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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1884)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TUESDAY NOVEMBER 11 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE Onifttm OIHcc , No. WtO Fiwnam Bt.l Cunncll niuiraOiflcc , No " 1'cnrl 9 etroctNcar Hroailvray. Now York Office , Koom 0 < Tribune nnllillni : . hllfhtd tr j tromlfif , exwjil Bond * ) ' The Kncd f tacrrlo Ont ft t . 10. < W I Three Mmthl S.MOnc | Month . 1.00 Vet Yfnl , Cento. J TltUM rOTTMI > . in Vui . | s.wj71it Moolk . I 80 UUoatifc . I.OOlOtr Month. . . . SO OOMMraRDIIICI. fc Ooaimnn'cMl9a ' relating to Newt nrt KlllorUI raj'frt tbonli be i < Jdro # d lo the KCIICB 07 Tni All Binlnen Letters and llemltt noej should be i4drM MtornsB UOMMKT , rwAni. Draft * , Checks and rontoflVo orders to be iti d jy - able to the order of the company. ? HE BEF , PDBLISHIKQ CO , , PROPS' ' H. UOSKWATKIt , Ktlltor. A. It. Filch , Mutineer DixtlyiCirwilnlion , P 0. Hoi , 488 Omaha , I\eb. \Vr. would advise the politicians of nil partlea not to Blop over. BorH parties nto ihouting , "Stop monkojing with the returns. " BEKOHE the oflioial returns nro canvassed vassod in the ntata of Now York William M. Evarta will hnvo a word or two to IrGibricl had blown hia horn ho couldn't have awakouod moro moss-backs than have boon resurrected by the nl- oged election of Cleveland. THE Now York Tinas saya that Jay Gould's performances on last Wednes day and Thursday have made a govern ment postal telegraph n necessity in this country. Tin : railroad commiaaionor amendment was side-tracked by the people of this state by a largo majority , and the next legislature will have to give us some laws Instead of commissioners. * TUB now gas Inspector is doing excel lent work and ii earning his salary , llo hn3"b'cen overhauling aomo irregularities , and bed caused several great improve ments tosb'chrindo in the manner of sup plying gas and lighting the streota. WE hope the day will comn when ono man cannot tamper 'with the presiden tial election returns in ordnr to manipu late the stock market. Chlwtyo Newt. The only way to prevent any such thing is to place the telegraph in charge of the government. TUB New York Times pays the follow ing compliment to Proiidont Arthur : "His conduct throughout the long and bitter cauvaea has ohawn no departure from the courno demanded by the digni ty and proprieties of hin position , and thereis no reason to Biupcct him of any purnosoto change it now. " Qua legislative delegation should meet at an early day and ogroo upon the amendments that nro needed to our city charter. In this matter they should consult with the city council. The chart er needs n thorough revision , and the subject ought to bo fully and carefully discussed. .ToMAH W. Bnaoi.K.will plonso accept i the atfiurnnco of our confidence , no has ' oorvcd the valuable purpose of domon- otrating how fatal a thing a littln rod pass book may prove in Michigan politics. CMcuf/o JVcMvi. It served him right. Mr. Begolo was an anti-monopolist for revenue only. Nebraska can now ahako across the muddy chasm. They have buried the Butler firmly beyond resurrection , lion and David wont down together Into the common grave of do- /cat. Tliuijjuo IWP pf tlip fjroatost frauds Qf the ace forever disposed of. It was a bid year for the Butlers. TUB lady clerks at the national capital ought to take aomo solid comfort in the following from the New York Journal : Wo feel real aorry for the lady clorka in Washington. But they must dry thuir tears. Grovcr Cleveland is not the man to turn them out. llo is a bachelor with n eoft heart. If there is any slaughter ing to bo done it will bo among the men , and it will bo Iho making of inuny of them. Tin : 40th Congress will stand 18G dem ocrats and 130 republicans , a democratic majority of 47 , instead of seventy-five us at present. In the South , Dahn , of Louisiana , Smalls , of South Carolina , and three members in Tennessee , two in Virginia and ono each in Maryland and West Virginia are republican. Morrison Is re-elected ; so arc Carlisle , Hewitt , His * cock , Phelpc , Bolrnont , Randall , Curtin , Itoagan , Springer , and Holman. Wi : understand that private dispatches have been received from Sovon-Mulo Barnutn , of Cipher Alley , directing the democratic leaders everywhere to hold secret councils and agree upon some planer ( or supporting the national democratic committee in whatever it may undertake. What do theeo secret meetings of the democratic leaders signify ? If they have elected their man they have no need of underhanded work , and if they have not elected him their cabals are in the nature of a coneplmor. THIS situation in New York is thus briefly aummodupby the Now York Times of last Saturday : Our returns of the vote of this atato arc now absolutely complete from all the counties , and change but ellphtly the figures announced yesterday. The plu rality of the Cleveland electors is 1,801 , and this number can be modified only by further correction of clerical errors in the I'lQtinua which may have happened here and there , end are aa likely to bo in nn rijrottion tui the other. The table oj electoral volte undergoes no chance. I ! * Unda21Q for Cleveland and 182 for Elaine , iJio nmjcrily being 37. OUIl PRESENT POSTAGE 11A.TES. No people on the fnce of the glebe indulge dulgo in communication through tno mail * to the satno extent AI the citizens of the United States and the working of ouf postoflico system is really n mirror in which is reflected our