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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1884)
HIE DAILi jEE * TUESDAY NOVEM BER 11 , 1884 NEBRASKA 51 JAID UP CAPITAL . e2WOOC - aURl'LUS MAY 1 , 1P84 . 20,000 ZHECTOH5' " H. W VATHS , : A. K. 70CJIAUH , Provident. Vltc I'rasldonk. V. UOOl'.K , JNO. S. COLWNS. LKWI3 8. HKKI ) . tnt K. liayduti , A Ut > ot taJ Acting Cublet. The iron Bank , CJOR , 12TH ANDFARNAM ST3 , A GENERAL liANKING UUSINKSS TKANSACTKD. INTBREST allowoJ on llmo deposlta upon tarornblo torciR imd upon nooouota o ! bankc mil bnnkorn. rORKlQN KXOHANGK OovernmanJ Bon Jo nud Cncnly aud City securities bought and cold. In its traatTOent of customers th moat llbv oral policy U pursued consistent with unfold- and Aound bnukinp , nnd we invite corrpspoucfl 2uei3 nr personal inquiry in counoction there with FINANCE AHDCOMMfcilCE. Maw Vonx , Nov. 10 , Money Easy 1@ l\c ; closed at 1 per cent offered , Prime paper 5@C. Storllug Hills Hankers' bills weak at 4 7J ! ) ; demand , 4 83 ? . Governments Steadier. Hallways Firm. Stocks Opened fo\erish and weak and in the riist ten minutes declined i to jj per cent. Loui = u illo and Nashville dropped 1 Jc on the announcement that the company's depot a Louisillo had Leon burned and on a repor tint suit had been brought by a brokers firm for the payment of n stock note. It was re ported the Vandcrbilts were eelling about - p in. , however , the prices advanced sharply The announcement that the Erlo had reducoc the rate to Chicago to $10.60 did not check the upward mo\omer.t. The rieo from the lowoa point of tliB day ranged from i to Igc ; later the Union Pacific and Lake Shore lc. A the close the Union Pacific reacted Jo , but the remainder of the list closed firm. As com pared with Saturday's closing prices they are i to go lower for the Central Pacific , North western , Delaware and Hudson , Wostcri Union , Louisville and Nashvillu and Omaha , and J to 1J higher for the Canada Southern , Chicago , Burlington and Quincy , Lackawanna , Luke Shore , Union Pacific , Kansas and Texas , Jersey Central , Now York Central , Erie , Northern Pacific .preferred , Pacific Mail am ) Texas Pacific. COUPONS. S'a 100- 4j's Coupons 113J U.S. new4's 121 $ lJacificG'sof95 120 STOCKS AND BONDa. Central Pacific 31 Chicago & Alton 120 * do do pfd 144 * Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 117 Delaware , Lackawanna Jc Western. . . . 102 Denver & llio Graudo 8J Erie 12 } .lo pfd / . 25J Illinois Central 113J .Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western 13 Kansiva & Texas 14& Lake Shore & Michigan Southern G' i Louisullo & Niishville ZMichigan Central Miaaouri Pacific 'Northern Pacific do do pfd Northwestern do do pfd 1 Now York Central O regon Trans-Continental Pacific Mail P. D.&E Pullman Palace Car Company 1' ' Hock Island 1 St. Louis & San Francisco ! do do pfd Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul ' do do do pfd 1 St. Paul& Omaha ! do do pfd I Texas Pacific Union Pacific Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific do do do pfd Wentern Union Telegraph I O.TC.&N * Exriiv.ranker ! . GKNEHAlj IMtODUGH. CHIOAOO PnODUOK. CHICAGO , November 10. Flour Neglected ami unchanged. Wheat -Active ; unsaUled ; opened weak , nn3ettl"d , i@ic lower , fluctuated , advanced i'c , declined Ic , atrengthonod , advanced 1 ic , clo < ed ic over Saturday ; 7U@72jjc for case ; 7lio for November ; 73 @ 73J for December ; 7ltc for January ; 8IJc for May ; No. 2 rod , 72 & 7lisNo. ? ; 3red ( > 2c , Ciirn- Active , strong , unsettled ; declined early ; Inter advanced. Opened iibuiit at Sut- urd.i > 'ri cloiting ; riilhod irregular ; sold off , ail- Vjiiced ; November lie ; yo.ar42aud ; May 42\c \ ; fliictnnl"il ; cl'i'pil November 3 c higher , year Ifi ! higher , Muyjo higher than Saturday ; 43tlo for cash 43g4lc for November ; B8o" Decemba3SJ@38o ; year ; 35J@35' ; Jiinuuty ; 38-Jo for May ; r ( jectod , 3'Jc Oats Fairly actUusstnnupr ; 23io cash ; 25fc November ; 25jo December ; 25 25 , 'c year ; ' .0 May. HyoQuiet50i@51. Harlny Quift ut f8@58i. Timothy Dull ; heavy ; prime 1 22. Flat S d Aotivo ; i@lo lower No.l , 1 31J , I'urk Active , to.dy , 2&izffic ( lower early ; later r.lliMl Wlftf JOlosed steady 1275W1300 fiircn-h ; 1I35@II4H for the year : 1145 ® 11 17 for .lannar * ; 11 57@11 00 for February. Lard \Mer < it > ly nctivo , easier ; 7 05C07 10 for cjtuli ! ( ! KTJ' " G ihl Novemhur anil December ; OOOnO'JJl far Jaiu ry ; 7 00 7 O.'i for , February Bulk Meats Diy faltul shoulders , 5 00(5) ( ) B 2 ; hhort claar , 7 407 13 , nhort llii , 6 Oj 775. 