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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1884)
TEE OMAHA DAILY BliE- TUESDAY NOVEi\JJ3ttR \ ( l ' 884 , 1BE DAILY BEE Tuesday'MorpiDg Novomb&r 11 LOCAL BREVITIES , The now cnRino house , corner of I'.lorcntl nnd Dorcas stroctf , will l > o occupied Thnrsda ; inornlnR. Thomas Hart , a hack driver , in Iho liap- vy fnthcrof a 12-iionnd boy , who made hid np. jwarnco the 7th inst. Tlio Womnn's Clirlsttiin nunc'mlionvil hold ita incctlnp Hi is nftornoon in it rooin in the city hall at half patt 2 o'clock. The Union Pacific will , boginninff on December comber 1 , nm n tlirough Moopfr from Umnln to 1'ortlanJ , Oregon , \ia the Oregon Shoil lilnc. An old mim cousidcrably under tliotttv \ \ cncoof liquor , Indulged In nrpcccli forCloxo land on Vfttnam street yesterday , and U soi btring up In tlio city jail. Mr. N. ] ' . UiuJtalow , siiperintondont ol the Union Depot Dining Itoom , W H Miglitly injured by n falling rocket on latt Tlmrtday Jiight. [ Dener Ttibuno-Kcpubllcau. A young man on a St. Mnry'a axomio car ycitrday , mailo | hlmsolf very { obnoxious by blowing a tin horn nfter bohig repeatedly requested by Iho p.iRRcngorB to dcstet , The Atlon Social clu b wan forinod Sun tiny with Fiod Mfctz , jr. , prcslJont ; MAX ISccht , Uce-prcsldentj Krirtik Ijingi ? , Becrotary nnd troasutcr. The pirtlos will bo hold n Uormanm linll. The Baptist niiociation nnd Y. M. C. A. convention Imvo cloned tholr laborn. Tha ineotingn of both were highly interesting nnd voro conducive of much good to thoao who vrcro fortunate enough to nttond. Mr. 1'ctcr Wlig , of tlio firm ot Wilg & AVcstborg , on South Tenth street , 1ms exulted the envy of nil bin rivnlp , juit by thu addition of something they Imvo never neon before. Tt consists of n bran now baby buy which nrrlved on Saturday night and weighs over ton l > ounds , Coroner Mnulo yesterday received n tolo. grnm from Kichard Carlton , ol Town Falls , Towa , naktcg him to tihip tlio body of bh brother , whose death , Sunday evening , tn this city has been mcntlonoi ] , to that plncu. The body , In nccordanco with the rtquunt , will bo wont to Iowa 1'nllfl this nftcrnoon. The rating hoiuo of Mnrltol fi Swobo , nt the Union 1'aclfiu depot in thin city , 13 being thoroughly renovated. The walls and ceiling nro being handsomely docoratoil , tlin wood work palntod , nnd when nil N camplotcd It will prcssnt a ImnJsomo nppoaranco. All the eating liouaoa along the road nru to bo fitted up in n similar manner. Kor. J. S , Dolwllor , pitorof tlio Kngllsh Jiutuoran churchproachod | n sermon , SiinJoy night to the young men of hia congregation , in which ho urged thorn tn fit thunmoUos for the ministry. The Hpoakor was much moved during his discourse , and apoko limn earnest nnd forcible manner. It wai ono of his gruatcat olforts during his pastorate in this city. A Hhort limo ago Kudolph Dorn , tccro. tnry nnd general miinagor of the Wustara Ilorsa and Oattlo company , loft for parts un. knowu. It has teen state that IIP was largely indebted to personal friends , nnd that ho left them nil in tlio luich. Tins company state that ho loft his business with thorn in good ohapa nnd that thuy nro not loaors by his ilia- ppc.-irnnco , Ono night last wool : n dicchnrgoJ soldier luiiiicd .Tolm ] ! ay waH nrrested churgod with being drunk nnd disorderly. Upon doarching bis person at the city jail only SI . ' 10 wan found on } i\3 \ person. In the morning bo pleaded Ruilty to thu chnrgo nnd wan givou $5 nnd cost by tlio judgo. 