vrero hold by ryndlcates who had loaned lands by bidding ono fourth per cent , higher than actual residents. The wit ness also testified that himself and two other gentlemen had employed an attor ney to investigate the books in the capi- lo ! on this land business. Ho had found that 340,750 acres were leased and the oflicials had at first refused the names of the lessees. A list waa finally obtained which accounted for 201,000. Who had the other 140,000 acres the attorney could not dlewver. Concerning the cane in Otoo county. , a man named Hay ward had said ; hat Kendall was a good fellow ai ho had in- return for a favor , lot him have land adjacent to Talmago for 37 per aero that was well worth § 25. There were several witnesses to this statement. During the cross questioning Mr. Morton lired con siderable political shot , into the enemy's camp and Olmstead and Lewis attempted ; o answer him but their questions wore of little avail. Mr. Olmstead asked if aomo of Mr. Morton's accusations during -ho campaign were not campaign thunder a favorite oppression with that member ) , Mr. Morton replied : "I aaid nothing during the canip'a'ign that was not God Almighty's1" t ; > 01trutli : " He de nied having said that if ho members of the board of chool lands and buildings had their dnea hey would bo behind prl&in bars. Mr. Spencer wanted to know if he believed everything he hoard , and Mr. Lewis got nad because Mr. Morton would not say hat Senator "Vn Wyck believed all hla own utterances. The witness atated that Senator Van Wyc& Had aaid during the lolidayn that only the scab had been re- novcd from tha-land office corruptions. After being oicusod Mr. ilorton atated hat ho appeared before the committee at ho solicitation of aomo of his senatorial rlonds and not ) because had been enb- ) tunned. No legal summons had yet > een issued. The writ eerTcd on him by Serseant-at-Arnas Wiggins was not signed > y Ohnstoad and not by Duckworth , whom ho understood waa chairman of the committee. The next itnoss was Mr. Fhelps 'aine , of Lincoln , whose testimony mounted to nothing , ho/ having been ; lork in the land commiDaiouor'a oflico > e ere Mr. Kendall's terra begin The last witness vraa ex-Treasurer Sturdovant , who waa put upon io rick and tortured with qneati aa for an hour. What ho toM about the land frauds rould occupy a very few linos. Ho mow nothing , about h357 the bida were occlved , though they were opened by /ommiislonor Kendall , or his aoaiatanta at each moot ing of the board. The loard had ordered Mn Kendall to lease ho lands to the highest bidder , but whether ho. obeyed instructions ho did not knov ; He know of no instance rhero a syndicate jeaeod land by a > ld a few cents higher than that of an indlvUnal. Ho- never Itoew of ho board aa a body cr individually ox * amintng dlda at their meotinga and knew of nothing to prevent the commissioner rom ralaiog tbo bida of a 'tjndicato or ndulging in other orookcdneao. This testimony concluded the commit-- oo adjourned fov one week , . a moifpu