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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1885)
THE DAILY BEE THURSDAY , JANUARY 29 , 1885. -THE J BEST TONIC. ? Tim ; rcedlelnf. comblnlne Iron with pvri KKCtalile lonlr , niiickly nnd completely l'urr lj prpnn. ! JiilRri IInnVrnlinriti , } itiiiurpll | < ioitnlInarlnIJMII ! iiiidl' > vM- , mil Nrtirnlnln. ) t Is nn unfnllint ; rcrac'ly for Diseases of tin Ililnr ) * nnd I.lvrr. It Is tnvnltmblo for lfcn ! c.i rcciillor tc O'otnoUi nnd all who lend fcdcutnry lives , It ( loci nol Injure tlictcclh , cnMsohcnilnclrt " - frtnliico conillpfttlon othrr Iron mtdMnMM U enriches And ptirlllfB the blood , allmtilat s Ihc npirttlte , nlils the n lmllotlon of fee ' ' . "Ktti ! UenrUmrn and Hclchlng , tui ttiu muscUi and nerves For Intermittent Kcrcrs , s Itnde , t icn y , Ac. , It li&a no equal , i Jtf Tlio u'ciuilno liar Hliovo tntilcnprV sn > w a red llnc 01. wrupjicr. Tttko tie t > . MUndlspnteiltatlie BROAD CLAIN , VERY BEST OfEEATINff , QUICKEST SELLING AND Bver offered to tlio nubile. HAIMGAIEEICM PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , Fr-anco and Germany. Hie sioamshlps of this wo'l known line are built of Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are fur nlshod with every rfqii'sHo to make the pus gc liothBalo Aid ogreooblo. They carry the United States and European malls , and Icavo New Yorlc Thusdarsand Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cberbong , fPAUt' ) and UAMBURO. Bates : Steerage from Hamburg SI4 , to Hamburg 814 ; round trip 913 First Cabin , ? 55 , W3 ana S7S. Henry 1'unJt Mark Hanson , F. B. Moores , Jr. Toltaecnts In Omaha , Qronewcp & S-hoontRon , agentInComiclBluffs. C B. MCIIABD & CO , O n. Vtra. Agts , 01 Broadway. N. Y. Chan. Koz- rulnskl & O > . , Qonrrol Western Agent ! , 170 Wash tng St. . Chicago. 111. lyianjiood Restored HKUEDY . ) ' llKE. Avlctlm of youthful trapradenca Nervous Debility. Lost n vain ever known which lie will Mnri . KKK to his f Addrora. J.U.BU1CV1KKK IADIPnPITI KT rvmiMi lam can nooz rr * VAtlil/UUCLt. OIX.I. if.ucf. 1001 Health is Wealth ! BOB. K. O. WEST'S Niam AJTD BBAW TuiiawiST , a airaateod epeolflo tor Uysieila , Dizziness , Convnl- Idons , Fits , Kerrona Neuralgia , Headache , Nervoui Prostration caused by the mo oJ alcohol or tobbacoo , Waketnlneaa. Mental depression. Softening of the brain , resulting In Insanity and leaping to misery , decay and death , Premature Old ago , Baroness , loss ofpoireiln either BOX , Involuntary Loesoa and , Sper- ' atorhoracaused by over oxortlontof the brain , eel ( > > lrasa or over. Indulgence. Kaon box , contains one month's treatment. Jl.OO a bpz.or six bottles 01 f { .00 , Bent by mall prepaid on receipt ol price. WE OUABiNTEE SIX BOIKJ To onie any owe. With each order received by 01 tot six bottles , acoomplUhod with es.00 , we will eend he purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money If the treatmonidoos not effect a euro. Guar antees bunod only by JOHN 0 : WEST & OO. , El7 S3-m4e-ry.'M'ti8M ( Uadlaon St. , OMoaKO , 10. James Medical InsU Chartered by theStateof Illl. Unols for tlieexpresspurposa ( forgiving Immediate reliellc ( .all chronic , urinary nna prU Xvate disease" . Oonorrhor ! , f Qleet andSy phills In oil their ' complicated forms , also at1 diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly relic ved and permanentlycured by reme * . diestestedinaI''ori/X'ear ' < _ _ 'cclaIJ'rac ce. Seminal \Vealtnes3. tNiKht Dreams , Pimples oo tucFicc.Lojt ManlioodJ/oJfMrefl/cHrrJ TVier * tenoejcperlnienHnijt The appropriate rc.r.c : tantonce uaed In each case. Consultations , per * eonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med. ( cUien cent by Mall and Express. No mark * oo picvage to indicate content * or sender. Addrest | Jlt.JAMESNo.204WashlngtonS . , ChIcttgojl ] < I f * r * 'OR ' TTU ' U1 ' GOULb oo' . IS CONDUCTED al.Havana Lottervl ] ( AOOVKIINMENTINSTITIJTION. ) Drawn at Havana , Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days. 10KCTS W-00 , HALVES , Jl.OO Q Subject to no manipulation , not Controlled by the parties In Interest It Is the fnirc-ut thing lu the nature ol chance In existence. For in'ortuatlen ' and particulars apply to BHISKY &CO.Oeieral Agents , 2U Broadway , K.Y olty. MOLI , & CO. , 417 WUnut s truet , St. Louis. , Mo. , Vrank Labrano , L. D. , 20 Wyaudotte , Kan y il FINE LINE 0 P TOR ONLYIEXOIiDfalVB INOMAHA'NED.