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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1884)
BEE FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , THURSDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 18 , NO. 158 , WASHINGTON NEWS. Proceedings in the Hmse anil Senate Yfslerfiay. Eiddlebergor Still Fighting Mo- Oulloch'a ' Nomination , Soorotary MoOullooli Still Quite Confident. Discussion of the Jim Crow Oar of Georgiai The Swaim Oourt Martial Sensa tional Examination i Dedication KxprclncH of ( ho AVnsli- Sionttniotil Capf. llo\\- o'H Troubles. SKNATF , WASHINGTON , December 17. The chair laid before the ponato a communication from the secretory of the navy in response to llio recent resolution of Vest , wliich inquired whether any surveying party hud been or was about to bo sent to KIca-nuRiia to survey the roato of the proposed canal , nail If it had been eout , under what authority of Ian. Tlio sacretiry of the na\y replied na fol low * : "Sir : Kesponn'lDg to the resolution of the senate , I have the honor to ntato that orders have been issued to Civil Engineers A. G. Menocal anil II K. 1'eary , and lmgn ? ! "Washington Chamber to visit Nicaraugua in order to make a survey of the route for the proposed Nicuauguan cariul. Oidora have boon issued in exercise of tha general power of thin department under tba president , to Issue euch orders to all of the navy as may bo damned for this public interest. The ar rangements wlilcli have been made contem plate a revision of thn purvey made on a for mer occasion by Civil Kngiueor Monacal and an Investigation of any change in the route which has b ° on suggested as possibly available for shortoniug the CAual and diminishing the coat. The coat of the arrangement made out and cout mplatod in addition to the pay and uilieare of naval officers in ex pected to bo 810 000 an an outfit , and about 81,000 a monilt during the stay of the parly in Nicarnuguo. ( Signed ) Wli. 13 CHANDLER , Secretary of War. On Vest'd motion the letter was laid on the table. Ho said he would call it up cnrly with a view to ditcuasing tlio proposition advanced by the secretary of the nivy , that tha right was vetted in uny department of the govern ment to" order Euch expedition without action by congress. Dawes presented a potitinn , which waa referred forred , praying that Htepi bo t ikon to pro' hibit catymg Into lf ct of the lease for graz ing purpo iw of the Crow Itdian reservation mudu with the Indiana by cattlemen. Ite said the lease of 3,000,00) ni red had been nmJo for one cent per acco. No information concornliiK thn luatso existed in the interior department. T.I quint the apprehension of the people of Montana ho would say that no inch loasB could exist without the sanction of ftl the B6cretnry of thn interior. r Vest said ho olfcred a resolution which the senate agreed to , c lllng on tha Interior department - partment fur information as to thn case. No an wtr has been male. Ho thought itortra- ordiiiary that transaction involving 3(0- , ( ) , COO ac es of land could b published m papers and not attract the atteutiun of the depart ment of the interior Tliu Benato commltteo on railroads ordered n f nvorablo rcpo t upon the bill t > extend the time for building railroad urul tel'Rraph llnei through the land * of the Choctuw und Chlckas.iw nttions. Davis-offered a resolution , which agreed to 1 falling mi thn secretaiy of the interior for nil the informal ! m in his deportment relating to the lutaes tif the Crow Indian lands tor grac ing purposes and his action thereon. Among the bills introduced and refereed was one fn in VHU Wjck to fix the rate of traninttilng mo sajna by tele/raph west of the Missouri ilvnr not to exceed the average rates east of taid river to the seaboard also ti fix tin passenger und freight rites on railroads running east of the Miiiaoui ! river , not to exceed the average rates east of said nver to the saabojrd. Trio sonata went into an executive session and the nomination of M Culloch to bo 9crctary of the troiieury was tak n up. lliddloborger continued his sp ecli in oppoMtioii to bid con- lirmation , lie began by reading lh last an nual report of McCtilloch ai mtcretary of the treasury , and incldcnt-dly mentioned that ho should upon conclusion read thn two piovlom aniiuil reports. After iin hour'rt dabitu Urn consideration of the nomination Wtnt over until to-morrow. Whou the doirt * upunud thn mival tilil wai taken up jiml pvi od aubitautl illy as it caino from the xiommittt-o. The Chtlr laid the inter state commerce bill U'toio thu son tto , ami Slitor submitted the pr iprwod nuionrlimiut t ba moved by him em bo/Jymn thn provisions of the It A djuurutd. JIOUaK. HNC1TON , Djcomber 17 , The Home rosumei I Qjuaidoration of the lutor-stata coin- msreo hi 11 , 'li' ) pawling question being on tha motion U i ttblo the mi.inn ti > reconsider tin vote by xv hlch tin Hou-m yaitardny adopted " "the um ma m nt i/farad / by O'liar i , providing tint uny pn " 8 > inhiiiKiuicha | od n ticket to biicouvotcd. from one Htato to another ahull recolvo thu H. um tr intuitnt and be afforded the nnuio fuel itu'a us tlimu fiirnUhud any per- on holding n tlclct of fie HIHIB clans. Ho bo loved alt miMi , white aud bUck , alike had u tight to a man < t thu amu rervica from common carrion H i thought the too ; < l enneo of tlu member * of the Homo would vote down thu aim lid t. lent , especially good eeneo of those do nncratk who wore Buying " \V < > an going to b.i the U'J't friend of the colorui man. " He liopod the gontlnuiau who au "This groit , g ) IH ! MI in , Clevohnd , will d < good to the u OortI m en , " would not stand nt for till ) Jim 0 uA'Cir ot Utiurcln. ( Applaiuo on tha ro | > tide , ) Hurbeit advocitcd tbn Bmt-ndmJut The inotl in to rtconei icr wa ? tabled. Mr. Clitliipnirerud an i ni'iiidmont proxldins tint not hi n , ? in thii act a lull bo consuuatl m pruu'tu uny rallruad com , < any from protiding rccommodat { > m for whttu and culur od | ier oiia. cfTertd ai a eubstituto for Crisp's 5menrlment n amendment providing that nothing in the ct nhall bo couotruod t.i dimv the railroads the ilcht ti provide for the oopatato sccomodalion for all piseengors M they may do m b&st for the public comfort ni afoty , and that nothing In the act shall bo un- deistood as relating to thn trtniportyilon ba- tween pointi wholly within the limit of one state. Bteckenndgaid the gentlemen - tlemen were mistaken if they thoufjht the Bouthcrn jitople wished to rbrldgo the rights of the colored man under Uia law , but if coDtjrejs preiontml th a'sytiuR of p s- icngorafroma etimlpnintnf public conven ience and nafety , It li.fufod . a sccial nneitiou Into the commercial titiestloti. II o I ironic ally txproesod his pleasure at srolng the ques tion changed from ono "f color into one of as onxued. 11 nl- sortment. A lively di-ctu-lon y the Ilreckonrldgo amendment was adopted ' amoi.dment. n > n Mibttituta for Crisp's yeas 138 , nays 127 and Crifp * amnndment s 10 amended was aareed tot yoaa37 , n y 131 , Mills olTered nu amendment prohibiting any railro& < ! company from charging to or recoiv ng from any person , who is to bo couve > o' ' , 'roin one state or territory to another any sum exceeding three cents per milo for the Hitanco travelled. The amendment wai adopted ; yeas 139 , nays 121. Ooff mo\ed t < . amend by adding to the provisions adopted On metinn of lireokenrldge the wordi "pro vided that no discrimination is made on ac count of race or color , " wai ogrtcd to yca L41 nays 103 Golf moved to rcc insider and ay it on thu table Pending which H agan moved to adjourn. Pending which tde ipenhor laid before the house a lommunlc tion ; rom the attorney general , in reply to n reso lution asking his opinion whether the eieht hour law applies to letter can tors Ueferrod. Tre attnrney ponotal s js : I can not furnish thn legnl opinion ro- qiiin d. The authority of the attorn y genera - era ! to pive his nllici. l opinion t lln.lted bv aws which create and detino his elli e , and will not p rndt him tn ( jive advlcH at the ci1 ! nf flth r hous s of congress orcongrow itself , nit only to the president and bends of o\ec- utivo department' , llarly in th government .his was established and suggrstoj to the init'O of rppresentatives hy Attorney General Wire. When tha department of justice was croitoJ , the law In this respect was uot changeJ. Of cou'sa it will bo my wish to conform to any request the housnof _ represen- .ativcs may make , but such wish I cannot comply with without reversing the law and irrc'dcnti heretofore established. Adjourned. Secretary MuOul'o ' itli Coiifltlonr , Special Telegram to THE BKK. WASHINOTON , December 17. Secretary tlcCulloch said to day that ho was not at al disturbed at tha delay in acting on his nomi nation by the senate , understanding , as ho did , that the oppo > ition came almost entirely rein one senator , who could , under the rules of the senate , dol.y the vote as long as ho de sired to talk. The secretary said that ho on. attained no doubt as to what the vote would in % vhen taken , and was not in the least anx ious about it. The New York republican who talked with ox-Sei ator Platt yesterday about the senatorehip. rays the latter is abso lutely confident of Morton's election. The Tribune , which has been hesitating between Mort'Mi and Evans , will probably support the latter , because IIR is not so friendly to _ Presi dent Arthur as Morton , In this there is reason son for believing that the paper will reflect IJIaino'a wishes. THE SWAIM OOUltr MAHTIAti SENSATIONAL EXAMINATION Of A WITNESS. WASHINGTON , December 17. In the Swaim court martial , to-day Witness Seth A. Terry , who was examined yesterday , was recalled by the judge advocate for further cross ex amination. The principal part of the ex amination , and one which proved highly Beus.ition'al , waa directed to impeaching the credibility cf the witness , Under clcsa questioning of the judge advocate witness stated he was formerly secretary of the Ter ritorial Land and liuddiog association of this tity , and covered his cmncction with thr.t association upon confession by him of a shortage in his account ) . That he was in dicted for emb zzlement. but never tried , the district attorney having informed him tint there was no case asain t him because the association was not jncorpomted under the laws of tha District of Columbia , and that the amount of thn embo/rlement was 521,000 In answer to inquiries by General Grosvenor of the counsel for the defense witness siid ho had not embezzled any money and that the charge vv.ts brought against him to blackmail him He said one of the directors of the associa tion told his attorney they proponed to have blood or money , aid he adJeil ho hid no doubt II , I ) . Jamra , head of the cuttoms di