775.WhiskyStnady nt 1 13. Butter QuiH1 ; uml weak ; good to fancy creamery 1W ( & ) 8 CliuuHo > Wt-ak ; good to fine Cheddars , Hi ® 12u ; bklins , 'Jt KJ , feKffOTKasy r. 2 < ir 2lc. llldosH Hi idy mi I unuhango'l , Tallow Steady and nuchanged. laiC'iipts , Bbln't" . Flour , bb ! > . 12 ( JO 10 000 Wheat , bushels . 17,000 18WO Corn , bushels . 78(00 1H3000 Oats , bushels . Cl 000 1GO.OCO Rye , bunhtls . ( i.OOO 45.0CO Barley , buahels . 49,000 20,0.0 KANMAH CITT , KANHAB CITT. No ; . 10. Wheat L caoh 49 | ak , l ; | ) cmnber , 514 | Uld. 31J asked : January , 33 bl I , ' 3 ? k d. Corn Qctiut ; C BI , 3l@31i ( ; Nuvember 28 ; year 25li / ; Jatuury , 20 iwked ; Muy , 28 bid , ! Satkttd Out * Dull and nominal. S Lower ; 13Jo. LIVKIirOOL. LlVZUPOOL , November 10. Breadatuffa Quint Wheat Winter d ld@G 4d ; tpriogfr Gd@ 3478. Corn 5a 5Jd. TOLKDO. TOLEIXJ , Ohio , Novemb'r 10 , Wheat - Firmer and ( juietl No 2 red , caeh and No- % em'erl | COJ. Corn -Dull and nomiml ; No. ' - ' cash , 43Jc. UaU Dull ; No. 'J , ! i7 w.ked , OIHCINNA I , OINCI.VKAVI , November 10. Wbe t-Dullj No. 2 rad 77@78. Coin Strong and higher ; No. 2 tniied 15. n U Strong at 27 HTB Stoidyat 54@5 i. Birlsy - Weakir ; extra 3 fall , Pork-Dull at 13 75. Lnrd Finn at" 12j ( . Hulk Moats Denmiul light ami holder' ' linn : cluniUlnr ? , 535J. Whisky -Active and firm at 111. , BT. UOUH rr.onucK. ST. SLocn , NovomlXT 10. Wheat markel active ; No. a red. 7. " > < 3i75J cash ) 7oJ(37f'if ( ! Nu > vombcr ; 70 < f"7S Decembers "SjdfGJ Janu. ary. ary.Cora Active and higher ! 3" cash : ! nii@3f November ; 328@3.J for the yoar32 ; | .lanif nry. nry.Oats Steady and low ; 2(5jj ( c-vih , Novom- bpr and the year. Uyo-Oiillat H Harloy-Dull ; fiOOTifiO ' Huttf'r Unchanged. Kpps-qnict nt IS ) . Fiaxsced Quiet ; 1 " 0. Hran Unchanged. Corn Meal-Quiet : 2 20. Hay Steady ; prairie , 0 50@10 ; Timothy , 10 00 ( 13 00. Pork Firm ; now moss 17. Lard Firm ; woitorn upot 703 ® 802Whisky113. . CAM , BOA nn-Whoat-ihstor : 71 ? bid November ; 7Hjj7iJ ( ( for Dosomber ; 7 | for Mny. Corn Lowfr atS'J for November ; 333 for Jaiiuaiy : W § for May Oats firmer at 2CJ for the year ; i..U for May. NKW TOHK rnoDncs. NKW YOHK , November 10. Wheat Spot lower ; options opened J@lio lower , December closing nt 8U.J. Corn Spot I ( < j2 lower nnd closing stronger ; optioiiR opened a thndo lower , ndvnnced 2 , nnd closing with n slight reictlou ; receipts , 70.000 ; expoit % G7.000 ; utigrndcd 4'J@53 ' ; No , 2 51 ( 03\ \ ; December closing nt 49J. Oats Lower ; receipts , 107,000 ; oxporti , none ; mixed western , 3H@33c ; white , 113 © Sfii. 13arloy Quiet nnd unchanged. liny Firmer ; timothy 10 l)0@10 ) 25. Uran Steady at557. ( ! Corn Meal -Dull ; 2 35. Kggs Western fresh stronger at 2"(52oJ. ( ; 13ulk Moats Steady ; shoulders 5 70 ; shuit ribs 737J. Pork Dull and lower ; now moss , 15 50. L-ud Firm ; western Bteam spot , 7 12@ 7 47 $ . Butter Steady nnd In fnirdom.uid. BALTIMORE. UALTIMORK , November 10 Wheat Wei- torn lower nud weaker ; No. U winter , rod spot , 78M70. Corn Western dull ; mixed nnd year 4GJ ; @ 17J. Oati Firm ; western white , 33@3oc ; mixed 316533. Rye Firm nt G2@Gic. ! Eergs Finn nt 2G@27c. Whisky Steady 118@110 MILWAUKEE. MILWAUKEE , November 10 Wheat-Steady- No. 2 Milwaukee nnd No\ ember 70J ; Docem ; ber 71i ; ilnnuary 72J. Corn Lower ; rejected , 41\42c. Oats Dull and drooping ; No. 2 , white 2Sc ; llyo Quiet ; No. 2 , GOc. Barley Dull nnd weak ; No. 2 spring , 51e , cash and November. NEW ORLEANS. NEW ORLEANS , November 10 , Corn- Dull ; in sacks , easier ; white and yellow , 17. Oats Western , quiet nn ' weak at 35c. .Coru Meal Lower nt 2 40. Pork-Quiet at 14 75. Lard Steady ; tierce refined , 7 7o ; keg 800. Whisky Steady ; western rectified 1 05 @ 125. IjlVB STOCK. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , Nov. 10. Drover's Journal re ports ; Uogs-Koceipta 10,500 ; active ; 5@10c higher ; heavy ! U5@4'jri ; light 4 20 ® I 80 ; mixed 4 9 4 CO. Cattle Keceipt' ) 8000 ; active unchanged ; inferior to choice shippers 4 20@G 15 , mainly . - > 20@G 00 , Native butchers firm 2 I0@3 ! 