1 Io wont down into his in. nido shirt pocket nnd pulled out n roll of bills amounting U over S10J , earnings ( ivo o yoiM work foe tlio United SUtoi government and paid his fine. Last night ho turned up .at tlio police station without n cent , looking ( ir a place to sleep , having i pent Ins o.irnlnga on n piolongcd drunk with evil companions. Died. lMilKINS-Iii thin city , November 10 , nt 11 o'clock n , m , , Krauoa * Kllnii , youngest daughter of Jumos nnd Mury 1'orkinx , aged 11 mouths nnd 10 days. Funeral will lake place to-day , Novem ber 11 , at 2 o'clock p m. from tlio lONtdonco , It North Nineteenth street. Interment at Jloly Sapulchar cemetery. The circumstance ! attanding the death of the child inakea the bereavement it very sad one. She was goatod on thu lloor of ono of the rooms , Sunday nfturnoon , n few ftut fromjtho door. Thu opening of nnother door canned n idraft which closed the door by tlio child with a slam , terrifying the liltlo ono. Convulsions ensued , and although every ulfort was nmdu to bring her to , litr little angel spirit joined the hnaveuly cliclr thia moruing. Mr , nud Mrs , Perkins will have the sympathy of their many friends nud acquaintance * . J. S. Stull , VM\ \ , , county jndgo of Nenm- ha county , ia in the city nttcndlug court. Hon. ( i. W. K , Dorsoy , cougrossman-olrct from the Third district , [ .was In the city yos- terday. J. L. Young , ono of thu loading attorneys ot Leon , Decatur county , lowu , is in this city on buiinosH in the United Statin court. H , I'roJ Wiley , ono of thu substantial bun I noas men of Kearney and a banker in that city , wai In Nebraska's metropolis yesterday. 1) . H , Meteor , ouaof the luaJltig nttornuya of Hrounville , and ono of tha rltlng young men of the state , U In thu city attending United States couit , Jeru J. Hccho and wife of Kurt Worth , Texa * , who have boon upending thu last two weoki with 1' . .f. Mu'Slnuo left hut ui ht fur their hooao In the Lune Star stato. Mr. ( ! eo , I'h mejtjr , o o of thslopirntoru of tlu Western Unloa at Niagara , N. Y. , has been In thli city for sovt-ral days visiting h'n old friend , Mr. K. ! > . Mullen , of the li , & M. , and started homo yesterday. Mr , D , W. llltchcusk , general \voitern pat. Benger agent of the Uuiou 1'aclflo company , with haadrnjartor * at Sao Francifoo nrrlvcil ia Oanlm yestorJay and will upind n few days visiting with old friends hero. Nurlhwcbcurn The following ajipouitmontH have been announced by the Chicago it Northwest- cm railroad company , r.nd touktU'oct the fiat of the prceont mouth ; . II. 0. WiuVer. trafllo nmnoger ; W. II. StciinuU , utaittant to the gcut > r > il inarm - ger ; It. H. Ilsir , general piusnii er spoilt. ' 4'fifl funeral frolght , iia\i \ > i aiid i ) a < uu- ger Qi : < itit will ropi.icto thu tr > ilb ir.aiu- ( ; or , ului vill report io tlm rccuiid vice Iiro.idwit fiBil gocen.1 jnauuKor. M. JlfGlllTT. Sc ; ' nd Vice l caiiUut an-1 G ftr l Man. THE RESOLUTION MEETING , A "Plow fif Sonl" at Ihc Opera Hens Last Oinaliii Democrats Fit-in In TlicliHe llcf In tlio Klcctlon ( if ClD\c- land mill The resolution mooting hold by th democrats last evening in accordance wit the call of the national democratic centra committee waa largely atlondod. A larg audicnco with many ladies in it liatcuoi to the speakers and the utmost enthusiasm asm was manifested. The more mcntioi of the names of Cleveland and Hondrick provoked a storm of applause and cheers For some tlmo before the speakers begat bands played in front and a goodly dia play of fireworks announced the fact o ; the meeting. James Croighton , chairman of the Douglas county democratic central com mittco , called the mooting to order , aftei which ho made Iho following remarks ; Jin. C'UKIHHTON's HrKRUII. It is n great pleasure for mo to an nounce the great victory won under the banner of Cleveland and IIondrickB. Ho had a fooling of great pride that ho be longed to a