vision of the trrasury dupartmnnt , ij instru mental in pursuing him with thin chnrgo ami bringing it into this court.Vltu033 said Inn application foi appointment in tluo'licoi.f tlio judga a Ivocit i cenqf.U wi accompanied by letters from fifty to sev ntv-rivo prominent prranuti , among others , from Lioneral Howard , Minlstor Lungjton and Mr. Ln Due , then commissioner ot agriculture. He said all thesii peiple knavv the circumstances attend ing his'imlictment for emb zzlcmuut ; that ho lud told them all about it Ad Dctllontlon of AVnsliiiiKlou Moniiniont WAaillNOTOS , Deco-nbar 17. The cougros Blonal commission to arr.iogo for the dudica tion of the Washington monument invitPs through the medium of the associated press all civil , military and naval orrauizatlous in 1 10 United States to i.t'.eml the cerumoiiiaa which will ba hold at the base of the monument ment on the 21st of 1'obrnary , 188'j. Any or- parjlr.ation accepting this Invitation is requested - quested to notify General Sheridan , inarsha of tlio day , of thu numhrr of persona in sue ! orgnnizition.aud hu will assign to it a proper position in the procession provided for by the eomniHsinn. AC a meeting of the comiuHnioii to-day thu programme was ducidod upon 1 ho moridug is to bu devoted to ccnctntrat- ing bocietit-s and troops on the prouud. The ctremonioi nt the monument will begin pro- cipely at noon , Senator .Micrman , chanmi.n ol the congressional commission , presiding. Tlio proprainnm will liu as follows : Mu-iej prajcr by Kov Mr. .Sut'.r , of Christ church , Ale xun- dna , Vn. ; remarlcj by W W. C'oiurau , li t lco prof-jdcnt ( if the Washington mon ument 'society ; remarks by the engineer of the joint commtsaion concerning the cnmijleted structure over the nreridunt of the United States. Acceptance by tua procidont for the people of the Unltsi Htatcj and deiiicition t the memoiy o : Gourde Washington. During the perl-urn ance of the imnio the procteoicm will bo formed and v lll proceed along the oojtoii front of the monument , theuco along tin no tlicr.'i front , theuce between the tuo umiil lalai on tlu monument , north around thu elliptical RIMS ulot In the front of tha v-Into lut , thenca by the Kxocutive avouua bstweei the statn tlcpartment building nd the Whlto lliiiu-e to PennsvlanU &vonu9 , IhcJite eastward along Pennsylvania avenue to the \ve tcrn entrance to the capltol rrotin'l ' * , whPto it vvlllbo reviewed by the resident 'Iho procession will continue past , o northern end of the catiitol to the pip'1 ' * ndn oist of the cnpitol vvliern it will be Hum-Bed as the various orgnnizttions arrive. Such pel sots as have tickets for the Lou o of rrprcsentHtiven will then procota to their s ats Ord'rof ' the procivsion : Chief mar- shtl % vlth tie chief of staff atiel an aide fiom nvcry state and territory ) roilitury cfcnrt < if he'guioral commanding , titg ! do of artillnry , brigade of Infan'ry , n ivil biigado , bttulion nt marine' , cluttered military organizations. taking precedence by dates of their charters , .ml temporarily organize ! in regiments and ulg'jdt-B ) , civic procetslon , cougfesslona1 commi-Rlnn nipmbcrs nnax members of the nint commis lon for the completion of tha nomunuit , eiiBiieers nf the monutnout i-nd a detail of workmen , Washington monument oriutv , pioci'lcnt of the Uulted States and orator of tlm day presldontaud vice- president elect nf th * United States , ox-presidents of the United States , judges i f the supreme cnurt , diplomatic corp , governors nf the va rious Rtatei and their respfctivn staff * tnking irbceclenco in the order nf the admUelon of hair flutes Into the unio , _ nonato and hnusp , rnprnnontatives , commitBotiers nf the Distrirt of Coluo.bia , eocibty of the Cincinnati ! Ma nnlc fraternity , with nthcr organizations vthich eillici lly cnntiibuted stones or money for the erection of the monu- nent , cltlz ° nR of states and territories , with civic organizations from ihesn states without r artisan fNgs or emblems each state and ter ritory taking procodeico by thn order of ad- nlrfMon into the Union , tirn department of ho District of Columbi.i aud visiting firemen , Concerning Capt , Hmveato WASHINGTON , December 17. Secretary Lincoln Htld to n Star reporter to day that the recent publicitloua mode it u-eless for him tu continue at present the search for Howgate , and ho believed they were made in the interest if the dufaulting official. "It is intimated , " aid the repottnr , "thut Lieut. Gro ly was mi " "I have such accomplice of Howgate. no nu pcmn ! in the mutter , " replied the pecro- tary , "but I.ieut. Greely was unfortunate in allowing his own name to be used as given out in the information which was rendered useless bv being published and if ho is corrrctlv reported in making a re- nark as to his friendship for m d willingness to naM4t Howgato , which implied that ho re- ; trded him as an unfortunate man rather > h-n an escaped criminal. I say that It was unfortunate that it tend < to giva tha color of auspl ( ion to the friendship felt and aid rend- red Howgato by persons formerly with him n the signal service. " WASHINGTON NKWS. WASIIINQTON , December 17. The invest ! ; atlon of the alleged irrgularities in the comptroller' * odico , by a sub committee was resumed to-day. Several witnesses were call ed to testify as to tinrker'a character , all of whom gave him a bad reputation , THICKS OP PENSION CLAIM