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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1885)
G THE DAIIA BEE--COlJNCIL BLUFFS , SATURDAY , JANUARY624 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Morning , Jan , 24 , BCBSORIFTION RATES. : . . . wnta ek CT Canlei ' - - - p f * By Hall - . . . . . . . . . . 110.00 p f yer OFF10EI o. T Fa&rl Btmt. R &r Broadwar. MINOR MENTION , The colored folks expect to have their church ready for dedication March 17. The musical concert at Masonic hall Monday evening next will bo fine. You had bettor attend. Some sneak thief slipped a far cap from Taylor & Oalef's etoro , the cap bo onging to ono of the clerks. A good chance for a live Implement man to go into partnership Is offered. Address "Implement , " care of the BEE ; A largo quantity of atone was deliver ed at the clly pound yesterday , so that the chain.gaiig can have something to do now. W. M. Brooks , ot Tabor , will preach at the Congregational church tomorrow - morrow morning and evening. All are welcome. Frank Adams ( colored ) formerly ol Tenth street , Omaha , has opened a saloon at H. N. Larson's old leather atoro on North Main street. A number of young ladies at the Methodist church Thursday night did not got the full benefit of the services , a church monso getting abroad among their skirts and causing a general com motion. J. 0. Mitchell , ticket agent of the Wabash , now sports n silk tile a present from Henry Elsoman , thus getting oven with Dobovoiso , the union ticket ngont , who has heretofore boon at the front In the hat lino. The board of health yesterday granted Dr. Bellinger a permit to treat the small pox case in Mr. Doty's family provided ho complied with the requirements of the board as to precautions to bo used to prevent - vent contagion. This evening there is to a grand coast ing carnival on north Madison street , and an invitation especially extended to Omaha to send ever all the coasters who want a merry time. The street is to bo illuminated , and a merry tlmo is promised. The scandal case In James township has taken a fresh shoot , Miss Anna Brohm having commenced suit against Max As pen for $5,000 damages , on the ground that ho eedncod her last summer under promise of marriage and other promises which ho failed to fulfill. Yesterday evening a young man , named August Peterson , and his little brother were discovered In a car of coal in the 0. M. & St. Panl yard , helping themselves to fuel. They were arrested and brought before Justice Sclmrz , who fined the young man $5 and costas and lot the little follow go. "Tho Dead Are Alive , the Lost Are Found ; " spiritual circle to-morrow ( Sun day ) afternoon and evening at 2 and 7:30 : o'clock in Spiritual hall ; entrance on Main and Pearl streets via stairs two doors south of the poatofQce. Repairs on the hall necessitates the postpone ment of the sociable until next Saturday night. The police investigating committee has now dwindled Into a smelling committee. Instead of having any open work , the committee is pursuoing its inquiries quietly , with the Intention to prefer charges againsh officers , where there ccems some cause of action , and letting them then have a regular daylight ex amination. With the adoption of the letter car rier system hero , and the raising of box rental to $8a year , nearly all persons now bavo their mall delivered. Two sec tions of boxes have been left in the postoffico until now , and ono of those Bootions is now being taken out to give rnoro room for other poatoffico work. This loaves only about 150 boxes to meet the public demand , } A number of Council Bluff * poopol o went to Missouri Valley Thursday night and attended a masquerade ball thoro. Two boardlota young men from this city were dressed ai ladles and attracted con- oidorablo attention from two other men from hero also , who wont to the Valley on a "mashing expedition. " The two "mashers" were somewhat confused when the ball vras at an end to find their sup posed female