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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1885)
UMAHA DAILY BEE-SATORDAY * JANUARY 24 , 1885. SIOK AND DESERTED , A Girl Ill-ought From Denver to Oinnlm find Deserted by Her Seducer , Yesterday about 4 a. m , , In Carrie Mullen's honao of 111-famo on Capitol nvonnc , n gltl by the name of Jonnlo Kessler Rftvo premature birth to a child , The history of this girl ia a Bad ono nnd the man who brought her to her present condition is worao than a bruto. The girl tolls her ttory ns follows : She was a serrant girl In Denver and met a youug man by the uamo of William Qalnn. Qalnti was a smooth-tongued follow and finally under promleo of mar * rlago accomplished the girl's rnln. A faw months fonnd the girl in a delicate condition and Qalnn loft Denver , tolling her that ho would como to Omaha and make n phco for her and then would send for hor. Ho came to Omaha and was engaged as bartender for Wood , the Fourteenth atroot saloonkeeper , who had such an escapade - capado with his Denver mistress in this city a few days tinco. Subsequently Qalnn wrote to the girl to como to Omaha and she did , no arriving in this city last Monday. Qalnn did not oond her any money , and oho was obliged to pay her own faro from Denver to this city. Qulnn did not moot her at the depot - pot , but sant a hackman , who took her to the Cozzana hotal. She remained there ono night , when the same bnckman called and took her to the Gees hotel. Hero Qalnn called upon her and told her that it was too expensive to keep her there , and that ho would toke her to n place where ehowould ] liavo company and good caro. The next day the hackman called and took her to Carrie Mullou'a , where she has since baon. The girl received nothing but nbuso at the hands of the Mullen woman and y s- t onlay she was taken ill. She was p'accd ' in n cold room without any attendance and there alone passed through the pangs of child birth. lr. Gibbs was called and attended to the stifle-ting girl as best ho could. Later in the morning two police dflicors called at the house and the Mul len woman ordered them to take the girl away at once , saying that if oho was not moved to-day that she would throw her out into the street , The Mullen woman said that the girl was not a spotting wom an and that she would have nothing to do with her. The man Quinn , who ia responsible for all of this trouble , hai skipped out and nothing can bo found of him. Superin tendent Pierce , of the poor farm , has been notified nnd as soon as the girl is in condition to bo moved she will probably bo taken to the poor house. The Mul len woman is not a woman but has mote of the Instincts of a beast. A OflfiONIO BEA.T , A. St. Julian Skips out nml Leaves Elverj body Ho Owes. For several months there has been n man by the name of A. St. Julian run ning n rcstaurnnt at the corner of Fif teenth and Capital avenue. I hu restaurant was named after its owner and was called "Tho St. Julian. " Tho/placo has done a very god business , but the old seed whc has been running it has evidently beer working lo salt down a few dollars re' gardless of the consequences and prob ably tas done so. Ho has run in debt everywhere ( hat he ho could find an j body to tiust him andil has been his motto never to pay a cent i : hu could possibly get out of it. All of { sudden this chronic dead-beat transfer ; his property to a second paity and leave the city. This transfer was madi yesterday morning , and iiianypersons win had meal tickets which had not yet beei used up are left out in the cold. Whoi they wont to dinner yesterday they wen informed by the now proprietor that the ! tickets were no good and if they wnntei dinner they would liavo to put up thocas ! for it. Not only has St. Julian beaten all th dealers ho could find to trust him , but h has loped in the newspapers for gooi sized advertising bills , and notwithstand ing that pcrsbrent effort ] wotc made t got oven with him , it was like trying t get blood out of a turnip. Ho has gone , and his came will h pasted upon the walls of time as a chroni dead beat , and wherever ho may go itwi bo well for the ci'i/ens of such places t beware of him. Pat Comfort Turns Up , Mention was made iu the BEG a fo days since that Mrs. Comfort an her family of children had arrived i Omaha and wore in destitute chcun stances and the husbmd and fatho who waa supposed t j bo Corking in th city , could not bo found. Mrs. Comfo was 111 and was token to St. Joseph hospital and the children "TO coiuignc to the tender care of Superintends Pierce at the poor