ADUST. " . WASHINGTON , December 17. The secretary of the interior , in response tn the house reso lution informs the honeo of representatives that 83,872 fee contracts at twenty-live dollars oich , has boon tiled in the pension office un der the act of July 4th. 181 Of this number it H eatlmat-d that not lef s than 6" > 0 0 relate to pension claims tiled prior to July 4th , and for which n t-u dollar fee can bo 1 > gaily charged. By this trick the claim agents hoped to secure n largo amount of money they are not entitled to. W W. Kerr , ex government counsel in the stir route cases , oaid to a ropoiter to-ni ht , it is not ( rue ho stated in n totter tn Randall thut the juries in the Kilbiurno Thompson suit were "fixed. " A man volunteered Uie li - formation that such V.MS tha case , and ha ( Kerr ) merely wrote to Randall uhat he hac heard , It Is understood that General Ilazon , the chief ( -igiial officer , contemplates preferring charges against Lieut. Colonel and Asfistanl Adjutant General McKi'Ovn , because of cer tain expressions s lid to have been used by the latter rrilectincrup'n him ( Ha/on ) in con- uotioii with the Grenlv expedition. Tlio 1'iicillo Pool. CHIOACO , December 17. Another session of transcontinental railway association was held to-day. The chief pjlnt of dispute was over the question of pooling California buai- nesf by w y of New Orleans , but no decision was reached aud adj mrnruent was taken to three o'clock. The officials of both Unior and Central Pacific roads express the belie ! that an amicable settlement can be reoched. CHICAGO , Doeembor 17. Most of tha after noon ne n m was devoted to the discussion ol a resolution by the Central Pacifio thit the members define their position in regard to the action of the seaboard trunk lines in refusing tn concur in the now bai-u for rates to the Pacifij coast. Thu resolution was defeated. It was finally decided to instruct Commission er Uiatlno to telegraph to Commissioner l"i-k , BUggesttng n truce till Januaiy 31st. next. A majority of the a'Hociation opposed a contiuuauca cf the HI tidy ot tix per coat on Sun Knnciaco bu'incs ? to the Northern Pa cific to prevent it < competition therein. They ids } np.osud ( a like Biibfci y to thn Centra Pacific for its Orgoon short line to Portland. It is believed , how-over , that bith will bo gr.mtnl tubjiriisa , but ; that the idlowAnco will ba lest tlisn six per cent each The entire diy huviif , liecn ciniiimod in the diteinrion , thu Centra Pac do offered a resolution that the audit r bo instructed totettlo up the businu a of th'i nBsorlatiuii to December 31 , tha meaning being ing that thn nssnci ition go out of existence a tlutdute. The resolution was carried uuani moiisly. The action is looked on in railroat circles merely as a "bluff" , HI it is not In lieved tin-re am anv serious intentions of die solving the pjol. They meet again to-morrow Tlio Mctli. iliHt c ntonary , liALTDior.E , December 17. Kev. R. Hon drlx , of Missouri , presided over the Methodist dist centeuHry cmfereLCa this morning , llxv .1 M , liuckloy , D , 1) , , read an essay on vvha Methodism ovvea to vvoicon , HAI.TIMOIIU , Dscembor 17. At Iho after noon te.sion the pibtoral nddrean , prepared by tin ) comn.itteo of bishops , vv.isicaii. It con grntulutes the vailous branches of Moth ndism on the hatmony and fjmpathy whlcl characterized all the proceedings nf the con fertuce , und gavoad\icn as to the c induct of the Methodists In the future for the pro motion df morality and the pprr-ad of th gospnl , A love feast closed the proceeding of tha day and coufr ronco. In H. Ciixiil KE.MHNO , Pa , December 10 Severa ministers and othcrj at the Welsh mountain started a revival mcf-tiug , hoph'g ' to ccnver Abe liurzard and hU mountain bandits , a b'.nd of thliteen b yn of ages between eifjht and ton joirs were ditcoveruJ njbteinatically robbinir a tores , factories and residences , Briiisli Ouiicsilioa to 5 icarafinau Trcaiy. Sir John McDonald Opposed to Eeoiprooity , Trial of the Anarchists in Enropo , Mooting of the Western Presa Association , independence Boll to bo Lent to the Ezposition , ' Hnllroiul Knckei Tlio U. V. Quarter ly Hcport Grant-ClmfToo Uaso Mine Explosion. A 5.QUKAIJ F1OBI JOHN LOSUOK , December 17. The Times soys .ho Nlcaraguaran treaty will excite amaze ment in England and America it the pub- ished version is correct , tt will undoubtedly elicit a distinct protest In both countries. It s a direct violation of the Clayton linlwer .rcaty , a more distinct violation tbau lilalne over contemplated , Americans will not sup ) ese Engliehmon depreciate the treaty owing to the alarm of the extension of American dominions or that they irrstru'st that the treaty , vvill bo abused to the Injury of liritieh trade , but they cannot ap : irove of the example nf one state purchasing iontrol of such waterways for personal ad vantage and not as trustee for the world. A summary of the provisions of the treaty , as -able. ' ! to England , contains no provision in johalf of the woald'd trade. A navigable inghway between two oceans is not a potty matter for sale and barter b tweon states. FOREIGN NEWS. SIB JOHN MACDONALU OPPOsED TO rfccIPKO cur. TonoNTO , December 17. At the conserva tiv o convention 81r John Mac Donald said ho would stand or fall by the policy of "protec tion" and deprecated as suicidal the manner of the maritime provinces askini ? for the re newal of the reciprocity treaty with the states. AN ASIEBICAN VYIUTEK KILLED IN LONDON. LONDON , December 17. Colonel Newton , an American writer upon biology , who re cently came to London intending to lecture upon evolutiou , was killed to-day while riding a tricycle , the vehicle coming Into collision with n cab. ' Mr. Newton was pitched out and struck upon his head , dying almost instantly. Much sympathy is felt for his wife and daughter , who came to London with the colonel , and are now residing at a hotel , MOIITON'H DENIAL. PARIS , December IG.