Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1884, Image 2

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tumWnms Iron with fi.nj
.TtiiMo ' ' > iiii , ni.irkly nnd tmnj lot ij
1 HI-PS llvM'i'liilrti 'inll/ii Htlnii , \ \ < 'iiliiir < ,
ititiurc lllmnl , llulnrliiil liHNuMil l < "pvcrj
ti'l r\nirtiti < lii.
'i In HII imrcilllno remedy for Dlkcusciof '
Klilimn nnil lilvrr.
It Itiriilunlilo < i > r Dl'cn'rs rn-rtillAt i.
Wnninri , nmi nil who It-nil fedenlnry In
' "l < i"inotlntirolhett'otlirnMH | lic'ii'lai ' li. -i
tr-Kitme constipation o/Vr / Jnn inlnn-
' onrlrlionanil jmrlflM thel > lood.stl- .
\ i M'Mtlti..nttl < i niwlnillntlnii of fo '
i Ilcnitnitrn nnil liplrMiif , , and rtrr-t.
t the imnfloi ntiil ncmt
> r Intermittent rpvcrs , Jksiln-1'1,1 > .
' < raj , < . ' 11 lii mi i-i"1
Cnhi' ( r'tinlni tm r'xrtf tor i nr > ' -
inlMlspntet la tie BROAD CLA lit
liver offered to tlio nubile.
ll-known line built
Iron , In witter-tight oorap rtraont8 , and are farnla
ad with every requisite to make the paegigo bo
life nJ agreeable. They carry the United Slut
and European mail * , and lo M > New York Thui
days and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Che
bonr ? , ( PARIS ) and HAMBURG.
Kates : Steerage from Europe only (18. Fir
Cabin , J55 , 885 and ? 7t. Btcoraje , { 20.
Henry Pundt , Mark nsnaon , F .E. JIooroB.if , Tel
eontolo Omaha , Gronowcg & Schocntgon , agent ]
Conucll Blufla. 0. B : 1UC1IARD It CO. , Qon. Pa
, 81 Ilroadnay , N. Y. Gbia. Koiailuskl ft C
General Western Agouti , 170 Washington St. , Ohl !
. A. victim of youthful imprudence
wic o will snnil I'ltHi : to Ilia fullow-iufforon. > .43Cuatnanii > t.Newyj
For Men. Qolck , tare , life. Hook fn
VIGOR CUl&le Actncr. 100 Pultou 8 L. New Tot
guaranteed spoclflo for Hysteria , U.rtlnoss , Convu
llono , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Norvot
iroetratlon caused by the ueo of alcohol or tobbacci
Wakofulncso , llcntil depression. Softening of tt
brain , resulting In Insanity and leaping to miser '
decay and death , Premature Old ago , Ilaroneaa , Io'
of power In either sax , Involuntary Losses and Spe
' atorhoracaused by over cicrtlontot the brain , set
abnooor over Indulgence. Each box , contains or
month's treatment. 01.00 a box.or six bottloe' (
(3.00 , eont by mall prepaid on receipt of prloe.
To care any cue With each order reoelvod by t
( or elx bottles , acoompllihed with $5.00 , wo will sen
he purchaser our written guarantee to refund U
money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Oua
ntoealoanod only by JOIIN 0 : WEST & CO. ,
r. jr Z3-mJto-ry 862 Madison St. , Chicago , 111.
blood promptly relieved nni
rcrmancntlycured by rcme
' "
N U1" Losbi. liy Dreams , Pimples 01
L oil Mnnhoud.t iItli'tlHcured T/cr
> > in. . MintTl B appropriate ii..r.rdj
t uionr- used In eachcvic. Consultations , per
nii'i.1 or by letter , caciedly confidential. Med
I-t i hrMt bv Mail end Express. Nomarkuoi
-a to niiliwatr conttnu or render. Addresi
U.Mo. 2U4VVn3hinnon ! Si.Clilcagoll !
Erlunger ,
Culinbachor , . . Havana
Pilsner . . . 4 Uohomian
Kpicer . . . . .M.Bvomen
BndwoiaSr . St , Louis
Anlmusor. . . , - .St. Louie
Beats . , , . . Milwaukee
Behlitz-Pilfmer _ . Milwaukee
Ale , Porter , Domestic and
Wiao. PD. MAU11KR.
1S13 B'arnam St
W th rajh numlwr of DOilOIlESTS MONTI1L1
M -CiAXINB will Im b'lun a full ilzc fabhlonablo Pa
tern ol uny size of t > lea soli ctcd , maklDg t ch y to ,
tern during thoj tars \aluonfo\cr thieo Uollla
lietldea the must lopular , tnttrtalnir anj us
mH-n'iig ' Simple copio * a ' 0 , j carl ) , JJ. Add
\ \ . Jennlnga , Dfinoreiat , ITKait Uth ht , New V ,
- - - - Is Imltcd to pcnd thcl
uddrcas to TUB Swirt Si-ECirio Co. , Wrawrr !
AllsnU , ( la , for a cony of tliclr treatise on Uloo
ud bkln Ultcuca. vhldi Mill bu malktl free.
Cancer for Many Years ,
A ftmlly servant Im ) been afflicted ( or many \c r
with a oanwr on her noeo , and wai ttealed by Ham
oil ho bent phjelcUni , and the old remcdUw uiei
without bciictlt Mnally o gi\e her a ilt'a Spe
cifio and iue hai been completely cured.
JOHN HILL , Drutrslat ,
Ihcmion , Go. , August it ) , 1SS1.