80 ; range , active ; Montanas 6 10@5 30 ; Montana cows , 3 30@l 0. > ; Ncbrwka caws , 2 15 ; Wyo ming , 4 (55. ( Sheep Heceeipts 3100 ; active unchanged. Tex s and Nebraska , 2 2 , " > @ 2 G5 ; nnthcs , 2 75 ( 34 00 ; lambs , 150. A special Liverpool cable to the Drovers' Jou states market weak , but American cattle uteady , tops bringing 15o dressed. KANSAS oirr KANSAS CITT , Mo. , November 10. Cattle Receipts , G.090 ; cows weak and lower ; ex ports , ( i 00(2(1 ( ( 35 , common to choice , 5 00@ 5 'JO ; COWP , 2 G0io33 30. Hogs Receipts , 3Gi)0'active ) ; nnd lOc high er at 4 35 rA 70. Sheep llecoipts 200 ; quiet : native muttons , L 80@3 30. hT. LOUIS. ST. Louis , November 10. Cattle Receipts , SOO ; strong ; demand exceeding supply ; ex ports nominal and none offering ; good to choice shipping 5 25 ( (5 ( 00 ; fair to medium I 50 ® 5 00 ; common 1 OOC H 25. Sheep Receipts 800 ; inferior to choice , 200 ® ICO. .Lambs 3 00@4 ' > . Hogs Receipts , I 500 ; higher nnd strong ; Yorkers , 4 35 ® I 50 : packiuf , 4 50 ® I " butchers , 4 80 ® 100. MAUKETH. \Vliolusalo PricoH , OFKIOE OF THE OMAHA line , I Tiioaclay evening , November 10. j The presidential election Hoems'to have Jeadened trade to a considerftblo oxtont. Wholesale merchants nru complaining eome- vhat of collections. Men ovurywhere are nil . ' \cited over the election and collections gen- irally art ! slaw , Au BOOH us the matter id do- : ided a general ieival of trade is looked for. n tliu produca market considornblo stir u loticoable , notwithstanding the election and n'nrni weather. Theojster traJo 'n remarka- jlo for such warm woather. Apples aie ro eived lit quite lar o quantities , although few lealurd euro to handle car-load lota. Thorn- lotion nra lion Ditvii , Wluesapj , Willow Vigs and Jenneting * . In small quantities hey bring 82,50 par barrel , and in argo quantities a shade below this price. JealtM generally aru looking for an advance of 0 to 75 cents i : r barrel In apples within thu text thiity days. Sweet potatoes are plunti- ul and aru hulil at 1 } to 2 cunts per pound. null pututoeH are plentiful and are of very iuo quality. Oranges and lemons mo still in nodeiiita demand and the receipts are tury ight. A few bananas are being received but ha demand is very light and sales dull. In ho mutter of grain veiy littlu in being done. Some uraln is being received but the weather s Htill too warm. A few deer and antelope ire UJOTII thu jiuiikot but go very slow. .Some IrcBHod poultry id being received biitttliera islet lot much uf a deiiund and will not ba until ibjutu week before- Thanksgiving , Dealers hlim the poultry crop in this suction of xmtitry this neanon will be largo enough to upply the trade. Last year it was nucoAHary 0 import i > ouUry from St , LouU t'J supply the loiiuiiil and prices on dressed turkeys ad vanced to 20 cents ] > cr pound , Tills Reason tU thought thut piiccH will not go higher han 17 or 18 conts. The following prices are charged rottUlen : y Jobbers , wholesalers and commlnaion mer > : hants with Uio exception of grain , which i > [ uoted at the prices furnished bythaeluvatori 1 id other local buyers : Oralu Wheat Cash No. 2 , We. Uarloy-Ca h No. 2 , 4 to. Ryu Cash No 3 , 38io Coin-No. 2 , 2'J/c. / Oats-No. 2 , SiOlc. Iiivo HtoclJ , 00 § 1 20. " - ! 1 Wfi1 1 50. Pows 275@J 25. Calvoi5 (10(2,0 ( 60. Hldrx. Sl ( > dy : preen butchr ' (5 ( ; preen ultcd , 8 : dry Hint 12 : dry s lt 10(911 ( : liidiM , two third * piicc. Tallow fi < . Sheep 1'elU 25C tl 0:1. : Wool. Ltght fmo ISfif.Uc. . Jlwvy iiim lajiHe , Modlum IBfitUto. Hurry 2 to fie oil , Mnrkot Dull. rintir nnd Winter Wheat -licit ntmllty patent at SSI @ 2 ! 0. Second quality 2 20L2 ( fiO. Spring Wheat Hist quality , patent , B 80 2 SHI. Second ( Ju-\llty 2 15@2 50. Hrnn Ct > u per c t. Ohot > iieii Feed 1'cr 100 lb . , 90c. Torn Meal 1 00 < ai 10 per cwt. Screening G5@75o per cwt. Oonornl Vroduco Apples llcccii > M coiitiuuo heavy , onlj cholc-o stock iilonblo nt S2.2T > © 2.75. Hulk rt > - celpta soiling at 2 , * > ( < r'lGOo per buihol , nco rdint ; to quality , llcans Only clean stock saleable. Na\Ipc ( clean ) per bushel , l.CO@1.75 ; medium , 1.255 ? Comb Honny In good demand , Rrcoipti voiy small and meet with ready vale at 18nj20c ( In 1 and 2 Ib framt'o. In good demand. Choice bright per Ib. 2C@8c ; common to good dark per Ib. 15@20c. llutk-r Receipts moder.Uo and prici'1 un changed , Demand mostly for rolls which bring from l@2o per pound moro than B-UIIO quihtyof solid packed. Wo ngain u II at tention of consumers to the fact that and clean packing helps the snlo of butter. UHO thill clean muslin to wrap the lolls in. Creamery fresh , 27a8 ( ) ; creamery lee house , 2I@25 : choice dairy , 20C < J)2l ) ! ; good table , 15 © 17 ; fair , 12uVl ; inferior grades , O'dil > . Cider "Ohio" per bbl. 57X ) ; "York , State" per bbl. SS 00 ; per J bbl. ? l.75 ; con densed per la. 85c ; crab npplo , per gal. ! loo. Clieeso Full cream , western , 12c ; Wiscon sin now 12\u \ ; young American , 12 n 13c. Kggs Aio quito scarce and havn for the Instfowdiys advanced 1 or 2 cent * at the timo. Sales were matin to-dnv at 25c , nnd prices may advance further within the next lew days. liny IJaled S7.00@8.00 loose , S5.00 a G.OO. Maple Sugar ruro , in bricks , per Ib. ICc , Ohio , 13c ; small cakes ISJc. Onions. Market