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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1884)
I DAiLY istott 1 NO EMBEK 11 1834. /V Are Without A Rival , AND- been Awarded Ono Huudrod and eighteen Prise MedaJs at all the prominent expositions of the World for the Last Fifty Years. And "CBTJSCSI- IMC IN An crnininntion of tlieso magiiificont Pinnoa is politely request before purchasing any other instrument. General Western Representatives. P. S.-Also Gen'l Agt's for KNABE , VOSB & SOWS , B13HR BEOS. , 'and ' AEION PIANOS , and SHONIHGBB OYMBELIvA and CLOUGH & WARREN ORGANS. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special a vcrtlooments , BVIO as Loet , FounJ , To Loan , For Sale , To llont , Wanto , Board ing , et ; . , 111 bo Inserted In this column at the low rate oJ TEN CENTS PEll LINE for the flret Insertloo nnd FIVE CENTS PER LINK for each nubsoquent n portion. Leave advortlucmonts at our office , No. Pcirl Street near ISroadw&T WANTS. ulth or without board , on or bcforo the 16th ntO'SJThlrd. ijiUH 11KNT n. suite of rooms tu central locution Ju Enquire of Dr Hanchott , No. 12 1'carlSt FOKSALP Oil HUNT The Onls I'ackluic h and machinery , I > catcd In this city. Cap 150 hoiis poi ilajOilcll & ] Hv. \\'ANTED [ ueriuaii > r ; 0110 tliat V can imKo all Mnjj of SIUS.IKO. Aoply t lirradivay MOAC ilaikct , 327 liioailu > y , Oouncil Blh'.Ta. tj" 7ANTKD Every bo < ly in Council BluCa to tote 1 I lanUiix. Dcllicrud by c&rrlorat only twenty rcrt ? a vrooli. /\LD PAFUItS For oalo at BBS oflic * . at S5 cents a hundred COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thn following are the tlmoa ol the arrival and de parture o ( tiains by central standard time , at focM ilcpnta. Trains lea\e transfer depot ton ma U.UD earlier and arrive ton minutes later. CI1IOAOO , BURMSOION AND qUINOT. MAVt. 1BJIVJ. 6S5nra : Chloaj-o Express 8:00 : rn 0:40 : a m FMt Mall. 7:00 : p ir 7:10a : m /Mall and Kxpresa , 7 ! ' 3 P in 13 : 0 p ci Accommodation. 3'M p m At local depot only. KiSBiS C1TT , HT . JOB AND COCNCIIi FLUFFS.7PB 10:05 : a m Mail and Express , 7PB : p m i:05 : p ra Pacific Express , 6:50 : p in CniCAOO , IIILWAURBS AND 8T , i * 5:25 : p m Express , 9.05 a m V 3:16 : n m Express , 6:65 : p m % CHiOAiiO , nocn ISLAND AND . 6:80 : pr.i Atlantic Expreej , 8:06 : a m 9:20 : a in toy Express , 8:54 : p in 7:20 : a ui "Hos Molnos Accommodation , 6UB : p m At local depot only. jyHlBII , ST. IXJIJIH AND PACiriO. . l-UOam Mall , 4:15 : ptn S'lOjin Acconnnodatorj 9 CO cm lM : > pin f i. I oal3 Express 8:15 : pm 4:50 : p in Cclca o Express 10:55 : a m At Trtui-fer "nly cmOAr.oand Kn&TnvrasTO * . 6:30 : p m Expruj , 5.10 p m ) 24 B in Pacific Express 9:05 : i. m eioox CITT j > w I'Acmc. 7w : p ui St. 1'aul Exprep. < , 5:10 : a in 7 ! i a ; u Day Exjitesa CiO : p m s:00pn : V/estcin Exprcec , 11:00 : urn PaclBc EJtpn" > ] , 4JOptn : 7-1Cr. ro Local Kxproa , eH : m l.iO : i ui Lincoln Expreaj , At Transfur only. DUMMV TP.IIS1) IOOMAIU. :20-8so-3:3o-io:00-iii'iv : : : : : ' tu. i:30-s : : a:80-4.3fl-5i''Wl:3J.UC'5p : : : : m Sunday 9 :3ll : : 10 . ' < ' ' . Arii. 10 ruin fc.iu : SOSiWfl : JJ-ll'ui p. ui ii to IK < ir.- Inn ui Hm' > Four ftory brirk , Jtiit erected on O. street , be- uucn 7th nnd bill stri-eis. Klncit furnlibcd , bc t and moat nahonablo prii-td liuuso at the Oar/lti" Near ml depot * . JIKS. KAIKCOAKM'.Y , uov 3-mo lin Proprietor. B. Eie0 M , D. or other tumors removed without tb knlfo or drawing o blood. CHRONIC'DISEASES " * * - ' ' * Over hlrty year } practical oxperlocce OKIce No , I'earl trecc , Council bluffu t Concultatlon free 209 Upi > c * Broadway , ugain to the Trout. S11) JF , relict * anil come and K.viinlno , and see for > ourHl\en u hat > on can buy forCai at my place. I quote 5011 at follows : IS Ibx g'anuUtol sugar for $1 00 ISlbdWhilo exUsupirf r 1 (0 20 bars Kirk'u white Hus lan scan for 1 0) ) J2 Imrn Palii'a. e < | ii l to Klrk'n Huwian Biiip fur , 1 ro < 01irsKlrk'aUuoIndim < npfor 1 00 lupont'n bent | xi der p r Hi 21 18 boxes of matches for HI nip California honey diipn , pur g.l Krup , warantod ttilctly ptiro Vcraout m > plo IRTfcal , 100 Horghaui per gal . . 