Jobn Nc , jounp nun near liere , lad a cancel
onhUdce which bad utten away hla iioso and inr
ul hU check , aiulxai rxteudlniup tohUejoa. Ai
Iv4 resort he > i put on S llt'a Sfeclllc , and 11
i entirely cured blin. llli faced all healed o\et
with uew rlijli , and his general luilth It excellent
JIiifcco\ory wm vtondertulIf.
If. f. CRt-xtKr , If. D. ,
e , Oa. , Aujruit 10,1831.
How A Mnu From the ICnstv
AinnBcd mid Kntcrtntncd In
the " \Vllils ot Montana ,
St. iVvul Day.
' 'It was in the early days of atonmboa
ing on the upper Missouri , " said Welt <
Cooper , of Bozornan , the other night (
the MorchnntB1 hotel , "on an upward tri
from Bismarck to Benton , on a boat o
the Conlton lino. Wo had on board
jolly party , who had exhausted their ri
sources for whillng nwny the tlmo , wheat
at a wood camp wo took on a fresh pai
snnfror , and I used the term freshly ac
visud , aa you will BCD. IIo had ovldcntl
boon dropped off the boat ahead of ua bi
caueo they hadn't miough salt to cui
him with. Ilo waa tall , angular , HU
pallid , blue eyed , and carrotly linlrei
Ilia build and accent botraycd the goi
uino Yankee. Ilia bearing indicated
wloo man from the east OH a pllgriuiaf.
tojtlio wlldjwost.
"How far ia that mountain from hero ?
ho aakodas ho ccn omplatodtholaudaca | ]
with an artist's poao. Wo dropped upt
his refcrouco to the mountain , iloro w
onr opportunity to nmuso our gucat.
was moro than n milo to the butte , bi
wo told him solemnly that it wasn't moi
than n quarter and volunteered to go at
climb to the npox where wo could BOO tl
moat magnificent landscape the eye
man over gazed upon. Three or four
started with him. The ether members
the committee of entertainment OSCUBI
themselves. "
"Tho trail led across coulooa and ovi
prairie-dog hillo , but our guoet ploddc
on with the boya , who were filling h
eoul with dismay by rotating Inditi
stories until the landscape had lost son
of Its charma and expressed a burnlt
dcairo to return to the boat nnd tl
butte waa fading Into the shadows <
evening. The party had hardly face
abonh when wild yells and wilder lirir
made the air hideous. The boys a
yelled 'Injuns' and madon break for U
boat. Then n palo streak was noon broal
Ing through the air , anon appearing o
n dog house and disappearing from vlo
In a coulee , the iiring and nowllng coi
tiuulng on cither aide of the line of r
treat on the trail from the bntto to th
boat. Everybody on the boat were i
convulsions as the apparation droppc
from the bank into the water , waa flalu
out with a boat hook and identified i
the eaatonorwho wanted some oxcitir
"When the boya , whom ho had dia
tanced In the retreat , came sneaking It :
holding their aidea and biting thair lipo
with the atory that they had , after a har
struggle , succeeded In driving the a&vagi
away and saving hla lifo , the castorm
suddenly pulled a toy pistol and opone
lire on thorn , snoaring ho would I
nvonged , for ho was wet and wrathy. Bi
by the thno wo reached Benton wo ha
succeeded in rcatockiug him with confi
dent-o in our good intentions.
"Boforo landing wo were having aquli
talk among ouraolvos , aa to taking a llttl
horseback exorcise. 4s wo had antic
patod , ho broke Into the convoraation an
pleaded to accompany ua , declaring the
Ilia mission to Montana was the pursu
of health. His physician had told hit
to go out there and rldo the ronghei
liorso ho could find and stir up his livoi
Wo wont up to a livery stable and gave th
foreman the wink. Our fresh friend irr
pressed the boys with his dealro t
rot the ronghoat horao there was in th
corral. Pretty soon a utout legged caj
use with a shaggy mane , a atubby ta
and a pink eye came bounding out wit
three muscular follows dancing a hornpip
in his train , trying to control him with
lariat , the atirrups pommeling the saddl
md the pony's flanks with wild abandon
The man in search of health studied tli
antics and lurid light In that cayuse'a ey
i moment and quailed. Then wo guy 01
lim until wo had touched his prldo am
the boys had quieted the boast a little
and then ho mounted. The mon hold 01
until ho could bo firmly seated. Hi
mettle was now up and ho yelled fiorcel ;
at the man to lot go the ropes. The cay
iso did not stir when ho was first re
eased. This Inspired the ride
to rake his Hanks with hi
spurs. Then there was a confusioi
ot caynso and rider and apurs am
saddle in the air and on the ground alter
lately until the whole outfit rolled up ii
i heap of du at in front of tha corral ,
lad aeon a cayuao buck before , but neve
ono which entered ao heartily into th
ipirit of the occasion as that ono bid. H
> rought every muaclo into action am
'airly ' overreached himself. Wo wont i
ho wreck aa quick aa possible , dredgei
the dust out of the hoalth-aookei'i
ears and mouth , and aot him on the hoe
"And the firat thing ho aaid , waa :
" 'Say. mister , ia that that horse's nat
iral gait ? ' Wo all came to respect th
CUSB , for ho was a good ono. Game am
; all vioro hio constituent elements ,
aw him afterwards on a lecturing tou
and blamed if ho wasn't just coininj
money. ' I
Painting the Dcnd.
few York Telegram ,
"Have you over hoard of dead mon i
aces being painted to make thorn lool
natural ? " naked a Broadway barber of i
oportorial customer who had jusi
trapped into a chair.