bare and demand good at at fiO conta p ° r bushel. TorcoiiKChoice dry In fair demand , at 2(2 ( > 21o per Ib. Poultry Live chickens are dull. Consign- monta of dressed poultry are moro liberal and demand fair. Chickens alive , per dozen , S2.50 ; chickens , d eseod , per Ib. , 10@llc. ; turokys , dressed , per Ib. , 12c)13c ( ) ; ducks , alive , per dozen , $3.00 ; ducks , dressed , per Ib. , ll(5)12c ( ) ; geese , dressed , per Ib. , 12@13c. Game Receipts very light and daman good for nil kinds. Deer , carcass , per Ib. , 8@ 9c ; deer saddles , per Ib. , 12@13c ; antelope , carcass , per Ib. , 8 'Jc ; antelope saddles , per Ib. , 121413 ; prairla chickens , per do/on , S2.75@S3.00 ; quail , $1.50(3 ( > S2.00 ; goose , per dozen , S3.00.nS 1,0.1 ; jack rabbits , per do/- mi , SI.OO@S500 ; email rabbits , per doron , Sl.00@31.25 ; snipe , per dozen , S1.00@S1.25 ducks , mallard , S1 > 50@S1.75 ; teal and mixed , S1.50. Potatoes Very few cars have boon olferod during the post week , and all choice stock was taken up quickly nt 323Gc. Demand for such is brisk , and we encourage consign ments. Small potatoes and mixed lots can only 1)0 disposed of to peddlers , and range at 20faj25c. Sweet Potatoes Only choice largo , salable at 14@2c per Ib. GrncrrH hint CANNED Uoop ? Oysters ( Staudardpor ) case , 3 90 ; strawberries , 2 tb , per case , 2 2(5 ( ; rasp berries. 2 Ib , per case , 2 50 ; California pears , per caeo , 5 80 ; apricots per case , G 00 ; poaches per case 500 ; whits cherries per case , G 75 ; plums per case 1 50 ; whortleberries , per case , 300 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 290 ; green gngos , 2 Ib. per cass , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 Ib per case , 3 20W5 50. Itoi'K Sisal i inch and larger , 9c , H inch , ' ) ic inch , lOc. CANDLES Uoxea , 40 Ibs , IGs , 14c ; 8s , lie ; boxes 10 Ibs , 1G oz. , Gs , 14c. MATCHES Per caddie , 3ic ! ; round , cases 2 55 ; square , cases , 1 70 ; Oshkosh , coses 1 50 SUQAUS Powdered , SJc ; cut loaf. 8c ; granulated , CJc ; confectioners' A.GJc ; Stand ard o.xtra C , lie ; extra C , 5Jc ; medium yd- ow , 5fc ; dark yellow , c , CotrEHrt Ordinary grades , 12@12Jc ; fair , 1 , @ 13Jc ; good , 13ic ; prime , ll@151c ; ehoicu , ! G@l7c ; fancy green and yellow , lCdlGJc ( } ; old government Java , 202Gc ; Aibucklo's roast- ad. I5jfc , McLaughlin's XXXX roasted , IGJc ; mitation .Java , IG lSic ; Clark's Aurora , 15ifc. Svnup Standard Com. 33c. bills ; Standard tlo , 4J gallon 1 ' ( J3 , 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kegs , 1 50. SODA In Ib papers , 3 20 per case ; keg per Ib , 2Jc. PICKKLS Medium in barrels , G 00 ; do in lialf barrels. 3 50 ; small , jn barrels , 7 00 ; do in naif barrels , 5 GO ; gherkins in barrels , 3 Ou ; jo in half barrels , i 50. TEAH Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice , jO@7fic ; good Imperial , 10@43c ; choice , GOS ( | 15c ; Young IJyaon , good , 350c ( ! ; choice , 05 5 > ,1 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 75c ; Japan choice , J0@75c ; Oolong , good , .Wai lnc. Oolong.choico. lOSi'Soc ; Souchong , good , 3 < @ 10c ; choice , 35 S 15o. RICE Louisiana prime to choice , GJ@7c ; [ air , Go ; 1'atma , GJc. FISH No. 1 rnackero half brla. , 7 BO ; family i bbls I 25 ; No. 1 kits 1 05 ; fain , kits 30 ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , G GO ; No , 1 kits , 95c. family i bbls , 3 00 ; family kits and pails , ( i ' ; No. 1 , trout , J bbls , G 25 WOODKNWAIIETwo hoop pails , 1 85 ; tlirro loop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; pinncur .vaBliboanN , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 90 ; Well- jucketx , 3 85. HOAl'a Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; ICirk'i intlnet , 3X ( ) ; Kirk's Btandnrd , 375 ; Kirk's White RuKsiau 520 ; Kirk's uutoca , 215 ; POTAHII I'onnsylvaniii cans , 4 case In case , 5 35 ; Uabbltt'o ball , 2 doin case , 1 90 ; An- : lior ball , 2 doin cane , 1 50. CANDY Mixed , Ilal2c ; stick , lOallc ; twist itick , lOJc. VINKQAH New York apple , IGc ; Ohio ap- ) lo , 13c. SALT Drav loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ashton , in acks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy , GO. 5 , 3 CO STAHCH Pearl 4\c : Silver Gloss 8c ; Corn Starch , 8c ; Kxcelsior Gloss , 7c , Corn 7ic , SPICES Pepper 17c ; spice , lie ; coved 20s iRflia , 15c. Diy Fruits No , 1 , ( piarterapp'os , bblsGle ; > } C sliced , boxes , G c ; ovaporatud , boxes , 9jc ; ilackborries , boxen , lO c ; peacheh , .J-boxeM , Jc ; ] ) caches , evaporated , llojrasiibernos , 32c. Pry Gnodn UHOWN SIIKETINQH Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Atlon- ic