- prvMrlptloa of a aot J tpKUlUl ( D wt * > Ui d. ) THE LONDON EXPLOSION , AnlHltivitwWilli PnsKent Egan o ( Itic Irish Naiiooal icagne of lie Conrtcinns iho wjnamltoVnr - fare , Bntl'onitsOnt Abntiilant Provocation In llrllUU Atrocities , Lincoln Journal. , la response to the great intcroit excited od by the recent d > naiilto explosions In * London and to that pcncial demand for inlonnition of any kind concerning them , n Jourrnl roprcsentatlvoyctterd'y snuaht out President Kg in , of tbo IcldiNa tional league of America , to learn what ho might bavo to Bay npon the nnVjaot. Mr. Exan was found busily engaged In buelnosa mattcis nt hia ofllco , but ho wel comed the reporter with his usnsl courlo- ay and cordiality and suspended business in order to give his attention to the knight of the Fnbor. Bom. ? ? ! * " > - "i KNOW NOTHING moro about the explosions , of course , than any other render of the newspapers - papers , " enid Mr. Kg in in response to an inquiry aa to wtmt ho might wish ti s > y upon the subject. "As to my cfllciril connection with the loogao I fool now BB I did early in the h s'ory of the movo1 mont. I wan in Paris nt the tlmo and the only oQicor of the league out of prison. I WBB intorvitwcd by a rjpro- imitative of the London Standard , who asked mo why I did not IIBUO a mani festo denouncing Irish ontrngts Ire- plied that I did not feel called upon to do epocta ! police work for the 13ri it h gov eminent. No man can justify this mode of warfare. But it has bt en EX ITEI ) BY THE ATROCITIES of Iho British giveinmont toward Ireland , and having r < mcd the dnmn they may lay him if they are able- without any aid from mo. " "Do you consider it the work of a few fupltivofinalics ? " "Tho work has bcon carried on too systematically to admit of this conclu sion. It is evidently the result of CABErUIi OIIOANIZATION dospornto eainestncaa that amounts to inspiration. " "What is the fffect of this dynamiting npon the league ? " "Oh , it is m direct opposition to the league and its loadpra nul is condemned > by that organization. While I ennnot condemn it in too strong terms , I cannot work up any feeling of sympathy for the Brltith government , or tholr oflicors. You who have only an indistinct idea of British atroatios in Ireland can know nothing of their real character. Suppose this thing to bo the work of Irishmen , they would not take SUCH DESrEBATE CHANCES of their lives unless their desire for revenge - vongo was fed by the most flagrant wrongs. The parties who carried out the Westminister explosion know that should they bo discovered tboy wonld bo torn limb from limb. Yet they mutt hive been willing to run the riek. If the atrooitioo parpotra'od upon uho Irish people were to take place in this country there is no doubt In my mind .that tb.9 reaction would , bo much worse than It has been in the case of Ireland. As an illustration of tha deeds that have driven the paoplu to desperation , cill to mind the tragedies at Ballinacounty / M yo. When Parnell was released it was ordered that no demonstrations should be made. A band of bnys rang ing from ten to fourteen years , taking it for garnted that they could disregard the .order with Impunity , went out. They were ordered to disperse and were imme diately after FIllED INTO WITH BUCKSHOT. Ono boy wan killed and several others were severely injured. What do you think would be the effect of such an oo- onrronco in America ? " "What do you thinkof ) Gladstone and his profession of friendly interest in the Irish people ? " asked the reporter. "J think Gladstone is A OBEAT ENGLISHMAN , " ro'ponded Mr. Egan , "and if I were an Er glishman I would ho p oud of him. But I regard the claim made for him that ho would do so much for Ireland if ho had the power as simple rubbish. Tluring the yea s f i om 1833 to 1852 tbo taxation of Ireland was 80,067,175 a yearly average of 4H05C20. In 185)i ) Gladstone become chancellor of the exchequer 'Iho taxes" between that year and 1872 , a like period , were 131,851,265 , an average of 0,524- 745 a year. Jn ddition to tiis ii most ho remembered tliat iho populat on. which ran from G.000,000 t > y,000 OQO during the li Bt po iod , reaching the Hghest num ber in " 45 , docl nod steadily after the g'o.t famine in ' 47 , which icduccd it 1,50U,000 , hi fact while the IRISH PEOM.E WEUB KOI1UBD of about $225,000,000 in twenty years by the Gladstone administration , the popu lation and wealth of the ciuntiy were steadily decreasing. ] ; is a curious fact that Mr , Gladstone himself cave the dynamiters a t'xt which they usa with goo i tlFjct. In 1807 Col Kick Burke , now in the city eng nooi's oilico nt Omaha , was in Olorkeuwull prig- on. Ilia friends made an efl'irt to re- UMU him. by blowing up the wjlh of tbo irlaon yard , The walls were demolished , levoral buildings destroyed and some ivos loat , but the attempt win unsuccess ful. In a reference to this Gladstone once aaid that it 'was the cause of the dUestablishmont of English church. ' lie explained by saying that the afl'jir drew the attention of the people to the state of affairs and thus 'brought the question within the tango'of practical politics. , The dynamiters claim that other bonefl cial results mast follow tholr present ellbrts. " HER JjOVE , NOT HER liUORB. Tlio IllllluK anil Cooinc ni a Golden Girl