farm. Yesterday P , turned np and wont to see bis wife an children. Up had been at work ! Harris1 & Fisher's packing houseat hud got out of employment and was poi nlleis. Ho has gotten possession of h children and la now trying to scrape t pother a few dollars with which to obta quarters and gither together his faml under ono roof. 1'ollco Court. T In fpolico ( court yestorda7 thr ntrong , able bodied young men we charged with vagrancy. They gave tl names of E. E. L ne , N. Smith ar Louis Simon. They were accompanli by an elderly man , who was alsoohargi with vagrancy. They all pleaded gnil and were eentenced to ten days each the county jail on bread and water. Frank Thornton , a colored man , w arrested at the Instance of the man Kin who runs the dive on Tenth street , seems that Thornton had been boardii with King and having been taken sic ho had run behind In his hoard bill the amount of 810. King wanted to gi rid of him and had him arrested. . Thornton was iu such bad shape that i waa unable to work , ho was sent to tl poor houeo. a nrlllUnt nooial Affair , Ltst evon'ng ' at his residence corner Twenty fourth and D.vvenpoit jtreets elegant reception was given by Mr. E. ] Oliapnmn , the Avcllknown wholesale gi CCT and h's claiming young btido , 11 M IBS Pauline Hax " , of St. Joseph , ft ] The guests began"to arrive at 8 o'clo and fiie reception continued until 11 i The toilets of the bride and her sis'i Wits Bertha 11 ax , ns well agorae of i guests , were very beautiful. After con > gratulations and bett wishes of all kinds of happiness and good luck in the years to come they all enjoyed a bountiful lunch. The tables as well as the house , were beautifully decorated with floweta and smylax , Mrs , Hammond , the moth er of thb groom , made everybody feel at homo at once ; after having a pleasant socUl time , the guests departed csrrying with thorn many pleasant remembrances of the happy occasion. OMAHA'S ' OOUflOIL , /LJjcttcr to tlio NcbrixBlc * City Press by an Omaha Ttlan. The following letter , written by an Omaha -correspondent to the Nebraska City Press , may provo Interesting to many and particularly to the city council : OMAHA , Nob. , January 20 , 1885. Queer thing ! are queer , but thit which Is queerest to mo In this council and incongru ous city. The first city of Nebraska nnd the Great West , holding a repelltat and an at tractive power alike to nil clauses from the whita man to the Chinaman , from beauty to n beast. Like many another city , possess ing , yet falling to hide from the reportorial eye , Its phases of upper nnd lowtr tondotn , iti scandals , Its churches and Christianity , Its dives nnd wickedness. Like many another city , having within its own limits , yet hardly acknowledging Its political rivalries , its self made linn , its romantic robbcriei , Its pacullar contracts for public works , its sub rosa'Vnu ik ings , " nnd .last but not least , "City Dads. " And speaking of city dads It would pleiaa any reader of human nature to take a glance over the ' 'motley crowd , " In this world brains win hcnco Omaha has ni brilliant , energetic , intelligent nnd poetic a crowd cf political sharks and knaves ( with a king thrown In ) ai ono couhl ask to gaze upon , that ! ; , If one's Imsginatiio powers ara strong and stretching. Such n reader would feel profound sympathy or dUguit , I know not which , when gazing on such n crowd of self- m do men and would think , "God pity the maker , " The property owners don't ute the word "pity" whsn they sneak of "em. No , not very often , nnyway. Tba word they use mostly commences with a d. nnd n big I ) at that and nil on account of pleasant and pleas ing internal improvements in tha way of pav ing , grading nnd sewerage. Why the people should kick against paying an enormous or excessive tix I can't under stand ; but they did , and made n test cose , which was decided in favor of the kickers by his honor , Judge McCullough. And speaking of Improvements , Omaha Is not'nlwnys asleep , but does at times wako up and got action on hcrsslf. Just at present a chambpr of commerce Is under discussion , and as " 'twere well 'twere done quickly , " I e.x- pect soon to know its location and see its foundation walls commenced , and bs able to tell you about in my next. JBREMT WJLKINS. THE LEGAL LOG , News from the Various lie sal Dlepen- bnrlcs or the City. In the district court yesterday , Oharlea H. Hamilton , through hia attorney , \T. C. Comn , entered enit against the city of Omaha and its treasurer , Tinman Buck. The plaintiff in his petition al leges that his property on California street , between Twenty-sixth and Twen- ty-Boventh , has boon assessed for coots of grading whtca was done in a mannorjin- authorizcd and illegal. For this and other reasons set forth in the petition , the plaintiff aaks for a restraining order prohibiting the collection of the tixeo fijln the county court yesterday Henry Karsteni , of Mlllard , filed a petition asking for the appointment of an admin istrator for the estate of his father , Henry Kantjns , deceased. I'OLICE COURT. Before this tribunal yesterday after noon Gcorga Smith was arraigned on a charge of assaulting Richmann , the cigai man , on the corner of Seventh anc Pierce streets. Smith did not altompl to deny the fact of the assault , but said Hut Ilichrrmnn , in giving him backjsomi change , had tendered him two pieces o counterfeit money. Upon his ( Smith ] asking for a refund of the money , Bach rnaim refused. Judge Bonoko , however smtcccDd Smith to pay a fine of $10 anc costs and to bo imprisoned in the count ; jail for Oiio day. Frank Graves , alas colored , was or raignod on a cbnrgo of stealing a clocl from Young , the Sixteenth atreot house hold goods morchMit. Tho'chargo via ijot clearly proven , however , and Grave was dismissed , Young being ullowcd ti retain the timepiece. The Ocean Itato War , August Wolsa , agent of the Hamburg German-American line has received ol ficial notification of a still further cat i rates on that lino. So low haa the pric of passage bton reduced that a tiokc from Omaha to Hamburg , Bremen c Ilavro can now bo bought for $2G.5 ( And it is quite probable that the rate will fall still farther. The war in ocean rates had its origi in the rivalry between Iho Hamburg American line and a now line just static iu opposition to it. The Hamburg lin withdrew from the German conference < steamship companies and proceedc . to cut rates to suit itsa So far the war tai been raging Corcel ] J and there are no pic.sant indications of a I early termination. Last Friday Mi , Weiss received ollioinl notification to so JT a ticket from New York to Hamburg fc $1-1 , and the rates have been falling ovt As there is very little ocoin trav now , none of _ tbo ttaamRhip cimpanlt apptnr to bo suffering from the ci rate ) . oo robe TUTTJS bo id 3d PILLS ed ty In 25 YEARS IN USE. Xhs Oreatort "Medical Triumph of tha Ag SYMPTOMS OF A f ; TORPID LIVER Lou ofappe titr , Uo weU coitlre , i'aln the bead , with a dull ensatlon In tl back van. fain under the ihowlde to blade , Fullnen after caclng , vrlth adl Bt Inclination to exertion of bodr or rain Bt&B Irritability of temper , iow plrlt , wl &B a feeling of bnvlna neglected omoduf hu Wearlnen , Dlzzlnen , I'lulterlnir ni t ! ho Heart , Dati before tbo erei , Ileadaci over the right eye , Itoitlensnesm , wl Qtful drennif , IlUblr colored Urine , BI CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'S 1MLI.B era especially adapt to luch cases , ono doao effecta such of ihnnRO of feellncas to astonish tnesuffon They Increase thn Appetite , anil cause t an bodr to Take ou Fleih > tUui tha irstem nourished , uc4 brtbelrTonlo Action B. thdUlKestlTeOrgaUdltcjcuUrHtooUi B.o producRl. l'rl- aSe. 44 Sfurray St. . IV. o- lo. IOB runs HAIR DYE UKXT HAIR or WIUSKKBB changed to ck OLOSST Uucs by a slnelu application JO. this Dm. H imparta a natural color , at Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists , Im nt by express on receipt of 91. tjffloe,44 Murray St. , Now Yor The Btixiuchanim aorj cd "Wltli Ice , Pom DKPOSIT , Md. , Jnnuft-y 23. The San- quclinnnft ia gorged with ice from Garret's Is land , three milei sonth of Port Deixjslt , nnd extending lovornl miles north and from shore tj shore. The ka moved this afternoon and plied fitUen feet high oppDslto Port Deposit , backing water into and submerging the entire lower section two or thrco feet. Intense ex dtement prevailed. The water continued n . rnc for half an hour and rose UV6 Iret tn twen- iy rninutes. The citirons removed their stock , tarriogei and other personal eltects to places cf safety. GUIitm residing In the lower "ec- oion prepared for the gorgn by mounp : Into the second storiea of their dwelllngi , A par ty of gentlemen and ladles skating upon the Ivir had n narrow oicapo. The Snowstorm in Illinois , CHICAGO , January23. Ithaibcen snowing atendily hora since early thii morning and despathcs ftdm various points thtoucjhout tlio northwest report severe snow storms. In Ohleago tlis snowfall WM still in progress nt at 11 p. m. , but during the evening had been descending less heavily than in the preceding hours. Specials to-nmht show tha northern and middle portions of Illinois liavo had an , average of six inches more snow added to the the thick covering that was already on the ground. Trains are all subjected to moro or less delay , but nothing of an exceptionally serious nature bos yet boon reported , The AVhitowmtcr 1'olsonlnR Case. WiimtWATunVia. . , January 23.