laving previously , been in ado , , to com } to Senator Van Vflck for documents , and name * of parties which would abed lighten on &B frauds. Til if X x tin ; ? . Of ironpondcnctoB The BEI . LINCOLN , January 27 1883. On the mooting of the house thla. afternoon at 3 o'clock it at once wont in committee , of the wiole to , consider ! io report oi the comnHteo on house roll No. 3. Thla bill provides for the aaBeaament and collection of taioa. Hitherto taxes became delinquent an January firot > and this bill jonght to remedy that by allow ing the. taxes on rsol eatato to run on un til tha first cf. May , 10tit the personal taxes , wore to bo paid on or befora Janu ary first. There wore two reporta from Ihn com mUtoo. A majority and a minority report. The difference between the tire waa thai one wanted to include peraonaltaxea In the first of May clanae end the other objected. Mr. Wiwpear aaid thoru ahoula bo no difference in the time allowed btttrcen personal taxea and that on real eetito. Mr. Holmei moved that the com mlttea now rite apd report pro greas and aak loayo to ait again in future on the s mo bill. The oommitteo then rose. Almost immediately afterwards the homo adjourned nctil to-rr.orrow at 9:30. : Mr. Blalno autoes with the lastcpoiker He wBa dolrlooa of dolcg aw y with thia equality of the law Kuloy objected to tha bill btcanso one ho had introduced had not been reported by the committco. J Us bill contained aa many good things aa this ono dooa. ; < Vn Even Wall Street News. Ho was the attendant of R railroad lunch counter at a atfttion In Indiana. The other day aa a stranger called for a oup of cofico the attendant glared nt him or a moment , and then begin to spit on his hand ; . " What's up ? " "Going to have revenge on you. " "What for ? " "Wo were in Wall atroot together ton years ago. Yon advised mo to by rail- ro d stock , and then unloaded on mo one brought mo down to 510 per month. " " \Voll \ , don't ' got mad about that. 1. wasn't a year before a chap nnlondoc coal oil on mp , mid I'm braking on this train hero for a dollar a day. " 4rohblsliop Alcmnny SAX I'liAKCisco , January 23 The roelgun tlon of Archbishop Alomnny wna nccepteJ by the pope. Archbishop Illordan ucci-eds him Sanford's RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH. Wltch-IIazel , Amorlean Pine , Canada Fir , Marlgol and Clocr Blossoms. ese of Banrord's Radical euro In tatitl-rcllovcstho most violent Snettiinpr'or Head Colas , lears the bead as by magic , stops ttatory dli charfros from the Nose nnd K > c , pro > nts Hinging Noises In the hcail , Cures Nenous Headache am subduca Chills and Foicr. In Chronl : Catarrh 1 cleanses the nasal passaRos of foul mutv , eatorot ho senses of smell , taste and hearlnc nhoii HfTected froca the head , throat and bronchial tutcs of eBon su e matter , sHoctcna and purifies the brwoth , stops the cough nnd arrests the progress ol Catarrh to wards Conmmptlan. Ono bottla lladlcal Cure , ono liox Catarrhal Sol \ent and Sanford's Inhaler , all In ono package , of al druggists for 91. Ask for SANronD's KADICJU Cnna. L'ottcr Drup and Chemical Co. , Boston. For the relict and prevention the Instant It Is applied , of llhoii mat ism , Neuralgia , Sciatica Coughs Colds , Weak Back , Stem noli , and Bowels , Shootlug - Pains , Numbness , Hysteria , Female male Pains , Palpitation , Dyspcp nla , Liver Complaint , Bill-lie Fever , Malaria , and Epidemics USD t'oll'.n's Plasters ( on Electric Battery combined with a Purous Flatter ) and laugh at pain 25c ovorywhore. li aphrodisiac , nrous osnctlvlty , pOHltlvoly ouruB linpotoiicy , lost _ cnoJKy.ncrvoiiBdobil- HJ- , all wcaknesa nfccnorattvo system ioltuor BOX. * lby mail. J. -iierU107StutoSt.ChiiMn. . 3N THE PASTRY OF Vji HfcIemonOranBre , . i , LVeum > , l > dcllcatelKiundnat- rullj-u tuernilt from which tlicyjiperandc. FOB : STRENGTH AND TRUE FRUIT FKiYOR THEY STAND AEOME. PREPAID BY THI Pries Baking PowdenCo. , ChicaBCH IH > St. Loula , Mo. UAKCRR OF Dr. Frico'3 Cream Baking Pcwdor NO Dr. Juice's lupulin Ycasfr Scms , ni S Dry Hop Teuit. 3TOSJ S/\TT3 , BIT WE J1AKK BUT ONE CJUAUTY. E-BRUNSWICK BALKE , , COL- LENDER COMPANY , CSDOOES50RS TO TH3 3. M. B. ,3v CO. ] The moat oxton lw mannlictnTcrs IN TQK WORLD , dm nooljtrusor Ge.'Ur l Agent o > Nebraska an Wjolein Iowa. 0 B. Tenth Street . . . . OMAHA , NEE CQTadc-llou Billiard and I'ool I&'AI and materli liocs B En suonmoR 10 DAVU. Oeaml PetitB 1191 rUUlAH ST , Have foi ule 100,030 ara-M carofnlly celecAid Undl XiitMin Hobruk * , at lew price and on tnj lerici. ImpioTea urms 101 sola U Donglao , od. ( , Oolln " > a . Bnrl , Crtimlng , Strpy , Wkthlntlou , Uirlck rlnuUti , ud Bntler OooollM. TUM p ld In all parts of the BUIt. ; Boaer loaned on mpMTed farmi. B ITotur Pnbllo alwavi In offlcc Ooeiponil JCST run. LADIESONLYI L161IIU , * . - . Inmlnmt TIUIATISI : ON HKI.Y OP THIS fKltALJB UU T , " oolonj > n > toulU | > l > te , fall ( ipltuUoa , w Hc l oplnlp j , tc. Bhawltliil und Tloi > ilor M/UAk a coodltloa 1 abaormtl Alvt no * tittllbf | bow to vnltrc * to f uU * D J proft r proptrtfnni. li * div lo | > 1 l > f Imlltr t > roc i.V A copy of till * T lQ * Uo bo k mtUil ta M > lxl tuolopo for ia cli. JUilreli , g. O. UMW I7U. . UJrt > yALO. . y \ COLLARS CUFFS THII UiRK ASI THI FINEST QOO08 EVER MADE , ICISQ 111 Linen , BOTH o Exteriors. Aak for them CAMfl BROS. , Agents for Omaht SPECIAL NOTICES. " TO LOAK-MONBV ; M0nLnn" ' OAN BWd7TaTe7t c It BMlon Ilro , 317 S Ullist. 871-30 MO.\K\ TOI.OAN-tn stim < of $10 anl un , on . , Vow5f I'10' , 'urnltnro nd all kind * of chattelWH ' , Mottcr , 1404 J nam St. . our Mono'g shoo store. .12tf MONKV TO LOAN-I ho money to loan nn 1m. providclly prorctty. In any anrounts to suit , nt rcasonablo rates W. II. Mottcr , 14'4 Karcam t , , over Moist's ihoo store. s.Wtf M ONEY to lo n on chMtdt by J. T. 55ittv , 213 i4th ft. ssnrcbia MONKY LOANKD on Ch tlcl . Collntfrals. So- nirtsl Notes , or llc l KsUto. Flnanilal Lx > cli.Mieo 16C3 Frn m 51. MlfcbDp MONKS T01XJAN III sums of KWanJ npward. 