and n > Prlneu AVIth 1'aria Letter. Thouaiuda o ! persona are doomed to great disappoiutmont , for the wedding ol AIlBB Kvolyno Bryant-Mackay to Don Fernando O'olpana , prince dl Galatro , IB going to bo a very private affair. Mlas EVA , as she la called , ia only a daughter by adoption of Mr. Mackay. Her father , Dr. Bryant , was her mother's first hus band. He lived for many years in Oali fornla. Mlsa Bryant-Mackay waa born In the golden otato tome two and twenty years ago. She camp abroad with her mother and haa lived in Paris over since. The full name and til la of the gentleman to whom our young and charming compatriot la * to bo united is Don'Fer nando Jullea Oolonua , prlneo dl Gala- , tro. Ho wiftborn In 1858 and on { h * death of bia uncle , DJU Mire Autcioo Colonna , will succeed to the title * , pro perty , and palacn tf this , ono of t o old i at houses In Itfly. Iho Oolontai , who have always bom a powerful , noble faui ily , have lour linea reaching out fnm the ancestral treo. Ono branch lathofauoui Roman family , Immcnaily wealthy and widely known. As old at the Cobnna- Sti lianolino. to which our young Prlnco belong * , the Rjm u brunch is , however , of lota rojal blood than is the Neapolitan house. The residence of Don Furnando'e undo la in N plea , as hia beet that cl hia ancestors for many centuries , Ho and his are relatives ol thn royal Bourbuu of N phs and the twoSieilies. The match toema to mo to bo n purely love ono. I am Tory glad of this , for thn days ( f youth are like the spring of the year the sowing tlmo of the seeds ol happiness. Don fernando and Misi Eve mot for the first time Is a' winter , and the lives of both data from trat day Their original meeting was in Homo , at the house of a friend with whom she and horaunt.thoOountessTolflnor , were stay ing. Thiyl.k d each other from the start , and her heart used to flutter more than waa her wont when nloi g about 6 o'clock toit the gallant young prince presented hlmaolf before the fair ono who had BO deeply woundoi him with her tender glancea. What followed was the came old story that you married people know of from experience. Somotimoa It waa only glancea and alghs ; then ono day , whun thi was seated nt the piano and ho stood by her aide turning the music , tholr fingers tiuchod and thataottlod It , The Ma kiys returned to Paria and In the summer wont out to tholr country pthco not far from the capital. The ptinco followed them and so , too , did a certain ether min who hoped to build real castlea in Spain by means of an alli ance with the rich Amorlciino. Bo succeeded in miking a fool of hlmacll and mon prince very jealous. A duel waa talked of and then Mra. Mackay and her daughter departed for other climes. When certain atoamahipa had been launched and baplix d Mndamo and Mlaa Eva came back to this city. Very soon arrived a letter from Naples that called for a prompt answer from the occnpanl of the manalou in the Rue Tilsit. A llonlonant in the Italian at my cinnot have conges aa often as ho wants them any moro than can oflicora In ether nrmlpp. His duties aa a soldier detained Don Fornindo down at Verona , but bis uncle , Prlnco di Galatro , came to the aasistanco of the bravo young man whom Cupid had thusdarod to wound. The old Prince wrote a Ittter in which ho asked formally and frankly the hand of Mra. MacVav'a daughter for his nephew. To this Madame replied that , while it waa true that Mr. Mackay waa not Mist Eva's father , ho had long since taken that paternal place in her young and In nocent heart , and aa her husband loved Eva vo'ry much aho bad forwarded the substance of the princo'a letter to him for hia perjonal consideration. She added , however , that she , her husband , and her daughter were all Americana , who loved their country , its institutions , and especially its matrimo nial customs. Therefore , sild , eho , it would bo qulto ont of the question to think of arranging & dot or any other sort of wedding portion In advance , as is customary in Italy and other continent il countries. Ia other words , she observed , if hia nephew , Don Fernando , persisted in marrying her daughter It would have to be a la Amorlcamo , and ho must not have any "great expectations. " To thla the undo prince replied that neither ho nor bis nephew asked for a dingle contliaimo In the way of dot , that the daugator'a band and boart'wcra quite enough. He also wroten ( answer to MrB.Mackay'a ob servation aa to obtaining tha content of Mr. Mackay , that if Mlsa Eva lost ono father eho wonld gain another ; that ho would'ba to her all that a father ehonld be ; that hia palace , tho.palaca of hia an cestors , should be her homo , and that all possible effjrta would bo made to make bier aa happy aa the day waa lone ; and her life aa bright and joyous aa the sunny sky of Italy had oyer ahono over. In duo course of time a letter came from