"No , " uas the answer.
"Well , I have done several jobs ol
hat kind BO artistically that the frlondi
of the deceased complimented mo and
mid mo big money , Drop your chin c
ittle there. 1 waa called by nn under
taker a while ago to paint the face of a
wealthy man who had accidentally ahol
ilmaolf through the temple BO that the
round discolored both sides of the face ,
lazor pull , oh ? No ? I took watercolor -
color paints and fine brushes along , and
after applying collodion to the discol
ored parts of the face , I painted
t as near the natural complexion of
ho deceased as I could. Oloao shaveoh'
All right. Of course I waa alone with
ho corpse and the undertaker's assistant ,
and none of the relatives of the dead man
aw mo do the job. Sit up a little higher ,
( leasol When I got through the face
ookod BO natural that it surprised mo.
? ho relatives were called in and pro.
lonncod the face very uatural and true tc
Ife. But I took ( .aro to find out when
ho corpse was going to bo burled , for I
know the discoloration would return
gain after the paint got dry ; sol finished
p my work a couple of hours before the
id was put on the casket. I got a big
rico for that job. Have a sea foam ) No ?
Bay rum ? No ?
"I got another job ; it was to paint the
ace of n man who had died in California
nd while the remains were being brought
ere they became greatly discolored. The
olatives wanted to have the corpse look
Ice and tbo undertaker sent for mo. I
; ruck a bargain , as an artist iu euch
ork would , and secured a bigger price
ian I expected , Part your hair on the
eft lde ? O. K. ' Well , I worked like a
oavor over that b ackonod face , and got
to look quite natural ; but I know It
wouldn't latt long , eo ! got the nndc
taker to hurry up the funeral , which 1
did. Everybody who saw the face siV
it was very natural ,
"Oh , I can do such jobs to the queen
tanto , but 1 haven't had n call for son
tlmo. I have frequent calls from upton
swells who liavo accidentally , you knoi
got their oyoa blackened , and for n dolli
or two I rub collodion over them ati
touch them np with flesh-colored wato
color paint. I can make dead faces lot
hko llvo ones. Fifteen cents , ploaa
Thanks. Brush ! "
f IN UtYSttt.
The Bridegroom Drmva Ills Knl :
on lHn AVIlo AH Hour
New York Star.
A party of two young mon nnd tw
girls appeared before Juaticn Strong
the city hall in llobokon on Friday eve :
ing and asked him to perform a marria )
ceremony. The conplo who were di
sirous of being united appeared to bo u
dor the Iniluonco of liquor , but they ai
swered the usuul questions without he
Italian , and the justice married thoi
The young man described himself
Arthur E llico of No. 300 Washlngti
street , Hoboken , and tbo bride said si
nns Marie Marietta of No. 120 Iloboki
avenue , Jersey Oity Heights.
Her female companion , who w
bridesmaid , said her name waa Leer
Mahoney of No. 18i > Webster nvouu
Jersey City Hoighta , Aaslatant 01
Olork Wolnthal acted na groomania
After the ooromony the party wont
the Eagle Hotel , where they had anpp
and considerable drinks. Suddenly t !
now-mado husband drew n knife ai
threatened the wife of an hour. H
cries alarmed the inmates of the hot <
and the proprietor , after quieting t
parties , asked them to leave , which th
The AVomoii ol' Vienna.
From a Recent Latter ,
The education of girls in Vienna
aomowhat peculiar and worthy of not
writes a correspondent of that city. I
to 15 yoara of ago they are kept at thi
studies , but are not deprived of sociot
Thuy dross very simply , rarely wearing
silk gown until the day they leave t
school room for the ball room. Aft
they leave school they go through a yea
or oven two yoaro' teaching in the pant
and in the kitchen under some member
the family , or even , in some cases ,
another family nndor trained cooks. Th
may never bo required to cook a dlnne
but they are thus rendered indopondo
of cooks and servants , as they learn he
to do everything themselves long bofo
they begin housekeeping on their OT
account. When married they are me
afioctionate wives and mothers. 1
Austrian lady , in fact , is as accomplish !
and learned as nn English governeas ,
good a housekeeper and cook as a Gc
man , as witty and vivacious in society
a Parisian , as passionate as an Italic
and aa handaomo ns an American , eon
of the moat beautiful women In Euro ]
being found in Vienna. Germans nt
nlao Auatrians are celebrated for the
stocks of linens. Hero as soon as a gi
is born , the weaving of her linen is b
gun , and every year a pleco of s ccrtai
number of yards Is sot aside for hi
trousseau , ready for her marriag <
Grandmnmas , on their side , are not Idli
They pass their tlmo knitting for the
grandchildren , aupplylng not only the
proaent wants , but alao laying asldo f <
the future , a dozen dozens of stocklnf
of every kind being the usual number <
any bride's trousseau , and aomo of thei
knitted stockings are as fine as sorno i
the finest woven ones. An Austrian gii
or lady is never , I may any , aeon withoi
some kind of work in her hand. Ladii
work oven in society . They do nothln
at balls , of course , but I think that la th
only exception to the rule.
The Original Mr. lloily Who
the Hotel.
Virginia City Chronicle.
Everybody has probably heard ef tli
old song. "Is that Mr. Roily who kooj
the hotel ? " but few know how It orlgliu
ted. Some years ago an Engliahrua
made a trip overland by stage. Tt
wards evening ono day the stage drew u
at a small houao by the roadside , froi
which a sign hung announcing "hotel.