party that had engrafted the greatest laws ol tha nation. Thia moot ing was called to face the designs of base men to thwart the trill of the _ pon- plo. Many independent republicans Imd made the election of Cleveland poa- dblo. If any man io now plotting to defeat - feat the will of the people , may his tongue cleave to the roof of his mouth , may his bonoa bo broken , and may the jrass never [ jrow over his grave. Cheers , ] The speaker then called for the rc.vl- ing of the resolutions , and Hon. James K. Boyd , chairman of such committee , after a few Introductory remarks , road the following resolutions : " \Vhoroaothodomocraticnational com mittee has made a public announcement that by the official returns reported from every county in the state of Now York Cleveland and Hondricks have carrloo the atato beyond a question , that n machinations or faiso claims or pretended tended doubts of Blaino's managers inn change the result , that the friends } f honest government and.honost elec tions can bo everywhere assured that the itato board of canvaaaors will see that ; ho true vote is correctly declared ; .horofoTO 1)0 it Jlesolvod , By the democrats , indopon- lent republicans and other supporters if Cleveland , that they approve tliosontl- nonts oppressed In the announcement of ho national committee , and ticartily.on- mdorao and commend its spirit ot do- ormination that the true vote of Now L'OI'IC shall bo honojtly canvassed and orroctly stated. ibjsolvod , That wo nronow na wo nl- ? ay a have boon , in favor of the purity of ho ballot box , and that to maintain and torpotuato the same wo will use all hon- ruble means and every effort at our ommand. Itosolvod , That in the election of Oro- , -or Cleveland nnd Thomas A. Hondrlcka ia president rnd vice proflldunt of the United States wojrecognizo the junt voice ) f n freedom-loving people , nnd believe t will bo the commonc'jmunt of uu era if paosperitysuch as our country hai not injovod for the paat quarter ua century. JA IKS E. BOYO , Chairman. ANDKKW J. POITI.KTON. JAMBS M. WOOLWOKTII. " The resolutions were than commented ipon nnd the present political situa- ton made the aubjout of dlecuation by ovoral speakers , first of whom was IU. (1KOHOV I , MILLER rhosald ; K'yht ' years ago opposite the ipcra iiouiio ho read that Samuel J. Til- len had been elected president of the Jnitod States. All rujoicod but the ro- lublicans who at that time were as much lasatisfiod an they are to-night. The lection of Olovpltnd has not only de-feat- d the republicans but has made the omiimtlon of any candldato by that arty an impossibility. If ho under load the situation this ia a revolution , nd that party which has ruled the ation with a reign of terror i > r twonty-four yearn will bo 0 utterly annihilated that ho trump of resurrection will not raise t. Ho could moot to-day a republic n rho had thought himself u little above a Icmocrat , with n little more grace , and , Httlo moro humiliation on his part , [ 'his mooting was called to express thair leslro that the vote of Now York should )0 ) honoetly declared. There ia dollbur- ito conspiracy in the state of Now York n the part of Blaiiip , K king , Roach and thor. ' , while the Albany Evening Jour- al and nearly the whole Now York press dinit the election of Cleveland , to rnpo lie presidency from the domucratic party nd glvo it to James d. Blaino. The poaker then adverted to Church IIuwo , rhom ho classed with Klkins and Roach. Ir. Miller then road n oouplo of tolo- rama , ono from an Albany , N. Y. , KOII- lonmn and the second from Senator tior- inn , of Maryland , received yustorday nd declaring the election of Olovoland a bo beyond doubt. Ho would call thu arty which would bo born [ > ur years