- The ex amination of Miss Nellie llornn , t > ho by charge of the coronor'a jury wai held on the charge of having poisoned her sister Anna some months ago , waa concluded to-day and resulted in the young lady being remanded to [ ail to await trial. The examination has baen .n progress four days , and during the last two the evidence produced against the defendant lits boon very damaging. She Is uow gener ally believed to Invo poisoned her father and mother and two mstors , all ef whom died un der suspicious circumstances during the past few yean. The prisoner wai taken to the county jail at Llkhorn tnis evening , The Storm In Louisiana , SHREVKPOIIT , La. , January 23. The heav iest sleet of tbo seaman fell last night and this morning the whole country is covered with ice , presenting a scene seldom witnessed In this section , The bridges In the surrounding coun try arc swept away , the sti earns are higher than for years and the roads are impassable. Prisoners in Bellevue , Boe-lcr parish , set fire to the building laat night and It was com pletely destroyed. For a time It wai thought the whole \illago would bo destroyed , but the spread of the flames was prevented by tearing down buildings near the jail. Loss not stated. All prisoners secured , Pursuit of tlio Mexican Bandits. YtJMA , Arizona. January 23. Go\ernor Vcllagtara , of Lower California , has arrived , He left Kncanada , Mexico , with twenty volunteers. They encountered a party of escaped mountaineers , hilled ono and captured nine The o are being hold In the Mexican territory. Ono of the governor's party was killed. Lopez was in tbo encounter but escaped. Tha ob ject of Vellagiana'a visit in "to secure the re turn of the prisoners captured by American trnop . Lieutenant McDonald Is In clo < e pursuit of the remainder of tbu gang. It is almost certain all will be captured or killed. Exposition Notes. OIUKAXS , January 23. In spite of the unpleasant weather there wna a consider able number of oeoplu ou the exposition gioundu to-day , The principal inteie-it cen tered on the agricultural department , where awards wore being made , Iloraes of the French draft breeds were passed upon. M. W. Dunham , of Wayne , 111. , took the three first prizes for stallions , and Dillon Bros. , of Nnrinan , 111 , took one. The Utter also took four firsts for mares. The awards will be complete to morrow. * A OHIACGO , January 23. A mixed wroitling match to-night between James Faulkner , ol Kngland , and John Bab > haw , of Chicago , bait three in fia for a purse of S-100 , was de clared in favor of the Enili hm n. Thn firs ! and third bouts in which the Grec Komru style was uped , were given to Faulkner or fouls. The second fall was catch os catcl can and Faulkner won by a fair arm hold , The audience was fair , the contest was nol parliciilaily exciting. - The National Silver Convention. DKNVKII , January 23. The notional sllvei convention which will 1)3 ) held horu the I28t ! inst. , U attracting a widespread attention Colorodo , KaiMiB , Utah , Wyoming , Ne\adt and New Mexico being represented by Inrgi delegations. Several prominent advocates o the free tnd unlimited coiuago of silver fron eastern ctutca will be present. Fuiiprol ot Sister Theresa , nnE , Pa. , January 23. The fu neral of Sister Theresa took pi : e to-day fron St. Mary's cathedral. Two thoueand person were present , including the tlsters of St Mary's and Molinikrod convents After so ] cum mass of requiem , the funeral oration wa preached by Father Kelly , of Towanda , Th remains were tikon to Pittsburg for buna' ' accompanied by Fathers O'Uara , Donohu and Kelly , and the Mothers Superior t Wilkesbario and Towando convents. Sr.ow ISIookndc. , I Iowa , January 23. Snow fc sK inche-i to-day and It Is still snowing. Th Wabaih trains are all out of time. Tli3 Cft tral of Iowa has not it-ached Mason City fr a week. Trains on nil other roads aie delavec d Freight trains aiu mucU delaved oa the Bui lineton nud aietide tiakcd all abng tl : 10f lice. 10d d Thn Htorm in Colorado , M GALVKSTOX , January 23. A special to th ' News from Colorado cays : A heavy SDO 11 storm is in proRreis , Tbo weather for tl r' ' past week was very severe on cattle. If tl storms contlnua tha loss of llvo titcck will b ir very great. Report * of Joiso * are constant ! 