0. F , DU and Co. , Real K4tat9 and Loan ' - ' ) , UOSFarramSt. B3J-tf M1IONKY loaned 01 ch tt ! c. BMIroad TlckH bought and cold. , Foreman , SIS a. 18th HELP WANTED. "V17ANTED GUI for hourowork , Binill family. TV Apply botnoen 0 nnd IS. Jlrs. Urank , 1811 1 md. SCB-SOp TT7ANTEI ) Immediately , a smart boy at the TT Woator it New spipcr Union. 803 S3 1 ANTED rlurso girl , at 2214 Douglas st. , tor "tl/'ANTED Two Hist class laundrosstno ; nlhcr II lucdavpty. At the Cottons House. ( ll-t WANTitSofllni.lrl : | ; nt 1017 Howard St 704-2flp WANTED A flr t class dlolng rcpm girl nt the Motropohtin. ao other noiil p | 1) . "S3 tf HuTANTED To bDw lili horscsto o\rrv oven. W Ingllco. 070 It TI ANTKI ) Cooit , w ( jj | SJ.tOpcrtto2. . Apply W SCI North llth St. 770 tf \\rANTii : ) ARcntB to toll Uatoly's UolronM IMu Ti cater ; on monthly pnymont * . Address or cnl on W. I ) . P. Lowry , room 17 , 110 N 10th St. , Ouitli . 597fcbSD WANTtD IKaidcrs at 1212 Capllbl ave. 6731 \\7ANTBD 100 solicitors , coed pay to the right TT man. Ai'dresaNtbraska ' Ihitual Mvriajo cflt otraolntlon. I"ri mont. Neb 041fobC SITUATIONS WANTED. WAN1KD Woman for hOLcowilc In a smal family ; wlJow ] referred. N W cor Urnnd in J Saunder ; . 805-30) ) ) \ T'ANTBDBy n Udy , prsltlon a > honsckutpo ? , I > comranlon , or to euro lor clilldrcn. Addre-s- A. B. E. , Hec olllcc , city. SW-29p TXTANTCD Place by a Oorman \ oman to wn : YV dishes Address P. O. , IlostlllcoSblSOt THl ANTED-Situation as trnvellng man , by n man T > of six } cars experience ; 20 jcars old ; lurulsh best ol rcfci jiir-B. Address O. N. , this cl'lco. miuation ta u. > ok Aloubgmftrtitianuuvtantu keeper , In wijoleerjo < sUbllhiEeBt 111 Otnih * . Address "C. " rare Deo. PS8-lf MISCELLANEOUS WAISTS. Y 7"ANTiD-Agents for e cry city and town ifi Tl Nebraska lor a cheap , fast lollfnfj article used Inoicry famllj ; blp : proilts. Call on or addioss , Agent of the Blalne Jt'J'jr. Co. , 23d and Izard Etc.- 87S-fp TylyTANTED To trade furniture and rarpots , ncany TT now , for horse and buggy. Address L' . r. E. , Ecu oflio. 855-2311 TX7ANTED To soli hall Intciest In good paving T T buslnesj prloo $ U30. address > . W. L'to Ufllco. 842 M WANTED To exchange for hardware , 480 acres of land In Webster county , Neb , tu exchange for a stock of hardware. Address box 235 , Hicortou , Neb. 832-Slp "TT7ANTED To rettv ifurnlfhed hotel In Nebraska T V nr Kanfas , one that.comirands Iho ccmnero'nl tladenndldinallve town. Addrees "Hotrl" Bco olBce , Omaha Neb. 4 6-58p WANTED Agents to woik for the Western Mu- tuat Benevolent A3eoclationof Beatrice , Neb. Cash cn | ItalSloO.COU , paid up in full. Ihoso dcslrioe Bgcnclcsln Eastern Notratka or Wo > Urn Iowa , should address C , A. Wooiley , No 1222 Fatmm st , Omaha , Neb. , or Oliver C. Sabln , boo'y , Beatrice. . Neb. Torood ; ngonts , , men or women , a llbe al compcnfation willbopaU. Company It ro opcr - tholnplan , fate , reliable and cheap , ami easy to work. 600182 WANTED LoillcsorCLterror In cityorcoun try , tu take nice , linht and pleasant work a- their own homes ; ? 