hence , "tho know nothing unior. " The day of jubilee has comu , n ay which ho long had nought. Bo good n the republicans and listen to them as hey are sadly fallen. Ho would say In enon.1 , "turn the rascals out. " HON. A. J r01TI.KTO.V ollowcd next. Ho appeared not without a certain ooling of solemnity. It is unique In the liatory of the country that a party rop- counting ono half thu votes should iaauo 1 call to protect it uuninst the use of raud in the count of the unbought suf- raj-o of the pooplo. There Is reason for > uch a meeting. The republicans behoved ( ; they could carry Ohio in October by in overwhelming majority they would ido to success by carrying Connecticut , Now Jersey and Now York. In Oin- linnati , called by some the Athens of iVmerica , men with dinky faces never teen there before , appeared at the polls ivith the insignia of U. S. authority. Such acts can only bn under- itood when rend in the light if 1870. Ho know Jay Gould . cry well nnd if there in ono man in Vmuricit that knows how the "ct will amp" it is ho. When ho to id ( hit Gculd un i'oiii to Clovnland and told him what i llnu fellow ho i , with Yanderbilts Isas . oicd in the roar } w thoin-ht the nlmighty Iriibr UIKIVV uftur all which way to jump , llu loved to go brk to tliOKOod old inini of .fill'erBon when thut pu-nidtftit went up P.iiitKylvania Avonuu on h TIO bu-kiind UJHUI-CIU into i llu-o byujin- HoU'f ' the juscti. Ci-vi.Und n n Ktuijiio insn the fi ; a of a 1'rosbyUriiui mti.isttr and will restore to un and our chlldre the lost virtue nnd vigor of our govorr mont. HON. JAMBS M. WOHLWOItTII was the next speaker. Ho apnko at con MdorAblo length upon the election Ian of JSow York. Ho also referred to th fact that the associated press , Gould Vanderbilt , and the Now York press ox ccpting the Tribune had conceded th election of Cleveland. The then nhowoi how the count now stand- , But , con tinned the speaker , the republicans d not aland by the figures but cry "wai for tlio count. " The board of supervisor who make the count hare only tw < things th do ; one to roportfback al defects in the returns , second remedy nl clerical errors , and if they tranncoiu their authority there may bo n higho powt-r that will correct them. When tin Aim cnos down to night on the canvan the official count will bo declared tin same as the unofficial ono yesterday. HOS. osonoK w. DC-AM : was the last speaker , who reviewed thi political situation at noino length , am whoso remarks vcro greeted by cheer and npplauso. Thn question of the adoption of thi rosolutloun was then put by Ohalrmar Crcighton and unanimously carried After giving throe chcera for ( Jlovolanc nnd Hendricku the meeting adjourned. MMEllUMOE , Slio Is Huiy AVItli the Union 1'aclllc lUllroail. Ever ninco the clmngo in the management - mont of the Union Pacific railrond Dame Humor has boon busy talking about this and that of the road , nnd predict ing various changes. Many of thoao pro- ilictiotn Imvo "panned out" all right , and many moro of thorn nro atill to bo ful filled. Dame Rumor aaya that many moro chango.i are to bo made in the various de partments of the road before all is settled. During the past few weeks a number of [ Sentlomon from the Grand Trunk road have been 33011 in thia city by ono who saya that ho knoua them nil- They como here and say that they nro out west in search of health and that they ixro not looking for orozpocting anything from the Union Pacific company. They nro ( mid to obtain passes and fjo out upon the Union Pacific and are usually gene ibout ten days , just Ion ; ; enough to go > vor the entire system , nnd then they return to the oast. Tiiooo jaunts may bo very benoGcial to 'hoir health , but Dame Rumor says that hey are