Entering , the Englishman throw off
glass of liquor and demanded a supper c
ham and ogga.
" ' " landlord "bu
"I'm aorry , aald the ,
bam Is scarce and there's no eggs withii
ton miles cf the place. "
"No 'am ban' ' heggs ? " roared Join
Bull , "then Hilo 'avo beefsteak. "
"Sorry , " briefly said the landlord
"wo'vo no steak. "
Cold poison flowed in the Britisher' '
voice aa ho asked if cold roost beef wn
"Nary a roast , " responded the land
lord ; the boys ate It all up for dinner. "
"Well , - ! - ! - ! " howle
the Britisher , using ungrammatlcn
French and Hotontot , "what the blaze
i'you keep ? "
"Why , I keep the hotel , " said th
landlord In a surprised and grieved tone
A.nd this was "Mr. Holly who keeps th
lotol. "
New Baggage llulcs.
The general baggage agents of the 1111
lols Control , Minneapolis & St. Louis ,
st Louis , Kcokak & Northrrostorn , Bur
Ington , Rook Island , Hannibal & St ,
Foseph , Northwestern , St. Paul , Omaha
Northern Pacific and Omaha roads have
iddrosaeil the following notice to the pub
Ic : "Tho following named companiot
rill not accept any roeponaibllity what-
iver for the receiving , storage ,
hocking , or forwarding of sample
ranks , cases or packages car-
led by jewelers or travelling
.gents . for jowoly houses. From and af-
or the date of this notice their agent !
rill refuse to receive from jewelers 01
raveling agents for jewelory houses , 01
ither persons , any sample trbnk , case 01
mckago that they may know or have
canon to believe contains jewelry or jew-
illor'a samples , either for storage in tholi
mggsgo-rooms , for checking as baggage ,
ir for transportation la the cars of those
lompanles , nor will they take charge ol
noh trunks , , casoa or packages In any
aanner whatever. Should such be ton-
lerod , they will state to persons maklnp
ho tender that they cannot bo accepted , '
Probably the largest real estate trans-
otlon over brought about by a club wae
ho purchase of their grounds by the
taston baseball club , at a coat of vei
1100,000. They were obliged to either
urchaso or allow the grounds to bo sold
t auction in lots. It Is generally con-
Idorod to have been an oxcollout invest-
lent. The Boston and Providence rail-
oad desired to secure a portion of the
roporty for turn-outs , otcM but wore
ntuccessful ,
A man in St. Albans , Vt , was heard
> remark that ho would give twenty cents
> r a cat. The next morning twpnty-two
eye were on hand , each expecting to go
way twenty cents richer.
How FnslilntiM Are Dlscu'scd In f
Undertaker's Hoonis ,
I'ittkbiirg Commcrcial'Qnzetto.
"Do you wish to look ct n late style
one ? " said an undertaker and dealer i
garments for the dead yesterday to n got
tloman who had called in the interest <
a late friend.
'What ! do you have styles in grav
clothct ? " said the patron in some nstoi
"Why , certainly ; " said the dealo :
"Hero , you &co , wo have broadcloth suit
for the young men and men of midill
ago , dressing gowns for old mon , brow :
and black habits for ladles and law
shrouds for children. Hero Is a down
pillow for the baby's ' head. "
' 'Aro these the moat fnahlouabl
colors ? "
"You , you sco , wo hnvo no plain whiti
Dead white , as it is called , is no longi
the fashion. Ju its place wo now u
cream nnd bluu-whito or pearl Blac
nnd brown are much used. Brown :
growhiR into popularity with the catlu
lies. Wo are making up some full-drei
suite , but the frowns nro most popular ft
both BOXOB. Brown nnd black are tli
only color uaod in making the gontli
men's habits , Of coursa the shirts an
collars nro mndo wlutu , nnd you sou , the
nro uanally sot with n pcmrl stud , Cravnl
nro cither white , black or cream. Tl :
shirt , cravat , collar and gown is nil in or
plcco nud made open at the back , I'o
haps you do not know that when the re
ntivcs of the dead buy n suit of clothes i
a clothing atoro , and take it to an undo
taker , the very first thing ho does is I
cut open the back. This is doiio to nvoi
the dilliculty of getting the sloovcs ovi
the arms. These habits you see a :
fastened at the back by moans <
strings. "
Turning to another part of the stor
the haberdasher in grave clothes r
marked : ' 'Tho gentlemen'sdrcas aui
are mnda of broadcloth , either Qno <
coarse , according to the demnnd , whl
the gowua are sometimes made of morin
with collar and calls of quilled satin , Tl
waist is fastened with n cord and tasac
Thoao garments , as Ihnvo Intimated , mr
bo either black or brown. For Indie
three varieties are kept , which are d
nominated , for want of bettor names , tl
habit , ' the 'gown' nnd the 'Mother Unl
bard. ' The habit is a sort of wrappc
The Indies' and children's clothing ai
ilutod , embroidered and trimmed wit
Inco. The fabrics such as nro kept 1
stock are not costly. The satins nro goi
orally part linnn and economy Is practice
in the selection of the ether goods. *
coats losa to buy nny kind of n habit fc
n dead person than the living. This ,
think , ia sonniblo. What's the use c
buying valuable clothes for 'such pui
poses ? Of course rich people , and eve
people who are not rich , sometimes orde
habits made from goods of the fine :
texture ; bnt it's no use , nnd the majorlt
of the people seem to think so , judgin
from the trade. "
In response to a question at to th
style In coll'ms , the dealer laid his jhan
ou n magnificent specimen as ho romarl
ed : "Tho newest thing is the Egyptia
casket. It Is made of solid rosewood c
mahogany and would prohably bo sold o
retail for about $450. It wus designed ,
understand , by an architect. Its peculiarity
arity Is thnt it does not resemble a coffin
There ( a no bulge in the side nnd each o
the corners is ornamented with ono c
the straight round columns found nmon
the ruins of ancient Egyptian structures
The carving , all af which is done b ;
hand , is also characteristic of the Egyii
tian architect. It IB modest and olcgan
throughout and it would cost you a goci
deal to dlo In that stylo. That cedar bo :
over there goes with it. Stylish under
takers have discarded the white pin
covers altogether. The Egyptian caskets
ots are not colored artificially , aa a rule
bnt finished in the natural colors of th
wood , though it can bo obomzed. Thi
coflin shape for both coffins and casket ;
is being done away with after undispute <
UBO from tlmo Immemorial. "
"Howabout the fashions In hardware
such as bandies and plates ? "
"I have the latest patterns hero. . '
keep thorn to know how to match them
as everything about a fuurql must ebo li
keeping. Sliver has been wholly dis
carded , and oxidized motah have take !
