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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1884)
THE DAILY BEE THURSDAi DECEMBER 18 1884. Jtnit nt llil' < combining iron with pi * i ji'MUe tun' * , .Tiii kly nricl rnmpU'tel I'nrt" . l ! < | ippiH , itiillurnttnn , U i-nlinrnx jHilMiroIllnnil\lnlnrli-CliilU nnil Fc < rr n4 Nrnrnl li\ , Hljun unfftHlru romLily for Dlseost of t ! > . XMnrjr nin ! I.lvrr. Il Is Invalunlilc lor r > Ura "i rynillar ti tViHiton , anil nil ho Inml seilctitnry ll ci. It now not Injure tlu'tpfth.cnuxclicailirlie' ' pfralure cniiMl'nlion ! ' oirr Iran nc'lleuir'ti Ilcnrlciicinii'l ' ptirlflt'i tliollxi < lntlrnui'i ! ( tbenppctlte.nliU tlio p < * lmilntlou nf foot ! / . li - \ " Ilcnitliiirn Htul llili'hlng , vmirtr.'iitith > i tht mnscloi nml tinn 'i For Intcrniltlcnl I i-\pn. jasltndo , Jju S o 3t.i rgj , Ac , It h.u im pqnal. CJ-Tlie ITPni'.Ino lint iitmvc tr/irtr-j'in S1 r cit red Innsni ftnlunUspmel In tie BROAD C LA III VERY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING ANI 1 ! Brer offered to the cubllc. HAMBUBG-AMEBIOAH D1SKCT LINK FOE ENGLAND , IfRAKOS AT ? : . -r. Iba iloamghlpj ol thla well-known Hue tire belli c Iron , la witoT-ttsht oompirtmimta , &nJ tro Inrnlsl oil Tilth every rwiuulto to make the naBsatre bet ( tto anil agreuiblo. They carry tha United State tnd European m&llg , ud Icava New York Than d y B and ijaturdiy s for 1'lymoutU ( LONDON ) Ohm boar ? , ( PARIS ) bud lIAMHUUa. Uttca : Stcortgo from Europe only SIS. Fin Cabin. ? 55 , ( OS find 76. atcor io2l ) , Ilenry Pundt , Hark Ufcaecn , F .E. Moorcs.M. Tot Hfontolu Omiha , Oronewcv it Schoont en , agoatal Council ClaOs. C. B : lUOlIAKD ft 00. , Qen. Ft ! ATtn. ( , 61 LrotdwAy , N. T. Cbaa. ICoimlnsVi li 0 : Oenoril Weatcro Aonta , 170 Wnahlujtoa St. , Ohio CO.UL . ItEMj i > v KUEE. A victim of youthful Imiirmlenco causing lltmaturo Docny , NorTouaDobilltT. It Manhood , o.liavlnq tried In vain ovorr known ri > inpilyt 1ii co\oroit finliunloineanaof snlf-curo. which lie will n.l Minn to his follim-nulloror ! . AUdrBCi > J.ll.KiEVIiS,43Cha : hamSUNewVi * , * ° " VAnlCQCuLE Ct 4T"At ncr. WOFulloa t Dm E. 0. Wiar'i Naura AND DRAIN TBBABMIKT , fnaranteedBpeolQolor nysterin.Dillness , Convu Blone , Pits , Norvoua Neuralgia , Headache , Norvoi Prostration cauaad by thu use ol alcohol or tobbacoi \YaVetulncea. Uental depression , Softonlog ol th brain , resulting In Insanity anil leaping to mlsor ; decay and death , Premature Old age , Baroness , lei Cfpower In either sax , Involuntary Losses and Spe ' fttorhoraoaused by over exertlontql the brain , Mil abase or over Indulgence. Each box , contains on month'a treatment 81.CO a boi.or elx bottlot ( c 65.00 , nnt by mall prepaid on receipt ol prlco. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure my case With oaoh order received by c for six bottles , acoomplljhvd with , no will non he purchaser our written guarantee to rotund th money II the treatment Jooa not cttoct a euro. Gua : antoea bailed only by JOHN O : WEST & CO. , Jy iS-mio-ry 822 Madison St. , ChlciRO , III. Chartered by tl-.cStateoflUl a for theexpresspurpos < \Vc.i.u.thi. IJli'lil Dreams , Pimplea o leii'i kriii rii ( infjifTi e nppror.riate rt.r.rd nuio' ce ti dm eachti'f . Consultationsper ftcnal i r by Utter , sacredly confidential. Med Irlatt. it bv MM and Express , No marks o ; | Ui. . > . ? s to indicate content * or sender. Addres Vh.JA..lES.No. SiHWashinglon St.CliIcagoll Tiir."iovAi. HAVANA" is DMSIATI'KI FAIR ' SQUARE ' . . ' RELIABL. WORTHY OF CONFIDENCE. Some Crodontlals : In rtravdnK Cln lift ) , Jiiiiu fflth , JSJI. Tlckot N 19 , 1 , Ciiiiltnl rrlaMins held by John ei.Ornlt , 1 li i U'lif 1'ubliihlim CM , KO Jlaldea lane , N. V. Clt 1'uld by chock on llruoUljjijjank. I In draw Ins CUM 11CJ. July II , 1831 , Ticket No. ! , K Oarltnl 1'rlsti. aa hold by 8o > on > Armas , UlRar Han raAnror. Ki-yWi-M , Florida. I'ulil liy wire ; throw and Traitors' National llank , N.Y-i " iiiiuk of Key \W t , Fla. > In ilranlnRClnu 1167. Sept. SO. 1WI , Ticket No.21,1 : C.nillBl 1'rlziRol < l tiy Llnilnuer , 181 Morwr St. , N. 'liy. Not nutliorluM to use naino and address liol'ler. 1'ald liy chock on llrnnUin Hank. , i Tli'ket No. 61897Lbccon < l e'miltiil 1'rUii , sold by nKOi nt llrinvnuvlllo , TexiiH. Ilefa onp linU by 1 i-niani Taruavn iiml uiio-hulf by e ) . Folialno , Uatninonw , Jtu Int. Ciilloctcil tlmniph HlooinlH-rB K Itiirihael. Worth ft. , , nnd Woodivaril A ; fatlllinuu , New J'o JITlckcf'Ni'i-V-nilThlril CapltM IMzo , hold ono-hn Jiys. A. Ia > MMii - , atO Sth t.S < > . llrookljn , N. uiio halt liy KIIipkon,81 Cnllfornla ht. . H.m Fra clwu eal. Ouollalt iuld In caah ami the oth through Urcxcl , Morgan & Ity , toukers , N. . City. EXTRAORblNARY.1 CLASS 117-1 , DECEMBER 20. 188 li.OOU T1CKT.TS-1J7S I'HJ/.EM. ' h I Canltal 1'rjlto. w aApproiliuatlon y > fai'htothoJI2.SiMjiria > * * ' HU * ' O.UIO wa Vrlr.Pi , as nlnvo , Iwlnc the full number Iu the Ho > al Havana , nnd U ) Additional rrliMntlUi > arhtnthRl3)tlfkrtii havliiK asiMHllngiuinilHirH the IMD term inal unluuf the number drawlnu the Cap- rrUi'S.nniountlnBlnll. S. gold to. . . . 