2 to $6 a day trolly and ijuUtly made ; ork echtu ; mail ; no camawtrp ; no btamp lor reply. Please adciets Sellable Man'lgCo. , fbll- adelpbla , Fa. Jan ! D-2i-feb-2-7 WANTED laUOO famlles to try our self-rising Pure BUckwheat flour and 8clf-liling Coin lacal kept by all flist-ola-s grocers. Wo warrant all Buckwheat cold under our brand pure. W. J. WEL SHAN" ft CO. . Manufacturers. 424-tf NT HOUSES AND LOTS. "Ti'OIl RENT Two rroms for light JH parties without children , N E cor 10th and Cass ts. 871-29 FOH KENT 2 furnlshod fiott rooms , IDC ! ) Far. _ nam St. . 872-30p FOR HENT Latgo oogant ! front room , with bay Vtindow , bath room , famished or unfurnli > h < d. Enquire No. & 23 rieasut et. , Omaha , Nob. 861-50 FOll RENT Nicely 'uralehcd room nlth excel lent hoard for two gentlemen , 1012 Farnam st. 83MOp F Oll 11KNT Two front rooms. U23 Capitol avc. 8631 f Oll HKNTturniihad south front room , 13M F Farnam st. 79L. ! > p , F 1011 KENT Fnrnish il room > nd board $5.00 per week. Very lewlocallon , 1511 Da\enpo t. 778-.OD 21p FOU ilENT Good IIOLSO five rocms on CSd et , near ilason , Lloals frrui car line. Well and ' I'tcrn I"rjulro Hi lco , grocer , 22d St 710-31p rriOIl IlENT Sm\11 house $9 per month , 3 blocks . D from OpcraJiouio , 1613llo aid it. 31831p ; ' fTlOll HKNT Roorarf pnltablo fcrllcht housekftc- L1 leg , In building N E tor 10th and Davenport eta. pall after 1 p. in. UC-23 [ 71011 HENT Neatest andcheaptst furnished roon * I1 in Omaha. Apply to O. O. II. AnJaason , room 4 , Andcrso t Block , north entrance , 18th and Da. uportttivet. 717feb9 F H HUNP-Fiunlshed rnotis , block north o ) 1'osto.ilce , & W cor IDth and Cafltol nic 729p [ 7 01 ; IlENT rnmlshod froi.t rccui , lily Udow , L1 biicklouic ; board in family. OuJ N. 17th So , 825-lf F .Oil . KENT Furnished Iloomu 0g S. 20th Si. Si.ECBSlp Jj OHUBNT-l'or light houtckcorlnp ; , tw , > rooms , . ' tjrnlihcd tor that purporcj , H , W. car SUi and lowurd 8JSJ ( Oll HENT Furn'stcd front room witil flro ISO ) CaplCcl vo. ( 783-29p FOH UEhT A new sight room home. Kn/ulroof | Mrj. E. UoJdl , Jtth.litt Dampen ) aiuJl/hi a- o Bta. 701tf FOH KENT ltooiinnc ly furnUhjd centrally lo cated , to Odd Frlo\i blocK , llih. and Dodge BirucU fronting eatt and southto pirmanent or tran sient lodgen , at reuon iblo rates , la ulra room No. 73l-2Sp F Qlt KENT-Furnished lloom win board 003 N , 17th. 62UT 17011 KENT Brick house , 1J roonii , modern Inv. JJ provpioents. Stdford , Hon r i L'mis , S138 I14 ! | &trtoi. coot FOll KENT larito ( urrite'jtd house , Inclivdlng barucowymuo. Incjiure at 1512 Ua\enpeit&t. KOtt > OH HKNT A itoie 2J.V/0 , and hall UH Unjii , anil sis IIOUMS. Apply to John Erck , 016 N J4th it. 7J3JD T-A GOOD CHANCK-Mu. Hllltko I . holrl , which Is now ra'lul ' the ( Jr ml. Cunlral , on Japllcl Aicnuo and ISlli ets , Is now rudy foi ruit to one or three different parties lae battmcnt , HhlJicoDblitsoltlirei ) apartmenU , uloeu and Ml- Urd lii'l , oy tor house and birber fbo } , ; firbt floor ! r adlnlig hallatidthe twoiifier | doers for room * era , Nvhlchhatu fifty rooms. 