its place. Gold is also popular. Thi
old-stylo dropping handles have boon caa
asldo to await a now freak of fashion
while the straight box holds undiaputec
sway. This box Is often hoxigon soaped
the tips and fastenings being of gold
sometimes plain , bnt often burnished
The present styles are practical , soiislbh
andologant. "
Ijlfo In a Modem Monastery ,
Nintoanth Century ,
At five minutes to five precisely , foi
punctuality is a great matter , the big bol
begins tolling for Matins. This Is the
modern equlvalunt of what used to be
called the midnight oflico. In the
thirteenth century the honr was 2 a. in. ,
now It IB five , in some monasteries on
the continent it is four , But in those
days they wont to bed at sun-down 01
aoon nfter six , whilst wo moderns think
nine o'clock early. When the tower
clock has ceased striking five , all riao , at
signal given by the superior , from the
places where they have boon kneeling
ind waiting in the chancel , and the
Matin service begins. On ordinary days
it lasts nn hour and a quarter , and haslet
lot much about It of ceremony or rftunl
hat could catch the eye of an onlooker.
3ut on festivals it ia nn almost gay scene ,
md must begin earlier on account of its
iroater protracton. On such occasions a
argo number aronrrayod in alb and cope ,
ho organ accompanies the chant , nnd
omotimos the voices of boys mingle with
ho heavier tones of the monks. These
ittlo choristers are selected from the
ibboy school , of which more anon.
"Prlmo" Is chanted at half-pant seven ;
ho conventional mass that ia , the pub.
Io mass of the day Is sung at 9 o'clock.
, nd at this the whole school assists. On
estlvals , this is the great celebration of
ho day , and is more or losa solemn in
iroportlon to the greatness of the feast ;
\ sermon accompanies It , The next time
hat the community are called to the
ihurch is for the oifico of "Nono" ana
kftor this at half-past four , comes the
ivonlng olflco of voapors. This , llko the
DBAS , la sung with organ accompaniment ,
md these two , wilk Matins , make up the
nero solemn of the d ily services , at
rhlch all are more stringently bound to
> o present. The office of "Compline , "
ho closing prayer of the day , recited at
i lf.p ° st eight makes the sixth and last
imo that the monks assemble in the
hnrch. They spend at least three hours
nd a half every day in thla choral duty
-on festival * much more ; it is ono of
he principal employments of monastic
This order of the day never varies ,
rith the slnele exception that on Sun-
ays and some very great festivals the
Igh mass takes place t ton o'clock , for
ho convenience of those "oulsidors"who
reqaoat the Abbey Ohnicb , and who
light think "nine" rather early.
The remainder of the day is tilled up
In divora irays , in the discharge of the vr
rious occupations which each has ni
signed to him From the end of Comr
line till the end of Prlmo of the follow
ing morning la n tlmo of the strlctct
si Ion en nnd recollection ; not nwordraua
bo spoken for anything short of tli
gravest ucceaafly , and no work or bus
noes is done It Is the time for th
nightly rest , nnd for meditation and private
vato prayer. But when Prime is tit
Ifthod the nctivo work of the d y begtui
Foremost among thin ia the work c
teaching ; for the monks of these day
still maintain their ancient tradition c
education , nnd the school ia nn almoe
integral pirt of n monastic establish
I'UtTING A lltiiVI ) ON HIM.
Xlio Irlsli Wirtow GPIH ICxolieil Over ;
Ticttrr ,
St. l.ouin Critic ,
"You'vo known mo now for n Ion
toimo , Mrs. MeOlnpgorlj ] " said the Iris
widow to her neighbor.
"Faith'n 1 have.Mrs. McGoogan , " wn
the neighbor's response.