looking nftcr something besides loalth nnd that n number of them will lopnor or l.ttor ruturu to Omaha to innko .his city Uioir future homo. Thoao may all bo idle rumorn but they nako aomu of the amnllcr officials foolery ory uncomfortable and when they lie lown to sleep their ro it ia not ns refresh ing as it might bo. SI. I'liiloinunn'H Academy. Few of the citizona of Oinahi know of ho work which is being done by the lariah of St. Philemon I'a cxthodoral during the present year St. Philotnonu'a Lcadomy has boon built nt , ho corner of Ninth and Howard ntroots. The building ia of ; ) rcaBod briolr , Vos-13 fooi upon the pound end three stories in height , with i spacious bmomont , It ij heated by toain and lighted by ( jas and coat com- iloto C'23.000. It i ] a parochial school , ind iBiinder thoimmodiato charge of Rev. ? nthor T. W. O'Connor. The class rioins will acconiodato four bund rod lupils , nnd t proaonttlioro are 300 pu- ) ila enjoying the bonolit of thia inati- ution. Six eiaters of mercy act as toach- irs. All the branches uauall tnught in a iommon school nro taught here. In ad- lition to this the children are nlso taught nuaio by Mias Fanny Arnold , organist , .nd choir leader of St.Philomona'a cnthud rnl. This institution is doin ; a t-ood rork among the mambora of the parish nd is well conducted. Ladies ! Physicians and chomials have nalyzed Pozzoui'a medicated complexion lewder and recommend its use to their rivoa nnd lady fclonds.Vlmt bettor ould bo aald of it/ / Your druggist uolli POLICE OOUfiT , Itoncko A iiln Up < n tins lU-noli toDlupnno uri'iVll Doory. Ill J ] policu court yoatorilay Judge iunoio's smiling countenance loomed np rom behind the desk , nnd no ono would mvo auppoaod from liia calm and aoronu ippoarniica that ho was a defeated candi- Into. The judjo ( ia not fooling very sere > vor hia defeat , but , on Iho contrary feola lishly * lAttorud nvor the cordial aupnort yliich he received Ho Ima now aettled lown to bnsinoB.i , and while hia ninny riouda are .sorry to eno him defeated , hey nro glad to think that ho will at ill emain n reoidont of Omaha. The acsaion of police court waa not a cry Important ono for Monday niornin nulrm iniiuually aumllorowil of spuotatora .ma in attendance. Three diaturlmncuH o ! the po.ico worn lsooed\f. ) | Two of them wore ( inert So acli nnd coots , while the third pleaded ot guilty nnd hia 0930 waa continued. F. K. Norri , charged with Btimling ickula from the Union Pacilia railroad ompAiiy. was held for eznmination. Win. Groy , colored , waa charged with etanlt and battery. Ho waa arrested by ) IHcur O'eon , who alao osaoria that i ray otabbod a nun n few days Biuoo. Io was hold until witncsgoi could bo iroourod. Public upoakurd nnd siurjora find 1) . II. ) , > ujlti3S ! it Sona' Capsicum Cough auro remedy for horaenoss. ilx Prisoners In the nl-trlct Court I'loail Guilty. The criminal calendar In the district umrt , btforo Judge Neville , was greatly reduced yeaterday by a number of irinnncra pleading guilty. WiUlam Jonoa , Androvr Simpson , rcorto ! ; Millur , lUbort Smith and Oharlea II. K'Jiiditl , each plcidod guilty to the jhurgo of ( jriiiid Urceny , nnd Ohurlos Hi > ni'r ult-adtd giiilty to the chnrgo of rbliboiy. They were remanded back to jul to Bonlcnvu duy , FOR SA-Lb A tjocd ( awily hnrao atid Iwrutia , L , A , HATH , PualOllico UusUO , BUSINESS AT THE .BAR , The Docket Called in ibc U , S , Com Ybslerday , Kmlolpli loi-n , of School tmntl KAIIII Hctorcii Chll THlMinnl. r. s ( oniiT.s , The Unitcd.SUtcs circuit court for tin November term convened yesterday morn ing with the Jlon. Circuit Judge Dniel J Brewer on the bench , .ludyo Dundy who wan indisposed , did not sit will him , but it is thought ho will bo