friends turn out to bo male acquaintances. The N. W. train passed on time leaving a number to await a later train , much to the chagrin of the mash ers who were in a great hurry to get lioruo. OITY CONCERNS , The Ordlnnnco BlakliiB Public Places Declared Illogftl. A mooting of the olty council was held yesterday afternoon at which the most Important business waa the report of the city attorney concerning iho ordlubnco providing for "public places" on Broad vray , or In other words , providing thai the olty as a whole shall pay for the extra paving of Broadway and Main streets , whore thoio streets are of extra width thus relieving the abbuttlng property owners. Tne city attorney held that the ordinance nas illegal , and the report waa concurred In' The matter of appointing a trustee fo the tposlal mutament funds was referrec to lha city attorney , Adjournment vra then taken ncti nxt Monday evening NIPPING NEWSPAPERS , Ono Arrest Made nntl Others to low to Brcnk tip the Petty Sncnk Thlovlnjf. For eorao ilmo there has boon groai nnnoyanco cauaodby the stealing of news- papow. Subscribers have misted papers carrier boys bare bocn scolded for neg lecting tholr work , and much trouble baa boon caused , All the papers in the city have been nnnoyod more or loss In this way , and this becomes so great that stops liavQ bocn taken to break up this sneak- thieving. Some have thought that much ot the trouble bai boon Mused by newsboys - boys stealing papers from subscribers and soiling thorn , but it scorns that much in * justice has boon done to the boyj , M boys of a larger growth have bcon doing most of this stealing. To protect the boys ns well na the subscribers , THE BEE has lately stamped "News Boy" on all papers sold to the uoys for sale on the streets so that nny boy found selling papers not thus marked may bo brought to the front and made to explain. Ono of the ways worked by men , old enough to < now bettor , is to stop up to the door of lomo business house , early In the morn * Ing before it is opened , and taking the paper from the latch stand and pretend ; o road it nntil any passers-by has got out of sight , and then walk off with the pa per. per.On account of this late watchfulness ) no young man yesterday found himself n a very uuploasnnt situation. James Keith , of iho Nonpareil , saw him take a paper from the door of the Pacific houao aarbor shop , and putting it in his pocket , walked down to the Broadway hotel , next to the Nonpareil office. Keith watched him , and as the young man sat at breakfast , reading the paper , Deputy Marshal Bates walked in upom him , ar rested him for larceny , and ockod him up. Later In the 'orcnoon ho was brought before Judge Aylesworth and the facto sot forth. So gave the nameof Robert Moore , but t appears that his real naoio is James 3 won. Ho has boon a bookkeeper for Cooper & McGee and other honso hero , mtll lately ho got out of employment , lo offered to bring in numerous wit- noses as to his good character , and while lot denying taking the paper , explained ; hat ho did not intend to keep the paper , > ut simply road it and return It to the loot In fifteen minutes or so. Ho sald 10 waa in the habit of buying his paper ; , mt did not happen to see any newsboy m his way to breakfast , and thought t would do no harm to borrow the paper. Judge Aylosworth said that if it had > eon a sack of flour or something else , his explanation could not clear away the hargo of larceny , but its being a news- rnpor ho felt like giving the benefit of , doubt to the young man rather than inter up a judgment against one who tad berne a good reputation. Ho accord- ngly let him go. It Is safe to say that the young man will learn a lesson from the humiliation aused by the affair , and it is hoped that t Trill serve as a warning to others. The newspaper men have determined that this annoying pilfering shall be stopped , and no matter how "high up" parties may > o , arrests are to bo made as fast as the ots can be dotoctod. Leave your