P , Gc ; Atlantio LL , 5Jc ; lirunswick , 7ic ; leaver Dam Lly. Co ; Lnwrtnco LL , 5Jc ; Pad- to II , 7fc ; Royal Standard , 7ic ; Indian lloa < l i , 80 ; Wauchusett A , 1i < i. FINK UKOWN SifKKTiNaH Argyle , 74ci Per- leroll R , 7c ; Salisbury R , fiVe , Bl.KACilKli COTTO.VH Uallon 4-1 , CJo ; J5al nn , 7-8 , 5jc ; Cumberland , 8c ; Davoll 1)1) , ijc ; Fairmouut , 4Jc ; Fmlt of the Loom 1 , Ic ; Glory of the West , SJc ; Golden Ga o , 8 c ; 1111 7-8 , 8c ; Hill I1 1 , 7Jc ; Lousdalu , 8Jc ; Now ork Mills , ll c ; Wamsutta , lOJo. DUCKB ( Colored ) -15o8ton , 8 oz , , lljc ; Ron- on , 10 oz , , Hie ; Motion , 9 oz. , Me ; Fall Oliver , SJo , DUOKH ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , llo ; West L'oint , 10 oz. , lie ; Point Hear , 8 at. , lip. TIOKINOB Amodkeag , 14c ; Continental [ ' 'ancy , 9Jc ; Cordig , lO c ; Pearl River , IBJc ; kTork , IL'ic ; Hamloton Awnings , 1' Jc. DKNIUUAmoskcag , 14o ; Heaver Crook \A , 12c : Ueavor Creek HH , Hot Heaver Jri-ok CO , 10c ; Kaymakem , He : Jalfroy 1) & T , 12 < pj .lalfrov XXX , IVJc : Pearl River , 3c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) , lc ; Warren HH irown ) , llo ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. CAMIIBICB Fifth avenue glove fitiinh , Co { { eyatone glove finish , Oi'KsKr JKANH Amory , 7io ; Hancock , 80 , Kearsayer Bloj Rockport , 7o. PlilnrH Aliens , fijc : American 5joi ( Arn ) lds , To ; Cochi'co , Go ; Harmony , 4lc ; Indigo ri- ) Indigo 7-8. Ill : ; Indigo M , 12icj Stool Itivor , f > ic : Charter Oak , lie. PisiNTH SiiiiiriNOH - American , f c ; Co. : hcco , Go , Gloucester fie ; Houthbridgo1ic : vVavoilys , 4lc ( ; Roaedale , 4i/o. / GIHOHAMU AmosktMg Htniilea , 8jc : Hates itanlcs , 8jo Lnncaster utaplua , 8c : Pluukiit [ > li > lds , Uc ; Hudson chockii , ic ; Amoskaag L'erslanu Djia UHKHS ( ioomAtlantic Alracca , OJe ; Per ilatio cashmere , SSJcj If mnlt-ton caiihmoro I5lej Hamilton Fancus , 11 Jo ; Hamluto "jro . ivies , ICc ; Arlington brocudi ) , 18o. Unnas AMI ( IIKMICALIAclit , Carbolic i Oc ; acid , tartaris , f > V ; hitam cnpnbln , per lib ( V ej Kirk , M MfrMt twt Iti 12cj calomel | x-r Ib. 7" > - " cinolionlilin , per oz. , 30 I'i.lilnrofnnn , poiHi. . 51 O.'i Mover * powden. per ll > , § 1 2" ; 1 > nm nilts. per Hi. 01 ; glycerine , pure , JKT Hi. Sr c ; leul ncctntc , per Ib. 2.c ? ; ( ill rmt.'r . , No. 1 i > cr gil , I 00 ; nil oa < tor , Nn , 3 , twr , SI 10 ; oil , olho. per gil , SI 10 ; oil orlgiiwm , POc ; oplnni , § I M ) ; ijui ilno , I' . .V W ; and U A S , per oz. , $1 05 ; pntanslum , lodido , per b. , tjl 50 ; nallcin. | or or , lOci utilplntn morphine , pot at. , $3 Ml ; sulphur ptir Ib. , 4c ; ilrj chnlne , per or. , SI A I'nltitH Oils nml Vnrnlslirvi. Oust 110 carbon , | x < r gallon , 1'J.Jc ; IfiO" headlight , i > or gallon , U' u ; 175" headlight , tnir gnllon , llijcs 150s niter white , 15Jc ; linseed - seed raw , per gallon , \c \ ; Hnsocd bnlli'il , per Pillion , 5lo Lard , winter tr\l , rxTetllnu , 7tV ; No. 1 , ( XV ; No. 2 , fni ; oi tir XXX , per gil- Ion , 1 Mo. No. 3 , 1 4D ; n iv > t , per gnllon. 1 ( X ) HwrmXV. 11. , pur gill , , i. 1 ( ti ; Mi W. It , tier gnllon , (55 ( ; nent f"i > toxtrn , per gallon , SUV ; No. 1 , 75c ; lubrlciUng , ? i-ni , per gnllon , 3iV ; lumtupr , lf J : golden tmcliiiio , No. I , per gal lon , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; pnnn , mpnnl , | XTK'lllini 80c ; turpontlno , lHirgill.ui , ( Set u iptha , 71 ° , | ier gnllon , lOo. TAINTS IN OIL White lend , Omaha V. 1' ) Jo ; white lend , St. 1 . .uij . , pun * , fij'c ; Miinri Itw , grtH'ti , 1 to fi Hi C-HH , 20c ; I'runch ? inc jroon seal. 12c ; French 7lnc , red seal , lit rlnc , In vnriii h mwt , COo ; French n oil ivsst , 15c ; raw and burnt umbnr , 1 I cans , lOc : raw and burnt Siomm. lOc : vandyk brown , l.lo : refined huniililnck , VJc ; concl black and ivory black. Ido : drop black , llic Prussian blue , 40c : ultrmnarlno blue , ! > > c chnmo green , L. M. & 1) . , llic : blind ant' shutter green , L. M. t I ) , Itic ; PANS green Uc ; Indian rod , 16c ; Vrnotian nxl , 9c ; 't'us can rod , 2 c ; Atnprlc.tiionnllluni , I. fi P. ; yellow ochre , ! 'c ' : L. M. . O. it 1) . O. , 18 yellow ochre , I'c ' ; g > lilon ixitro , lt > c ; paU-n drj or , 8c ; Draining colorc , light ok , ihrk.unlc walnut , chestnut anil ash , 15c , lj > j trior Onk aols , 5-3c@4''ci nornloai plo2So33r lunJocV Up , 80s ; nmnor 65o tb 75ot hem lotV call. 85o to 1 00 { homlook upper , 22o to24o onk upixsr. 