531,1' i$3j 2ih : , t350j T o-Utti , $3 ; Cst-Stth , i All I'rlvra pnlil on iire-nt1 ulnllon or llckv wllhoitl iluiliirlluii. Tlio n I V Ililnit ul thin chnrnrli-r In ivbli iiiiiulliuliulaii U lmpn Hlblii. T ID llcli Imlilrrnccil" 110 > uirvUur , u IlioICuy lliivnua , IllUclnl I.Ut ilrchlrH cvu llcUrt. und iiBi'iuxnro nutbarliroil to u i thu orliiluiillUt Iu cunliluu i > rUe . AUKNTS KVI'.HYWIIKIIK. I'or tickets , etc. , apply to , SHIPSEY COMPANY. llruuiltTuy , N , Y. Cltr i K KttUl/"Cb.1 Walnut T"8 Ij0' ' Mo. , or > 'rarklebr po , 1' , O , iJiftwer Wyamlolto AMONG THE BOYS. The Manner in flinch Ibc lonng Man Erjoys Himself , Ills DolriRfl in S > o ciy The Cost of ni Opera Nl lit I'okcrnt tlio Clul ) nntl tlm tinrkTIir.t Usu * nlly I < "o1l' > wq , It. Louis OIobo-Dcmocrnt. Young men have a variety of waya o cnj'ijing themselves , but their mot iromlnent methoda of dlvcrtieomont an 'going into society , " as they call it , nne 'making n night of It. " Under oithe : condition the average young man ia at ntcrcstlng study , flo may ba the not of wealthy parents , or a young gcntlcmai n butincss for himself , and again ho ma ; bo a clerk on a limited salary. In olthc case ho finds a great deal of onjoytnen n lifo , managing to got his money' forth of fun every time and figuring " 01 ho head sot , " as thu cxprestlon goes vhonover there is a first-class hurrah 01 iand or an cxtouaivo eoireo in progroc anywhere. It is neccssnry to thia young mac first , that ho possecaoa a pretty fat wardrobe , and next , that ho have a littl moro money every week than is require to pay for hia board and the laundryin of his Btand'tip collars. Of course * , c\ ; rybody understands that the young ful low whoso parents are wealthy or wh tiaa a business of his own can have thi sport almost on hia own terms , but th clerk who gets $75 a month or the book keeper who gets § 125 , must go to wor ! circumspectly to lay out the few dollar 10 can afford to devote to amnsomcnts- that io , if ho wants to keep himself ou if debt. It ia with the young man o Imited means that this article will deal Uo gets into eacioty by reason of th respectability of his family or the mem cry of the abundance they once rejoicoi in. Take him at a calary of $100 nonthwhlch isalmost an txtrttvagant sun Ho will pay out at least $50 ot this fo ) oard and the little incidentals which at tend living ; clothing will claim § 15 raor every mouth , and sundries in tlio line o ) crsonal decoration , such as handker ihiofs , neckties , and so on , may bo spar ugly put down at § 10 more , leaving bin 25 a month for amusement , or leaa thai per day. To judiciously expend thi imount so as to get the fullest posaibl joncfit Irom it ho has to bo very carefu n the apportionment both of hia timi and shekels. How docs ho spend these It coats him nothing to go to sco hi weothoart , except possibly in the summer mor months , when ice cream and lemon do make wild ravages with a younj hap'a pocket book. But in the friend ) ] months , nhon the cold blanta maki [ lowing hearts the proper place for youn { OVOB and they can neatlo cloao upon i .oto-a-teto , the expense occount charge kbla against Cupid is comparatively nil "hero may bo an occasional box of bon > ono or a small gift iu the direction o : ; lovea or literature , but otherwise there : an bo nothing that call a for money. Ir ho society of his girl the young man it n angel without wings. His trorda en weotcr to her , his language choice , hit .houghts as pure as the dancing snow lakes. Ho dooa not show her hia objec lonal aide. She knows nothing abou his "larks. " The horrid things thi newspapers write about and call tonna ions shock him just s much aa they di icr , the dear sensitive creature , and fron .ho time ho crosses her throthold uuti ie claps on his nat after bidding he : ; oed night he labors to impress her will ho innoconso of hia heart and the guile esancss of his character. As a rclo hi uccoeds and BO It happens that over ] roung man ia a model of perfection t < ivory young giil who cares enough abon rim to really love him. The young man has a swallow-tail anc ow-nocked vest , as a matter of course ? heso ho must own or have handy t ( > orrow or rent when ho begins going intc ocloty. A good steel-pen coat and vest an bo had for $25 , and will last foraev eral years. Possessed of the requisite ; armento , the young man Is pretty nearlj utfitted for any society event to which 10 may have the good fortnne to bo In vitod. A promised debut sends a gay [ utter under his shirt front , but a week of opera possesses charms for him thai bsolutely thrill his being. If ho can ( ford it at all , ho will have cither a boxer or front seats at Italian opera , llo pro- ors a box because that is more conspicu ous than anything else , but if ho can not ; ot it front seats will do. Italian Is s lead language to him , but ho enjoys the nuslc and is conscious of doinc ; hia duty > y following the example of the bong ongs. Then again it brings him forward , which is also a good thing. People whi were apt to forgot him entirely now havt .heir memory revived , and hu for a briei lour or two acorns in a sea of pleasure , hat ia portectly sonl-nourishing to him , An opera night will cost n young mat icarly § 25. His tickets will nqulro § 10 , ho auppor