America containing Mr. Mackay'a consent to 'this marriage. Tlr's good nowa was at oncp forwarded to the princo' , who eoon got leave of absence from his regiment and hurrltd up to , Paria to throw himself at the feet of Miss Mackay. Novel Voyage. The pain and misery Buffered by thoeo who are afflicted with dyspepsia are in doscrlbablo. The distress of the body ia equalled or surpassed by the confusion and tortnrea cf the mind , thus making ifa victim Bufi'dr double affliction. The relief tha1 ; is given by Hood's Saraaparilla has caused thousands to bo thankful for this ; roat medicine. It dispels the causes of dyspepsia , and tones np the digestive organs. Try Hood's Saraaparilla. A tilterary Feller. Y nViTH Statesman , "Let mp IOP ; you told mo your hua- jand'a business io the Stite wna " "Literary pursuits , " replied tbo ox- cashier's wife to her Canadian neighbor up near Montreal. "Ho waa a famous writer , waa he ? " went on the Canadian , encouragingly. " 0 , yea , " said the wife ; "ho made al ila money by writing. " But a caller or something else prevent ed her tolling her friend that her hus- > and's writlrgs had consisted of forging ila employer's checka. Never Served on a Jury. < ew York Times , "It is easy enough lo see that that mm ma never served on a jury before , " re- narked an old lawyer m a cottit to a Vioiul. "Why ? " his unprofessional fiiend in quired. "Beeausoho pays Mich close attention lo iho bvidcnco. " . For Throat Dlsonnes nn l Cnu < rt > B Jitou-.s-'a.Br.o.vciiiAL'TitocHKB , like M really ( K l things. nr < > froaunntlv iuilt tad , t'Ls A Cold NlKlit for Painting. CINCINNATI , January 27. JSarly this morn Ing four men were found In a Hleich in the western pirt of the city , but ono ot whom was olilo to Bpeak. Ono waa dead , the other two BO drunk ii' el nearly fro/.en aa to bo uncon- 'Ihu dead man's name waa 1'eter ( ierlior , ' 1 he party lias bron on n Hpree since early lait evonirg , and if they had not bcon dUfovored all would aoon have been frozen t death. Acid I'liospbate , IN BEAhlCKNEbS. I'ltor. ApoLi-u On , Now York , saya "I med it for tca ickneaa during an ocean paatage. In most cf the case * , the violent aymptoma which characterize that disease yielded , and gave way to a healthful action of the funotlona Im paired. Ohio and Keclprocity. CoLUMia'b , ( ) hio , January 23 , The leghla taro adopted a joint reiolutlon requwtlug Benators and represent it ivea to vote fa r tUicatlon of the Nicaragua treaty. HE THRftSHED THE CAMPt A Terrible Man From the Bail Land * Astonishing the Cowboy , After Knocking Oiu Their1 Pugilist lie Whlpn tlio Spectators , t Uerulwood Letter to Now York Bun , Several residents of tlila place have jtut returned from the Niobrnro c ttlfa country with reporta of n light that 03. cnrrod there a few days ngo batvroon Watson , the champion pugilist of that section , and Tim Tronacn , n recent dis covery , who lives on the cdgo of the Bad Innds. Tim waa found by n committee of cowboja from the Niobrara , who wore out'on a acunt for a man big enough lo whip Wataon. Ho la dotorlbod ni eutro what bolnw the avorngo height , but thick oh nvnd , | as hnrd AB | iron and as nimble as a cat. Ho might never have been hoard of had it not boon f r the fast that the cowboy cotnm ttoo foil In , ut a ranch near the Bad Lnuds , rrllli four mon from the Loup rlvor country who wore so nearly disabled thataomo inqnliy M to the cnuto of their unhappy ci ndi tlnn Boomed to bo uoceosary. A little conversation revealed the fact that the four Loup rlvor men had boon up near the Bad Linda nt a Now Yi'ar'a dance , and that n man named Tim Tronson had whipped tho. entire party after the per fotnnnco was over becausetbo refused to help pay for the fiddler. The Loup ilror man , who waa in the best condition to talk , said : "Wo wont up there on Invitation josl to have a little fun. Wo'd been tlioro baforo" When old man Iros sjnt word down this winter wo thought It wna all tight and wont up thinking we'd hnvo Rome sport. When wo got rondy for the dmcc , this mtn Tronson came around and said ho wai 11 Jor mnnngar. That wai something now and Jobnny Copgrovo yelled 'Not mtichl1 Tronaon hit him BO quick tlut none ot ua saw him , but Jim my ba to gi to bed ftr the rot of the ovonirg Things waa rather coromonl- oua after that , and the sport waa nub- ducd. Toward mornirg aomo of the boys began to slink away , and when Tronaon fount ! it out he nmld a rpoech , anylnf ! ho didn't wjct any trouble , but that the rulco of the house rial that the gentlemen should payer the fiddling. Evorybcdy natd that wouldn't go down and that no ono would pay. Tronson knoekud down the first man ho ctuld roach , and as wo danced around him let us all have it. I'ro soon aimo service out hero , but nothing llko that before. Ho only hit a man once , and that waa enough , Everybody said ho wore knunk- los and that he