3f coming in , Specials from Gainsaville an otter northern Texas points sttte heavy rait to-day ; freezing to-night. Tbo .cattle ai dying rapidly. The Weather. WASHINGTON , January 23. For the upp < Mississippi valley : loal BIIOWH ; warm weathi except in northwcut portion ; slight fall in ten porntmu ; variable winds. Kor thoupperMissouriva'ley ' : partly clotd weather ; local snows ; variable winds , general ! shifting northerly ; rifting , preceded in tl southern portion by fallinsr barometer ; coldi in northern portion ; rising , followed by fallin temperature insouthcra [ " Sftlo of the Dubuqno Times. elk DunuquK , January 23. Thaentlro propsrt and utock of the Uiibuquo Dally Times con pany has been pui chased by Blanchard BID k In who liivti had editorial and builneis contn lie of the p i t-r during the past fourteen month r- The form of the paper will bo changed fie rd , a nix column quarto to an eifiht column foil Ib A brut class job nttice will be added te tl concern and other net-tied lmpfoumen made. Ib The Old Liberty Bell. ad rmmjimo , January 23. Notwltbstandii od the Inclemency of the weatlur between ts and three thouiand people were at tbe Unit 'be' Jcnot "hen the train carrying the liberty bt arrived. There wai BO foimil drmotiKtratio however , but there wui u atop f thlr luInuU'a allowed those present to view tl cunoiity. ol SAM FRANCISCO , January 23 It isstat * * this morning that the Northern I'acitia w refuse to ilgn the agreement mide at t ! k > Trn contlaentil ' itctt'ng unleia tto 8 p cint they were to pay theSoutbern PaciEo ro > d i rebated. The Noithern Pacific elsims that without the Oregon railway aid Navigation company steamers the southein roads would h vo no Portland connection. A NiUurnl OBS Well. WASHISGTOX , Pa. . January 23-This morning gas was struck at the Iiouh well at a depth of neneteon hundred feet , equal to ths great Canomburg well. Drilling is being continued and How l increasing. wr. llcmhohl Wnt Ills Freedom. PHILADELPHIA , January 23. Dr. Henry T. HemboU if seeking release from tlioNorrls- town in'sano asylum , where ha has been con fined nearly four years. _ The Now Jersey Potlcrs. TnKNTOX , N. J. , Jwiuary 23. An agree ment has been signed that the potter * who have been locked ont ( hall go to work Monday at tha old rates. The Knlghla of LaVior will endeavor to cnuallro and barmoniro the pro posed reduced list of wages proposed by the manufacturers bsforo February 1 , Tammany Hall Election. NKW Yonic , January 23. The Tammany hall Q committee on , organization elected tha following officers to-night. Chairman John Kelly , vice ilulrunn John McQnado treasurer 1'ollco Justice John J , Gorman , Tha commlttco appointed to arrange for a delegation to attend the inauguration of President Cleveland. The Whisky Pool , 1'EoniA , January 23. Tlio auditing com mittee of the western export association con- eluded its labors this afternoon. They found the aggregate amount of outstanding Indebted ness of last year's pool about 870.0CO , which it is claimed it will not bo ill Hi cult to meat. g | "A Missing Steamer. SAN FRANCISCO , January 23. Tha steamer San Pablo is now thirty days out. She sailed ( torn hero for Yorkhama and Uoug Kong December cember 10 and had 000 Chinese aboard. The Pacific mall officials say there Is no caueo for anxiety. The OhlcAgo Driving P rk Sold. CHICAGO , January 23. The property of the Chicago driving park association was sold to day by order of the court subject to a lease held by William Fmmott. Kdward Corrigan , of Kanias City , D. It. Curtis , B. H. Camp bell and Washington Hesmg wore purchasers , paying 823.020. , The Avenger's NEW Yonit , January 23. The Vorld this morning publishes an interview with Capt Phelau. He says ho intends tq prosecute all concerned in the murderous attack upon him. Ho will protect the secrets of Ireland , but will pursue O'Donovan Ilossa and his gang until they are pnnished for conspiracy to murder him. _ The Illinois Legislative Sqnahhlc. SPUINOFIKLD , 111. , January 23Tho house assembled at 0 o'clock and soon afterward ad journed until Monday evening. The demo crats desire to secure the attendance of all thtir member ? , the republican caucus having decided last night to elect Halnea permanent chairman , r The French Tremble for Stewart. PARIS , January J3 The llepubllquo FrancaU considers the battle between Stewart's troops and the Arab robals an anlirromedlablo check to thendvanc ) of the Knsjlieh at Khar toum , and says it trembles for the fatu of Gen. Stewart's force. Down 'With the Llherty JJell. PHILADELPHIA , Pennsylvania , January 23. The liberty bell waa taken frpm the Inde pendence hall at 8 o'clock thlsI"to6rrni'ng/ proces on of BOO policemen started with it for the West Philadelphia depot. Pugilistic , BOSTON , January 23. GreanCcld lias ac' cepted a proposition from Pat Sbeudy to fight Charley Mitchell with ban- knuckles or witli kid gloves for 81,000 a side nud the gate ro ceiptsatNew Orleans , after the contest will Kilrain here February tl. i t a3 Anxiety tii London , LONDON , January 23.Tho absence of nowi at the war office concerning General Stowart'i cdvanco cau < es considerable anxiety. Seal of North Carolina Smoliing T < acco ia the best. TELEGRAPH NOTES. The Italian government is organizing ! force of 20.0JO for a raid on Tripoli. It ia reported in Homo that 300 persons per ialiPil In the avalanches in the district of Lire , and Aosta. Many sentinels and travelers in Spain hav been frozen to death. Peasants are pnrsuct into villages by wolves. The jeans manufacturers of Louisville am Now Albany have decided to opsn all mill now closed and run on two-tliirJo' time til April. European newspapers generally , comment ing on the recent battle near Abu Idea Welh express tlio opinion that the expedition wil lead to EiiRwh protectorate over I'gypl us it IB unlikely England will withdraw froi Egypt after thceo exporsito campaigns. Another blue book will soon bo issued b the Gorman foreign office containing th official correspondences and acts which culm : natod in the annexation by Germany of th Admiralty Islands of Now Britain and Noi Zealand and a portion of New Guinea. iV heavy snow ntorm 5 * in progreis in nortl ern Tex IB. The weather for a week past hi been * B1J' BM era ° " cattle and Bbeop. If th etoruvxeiitmues the loss of liva stock will 1 very frraat , K'ports of caeca are constant ! coming ID. Specials from Gaineaullo an other , notthern Texas points reports heav ralna Thursday , frec/icg at nipht. The cattl nro dying rapidly. Tbo Cologne Onotte , in a leading cdltorii on the relations of England and Europe , sayi "Tho chief question is whether England t Europe shall eivo way , or whether they uha compromise their opposing claims * . AVe ar convinced England will yield , if the verdii of Europe Is given with tbo neceisary emphi au. " The writer predicts the decadence c la ro English power. "Only let us ehow our teeth , the article continues , ' 'and England will sui priso the world with her cowaidlce , " Judge Fit/gerald , of the territorial court < Arizona , ordered the sheriff of Tucson , to pi Berger , who was ejected from his ranch o c the Papazo reservation by Indian Apei Wheeler. ' in possession of his premises , tin Agent Hart and Lieutenant Mason in char ; ot the troops at Burger's , rancbol troatc the order with contempt. Tha court Thursdi afternoon { caned an cider to bring Hart ar. Lieutenant Mason with his command befr : tlio'court. A conflict U expected as it Is b liavud the soldiers will not submit to arret YOUNGUENt-KKU ) THIS. THE VOLTAIC BELT Co , of Marshall , Mich offer to send their celebrated Et-ioriw-Vo TAIO BELT and other ELECTRIC APPLIANCES c trial for thirty days , to men ( young or oh atllirUd with nervous debility , loss of vltalit and manhood , and all kindrea troubles. All for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , an many other diseases. Complete restoration ' health , vigor and manhood guaranteed , 1 > rUk is incurred as thirty days trial U allown Write them at once for j Illustrated pamphl free , Mrs. Mllaon , mother of Joaquln Mil er , lives at Easeno ? , Ore , , and , acon Ing to the Poitlnid Oregonlan , baa bee deserted by her 22 josr-old lover , who aho inarriod about a j oir ago. "Sho entirely alone and trying to take care a foir hilf.froaen cows and horsef , an by tbo aid o ( tbo noighboiu , to keep he self provided with food and fool , 8 ! resolutely wipes away her tears , that ed times will fall , and declares abe will n 111 think of ner present condition and t ! he future , which a ehort time ago look * er bright , Miss Maggie Walsh , through her at-1 tornoj J , 0. W. Kyle and S. S. Felker , has In- itituted replevin rrociedlngs agunst her brother-in-law , P , A. Gavin , for ths posses , sion of a trunk. Miss Walsh , who has bjcn living with Mr. G vin for some time , cliims that the has been so continually maltreated by Mr , G. and his wife that Hfo ha become almost tinbtarable to her. She liMdelermined to seek a horn * elsewhere , but Mr. G. refuses lo glveup her trunk , claiming as her guardian a certain Hen upon it. Some Interesting de velopments are oxpecttd when the case