with wine that follow , aboni 88 , the carriage § 5 , libretto * 50 ee'.itt and other 1'ttlo ' things § 1 50. Seldom 10 goto oil' with a sln lo night during opera wcok , and when the music Is ovei and the warblers have gene ho uiuall ) lias to lament the loss of nearly t month's salary by reason of indulg ing hia inamorato's love for harmonj in its highest form of development A german draws him out in thu fall ness of his splendor , and to such an even as a debut at the Sonthorn Hotel , wher thojouneaao doroo of the city appear gives him opportunity to display himsel and his charms to immense advantage Altogtthor , the average young man wh has any tact at all and oven a fair ealar can go into society and enjoy hinuel without any lavish expenditure. Jndopd the amount ho spends in this dlroctio docs not bepin to compare with what i pent when ho goes out to make a nigh of it. The night begins generally In a club c pofeor-room. There are many such place In the West Eod now , and as about twc thirds of the young fellows who are on bilious to bo known as rapid play pokoi these rooms ro largely patronizod. Tli yount ? man introduces his night by ei gaging In a friendly game , with a S2 limi to It. Ho plays with the ordinary foi tune of the amateur , and it ho quits wli nor will have but a very small amount ( his competitors' money In his pockoi when ho rises from the table. If li lotes his lots can not Cgnro op very mud for when ho sat down hoh&dn t much t lose. Assuming that ho wins SO or 571 Immediately feola happy enough to sppn that and all that he had to start In wit ! After the adjournment t the game tl crowd journeys to a neighboring bar an thrro mixed drinks in which the piioc pal ingredient U whisky are partaken o If thu crowd is a really jovial one snd there Is any event they are colebratir the number of drinks taken Is many , on soon the eplrit of jut and frolic ee > lzi upon everybody , end they prcceid ' have fun in their own festive way. They linger at the bar a long whll perhaps telling ntorlcs , singing so'-c' ' wrestling with each other nid inc'u gin in such nlofful P port a na yout g met ) fit wont tu Indulge iu when they TO out o n hrk. If thi-y got nway without hnviu t fight with thu barkeeper or breaking lot i.f ( they are In luck. As a rule1 10 unforiuuato JOUHR man who gets ful only about once a joir is very dett uMiv to hia nature , nnd will broik nnythina ii reach , from o ton cent tumbler to a § 10 mirror. Such n } oung man muat uo sup nested in the early part of the encage nont or the crowd is npt to loio him in lolico stutit nVhfn there is no sucl dangerous * piilt in the p ty the org moves slowly bu beautifully nlnng on tli io3om of recurring drinks , until the bar copper , after tovoral times expressing hi dceiro to oloeo up , at last turns the part ; out into the street. By this time the young man who ha won § G or § 7 at pukur has blown th imount in and sent some of his money t coop it company. No sooner has th whliky done its cxhlleratiug work tha : .ho young man in ssarc.h of onjoynuu skts to wine , and champagne ut thai This kind of drink soon destroys th symmetry of his pile , and by the time h finds himself in tbo street ho is prott much flat broken. It makes no diil'orcnci though , lie nnd his companions can sti enjoy thomtclvos , and they do this b orgatiiztag'n small glco club under som Friendly lampposts. The Bolections the ; sing nro commonplace , but they manag to make them qulto unintelligible by rci son of the whisky dulcet they give then EInro they sitig and howl until the polic come up to remonstrate. No matter ho small the young man , or how tall th policeman , the former will face the latU tnd give him as much back talk aa ho en stand , nnd oven g > to the extreme < taking ell his cnut for a GUUD llumn jout or a Marquis nf Quocnshnry ti with the robustious patrolman. Frionc a little soberer and Iniviug somewhat moi discretion manngo at last to got th vicious young man away from the cilice ; They take him to n carriage and have hii driven homo. Bis stomach goes back o lim in the carriage and ho frescoes tli vehicle's catin-llnud interior with a voini Dy the time ho reaches hia board in honao and is put to bed ho has had § 5 t $3 worth of riding , the hnckmeu usual ! charging a drunken man $3 for his rid and § 5 for spoiling the trimmings of th lack. If the young follow la exceedingly ut 'ortunato liis friends will desert hii ipon tbo arrival of the police. Bo wil lecomo violent as before and want t ight the officer , who will at once tak lim by the back of his collar , lift hir nto the vicinity of a hoodlum box am ring for the circus wagon. Arriving a ho station the offender will have so lered sufficiently to jjivo a irrong name and under this ho will figure in the polic court as a D O S. drunk on strcol- and will pay costs and receive a ropri mand. Ills girl or bis parents will lion nothing about the escapade , but it wil ravel among male friends , and will loavi a oad memory in a swelled bend aod a po cutjiary less of from § 25 to § 50. It cost nonov to make a night of it , and all th > oys know that the fun is not worth th iricp they pay for it. Richelieu HobtiiBim'n Resolution. Special Dispatch to the Globo-Detnociat. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , December 13.- iho resolution introduced by Represents ; we "Richelieu" Robineon , which ha > eon briefly referred to in the dispatches reads aa follows : Jcint resolution providing for the restore ion of inaugural cuiemomoa to Jtfferaouia republican simplicity. WHRHKAB , Tha inauguration of the pros dent is simply gettlug to work the citize whom we have chosen to perform certain di .Iff , and raking from him a pledge to peifon hem ; and NY HUKKAS , For the last quarter of n centur an effort has been made to mupnify and m * r archizo the office of president by foolish an expensive civic und military display ? , so it consistent in thoea who pretend to reveronc , ho name of Jefferson , who rode unattencle o the CripiUl and tied his hoise to a pne vhilo he went through the coremouiea of hi naiiKuration ; nnd WIIEIIEAS , Toe ballot haa always hoon jealous ous of the bayonet , and seeks not its aid i : mbltciy declaring its worb ; tboreforo , Resolved , bv thn eenatn and houeo of ropro entatives of the United-States of America it congress assembled , That on the day of inaug iratipn of the president of the United State nu military company nor any persons beario ; ; uun , bayonet * , or other military weapon hill parade or march in precession in th treota of tha city of Washington. Kec.- . That no triumphal archca shall b allowed in auy of the ttreetn of taid city 01 naugurntlou day. S c. 3 That no public building in said cit ; shall bo decoiated on inauguration day , anv and except by tlie difplay of the American fh | n the appropriate ilog-BtalT. Sec.1 Thut ou inauguration day the chie ustico of the etipreiuo couit shall call upoi ho president elect at his lodging ? , and dial lieiice , without etcort , proceed with him Ither on foot or iu a plain carnage , drawn b ; lot moro tnan two horsec , and without liver ; r decoration of any kind , to the capitol , oi he eastern front of which the paid proaident lect Rlinll take the oath prescribed I y law be ore Riich citizens and ponple aa may auacmbli o vutnotB tliBCPrtinoiiy.iiidtiuocn.tlc , ropub can and JcfTeiKoman Bimplic tv , and witliou ny imitation of royalty or monarchy , BO of emivo to the common lonso iiml democratii natincti nf thu proat mass of the AiurricJi > eoplo who pause not from their usual avoca IOUB ou that day. Mr. Robinson is adbtingulshed looking nld gentlemen with a wealth of gray hair , Io has been chiefly distinguished durint ils congressional service for his attacki m Englandand in known as "tho Britisl ion tail twister. " A great many yean ago ho was a Washington corrrDpondon do of * 'IUoho and used the nom plume iou. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The ellicacinug btimuUnta to excite th appptltii'nro An iixiitrii 15itier < , preparec jy Dr. J G , B. Bievert k S ina Itevvare c coiinterfiitu. At > k your Rrocer or dsnggletfo the geuuino article. ' 'Tennyson's latest effort In the rliym line would bo eood enough lo its place , mid the editor as ho glanced wistfully c his waste-basket. Gelds , favors and inamationa broker tip by Dr. Price's Extract of Smar Wood. Mrs. Iloyt , a sister of Oavcrnor Oleve land , is a quiet , refined Udy and nave asked her brother : "G rover , where hai you been this evening ? " SALAD DRESSING & COL MEAT SAUCE for all kinds of calads , voj Hallos , and ojld meats. Uhoepor an better than homo-made. Jioeaueo cqu ; to it was overclFered. A New Hampshire cobbler maki cquuaky tboes tu order. Ilia well-hcolc cuttoiuers sro bound to hare mtuio ! their sole ? . WAN , Kli\l ) TI1IH. TUB VOLTAIO JSELT UOIIVAST , of Marsha Michigan , oner to eond thilr co'ubraUx ' ) ELI TRIO VOLTAIO UKLT and other KUCOTWO A : r-UANCsa on trial for thirty tliyi , to mi ( young or old ) afflicted r/ith nervous debilit losa ul vitality and manhood , and all klndri trouble ! . Also for rheumatlim , nenralgl parxlybi , and many other ditoase * . Comple restoration to hculth , vigor and rnauho guaranteed. No ruk inpnrrod , at thirty da ] trial Is iJlowexL Write them at once ta UU Cree. THE NEW CABLE , fh3 Bcwiet-Macb.y ! Line OpciM t Now York City , and Itcnponso In Forty llvo hccottilfi Umlori'rouml TJMH ! I.ltics , Now York llttM , Deo. 13. "Now , If you'd like lo have a few min \iics' social obnt with folks In London lure's your opportunity , " said Uenort Manager George 0. Ward yesterday af totnooii at tlio oflica of the Comme > rolnl cable c Jinpany , iu the very heart of tin business lifo of the metropolis , opposite the white inarblo pillnra of the aub-trtus- ury building and within the nhadow ul old Trinity's spiro. By a filial splice at Coney island dirocl communication had just bcon opcncc through the Miokey-Bonuolt cables bo twcon Wall Street end lljyal Exchange London. The story has already boot told of the laying of the two cables After the chore end of tin second ono lied bcon brough in tinar the Oriental hotel , a Coney Island , the work of laying th land connection underground went 01 quietly but oxpeditiously. Along th Blx-milo drive of Ocean l'ark ay th sluudur thtoad was laid through Vuudoi bill , Park end Hudson avenues , i Brooklyn , and along Front street to th Dridgo anchorage , up the &ldo of th anchorage in Iron pipcn and surpondc under the bridge roadway to Water atrer on this oido , to Wall strcot , and thenu to the main oflico hero. A few minute i > ftcr the first splice wan in ado at Cone Jaland there wan a tapping of the koj in Wall street , a renpousivo tapping i London , and then this message ) was foi warded by Director do diatro to Mr. J W. Mackey , president of the Commcrciu Uablo cumpatiy , in Paris : I am now in our cilice , No 21 Wai strcot , sending you the tirst mcoaago di rect from Now York over our uudoi ground and the Coney Island cable. Al low mo to congratulate yon upon the oc casiun , in which nil the stull' join. THAT I1TILK OLASS SU'llON1. When Manager Ward made the remarl with which thla chapter opens ho told tin reporter to keep his eye fastened on at unimportant looking little glr.aa tipboi that was suspended on a verticil pxrallc to and with Its curved point touching i narrow strip of paper wound on a ra volving reel. The siphon , the manage : explained , won filled with electrified inl thut was supplied to it from a email we ! above. The reporter kept his ny on tin ciphon and the strip of poperaadawaltte developments. "I'll just call up Canso , " said Mr Ward , and as ho pulled hia cigar In touched a little brass key. Canso iu it Nova Scotia , a matter of a thousand milei aw&y from Now York. Tv/o sccondi after the touching of the key the point o the siphon danced from side to side of thi strip of paper and stopped. The ink line left n hieroglyphic that looked like Mayoi Ildaon'o rooent course. "Oh , " said Mr. Ward , lawin.7 down hii cigar , "ho says , 'Go ahead. ' Now , I'l " and ho tapped the key again. Hi was explaining that ho had ashed , you read1' when the siphon point btgai dancing again and lolt another "uoi track" on the atrip of paper , which th < managpr interpreted to bo "Altvaji ready. " "Now , what would you litio to know from London1 ' ho nort briskly inquired but , without giving the reporter a chance to express his preference m the matter o : news , ho went on : "Well , the weathci is as good a topic as anything else , s < we'll aik thorn ; " end the ' 'click , click , click" of the key quickly spelled out , "Ask London 'Wh t weather have yoi to day1 ? ' " Tbo last tap had no rnoro thar sounded whoa the alphon point began travelling over the paper tape mort quickly than the eye could follow iti movements. When tt stopped Manage ] Ward called "time 1" and the man whc tield the watch responded , "Forty-five seconds. " 'Ihon the mynterlons markt on the tape wore translatsd'into : "J/ondon says , 'otarry night. Vcrj dry. " ' A MATTER OK EIGHT ZUOtTSANII MILES. "There ! " exclaimed Maeager Ward , iriumphautly , "isn't that pretty nearly anlhllating space ? That messaeo of in- luijy has gene from hare to Canso , N. Ji , from whence it waa transmitted to L'jndortho / ; answer win ient from Lon don to Cinso and transmitted here 3 otal distance of more than eight thous and milee all nithin forty-five ecconds. " The reporter looked nt Mr. Ward and at the unimportant looking little siphon , r.nd , as it Hashed upon him that the Western Union company frequently took an hour and n half or two hours to get a aieetago to Brooklyn , felt his hair be.jin to curl. When ho had partially rcwv- ered speech hn asked the mnnngpr to rx- > lain. Mr. Ward responded that iioro ran nothing further to explain , oscopt hat , as the opor.i'or at Canso received ho message on his "receiving machine , " 10 sent ib word by word , nud. almost Int er by loiter , on hia "sending inwhlno , " and the same with the instantaneous re sponse from London. TUX ItKAMM. IN THE "rE -1 It may bo explained that tha trans- minting instrument used by the Oommcr- clal cable company in Sir Williiva Thomp sons siphon recorder. The system ia what ia known as the "contbjntal ccda1 which ia a slight modification of the More o alphabet. Ono of the advantages o ? the system lies in the fact that itisfmo from the danger of mistranslation. There bolm only the ono system used on the entire cable , there is not the tarcj risk of a 'mis take that attaches to the systems hereto fore in use , where two alphabets arc usac ono for transmission ovur the land linei to their cable connecUoas , nnd the ctboi over the cable. The advantage- may bi illustrated by imagining that in the olc systems a message fs.iont In English t < the end of the land line * , where it thot haa to bo translated into Ueraan o : French , whereas i&o Cjmmorclal cab ! company sonda th message * It * EnglUl all the way , thus Avoiding the danger o blunder in translation. KAFK KnS I 711 B KLEMtSTS. Another great advantnga that the no ; company will have over Its rivals ia tha Ita laud connections are UDdcrgroundani are coiwquontly not pnb.sct to the con stant intorruptitms ot the UoruenU the occur whp/e the laud v/lrca are strung o poles. When h is rowemborod that th old overland before reaching the compai ativo BJinrlty of the ocean bed this ad vantage becomes very apparent. Miuagnr Ward , was unable to cay jui when the Oownjfrdal company's cibh utvuld bo thrown open to the public. Th brca'f In tha southerly cable Trill bo ri repaired in a few days.tho Faraday Ve n nr w on