60 A f-o. 1 r'nitliah currants Klb > for. . 1 00 lewis' Lje , fcnullie 10 loxeif > r 100 C'anned blau borrles , pre ervd , 5 ran * fur . . 1 10 Canned Sib yellow patches ii uhlteetrupfi for. 1 (0 Canmd Ui Utqualily Tomatoes lOfor. . . . 1 ro A No. 1 uhitotlith. ntrklt , 70 Tobiocn , Lor'lard ' Cliinax , per pnund 60 T T. T. 1 can Hell you according toijual tjfinm Ho to 70c per Ib. Hour We sell the celebrated Patent Fancy per We \ | ' 'ii > ll Uptlria J'uet OHS Ciroivry , and warrant eterjthliiK u trll tioudnle llvcrrd fitu In ary part of the city. I nisi liomllu Ulavei ) ttu Jllt'eiS , Dry c/jj'la rjKl Nctlojitj , Bo > tn ml Hhoa , ttu < i acurd oncirtlii > nt nf Tmwuro Hi in.'ipbit ; I wl'I n't tidy Iw not uudir olil on an ) trend * , Imt uil ( till 20 per cant lielowanvCoiujwiitl n In thufltv Wo ate IIOA reutivl > gan kjtolra uf l > IM In ld > 'h wo cut give the gr < atitt lurfalrw < i cr nflero In thu i-lty Jh e > | ioii < 4 lua ury llfrht , vvltli n < ' Htnts lo pa > I am enabled and wnlKcll clu.ip fur C'AHU. Call when you naiit Uusbmtof Uirh'aui In my linu , J. P FILBERT , i-'O'J Uppsr Ur m'l way , C luncll JJluffd R. VAUCHAftf , Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Oonnoil Rtil Mt&ta BoUcoibn gencyOdd fcllowi Block orer String Uuik N. SCHURZ. OFFICE OVEH AUEUICAN KXPKES3. COUNCIL iiLUFFS. IOWA J. 11. TAIE. WAlllUN W111T2. Fractlco In Htato anil Federal Coutta. Collections promptly attended tu. Room 10 , Shugart's Building , COUNCIL BIiUFirS IOWA' i J. J. STEWART , ATIOMAT Tractlcca In Federal and State Courts. 001 Broad way , o\cr Snlii9 ) Bank. COUNCIL BLUFl'S - IOWA. . c. c. 100 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS - - IOWA Dr , W. 11. Shoroaden DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council Blufla owa. BIG DRIVE. AT HOMER'S. 23 lilixln Street Council Bluffa Thnutoof Joa torni " She- Lliie" In counectloii wltb Ib corpor&to nnmo of u ffyoatroad convoys an Idoi of uetwbit required by the tra\ cling nub llc-a Bhoit Uat O > | l"k Tian and tlit ) liciit . I j.v ; ) c:3J ; > tlons Ml of wh'ch ro ! n n > bed by kho igntesi ullwiv In Amcrlct. And St. Paul. It owns and operates over t.KOO mllce of orlbern Hllnols , Wleccnrtu , Minnesota , low * akota ; and aa ts main linen , branchea and oonnei oni reach all the great buglnces centria of lh > Horthwcsl and Far Wcet , U naturally answerth < dosorlptlOD of fitiort Line , and Best Ilouto betnjeo Chicago , Milwaukee , Ht. 1'aul and Mlnneapolli. C3ilca o , Milwaukee , IA Cronso and Wlnona. Obloauo , llilwaukuc , Aberdeen and KUendtlo ObicaKO , Milwaukee , Kau Clalro and Btlllntter Chlcafn'o , Milwaukee , Waueau ( .nd Merrill. OlilcaKO , Milwaukee , Beaver l > am and Ostikoeb. Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukrcba und Ooonomowor Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and I'rr.lrledu Clil Ohlcatto , Milwaukee , Ou atonn a and Falrlbanll , Chicago , Belolt JanenvlUo and Mineral I'olni. Chlctgo , Elfdn , Kockforil anil Dubuquo. Clilco 'O , Clluton.llocV Island and Codir Jlapl Ji. Olilcogo , Council Blufffl and Omaha. ( IhleoKO , Sioux City , Kloui Falleand Yank ton OblcaKO , llllwaukeo , Ultcbell and Chamberlain llcok Island. Uubuquo , Bt. Paul and Mlnneapollc. Davenpoil almar , ft. Paul aaii Minneapolis Ilillmaa B UCIH.TS and the Finest IHnlnir Can In Uio n.-rM are run on the muln lines of tlieC'UICAOO , MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL UAILWAY.andeverv tttcntlonls paid to | > ac oD/ora by conrteougemployDi of the Company. 