had an iron weight in his hand , but that wa'n't so. Ho brought blood every time ho hit. When ho'd laid out ten or twelve the rest got super stitious and kept away from him , and pretty quick , when he'd got the sick men on their feet , wo put up for the music and came away. AVe'ro moving homo by easy stages on account of ono of our frionda here , who got hit updor the loft oar , and thinks his nock is dislocated. " The Niwbrara committeemen wore In high glee over iha [ now discovery , and , after getting full directions from the bojn how to find Tronson , wont out in search of him. They fonnd him at homo in an ugly mood , and before they had laid their proposition before him ho had knocked one of them down and throat' ened to servo the others In the name manner. When they finally made him understand what was wanted ho assented readily , and accompanied the boys back to the Niobrara. They had been gone a long tiino and these who had rcma ncd at homo were delighted lighted to see them. Everybody called around to sec Ti onson. and all tried to make themselves agreeable , but when they found that he waa quarrelsome they lot him alone. Watson came in the next day and paid Tionson a visit , merely aa a matter of courtesy , but the Bad Lands boy milled himself tip immediately and struck him a thumnping blow on the ear. The bystanders rushed up and in a de preciating manner said this was simply a friendly call and that the fight was not to coiuo oil until the next day. Tronson liad got his coat and vest off by this time and was c ying mad. Ho said ho had come down to fight and that ho was going at it right then and there. Ho had men to whip in the ad Lands and ho couldn t " I' ' 1 away much tiwo on a bull-whacker. Thofow inanag rs of iho p'igilistc ' en- : o ta ninon- were indcspair for a moment. They know that the boys who wo o not > resent would bo furious if the fight was md with ut ihcir knowledge and all wo o ; oo ami' us t > ace it to go out and try to j ing them in. By this .time Watson had ; ot mad , too , and was making ready fo : ho fight. It waa. clear that the battle was to oomo oil'ponnatu cly and that some ody had made a tcr iblo blunder. All Lauds awai cd thu outcome in ) rcathless suspense , Tronson went at Watson like a leopard , and the boys who lave seen the latter in a dozen fights say hat ho woikened the mom nt ho saw his adversa-y cotuug. Watson , however , tied to get his tunoin clca h bl w , bit I im dodged it and ; lautcd ono on thee o mot's chest , loosening some of liii libs Ph s was followed up by a Icf c hander indcr the ear , and then th uo right- mndo s in the jaw in rapid succ saion. Pronson kept j clling and swearing all the hue as if ho worn dp ng liiius If cro it , and that soivcd to oistu b his opponent lot a li tic. On the third round I ronson ; ot in ono on Watson H mouth , ratt ing ns teeth and starting the blood. "Tim 'sflomet' like old " ing times , ho cried as ho went at Watson with i cnrvsod , 'jgor. "I k iider thought I'd strike gore if 1 kept at it 1 ng enough. Pas * mo another ono. I'm just gctt ng the swing now. How's that tint you ? Come at mo again. O , tint's a da < ey ! I'll bruise you for that ! " E/oryboly could aeo th t Watson was getting weaker and weaker , and ono man suggested that ho bo taken away. Tron sin didn't like thir , and c ( Fared to whip the man who took him away. ' 'He n mine ? " ho cried , "und I can't oparo him yotawhi'e.1' ' By this time the uproar had attracted all the boyd in the Immedii o vicinity and as they begin to rclleot that > ha long promised fight had thus come oil' prema turely they made a rush for Troneon witr the idea of stopping him. Jaok Fcrgff nude a pisi ar. him aad ms knocked clean through a window , falling ont in fa snowbank head first. Oirncy Harris ana i'oto Homey stood up a minute , and thou dropped. Ab Smith , considered a hsrJ man , yelled cut : "You've got to fruit and fight this here fight according to rules. " He went down like a ahot , and P t Gary , who was ipwrlng by hia aide , ft 11 on top of him. Little Hoary Belts was knocked clear across the room , and LH Fuller , who h d grbhad a chair , received coivod a blow on the msu delivered be tween the rounds nf tha cbalr and .fell with It on top of him. Then Wateon rose up aad wuat at it ag > ln , assisted by the few roinninin ? conbiys , bat Iho en tire party wag'pxit to flight In three- minutes , W < tUon being driven under a table nnd doubled up In auch A manner that it took throe mon to gat him out. When Tronson saw that nil had h. . . . enough ho wiped hit forehead , cxam'mc bis knuckles , nnd exclaimed : "Nobody iajs 'got to' to mo. If nny of joa lids wantj any more men licked send for mo. " Wntson B ys ho will never fight again , and the btyi who hnvo boon foremost h pugilistic ( ports this winter hnvo lost a interest in them. The Deadwood oontl' Rent who Ins bcon