orders for job printing a [ ay or two ahead at Pryor's Bee job of- ico. A OEOOKED PEN , A Successful . Pat- ton's Nanio to a Clieck. A successful forgery was accomplished rcstorday , the name of Dr. Fatten being ignod to a chock for $25 , which was pro- ontod and cashed at Officer & Pusey'a > ank. The alleged forger is a young man who has been employed in Dr. Pat- on's livery stable for several months > ast , and who thus hai had ample oppor tunity of becoming familiar with the doc- or't signature , .a f tor the cashiug of the check ho disappeared and it was thought hat ho had skipped for Omaha. The iflicors wore on his track yesterday but lad not succeeded in finding him. For solo My book and stationery bus- ness 341 Broadway. H. E. Seaman. More About Street. There has been some criticism ox- iressod as to the action of the county joard in having ox-Oloik Street charged with embezzlement. Col. Keathey , the county attorney , narrates the following as one of the facts justifying the board n its action : About two years ago ono Patrick Ilatigan was convicted in the district court of an assault with intent to do great 'bodily injury. This was In eon- loction with a well known homicide case. Judge Reed fined him $500 , and the costs amounted to $070. The statno Is ai ilain as the ncso on a man's faoo that ill fines and forfeitures go Into the county .reasary for the benefit of the school nnd. If the county owed Street a mil * Ion dollars for salary as clerk , ho can't otaln ono cent of a fine or a forfeiture , > ecauso neither fines nor forfeitures be- eng to the county , but belong to a ape- , cial fund. The board has no other con. .rol over it than supervisory , that is , to see that all fines are paid into the hands of the treasurer ; and then to see that the troaanror , after receiving them , truly and lawfully accounts for them , The law di vides and distributes them among the school districts of the county , and the board has nothing to aay about the pro. portions. Now then , the record of the Ratlgan casj shows that Ratigan paid to Street , long ago , as clerk , the full amount of his fine , $500 and the costs , $670 The treasurer's office was then , about a year ego , just across the hall from Street's oflico ; and it was bi dnty to atop over there and pay that f 500 , into the hands of John Bennett , the treas urer , Ho did not do It ; he has never done it ; ho has refuted to do it ; and he hai never given the board any excuse for not doing it. He had no mcro right to retain that money In his possession be yond a reasonable time , uotcesary to pay it Into the hands of the treasurer , than if some Main street merchant had onatrust od htm with $500 to carry up to one of the banks , and he had kept it for a year or more without handing It back to the merchant. Helping Out the Iloyf , The following named persons have been selected ai a committee on confer occa , with Ool. Hoaglnnd ( the news bojs1 friend ) , to bo bold at theY. M. 0. A. ra 1 , 12 North Btala street , this evcn'ng ' , nt 7 o'clock : Mrs. B. F. Lanktjn , Mrs. W. 0. Stacy , Mrs. L. W. Tullers. M" Dr. Montgomery , Mrs. C. T. Officer , Mrs. Barnard , Mrs. J. L. Diifiot , Mrs. II. Dale , Mrs. A. A. Hazzard , Mrs. P.O. DoVol , Mrs. Scoloy , Mrs. L. Sherwood , Mrj. Dr. Green , Mrs. E. L. Shogirt , Mrs. Gaylord , Mrs , Z. T. Lindsay , nnd Mrs , J. J. Stownrt. Tlios. Officer , W. R. Vonglian , Jas. McNaughton , Thos. Bowman , P. M. Pryor , E. E. Harkncss , Honrj-Elssman , D. 0. Bloomer , W. S. Homer , Thcs. Skinner , A. B. flowo , P. 0. Miller , P. R. Johneon , Chns. Mungcr , A. Noscno , J. 11. Llndsoy , J. W. Sqairo , Frank Cook , H. E. Twichcll , H. E. Seaman , J. F. Barker , E. S. Barnett , 0. Judson , Ohas. Loacka , A. W. Street , W. E. Kay. ruond , J. M. Flaplor , H. De Long , 0. J. Swan , E. Huntington , 11. Morgan. W. A Spencer , J. J. Slattery , nnd H. Hunter. It is hoped all Interested will bo present. Others are invited. Col. Hoge- land has consented to glvo an address at the same time to the youth of the city , giving Incidents In street boy life In the lar o cities , illustrating the same by scones on canvas by the loading artists , It is hoped that the youth of the city , as far ns possible will turn out , as the ad dress will bo Interesting Indeed. Dr. 0. 