wonderful increase in population and the tlurishing condi tion of our ti-ado. From the last oflicinl report of the postmaster general it np peers that the revenue of his department for the previous fiscal year amounted to $111,08,0(12,61 ( , A'tor deducting all ex pnntcs there still remained a revenue over the estimated cost of the service amounting to 81,001,281,82. The re ccipta for the year amounted to.S.Gper over thow of the previous period of like duration and considering the growth of the country , and Iho steady increase of commerce , tills ascending ratio would un doubtedly continue had not a changu boon brought about by the reduction of letter postage from three centa to two cento , which went into effect in October , 188U. The receipts from ordinary postal revenue for the last year the three cent letter postage was in operation were $45 , 107,07 ! ) 24. Under the now law , allow ing the oauio number of letters to hare been mailed , itjwould have been reduced to some $2,781,382 ! ) 1(5 ( , which shown at once that the noccaaary expenditures became largely in excess of the receipt * . Thia , wo are glad to ace , is gradually being ro- ducnd , and it will not bo long bcioro the postoflico department will bo on a paying basis again. The per cent- ago of increase in the number of loiters mailed since the now law wont into efloct liao been uncqualcd in the previous history of the department and it la now reasonable to argue that the additional number of letters mailed at two cents rates will make up for the ono cent ro duction. Cheap postage ia demanded and will always bo received with favor oven if congress ia called upon for appropriations to 'aid the service. It Is a public benefit and insures to the direct accommoda tion of business men especially and the masses generally , moro than any ether regulation our law makers have to con aider for the welfare of their constituencies Postal cards at all times a play upon the pri vacy which ia duo to the most insignia" cant correspondence , are rapidly gene nto disuse and the popular two cent otter rate , a little over n year in oxlat- once , has demonstrated its success in every particular. Onoi.r.HA has at last made ita appear nnco in Paris , notwithstanding the hopes and procautionn against ita visitation to .hat city. Great alarm han been created in the gay French capital , and nil the lotols have boon dosortcd by the visiting foroignora. Ilowcivcr , it ia ao late in the aoauon that it ia expected the plague willie io of ahort duration , but it is liable to break out in the spring again with greater violence , now that the oooda have boon sown. Meantime , the American author itioa should renew their precautions against the introduction of cholera into this country. A strict quarantine ought to bo main lined at all Atlantic seaports , and every city in the country should early in the spring undergo n thorough cleansing. Too much attention cannot bu paid to sanitary matters until the cholera shall lave entirely disappeared. Considerable irotost has boon made by the paper man- ifaoturors against the embargo on im- ) ortod rags. They want it removed ao 'ar aa it opplioa to countries that are not nfoctca by the cholera , but wo believe Imtit ia for the best interests of the country that ( ho embargo shall bo con- in'.iud in full forco. The public will irofor to pay an increasod.prico for paper rather than to take any risks of intro ducing cholera in imported rags. The irst victims of cholera in Paris were rag- > lckorB , who became infected from im- lotted raja. Govitlixon CLEVELAND'S friondi , and especially the Albany Arr/m , Dan. Man- n'ug'a paper , aseuro the country that dur- ug hia administration thoie will bo very bw changes in the federal cilice ? , and that civil eorvico will bo strictly en- bleed and no removals will ba made ex cept for cause. This may do for the do- mrtmenln ut Washington , whcro t'ut1 re- ontlou of experienced clerks wiU bo necessary for the conduct of buo'inosa with any degree of safety during the next administration. But we apprehend , hat Mr. Cleveland will not bo able to withstand the pressure of the hungry and democrats who , under the lead ership of Ilonri Wattorson and the star- eyed goddess of reform , will march 300- )00 ) strong upon Washington in quest of ofllcus. Wo know how earnestly Hayes desired to enforce civil service reform and how ho succumbed to the pressure of senators and congressmen , and wo don't believe Mr. Cleveland can withstand the same pressure any'bet tor IhauHayos. TIIK abuse that Is being heaped upon Bt. John and the prohibitionists by some of the republicans is outiroly uncalled for. So far as St. John is concerned , some one else would have taken the nomination of the prohibitlonisU if ho had declined , and the persons boliaving in prohibition principles would have stood by their guns. In this respect the prohibitionists do not differ from the early abolitionists , who were radically at variance with everybody and were re garded by most people as invotorutb cranks. They voted free soil tickets and prohibition tickets when there was not the remotest prospect cf electing their candidate. They aparatod themselves solves from the existing parlies , the whig a and the democrats , who both agreed on ono thing , and that was the protection of alavory , under the constitu tion , within the domain of iho United Sbica. The true cause of the republican disaster should not bo shouldered upon St. John. SKXATOII JONES , of Nevada , who began lifo with a pick and shovel , and made a fortune