tbo spot , but no mesiagc < i will t accepted for transmission until everj ; thing U In first oltus working o.'eltr , llorftt'oril'n A old 1'liiiKilu | tc ron ovrnwoi KEH I < IIOFK SION u , MEV. Dr. CIIAS. T. MiToiiRLt , , Omjftiidal gua , N. Y. , mys : "I think it a gram restorer of br.un force or nervous en orgy. " A cltrgyman to HM l2v tisvillo nosapa per reporter : ' 'You iiowip'tnpr iner must luivo qnocr viercn of tbita's. Yoi are nlwnyo looking on nuct never taking r part. 1 Bupponr , no * ' , jnur idea of the Judgment 1 that you wi'l ' > it rft'at out end and report the proceedings for the morning paper.1' Urowa'a BronchlnlTro.ichoa for roughs ami co'ds "Thotu in notlilti < to 1) i ininrc ( will , thfinllor. . O. D. WMUus , wilton , tnd. Ilcroloa ( loscriptimi of a Nebraska jjirl : "A beautiful covfgirl lives nrur Murkel , Taylor county , Nnbraika. She > wna some stock , which nho pcrnonnlly eel < 3 after. At n recent roundup her dazzling biauty and graceful horseman- ihlp were wonderful to bohold. A year ling broke from the herd , which throe cowboys failed to confine , uhen the beau tiful girl doahod out after it , rt'piug on the second circle , and pulled it by the liorntf her saddle into the herd. The boja shouted , wept , and never ccaitid tc lovo. " Desolntluu ln < ) nva , In oomo parts of the country the earth quakes have left not n trco standing ; nni tlio coil i > a wildarnops , looking lilco tin bottom of ft dried up tiea , In fact th rcqion is in na bd n way na the worn-oil stomach of an old dyspeptic. Earth quakca cannot bo prevented , but dyspop oia can , and the timely UDO nf Brown1 Iron bitters < vill do it. Thia best o family medicines can bo bought of tin ; druggist at dollar a bottlo. Don't Ie your ntomach become a desolation forth luck of it. "My dcor , " said the wife c f the cdito of n weoksy newspaper , "shall Igivoawa thoao old trouaara that yon havn't won fortwo'yoara to eomo poor , dcsorvin tramp ? " "No , " nnsworcd the editor } "lot thos trousera hang just where they arc. mny start a daily paper noino elny , nut thfu I will need them sure. " Middlu town Transcript. Kriliorlnl Iiloro in Arlzonn. Now York Tribune. Trro noble Indian bravou of Arizona named Gou-Up Charley sud Short Pante made recklsBa by too much firo-water , at tempted to clean out the t flico of a loca paper. The next week the editor de Kcnbed the result as lollowa : "At firs ! Lhoy had the ndyantugo , Short Panto bav ing hit ua a terrific blow in the stomach , which temporarily knocked the wind ou of uo. But wo soon rallied , and by py- ing two forma upon Gee-Up Chadey't head eliminated him from the b.Utle. Then , by skillful maneuvering , wo kop Short Pants from hitting ua again nntl wo pot to the door , when we called to A Blodgot to help us , which ho did. The red devils are in jsil , where they wll HHVO a chance to sober up. Our losa wa : $4.75. The moat fashionable ovcaing costume according to an exchange , is a braculot o violprs worn nbovo the elbow. Wo are lad that ouraocioty belloiara beginninp : o f ol the need of sorao adcquati clothing. Notlnn ; ; luiitm rn Tain. We are told that notnlng waa marfo In vain ; but what can bo said of the fashionable - able eirl of the period ? ' Inn't she made in vain ? Hood's Sarsaparilla is made at Lowell , Maes. , where there sro moro bot- Jos of it aolel than of any other Saraapa- rilla or blood purifier. And it ia not taken in vain. It purifies the blood , itrongthona the system , and givea noiv life and vigor to the entire body ; 10 doses $1 A Sagus , Mass. , young lady made two rugs , two dozen jellies , and thrco suits of clothing in anticipation of her mar riage , end yet the monator married an- Jther girl. Ho was afraid that she would Dring a crazy quilt into the family. PropOKaU lor Uulldin Dopartmoiit of the Interior , ) Offlco ot Indian Aff lrs , Ifov 17 , 1834. f Pealed nroroenU , emlorsod "propoialj foi ImUillnir ! ridici9'r ill bo received at this ( ilioo until t o'clock Tuciay the 18th of Hoccjm or , 18X1 for th con- truoilon nf ihrco biidireu onthoSantoohl"UX Ilo er- ntlon In Wobraiki , oadPoacaltcBcrint'.on In Dakota at the foIlOAini ; locations ; on tboHanteo llcserratlon ovtrth U zlucr ek , abrlJBOof tdrto spans cf 60 cctmcli with 16ftctai > jiioaahCB ; ou the 1'on-ia llr ° - r > ntion , o\er tin Ts'iolirarnrhcr , abridge 060 fort rom end to enii , and o\ot tbi Wtet 1'orkof ci5d rtter ami-nol tiOfict. Ilio brlt- ) ) In quc&tlnti ar tti boot romttoatlon of wood iincl Iron , v.ith east lri > u shocf , rcstlnt ; on pile ouDdatloufi , uhlrli our llm Niobrnra ii\c.