nblo tc bo present tliio morning. The day wai coimmicd in the call of bolh the cquitj and dockets. The former was cullee to case No. 10I ! and the latter was com' plotcly yono through with. To-di\y , il Judge Dundy sits , the grand jury will be ompnnnollcdnnd will ontoruponitsdutiee. It ia expected that Judge IJrowor will , upon the convening of court this morn ing , render his opinion in the uomowhal celebrated Brighton ranch case. Should thia case bo decided adversely to the de fendant , the T.nghton ranch company , it _ h understood other suits similar tc this one , with the camp cauao of action , will bo inxtitutcd against other cattle : noa who have enclosed government ands by fencing them in. Yoslordfty the cnao of Warrhum W. Warren ogainot the Union Pacific rail way company for § 10,000 damages ro- suiting from an alleged fulao imprison- ncnt waa removed from the atnto dis trict court to thia tribunal. Before Judge Neville the case of C.V. . Itount agninnt Stcolo , Johnnon & Co. , nvolvlnp ; § 1,000 , WM on trial. Thonuitia on an attachment bond , mid < ; roi H out of ho assignment of the plalntiffn father , a grocer on Sixteenth ntreot. The plaintiff llogoa that hia goods to the amount of $1,000 were taken on an attachment ngsiiust his father. A petition for a divorce from her hue- mud , Ira JHitjby , has boon Piled in this ribunal by Mrs. Ularn Iligby. The al- ogod grounds for the dissolution are a uilura to support. Two suits , ono by the Commercial iatlonnl bank of thia city and the second > y Christian Ilathman , of Blair , have ) ooninstitmed _ against Rudolph Dorn , if thia city , the gontlcmnn charged irith icing implicated in the Nebraska school and frauds. The suit by the Innk ia > rought to recover $1200 , al- ; ged to have been advanced to ho defendant. The Rithman case is for emu § 3,000 , alleged to = jlmvo been raised > y the defendant upon the plaintilFa rodit. Writes of attachment were issued both the of non-rcai- i cases on ground - - onco. Two' ' lots in North Omaha have > con attachednnd the Western Korea and y'attlo Insurance Company , of which ) om was uocrotary , garnished. It is iiought by the attorney H for the plaintiffa tiat enough property can bo reached to iquidato their claims. Dorn has been i the city only two days it is said since ha warrant for hia arrest was sworn out n September in ono of the western ounties. It in thought that ho is now n the aouth. UTOLICE COUUT. The complaint in the case of the state gainst O'Brien , charged with an assault with intent to kill upon Boron Johanaon , vaa withdrawn , and the defendant al- owed to plead guilty to the simple charge of assault and battery , The case against Mrs. Hammond for jbtm'niim goods under faloo pretenses rom Mclnnia & .Bu3y was continued. Churlos Schtdtn waa complained against > y a man named Frodorich for Hulling quor without a license ) . 1'At O. JIiuvcH nianUV&io. I'o tlin Kditor of tlio J5cu : I dcairo to say a few words through r'our niodiutnt'to thoao gentlemen of dem- > cratic persuasion with whom I had the zoutrovorsyyesterday. . I do not in- : end , and will not engage in any bandy ing words on the struct about n subject of such national importance , with men who 3o not know anything of the merits or demerits of either party in their attempts to obtain the doctoral woto of Now York. For my part J aui : i republican , a itrong parti * : tn. I love my party but 1 : hinkmoro of my c-untry than I do of : y party. L prefer to maintain tha atd- aility of Iht ) republic and thu porpe- .uity of ita inatitutiona to an .tnfair and fraudulent count ; hat would soctiro the OUCC831 of my par- ; y. I doalro further to oxproaa my con tempt for the outrageous audacity of the lomncratio party , in attempting