in gold and silver mining , has become come interested in Alaska mining opcr.t tlons , which promise lo greatly Increase his wealth. llo in ono of tbo principal members ot a mining company with a capital of $400,000 , locUcd tioar Jonoa Cily , Alaska , which Is now the great center of mining Interests in that region. It ia claimed that a few months work will return Is the company the money that it has investedand that there in enough ere in sight to keep it busy for year * . In addition to this good fortune Senator Jones ia euro of being re-elected to the United Stales sonata , which will niako hia third term , Tin : metropolitan papers are all show ing up their big circulations immcdialoly following Iho election. Ono would nat urally suppose that the Now York popora would have led all the rcat , but the con- celt is taken out of Ihom by the Chicago Kill's which issued 238,758 papers on Wodncuday , and 2.'liG3G , on Thursday. This was the largest issue in the United Stales by any ono paper , and the Newt is certainly "justified in Inviting con- gralulalion. " The Bir. accordingly extends - tends its congratulations to the noway News. 1 UK famous cipher dispatches of 1870 will not soon bo forgotten. The Chicago .A'eti'd says : It ia reaoonablo to suppose that Dr. ftcorgo L. Miller , the aUtesmanly editor of the Omaha J/eraW.haa sent a congrat ulatory telegram to Grover Cleveland. And , by the way , wo remember that the atatoamanly editor once tent a telegram to Mr. S. J. Tildon , which road ai fol lows : "Ignorant whole business. Part ner powerful motives to fidelity on Gould order. Can it not bo done through A. Kountzo , 12 Wall , or myself , or both ? Kountzo Tildonish republican. Reliable beyond all doubt. Last resort. Protect everybody and use Davis. Answer. " This telegram has never been explained. IN this hour of tribulation and uncer tainty , when our army ia all at sea , and the navy ia on the dry-docka , a loiter from General Jim Briabin on tbo doctor al conundrum might all'ord aomo relief. Jim Briebin of courao "was thoro" In 187(1 ( when the wordy conflict was raging all over the union and oceans of ink were being spilled , llo wan at a oafo distance , and viewed the gorolcaa battlefield and restored peace to a country torn up by partisan cyclones. Can't ' Dr. Miller got something from General Jim on the pres out situation ? Tins country ia being invaded by for eign drummers , in great number. ' ) , from England and Franco , who are soliciting orders for silk , linen , woolen and worsted goods. Heretofore American merchants have purchased thcso goods principally of Now York importers or through buy- era located in Europe. Americans im port a largo quantity of those goods , not- withatr.ndinR the high tariff. The Europ ean manufacturers acorn to have come to the conclusion that it is bettor to deal directly with the merchants than through Now York middlemen. It Is claimed that a saving of ton per cent ia thus made. WITHIN a fraotion of perhaps ono thousand one-half of the 5,000,000 people of Now York ia democratic and the other half ia republican. It does not stand to reason that ono-half of the people ot Now York ia bent upon the ruin of the oilier half What is true of Now York in Una reaped iaalai ) applicable to Massachusetts , Con necticut , Ohio , Indiana , Wisconsin and oilier northern states that have been rather cbso in the recent election. The republic ia in no imminent danger who ever may temporarily bo at the helm of the ahlp of state. JIM L.uitu and hia strikoru are making faces at Senator Van Wyck. Wo pre- auino that Suimtor Van Wyck can got along without the good will of Mr. Liird , an easily aa Liird can without the good will of Van Wyck. Tin : coming Nebraska legislature will bo largely republican , and there will bo uo chanon for shifting the responsibility for the long-lookod-for and much needed railway legislation. WK have hoard n groatdoal about "oys- iorsNo r York count , " but it is the elec tion , New York count , that wo ore now moat la being nerved on the lialf shell six of ono and half a dozen of the other. HON. CiEoiwu : W. E. DOUSEY congress man elect , received a very complimentary vote , in the Third district. Mr. Doraoy liad the support of all factious , -and his majority has boon a surprise oven to him self. THOHK who arc conjuring up nil borts of terrible calamities as the consequence of a possible rhango of political parties at the head of the government , are not well balanced in the upper story. TUB jubilant democrats may bo a little premature after all. Suppose Blalnu should got in after all , on the homestretch stretch , wouldn't ' there bo weeping and wailing and unathing of teeth. j Si'KoiiLATiON noror was ao lively as at the present time. Wo do not refer to Wullfitroet turnsictionB , but to specula tion among the democrats aa to who will net the ollicoca. Tin : Nebraska railroad managers had bolter drop downlrom fourcenla to three cunts a mile. The next legislature ia bound to pass a threo-coul mileugo bill. Xu CATIBO f'oi-Alnrni. St. l' ul t'ioncor 1'ro . There is no duty moro imperative than that of insisting that the general public should remember the comparative unim pnrtanco of the aacendoncy cf ono party or another , in comparison with the prevalence - valence of general confidence. Nothing cm bo moro reprehensible lhan the feathcr-huadud declamation which precipitates cipitatos the very evil which it describee , by insisting that nil the destinies of the country are hanging iu the balance , and that only a particulor decision of the