-iire to bo hen l&icut. o\or Builla ciuck , IS Icct , niid o\ut Wo t I'utk of Niobma Ulvtr , 16 foa buw ! wjnr ev. 1 , and nro to bii built In accordjnco with ulana nil tpeciflcations to bo i.csn at the oinceo ihe Depot iimitirniustcf ot Omuha , chrc8kB1 tlio ' lliro. " of Ucnr , Coloiado , and cf ihe ' liitoi-Occr.i of Chl- W , M. The roitttrurtlon o ti brldecstn vadcrthe Im- cillnlitujtr ! | > iilonol aycrboii tobo dUi natuil by ila Deiiar'uieut. All bids iLiist bcacconparlcilby aceiilflcil chock n some Uiutou fcUUttliipoutorj , for at Icatt 1'IVB r cinium 'f lb nn.c.nt of Ib-i pr iObal. which luiklil botnifcitedio the Ui lied Mites In can. ij' bide 'a < t liluderu fall to cuc.uto a contract wltb iiodonl fiiacicut turttl.Bjotrirwue . tnbo retunitd itlo bldilcr. in Bjiultlii'S ' bide , bidders ihu-lrt tiitufhe llmo rcquind bj tlitmfor ibfiionMruitlcii fthubri cc , asihn mattir Hill U cnntldtud In lakincthq uwarJs , 1110 nadoa | i3ri > of tto contrast- The iluht In rontrrtd lo uject anj or ail l.ii n or ny part < f buy bi-iil decincu for ta ! licit Inlcajt ot h P nice II 1-niCB , E , S. ATWOOD , tiatait c ? nonouau37.i& ixu mau tcjn HEBEFORD illll Mf CHILE AXD canoe ou JBUOT RED ewifj nir niaa\t \ for Uorrn-momliinrn lollrtt - > , tui.k. . , Lint. ' In conoedcn I corjoraUnnmooU , I cowty i > a ld\ol ( J i 4 wbu rc.oltod by th j tri./oIne ! ouh ll - fihortl > O'llik 'JIOT j4 the bes'i ; IAS : JI. - - " " Itona-Ul of.wblcn en fon. bud by the ( attest tulwar la Anurici , QEEOAGQ , And St. Paul. II cwnl and cputtei OTH rcc inllce rt Naithern Illlaiiu , WUcon- , Mlnnowj- lovrit Lt on ; rdn u Uiklu llu , lirnnht ; fclul cvncoi thus rcnh v'J ' thu t-ro i juiiuou ixmtrua 01 t > ortbwait a-,1 Far Wet , II nktur&i/y unuwnrii > > liwrlptloi. 0 } Bhort MUIA nj Bret jlouta t cl c u t'hlcago , Ullwaakec , it 1'iulsud Mn ! oip' III. Chlc KOr JivkUkoo , Ii Crosse Jil Wlnon * . Cl I wiotllllwiukiiu ( Aberdeen rutd-Kllcndilr ChlRagCt Ullivaukon , Knu Claltutnd H'.lllirkiir' L'Utau * Vrllw ukfOW u uuiJ Uerrlll. , MIltiRUkta , Denver Dim tnd Or Vosh , , MllmuiM , vrauiciilu ir.J Oconi movoi. , Jlllwtuioo , Moaiw i and Pr.lrlfl' n Oblci o , Mllwj.uVeo , Owatwmi and Ttttoll \ , go , Hcio'.t JunccvlUs anJ Miuoril I'd nl , OV.Ici o , U' lo , llockfori ) and Dubious. OMcuitri , Cl/itonIlocV ! Wind tnJ Cedar iUpldi. ( Tlilcngo , Qoanctl ItluU/ and Onv b . CDilcago , aloiii City , Sioux Folia ind Vinkton Chlcio , Mtlnaukee , Ultebill 6nd ChtmlnrUio nook ItJAiiil. Uubuque , St. Paul > rtd MlnDtacoiU. Uiroupmt. "iluur , Kt 1'aal ind UlnncipolU. I > illln n tjc | | > oi ud the Hoejt Wnlntr Via I bi > n rid are run on the rntln lines of thitCUlUAGO HILWAUKKK AND ST. I'AUl RAILWAY , tailinr t by coa t oas < iuploje IIERIULL , Oon'l iJ niger. A.V ir. 0Kl'Eiri D T. CLABK,0 a1Bapt. L , O.UKU..ORD. i 1 ? S'i. St. , M , T iM'K , Mo , * r Kt * ni * t > ri * r * , r ,11 if * fti i tj ( * < 1 In th * * tfttifuUMii * ( i f Cm v ! > ot * , R Nffvou * Pilrntlcn. Di lilly MenlM imt 'hjislcki V/inr.n. > sl Kc 'C < irUI and cfivV After * .lout ol Throat , SUn or Cf.nat , Dlooi ) I'alnnn ild Sores and Ulcotc , . , r -d * i k mimi - ti-i' ilicr tlc * v * r1 t ( j. IrlJimj ( turn Inulscfcllon Steer * . rmilpflng MnrrlntiO linji onr or mi.tprT , " rtnt HUT c'irii1 t' nflti ti i sfo * jd IJ.L- ttt r-M Ifn'lil ' ' 0\.ll V 'l < < < IT 1'r. . % t U"llj.o t . . ' ' nofhjll illlrr * tt llutlt' Hrllo rr > F.Urtlait * L Positive Wrikren Guarantee rUn In t'l far.Hr < < . Mol.fij. . . , M drrmlirre. rnmphlr-o , r. gi-nh or iii/tnii , M pagcn , aa * TiblnE voU icrsro In ua.nor fum l . > 'KEU IVIARROACiS OUBQEJ .1 ( In Meli . tl. b 4 tin IcU , Mtirw 'tircrt. J > 0.1 t " . . . . , bcaiwi | & > riTri/rn n c tiniterl'tkKit KsiJ-Sendiuoetanipsforc.'elcbrato.lMi'dlcalWorVs , r. i . f I.AIJKI : , M. u.isoso.iii Clark Street , Cliit AGO , Uu V.IH't | ' ! lVl ! . 1 tin tlio UVCR iiml KIONRVO. und 1M ri'tiL. 'inn li'IAl.Tll 1 VIC.1'1' of YOUTH. , D - > 'l.i. ' Wiuunf AppctllL , jiv i .Inn , t n . of t < tivnBth , ,1 ji- . " - ' " 'iMalioliiU'lj in m i n i" i'i o IILW lorci' I s Mt i t i 10 tnl'iil t nnu I < -o drain i . , iij-to tsiiiiBI - \ nd la DK. i i'i JjOM 1 0IJ7O a f uf nnd f ] " > i ny ciu-o. i ilvc * . . ct ! ir , Ijeallliv cotiiplctlon. I rtqiicnt i.titnipta at < - * In ? onlfnthl ( < i tin ] iopilailtyoi .liuorlplnil. Do not tipcil- tueiit pi'tiliuOiiliiiNAl , ANDllrsr. SonilTonriiiidrrAotoJ InDr. Hnrturnioa Oo fJ UlAiul' , No. , for our Drj-UVM 1'OOK V \tl utl of uroii-o aod uaafuI.Uircrizut > o . fef > TCSitHil-'pvr V " * " ' ' ' 'r'l'M' f ! SJ/V jy tj ' J * V < ' tu-t i. rMill. Vcl I * JKr * f'JLJliA * ' " ' ' i 1 or fc nn lit II ltaruni.Qj Urt t .rnt Ir. .1 lliuurk'.f M .1 > . . . . ' . 1 hava a poeltlro remedy Tor the aboro dlBentio ; by tit nto thnntiLnilsorcAiiesol tlm worst Mtitliiuil nf Inrft FtlndlnirliaTotiofnriirotl. ltiile il. u trimiMinyriillli InltseUlcucy.tlint I will mindVUO HOTTLI S M'.CC. toKClhcrnlth s VAI.UACl.liTIlKATIiii : on thli illiouo to an r eaQTeror. Glinexprp.sMiit I1 O Rdilr is. DK.TA. SLOUUM,111 TeirlSt. , N IT Yccll. Science of Life Only $ l 00 BY MAIL POSTPAID. KHOW THYSELF , . A GKKAT DIBBIOAIi TTOltll t3d VlUllty , Norrona nnd Physical DcbUll ; E'remkture Decline In Man , Krrore ol Youth , ted thi untold miseries ro'raltlng Irom tri'llrcietlons or ox co ° ooa. A book for every m n , young , talJUIe tgci ind old. It contains 125 proscrlptlona lor M &oa in J chronlo dlneaeoa each ono ol which la Invaluable 3o found by the Author , whose experience lor 1 ! ( cars la Buch M probnbly never oatoro tell to the lol 5l any phrelcian. 8W pagca , bound IQ Ixiautltu French mufllu cmpoeacnl oovorn , lull , gilt gcarantcot to bo a finer work In every Beuss , machinloal , lit r ry and protcsalor nl , th n any ether work Bold It thla country lor $2.60 , or the money will he rolundct In every InaUnco. Prlco only 01.CO by nnll , post -ftld. lllnstratlvo B&mple C ccnta. Send now. Gold nedal awarded the author by tha Nctlon. 