-Vigaro announced that Minister Morton resigned bec.-.vun of the elec tion of Cleveland. Morton denies the Btory. HlBLAND'3 TBODDLK3. DUBLIN , December 10. WHlb pjlrien , member of parliament , siys the nationalists would possibly meet the renewal of the crimes act by impeaching Spencer , lord lieu- tenjnt of Ireland. DIFFICULTIES IN THE VVAY CV THtt NICAHAOUA TBEATT. LONDON , December 17. The Pall Mall Gazette , commenting on tbo proposed Nicara gua treaty , says : Granville vvas opposed to the attempt of Secretary Blaine to annul the Clayton-liulwor treaty , and tharoforo it is hardly likely that Grauvillo will assent to the proposal now. The St. .Tomes Garette aavs the powers now assembled at Berlinhaveobviouslyn stake in the proposed Nicaragua canil aud they are likely to co-opeinto with England to oppose tliu project. In that case , it continues , they will iiucl a strong nut liary force opnoeing America , which would make it difficult tor that country to carry out the project. TUB Bl'ANISH LOAN. PAWS , December 17 The Bourse announ ces that a syndicate ot French and foreign capitalists have taken 1,000 000 pounds drafts issued by the paush minister ot colonies paya ble in one year1 Orders are said to be issued to postpone the financiil opperation in behalf - half of Cuba until it la known what effect the treaty of commerce between Spain and America hvo on tho.fmancoa of Cuba , TIUAL OP THE ANARCHIST ! ) . December 17 , In the anarchist trial to-cuy lleinedorf confessed ho was con nected with a plot to apsassiuuto thn cm- psrtr of Germany at Nindenvald , nnd re- li rred in a most vehement manner to the con dition of the working people , Thn judges wore frequently compelled to interfere nnd rebuke the pi Honor , lltintdorf continued , saying that thu talk of obtaining liieii frtedoin devolved upju the workmen them- nelvcu , end the contests at the polls , EO believed by the social demo crats , were absurd and irrational. The anarchist progrJinmo of action wouh alone do any good The end sanctified the means , tlieio was no good in beinp oeutimont- al end lie hid done his duty as an anarchist Ho admitted ho had persuaded Hupaich am Kntchler to j in them and ho ( rave thorn tin mcessnry Instructious n to handling am placing the dynamite , cddlogloudly if ha tmt not tten ill ho himuolf would probably Imo committed the nusassination at Nicdorwald. "Western AHhoulntcil PrcHH. DKTIIOIT , Documber 17. The annual meet Ing cf tha Western Associated press was lieli hero to-day with a larger attendance Hum ha been had for many years , all except two mom hers were represented. In the nbeeiica of th proaldon' , tlio Hon. . ( elm C. Now presided JEoports were made by the hoard of director and general manaeers which were unanimously approved. The followini oilicers were ele'tcd : 1'rocident , Jo ? . Medill of the Chiu go Tribune ; vica president , J , F Mack , of thu Sandusky lU'glstcr ; secretary H , 13. Biker , Detroit. Directors Kichart Hinith , Ciuciiinatl Commercial Gazette ; Wai tnr N lloldfinan. l ouiivnllo Coutier-.Iourn l M , E Stone , Chicago Nowdj D. M. Houaor I S. Louis Globe JJumucrat ; John O , New , In ' diaiiKpolls Jouinal ; A. II. liolo , Galvtston New * ; W , D. Beckham , Dayton Journal ] n largo amount of business wai transacted , among other th'ngi ' this St. Paul Glebe wan ndmltted to membership nnd the Mlowing reciilution was adouted by a unnnlmoui vote : Unsolved , That the thanks of the associa tion are duo and ara hereby tendered to the board of director * , to the ( unit executive com- mtttoo and the general manager for the thoiough anil ellicient nianagomcnt ot tha business of tha Associated prots during the past year , The Ola Initcponilcnco Bell , PHILADELPHIA , December 17 , The com mittee of the council is considerlcg the ques tion of sending lh old liberty bell to Now Or leans. It was voted 13 to 3 that the report bo made to the council with farnrablo roccom inundations "authorizing the commissioner of markets and city property take down the bell and directing the ji mt committee appoi tied to Attend the to take charge ) of the bell aud hand it over to the authorities at Now Orleans. llnllrnAil Itnckct. CHICAQO , Dpccinberly. The motion for Anew now trial was filed in the case of Thurmer nnd Toaglo vs the Lake Shore llnllroid company In which 510 ,000 damages is claimed for dis crimination aud n verdict for $3,000. The railway company , If necessary , will convoy the ciso to the supreme court where it is IIDW pending an Injunction suit in the samo. mat ter. KONPOCT , December 10. 