6. 8. MKIIHILL , Oen'l M/imccr. A. V II. OAItl'L'NTER , Oeii' I'a B. A T. CLARK , flen'l Bjpt. QCO. HKII.KFOJ1D. Aw'L fJen I . I'a A TIMKEN SPftlMG VEHSCLES ! luOBinlthtwo < * + * u Tim Cprlnsi mtlliCJi .nil lMirtrnncrordliiitillhn > fle. .Kiev mrrr , Kannlly wull Mniituiltu rou li vojntr' rvtdHindUutfilrlvesofcltl > i. Afnnnrnrliirrdr-niJ Jr'iillnicCarrUEnlliilIJtriiaiitll D'B I y'jrinikrn. 1'uti'iilrn.Ht. I.oiu- . i' ABBOTTTftEGY CO 1 COUHCJL GILUFFS ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. HARMONIOUS WOMEN , They Build and Dedicate a Union Chaptl , The Dodioatory Services niid Ser mon by Rev , J , Fiski At tin * Hiilscopitl Clmroli Ko51 r. tfy ANkt "In ltpll > ; lon The ilcilicalory oorviccs of the now Harmony Mission chapel drew so largo an nudionco thnt not morn than ouo-hnlf could got scats or oven standing room. Clergymen of UiU'oront faiths and beliefs joined in the services , the ontarprisu being tin unacutarian ono. The opening services wcro conducted by Kov. J. 0. Lomen , the pastor of the Baptist church , the Bormon was by llov. J. I'isl ; . and the dedicatory aorvico by llov. Sir. t.'g , pastor of thePreabytorian church. Among the others present wcro Kov. Henry DoLong , local preacher of the Methodist church , and llov. Mr. Snyder - dor , pastor of the Dunkards. llov. J. Fisk , who preached the cor- mon , chose na his text : "Tho Lord , whom yo seek , will suddenly como into his temple. " The first portion of hia discourse was given to establishing two proposi tions , the first being the existence of aGed God , the second that ho manifests him- Bclf in houses built as placua of worship. Ilo sought to substantiate these proposi tions by the Bible and by the teachings of nature. Ilo then said : A few ladies had neon that sin and in iquity abounded In Council Blulla. They saw that the name of God was blasphemed and , hla laws foully spurned. That sa loons , gambling houses and other houses of vice and iniquity llouriehod in public places , and the most prominent streets so that it would take the combined efforts of the pious and the good of all denom inations to chock the ovil. They saw that now wna no tirno for theological discussions , no time for sectarian con troversy , no time for contending that the Baptists , or Presbyterians or any other sectarian denomination was t o best , but that the qucotiou was : shall Christianity , jtsolf stand ? or shall wo give up our faith in God , and float without chart or com- paeu into the vast ocean of unbelief , of infidelity and barbarity ? They lirat hold union prayer meetings from house to house. But as these meetings increased in interest and ono of them had a class of aunday cchool scholars at her house it was concluded to purchase , and fit up a house in which they could teach their own and their neighbors' children the ways of truth and holiness , and bring thorn up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord , and that they could have an opportunity of teaching and showing their friends mid neighbor. ! thit : thuro ia reality in religion : that there is a saving , sovereign balm in the atoning blood of Jesus , a comforting , consoling , cordial there , that can wipe out the hidden sorrows rows of the soul , and with its sweet joy ful antidote cleanse the heart from that pernicious sin that weighs down and de stroys the happiness of the immortal BOU ) . They accordingly organized society , elected oflicers under the name of the Ladies Harmony Missionary Society. It was necessary to bo incorporated in order to hold real ostato. They had a charter prepared , and are now regularly incorporated in accordance with the laws of Iowa. This , I believe , iu the only corporation in Iowa composed entirely of females. They have been incorpor ated only a w