2lo | alUeator , 4 OJ to fi GO ; ( kid , 823 ( ) ! Grots m uVi. 2 H Jo 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak cilf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 1 10 la 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; run seta , 55010 7 GO : lings. GOO to 8 GO top. pings 9 00 to 10 60 ; H L. Morocco , 510o to 35o , 0 bblo 0. D. Morocco 35c ; slmou , 2 B05$3 00 HAUNUSS. No. 1 star oak , 3Go ; No. 2 JUc ] 35ot No. 1 Ohio oati , d3a ; INO. V do , 3lc | No , 1 Mllwankfla la No 2 do 33c. No. 1 Pitta onk liar , Gj | No , B ] PltU kn k her , 84 s. AtooiIOl 188 proot sloohol , 2 26 pst wlno gallon extra Oolifornla aplrlts , 188 proof , 1 18 per proof gallon ; triple refined nplrlla 187 proof , 1 17 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstillod whiskies 1 001 50 ; fin a bfouded , 1 50@2 50 : GINS Imported , 4 6U@6 UU ) domootlc , 1 40 © 300. RUMS Imported , 4 COvS)6 ) 00 | Now England , 199 4 00 ; domonUe , 1 50 < 3 50. Psion ANIJ APPLE HIUNDT 1 75 ® I 00. CIIAHPAOKEJ Imiwrtod per caao , 28 00@ 31 00 ; 4.niOTlcan , per cnao , 12 00 ® 16 00. Tobacco. FLUO TOBACCO Climax 45o ; Hullion 45c ? Horseshoe , 4lc ; Star , 4Gc ; Rudy , 45c : Her soy's. 40o ; Hlack , 3S IOo ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Our Rope , 48e : Piper Hi-ldslock , G4c. FINK CUT Common , 30c : Medium ICe good loglCOci Hard to Hoat'O c ; favorite , GOc ; DIa- moudCruwii , fit c ; Sweet Sixteen , GOc. SMOKING 0. S. , 22c ; Meerschaum , 30c ; Durham 1G o'A , Gl ; Durham , 8 oz. , G5c : Durham 4 or. , G7c ; Durham 2 oz. , GOc ; Seal of North Carolina , 1C oz , 41c ; Seal of North Carolina. 8 oz. , 4'c ! ; Seal of North Carolinia , 4 o ? . IS ; Seal of North Carolina lina 2oz.GOc ; O K. Durham , 4 or. , 28c : O. K. Durham , i oz : 30c ; Undo Nod , 25c ; Tom and Jerry , 23c. We quote lumber , lath nnd nhln lot on oari at Omaha at the following prices ; JOIST AND SCANTLING 10 and under 2000. TIMEJIRS 16 foot nnd nudcr , 20 00. Tmnia AND JOIST 20 ft , 23 OOj 24 ft , 25 00. ffsNOlso No. 1 , 4 Bud G In , , 21 00'No. ; 2 , 2000. SHBETIBO No. I (2d ( oomman boardo,20 ) 00 | Nn. 2,18 00. 8TOOK BoAnns A , 45 00 ; 11,40 00 ; 0 , 85 00. FLOOUWO Wo. 1,40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. 3 , 2500 SIUIHO , denr-2700j No. 2. 25 00 He. 3 , HO 00. OEIHNO-J ! , 37 03 ; fl , 25 SniNQLKS , boat t HU ; standard , 3 CO , LATH 3 23 per M. LIMB Per barrel , 1 26 ; bulk per bnahol , S5c | wtnont , bbl , 2 26 ; lown plnitor , bbl , 2 60j hair ? ur bn. 50a ; Tjirrad ( olt , 100 ftn , 8 50 ; utiaw joard EGO , IIo vy Himlwaro Ijlst. Iron , rates , 2 30 ; plow steel special cast. Gc ; imciblo , 7c ; Bpeclal or Gorman , f > c ; cast too ; lo , 15a'M ; wagon spokes , Bet , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs ) er set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , arh , 70a8"c ; axles , each , 75o ; scinaro nuts pnr b , 7.illc ; washers , per Hi , 8al8c : rivets , per Ib , .Ic : coil chain' per Ib , Gal2e : malleable , 80 : ron wedges , Gc : crowbars , Gc : harrow teeth , le ; spring stool , 7 < iSo : liurdeu'a horseshoes , I 40 : Burden's inulnnliooj 5 70. UAHIIKD WIIIK In car lots , 1 CO per 100 , NAII.S RaUw , 10 to GO , 2 30. SHOT-Shot , 1 Mi buck shot , 2 10 : oriental lewder , kegs , G 40 : d" , half kegs , 3 18 : do , imutnr kegs , 1 88 : blasting , kegs , 3 35 : fuse , or 100 feet , 50c. LEAD 15ar 1 G5. COAL , Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 : Mor is run Hlosslmrg , 10 00 : Whllebroast lump , 00 : Whitobioast nut , 5 00 : Iowa lump , 5 00 : owa nut , 5 00 : Hock Spring , 7 00 : Anthra- ito , 11 2rmll 61 : Canon City , 7 00 per ton. Pry Paint * . Whits lo d , Hot Kronen rlnc , 10 ( | Paris rbltlng , 2ioj whiting pffldora , l c ; wliltlng om'l IJo ; , Oormnntown , Ho ; imiiblack , ordinary , Oc ; 1'russlaa blue , t5o ; : iitramarinoXHc ; viiudyUo , brow-r , 8c ; umber , lurnt , Jc ; ninbor raw , -Jo ; rlcnnj. buratIc ; lonnn. rkvr , Ic ; I'arla gionn , genuine , 25c ; "aria green , common , 20cchromo green N. V. , He ; chromo green. K. , 12oi vermillion , Kng. , Oc ; Tonolllion American , 18c ; Indian , red , Oc | rose plnli , 14o | Venetian led , Oooksou'd , Vc ; Venetian rod , Ainorlctn , l ct red load , Jc ; chrome yellow , genuine , .Oc : chrome yol- w , 1C. , 12cochre : rochollo,3ccchro.French ; , 'lo ' ; ochru , American , 2ct Winter's inlnora ) , ic ; lohigh brown , 2 o | Bpucleh brown , 2Jc ; 'rInco's mineral , Sc. VAKNIBIIBH Unrrols , pe * ralloni Kurnl are , eitro , 8110 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81l coach , rtra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 91 20) ) Damar xtra , SI 75Jnriai ; , 70ciui ; { < bAltuml oitra , 85o | KolUo. 