1'ivo passengers were injured by the accident to the Atlantic express. The names iirei unknown The fun- man , Gorman , is in n critlcil condition and li * ii.juriofl are supposed to ba fatil. The ac- ident was very miraculous as the train had umpcd the track on tha outride instead ot ho inside the whole train would have gone to ho bottom of the Hudson river. CHICAGO , December 10. The local freight lommitteo of the eattbound pool met tev-day ml in response to a protest ot the Live Stock Exchange decided to recommend to managers , o rescind tlio late order in rcpard to dressed noata in nixed cargoes' , and that instead of 'titiro carloads being charged at the rate loruo by meat which Is charged moat per hun dred pounds , the old order be restored aud mixed cargoes charged at dressed beef rates. CHICAOO , December 17. The anngers of Missouri river lines mot here this afternoon .o consider the remedies for the oxl'tlng de- noralized condition of rates on lumber to the Missouri river. A motion to make the rate eighteen cents per hundred pounds was lost Tbo general passenger agents of east-bound runk lines will meet to-morrow and endeavor , o restore the passenger rates to seaboard LODIHVILLB , December 17. Jamea T. Har- rabau , general managir of the LouUvillo & Nashville road resigned , to taico effect Janu- are 1st , TJnliui Pacific BOSTON , December 17. The report of the president of the Union Pacific railway for the quarter ending September 30th , the first com plete quarter which followed the change [ of administration brought about by the resigna tion of President Dillon , was issued to-dey. The Bummarioi exclude the St. Joseph and Western railroad. The total income was 7,137,000 ; net surplus income after payment of all tixed charges , including government requirements quirements , and taxes , § 1,0 12.000 , or equivl- cal to 26.10 peri cent upon the ! capital stock of the company. For the pome qu-uter 'at ' yeir the net surplrewas $1,472,000. For iduo months the total sur plus incono was 31,092.000 , from which divi- ilends amounting to SI 1 65,000 were paid leaving a balance of $527,000 which is an in crease over nine months of tbo previous voar of $49,00) . During the quarter ending Sept ember HO , the net floating debt of the com pany decreased at an average rate of $ 0i ) 0)0 ) per mouth. The net debt on September 30 was $5,137,000 , a docrnaso from thit of the previous quarter of 81,703,000. About the same rate of decrease continued through Octo ber and November but an equally rapid rate of deocaee is not expected du ing the winter months. The land sales for o'oven months in 1884 aggregate Union Pacific 3 10 ,000 acres , for § 1,1090 0 ; Kansas Pacific , 181.000 ceres forS013,000. There is no apparent reason , Presidi-nt Ad ms say ? , why tha proceeds of the Kuusai Pacific land gnvnts , like the Union Pacific land grant , should not constitute an asset to be set aside for extinguishment of the bonds in the whole erin in part secured by them. Ho accordingly recommended a supplfmantary agreement in the nature of a binding contract to bo entered into between the Union Pacifio and Boino trust company , under which the railway agree to set aside from Its other in come a hum equal to the amount which may any year be paid over to it by the trustees under tbo consolidated mortgage , an the proceeds of the Bales ol landi , to bo applied by the trust company to the pnrchnse and extinguishment of the con solidated bond * of the Kansas Pacific c < in- pauy. The land grant will thus become v sinking fund for the absorption of tint is * o of bonds. Action to this ciTtct should be taken , if tikou at all , by tbo lull board of di rectors. _ THI3 GUANT-CHAPPEE CASK. AN UNIQUI ! LETTEK FROM rilLDKIUCK Vi AUDIO HIS DKAIt DUCK IN WHICH HE DISCLOSES A 110NETAIIV CIIISIH. Kans B City 'limeff. NEW YonK , December 1G. In the Grant- Chaff eo reference suit , Col. S B. Elkin test ! lied that Grant told him his ( Grant's ) father Hi-law had a cluim for about S.'iUO.OOU vvhicl amount the latter had advanced the I inn "Grant showed mo"Btid the vvitnesa "cm tract receipts to prove the firm wai riul in such a bad wuy. They road : Ho- toived from U. H. Grant , jr. § - which wo promi ° e to pay within sixty d > -ys with 30 per cent interest , I had never teen anything like it. I put tlio receipt in a pl eon-holo as worthless. The am > untn men tlonod vvrra about § 700,000 or ShOJ.COO. . ' made no inquiry where the moroy vvuti' MHOI crwhat wasdono with It , We wcio not a cool then s we are now. " Colonel Ulim offered in evidence a hltc dat cl May t , 1884 , written by Wiird to Elk ins for bin kindnees , and addn : "I'i-ili has secured cured 8100,000 nud I hive S150.LOO , which will prevent troublo. You cm rrly on me , " 'IhafqllowiiiR letter to U , S , Gr.itit , jr , vva also put in evidence. May 5 , 1884. Dear Buck ; I am very much atrald thoeni has came nnd without something 1 done to night everything will boove-r to mcrrovv. Now taio it cool , old boy , uud don't get excited but remember thtv > o don t want our name to go dovvii and we will light before It comoi I find tint Tuppati ( the city chamberlain ) hi drawn O'OIXil'U ' , mill this with the check o Vondetbi t'H of 815,000 will I know eul thi matter. I lud hoped to gut moro loans ni Buffalo and Philadelphia bondi > , but coulc not , Handall had S10U , ( 00 ioviiimcnt fou per cent bonds with us to-day , but ( jotecuru and rlrow out to-day , Now I have got Iho ollowin ? recurltios vUiich ( an bo used n morrow , and if In any way wo can get hecks to nl lit for $500 , OOJ it imut be done , indvvowill put up the securities. ( Hoto Vrlter enumciato ntcuritics ngRrcgating 51- W,7iO , Including SIO.OJO Chicago and