"An1 yo nuvor saw nawthin wrong wl
mo , did ye ? '
"Divil a thing , Mrs. McGoogan "
"An * no moro will yo , Mra. McGlac
gorty , " Bald the widow. "Furnll there
wan thing m this whole wldo wurld .
proldcs incsllf on ito my charrnckthorai
by heavens , I'll hould on to that whtfil
there's power in mo arm 01 lolfo in ra
carkisa. Sure nn' fwhat'a n poor dnclr
widdy TToranu pot to purthect her bv
her chnrrackthci ? Whin that's gone oho
In purty hnrd hoult , an * don't ' you forg <
it nltlior , Mrs McGlnggorty. Aye , that
it. What am 1 gottln1 at ? This IB whf
I'm gottin' at , mo frlnd. I sindu m
daughter Arothoosy to the grocery jm tt
corner half an hour ngo for a pRk t
poratloa an * tin cinta worth of lugnni
fwiu what does aho bring mo bac
in the basket but a love lottc
for the ould fat Dootchman that owns tli
Bthorol 'Pwhat's thia Arothooay'aczl ?
'The ould wan-oyed walnor wuraht o
the camior , ' scz aho. 'An * who ia h
amaahinT I up an' ' axes hor. Thin fwhn
does aho do but toll mo 1 makes her nlcl
an' cez I had botthor take mo head to
brain factory an' have some thradadollai
put into it. 'An' for fwhy thrado dollars
scz I. 'Bokasp , thin , ' aez sho. 'there'
bo some since in It , ' I watr rale voxo
wid the prosoominous little huzzy fur he
way av tnlkln' , but I lost Bight av that
Mrs. McGlaggorty , f win I thought av th
Dootchman'a gall. Arothoosy road m
the letter , an' bo nil the angola an' ' saint
it 'ud make yer hair sthand on ind ti
hear all the ducky dnrlints an' tootsc ;
tootsies ho calls-mo. lie tould mo tha
ho was Roln' crazy to have mo all to him
self , an" ho wouldn't bo able to llvo wid
out mo , at nil , nt all. 'Fwhwat do yoi
think av that , mo daughter ? ' I axed her
'Think av it ? , she sez , as she chucked on
her under jaw until sholuked like n suck
end policeman. 'Think ov it ? Fwhy
take the guy in , mother reaalproaaicati
his affections , yo know an' inabbo wo'l
10 able to swiapo the grocery ehtore , an
thla yo can give him the shako. ' Foinc
advice from an only daughter , wasn't it
But its loiko nil the young gerls av thi
proalnt day. They'll fancy ennybodj
that has the money , an' bo honvins the ]
will marry him , too , aff its only for the
aako of a uaihkln eacquo an' a pair av tit
dollar doimond earrings. "
"But fwhat did you do about thi
lotther ? " naked Mrs. McGIaggorty.
"Fwhat did 1 do ? I'vo jiat bin dowi
to the sthoro an' buahtod a bushel inoas
nro over the Dootchman'a head. Tin
onld schcampl Ho has wan wife in Germany
many , another in Now York , an' now t <
be afthor thrvin' to make a fool av i
daclnt woman ! It's too muchl Aff ]
toult mp brother-in-law , th' officer , abou
him , faix 'n I b'liove ' he'd murdhor him
or have him slnt to the pintlntiary , war.
or th' other. Troth 'n fwhen I come tc
think av it , I'm sorry I didn't kill hin
ineself , the monathor nnd mawrmon , tc
amnah a poor widdy , who wouldn't hav <
the loikcs av him all' ho was n rich as Jaj
Gould or as purty aa Freddie Gibhart. '
A sure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itchlnpntu
Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr ,
Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr ,
NVilliam's Indian I'ilo Ointment , A single
box has cured the worst chronic casoa of 23 01
30 yours standing. No ono need sutler fivt
[ ninutes fter applying thia wonderful sooth
ing medicine. Lotions , Instrumenta nnd eloo-
iuaries do moro harm than good , William's
[ ndiau I'ilo Ointment absorbs the turners , nl-
ays the Intense itcliing , ( particularly nt night
tfter ijettiaK warm in bed , ) acts aa a poultice ,
; ives instant relief , nnd is prepared only for
L'ilos , itching of the private parts , and for
lothlno else.
Read what the lion. J. M. Goffinb& ry , of
jjoveland , nays about Dr. William's Indian
Pile Oointmeut : "I have used scores of Pile
vures , and it affords mo pleasure to say that I
lave nuver found anything which gave such
mmedlato and permanent relief ns Dr. Wli-
iam'a Indian Ointment. For sale by nil drug-
fiats and mailed on receipt of price , 50o and
> 1. Sold at retail by Knhn & Co.
Wholesale Ago
A body of well equipped mon are about
ottlng out from Laramie City for north-
restern Wyoming for the double purpose
if shooting wild horses and poisoning
oyotoa. The latter are a terror to cat-
lemon and a reward of 82.50 each ia of-
orod for their pelts. Wild horses have
ncrcaood of late on the plains , and do
amsgo by enticing away tame ones , so
bat the loss to owners Is great every
oar and constantly increasing.
Hood's Sarsaparllla , acting through the
lood , roaches every part of the system ,
ad in thla way positively cures catarrh.
John Smallworth , of Vlnconnoa , Ind. ,
ill sue < 150 persona for $500 each , bo-
inao they said ho ought ty bo tarred and
lathered when ho married his fourth
ifo <
Goocl-Kor-Xorliliii ;
Do you sometimes foul that wayljaasl- ?
ide ? Vertigo ? Can't ' sleep ? Can't ' on-
> y a meal ? Can't engage in a pleasant
invoriation ? Can't carry on business ?
an't look hopeful on the future ? Well ;
11 that moans dyspepsia , and general
isordor cf the digoativo apparatus. "I
ow feel llko a now man."is what Dr.