months , yet through their own management , in giving dime sociabloo they have purchased , paid for , and fitted ut ) this house ns you now HOG it. It is a thing of beauty and may bo a joy forever. In conclusion , I would Hay to the Indies , never got weary In wull doing. You have taken the Biblw p.s your guide. It is God'o work. It has exorcised an influence over the livci and acts of men for n > jo3 ; and genera tions past , and will continue to have an influence over them an long as time shall list , continue to revere thu thu mjstories , admire the beauties and obey the preempts contained in that blessed book , and. then If you lire assail ed with the ridicnlo of earth or the blasphemy of the vilp , you can console yourselves with the pleasing rnlleclion that you nro in the name condition of all tlioao blessed splriU , who , in former times endured alllictioun , but died in the triumphs of faith and are now reap ing tholr reward in a happy homo in heaven. In a few years you will bo call ed homo to enjoy the comfortable coin- munion of saint ? , to rejoice in the society of the great army of martyrs nnd the HO- cloty of the Rood and wise and great of every ago and nation , pleased with the roaliticu of a blissful eternity , and re joicing in a happy immortal existence beyond - yond this vale of tears. May this con- tinuu to bo the house of God in which His blessings shall abide , and may it be the gate of. heaven to immortal souls. IS UKLiniO.V I > K KXiitATINO : ? The obovo query was the subject chosen for the ovnning service last Sun day by the llev. T. J. McK y , pastor of thu St. Paul Episcopal church in this city. Ho said : It is a notorious fact that a body of clergymen cannot assemble together without propounding among themselves the qurmion , "how shall wo roach the masses , " or "how shall wo bring the poo- plu to church ? " And it seems to bo can didly admitted by , ho majority < f thinkers that religion in degenerating in our land , Many lament the good old times when religious ways were waya wull followed if not ways of pleasantness. It is well to look around , examine the matter , and ecu if euch udmiaoions ho truo. Go back with mo a hundred years , or leas , aim think of the good old meeting house without ( ires or organ , with fitralght-hackrd neatu , solemn audience , and much moro columnPHHtor. Think of the dreadful .Sunday * that wcro spent then , listening _ to long , dry dlecourecH concerning original Bin mid eternal pun ishment. Think of the long oermon , Tlth a fihort intormlfnion , during whit h pcoplo could go into grnveynrd urid out their luucheo , and than listen to another ecrnion , just an long iul iniinturcHiui/ , and Dim go homo to a choerlcni house and cold moalir , aucingor hearing nothing that could create n mnile. Now , is that your idea of religionIf / it ie , and if it is the correct idea , then wo must admit that Christianity IIHH degenerated generated , if any man is not a Christian who doon not go to church and lioteti to long eormons every Sunday , am dori ivit toll his wife nnd dnughtora t ( nvowl ttcri'Mion and activity , then wo ha\o certainly degcnrrfttod. Hut , brethren , who can ay so ( would never consent to oxchnnqo the present typo of chriatianily for that h past nj'cs. I do not bo1ii'\o that the Christian of the oUlon time wni so fai Ahead ami nbnvo the aver go Christian oi to-day. By etudylng their histories yoi will see that they were men of oxactlj the mime passions M ourselves , mulluoil in the same way , often erring as wo do to-day. But why is It that they wcro ctnnnizod as saint * ? BCCAUSO of tho. prominence that their lives then received , owing to the darkness thttaurrouml thorn on every hand. 1 believe wo nro living as pure and noble livoa os any of our ancestor ? . Their dcotrino was to make religion i\i