AtlRti- io notes by I'rio r llroid , $ ; 3UCOJ of Erin uitrs.onmt ) gft300,003 on them nnd a e the ch"ck dated to day , Nnw RO to Van- crbllt and tfll him Just how vvo stand and hat If hnw ill do tins much for m vvo will give Sl.liOO.OOO or $1 000,0 0 of tccurities In ho ninriili g. which over ho may select , unit If 10 won't do it , try it clsowhoro. Wo must mt go down with nil these good things on innd. I am going ti start out my- elf , nnd I may bo able to do something. Uo ; o ilihtnt It , and remember If It Is not done t will end our buxlness career. This last trait will have to bomadr > , I will bo homo oino time during tno uight , for I shall go everywhere : t > o seed mo word wlut your PUC- csi it , and if you got check send it over by n Vamlerbilt can draw on the Chotnictl Innk f ho wants to , vvo must have the loin lor ten lays anyway , until wo g t the Innk straight , . am going to several b ink men mj self , and vi 1 bo homo late , so don't try to find me , but ry nnd get all jou can. Tint is our last hope , Juck , * o do all you cau , Yours truly , iSigned ] F. WAIID. Rllno Explosion. VIENNA , December 17. Another miuo ex- ilosion in the vicinity of the recent terrible Icoster. This time three miners were killed nstautly and many fatally Injured Nothing * known hero regarding the reported death of Cossuth. The Nat I 111 ST. Louts , December 17. The national ugar crowori association met this morning. Missouri. Illinois Wi Now York nnd Kansas uero rcprermncu.asident oleniun denounced ti o Spanish treaty in an pen addreta as destructive of the American ugar trade. ST. Lonia , December 17. At the afternoon esslon full reports from the states weio called or , and Me srs. Dicker aud Polgor , of lown , reported i.OJ.lOO gallons of syrup raised in .hat . state this reason , and gave interesting in- urmatlon rogaiding a now prccesa of dealing with syrup , which was Intended to obviate thu iso of the vacuum pan. They also exhibited .ho model machinery used in the now process. ) S. Powell , speaking for Wisconsin and Minnesota , said the yield of evrup in his neighborhood had been 10) gallons ) or acre. The farmers had recovered .heir losses of the previous year , and intended 'nrgoly to increase tha c mo acreage the com- ng season. He had sold hi ) syrup for fifty cents a gallon. Prof. Decker , of Wisconsin , said that cane growing had been far ahead of .he. previous year and the * yrup of a much jotter quality. As much as n thousand lounds of sugar had been produced from a single acre of land. If the sugar industry , ho said , were fastened and protected by the gov ernment all the sugar needed in this country could bo rauod whethin it * borders and the heavy drain on its finances obviated Baldwin of Cumber- and county. Ill , , said that the jield in his county had been satisfactory. Charles Hunch of Virden , 111 , , said that fifty acres of cane on his farm yielded six thousand gallons jf sj nip which br ught forty cents n gallon , Several others then reported and along di - ciuaion on tha methods of planting ensui d , after which the president appointed Belcher of Mietourl ; Powell , of Wisconsin ; Scc- vili , cf Illinois ; a committee on resolutions , Tlio Dynamite t-caro. LONDON , December 17. The pp Ice guard at the Hyda Park magazine has been incroaa d. Otven Ilithe , the boatkeeper says the same n.en who engaged the boat Saturday afternoon had one of his boats Friday , when they rowed into thn stream and drif toil down toward the bridge , just as on Saturday. The cartri 'go ' now in the hands of the police was found in the mud at the point where the boat pushed of ! Saturday , Tlie > National MILWAUKEE , December 1C. At a meeting of the committee on arrangements this even ing it vvas decided that the national sangerfest of 18SC , to bo held in thin city , ehull bo opened .Inly lilst , and continue to the Mill inclusive. It will close with a grand musical festival in the nation il park. A meeting will be held on the 20th inst , for tlio election of officers for tha festival , A Bpeclc of AVar. BALTIMORE. December 17. Capt , Forbes , who recently arrived hero from Kio De Janeiro , says when ha loft there wore * numer ous rumors of war between Bra/il nnd Argentine - tine ll public. The Brazilian authorities are conscripting for an atmy , Cordedent has gene to the 'frontier to investigate the situa tion , and action will bo settle. ! by the cabi net when ho returns. An Amoiican from Buenas Avres told Forbes that Anzentino had 1-O.OjO men ready to throw across the frontier as BOOH as wur wns declared. Enrlli < iunl : In New LACONIA , N. II , , December 17 An earth quake shock was felt at 2 o'clock thi-i morn lug. It was felt in nil the. adjoining towns the heaviest jar wns at Centra Harbor , last ing half a minute. The vibrations seemed ti come from n northerly direction and passec toward tha HMith , JJoora and dluheu vvcr shaken in many residences in town , Moulders' Siril.c. PiTrsnt no , Dececomber 17. The machln moulderB issued a circular calling a mcotin of the craft next Tuesday to consider the pro posed cut in wagad and requesting all to atam out ngainst any reduction , A "Wnstoo ! 1'fmtlur , Coi-CilliUH , Ohio , December 17 The nttac vvas made on the guards nt Jumper Bros mines near Nclsomillct loot nk'ht. .Abou IfiO ihota were exchanged. Nouo o { th guards pr attacking party were Injured Quut roigna to day Not A Him oil to I'm tiulpato , NuwYoiiK , December 17. The board o education refuse to allow thu public cchoo children to participate in the entertainment in the school houi-e , in aid of the Bartholi statue pedestal fund , I'c'orla'a I'luni. WASHINOTON , December 17.