do vn hero a inontl did not haj nan to bo In the fight , and lly are not"qtilto so tired of It as they represent the others to bo. Ho wns too SGtleittnry. The minister lost his health by being lee quiet. Ho would spend hours nnd hours in his study , poring over books and nfrraons , end neglecting bodily exercise Liver became torpid ; s'omich grow wea ry ; bowels noted " irregularly ; nerves yielded to prostration ; mlnitor wns a gloomy failure until Brown's Iron Bit tora revived him. The llov. Mr. Xeh ring , of Cordotm , ! ' . , say * , " 1 was paialyzqd In my rijhtsido. The use of Brnwn'a Iron Bit'ors ' enabled mo to walk " Hundreds of ether ministers testify tify to Its worth. A Dinicult I'roblcm , Wall Street News. It wna ia an Illinois town. Tlio papers were out Tilth n socsitlnnnl article re garding the defalcation and flight of the town treasurer , and the elfilr was the ttlk on every corner nnd in every store. A Now-Yorkor who happened to bo In the town was considerably Interested , nnd In conversation with n lending mur chant ho remarked , "I presume ho gave a bond ? " " 0. yes. " "And the bondsmen nro good ? " "ThRt'n the dnno of it , mister ! " ox- cUlmcil the merchant. "I'm the only bondsman , nnd ho's placed mo in a mom position. I was preparing to fall and boat my Chicago creditors ; but I'll be honged If I see ho v I'm to beat Chicago nnd the town too and get obongh prop erty in my wlfo'e name to start n whole sale house In Dub IK ] no. A. Stron/i / Endowiuont la conferred upon that magnificent Imtl tutlon , the human system , by Dr. Plorco'a "Golden Medical Discovery" that fortifies it against the encroachments monts of disBBBB. It is the gront blood purifier and alternative , and as a lomedy for consumption , bronchitis , and aU dis eases of n wasting nature , its influence is rapid , efficacious and permanent. Sold varvwhoro ' A Married Plan's Storm Merchant Traveller , "How dy do , Mr. Brown ? Nice weather - er we're having. " "Yts there'll bo a change soon. " "Think BO ? " "Yep , know it. " "Why ? Morning papers fay BO ? " "No ; Siwtheatormaignal ? " "Where ? " ' 'Look up street at that gate ; BOO the red-headed woman up there waving a dish rag at mo. Thftt.'a my wife. " The popular Musical Artist , Madame Marie Garandlnl , Wtllington , Now Zea land , writes : "I have med St. Jacobs Oil and found much relief in case ol rheumatism and neuralgia. The mission house at Sitkn , Alaska , baa accommcdati' ns for 100 pupils. IJ was founded in 1880 , aud has dcna mcch good work. Upon entranro to the mis aion , oaoh child ia given arrEngliah name , of which ho ia over aftertvard wonder fully fend. DOIIKEE'S SALAD DRESSING tt COLD MEAT-SAUCE for a'l ' kinds of salads , fish , eatables , and cold meats. Cheaper anel better than home-made. No sauce equal to it was ever ofi'ered. ' If left to itself Sierra Leone will notpro ducs'snlliclent food to keep its people for six month's time. Nearly eveiybody do siren to trade ; No ono desires to till the soil. There ara shop * in every conceiva bio locality , but if an American vessel chances to be delayed n week in arriving , there is n great dearth cf Hour nnd oven of rice , YOUNGM15N-KEA ! ] > THIS. THE VOLTAIG BELT ( Jo , of Marshall , Mich. , offer to eend their celebrated EtEOTBo-Vot- TAIO BELT and other EI.ECTKIO APM-UNOES on trml for thirty days , to men ( young or old ) bfllirted with nervous debility , loss of vitality nd manhood , and nil kiudred troubles. Also For rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and many other diseases. Complete restoration to icalth , vigor an'f manhood guaranteed. No ri k is incurred as thirty days trial ia allowed. Write them at onca for Illustrated pamphlet free. The htrst application of wood la as n 3r .sjino ; for wounio ia the form of what [ s termed "wool wool. " It IB finely ground wood , such a * is used In the rnau- ifucturo of paper. It is a dellcate-fibored wood , soft , yellowish white tubslaaco , " "o of absoib.n an immense quan tity of liquid. AC * RD. To all uiicj are suffering from c ton nl ludUusllons ofjoulh , nertouit takucm < oily decay , lavs ot manhood , etc. I will ncnil a receipt that will euro you FIIKK OK CIIAU'IK. llils ( treat rvmuily wan diacotercd liy a irltslonnry to Houlli Ainurlc.1. Hcnit K-ll-iddrcbfcd envelops to IlKV , Ju- I' . INJIAS , Station "it. " New Yorlc. Far put at sea along both the Gulf and Atlantic coista of Florida are aoveral prlopa ; cf fresh water. They are well known to iho spongers and fishermen , who frequently visit them to replenish heir water caeks. On thia same coast in in oil spring which dliFunua a cam over troubled waters and affords a safe refuge to small vessels during a gale. STOP THAT COUGH By using Dr. Frazier's Throat and IfUUff I3al- < amr-the only sura cure for Coughs , Colds , HoarBonoaa and Sere Throat , and all dlaoasos of the throat and