disagrcoabloaaiiopsiblo. Sunday was the gloomiest nnd sickliest day of the week the whole year. I deny that they did moro for Christ , unless long prayers , dry snrmons and lownosa of apirito are bolter than bright homes , nnd joyous laughing childred , with pure hearts open to receive that which ia good , nnd hands ready to perform acts of kindness. While wo do full justice to the grandeur of the char acter of the PuriUins , wo must ad mit that their religion was not devoid of blemishes. Religion was their only diversion , nnd to innta it a diver sion they turned their attention towara witch-crnf t nnd the burning of poor , in- loccnt women as witches. They had no railroads , no operas nor theaters , no pol tical caucuses. They had nothing. Not oven n church oociublo with tableaux uul maglo mirrors to stir their sluggish jlood , Glance nt the grandsons of the old Puritans as they iloftt upon the stir- : uco of Now 'N ork oooial nud business ifo , nnd then think of the Now York city of to-day compared with the Boston of rj bundled yeara ago. Think of the business hfo of to-day. Of the arts , the sciences , lltornluro nnd commerce. It causes the city of New \ork to appear iiko n magical creation. Where the grandfather had ono care , the grandson lias twenty. Ho must keep pace with the civilization in which ho ia placed or tie will bo crushed. Is it n slu to support the opera nud theater ? Is it n sin to dabble in commer cial nnd political life ? If it is , then what must wo del Man must either advance or retrograde , and the latter moans death. [ f people prefer to retrograde , nnd amcut the ndvnnco of the tlmeo , lot them do so , but lot thorn do so at their own peril , and nt the peril of religion and all Christianity , for people will have ileimiro. They nro disposed to obtain it awfully if they can , but if that bo im- joosiblo they will obtain It unlawfully. "But'1 says otio , "our churches are not so well attended as formerly. " How lees hu knowi Where wo had ono church n former Union , wo have twenty now. I'hcro are many ether reasons by which to account for the apparent docrcnso of church-going people. Duo ID the tntolli- ; once that Is forcing its way into the nsuses. The pows contain moro intolli- ; once than the pulpit in many places , i'ho newspapers are filled with bettor sermons than the people hoar at tholr own churcht'B. When this ia the caac , wo cannot blauio a man bocnuao ho v ill not consent to listen to two dull prosy sermons each Sunday. The clergy are oftentimes unfairly treated iu this matter. You blame them nnd say that they nro the cause of it. Their sermons are found fault with. If you ciitlcizo the preacher , remember the task that it devolves upon him to perform ; to prepare two sermons every week , upon subjects that nro popularly considered best , not by any means the most enter taining. Beioro wo make up our minds that re ligion ia degenerating , lot us go into the largo cities and see what mankind is do ing for man. L iok at the hospitals and asylums for the diseased and helpless ; tiomi'8 for men , women nnd children , and outcasts. The chnritablo institutions that spring up on every hand. The fooling that in not shown in church-going iu shown by actn and deeds of Christianity [ iracllcallv performed inn thousand other waya. The deed and not the creed ia growing moro Mid moro to bo the standard by which nian'a Christianity is judged. I'ractico in going to bo from henceforth thu criterion of real religion. Wo now Imvo the commercial ago. Men are stuvini ; for riches , of tor the ox- ampin of Vundorbilt , Gould , Rothschild nnd Actor. But this is not done for the Bake of ncheu so much as for the sake of becoming noted ; to achiuvo distinction arid rank in society. I have known monte to delve in gold mines , not for the gold itself , but