03 CO : lu > rd oil fiuiah 61 U ) , | nKNVKH MAI11CKT. FtOUB Colorivdo , 100 Ibg , 1 r.5@l G5 ; pai nt , 100 Ibs. , 1 'J0@225 ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75 yi 70 ; Minnesota , 100 His , 3 ! * 0 ; grnhura , ICO JB , 1 85(512 ( 00 ; rye , 100 Ibo. , 2 35 ( < S2 50 ; buck- rheat , 100 llw , 7 50@7 75. ( JRAIN , KKKII , Kio Whont , 100 Hi , 80@90o ; orn , In Bade * on track , 100 Ibi , 1 25 ® 127 ; utti , in sacks nn track , KlO lbn , onutorn white , 13-SHl - 15 ; Colorado white , 1 11@1 15 ; mixed , 10@1 12 ; barley 100 Ibs , 1 0@1 10 ; bran , on , on trade , J3 60641450 ; ebon , corn , 100 IM , on track , 1 27 1 JO ; ( hop. mixed , 100 Ibs , n truck , 1 30@1 35 ; corn meal , 100 Iba. 1 G5 . HAT Bolod , upland ton , 13 00015 OOi , loose , ton , 13 00 ® Hi 00 ; second hot- urn , biilod , 10 1 Ogll 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 0 00(151100 ; clover , baled , ton , 1100 ; clover , MHO , ton , 13 00@16 00 ; straw , baled , on track , on , G 00@9 00. HUTTBU Grramory , fancy , Ib , 3fi@10 ; reamory , fine , lb0@10j , croimory , fair , 1" . 2223 ; tlalrv , choice , Ib , 22raJ21 ; dairy , good , b , 18@20 ; dairy , fair , Ib , 151G ; cookm , Ib , Kaos-HUtu , candled and warranted , doz , HEKHB Kull cruam , I41 Go ) half c-eam , b , IirI3o ; Hliim , Ib , 0@13c ; Hwi s , doimiatlc , b , 20@ > c ; HwUn , Imported , 31@3. c ; Mm- ) uri < ot 1 l@IKc , Ponwuy Mvo old chlckocs doz 1 71@5 25 ; ivotpriiiHH , do/ , HOI HKI ; llvo ducks , do/ , > wyr > ri livn turkeys , Ib. , W&lle , POTATOKH- Colorado , 100 Ibe , 05 CJ1 OOj iweot , ffr Ib. , ! ll@ ic. VBOBTABLICH Onions , yellow , lOfllbs , 1 2r fal G'J : c&bliagrn. Iffl lb , 90l 10 ; ) > efll 100 Us , 1 20fol ) 'M ; turnlpn. 100 Iba , 1 00@ 1 25 ; car/ots , 1XIn ( \ \ , \ 2 Gr < gl 50. GiiKKM VMKTAULKS Tomutocs , per Ib , Jj9 ( lu ; ciiMimLpr < < , do5W10 ; grci-n corn , doz , 1020 ; string beam , gal , 20&"J : oelery , do/ 50 7& ; ouiotn , doIjtintlicM , 18(0 ( , ' . " . ' ; purnloy , 10 ( < iil2 : carrots , 12015 ; lettuce 15 ( 20 ; rg | plant , dor , t < Q ( < fOJ. . FKBITB LomnnK , pfr rnso. Mr > srtn , 1 dO ; or > in ( ( , liodi , o * < ' , K ( X ) u S .V ) ; or l .ui lRli.l , I < M , 120W12.0 : . | | ) > ' , frtli f , . b1' ! 3 7V < iM 2 > ; npplis , n limn , 1 bl 3 J-'ifi/'It 0 ; | iifS ! licili ll.'wi-i , U\.l OU1 ( / f > " ptvxrs , box , 3.'iiit3 ( 0 ; iwnclir * , bot. 'J "t'a ' . ' .r > 0 : folifornia crapro , box , Mnluilop , IVtti Musi-At , 1 75'f'J ( His Ixmanas , b i > ch.1 (106 ( u 0 tiuineps , Kix , 2 fiPfti 2 75 : rnuiborrios , bbl , H A II , 1ft ft 0 , 13 . ' . ' ® 1 1 ( HI. ; llam . sugar citrrtl , Ib , lr- ; lmin. , nwtct plukliHl , Ib , llf : imcon , lirpnk f < t t , Ib , ltt ; dry rait sides , Ib , llf : ilrlcd , Hi , ll ! ; Inrd in path IDiiMOJ ; Iar4 lu -Dn-wod lKH > f Colorado. tn > r H > , < lJS ( lc ; c eire veal , Hi , 1U13 * ; Im . Ib , S.SJ ; mutton , Ib , 5@ ; Iwnli. Ib , 10 < f U > \ Ijivn SroOK- Colorado Moors , in r 1X ( ( lln , 3 10 tf 3 7 ; wwii UHI Ib. a OOCif 3 M ) | chiuce \ral Cidvos , Ib , 7 ( 80 : fhoon , 2 ( X ) ( < i ) 50. Hldw. Dry Flint No 1 , porlb , 10iMI2c : No. 2 , Ib , 8s(10j ( ( green ftrers and braudinl calf , Ib. 4jrtl > l : grpon ralf , Ib , ( i ; ftr'on kip Ib , (1 ( ; shpoi ) dklns , dry 7f < sH : doer skin . Mini- nif > r , Ih. ! RdlK : door skins , winter , b , l'J(3)lfl ( ) ; niitiilnui nkniH'll ) , 12W11I ; tallow , ll > , IJffi. WOOL -Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , UjUi ( , buck , Ib , H ; Mexican , H. FIHII Mackerel , No.l , 1 GO , kit. mtwi , 1 752 25 ; California , half bbl , 1(1 ( f,0 ; Holland liming , kw , 1 OOrfl 7b | Uout , pnr Ib. 17W180' GrOXDKTCS- PRINCIPAL LINE I 110 M ii v w Aor OMAHA AND LIHCOLU TO DENVSS , OK VIA SAITSAS CITY AND ATOHI50H to DENVE3 'onncotlntr In Union Depots 'it Kansas city Uniiiliiund Denver H IIli tliuniKhtnitni lor And nil points In the ( Wo-t AMincctlng In ( Snind tlnliin Depot \\ltli llimugh tiiiliH lor J\rK W YOJf K , li O S And nil ir- : " < i"rii cities. Atl'oorlti wltb lluor'tnilns lor ; mllami ; < ilN , Clnoliinutl , ColiuiJ-/K1 , ami nil points fi lu south.iast. : At Strjuuls , \ with .nilns lor all points Si . \t ii'Kiint : Day Cntrlii" ) , ruilor Cars , \\lth ito llnlm ? Clnilrs ( soiits lioo ) , Hmoklnn Curs with tnvolvhiK I'luilrs , I'ullmiin 1'nliu-u Slooplii ' mid tin ) Inmnns } . II. .tl } . DlnliiK ( 'MI imcliilytoimcUnim : < iilengo unit KansasCity . 