, 0. McLaughlln , of Wolfosvillo , N. 0.
iys , after ueing Brown's Iron Bitters ,
'ou may have thoaamo experience if you
ro snffdririK from dyspepsia , liver com.
lalnt or similar ills.
Colonel Ingersoll is eald to have made
25,000 from fifty lectures during the
ist two months. The jolly colonel is
> nvlnced that talking pays bettor than
If you have catarrh , uao the surest
jmcuj Dr. Sago's.
The Georgia house of reprosontatlves
u linppsBd a tax ot § 200 on dealers in
itures in Georgia , and reduced the tax
\ foreign loan companies to $10. The
eorgia supreme court has declined to
icognua or Irgaliza the future business
. all.
017 St. Clinvli'i S' . , S . LonN , 31
< ( j ir > iU ' J 1 K C til til * IK in I
ii etc , I In ii i
v tfti ' * ftvv nn c t ifn * kn
Nervous Ptcstritlon Gchhlty , Ventnl an
physical Weakness Mcrctufal nnd other Alice
lion ol Throat , Skin ot Uonci , Oloui ) Poisoning
jirt Sores and Ulc s , MC u v i i * DtittRiieio
; r irti , 11 - ' i ( f j i ( * f Prttfttf' } *
Diseases ] s n J trum Indiscretion EXCOK
xpOSU'C Ot IndlllCCnCC , * M--h itmlnff * ifti0 of th
r u < itK l"1'i ! n m. . d ti itiiw * of liter
J Iff , r1l\c nifninrv | > mt < ) ri rt.i t ) f W | Sikhl rffffcj
* icr * | olntn > rlft * of ) * r ifu Ul ol I ti n * Mt
mtdcrtnff MArrlnrA tmnroprr or vmnpit
( rrmintoiu cur 1 li iii. | ' tt rt * * r-ritti * * * ! vr M *
. lt lc < t rnrr r > \ * * t unt kl ti > ( r. uUMti t > ft ) 41
1seT I y niAtl fr * an tlbrli 1 V run for quortloDi.
A Positive Wriiren Guarantee
pltr In ll enrfti i cM.f XrJtnnf * i nt e' ermtim.
rumphlnn , FniMnU or German , 04 IMCC , rt
urlblncnbDrodlieaiiot ( niaaloor foraalt ,
nt ier , ( lor | uin H'nMMifl In tl 'h J till blgillni
kf moiiiy ri iM t . .in , i , . ! „ , r , . t * rtli b d
eoDulM All the urlous tou ini , r iQjLUulf v t t <
lno . 1 fc o\ r jnv luiii .t io a 'hi iCv , I'.itau ,
u.alnMi rt > reunt > l DT in tuvtc *
AVlHiiurlr } Mm DLOOO.'rcri
1 ltd tin LIVUrjnn.llCIDNEVfl
ftllil 111 T.ifc | Tlllt lll.AITJ
nnrt VIQOH of YOUTH. Din
til-mi iant nrAmiiilte. jr
p-illoii , I in , t , { yirtiiRtl
iidlli < > "HKnli oliilcl
lniiji , iiniKi'lcaau
ipc lo ntwiorci
1,1 ll\una tliu inlinl uu
Biippiics tiralu I'owu
P"lr < ' "Rlroin ccnnplulnl
j.pitllnrtii tliflrsuv \ > 1
8ml inDK. -HXllK'SIUON TOHIO n fnfo no
pocdycuio. iIHc3.iile.irlicAltli ) roiupxlor ] |
rroiinunt t.tcmrtn at i" > - " - "fi--iiiB ; only ml
totlivpupiilnrltyol the orlK'hr\l. Do uutuxpur !
mciit irptllioOitliilN M AM)1IK T.
* Send your nrtdn s to'J he Dr. 1 InrlnrMod Co. >
? St.LouU , Mo , for onr "DHKAM HOOK. " I
f etrnnini nmi ymful IntormaLioa. fr
- < i nerveane tinitrrtaficn
Address , F. I ) . Cl.AKKD , M. l . , i8GSiut
Clark Street. CHICAGO. ILL.
Oenort lira ! ] n
ITavo ! oi gala KstV ) norva otrelnll ; celcolod Uni
a Kuiorn Kobiijk * , tt Io * pilce and on ouy lorm
Improvoa itrmj tor sMe In DoagUg , Dodje , Colfi
PHtlo , Bnrt , Coming , StrpyV sJU3jtoc , litrlc
nnderB , nd Butler jountloo.
Taico pitld In fill parti of tha Slat ) . ;
Uonoy loaned on mprovod fatmj.
Koiiry Public Mn-aro In offlco Oorroapond
Science of Life Only $100
Kxhanatod Vitality ; Nervous and Phyeloal DoblUI
Premature Decline In Man , Errors ol Youth , and tti
in told miseries resulting from Indiscretions or 01
: o83oe. A book for every man , young , middle agn
md old. It contains 126 prescriptions for all acn
ind chronlo diseases each one ol which Is Invaluable
io found by the Author , whoso experience for 1
rears Is Buch as probably never ooforo fell to the Io
if any physician. 800 pages , bound In beautlfn
"ronch muslin cmpoesed cocrs , full , gilt gaarantoei
oho a finer work In every Bense , maohanlcal , lit
irary and rtofeBalorol , than any ether work soldli
his country for 82.60 , or the money will bo rofundei
n en cry Instance. I'rloo only 81.00 by mall , post
> ald. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Send now. Ooli
nodal an arded tbo author by the National Medlca
LwocUtlon , to the oftlccraof which ho refers.