questions now in doubt can save us from business anarchy an'1 general ruin. It has hoa boon perfectly fair to argue that the businccH interests of the country are safest in Republican hands , that that party has boon tried and proved faithful , thai wo know just what ita policy wouW boand that auch policy will conduce moftl to national stability and prosperity. It has been perfectly fair nnd Iruo lo stnlo that a change from Iho known to the un known , from the republican party , wltli its firmcaro for the national welfare and the great policies which it has constructed and applied , to the democratic party , which has advocclod measures aimed at the national credit , and threatening in jury to the national Rood , was a change fraught not only with uncertainty , bill with absolute dangor. But , without Abating n word of this , there is such a thing ao going to far. Tha best way to bring about a panic ia to keep predicting a panic. There ia nothing like solemn assertions of imminent danger to create a stampede. Careful men have boon for aomo two or three yoara predicting gradual approach of stringency , while inserting the impossibility of a national crisis : and probably their cautious and woll-ndvisod courao lias been a mont effective moans of letaoning the trials of this soaaon of depression nud causing it to assume a milder and loss in jurious form. Wo can Qnd , therefore , nothing but severest censure for those who are diligently tolling the public that the whole future of the country is trembling ling in the balance , and that upon the final determination of the vote in Now York it depends whathor wo are to have a gradual return to prosperity or to plunge at once into the abyss of unrotriovablo disaster , Unfortunate aa wo believe it would bp to experience a change of rule at thia time , it is ahoor nonsense to pro diet that in any event the country la go ing to destruction. If it should turn out tnat Mr. Cleveland has actually been elected , it would moan just that much and no moro. The president does not make the lawa of the nation , nor does ho docldo what its industrial or financial policy shall bo except in aa far aa the passage of now lawa or the repeal of old ones depends upon hia approval , The housp of representatives has boon in democratic hands ser two years past , and will remain ao. Thcro is no change about that. The senate ia now republican and will remain so. The republican party haa therefore at present and will continue to have an absolutely equal voica in the national legislation , and no vicious meaa urea can possibly escape ita voto. If all the approhonsiona existing in the public mind in connection with the election of a democratic president were well grounded it would still bo folly to pretend that the event would bo the signal for a general wrecking of valuea and a loss of public confidoncp. Before the senate could by any poesibility bo taken from re publican control the o would bo ample tlmn to test what the democrats might propose to do with newly acquired power , nnd if they should allow an intention to abuao it , wo venture the , ( prediction that their exit from national supremacy , first in the house and latter in the president's chair , would bo much moro speedy and moro sharply otnphasizad than their ac cession. The Pionoen Press has not hesi tated to say what it thoroughly believes , that a democratic victory -would bo a bad thing for the nation. But it does not share in the unreasonable and oxagorated fear that ouch an event would consign the country to the doga at onco. Those who are preaching thia incendiary doc trine are doing their boat to hasten what they profess to regard with the greatest solicitude ; the impairment of general con fidence and the prolongation of the per iod of business uncertainty , public trop- idatlon and financial timidity which has already berne too severely upon our pros perity and progress. UcfVnt ot Tammany in New York , Chicago Herald , Tno election of Mr. Grace , the nomi nee of thu county democracy , as mayor of Now York aignifiea the triumph of llurbort Thompson ever John Kelloy. It may well bo doubted if thia ia in the interest of good government. So far aa Mr. Grace is personally concerned ho is an unobjoctional man. J-To haa bean mayor of Now York nnd haa acquitted himself very creditably. But there ia doubt of II. 0. Thompson's iitnosa to oxorciao the power which the triumph of hia cnhdidato naturally gives him. The democratic party pf the nation at largo haa little interest in the rivalry of the various factions in Now York City except as to fir as their conduce may ef fect thu vote of that state on national h- sues. The setting up of one loral bssb or the pulling down of another lias little aignilicanco outside of the districts where their roapectlvo adhcronla reside , provid ing they uro men of the same stamp. In thin case their ia grave reason to believe that Thompoon is not an improvement on Kelly , llo is charged with a good many things which Kelly has never boon charged with , and ho is more vindictive and grasping. As the head man of the faction which now controls the mayor's aflico it is probable that his Influence will bo any thing but good , either for his party as a whole or for the pooplo. Mr. Grace will assume the duties of his position not unfamiliar with them , but ho will find now difficulties in the situa tion requiring all hi * tact to moot and ' qrjCfuuo. Tammany doe's not appear to have 'boon moro disloyal to Cleveland than the county democracy. In the local contest between them the president