to for- uulnto public opinion on such n mo- nontiiu IMUO. Tlio calling of the moot- npa lost night throughout the land by tlio muirmau of the national executive com- nittoo is uimocoasary and unwarranted. Nothing has been done , nothing IB ; harged as having boon dona to create my apprehension. That the poopla may uuet and discuss any measure of public .volfaro is it ( constitutional ) guaranteed rivilrgo , but it should not bo used to luzter up , and anticipate public opinion 10 as to load the leas informed into the xslief that some terrible outrage is about : o bo perpetrated. The conduct of the lemocratseinco election day is not only nrlofonaible , but almost inaupornblo. The fact if , that the democrats arc noir mckerint ; up their lips to yell fraud , \rhen \ Now York to-morrow pronounces mr doctoral vote for Blnino and Logan. I'ho best democrats know , and say daily , ; hat "Bulldozing is ratlin nnnd. " As much as 1 might diMika to neo Mr. Jluvolaud president , 1 cheerfully say , if 10 has oiui majority I would rather it would bo 10,000 , and that 1 would ob. I cut to any interference with hia peace- iblo inauguration. Will the democrats my and agree to as much' When I moot a man of superior intel ligence , I admire his genius ; when I moat n diecusaion au opponent of an higher order of attainments and profound upon iho subject matter , 1 adimrn hia accjuiro- nents ; but I detest a dispute where thorn ! s nothing but prejudice , chuok , and lownright impudence as n substitute for uiovrlodge. PATUIOV 0. HAWKS. For rent Corner store , brick build * ing , Sixteenth nnd Webster at roots ; also itoro in my now block next tn the cor * HIT , Ktiqiuro of John II. Erck , Si'i- teouth and Webster. ivttt 1'olltU'iailb. Yestord.vy Philip \ Au-Jros appeared In the county court and atkcd that nu iiijunction ba granted to re&.raiiv the cntinty clerk from irauing n ceit'iticito to Louis 15rVa , n jiutico if , ho peace. Andrea olnuiu lhac at tho. Is'.u olcciion in the SicoJiulvard ho r.t458 votoa for juBtico of the peace , while Berka had but 130 , and yet Berkn was declared elected , and now ho ( Andre * ) proposes to contest Iho election , Absolutely Pure. This powiicr ncr v > tlei. A marvel ol puitity etr nirth nml wholeiomcDfpe. Moro economical thin tlio ordlnnry klinin.onil cannot bo puld In comiotltlin | W'lh the iiiultltuilo ol low lent , hoti walght nlumor phojpbat powder , Soli oily In can * . UOYAL HAJU r I OWUKIl CO. , ICO Wall street N. K. ARC NO US RYINGTOHCLDDOWH EARLBAKIfJDPaWDE ITAMBOUHOTORIsr PURE CREAM TARTAR. S1OOO. Given Ifninm or an'Injurious Riibstnticcs oai < bo found In Andrews'Pearl Baking Powdr'Is I > os- [ Ivelj-pURE. lioliiKcncloriOil.niult Imoninla rccuhcdlrom such chemists nHS. Diumilnjs , ] los- lon ; M. Dclafoiitaino , of Chlcntjo ; nnd Gustavua Uode , Milwaukee. Never sold in bulk. C. E. ANDREWS & . CO. CHICAGO LIILWAUKEE , Jjxko fct. 287 , S ! ! > ! & 201 r. Water St. ' 17t. : . riinrlc'i S . , f . Louis M . i r < r l' ' r i'i ilunttf of t w < > 'Ufa * C' itn ; linn I i u lou i * ipAxtilu th p'1 mil tin MI t f CNi.otn NiiiuirShi * jtnl HI OI. l i 1nmt me , iu , IK1'hjtltltii in 8t , Looij , s f\\\ \ \ i > d rj ' o\v jinir tn ! o ) li -t IFDIX klK > H Hcr\oti < i Ci. stratiofi nubility. Mental < ir < < 3 t > hyslcpl V/ / tax ness Mc.c.tridl and ottier A flec tions of TltroaUSMn or Cones. Blocd Poisoning , 'M SorCS and UlCOIS , . u-a' ' i wilt , impiranc'iLj ' flfrc.i , ' liu-l Bflaitiuo lirliicl * ' i . " > lj. lrlvatirlr. ] Discuses Arising ( run * inal crctlon. Exces\ Exposure or IntiUts < mcc. 