Tbo Science of Life should be road by theyoum
or Instruction , and by the afflicted for ro'.ltl. It wli
icncflt all. London Lancet.
There Is no member of erclety to whom The Bel
moo of Lfo will not bo useful , whether youth , par
ut , guardian , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut.
Address the Peabody Medical Inb.ltuto , or Dr. W ,
I. Parker , No. 4 llulflnch Street , Boston , Mass. , wh (
uy bo consulted on all diseases requiring eklll ace
xpcrlcnco. Chronlo and obstinate diseases that havi
allied the ( kill of all other phys-HtH I clang ,
Bpoclalcyl Such treated sucocce-nCHL fall }
rtthout an Inetiaco of failure. TUVOCC |
'HI rnro .Vrrtoinncn , l.nmbiiRn , I'.lu'iimnllsm 1'nrnlyslg
( .urnleln , t-cUtlni , Miliufplni ! inul I IM iliM > u-.t >
out , Atlhmii , lleurtillHfiivK Ilfpi > | , tl > i , I niiKllinil | u IT
pelHH Catnrrti , IMIt'i , I pllepny Jiiiniitcin \ Inn b A
runiHiii ) | fieri * ti OnH hi Iminiti lliLirli lit It in An IT
il ttmt noiulti ttlu HeLtrli lt > HilJ liintn Hitin thrmi > Ji lif
> Uj , Aiitl tau U > rotitiaruod In uu lusluut by tbu pntleut.
Winter Is coming , the season of the year for action
id pains. In view of this fct wo Bay buy one ol
ri llorne'l Eloctrlo Belts. By BO doing jou will
old Khoumatlsm , Kidney Troubles and other Ills
flesh la hn'r to. Do not delay , but raj a 'our
and examine belts , No. H22 Douglas street , or
. Qoodman'a , 1110 Karnam 81Omaha , Neb. Or-
filled 0 0 D
18th and Capitol Avenue , treats all cunt Otlp
. .plod or Deformed , alao disease * of tt
Fervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs
111 caw * of Curvature of the Spine , Crooked Feet
at and Anna , Dlneasoa of the lllp , Knee , and
ikle Joint * . Also Chronic affections of the Liver
leumatlam , Paraljeli , Plica , Ulcer * , Catarrh , Arth
i and IJronehitla are all treated by new and suo-
jnful methods. All diseases of the Dlood and Urln-
Y Organs , Including the e resulting from Inclacra-
nor expoinre , are naMj and nuooeaafully treated
d a cure guaranteed. Young men , middle aged ,
d old men aufferln ; from Weakness and Nervoua
haustlon , produc'.uk iiiJIgestlon , Palpitation of the
art , Despondency Dlulnoea , LOBS of Memory.Lack
Knergy and Ambition , can be restored to health
d v0'or ! , If cue la not too long neglected ,
e Buritoon la charge Is a graduate of Jcfler-
i Ifodloal College 1686) ) and bai itudled hla
ifoeslon In London , Parla and Berlin. If afflicted ,
1 or write full description of your oaM , and modi-
e may be tent jou. Consultation free , Addret
laha Dispensary , Croanjo Block , Omaha , Neb.
lee honri 10-1 ! a. ra.,1and 7-8 p. m Eundayi.
Oa m.
: -irActocnuiod tloii3 furultliod iiatknU torn tba
The remarkable growth of Onirvhr ,
during the last few years In a matter o2
great astonishment to thono who p.iy nn
occasional vlalt to this growing city. The
development of the Sloe' ' Yards the
necessity of the Bolt Line Road the
finely paved ntroot * the hundrcdo of now
roaliionoo3 Bud costly business blocks ,
with the population of onr city raoro thr.n
doubled In the lant five years. AH thlo
la n great surprise to visitors and fa the
admiration of our cltlsons. This rapid
growth , the business activity , and the
many substantial Improvements luadn n
lively demand for Omaha real oatato , ancl
every Investor has mndo n handsome
Since the Wall Street panic last May ,
with the subsequent cry of hard times ,
there hns boon less demand from specula
tors , but n fair demand from luvotstoro
seeking homes. This latter class are
taking advantage of low prices In build-
lug material nnd are securing tholr hotnoo
at much leas cost than will bo possible o
year honco. Speculators , too can buy
real o9ta < 3 cheaper now nnd ought to tnko
advant o of present prlcoa for future-
pro ti.
The next few yeara promises grcftton
d ivel jpmonts In Omaha than the past
livi years , which have boon aa good an
wo could reasonably dealro. Now man
ufacturing establishments and largo job
bing houses are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and through-
but the State , who have their money In
the banko drawing a nominal rate of In
terest , which , If judiciously Invested in
Omaha real ebtato , would bring them
much greater returns. Wo have many
bargains which wo are confident will
bring the purchaser large profits In the
near future.
We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North TVO have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue , 17th ,
18th , IDth and 20th streets.
West on Farnam , Davenport ,
Cuming , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnum , California -
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Faruam , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
will increase in value.
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
Jevelopuients made in this section
) y the Stock Yards Company and
; he railroads will certainly double
; he price m u short time.
We also have some tine business
ots and some elegant inside resi-
lencep for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
ome good , barains / by calling u
i3 South Mth St
Bob roon Farnhara and Douglas.
P. S. Wo oak these who have
roporty for nalo at a bargain to give
s a callWo want only btirgamn
e will positively not handle prop-
rty at more than its real value.