-Tho hou < commltteo on public buildings ropoited n hi extending to § 215,000 the appropriation fo the construction of a public building at Peoria ria , llJu. THE MARKETS. lie Chicago Marict RnlCu Dnll and acd Oftttlo Did Not Show Up in Good Hog Maikot Fairly Active Com pared With Yesterday , Wheat Opened Stead and Firm , Closing Higtd * . Corn Opened a Sha | . Higher , Closing at 37 3 2.0 , c Outs Fairly Actlvo-Ky 7Ut anil Dull I'rovlsloim Motlcri ily Ac- llvo 1'ork Stcntly otter. OHICAOO MAUKKTS. OATTLK. pecial Telegram to the BKK. CHICAGO , December 17. The market ruled nil and dragging. Trains on alt roads were ichind time , aud there was no certainty as to lie number to arrive. Cattle did not show p in good shape. Shippers were disappoint- d in not receiving their usual Wednesday's rdora and dressed beef operators hold olT with ho hope thut they could fill their orders at ewer prices late in the day. Now Yoik vvas oported overstocked with 1'JO cars , dull and epressod market nnd lower range of prices , herowero no Texans among the fresh re- eipts. The cold weather nnd abundance of ountry buyers interfered with the stocker nd feeder trade and businois was rather lira- ted. Priino 2 year old 1COO His. Cnristuian attlo87GO ! export cattle , $6 70@C 20 , 'good to choice 1400 to 1COO Ibs , 50 4i@G ( 00 ; com mon to medium , $1 00@i 03 ; inferior to good , 3 00@4 00 ; stockers. S3 OOieCO < ; feeders , .1 . 00 4 40 ; TexauB , $3 00 ® 1 00. HOfif. The market wai rather slow In openinp on ccount of delayed trains , but after nome bean - ; an to arrive business was fairly active and irices steady as comparcel with yesterday. ommon aud rough puckers sold around about 1 OOM 10 ; good mixed at ? 4 15 4 25 , anil jest heavy nt ? I 30'it4 ' ! 35 , with a few loa-'B of ancy heavy at SI 10. Light Boris sold from S4 OOo 1 30. Li ht 170 to 200 Ibs , 53 9'J@1 ' 30. Loading article * in to day's markets closed at 1 o'clock almost exactly whore they opened after a fair day's trading. Confined to local peculators few if any features developed heraselveu. Early the feeling was steady and .lose Inclined to easiness , W11FAT. Opened steady and from Jc to jjs higher ban yesterday's closintr quotations. The oar- y demand from the shorts and Irom that pot ion of the cr iwd who saw money in the long itdo was enough to out a rapid advance if go In the trading option , but as the dcmaml 'ell off prices wont with it , and made the clos- ng unclianse-d from the opening. Farmers' deliveries in the northwest are reported drop ping of ! largely , and the prospects of light re ceipts gaining correspondingly. No. 2 spring sold from 7U@71gc COUN Opened a shade higher and tubsequently ad vanced n , fraction , but ai an easier feeling de veloped itself in wheat this grain was sympa- hetically affected und dropped oft jjc , later rc- icting Jo. Mho course of year corn was irreg ularly downward Ic , closing at one o'clock vith Jo regained. Tra liug woa on a liberal scale , but mainly'on the sollluf side. No , 2 cosh sold at 33 c early , to 37jc Uter , OATS Were fairly active in a speculative way for seller May , with fluctuations within jc , Jthor months were entiiely nominal at ipio- ations. mi : Dontmucs flat nnd dull for options with quo tations littlei bettor than nominal , at 52o fcr Nro. 2 cash , fi''c bid for January , follern nt c. and February held at 03o. Track stull steady at 4Cl@53o for No. 3 and No. 2. rnovisioNB presented no particular feature but were mod- arately active ) in a wpt-culativo way. Fluctua- lions were slight at thu close of the moriiinc ; Bemlon was easy in pympathy with easier feeling in wheat Cash poik was quoted at $1074 , and cash lard at SG/tfi. / Wheat easier , 71o fur December : 71jjo for Jnnucry ; 72c lor _ Fiibrnary ; 78jjc for May , Corn nteadier , 37i'c for the year ; I ! jo for January ; 3IJc for Fehrunry ; 37Jc for May , OATH unchanged ; 3'7c for Dccombor ; 2ISc for Janu ary ; 2lo for February ; 28ic for May. roiiK steady. Lord a shade bottnr , SO 00 for De cember ; SO C2J for January ; 515 fli for Febru ary ; $ (5 ( 70 for March , Short ribs unchanged. Moro I'rotcKtH AunliiHt tlio Treaty. CI.EVHI.AND , December 17. Kopresontatives of thu iron milieu of the lake Superior region and Interests connected with transporting thu'r ores met hero to day , and unanimously adopted n memorial to congress , protesting [ igaiiiBt the rntilkationof tlio treaty with Spain especially objeiting to tlisprovlfiun idmitting Cubain ores free. Kility-livo ( ; millious of capital were represented ut the meeting , Killed lly a'lliilcrBxplosion. CEDAH KAIMDS , December 17. A B. C. H , A , N , enpino boiler exploded near Hivursldo this morning , blowing tlio fireman , Coo. Judcl , nearly fifty leet itnJ scalding him PO badly that ho died this afternoon. No othoru in jured. Attrnlionl Mr.vli : n VotrranH. DIM MOINES , la. , December 17. A cnll liai been issued for a meeting of all Mexican vet erans in this etatn on January 8th in this city for the put pose of coniplttolug a fit a to organi zation. A Tiimhlo in Wonlons. J < EWIWON , III , December 17 , Hoisc , OO'H. woolen milljjuriiod hern last night. 'jbg & 70JCO , ( , Insurance $ : i