for the power the gold gave thorn. They spent it just OH freely as they got it. And that is what mon are striving for to-day. At ono ago thin uimo ; motive impelled mon to bo warriors , at mother , monk ? . It is not wrong to ba rich. The only trouble ia that men do not make the best use of their money. Wo think for these roiisona that thin ago Ia unfavorable to the progression of religion. Look back to the beginning of the civil war in this country. Da you rcmembor how the blood ran through Uio veins of the nation llko streams of molten fire at the open ing of thu enemy's iiro upon Fort Sump- tor ? Wo became u nation of warriors ready to take up arms at n inomciit'H notice , Faith is not dead ; not oven sleeping. Let a man but touch our religion to mo lest it , and you will DOC men spring up on every hand to dtfend the cherished re ligion of their fathers and willing to die for the sake of God nnd Christ. The ono most beautiful name of the founder of our religion was and la Emanuel - uel , or God with us. Not only with us iu the past , but now , nnd even to the one of time. If religion is degenerating It is God's failure , nnd that is impossible. Wo must not bo afraid to bring our Christian Hfo into contact with our secu- hfo , The time is coming when mon will realise that they can follow their business pursuits and glorify God at the eamo time , It ia not necessary to bo n clergy man to do this. The artist who painting a good picture glorifies God just us inucl : in that uct as the minister in the pulpit , and thu mechanic who driven u nail and docK it well thereby serves God just as wall an the artist who painted the trans figuration of the saintu , or the pastor who expounds passages of Bcripturo from the pulint. Tlio Reparation of the secular nnd ro- ligidUH lift ) in the evil of to-day which must bo ovurcomo. Young and middle-aged mon Hufforing from nurvniH debility , premature old o , lots of memory , and kindred By nip ius nhould Bond thruu letter stamps for lirgo illustrated trcullau suggesting surci mcftim of euro. World's Dispensary Medical Association , UuliUlo , N. Y. j A novel attraction urow largo crowds to ) Richmond ( Kng. ) church lately , where I it WW advertised that I'rofesaor Miller j I mild perform n now fantasia on thu ! troMb > n.i. with orjiij ; a ( V m\\ Postal Note * frini Si el I'lntoH Struct oir at tin * ltnn > of to.ono n New York World. Ono nf the Inst ollieirU ncta of the lat Socrotnry Folgcr WRS Iho signing of ni order ndoptlng n now system by whicl the steel ongrnved securities of the gov eminent nro executed on n rotnry prees , Hosiilts Imvo licon attained h > this press which It waa thought linpossl- hlo to accotupliah , iminuly , the printing from n steel plix'o ' , curved on n cylinder , wliich is inJanl , wiped i\nd polished auto matically. IVil this invention WAS per footed , nflor mxty years of experimenting limiting from steel engraved plntci was loim on imnd presses. It WAS not posai- bio to turn oil' moro thtui 500 alicota on A props dnily , AIU ! llio plntu hnd to bo wiped : > oliahed und inked after cncli itnprcission , will two people were required to do the work. On the now press ono innn can work oil' 1,200 to 1 , f > 00 per hour , or 10- )00 ) n day , the number being limited only > y the skill of tlio fcodor. It ins just been Adopted by the burrntt of jugr.u'ltig And printing of the ( ronsuty lepnrtmi'iit , After three years' trial , nl hough foreign govorninonti have isod tlio onmo syatoin for Bovernl onrg. The press is now in use in thu government printm ; ; ollicea Ucrlin , St. Potorabnrij nnd Stockholm. It hns been neccssaij' for protection to carry on experimenting nnd conatruction privately nnd the first exhibition given \vns on yostordny tomemborn of the prccs nttho lininor Leo Itunk Koto Compnny'a works , ISos. fH'm nnd fioT Uroadtvaywhoro it is now printing United M.xUs postal notes. The nteul ] > lnto remnina fixed iu tlio prcao niul forms n tsegmunt upon the Biirfnco of a cylinder , tu which it clings nnd cnrvos. 