'ifii proJueo - o or tiia roiiuMlng . ( Kn uv'vii ii * 4 iithllitr , .lire n of nUbl * * j lii ! > itcri t uii niiii r I'linijt * na ( hi ftc ? ( ] i\.ynrtl dcj ( ttrTKlon to ttc o Ict7 r t , i , i , . , ( rnufu ic * of l'lea , cti * , , reiuleriujr IVIarriaTU improper or unwj > py , * M I nunticatt cait-J. 1'nmfheM.T' piRT- ion tlio riSui-e , SeU to irali 1 ' n\fi' ' > i'Ct ff to fu T o'lInCitmiiliutlon tL t < J'-Oup 1 J mttU frtr. ninliu\l . ,1 ! U rlto for ijue-aloui. A Positive Written Guaranlefi1 t'\\ca \ In * l cnr-tblern i i M'Jhlnms tt o , ntllNh or Jaiman , 84 paeon ovodUe coa Inui.iioor ' QU I K3 E ! i lpn H , ttnr iilutoi. llluitnte'l in elothmd cllt hlsdlajj ; V..O , u.nue1r p ittt/0 sflutMnjtr c > vpr-i , 25r. Tbli b < ici eoutalaa Al > Hie curfcuh , iluublFul or luqtilkltlv * wnat tl JMOW. i book or great Jui , rfwtt u 'l. ll * ! tX OOMRST1C. EluA ircisur . S * . Louis. tinhausor. . . . _ . _ . &t. Lf uii5. EJcsfc . _ . M3' vnuko' > . oiMilwaukee. . Omaha. Ale , J'ortor , Domeotic oud Rhino 121.1 Ki ft UHliiY MUST BS USED. Dr. Youi-g's Elnctric Belts. i on .Mr. ci-iiK or NKRVGi'SNK.SS DKIIIL1- TJIWS OK M4S- 110(11 ( , HKtKSKhS OK IIODt A N I > M 1 N I > , MJLT.I/Ul. KIUIU118 , C. A XlKIIIOtL WOI1K TO HK OIVKM AWAT , hOwlllf | iifTercrj how tboy nuv ) > a enrol , anil reoour [ o.Tlli , Htronuth ami Manly Vlior , wmiour run U ) op HKiHuisK , uill ba sent freobj,0t on ro.'elpt : t tttauipuU riivtlopo. Aihlrtui' ' , 1UL 11. YOUNG , 445 CantlSireet , New York. ct-20iii Ua UaH H S. . ATWOO * 'lattsiuoulh Nfti , - - ) IUIUDIUCF riir.Kouuuuztu AND BIIIU ORJDI so m mm CATRE * AVDBinoooa -3Voutii { utont Mia. UnrrMnrtmliTica Boll r , Sewsp , Measure , Weigher , DreilRtr , Kico Washer , Tom t.o , I'uinplJa , Starch , W l n A n J Fruit Striint-r. Tweiv * rticlcj iu oae- Tin 3eiteit CiaM * u'.Ua 1973. Mcia nl.l thin ll th'jr Sieves Il4 blf r conblnetll ltv ry IIVis ihtml Wt ft * hftad hail Wilta for c&ulefut. ThellutticELIttM'r Co . Clnctftiiil , O. . 4u > C * ISl.NewV lu ArenUwutcd for * M Kllih.a Cv cUltUi 4 ! i(74 ( W liUJSOOYTHE LAnGKTMANUFACTURE * ' y aUlmCtrl ti nutAti.iaNi > xik' FIHC v/onKiN JSS88 PIAUuS ? ORGANS , ilt'tt/CARS , ' ' ,0. ii UNEQUALLED fir Ktrirf'l H'Rffctlt r ftmnrtn ; vYO&SnJil' CLASS , CII'MA ' , Ac. , io. AW * ROEO jyWiHve'Ai i Sjf ' , GOLD MEDAL , ii ii UTir r i1 . ! , Z' 'x. ! - iSliStnaxili ll. ) > c LVllrTla . SAMPLE T M HAN BY MAIL , as era "fiimebaugh & Taylor -LARGEST STOCK 0V- 15 Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one Issued in KebraasK OKE HUNDRED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITSD STATES GOVERNMENT Qrdurs for Mie Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex clusively. Scale OA1A1IA. NEBRASKA GREAT BARGAINS DST 1 m i (1 ( I JJ 0 AND ® i Visitors to the State nnd others m need oi : Men's , Boyo-T andildren'p Clothing , will do well to caJl on The Strictly One Price House ia the Gity exainjjie their goods and prices. Th y carry the largest stock , sell lc-wer fch&n any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors don't fail to call at L216 FABNAM ST. 1216 UPHOLSTERY AND DRAJfERIES , FNQER K.rEVAT .170 ALL FLOORS. J 1200,1308 anil 1210 Pirnaru St. , Oinahl , Nob. UllU&iJJ ! JWUO U5M > } JWJlHPs H ttti . 6nr3 / itu'd * > AKJ ) TWO WH ISL OAJ3TS. | lil ) ted 18SO Uus > 7 Etieel oaC5 4 , Ultit | roil , | > /f , _ _ _ I. , . D.OWYATT , tn § rf g - I y" W a 5 3 S a ara 2 D tJ S U o ILTMINGS Am 20TH STB , , OMAHA , SEE \ 103 URADT 8T. , DAVENPOU'V , 1C WA , \ \ . . A. O IneBs , I cnKr.dNpmi' smnftsr Speedily nal-MffiAnoaty ! Oo.d. . VnUtali * is , M JL'OBH. WrHm'or rriiS'.WBiioJi-MuiUOXA3l ) tor'-bk IVoplr. OoeauJiatlou and Oorwpoaae.c , } ' 0. BOJ. 2SS. "a phrna Wo. 2'j. RON. Ur WARD wl'SS jjL , P t fttt , D-Awnpoi. , vt : ' Tl y trlju rf f \iluy RtuMtv-kri fcatxpis ' ON ipj. . . . VAN OUr | D. rtn , * r. i . r/iln ? fa. " ' > t ' " ' r' < v.ui-fr r ' ti i < > v < 6.