707-122 JOK HKNT-Twootticer < > 5in , Jaoobj b'ock , Utli ' anil CItcl vu. hiKjuUe 1117 farnniibt. 7Sfltf p OOSIS With hoird , de r tlo or winter. App lLat bt. Cbiilei Hotel. 421- FO.H HKNT- Part of double house ; 4 roorci , hlnr 2d a > ldltlon ; $10 per month ; room24 Omahi Na- loinl bank. 602tf hr-T Luiie nltoy fiirnUhidru ins Adi i iffefou'c" ! ! . 0. " U'.oottics , pOS KENT Nlco f.Tat room , 1602 Fatnam strict Ji Oll UENT Now Ino room li&rae , with city . . f' " ' cn South 17th t. nctrrallrnavltrtXc MilUble foi bearding houi , rent J50 ; lEnulteat Onialm foundry ore T. W. T. IMchanK 67lf T70II H T Furnlihod room , 181S Jachoon S . J _ _ _ StBJan2Sp T'On IlENT Senlf fiitnlshtd fnrti teem , lnl ' or rn miltt , 3 W. 17lh and Ovm , 4 771011 RENT Ono fnr Hr room with J.1 two ft thrco A\y boanler * , 1014 Mf le > ' < r. 43M roilltUMl-Oao horao. Inquire lidlfilm 7t Kilo" "n. [ . ( Oil UKNT Twoelcvantroomdii KedtA'd liloch. JL1 IVtulton ft C . , 1613 Furnara. 440-tf ITIOIl 11KNT FSrnUhcJ J n room for rott * tl I. ' 19th St T70II HKNT-Storo room 1111 raraatu St , vrtS ! or r without BllllarJrt blc , by Paolson A On. , 1613 Fnrnam St. F : H UR.Nr AS rooacottice on i-vt u cf Xttt St. ( ooniltIoorsolthot'W llser ( J lt 'of O , n , IHano & Co. 777-ir FOR SALE ; let' nt mcrlllooj i > nr * monthly | nyincnU. to IJsltou Dtw , S17 < S 13th at. 870 M FOH SAI.K eholvlnu ftn < l Apply to Omiielmiim llros , 1514 DiMIfU ? nt- MW-23 FOll SALK Acomplcttly t'lrillihed nVocn ! will Bell or rent lot and bulldinii ; centrally located. Knnilro of John A. Frojhaw , nholesn.b Honors , " " - " Ks St. , Omaha ; Neb - " - HALK-Block of igrlcuUurM linpbmcntfi , tmmp , wind mlll , anil frnnis tehons25 < BO feet on Mixlii dtroet. Trailo oiUblUhoJ ; lii lne In. croftOncyoatljr Sales In 1S 4 vinv SSO.COIMillJ reason fursolllnif. Address tx > ck lie . ' 03Vu ote , FOll SAI.K CIIITAr OnoclcirantcflimborwJ , ono reim1tor clotk , ono nearly now Kimbtt IBno , ma Rold'framed plotur'B , cno horse , harnest and phactcn , one Ualls safe , small sire , ono honr.tlful china cxiCooset. Alsoi largo pure blooded bt Ilcr nirddOK.lhqulro 1115 D dgoSt. 23Hf IpOll SALK Oil TU\lK-Good tock"i7rm'ot"tOO nCTFR , 20 nil'm frcra Omaha , ono mile fiom Springfield , Neb ; will Irado for Onnl. proroftV. Address Woolty & Harrison , Omaha.or (1 , M. Il nrl ' " " 1SA.L. ' . : .08xl,84f.'vt ' ) ° " CuniliiK street C Hoofco _ west of Military bridge , Jl.flOJ. John L. McCacus opposite Post oHco. ! 423-tf FOH SALK A ncwetnrk 1-niilo incrts , Imslneo wull cstabll-hed , silca for xcar 18S4 , $75.100. Also iieivbrick building bultUn 1S83. Biro 25xl50 | , two story and bmcnitnt AlbO fr mo < ware houto. Cni'lUlicqillicd fiom 10. < XOto$12.00t ) oxclmlvo of l.ulldlnR. Locntlon llio xcry hot tin the f.MV , , of , Kc ? 