0. Hazon.Donttflt 100 Main St. Miss Blanche Oliver has returned t St. 1'nul. 1'nul.Mrs. Mrs. C. J , Best is Buffering from intermit tent fever. Win. Bender , of Ida Grove , was at fhe Pa cIGc yesterday. F. Benjamin , of Avocix , was at the Pacific house yesterday. Mrs. Harvey Pace Is very ill , and fear Is felt that BIO may not recover. Chas. Plattenburg , of Gloucester , Mass. , was among yesterday's arrivals at Bechtole'u. C , n , Klambcck , of Billings , Montana , a friend of Mr. Mott Jacquemin , is in the city. Oliver Lower has had his homo on Eleventh street made joyous by the arrival of a nlc little maiden , Mrs. Erb and her sister Miss ICittlo Bui lard , have gone to Chicago , where the latter expects to remain for several months. Col. P. II. Woods started last evening for his coal mines nt Chariton and Centervllle , and to spend Sunday witli his family. F. G. Braun , William aufl Thomas Maloney ney , Christ Aisele , II. II. Inmnn , Jao , Thorn1 as and Mis. Evans Returned from Missouri Valley yesterday morning. Real Estate Transfers. The following is a list of real estate transfers filed yoatorday in the rocordor'a office of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , as furnished by A. J. Stophenaon , abstrac tor , real estate nnd loan agent , Council Bluffs , Iowa , January 23 , 1885. Horace Everett to John H. Tauke , ni nel 9 , 76 , 41 , § 1,200. Isaac Hanson to M. P. Chriatianaon , part ne aw. and nwi se 29 , 77 , 43 , § 340. Elizabeth S. Newton to George Haas , sej and E * ne 1 , 77 , 41 , § 3,000. Total sales , § 4.540. There has not boon a death from diphtheria for over five years where Dr. Thomas Jefferis Preventive nnd euro was used. It has saved thousands of lives. Send for it. Price , § 2. For sale only at the office , No. 23 South Eighth street , Council Bluffs. OOMMBROIAIj , COUNCIL BLUJTJTS MABKET , Wheat-No. 1 milling , 65 ; No. 2 , CO ; No. 3 , 0. Corn New , 25c. Oats For local purposes , 23o. Hay § 5 00@6 50 per ton ; baled , 60@60. Bye 35o. Corn Meal 1 SO per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00 ® 6 50 , Coal Delivered , bard , 1) ) 50 per ton ; soft 4 CO per ton Lard Falrbnnk's , wholesaling at 9Jc , Flour City flour , 150@2 90 , Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz. live STOCK. Cattle Butcher cowa S 25@3 75. Butcher steers , 3 75(214 ( 00. Sheep 2 50@3 00 , Hogs 4 00@4 25. PBODDOJB AND Poultry Live chickens , per doz. 2 25 ; dress ed chickens , Sc ; dressed turkeys , lOc ; dressed od ducks , 9c ; dressed geese , lOc. Butter Creamery , 22@25c ; choice country 15@lCc. Egga 22 per dozen. Vegetables Potatoes , 40@5po per bushel ; onions , GOo per bu ; apples , choice cooking or eating , 3 00 ; beans , 1 00(2)1 ( ) CO per bushel. Cider 32 gallon bbl. , $6.50. Oranges 1 23 per box. Lemons 4 t C@5 00 per box NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Motlco Is hereby given that the partnership liero- ; oforo existing botwccn M. E. Smith and A. J , CtlttonJon unoer the firm name of Smith & Crltten- den baa been dissolved by mutual consent. Th business will horctltcr lie conducted Tin the name of H , E. Smith & Co. All debta duo said firm are to bo paid to said new firm of M , E , Smith & Co , and all outstanding ; liabilities will bo paid by the new firm , The business will herealtcr bo conducted at the old stand of Hrnlth & Crlttenden. COUNCIL IlLi'trs , Iowa , January 25,1SSB. JI. E. SMITH , A. J. ClUTTKNPKV. ASK YOUR GUOOER FOR Corn Meal , Graham Hour , Hominy. Ground Fresh Every Day Ground Feed Always on Hand. Mill , corner oE North Sixth and Mill Streets , COUNCIL , BLUFFS. $20 EEWABD ! REWARD paid for Information ol present location pair horses , wagon anil harness , mortgiged by William D. Ilall to Thomas a