'lilciiKouml Council Jllnlls Chleagd nnd Ie MolncH , ClileiiKO , .St. Joseph , Atulilson nni I'opoku wtthoiil elmiiKc. Only tlnoiiKli lliu mini IK tlit'ly own ttuliiH between Chicago .ineoln nnd Iienver , ntul Ulili-u o , ICniwiii "tv mid Demur. Tlnoiiuh cms liotwuim ndlaimpolls nnil Council Mulls , via 1'eorln i AOHTH AND SOUTH. Trains ol Illcjjmit Day ( \iaehea mil 'nlliimn raliicobli'ttplnir I'liiHiun inn dully u mil fioni bt. J.OIIIH ; via Iliinnllml , ouliiry Cenkuk , Iliiilliigloii , Cedar Kiuilils iiml Alliei .en tost. 1'iiul nnd Minneapolis , I'm lor Cm- vltli Itceiinliif ; Clnilrs to nml lioio 81 l.dnt ind I'ooi In. Only mm ( IIIIIIKO of rum lioU\cci .t l.oiilsiiiul Ie ) Molnes , Iowa , J.lncoln , No jnislcn.unil Denver , Colorado It Is also tlio only ThmiiKli I.luo liKwoen ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and BT. PAUL His known as tlio urea. , TIIUOlHill OAI r.IS'i : ol Ameilcii , and is unlveisally mliiilt . ( I to lie the Finest Equipped Railroad in the World fa. all classes of Travel. Through Tlekeis via this linn tar rain nfni t. It.uiuii.m ticket olliceb. . ! tlio UnitedStatu C.iimdiu I' . J. I'OTTIJIt. I'KKOEVAL I.iMVKM , . VIix-l'rc . iGsn-Mtuacrr Ofu t Railwav Tims In Kirrct Oct. iBt , 1881. Tlio attuntlon nf tlio trnvolllnir pulilla H rallocl to 10 fact that thin In tlio only cnniilutn and absolutely irruct tlmo talilu | iiilill livil In thu city , All trains arrlio at and depart from Omaha by iMitrn ! Standard Tiino. Trains nf thu ( ! ht. 1' . M. It 0. ttrrUo nt and do. irt Iroiil th'lr dcHt | , cornur of 14th and W'ulistor ro tH ; tralimo. thu It. ItU. , 0. II & < { . , and K , O , . J i C. II from the II. & M , depot ; all otliera from m Union I'M llic di'pot. a , Hall ) ; b , except Saturday ; o , Ruuday ; d , icept Monday. OP/JAHA BRIDGE TRAINS y Trains > oato' nmha .to 4o , so1 1 w V : is i. . . , i ' . - w. a M , > ' , 6 oo o oo , p in Oil HiinJ .yt thu M OD and 0 00 n in and )0 and 4 00 p in tralimdn not run Arrive at ti n . llrnu . depot W in In r d'pot 13 rulnuUu lat ri .way on laur , Leave Council Illut ( ( Ilroa'lwav ili ) | t ) at 7 20 , H 80 30. 10 80 , 11 40 a m ; I ao , 2 80 8 3 4 W , 630. 0 86 id 11 06 p in. On Hnii'lavH the 8 80 and 10 80 n in M | 3 RUailil 6 SOp in IrttllH will not run Arrlvoul raimfur 7 inlnutu * lat. r Onutia VO m nuti x later TransforTrnlns eon' ' i rt8 to.atJ I 05 a Hi , 426. fl 10 and M I" in , < l"y Arrlvo at 4& and 11 IDaiu. 1226 , 7 85 and S 15 | SUNDAY TRAINS ] and from Clilr KO v I > the 'I rlpartlto AllUnoe Linen J BUXlTAT MOUMNU. | HiTUKUAT 1V1. 1V1.uil TMlTHiT I N W I NW _ " uil 21 i 7-M 14 t 20 IX 0-27 LUibor , . 12 ID 0-VA I 11 4-va oxoinbor. , 2-Vll B-aj 10 I I-US iD 8-20 uvinlicr . It I U 7-w i i : 0-27 2(1 ( Monday ni' ' rulnir i ln urrlv 0. I ) > V V. traluv run uir 3GULIST&AUBI8T J. T. liRMSTRONG. M. D. . 'ructico UnnU'tl to DiBciisim oC Hie 13j o ami Kur , > 03 Faniam Btrcot , OMA11J SPKOIAli NOTIOK TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUH ATTENTION TO U ia I do host mid clicnpoat footl for stock of any kind Ono pound is equil to Ihrco lion la of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gnkii In the Full nnd Winter insti'iul of running down , will incronao In weight nnd ho in ijootl innrkolablo condl lion in llio sprinjj D.iirytnon , na well B otlmra , ( vho uao it , ci\n toilify to ito mcr Ita. Try it nnd judge for yonraolvoa. Priori § 2. ) 00 nor ton. No chnriro for sacka WOODMAN LINSEED OIL COMPANY , Omaha , Nob. sBafe ; FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF 3.O52O II. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly 6f Lockwood tvl Drnpor , ChlcnRo , Mnimgor of the Tea , Gigir nnd Tobncco Dopartmontfl. A full line of nil grades of the nboxo ; also Piped nnd Smokers' carried in stock. Prices nud Dninplcn furnlalicd on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall rccoivo our carofnl nttontion. Sntiafactiou Guaranteed. AGEVVS FOR BENWOOD HAILS ftND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO Milwaukee. Wis. aUNTHER & CO , , Sole Bottlers , IO.DF. GOODMAN. AND DEALER IN IOMAHA , NEB. M. HELLMAN 1301 AND Ii03 ! FARNA\t ] \ STREET , COH. l.TI'II , EASTERN PRICESDUPLICATED FAlll.AM STREET , OMAHA , NEB. A. L. STttANG & CO. , Double and Sing/o Acting Pov > er ana Hand Unuttiu Trlmnilnua , Mining Maclilinuy , Ik-Imp , litre , Hn r nnd liron SIttltss ? , at whole-role nd mtiill HAII.ABAVINI -MILLS. OJIVBtB VND SODOOL IlELLb. [ Corner 10th Farnan ) St. . Omaha W. L. WRIGHT , Importer , Jobber un.l Manufacturer's Axout ol WEUB B" " * W DO tf HI Ufa. | LAMPS , IETC * 18th Street , Kot. Faruiun and ILirnuy. ' T4EBRASKA. OMAHA , - - . Ih r < no Candle I'cmur T IKNDOH8KO BV DOrtTON.S rch l t , FMKIISON PIANO CO - Your tn tiaa > < itf , Uitn4 , < mo uJ Uiulgtat , r rwJIy uotbj nU uul DurlraUod tot b u jf lA tout ftiul Ojilab. Allow in * to.coui lulata you on your iterlla * OU&TAVK VTTKH , , RECOMMENDS ITSELF. V . . . l " C BOLTS AGENT , 3 . . JZILCD Dodge Ktreut. Orarjx * . ( SUCOEbSUR TO FOSTER & GRAY ) . anco r G.h and Pa gins otrooto OMAHA , NEB