'OV ' , cb For r-Mtliulam , nddrose Wlilteaktr & Co. , lock bo c 531 , Kcnruo ) , Nob7S33 7S33 TTIAIIM TOIl 8AU-I-will : ecll a > < alurRalnmy JL1 farniatTimbervllir.Tmilea of Krencut , consUtlnif of 110 acres , CO acre under culthntlon , most under fence , liouro wta 5 lorins , etitlo , com piles , wind-mill , S acies cormll nd Rro\o ; on easy terms. Call nr nildria * for partlcuUr * to Cliavlus Such } , Lool. Hex No. , ! , frcaioi.t . , Neb. S FOll SAWJ 132x121 feet on corner , south-east front , house 3 rooms , baru , 3 blocks vct\l o .Park . ftvo. and Loa\om\orth , easy payments , cheap W.70D. John L. McCacuo , opposite I'oat Ollirc. 427-t FOH SALK My buUdlns nnd stock of clothing boots andj tliocs , willado ( for f arming land , Ooo II. I'otcrson , 801 South llth St. OmahaT 487-fcbl H'Ott SALK-MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS A. . ITOspo oilers ODD Doanluian & Gray Piano nt 8 125 00 One Huluca Hi 0) Piano at' 160 Off" DnaJ , 1' . llalirianaat 15500 * O.-iotimoD & llamlln Orgxn nS 35 CO * Ono Mionlngcr Orpanat 35 OC One Woodbrldgo Organ at . . , 60 00 OU3 EetoyOranot ) SO nj CB9 Johnson Organ at , . . . 45 00 For cash or on easy monthly Installments. Mso agents for celebrated/TuwVrtfJPIano and Kim- tsif Organ , Emcrton and llalltt k Davis Pianos. Largest ( .took , low eat prloea. A.lioapc , 1510 Dojgo otruot. 635fcba iOU SALE Oil TRADE OoodBteam flourlnj mill with two run of burrs and ono feed burr ; all In good repair and only boon used 18 months. Situated on one of the bo t buslnosi lots in Kearney , Neb , \VKlid spoo ol lot and mill toqcttier r mill alone ; a flnelocatlnn ; will ecll on good < terms , or trade for other desirable property. Autlttea Lock Ilex 602 Kearney , Neb. D17feb5 F IOR SALE A hill Int.rotil.T Orug ( tore In Orra- ha. Satlsfactorv roosona for wanting to sell. In- quill "H. Y. " Bee olHco. 800-28p FOE SALE OH XCIIANGB At iHO per acre , all or part of two thousan I acres of timber land , Forty miles east of Kansas City , wll exchange ( or Htbroaka land or morchandlsu. Bedford , Souer A - i 492 f ' KM TJlOItSALE-Choap one half acre In uoitn Umaha. .P Address X. Y. / . > Bee ot3 o. COStf PEKSONiAL TpJltlSONAL A young gontt Jeslres HIQ acquatat- _ 1 . ance of a young lady , ( rum IS tu 22 \ cam of ago. Address H. H. , Bco otlloe. 8Bl-30p . EK IONAL-f tills i4ioullj reich the ojo of Mrs. Bell , viholl\od on 10th sx , Omaha , about two 3r9io , will eho please ti pon-i her address to her brother. U. M. Wattles , Co''ax-.Whltman Co. , Wash- gton Ter. _ _ 834-23 LOST AND FOUND ! Tj OBT Newfoundland ipi.i. ( 8 months oldjiwrro t-LU leather collar , cloklo pi teJ. lioturn to Cath * crinest ; 2il houeos'Uth of Hi Plcaeatit or address "llecter , " Bee oil cc , for re-yniil. 8lifl > 31p LOST- Tuesday evunJhg , Jan. 20 , bftoren Si .itat'-ga and Omaha , & ( [ / wolf robe , lined. J5 rewind to the Under , atith va olllco. 