can didate lost about 20,000 votes , while the republican candidate for mayor sank out of sljght. Thia tolls the story of local trading which may have cost Cleveland the atato. A sTiiuaaia : i < ouiiiis STATIC. The Election li luxofNoiv York How lliu'llCHiilt Will HoDoiuriiiliuu ) . It now seems probable that there will bo a legal atrugglo over the determination of the vote of this atato.S The election laws in Now York nro elaborate and explicit. The votes for electors are deposited in seporato boxes ; as HOOD [ as the poll ia closed the inepooton of election proceed to innvnis the votes ; ut the conclusion of the canvass a atatu < mentof the result is in ado and duly cor tilled by the inspectors , a true copy of which is deposited in thu oflico of the clerk of Iho town or oily ; the original ttulument is delivered by thu inspectors or ono of them to the upcrvisor of the ward or town nithm twenty-four hour ? after the eamo have been aubtcribcd ; if there la no su pervisor , or he shall bo disabled trom acting , then to ono of the assessors of the ward or town in which the election ia held , the supervisors or a pfsors to whom the original statements ( f the cnn- vacs of the votes sh&ll have been deliv ered , or the county board of canvassers. The country canvassing boards meet next Tuesday. They take the returns and proceed to make up the county n- - port. The law provides that in case it appears ao the canvassera there have been noiinalons in the township ami word re turns they shall cause the returns to bo sent by ono of thair number to the town innpectora or canvassers who sent it , calling them together lo make such cor- rcctiona "as thu facts of tno case require. " But auch town or ward inspcctoia or can- VAsiora , shall not at uch mooting cbantjo or niter any decision before mndoby them , but shall only cauao their canvass to bo correctly stated. " From the county boards the returns are sent by messengers to the secretary of atato and pass inlo the hands of the state canvassing board. Tbij body con slats of the secretary of elate , thu atalo engineer , the comptroller , the ntlornoy gonecal and the atato troaurer , three of whom are sufficient to form the board , which meota at Albany on the Wednesday after the third Monday of November , or Boonor if all Iho ccrlifiod copies of the statements of Iho county canvassers nhall have been received. The secretary of stnto ia a republican , the other four being - ing democrats. Their duty ia aimply to determine , by a computation in addition , the number of votes caat for each candi- dnlo for elector , and lr dcclaro which of them lina the fjroalost number of voles. The law aays : "Thoy ahnll make arid subscribe - scribe on the proper statement n certifi cate of such doterminalion. nnd shall deliver the aamo to the secretary of atato. " The law further ptovidca that if anyone ono of the board diaoeut from the decis ion of the majority ho may wrlto out his protest and nlo it with the secretary of atato. The duty of the secretary of state to obey the command of the majority of the canvassing board ia thus explicitly stated In the statute : The aecrotary of atalo shall , without delay , cauao a copy , under the acal of his ollico , of the certified determination of the board of atato canvassers to bo deliv ered tc each of the pora3na therein de clared to bo elected. In case errors or frauds are claimed in the county canvasses the law provldea that the supreme court ( court of appeals ) may , upon information by affidavit , re quire the county board to correct such errors or Bhow cauao why auch correclion should not bo madt ) , and in the event of the failure of said board to make auch correction , or ahow cauap , the court may compel the board by writ of mandamus to correct aiich orrora ; and if auch board of county canvassers shall have rnado iU determination and dissolve , such court may compel it to reconvene for Iho pur- poao of making such corrections. The court doea not appear to Invo any authority over the atalo canvassing board delegated to it by the ataluto. If after the stale canvassing board isauea certificates to presidential electora their dccidon ohouli bo questioned , it is a matter of doubt whether the court of appeals could compel thorn to withholder or change the cortificatea. The duty of the secretary of state la ao clearly atatcd that any failure on hia part to deliver llio certificates according to the direction of the majority of the board would bo a palpable malfeasance. If a correction is made by a county board on order pf the court the corrected returns must aland aa the true returns. These corroc- tiona must , apparently , bo made baforo the atato board assembles , na ( hia body's duties nro merely clerical , with no judicial power. It ia the theory of the law that all needed corrections must be made by local boards. From the cor rected returns the atato board makea the footings and delivers cortificatea of elec tion to the poraoua having the greatest number of votes. The court of oppaala in Now York is composed of four democrats and three ropublicarjB. rtrnmlsnil\t'tiutil ! asnb n1u ? ( Iy pure THE TEST : Tl ve.i cnn top down un n ligtttovo until lientod.tnmi rumivu thai'ovi'i unit rinen. Aclu > ml t will nut ban- I'm-jil ' to ciuc'-a ' .ha luxacuco ut ammonia. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. ITS IILlLTIlrtUtLSS HIS NEVER VLKN Inn intlllnn limncfl for A rjunrter of a ccnturjr It liu itootl the coiiinmt'iV rcltablo tout , THE TESTOFTHE OVEH. _ _ PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , 1UKEIU OF DP , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , The BtronnttMO l tlrllr lee * * aj niton lflitor k w Md Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems lor Light , llcaltlir llirail , TI.o licit Drr Ilop Ytut In the World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. - ST. LOUIB. ALONG THK LINE Of TUB Chicago. . St. . Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. Tha new extoulon ol thli line horn WftkefloM Df the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the OAN through Ooneord tail Coleridge TO aac-a.aat.'ac'xz-arcs-i'oaxr. Reached the best portion of the Stitc , Siol\I ex ourelon ratog lor l nd looker * over thia linn I \Yyne , Norfolk and lUrtln ton , and vli Blalf to a principal potut * oa thu SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC 11AILROAD Trfclnaorer tht 0. , St. P. U. ft 0. lUllwuy to COT niton , Bloui City , 1'onu , Maiiln tea , Wayne and Norfolk , OO23.33.OOt fit 2310.1X- oi Fnuiout , OaktU.o , Nollgb , and through to Vil- ( ontlno. ona etallln andtormatlon call 09 ( sooorowona TO JOUN o. JACOURI UNDERTAKERS I At tt old ttand 1417 Farnam ( Street. OrJert tj telegraph 10 bolted auu ( .roiLptly atteudcd ta Til' phone AO. i26. SPECIAL NOTICES TO MIAJJ KCRtV. f OSKY TO LO VV HMO on governrntnt eeoiirltj I ( or lit tnonth . Address box 710 P O , 1767 . TO WAN In UIM of ? 3COarnt upward ? . MOW.Y Cftrlt nnd Co. , Hiul Uitito nud toc.n Aens ; ! , 1105 tattatnSt. 393 tf ' . loaned on chittoK UallnoJ Tickets MOM'.y And cold. A. Fororenn , S13 8 Htli OiUItA Finnnr-Ul Kxchan o , lirse ot mftll loans wnlornapproved Mcutltv i Ilico hem > 0 to 5 week t ! j , NMoISunila * . 1503 I'MmmStreet , 111 to Do" 2 K5W WJSYSD. V\TATKD-A ! ) K ° ol cooku mvl orlfrl | ftt T Mcltims rMfuiranf , 220 noitli 10th St. CI3 Ili ] An CBlorpr ring tnui to Int'ttluco a labor f li R patent In N'cli. i-c'I ' ? Id o\cry family , liberal i'nin'iil loti nnlclin terleht ghen. 'Ihoio tc inancj In thH. lK. . tautcll. tex IfS Otrdcn Utah. SH-llp \\7ANTilD A mill nnd . to ilo illtilnn loom T > wrtand injiitD dov.rk arjuml the home AfpU at 012 1) tUg'.M ttrtct. .r > 0 tl A comi'ttsnt ' and tclliblo pr'ntcr ' liM VChronicle olllcc , Kmcrson , 1cma. 214 Iftp \7ANTKIJ t tfOMts to cairam the cltv forchroroos M to gcll oacely rnumntt. M. I'-M > tlii,3IO Southlf.ta. C(7tf W ANThD Woman j-ailry cook. C. Datibnutn'n Uostaurant , 1513 ItodtfoSr. 219-12 \\fANTED-AROcd ccoK , referencesrc < | iilred. Apply - \ \ ply to MM. If. N. Philips , 1(210 JJodgo Bt. 216 U \ \ "ANTED A goml compitcnt ulrl to' gcnervl hou6owork251 lougl sSU " ! ' . F. " 2.10 tf \ \ 7"ANTKDThiee ( rlrlj t the Shun Hotl e south lOtli struct 215-1 lp 1\-AXTED-A good girl , 1021Ccpltol avc U 2C014p Vl AKTED . girl fir general hnuscworlf In afirn i * lly of three. Apply at Ur. Armstrong' , , 1155 N. l tn strict 5C7 II A \ IA NTBU A girl for general houiowork at 1914 \lWtbsterstreot. \ Ooodwaircs. 21D-IOp " \\7ANTED To buy n c'tj ' lot to bo pa'd In weekly I > or monthly Installments. AddnsVH. II " Kco olllcc. 210-tf V\7ANTE1) .V man to blick and stupsto\ca > > M. C. Alaitin'n , 310 0. 15.h street. 202tl TITANTHI ) Walters ami Uumln girls at ouco at TI Xcttj' restaurant 1503 Funum. TT'EN'Tfl ) A flrit chat cook and hiindro's alio a V > girl for second work. Apply N . Chicago tnd ZUt. . 191-10 W ANTF.D-Barber , 708 S , 10th street. UULOK 176.12p Tl/ANTfiD-A girl for general housework at 1807 IT Farnam street. Must 1)0 a geed cook and Inundrejs. Uofeiencoj required. 107-tf \1TANIED Tailors. Flrst-claaj sitting n'acos for tailors at BS112th St. 6JJ 1m WANTKD Agcnta for thoMutua llnil lu Co. Address the Company at Stuat 032.1m TVfAJiAKD ladles or gentlemen in city orcountry IT to take nice , light and i.lcaaiut work at their own houcD , $2 to $5 a day vailly uud quietly made ; work sent by u all ; no canra > siug ; 1.0 stamp fur reply 1'Iciscaddress Kellablo JJan'f'g Co. , t'hlladolphla , 1'n. C02-lm AK1KD-LADIES , Oil QENTLEMEN In city YV or countty , to take nlco , light and pleasant worknt their own homes ; $2 to 5 per day Oislly ( .nil quietly made ; work font by mall : no canvasslm ; ; no stamp forroplv. Please aadreaa Kellnblo Ittuf'ff Co. , Philadelphia , Po. SOS-ltn TANTEU Hy a young ladr , plain BC Iig or drcaemtkiug 1000 in families U21 C.m St. 20010 By a young lady , a position to do pl'InKoningand ligbt house uark. Debt city rcforcncoi Khen. Ii05iu4 , Crounsu Lilock. l'IJ-llp \\TAN1KU lly a lady , a bituatiou In if fimili to do seuinp , mending , ec. Imiulra 1 11 Davenpoit atrect. i21-l' ! ' p WAN1 ED Position as ecccnd girl or nurse. 1'iiiato family preferred. HcfercuctH gi\en. Inqulrj at Hlvh Schoul birldlnr. 172-lCp oung mairlcil : a a wants mimic n ta bock * Ai keeper , In nkolemile cetabllahmect hi Omaha. Addresa"0. " care IFO. ! 8CO-W WAPITS. II A few table boarders at 1720 fass St. 225-llp WANTED To sail , a enull block of groceries and fixtiutsin K good location , new butldlug and rent % crj low. Address "A. M " UKO ollico. 20MOp D A few moio table boarders at 035 N. 10th street. Twu sleeping rooms for rent to gcnUcmtn , 103 If \ \ ANTiID Pupils in shorthand Pitman system. > > Mlsa Nllca , 10th and Hlckoiv St. 123-lOp DosinoES. An active merchant of WANTED thorough b'Jbliiotu education and habits c n- tumrl&ting achatno January lit. 1SS5Mifhcstopur- rhato an lutcruet lu a well cstabllsheil mercantile or manulaituiing businees , we uld buy cut a small bus- tjc.w.htLO 310 000 ca hcati furnish reforccccs of a hljh orldcr mid would expectsame. To sccuio reply , ad dress giving full name and particular , "Merchant * Clio lice o'lko. 850-Ul lewkp WANTKD-2,000 on fi t-cloOT city eocurlty.for 6 3 euro , ut 0 per tent. Addrous 13ox OtO 1'ojt- nfTlw 70811 BKHV jaocnja RHI : J.otu. I710H HEhT-1 houses ? 