lunga. Do not neglect a cough. It may prove fatal. Scores and aundroda of grateful people ewe theif lives to Dr. Frazier't Throat and Luny liulsnin , and no family will ever bo without It after nnce lining it , aud discovering ita marvelous power. It U put up in largo family bottlofl und sold for the email tirico of 75 cents per bottle. Bold Kuhn & Co. and O. V , Ooodman. The Marie Tbereea dollar Is the only co n known in Abjsiii ia , Cloth and bars of rock salt , ten InchtB long by two iochea wide actl deep , bound with a reed , servo as iieir eriinaiy itiutcs ol biitor. A re mt traveler eaya hu undo evorlaitlng friendship with a village oblcf bymbkmghlma pioiuat of an empty Worcettir taaco bo tie , the glass stopper ppuaring to bo a aourco of delight and comfort to biro. /VniroHtura Ullterri la honuchHld word , all over the world. For over 50 years it lus advertised Itself by ita merits , Itmow ad. vertlaod to warn the puhllo agalnat counter feits. The genuine * arttclo Ia manufactured ty Dr J. U , B. Slwert & Bonn. The fifth annual u risqucrado ball of the Swwlish Library association will bo held at Innier Hull ft'atii'day , Fobnwy 7th A iood ; tiao is anticipated , .Itlfllllllftll i from Opiates , Kmctir.i niiif J'i > l. < on. . A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE OURE ro'riimnt , Ilonr rnr , Inflnrnio , Colilo. llfunrhllU , t'rniiis > \ lini > r > tne Caiish , Arlhrnn , ( Jul'i * ) ' , IMn In ChrK , tn < lotl r rwtloni rrtl.eThroilt . n.l Iu tig * . rrlcc BO rrnt n hnttlo , Soil by DrncclMt niul Dc | . cr1-0'r" ! " < " " " > } t to indue * Hirlr tlenlrr taiiroini > ltu ettHSor M rm ulll rtfflre lir > liottltf , KtprtHcharot * f IJ , tyttnttlnttmiftlollarta THE minus A.ionrt.rn ronrANv , lol < ( Inncrt I .Mtnuhrlurf m , Jl.llln.orr , llirjlln.l , C. S. A. HOPE S Ill's Speclllohas cured my CAtic r , which i. rcrybad. I am now In flnoholth : never bettor. lla\e gained ! ! ) pounds ulnoo I t eiran t Unc Swift's SpcciQc. 11. s. HRADI-ORD. Tlptom illo , Tonn. OAN'KIl FOR MANY YEAHS. A non-ant has wen alll'o ' cd for inanv jcnrs with caicer on her no o , wh ch ro-'stcd ' nil sorts of tioatmcnt. She waj culod entirely by Swift's cclflp. JOHN lliLl , , Thomson , On. NOSK KATKN OFF. A younu man near this to * n liiul an ctt'iip ranccr on his fico lilch hud do strojed lilsDoioandusoitlns : to anl hiicjos. As ft last rcsoit I inn Mm in SnIll's Specific , ntul It has cured him sound and well. M. If Ctt.vtH.KV , If. D. , OgJclhoipo , ( la. t hauo co" remarkable retu'ts ' fiom tlio USD ol Swifts ipcclfli In cancer. It lias cuiodse\oral casoj under iny o n cj cs UKJ. . H. CAsiriiM.1. . Columbus , Go. SwIll's Spcclflo Iscntlrfly vcgo nblo , nnil sotmi to euro caLccrs fcy forcing out the Impurities fiom tbo blo'tl Tnnttoon Blooil nmlHkln Dlscarcs uiailtd free Tim SWIIT M-KCIHC Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanla.O.i , or 168V. . ! ! 3d St , New Vork. J-utr * . a'laratittn alvrt. . - . . j rvrrvtaiio uniSrrtnltvn. a-8cndtwoBtompjfureolct : ) rated If eillcnlWorks , AddicM F. n. CI.AUICi : , JU. . . , ,50SowO. Clark-Street. CHICAGO. ILU iui\cn llti otflrl _ _ , _ _ > ioiirlpiimiiJ | NTTJ It UIWIH with Jry-p hlmHHfictl | > , " V > / \\rllus hintli ft H cf MunilredHof , , rr- ' . * / UMillartchtlino. n ! l9 , n well im Ilio u trom nriitnlilo phjnlrlnnn tlinniiilioi.t tlholn I'.s.liwtllyln tliWortli nf jior.LicK's roon roa iNfAtus AMD iKVALina lUflulrcs no i-ool.tim. Jlejt fnoil In lu.ilUi or Hk * . 1"i1",1'Jy.K JlVilldnwriMH Dookheiitf'eu limiICK M ro < > l > CO. , ICnclitVlH. . * -hcutlij-uall on n-wlutor iirlcnln Rl ui'ii . "fcO ? 17 St. Ohnrics S . . Ft. Loni * < Mr led Bi * oo ! MUA wttt on in vtfcrr rtijKl la.n la u ellr P t cr * nhovr nuil a I pi j rp.lCeiitfl kcuv VorvouiCbtrJllon , Dehlill ) , Mortal aT V.'caxnoss , McicurlAl and oilier rtlle lions ol Throat. Skin nr nones , Blood Polsop'r.j jlrt Sores and Ulcers , MO u riri vith oir r : . .i Diseases Arlslny Irom indiscretion''EkVeVA rondorinpt Morri co improper or rniinppy , K vrtmintntlfcurcil , l'-Mnp'-t ] ( > r < ? lo'Hte tt'a' Ilicalcd MirrJcr * , frcnto nnraJfln. . . C'oniulUtUMi 1 l aor L/UAlll oo. andlnvfud. V tito for L. A Positive Written Guarantso RlTtv In fcUcartbloc&itf. MeJlclceiffCBtfircr/rtiirc , 3'amphlon , EnL-llsH or Herman , 64 rcc . aa ribiaac at/ore dUcudos , la ia le or fomal * . rny. RtiARRBACiC13IDE I Wlllpurltrtliii . . . lutu HIR LlUCrtnnil KIDHEV8 , aud KCHTOUU Tiir. JtKAi.Til and VIQOn of VOTJT1I. Dy * lcp la. Want of Appclltc , jn- dl rsllon , J.uct or Strength , and Tire1' " ' " " 'inn alisolMtely uiirvil. Kurics , muscles and norvps i ecaivo iiiw lurcu ilrllvcno tlio nilnd unu enppllca liraln I'nwrr. i SuncrliiKlroni vninpUitnta _ . J PC-cellar to tlKjIrsoK Vfiil lad In DR. ZI'T3 VERT ) IRON TOIJIC n mfn nnd 1'nedy euro. < illrcs : i clcur , licaltliy eomplexlon. I'Vc < | iioiit tficmptnat c " " * * " " IIIK oulyaOO lo tliopopularllynriliuurlclnit. Do uutexp rl < nii-ni fret iliu omoi.vAi , AND IIKSP. HendiourncldrpnstoTh Ir. HnrterMed Oo.1 * SULoul3 , Mo. , for oar"DHKAM BOOK. " ft Vnllof vtrnn auntl nnAful lnformawOQ.fre4./ 1 bavo a posUlvo remedy for tha above d ma Ihuufltnilioreaseftortha wont klndHlidof l at&Ddltinliavotioeii cured. Indeed. 