Denton D ay horee serea years old , 1,000 pound * , soar led hind , le ? , bUck horaonlno jeara oldtar \ In fora- i ted ipavln in right hind leg. w gen , Cooper make , thro loch tct double birneea , taken from 1'ottawAtt- amle county 1 t A.ugust. T n dollars reward for discover ; of ea d Hall , nail described as about ( feet 10nches | , 'andy complexion , bild head on top brownish red. Btouti-h built , about iOrcar * prljtnLeonard Er'rett , attorney atlavr bluffs , Iowa , raoi. omcin VT , n , u. rent OFFICER & PTTSE7 BANKERS. Ooandl Bluffs , lai Established - - 185B Deilcri In Foreign and Domettta Exehanet Uom * Becurltlx. UBB A full stock of Mens' , Womens' , Boys' , Misses' and Obildrens' New Jersey ARCTIGB , now ready in any quantity to suit purchasers/ CHICAGO TEEMS and DISOOUNTS every day in the year. We also carry FULL lines ol BOOTS and SANDALS of above named goods , includ ing the nicest line of. SPECIALTIES for fine retail trade made by ANY company We have some Felt Boots to close out cheap. Try a case of our C OMMOI SENSE ARCTIC for MEN , we FULLY t recommend them. Write for list on "Lumbermen , " Z. T. LPTBSEY ft CO , . Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St. Office , 412 Broadway , NOTT ' Schmltt i ; Ifarp , the barbers remove Tuesday , Jan tury 27th to 402 Broadnav , to the building lately occupied by the 03 cent store. Joseph Schmltt will sell AT COST the block of CIGARS that were left by Frank 1C. Kern in Mi charge. The store formerly occupied by Schmltt & Harb 552 Broadway , under the Opera house , FOR RENT , apply to Jos. Schmltt , 402 Broadway. Jos. Schimitt offers the finest FRUIT FARU in this county FOR SALE cheap , provided it in Bold in side of 00 days. Enquire of Mr. llcGoe , In ofllcs o Horace Everett , 10 Pearl street Council Bluffs. THE PLACE To purchase n A.t Bottom Prices , is & GO'S China Store , 23 Main Street , Council Blu BROADWAY STEflM LfiUNDRY _ EVERYTHING NEW , All the Latest Improved Machinery. All Work First Class , Orders by Mail Solicited Express Paid on all Or ders over $2.50. Collars and Cuffs a Specialty , Established 1882. H. S. BEMEB , Manager 111 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUlfJfS , IA. Dr. "W. H. Shorradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council BlaCa ; , low * . COUNCIL BtUFl S , IOWA. Office , Main Street , Room 8 , Sbugart and ECHO block. Will practice In Si ate and Federal courts. J , Practice In State and Federal Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Room 16 , Shugart's Building , COUNCIL BLOTFS IOWA ADMIS310N-a nts e LodlM loo. SKATES-Oenta 16o. Ladies lOo. Admission Free to Ladles each morning and Tues day and Thursday afternoons. Uea of Skatoa li cents. A. r. EOUANcn , n. n , UARTENH , Ittnager. Pioprlotoi St , Charles Hotel , OSTUEET'BET.7lhand8th , LINCOLN , NEB. Mrs. Kate Coakly , Froprlotorces. 3TNewly and elegantly furnished. Good eamplo rooms on first Hoar. ' jOFTorms1.M to $2 per duy. Special rates glvun membora of the . leclelaturo. uovlO-lm-me Omaha National U. S. DEPOSITORY- J. H. IVIILLARD , WlVinWALLAOE , President. Caah'ei $500,000. Flro and Burglar Proof Safoo , For rent at from t to tM per annum DR. DYSART , Oflico and roaldonco , N. W. Oor. 12th and Iloward atroota. [ "Oalla anawflred promptly night and day. tJgjTSpoclal attention plven to tbo dl < soaaoa of women and children. r Mendelssohn & Fisher , AUCHITECTS llooma 28 and EOOmahaNatLBanklJlock , Dufrene & Mendelssohn | . Oeo. L. Klehor , fcrmsrly with W , L. B. Jtnney Architect , Chicago. JanUelo SMITH * TOLIaKU LEADING MERCHANT TAILODB T and 0 Main utrcot , Btvrrs , low * . Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which ire will eel ! In retail or wholesale lots. All Stock Warranted as Renresented. WholMale andrcUII dealers In Grain and lUlcd liar. I'rlocc gonaulo Satltlactlon Ouirantrotl , < so Bor.s's- Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UouucilBlalTa. LANDSTEOM , TBjca JL. cab "ii T * * * * JLJL K e Winter ttoorta Ready. Suits Mnde to Order iu Latest Style on Short Notice nud nt Rensoimblo Prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. S05 Main Street , Conncll Bluffig. AGENTS WANTED. Drs. Judd & Smith's Now Improved Electric Belt. 810 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ; 725 EUI ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; and tT. WAYNE , IND IT POSITIVELY CUKES Kidney and Liver Complaint , Bright' ' * Dlson o , Hhctiroallsm , NouraleU rtjnpcrsla , Norvonsnosa Wilting WcakrUBd , Paralysis , Splnul AiTeotlons , Indigestion , Heart UlioaM , Fits Bcadach , Lime Back , Cold Foot , and all diseases requiring Increased tnotl\opJwcM. Now fmpro\oa bo $3 and 15 } old stjlo $2 tach. GENUINE SLAUGHTER IK THK FIUCES OF and Heating IBfeoves ! The ee sonbelnf ( solar d\anco4 I ! ia Deluded to dispose ot toy stoves RKOARDLMS or coar in tieno * to itoilnr thm until next season. Call early ai I will not ho undersold by an } ono. A. J. Maudel , 825 broad way. Couucil Muffs- SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. bpoolal a vertlsomenta , Buo as Loot , Pound , To LOAD , For Bale , To Rent , Wants , BoardIng - Ing , eta. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low rate o ! TEN CENTS PKR LINK for the first Insertion tad FIVE CBNT3 PER LINK tot each subsequent n * erilon. Leave advertisements at our office , No. Pearl Street , near Broadway WANTS WANTED A good cook and laundrctB. None but competent girl need apply. No. 003 Fifth Avenue. \T7AKTED-A boy with a pony to carry Tim BKI. IT Call at BHK office Immediately. WANTED A young plrl about J5 joare old can flnd a pleasant home lor the spring. Ono at * tending school prefer red. Call at once , 1023 ThirJ avenue. TTfANTED-Potltlon by a otinrctent "Oik-keeper V > Can furnish pond references and rcuonl fn desiring change. AcldresJ A P.CO olllcc. Counc ! BluHs , FOIl SALE Lands Improted aad unimproved If younanta farm In ucitern Iowa , Kangi Nebraska or Dakota , Ictus bcir from you. SWAN & WALKKR ; FOU'SALE-Speclalbargala. A largo t o story fratro Owtlllne , ton rooms nlth all modern ! < n provemcnts. well located and almost new. Pilco < DJUO ; , 8lv03 cash balance long time , SWAN & WALKKR. WANTKD To correspond with any non-resldeni owner ol property la Council BluHj or Potta- uatUm'o county , or any on wishing to buj or sell property in western Ion a , Kansag or Nebraska. BWAN tt WALKBB. FOR SAt.K Alanro number of business and rest denca lots In all parts ot Council Bluffs. Sc < us before you buy , . E\VAS & WALKER. rOR RENT Wo hue several houses on our Us : for rent , vacant now , SWAN & WALKEIU FOR SALE 1'artloa wishing to buy cheap lots to build on can buy on monthly payments of from 82 to S10. SWAN & WAIKJK. FOR HENr Wo will rent you a lot to build on wfth the privllago to buy If 3 ou wish on very liberal term" . SWAN & WALKER. WANTED To correspond with any one wishing a good location ! jr planning mill. Bash , door and blind manufactory , wo have building and machinery , well located , ( or sale , Iraso or trade ; SWAN & n ALhKR. FOR KENT- Large two ttory fraroo building suit able for warehouse or storage purposes , near railroad depot. > niii& WALKER. Jj OR RENT UK SALfc Ira.rJI-g and grounds utall9 ! for small foundry and machine shop. Good bailer , engine , cupola , lilowor with lltcd shaft ing eta. , ready toput in motion. SWAN WALKEU , IpOR HALK HhoMliif , counters.tables ' desks , gas ' futures 'utc. Emjulro of II. E. Seaman , paper , books and stationer } , 341 Broadway. FUU HAbE Two horses , finale buggy , and light single harness. O. II. Hobertson EOlBroadray. WANTKD Agent * in every county In western Ion a to si-II tbo "Champion Bosom Stretcher and Ironlrg Board" , E\ery lady pronounces it on eight to bo just what Eh j want' , either for hoistlt or him' holp. Big inducements to agents Retails 'or $1 , Address 0. B. S. and I Beard , Bee ottco Council Bluff ; , Iowa. iiUK SALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. J. JL1 Ptopl ca'on , 6C3 First avenue. fjMIU BALK A tup-buggy , flr t-.l > 8) make and JC in ex client condltien Or will trade fer cheap iot. Aildro-B i' . M Boo office , Council UluTs. AND v OOD Ueoige lleaton , 02S Bro d COAL way. Bells coal and wood at reasonable prices , fives 2,000 Ibs. for a ton , and 128 cublo for a cord , Try him. Kll Kvery DOdy in Council UluUa to take WANT . Delivered by carrier at only twenty oonta k week. f\LD PAPERS For Balu at IJn offloo , at 95 oenti \.J a hundred j. L. DKBEVOISE. fc ) No. 507 Broadway Conncll Bluff * . i. IL Corrected to January 7 , 1835. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The follow-In ? are the times of tbo arrival and de > ' iirtureof trains by central standard time , at the JCI depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mlu- lied earlier and arrive ten minutes later , OmOAOO , BURLlNOrctl AID HUIHOT. HAVI. AlUVI. 6:55 : pm Chicago Eipren ) 0:80 : a rn OltO a ci Fact Mall. 7:00 : p rv i0pm ; Accommodation. ! 0)pm At local depot only. ntm cur , BI. 10 * AND COUNCIL iLurrt , 10.05 a iu Mall and Kinross , 6 25 p m 815 ; p m Paolflo ExprcM , 065pm ClUCAOO , MILWADKIl AKB ST. FAUL. CIS p m Eipreiu , 0:06 : a m J25 ; a m Ki pie * * , 0:65 : p m OIUCAOO , 100K ISLAND AXB rACIflC. CZ5 p m Atlantic ElproBU , B:05 : a m 0:25 a m Day Eiprcsa 8:64 : p m rSO : a m * D > Uolnea Accommodation , 8:16 : p m At local depot only , WABUII , BT , LOUIS AMD PACIflC. I CIO p m Acoommodat.on 0:00 : B m 1:80 : p m Louis Kxpresa 8:45 : p m 1:50 : p m Chicago Eipresa 10:55 : a m * AI Transfer only tnucAoo and BOBTUWUTIBII , 5-50 p m ' ExprbM , 0:60 : p m o 9:25 : a m Paclflo Express 0:05 : a m Bioor OITT AND ricinr. r40 ; p m St. Paul Expreti , 9no : B m , jo B m Day Expreaa 7:00 : p m DMON rAcino. 8:00 : p m Western EspieM , 6:10 : B m 11:00 : a m PitclQo Exprem , < :40 : p m liilOam Llurnln Expreet , lUpua ; At Transfer only. DOUKT TKAIN8 TOOttlMJ. Leave 7JC.sW3:3010:8011:40 : : : : . ra. IBC-1:8 : : : SO-4:80-5:80-fl:80-nW : : : : p. u Bunday-7.-0' Eo-iiuo i. m. u30-8W.-J:80-eW-ii'j5 : : : : p , m. rilve 13 mlru'n hffurn Iwvlog tlrflt , From tr3ifji only E , Eiee M. B. or oth.rtamori removed without thi , knife ot druwlcf cl blMd. CHRONIC DISEASES" * ' * - * . Over thirty years practical expulNiM Offle. Mo. t , Pearl siroot , Conncll Illnflj. /arOonrultafion ( re * . OEDER TOUR Cobs , Coal I Wood OF 33. F. 0 , address , Leek Box H . Council BlaffA SCHURZ. OFFICE OVER AMIHIIOAH EXPRESS rOUNOTL BLF"tTFS lPSHJHiIlOJlH D , , PHYSICIAN & STIEGEON , 1122 VM1 Droo wa7. Oouncll Bluffi. WHEN' YOU WANT GOOD VALUE , ASIC FOR PBPER-HEIDSIECIC CHAMPAGNE. Unscrupulous dealers at tempt to substitute other brands for the sake of ex tra profit. " PIPER-HEIDSIECK" on sale "with every "wide awake " -wine merchant in the trade. CHICAGO , ftP The SHOB.T LINE. And BEST ROUTE. FROM OMAHA TO THE EAST. TWO TRAINS DAILY BKTWEEN OMAHA AND Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee , St. 1'au ) , Cedar Uaplds , Davenport Clinton , Vubuque , Kocltford , Hock Island , Freeport , JniiesvIIIc , Elgin , Madison , La C'roaBu , , Winona , And all other Im | > pointa East , North * east and Southeast , Ticket oflliw ) at 1401 Parnam elect ( in I'axton Hotel - tel ) , and at Union 1'acillo Depot. 1'iaiM/vx / Bi.m'KRH ami the FINEST Di.viNfl CAR * IN run WORLD are run on the main lines of thu Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y and every attention lijjnld to pasec'iigers by courcuOLa cuiplojciof the Mmipany. . a. Mkiimrx , A. v. u , CARPENTER , GeiierulManagcT. Oon'l Passenger Aitent , UIL KII , OEO. F. ilKAPfOHI ) , Aee't Gcn'l Jlana cr. As..t Oen'l I'auu Agent. J , T. CIAUK , Oon'l Suporlntondont , fjli 'HE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , ( SUCCESSORS TO THE J. U. D. & D. CO. ) The mott extensive manufacturer ! IN TUB WORLD , obn HookitraaMr General Aeenl or Nebraska an Western Iowa. B. Tenth Street . . OUAHA , NEB ( Vadatlou Billiard and Fool Tables and materU tioel WEAK , UNDEVELOPEOARTS IK'TUK'HIIMAN U1)HY KM.AUI1KI ) , llliVKHl