8 EO to SJO per month JJ Il ml4 , agent ] ! ili and Dnig'ns streets. 250-tf Trim UXNT-Small cotlaRc. three ro nn boutli 23d J ? btrtet. Inquire 17CO Jaiksonttro t SOI lip 1.10i8 UKNT Ai. elegant suite ot with bith 1 room , fuinhheJ urunfurnUbelorsinglo imm < , alio Inru nud carriage , house at 007 S 2i'th ' S . 258 15p F IOH KENT Pleasant furLhhod room.OOi N. 17th SSS-lBp ItENT-A ile lraii'i > furnif bed room 710 lOt'i FOH btrcet.reur Webster street. 2 2 lp 1POHHENT-A furnished roomat I318Jac' < fen St. 241-l&p Two elegant rorms in sulto with uiod- IpOHHENT 1 tru improvements. Inquire on upper door , llrunner's blojk , S. W cor lOtliaud Dodo. ( Ito'cr- tires requlrud. C76 12p TTOa Iir..NT-Vun.liktd rocm 01J Paclflo street. J } 211-llp UKNT TKO lurnlsticd rooms with r wlthou FOll board N. 1. . corner 23d and Davenport. 185-12 , Oil HKN'T A itcro and flvc rooms O'er t-toro on F 17th and Nicholas itrcutt , near Oil Woils. 227-llp FOH UKNT-Furnlbhed rooms 1810 Dodge Street. 200-13p I.iUKHhNr OK HALh A live room house , No.2317 J1 Pierce street. Apply to Mm , S , 0. Stuvenion , 10IB Cassstrcit , 239-f 170H HENT-A furnlfched room. Inquire at 100 ? 1 Fariiam Kt. 239-tf ( KENT New duolllce of ten room' . All modem limproveincnsi. eltuitod at 8. W. cor , Harncy and iivth itroct. Sea Dallou Bio's or James Neville. 203 23p KENT-IIome. Inquire No 12.6 Sherman I7IOII 1 , blocks north of ii. U track. 187 Up 17011 KENT Nicely furnlthed room for one cr two JL1 gentlemen , 8. K. corner 20th and Davenpoit. 166 tf FOH KENT Pleasant 'rent rooms newly fuml .hod iu Oad Fellows block , inquire at room Noli , 181 lOp FOK r-K.VT-In Sblnn'n 3d addition , nice eouth and eatt corner lot vvlthe room houio iS. per mouth. Potter & Cobu , 2515 ) arnam St. 192 tf J70H KENT A houeand Urn with three acres of Aground Inquh-eof EugeneO'Ntli , corner llth and DorcM. 102-tf 17011 KENT Kurnlihedruom and board ! f50 : | xr 1 week. Very boat location , 18U Davemwrt. W5-l2p 17OH KENT Tworoanu furnUhoi for hyht home- 1 H , XV , cor 8th and Howard 170 tf J/OltllKMi FuniKlioJ ana room * 1 with buird , modem convenience * homo comforts 1SCO Farnam , block above new Couit l.uuje. D32-tf 170K ItKXf Koom corner of 17ih md Gracu bu. I1 14 III FOK UFNT-Very deslrabU roomat 1724 Capltcil avenue. Call at that number. 119 lip IjVill UKST FuruUhed tuito of rooms ; also onu 1 single loom , vcr > p'eauitlv located on Uupltol Hill , MO IO ( nigh hchoul , AdJrws with r.ftrenco "X y Z"huullica. . 118 Itfp FOIUHI-'iT-Tlio corner liter8 10th and leaven- vvviti. Apply U , II , I't'tcrson. Iv3 tf IlENF twirire furnished front room uit/vblc' for ono or tno gentlemen ; 1719 Chicago SI. 90Mf i ; < on UE.VT-Cottngo of flio room' , ilri'mMe to * 1 cation. 0 F. Davia&Co , .605 F rtmrvit. 17011 HUNT One imfutnl hcd room for hotiw JL1 keeping. Bcomer's block , tor , tth and Howard. Foil MINT Flr t-tK' tbrco f > ry btlcfc , nlttal roof , vvarhcu e , hjdraullo tltxafnr , conctcto l.ssitrtutf. lUllroad track to dorr. Iterkcr AM Jnf , IStha.d Farnim. 025-tl "T70II nilNT Ono dotlrablo roam , uIt/.He frr one 1 cr IAO gentlemen , xvitol fncqUfuirMock f.-o-n St Marj'a avenue , bttli room liLd t't and cold natcr , KO Plcas&at rtrect. 87-t ! 17011 KENT A noiv-store room and oIllccM en January l t , IS" > , on 13th lotnocu WitlKnat and Hlckcry. Inquro at / . J. Kaspcr. 0,0-tf I/OH IIKNT Plca-rtiit furnished room S. II. cor I 16th and Hawaii ) streets. &o3- ' . ( J70R UKNT Hegantlv furulshed front royrn cMt 1 aud toiith oeuo urc , mojcrn convenience" . S. W cerncr 17th anj Cass. fOt-lt FOH hEST-Thlrt"rn new dwelling * b } U. T. Tay. Icr , corner 14th and Douglas. Sl-tt 17011 HUNT Houte 7 roomi good lo&llty by C. T. ? Tajlr , o.rner 14th and Douglas. &lJ-t ; iroil HENT Oil SALK-A homo ot fi room * J ? andnofi watcr,2Iotswlth Inru 2K30. Hint J15. per month. Inquire north-oast earner 26th and' ' rlorco St. 778-tl UENT Twoorthrcdlrnnt roomi furaiihcel ( FOU to gcntlen u and wile , 2116 California bt. ROOMS With biard , dsi rab o ur winterAoply atHt Chailes Uetcl. " OJU 70U UKNT Very dejlrablo furnished rooms con- i ; trally located. Apply at Atkinson's millinery store , 16th St. "PO-tt ' itUUHAYhwigoo.1 paituring. Springwitcr. JL * I7O11 HIiNl ( Jottuio ; ot Uvo looms. J. Phlpps Hoc A1 16)280Uth6thsircot. ) FOR UliNT anile ot rooir.c and board 1S12 Dcxjgo 63s-lin OIl I1ENT-A furnlshod teem 1808 r rnamSt. . P 207-tf 011 I'.HNT Ono gran'J jquaro piaco. Innulta ofEdliolm Mid Eilokaon. UO-tl t FOR BALE. OH SALE A house and i lot on south slda Pierce F street and 23J. Sec the owner at the house after 6:30 : p. m. 254-12ir " [ 7011 SALF A property Invcsimcnt of S9CO rash , ' JP will pa > 82,1 per month Interest. Principal well secured , fnqulrc Oinalii F.mcclal Enclmnge , ISO.IFurnarn. 2t-16p FOU SALE Tholvrnlturoet three rooms , Cheap rent spleidld cfcanci for a dressmaker , SOS north 16th Strict. 263-lOp Km S ILK OH IlENT-A Ladles' Boardimr.Housol X" In good locality. Address Sirs "F. H. " Dee officer. 155-lBp i F I OK SALE Cheap , restaurant best location In city. Address "L. " Dee ollice. 152-12p . < ) F ? 3 ,00 111 buy a good mare , bugii' nnd liarnesa , 1607 N. 19th St. S62 CHKAP Pony , cart and harness complete EOItSALK plete , i Addrcsj box 033 pcstollico. 