is tried' Complete Treatment , Inhale for every form of Catarrh $1. Sanford's ' Eadical Cure , Head Colds , Watery Discharges from the Nosoxpi ] Eyes , Ringing Noises la the Head , Nonous Head ache and Fever Instantly relieved , Choking mucus dislodged , membrane cleinsod and healed , breath sweetened , smell , taste and hearing restored , and ranges checked. Coughs , Bronchitis , Droppings Into the Throat , Pains In the Chest , Dj spepsla , Wasting of Strength and Flesh , Loan ol Sleep , etc. , cured. Ono bottle Radical Cure , ono box Catarrh * ! Sol vent nnd ono Dr. Sanlord's Inhaler , In ono package , ol all druggists , lor JL Ask or SAXTORD' lUDicit , CORK , a pure distillation ol Witch Ilaxol , Am. Pine , Ca. Fir , Marigold , Clover Blossoms , eta Porru DRDQ AMD CIIIUICAL Co. . Doston. Ulo ( or Shattered i , 1'alnlul Muicicsand Wcaltene Organs. Collin'i Voltaio Elcctrlo Plaster in- sUnlly atTccts the nervous system and banltbci pain , ner\oui in J debility. A per feet Electro-Galvanic Vat tery combined with a highly OruggisU. OA-PlTAIi PKIZE § 75,000 Tickets only $5. Shares In Proportion liitL mm mm Louisiana State Lottery Company "JFidoAerrty etrtiry Mt u tupcrtitt tha lanaementi far all the Monthly and Siml-dnnuc. Drawngt of the Lcuttiina State lattery Coctfanjf intiinvtrton manage and control tkt Drawing Jtenwjfwi , amltAamssanM are conducted uiti honesty , fairnttt. and in good faith toward oil par tits , ami ice authoriit the company to tits thii etr ti/lKte , uithfae-iimilet of our * > ( iMtur i eltciM ( n iit udstrtuemtntt. " Commissioners , Iifcrpoiated Ic 15C3 lot ye > , ro by She leeitmi ! far ednoatlauM ud aharli&ble pnrpoess irlih n C.1J It M om.000,000 to which a rceoira racd ol Q7 (550,000 has claw been added. By aa overwhelming popal&i vcio 1(3 traneMci rw msde a part ol the present Itato conitltajloi tdontsd Dooombei Sd , A. b. ISIS. , The only lottery over voted oa tnd eadoraod by the people of any stito. It no > tr scaJea or postpones. Its grand fclnglo numbes drawings place monthly. A SPLENDID OrrOUTUNITY TO WIN 'A FOR TUNE , SnCOND Q1UND DRAWING. CLASS B , IN TUK ACADEMY OF MUSIC , NKW ORLEANS TUK3DAY , FKURUARY 10 , 1335. . 177th MO.STHL DUAWINO. 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Irj It , v < . (4 w * f eonuw tti. Ait.our | r * r Mdruerl'lKl U llt Jj uU,3iMu'utJ j. w. w.G G tf. y- A BIG CAT FBEf Also 13 valuable nnd reliable recipes cipes ( never before published , ) any one of wliich is worth 1.00 am from that to 825.00 , and n copy o the "Cultivator 1 sent FliEE t < any one that sends B stamps to pa ; Qoatag * etc. , 3 comic picture card iFvill. also be enclosed in the pack ago. TheBe.recipea . ore valuable t ! he household and any energeticper aon knowin'g the secrets they disclos need never want for money. Pleas write nama and address plainly. Pu 3 stamps in a letter and address i to the WESTERN PUB. CO , , bo 509 , Omaha , Neb. . R. R1SDON , nEPRESEHZSl 1J 1 Phcenli Insurance Co. , London , Cub J- Asset * t6,80lCX JQ Westchetter.N. Y. , Capital 1UCO , < X ) Q TbelTerchiDtaof Ne arkN. J..Car.ltal , . . . 175,0 ( m OlnrdFlre , PbiUdelphtt.Ckolul 1,200,01 is Womin'i FundCaptul _ _ . of a , H. B. ATWOOD , r- Plattamoath Nebra < & rle , - * - le sxucia or tnoiooaasmiD urn BUB IIABI at mm } UD JERSEY emu AracoROOOK iturt BID s m Kt Itli Kill In ( sit , IEYER & BRO. AND - : acto [ | Prices -ASI ) EASY TERMS. Send for our catalogue and price list before pur chasing elsewhere. MAX MEYER & BRO. LEADING JEWELERS And Solo Importers of Fine Diamonds , Watches , Silver ware , Rich Jewelry , Wholesale nud Retail. Cor. llth and rnrnnru Sts. SOLE IMPORTERS -or HAVANA CIGARS -ANJ > - Meerschaum Goods , . TN Wholesale and Retail Dealers In . > - Criins , Aininnnit.ion , Sporting Goods Notions nnd Smokers' Articles. Btatio'sery , Cutlery , Druggistb1 Sundries And Fnncy Qoodg. . Full and complete line nod * BOTTOM PRICES I Max Mever & Co , < 1020to1024 FarnamSts. , Omaha THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY I 1 I IT " d V WEY&STONE "V ? < * < ' . One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From ; 'f STAIRS TO CLIMB. ELEG-AET PASSEMER ELEVATOR G-JEMMA.N & . WYATT. LUJHBE w a w g COMINGS AND 20TE STS OMAHA. AND ADDRESS OX A COSTAL CARD TO TUB Hearthstone Publishing Comn'y. . PHILADELPHIA , PA , And you will rcccno by return mall a SPECIMEN COPY I Ot Tux UEARTIIBTONE , wnlch Is without exception tbo BUST Sicry Paper published. Tim IlEARTHSTOM ! is a sixtccn-paqe paper , full Hie choicest original serials , tKttchet , poetry and miicellaneouB articles , and Is printed on line tlntoj