1 Ifedlail BBoditloD , to the officers of which he refers. The Science of Lllo should be rend bj theyonnc 'or ' loetrnotlon , and by tbo afflicted lor relief. It will icneflt all ; London Lancet. Tliero la no member ol naclety lo whom The Scl unoool LJIo will not beiuolul , whether youth , par mt , guardian , Instructor or olorcym n. Argonaut. Addrc-38 the Pcabody Uedlcal InoJtutt , or Dr. > 7 I. I'aiker , No. i liulflnoh Btroot , Ho tonMass. , whc cay be consulted on all diseases requiring ekllj and ixpcrlanco. Chronlo and obiitinata dltoaws that htm laffloJ the Skill ol all ether phys-firs I cUnj , rinehltyl Such treated B-JOCCRI SsKflL 'allj ritboat an IneUnee ul falluru. TUVCPS C ffiXA UM ) A8ENGV TO luvia 4 Clcseri IV-iln n CV OMAHA. U v * let cal ratWi i'.rw wUnll.t . .I'.M- ! ' .sidl i . ( .AiS-Jrrj K.ibiujo , at'j \ fAft and r.ri tray t urjf I npr.iva.i i&rmi tor n.le la D > : uf ! , ttoiixe , r.i.v : ! bt- , Hurt , Lari ; , ' { , Hurry , Wnn'.r.jlCR , iVirlo triirtori , anil Iltitltr JMittlfi * . .iwr.d | ! la til j' : ts cf the Strte. " 05ty CD n > prov d Iricu. Nolur I'ublloUwavu Iu ( .ncu Comtpoad MEDICAL AND SURGIOAL DISPENSARY CIIOUNSE'S IILOCK , JJth and Capitol Avcaue , treats all own Clip . .pled or Deformed , kljoditeiaci , at tl NervousBlood Blood , and Urinary Organs All cmos of Onivii'lrc ot the Opinn , Cri/i Ucil Foe Legs and A run , l > lo " ; > ol tfta Hip , Krce , aiii Ankle Joints. Al o rjhrunlo r.lli-ctlwn of the MIDI Khoum&tlsro , r tlnl , Illni , 1'Icaru , Cinh , Ahlh mi tnd UtonchlUo tn ail tieotod by now and sue wet ful methods All dln-ji j ol tnq K'.onl ouu Uric iry Orvani , In udlngthou ) reatiltliiK fiuui Ini Ucrv tlon or eiposoK , are e ljh and kUicuMlulli lioat < and a cure EC iautotd. YOUIIK men , uiluiile n eil andold meijiuQerliiH ( fem WfaVru'eu and Ncrtou nhauit'.oupro-lucJot ' ni Uititkiu.J'sliiltatlonof th Heart , Pr/iou4enoy ; Wzilnm , IXM ol MemoryLav ol KnerKf and Aintiltlou , CAU nv rcatorvd to and vli'or , II t * ) li not too lon nc. The flurxeon In charge 1 a graduiU cf Kin Uedlc&l ColU H 1B66) ) and hai stUillxl hi rroJiBBiOu In London , Parti and Ikrlln II HUUi xillor nrlto lull rietcilptloa ot your case , &t modi ola may bi sent you. Couu'jlutlou lir * . Addn 0 jiiha Dlepinsary , Cronuiu Dlock , Ooahk , Nd Offloeheuri 10-11 ft. m.,1-1 and 7-8 n. an Ccodayi 10 a m. XirAooomtuoUtUoni lurnbbtd | i6llciti : dura tli cuiMr ) . i ; A The rsnmrkftblB growth of Omah during the last fotr years Is n matter ot great aator.lohmcnt to tboso trho pay on occasional visit to this growing clt > - . The dotolopment of thu Stor' ' Ynrds the neceasity of the Bolt Lln0 Road the finely paved nteota the hundreds of now rcslmmcoa and cootly bnalncsa blccku , with population of onr cllj mojo thr.n doubkd In the lust five yenns. All this ia a great ourprho to violtora and la the admiration ot our cltlceno. Thla rr.pd ! proit + h , the Vualncsn tcthlty , nd the niivny substantial Improvomeatn madn a lively demand for Omaha real estate , nnd every investor hoa mndu A handaorno pvofit. Since the Wall Strcot panto last Mr.y , with tbo EuboCfmuut cry of hard tlniw , there haa bcon lean demand from opocula- tovB , but o fair demand from Invoalora Hooking homes. This luttor class ore takiuq advantage of low prices In build- lug material and nro r.ccuring their homoa at much less coat than will bo pocslblo year houcc , Spocnlatorc , lee can buy real oot.V D cheaper now and ought ID take advanl o of present prices for futura pro ti. Cho ncrt forycara promlooa grcatei d ivo1ipwonta In Omaha Hum the past 'i v yoam , which have boon M good as wo could reasonably de lro. Now wan- ufastnrlng oslablishutcnta r.nd largo job bing houco.i are added ulr.iostvoolily , and all add to the proapority.of OmAha. There are manv In Omaha nuel throug bat t'ao State , who have , their money the baoka drawln ; ; a nominal rata of torojt , which , if jndiclonol ; Snvcstod Omih.\ real uatato , would bring the mnalt greater rotnrus.7o have many bargains which wo nro confident will bring the parchasnr br a profib in the near f utaro. Wo have for sale the finest resi dence properLy iu Uio north and western part a of tlio city. North wo have fine lots nt reason able prices on Sherman avenue , J. 7th , 18th , 10th and 20lh streets. West ou Fnrnam. Davenport , Cumins , and all the leading streetsv in that direction. The grading of Fnrnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Fnrimin , the pro fjt [ jerty in the western part of the city ' will increase in value. Wo also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. The developments made in this section _ . - * < IB W M W - .v b B v 4 by the Stuck Yards Company nnd Uie railroads will double the pricii m a nbort timo. also huv.smn < fine bimnes'i ots and some elegant inside deuce ! ' i'or wale , Parties wishing to m-rost. will h'r/A some good bare Bins b'jrcr.lliugon r ESTAVS . .8t , JJot rc-r.n Yarn } .am auj P. S. Wo r.Hlv these who lnve ; propoiiy for v ,10 at a burgaiiHo ( ; ive ua it ( SillW o want only bnrgaiUH Wovill iwwi fivoly not hntidlo prop- erl.v t niy otliau its real \