211-llp TTVOKSALE A tlno driving horjew.tti buggy and JD harness , tlelonga to an citato. JIust basold. Inquire at McShanu's DoOco htrei.tbariior of 1Ime- ! . - FOH SALE A ten room cot'agc , good lot , * lth barn , on 1'aclflo street , near llth sttc.t. ( t- | ( ] Ulrc of C. F. Goodman. 229tf ; FOH SALE 100 acroa of the very bolt cf I vd near O'Connor , in Orooly county , 60 a"rtsimler cullltation. A house , out homes , well , fruit treca andnico crave. A great uirgiinonly SIO 'par acre or willse'I tha farm , farmlag miplcmonts , stock ftnd furnltura for $2,000. Would tike city property'.for $1,003 and Jl.OOJ eash. , Addrecs U. P. M. lleo tltte. 1S313p F OU SALE I'rcsh m'lcl' ' r > wa at my jard on ; Hth anil Hurt streets marltil cy t Olson's Urick jard. J.W.I euny Ib.-i3p FOtl rtAliK SftOO' fctoce of d.T goods notions , un- derncar. furnl cintoudi , 'laons ' , laileo' Hosiery &c. f Ice cloin ttcck , and take property mid romt cath Garrabraut & i.'olc , ' 203 Duuilas bt. 147-llp FOU SALE Oil HXCIIANOE-For horses or good mules , a $2 000 stock of goods consisting of clothing , hats , caps , boots and shoes , and gents' underncar. Will talio some horses In pait pa > ment , part nn four months' time , bilanco cash. Address "W. J. E. " Lock Box 21 , Onawa , Iowa. 91S-11 "OESIAUIIANT FOR SALE-Ono of the best rcj- J.V taurants and bakery combined in Nebraska with good locatlonand trade established In city of 6000 population. Only first-class restaurant in the pjaco and doing moro in bakery line than all others In tlty combined Ice cream parlor in season. Oven > , uca houses and c > erj thing compete. Will sell furnished and lca\oe erj thing. Will sell at a bargain aniMe right man nith small cash payment and Ualancu'bn long timu , BO purchaser can make it pay for Itself. "T W d. WISE , Plattsmouth , Neb. 817-jiv2 ? SALE Four 18 foot , walnut counters , aniWe 1Oll of ilrst class shelving , dcsirab'e foi ilnigtero- ccry or book store. Inquire at the ofllce of Conurlon ClarKson & Hunt , 1324 Farnam street. & 0f > tf F OK SALE 1 sausage chopper , horsa power ; i'orio rendering kettle , oi.e lard press. Apply at BrnoU- Ijn Market , cor. 13th and Plerco S02-U f > OIl SALE-ECO,001 feet drr lumber , Ash , Oalt , rElm.nnvi andSoltllipk K. A. Stlnsoiifcf. Clntles , Mlcnian. rr VPE Aqiuntltv of job anl nens p pcr typif lor X silo. Alee a good Zitrur. 0. T. Uuu , CiroLJlen ollico. 75tf n OK SALE > iittago of 5 roombain , corner fct in Jj ( Jhlnn'ii addition ; only ? I,5 usiHllcanh ! puyrhyit and balance monthly. Uargain. JlcCague , fdpp. postotlicc. SA'-E OH EXCH\NOE-A water ponir ftilrt FOH mill , leawnaljr rolling given on ajiplltatlon 'to Gco. E. ilra0' < , Waverly , Neb. KOI-frij- FOH BALE Now phaeton. Iii'iulreot Geo. Hlg. gins at northeast corner 10th and Dudgc ' 681-tf 1011 S.VLU CO feat on Farnam etrect betnccn "S. F and 29. 31. Leo , Orocsr , 2Manl Learenworth , . 6 0.1-1 m t our. BALK nuo muu.e-n inr.nco at ur na Inlanu JL1 Jeb eS.COOnuj s the bank building Kill ; art ollico building which rents for ? I5 a month ; a lanro ilro and burlier prool bafo with Y&lo tlraoli-k coit SI , COO , aUo t vtry large bank b 10 . fire proof bate , bank counter , desks , bird coul stove , In fie' , a com. ; iloto bank outfit , together wlrli lot 4HBO oa Locust street. Title perfect. Terins i cash , tn'ancu oa < ne and two } cars time If dcslroil. Call on or addrcrs Jay K. White , Grand Inland , Neb. G2Mf T.'OK 8ALE-160.000 brick on cars at Bellevue. II. J T. Olarko. _ 216. tl BALE A good ramo house , G roorts , all In FOR order. Must bu moved atoncfl. Apply to the Western Newspaper Union , ejor. 12tU and How- aril streets. 844-tf OH S4LE Cheap a second hand hlgn top bug } . Inquire at Simpson's Carriage Factory , Dodge , . between 14th and 16th. M1"T 170H SALE A whole tock of clothing , boots and I ? shoes , buildings at c nt , retiring from business. 0. II. Peterson , 801 south Tenth street. 11 3-3 in FOR DALE Two open eeoond-nud bogjlco icd one delivery wagon , cheap , at 1810 Ilaiuoy Rt , ttg-tl _ MISCELLANEOUS. _ _ OH STIIAYED A ( black Irish setter , an swers to the name cl "Shot" hie a leather col. ar around Hi neck. Anyone returolng lilm In 1411 ' .irk Wild avd , will ba suitably rewarded 25M2p AgtntUmiu.3Seanof age , with perfoH habits , and a rumluiit by profession , would Ilku to cor * rc8K > iidvvHlia laely otwea'th ' , who would lltoft true , kind and alfeitlouate huibaod. Addreis with lull' lartlculan , Y. U K.iiu. 2Ullp , 0 EXtHANQE Weitein land * for a small faiiu 1 In lown or eastern Nebraska C. II. Ilurrow , Norfolk , Neb. 105-12pj ABANDONED HOMESTIUDS-Personswho aban- doned homcstcatlg In Western Kantas , that were talcn prkr to J ma l&th , 1680 1' addrtss ma- regardlngr the tame by letter cn'y , Itaao Mulhol'and : ical utato ajeut , Norton Kinsas 17H-lDp mAKKN UP-On October 2sf , a light haj hor.e , _ L white ipitlnforehto'laad ' hlteii > t Ju t above thoitlll. ) W. Kdlott , ono inllo west of the birrclii. 1 012It lew. J FAMILY Staraua , stove rcpi'rs ' and general re. 1 pairing , Oil Katon , 111 S. 14th St. 710-nU M P.S HCimODKH , MaKiictlo Healer , Is now loo. te N. W. catasr 20th and Caai bt D'agnufiw 17 vaults , silikH and cesspools cleaned at thi PUIVY notko uud at any tlmu of ( ha day , In an ni.tliilj ordirlxbt way without the IroU raclesiatlou : uccup'kntsor nd liboit , with our itnprnvuJ uud odorless apparatus. A. tians & Co , , lObt ) Cat.lto Vli. 710-Dltp JjlUlVV vaulu , Iuk ar.a ctkbpocla cicauen uitn L itmtarycloaner. fiatUfaetlon guaranteed by I1. J tbcl.dUfto ) mortoJ. M. Smith , itiox 818 0 n p TJOUnEHBTAMPS Oa yroanufactunrj inOniLl u < J.V I'.eps Printing Co , { I > M1 t