'i ho pinto receives t"o ink from n series of rollers which It pnsecn in ita continuous revolution. Opposite this inking npp.nrntus ia the impression cylin der , extending over tlilo ia the blank sheet of pnpor , firmly hold by grippora. Every third recover the pinto arrives opposite - posito it and the pressure npplicd tnKos from tlio engraved linca of the atool pinto the ink wliich hna boon dopooitod and loft there nftor Iho surface hna boon polished - ishod by four ingeniously contrived pndu that do the work na well no cnn bo done by the hnnda of n skilled workman. Al though the proas weighs nearly ton tons , it ia so well bnlnnced that it can bo run byn hnlMnch bolt or ono-hnlf the width ot nn ordinary sowing machine bolt nnd nt n cost of only L'A cents per day. With a 5t. Louis I'ost-Dispntclu It ia an election with a warning. It musters the power to the democracy with n warning. The balance of n housand votes ono wny or another in the close otato of Now York decided it. So closen vote moans that the victory in a icraonnl and not parly victory. The > eoplo who decided the election trust Cleveland nnd llondricks moro freely ban they trust the party which nominated Jloveland and H end licks. If the re- uiblican convention had risen nl'ovo the chemes of the trading crow who forced 31aino on Iho party , at d had nominated uch n ticket fib , tiy Arthur and Lincoln , , ho democratic party , which now sits on ho strange nnd unused vantage ground of success , would bo where it waa last roar , nnd where it has boon for the last .wonty-four years , a moro doubtful hope. It ia bolter for all parties that it is .10. It ia bettor to keep nil public trustees on irobation , better to have the party in [ > owcr understand that ita tenure ol [ lower depends on its meritn. The dem ocratic party now hfit , n rnro and mag nificent opportunity. It 1ms nmdo many irofcssions and promises nnd some nt- einptn. If ita potformncco reducms its iledgcs , ita power will bo confirmed and , ho victory of Tuesday will bo ono whic'i nil citizens will gladly lay naido their Kililical difltircnccs to colobruto. The Fliht Keen Twine ? . Aa the Benson advances , the pains nnd aches by which rheumatism makes itself mown , are experienced after every exes - ) os uro. It ia not claimed that Hood's Sarsaparilla ia a specific for rheumatism wo doubt if there I" , or can bo , sueli a cmody. But the thousands benefited llood'a ftireaparilla , warrant ua In urging others who sull'or from rhoumatiam : o take it before Iho firot keen twinge. The homu pathic doctor at Lyons who proposeo to euro everything in the way of muuion or evil thoughts by hia little pil ots has failed , at yet , to discover a ilobtilo that Trill euro cholera or sturvu Jon. "WiM a till t ! < Girl. " Yea ; and when the roeca faded from licr cheeks nnd she became lisllues and languid nnd pale , they gave her Brown's iron Biltera. It built her up in health and made her ruddy and strong. Mina Wnigold , 23 Perry ntrcot , Pittaburg , Pa. , writes that her sinter , ngod lit , took several bottles of Hrown'a Iron Blttorn for nervouanesi and dyspepsia , nnd was greatly rolioved. At Ut Sau Shan , China , the governor selected hia recruits as tollows : Ho lira dug n trench six Chinese foot wide , ant all these that were nblo to jump it were enlisted into the corps. I liiivo liocn BfllioKMl with nn Alfoctlon of the Tlirnat from clillillioixl.cauHcil by diph theria , nnd have mud vnrloim roinailloH , nut , hnvo iinvcr fniuiii anything I'qinil to HHOWN'H IlitoNfiirAi.TiiociiK'J.