paper. Those who tubscrlbo during the next -sixty days will reecho nnv ono of the ( olInwlDR articles : WOOD'S PENOailAl'II , the boss lountain pen c\cr uecil OKN ] LEMAN'S Q033AJIEU COAT or LADIES XEWPOKT , DAHNE , POPULAU HISTORY , DAY'S COLTiACOH of 4U.003 quotations from 2CO authors , copiously Illustrated. THE NEW AMERICAN DIOTIOKARY. A POCKET MAGNIFIER. HOW TO BEAD CHAUACrEll ; a ery IntcrcBtlng book. A TRIPLE-PLATED CHILD'S SET ; OrSIX TRIPLE PLA KDTEA SPOONS. Or SIX THIPLE PLATED UK'bERT SPOONS ; Or SIX TRIPLE PLATED TABLE St'OONS ; OrSIXTfllPLK PLATKD FOUKS ; A TRIPLE PLATED HOTTER KNIFE ; Or SIX TRIPLE PLATED WJNDSOR KNIVES. All tlicsoelhcr plated goods nro guaranteed to beef of the best quality. Don't la 1 to tend for a epcci- men copy of TUB HXARTIISTOMI , &nd wo are sure j oil will be Induced to subscribe after reading the paper' AdCtrOSSTllE KtRTIISTOVB I'UBUSlllNO O. C3 k 270 S. Ninth St. . Phila. , Pa. MEDJCAL AND SURGICAL CROUKSE'S BLOCK , tl Hth and Ctpltol Avenue , treats til ugea pled or Deformed leodloo iej oltt ftorvous System , Throat , Lungs and Urinary Organs All easel of Onmtnre ol th Bplno , Crooked Feet UK md Armi , Dlaeaaeg of the Hip , Knee , &n < ) Anktt Jolnti. Also Ohronio directions ofthe Liver Rheumatism , FaralyiU , Plleg , Ulcori , 0 Urrh , Asth DOS nd Bronohltli ue all treated by new and > uc > MMful methods. All diseuei of the Blood tnd Urin ary Orgtni , Including thoee tetnitlng from IncUcre * Uon , or exposure , tre ufelj tnd euocecifally treated Younr men , mladie aged , tnd old men luff erlng from WetkneM tnd Nervoui eihaustion , producing > nillreetlonPtlplUtlonol tbo Hcul , Despondency DlijdncM , Lots ol Memorylck of Energy tnd Am- bltlqn , ctn be restored to bealtb tnd vigor , If case li not t < o long neglected. Tha Burgeon In charge W president ol the Northwestern Uurgical Insti tute tnd Surgeon of the Natinnul Surgical Institute. If tffltcted , call or write I nil description ofyourow , ind medldne may be eent you. Consultation Irw. Addict Otn n * Dispensary , Crooosa Diode , Omaht , Neb , Office boors IO-1J a. m.,1-8 a 7-8 p. m EcnUrt , * 10t m , Bevrtreoftll trivtliru agents. We have none , fend for cliculm. QR.HORHE'S ELECTRIC . BELT N rroaine i , Lambtco. Kheonttlim , Piraljili , Ntiralgla , BcUtlca. Kldntr. fiplue uJ Liver dliuMti , Uoul , A > thm , lltirtdlitue , DlineplU , Couitlliltltm ilpelw , Ciitftrrh , fllei , Xpllepky , Iiiii > tenir , Uumb AKUC ( frol > r' < Uteri. tc. Uulj cUntlUc Klcirlc Belt Iu > n , r left tbftt adl the KloctrlcItT nud IQARUHUIIU tliniUKl , tht bodj , ftad ca bo rtvbftru d la ui IUBI UI bj tb jtatl ut. Winter li coming , tbe season fit ths jreir ( or e - ind palnf. Inrlowot this ( actvro say tcC < > tj Dr. Ilorno's Eleotrlo B lt * . 07 so doing > oa nil avoid Rheumatlim , Kidney Troubles and otfie/ ill thatflMhls beirto. Do n t delay , but call at ou otBojandeiamlaebeltJ , No , 1121 Dooglas street , o C. Y. Ooodman' * 1110 raroim bl.Occ h , Neb. Oi dtraDUedQ , 0 , D . _ SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS Jr * rrt W. S. SE01MAKSE , AT Jca.JS. 215 S , 13th St. Omaha , Fourteen Years' Practice In Ion a and Colorado. ' IIIRFERKNCES | IOWAHoii. . J , I'.eeJ , Associate Justice Suprtma : ourtrcaldenoe , "cuncil Iliulle ; Hou O. H. Lewis. Mstrlct Judtfe , rctldcnce , Cherokee : Flrtt Natlorul lank and Olllccr & 1'u < > - , Hankers , Council Oloffa Har > oy i Ford , Banken , Logan , Harrison Co. , Ia. COLORADO Hon. J , 0 , Helm , Assodito Jostlce , Supreme Ceurt , residence. Denver ; Hon. Wra. U t iion , District JunL-f , loildencc , llucua VlstaHatb ; < way1 ! ! Hank , raiiplay , Purk Co dccia-lui ' SHORT HANDt A machtno for thort- hand wrltliifjweight 3 } lbn. Send for clrcalarB. StrJpo & Miller , Agents , 151 ? HarneyitreotOmaha , Nob. HAMBUEG - PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , F/auco and Germany. Tlio iKsmtblps ol this e'l known line are bull i ol iros , In w tcr-tlght compartments , and ro lur- nulicJ with exry rcqulslta to maio tbo paingu bcthsale acd jreoable , They carry tbe Unitoa Stitc * and fcuroptan malls , and k& > New York Thusdatscnd SMurdais ( or Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cterbouif , ( PAlllBand HAMHUIIO. Itatiss : Butrifr.0 from Ilimbuii ; 814 , to Himburg IU ; found trip ma. First Cabin , $35 , (65 too. $76. ' Henry Pundt M rk Hansen , V. K , Jtooret.JJr. Tolt , > K > UU > In Onikij * , ( IforjuwetU B.lioentgeo , gtnt < in Council UluOt. V. Jl. fclCl'AUD 4 , ! O , tn. Klin. AgtJ i 01 Ilr ( dw y , N. Y. Our. lot- "itriikl * D0 > " "ulVcslirn Alttutf , 170-W ti. . . , Cbluga , IU. ( \