709 20 MISCELLANEOUS. yVl'KWUITKIl copying O all descriptions prompt. ly oxtcu'cd ; ne.t.ifl oorrte and cheap. Address B. li Boo otli , e S63-S i > rrro LEASE Ten or twcu.'ty aorcs ( list c MS garden JU land ; with or wlthiru u notno F > r particulars m-vuiroo' H. Kcckeaoh r , on haundera ot , oatt of lY > rt Om.iha. 8J8 31 | > /1 \ \P1TALISTS- i rle , shares In on f the best i VJ pajlng buclnc54ln Omaha. For .particuUrs , oJdresii A \ . , H"c oUVy. . _ 815tf rfAIvllN I I'-AtluaiaJwhltoooIoiciJtow , htrns , JL bcndiric do n. Owner canli ye hj by pa > ln 'charucs. Juhn U-rJflOlhiH. , onu ha'.fr block Fouth , o5 city llniitj. 820-2Sp 'ltUEtCII&NUt > > ; aiiusfortniproul property ! a. L Omaha. has H. Wooiley , Itcojfl 20 , Cma'4/ > . 'Nttlonal Bank Ocaaha Neb. 60 15 mo THADE St'tali ' ol grooerles lor croroporir ] ) ) _ L adjoining Onjiha. Chan , 11 V/oolcy ! , Hoora S Om Iin National Hook , Omaha , Ncli. KT-t TO iXOIIANar/-F : < urmi for ttozk of incrchandlsa Chas. Jl. VfocU y , lloom 20KOmah Naixiui. Uank , Omaha , ; \'eb , ' 23-f3 T OH TIIAI5E stocXu of goo e , i > trade for Und. 1 Chan. II. Woolly , lloom 2JOm.ha Kallon-w Bank.pmaha , Neb 3JO-ffi Ji UU lHAl > h for mtrcbaniilje groccrn-a nrZi 1 ferred , tnrco ( S ) valuable Ij/a In Da ) ton , Ohio , One ( I ) lot In fit. LotuV , Mo ; O'A acres of flnoUnd in Kansas ; Ono ( J ) farm In Ohio. This proncit j of Incumlranoe All comn.un'.j tlon8 will lie trcutwl strictly ooulklontl&l. H. II. Wlaspoar , 2071 a olor , St. 387.UU30 _ _ DKEX1SL to ( flUOCKSSOIWlO JOUNU. jACOiS ) UNDERTAKERS 1 A\tiooU ! btand lll&Avrntm Rt. gropa solicited and prc. p ! > l uttcndod to. PROPOSALS. UNITED BTAJKS INDIAN HFIWICK , ) iiv niiHiK Ad-uiov , [ Dlkuta , January Id , 1SS5. ) Sealed propose In trljillcato. ID Jorf uJ , propu , i tot the erection ouue WefelMlj'ii and Oarpenor ohop , one harm * ) , shoo and u.lctk'aneoui s ) p < i , ono slavghter hoiutut o wagan ojid ttorago fclj ALj , one Inkuhouii * anu cellar , al tsk.iu ; "y and druct- ml t ) the mid.ri'irnoil , ere of O'klot QuartencMtor Ueparttncnt , < 1 ibu I l tto , Ov.aha Neli.Hlll M r - ceneJ until tt in. Silucdty. i'lbnury 14 , Ittti I'lans and speclllrdtloiis svi bo > xtmlneO/ / tha ofco of the ukl iuarto ) ir > stu' , dorarHicviol tlj I'latto Omjha Net the "it tor 0 an" , , ) , Chi/ago , III , and thu "Journal" t Kaipaj City , Mo , will 1 o awanlxl to trie I'jwcat pon'jlbU bidder , vibjoct th tlm aurronl of the ilg > rtmcut t the Intwloi , IhoiUht , how e\crl * reserved to n uct any ind nil , or any part of anj ; bldlf dojmtd tui the best In. tcrtsiol theaertlco' i'roiirsilj mu t fiatj Icnatli ol tl < j jequlitd for couvlttltlon of ImlMliij ; alter appruntl of oriitr > c-t , anl mn t be rcojli.o. ) ] | by a tortJHo-i thtck upon s nit Unite J 8Ute Oepoaltory , ptypblo to Ihouidu/ cf the fuaoKnlguuJ , for tjt Ica.t Ave O ) per ceit of tbo amount ff ihorjropoul , whIJi clv < ik shall bo forftl'u I to the UultciiHUtcs In. eno ut ny bIJdtrroceilii < the aw.rdj .hill l ll to oxbciiM Piciiiptly acoutr et with goxxl rnd iVclent ocurl. tier , aooordnif to tbetirnuof his tUotlMrvUo to bv ittiunoil to the blddor. f-tir - further 1 ; fnrnui'o * nddreu tha un'er 'gn a at floellldKoAnunoy , t ) kot Tr undvnlyucil will Via at Vaxton Hou o. i Ntu. , by th inomU ol Frld > ) , Kobruaiy V. T. Jan JO 8w ra e T.U S , Indian A9uu