1.0 RtroiiRlmnrrAlt Inltmoini'Hcy.tlmt I will xindTU'O 11O1T1.1 : ! ) MIUII tPCetlitrwItha VAI.UAUI.KTItEATlaH on tills JIion foauraufferor. tilveeirritsatinrt I * O.nddrii . UK. T. J. . SLUJU-J,111 ' . , 1'oarlB ! , New York. mioOm MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SPENSARY OROCIVSE'S BLOCK , 15th and Capitol Avenns , treats all cases Crip pled BI Deformed also diseases of It Nervous System , Throat , Lungs and Urinary Organs All uses o Ourratare of the Splno , Crooked Feet Oe ind Arms , Uleoases of the Hip , Knee , and nkl Joints. Alno Olironlo aBectlons oftuetlvoi ilbeuinatism , Paralell , Piles , Ulcois , 0 t rrh , Astb n and Bionohltli are all treated by new and sue- nsalul methods. AU diseases ol tbo Blood and Urln tiy Organs , Including these roaultluj ; from Incltcr- ilon or exposure , are safelj and suoceustully treated Younr men , mladla aged , and old men suffering Irom Weakness and Nerroni ezhaustlon , producing .nJIccetlon , Palpitation of the Ueart , Despondency Dlulress , Lost ol Memorytack of Energy and Am. blUon , can be restored to health and vigor , If case Is not Ire long neziocted , The Burgeon In charge was president ol the Notthnettcrn tiuiglcn ] Insti tute and Burgeon of tbo National furglcal Institute. ( f afflicted , oidlor writeull description of your caae , and medHna may be sent you. Connultatlon fr > . Addict Omiha Dispensary , Orounio Illock , Omaha. Neb. Offioa boors 1&-H a. m.l-t a 7-8 p , m firn' T .10 a m Beuaiuof all tratvling agents. Wo hate none. Send for clicuhrH nKt'BESENTS ; ' Phoonlx Insurance Co. , London , Caib Asaets 11,881.COO \VentchBSterN.Y , Capital. . . . , l.WO.OW ) The Merchants of Newark H.J. , Capital. . . . 1,276,0 < Xi OlrardFIro , 1'hllidclphla.CaUuJ 1,200,000 Wcman'i fund , Cm lUl _ . . . . \33HW \ ) A The romark&blo grovrth of Omaha dnrlng the laat few ycara la inattor of great astonishment to thoao who pay un occasional visit to thla growing city. The development ol the SteelYards the necosolty of the Bolt Line iload tha Guclr paved fttroota the hundreds of now roaldonooo and coatly btielnosa bloolca , with tlio population of our olty uioro than doubled In the laat five yonra. AU thli la a great eurprlso to vlaltora and la th admiration of our citizens. Thla rapid Krovrth , the buelueea activity , nnd tha many eubatantlal Improvomonta mndn n lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every Invoatov hno mada n hnudaonm profit. Sluco the Wall Strict panio MRJ , ivith the aubsoquont cry of hard Union , there hae boon iosa doniaud from epoonla- tors , but a fair demand from investors seeking homes. Thla latter claoa ara titlduR advantage of low prlcoa in bnlld- Ing lur.todal and nro cocurlng tholr homcn at much lotu coat than will bo poaalblo n year kouco. Spocnlatora , too , can bay reslosta * 3 che.tpnr now and ought to Uko advant o of pros ah t prlooi for fntcra pro t ) . Fho nozt few yonra promlsoa grontoi d ivol opmouto In Omaha than the pnnt fiv years , which have boon as good aa wo could reasonably dcslro. Now man ufacturing oatabllahmenta and largo job bing houses arc added almoat weekly , nnd all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There nro many In Omaha and through- but the State , who have their money In the banks drawing a nominal rate of toroat , which , If jndlclonaly Invested In Omaha real ostato. would bring thorn much greater returns. Wo have many bargains irhlch wo are confident will bring the purchaser largo profits In th * near future. We have for sale the finest resi dence property in the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reason able prices OH Sherman avenue , 17th , 18th , 19th and 40th streets. West on Fnrnam , Davenport , Cuming , and all the leading streets in that direction. The grading of Farnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible Gome of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty in the western part of the city will increase in valun We also hove the agency for the Syndicate und Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in tins section by the Stock , Yards Computiy and the railroads will certainly double the price m a short tim . We also have some line business lots mid some elegant inside rosi- deucef for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find some good bargains by calling u Fornham and Douglas. P. S. Wo isk these who hava property for dale at a bargain to { jiv < s ua a callWe want ouly bargama Wo will positively not handle prop erty at more than its real value.