-/fej' . ( I. Al , J- ' . ton , J'lUloii , Ky , Uuld only In IJUXOH. At the North Carolina State Exhibition ono man showed an entire female wardrobe - robe constructed with hia own fingers , and another n bed-quilt of 0000 pieces. Thn poor authorities of Paris ask for ? 8,000,000 for the coming year. They say they will bo compelled to give assistance to 400,000 people. A Now York policeman has destined himself to a long period of sobriety by taking an oath that ho would keep sober until Cleveland should bo re-elected. d'H Acid I'lioHplmto. Kxcellcnl ItcHiillH , Dn. J. It WILLIS , Kliot , Mo. , aoya "Iloraford'H Acid 1'hoaphate givca most excellent results. " Covlngton , Ky. , has n dog detective whoso businees it la to hunt nji mining puts. Ho known all the doga in town and is on friendly terms with them all. YOUNO MAN. ItlOAD T1I1H. TlIK VOLTAIO JlKfcT IJOHI'ANV , lf ) MurHl MIchiKiin. otfur t uond tlHr colubrnti-il nuo Voi.rAio UKLT mid iiiht-r KLKOTUKI Ar- I'LUKCIM MI trial fur thirty lajn , to iiio ( yoiiiitf nt old ) iilllictii : < l with iwrxiiiH ileliih.y IOHII of vltulitv and manhood itiul ull kiuilru. trmiljjtui ALiu fur rhouiiiiilluni , nmr.ik'l.'v , iiirulyHin , flnd jnany oilier ilmcam-i * . Conipk'ttJ tltxtiut'ui ) ' t < > hc.tlth , vltT'ir nml iniiiihood ( ; iiftrantiNo < ) rmk inciutcil , nn thhty il.iyH1 . \ nllowoil. Write them ut once fur illim- tral ll p.ini'hlut , frw , THE CHEAPEST PLAGE 1JN UMAHA TO BUY of fcho Best and Iftrgest Stocks in the United 8batt to Boloct from. NT0 STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR V Cs , I I OFPEUS FOR SALE IN and Gents' ' Furnishings , TUl ENTIRE STOCK TO BE 1 The atoro will bo for rent au soon ns the atock cnu bo cloned out. Store fixtnrca or BH\O. \ The anlo to commnnco on Tliuradoy , October 10th , and to bo continued until every yard of the atock is sold. I intomlod to cloao atock last winter , but allod , us 1 did not commence , the aalo whou the tnulo ] wnntod goods , but now na ho Hoason ia at hand for Fall and Winter goods , I shall take advantage of the aoa- on to make a suceuasfiil and closing sulo. quote no pricoa , as they are too numer ous to mention. Thin IB no advertising d"dgo. AU must go. I hope to cloao the lock by January 1. 1 have added Ton Thousand Dollars ( § 10,000) ) to the immense atock 1 have been arrylng , to make this the mont successful cloaing ealo that has over been made In Omaha. 10 ! ) and 111 South Fifteenth Street. THAT IS THE NAME OF THE TOWN WHERE And all o the /jooil / nndftloasimt things that go to make ap a com plete and happy existence. The town of South Omaha is tiiunted south o the city Jof Omabo on the line of the U. P. Enilwny , und it is losa than 8i milon from the Omaha post ofiico to the north line c the town sito. South Omaha is nearly U miles north and south by Si east &n < 9 wont , and covers an area o nearly four square miles , The stock yardu uro at the extreme southern limit Nearly 150 lots have boon sold add the demand is on the inoraaH * The yards are hoing rapidly pushed to completion. The 00,000 beef packing house is progressing finely. The 930,000 Water Works are finished and furnish an Bbtmianfe supply of PURE SPUING WATER. The B. & M. and Bolt Line Railways have a large force of men * & vrork and will , in connection with the U. P. Railway , have a union depot uoar the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will lie Lurnishoa for Church and School purposes. Now is the time to buy lots in this growiBg'city. They will bo cheaper than they are to-day. 'Apply ' at the Company's office , at the Union Stocka Yards. M. A , UPTON , Assistant Secretary , ETUSHP3OT & BOLTS , Dormer Window I , FlnUli. Wlmliiw Ca | i. Ifo-.i CicetliU ) , Metallic HWr-Hghtn , Ao. Tin , EUt ; co 3 t. hlos iiil > 1U > < IHrei't ' OmMii. NobtiuiVs. WHOLESALE 15Y L. A. STEWART & , , 1013 Jones Street } ro BCD enow { OMAHA KE3